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Why is there white discharge? Treatment of white discharge. White thick discharge in women

The presence of vaginal discharge is considered normal. Thanks to the secretion of the vaginal mucosa, the internal and external genital organs get rid of mucus, bacteria, dead epidermal cells, and blood residues after menstruation. White discharge in women warns of malfunctions in the reproductive system. The quantity, smell, color, consistency of secretion may change periodically, depending on various factors. Let's try to understand the causes of mucous leucorrhoea, which of them are the norm for the body of a healthy woman.

Causes of vaginal leukorrhea

Many representatives of the fair sex are interested in the origin of the clear, watery secretion from a woman’s vagina. Let's try to cover this topic in as much detail as possible. According to experts, there are many reasons for the appearance of white discharge in women. The determining “culprits” for the occurrence of leucorrhoea are considered to be natural physiological processes and infectious diseases. Vaginal secretion is odorless within normal limits. If you smell a bad aroma, this is one of the first signs of health problems.

With smell

An unpleasant-smelling white discharge in girls and women of reproductive age signals the presence of bacteria in the genitals. Often the sources of such troubles are the following factors:

  • Thrush or urogenital candidiasis. The causative agent of this ailment is the Candida fungus. The main symptoms of the disease are considered to be strong discharge of a cheesy consistency, which is characterized by severe itching and burning in the vagina. Leucorrhoea caused by thrush has a sour, pungent odor.
  • Itching in the vagina and white discharge causes dysbiosis (bacterial vaginosis) of the genital organs - a disorder in the communication of various beneficial microbes. Vaginosis is characterized by copious, sometimes foamy, gray discharge. The disease is recognized by the repulsive “aroma” of leucorrhoea, similar to the smell of fish.
  • The next obvious reason for the appearance of purulent, thick, frothy greenish discharge is the disease Trichomonas colpitis. It is dangerous and requires urgent medical intervention.
  • Often, white, profuse discharge in girls or women becomes a sign that basic proper hygiene of the genital organs is not observed. This leads to rapid proliferation of bacteria, plus serious diseases of the female reproductive organs.

Without smell

Often odorless leucorrhoea is discharged for the following reasons:

  • Vaginal secretions take on a thinner, waterier consistency and become more abundant during the period of ovulation (the stage of the menstrual cycle when a mature egg is released from the ovaries).
  • Thick white discharge without odor and itching accompanies sexual intercourse. The vagina produces natural lubricant for easy insertion of the male genital organ. Thanks to this, partners will not feel discomfort during intercourse.
  • The amount of white, harmless discharge in women increases during pregnancy. This is a necessary measure to effectively protect the fetus and mother from infection in the body.
  • Sometimes leucorrhoea is provoked by the use of intrauterine devices, creams, or similar contraceptives.

Why does white discharge appear?

If clear or white mucous discharge appears before menstruation, during sexual intercourse, or during pregnancy, this should not be a cause for concern. This reaction of the body is typical. If leucorrhoea causes discomfort, has an unpleasant odor, or changes color, then you should definitely consult a doctor. Atypical discharge indicates diseases that are best treated at the initial stage.

Before your period

White discharge in healthy women is observed during the menstrual cycle. Natural leucorrhoea is created with the help of secretions from the genital organs, helps to moisturize them, and blocks the appearance of harmful bacteria. If there is no infection in the body, then the discharge is transparent, whitish in color, and moderate in amount. The consistency of leucorrhoea often varies, depending on the hormonal level and secretion activity.

White discharge without itching, burning, or odors, which has a slightly cloudy color - this is the standard. In this way, the vagina gets rid of dead skin cells. Spotting leucorrhoea before the onset of menstruation can notify about the appearance of pathology. If the discharge is viscous, curdled, and accompanied by a delay in menstruation, then you should immediately contact a gynecologist for advice.

During pregnancy

White discharge during pregnancy is considered a normal reaction of the body, which occurs due to an increase in the amount of hormones and increased blood circulation in the vaginal area. If leucorrhoea is abundant, then it is better to avoid wearing tight clothing (synthetics) while pregnant. It is advisable to take more care of personal hygiene and use panty liners. Such vaginal discharge does not affect childbirth or the condition of the unborn child.

