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How to learn to do tricks with e-cigarette vapor: simple and difficult tricks. How to make a jellyfish from steam or smoke? Okay, what does the device consist of and how does it all work?

Vaper's ABCs

Vape tricks training starts right now! The e-cigarette industry is changing not every day, but every hour.

If yesterday you were on the wave simply because you have a very cool and multifunctional device, then today the eyes of all the girls in your company were fixed on the young goldfinch, who killed you by simply letting off steam once, but doing it in the form of a three-headed snake or a rose flower .

To help you stay on top of the game and be the top vaper within your company, we'll look at some e-cigarette smoke tricks and walk you through how to do these tricks.

Technological progress began with a wheel, and vape tricks also begin with something round and simple. Throwing rings is the very first thing you need to learn if you have taken the path of vape tricking. This simplest element in this discipline is incredibly important. It will allow you to hone the necessary level of control over your lips and larynx in order to move on to more complex tricks.

Let's not get too far ahead of ourselves and return to our rings. In order to learn how to use them, you need yourself and your vape. To make your first ring, you first need to learn how to let steam inside your lungs. If you've never done this before, this may be a little confusing for you.

If you no longer have problems with this, then move on to the second stage. The second stage will be devoted to releasing the first ring from your mouth.

First we need to take a deep puff. By turning your head to the side you release a third of the steam. If you try to do this with full lungs, the first rings will be barely noticeable due to the thinness of the steam.

You must exhale a third of the steam to the side, because if you do this in front of you, then your rings will get lost in this steam debris, and in addition, they will break. Next we start making a funny face. You will need to fold your lips so that they form the correct letter O. Your lips should be tense at this moment.

Rings are the easiest trick.

Next, the steam that has already lingered inside you needs to be extracted from your lungs. In order for you to get a ring, and not a column of irregularly shaped steam, the exhalation with which you blow the ring should be sharp and short. Some prefer to do this directly as an exhalation, some prefer to do it as if coughing.

The main thing is that this exhalation be sharp and abrupt. Do not exhale with your cheeks under any circumstances. The air should be directed from the lungs.

Do not forget that the tongue should be pressed as much as possible to the lower jaw, the lips should be tense and pressed tightly to the teeth.

And one more thing: don’t get your hopes up that you are the vape tricking guru who just saw the first couple of seconds of the training videos and everything worked out for him. These are one of a thousand. Everyone else needs a lot of practice.

Lesson two - jellyfish

Medusa is the second step.

Vape tricks - training continues. If you have learned how to make rings beautifully and evenly, then you need to complicate this technique. The very first thing you must master is pushing your ring forward with your palm.

You release the regular ring, and then push it forward with your palm, without touching it, but creating a stream of air that will push your ring forward.

As soon as you were able to achieve this result, as soon as your ring was able to move forward, you need to act sharply. You see that your ring is on its way, at the same second, continuing to push your ring, you need to take a new puff and act very quickly.

The very second you stop pushing the ring, move your face to a distance of about 20 centimeters from this ring, which will already have increased in size by this moment, and release a new one inside the existing ring.

If you did everything right, you will see a unique effect that will make your day. The ring that will be released inside will stretch radially and be wound by air currents around the existing one. This is exactly what is called a tricking element called a jellyfish.


All the tricks in vaping are very, very simple. There are no things that are beyond the control of the human body. If you have set a goal for yourself, then to achieve it you need to train a lot and persistently. In the car, in the shower, while watching a movie - hone your skills all the time and you will be able to do all the tricks that you can only imagine.

What is your most difficult trick and how did you go about it?

In order to perform all these spectacular tricks with smoke, you will need a hookah, an electronic cigarette or a vape. Some people believe that an ordinary cigarette with a broken filter will do for such tricks, but such smoking will be doubly harmful to your lungs.

Smoke rings

Such tricks with smoke are considered the most spectacular. You can achieve the effect in two ways:

  1. Get more steam into your mouth, then quickly make an “O” shape with your lips, keeping the tip of your tongue close to the lingual frenulum. With short exhalations, push out small doses of smoke.
  2. This method involves the same actions, only in this case you must pronounce the vowel “O” with your larynx. The sound itself will not be heard - only something like a click in your throat. Remember to keep your mouth open in a wide circle.

