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Description of the drug and medicinal properties of salicylic acid. What does salicylic acid help with and how can you use this unique remedy at home Salicylic acid 1 percent application

Salicylic acid is an antiseptic that has an anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and irritant effect on the epidermis. Available in the form of an alcohol solution (salicylic alcohol 1% and 2%), and is also included in pastes (1% and 3%), powders and salicylic ointment (2%, 5%, 10%) for external use. The active ingredient of the drug - salicylic acid - was once isolated from willow bark by the Italian chemist Rafael Piria.

All dosage forms of salicylic acid have a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect, as a result of which they are indispensable in dermatology. The degree of effectiveness of each drug directly depends on the concentration of the active substance (from 0.5% to 10%). Thanks to disinfection and drying of the skin, reduction of inflammation and acne, salicylic alcohol and ointment are deservedly popular among dermatologists and their patients.

Salicylic acid has the following therapeutic properties:
  • antimicrobial;
  • local irritant;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • keratolic;
  • distracting;
  • weak antipruritic;
  • softening the outer layer of skin with its subsequent discoloration and removal.
Indications for use of salicylic acid
  • acne vulgaris;
  • skin pigmentation after acne;
  • comedones (blackheads);
  • excessive oily skin and increased sebum secretion;
  • oily seborrhea;
  • pityriasis versicolor;
  • burns (only ointment or paste is used);
  • chronic eczema;
  • calluses;
  • psoriasis;
  • hyperkeratosis;
  • hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating of the feet).

As a warming rub, an alcohol solution can be prescribed to patients suffering from arthritis and rheumatism.

How to properly use an alcohol solution of salicylic acid

100 ml of a one percent solution of salicylic acid contains 1 g of active substance, the auxiliary component is 70% ethyl alcohol. The drug is a colorless, transparent liquid, with a characteristic pungent odor of alcohol, intended for external use only. The product is actively used in dermatological practice for the treatment of inflammatory and infectious skin diseases.

According to the instructions, the maximum daily dose for treating skin surfaces for adults is 10 ml, and for children – 1 ml. Problem areas are treated with a cotton swab soaked in a solution of salicylic acid several times a day.

The course of treatment is no more than 1 week. The maximum duration of use of the drug during therapy can only be determined by the attending physician.

To maintain skin balance, it is advisable to apply the solution locally (pointwise), cauterizing each pimple with a cotton swab dipped in salicylic acid, no more than 2 times a day. The skin is first cleaned of any remaining cosmetics and dirt and wiped with an antiseptic, for example, calendula tincture diluted in half with clean water.

An alcohol solution helps get rid of ingrown hair after depilation in the bikini area, armpits, legs and arms. First of all, areas with ingrown hairs are treated with a hard washcloth and/or scrub, and then a cotton swab soaked in a solution of salicylic acid is applied to each inflamed area for a minute, after which the hair is easily removed with tweezers.

How to use salicylic ointment correctly?

This dosage form, related to non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, is intended exclusively for external use. The duration of treatment with the product should not exceed 20 days (depending on the severity of the disease).

The ointment has a wide range of applications and is prescribed for burns, wounds, diaper rash, calluses, warts, lichens, eczema, psoriasis, seborrhea, inflammatory and infectious skin lesions (acne, pimples, comedones, etc.).

The ointment is applied to problem areas pointwise using a cotton swab or a cotton swab. The skin should first be cleaned of necrotic tissue and disinfected with an antiseptic. If there is an existing wound surface, apply a gauze bandage soaked in ointment, which must be changed every 2-3 days.

Local application is carried out 1-3 times a day. In case of pronounced tissue inflammation, it is recommended to dilute the product with petroleum jelly in a ratio of 1:2 or 1:4 (depending on the condition of the skin and the course of the disease). When treating psoriasis, seborrhea, acne, pimples and lichen, the concentration of the ointment should not exceed 2%. To remove keratinized areas of skin and calluses, use a stronger product with a salicylic acid concentration of 10%.

With proper treatment of acne with salicylic ointment, no traces remain. Salicylic ointment is also indispensable for resorption and lightening of scars, spots, pigmented areas already formed after the end of the inflammatory process, for example, from acne.

In the treatment of psoriasis, an ointment with a concentration of the active substance from 1 to 5% is used. The use of the product helps remove excess epidermis (the upper layer of skin) and softens the skin, improving the absorption of other medicinal compounds prescribed by the doctor.

Areas of the scalp affected by psoriasis are lubricated with an ointment with a higher concentration of salicylic acid - from 5% to 10%. Localized lesions are treated with the composition daily, and extensive ones - no more than 3 times a week (every other day). Observation by a treating specialist is required.

Salicylic acid: contraindications

  1. The solution should not be used by people who are allergic to ethanol and salicylic acid, as well as by women during lactation and breastfeeding.
  2. The ointment is contraindicated for application if you are allergic to the active substance or auxiliary components.
  3. With prolonged use of the ointment, blood clotting disorders may occur.
  4. The drug may be harmful to patients with renal failure due to the high absorption of the active compound.
  5. It is not advisable to use the drug for newborns and infants.