Sometimes white-yellow discharge appears in the early stages of pregnancy, which in some cases serves as a signal of vaginal infectious diseases and similar ailments. The most common ailments in pregnant women include fungal infections that cause leucorrhoea of ​​an atypical color. Discharges outside the normal range occur with sexually transmitted diseases. If it is discovered that vaginal secretion does not correspond to natural leucorrhoea, then you should immediately undergo a medical examination. An easy, quick healing process is guaranteed.

During or after sexual intercourse

The amount of secretion secreted by the vagina during and after sexual intercourse always increases if the woman does not have problems with genitourinary function. Vaginal leucorrhoea plays the role of a lubricant, which helps to avoid discomfort and pain when a man inserts the penis into the vagina. But, if the female secretion released during arousal changes color, consistency or acquires an unpleasant odor, a consultation with a doctor will not be superfluous.

Such signs are harbingers of sexually transmitted diseases and more. For example, curdled, white and too strong vaginal discharge indicates the appearance of thrush. Symptoms of a very unpleasant and dangerous disease - trichomoniasis - are greenish or yellow vaginal secretion with a foamy consistency and severe itching. There is no point in risking your health and causing illness. Prompt treatment will help achieve a quick recovery.

What vaginal discharge is considered normal?

Normal vaginal discharge includes:

  • vaginal secretion of a small nature;
  • clear white vaginal secretion;
  • odorless leucorrhoea (has only a barely perceptible, specific aroma, individual for each woman);
  • a secret that does not irritate the skin and mucous membranes of the genital organs;
  • discharge that does not cause pain, burning or discomfort in general.

What diseases do white discharge indicate?

As mentioned earlier, white mucous discharge from the vagina of a healthy woman does not differ in particular color or smell. Periodically, the density of secretion changes, which in some situations signals the appearance of diseases.


Vaginal discharge that has a thick, creamy consistency indicates the likelihood of harmful microbes entering the female body. The earlier the disease is detected, the greater the chances of getting rid of its development and avoiding characteristic consequences. The source of the appearance of atypical severe leucorrhoea is often fungal, viral, bacterial ailments (less often, more serious diseases requiring surgery). The most common “culprits” of such discharge are thrush and urethral infections.


Fluid vaginal secretion is considered normal only during ovulation or the luteal period. Constant watery discharge with whitish streaks can serve as symptoms of an inflammatory process in the cervical canal or its erosion. A white liquid with a foul aroma and a yellow-green tint indicates the possible appearance of trichomoniasis, chlamydia, gonorrhea and similar diseases.


In the case of mucous discharge, there are two options: normal or a signal of illness. In what situation should you seek medical help? If leucorrhoea does not stop throughout the menstrual cycle and resembles stretchy, dense snot, then you should urgently consult a specialist. Often, mucous secretion with an unpleasant odor, when it appears, the vagina begins to itch and itch, indicates infection with chlamydia, trichomoniasis, vaginosis, thrush, and gonorrhea.

Reasons for the appearance of uncharacteristic mucous secretions that are not related to infection:

  • vulvar dermatitis;
  • polyps on the cervix;
  • foreign objects in the vagina (for example, part of a tampon or pad);
  • malignant formations of organs of the reproductive system.

Rich and cheesy

White, copious discharge with a cheesy consistency is not normal; it confirms the presence of serious health problems. Main reasons:

  • Curdled leucorrhoea, distinguished by the smell of sour milk, is the first sign of the development of candidiasis (thrush). This ailment occurs due to the inflammatory process of the vaginal mucosa caused by a fungus.
  • The odorless, yellowish “cottage cheese” indicates inflammation of the ovaries, fallopian tubes, or damage to the appendages by a bacterial infection. Acute forms of adnexitis, salpingitis or oophoritis are accompanied by copious discharge; chronic stages, on the contrary, are small.
  • Green and yellow-green leucorrhoea are signs of trichomoniasis, bacterial vaginosis, colpitis, inflammation of the urethra, and urinary system.

Which doctor should I contact?

