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When is the final result visible after abdominoplasty? Complications after abdominoplasty: scars, swelling and other problems. How long should you wear underwear?

Plastic correction of the abdominal area is resorted to as a last resort when nothing else helps, or when there is no opportunity to vigorously engage in sports.

Today, abdominal abdominoplasty is almost the most popular procedure in aesthetic surgery, along with Botox injections and liposuction, since these procedures provide the most effective result of appearance correction. Photos before and after methods provide an excellent opportunity to verify this.

The specific type of tummy tuck is chosen by the doctor depending on the nature and volume of fat deposits, the patient’s age, the individual characteristics of the body and some other factors that affect the complexity of the operation.
Surgery lasts on average from 2 to 5 hours. At this time, the patient is under general anesthesia and gas endotracheal anesthesia is used.

With fat tissue aspiration

This is a classic method of surgery, including correction of deformities of the anterior abdominal wall and liposuction - removal of fat depots. The technique allows you to form a thin waist; excess skin from all parts of the abdomen and most of the fatty tissue are removed.

Abdominoplasty with aspiration is performed in patients with high abdominal ptosis (3-4 degrees of deformation), with an apron-type skin fold. If correction is necessary, the surgeon touches the areas on the sides of the body. Classic intervention is prescribed to get rid of diastasis (divergence of the rectus abdominis muscles) and hernial formations.

The operation is carried out in several stages:

Mini abdominoplasty

A common type of surgery takes about 2.5 hours. Experts recommend it to patients without excessive amounts of fat deposits, if there are imperfections in the waist and abdomen, for example, severe diastasis after pregnancy, stretch marks, stretched sagging skin. The abdomen is pulled up in the lower sector using this method; navel transfer is not required.

The features of mini abdominoplasty include the following technique:

Average abdominoplasty

The main goal is the excision of sagging abdominal tissue (“getting rid of the apron” - this is how the name of this type of operation (apronectomy) is translated. At its core, this operation is a cross between classic adominoplasty and mini-abdominoplasty. This operation is prescribed for patients with obvious excess skin in the lower abdomen, for whom a mini-surgery will not be enough.

The middle abdominoplasty process includes:

  • general anesthesia lasting 2.5 hours;
  • short scar on the skin;
  • elimination of a small amount of adipose tissue.

Full abdominoplasty with or without umbilical ring surgery

This type of operation (abdominotorzorrhaphy) affects, in addition to the abdominal tissues, the lateral surfaces, the back and buttocks. The before and after results can be compared using photographs. Surgical intervention ensures the transfer of the navel to the correct position (in the middle part of the abdomen relative to the pubis and sternal urinary process).

It is done for patients with a large mass of fatty deposits, stretched skin and stretch marks on the back and sides, and a pronounced umbilical hernia.

The following defects of the umbilical ring are distinguished:

  • the navel protrudes and protrudes strongly;
  • the umbilical fossa is too deep and is prone to inflammation due to the accumulation of sebaceous gland secretions;
  • the navel is too wide, stretched longitudinally or transversely;
  • navel sagging;
  • sideways displacement or very low/high position;
  • scars from previous operations.

Details of the operation with umbilical ring plastic surgery:

  • Excess skin is excised.
  • The navel is transposed either to its usual place or to a new one with the formation of a new hole in the skin.

Vertical abdominoplasty

It is recommended by surgeons for patients with a vertical scar running along the midline or pubic area - from previous operations. Oblique scars are often found on the right in the iliac abdomen (after removal of appendicitis) or on the right under the ribs (after cholecystectomy).

The vertical method is used if a significant excess of tissue is observed on the patient’s sides and above the umbilical region (suitable for obese people). The method works well with severe separation of the abdominal muscles (stage 3 diastasis). Method of execution: a vertical incision is made, in addition a horizontal approach is performed, characteristic of classic abdominoplasty.

Advantages of the method:

  • a large layer of tissue is cut off in the middle zone of the abdomen;
  • the surgeon can separate the edges of the skin with adipose tissue in the vicinity of the stitched parts of the aponeurosis of the anterior abdominal wall;
  • a noticeable reduction in the patient’s waist and body size, because a wide duplication of the aponeurosis is created along the anterior abdominal wall (excess skin in the epigastrium area is removed).

Lateral abdominoplasty

Involves making incisions along the sides of the abdomen. It combines the technique of classical and vertical techniques, also called “tense-lateral” abdominoplasty, because. skin tension is done at an angle of 90 degrees to the patient’s vertical axis.

The displaced tissues end up in the lateral parts of the abdomen. The method shows good results for waist shaping.

A small detachment of the skin flap during surgery gives the least complications during the healing stage. A small strand of tissue on both sides of the scar will allow the formation of a thin, invisible trace of the intervention.

Abdominoplasty with waist contouring

It is performed for patients who want to return the curve to the lateral areas of the abdomen or to shape the waistline, if at the time of surgical intervention there is a large volume of the abdomen and bulging of the anterior abdominal wall. To achieve good results and satisfy the patient’s wishes, the surgeon removes one or two pairs of lower ribs.

In this type of operation, excess skin is excised in the lower abdomen, while the formed suture is located below the umbilical area and, after healing, is safely hidden under the underwear, without revealing the surgical intervention.

Endoscopic abdominoplasty

This is a method through which a tummy tuck is performed in a gentle, atraumatic way, sometimes accompanied by liposuction. The operation is indicated for defects of the anterior abdominal wall and mild obesity, i.e. mainly young patients with elastic skin (most often, endoscopic intervention is performed on women after childbirth to regain their slimness).

The method is less traumatic due to small punctures and not an incision, as with other types of abdominoplasty. Through punctures, the muscles are stitched together with endoscopic equipment, and the skin remains intact. Puncture marks become invisible after a short period of time.

