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Where to go in Russia. Beautiful and interesting places. Weekend in the Moscow region: a selection of interesting places

Hooray, let's go!

In order for your road trip around the Moscow region to go in the best possible way, you need to carefully prepare for it. Experienced tour guides will develop a route according to your wishes, provide you with information about the state of the roads, safe food establishments and good hotels. In order for the trip to pass with maximum pleasure, you need not only to think through a lot of little things, but also to have experience in organizing such a trip. The guides on the site have traveled more than one kilometer to make your vacation unforgettable!

A professional will help you make a list of necessary things, choose a place for camping and parking, pitch a tent, prepare a fire zone, cook food. You can not only spend time in nature, but also get a lot of useful skills.

Since not all roads are in good condition, travel agencies from our website can plan the best route for you and pick up the car you need. An SUV is perfect for any road, and on a regular sedan it is better to overcome kilometers on the highway - a fairly economical option in terms of fuel consumption.

Traveling around the Moscow region by car has quite a few advantages:

  • by car you can get there quickly and comfortably;
  • you can go to the most interesting places, regardless of whether public transport goes there;
  • it is possible to stop at any time to take a photo or stretch, which is especially important when traveling with children;
  • all equipment necessary for recreation does not need to be carried.

You can have a great rest on the weekend, admire nature or see the sights scattered in different cities of the region. For beginners, our guides will prepare an easy program with an inspection of interesting structures or natural objects.

Don't forget the important details!

If you dream of parking with a tent in the lap of nature and admiring the starry sky before going to bed, the guide will select the most beautiful clearing or meadow on a hill and set up camp. It is worth considering that making fires on your own is not always appropriate, and a professional will tell you how and where it is better to use a gas burner. It is also realistic to plan a trip in such a way as to eat in settlements.

Guides will recommend proven roadside establishments, the quality of food in which they have personally verified. To make your road trip around the Moscow region go smoothly, you should listen to their recommendations. Then your memories of the trip will radiate only positive.

When organizing a trip with a small child, with a pregnant woman or with elderly people, travel companies will select for you the best cozy hotel rooms throughout the trip. If you wish, you can arrange an extreme overnight stay in the car. The guide will select a safe parking spot so that you will not be disturbed by intruders.

The opportunity to go on road trips around the Moscow region can take you to a world of peace and long-awaited rest. You can see new places, take a break from the bustle of the city and have a good time with family and friends. Such a trip is also suitable for beginners who just want to master the romance of car travel.

May holidays are the time to relax and experience something new. And in search of discoveries, we usually rush somewhere abroad: to Europe, Asia, America ... But few people know that you don’t have to go far to find amazing places - or rather, fly or drive. How to Green decided to tell you about 8 cities of the Moscow region, for a trip to each of which you can allocate ... just one day. Do you want to admire the elegant unique church, preserved from the time of Peter I? Or see how Chekhov and Tchaikovsky lived? Or do you crave thrills and dream of experiencing weightlessness? If yes, then it seems the time has come to stock up on a camera, a bottle of water, tasty healthy lunches, a good mood - and go to explore the amazing and so close beauties of the Moscow region.

1. Feel like an astronaut in Star City (25 km from MKAD)

The former (until 1968) military settlement Zeleniy, Star City, has been a training base for Russian and even some foreign cosmonauts since 1961. Secret in Soviet times, it was closed to the public for a long time, but now it provides visitors with the opportunity to study and experience the various stages of the training of space explorers - at the Cosmonaut Training Center. Weightlessness, a centrifuge, an IL-76 MDK laboratory aircraft, during the flight on which from 8 to 20 weightlessness modes are performed - here, indeed, you plunge into the atmosphere of stars and space “with your head”. In addition to the center, Star City is known for its temple in the name of the Transfiguration of the Lord, so the program of visiting the city will also affect the cultural and educational aspect.

2. Admire the architectural masterpieces in Podolsk (40 km from MKAD)

It’s worth a trip to this rather large city for the sake of two masterpieces of architecture - the white-stone Church of the Sign (in the Dubrovitsy estate), which has no analogues in Russia in its openwork ornateness, and the Ostafyevo estate, which was visited by Karamzin, Zhukovsky, Griboyedov and Baratynsky and whose name is associated with a funny legend.

The Church of the Sign is the creation of the hands of Swiss and Italian masters (among whom were Domenico Trezzini and a student of Bernini), invited by Prince Boris Golitsyn, tutor of Peter I. simply captivates the eyes of those who admire it.