Often, women who discover atypical vaginal discharge do not know which doctor to consult. This information is very important. A disease detected and treated in a timely manner is an excellent insurance against complications and health problems in the future. If vaginal secretion smells unpleasant, looks strange, plus there is discomfort in the genitals, then you should immediately contact an obstetrician-gynecologist. The doctor will be able to identify the exact cause of the appearance of uncharacteristic discharge and prescribe therapy with vaginal suppositories and tablets.

Video: what does white discharge mean in women

We recommend that you consolidate the results from the information you read above and watch the video. After watching the video, it will become more clear where the secretions come from and what their role is in the body. A gynecologist will talk about the types of leucorrhoea, the main reasons for their appearance, diagnosis of diseases, preventive measures and in what cases medical care is needed. Timely consultation with a gynecologist and competent therapy will help you quickly get rid of the ailment.

Many representatives of the fairer sex experience changes in the condition of their genital organs throughout their entire lives. This can happen due to hormonal changes or due to some diseases. This article will tell you why women have white liquid discharge. You will learn about the causes of the problem and how to make the correct diagnosis. It is also worth saying how white liquid discharge is treated in a particular case. Some drugs will be presented to your attention.

White liquid discharge: expert opinions

Doctors say that sometimes representatives of the fairer sex exhibit similar signs. They can be normal, physiological, or pathological. Only a specialist can determine what exactly a woman is faced with. It is impossible to independently determine why white liquid discharge appears. You can only guess whether this is a pathology or the norm.

If you experience this symptom, you should pay attention to additional signs. These may include itching, pain in the lower abdomen, fever, and so on. They will help the doctor correctly prescribe treatment for you.

Establishing diagnosis

To determine the reason why you have white liquid discharge, you need to see a doctor. carried out through some diagnostic manipulations. First, the doctor conducts a survey. All the patient’s complaints are entered into the card. It is with their help that the doctor can narrow down his range of assumptions about the appearance of the symptom.

After this, an examination is performed on a gynecological chair. If a woman is not sexually active, the doctor examines her on the couch. At the same time, the doctor takes a smear for analysis. It is the examination of the discharge that will help to correctly identify the problem and make a diagnosis.

After laboratory analysis, a correct diagnosis can be made. And only then is appropriate treatment prescribed. There are times when a study shows that a woman is healthy. Let's look at the main reasons why liquid white discharge appears in women.

Second phase of the cycle

Liquid white discharge in women may occur in the second phase of the cycle. Immediately after ovulation, the active work of the corpus luteum begins, which secretes progesterone. Under the influence of this process, the state of cervical mucus also changes. It takes on a white tint and looks like a cream. It is worth noting that such liquid white discharge is not itchy. Also, the mucus does not have an unpleasant pungent odor. This process should not cause the woman any discomfort.

Treatment in such situations is not required. During the examination and smear analysis, no pathology is detected. The vaginal microflora is normal and does not require any correction.

Pregnancy, including those developing outside the uterus

Pregnancy can also be the reason for the appearance of white, liquid, odorless discharge. You already know that after ovulation it is formed. It is this that maintains the uterus in normal tone and does not allow it to reject the fertilized egg. The corpus luteum secretes progesterone, which is necessary for the development of pregnancy. Moreover, this happens during the first three months.

During this entire period, a woman can detect liquid whites. Representatives of the fairer sex report that their number at this moment increases sharply. Doctors recommend expectant mothers to use sanitary pads for their own convenience and comfort.

Candidiasis, or thrush

Why do some women have white, runny discharge and itching? The cause of this symptom is most often thrush. It is worth noting that every second expectant mother develops it. Also, those representatives of the fairer sex who are not pregnant often face a problem. Pathology is diagnosed during vaginal examination and smear analysis. In a laboratory, a specialist can detect yeast in vaginal mucus. A woman complains that the discharge has lumps and is somewhat similar to kefir. Mucus is sour

This problem should be treated with antifungal drugs. These include “Diflucan”, “Flucostat”, “Diflazon” and so on. At the same time, a woman may be recommended to douche with a soda solution. It is worth clarifying that the correction should be carried out not only by the woman, but also by her partner. A man may not suffer from thrush himself, but may be a carrier of it.