Indications and contraindications for surgery

Abdominoplasty shows in the before and after photos that people undergo surgery not only to give an aesthetic appearance to the body, but also for significant reasons.


  • The presence of excess fatty tissue along the anterior abdominal wall and in the lateral parts of the abdomen. Excess is understood as that mass of adipose tissue that cannot be effectively removed by liposuction, exercise and diet.
    Abdominoplasty is an effective way to eliminate stretched skin and excess fat deposits in the abdomen and waist. The result of the operation is shown in the before and after photos.

  • If a large area of ​​the skin of the abdomen is covered with stretch marks (scar atrophy).
  • If the patient does not have a pronounced waist as a feature of the figure’s constitution or as a side effect of increased pumping of the oblique muscles. Presence of rough scars, hernias.

  • When the aponeurotic region of the anterior abdominal wall diverges as a result of stretching factors (fullness, pregnancy or genetic weakness of the connective tissue structure). The muscles diverge along the white line of the abdomen (the so-called diastasis is formed); in some cases, in addition to diastasis, hernias of the abdomen and navel are noted.

In addition, the operation is indicated if it is necessary to perform plastic surgery of the peri-umbilical area and restore the navel.

This part of the abdomen is often subject to unpleasant defects due to the following reasons:

There are a number of contraindications for abdominoplasty, which you need to inform your doctor about in order to decide on further actions.

Surgery cannot be performed in the following cases:

  • in acute infectious diseases or during exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • in the presence of diabetes mellitus of any type;
  • for blood diseases and problems with blood clotting factors;
  • at any stage of pregnancy, during lactation and planning pregnancy less than 1 year after abdominoplasty;
  • with a tendency to form a keloid or hypertrophic scar at the incision site;
  • for oncological diseases;
  • for severe diseases of internal organs;
  • with chronic heart or pulmonary failure;
  • if there is a possibility of a crisis of arterial hypertension;
  • for disorders of the thyroid gland;
  • in conditions of fresh postoperative scars;
  • for allergic reactions and intolerance to the components of local anesthesia;
  • in case of unstable state of the patient’s psycho-emotional sphere or mental disorders;
  • under the age of 18;
  • with significant obesity of the patient.

In the latter case, he is recommended to lose weight as much as possible through diet and physical activity before surgery. In some situations, liposuction is performed before abdominoplasty. As healing proceeds, preparations for abdominoplasty proceed.

Excess weight threatens to increase the postoperative period and problems with sutures.

Also, recommendations for weight loss before surgery are given to patients whose plans included losing weight after surgery (this can harm the results of abdominoplasty, as the skin will begin to sag, looseness and flabbiness will appear).

Traces for memory: scars and cicatrices

Traces from abdominal abdominoplasty, shown in the before and after photos, become less noticeable after a while thanks to the professional work of surgeons. The use of high-quality suture material and a special technique for suturing surgical incisions helps to obtain a thin strip at the site of the scar.

The condition of the suture is carefully monitored in the first weeks after surgery. Skin sutures must be removed after 2 weeks; intradermal sutures made with self-absorbing sutures or adhesive sutures should not be touched, only processed.

If the abdominoplasty was very serious, before and after photos show the difference, and the scars are visible, you can resort to modern cosmetology. To eliminate scars and scars, laser resurfacing and radiolifting procedures or retouching with medical tattooing for an aesthetic appearance are used.

Rehabilitation period and possible complications

Abdominoplasty entails a long recovery period. The first 1 – 1.5 months are particularly difficult; in general, rehabilitation takes 6 months.

After the operation, the patient must be under medical supervision for at least 3 days, of which:

  • The first day the patient lies in the ward. Nothing from food is allowed immediately, and after restoration of intestinal functions, you can take light food. Drinking water is allowed.
  • On the second day, the patient begins to carefully get out of bed, light food and drink are allowed.
  • On the third day after examination by the surgeon and depending on the condition of the operated patient, the issue of discharge is decided.

General health after abdominoplasty is marked by pain and tension in the midsection of the torso. Discomfort can last up to 3 weeks - some patients even need help getting up from a horizontal position.

  • The need to wear compression garments for at least 1 - 2 months after surgery. Fixation with linen helps healing and prevents the seams from coming apart.
  • Proper nutritious nutrition. The postoperative period is not the time for dieting.
  • Daily regime without overload (ban on fitness, visiting the bathhouse, sauna).
  • Minimum water procedures so that the seam does not come into contact with water. Regular showering is allowed a week after surgery, but the seam must be protected from soap and detergents.
  • Treat the seam with antiseptic solutions three times a day.

The postoperative period does not always go smoothly. If any complications arise, the patient must see his doctor.

Individual reactions of the body are possible in the form of such local complications:

If the muscles were stitched unevenly, asymmetry of the anterior abdominal wall occurs. To remove it, the patient will have to undergo another plastic surgery or use alternative methods (filling with his own fat or filling with fillers based on hyaluronic acid).

When can you have sex after surgery?

Return to intimate life is allowed no earlier than a few weeks after surgery. Restrictions are introduced due to swelling, discomfort, and the risk of suture divergence. During sex, a rush of blood occurs in the pelvic area, which is undesirable during the recovery period.

The exact timing of the return of sexual life depends on the well-being of the operated patient; on average, it is resolved 1 month after surgery.

Is it possible to give birth after abdominoplasty?

But if the patient decides to become pregnant after abdominoplasty - and this operation affected only the skin and fatty tissue without damaging the muscle fibers - then the anterior abdominal wall can withstand the load for 9 months. The method of delivery has nothing to do with the presence of abdominoplasty and lies entirely in the field of obstetrics.