Precautionary measures

  • When using salicylic acid-based products for children, you should not apply it to several areas of the skin at the same time.
  • In cases where the recommended dosage of the drug is exceeded, an allergic reaction may develop in the treated areas of the skin: itching, dryness, burning, peeling, irritation, urticaria, local fever, as well as the appearance of a keratolytic effect.
  • Dermatologists do not recommend applying salicylic acid preparations to birthmarks, warts with hairs growing from them, and warts located in the face and genitals.
  • Protect mucous membranes from getting the drug; if accidentally applied, rinse the affected area with plenty of running water.
  • It should be noted that when applying the product to surfaces with weeping lesions and hyperemic or inflamed skin, the absorption of salicylic acid increases sharply.
  • Experts do not recommend using an alcohol solution and salicylic acid ointment at the same time, since this combination excessively dries out the skin.
  • Without prior consultation with a dermatologist, you should not use other medications simultaneously with salicylic acid preparations.

There are so many skin care creams on the shelves of pharmacies that it’s dizzying. But their prices are sometimes absolutely “cosmic”. We will tell you about a very inexpensive remedy for combating juvenile acne, rashes and dermatitis. This is salicylic acid, reviews of which, recipes for masks and peels, we will present below.

What is salicylic acid?

The name of this remedy comes from the Latin word "willow". It turns out that this remedy was first isolated from the bark of this tree. The acid is highly soluble in alcohol. It has a very good anti-inflammatory effect (by the way, the well-known “aspirin” is a derivative of the substance we are discussing).

Salicylic acid (reviews and methods of use are described below) was used to treat diathesis and rheumatism. Now this remedy is a popular aseptic, the scope of its application has expanded significantly.

by application

The drug is available in the form of a solution or ointment. Spectrum of action: antiseptic with anti-inflammatory and wound-healing effect. It is used to prevent infection of skin lesions and cleanse purulent wounds from their contents.

The medication has the ability to suppress the secretion of the sebaceous glands, which has proven itself well in dermatology and cosmetology. Salicylic acid (see reviews below) is included in most facial skin care products, especially creams and lotions designed to combat hormonal youth rash. They perfectly cleanse and tone the skin, relieve inflammation.

Salicylic acid can be prescribed for the following diseases:

  • psoriasis and eczema;
  • burns and wounds;
  • pityriasis versicolor;
  • warts;
  • acne (common) and infected;
  • seborrhea in combination with increased oily scalp.

Apply medications (ointment and solution) externally, treating a specific damaged area.

Contraindications and special notes

Salicylic acid is often used for the face (see reviews below), as well as for other parts of the body. But do not forget that this is a medicine, therefore, like other medicines, it has a number of contraindications.

Both ointment and solution should not be used in case of renal (acute or chronic) failure. Children under 3 years of age are also not prescribed the drug; older children use it only under the supervision of a doctor. In case of an allergic reaction, its use is also prohibited.

Special notes when using: this acid in any form is prohibited from use during pregnancy or breastfeeding.

You should be careful when using the medication in the summer. Staying in the open sun after applying the product can lead to severe sunburn and pigmentation. For dry and flaky skin, cosmetics with a high content of salicylic acid are contraindicated.

Salicylic acid for calluses. Reviews

One of the areas of application of salicylic acid is the treatment of calluses. This product softens them very well, after which steaming and pumice help to get rid of this trouble quite quickly.

It is worth distinguishing between calluses and calloused, dead areas of skin. They appear due to long-term negative effects on the skin. For example, uncomfortable shoes with poor-quality soles can cause them to appear. Corns are a natural protection of the skin from mechanical permanent (stable) damage. Injured skin creates areas of roughness and keratinization.

Salicylic acid (reviews are positive in this area of ​​application) can help get rid of corns. However, the remedy will not get rid of the cause that caused them. You need to look for it and eliminate it yourself. When applying acid to calluses, you must try not to go beyond the edges of the callus, so as not to damage the healthy skin around it.


In this section we will talk about effective facial cleansing and rejuvenation. Peeling with salicylic acid (read reviews below) is a good way to cleanse your facial skin. It does not injure the skin, but gently cleanses it of dead particles. As a result, the face looks fresh and rested. Before moving on to peeling, it is worth talking about contraindications and warnings. Salicylic acid should not be used by pregnant or breastfeeding women. If you have herpes and have a strong tan or sunburn, it is better to wait until the skin recovers. This procedure is contraindicated for dry and sensitive skin. Allergy sufferers should also look for other ways to clean and polish their skin.

How to peel? We will not write his recipe here for several reasons. The most important thing is that despite all the positive effects of the procedure, it is still a chemical effect. Many salons offer this service at a reasonable price. No matter how it sounds, it is better to use the services of a specialist. If for some reason this is not possible, pharmacies have many ready-made peelings based on salicylic acid. Before the procedure, you need to cleanse the skin using cleansers. It is better to remove the remnants of cosmetics with milk; it nourishes the skin well, which will make it more receptive. Next, apply the mask to your face. Mild tingling and burning is normal, but if you experience more severe pain, wash off the product immediately. Further warnings are standard for any peeling: sun, bath and sauna, solarium are prohibited.

Briefly about the reviews: the photos of those who completed peeling courses are pleasantly surprising. The skin is tightened, clean, rejuvenated. Reviews about the procedure are only positive; women and men talk about good results from the first time. But it’s worth considering that with the slightest mistake, the effect can be completely unexpected, from scars and rashes to thermal burns.

