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How to properly feed a German Shepherd puppy. How to feed a German Shepherd correctly - choosing the right diet How to cook porridge for a German Shepherd

The nutrition of German Shepherds must be taken very seriously, especially if you are the proud owner of a very small puppy. Only with a properly selected diet will your pet grow energetic and healthy, develop correctly and cause a minimum of problems.

German Shepherd puppy - the basis of the diet

In order for a small puppy to develop into a strong, healthy dog, he needs proper nutrition from the very beginning of his life. Like most newborn animals, a shepherd dog needs breast milk from birth, so when choosing a pet you should give preference to those that have already weaned themselves from a wet nurse. If you got a dog when it was still very small, you will have to feed it yourself. In this case, feeding a German Shepherd puppy should be according to the following principles:

Regarding what to feed a German Shepherd puppy, there can be two options - traditional, natural food or ready-made food (dry, canned). Each of these options has its own advantages. If you take ready-made food, you will no longer need to think through the menu and spend time preparing food. However, such feeds are not always balanced, especially for cheap ones. As for quality ones, they can meet the needs of the dog, but their cost is quite high.

When feeding your pet natural food, you will know exactly what he eats. In addition, real meat cannot be replaced by any, even the highest quality food. The main disadvantage of this type of nutrition is the time required.

The owner of a shepherd dog must carefully ensure that his pet receives all the necessary substances from food. Proteins should take up about thirty percent of the daily value. A dog needs about 16 grams of fat per kilogram of live weight, and 2.5 grams of fat.

It is important to monitor the amount of calcium in your shepherd’s diet. Since its excess in this particular breed can cause developmental pathologies. For this reason, puppies should not be given vitamins containing calcium. An excess of D is also undesirable.

It is important to remember that shepherd dogs that eat food need more water than those that eat natural food. Therefore, make sure that your dog’s bowl is always filled with water. If you decide to transfer your pet to regular food or, conversely, from natural food to dry food, it must be done smoothly (the transition should take at least a week).

Those who are concerned about the question of how to feed a German shepherd with natural food can be advised to do so. according to the following scheme:

  • 1/3 of the daily food volume – meat. It can be given fresh, scalded or boiled. Once a week it can be replaced with fish.
  • 1/3 of the daily food volume – dairy products and vegetables. In adult shepherds, whole milk often causes diarrhea. If your pet reacts negatively to it, it is better to exclude this product.
  • 1/3 of the daily food volume – porridge. First of all, you should pay attention to buckwheat, millet and rice.

Before talking about feeding, the owner of the puppy will have to make a choice regarding the form of food. You can cook food yourself, while the content will come out many times cheaper than when using purchased formulations. However, natural food requires time and attention to detail so that the pet grows up healthy and receives all the necessary trace elements and vitamins. If we talk about ready-made foods, the manufacturer took into account the age characteristics of the puppies, included the necessary minerals, you just have to pour food into a bowl.

  1. Always ensure the cleanliness of the dishes from which you feed your pet.
  2. Change the water every 3 hours in the summer and every 5 hours in the winter.
  3. After finishing the meal, wipe the puppy's face with a paper napkin or towel.
  4. In the first month of the puppy's stay in a new place, be close to him during meals. Watch the location of the pet, adjust the height of the bowl according to its features.
  5. The food you feed your dog should not be too hot. The best option is room temperature. To properly check the mode, dip your ring finger in the middle of a bowl of food. If you feel hot, leave the food to cool.
  6. Make a strict meal schedule, meals should take place strictly at the same time. Otherwise, the puppy will have problems sleeping, lethargy, and growth will slow down.
  7. There are times when a pet refuses to eat for unknown reasons. In such situations, remove the bowl from the puppy's field of vision, offer him to eat after 30-40 minutes.
  8. Food for German Shepherd puppies should not be too dry or, on the contrary, liquid. Prepare food so that it has a consistency similar to sour cream.
  9. Experienced German Shepherd owners unanimously insist that feeding the puppy should be done after an intense walk. It makes sense to listen to them.
  10. To prevent your pet's digestion from being disrupted, monitor its food hygiene. If possible, let your dog rest for 1.5-2 hours after eating.