Practice is important in this matter. Don't be upset if the first rings fall apart quickly or don't work out at all.

Double ghost puff

This trick with cigarette smoke is done as follows:

  1. Take a puff, but don't inhale the smoke into your lungs - hold it in your mouth.
  2. Leaning your head back slightly, slowly exhale the smoke for 1-2 seconds. Keep your tongue pressed to the roof of your mouth. At the last stage, sharply lower it down.
  3. While the smoke cloud is at a distance of 5-10 cm from your face, with your lips slightly parted and your head tilted towards it, quickly inhale it back, trying to collect it completely.

"French breath", "waterfall"

These smoke tricks are done this way:

  1. Inhale the smoke for two to three seconds. It is important to keep it in your mouth - you can do this by slightly puffing out your cheeks, like a hamster.
  2. Now open your mouth slightly, protruding your lower lip thoroughly, and begin to slowly release smoke. He will rise up.
  3. Once the smoke reaches your nose, begin to slowly inhale the steam back into your nose.

Glass with smoke

Perhaps these are the simplest tricks with hookah smoke. Inhale as much smoke as possible, and slowly, focusing on the edge, begin to exhale it into the glass. You can use a straw for training.

Tornado on the table

Also a fairly easy trick. In a windless room, exhale a large amount of smoke onto the table surface. Then pry it up with your hand and twist it smartly into a kind of thin tube - such as the base of a tornado. To create a real whirlwind, you just need practice.

Smoky soap bubbles

These are very spectacular smoke tricks. The bubbles burst, releasing clouds of steam. You can do the trick like this:

  1. Mix some dishwashing liquid with a little water in a bowl, find a cocktail straw, or use baby soap bubbles.
  2. The more smoke you inhale, the more smoke bubbles you will see.
  3. Slowly exhale the smoke into a straw thoroughly soaked in the soapy solution.

All tricks with smoke are easy to describe, but to learn how to do them automatically, you need thorough and serious practice. Only by repeating every day and honing your skills will you learn these actions, and will also be able to combine them and transform them into new ones. However, be sure to remember that smoking cigarettes, vaping, and hookah is harmful to your health.

Depending on the types of baths, various steaming technologies, procedures, and time spent in them are used.

Turkish bath.Turkish baths are high humidity at low temperatures: + 35 degrees at 100% humidity. A fog forms, a pleasant temperature, absolutely not scalding. In a Turkish bath, unlike a Finnish one, you can breathe deeply, your lungs are cleansed - moist air is beneficial for humans. They don’t do the same kind of steaming as in a Russian bathhouse, but rather perform various massages, for example, soap massages. Soap massage - impact on the body with massage movements using soap foam. For a Turkish bath you need certain knowledge, special tools - the same bast sponges, special soap solutions. Procedures in the Turkish steam room - hammam - are carried out by experienced bathhouse attendants and steamers; they are proficient in steaming, scrubbing, and massage technologies.

Russian bath. The parameters of a classic Russian bath, as we remember from our last conversation, are 60 degrees in the steam room and 60-65% humidity. The Russian bath has absorbed the best from Turkish and Finnish baths, hammam and sauna and allows you to carry out a wide range of procedures with a wide variety of effects. You can start steaming at 45 degrees, like in a hammam. Finishing the soaring with the third or fourth pass, you can raise the temperature to 70-80 degrees, but not higher. In comparison with the Finnish and Turkish, the Russian bath has a greater breadth of effects, both in the massage, and in the cleansing, and rehabilitation, health sense.

The Russian bathhouse has long been a joint one - there was a combined soap and steam room, where all procedures were carried out. It was the bathhouse that was considered the cleanest place - people gave birth there, the newlyweds were sent to the bathhouse after the wedding, and the deceased was washed in the bathhouse. It was a pure place both physically and spiritually. In the Russian bath, the same procedures are carried out as in the hammam - this includes soap massage, scrubbing, steaming, aromatherapy, heat therapy, and stone therapy. Moreover, these procedures can be carried out both in the steam room and in the washing room - it all depends on the equipment of the room and the tastes of the person.

