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How to trim a dog's nails. How to properly trim a dog's nails at home? The dog won't let you cut your nails

You can be a smart dog and think about the beauty of your claws. Let's figure out whether dogs' nails need to be trimmed? How often should I do this? How to properly trim the nails of dogs of the smallest breeds?

And, finally, how can you cope with some of the difficulties that arise during this harmless, but unpleasant procedure for the animal? This is what we will talk about today.

Is it possible and necessary?

Many people are interested in the question: Are dogs’ nails cut at all and is this really necessary for animals? Maybe you shouldn’t suffer yourself and bring discomfort to your beloved pet?

First, let's look at the anatomy and structure of dog claws. When describing breeds, standards usually indicate their shape. There are three in total:

  • Felines- curved and with a curved tip,
  • Folded- in the form of an arc,
  • Hare— are usually straight, long, and often sharp.

The first two types of claws are found in working dogs, and the third - in terriers and indoor toy breeds.

Dog claws have their own specifics: the hind paws have four claws and four toes, just like the front paws. Sometimes there is a fifth finger, but it is weaker than the others and its claw is not large. If a fifth claw appears on the hind legs, most dog lovers recommend removing it during childhood.

Does it hurt?

Many dog ​​breeders do not want to trim their pet’s nails because... they think it hurts. So is it necessary to cut nails at all if the dog doesn’t like it?

The claws consist of a living and sensitive pulp, penetrated by nerves and blood vessels, and only on the outside are they covered with a keratinized membrane. But in fact, if you trim the nails correctly, without touching the living part, then the dog will not feel pain.


What's better, trimming your pet's nails or filing them? Despite the apparent advantages, the filing method has more disadvantages than advantages.

  • It takes much longer.
  • Filing can be much more stressful for your dog than nail trimming.
  • This method is not suitable for all breeds.
  • The nail file looks less dangerous than nail clippers. But it can also slip when filing and injure the dog’s paw.

In any case, trimming nails is preferable to filing. But a file is still needed: it is used to clean off the sharp edge formed when trimming the claw.

For what?

Is it necessary to trim a dog’s nails, because many dogs grind their nails down themselves during long walks on the asphalt. But not all dogs have their nails worn down when walking on a hard surface. And the fifth claws do not touch the ground at all and generally cannot grind off on their own.

At first glance, overgrown nails may not seem like such a big deal, but there are still many important reasons why they should be trimmed.

Why cut:

  • Long claws can curl inward and, growing even larger, dig into the animal’s fingertips, causing severe pain.
  • Overgrown claws tend to crack and break. And, if the claw gets too caught on something, it can break anywhere, even near the base.
  • Due to long nails, the dog cannot place its paw straight and keep it in a ball. Toes become twisted or curved unnaturally, which is especially harmful for puppies, as this can lead to deformation of joints and ligaments.
  • The animal's balance is disturbed. The dog may skid to the side when running, and on a smooth surface it may slip and fall.
  • Overgrown claws can be dangerous not only for the dog, but also for its owners. The dog may accidentally injure the owner with them or tear his clothes.
  • For show dogs, overgrown claws are a serious fault for which their score in the ring is greatly reduced.

Therefore, if you do not want unnecessary problems for either your pet or yourself, you need to monitor the condition of its claws and trim them regularly.

Consequences of owner laziness:

How often?

How often should you trim your dog's nails? Puppies begin to trim their claws very early, around ten days. This is done to prevent the babies from injuring their mother or littermates. As the puppies grow, their nails are trimmed as soon as necessary.

The frequency of nail trimming may depend on the following reasons:

  • Age of the animal
  • His breed: small breeds grow their claws faster,
  • Individual characteristics of the dog,
  • Conditions for keeping and feeding the pet.


Let's discuss cutting tools. When choosing a nail clipper or file, first of all, you need to proceed from the size and breed of your pet. It is very important to choose a tool of a suitable size for it, since a nail clipper that is too large will slip and injure the dog when trimming a nail, and it is simply unrealistic to trim the claws of a large dog while using a nail clipper for small breeds.

How can you trim a dog's nails?

The first and most obvious choice is nail clippers. They come in two types:

Advantages of nail clippers:

  • The nail trimming procedure does not take much time
  • There are many variations of nail clippers in size, which allows you to choose the most optimal option for a particular dog.