Paying for beauty: how much does it cost and how long does the result last?

The level of costs for the operation, hospital stay, anesthesia, tests and related services can be determined based on the type of operation. First you need to consult a surgeon. On average, the price starts at 140 thousand rubles. You can find out approximate prices on the websites of clinics that practice abdominoplasty, and see before and after photos there.

It is difficult to decide on an operation; you are afraid of anesthesia, post-operative recovery, and the considerable cost of the procedure. However, the results of abdominoplasty will last for years to come; this is a reasonable investment in maintaining slimness.

Video about abdominoplasty. Photos before and after surgery

Abdominoplasty. Photos before and after surgery:

How is abdominoplasty surgery performed:

The larger and larger the plastic surgery, the more undesirable consequences and side effects it has. In the case of a tummy tuck, a separate problem is the long surgical incisions, after which the skin will never be completely smooth.

Suture after abdominoplasty heals under conditions of strong tissue tension - because of this, in the first months the scar looks extremely unsightly, takes a long time to mature, and even after a long time it can break apart or become inflamed. Is it true that the scar will remain for life and will have to be hidden from prying eyes? What to do if outwardly he turns out to be completely inappropriate? Is it possible to speed up and facilitate the healing process? the site provides details for those who are ready to make the necessary sacrifices for their beauty:

What marks will remain on the stomach?

The total volume and technique of the operation depend mainly on the amount of excess skin and fatty tissue, as well as the presence of concomitant surgical diseases of the anterior abdominal wall in the patient (muscle separation, inguinal or umbilical hernia, etc.) The more tissue the surgeon needs to remove, the more the longer the incisions will be, and the more difficult it will be for the patient during the rehabilitation period.

Type of abdominoplasty
Where and what will the seam be?
Classical The skin is incised horizontally across the entire abdomen - at the level of the pubis and protruding pelvic bones. If there is significant sagging, you will need an additional incision around the navel to move it to a new place - it may look like a circle, an inverted Y or U (the latter option is the least noticeable).
Vertical This technique is used when the patient has significant excess skin after severe weight loss. For best results in this case, two incisions will be needed. One is horizontal, just like with classic abdominoplasty. The second is vertical, along the midline of the abdomen to the sternum.
Lateral Here, too, there will be a main horizontal seam along the lower abdomen, but in addition to it there will be two additional ones, they are located on the sides. This technique allows you to remove excess fatty tissue around the entire circumference of the body (except for the back), as well as from the “buns” area on the lower back and tighten the outer surface of the thighs, due to which the waist becomes more pronounced and clear.
Extended In this version of the operation, the entire hip area is additionally tightened. The basic incision extends from the abdomen to the sides and may extend well beyond the prominent portions of the ilia.
Circular The most difficult option for a tummy tuck for both the plastic surgeon and the patient. It involves the removal of excess skin and fat not only from the anterior and lateral abdominal wall, but also from the outer surface of the thighs, and from the back in the lumbar region. The scar remains circular, running along the abdomen, sides and back of the torso.
The incision is made in the suprapubic region (along the bikini line), horizontally. It will be somewhat shorter than with a classic operation: usually its length does not exceed 20 cm, and this is enough to remove a small excess of tissue and perform liposuction of the abdomen, sides and upper third of the thighs.

Approximately 1 year after abdominoplasty, a correct, healed suture without complications looks like a fairly thin light-colored thread. It won't be very noticeable, but it won't be completely invisible either.

Features of scarring after abdominoplasty

Surgical incisions in the lower abdomen heal in the same way as any other soft tissue injuries (for more details, see the article “”). But there are several factors that inevitably complicate this process:

  • Drainage tubes may remain in postoperative wounds for several days;
  • flaps of skin and subcutaneous tissue are under great tension (in many “before and after” photos of abdominoplasty you can see that the final scar in the middle looks wider than on the sides - the reason is precisely that closer to the center it stretches with the greatest force);
  • in the immediate vicinity of the injured area there are abdominal muscles, even small contractions of which can lead to suture divergence;
  • due to the overall complexity of the operation, the likelihood of suppuration, tissue necrosis and the development of other complications increases.

The greatest problems are usually caused by tissue tension, which will be especially strong in the first 1-2 months. For abdominoplasty, this condition is the norm, since a flat tummy is obtained only by excision of excess skin and fat in a sufficiently large amount. As a result, the postoperative scar is formed under very unfavorable conditions:

  • At the stage of epithelization there is a high risk of divergence of the wound edges. In addition, stretched skin and soft tissues, and sometimes suture material, put pressure on the vessels, which creates the risk of developing necrosis (death) of large areas, and also slows down the process of formation of connective tissue and fusion of skin flaps.
  • At the stage of a “young” scar (it begins approximately 2 weeks after tummy tuck), blood flow is more or less restored, but a new problem appears: constant tension on the skin flaps leads to excessive formation of fibroblasts and connective tissue fibers, due to which the scar often grows wide, convex and hard to the touch. Here, physiotherapeutic procedures or the use of special ointments/gels are almost always necessary, otherwise gross scarring will easily reduce the overall aesthetic result of the operation to zero.

To reduce the likelihood of suture dehiscence and facilitate its healing, for at least a month after surgery you will need to:

  • walk slightly bent over and sleep with your legs crossed;
  • avoid any physical activity, especially those that require contraction of the abdominal muscles;
  • do not lift anything even remotely heavy;
  • exclude any foods that can cause bloating and flatulence;
  • give up any sports activities.

You will need to return to physical activity and usual sleeping positions very carefully and only after the approval of your surgeon.