The Russian bathhouse is the most versatile center for a wide range of procedures due to various options for using heat and steam. It suits the widest range of people. In a Russian bath you can steam for absolutely any person - from a child to a pregnant woman. My youngest patient was one year and ten months old, the oldest was 76 years old.

Classic sauna. A sauna is an economical option for people, unlike a traditional Russian or Finnish bath. I repeat once again that what we have today under the names of saunas is already a certain brand that arose to simplify the process of receiving bath procedures. In the process of simplification, of course, it is impossible to keep everything in its original form. There is already a simplification of steaming - it is almost impossible in a sauna - and cleansing.

Finnish sauna. Finnish saunas do not completely replace a bathhouse, but they allow you to get closer and get some kind of effect similar to a bathhouse. There is high temperature, low humidity and, accordingly, the quantity and quality of procedures that can be performed are limited. In a Finnish sauna you cannot use a broom or place it on stones, because the hot air can burn both the lungs, larynx and skin. It is imperative to remove jewelry, because they can also cause burns. After leaving the sauna, you need to wash yourself, scrub with a hard washcloth or soap dish - there is a “folk” way. Then they sweated again - they went out and scrubbed their skin again in the dressing room. No procedures are carried out in the steam room itself - the high temperature limits movement.

Swedish bastu. The Swedish bathhouse “bastu” is close to the Finnish one. They don’t really steam in it, they warm up more, breathe in aromatic oils or aroma extracts, natural plants. Bastu's procedures are very similar to a Finnish sauna. Its mobility and compactness allow you to take a bath where it is impossible to take a bath normally.

Ofuro. The Japanese bathhouse "ofuro" can rightfully be called a ceremonial bathhouse. The bathing procedure begins with the person sitting on a bench near the shower and being washed clean three times. Definitely a female bathhouse worker. Then the person is immersed in a tub of heated cedar sawdust - furako. The skin is already clean, so there is no barrier, resin comes out of the cedar sawdust - the energy of the tree, all the beneficial properties, is absorbed into the skin, and the sawdust absorbs sweat. According to Japanese rules, the client has the right to invite the girl who washed him to his furaco. And she has no right to refuse, she must take a bath with him. This is some kind of ritual. How acceptable this type of bathhouse is for our people - everyone decides for himself.

I invite everyone to try the steaming techniques for themselves in the Forest Baths, where I periodically practice. Have fun!

Electronic cigarettes or hookahs are a great opportunity to surprise others with tricks with smoke or steam, called vape tricks. For those who want to master the most popular wipe tricks, the training for beginners and beginners presented in this article will be very useful. Craftsmen easily make double and triple rings, blow out “Dragon” or “Medusa”, turning the smoking process into a real show. You can learn this very quickly.

Training in Russian, vaping tricks using rings as an example

From the outside it may seem that throwing rings is easy and simple - experienced vipers do it too naturally. The smoke forms into figures, as if by itself. In fact, you need to know the secrets and practice a little to make it work. After completing the training, anyone can perform tricks.

Rings are the easiest thing to learn. They are the basis of other, more complex tricks. Let's consider three main ways:

  1. You need to take the maximum amount of smoke into your mouth and quickly round your lips, as if you were going to pronounce the sound “O”. We watch our language. Its tip should be near the lingual frenulum. Now we push out the accumulated smoke from the lungs in small portions. This method is considered the simplest. It's good for learning. The rings are obtained in one go. They are unstable - they quickly disintegrate. But virtuosos recommend starting to master tricks with it.
  2. The second method is similar to the first, but somewhat more complicated. Here, too, you need to inhale more smoke, make your lips like the letter “O” and send the tip of your tongue to his frenulum. Then, with the larynx, make a short and sharp sound “O”, similar to coughing or the exclamation-moan that escapes from people during shock. The mouth is open wide and rounded as much as possible. The rings are thick and strong.
  3. This method allows you to create clear figures of incredible beauty. These are the kind of tricks that real virtuosos demonstrate. It will be easier for those who speak English and know how to pronounce “W” correctly. If you don’t have such skills, you will have to learn. Lips like a tube. We try to pronounce “B”, but we don’t close our mouths, but on the contrary, we slightly expand the tube. It turns out something between “Uo” and “Ua”. To blow a ring, you need to pronounce the English “W” sound backwards. Something between a quick “Aw” and “Ow” should come out. When pronunciation is mastered, we take smoke - not into the lungs, but into the mouth. Roll the relaxed lips into a tube. We pronounce "W". We tighten our lips, simultaneously pushing out the steam in portions. By changing the circumference of the mouth, you can adjust the clarity and size of the figures.