The right choice of dishes

  1. First of all, you need to take care of your pet's bowl. It can be clay, metal, ceramic, plastic. The last option should be excluded; dishes of this kind fidget on the floor, not giving the pet the opportunity to eat normally.
  2. Small puppies often have loose legs, especially for those living in an apartment. Organize the feeding area based on the floor covering. If your home has laminate or linoleum, place a non-slip mat under your puppy's bowl. It can be fabric or silicone.
  3. It is known that at the age of up to one year, the puppy’s skeleton is just forming, as a result of which the frame is extremely fragile. For this reason, you need to place the bowl so that it is located at the level of your pet's neck or chest. Otherwise, during the period of growth, the puppy will constantly bend over, which will entail a curvature of the spine, a high raised croup, weak bones of the front legs and chest, problems with swallowing and digestive activity. You can adjust the height of the container using special stands, which are sold in all pet stores.

Features of the diet of puppies

Two-month-old puppies need to be fed 5-6 times a day with an interval of 3-4 hours. For pets that have reached 3-5 months, it is enough to feed them 4 times a day. From 6 months to one year, the dog is fed 3 times a day. After this age, it is necessary to transfer the animal to two meals a day - morning and evening.

Age: 1 month

As a rule, puppies are sold 40-45 days after birth. During this period, the animal's diet includes dairy products (in particular, yogurt, milk and cottage cheese), several types of meat, oatmeal and rice.

At this age, puppies have rapid metabolism and a relatively small stomach. For this reason, portions should be small (250 g), but substantial. As mentioned earlier, feeding should be done every 3-4 hours.

Make sure that the puppy receives meat twice a day. It can be raw beef, cut into pieces, or chicken. Both products contain the optimal ratio of BZHU, due to which the pet will begin to grow before our eyes.

You can also give boiled meat, but it contains less enzymes than raw meat. It is recommended to give boiled beef or chicken in cases where the puppy has stool upset or general malaise associated with digestion. To properly prepare a meal based on boiled meat, cook oatmeal or rice porridge, cool it, and crumble the meat. Dilute a little with water, if the mixture is thick, check the temperature and give it to the puppy.

It is strictly forbidden to mix meat porridge with milk. The recommendation is relevant because after milk is digested, casein is produced, which slows down the absorption of nutrients by the stomach. In this case, the meat must be mixed with round grain rice or oatmeal, but not with semolina.

Cottage cheese should be given for breakfast, but not in dry form, otherwise the pet will choke. Mix 200 gr. product with kefir or yogurt, add a raw chicken egg. By and large, puppies refuse such food, but they need it. Therefore, train your pet immediately, do not fall for tricks if he suddenly decides to refuse to eat.

You can make cottage cheese with your own hands from kefir. Second option: mix fermented baked milk with raw eggs and pour into boiling milk. No one will definitely refuse such a delicacy; the dairy product turns out aromatic and tender.

Age: 2-3 months

The digestion of dogs at this age is already adapted to plant fiber and protein without any consequences. It's time to add natural oils and vegetables to the diet, so that in addition to porridge, cottage cheese and meat, your pet receives other minerals. Portions should be 300-350 grams, feeding frequency - 4 times a day.

  1. Add a teaspoon of olive or sunflower oil to meat porridge once a day. Periodically feed your puppy boiled carrots between meals. It is worth considering that chicken eggs should be given no more than 3 times a week. Cottage cheese, porridge, meat - no changes.
  2. In the summer, focus on fresh fruit; many “Germans” have a passion for watermelons, melons, peaches and apples. Pamper your pet with treats 2 times a day. Watch your stool, if there are negative consequences, reduce your fruit consumption and give boiled chicken with rice porridge.
  3. At this age, the puppy can already be given large marrow bones so that he develops his jaw and grinds his teeth. If you keep a pet in an apartment, it is enough to pre-weld the bone. For animals with access to the local area, it is better to choose a raw option.

