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Water burns. How to treat a skin burn from hot water. When Qualified Medical Assistance Is Needed

Ecology of life. Life hack: Hot water burns are common. If the burn is severe, seek medical attention. If the burn...

We cook dinner in the kitchen or want to treat ourselves to hot tea. Or we turn on the faucet to wash our hands and the water is too hot. In the kitchen, people quite often get burned with hot water. We will tell you what burns are and what first aid should be in this case.

Types of burns

Before talking about the treatment of burns caused by hot water, we clarify that there are three degrees of such burns:

First degree

Only the outer, superficial layer of the skin is affected. Symptoms of such a burn are redness, swelling, slight pain.

The damaged layer of the skin comes off after 7 days, after 2 weeks the skin returns to its normal appearance.

Second degree

This is a more serious burn because the epidermis and underlying layer are damaged. There are "bubbles" and inflammation. The pain is stronger. Bubbles often burst on their own or when touched by clothing.

Complete recovery occurs after 3 weeks. After that, a lighter (in comparison with the skin) or darker scar remains on the skin.

Third degree

This is the most serious injury and requires emergency medical attention. All layers of the skin are damaged and the pain is very strong.

Burns with boiling water

This happens often. A pot on fire is a source of increased danger and even tragedy if there are small children at home. Baby burns with boiling water occur quite often. Parents and grandparents must be very careful and must ensure that children cannot reach pots of hot water.

If only splashes of hot water come into contact with the skin or skin contact with boiling water was very short, the pain will be short-lived and it will quickly pass. In this case, it is good to place the affected area in cold water for five minutes. For example, in a bowl of cold water or under a tap of water.

If the burn is somewhat more severe, we do the same, but we increase the contact time of the affected skin with cold water. For second-degree burns, this time should be at least 15 minutes.

Depending on the location of the burn, this procedure can be varied. For example, apply a towel soaked in cold water or ice wrapped in a plastic bag to the burn site (ice cannot be directly applied to the skin).

Treatment of skin burns

After taking steps to relieve pain, try to assess the extent of the burn. If the pain does not go away in a few minutes, and you see that the skin is very reddened and “blisters” have appeared, you will probably have to seek emergency medical help.

If the symptoms of the burn begin to decrease, home remedies can be dispensed with.

  • Take a bandage and moisten it with water.
  • Wrap it around the affected area for 30-60 minutes.
  • Then you can change the bandage.

Due to this, the burned skin will not come into contact with various objects and surfaces.

One of the best remedies for treating superficial skin burns is aloe vera. It helps with hot water burns, oil burns and even sunburn.

Aloe vera gel helps restore normal skin hydration.

  • It is applied to the affected area and allowed to soak in.
  • If you want, you can cover this place with a sterile bandage, but it is better that the wound “breathe”.

Serious burns: when the patient needs medical attention

Suppose you knocked over a pot of hot water. In such cases, the dress is often "glued" to the skin. Don't try to take it off yourself. Soak it in cold water and call 911 immediately. They will be able to take off your clothes without damaging the skin.

If you get “bubbles” as a result of a hot water burn, don't try to remove them somehow. This can lead to a scar or even an infection. You can carefully apply a bandage to the blisters, but still from time to time you need to let the skin “breathe”. If the blisters are very large, it is best to see a doctor.

If the bubble causes pain or a feeling of pressure and restricts your movement, you can remove the liquid from it. Very carefully and be sure to disinfect this place, prick the bubble in the side part (in no case in the center) so that the liquid can come out of it.

What to do if you get burned at home

We are talking about a not very strong burn, up to the second degree. After you moisten the burned area with cold water or place it in a basin of cold water, you need to do the following:

  • Put some Vaseline on it and cover it with a sterilized bandage.
  • The first day, wear a bandage on this place (loose fitting)
  • Take some kind of analgesic (such as ibuprofen)
  • Change the bandage at night and after sleep
  • Before removing the bandage, moisten it so that it easily separates from damaged skin.
  • Not later than after 7 days, clean the burn area and remove dead skin from it with a bandage moistened with isotonic solution (carefully, without applying force).