Disadvantages of nail clippers:

  • If handled improperly, the risk of injury is quite high.
  • If you choose the wrong tool, you can break or splinter your dog's claw.

Some owners of small dogs are afraid to cut their pets' nails and prefer to file them. There are many files designed for claws of different thicknesses and strengths.

Pros of files:

  • With proper handling of the tool and a sufficient level of care, there is low trauma.
  • You can choose a file with a notch of any size and any strength that would be most suitable for a particular dog.

An ordinary file for human manicure will not work, because the durable claws of pets will only succumb to the coarse abrasive of a specialized tool. But if there is no way out, then choose files for false nails, they are wear-resistant and file everything well!

Disadvantages of files:

  • They can only shorten their claws on small dogs, which are also accustomed to prolonged manipulation.
  • Shortening a nail by filing it can be stressful for a dog who is not used to it.
  • If you handle the file carelessly, you can injure your pet.

Along with the listed tools, there are electric scratching posts. With their help, you can file down claws to the desired shape and size.

Pros of electric scratching posts:

  • They file down the claw much faster than with a mechanical file.
  • When handled carefully, they are almost safe for the dog and the owner.

Disadvantages of electric scratching posts:

  • The high price of these tools and consumables themselves.
  • Noise during operation can greatly disturb the animal.
  • When the tool is used, the claw heats up. This can be unpleasant for the dog, and if it gets too hot, it can even cause him pain.

So, The most suitable tool for trimming dog nails may still be considered a regular nail clipper, especially since it is easy to choose for an animal of any size and breed.

Where can?

Nail trimming can be done either at the veterinarian or on your own at home, if your dog is sufficiently educated and patient. How much does it cost: usually within 200 rubles.

At home

Here is a list of basic rules on how to properly trim a dog’s nails at home yourself:

  • It is necessary to inspect the dog's claws every 7-10 days in order to control their length.
  • Before trimming nails, you must treat the trimming tool (if it is not an electric scratching post) and your hands with a disinfectant.
  • It is necessary to prepare a hemostatic agent just in case. Ideally fit potassium permanganate: it simultaneously cauterizes bleeding vessels and disinfects. If it is not available, then hydrogen peroxide or a hemostatic pencil purchased at a pharmacy will do.
  • Before trimming nails, inspect your dog's paws. If her pads are cracked, or if there are pebbles, dirt, etc. stuck between her fingers, then it is necessary to remove all this, and treat the cracks and cuts with an antiseptic.
  • The claw should be trimmed so that it is 1-1.5 mm longer than the pulp.
  • If you accidentally hit the living part of the claw, you must immediately cauterize the wound with a hemostatic agent.
  • After completing the procedure, praise, pet your pet and treat him with something tasty.

IMPORTANT! There should be a calm environment during this procedure. It is unacceptable to shout at a dog, even if it breaks free and does not allow its nails to be trimmed.

Claw cutter

How to properly cut nails with a nail clipper at home? It is best to trim your dog's nails immediately after washing his paws. Before you begin the procedure, prepare all the necessary tools, and also keep a means to stop bleeding and antiseptics nearby.

Have your dog sit or lay on an elevated surface, then take one of his front paws and lightly press on the pad to make the claw easier to see. Take the nail clipper and open it. Set the blades 1.5-2 mm above the pulp at an angle of 45°, then quickly but carefully cut off the claw.

You need to cut quickly and confidently, without turning it to the side or moving the nail clipper. If necessary, process the cut with a nail file.

It will be easier to trim the nails on the hind legs by laying the dog on its side.

How to hold it correctly?

The position of the dog at the time of trimming its nails depends on its size and breed. When trimming the claws of a small dog, the owner most often sits it on his lap and, clasping its body with one hand, performs all the necessary manipulations with the other.

It is better to place a large breed dog on a small raised surface with an anti-slip mat on it. If the dog is very worried, then it is better to sit behind him and start trimming the nails on the front legs, holding the dog by the back and neck.

Different breeds

Using the above tips and recommendations, you can trim the nails of almost any dog, regardless of its breed and size. However, there are breeds in which the process of trimming nails has some peculiarities. All these dogs have one thing in common: they are classified as indoor and decorative dogs and are very small in size. These include the Yorkie, Chihuahua, Miniature Spitz and Toy Terrier.