How to care for a seam so that it becomes as invisible as possible

Normally, changes in the appearance of the scar after tummy tuck will occur as follows:

Time after plastic surgery
What's happening
1 month By this time, the wound should be completely healed. Due to increased blood flow and active collagen production, the scar will appear swollen, ranging in color from bright red to dark burgundy. It is worth preparing for the fact that in the next few months its appearance will not improve at all, moreover, there may be a tendency to worsen.
6 months The color remains red and the shape remains convex, but by this point positive changes should begin. Part of the fibrous tissue is destroyed, blood flow is reduced, due to this the seam should gradually begin to lighten and become flatter.
1 year By this point, the scar is considered mature, it becomes much paler and thinner than in the first months, and is no longer so striking. Over the next few years, its color and texture will continue to improve, although not as intensely.
5 years or more The shape and size are finally stabilized, but the scar’s tone may become a little lighter, due to which it will blend even more with the surrounding skin.

The final appearance will depend on many factors: skin tone and texture, the patient’s genetic characteristics, the tendency to form keloids and connective tissue hypertrophy, as well as individual regeneration speed (some scars remain bright red for up to 1.5-2 years, and only then gradually fade). But the most important thing is how correctly and carefully the patient monitors him in the process of maturation:

1. First days after surgery

The edges of the wound are secured with suture material and protected with a bandage. Even just touching them is extremely undesirable, not to mention any specific care. However, there are already enough problems: the stomach hurts and pulls, ichor and a small amount of blood can be released from the wound, brownish liquid constantly flows through the drainage tube, swelling and hematomas increase - the latter can spread far beyond the abdominal area, incl. go down to your hips. You just have to endure all this: normally, after a few days, the discomfort and symptoms gradually decrease. Painkillers will help, and you will most likely have to take a course of antibiotics to prevent purulent complications.

2. First 2 weeks

During this period, the postoperative wound is monitored by a doctor or nurse during planned dressing changes (usually they are done daily, in a day hospital setting). To prevent the formation of a rough scar, the following are carried out:

  • treatment with antiseptics and regular dressing changes to prevent purulent complications;
  • observation of the incision area for timely detection of foci of possible necrosis, as well as areas where tissues are strongly tied with threads or tucked inward;
  • drainage - so that the constantly increasing volume of tissue exudate does not lead to divergence of the edges of the wound;
  • measures to reduce edema - limiting fluid intake, etc.

Bed rest for 10-14 days after abdominoplasty is the best choice for those who want their incisions to heal without any “surprises.” The more a person rests, the lower the likelihood of overstretching, wound dehiscence and other problems that complicate scarring. Of the hygienic procedures, only a shower is allowed, but any thermal effects on the area of ​​the postoperative wound should be avoided.

After two weeks, the state of the body and subjective well-being will noticeably improve. The only thing that will still bother the patient is a feeling of tightness in the sutured muscles of the anterior abdominal wall.

3. Young scar stage (first month after surgery)

Sutures placed after a tummy tuck are removed within 10-14 days. In the absence of complications, by this time the surface of the wound will be covered with epithelium (the first, not yet very strong connecting layer) - which means you can begin to use materials that contribute to the proper formation of the scar. When choosing the appropriate remedies, it is better to listen to your doctor. Most often, experts recommend:

  • special silicone patches and gels that can be used individually or in combination;
  • hormonal ointments;
  • products based on heparin and other absorbable components.

Among the physiotherapeutic procedures, pressotherapy is indicated - it does not in any way threaten the fragile surface of the scar, while it allows you to activate blood circulation and lymph outflow, which has a beneficial effect on the condition of injured tissues.

4. Caring for the scar at the stage of its maturation

This period lasts about 1 year, during which you can and should continue to take care of your stitch. The use of silicone patches and various ointments is not limited in time and does not cause harm to health, so many patients prefer to use them throughout the entire period of rehabilitation. With your doctor's permission, you can begin performing simple physical exercises, gradually increasing the intensity. But you will have to protect your stomach from ultraviolet rays: no one forbids sunbathing and spending time in the sun, but the operated area will need to be carefully covered to avoid hyperpigmentation. Physiotherapeutic procedures include dermotony, ozone therapy, and magnetic therapy.

It is advisable to arrange regular check-ups with your surgeon or other specialist to monitor the healing process and ensure that it is proceeding without complications. Preliminary conclusions are usually made 6 months after abdominoplasty: if at this point the scar still remains rough and protruding, with no tendency to improve, the doctor may decide to inject corticosteroid hormones or drugs based on hyaluronidase (in no case should you do them yourself is not possible, since there is a risk of sunken areas and other negative consequences appearing at the injection sites).

What to do if the edges of the wound are separated

Plastic surgeons know how much the tissues on the abdomen are stretched during a lift, so for their part they take all the necessary measures to keep them in a given position:

  • use special threads and special suturing techniques;
  • carry out thorough hemostasis and antiseptic treatment of the wound;
  • give the patient clear recommendations regarding the rules of behavior for the first postoperative days (avoid physical activity, walk slightly hunched over, sleep with legs tucked, etc.)

However, no one is immune from seams coming apart. This should be remembered, monitor the condition of the wound and seek help in time if something goes wrong. The problem may be caused by the following factors:

  • Excessively active work of the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall.
  • Surgeon mistakes when choosing threads and/or suture methods.
  • Suppuration is accompanied by redness of the skin, an increase in its temperature, and the appearance of copious exudate. As a result, the edges of the wound open up, and it will not be possible to stitch them back right away. First, you will have to treat and treat the wound to neutralize the inflammatory process. Only after this will it be possible to tighten the tissue again and apply sutures.
  • Necrosis (death) of areas of skin pinched by threads so much that blood circulation in them is disrupted. Accompanied by pain, subsequent numbness and blackening of the affected areas. The necrosis zone can only cover the wound edges, but sometimes it has a much larger volume and requires transplantation of viable tissue from the lateral surfaces of the body to the place of dead tissue.