Levomycetin and Reviews

For the treatment of juvenile acne, hormonal and bacterial rashes, salicylic acid is used in conjunction with a broad-spectrum antibacterial agent - chloramphenicol. Often these drugs are prescribed in the form of a talker. The pharmacist prepares it according to the recipe, but knowing the proportions and components, you can mix the ingredients yourself.

A mixture of chloramphenicol and salicylic acid (reviews are mostly positive when used correctly) quickly eliminates the acne problem. The recipe is given below, but before you run to the pharmacy for the components of the mash, you need to consider that the cause of the rash is not always on the surface. Sometimes this is a signal of a malfunction in the endocrine system or the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. A common cold or exposure to a draft can also cause inflammation of the skin on the face.

How to make mash at home

To do this, you will need two clean glass containers (one for mixing, the second with a lid for storage) and the following components:

  • salicylic acid 2% - 5 g;
  • boric acid - 50 g;
  • alcohol 90% - 50 g;
  • chloramphenicol - 5 g.

All components of the mash must be mixed well and poured into the prepared container. Next, you need to apply the mash to the areas affected by the rash at night. This is done in a targeted manner using cotton wool moistened with the resulting medicine. Under no circumstances should moles be wetted. You can begin the application procedure only after thorough cleaning of dirt, grease and cosmetic residues (to do this, you can simply wash your face with soap).

An acne cream with salicylic acid (reviews about it from dermatologists and patients are mostly only positive) - a very good remedy when used correctly.

Before using the drug, you must ensure that there is no allergic reaction. You can check this by applying the prepared medication to your wrist and waiting a little. There should be no severe itching, rash, redness or pain at the application site. If there is, you cannot use the chatterbox.

"Levomitsetin": instruction

"Levomycetin" is an antimicrobial drug (or, more simply, an antibiotic) with a wide spectrum of action. Many bacteria, both gram-negative and gram-positive, are sensitive to it, including streptococci, chlamydia, rickettsia and salmonella. This drug treats such serious diseases as pneumonia and meningitis, abdominal infections: typhoid, salmonellosis, peritonitis of various origins. The product is available in the form of tablets, injection solution and eye drops.

If you are focused on using the medicine, do not forget about contraindications and side effects. The drug is contraindicated during pregnancy and breastfeeding; It is not prescribed to children under three years of age. It is a strong allergen, so it should not be used by people with hypersensitivity. In addition, the medication does not treat fungal skin infections.

"Levomycetin": how can it help the skin?

It is also used in dermatology. Many boys and girls in adolescence experience inconvenience due to juvenile acne. Sometimes a hormonal rash is accompanied by a bacterial one, which is much more difficult to get rid of. Can Levomycetin help and how? We have already written above about its antibacterial effect. It is what helps in the fight against infected acne and rashes, that is, it kills pathogens that cause rashes and inflammation.

It can be used as a component in the manufacture of various medicinal ointments and mash. This is done only on the recommendation of a doctor.

One hundred grams alcohol solution contains 1 or 2 grams salicylic acid .

The drug contains 70% ethyl alcohol as an excipient.

One hundred grams ointments contains 2 or 3 grams of salicylic acid, as well as Vaseline in an amount of up to 100 grams.

Release form

Pharmacological forms of the drug:

  • alcohol solution of salicylic acid (1%, 2%, 3%, 5% and 10%; available in glass bottles of 25 or 40 ml);
  • ointment with salicylic acid (2%, 3%, 4%, 5% and 10%; packaged in 25 grams in dark glass jars or aluminum tubes).

pharmachologic effect

Antiseptic for external use . Has a local irritant keratolytic And antiseptic effect . Prevents the breakdown of proteins into amino acids, relieves inflammation, helps clean the wound surface and accelerates tissue healing.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

When used as a local remedy, it is distracting, irritating, and also weak antiseptic effect . In low concentrations it provokes keratoplastic , in high - keratolytic effect .

The plasma concentration of salicylic acid reaches its maximum 5 hours after applying the drug to the skin under an occlusive dressing. Approximately 6% of the total absorbed amount of the substance is excreted unchanged in the urine, while the majority is excreted as metabolic products.

Indications for use

The drug is used as a monotherapeutic agent and as part of combination drugs:

  • for various types of painful skin conditions, including dis- and hyperkeratosis , burns, oily , calluses, ;
  • at hyperhidrosis stop;
  • for hair loss.


Children's age (ointment with salicylic acid) and individual sensitivity to the drug. The solution can be used in children over 12 months of age.

Side effects

Local and allergic reactions are possible.

Salicylic acid: instructions for use

In accordance with the instructions for Salicylic acid, the solution is used externally. It is recommended to treat the affected surface with it twice a day.

The medicine is applied with a cotton swab. To treat an area the size of your palm, no more than 5 ml of solution is required. The highest dose for adults is 2, for children - 0.2 grams per day. The course of treatment is no more than 7 days.

In otorhinolaryngological practice, it is recommended to instill the solution into the sore ear twice a day, 6 drops.

For acne, 1 percent salicylic acid is usually used. A two and three percent solution is suitable only for people with oily skin. If there are several pimples, the product is applied pointwise to each of them. If there are a lot of acne, wiping the entire surface of the facial skin with a cotton swab soaked in the solution is recommended.