How to cut hair for small breed dogs?


Let's figure out how to properly cut a Yorkie's (Yorkshire terrier) nails. After all, their claws need to be trimmed regularly not only for the sake of beauty, but also to avoid health problems. If the claws grow too long, they may curl up and grow into the pads of the finger. V.

  1. Yorkies need a comprehensive paw treatment, which also includes trimming the hair between the toes. This should be done 1-2 times a month.
  2. It is better to trim your Yorkie's claws after bathing, when they are steamed.
  3. You can put the dog on your lap, or put it on a table or on the floor - so that it is comfortable for you.
  4. It is recommended to trim your Yorkie's nails using a guillotine. After trimming, you need to clean the cut with a file.

Visual video:


A note for those who are interested in how to properly cut a Chihuahua's nails:

  • Puppies of this breed need to trim their nails once every two weeks, but for adult Chihuahuas it is enough to do this procedure once a month.
  • For these dogs, guillotine nail clippers are best suited. Some owners file their Chihuahuas' claws with a file or grind them down with an electric scratching post, but this is a rather long and unpleasant procedure for dogs.
  • Before trimming nails, you need to trim the hairs between the toes. This can be done conveniently with small scissors with rounded edges.
  • Take the paw and, pressing lightly on the pad of your finger, insert the claw into the “guillotine”. The claw must be cut at an angle of 45°.
  • First you need to cut off no more than 1 mm of the claw, and then carefully examine the cut. If the horny surface is still visible, you can trim another 1 mm, but only until the dark dot becomes visible.

IMPORTANT! You should not forcefully cut your Chihuahua's claws. If the dog gets scared or feels rough treatment, then next time it will be much more difficult to persuade it to undergo this procedure.


Like all other dogs, Pomeranians need to have their nails trimmed from time to time. Do it better guillotine type nail clippers for small dogs.

Before trimming, trim the hair on your dog's toes if necessary.

To carefully trim the claw and avoid touching the pulp, take the Spitz's paw, press on the pad and hold the claw up to the light. This will help determine where the keratinized part ends. If you still can’t see the pulp, then just start cutting about 1 mm at a time until you see a point on the cut. After this, clean the cut with a file.

Toy terrier

Toy puppies begin to trim their claws already at one and a half weeks of age and do this every 15-20 days. Adult dogs of this breed have their nails trimmed every 20-30 days.

It is necessary to trim the toy terrier's nails, if only because due to the small weight of these dogs, their claws do not wear down even while walking on asphalt or gravel, no matter how long the toy walks.

Place the dog on your knees and, taking its paw, pressing on the pad, extend the claw, then cut it off by 3-4 mm. It would be enough.

ATTENTION! Toy terriers, despite their small stature, are distinguished by rare stubbornness. If you give up ahead of time and let him go until the end of the procedure, then he will not allow you to trim his claws; on the contrary, he will resist even more.


This is the most important procedure in caring for a dachshund! When you hear that your dog begins to knock his claws on the floor while walking, it’s time for a haircut. .

How to train?

Our pets really don’t like it when their paws are held and the pads and claws on these same paws are touched. But it is necessary to trim the claws, because if this is not done in time, the consequences can be very bad.

In this regard, the question arises: how to teach a dog to calmly endure this procedure, which is unpleasant from his point of view?

The most correct solution in this case is teaching a dog to trim its nails from puppyhood. Constantly being subjected to this manipulation, the puppy very quickly understands that there is nothing wrong with shortening his claws and over time he begins to calmly relate to this procedure.

ATTENTION! It is important to remember that trimming nails should not be accompanied by pain for the animal or at least unpleasant sensations.

If it doesn't give and bites

But what if your dog is absolutely afraid of cutting his nails, or if he bites? In this case, before trimming the nails, a large or medium-sized dog should be tied to something that the dog cannot move. Put on a muzzle or wrap a bandage around the dog's face, but so that it can breathe freely.

A small dog can be swaddled in a towel or a small thick blanket. Only one paw and the tip of the muzzle should remain outside. When carrying out the nail trimming procedure, the dog must be held tightly so that it does not break free and fall or run away.