Age: 4-5 months

Starting from this period, the puppy needs to develop ligaments and joints. Also at this stage, there is a change of teeth, as a result of which the basis of the diet should be foods rich in calcium. The dog is still fed 4 times a day, keeping the serving size to 300-400 g.

  1. The change of teeth weakens the cartilage tissue, so the pet's ears may not rise. To promote full development, add collagen to your food. It can be found in confectionery gelatin or topical food supplements (for dogs).
  2. At four months of age, puppies are intensively developing their skeleton, in particular their posture. To help the body and lay the foundation for full development, gradually introduce chondoprotectors into your food. They are sold in pet stores, the main thing is to strictly follow the instructions and do not increase the quantity without permission. An alternative to the drug is Arthra, which can be purchased at a pharmacy.
  3. As for the basic nutrition, it remains the same (cottage cheese, meat, porridge, vegetables and fruits). However, now you need to feed the puppy not boiled meat, but beef tenderloin from the head. It contains a large amount of gelatin, which has a beneficial effect on the formation of the skeleton.
  4. You can prepare broth based on beef, veal, chicken, and then season meat porridge with it. But you shouldn’t make it too rich, so as not to burden the pancreas. The broth can be replaced with edible gelatin: dissolve it in water and stir into food (cottage cheese, porridge, mixed vegetables).
  5. To help speed up the replacement of baby teeth with molars, give your pet brain bones. It is also worth focusing on calcined additives marked “puppy”; pet stores sell a special series for German shepherds. If you have difficulty choosing, consult your veterinarian.

Age: 6-12 months

Once the puppy reaches six months of age, you can prepare porridge not only from pure meat, but also from offal (heart, liver, stomach). You should not give your dog thin bones; strong teeth will easily gnaw them, and the fragments will fall into the esophagus. Puppies 6-12 months old should have three meals a day, serving sizes vary from 350 to 450 g.

  1. At the same time, every month you need to reduce the amount of cottage cheese eaten for breakfast, and at the same time increase the amount of meat. If you are a cable owner, remove milk from your puppy's diet completely. In the case of females, the product is given daily.
  2. At this stage, the puppy’s owner needs to add active minerals, chondroprotectors, calcium and other vitamins, based on the weight and age of the pet. Don’t forget about vegetables and fruits; feed them to your puppy between main meals.
  3. To diversify your diet with cereals as much as possible, you can add buckwheat, millet, and millet to the existing rice and oatmeal. Combine them with each other, mix in raw or boiled meat/offal. Break a raw egg (sometimes a chicken egg can be replaced with a quail egg, doubling the quantity).
  4. It is allowed to give the puppy sea or river fish 2 times a week. However, these days you should not feed your pet meat. You should not overuse fish, as its composition destroys vitamin B in the dog’s body, which leads to digestive difficulties and stunted growth.

The basis of feeding a German Shepherd puppy is considered to be meat, cereals (except semolina), fresh or boiled vegetables and fruits. Don’t forget to pamper your pet with marrow bones, add food additives, gelatin, and calcium. Choose the right bowl and adjust the height of the stand. Follow a meal schedule, increase portions based on age, and walk more in the fresh air.

Video: training a German Shepherd puppy

How you feed your dog determines its appearance, performance and life expectancy. Even though there is a wealth of information available today, many owners make the same mistakes. They pour out the leftover borscht for their pets, and offer bones or sweets for dessert. Stop, you are just slowly killing the animal. Before your furry pet crosses the threshold of your home, be sure to consult a veterinarian. He will tell you that the dog cannot eat liquid soups; only fresh thick porridge with meat is an acceptable diet.