And just below the elevation on which this architectural miracle stands, at the confluence of two rivers, there is a spacious meadow. On it you can have a picnic with a picturesque view of the rivers and the temple, or just lie around with a book, or play badminton, football or volleyball - that's enough imagination!

In the Ostafyevo estate, you can visit an interesting museum and take a walk in a wonderful park with a pond. According to an unofficial (and more fascinating) version, the name of the estate was given, without knowing it, by Alexander Pushkin. The owner of the property, Pyotr Vyazemsky, decided that he would call the estate the first word that the writer would say upon arrival, and he, leaving the carriage and seeing a servant with a suitcase, simply said: “Leave him.” According to the official version, this was the name of the village bought by Vyazemsky's father.

3. Enjoy the scenery in Zvenigorod (61 km from MKAD)

The views of the surroundings of this city, located on the banks of the Moskva River, inspired the masterpieces of such great painters as Levitan, Repin and Savrasov, who painted their paintings here. For the hilly terrain, Zvenigorod is sometimes called "Russian Switzerland", and the nature and clean air of this area contributed to the construction of many Soviet boarding houses and sanatoriums. You can diversify outdoor recreation with a cultural program by visiting the main attraction of the city - the Savvino-Storozhevsky Monastery, founded in 1398, in the monastery shop of which you will find delicious black onion or white bread with raisins, baked in the shape of a lamb. Also in Zvenigorod you can admire the frescoes of Andrei Rublev (in the Assumption Cathedral), visit the museum of Lyubov Orlova (by appointment) and the estate of the composer Taneyev (in the village of Dyutkovo, where Levitan and Savrasov worked).

Another interesting place in the Zvenigorod district is Lake Glubokoe, one of the deepest lakes in the Moscow region (38 meters). And next to the reservoir you will see the largest stone of the Moscow region - weighing 55 tons and a perimeter of 13 square meters!

4. Make a pilgrimage to the New Jerusalem Monastery in Istra (69 km from MKAD)

The celebrity and pride of Istra is the New Jerusalem Monastery, which was built by Patriarch Nikon in just 40 years at the end of the 17th century. The erection of this architectural monument was another attempt to transfer the image of the Church of the Holy Sepulcher to Russian soil, to create a semblance of the city of Jerusalem near Moscow, which is why, in particular, the Resurrection Cathedral of the monastery reproduces the layout of the Jerusalem church. Outside the walls of the complex, you can stroll through the Garden of Gethsemane and visit the Museum of Wooden Architecture.

And you can entertain yourself with physical activity (weather permitting) at the Vesyoliy Veter water sports center near the village of Lamishino, at the southernmost point of the Istra reservoir. Here you can take a course in windsurfing and sapsurfing, play beach volleyball and table tennis, ride a boat and a catamaran and compete in giant chess. By the way, the season they opened on April 29!

5. Learn to write with a pen and fly in a wind tunnel in Chekhov (73 km from MKAD)

Firstly, Chekhov is, of course, the Melikhovo estate with the A.P. Chekhov House-Museum: here is the outbuilding where The Seagull was written, and the writer's old garden, his house and doctor's office. In the city itself, in the building of the post office, there is the Museum of A.P. Chekhov's Letters: in addition to excursions, here you can attend interactive classes "Living Writing", where they learn to write with pen and ink, as in the old days.

Secondly, in the city you can go to admire the snow-white Church of the Conception of Anna (built in 1694) on the territory of the Lopasnya-Zachatievskoye estate of the end of the 18th century. One of the builders of the estate, the Vasilchikov princes, was a favorite of Catherine II herself.

If you want to experience an unforgettable feeling of flying, then on the way to the city itself (53 kilometers from Moscow) look into the first FreeZone complex in Russia - there you will be instructed, provided with equipment and sent to fly in a wind tunnel. This "attraction" is suitable for both professional skydivers and beginners.

6. Explore Russian church architecture in Sergiev Posad (73 km from MKAD)

Perhaps the main thing that attracts this city so much is the stunning view of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra with its sparkling golden and sky-blue elegant domes. Inside the largest male monastery of the Russian Orthodox Church, you will be amazed by the variety of famous architectural styles: it is not for nothing that the architectural ensemble of the Lavra is under the protection of UNESCO. In the district, you can take a leisurely walk, admiring the views of nature and the old buildings succinctly inscribed in the landscape.