The procedure is continued until a slight tingling sensation appears. After treatment, the face can be rinsed with water to neutralize the effect of the acid.

At Devergie's disease , psoriasis , seborrhea , ichthyosis the use of salicylic acid 2 percent in the form of an ointment is indicated. In case of severe inflammation, the drug should be diluted with Vaseline 2-4 times. Frequency of applications - 1-2 times a day. After the peeling disappears, treatment is continued using other means.

Apply a thin layer of ointment to the wound surface. The treated surface is covered with sterile gauze. It is also possible to apply a napkin soaked in ointment to the wound.

Before applying a bandage, you should open the blisters, clean the wound of necrotic tissue and rinse it with an antiseptic.


Not identified.


Salicylic acid can increase the permeability of the skin to other topical medications and, accordingly, enhance their absorption.

Absorbed salicylic acid may potentiate the side effects of derivatives sulfonylureas , oral hypoglycemic agents And .

The solution is pharmaceutically incompatible with zinc oxide (forms insoluble zinc salicylate) and c (forms melting mixtures).

Terms of sale

Over the counter.

Storage conditions

Store in a place protected from sunlight and moisture (for ointment). Keep away from children. Storage temperature for the solution is up to 15°C, for the ointment - up to 20°C.

Best before date

The solution is considered suitable for use for 3 years, ointment - for 2 years after the date of issue.

special instructions

What is salicylic acid?

The Pharmacopoeia describes salicylic acid as an odorless, slightly soluble substance in cold water, which can take the form of colorless and odorless needle crystals or white crystalline powder.

Empirical formula - S7N603. The systematic name of the connection is 2-hydroxybenzoic acid.


The substance was first isolated in 1838 from willow bark. Hence its traditional name - salicylic acid: in Latin the word “willow” sounds like “salix”. The discovery belongs to the Italian chemist R. Piria.

The scientist managed to separate the bitter contained in willow bark glycoside salicin into 2 parts, determine that its acidic component (salicylic acid) has valuable medicinal properties, determine its chemical composition and successfully synthesize it. This can be considered the first purification of the substance, which served as the impetus for the development of the drug.

Samples of acetylsalicylic acid suitable for medical use (chemically pure and in a stable form) were first obtained on August 10, 1897 by the German scientist F. Hoffmann.

Salicylic acid derivatives are, Lysine acetylsalicylate , acetylsalicylic acid , salicylamide , mesalazine , Choline salicylates And sodium .

Chemical properties

The chemical properties of the compound are due to the presence of a phenolic hydroxyl, a benzene ring and a carboxyl group in the salicylic acid molecule.

Only the carboxyl group reacts with alkali metal carbonates. As a result, salts are formed - salicylates.

With alkalis, if there is a sufficient amount of them, both the hydroxyl and carboxyl groups react.

When an acid is exposed to alcohols (for example, methyl alcohol) in the presence of mineral acids, esters are formed at the COOH group.

When a substance reacts with anhydrides or acid halides, phenolic hydroxyl reacts. Reaction of salicylic acid (s. acid) with anhydride or acetic (ethanoic) acid chloride allows you to obtain acetylsalicylic acid .

When interacting with phosphoryl chloride, salicylic acid chloride is formed.

If received acid chloride reacts with phenol to produce salicylic acid phenyl ester, which is used in medicine as a disinfectant. The main feature of the product is that it does not undergo hydrolysis in the acidic environment of the stomach and disintegrates only in the intestinal tract.

For industrial production of salol c. the acid and phenol are heated in phosphoryl chloride.

The benzene ring of the compound can enter into SE reactions with H2SO4, HNO3, halogens and other electrophilic reagents. The influence of the OH group makes the aromatic ring c. the acid is significantly more active in these reactions in comparison with the benzene ring C₆H₅COOH (benzoic acid).

C. acid easily interacts with an aqueous solution of bromine, while C₆H₅COOH does not decolorize bromine water under similar conditions.

To obtain n-aminosalicylic acid ( ), which is one of the most significant derivatives of s. acids, used as starting material resorcinol . First, resorcinol is treated with ammonia (NH3), which makes it possible to obtain meta-aminophenol. The meta-aminophenol is then carboxylated into PAS via the Kolbe-Schmitt reaction.

Physical properties

The powder/crystals are sparingly soluble in cold water, but readily soluble in hot water, diethyl ether, ethanol. Slightly soluble in carbon disulfide. Solubility in water (g/l): 0 °C; 20 °C - 1.8; 60 °C - 8.2; 80 °C - 20.5.

Qualitative reactions for the determination of salicylic acid

S. acid and most of its derivatives give an intense purple color with iron salts Fe+3 (ferric iron). To carry out the reaction, take a small amount of powder. acid and drop a little highly diluted solution of Fe+3 chloride onto it.

Solution s. acid, to which a few drops of copper sulfate (Cu2SO4) were added, when heated, gives a bright emerald green color.

You can also use Cobert's reagent to detect the substance. To prepare it, carefully add 3 drops of formaldehyde to 3 ml of concentrated H2SO4.

A little salicylic acid is placed on a glass slide, after which 2 drops of H2SO4 are added to it and - after a few minutes - 1 drop of Cobert's reagent. As a result of this reaction, the powder should turn pink.