Many owners, having learned about this, rush to make another mistake. They buy fatty trimmings from the market, which often have not undergone any sanitary control, as well as the cheapest cereals. These are pearl barley, egg and millet. Everything seems to be correct, but the pet continues to get sick. What is the problem? In this case, the dog’s body is overloaded with fats, the liver suffers, as well as the gastrointestinal tract, since these are not absorbed at all. Let's take a closer look at this point. Today we want to tell you what cereals can be given to dogs.

Do no harm

In fact, the answer to this question is further complicated by the fact that any breed, moreover, each of its representatives, is unique. Therefore, when talking about what cereals can be given to dogs, it is necessary to take this aspect into account. Often veterinarians simplify the diagram so that the owner can understand everything in general. Then they rely on the classical theory of raising carnivorous dogs. It is also used by developers of ready-made food. That is, the cereals in the diet should include rice (brown, in larger quantities) and buckwheat (respectively, in smaller quantities). But owners always think that this is too meager a diet that does not meet their pet’s needs for proteins, fats and carbohydrates.


You can’t talk about what cereals can be given to dogs without knowing the composition of the food. Therefore, I will dwell a little on the characteristics of the product. Rice cereal contains large amounts of starch, sodium and phosphorus. This is a plus and a minus, we can overload the body with simple carbohydrates, which is not entirely correct. Therefore, we buy only brown rice and do not boil it to the point of porridge. Speaking about what cereals can be given to dogs, I would like to mention that any chopped grain is much inferior to the kernel, so it is better to pay a little more. Rice cereal provides the effect of enveloping the intestines; it can be prepared in a mixture with buckwheat or vegetables. This is an excellent dietary food.

Buckwheat is an ideal option for large breeds. In some cases, allergies may occur, but not too often. If your pet tolerates buckwheat normally, then it should become a regular guest in the diet. Ask any veterinarian what grains can be given to dogs, German shepherds, and he will probably name this first. It is an ideal source of protein, potassium and magnesium, iron and phosphorus, which is absorbed with amazing ease.

Corn grits are used quite rarely in pet diets. It is digested worse than other cereals, but contains useful microelements and inhibits the development of putrefactive processes in the intestines. Be sure to soak the grains before cooking. It is suitable for feeding an adult, but is not suitable for every day. Bread and crackers contribute to rapid weight gain, so these products can only be used as a treat.

How to cook porridge

It is prepared exclusively on water. The meat should be cooked in another pan, and the ingredients should be mixed before serving. It is not advisable to use broths; this is a big burden on the liver. Be sure to add salt to your food. Excess and deficiency of this element lead to paralysis of the hind limbs. You need to add salt in the same way as you would for yourself. Be sure to include unrefined vegetable oil in your diet. It is best to use mixtures of several cereals, since, for example, rice alone cannot be given to an animal, it washes calcium out of the body. In winter, add a tablespoon of bran before removing the pot of porridge from the heat; this is a source of B vitamins. You can add chopped fruits and vegetables, as well as fermented milk products, to the cooled feed mixture.

Correct ratio

Large dog breeds require a large amount of energy, so you need to pay special attention to nutrition. It is very important to know what cereals can be given to dogs and shepherds, because they are predisposed to volvulus. Oatmeal and barley groats cause stomach upset, so they can only be given in a mixture with wheat or buckwheat groats. Uncrushed wheat and pearl barley cause severe flatulence. Once a week you can give Hercules flakes, which must first be filled with low-fat broth and left for 10-15 minutes to swell.

Porridge should not prevail. Ideally, there should be 60% meat and 40% side dish. However, these percentages may also include vegetables: grated carrots mixed with any fat, raw beets, cabbage and zucchini.

Feeding the smallest pets

Another important question is what cereals can be given to small breed dogs. The baby cannot eat a lot, so it is necessary to select foods carefully. Eliminate legumes, wheat and corn grits. It is very important to boil them well, this will avoid indigestion. A small dog does not require a lot of food. Often in veterinary clinics the question is raised about what cereals can be given to York dogs?

