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How to become a fairy in real life. How to become real fairies of water, fire and all the forces of nature in real life at home

Who didn't dream of being a fairy as a child? A beautiful, small creature that brings only goodness into the world and is capable of generating magic and magic. Special fairies are endowed with fluttering wings. Any person can turn into them if they really want to. There are such methods of transformation, and we will talk about them...

Some perceive attempts to turn into a fairy in real life as absurd, others claim that they have developed mystical abilities that are endowed with beautiful fluttering creatures. However, today there is a lot of evidence of the supernatural abilities of some people. There are those who can read minds, while others can move objects. Therefore, having incredible will and faith in your own strength, you can easily transform into a fairy with wings. To become a flying fairy, you first need to learn to meditate. To do this, choose a comfortable position, perhaps a lotus, and close your eyes. Concentrate all your thoughts on one desire - that you grow wings. If you perform such manipulations very often, you can really feel the growing wings in reality - the new image will firmly settle in your worldview. The mythical books of antiquity also describe methods of transforming into fairies with transparent wings. The essence of one of the common methods is this: take a small piece of paper and write on it your cherished desire - to become a flying fairy, and then wait for the full moon. Place a glass filled with clean water so that the moon is reflected in the water. At this point, lower the piece of paper into the liquid so that the inscription is completely wet. On such a secret night, the powers of the sky and the witchcraft moon help miracles to happen. Look carefully at the reflection of the moon during the ritual and repeat your wish several times. After the end of the magical action, throw the wet piece of paper out the window and place the glass under the bed - in the morning you will certainly become a fairy with magic wings. Experts on everything mysterious claim that to improve the result, the water for the ritual must be collected from seven different lakes, and the inscriptions on the paper must be made with real ink.

There is also the Old Russian method. To perform it you will need two candles and a mirror. Wait until the sun sets and perform activities in pitch darkness. Place the mirror so that you are reflected in it as much as possible. Place candles on both sides of it and light them. Look carefully at your reflection and repeat the phrase “Tomorrow I will become a fairy” many times.

The last and most down-to-earth way to transform into a fluttering fairy is to make homemade wings! For this you will need:
  • colorless thick film;
  • scissors;
  • paints with brushes;
  • thin belt;
  • needle and thread;
  • hairspray with glitter.

Cut out shapes in the shape of wings from thick film and paint them with different colors. After the paint has completely dried, sew the wings with a cent to the strap and spray with glitter varnish. The wings are ready! Now place the made wings on the windowsill to expose them to daylight. In a week they will become magical.

Remember - you can become a fairy with wings by pursuing only good intentions. By doing good deeds, you will definitely feel like a real sorceress. In addition, others will not be able to see your magical surroundings, because a real fairy flies only at night. If your wings are suddenly stolen, your magical abilities disappear, and you won’t be able to become a sorceress again!

Many people (both children and adults) dream of having all their wishes come true. It just turns out that obstacles always arise in life. How to overcome them? To do this you need to learn magic. You need to study long and hard, to learn all the laws of magic.

There is another way: to become a real fairy. After the ritual, you can gain real magical powers. Below are a few of the most realistic rituals. Only the result depends on the accuracy of their implementation. If the magic doesn’t appear, it means you didn’t remember well and did something wrong.

The ritual that is described below comes from the distant past. With its help, girls or young girls could turn into a real winged fairy. The ritual is carried out only in a small clearing strewn with colorful flowers. You need to stand on its edge, ask the magical powers to accept you. (For example: I want to become a fairy with wings, magical powers, help me.)

Now, dance around the clearing three times. At the same time, you need to imagine that you are already a fairy. It is very important to feel love and kindness. Fairies rejoice at the beauty of each flower, the strength and diversity of life. You need, like a real sorceress, to notice every nuance of the world around you, to experience bliss from the fact that there is such extraordinary beauty around.

Now you need to go to the red flower and sing:

“Scarlet petals, weave into my wings! I fill the red thread with magic and collect the wings!”