Why is salicylic acid needed in cosmetology?

Salicylic acid has long been used very successfully in cosmetology. She possesses antibacterial properties, It treats inflammatory skin lesions well, dries it out, but does not cause irritation.

The effectiveness of using salicylic acid for the face is due to keratolytic properties drug - the product perfectly exfoliates layers of old keratinized skin cells, penetrates deep into pores and removes blockages excretory ducts of the sebaceous glands , thereby helping to get rid of blackheads and acne .

In addition, the drug is used:

  • for peeling;
  • against ingrown hairs;
  • from calluses;
  • as an exfoliant for heels;
  • from warts;
  • from corns.

Salicylic acid for acne should be taken at a one percent (maximum two percent) concentration. Using a solution that is too concentrated can cause severe irritation.

It should be remembered that salicylic acid solution for acne is only suitable for people with normal and oily skin. People with dry and flaky skin are not recommended to use this product.

Some try to reduce the severity of these phenomena by applying a nourishing cream to the skin after using the alcohol solution. However, treatment in this case will most likely not be effective enough: the greasy film will create a protective barrier for microbes, and this, in turn, will not eliminate inflammation.

Reviews indicate that using a solution with salicylic acid for acne gives an excellent, but short-term result. Usually, after a couple of months of using the product for the face and body, the skin “gets used” to it. Therefore, it is necessary to take short breaks between courses of treatment.

If there are few acne, the solution is applied pointwise. If the affected area is large, wipe the problem areas with a swab soaked in the product. It is better to take several tampons so as not to spread the infection.

Salicylic acid can be used both as an independent remedy and as part of various talkers. To prepare them, add to salicylic acid, calendula tincture , zinc oxide, sulfur, boric acid solution .

Popular recipes for homemade anti-acne mash:

  • 50 ml salicylic acid solution, powdered tablets streptocide (7 g), 7 g sulfur and 50 ml boric acid solution ;
  • package aspirin , package chloramphenicol , calendula tincture (the mixture is infused for 24 hours before use);
  • 10 tablets streptocide , 4 tablets chloramphenicol , 30 ml salicylic acid , 80 ml camphor alcohol ;
  • 1 bottle salicylic alcohol , 2 tablets each chloramphenicol And Trichopolum .

All shakers should be shaken well before use.

In order for the effect to be sustainable, in addition to local acne treatment, it is recommended:

  • review your diet and make it more balanced;
  • get rid of bad habits that adversely affect the condition of the skin;
  • undergo a course of hormone therapy;
  • take care of your skin regularly;
  • to live an active lifestyle.

In cosmetology, salicylic acid can also be used as the main agent in peeling compositions. The procedure allows not only to remove the layer of dead cells, but also to start the production processes elastin And collagen .

The procedure allows you to eliminate signs of aging, acne, comedones, oily shine, get rid of age spots, even out skin tone and make your face smoother and fresher. Peeling can be used on any part of the body.

Peeling mixtures with salicylic acid come in 2 types: paste and solution. The solution is more suitable for facial skin, but the paste is recommended to be applied to the skin of the hands, body and knees.

Peeling can be superficial or superficial-medium. In the first case, a mixture with a 15% concentration of the active substance is used, in the second - with a 30% concentration. Superficial peeling allows you to get rid of oily shine and rashes, clean clogged pores and normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands; superficial-median peeling is effective for eliminating acne And post-acne .

To carry out the procedure at home, you need to mix 4 tablets, ground into powder. aspirin (without shell) with 1 teaspoon freshly squeezed lemon juice. The resulting paste is applied to the face with a cotton swab, avoiding the skin around the eyes, and left for 10 minutes.

To remove the mask, soak a cotton pad in water and soda (baking soda neutralizes the acidity of the skin) and wipe the face along the massage lines.

In dermatological practice, various pastes and creams with salicylic acid are widely used, which, in addition to the active component, contain microelements that enhance its effect. For example, not only allows you to thoroughly cleanse the skin of acne, but also effectively fights acne.

For ingrown hairs use a 1-2% solution. To get rid of the problem, it is enough to lubricate the areas of the body where hairs cannot penetrate the epidermis layer and grow under the skin with the solution every day, several times a day.

For calluses and corns, salicylic acid is best used in the form of a 10% ointment. For dry calluses, corns and calluses, it is also advisable to use a callus patch with salicylic acid.

Before attaching a patch to the callus, the feet should be steamed well (with the addition of an antibacterial agent) and wiped dry. Cover the sore spot with a piece of plaster of the required size and leave it for 2 days. If this is necessary, the procedure is repeated 3-4 times until the callus softens and separates completely.

Before applying the ointment, the steps are the same - the feet are steamed and wiped dry. Then a patch with a hole cut in the middle is applied to the sore spot. This should be done in such a way that the callus/corns is exposed, and the areas of healthy skin surrounding it remain under the patch.

The callused area is generously treated with ointment and covered with a layer of plaster.

For heels, salicylic acid is used with beeswax and paraffin. Wax and paraffin taken in equal proportions are melted in a water bath, then salicylic acid is added to them and mixed thoroughly. The prepared mixture is applied in several layers to the heels and socks are put on. It is best to leave the compress overnight.

In the morning, the heels are cleaned of the wax-paraffin mixture. After this, it is recommended to take a soda bath and clean the skin with pumice.

