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Chinese horoscope rabbit, (cat). full characteristics of the sign. compatibility with other signs. Year of the Rabbit according to the Eastern horoscope: what kind of people are born under this sign

Year A rabbit This is a year that is identified with two animals at once: the rabbit and the cat. In Japan it is the Year of the Rabbit, while in China it is the Year of the Cat. The attitude towards these animals is not very affectionate, especially towards the cat, which in distant countries (and here too) has long been considered a servant of Satan and the Dark World. But the qualities of people born in the year of the Rabbit are not at all satanic. On the contrary, it is peace-loving, reasonable, non-conflict people. People born this year strive to live in harmony with the entire world around them. Not getting involved in any disputes or squabbles is a distinctive feature of Rabbits. Even if they feel that the conversation has not taken a very good tone, they will tactfully change the subject. They know how to extinguish a conflict at the very first stage of a fire. Because of this, many consider Rabbits to be too soft; they argue that you need to be able to defend your rights. The Rabbits themselves are sure that life is short and already filled with all sorts of “horrors”, and if there is an opportunity to remain positive, you need to take advantage of it. Rabbits live with this statement all their lives.

Rabbits are considered excellent conversationalists who give good advice. Their opinions are listened to, their words are taken into account. They are painfully sensitive to any criticism addressed to them, but they will never show it outwardly, remaining imperturbable and “impenetrable.”

Rabbits take care of their appearance. They are dressed and look impeccable. Rabbits also pay special attention to the decoration of their homes. It is important for them that their home has all the best for a comfortable stay. They love order; they tactfully demand from their family that every item should be in its designated place.

Rabbits are socialites; they like large companies that consist of noble people. In such a society they feel like fish in water. It is not a burden for them to carry on a conversation on any topic.

Rabbit Man

Rabbit men are said to be lucky. Indeed, they are often lucky in life, especially in material terms. But this is not just a matter of everyday luck. Just Rabbit Men very careful and thrifty. They do not tend to make risky transactions and waste money. The only thing they do not spare the money they earn on is the interior of their home. Home for them is a kingdom, and, according to Rabbit men, it should be luxurious.

As for work, the Rabbit is diligent in any direction. They often occupy leadership positions, but begin their career path from the very bottom. They take the most menial work with calm, knowing that soon they will definitely become bosses. And this really happens quite quickly, thanks to the Rabbits’ diligence, their calmness and endurance.

The personal life of Rabbit men is very stormy. Usually they have several novels at once, leaving women to literally fight for it themselves. He is too lazy to choose, so the one who “wins” is the best in the understanding of men of this Sign. However, if a Rabbit man ties the knot, he becomes a faithful life partner and a wonderful father.

Rabbit Woman

Charming, gentle, sexy and with excellent manners. She knows how to present herself so that everyone will pay admiring attention to her. Often the Rabbit woman lives for show. She can even master higher mathematics if she needs to make an impression in a society of scientists.

The Rabbit Woman dresses beautifully and tastefully. She does not chase fashion, although she knows about all the changes in this direction. It is not so important for her that it is fashionable, but that it is comfortable and fits her figure.

Rabbit Woman not a careerist. It suits her better to be a housewife. She copes with this flawlessly. Her house is always clean, every thing is in its place. Just like a man, the Rabbit woman loves to be surrounded by luxury in her own home. The Rabbit Woman is a good wife, housewife and mother.

Rabbit by zodiac sign

People born in the year of the Rabbit are cautious and well-mannered, however, the Zodiac horoscope sometimes makes significant adjustments to this image.


The Rabbit is soft and warm-hearted, Aries adds toughness, courage, boldness to him... The Aries Rabbit is a person with often changing moods. In life they are fixated on themselves, on their interests. They don't care about other people's problems.

But this does not mean that in difficult times they will not help. When you really need their help, they help with pleasure. They subtly feel the line between real need and the usual desire to simply take advantage of others. Their sense of justice is well developed. They worry not only about the individual, but also about the people and humanity as a whole.

Outwardly they are calm and reasonable. Good workers, in whom you can not doubt. They prefer to relax at home. Moreover, they furnish their home in such a way that you can truly relax. The weakness of these people is their inability to say no. It is easier for them to agree, even with internal disagreement, so as not to bring the matter to a serious dispute.


He lives here and now. He prefers a crane in his hands than a tit offered by life. Material benefits are significant to him. It is to them that he strives as he climbs the career ladder. To achieve financial stability, he makes the necessary connections and acquaintances.