Then, to blue, yellow, cyan and violet! You need to ask everyone for strength (as described, in the spell, just change the color).

When you have walked around all the flowers, you need to go to the center of the clearing. If there is a magic wand there, then there are already wings behind your back. Survey the space well. You may not immediately recognize that a twig or match lying in a clearing is your personal magic wand! It could even be a blade of grass or a stalk. Many girls never gain magical powers because they cannot believe what is in front of them! The wings will really appear when you recognize it and pick it up. Unfortunately, this may not work the first time. Do not despair! Try again.

How to become a fairy in 1 second right now?

Every person has magical abilities. You can open them slightly for a while, use them, and then discard them (close them). This is not easy to do, but it is possible. The ritual is performed only in nature. The way the world works is that fairies live among herbs and flowers. So, you need to stand in the open air. Lift your face up. Shout loud and clear:

“Ami dubi yu kur d’ahn!”

If the Sun went behind a cloud, thunder struck or lightning flashed, then you can continue further. This is the most difficult moment. You have called on the forces that should give you magic, to connect you with the egregor. If there is no answer, it means that you are not allowed to access magical powers yet.

For those who heard the answer. You need to squat down. Lower your head down. Sit for a few minutes and count to one hundred. Then rise again to your full height, face up! You need to shout out loud:

It is at this moment that you wish for what you want. If magic has been revealed to you, then everything will come true instantly.

How to become a Winx fairy?

To gain the light magic of the Winx fairy, you need to perform the following ritual. It itself is not complicated, it is difficult to prepare it. The fact is that the Winx fairy is an egregor, energy. To be filled with it (this means becoming a Winx fairy), you need to prove to the egregor that you are worthy of such trust. You remember that the girl in the cartoon was very kind? Before the ritual itself, the target needs to live for a week and feel like she does.

That is, do good deeds, be polite, friendly. Constantly be in high spirits. Notice only good and beautiful things, the actions of other people. Say pleasant, affectionate words to everyone and so on.

If you have prepared enough, then wear white clothes. In addition, you need to find a red decoration: a ribbon, a bow, a hairpin, a stone, beads, and so on. At noon (exactly) go to the mirror and say:

“I am a fairy, I am going through the looking glass! I am a fairy, I bring magic, I give happiness, I fulfill wishes, I have power!”

Your reflection will hand you a magic wand. If it doesn't work out, it means you were poorly prepared. The forces have decided that your mood or thoughts are not good enough.

How to become a fairy of all powers?

There are wizards who know how to control the elements. That is, they control air and earth, water and fire. Among fairies, these are the strongest and most skillful. Only brave people with a strong and kind heart can achieve to join their number. It's done like this.

Take a candle, a stone, a glass of water. Turn on the fan (it's wind). You need to take a burning candle in one hand and a stone in the other. Place a glass of water on your head. Turn your face to the wind and read the spell:

“With my heart and soul I swear to remain faithful to goodness! Subdue your strength! Use it for good! To bring happiness and destroy misfortune, submit to the elements!”

other methods

The next method is the most correct. The fact is that magical rituals are designed to connect a person with magical powers. That is, you call them, and they see if it’s worth contacting you. But the point is that they look not only at those who call them, but at everyone!

If a person is kind, diligent, if his thoughts are filled with happiness and wishes of all the best to those around him, if he cannot offend anyone, only protects and supports everything, then strength comes to him on his own! Even more! A person who is affectionate, kind, and knows no evil is attracted to the most powerful forces that can turn the whole world upside down and make it magical.

Therefore, the best way to become a fairy is to live the life of a good wizard. Help everyone and wish them happiness. Don't get angry, don't sulk, don't be offended. Then you won’t even notice how all your desires will begin to come true, as soon as you think about them. You will receive the most powerful support of universal kindness accumulated by all humanity!

As children, children dream of being some kind of hero or character from a cartoon or movie. Today, girls want to become fairies after watching stories with amazing beauties. For children who are distinguished by their special intelligence, kindness and obedience, this is quite possible.