7. Get to know the work of the composer Pyotr Tchaikovsky in the city of Klin (87 km from the Moscow Ring Road)

The great composer lived in the city itself for about 8 years, and he spent his last months in the now-now P.I. Tchaikovsky House-Museum. The original surroundings and furnishings have been preserved in the house, and among the most interesting things here you can see a centipede table (designed for 20 people, that is, 40 legs) and a table at which Symphony No. 6 and the Nutcracker ballet were written. In addition, the city has a small museum of Arkady Gaidar and the Museum of Christmas decorations.

All sorts of outdoor activities in the Kuznetsovo estate, located in the Klinsky district, will help you enrich and enliven the program, where you can learn how to ride a horse (even sign up for an equestrian trip around Klin), ride a quad bike, play paintball and sumoball, or take a 30-minute rafting on the Nudol river, which flows into the Istra reservoir.

8. Look at the Kremlin in the "capital of the Moscow region" Kolomna (114 km from MKAD)

The most remote historical city in our selection, which is unofficially called the "capital of the Moscow region." In the 16th century, even before Ivan the Terrible, a majestic brick Kremlin was erected here as a defense of the main outpost from the regular raids of the Crimean Tatars. Now you can admire only the remnants of the former greatness - a few towers and fragments of walls, but they also make the right impression. Inside the Kremlin itself, the atmosphere and ensemble of the old city were preserved, and the entire territory was given the status of a reserve.

As you can see, the Moscow region is rich not only in historical places, but also in all kinds of entertainment programs. And the list we have proposed, of course, does not cover everything that you can devote your weekends to. Choose, study and discover good and eventful holidays for you!

In megacities, life always flows dynamically and quickly. That is why the residents of the capital often ask themselves the question - where can you go for a weekend from Moscow by car in order to take a break from the usual urban bustle, enjoy the beautiful nature or quiet provincial streets, wander through museums, learn about the history of our country, touch her culture.

Art Park "Nikola-Lenivets" - a dream of an art village, embodied in reality

Not far from Moscow, in the Kaluga region, there is a beautiful natural and creative park Nikola-Lenivets. Its history began not so long ago, they started talking about an unusual art zone in 2000. It was then that two Muscovites, Vasily Shchetinin and Nikolai Polissky, managed to realize the dream of creating an ideal creative village from their point of view, far from civilization and city bustle. Since then, the park regularly, three times a year, hosts the Archstoyanie festival dedicated to various topics.

In winter, it can be, for example, a parade of snowmen, in summer - the grandiose construction of the "Tower of Babel" from hay, and so on. But even on days when the holidays subside, there is still something to do in Nikola-Lenivets. Firstly, everyone can work on the farm - for many, this becomes an exciting adventure. Secondly, you can admire unusual sculptures. For example, a lion made of rubber tires. Children especially like them, because this open-air museum is not an exposition, but “alive” - everything can be touched, studied and even “conquered”, climbing to the very top.

"Husky Land" - a corner of Chukotka in the Moscow region

Just a few dozen kilometers from noisy Moscow, there is a wonderful place where you can get acquainted with the customs and cultural traditions of the inhabitants of Chukotka - the ethnographic complex Husky Land. The main inhabitants of the farm, as you might guess from the name, are wonderful dogs with whom you can take pictures, feed, and even ride in teams in the winter season. There are also friendly deer here. In addition to communicating with animals, guests are offered a national Chukchi program - you can visit the yaranga and see how everything is tripled there, take part in ancient rituals and even make a wish that will certainly come true. In general, this is a great entertainment for those who want to escape from the gray everyday life, spend the day in an unusual and bright way.

Bird Park "Sparrows"

In 2005, a very unusual park appeared in the Kaluga region, something between a village courtyard and a mini-zoo. Since then, the project has steadily developed, and today more than 2,000 species of birds live on the territory. And, of course, these are not only sparrows, as you might think from the name. There are also owls, and parrots, and many others. At first glance, you might think that the tour is aimed mainly at children. In fact, it will be interesting for adults too. On the territory of the park there are recreation areas, you can rent a barbecue and even fry a barbecue in a specially designated place, enjoying the beautiful nature. For those who want to take a break from the endless bustle of the city, there is simply no better place to find.

Borovsk and Ethnomir

Borovsk is a small town in the Kaluga region, founded before the Tatar-Mongol invasion. For a couple of decades, it was not known in the tourist world and was not much different from many other provincial neighbors. Of the local attractions, one could only note the Pokrovsky Monastery, founded in the 15th century, and numerous murals on the walls - the administration will encourage creative people in every possible way, and with the support of the leadership they managed to “revive” many boring industrial buildings. In the 2000s, the situation changed dramatically. The so-called Ethnomir appeared in the city, occupying an area of ​​40 hectares. In fact, the complex is an interactive open-air museum divided into many zones - each of them is dedicated to the life and life of a particular people. Here you can not only look, but also touch, climb and feel "inside" the exposition.