Choose buckwheat or rice, which can be alternated with each other. For a tiny stomach, these cereals will not be too much of a burden and at the same time provide the body with a sufficient amount of protein and nutrients. For an adult animal weighing up to 2 kg, you will need 1 tablespoon of finely chopped meat, and a similar amount of porridge. Experts advise preparing small “hedgehogs”. To do this, boil the cereal, preferably take the core, in clean water. Then complement it with low-fat minced meat, grated carrots and a raw egg. Balls are formed from this and boiled in water for 25 minutes. For an adult dog (2 kg) you will need a “hedgehog” the size of a small apple.

Chihuahua food

This is also a fairly popular topic. The principle of nutrition is the same as for all babies. It also doesn’t make much sense to dwell separately on the topic of what cereals can be given to Chihuahua dogs, because the recommendations are common to everyone. Some veterinarians, however, advise completely avoiding cereals if you have these funny creatures. The basis of the diet can be vegetables (except potatoes) and fruits, as well as meat.

In any case, everything is very individual. General recommendations can be taken into account, but you should definitely consult a doctor about feeding your unique pet. Are useful Yes, no doubt, but they should not become the basis of the diet. A predator needs meat, even if it itself is the size of a small rabbit.

To raise a healthy puppy, the dog owner must take responsibility. At first, the new owner may be afraid to harm the pet, but after a couple of weeks or months, the experience of feeding the dog appears, and the fear disappears. A grown puppy evokes positive emotions, but in order to raise a powerful, healthy and strong friend, it is necessary to provide him with good nutrition.

Puppy and teenager - a dog under the age of 1 year. During this period, the pet is actively growing, so it needs a lot of vitamins and calcium. To know how to feed, it is important to be sure that you know the age of the animal: you need to feed carefully. And introduce new foods into your diet little by little.

A German Shepherd's diet should consist of animal proteins.

Physically, the shepherd develops until the age of three years. At the same time, growth at the withers does not change, but the skeleton expands, muscle mass gains, and the color of the coat changes slightly. After 1 year, the pet does not need an abundance of fats, carbohydrates, but proteins and vitamins are important.


  • Feeding a shepherd dog under 3 years of age must be rational.
  • At 3-6 years old, the diet may become more monotonous. At this time, the dog already has favorite foods, and some new food is not so important.
  • A pregnant female needs a varied diet. Be sure to give her vitamins during pregnancy and during the recovery period.
  • It is important for older pets to carry out disease prevention, paying special attention to the state of the musculoskeletal system. To stimulate the process of regeneration and renewal of bones and cartilage, you need to give your pet drugs with chondroprotectors.

IMPORTANT: Add protein, potassium, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, and vitamins to your senior dog's menu.

Intensity of loads and temperament

A dog cannot be fed only meat; the shepherd's menu should be varied.

The diet directly depends on the dog’s lifestyle.

It is also necessary to take into account the pet's temperament:

  • energetic and "live" choleric shepherd dogs need energy to move, so the amount of carbohydrates in their diet should be slightly above average;
  • positive and sociable sanguine dogs need less fat and protein;
  • melancholic people need proteins and carbohydrates that are quickly absorbed.

Physical activity is a separate issue. In winter, dogs living in an apartment tend to walk less, so it is important to reduce the calorie content of products. If your dog is stressed, you need to strengthen your diet. If a dog guards a house or object in winter, then the amount of food is increased.

What to feed a German Shepherd puppy

If you overfeed your puppy, he will develop unnecessary fat. Therefore, it is necessary that the portions contain a minimum of fat, and the food should be within the normal weight range.

A German Shepherd should be given a limited amount of calcium because... overdose leads to mutations or complications. You should check with your veterinarian about the amount of calcium you need for your dog.

IMPORTANT: Feed your dog at the same time. The deviation from the schedule is up to half an hour. The German Shepherd has a small stomach, so large portions are harmful to health and can cause death.