Genital tract infections

Liquid ones can occur during the inflammatory process. In this case, a woman often feels pain or pain in the lower abdomen, she is worried about an increase in body temperature and general malaise. To make a correct diagnosis, you need to take a vaginal smear to check for certain infections. Most often, the pathology is bacterial in nature. For proper treatment, it is necessary to sow the mucus. The sensitivity of detected microorganisms to certain antibiotics is also determined.

Correction of such conditions is carried out using antimicrobial and antibacterial therapy. After this, it will be necessary to make a restorative correction using a complex of beneficial microorganisms. Doctors report that treatment should also be carried out by the woman’s partner. Otherwise, re-infection will occur at the first sexual contact. The following medications are most often prescribed for the treatment of this pathology: Amoxiclav, Amoxicillin, Sporobacterin, Terzhinan, Vilprafen, Kipferon, and so on.

Viral lesion

White and liquid discharge from the genital tract may occur due to a decrease in the body's immune defense. At the same time, the woman is very vulnerable to viral diseases. If pathology is added, then it occurs. As a result, the discharge changes in character and consistency. To get rid of this problem, you need to perform immunomodulatory therapy.

Most often, women are prescribed drugs such as “Viferon”, “Isoprinosine”, “Licopid” and many others. Also, a representative of the fairer sex should use medications to restore microflora - “Bifidumbacterin”, “Sporobacterin”, “Linex”, “Lactonorm”, etc. The condition of the woman’s sexual partner must be examined, and if pathology is present, treatment is carried out.


Many women are confident that douching will help get rid of the problem. At the same time, representatives of the fairer sex use a variety of medicinal compositions and herbal decoctions. Doctors say that such treatment cannot be carried out. Its consequence is an increase in the inflammatory process.

When fluid is inserted into the vagina, it can enter the uterus. In the same way, the fallopian tubes and then the ovaries are affected. At the same time, a bacterial infection is introduced there. It is worth saying that curing an infection in the vagina is much easier than eliminating it in the uterus. This often leads to more serious problems. For example, infertility, adhesions.

A short conclusion of the article

Now you know why a woman may experience discharge from the genitals that is white in color and has a liquid consistency. Remember that pathology should be treated only as prescribed by a doctor. Otherwise, you may encounter complications that will be much more difficult to get rid of. Often women have to deal with the consequences of self-medication throughout their lives. Use the services of gynecologists and always be healthy!

Every woman's vagina is designed in a special way. It maintains microflora in a natural state and removes unnecessary microorganisms. This occurs through the formation of mucus. The clots differ in color and smell.

White thick discharge in women can mean both a natural reaction of the body to external stimuli and indicate the presence of diseases.

What is considered normal

Leucorrhoea appears in girls during puberty. Little girls do not have any discharge, and if they appear, you should consult a pediatrician, since they indicate diseases of the urinary system.

A healthy woman has odorless and non-itching discharge. They are transparent or whitish in color. Sometimes a slight sour aroma is allowed. Normally, from two to four milliliters of mucus are released per day; it can leave yellow spots on laundry up to 4 centimeters in size.

If a large amount of clots are released with accompanying symptoms (with a strong or odorless odor and accompanied by itching), then it is worth checking with a gynecologist for the presence of infections.

The amount of leucorrhoea increases sharply after sex and during intercourse. If the contact was without the use of condoms, then they represent vaginal lubricant and sperm.

Clots on the eve of menstruation

Before menstruation, women’s vaginal mucosa is renewed and cleansed.

Abundant mucus is formed, which contains a number of components:

  • keratinized remains of the epithelium;
  • secrets;
  • leukocytes in single quantities;
  • lactobacilli.

Leucorrhoea may be a little cloudy due to its composition. If a woman experiences white, thick discharge before the start of a new menstruation, this may indicate pregnancy. In expectant mothers, hormonal levels change, which leads to changes in the nature of the clots.

Leucorrhoea during ovulation

There are physiological reasons for the appearance of mucus during ovulation. Each new cycle, a woman’s body prepares to conceive a child. It is better and more convenient for sperm to move in a liquid environment, so during ovulation the amount of discharge increases and it becomes more viscous.

White discharge indicates that the necessary hormones have been formed and the body is ready to bear a baby. But when fertilization does not occur, the uterus must be cleared of basal cells. This is possible due to mucus and copious discharge.

