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Rules for using Donat Mg according to the instructions for the product. Mineral water Donat Mg: medicinal properties, method of application, reviews

Thanks to its unique composition, mineral water called Donat Magnesium has medicinal properties, and in order to use them for your benefit, you need to study the instructions for use. This water is recommended for children and adults, women during pregnancy, elderly people, and athletes. It is mined in Slovenia. Donat mg mineral water is produced in three variations: plastic containers (0.5 l and 1 l) and glass bottles (0.75 l).

On a note! The healing water Donat Magnesium has gained popularity a long time ago. And since its effectiveness has been proven by more than one generation, it has retained its relevance to this day. Healing water saturates the human body with valuable minerals, among which sodium and magnesium are the leaders. It can be used as an additional remedy for the treatment of many diseases, and can also be used for their prevention.

Composition of Donat Magnesium water: table

Donat Magnesium mineral water has a unique chemical composition. It is full of useful components, therefore it is used to treat various diseases.

Physico-chemical composition of medicinal min. Magnesium Donat water (mg) is presented in the table.








Carbonic anhydride

Silicic acid

General mineralization

The composition of water is dominated by magnesium and sodium. When interacting with other components, they provide a healing effect.

Indications for use and beneficial properties

The presence of medicinal properties allows the use of Donat Magnesium mineral water for the treatment of most diseases, and the indications for its use are as follows:

  • gastritis, constipation and other gastrointestinal problems: medicinal water has the ability to lower the stomach, increase blood flow, restore peristalsis and intestinal mucous membranes;
  • diabetes mellitus: after drinking Donat Magnesium mineral water, the functioning of the pancreas is restored, the level of glucose in the blood decreases, and the production of insulin increases;
  • pancreatitis, hepatitis: blood flow increases, bile composition improves;
  • hypertension: vascular spasms are reduced, their walls are strengthened, pressure is stabilized;
  • postoperative period: medicinal water gives additional strength to the body and helps it recover faster after surgery;
  • male infertility: sperm movement accelerates (water helps only in cases where the cause of their inhibition is a lack of magnesium in the body);
  • depression: appetite increases, mood improves, apathy goes away;
  • overweight: by improving the metabolic processes occurring in the body, fat deposits are broken down;
  • food poisoning: toxins, waste and other dangerous substances are removed from the body.

Thus, Donat MG water improves the health of the entire body. It cleanses it, strengthens the immune system, preventing many diseases, and helps organs work properly.

On a note! According to experts, Donat Magnesium water even takes an active part in the production of hormones.

How to take Donat Magnesium correctly?

To obtain a therapeutic effect, you need to know how to drink Donat Magnesium mineral water correctly. Depending on the indications for use, special treatment regimens have been developed:

  • Gastrointestinal diseases, dysfunctions of the nervous system: 150-200 ml on an empty stomach in the morning, as well as half a glass before lunch and dinner;
  • diabetes mellitus: 1 glass in the morning on an empty stomach, 150 ml at the rest of the day;
  • hypertension, infertility in men, cholelithiasis: half a glass before meals;
  • obesity, removal of toxic substances from the body: 300 ml in the morning on an empty stomach and 200 ml before lunch and dinner;
  • constipation: up to 350 ml in the morning before meals, 200 ml in the afternoon and evening;
  • hangover: 350 ml in the morning, half a glass every 2 hours throughout the day.

Regardless of the indications, Donat MG magnesium water should be drunk immediately before meals. Dosages in each individual case can be adjusted by the attending physician.

Instructions for use of Donat Magnesium water for children

The way to use mineral water for children depends on their age:

  • over 10 years: 120 ml before meals in the morning, the same amount before lunch and 50 ml before dinner;
  • 6−10 years: 100 ml in the morning before meals, the same amount before lunch and 40 ml before the evening meal;
  • 1−6 years: 80 ml before meals in the morning and afternoon, 40 ml before evening meals;
  • up to one year: 10 ml every 3-4 hours before meals.