    The concept of " burn"Denotes acute damage to the skin and tissues under it. Damage can be thermal, electrical, chemical, radiation. Most often at home they are burned with hot water.

    The severity of tissue damage depends on the area and location. Hands are often affected, less often hot water burns affect the face, neck, inside of the shoulders and thighs. It should be noted that in these areas, even due to short-term exposure to boiling water, the depth of the lesion will be significant.

    The legs and back rarely suffer from boiling water and, if damaged, heal quickly. A facial burn is life-threatening as it can affect the eyes, mouth, and airways. In order to avoid serious consequences, the victim must be given first aid.

    Severity of burns with hot water

    In order to determine whether a burn needs to be treated in a medical facility, one should learn to distinguish between the severity of injuries.

    The depth of hot water burn damage is classified as follows.

    1 degree . Damage affects only the superficial layers of the skin, the affected area turns red, slightly swollen and sore. The burn goes away on its own after 2-3 days. It is not necessary to take special funds.

    2 degree. Damage affects the superficial layers of the skin and partly the epidermis. The affected areas turn red, swell, bubbles filled with liquid form on the surface. The burn site is very painful. Self-healing lasts about 10 days, provided that there are no infections. There are no scars on the body.

    3 degree. Damage affects all layers of the skin and lower tissues. Blisters with a scab form on the surface. After healing, scars and scars remain on the skin.

    4 degree . Occurs due to prolonged contact with hot water. A black scab is formed, the tissues are charred.

    A first-degree hot water burn with a small affected area (less than a palm) does not require a mandatory visit to the hospital. First aid can also be provided at home. If the damage has touched the child, it is better to show it to the doctor. A second-degree burn in the presence of infection and inflammation is recommended to be treated with special means. For injuries of the third and fourth degree, you should immediately go to the hospital, as they pose a threat to life.

    First aid

    If you spill hot water on yourself, stay calm and strictly follow the recommendations.


    • apply anti-burn agents immediately after dousing with hot water - you need to cool the affected area;
    • use irritants such as iodine, brilliant green, alcohol, vinegar, onions, toothpaste and other substances that folk recipes offer;
    • use oil, as it clogs pores and prevents healing;
    • press on the blisters or pierce them - such actions can cause infection;
    • apply sour cream, kefir, yogurt and other dairy products, they irritate the epithelium.

    First aid includes the following procedure:

    • eliminate the source of hot water, remove clothing if it is doused with boiling water;
    • cool the skin to avoid heating healthy tissues with an ice pack or cold water;
    • in case of minor damage, lubricate the skin with Bepanthen, Dexpanthenol, Pantoderm;
    • in case of serious damage, carefully cut off the clothes and cover the affected areas with an aseptic bandage;
    • if the face is affected, lubricate it with petroleum jelly.

    For severe burns, call an ambulance immediately. Before the arrival of doctors, provide the patient with rest and plenty of fluids.

    Treatment at home

    Treatment of injuries consists in applying dressings soaked in drugs. Such therapy is called closed. With first-degree burns, Bepanten ointment effectively helps. It should be applied under a bandage 2-3 times a day for a week. If a child is injured, make sure that he does not accidentally tear off the bandage.

    Assistance in case of damage to a large area of ​​​​the second degree should be provided by a doctor. If a small area of ​​the body is injured, it is necessary to anesthetize the skin and clean it of dirt with an antiseptic. Apply a bactericidal ointment Levosulfate methacaine”,“ Streptomycin ”or other means) under a gauze bandage.

    With the third and fourth degree, home treatment by folk methods is prohibited. The hospital provides therapy and surgical excision of necrotic tissues.

    Medical treatment

    Modern pharmacy offers many drugs against thermal burns. With a first-degree lesion, you can use Panthenol, Olazol, Solcoseryl ointment.

    " Bepantneol"Helps with various injuries of the skin - rehabilitation after exposure to boiling water, the sun, the presence of abrasions and cracks. Olazol promotes pain relief, inhibition of growth and reproduction of microorganisms, improvement and acceleration of healing. "Solcoseryl" Helps with lesions with boiling water and after sunburn in the sun. It is very convenient to use drugs that are available in the form of an aerosol.