Mucus during pregnancy

During early pregnancy, almost all women produce copious white clots. This happens due to a sharp surge in hormones. By the second trimester, the discharge becomes thicker.

The appearance of copious mucus should not alarm or frighten the mother. If leucorrhoea does not cause discomfort, does not have any odor or unusual color (or), then it is normal.

Attention! If pregnant women have blood in their mucus, the woman is at risk of miscarriage or premature birth. You should immediately contact your treating gynecologist.

Differences in consistency

White mucus can be thick or thin. Trichomonas or chlamydia can provoke abundant and liquid clots. Sometimes mycoplasmas give such a reaction.

If the discharge is thick in consistency and accompanied by other symptoms, this indicates the progression of the following pathologies:

  • diseases caused by viruses;
  • bacterial infections;
  • venereal diseases;
  • microflora imbalance (may be caused by hormonal imbalances).

A very important sign is the presence of foam. If present, this indicates trichomoniasis (a sexually transmitted infection).

Clots due to thrush

White thick discharge and itching in women are the main symptoms of vaginal candidiasis. The vaginal microflora of every woman contains Candida fungi. But in a number of situations they begin to actively reproduce. This causes large white clots to appear. They are characterized by sharp and sour odors and a cheesy consistency.

Mucus from thrush is accompanied by many unpleasant symptoms: a feeling of itching or burning, pain during emptying the bladder or during sex. There is swelling of the labia, clitoris and vulva.

Thrush occurs when immunity is reduced: after taking antibiotics, long-term chronic diseases, infections of the genitourinary system, pregnancy, allergies, and the use of birth control pills.

For gardnerellosis

If white mucus is accompanied by an unpleasant odor, pain in the perineum or itching, this indicates diseases of the genitourinary system. You need to see a doctor, he will diagnose what it is and prescribe treatment.

Female discharge is conventionally divided into two types - physiological and pathological. The former are the norm and their appearance is not accompanied by any discomfort. And the latter occur only in cases where infections and inflammation appear in the vagina.White, creamy, odorless dischargeclassified as a physiological type, but only if there are no other symptoms characteristic of various pathologies.

The secretion secreted from the vagina ensures that the balance between lactic acid bacteria and opportunistic microorganisms is maintained, as well as the cleansing of the reproductive system organs from dead epithelium. Its quantity depends on the work of the glands, which are located on the mucous membranes. Their activity is influenced by both internal and external factors. When exposed to them, the amount of mucus produced increases, which is a natural protective reaction of the body.

Discharge is considered normal only if it:

  • They do not have a specific smell.
  • They are released in small quantities.
  • Do not cause skin irritation on the labia.

Depending on the menstrual cycle, these indicators may change, which does not at all indicate pathologies. For example,creamy dischargeQuite often observed in young girls and women:

  • If there is a hormonal imbalance.
  • Before menstruation.
  • During the period of ovulation.

Hormonal disorders

White thick dischargewithout signs of infection or inflammation, they quite often occur in girls during puberty, when hormonal levels are developing. As a rule, they are sparse in nature and do not provide a feeling of moisture. As soon as girls have their first period, the discharge becomes almost unnoticeable and after 2-3 cycles it becomes normal.

In adult women the appearance thick leucorrhoea may be caused by the following factors:

  • Pregnancy.
  • Taking oral contraceptives.
  • The onset of menopause.

All this is also accompanied by changes in hormonal levels, which have a direct impact on the functioning of the reproductive system. It should be noted that during pregnancy abundant white discharge can be observed instead of menstruation and this is the absolute norm.

Before your period

Usually, white creamy discharge in womenappear at the moment when the uterus is preparing for the upcoming menstruation. This happens a few days before menstruation and the discharge itself does not cause discomfort in the perineum. A distinctive feature of such secretions is that they may contain streaks of blood, which is why they may turn pink or brownish (the appearance of the latter is caused by oxidative processes).


White discharge in womencan also be observed on days 12-16 of the menstrual cycle, which is caused by the onset of the period of release of the egg from the follicle (ovulation). During this period, the cervix produces a lot of mucus in order to cleanse itself of harmful microorganisms and protect the fertilized egg from infections (if it suddenly penetrates the uterine cavity).