There is also another simple way: take the dog in your arms, turn it over on its back, and cut it calmly; it is not difficult to restrain a struggling dog; on its back, they are practically defenseless and powerless.

Be sure to praise your dog and give him treats! Do a couple of dress rehearsals as well: e.g. Prepare everything for the grooming and let the dog feel the moment and get used to the tools. There is no need to cut your hair the first 2-3 times, just “rehearse.”

If there is blood

In this case, you need to take potassium permanganate powder and generously sprinkle it on the wound, or you can use any other hemostatic agent. As a rule, after this the bleeding stops almost immediately. When using potassium permanganate, in order to avoid poisoning, which can happen if the pet accidentally licks it off, after stopping the bleeding, it is necessary to remove all remnants of manganese powder from the dog’s fingers and claws, without touching the cut itself.

There is no need to do anything else with the wound, but be prepared for the fact that if the pulp has been damaged, the dog will limp for some time.

If the wound visually looks dangerous, then wrap the paw in a clean towel, apply ice and go to the vet without hesitation.

ATTENTION! Any injury during nail trimming is a sign that the procedure should be stopped immediately!


Inexperienced owners do not always understand how to cut a black claw, because when cutting them (and dark brown claws) a problem arises: the pulp cannot be seen and there is a risk of cutting off more than necessary.

You need to act calmly and without haste, cutting the claw to the desired size in several steps, removing 0.5-1 mm each time. After each cut, you must carefully inspect the cut site. If you notice a bright dot on it, then that’s it, it’s time to stop, otherwise you may touch the pulp.

Visual aids

How to cut with a guillotine:

How to cut with pruning shears:

How to cut with a nail clipper:

As you can see, trimming dogs' nails yourself is not as scary as it might seem. Moreover, you can almost always carry out this procedure at home, and it doesn’t matter who your pet is: a huge mastiff or a tiny Yorkie.

How do you trim your pet's claws? How quickly did he get used to this procedure and how did you accustom him to it? Or maybe you have your own secrets and tricks that make the process of trimming claws easier? Share your opinion on this issue, as well as your stories, in the comments. And, of course, don’t forget to include photos of your pets.

Every dog ​​breeder faces the question: how to trim a dog’s nails? Most often, people go to a veterinary clinic to carry out this procedure, however, if you follow all the rules, you can easily cut your pet’s nails at home. Many dog ​​owners go to the veterinarian for the first time, and then ask to be shown how to trim them so that they can do it themselves at home. One visit to a specialist is enough to have an idea of ​​how to do it yourself.

Features of the structure of claws in dogs

When the structure of a dog's limbs is examined, the shape of the claws can also be determined. There are different types of claws:

  • the tips are bent so the shape becomes cat-like;
  • in the shape of an arc;
  • straight with a sharp end.

The first and second types of claws are typical for service or guard dogs. The third type is most often found in terriers or toy breeds. Claws are a means of movement; such an organ has its own functionality. The simplest example can be given: when a dog digs the ground, its claws have auxiliary functions.

If owners decide not to trim their nails, then they should understand the consequences of their choice. If the animal is quite active and walks outside every day, then there will be no consequences, however, if the dog is a decorative breed, then the situation will be quite critical:

  1. Serious changes will begin in the musculoskeletal system. Nails that are too long will be uncomfortable for the fingers, as it will be difficult for the dog to move and it will feel discomfort. This can lead to clubfoot, because with minimal growth of claws, it will be difficult for the pet to move and it will deliberately try to lighten its load. Then deformation changes will begin in the joints, then in the paws and spine.
  2. There is a risk of injury to the animal. All owners of these pets are aware that dogs of purebred origin have four toes on their hind legs. Two-fifths of the fingers do not touch the ground and thus do not wear down on their own. Hence the risk of injury arises; this claw can simply get caught on something and the animal’s soft tissues will rupture.
  3. The animal loses its sense of balance when it runs. Thanks to short claws, the dog receives additional support while moving, and long claws interfere with the fingers and twist them.
  4. In addition to the inconvenience, it will also be inconvenient for your pet to walk on a surface covered with linoleum or parquet, because the claws will knock and cause discomfort.

To avoid such cases, you should know how to trim a dog's nails at home.