And there's nothing wrong with that. Yes, money and earthly goods are of paramount importance for Taurus Rabbits. But this does not mean that family and loved ones fade into the background. On the contrary, they work for their happy life.

Taurus Rabbits love to travel, collecting collections of vivid memories.

They are hard workers at work and honest in relationships. The downside to the character of these people is their inability to lose. When he fails in something, the Taurus Cat withdraws into himself, fencing himself off from the outside world. It’s better to just calmly analyze your mistakes in order to avoid “rake” in the future without stepping on them.

Rabbit Gemini

They are calm by nature, but active and enterprising. They skillfully make the necessary connections, are not afraid of responsibility, which is initially not characteristic of the Rabbit. Luck will favor them, also largely due to their perseverance.

They are wonderful and reliable friends. Family is like a paradise oasis for them, where they return after a hard day at work. Although a lot comes very easily to Gemini Rabbits. They have a special gift: they do not invent difficulties where there are none.

Gemini Rabbits are calculating. Every step they take is well calculated in order to benefit themselves.


Nice, kind, friendly, but very careful. They are a storehouse of wisdom. Outwardly they look confident, although they often lack inner confidence. This causes depression.

They have excellent taste and sense of style, which manifests itself not only in the external appearance, but also in the interior decoration of the home. Cancer Rabbits do everything to live in a quiet and peaceful environment. Regardless of gender, Cancer Rabbits love home and family and can cope well with all household responsibilities.

These are talented people. They will benefit from the development of a creative streak, since the Cancer Rabbit is the cat that prefers to walk on its own without bosses or leaders.


Intellectually developed people with a strong character. They like to take risks, they got this from Leo. In addition, the lion's essence is noticeable in aggressiveness, which manifests itself when something violates the plans of the Leo Rabbits. Basically, we can say that the character of representatives of this Sign is soft and compliant.

These people persistently move towards their dream until they achieve it. They have a lot of patience. They like to be the center of attention and enjoy socializing.

In personal relationships they are kind and attentive. Their peculiarity is that they do not like to do things halfway. If you relax, then on a grand scale, if you work, then to the point of exhaustion, and if you love, then to the depths of your soul.


Non-conflict people and slightly shy. But they love to communicate. They don’t stoop to gossip.

The Virgo Rabbit has everything planned out, and he tries to strictly adhere to the plan. Hardworking, does not like to waste time. He a true expert in the activity to which he gave preference. The Virgo Rabbit is unpretentious, his desires are more than modest. But what he is not modest about is helping his loved ones. He will go to great lengths for them. I don’t skimp on gifts for my family and friends.

As for the other half, the Rabbit-Virgo spends a long time searching and looking closely. He needs constancy in relationships and prefers not to waste time on romance.


Interesting people in all respects. They are attractive to the opposite sex due to their sexuality and charisma.

They don’t like responsibility; they prefer to get their work done quickly, without worrying too much about the overall result. But well organized. They know how to control their emotions They are cool-headed in conflicts.

They do not like to sit idle, but they also do not allow work to dominate other areas of life. The Libra Rabbit also loves to relax, preferring to have an interesting time.

The only negative is that, at times, the calm and composure of the Libra Rabbit is replaced by excessive anxiety, even nervousness.


A powerful combination of two horoscopes. People born under these Signs are endowed with excellent intuition, which helps in establishing relationships and climbing the career ladder.

The Scorpio Rabbit will never do something for nothing. Each of his actions is supported by benefit for himself. It is impossible to impose anything on him, it is useless to make plans for him if there is no gain for the Scorpio Rabbit.

They are businesslike. They are excellent at running their own business. However, it should be noted that they are excellent actors and external behavior can be radically different from his internal feelings. It is almost impossible to see the “mask”; the Scorpio Rabbit makes an indelible impression.

Rabbit Sagittarius

Such merry fellows with a calm, kind disposition. They have a lot of positive qualities. They adore their loved ones and friends. They have so much energy that they manage to combine all aspects of life, and not a single area is deprived of the necessary attention.

Sagittarius Rabbits balanced individuals. Communicate with them is a pleasure, they will never start a conflict or even an argument.

The Sagittarius Rabbit will find its place in any professional activity. He knows how to earn money. And although money does not have a large-scale meaning for him, he spends it carefully, and, as they say, wisely. But this does not apply to gifts. They love to spoil their family with little surprises. The family values ​​stability in relationships. And although Sagittarius is an overwhelming sign, in combination with the Cat they no longer want to fight for the place of leader. Equality in this case is more attractive.