To make it easier to master the skill, we suggest watching a video training in Russian: the author does vape tricks with rings there using the second method. All that is required is to carefully follow the instructions. Next - a little practice, and you can surprise people.

How to learn to throw rings and guide them, features of the technique

Many new vapers are interested in learning how to shoot and guide rings. This is necessary to perform some more complex and interesting tricks. The process of creating rings is described above. Now let's figure out how to lead them.

In order for the smoke ring to move along a given trajectory, you need to release it using method two or three. The first one will not give the desired effect - the figure will be too unstable.

As soon as a ring has formed from the smoke, you should quickly bring your cupped palms to it and push the figure forward. By leaving a distance of five centimeters from the palms to the puff of smoke, you can ensure that the latter will increase in size. The end result is a much larger ring than the output.

There is nothing complicated about this trick. Any more or less experienced vaper will tell you how to learn to launch rings and then guide them. Usually after several attempts he manages to achieve a good result.

How to learn how to make BANE & GHOST from a vape, description of tricks

Now let's figure out how to learn how to make BANE & GHOST from a vape? These are two different tricks, although they have a lot in common. Both are very impressive, and the technology is elementary. There is nothing complicated. So:

  1. "Bane." We suck the smoke into our cheeks and do not let it in any further - it must remain in the mouth. The jaws are tense. The lips are stretched into a malicious smile. The top should be in contact with the bottom, but between them you need to leave several holes for the flow to escape. We push the smoke out of ourselves and at the same time draw it in through our nose. It turns out interesting.
  2. "Gost". In the same way, smoke is drawn in and remains in the mouth. Then it is sharply pushed out. It is advisable to form a ring - this will turn out more impressive. And when the cloud of smoke has moved a short distance, you need to draw it back with your mouth.

How to learn how to do BANE & GHOST is described and shown in such detail that it is very easy to master the tricks. This will literally take 20 minutes.

Video tricks with the “Medusa” wipe are some of the most popular

Video tricks with the “Medusa” wipe are always of interest to a huge number of people, because it is very beautiful. It is not easy to master them; you will have to make an effort. But it's worth it!

To create a figure out of smoke that looks like a jellyfish, you need to be able to make rings and guide them. If you use an electronic cigarette, you will need one of the advanced models that produces a lot of steam. The battery must be well charged.

The essence of the trick is to blow out a beautiful, clear ring, and then release a puff of steam or smoke inside it. This cloud will begin to move along with the ring, will envelop it and leave a trail similar to the tail of a jellyfish.

So, we collect more steam or smoke, push it out, creating a ring. We catch the figure with our palms (their lower parts) and lead it. At the same time, we inhale another portion of steam, hold it in our mouth for a moment and push it with our tongue, directing the club to the middle of the ring. In order not to miss, you can bring your face close to the figure. If the trick is done outdoors in stormy weather, you need to launch the ring into the wind.

You should start pushing the figure with your hands as soon as it is formed. Many people are afraid to make sudden movements so as not to break the ring. This is mistake. You need to act energetically and confidently. Video “Medusa” tricks from professionals will help you quickly master the technology.

Dragon wipe tricks - a simple and accessible technique

Anyone who studies wipe tricks should definitely master “Dragon”. This is a good way to stand out from the crowd. The technology is painfully simple. You don't even need to know how to create rings, guide them, etc. Everything is elementary!

So, we put more steam or smoke into our mouth. We stretch our closed lips into a wide smile. We leave small holes along the edges of the mouth. Then we exhale the smoke forcefully through the nose and the holes between the lips. It turns out to be a beautiful composition.

“Dragon” tricks delight others. Usually, beginners succeed on their first attempts. It's definitely worth a try!