Lake Senezh is a natural complex that boggles the imagination with its beauty

Looking at the photos of Lake Senezh, it’s hard to even believe that this place is located in the Moscow region - such beautiful nature, untouched by man, it seems, could only be preserved in the distant outback. But the fact remains - you can get to it from the capital without any problems in just an hour. Senezh is not a natural reservoir, it is a reservoir built in 1826 in order to make it easier to transport materials to the construction site of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior. He did not have any important strategic purpose. Perhaps that is why the age of industrialization seems to have bypassed these parts. Senezh is just a paradise for fishermen. The catches here are truly royal, competitions are regularly held among amateurs and professionals. You can fish both from the shore and from a boat. For those who are not interested in "river hunting", there is a standard set of entertainment - rental stations of the same boats, beaches, cozy cafes on the shore.

Vladimir - the ancient capital of Rus'

The beautiful city of Vladimir, which celebrated more than one anniversary, including the 1000th anniversary, was founded back in 990. In memory of the affairs of bygone days, magnificent white-stone cathedrals, Uspensky and Dmitrievsky, as well as the residence of Prince Andrei Bogolyubsky, in the village of Bogolyubovo, have been preserved. All of them are wonderful examples of ancient Russian architecture, which today attract hundreds of thousands of tourists from all over the world. Another highlight among the local attractions is the magnificent Golden Gate, a symbol of the capital's past of Vladimir (the city really had the status of the main one in Ancient Rus' for a long time).

Inside, you can look at the exposition dedicated to the Tatar-Mongol invasion. In recent years, Vladimir has noticeably changed. In the center appeared its own "arbat" - pedestrian Georgievskaya street, reminiscent of another page in the history of the city - its provincial past of the XVIII-XIX centuries. Here you can look at old houses, a pharmacy, and admire the views of the Klyazma from one of the observation platforms. And, of course, try Suzdal mead in an outdoor or indoor cafe.

Russian village


It features a sauna with an indoor pool and billiards.


790 reviews

Booked 6 times today


Kolomna - a city of contrasts

The small town of Kolomna, located in the Moscow region, is known primarily as a place for the production of excellent marshmallows, which has become its symbol and "visiting card". But few people think about the fact that this is one of the most ancient cities of the Moscow region. Today, the Kremlin reminds of the distant past, which looks very contrasting against the backdrop of the ultra-modern high-tech Ice Palace. There are other contradictions here, which coexist peacefully with each other. For example, abandoned courtyards and “God-forgotten” lanes adjoin the “grand” center, a street bearing the name of the famous revolutionary Lazarev leads to the Cathedral of the Assumption. Kolomna is like a colorful patchwork quilt, bright and attracting attention.

Yaroslavl - the merchant capital of Rus'

Beautiful Yaroslavl, the pearl of the Golden Ring of Russia, is different from all its neighbors. He is not as monumental as Vladimir. Not as colorful and provincial as Kostroma, not as “golden-domed” as Suzdal. But, nonetheless, beautiful. Initially, it was formed as the capital of the merchant class. Perhaps this gave him some lightness, carelessness and some unique beauty. The hallmark of Yaroslavl is the arrow of the Volga and Kotorosl, two rivers that merge right next to the city. Barges passing by perfectly complement the fountain and park ensemble of the embankment. It makes no sense to list all the sights of Yaroslavl - there are more than eight hundred of them in the city. If there is not too much time, then it is more logical and correct to start acquaintance with the Kremlin. And, of course, be sure to feed the bear living there - it has long become a symbol of the city on the Volga.

Tver is an ancient city glorified by M. Krug

Tver is another ancient city located not far from Moscow. Once it was one of the influential centers of Rus', not only neighbors, but also the "capital" rulers, Kiev, Vladimir, and then Moscow, were forced to reckon with the princes of the Tver principality. Unfortunately, no ancient monuments have been preserved in the city. However, there are still architectural sights that deserve attention. First of all, this is the imperial travel palace, built during the reign of Catherine II. She often visited here, spending several days during her trips from St. Petersburg to Moscow. It is not surprising that the interiors were decorated with the luxury inherent in those times - as the Empress loved. Also, be sure to take a look at the White Trinity - the oldest city church dating back to the 16th century.