    It is useful to purchase special anti-burn wipes with gel. They contribute to cooling, anesthesia and localization of lesions, the destruction of microbes. With severe pain, you can take "Analgin".

    Folk recipes

    Some people, for their own reasons, prefer treatment with natural ingredients, rather than chemistry. Especially often young mothers take care of safety, who try to treat the child with herbs and oils.

    There are many folk methods for the treatment of thermal burns.

    Bandage of Raw Potato and Honey

    You need to grate two medium potatoes and add a spoonful of honey to them. Mix the mixture thoroughly and apply it on the affected areas of the body. Cover the wound with a bandage from above.


    Cut a fresh leaf from the bottom of the plant, wash it, remove the sharp edges and cut along. Lubricate the affected areas with juice 2-3 times a day for a week.

    Mass with cabbage and egg

    Chop a cabbage leaf and add raw egg white to it. Apply the mass to the burn site and cover with gauze. Leave the mask on for an hour and a half.

    There is not a single person in the world and it is absolutely certain who has not been burned with hot water at least once in their life. According to statistics, this is the most common household injury. And the beautiful half of the globe, conjuring over pots and pans, is burned with hot water more than once a year.

    To avoid the unpleasant consequences of an injury, it is imperative to know what to do if a burn occurs? How to help the victim?

    First aid for burns with boiling water

    Safety rules exist in order to comply with them and prevent dangerous situations for health. Therefore, following basic instructions when working in the kitchen and bathroom with water heaters will help to avoid misfortune.

    1. If you get burned, try to calm down and pull yourself together. Get yourself together and try not to waste energy. Right now you need to quickly and carefully evaluate the burn - its size and severity.
    2. Boiling water burns are more often mild or moderate. And if you quickly help yourself or the victim, the consequences will be minimized.
    3. If there is a tap with cold running water nearby, you must immediately substitute the burnt place under the stream. You need to keep from 5 to 10 minutes, sometimes up to half an hour, and then another 5-7 times for several minutes. This will reduce severe pain, stop the spread and progression of damage in stages 1-2.
    4. It is forbidden to apply ice to the wound - it will greatly worsen the injury.
    5. It is forbidden to tear off the tissue adhering to the injury site. Synthetic clothing often eats into the damaged area, do not touch it.
    6. Apply a sterile cloth soaked in clean cold water to the burn area.
    7. In no case do not lubricate anything with oil or fat, no matter how you are advised. You will make it difficult for the outflow of hot energy from the burn, injure this place even more, and create cool conditions for bacteria to colonize.
    8. Be patient! After cooling with water, acute pain will pass within 10 minutes - half an hour. Now you can apply the burn spray - Panthenol. This effective remedy should be in your first aid kit.
    9. Antiseptics should not be applied to an open burn wound.
    10. You can take antihistamine tablets if the swelling of the tissues next to the damage is very pronounced.
    11. If you do not tolerate pain well, you can take an anesthetic drug - panadol, ketorol, imet.

    In what cases is it necessary to seek medical help?

    What is forbidden to do when scalding with hot water

    A hot water burn is such a common and banal household injury that many people do not take it seriously. So it is, in mild cases, when first aid is given correctly - the consequences pass in a few days.

    But there are dangerous wrong actions that lead to deterioration and the development of complications at the site of minor damage.

    Erroneous unhealthy actions:

    • It is forbidden to wrap the injury site with tight bandages;
    • Do not apply tight compresses;
    • It is forbidden to smear a burn wound with iodine and brilliant green;
    • It is forbidden to lubricate with a solution of manganese;
    • Do not stick a plaster - neither bactericidal nor antiseptic;
    • It is forbidden to abuse painkillers.

    What medications can be used for burns?

    What does traditional medicine recommend as first aid?

    It must be remembered that the victim may experience allergy symptoms to any of the plants. In this case, stop all folk experiments - and seek help from a specialist.

