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How to open a waste collection and recycling business. Profitable business on waste paper. Recycling as a business

We have written more than once that collecting recyclable materials, with the right approach, can become a stable and highly profitable business. And one of the most common business ideas in this area is making money through collecting and recycling waste paper. It would seem that what could be easier than organizing the collection of unwanted paper recyclables and starting to hand them over to interested buyers? It seems that the scheme is extremely simple - I bought unnecessary raw materials cheaper, sold them at a higher price, and received my profit. And indeed, you can earn decent money from collecting waste paper, but not everything in this business is as simple as it might seem at first glance...

How outsiders see the waste paper business

You can read many articles on the Internet about how simple the type of business is to collect and process waste paper. Enthusiastic articles write about how easy it is: set up several collection points, negotiate with wholesale centers and stores for the removal of cardboard packaging, find a buyer - and the business starts.

But in fact, such a scheme could only work in the early/mid-nineties. At that moment, the state lost control over the processing of recyclable materials, and many entrepreneurs were able to literally “break into” this business. It’s funny to say, but in those years there were literal wars for control over landfills, markets, large stores and other waste paper collection points... Since then, in most large cities, the recyclables market has been completely divided, and it is quite difficult to enter it...

Risk factors

With the business idea of ​​collecting, processing and selling waste paper, it is quite possible to create a stable profitable business, but for this it is worth taking into account all the difficulties that may arise in this area:

How can you make money from a business idea for recycling waste paper?

All of the listed difficulties do not mean that we should give up on the idea of ​​making money from waste paper. There are several cases where this business idea can be an excellent source of primary or additional income. Let's look at this in more detail:

As you can see, you can make money from waste paper, but this is a very difficult field of activity. So if you are attracted to a business idea for recycling recyclable materials, then you should pay attention to such areas of activity as receiving and processing glass, where the level of competition is much lower.


Every day people come into contact with paper products: newspapers, magazines, books, packaging materials, paper napkins. Unnecessary paper is thrown into the trash. Waste is taken to city landfills, burned or rots. And few people think that waste paper collection as a business is a very promising area.

However, almost 50% of the total paper produced worldwide comes from recycling paper waste. In Russia, this percentage is no higher than 12. Taking into account the constant increase in the amount of waste thrown away and low competition, the business of collecting and processing waste paper can generate good income.

Where to start a business?

Such a business does not require significant initial capital. At the start, you can accept waste paper yourself. As your business expands, you will need help. The main tasks at the beginning will be:

  • Find a room for collecting and temporarily storing waste paper. This could be a garage or an empty building in the yard. The premises must have convenient access.
  • Purchase vehicles for transporting paper waste. It is advisable to advertise your business on the van.
  • When accepting waste paper, you will need weighing equipment. To collect from the population, a small scale model is sufficient.

It is also necessary to keep a supply of rope and tape in the car to bind paper waste into piles that are convenient for storage and transportation to recycling plants.

Legal registration of business and advertising

If you are not sure that things will work out, then you don’t even have to register an individual entrepreneur in the first month. Waste paper is collected for cash and the waste is handed over to resellers. Intermediaries pay for the goods immediately after receiving the goods.

When expanding your business and establishing partnerships with paper waste recycling enterprises, you need to register an individual entrepreneur or LLC, maintain appropriate records, and pay taxes.

Active advertising is of great importance for the development of the business. Placing advertisements on information boards, in printed publications, distributing leaflets and business cards, advertising on the radio - all this will allow you to develop your business at a rapid pace.

Classification of paper waste

The cost of 1 ton of such material depends on its quality and composition. Sorting will increase the profitability of a waste paper business by up to 50%. There are several classes of goods:

  • Class 1 – waste and trimmings of white uncoated paper and raw materials from unbleached sulphate pulp from manufacturers;
  • 2nd grade – cardboard material, booklets, magazines and books without covers;
  • Grade 3 – mixed newspaper and paper pulp.

For each class of waste you can find your own buyer. At the same time, the cost of 1 ton of waste paper of class 1 will be $120, class 2 – $75, class 3 – $50.

Where to collect paper waste

Almost any office, school, or store will have similar material. It is better to negotiate the removal of waste paper with the director or general manager. A small store throws away up to 50 kg of cardboard packaging materials every day.