Depending on the microflora of the vagina, this mucus may turn white. But! In the absence of pathology and infectionsmid-cycle dischargeThey do not smell or irritate the skin!

Other reasons

Thick white dischargein women they are quite often observed after unprotected sex. Their occurrence is caused by the body’s cleansing of male ejaculate that has entered the vagina during sex.

Male sperm contains protein and when it enters the acidic microflora, this protein coagulates, which causes the appearance ofwhite discharge, sometimes thick. They can be observed within 12-24 hours after sexual contact with a man.

Vaginal dischargemay also arise due to the fault of the woman herself. Wearing tight synthetic underwear, using intimate hygiene products that contain a lot of alkali (for example, regular toilet soap), frequent douching, poor personal hygiene - all this can cause discharge white , since when exposed to these factors, the acid-base balance in the vagina changes.

Discharge without odor or itchingmay also occur due to:

  • Frequent stress.
  • Abrupt climate change.
  • Taking antibacterial drugs.
  • Promiscuous sex life.

Important! In any case, in the absence of infections and inflammations, the secretion that is released from the vagina does not have a sharp specific odor and is not accompanied by itching, burning or irritation. If other symptoms appear, then you should not delay going to the doctor, since in this case there can be no talk of any normality. The woman needs careful examination and treatment.

Signs of infection and inflammation

Every woman should know the signs of infections and inflammations, since only in this way can she identify the problem in time and begin treatment, preventing complications from occurring. As a rule, in the presence of pathological processes, the appearance of vaginal discharge is always accompanied by additional symptoms.

For example, viscous and bad-smelling discharge may occur due to inflammation of the fallopian tubes. Most often they are profuse and accompanied by acute pain in the lower abdomen during movements. The appearance of an unpleasant odor is caused by the accumulation of purulent exudate in the fallopian tubes, which penetrates the uterine cavity and then leaves it through the cervix.

The discharge is white and unpleasant smelling may be a sign of the development of endometritis. This disease is characterized by inflammation of the uterus. In this case, no itching or burning in the perineal area is observed. However, a woman may periodically experience painful sensations in the lower abdomen, which intensify with intense physical exertion or sexual intercourse.

Cervicitis is another disease in which a stringy white mucous discharge appears. It is characterized by inflammation of the cervix, which most often occurs when pathogenic bacteria invade the vagina. In this case, there is also aching pain in the lower abdomen and discharge, which may contain streaks of blood.

If in the discharge there are lumps, dense white clots or flakes, while irritation appears in the intimate area, itching and burning, then this already indicates the development of a disease such as thrush. As a rule, very heavy discharge is observed during itwith a sour smell, the labia swell and a whitish coating appears on their surface. The skin itself turns red and begins to peel.

The main reason for the development of thrush is the active growth of Candida fungi, which are part of the natural microflora of the vagina. Activation of their growth can occur for the following reasons:

  • Decreased immunity.
  • Frequent stress.
  • Poor nutrition.
  • Hypothermia.
  • Alcohol abuse.
  • Taking certain medications.

The same reasons can provoke active reproduction in the vagina of opportunistic microorganisms - gardnerella. In this case, white discharge is also observed, only it becomes more liquid and depletes the smell of rotten fish.

Important! If a woman has a whitish-green or yellow discharge, then this is already a sign of the development of an STD, for example, chlamydia, trichomoniasis, ureaplasmosis or mycoplasmosis.

If white, thick vaginal discharge occurs, you should contact a gynecologist. Only he can answer accurately Why they appeared and what needs to be done. To make a diagnosis, you just need to take a smear for bacterial culture and undergo an ultrasound examination, which will confirm/refute the presence of inflammatory processes.

Usually, odorless and itchy discharge, pain and other symptoms that occur during certain periods of the cycle do not require treatment. But for those conditions where other symptoms are present, treatment is selected strictly on an individual basis, depending on the cause of their occurrence.

For example, thrush is treated with special antifungal drugs. In this case, not only women, but also their sexual partners are treated. They are prescribed antifungal ointments, which they must apply to the penis several times a day.