    First aid for burns with hot water in children

    Fearless and curious little helpers sometimes get burned by boiling water.

    • If the baby knocked over a cup of boiling water, remove hot clothes from him as quickly as possible.
    • Immediately turn on the tap with cold water and rinse the wound for 20-30 minutes. Turn on cartoons, sing, blow on hairs - distract the baby. If you keep the burn under running water for a sufficient amount of time, you will reduce the pain, the burn will shrink in size, even blisters may not appear.
    • If sticky clothing comes off, take it off. If the synthetic is stuck, cut the edges with scissors, do not pull anything out of the wound and do not touch it.
    • If the child is in severe pain, give panadol or nurofen according to age.
    • If the burn is small, treat with a spray. It is good to use Panthenol for this.
    • Drink the baby warm tea, water, put to bed.
    • Call an ambulance immediately! All burns of children are treated by a specialist!
    • If you decide to take the child to the hospital on your own, create comfortable conditions for him in the car. If the burn is on the face, neck, hands - the posture during transportation is sitting.

    Hot water burns are among the most common domestic accidents. A hot drink, tap water, or boiling water from a kettle can cause burns if it comes in contact with the skin. It can happen to anyone at any time. If you learn how to determine the degree of a burn, you will be able to choose the appropriate treatment.


    Part 1

    Assess the extent of the burn

      Pay attention to the symptoms of a first degree burn. If you have spilled hot water on your skin, you need to assess the severity of the burn. Burns are classified according to severity. The higher the degree, the more severe the burn. In the first degree, only the surface layer of the skin is damaged. First degree burn symptoms:

      Pay attention to the symptoms of a second degree burn. If the hot water has been exposed to the skin for a longer period of time, it may result in a second degree burn. Second-degree burns cause deeper, superficial damage to the skin. Symptoms of a second degree burn:

      Pay attention to the symptoms of a third degree burn. A third-degree burn occurs when the skin is exposed to boiling water for a long time. Third degree burns are accompanied by deep damage to the skin. Third degree burn symptoms:

      Note fourth degree burns. A fourth-degree burn is the most severe, regardless of the area affected. This is quite a serious injury. Fourth degree burn symptoms:

      Note extensive burns. Regardless of the degree, a burn is considered extensive if it covers a large area of ​​the skin or is located near the joints. With extensive burns, there is a violation of the activity of organs and systems, as a result of which a person is not able to engage in daily activities.

      Part 2

      Treatment of minor burns
      1. Learn to identify burns that require medical attention. Although the burn may be minor, such as first or second degree, you may still need medical attention if you notice the symptoms mentioned below. If the burn affects not only the skin of one or more fingers, but also the tissues underlying it, you should see a doctor as soon as possible. A burn can cut off blood flow to the fingers, which can lead to their amputation if left untreated.

        Wash the burned area. Once you have determined the extent of your burn and are absolutely certain that your burn is a first-degree, second-degree, or minor burn, you can start treating yourself at home. First of all, wash the burn area. Remove any clothing that covers the burn area. Then wash the burnt area with cool water and mild soap. Do not use hot water as this may cause more irritation.

        Cool the burn area. After you wash the burn area, cool it in cool water. Do not use ice, as this may cause more damage to the skin. Put your hand under running water at room temperature. Hold your hand under cool running water for 15 to 20 minutes. Then soak a towel in cool water and apply to the burned area.

        Prevent infection. To prevent infection, apply an antibiotic ointment, such as neosporin or bacitracin, after cooling the burn. You can do this with a clean finger or a cotton swab. Next, cover the burned area with a sterile dressing that will not stick to the burnt area. Change the bandage once or twice a day and after you apply the ointment.

        • Don't pop the blister.
        • If you experience itching, which is a sign of healing, do not scratch the affected area. Scratching your skin can lead to infection.
        • You can also use products to help relieve itching, such as aloe vera, cocoa butter, and mineral oil.
      2. Take pain relievers. Minor burns can be very painful. After cooling, if possible, raise the affected area of ​​the body above the level of the heart. This will help reduce swelling in the burn area, as well as pain, which is very important for the speedy healing of the wound. Drugs such as acetaminophen (Tylenol) or ibuprofen (Advil and Motrin) can help relieve pain. Take the tablets several times a day as directed while you are in pain.