Tricks with the “Tornado” wipe – creating with a slight movement of the hand

The “Tornado” wipe tricks are very original. In addition to a cigarette (hookah), you will need a table or other flat surface. It is most comfortable to sit during the procedure.

You need to draw in more steam into your lungs, lean over the table and slowly, slowly release the contents in a thin stream, directing the latter towards the surface. When the cloud spreads, remove your face, straighten up and start moving your hand.

We hold the upper limb bent at the elbow almost perpendicular to the table surface at a short distance. The word “almost” means that you need to create a small angle between your hand and the table - about twenty degrees. From this initial position, the limb quickly moves forward and then smoothly upward. It is important that the trajectory is free of sharp turns.

As the old-timers and masters of the Russian bath rightly believe, steaming yourself is neither pleasure nor benefit. Therefore, you need to come to the steam room not alone, but with a partner. And ideally, with two brooms for steaming. By the way, it is better to hold the broom with your hands in mittens, otherwise your palms will get burned from intense movement in the hot air, and will also quickly become covered with water calluses.

The classic soaring technique is simple and easy to use. Let's consider all stages of the procedure.

The person soaring lies down on his stomach, stretches his arms along his body, relaxes as much as possible and gives his body to be “torn to pieces” by the person soaring. He, in turn, starts with warming up the body and massage with a broom– light stroking from the feet to the calf muscles, then along the thighs, buttocks, and back. It is better to stroke outstretched arms from the hands to the neck. In this case, the brooms should touch parts of the body, and not float through the air. When moving the broom in the opposite direction, the sides are massaged and warmed up - from the neck to the feet.

Special attention should be paid to warming up the lower back. To do this, having completed the reverse movement, the brooms rise to the top, capturing hot air, lower and press against the lower back for 3-4 seconds. The same attention can be paid to the feet. With further soaring, you can repeat this technique on the knee joints.
The entire described heating complex is performed 3-4 times. In this case, you should pay attention to the air temperature in the steam room - the higher it is, the slower the brooms should move.

After warming up, the steamer awaits the next stage of steaming - quilting. This process must be progressive. Begin quilting with light touches in all directions of the body for about 1 minute. Over the next minute, practice quilting while stroking the body with a broom. The next minute there is more intense quilting in all directions.
If the temperature is very high and the person steaming feels intense heat, to relieve overheating, run a hand soaked in water or a broom over the body.

After this, the person soaring lies on his back, face up, and all the techniques described above are repeated in the same sequence.

Classic steaming in a Russian bath
And finally, the main stage of healthy vaping. The person steaming turns over onto his stomach again - by this time he is already fully warmed up, the pores on his body have opened.
The soarer first repeats the first two stages described above: stroking and quilting. After this it goes to whipping with a compress. The brooms are raised up and down for 3-5 seconds, pressed against the body with your hand - the compress is applied directly. The compress is especially useful on injured areas, muscle pain, radiculitis, and joint disease. This operation is performed on all parts of the body.

The final stage of soaring - stretching. It is especially useful for various pains in the sacrolumbar region. Stretching is recommended to be used during the last, penultimate entry into the steam room.
It is carried out like this: the brooms are placed on the lower back and spread apart - one broom moves towards the head, and the other towards the feet. If there is only one broom, the technique changes somewhat: the broom is taken by the handle with one hand, the other is pressed to the body and they begin to rub the steamer with strokes and circular movements. The torso is rubbed in all directions, the limbs are rubbed lengthwise. The stretch is done 3-5 times and ends with general stroking of the whole body with a broom.
It is necessary to rise from the shelf after the procedure smoothly and carefully in order to avoid dizziness.
As a rule, after such a relaxing procedure, the steamer feels very invigorated.

Massage with a broom increases blood circulation in the skin and deeper tissues. Thanks to this, blood, lymph and interstitial fluid are redistributed throughout the body. Any broom releases phytoncides that kill pathogenic bacteria. Essential oils contained in leaves and branches, when applied to the skin, help improve metabolism and prevent premature aging of the skin.

A contrast shower after steaming will add vigor. Depending on the conditions, a shower can be replaced by a dip in a pool, an ice-hole, or rubbing with snow or a cold towel.

Enjoy Your Bath! Take care of your health!