Tools for the procedure

If you notice your pet's overgrown claws and immediately grab the scissors, then this method should be abandoned. But it’s worth considering that if your pet has a long, beautiful coat, then scissors will still come in handy. Animal claws differ from ours in that they are many times thicker, and therefore the various tools we are used to doing our own manicure can be safely put aside. Experts have invented nail clippers that are used by all professional groomers, veterinarians, and dog breeders:

  1. Find out what material the device is made of. Brass will be a priority, since its structure is rigid and the blades will not become dull often. The nail clippers themselves are small in size; they are interconnected by parts;
  2. When choosing a device, be sure to pay attention to what kind of coating the nail clippers have. A high-quality device will be one that is coated with chrome; for some metals such treatment is not necessary, since they do not rust;
  3. The handles should be comfortable so that they are comfortable to use. If the handles are made of plastic, then this risks the device constantly slipping from the users’ hands, thereby making the procedure much longer and more difficult. The process requires attention and will not tolerate any unnecessary movements;
  4. When choosing nail clippers, you need to take into account the breed of the dog and its body type. Pet stores or supermarkets usually sell devices for different breeds of dogs.

Bright packaging and products on the shelf can make you make the wrong choice. Therefore, you need to carefully pay attention to the characteristics of the tool. In addition to the main accessory, you will need one more - a nail file, which is used after the claws have been trimmed.

There are two types of nail clippers: in the form of regular scissors, which consist of two blades and two handles, as well as guillotine scissors, they are distinguished by the presence of a hole to fix the claw and regulate the process with a special lever. In addition to the devices described, many dog ​​owners also use nail files, which are very convenient to use and are selected according to the weight of the animal and the type of its claws.

Another popular grooming invention is electric scratching posts, which, as you already understood, are powered by electricity. The accessory consists of a nozzle and a rod. With this device, you can avoid cutting your dog during the procedure. You can also easily choose the desired shape of the claws and their length.

How to trim your dog's nails yourself

There are features and difficulties that need to be treated with extreme caution so as not to harm your pet. All dog claws have a cavity that is filled with small vessels, and there are also nerve endings there. Therefore, the slightest wrong movement and the animal will never allow you to repeat this process again, since it will remember the pain caused to it and in the future it will be very difficult for you to carry out the procedure. Before trimming your nails, carefully examine them to identify the following features:

  • in the case when the dog’s nails are black, then this is already an advanced case, you need to go to the veterinary clinic;
  • on the claws, which are beige or brown in color, you can see a small space that is filled with a darkish tint; this is the pulp; it cannot be touched during cutting.

Now the very moment of the process has come. To do this, place your pet's paw on the floor. It is important to remember that you cannot trim the nails to the required length the first time; everything is done in stages. In another case, the pet was injured. In such a matter, the main thing is not to rush and be careful.

https://youtu. be/sEA_h6RFRB8

The most common mistake of all owners is that they begin to behave rudely with the animal. The dog sees how worried and determined you are, so it will show character and resist. In practice, it has already been proven that unnecessary excitement can lead to many mistakes and unnecessary actions.

What to take care of for a successful procedure

There will be no difficulties if the dog is obedient and always listens to the commands of its owner. But this happens quite rarely, because our pets also have character and show it. In order for the process to always be painless and without complications, your pet must be accustomed to it since childhood.

What to do if the dog flatly refuses to be manipulated? If it so happens that the dog begins to howl, bite (how to wean it off), run away and hide from you, then you need to prepare for this in advance even before starting the haircut. To do this, lay out all the tools in front of the dog, he will sniff them, “get acquainted” and be sure to give some kind of tasty treat, then the pet will immediately make contact. The stages of haircutting are as follows:

  • Make sure that all instruments used are sterile clean to prevent infection from entering the bloodstream. This treatment can be done at home, using alcohol or antiseptics;
  • If you find hair between the claws, you should definitely cut it before trimming;
  • To trim the nails on the hind legs, you need to turn the dog on its side;
  • Then you need to thoroughly rinse your paws or simply wipe them;
  • After mowing is complete, carefully inspect the area for cuts and debris;
  • Be sure to remember to wash your hands with soap.

If during the procedure the animal begins to become very nervous and behave aggressively, stop the process immediately. Even one incorrectly cut nail can lead to dire consequences. Try to support your dog with kind words so that he feels safe.