Modern Tver also has something to show guests. One of the first associations of the 20th century is associated, of course, with the name of M. Krug - it was here that the famous singer was born and lived. Not so long ago, a museum dedicated to his work was opened. In addition, fans do not miss the chance to see Lazurny, where the “fraternity walks”, the courtyards of the Proletarka, school No. 39, a white cottage on Liberation Street, where Mikhail Vladimirovich lived and, of course, visit his grave at the Dmitrov-Cherkassky cemetery. And one more interesting point. Tver is unofficially considered the Russian capital of street art. Street artists are treated with respect here, and special places are allocated in the city for their “works”. And guests and local residents can enjoy one of the modern art forms without any restrictions.

Tula - a city of weapons, samovars and gingerbread

There are cities associated with a particular monument, phenomenon or name. You can’t say the same about Tula - she has too many calling cards. These are weapons, and legendary gingerbread, and samovars, and, of course, the great Russian writer Leo Tolstoy. It is not surprising that many tourists, coming to this, in general, a small city, are lost from such a variety and do not know where to start. And of course, you need to start your acquaintance with the heart of Tula - the majestic Kremlin. Within its walls there is also one of the symbolic museums - weapons, the expositions of which will surely delight boys of all ages, adult men and simply inquisitive tourists.

Not far from the Kremlin is the second symbolic museum - samovars. Local residents treat them with special trepidation, the collection occupies two floors, and the tour lasts at least 1.5 hours, which fly by unnoticed - any Tula guide spends it in one breath. And, of course, you can not ignore the gingerbread museum. Here you can not only learn about the history of the sweet industry, but also become a participant in the tasting. After it, you can buy your favorite products made according to old recipes. But in order to get acquainted with the work of Leo Tolstoy, you will have to go out of town - to his estate Yasnaya Polyana. If this is not possible, you can take a walk along the square bearing the writer, where the brightest quotes from his famous works are carved on granite blocks.

Serpukhov - a city with an eventful past

Serpukhov is one of the ancient cities of the Moscow region, founded in 1339. Due to its location, in a strategically important place on the banks of the Nara River, it has repeatedly become the protagonist of important historical events, survived the raids of the Crimean Tatars, the “industrial boom” during the time of Peter I, and much more. Today, two monasteries are considered to be the main city attractions - Serpukhov Vysotsky, founded in 1374 at the suggestion of Sergius of Radonezh himself, and Vvedensky Vladychensky, which appeared even earlier, in 1360, but completely rebuilt during the time of Boris Godunov. Today it is one of the most striking architectural monuments of his era in all of Russia. Also of interest is the historical and art museum, in the collection of which there are more than 40 thousand exhibits. The collection is considered the richest in the entire suburbs.

Park Hotel Vozdvizhenskoye


Occupies a large area with an English-style park


1036 reviews

Booked 11 times today


Inn Rus


Occupies a building built 226 years ago


445 reviews

Booked 11 times today


Kaluga is a typical example of a provincial pre-revolutionary city

Kaluga is not as popular in the tourist world as, for example, St. Petersburg, Vladimir or Moscow itself. However, there is some special attraction in its streets. Perhaps the whole thing is in a special spirit that has been hovering here for more than one hundred years. The history of Kaluga began in the distant 1371, when a fortress was built on the banks of the Oka. Gradually, it lost its original meaning, but this did not prevent the city from growing and developing in a different direction - as a major shopping center. In the XVIII-XIX centuries, mainly merchants lived here, many of them could afford to own mansions in the city center. These buildings have been perfectly preserved to this day; museums, administrative offices are now located within their walls, and some have remained residential, though now apartment buildings.

Walking through the center of Kaluga, sometimes you forget that the 21st century reigns in the yard - it seems to have “lingered” in the past. Another hallmark of the city is the museum of the history of cosmonautics, created back in the days of the Soviet Union with the participation of Yu.A. Gagarin and S.P. Korolev. The place was not chosen by chance, since it was in Kaluga that the “father” of Russian cosmonautics, K.E. Tsiolkovsky, was born and lived. In his native house, small, wooden, but very comfortable, there is also a memorial museum.

Four Points by Sheraton Kaluga

The location of this option is one of the best in Kaluga

Summer will soon fly by, but there is so much more to do! If it suddenly rains, don't be discouraged, as we have a lot of ideas where to go in Moscow on the weekends. And if the weather still pleased you, and there is a chance to spend the whole day outside, take a look in our piggy bank anyway: we will tell you about the park and the summer cinema. We have selected options for any time of the year.