Ways to help you become a fairy:

1. The first method involves writing in beautiful handwriting your desire to become a Fairy on a piece of bright-colored paper. You need to indicate what kind of fairy you want to become, the color of the sheet must match the purpose of the magical fairy. So that you know what color to use, we’ll tell you that the Fairy of Water and Sky is written on a blue background, the Fairy of Love and Fire on a red sheet, the Fairy of Nature and Fauna on a green piece of paper, the Fairy of the Sun on a yellow background, and so on.

After writing your wish, throw the paper out into the wind through the window. To make your dream come true faster, you need to throw a leaf further. Some girls can tear off a piece where the wish is written, swallow it and wash it down with drinking water. Little princesses are not recommended to swallow paper. The ritual is complete, now do not make unnecessary sounds for 60 minutes, a reliable option is to go to bed.

2. The second method involves the sacrament described above; a piece of colored paper will also come in handy. Indicates your dream and element in the same way as the first method. Prepare a plate, mirror and cool water in advance. When everything is written, squeeze the paper and set it on fire. Carefully place the burning paper in a plate and look at its reflection in the mirror. And repeat “I will be a Fairy.” Go to bed right away, and in the morning you will wake up as a Fairy.

3. The third method is to prepare a magic elixir. Fill a beautiful bottle or bottle with water, add 3 pinches of sugar sand and part of the element that you want to possess. Love is a flower petal, Nature is earth, Fire is ashes. To become an air fairy, simply blow into a bottle, and drop dew into a water fairy.

The elixir should last about a week in a cool, secluded place. After 3 days, carefully apply the liquid to the tips of your fingers and the tip of your tongue. The transformation will occur after all actions have been completed.

4. You can also politely ask the fairy about this yourself - this is the fourth method. Look at the desired fairy (sun, moon, trees, fire, water, air, etc.) and call the fairies with a kind word. If they heard a light whisper and a breath of wind, it means they responded.

Try to convince the fairy that you really want to become like her, and your goals are good, you will not abuse the powers of the elements. Then the Fairy will be inspired and help you.

5. The fifth way to become a fairy. On a day when there is a full moon without clouds, smear the nails of your index fingers with fruit toothpaste. Be sure to repeat “I am a Fairy!” 5 times. and sit in silence for one hour. Afterwards, wash off the paste and go to bed, undoubtedly by the morning you will become a fairy.

6. Don't forget to choose your wings, they should be beautiful, transparent and large.

7. Make yourself a magic medallion like a real Fairy. Ideally, a medallion is created from objects that are dear to you: stone, beads, jewelry, chains, feathers, and so on. Don't tell anyone about your medallion, so that it is magical, no one should know about it.

For the Fairy to help you become a Fairy, you must be obedient in life, do noble deeds, not offend your parents and friends, study well, tell the truth, take care of yourself and have positive qualities. Only a true Lady deserves to be a real Fairy.

There are many types of fairies, each with their own characteristics, talents and style. Before you decide to become a fairy, you will need to decide what kind of fairy you want to be. Try to match your personality to one of the existing fairies, this will make the transition faster and easier. Consider all the options and choose the one that suits you best.

  • Perhaps you will fairy earth who loves trees, flowers, plants and forest creatures? She wears earthy tones in her clothes and spends her time in the garden.
  • Perhaps you will become water fairy who loves everything to do with water and spends her time near rivers, lakes and streams, always keeping her feet in the water?
  • Or will you fire fairy who loves warmth and flame, showing passion in everything she does, no matter how big or small it is?
  • Or maybe you will become air fairy who longs for open space and the wind blowing through her hair, whose airy nature is picked up by the wind?
  • Or will you dream fairy, surrounded by mysticism and always wishing good dreams to her friends.
  • Perhaps you will fairy of music, who constantly finds melodies and rhythms in the world around her, be it birds singing in the trees or the breath of the wind between the rocks.
  • Maybe it's worth taking a closer look fairy of light who loves sunlight and can shine brighter than a thousand stars?
  • Or maybe you will be mysterious dark fairy who prefers night to day and dabbles in dark spells?