To completely get rid of cracked feet, several procedures are usually enough.

Treatment of warts involves the use of salicylic acid with a concentration of 10 to 60%. Salicylic acid from warts It is used in the form of ointments, solutions and special patches. One of these means is Salipod patch , in which salicylic acid is contained in a 30% concentration.

Before applying the solution, you should steam the area of ​​skin where the tumor has appeared. This will soften the skin and enhance the effect of using the drug. The procedure is carried out before bedtime, applying the medicine directly to the affected area and avoiding areas of healthy skin. After treatment, the wart is covered with a bandage or plaster. In the morning, wash off the product.

With long-term use, it will soften under the influence of acid and can be easily removed with pumice.

Removal ointment warts It is used on the same principle as the solution: before going to bed, the affected area of ​​the skin is steamed, after which a thin layer of the drug is applied to the wart and covered with a bandage. In the morning, the wart is treated with pumice.

Treatment should be continued until the growths completely disappear.

The most convenient method of treatment warts is the use of a patch. It is enough to simply stick it on previously steamed and towel-dried skin. After 2 days, the patch is removed, and the softened wart carefully remove with pumice. The procedures are repeated until complete removal warts .

Precautionary measures

The solution and ointment should not be applied to birthmarks, mucous membranes, pilar warts , as well as on warts that are on the face or genital area.

If the drug gets on the mucous membranes, the corresponding area must be rinsed with plenty of water.

Absorption of the substance may be increased in case of skin diseases that occur with superficial weeping lesions, hyperemia and/or inflammation (including psoriatic erythroderma ).


Level 4 ATX code matches:

, Urgokor , , Mozolin , Koplomak , Anti-callus ointment , Sulfur-salicylic ointment .

Use in children

The ointment is contraindicated in children. When using the solution, it is necessary to avoid treating several areas of the skin at the same time.

Salicylic acid during pregnancy

The alcohol solution is contraindicated during pregnancy and lactation. Pregnant and lactating women are allowed to use the drug exclusively as a remedy for calluses and calluses and on a limited surface. The permissible dose is no more than 5 ml of a 2% solution.

Salicylic acid is an effective antiseptic used to treat skin pathological processes. Read on to learn more about the properties and uses of acid in the field of dermatology.

What is salicylic acid solution needed for?

From the very beginning of the use of the drug, the active substance was extracted from willow bark. A little later, scientists began to synthesize it using simpler methods. A solution of salicylic acid was known in the treatment of rheumatism. Later, pharmacology introduced a number of modern effective medicines, which pushed aside the old proven methods. Since then, salicylic acid has been used exclusively in dermatology.

The active substance is orthohydroxybenzoic acid. The drug is available in the following dosage forms:

  • acid solution of 1% and 2% concentration;
  • ointment containing 2 percent of the active substance;
  • alcohol solution (1% -10% concentration);
  • Lassara paste (in combination with zinc).

Salicylic acid has the following properties:

The antimicrobial and sedative effects of salicylic acid preparations appear in weak concentrations. As a rule, the percentage of the product used is not higher than 2%. The keratolytic effect is noticeable at higher percentages of the active substance (5-10%).

Salicylic acid has a wide range of uses. Increased sweating and eczema require the use of powders, which, in addition to salicylic acid, include boric acid. For painful skin conditions in which increased sweating causes the development of ulcers, wipe the facial skin with a 1-2% solution.

A 1% solution of salicylic acid is used for the following diseases and pathological conditions:

  • the presence of red acne (the skin is washed with a solution);
  • itchy skin;
  • diaper rash;
  • calluses;
  • excessive keratinization;
  • formation of ulcers;
  • pyoderma;
  • dermatitis of various origins;
  • rubbing for rheumatism.

Treatment of psoriasis requires the use of 2% salicylic acid. High concentrations of the drug are necessary for erythrasma, pityriasis versicolor, and ichthyosis.

Important! A small amount of salicylic acid is included in a number of medicines (ointments, creams, pastes) that are used in the treatment of warts and calluses.


Products based on salicylic acid are contraindicated in the presence of individual hypersensitivity to its components. The drugs are not used to treat diseases with kidney failure if the patients are children under 3 years of age, women carrying babies and breastfeeding.

Side effects

Topical use of a solution, ointment or cream based on salicylic acid can cause the development of allergic reactions in the form of itching, redness of the skin, peeling, burning. Such manifestations may be temporary, disappear on their own and not cause discomfort to the patient, or, conversely, manifest themselves for a long time, which is why the drug is removed from the treatment regimen.

special instructions

Salicylic acid is not recommended for use on warts and birthmarks that are localized in the groin area or on the skin of the face. If the patient is a child over 3 years of age, large areas of skin should not be treated with ointment, cream or alcohol solution.

Important! Salicylic acid should not come into contact with the mucous membranes of the eyes, nasal cavity and mouth. If this happens, you need to rinse with plenty of water.

Our mothers also knew that salicylic acid is considered one of the most effective treatments for acne. It is included in a number of modern cosmetic products as a main or additional component.