This summer presented Muscovites and guests of the capital with a new and truly unique project, which thousands of children and adults have already become fans of: the Moskvarium Oceanography Center was opened on the territory of VDNKh. Previously, such a curiosity could only be found in Dubai or Barcelona. Here you can get acquainted with a variety of inhabitants of the underwater world, watch a water show and even swim with dolphins (the swimming center with dolphins will open in 2016).

Tip: in order not to stand in line, it is better to purchase tickets in advance on the Internet. If possible, it is better to visit the oceanarium on a weekday, since on weekends Very many visitors.

There is another oceanarium on Dmitrovskoye Highway not far from the Altufievo metro station. Here you will get acquainted not only with the inhabitants of the underwater world, but also be able to feel like a resident of the jungle, see exotic animals and birds and take a walk in a cave under a waterfall. For young visitors, quests, entertainment programs are held, here you can celebrate an unforgettable birthday. Take a picture with a penguin, feed exotic fish and watch a fur seal show - positive emotions are guaranteed!

If you once again faced the task of where to go in Moscow on a weekend with a girl, and you want something romantic and sublime, the best advice in this case is the Ostankino TV tower. The level of adrenaline jumps already in the high-speed elevator: the ears are pawned, and the numbers of floors are changing with cosmic speed. Here you are on the lookout. The whole capital is at a glance, it captures the spirit, and it’s even scary to approach the glass. But this is not all the “sights” of the TV tower. There is a concert hall "Korolevsky", where you can arrange an enchanting buffet reception and the well-known restaurant "Seventh Heaven".

We offer motorists to visit the museums of retro cars: the Vadim Zadorozhny Museum of Technology, the Museum of Vintage Cars on Rogozhsky Val and in Autoville. Thanks to such places, you can plunge into the history of the automotive industry and see what cars people used to move a century ago. A guide to museums, directions, opening hours can be found.

And now it's time to devote time to art. One of the galleries where you can go on weekends with your family is the gallery of Ilya Glazunov. The museum opened in 2004, but has already become one of the most iconic places in the capital. More than seven hundred works of the great master are presented here, the entire exposition occupies three floors. Glazunov's work is dedicated to the history of our state, its culture, way of life and heroes of Russian literature. Everyone should see the canvases and architectural creations of the artist. The gallery is located in the center of the capital, opposite the Pushkin Museum im. A.S. Pushkin, next to the Cathedral of Christ the Savior, and you won’t be able to pass it by.

Yusupov Palace

Another place of spiritual food is the Yusupov Palace (Volkov-Yusupov Chambers) in Bolshoy Kharitonievsky Lane. Despite the fact that the building is one of the oldest in the capital, it has survived almost unchanged to this day. A.S. lived there for several years. Pushkin. Today, theme evenings and interactive performances for children, literary evenings and educational excursions in a foreign language are held here. You will learn about the golden legends of the palace, the history of the Russian nobility and Moscow during the time of Ivan the Terrible.

The palace is notable for its interior decoration. However, in the palace now preventive work is underway, we are looking forward to its opening and follow the information .

Why don't we listen to jazz? Moreover, in Moscow for fans of this musical direction there is a wonderful "Union of Composers", hidden in one of the Moscow courtyards. For the first time the club opened its doors to music lovers in 2007, and during this time many jazz stars managed to visit here: from Andrey Makarevich and Vladimir Kuzmin to Al Foster and Victor Bailey. The club has a very cozy hall with tables, and any concert can be enjoyed with a glass of wine and delicious cheeses. There are also business lunches with very attractive prices. Tickets for the concert can be purchased both online and at the box office.

Clowns and jugglers, trained animals and acrobats - how much joy and laughter they bring to people! Going for another portion of positive emotions is, of course, the circus on Vernadsky, one of the oldest and loved by millions of spectators. Take a look at the circus website - the catalog of performances is impressive: trapeze gymnasts, a dog academy, and aerial tightrope walkers. Fans of spectacle will have something to look at.

Entire volumes of books have been written about the Kremlin, this is the first and most important place for any tourist, and Cathedral Square is his heart. These are the Assumption and Archangel Cathedrals known to everyone since childhood, the Faceted Chamber and the bell towers of Ivan the Great. Be sure to attend lecture programs and creative classes. For schoolchildren there is the Club of Antiquities Lovers, where young visitors get acquainted with the history and culture of our state in a fascinating way.

Beautiful weddings, carriages, a duck pond, a park with shady alleys and even cages with peacocks can all be seen in Kuskovo, the residence of the Russian aristocracy founded by the Sheremetyevs in the 18th century. Today, concerts, festivals and exhibitions are held here, the announcement of which is on the website. Art lovers will be delighted with the collections of the main Palace, the Grotto, the Italian and the Dutch houses. Promotions and competitions are periodically held, including the beloved Night at the Museum.