Healing water is useful not only for adults; it is also recommended for children to drink. As a rule, it is used for disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, which often happens in childhood due to an unstable digestive system. In case of poisoning, this water, along with medications, helps remove toxins from the body, as well as restore the functions of the stomach and intestines. For children under one year old, it will allow them to better accept complementary foods and adjust to a new diet.

Dosage regimen during pregnancy

During pregnancy, a woman’s body needs support more than ever. And Donat Magnesium mineral water can provide it.

  • keep the water at room temperature for at least 2 hours;
  • drink 200 ml before meals in the morning, you can have breakfast 20 minutes later;
  • drink 150 ml before daytime and evening meals.

Since many women suffer from constipation during pregnancy, healing mineral water will help avoid such problems. It will make the intestines work correctly.

Instructions for use for athletes

For people who play sports or simply lead an active lifestyle, Donat Magnesium water will help restore strength and replenish lack of energy. As you know, a lot of them are lost during classes. In addition, there is a significant load on the muscles and internal organs. With the help of mineral magnesium water, you will be able to recover in the shortest possible time, feeling a charge of energy and a surge of strength.

Magnesium takes an active part in the breakdown and absorption of carbohydrates, proteins and fats in the human body. If this element is insufficient, dysfunction of internal organs occurs. Magnesium water will compensate for its deficiency.

The beneficial properties of Donat Magnesium medicinal water for athletes are as follows:

  • getting rid of fatigue;
  • strengthening the heart muscle;
  • strengthening physical endurance;
  • muscle mass growth;
  • relief from muscle pain and spasms.

On a note! Since magnesium is ionized in mineral water, the body is more quickly saturated with it. If you take it in tablet form, the body will have to expend additional energy to absorb this element.


It is not advisable to drink Donat Magnesium water if you have kidney failure, severe gastrointestinal illnesses, internal bleeding, kidney stones, or cancer. Contraindication is the presence of problems with kidney function.

Side effects after taking Donat Magnesium mineral water are diarrhea, constipation, and flatulence. As a rule, undesirable effects occur only if the treatment regimen is not followed. The dosages recommended in the instructions for use should not be exceeded.

On a note! Before using Donat Magnesium mineral water, you should consult your doctor. This will help avoid unwanted effects.


Donat Magnesium mineral water has no analogues. However, other agents with similar effects can be noted. Magnesium also predominates in their composition.

Since Donat Magnesium mineral water contains a large number of useful minerals, its benefits are obvious. It activates all important biochemical processes occurring in the human body. Literally a few minutes after consumption, magnesium water reaches all cells and organs, providing a healing effect.

On a note! Experts say that if you follow the established standards when drinking Donat Mg water, you can only use it to replenish the daily dose of magnesium in the body.

Since magnesium water has a beneficial effect on all organs and systems, it should be drunk in therapeutic courses. According to experts, the greatest positive effect is observed in the treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, arrhythmia and diabetes. To avoid harm, you should take this water as a medicine, and not as a regular drink to quench your thirst. It is important to follow the recommended doses and not exceed them.

It is advisable to drink water at room temperature, since in this form it is absorbed best by the body.

Rogaska Slatina is a resort town in eastern Slovenia, founded at the very beginning of the nineteenth century. Since its foundation, the resort has received universal recognition on the continent, possessing one of the largest sources of mineral water on the planet. The city became most famous for its water, unique in its mineral composition and saturation with magnesium, which was given the name “Donat Mg”.

Therapeutic water “Donat Mg” is a unique medicine of group “C”. Its uniqueness lies in the fact that, firstly, it has a high total mineralization - more than 13 g/l, which, however, does not negatively affect its excellent taste. Although many medicinal mineral waters are characterized by a rather pronounced specific bitter taste.

Secondly, Donat Mg contains much more bicarbonates than any other mineral waters, and much more magnesium. The magnesium content in it is about 1000 mg/l, and this is ionized magnesium, which is easily absorbed into the blood, quickly reaching every cell. The absorption of magnesium is also promoted by carbon dioxide and bicarbonates. There are mineral waters with a high content of magnesium, but it is in a poorly digestible form, and its action occurs mainly in the digestive tract.