Choose a name for yourself. The fairy's name should correspond to her essence or the talents she possesses. For example, the “earth fairy” can choose the name “Blink of Grass”, “Sahara”, and so on; "fire fairy" can choose the name "Spark", "Flame"; The "water fairy" may choose "Wave" or "Breeze" as a name.

Create your own fairy dust. What kind of fairy would she be without fairy dust? Your pollen, just like your name, should match your essence and talents and should be completely unique. You can buy glitter from a specialty store to create the base of your pollen, but you will need to add something special to make the pollen look magical.

  • Make sure the shine is fine and not rough. A thick layer of glitter is what you want to avoid. Choose a color that matches your chosen fairy. For example, green is for the fairy of earth, blue is for the fairy of air, lilac is for the fairy of darkness, and so on. Add a little body lotion to seal the effect, just don't add too much or it will start to clump.
  • Then you need to add some things that will indicate your extravaganza. If you decide to become an earth fairy, try decorating yourself with leaves and grass. If you are a water fairy, add sand and shells. If you are a fire fairy, use wood or coals. If you are an air fairy, add some cotton balls or feathers.
  • Shake the fairy dust well to combine all the ingredients. Place it in some kind of bottle, and wear it around your neck as a talisman. The talisman will always be nearby and you can go with it anywhere. Or you can put the pollen in a jar (which you can then decorate) and place it in your room or other safe place.
  • Make your signature unique. A fairy's signature is not the same as an ordinary person's signature. The fairies' signature reflects their essence and the talents they possess.

    • For example, if your magical talent is farming, then your highlight is pansies and other flowers. If you are a water fairy, use shells and seaweed. If you are an air fairy, use a feather. Happened? The signature should be something small, it should reflect your talents and your personality.
    • You can use your distinctive feature. For example, if you grow flowers in your garden, you might want to indicate this in some way on your plants. Or if you bake cookies, it can be used to show credit.
    • For added effect, some leave pieces of the mixture in place of the creation.

    Part 2

    Achieving the appropriate look
    1. Wear light, airy clothing. Magic clothing should be light and airy, it should be made of light fabrics. The choice of color or shade of clothing color, again, will depend on the degree of your enchantment. Earth fairies usually wear clothes in green and brown tones, fire fairies wear red and orange tones, water fairies wear blue and green colors, and dark fairies wear clothes in purple and black tones.

      • Stores that sell costumes for theater, shows, and Halloween have an assortment of various fairy-tale costumes. But, depending on your size and individual preferences, you can make your own suit.
      • If you decide to make your own costume, find your style, buy some accessories and then buy the fabric. You can use different types of fabric - corduroy, tulle, transparent, iridescent fabrics and so on. You can also use dresses and skirts from thrift stores that can be tailored to your body shape.
      • To make a fairy skirt, you can simply take an elastic band or elastic band (the size of your waist or hips, depending on where you will wear it), and then take pieces of tulle or mesh (the length depends on your height), and sew them onto the band . Make sure you have enough layers so that the skirt is not see-through.
      • To wear a skirt, you can simply tie it with a ribbon, but if you are using elastic, you will need to attach the fabric to the elastic with snaps, Velcro, or simply sew on it. To decorate the skirt, you can use flowers, stars, or other accessories.
      • For a fairy top, you can make your own, or find a shirt (that can be tailored to your body) from the Renaissance, or something that isn't too heavy or tight.
    2. You should have long, healthy hair. Fairies are renowned for their stunning flowing locks, so taking care of your hair is a priority. Hair color doesn't matter, fairies are all individual! The most important thing is that your hair is in good condition. To do this, moisturize your hair with hair conditioner, drink plenty of water and periodically make homemade hair masks.