Whatever the reason, you should refrain from amateur activities and Consult a doctor as soon as possible, in this case:

  • continue to treat the wound according to the instructions you received from your plastic surgeon;
  • avoid contracting the abdominal muscles;
  • we use plasters to relieve the load from areas located on both sides of the split seam;
  • We wear compression garments without fail, even if it seems that they have no effect;
  • Avoid getting water and dirt into the scar area.

Depending on the clinical picture and the cause of the opening of the abdominal wound, the doctor will prescribe the necessary therapy and give recommendations for home care. The most problematic cases are inflammation and necrosis; their treatment can be long and quite expensive.

Is it possible to improve the appearance of the formed seam?

In about 12 months, the scar on the abdomen finally matures and subsequently remains virtually unchanged, even with regular use of ointments and other external agents. If the patient is still not satisfied with its aesthetic characteristics, additional measures can be planned:

  • Surgical excision of excess scar tissue. Unlike large plastic surgeries, it is performed under local anesthesia and does not involve complex rehabilitation. However, the mark that will remain after such manipulation will also be quite large, so it is advisable to carry it out only to correct the roughest and thickest scars.
  • If the main problem is too bright, saturated color, then a fractional laser will give the best result. It seals the capillaries adjacent to the surface, the blood flow through them stops and the scar noticeably turns pale.
  • When it is necessary to slightly improve and “tune” a normal, neat seam, abrasive salon procedures such as or are used.
  • For complete camouflage, you can apply a colored tattoo to the operated area.

It is worth remembering that if positioned correctly, the main horizontal scar will always be hidden under clothing: a swimsuit and underwear will reliably cover it. To be completely sure, some surgeons even suggest that their patients bring a swimsuit of their own style to the consultation in order to take all measurements on site and make sure that the fabric will be above the planned incision line. And those who are still worried about the appearance of their abdomen may be consoled by statistics: the vast majority of patients after abdominoplasty are confident that its aesthetic result is worth the marks that will remain on the body as a memory of the operation.

is an operation, the positive effect of which is always as noticeable as possible. The result of a tummy tuck brings the highest satisfaction to patients who, after surgery, become the owners of a slender body. But in the case of abdominoplasty, unfortunately, the principle “beauty requires sacrifice” applies. What will a patient who decides to have a tummy tuck have to pay?

A scar after abdominoplasty is an inevitable, but small evil that you have to put up with. How big is it, will the stitch overshadow the effect of the plastic surgery itself, how to speed up the healing process of a postoperative scar?

Will the stitch after abdominoplasty remain for life?

Yes, the surgical incision after any intervention, be it emergency or planned surgery, will remain on the human body forever. Another question is how noticeable and what kind of impact it will be. The size of the incision during abdominoplasty depends on the scale and technique of the operation, and the presence of concomitant pathologies. The more tissue that is removed, the longer the surgical incision and the longer the recovery period.

Types of abdominoplasty and corresponding postoperative scars

The most common tummy tuck option is classic abdominoplasty. The surgeon makes a horizontal incision on the surface of the abdomen - the scar remains at the level of the pubis and protruding pelvic bones. If the skin on your abdomen has significant sagging, the doctor may have to make another incision (circular, U-shaped, or inverted Y) around the belly button to move it to a new location.

If it turns out that the patient is suitable vertical abdominoplasty, the plastic surgeon makes two incisions. The first is similar to the incision with the classical technique, while the second is performed vertically. It runs along the midline of the abdomen and ends at the sternum. As a rule, the vertical technique is indicated for patients with diastasis and in the presence of significant excess skin after large and sudden weight loss.

Svetlana Pshonkina was recognized as the best plastic surgeon for abdominoplasty as part of the International Diamond Beauty Award

Lateral abdominoplasty. With this technique, three incisions will be made on the abdomen. The first one is horizontal. Two more are on the sides. The last two are needed to eliminate excess fat in the sides and lower back. Through these incisions, the surgeon also performs a lift on the outer thighs.

If we are talking about extended abdominoplasty, then the horizontal classic incision continues in the area of ​​​​the protruding parts of the iliac bones. In this way, a tightening of the hip area is achieved.

The most traumatic for the patient is circumferential tummy tuck. During the operation, the plastic surgeon removes excess skin and fatty tissue not only from the abdomen, but also from the back and outer thighs. It turns out that the incision, and subsequently the scar, runs around the circumference of the body.

As experts admit, mini abdominoplasty is done quite rarely. The fact is that the indications for this particular operation are limited - the patient must have a slight excess of skin and adipose tissue. In this relatively gentle surgical procedure, a horizontal incision is made in the area above the pubis. The scar remains small - no more than 20 cm.

Unfortunately, it is impossible to perform abdominoplasty without a scar. But the presence of a scar should not scare patients away, since it is possible to make the seam as neat and barely noticeable as possible. After today's operations, women do not even need to hide the scar under tattoos. Firstly, we do everything to ensure that the suture line is as low as possible below the line of underwear, secondly, modern suture materials sew the edges of the incision as carefully as possible, and thirdly, methods for forming a postoperative scar and some tricks during the healing period contribute to that the seam heals well and becomes unnoticeable.

Specifics of scar healing after abdominoplasty

A postoperative scar after tummy tuck, in general, goes through the same stages of healing as after any other surgical intervention. But since abdominoplasty is a large and traumatic operation, there are issues that can slow down the recovery process of surgical incisions.