When inflammation is detected, anti-inflammatory and immunostimulating drugs are used. If STDs have been identified, specific therapy is carried out with the participation of antibacterial agents.

It is impossible to say exactly how to treat discharge in women. It all depends on the cause of their occurrence and the individual characteristics of the body. Therefore, you should not self-medicate and if you suspect the development of infectious or inflammatory diseases, it is better to immediately seek help from a doctor and follow all his recommendations.

Video on the topic

The consistency and color of genital discharge are characteristic indicators of a woman’s health. If the uterus and ovaries function normally, and there are no inflammatory or other pathological processes in the organs of the reproductive system, then minor discharge usually does not cause discomfort. Another thing is copious white discharge that causes itching. They are usually associated with serious gynecological diseases. It is very important to establish their cause, to prevent the disease from becoming chronic, and to prevent complications.


Causes of natural discharge

Thanks to the mucus produced by special glands in the cervix and vagina, the internal genital organs are protected from the penetration of harmful microorganisms that cause damage to their mucous membranes. The weakly acidic environment of this mucus is due to the presence of beneficial lactobacilli that produce lactic acid. In such an environment, infectious agents die.

Physiological mucus is usually colorless. There is a constant renewal of epithelial cells. In this case, the dying cells become part of the leucorrhoea, which may have a faint creamy tint. Their consistency is affected by any changes in hormonal levels. The most dramatic hormonal surges occur during puberty, as well as during pregnancy. Therefore, in girls and pregnant women, discharge is usually abundant.

The volume of leucorrhoea is minimal immediately after the end of menstruation, since the mucus has a thick consistency. Before ovulation occurs, the mucous plug in the cervix gradually liquefies and becomes similar to the white of a chicken egg. The volume of discharge increases. By the end of the cycle they spontaneously disappear.

During pregnancy, every woman experiences such discharge. If there is a delay in menstruation, and profuse, thick, homogeneous leucorrhoea appears, this most likely indicates pregnancy.

Natural discharge differs from pathological discharge in that it does not have an unpleasant odor and does not irritate the mucous membrane. Such discharge does not cause itching in women.

Video: Normal and pathological white discharge in women

Causes of pathological discharge and itching

Unlike natural discharge, pathological discharge has no connection with the phases of the menstrual cycle. They appear spontaneously, spontaneously and do not disappear. Such leucorrhoea is usually liquid, foamy or similar to cottage cheese, often has a pungent odor and causes itching.

The cause of leucorrhoea can be:

  1. Diseases of the genital organs.
  2. Hormonal disorders that occur with hypothyroidism (thyroid disease), the use of hormonal drugs for contraception and as medications, as well as after abortion and other processes that change the natural hormonal balance.
  3. Allergy to hygiene products.

Note: Itching in the vagina occurs as a reaction to certain medications, as well as after eating spicy foods or smoked foods.

Pathological discharge may be accompanied, in addition to itching in the vagina, by an increase in temperature, burning and pain when urinating, and nagging pain in the lower abdomen. Sometimes they have a greenish or yellowish tint. The cause of itching is irritation of the nerve endings located in the vagina.

Types of pathological white discharge

Depending on which part of the reproductive system the disease occurs, leucorrhoea is divided into the following types:

  1. Pipe. They appear as a result of an inflammatory process or the formation of a malignant tumor in the uterine tubes.
  2. Uterine. As a rule, their appearance is a symptom of the formation of polyps and fibroids in the uterus. They may be a sign of cancer.
  3. Cervical. Their cause is a disruption in the production of mucus in the glands due to endocrine diseases, as well as the occurrence of inflammatory and stagnant processes as a result of ruptures in the neck and scar formation. Such leucorrhoea can appear due to infectious diseases and the formation of polyps.
  4. Vaginal. Appear due to irritation or damage to the mucous membrane due to improper douching, mechanical damage, or disruption of the natural microflora in the vagina.
  5. Vestibular. White discharge and itching appear due to increased activity of the sebaceous glands due to diabetes mellitus, inflammatory processes, mechanical irritation, and non-compliance with hygiene rules.

Diseases for which white discharge is a symptom. Treatment

This symptom is characteristic of both sexually transmitted infectious diseases and inflammatory processes caused by an imbalance of hormones in the body, mechanical or chemical damage to the mucous membranes.