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The health and appearance of your pet depends on the condition of your pet’s claws. Periodic trimming of an animal's sharp claws will protect children and older family members from scratches and protect floor coverings and furniture from damage. It is better to entrust this procedure to a specialist. If you decide to carry it out yourself, pay attention to the advice of veterinarians. Before you start trimming your puppy's grown nails, you should familiarize yourself with their structure.

Anatomical features of dog claws

A dog's nail contains a pulp containing nerves and blood vessels. This layer has significant sensitivity and its injury causes pain and bleeding, making it difficult to continue the procedure and forming a negative attitude in the four-legged friend towards its implementation. Therefore, before cutting your dog's nails, you should concentrate and be very careful. You need to behave calmly with the animal, without showing any excitement that could be transmitted to it.

It is advisable for dogs to have their nails trimmed from a young age. In this case, a habit is formed, and pets perceive manipulations performed with their limbs as a normal element of care. Remember that it is necessary to regularly trim your dog’s claws - this will protect the animal’s gait from various disturbances, prevent skeletal curvature and the development of related diseases. Too long nails can cause deformation and atrophy of the paws, making it difficult for your pet to move.

Frequency of trimming overgrown claws

Claws are trimmed as they grow: for a puppy – once every 1.5 months, for an adult animal – approximately 1 month after the previous procedure. The fact that it’s time for your pet to shorten the length of their toenails is indicated by their clicking sound when moving. Normally, they should be located at a height of 2–3 mm from the floor surface.

Dogs that do not have their nails trimmed try to gnaw them on their own, which can lead to infection in the wounds, followed by suppuration and the danger of pathogenic microorganisms entering the blood. In some cases, skin irritation on the paws may develop, accompanied by redness and itching. If the dog gets caught on something while running, it runs the risk of tearing off a claw. As a result, bleeding and pain may develop.

It should be borne in mind that pets that spend a lot of time moving on hard surfaces, such as asphalt, are less likely to need treatment of their nail plates, since they wear down on their own due to the activity of the animal. But this does not apply to dewclaws, which do not contact the surface of the ground and require claw trimming.

Preparing for a haircut and performing it

Before the procedure, you should prepare the tools and materials that may be needed during the procedure:

  • nail clipper for dogs (guillotine type for small breeds and with a sickle-shaped blade for large dogs with thick claws);
  • a nail file to remove nicks on the cut of the nail plate;
  • means for treating the wound in case of accidental damage to the pulp - hydrogen peroxide, iodine, potassium permanganate solution;
  • hemostatic agent - cotton wool, alum pencil, wheat flour or talc.

Let's consider how to trim nails correctly so that the dog does not feel pain and discomfort and is not afraid of this procedure in the future. First of all, it is recommended to gradually accustom your four-legged friend to the nail clipper. To do this, while communicating and playing with the puppy, you can take out the instrument and click it periodically so that the baby is not frightened by the sight of an unusual object and the sound it makes. To reinforce a positive attitude towards the nail clipper, it is advisable to give the puppy some kind of treat at these moments.

Regular nail clippers cannot be used as they split the nail plate, causing pain and discomfort for the animal. For these purposes, a nail clipper is used - special scissors that allow you to correctly trim the sharp part of the nail plate without damaging the pulp. Before trimming your dog’s nails at home, you should prepare the surface for a comfortable position for your pet. It is desirable that it rises somewhat above the floor surface and is not slippery.

Executing the procedure

It will be easier for you to cope with the task if one of the family members supports the dog’s head. It is very important to talk to him, establishing contact and convincing him that you will not hurt him. If your four-legged pet is afraid of the procedure and, no matter how hard you try to trim the dog’s nails carefully, breaks out and doesn’t want to stand still, you can try to interest him with a tasty treat.

While he is enjoying himself, forgetting about the unpleasant events, lift his paw and locate the pulp by probing the claw with your finger. On clean light claws it is clearly visible. The tip should be cut off at least 2 mm from the border of the sensitive area. How to trim black claws: you need to act as carefully as possible, cutting off small pieces at a time. Press the finger pads to straighten the claw, move the cutting surfaces of the nail clipper to its bottom and cut the tip at an angle of 45°.

At the end of the procedure, treat each trimmed claw with a sanding file. Additionally, you can use scissors with rounded ends to trim the fur between the toes of the paws, where dirt and germs often accumulate. It is recommended to soak the paws in a salt bath or, if there is irritation and redness on the skin, in a decoction of chamomile.