First, to avoid the accumulation of lymph and blood, drains are often installed in wounds. Secondly, due to the specific nature of the operation, the skin and subcutaneous tissue experience significant tension. Sometimes you will notice that the final result - the scar - is slightly wider in the center than at the edges. This is explained precisely by the fact that the tension is always stronger in the middle of the scar.

The location in close proximity of the abdominal muscles also has an effect. Sometimes the slightest contractions of the press can cause the seams to separate.

And in general, with abdominoplasty, this degree of tissue trauma is characterized by an increased risk of possible complications in the form of suture inflammation, necrosis, etc.

Of all of the above, most often problems with recovery occur due to high tissue tension, which will be noticeably felt 1-2 months after surgery. This is not a side effect, but quite typical for tummy tuck. So, under what conditions does scar formation take place?

Svetlana Pshonkina comments

The epithelialization stage is characterized by an increased risk of suture dehiscence. Additional pressure on the vessels produced by the tension of the skin and soft tissues can lead to necrosis and slowdown in the formation of connective tissue cells and fusion of the wound edges. Approximately 2 weeks after the operation, when the so-called “young” scar begins to form, there is a relative restoration of blood flow in the tissues. However, this stage of healing has the risk of forming a hypertrophied scar. This side effect may be caused by permanent tissue tension. To avoid such developments, patients are prescribed physiotherapeutic procedures and ointments designed to prevent the excessive formation of fibroblasts and connective tissue cells.

How to prevent possible seam splitting?

To prevent such complications and speed up the healing of the surgical incision, patients must follow several rules. You will need to follow them for at least a month:

  • walk in a bent position
  • sleep with your legs crossed
  • exclude any physical activity
  • Do not lift any weights, even if it is a baby
  • follow a diet - do not eat foods that cause bloating and flatulence
  • exclude any sports activity

No matter how active an athlete or sleep lover you are, returning to exercise and your favorite sleeping positions is only possible with the permission of your plastic surgeon. No amateur performances!

How does the seam heal after abdominoplasty?

If tissue restoration goes the right way, then the scar will heal according to the following scenario.

  1. First month after abdominoplasty. After 4 weeks, the postoperative wound should heal. It will be bright in color, from red to burgundy. The scar will be raised. This appearance will persist, or even worsen, for several months.
  2. Six months after abdominoplasty. The seam will be just as bright and swollen, but after 6 months positive trends should already appear. By this time, there is a decrease in blood flow and partial destruction of fibrous tissue. As a result of these changes, the scar should acquire a lighter color and become less convex.
  3. One year after abdominoplasty. At this time, the scar goes through the stage of full maturation. It has a paler color, becomes thinner and ceases to be noticeable. With every year that moves away from the date of surgery, the scar becomes less noticeable.
  4. 5 years after abdominoplasty. At this point, the scar acquires stable parameters, but may continue to lighten in order to eventually acquire a color that is as close as possible to normal skin.

How to properly care for a stitch after abdominoplasty

In addition to the skill of the plastic surgeon and anatomical features, the final appearance of the scar also depends on the patient’s behavior, compliance with the rules of rehabilitation and care procedures.

The first days after abdominoplasty

The wound is covered with stitches and a special bandage. You should not touch the operated area, so there is no need to perform any aftercare procedures. Rather, it is better not to disturb the incision sites these days. At first, the patient, as a rule, has no time for this - there are drainages from which fluid flows, there are painful and pulling sensations in the abdomen, swelling and hematomas increase. Apart from taking painkillers, the patient does not need to take any action. Soon these symptoms will not appear so pronounced. In addition to painkillers, antibiotics are usually prescribed to prevent possible suppuration.

2 weeks after surgery

Be sure to come to all dressing appointments, as this procedure is important for more than just changing the dressing. The surgeon or nurse, if necessary, notices the slightest changes in scar formation and tissue healing. The dressing process includes preventive measures:

  • antiseptic wound treatment and dressing change
  • monitoring of operated tissues for timely treatment and prevention of possible complications, such as necrosis
  • installation of drains to eliminate the risk of seam divergence due to fluid accumulation

For the first two weeks after abdominoplasty, patients need to remain in bed. Constant rest and lack of tension will help the scar heal properly. The doctor will tell you when it is possible to take a shower, but the water temperature should not be too hot, since the wound should not be exposed to heat during rehabilitation.

After two weeks, a person usually feels much better than in the first days. Discomfort can only come from a feeling of tightness in the abdominal area.

One month after surgery

Sutures are removed 10-14 days after abdominoplasty. If no complications have arisen before this time, then after a month the wound should be covered with epithelial cells. This means applying patches or ointments to help the scar form properly. For these purposes, surgeons often recommend special silicone patches and gels, hormonal ointments, and heparin-based preparations. No one belittles the effect of physiotherapeutic procedures. During this period, you can go to pressotherapy. This procedure will not harm the fragile, developing scar and at the same time has an activating effect on blood circulation and lymph outflow.

Remember that anti-scar medications can be used not depending on the number of days that have passed, but on the condition of the postoperative wound.

Stage of scar maturation and care procedures

As already noted, scar maturation takes a year after surgery. All this time you need to take care and care for the seam in order to end up with a thin scar. All this time, you can use silicone patches and ointments, but ultraviolet radiation is strictly prohibited. More precisely, you will be able to sunbathe, but only the operated area will need to be carefully hidden from the sun's rays. Otherwise, inattention may result in scar hyperpigmentation. You can return to light physical activity, but only after consultation with your surgeon. You can also go to physical therapy: dermotonia, ozone or magnetic therapy.

Although at this time the suture no longer requires dressings, it is worth discussing with your doctor and setting dates for regular examinations so that the surgeon can monitor the process of scar formation and, in case of possible complications, prescribe treatment in a timely manner. If six months after abdominoplasty the scar remains very convex and does not lighten, then the doctor may prescribe injections of corticosteroid hormones or drugs based on hyaluronidase.