Why salicylic acid solution is used to treat acne and blackheads:

  1. The product has a good drying effect. This property emphasizes not only the effectiveness of the procedure for treating inflammatory elements with the drug, but also suggests that the solution must be applied pointwise so as not to overly dry the skin.
  2. Salicylic acid eliminates residual effects from acne and blackheads. This is explained by its ability to enhance blood microcirculation at the site of application and activate regenerative processes.
  3. Products based on salicylic acid destroy microbial cells that cause the development of inflammation at the site of blockage of the ducts of the sebaceous and sweat glands.
  4. Salicylic acid is able to regulate sebum production processes and eliminate oily skin.

Who can use salicylic acid

The presence of dry and sensitive skin is a relative contraindication to the use of the drug. It is not recommended to carry out treatment procedures in winter, when the skin becomes thin and prone to drying out.

The drug for eliminating acne on the face is recommended for people with oily skin, isolated inflamed skin, blackheads, and enlarged pores. Treatment is allowed for normal or combination skin, as well as skin prone to dryness (in the presence of residual spots after acne).

Important! The use of an alcohol solution of salicylic acid in the presence of a dense network of acne on the face is discussed with a qualified dermatologist.

Methods of application

The best option is an alcohol solution of salicylic acid at a 1% concentration. To treat the inflammatory element, you need to moisten a cotton swab in the medicine and apply it directly to the skin of the face. Typically, acid is used for evening procedures. After 30 minutes, rinse your face with water. Next, you can apply one of the anti-inflammatory ointments.

This treatment regimen is repeated for 3-5 days until the annoying “upstarts” dry up.

You can prepare a salicylic acid solution at home. It will not contain alcohol, which means the product will dry out your facial skin less. It is necessary to crush an aspirin tablet and add warm water. Next, put on low heat and remove when the amount of solution becomes half the initial volume. Bring to the original quantity with boiled water. The product is ready for facial skin treatment.

Use the drug based on acid tablets as follows:

  • for oily skin, wipe the face once a day (2 ml is enough);
  • in the presence of residual stains, add to clay-based masks (every day);
  • on pimples and blackheads can be applied pointwise (every day).

Recipe for salicylic acid chatter:

  1. Grind 5 tablets of Levomycetin to a powder state.
  2. Add 50 ml of boric acid and 10 ml of salicylic acid solution (1%). When using a homemade product without alcohol, add an additional 50 ml of ethyl alcohol.
  3. The tool is used once a day before evening rest.

Facial cleansing with salicylic acid

This procedure is called salicylic peeling. It is not performed if a person has delicate, hypersensitive facial skin, if there are symptoms of a herpetic infection, or if there are fresh wounds. Salicylic peeling should not be performed during pregnancy and lactation.

Important! Before any such manipulation, you should consult a dermatologist to make sure there are no contraindications to the use of acid.

Effect of salicylic facial cleansing:

  • adolescence - prevention of acne and pimples on the skin;
  • 18-25 years - normalization of the sebaceous and sweat glands, elimination of oily sheen, relief of inflammatory processes;
  • 25-35 years - supporting the protective functions of the skin, cleaning the upper dead cells of the epidermis;
  • 35-45 years - rejuvenating effect;
  • over 45 years old - skin whitening, elimination of residual effects.

During the procedure for cleansing the skin with salicylic acid, you should avoid going to the solarium and using additional exfoliating agents. On this day, the skin is cleansed with a cosmetic product, a light mask is made, and treated with an antiseptic.

Using a brush, apply a 15% acid solution. Instead of this product, you can use salicylic paste (ointment). The acid allows you to remove the top layer of dead cells from the skin, carry out deep cleaning, have a whitening effect and smooth out wrinkles.

Important! If there are warts or moles on the skin, they should be carefully brushed around them at the time of applying the medicinal substance.

After 10 minutes, the face is washed with cool water, treated with an antiseptic, then a rich cream is applied. Peeling is carried out once every 7-10 days. The effectiveness of acid has been proven for more than one generation, but it must be remembered that abuse of the drug is also not allowed. All manipulations performed must occur under the supervision of a specialist.

When choosing acne treatments, people often think that only the most expensive drugs can help cope with this problem. Their logic is clear: the more expensive the product, the better its quality. But this does not always happen. Inexpensive medications that have stood the test of time can often help. A cheap and effective drug is salicylic acid. This product is recommended by cosmetologists and doctors for the treatment of acne. Many people are trying to use it. But not everyone gets a positive result. It is necessary to use drugs containing this substance correctly.

Medicinal Salicylic acid based products for acne treatment

Pharmaceutical preparation in the form of a 1-2% alcohol solution of salicylic acid

It's very effective. But not all people can use it. Its disadvantage is the alcohol content, which dries out the skin.

Aqueous solution of salicylic acid

It will be the best choice for solving these problems, as it does not contain alcohol, which dries out the skin.

Salicylic ointment

Anti-inflammatory properties have made it an indispensable product for caring for problem skin. When using it, acne disappears in the shortest possible time. A thin, neat layer of this product is applied, which must be covered with sterile material and fixed. You can apply a napkin soaked in ointment overnight. But with its long-term use, the ducts of the sebaceous glands become clogged with petroleum jelly, which is contained in this drug. Therefore, the ointment should be used only as prescribed by a doctor. In addition, you need to take into account that it is incompatible with other acne medications.