In this Rabbit, due to the combination with Capricorn, the outer side seems rude, callous, unceremonious. In fact, the Capricorn Rabbit is gentle and kind. Self-sufficient individuals who prefer to solve their affairs and problems alone without the help of others.

Very sociable. At work they are not greedy with ideas and thoughts about improving things. Although they don’t have many real friends. There are a maximum of two with whom the Capricorn Rabbit shares everything that is in his heart. He will gladly help anyone who asks for help.

In love they are sincere and reliable, they are attentive to their other half. They love to be pleasantly surprised. In a word, you won’t be bored with the Capricorn Rabbit.

Rabbit Aquarius

Good-natured romantics - this is how these people can be described. They have their own oddities, which, however, are noticeable only against the background of those around them who are constantly striving to enrich themselves. But the simple fact is that money is secondary for the Aquarius Rabbit. He does not strive to earn a lot, usually being content with little.

He is somewhat slow at work. Diplomatic acumen is not enough, although with age some of them manage to develop this quality. In love, these are gentle, sensual people.

He is attracted by everything unknown and unknown. The dream of many Aquarius Rabbits is to go on a trip around the world.


Charming, gentle, sensitive, with a quick reaction. He is a manipulator, and a skilled one at that. Not everyone will guess what is happening until they fall under the influence of the Rabbit-Pisces. He avoids the pitfalls, masterfully eliminating risk and creating the impression of a good-natured, non-conflict person.

They love peace. They need a job where their mind will be used. They don’t swim against the current and don’t strain too much, to provide a better life. What is available is fine. If someone disturbs their measured life, then they will certainly encounter the stubbornness of the Rabbit-Pisces.

The Pisces Rabbit needs a person nearby who will provide him with comfort and strong relationships without deception and guile. Having found such a person, the Pisces Rabbit becomes obedient and pliable with him.

Rabbit (hare or cat) is the fourth symbol of the eastern calendar. People born in the year of the rabbit can be described as lucky, kind and ambitious. Among the good qualities of this sign there are also negative qualities: all the Rabbit’s feelings are superficial, and besides, representatives of this sign love to gossip.

Rabbits love sophistication in everything, including at home, especially in the interior. By nature, they are secular people who like to present themselves only at their best.

Rabbit Man

He is an absolute owner in a relationship, who believes that the partner should belong only to him. In moments of family quarrels, a male rabbit (cat) will constantly control his partner, constantly accusing her of something. If such a man has doubts about his beloved, then he can behave extremely inappropriately, so a trusting relationship is important for them.

It is worth noting that men of this sign are excellent family men who devote all their time to their family. As a rule, in families where the man is a rabbit (cat), there are many children.

Rabbit Woman

She is a sophisticated and well-groomed person with a good sense of humor, who gives great priority to her appearance. The rabbit (cat) woman values ​​material goods, and if her situation allows, she spares no expense for her comfort. As for family life, representatives of this sign simply adore cleanliness, and therefore keep their family hearth impeccably clean.


In love, people born in the year of the Rabbit value trust and support. If both partners respect and value each other, then disagreements can be avoided. A man constantly needs confidence in his partner, and a woman needs attention.

The characteristics of rabbits are more positive, since by their nature they are a harmless animal that can cause delight and tenderness.

A rabbit can fit into almost any company, as it has leadership traits. Distinctive character traits include the following:






His character is distinguished by his gentleness; such people constantly need to take care of and protect someone. Very often, because of their positive characteristics, rabbits are envied. But even in such cases, they rarely show aggression and anger towards their opponents. It is these qualities that distinguish the sign from other signs of the horoscope.

Rabbit horoscope

They are hardworking and go towards their goals. The distinctive features of these individuals include determination, intelligence and intelligence. Cats understand that not everything in life can be achieved easily, and therefore are ready to constantly work on themselves.

Their priority is family, and they can be called household members. Therefore, male cats become wonderful husbands and fathers, and women become housewives and keepers of the hearth.

Rabbits also love nature and animals, so they love to go hiking and spend their leisure time in nature.

Their career and money are completely unimportant to them; they value human relations with other people - and therefore are ready to come to the aid of even a stranger.