If you are not satisfied with the appearance of the formed scar after abdominoplasty

Within a year, the postoperative scar already takes its final form. It is almost impossible to change them. It’s good if the scar has become thin and almost invisible. But what to do if the patient is not satisfied with the final result for aesthetic reasons?

  1. Surgical correction- elimination of excess scar tissue. Local anesthesia is used and the recovery period is short. This option can only be used in cases where the scars are too rough and noticeable, since surgery will also leave a mark.
  2. Fractional laser will help correct the excessively bright color of the scar. The effect of the laser is based on the sealing of capillaries located in the scar area. The blood supply is cut off, resulting in a paler color.
  3. Laser resurfacing. Used to correct a normal seam. If you want to make a better scar, then this procedure will help fulfill your desire. Additionally, chemical peeling may be considered.
  4. Tattoo. If you want to hide the mark forever, then a tattoo at the seam site will easily solve this problem.

Abdominoplasty is a surgical procedure to remove excess skin and fat from the abdominal area in order to tighten it. The procedure, in most cases, is popular among women who, after childbirth or as a result of losing weight, cannot get rid of stretched abdominal muscles. Recovery after abdominoplasty is slow and therefore requires not only constant monitoring by medical personnel, but also a responsible attitude to the process by the patient himself.

The duration of the rehabilitation period is on average six months. The duration is determined by the volume of the operation performed, the speed of healing of the sutures, the absence of complications and the restoration of the functionality of the abdominal muscles.

A person is already able to return to normal life after two months.

Depending on the indications, the operation is performed under general or local anesthesia. The patient is in the operating room for about 2-3 hours, then he is transferred to the intensive care ward for a day. This stage should not frighten patients. In the intensive care ward, the postoperative patient is under constant medical supervision to exclude unforeseen complications. On the second day, the patient is transferred to a regular ward, where he will stay for several more days.

Any type of abdominal surgery requires the placement of drainage tubes. They help prevent blood and fluid from accumulating at the incision site. The tubes are removed after a few days.

Immediately after surgery, hematomas and swelling may appear not only in the area of ​​the surgical field, but also along the abdominal and lower back muscles. To prevent complications, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and analgesic therapy is carried out. To normalize bowel function, your doctor may prescribe laxatives. To avoid dehydration, you should drink more fluids.

Rehabilitation after abdominoplasty in the early postoperative period

Tummy tuck surgery is a full-fledged surgical manipulation that violates the integrity of the skin and muscles of the abdominal wall. Therefore, the early postoperative period is accompanied by pain throughout the entire surface of the abdomen.

Relief of pain syndrome is carried out on the first day with drugs with a gradual transition to non-narcotic drugs. In the first days after surgery, patients often complain of a feeling of tightness, which goes away on its own within two weeks.

If the dynamics are positive, the patient can be transferred to a day hospital. 10-12 days after surgery, the sutures are removed. The scar left after removing the suture material is slightly different in color from healthy skin, but over time it becomes less noticeable.

Recovery at home

The patient, while in the day hospital, continues to visit the doctor who performed the operation. After the stitches are removed after abdominoplasty, for successful rehabilitation it is recommended to wear a corset or compression garments for one and a half to two months. This measure is necessary to prevent the development of complications. It is not recommended to remove compression garments at all during the first two weeks, except when taking a shower. Then it will be possible to remove it only during rest or sleep.

In addition to preventive measures, the doctor will recommend limiting physical activity and nutritious nutrition.

Restoration of working capacity depends on the type of work performed. If the activity is not related to physical activity, then you can start working two to three weeks after the intervention. For work involving physical labor, the rehabilitation period after abdominal abdominoplasty is at least a month.

To speed up the body’s recovery, experts recommend:

  • during the first three months, performing special gymnastics. It is necessary to remove strength training, fitness, and weight lifting from the complex;
  • stick to a diet. You should eat food in small portions, eliminating foods that promote gas formation from your diet;
  • Avoid taking medications during the recovery period without the recommendation of your doctor, and if there is a need to take them, be sure to check with your doctor.

What's prohibited

To avoid complications in the postoperative period, you should adhere to the specialist’s instructions:

  • compliance with bed rest in the first days after surgery;
  • complete exclusion of physical activity, as well as movements that strain the muscles of the abdominal wall;
  • to avoid seams coming apart, it is important not only to eliminate stress on the abdominal muscles, but also to move around, securing the abdomen with a corset;
  • When sleeping, you should bend your legs to prevent skin tension.

How to behave

  • Physical activity should be introduced gradually into the rehabilitation process. Their intensity must be determined by the doctor.
  • It is necessary to remove difficult-to-digest foods from the diet. Alcohol should be excluded, because its consumption negatively affects the blood and intestinal flora. As a result of disorders caused by alcohol intake, tissue regeneration processes slow down.
  • It is not recommended to use a bath before removing the stitches. You can only wash in the shower.
  • In order for the scar to form correctly within 1.5 months, the seams should not be exposed to hot air or steam. Therefore, you will have to give up saunas and steam baths for a while.
  • You will need to abstain from visiting the solarium and sunbathing for six months.

To speed up the healing process, doctors prescribe physiotherapeutic procedures. Among the techniques used are the use of gels and medicinal ointments. A postoperative scar on the abdomen is usually large. After removal of the sutures, the scar is quite dense and very different from the neighboring integuments. The introduction of hormonal ointment or gels containing heparin into tissues using ultrasound accelerates the process of healing and tissue restoration. The seam becomes soft and elastic, and also invisible.

Ointment and gel are prescribed only after the stitches are removed and the scar has healed.