A large amount of paper waste is available at state and municipal enterprises. This is due to the specifics of office work. The archives regularly update their holdings; documents with an expired storage period can be obtained for waste paper. Schools and other educational institutions will become regular suppliers of paper waste.

Helpers are hired to collect waste paper from the population. They can be adult students or schoolchildren. Children can be involved in work only if the employment is agreed upon with the parents. In the first months of work, collection can actually be carried out on specific days in the courtyards of residential buildings or by going around apartments. You need to post advertisements first.

Specialized collection points

As your business expands, you should think about how to open a waste paper collection point. Small basement or utility rooms are rented for a whole working day or several hours. You can also use garages or other spaces owned by your on-site assemblers.

Waste paper is collected from the population at a price of 0.5–3 rubles per 1 kg. If there is sufficient room area, waste is sorted on site. Each reception point must be equipped with scales.

To receive large volumes from large suppliers, collection points are set up on the outskirts of the city. Less congestion on the routes will allow paper waste to be quickly delivered for delivery to the collection point. The rental price will be lower than in the city center. The more such points open, the higher the income a waste paper collection business can generate.

To store large volumes of material you will need a special press.

Where to deliver paper waste

Waste paper is used as a substitute for raw materials by enterprises manufacturing the following types of products:

  • packaging materials and containers made of cardboard and paper,
  • lumpy egg molds,
  • sanitary paper products,
  • building materials, including for roofing work (roofing felt, glassine, thermal insulation boards).

The largest volume of cardboard waste is purchased by corrugated cardboard manufacturers. The demand for packaging material is growing every year. And the bulk of this waste is used in the production of toilet paper.

Scrap processing in large volumes is carried out by pulp and paper mills. If there is such a plant within a radius of 200–300 km from the location of your business, then there will never be problems with the sale of waste paper. Large enterprises buy waste in bulk, from 20 tons or more. Therefore, direct sales require warehouse space where large volumes of wholesale supplies will be collected.

Warehouses will require additional costs, but the price per ton of waste will be higher than when selling to intermediaries.

How to pay for waste paper

Payments to suppliers can be made in cash, non-cash, or exchange for other goods is offered. Each supplier chooses its own mutually beneficial method.

For example, a paper mill or processing enterprise pays a supplier of raw materials with goods of its own production: office paper, notebooks, books at cost or with a small markup. Further, these goods can be exchanged for waste paper from suppliers at the market price.

Collection of waste paper as a type of business is a good solution for people with minimal start-up capital. An established network of suppliers will provide large volumes of waste. After selling waste paper, net income will be more than $40 per ton. Business development could be the creation of your own enterprise for processing paper material.

In addition to the financial side, the business will also have environmental benefits. Recycling paper waste will help reduce deforestation and reduce the size of city landfills.

Recycling as a business is a promising area of ​​commercial activity, especially in demand in large populated areas. This type of commerce can be done by investing $1,000 or more in a startup, starting with the collection and delivery of recyclable materials and gradually developing the business to full-cycle production. You can recycle paper, plastic, glass, organic and other waste, depending on the demand in a particular market.

Project summary, analysis and industry features

You can organize a business for receiving recyclable materials using various waste materials. The main sources of recyclable materials are glass containers, plastic, paper, metal, and organic waste. It is worth considering what waste can be collected and processed in a particular region, and what can be made from it. Glass is used to make new bottles and fertilizers, waste paper is used in the production of toilet paper, egg trays and other products, and new plastic products are made from plastic waste.

The level of competition in this area is quite low, since equipment for a full production cycle requires quite large investments, and the amount of waste that can be recycled is growing every year.

It is useful to read what income it brings. Production technology, necessary equipment and opportunities for starting your own business at home.

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What you need to start a business

To launch a startup, it is necessary to draw up a business plan for recyclable materials (see), determine materials and processing technology, and sales channels for finished products. After this, you need to find a room for receiving raw materials that corresponds to the planned volume of processing. Beginning entrepreneurs can use their own non-residential premises for such purposes - a garage, barn, or rent it at a low price.

Raw materials for processing can also be collected independently, for example, from natural landfills. When starting your production, you need to find suppliers - those who collect waste paper, plastic or other waste.