What to do if bleeding occurs

The length of the claw on different fingers differs and with a lack of experience, bleeding may occur due to accidental damage to the pulp. The dog experiences pain at this moment, begins to escape from the hands and avoids continuing to trim its nails. In this case, you need to lubricate the wound with iodine or hydrogen peroxide. Then apply a cotton pad soaked in a solution of potassium permanganate for 30 seconds.

Instead of treating with potassium permanganate, a layer of flour or talcum powder can be applied to the bleeding surface. Such measures are necessary to prevent wound infection. They should be carried out despite the animal’s resistance. Make sure that no water gets into the damaged area. To relieve stress, feed your pet his favorite food, give him more attention and affection.

If you have doubts about correctly performing claw trimming on your own, it is better to entrust this procedure to experienced veterinary clinic staff. When preparing your pet for an exhibition, the haircut should be done two or three days before the planned event. This will allow him to recover in the event of a cut accompanied by temporary lameness.

In contact with

A dog's claws wear down naturally on asphalt and other hard surfaces. However, not all pets walk outside for a sufficient amount of time; in winter the ground is covered with snow, in addition, the animal has dewclaws that cannot wear down sufficiently on their own. That is why the pet owner must carry out the nail trimming procedure. To do this, you need to know how to properly trim a dog’s nails at home and not cause it pain.

The animal must be accustomed to the procedure when it is still a puppy. This will make it easier for the dog to get used to it, and in the future, when trimming the nail plate, it will behave cheerfully and relaxed. Some difficulties may arise if you are cutting the nails of an adult dog for the first time. In such cases, he may break out and whine pitifully.

There are some rules for trimming a dog’s nails to reduce discomfort:

  • You need to carefully examine the dog's paws; if hair grows between the toes, it should first be cut off with scissors with rounded tips to free access to the nails. Additionally, these extra hairs are where dirt accumulates, so removing hair from the paw pads will reduce the chance of infection.
  • The dog's claw consists of two parts - a strong outer shell and an inner sensitive pulp, which consists of blood vessels and nerve endings. If the pulp is damaged, bleeding will begin. Therefore, you need to carefully consider where the sensitive area begins so as not to cause pain to the animal. The location of the pulp is much more visible on white transparent claws; in the case of black claws, you may need to contact a veterinarian for the first procedure.
  • It will be easier to trim the hard part of the nail if you do the trimming immediately after washing your paws.
  • The owner must remain calm and speak kindly to the animal.
  • It is easier to carry out the procedure if the dog lies on an elevated surface. If the animal is lying on the floor, an assistant may be required to firmly grasp the animal's neck and support its paw. Sometimes pet owners have difficulty trimming their dog's hind paw nails. To do this, you will need to lay the animal on its side, and to facilitate access to the claws, you can press on the pad of your fingers.

During the procedure, you need to carefully examine the dog’s paws; if cracks, calluses, or minor damage are detected, hygienic treatment of the damaged surfaces should be carried out.

The importance of the process

A dog's long nails can grow into the skin, causing pain and wounds. Such injuries pose a potential danger, because there is a risk of infection during a walk and further suppuration of the paw.

Too long nail plates often break, and they also affect the dog's gait. An animal with long claws has to place its paws crookedly, which affects the condition of the joints and ligaments. The most dangerous consequences of untimely cutting of nails are blood poisoning or skeletal distortion.

But the pet’s long claws also pose a danger to the owner. A dog can involuntarily injure a person or damage furniture or carpeting in the house. That is why, as soon as you hear the clicking of paws while the dog is moving around the apartment, you should carry out a hygiene procedure.

How often will you need to trim your dog's nails at home? Adult dogs need trimming every 4 weeks; for puppies this period can be extended to 6 weeks.


To properly trim a dog’s nails, you need to prepare the necessary tools and medications in advance. The set should consist of the following elements:

  1. Claw clippers. Ordinary scissors cannot be used; they can injure the nail plate. You should take care in advance of a special tool that is sold in pet stores. There are two types of nail clippers: the first resemble wire cutters with sharp blades, and the second look like guillotines with holes where the claw to be trimmed is inserted. For large breed dogs with hard nail plates, it is better to purchase nail clippers in the form of nippers; in all other cases, you can use any device at your discretion.
  2. Nail file.
  3. Hemostatic agents - baby powder or flour.
  4. Antiseptic – iodine, peroxide, potassium permanganate.
  5. Cotton pads for treating wounds.