      • In terms of style, most fairies grow their hair long, sometimes below the waist if possible. Never tie your hair up, let it fall down your back. However, if you have short hair, you can style it too!
      • Create a perm or a few small curls, just to frame your face. For this purpose, you can use a curling iron, iron, curlers or curl your hair into curls. Alternatively, you can make your hair wavy for a more natural look.
      • Fairies should not be obsessed with keeping their hair in perfect condition. They have better things to do than think about their hair! After all the adventures, you may notice the remains of branches or flowers in the fairy’s hair, and this is not scary at all!
    3. The skin should be radiant. A fairy should have perfect, glowing skin, take care of it. Wash your face twice a day (no more and no less) and moisturize it with a brightening cream. Mask pimples and enlarged pores with cortisone cream. Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables and drink 6 to 8 glasses of water per day.

      • When it comes to fairy makeup, you need to use a reflective foundation or powder that will add a healthy color and glow to your skin. Use a light shade across the cheekbone and under the brow bone to add extra definition. And if you really want to make your face glow, add a little glitter to your cheeks, the effect will be amazing!
      • To accentuate your fairy look, you can use other makeup products, including light pink blush, lip gloss, some mascara (only for the top lashes), and some eye shadow that matches your fairytale look and outfit.
    4. Pick up some magical accessories. As mentioned earlier, fairies aren't too concerned with their appearance, so you don't need to spend too much on accessories. However, a few simple details here and there can really add a little charm to your outfit and help you feel like a real fairy.

      • Everyone knows that fairies can fly on wings like graceful butterflies. You can buy fairy wings from a Halloween costume store or make your own wings using wire and colored stockings. You can find out how to make wings. Don't worry about having to wear wings all the time, fairies often hide their wings when they get "big", so if you go without wings it won't be a problem.
      • Do you want to become a fairy with a crown? Easily! Take a hoop equal to the circumference of your head and glue artificial butterflies and/or flowers to it. You can also take several hairpins and glue artificial flowers to them. Attach flower pins in your hair into a beautiful hairstyle. Alternatively, to create a simple, natural, earthy look, you can wear a wreath of daisies.
      • Not all fairies have wands, but some use them to cast magical spells, especially dark fairies. Sticks can be either purchased or made yourself. They can be made using a branch from the garden; You can also use any thin, long, straight piece of plastic. Attach ribbons or other decorations to the stick, basically whatever you deem necessary. Use your imagination!
      • Most fairies are very old, but time has no power over these magical creatures. However, the jewelry they wear is very old. At vintage or consignment stores, you can find antique jewelry, especially bracelets or medallion necklaces. It’s okay if the stones are large, they will also work on your look - especially if they match the color of the rest of your accessories. For example, the sleep fairy will use moonstones, the water fairy will use pearls, the fire fairy will use ruby, the earth fairy will use jade, and so on.
    5. Find a unique scent. Part of the fairy image is having its own unique fairy-tale scent. Therefore, depending on what type of fairy you are, you need to use the appropriate perfume. You can simply buy the right perfume if you like it, but it’s better to create your own scent.

      • Consider purchasing a perfume set with different oils that you can mix to create your own unique scent. You can also buy natural essential oils, which are sold in most health food stores, and dilute them with water in a spray bottle. Add a little sparkle to liven up the perfume.
      • Some popular scents often include: floral scents such as jasmine, lavender, chamomile, rose and geranium; fruit aromas such as lemon, grapefruit, tangerine; spicy aromas such as cinnamon, nutmeg, cardamom and cloves; earthy scents such as vetiver, cedar and eucalyptus.
      • Again, choose a scent that matches your fairy type. For the earth fairy, choose floral, fruity or herbal scents. For the water fairy, choose a rainy, fresh scent. For the fire fairy, choose a spicy scent. For an air fairy, choose a cotton, windy or mountain scent.

    Part 3

    Appropriate Behavior
    1. Smile more often. Fairies are happy, cheerful creatures who always have a mischievous twinkle in their eyes. A smile should never leave your face - you are a fairy, be it a kind smile, a mischievous grin or a dreamy half-smile.