Diseases resulting from sexual transmission

Candidiasis (thrush)- damage to the mucous membrane by the Candida fungus. The process can occur in the vagina (candidal vaginitis, or colpitis), the external genitalia (vulvitis) or spread to both areas (vulvovaginitis). In this case, abundant white discharge resembles a cheesy mass and has a characteristic sour odor.

Itching, burning, frequent urination, swelling and damage to the mucous membrane, pain during sexual intercourse are additional symptoms that deprive a woman of strength and the ability to lead a normal lifestyle. In its acute form, the disease is treated within a few days with the help of antifungal drugs (miconazole, pimafucin, clotrimazole). Such products are available in the form of tablets, suppositories and creams.

It is also necessary to restore the normal microflora of the vagina and intestines with the help of preparations containing lactobacilli. In addition, inflammatory processes are eliminated.

If the disease is neglected, it becomes chronic and requires long-term treatment. Periodically, exacerbation of symptoms is possible. The cause may be a decrease in immunity.

Sometimes candidiasis develops into a third form, in which there are no external symptoms, but the woman is a carrier of the infection.

Warning: Vulvovaginal candidiasis must be treated, as the fungus can spread to other organs.

Video: Signs and treatment of thrush in women

Papillomavirus vulvovaginitis. With this disease, genital warts (condylomas) appear on the skin around the anus and in the mucous membrane of the vulva, which can grow together. This complicates sexual intercourse and leads to inflammation and itching.

The causative agent of this infection is human papillomavirus. It is transmitted both sexually and by contact (through bedding, medical instruments). The resulting white discharge causes itching, swelling and redness of the vulva.

Treatment is carried out by surgical removal of condylomas, burning them out using electrocoagulation and cryotherapy. Laser excision is also used. In this case, drugs are prescribed to enhance immunity (isoprinosine, for example).

Non-sexually transmitted diseases

Bacterial vaginosis– this is vaginal dysbiosis, that is, the predominance of pathogenic bacteria over beneficial lactobacilli. This condition can occur as a result of decreased immunity, intestinal dysbiosis, poor nutrition (lack of fermented milk products in the diet), and wearing synthetic underwear, which creates conditions for the proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms. Symptoms of the disease are vaginal itching, liquid white discharge with a grayish tint, and a fishy odor.

Treatment consists of eliminating pathogens (gardnerella and others) using suppositories containing antibiotics and antiseptics. In addition, preparations with bifidobacteria are used, which increase the acidity of the vaginal environment.

If bacterial vaginosis is not treated, then favorable conditions are created for the occurrence of inflammatory and infectious diseases of the uterus and appendages.

Video: Causes and symptoms of bacterial vaginosis

Cervicitis- inflammation of the cervix that extends into the vagina. With this disease, the discharge is cloudy white mixed with pus. The cause is infection with various types of infection, birth injuries to the cervix, postoperative scars. The disease is promoted by decreased immunity. It is often accompanied by ectopia of the neck (pseudo-erosion), ectropion (eversion of the neck), inflammation of the vulva and vagina.

The method and drugs for treatment are selected depending on the cause of cervicitis. Antibiotics, antivirals, and antifungals are used. The affected area is treated with disinfectant solutions.

To restore the balance of beneficial microorganisms inhabiting the genitals, drugs that act locally, directly in the vagina, are needed. An example of such a remedy is Laktozhinal. Its capsules contain lactic acid bacteria (lyophilized), which are one of the leading components of the microflora of female genitalia. Once inside the vagina, lactobacilli come to life, begin to actively multiply and produce acid, which protects against pathogenic microbes and suppresses the growth of fungi that provoke candidiasis. This treatment of vaginosis also helps prevent thrush.

In the chronic form of the disease, laser therapy, cryotherapy and other surgical treatment methods are used. Estrogen drugs (ovestin) are also prescribed to promote mucosal regeneration.

To determine the cause of leucorrhoea, a colposcopy is performed, a smear is examined under a microscope, and a culture is done. This allows you to determine the type of bacteria and select an antibiotic. Blood tests using PCR and ELISA methods are used to detect the type of infection.