Yes, some classical music seems boring, to which you can only fall asleep. And they are absolutely wrong. To join the beautiful and understand the mystery of real Music, you should make it a rule to visit the Moscow Conservatory. Go once, twice ... and understand why people at concerts cry and give a standing ovation. Run to Bolshaya Nikitskaya!

By the way, the conservatory is possible, so follow the poster.

Another weekend in Moscow. Where to go on a fine evening? An outdoor cinema in Gorky Park is a great idea for the warm season. The sound here is excellent, and the organizers did not forget about 3D. And if you freeze, they will immediately give you a warm fluffy blanket.

And, finally, if you just want to escape from the bustle of the world, then we advise you to visit the park of the Novodevichy Convent, the views of which will definitely not leave anyone indifferent. You can enter the monastery itself only until 17.00, be careful.

Address: Novodevichy pr., 1.

Don't stay at home! Walls won't make you happier ;)

On our instagram @idem_gulyat every Friday we publish 10 free and interesting events of the upcoming weekend, subscribe and save yourself the tormenting question of where to go on the weekend!

To have a good rest after a working week, it is worth spending the weekend not in a noisy metropolis, but on the road. We bring to your attention an overview of interesting places where it is easy to get from the capital by car. It remains only to find a good card - and go!


In the Kaluga region, 220 km from the capital, there is a village where people come not only from Moscow, but also from other Russian cities. It would seem, how can you surprise a sophisticated metropolitan resident? It turns out that Nikola-Lenivets is not just a picturesque settlement on the banks of the Ugra, but also the largest art park in Europe. It is open all year round and you can enter its territory for free.

On 600 hectares there are many architectural objects and giant sculptures made mainly of wood - Brodsky's Rotunda, Mayak, Universal Mind, Beaubourg and others. The natural background for unusual buildings was the valley of the Ugra River and green forest edges. And nearby stands the Trinity Church, built more than two centuries ago.

The art park can be explored on foot or by bike. By the way, in Nikolo-Lenivets, a bike rental point has been opened, and interesting bike tours have been organized. In summer, many people spend a lot of time on the banks of the Ugra, where you can sunbathe and swim well. And that is not all! Crowded festivals take place in the art park almost every weekend.

From Friday to Sunday, a cafe is open in Nikolo-Lenivets, and during festivals - food courts. They spend the night in the art park on the territory of the campsite, in wooden cottages, a hostel and in guest houses that host tourists in the village of Koltsovo.


The beautiful old city is located not far from Moscow - it is only 144 km away. It is good for a two-three day trip, and for a whole vacation. It is especially interesting to travel around Pereslavl-Zalessky with the whole family.

There are many unusual museums open in the city - a kettle, an iron, steam locomotives, a radio, the history of money, gramophones and records, a Russian vase and old sewing machines. There is even a museum of cunning and ingenuity here, so neither children nor adults get bored!

Many go to Pereslavl-Zalessky to visit ancient churches and monasteries that remember the most important milestones in Russian history. However, the city is famous not only for its architectural monuments. It stands on the shore of the round lake Pleshcheyevo. Arriving here for the weekend, it is interesting to take a walk in the picturesque dendrological garden, visit the mysterious Blue Stone and see with your own eyes the famous boat of Peter the Great and the traces of the ancient settlement of Kleshchino.

Tourists can stay in city hotels, guest houses, mini-hotels, camp sites and recreation centers. And especially for those who travel by car, the Albitsky Garden motel and the Avto hotel are open in Pereslavl-Zalessky.


In the Ryazan region, on the banks of the Oka River, 262 km from Moscow, there is a small town of Kasimov, whose history begins in 1152. That is, this city is only 5 years younger than the capital. Despite its remoteness from Moscow, Kasimov does not look like a quiet province. Along with Orthodox churches and merchants' mansions, you can see a minaret and a mausoleum built in the Middle Ages, which is 500 years old.

In Kasimov, it is easy to feel how heterogeneous Russia is, and how many cultures and ethnic groups our country is made up of. The local history museum, the Russian Samovar Museum and the Kasimov Tatars Museum of Ethnography have been opened in the city. For the night you can stay at the private hotel "Stagecoach", the hotel "Leis" or the mini-hotel "Blacksmith's Yard".