        • The recommended dose of acetaminophen is 650 mg every four to six hours, with a maximum daily dose of 3250 mg.
        • The recommended dose of ibuprofen is 400 to 800 mg every six hours, with a maximum daily dose of 3200 mg.
        • Be sure to read the instructions for the selected drug, where the recommended dosage is indicated. This is important to do because the dosage may vary depending on the manufacturer of the drug.

      Part 3

      Treatment of severe burns
      1. Seek immediate medical attention. If you think you have a severe third or fourth degree burn, you should seek immediate medical attention. These are serious burns that cannot be treated at home. Third and fourth degree burns should only be treated by a doctor. Be sure to seek emergency medical attention if the burn:

        Provide proper care to the person who has been burned. If your loved one has been burned, stay close to them after you have called an ambulance. If he does not respond or there is a danger of developing shock, be sure to report this to the ambulance service.

        Take off your clothes. While you are waiting for the ambulance, remove any clothing and jewelry from the injured person at or near the burn site. However, do not touch any clothing or jewelry that has stuck to the burn. Otherwise, it may aggravate the situation and cause more serious damage.

        Cover the burn with a sterile bandage. After you have removed the clothing from the injured area, cover it with a sterile bandage to prevent infection. Do not use material that may stick to the burn. Instead, use a thin gauze or wet bandage.

    It is easy to pour over hot soup or tea. Thermal burns are often caused by curious babies who love to check their mother's pots and cups. Adults who like to put dishes with boiling water on the edge of the table or an unstable surface suffer. If hot liquid gets on the skin, you should not panic, but act. The sooner a person is given first aid, the higher the likelihood that everything will end with a slight fright and a small swelling.

    Degree of damage

    Wet clothes are removed from a patient who has been doused with boiling water. Damaged areas are examined and determine how badly the skin has suffered:

    1. Redness and swelling indicate first-degree burns. Boiling water damaged only the top layer of the epidermis, which is quickly restored.
    2. Blisters and swelling are symptoms of the second degree. If you properly care for the wounds that form from burst blisters, the skin will recover after 2 weeks.
    3. In the third degree, blisters open immediately after contact of the epithelium with boiling water. Soft tissues are damaged, so deep ulcers form on the affected area, in which yellow adipose tissue can be seen.
    4. Fourth-degree burns are given to people who fall into a container of hot water. With prolonged contact with boiling water, muscles and tendons are damaged. Soft tissues die off, their rejection and decay begin.

    At home, only first and second degree burns can be treated. You should go to the hospital if boiling water gets on your face, head, neck, chest, or genitals. It is forbidden to self-medicate if a small child is injured. The patient must be examined by a doctor. He will determine the degree of the burn and select medications that accelerate the healing and restoration of the epithelium.

    Cold and disinfection

    The part of the body on which boiling water has fallen is immediately put under the tap and cool water is turned on. Low temperatures slow down blood circulation, relieve swelling, and dull pain. Reduces the likelihood that blisters will appear on burned skin.

    Do not turn on ice water. A sharp temperature drop is a shock for the injured epithelium. A person gets frostbite, which leads to the death of the top layer of the skin. Sores are formed that do not heal for a long time. The risk of infection and suppuration of the burn increases.

    The reddened arm or leg is kept under a stream of cool water for 20 minutes, then soap suds are applied to the affected area to clean it of bacteria. The skin is gently wiped with a piece of sterile bandage, treated with an antiseptic.

    Calendula tincture, vodka and peroxide only increase pain and inflammation. Alcohol-containing preparations irritate the skin and slow down recovery. Thermal burns are treated with aqueous solutions and aerosols.

    Liquid antiseptic can be prepared from furatsilina. Grind 10 tablets and combine with a liter of hot water. Wait until the solution cools down, pour blisters. It is impossible for the product to get into open wounds. If there is no furacilin in the medicine cabinet, the drug is replaced with penicillin. The skin is sprinkled with tablet powder. The product soothes, disinfects and protects against blisters.