The owner needs to prepare the dog’s favorite treat in advance. It will help distract the animal’s attention during the procedure and will be a pleasant reward upon completion of the process.

An important nuance is to be patient and choose the best time for a haircut. It is optimal if the dog has just eaten or returned home after a long walk. In this state, he will not be able to actively resist your actions.

Stages of the procedure

To properly trim your dog's nails, you need to use the following instructions:

  1. Carefully examine your pet's nails and determine the location of the cut. It is optimal if the distance to the pulp is at least 2 mm.
  2. If the beginning of the sensitive area is not visible, you should start trimming the nail plate starting from the very tip.
  3. Take the dog's paw in your hand and hold it securely.
  4. Position the nail clipper at a 45 degree angle and carefully make the cut.
  5. File your nails to a smooth surface to prevent them from splitting.
  6. Praise and reward your pet with a treat.

Some animals find it difficult to remain motionless for long periods of time. In such cases, the pet will need to be given a break to recuperate. Each time you will be able to cut more and more nails and eventually the entire procedure can be performed in one go.

Treatment of wounds

If you accidentally touch the pulp and bleeding begins, you should calm the animal and then treat the wound:

  1. Wash the damaged area with hydrogen peroxide or iodine.
  2. Apply a weak solution of potassium permanganate to a cotton pad or piece of gauze and apply to the wound. Hold for at least a minute.
  3. Press the powder onto the tip of the nail and hold until the bleeding stops completely.

It is advisable to keep the dog away from water on this day so that it does not introduce an infection into a fresh wound.

If nails are trimmed regularly, the pulp gradually retreats, which simplifies the process and reduces the likelihood of injury to the animal. Sometimes the pet is given a sedative before the procedure or if there is serious damage to sensitive tissue. A veterinarian should prescribe such drugs.

The article focuses only on current issues that are directly related to cutting dog nails, because this is a real problem that everyone who has a four-legged pet in an apartment or private house faces.

No less interesting will be the information collected in other thematic sections of this project, since it provides answers to the basic questions of those who breed or who have puppies of different breeds at home.

Is it necessary and possible to cut a dog’s nails if they are black and very long?

If the claws are black, you can see the claw bed by placing the dog down and shining a lamp on the claws from below to see the location of the blood vessels. Long claws are dangerous not only for humans, but also for dogs.

Is it possible to trim a dog’s nails to the root, does it hurt or not?

Under no circumstances should nails be cut to the root, so as not to damage the blood vessels; cutting to the root is very painful for the animal.

How to trim a dog’s nails at home and what to use if it doesn’t give in, it breaks out, bites, so that it doesn’t bite

Trim with special nippers (trimmer), if the dog is calm about the procedure, hold the paw firmly. If she breaks out or bites, you need an assistant to help hold her and put on a muzzle.

How to trim a dog's nails without a nail clipper, with a guillotine, on the hind legs, with a nail clipper, with regular scissors, with wire cutters, step by step instructions

The guillotine is suitable for thick nails and cuts faster. If the claws are thin, you can use regular scissors or nippers. Before you start, prepare a place so that there are no distractions. Next, carefully take each finger in your hand and trim the nail.

How to cut your dog's nails with dog pruners yourself

It is very important to trim so as not to damage the pulp. Hold the paw gently but firmly during the procedure. Talk to your pet so that he doesn’t get nervous.

Dog nail trimming, cost of service and where to order, at home

Many pet salons offer dog nail trimming services at home. The cost varies from 200 rubles. Depending on the breed.

How to trim the nails of a large breed, large and small breed dog

A small dog is easier to trim and easier to hold. There may be problems with a large one, in such cases there should be an assistant and a muzzle. If the dog knows the commands, it will sit and wait for the end calmly.

Trimming dog nails: how to stop bleeding if it starts

If it so happens that you inadvertently touched the claw bed and blood began to flow. You can stop it with 3% hydrogen peroxide, then, if necessary, treat the area around the wound with iodine.