Application of silicone applicators with medicinal substances to a fresh scar gives excellent results:

  • as a result of the pressure of the applicator on the scar, the scar smoothes out and becomes less noticeable;
  • Medication helps accelerate tissue healing.

A similar effect can be achieved using another physiotherapeutic method - pressotherapy. As a result of pressure on the abdominal wall, blood and lymph circulation through the vessels improves. Surgeons recommend using this technique not only in the postoperative period, but also before surgery to exclude complications such as thromboembolism.

To eliminate the appearance of edema and hematomas, doctors prescribe magnetic therapy and vacuum massage. And ozone therapy sessions are used to accelerate regenerative processes.

How long do you need to stay in the clinic?

The length of hospital stay depends on the anesthesia used, the volume of intervention and the subsequent condition of the body. Typically, after surgery, the patient remains in the hospital for two or three days and then is discharged. But until the suture is completely healed and he feels normal, he is under the supervision of the operating surgeon. If mini-plasty was performed, then the patient’s stay in the hospital is not required. After surgery, the patient goes home the same day.

When can you resume physical activity?

If the rehabilitation period proceeds without any peculiarities, then from the second month after the intervention you can engage in physical exercise. Start with light exercises and gradually increase the load. If complications develop after abdominoplasty, sports are contraindicated. You should not lift heavy objects for three months after surgery.

How the rehabilitation process will proceed after surgery is largely determined by the patient’s behavior. Therefore, before deciding to undergo abdominoplasty, you should weigh the pros and cons. If the patient is ready for the fact that the recovery after the procedure will be long and can comply with all the doctors’ instructions, then the result obtained (beautiful abdominal shape, confidence in his attractiveness) will not disappoint him.

Rehabilitation after abdominoplasty - video

Aurika (23 years old, Moscow), 10/02/2015

Hello, Maxim Alexandrovich! I'm 23, no children. Tell me, how quickly after abdominoplasty can I play sports? And when will it be possible to plan a pregnancy? She won't be affected by this? Best regards, Aurika.

Hello, Aurika! You will be able to return to training in two to three months, but remember to start with light loads and gradually increase them. As for pregnancy, you can plan it no earlier than one year after the operation. After the mandatory year has passed (or better yet, one and a half to two years), you can safely plan your pregnancy without fear of complications. Abdominoplasty does not affect the pregnancy process!

Rita (27 years old, Moscow), 10/07/2015

Hello, Maxim Alexandrovich! In addition to my saggy belly, I have a structural problem. I was advised to remove the lower ribs to define my waist. Are you doing this kind of surgery? Is this very dangerous to health? Do you do belly button correction? Thank you! Rita.

Hello, Rita! We do not remove ribs during abdominoplasty, since this method shows low effectiveness, long recovery and a difficult process. Who exactly advised you to remove your ribs?! Yes, we perform belly button correction. You can get more information during a consultation at the clinic! Come to us!

Alexandra (29 years old, Moscow), 10/18/2015

Hello, Maxim Alexandrovich! I would like to lose excess fat on my arms and stomach. Is it possible to do both of these operations at one time? Does this approach pose a health risk? Thanks in advance, Sasha.

Hello, Sasha! Yes, we can perform both operations at one time, and if you have no contraindications to the operations, nothing will threaten your health! If you have any doubts, it is better to discuss them individually during a consultation at the clinic. If necessary, we will refer you for additional examinations to the necessary specialists.

Snezhana (27 years old, Moscow), 10/04/2015

Hello! Is it possible to have an abdominoplasty if I have little fat on my stomach, but a lot of loose (after childbirth) skin. In addition, there is a scar from a caesarean section, which is unfavorably emphasized by the waves of the skin. Best regards, Snezhana.

Hello, Snezhana. Yes, abdominoplasty can really help get rid of excess skin, as well as hide the consequences of a cesarean section. If you have no contraindications to surgery, then you can make an appointment with us right now. We will be happy to help you get your flat, beautiful belly back!

Ekaterina (years old, Moscow), 10/13/2015

Hello. I had liposuction of the abdomen, sides, hips and abdominoplasty in May 2015. Now I found out that I am pregnant! Can I give birth?

Good afternoon, Ekaterina! Of course you can. Abdominoplasty and liposuction are not “contraindications” to pregnancy and childbirth. The only thing is, be prepared for the fact that the results of plastic surgery may disappear.

Margarita (24 years old, Moscow), 08/15/2016

Hello, Maxim Alexandrovich! I want to have a tummy tuck, but I'm afraid what will happen if I get pregnant. Will there be any consequences or complications during pregnancy? Thanks in advance, Rita

Hello, Rita! Abdominoplasty is indeed recommended to be performed after pregnancy, but not out of concern for the health of the mother in labor. Tummy tuck does not in any way affect the health of the expectant mother or baby. But it should be taken into account that after pregnancy, the results of abdominoplasty may be lost, and the “apron” will appear again.

Lida (26 years old, Moscow), 08/14/2016

Hello, Maxim Alexandrovich! Is it true that there are also medical indications for abdominoplasty? Does this operation affect your overall health? Lida

Hello, Lida! Indications for abdominoplasty are: fat deposits in the abdominal area (significant); loss of muscle tone on the anterior wall of the abdomen; the presence of a so-called “apron”; cicatricial deformities of various origins; hernias of the anterior abdominal wall. Most often, patients themselves express a desire to reduce their belly for aesthetic reasons. The operation does not affect the health of the body in any way.

Stella (30 years old, Moscow), 02/17/2015

Tell me how long after abdominoplasty you can start physical activity.

Hello. After the operation, you will wear compression garments; it is advisable not to allow yourself any activity for several days. The exact date when you can play sports will depend on how your body tolerates surgery.