    If there is no cool water in the house, a piece of meat from the freezer will come in handy. Put the workpiece in a clean plastic bag, wrap it with a sterile bandage. Cover the skin on which boiling water has fallen with a cloth, and put a cold compress on top. Frozen meat stops swelling and relieves pain. The workpiece must not be applied to bare skin. Fabric and gauze protect the epithelium from infection and frostbite.

    Important: Apply ice only to reddened areas that are not blistered. The skin on which bubbles have formed is treated with antiseptics, and then a bandage is applied.

    Vegetable oil or baby cream should not be rubbed into blisters and fresh wounds. Any remedy containing fat is contraindicated. It forms a film that prevents the skin from breathing. Fat is an ideal breeding ground for bacteria. Microbes get into the burn, infection begins. Pus forms in the sores, inflammation spreads to healthy tissues.

    The skin around the burn is smeared with iodine or wiped with an alcohol-containing antiseptic, such as peroxide or Chlorhexidine. Preparations should not fall on fresh wounds. Sores are treated with gels or aerosols:

    1. Solcoseryl dries broken blisters. The gel heals and restores the skin.
    2. Panthenol is recommended for thermal burns. The drug removes burning, pain and soothes redness. Helps with swelling and gently disinfects wounds. For burns, it is worth buying Panthenol in the form of an aerosol.
    3. Argovasna Nut is a gel that is recommended for second degree burns. The remedy removes redness, reduces blisters and dries up sores. Disinfects the skin, starts regeneration processes. Thanks to the gel, no scars remain.
    4. Riciniol is an anti-inflammatory antiseptic that anesthetizes and restores the epithelium. Accelerates the healing of burns, protects against scarring.
    5. Olazol is a spray containing antimicrobial agents and sea buckthorn oil. The drug helps with burning, minor swelling and blisters. It is convenient to apply the product on open wounds.

    The area on which boiling water has fallen is immediately treated with Sulfargin ointment. The drug stops the death of the deep layers of the epithelium, prevents the appearance of blisters. Disinfects and soothes discomfort.

    To dried wounds, which are 2-3 days old, Levomekol ointment is applied. The agent is applied in a thick layer to a piece of sterile bandage. Evenly distributed over the tissue, cover the injured skin with a compress. A bandage is applied on top, which is removed after 20 hours. Levomekol disinfects and heals wounds, draws out pus.

    Ulcers smeared with an antiseptic are bandaged. You can apply a bandage made of pure natural fabric, which is ironed several times with a hot iron. Wait until the material cools down, and then apply to the burned skin.

    A person who has overturned boiling water on himself is recommended to lie down for 1-2 hours. The body needs to rest after stress. The affected limb is raised by placing a pillow or a roll of a blanket under it. This will reduce swelling.

    Folk remedies

    A first-degree burn is treated with a slurry of baking soda. Pour a few tablespoons of powder into a cup, dilute with cool water. A piece of ice is applied to the limb, and then a gruel of soda is applied for 10-15 minutes. The remains are removed with a damp cloth. The remedy anesthetizes and prevents the appearance of blisters.

    A wound that is less than 2 days old is treated only with pharmaceutical antiseptics and ointments. Sores covered with a hard crust can be treated with folk methods:

    1. Peel two medium carrots, grate. Spread the crushed mass evenly over a piece of gauze. Put a carrot compress on the burnt area, remove after 2 hours. Juice will remove discomfort and inflammation.
    2. Put an enameled pan on low heat, pour 100 ml of unrefined oil into it. Take olive, linseed or sunflower. Put 100 g of real butter in a container and add the same amount of pork fat. Wait for the components to melt. Combine with 10 g of beeswax. Stir, put a teaspoon of crushed propolis into the mass. When the components turn into a homogeneous paste, you need to put 5 g of sulfur into the hot ointment. The workpiece is wrapped in a gauze bag and dipped into the mass for 15 minutes. Then the remedy is removed from the stove, cooled and rubbed into ulcers to speed up healing.
    3. Pick a few fresh plantain leaves. Rinse the grass under the tap, dry it and knead it with a rolling pin or fingers so that the juice comes out. You can grind the plant in a blender. Plantain is applied to the burn for 20-40 minutes three times a day. It is not necessary to wash off the remaining juice.
    4. Swelling and inflammation removes natural green and black tea. Prepare a strong drink. Do not add honey or sugar. Wait until the tea has cooled, moisten a gauze napkin in the product. Apply a compress 7-8 times a day.
    5. A fresh first-degree burn is treated with a chicken egg. The protein is separated from the yolk, whipped and applied to the affected skin and healthy areas around it. The burning sensation that appears immediately after application will disappear after 3-5 minutes. If you quickly treat the burned epithelium with protein, there will be no blisters.
    6. Potato starch also helps. You can buy ready-made powder and prepare a thick slurry by mixing the product with cold water. It's cheaper to peel and chop two medium potatoes. Wrap the root crop in gauze and apply to the wound for 5-10 minutes. Repeat every 2-3 hours. Wash off the remaining starch with cool water, apply an antiseptic to damaged skin.
    7. A first degree burn is treated with blueberries. Put 100 g of fresh or frozen berries in a saucepan. Add half a glass of water, cook for 10 minutes. Mash softened blueberries with a fork, cool and apply to injured skin.
    8. Pour 40 g of oak bark into a cup of hot water. Cover the mixture, keep on the stove for 10 minutes, turning on a low heat. Strain the cold broth, moisten gauze swabs in a herbal remedy, apply to burns.
    9. Pain and inflammation are soothed by pumpkin pulp. Orange medicine is applied to the injured skin in a thick layer, left for 20 minutes so that the juice is absorbed into the burned epithelium. Remove the residue with a damp cloth, rinse with cool water.
    10. Finely chop a bunch of green onions, boil in a small amount of water. Add oatmeal flour to make a thick dough. Apply the mass in a thick layer on the injured epithelium, remove after drying.
    11. Cut off a large leaf of aloe. Remove thorns, rinse the plant under a tap. Grind, squeeze out the juice, dilute with cold boiled water in a ratio of 1 to 1. Soak a gauze swab with aloe medicine, apply to a first-degree burn. You can treat juice and closed wounds that are more than three days old. The plant accelerates skin regeneration and has anti-inflammatory properties. Change the bandage every 4 hours, before going to bed and immediately after waking up.
    12. The injured epithelium will quickly restore gruel from boiled lentils or raw beets. The selected product is wrapped in a piece of gauze or simply applied to the affected area. The rest is washed off after 20 minutes.

    Folk remedies speed up recovery, but if the patient becomes worse after self-treatment, you need to see a doctor. A consultation with a traumatologist or therapist will be needed for fever, suppuration and weeping ulcers that do not want to heal. Elderly people and patients with diabetes should not experiment with folk recipes.

    Boiling water burn: what not to do

    Only a doctor can pierce blisters and cut off dead skin. The specialist manipulates sterile instruments. If you pierce the bubble with an ordinary needle or scissors, an infection will enter the bloodstream, and everything will end in sepsis.

    A bandage adhering to a wound should not be abruptly torn off so as not to injure the burnt tissue even more. Gauze is soaked with peroxide or a solution of furacilin, and then carefully removed, trying not to tear off the crust that has formed on the surface of the wound.

    Adults are forbidden to give alcohol for calming and internal disinfection. You can not stick a patch on the burn, wash the wound with a solution of potassium permanganate or cauterize with brilliant green. If there is no antiseptic at hand, in which there is no alcohol, a sterile bandage is applied to the affected skin. Blisters and open wounds cannot be treated with folk remedies.

    Boiling water burns are one of the most common household injuries. Both adults and children overturn hot drinks on themselves, therefore, antiseptics and a sterile bandage for first aid should always be in the home first aid kit. Only first and second degree burns can be treated on their own. The patient with the third and fourth needs urgent hospitalization and qualified medical care.

    Video: boiling water burn - rendering assistance