Despite the calmness of the animal, there are also situations when a person can explode and show his emotionality in a bad way. Also, astrology develops in such a way that rabbits can be thrown out of balance when they try to disturb their spiritual state and disturb the peace that they have been trying to build for so long.

The eastern horoscope characterizes the cat as a simple person who obeys many people, but among them there are also people who are in prestigious positions. But such a characteristic is quite acceptable for a Chinese sign, because rabbits are very smart and quick-witted - and, therefore, they will be able to control people. Therefore, their financial situation improves at lightning speed - and all because people know how to spend money wisely and increase their budget

Personalities of this sign are very good at fantasizing and in their dreams they imagine a fictional life.

Rabbit and compatibility

If we talk about the compatibility of signs that can get along with a cat, then, first of all, these are the signs of a boar and a dog. The rabbit also gets along well with a rabbit and a goat.

But it’s unlikely that you’ll be able to get along with a rooster. It will also be difficult for this sign to live with a tiger, although with good relationships their union can become long and strong.

As for love relationships, people in the year of the cat can behave differently. One type of person tries to fully know their partner and penetrate their life. The other one just wants a stable relationship. It is very important for cats to be understood, loved and respected. It is also important for them to know that they can trust and rely on someone.

Representatives of this sign have never been deprived of attention - since many people dream of such partners. Most often, the rabbit makes plans for the future, otherwise he does not see the point of a joint union. But due to its high demands on a partner, most often it is not easy for a cat to find a worthy partner.

In general, the characteristics of this sign are positive; rabbits are soft and trusting individuals who need care, love and understanding. Cats do not strive to be a leader; it is more important for them to be themselves.

Find out what kind of people are born in the year of the Rabbit (Cat) - the sign will tell you a lot!

Rabbit's lucky colors: green - on the one hand, relaxes, on the other - allows you to quickly gain authority in the eyes of others.

Rabbit: lucky talisman stone– malachite. Helps to run a successful business and protects against losses.

Rabbit lucky numbers: 4

Who suits the Rabbit, the best signs for the Rabbit: Goat, Dog, Bull, Snake, Horse, Pig

Who is not suitable for the Rabbit, the worst signs for the Rabbit: Rat, Dragon, Rooster

What zodiac sign does the Rabbit correspond to?

If a person was born in the year of the Rabbit, the sign makes him - regardless of gender - a born homebody. As the eastern horoscope assures, the Rabbit feels best within its own four walls, invariably decorated with great taste. As an esthete and the best chef in the Chinese Zodiac, he is famous for throwing unforgettable parties. Guests are always deliciously fed and enchanted by the owner’s impeccable manners and his ability to conduct an interesting conversation. Those born in the years of the Rabbit understand wines, perfumes, and know how to choose clothes that suit the situation. In addition, they often play excellent chess, poker and bridge. They enjoy communicating with people at various events and are members of various societies. The circle of friends of the Rabbit sign is wide, and these are people of different origins and professions.

A person who, according to the sign of the eastern horoscope, is the Rabbit, softens other people's morals and actions, is tolerant of rumors, is an excellent listener, and a connoisseur of other people's frankness. Contacts with influential people are the secret key to opening other people's hearts and quickly gaining favor - for them the best guarantee of success in life. Rabbits by nature are such that they do not like risk, they often lack self-confidence, assertiveness, and they are simply afraid of unfair play and fierce competition. However, do not let those around you be deceived by soft fluffy fur, innate pacifism, melancholy and streams of tears shed for any reason. Behind all this is a man with a strong will, reminiscent of hardened steel, with an inventive mind, sometimes not without truly diabolical cunning, capable of fooling a much stronger opponent. The ancient Chinese said it straight: in the entire eastern horoscope, it is the Rabbit sign that has the greatest ability to survive, so do not underestimate it.

In love, if you were born in the year of the Rabbit according to the Chinese horoscope, you are extremely faithful and incredibly romantic. One-night stands, fleeting adventures, intimacy without love, even in a crazy impulse, do not correspond to your nature. A frivolous attitude towards feelings will hurt you painfully. In the arms of a partner, you are looking, first of all, for a quiet haven in a stormy sea. The slightest misunderstandings and quarrels in relationships kill you. Even if you love your significant other very much, you often have a secret life (not necessarily related to love affairs), sometimes you need solitude. When you seduce someone, the atmosphere, the environment, is very important to you. You put on a whole performance with candles, appropriate music, silk sheets and culinary masterpieces to please all the wishes of your loved ones.