The main stages of organizing the collection of recyclable materials as a business:

  • determination of the sector of work (materials that will need to be collected and delivered to large collection and processing points);
  • conducting negotiations with companies that process recyclable materials;
  • search for premises;
  • purchase of scales and presses (can be used);
  • purchasing or renting a truck (as an option, searching for a suitable transport company that will carry out cargo transportation);
  • advertising - making a small sign at the entrance to the premises, printing advertisements that are posted around the area (preference - residential areas, schools, universities, food establishments). You can advertise in the local newspaper.

For sustainable collection of plastic or glass, you can install separate garbage containers, having previously agreed on this with local utilities.

Production plan

When opening a business using recyclable materials without investment, you can find a small room for collection (first, the collected waste can be taken to large collection and recycling points, and after a more detailed study of the market and with the development of the company, you can open your own production). An important condition is to maintain optimal climatic conditions (for example, when collecting waste paper, the room should not be too humid).

It is necessary to equip the premises with scales and a press (compressed raw materials take up much less space in the warehouse and during transportation). To transport recyclables from the collection point to the next point, you will need a truck or car with a trailer.

To open a mini-factory for processing recyclable materials, an investment of at least $10,000 will be required. The room must be dry with water supply, drainage, and electricity. The staff will need to recruit about 20 people - 6-7 people per shift (if a 24-hour production cycle is organized). Workers must sort waste by type, load waste into a conveyor line, and ship finished products.

Economic indicators of business on recyclable materials

To assess the profitability and payback of a business, you need to compare the amount of investment with the amount of one-time and permanent expenses. When organizing the collection and delivery of recyclable materials, investments will be required in registering an individual entrepreneur, renting premises, purchasing a press and scales, renting a car and advertising (within $2,000). When organizing a small production, an investment of $15,000-20,000 will be required for the purchase of shredders and other crushing and grinding equipment. With a business profitability of 25-40%, the payback of the project will be 18-24 months (depending on the volume of processing, the input cost of raw materials and prices for finished products). The main items of current costs are rent of premises, wages of employees, purchase of raw materials, utility bills and promotion costs.

It is useful to read how profitable it is. Features of the commercial idea, a list of necessary equipment and an approximate calculation of the profitability of the project.

Details about how cost-effective it is and how to organize it.


Those who have a car with a trailer, a garage or other non-residential technical premises can start their own business with virtually no investment. At first, you can collect waste yourself or organize your own collection point, and later open a mini-factory for sorting waste, shredding various types of recyclable materials and preparing them for further processing. Many types of finished products can be made from recycled recyclable materials, which are used in various fields.


The registration period for a private legal entity or LLC usually takes no more than 5 days. If you plan to hire more than 15 people, then the extract from the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs/Unified State Register of Legal Entities must indicate OKVED codes, in accordance with information about the main types of work. Registration of OKVED will take you from 2 to 4 days. Order stamps for your business.

Find and rent (or buy) a space (or several) where you can store and accept recyclables. Receive positive opinions on the satisfactory condition of the premises from the environmental expert commission, sanitary and epidemiological inspection and fire service.

Due to the fact that many types recyclable materials to class IV waste hazard, obtain a license from the local branch of Rostechnadzor to provide its reception. Submit the following documents:
- statement;
- passport and TIN;
- constituent documents of the individual entrepreneur;
- a list of waste (of all hazard classes - from I to IV), which you plan to receive;
- a copy of the environmental impact assessment report;
- copies of lease or purchase agreements for premises where collection will be made recyclable materials;
- a copy of the conclusion from the sanitary and epidemiological inspection on the proper condition of the premises.


  • how to start a business using recycled materials
  • Business idea: How to open a scrap metal collection point?

Items reception payments began to bring great income to their owners when, in addition to cellular communications, it became possible to pay with their help for the Internet, cable television, utilities and even fines imposed by the traffic police. At the same time, the organization of the point reception payments, as before, is not at all as expensive as one might imagine at first glance; even a novice entrepreneur can open it.

You will need

  • 1. Registration of individual entrepreneur or legal entity
  • 2. Agreement with the payment system
  • 3. Renting a small space
  • 4. Office equipment and mobile communications
  • 5. Two cashier-operators of the collection point
  • 6. One or more automatic payment terminals


Select item format reception payments – there are two main methods, although they may well be combined at one point. The first is an automatic payment system, located on the street or in any place visited by people - a commercial or business cinema, or a cinema. The second method is to accept payments using, sending funds through a computer or mobile phone connected to a WAP site.