      • You don't have to walk around and constantly shine, but when communicating with people you should always smile, as this will help make you more attractive, at the same time adding mystery and mystery.
    2. Do good deeds. Fairies, these cheerful and mischievous creatures, have hearts of gold and help any creature. Good deeds can be done in any area of ​​everyday life: you can wash a mountain of dirty dishes, or take care of the elderly in a nursing home.

      • Keep in mind that fairies often perform good deeds anonymously, they do not do them for the sake of praise. It's enough for them to know that they made someone's day a little happier.
    3. Spend more time outdoors. It doesn't matter what type of fairy you are: a fairy of fire, water, sleep, or even a dark fairy - all fairies are connected to the earth and nature. It is important for fairies to spend a lot of time outdoors; It is important for them to feel how the grass rustles under their feet, and how the wind plays with their hair.

      • As a fairy, you should feel a deep connection with nature and enjoy time spent in nature, frolicking in the fresh air, and appreciating the sights, sounds and smells of the earth. Try picking bouquets of wildflowers, climbing trees, or practicing birdsong.
    4. Sing, dance and learn to play a musical instrument. All fairies (although primarily musical fairies) love music, singing and dancing. They hear music everywhere: in the singing of birds, in the babbling streams, in the wind rushing through the trees, and even in the crackling of flames. They happily sing ancient chants and lullabies with their gentle, sweet, high-pitched voices.

      • Fairies like to play musical instruments such as: flute, pipe, harp, tambourines, bells and bowron. Learn to play any of these instruments, which will be a worthy activity for any fairy.
    5. Take care of animals. Fairies are very fond of nature, and also feel a deep connection with the diverse fauna of forests and grasslands. They can communicate with them, feel their emotions in a way that humans cannot. Birds, deer, rabbits, frogs, squirrels, mice - they are all friends of fairy tales, so look for them wherever you can.

      • Leave a carrot or juicy lettuce when you pass a rabbit, or help a bird that has fallen with a broken wing. Do whatever you can to help those in need.
      • Fairies are not very fond of cats, because cats are considered to be much closer to witches.
    6. Eat natural foods. Fairies live in nature and enjoy all its gifts. This is reflected in their food choices. They prefer fruits and berries, vegetables and nuts. Because of their connection to animals, they tend to stay away from meat, and accordingly follow a vegetarian diet.

      Decorate your room to reflect your fabulous personality. Create a fairy tale, decorate the room in colors that match your fairy type. Hang a dream catcher and music pendant from the ceiling and place a small fairy figurine on your desk, nightstand, dressing table or windowsill. Hang a canopy over your bed to protect you while you sleep. Keep a supply of fairy dust somewhere safe, such as high on a shelf or in a locked desk drawer.

    7. You can attract the attention of other fairies by planting the above mentioned flowers in your garden. Guests can also be attracted by the wonderful aromas of homemade baked goods, soap bubbles in the sky - yes, yes, blow bubbles, fairies love them - or invite fairies into your garden where they can have a wonderful time.
    8. But most likely, you just need to behave in everyday life like a real fairy. Do good things for others, connect with nature, and open your heart. If you do all these things, other fairies will be able to sense a kindred spirit in you, and you won't have to try too hard to get their attention.
    • Even though you cannot fly, you can sense magic and mysticism. When you believe that you are a fairy, you will find yourself in your magical world and feel when something strange happens. A chill running down my spine. The feeling that someone is watching you. And elusive clues in the form of light laughter, dancing, whirling in the wind.
    • Every fairy should radiate love and peace. Be strong willed. Don't let others put you down. Be happy always and everywhere!
    • You can become one of the fairies described in this article, or create your own image. Don't limit yourself.
    • Before you is a large selection of fairy images, any of which you can “try on” for yourself. If none of the looks suit you, create a style that you like.
    • Don't worry about not being able to fly. Not all fairies can fly; There are different types of fairies, and each type has its own abilities.