Having traveled only 120 km from the capital, you can find yourself in the land of monasteries, temples and wonderful museums - in Kolomna, a charming city with an ancient history. Traveling around Kolomna is very interesting. The closer to the Kremlin, the more amazing are its streets and buildings. In the city you can see wooden houses with carved architraves, and merchants' estates with outbuildings, and stone chambers built in the 18th century.

The heart of Kolomna is the ancient Kremlin. It is located near the place where the Kolomenka flows into the Moscow River. Seven towers and fragments of the fortress wall have survived to this day in the Kremlin. Inside the Kremlin, there is a 14th-century church where Dmitry Donskoy was married, and the famous Assumption Cathedral, built in honor of the victory of Russian troops on the Kulikovo field.

It will be interesting for children and adults to visit the Kolomna museums - "Blacksmith's Settlement", the museum of the beginning dedicated to old money, the "House of the Samovar", the local history museum and, of course, the marshmallow museum, where all guests are given a taste of the famous Kolomna delicacy.

Hotels and guest houses are open to accommodate tourists in Kolomna. And if you want to save money, then you should pay attention to the offers of Kolomna hostels.

Bird Park "Sparrows"

In the Kaluga region, just a couple of hours drive from the capital, there is a bird park "Sparrows", where more than 2000 birds are kept. In addition to birds, exotic and domestic animals live in a spacious green area.

The bird park is a large open-air zoo, where, in addition to cages and aviaries, there are many other entertainments. In Sparrows you can take a memorable photo with a bird of prey, ride horses and in a carriage, play paintball, feed animals, visit an ostrich farm and have a good time in a house above the river.

The bird park opens daily at 10.00 and closes at nightfall. Those who come here for a couple of days stop for the night at the Ivolga recreation center. It is noteworthy that its guests have the right to visit the bird park for free during daylight hours. If for everyone the territory with animals opens at 10.00, tourists living in the recreation center can go to the park as soon as they wake up and observe the local inhabitants from early morning.

Borovsk and Ethnomir

Thanks to a local resident - artist Vladimir Ovchinnikov, the city of Borovsk has acquired a new face. The walls of the buildings in it are turned into real paintings. Portraits of famous countrymen, historical subjects, genre scenes and landscapes are painted on the houses. There is even ... a globe of Borovsk and several colorful appeals to motorists.

It is not difficult to get to Borovsk - it is only 115 km from Moscow. The city on the hilly banks of Protva is considered one of the centers of the Russian Old Believers. The well-known noblewoman Morozova spent her last days here, and the founder of theoretical astronautics Konstantin Tsiolkovsky lived here.

When traveling to Borovsk, it is interesting to look into the ancient Pafnutiev-Borovsky Monastery and the high Annunciation Cathedral, visit the house-museum of K. Tsiolkovsky and the Museum of the History of Borovsk, as well as draw water from the holy spring at the Church of the Intercession of the Mother of God on Vysokoe.

Near the city there is a huge cultural and educational center "Ethnomir", where you can get acquainted with the traditions of peoples living in different parts of the world. This unique open-air ethnographic project attracts many tourists. In Ethnomir, they serve national dishes, show traditional clothes, and also hold master classes in various crafts. On weekends there are holidays and themed festivals.

Several ethno-hotels and a large hotel complex are open for tourists in Ethnomir. Near Borovsk, there is also the opportunity to stay for the night at the recreation center "Uvarovskie Prudy", in the rest house "Fateevo" and in the motel "Uyut".

Taldom and the Common Cranes Sanctuary

130 km north of Moscow is the city of Taldom, whose history begins in the second half of the 17th century. Local residents were considered good shoemakers, and Taldom was also known for its crowded lush fairs.

Today, the city houses a historical and literary museum, several old merchant mansions and a colorful church of the Archangel Michael. Nearby, in the village of Spas-Ugol, it is worth visiting the estate that belonged to the famous Russian writer M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin.

If you turn from Taldom to the east, towards the village of Severny, the road will lead to the nature reserve "Crane Homeland". This protected area got its name from the story of the same name by M. Prishvin. In the spring, several thousand migratory birds stop to rest in the wetlands. In addition to cranes, wild geese, ducks, swans, storks, snowy owls and waders can be seen in the reserve. In addition to birds, moose, deer, roe deer, lynx, otters and badgers are found in the protected area. Employees of the "Crane Homeland" conduct thematic excursions for tourists.

During a trip to Taldom for the night, you can stay in the wooden houses of the cultural fishery (CRF) "Renaissance". Wooden cottages with amenities are located in an ecologically clean place, and next to them there are six stocked ponds.