Enter into an agreement with a payment system that is a dealer - a variety of products for which you will accept payments. There are several such systems; the standard conditions for cooperation with each of them are different, as are the technical means used by each of them in their work. Before choosing, carefully study the offers of each system, looking for the most profitable option from the possibilities that you have.

Rent a small room in a busy place if you decide to set up a point reception payments with an operator sending information using a computer or telephone. Purchase office equipment and software that meet the requirements of your chosen payment system. It costs two shift cashiers to hire for this job.

Buy a payment terminal that will be located autonomously or inside your location where the operator works. In the second case, the terminal will significantly speed up the service process; in addition, nothing interferes, having its own stationary point reception, place several terminals in different places. When choosing, pay attention to its resistance to temperature, as well as various external influences (“anti-vandal” equipment), and the number of available functions.

Video on the topic

Helpful advice

If you see that the terminal is bringing in little profit, try moving it to another location that may be more successful - without losing anything.

Remember that by choosing a terminal with a large number of provided services that can be provided with its help, you are choosing a terminal that will freeze more often and require more maintenance than a simple one.


  • Article dedicated to business on payment terminals

Reception scrap metal- not only a profitable, but also a noble occupation, because unnecessary items that have served their time are collected for subsequent recycling. Instead of rotting in a landfill for decades, scrap metal will find new life.


Register an individual entrepreneur, OKVED code 37.10.1.

Create a business plan. It takes into account the costs not only of renting and purchasing equipment, but also the costs of purchasing a large quantity scrap metal among the population. Plan initial capital for opening a business of at least 150,000 rubles.

Find a place to do business. When choosing, keep in mind that you need an area of ​​at least 50-200 square meters. m. for metal storage and for placing scales. Provide the site with security. It's best that your paragraph located next to the private sector and had a convenient access road.

Purchase equipment: ton scales for ferrous metals and pointer scales with weights for non-ferrous metals. Over time, your business may expand and you will need expensive automated equipment, but these costs will quickly pay for themselves.

Hire employees, initially this could be a receptionist and a sorter. To save money, you can temporarily accept metals in person and hire a sorter.

Advertise for admission scrap metal among the population. To do this, use the local press and street posting of leaflets. Strictly control the acceptance process personally and instruct employees to stop the illegal scrapping of illegally obtained items. Keep a record of accepted metal. These measures will avoid problems with law enforcement agencies.

Also organize the sale and export of accepted metal for further processing.

The problem of recycling recyclable materials, in particular, waste paper very relevant for our country. The development potential of this business is, without exaggeration, enormous, since every year Russians throw away several million tons of paper. Having organized paragraph reception waste paper, you will not only be able to contribute to solving this problem, but will also receive a stable source of income.

You will need

  • - transport;
  • - room.


Find distribution channels waste paper. It is necessary to start this business from this stage, since you must clearly understand where and in what volumes you will be able to sell the collected raw materials. These can be paper factories or factories producing roofing felt or gypsum building materials. Negotiate the price with future buyers: this is what you will start from when calculating your basic expenses.

Buy cargo transport. At first, you can get by with just one car, with which you will go around certain places where everything will already be collected for you. waste paper. It is advisable to choose a vehicle with a covered body.

Find a room for reception and storage waste paper. This could be any utility unit or even a garage. If possible, choose a room with heating and electricity. Install the scales. To legally operate, you need a fire department permit.

Determine the price per 1 kg of raw materials received. Keep in mind that it is unlikely that potential clients will be paid too much. That is why bet on the social significance of your work, and also focus on low-income segments of the population. Post notices in the nearby area and place free advertisements in the newspaper to inform the public about your opening. paragraph A.

What can be recycled

For many decades, waste paper has been accepted - paper packaging, books, newspapers, magazines, cardboard, office paper. There are many points for collecting glass - bottles, cans, cullet. We also accept scrap ferrous and non-ferrous metals and aluminum cans. There are points where you can donate your used clothes, textiles, toys and shoes.