Acne powders and pastes with salicylic acid

Powders are very convenient and effective. But they can only be used at home. The disadvantage of the powder is that the ducts of the sebaceous glands are clogged with the talc contained in it. The use of salicylic paste gives good results. It is especially effective when applied pointwise.

Plain aspirin tablets

Features of using the drug for different skin types

During the treatment process, you need to take into account your skin type:

  • You can use this medicine for dry skin only if an ointment with panthenol is applied after treating the affected areas, so as not to aggravate the dry skin condition.
  • For dry, normal, combination skin, it is better to use an alcohol-free lotion.
  • It is necessary to carefully apply the drug to the surface of normal and oily skin, without overdrying it. Because otherwise, new acne may appear as a result of irritation of the skin and a decrease in its protective functions.
  • People with oily skin who produce excess sebum can use this drug as a preventative to regulate the activity of the sebaceous glands.

How to properly apply the product with salicylic acid?

Instructions for use:

  • This product can be used no more than twice a day.
  • It is necessary to conduct an allergy test before using the product. To do this, you need to apply the medicine to the inner surface of the elbow area for several hours. If there is no allergic reaction, treatment can begin.
  • The drug should be applied in a thin layer. Remember that its base is acid. Therefore, in case of overdose, the upper layers of the skin may be damaged.
  • Apply the product only to pimples and inflamed areas around them. For minor rashes, spot treatment is carried out. Wipe away any rashes on the skin with a cotton pad. After a few minutes, rinse the skin with cool water and apply moisturizer or other products prescribed by your cosmetologist.
  • Treatment with this drug is very effective. But a good result can be obtained only after a long course of treatment (1-2 months).

Evaluation of the effectiveness of salicylic acid in the fight against acne

What properties does this drug have?

  • The versatile action of this acid allows it to be used in the treatment of acne.
  • The top layer of plugs in the follicles and skin softens.
  • Exfoliation occurs.
  • The development of pathological microflora in the pores of the skin is suppressed.
  • The work is normalized and the activity of the sebaceous and sweat glands is suppressed. This eliminates the possibility of sebaceous plugs appearing. Skin oiliness decreases.
  • The drug has a powerful regenerating effect. Therefore, skin healing occurs quite quickly.
  • In case of traces of acne in the form of residual spots on the skin, salicylic acid preparations also help effectively.
  • This remedy can often help people if the cause of inflammation is a violation of personal hygiene standards.

Disadvantages of Salicylic Acid

  • When using alcohol solutions with salicylic acid, caution must be exercised. Because this medicine has a therapeutic effect only on the affected areas.
  • If healthy skin is exposed, severe peeling, dry skin or minor burns may occur. This can happen if you use this product incorrectly (failure to do an allergy test, do not follow the dosage, etc.)
  • With the constant use of this medicine, the therapeutic effect takes place only for two or three weeks. Treatment should then be interrupted for several weeks.

There are contraindications: The use of this product is contraindicated in children under three years of age, people with kidney damage and hypersensitivity to salicylic acid.

In what cases does the drug not help?

  • If scars have formed on the affected area, salicylic acid preparations will not be able to remove them. Moreover, these skin lesions may become noticeably larger. This is because the acid will remove the surface layers of normal skin.
  • If the causes of acne are violations of the functions of internal organs (lowered immunity, dysfunctions of the gastrointestinal tract, damage to the nervous system), then only the consequences, and not the causes of these problems, can be eliminated with this remedy.

- a very effective drug for combating severe forms of acne. Learn more about contraindications and side effects.

Cosmetics for problem skin

Salicylic alcohol-free lotion StopProplem

It applies to all skin types. Especially this cosmetic product is recommended for dry skin, as it acts gently and gently on it. Despite the low price, the lotion is very effective.

Peeling Faberlic NEO-1

When applied there is a stimulation of cell regeneration, accelerated renewal of the skin. Suitable for all skin types. When caring for the skin using this tool, a significant improvement in its condition is observed.

Often salicylic acid is used in combination with other substances to prevent drying of the skin.

Instructions for use

  1. Mix a 2% alcohol solution of salicylic acid and glycolic acid purchased at a pharmacy. Apply according to the pharmacy instructions of the last drug. This homemade preparation is well suited for removing blackheads and age spots. As a result, we will get an effect that is similar to the action of a chemical peel.
  2. In the first recipe, glycolic acid can be replaced with folic or boric acid.
  3. Lotion for oily skin. Salicylic acid should be mixed with lemon juice and chamomile infusion in a ratio of 1:0.25:2 and kept cool. Wipe the affected area in the morning and evening.
  4. This acid can be used as part of a mask. You need to take the same parts of badyagi, clay and make a warm aqueous solution. Add a couple of drops of salicylic acid to the resulting viscous mass.
  5. Grind 3-4 plain aspirin tablets and mix them with lemon juice. Apply the resulting mass to the affected area and keep for 10 minutes, excluding the area around the eyes. You can remove the mask with a cotton pad soaked in a solution of baking soda and water to neutralize the acid.

Cost and purchase (form of release) of pharmaceutical drugs

Preparations with this substance can be bought at any pharmacy. Their price is low, and the result will delight you.

Salicylic acid, 1% alcohol solution – price 27 rubles. Salicylic ointment 2% – price 23 rubles.

Using salicylic acid, you can get a good result if you use this time-tested remedy correctly and regularly.