    How to become a fairy with wings? There are simple and safe rituals that will help you transform into a magical being with or without wings.

    In the article:

    How to become a fairy with wings for real

    An aspiring sorceress knows that, or any other magical creature, is impossible if there is no faith and desire. You can become a real magician if you really want to. There are different ways to do this with wings.

    Rite of Transformation

    Transformations imply . They decide in advance what they want to become a fairy of - desires, flowers, various elements, the moon. Then contact the appropriate lady, performing the ritual of summoning the creature.

    If a girl has not decided what abilities she wants to receive, they turn to all the magical creatures of a magical land with a request to bestow abilities. You need to take a mirror and a silver bell. The ritual is performed only on a clear, sunny day.

    You should go to a small clearing located in the park. Sit down and imagine how the sun envelops you with rays, bestowing strength and energy. Take a mirror in your hands and place it on your palm so that the sky is reflected. At this moment you need to say:

    Fairy, fairy, I call on you! I want to join your retinue! I want to become one of you! Give me amazing power! Give me magic wings so that I can stand out among other people! Come to the ringing of my bell!

    After the last phrase, you must ring the bell, close your eyes and feel the sun’s rays envelop you. Look in the mirror and see the reflection of the lady. Describe the request again and thank you for your kindness. Leaving a bell in the clearing is a gift to the queen for her magical abilities. The main sorceress will independently decide which abilities to bestow.

    Now they are heading home. The next morning, a person will feel cheerful and feel 2 wings behind his back. Don't be afraid - people won't see the wings. They are only available to the eyes of other fairies. You can't fly with them. If a person is not born a fairy, wings are used to recognize magical creatures.

    Transformation into a fairy of all powers

    Magical creatures capable of commanding all elements and forces at the same time are popular. Using their abilities, you can do many good deeds.

    To be able to control all the elements, you need to perform a ritual. If a person begins the path of magic, he needs the help of an older sister or friend for safety reasons. The necessary attributes are prepared:

    • a small bowl of water;
    • a bowl with a handful of earth;
    • aroma lamp with a small candle (you need to place it in the lamp so as not to get burned).

    aroma lamp
    bowl of water bowl of soil

    We need to connect the element of air. It is enough to open the window, place the prepared attributes in front of you and say:

    The power of fire, the power of water, the power of air and the power of earth! Give me strength and wisdom! I want to become a fairy with all my might! Give me, mistress of fairies, magic wings!

    You need to read the spell 3 times and put out the candle. Pour the water into the ground and place the soil in the yard. Go to bed, and only the next day the caster will receive wings with which it is impossible to fly. You can use them to detect other fairies. No one should know about the ceremony except the assistant.

    You shouldn’t tell your friends that the girl became a fairy. It is necessary to use abilities for good and do good deeds.

    How to become a fairy without wings

    Transformation into a magical creature without wings is an equally fascinating ritual. The advantage of the ritual is that it is possible without transformation. The sorceress will not give herself away by having wings: others, but her strength will not decrease.

    To carry out the ceremony, you need the support of an older comrade: an adult, sister or friend. The ritual is performed at home during the day. A treat is being prepared for the queen. It can be candy, chocolate, gingerbread - any sweets. When the gift is ready, you need to put the gift on the windowsill, pick up a bowl of clean spring water and say:

    Fairy of water, I call upon you.
    I wish to receive your strength.

    The plot is repeated 5 times. Place your hands in the water and wash your face. Next, you need to leave the room, close the door and not enter there throughout the day. The next morning, open the door and enter.

    If the sweetness prepared for the queen has disappeared, the sorceress is ready to accept the spellcaster into the ranks of magical creatures. If the chocolate bar remains untouched, the queen does not agree to bestow amazing abilities. You should not immediately repeat the ritual again. It is better to wait 2 weeks and then seek help again. If you perform the ritual more often, the fairy queen may become angry and not bestow amazing abilities.