The cheap and easy production of plastic has made it one of the most popular materials on Earth: bags, film, containers and bottles for food and drinks, dishes, equipment cases, furniture and much more are made from it. With ever-increasing volumes of production and consumption, the spread of plastic is reaching alarming proportions. A huge amount of plastic containers are disposable (for example, food is sold in them) and end up in the trash can immediately after unpacking the goods. It takes hundreds of years to decompose in natural conditions, and it will also poison the soil. Fortunately, there are points where they accept plastic products and send them to recycling plants. There, raw materials are obtained from it in the form of polymer granules, from which plastic products are then made again.

Hazardous waste deserves special attention: batteries, accumulators, mercury lamps and devices. Recycling them is difficult and requires high costs, so there are far fewer hazardous waste collection points than necessary, and they are not always available nearby. However, it is important to collect such waste and periodically recycle it, since it greatly pollutes the environment and harms human health. They are increasingly accepted in large stores and supermarkets.

There are also points where they accept various specific waste: household appliances, computers and laptops, electronic scrap, car tires, cartridges for office equipment, etc.


To denote waste processing, there are also terms recycling, recycling, recycling of recyclable materials, waste disposal. It involves the reuse of production waste. Recycling can be secondary, tertiary, etc.

For raw materials to be suitable for processing, they must meet certain requirements. Thus, waste paper must contain an acceptable proportion of impurities, which is different for the production of different types of paper. The returned waste paper should not contain any other elements besides paper - glued book spines, polymer fabrics and films, wooden and metal elements. Plastic containers must be without paper stickers, clean, etc.

Therefore, before handing over, recyclable materials should be prepared and sorted so that they can be accepted without problems. You can find out about the requirements in advance at the reception point.

Today in every city there are companies that buy waste paper. It is used to make toilet paper, cardboard, and processed into writing paper. Some companies organize waste paper recycling themselves. Others press and rent it out to the nearest pulp mill for decent money.

Most often, paper raw material collection points accept it at a price of 2 to 3 rubles. for 1 kg. Large supermarkets recycle from 50 to 200 kg of cardboard containers daily. Every week, the average office produces about 20 kg of unnecessary paper.

Most of the paper waste is thrown away at wholesale centers, markets, shops, educational institutions, offices, and organizations. These archival papers and no longer needed packaging are transported by truck.

How to organize waste paper collection from scratch

To collect waste paper, it is enough to enter into partnership agreements with these paper waste suppliers. For a serious business you need a lot of such suppliers - more than 100. You will have to spend time and effort to develop connections.

These organizations and companies remove unnecessary paper, paying for waste removal at their own expense.

Can be offered to retail outlets, organizations etc. enter into an agreement that you will not only remove all the paper they don’t need, but pay them for it, solving the problem of their paper waste.

The frequency of export of this raw material depends on its volume. This is usually 1-5 times weekly. The fee for unnecessary paper is 50 rubles. for 200 kg of raw materials.

Over time, many such points for collecting paper raw materials will be developed. To remove waste paper, you need a warehouse, a truck or a trailer. At the initial stage of development of this business, you can rent them or use your own garage.

Important Competently plan your daily route to reduce your car's mileage.

Profitability calculations

If 1 ton of paper raw material is collected per day, then the cost of purchasing it will be 250 rubles. (that is, the price per kg will be 25 kopecks). The cost of gasoline and renting a warehouse will be about 500 rubles. daily. This waste paper will be delivered to an assembly point in the amount of 3 thousand rubles. Net profit daily will be 2250 rubles.

In a large city there is a real opportunity to collect 2-3 tons of waste paper per day.

Organization of a paper waste collection point

You can collect waste paper at low prices from collectors. To do this, it is necessary to organize a collection point and an advertising campaign “I will accept waste paper” in a residential neighborhood in an accessible place.

This can be done economically, attaching a notice to the back of his car and making several trips around a busy part of a residential neighborhood.

Large quantities of sorted and bagged waste paper can then be sold to waste paper recycling factories for decent prices. Recycling factories accept 1 ton of waste paper for 50 - 120 dollars.

Pros of this business

  1. , except for the cost of gasoline and warehouse rental.
  2. There is no need for special knowledge or experience in running a business.
  3. Working capital spent on the purchase of waste paper is recouped on the same day.
  4. The profit can be decent.
  5. There is low competition in this business segment, since few people like to tinker with paper trash.
  6. This business helps maintain ecological balance on the planet and reduce deforestation.

Collection of waste paper as a business is very successful if it is organized correctly.