Food should be warm. It is prohibited to serve hot or cold food. Also, your pet should always have access to a bowl of clean water. It is better when there is a stand that raises the food to chest level (this is necessary for the proper development of the musculoskeletal system).

The puppy's diet should include scalded or frozen meat.

What you should not feed your puppy is:

  • potatoes;
  • legumes;
  • sweets (any confectionery) and chocolate;
  • smoked meats, sausages;
  • salted and pickled foods and spices.

IMPORTANT: Dry food can be fed from three weeks of age. During the same period, introduce new foods for your pet: porridge with milk, dry minced meat, vegetable soup, cottage cheese, kefir.

German Shepherd diet

To properly feed your shepherd, you need to remember that food is energy for the body.

Therefore, you need to consider that your pet’s diet should include:

  • proteins (up to 70%), most of them are of animal origin (but without fat, bones, skin), meat by-products, dairy products, eggs;
  • carbohydrates (up to 40%) are useful because are absorbed for a long time and provide energy over a long period, which is extremely important in the cold season;
  • vitamins, fiber, fruits, vegetables;
  • fats (up to 20-40%).

What to feed an adult German Shepherd: allowed natural foods

It is best to feed your dog natural products. They are better absorbed by the body. The German Shepherd needs to be fed raw and cooked foods. But they often have allergies. Therefore, it is important to introduce new foods gradually.

Healthy to eat:

From time to time, the shepherd dog is given raw moss to clean its teeth.
  • lean (boiled) pork;
  • beef;
  • bird;
  • boiled meat by-products;
  • lean fish without bones;
  • milk can be drunk if diarrhea does not occur;
  • choose fatty cottage cheese;
  • You can give quail or chicken eggs (1-2 times a week, preferably boiled);
  • cereals, cereals;
  • vegetables (any that your pet eats, raw or boiled);
  • fresh potatoes;
  • cabbage - boiled;
  • raw corn;
  • any local fruits (exotics are taboo), but you should eat less plums, peaches, apricots;
  • pumpkin seeds, pine nuts, sometimes almonds;
  • from time to time give rowan berries and currants;
  • add vegetable oils and salt (the latter in small doses) to the meat and porridge.

What not to feed a German Shepherd

For the German Shepherd, taboo foods are:

  • harm teeth (with the exception of teeth, they are needed during the period when teeth are changing, as a toy);
  • chocolate and sweets (anything with sweeteners);
  • flour (bread, yeast, pasta);
  • sausages, semi-finished meat products;
  • corn porridge, millet, semolina;
  • legumes (they are neither harmful nor healthy, the exception is peanuts - they are healthy in moderation);
  • raisins, grapes;
  • pistachios, walnuts, acorns;
  • spices.

A German Shepherd's diet should not contain chicken bones, sausages, or spices.

Kidneys and liver can be eaten, but rarely.

How many times to feed a German Shepherd

Until one year old, a dog is considered a puppy. In 1 year the dog will increase in size.

It is important to know how much to feed a pet per day:

  • 30-60 days - 1 glass of food (6 doses);
  • 60-90 days - 1.5 glasses of food (5 meals);
  • 90-120 days - 5 glasses of food (4 doses);
  • 0.5-1 year - 8 glasses of food (3 meals);
  • 1 year - the dog is considered an adult, can eat twice a day.

Which is better: natural or industrial feed?

It is better to feed your dog natural food, dry food. Ready-made food can be stored for a long time and is convenient to take with you on the road. And the pet will need at least food for one meal.

There are several types of feed. They differ in feeding method, composition and price:

What dry food to feed your pet is up to you to decide. But it is better to refuse economy food immediately and not even try it. You can stop your attention on feeds from the Premium + and higher categories (Royal Canin, Nutra Gold, 1st Choice). But veterinarians believe that nothing can be better than natural food.

We offer you to see how the feeding of small German Shepherd puppies in the kennel goes.