What are the benefits of magnesium? Many problems in the human body arise from a lack of magnesium or impaired absorption. Magnesium takes part in more than 300 processes important for normal human life and necessary for the functioning of the nervous and muscular systems. It is a universal regulator of biochemical and physiological processes, the main participant in energy, plastic, and electrolyte metabolism, which helps the correct and effective absorption of nutrients.

Magnesium stimulates the accumulation of energy in cells, is an anti-stress mineral, and a natural insulator along the path along which the nerve impulse travels.

Under its action, spasms of blood vessels, bronchi, intestines, and uterus are relieved, blood circulation and breathing improve. Modern people often face a lack of magnesium in the body, which is manifested by the development of chronic fatigue syndrome, insomnia, irritability, cramps, and muscle pain.

You can solve this problem by taking vitamins or dietary supplements, but this does not always solve the problem of magnesium deficiency. Donat Mg water copes well with this problem, which is an excellent alternative to many medications, since it has virtually no contraindications, is not addictive and can be used to treat patients of any age.

How Donat Mg works

The effect of Donat Mg mineral water in the body is as follows. Once in the stomach, bicarbonate reacts with, and as a result of this interaction, carbon dioxide is released. Air bubbles actively move in the stomach, as if massaging the mucous membrane, as a result of which the blood supply to the mucous membrane increases and the secretory function of the glands of the stomach and intestines increases.

Magnesium is absorbed by those cells that need it, while excess magnesium is easily excreted, without lingering anywhere and without causing harm to the body. This greatly distinguishes Donat Mg from other sources of magnesium, especially those produced in tablet form. Very often, magnesium contained in tablet preparations does not enter into biochemical reactions, but settles in the cells, thereby exerting a toxic effect.

Magnesium and other active elements of mineral water quickly enter the blood and immediately enter into biochemical reactions.

General indications for use

Due to the high content of minerals, Donat Mg mineral water is used in complex therapy of the following diseases:

  • Diabetes. Mineral water helps lower blood sugar levels, promotes the synthesis of insulin by the pancreas and its normal interaction with tissue cell receptors, and prevents damage to the cardiovascular system in diabetes mellitus.
  • Gout. "Donat Mg" helps to normalize the metabolism of nucleic acids and reduce the production of uric acid.
  • Promotes increased secretion of bile, increased peristalsis of the colon, thereby providing a laxative effect. It is a powerful preventative against fecal stagnation, since it is the lack of water in the body that leads to constipation.
  • , heartburn. Medicinal water has an effect that neutralizes increased acidity in the stomach, activates the regeneration processes of the mucous membranes of the digestive tract, normalizes blood circulation, and has an antispasmodic effect.
  • Peptic ulcers of the stomach and duodenum.
  • Chronic hepatitis, cholecystitis, pancreatitis. Promotes effective outflow of bile, accelerates the regeneration of liver cells and improves blood circulation in this organ, as well as in the pancreas.
  • Oxaluria, phosphaturia. Donat Mg is a natural medicine that slows down or prevents the formation of oxalate stones.
  • . Under the influence of mineral water, hyperemia and swelling of the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract decreases, increased acidity in the stomach is neutralized, motility of the esophagus and stomach is increased, due to which the main cause of reflux is eliminated, respectively, heartburn, belching, a feeling of heaviness in the stomach are reduced, and disappear constipation
  • Hypertension, high blood cholesterol. Due to its high magnesium content, mineral water relieves tension in the central nervous system, relaxes vascular muscle spasm, and increases the resistance of the heart muscle to oxygen starvation and stress.
  • Male infertility. A lack of magnesium in the blood or disturbances in its metabolism leads to a decrease in sperm motility. Donat Mg helps restore sperm activity.
  • Magnesium deficiency. 500 ml of medicinal water contains the daily norm of magnesium ions. For hypomagnesemia (low concentration of magnesium in the blood serum), water is the optimal drug for successful therapy.
  • Prevention. Under the influence of magnesium, an active contraction of the walls of the gallbladder occurs with simultaneous relaxation of the sphincter, resulting in the release of bile into the intestine.
  • Chronic fatigue syndrome. Magnesium helps relieve symptoms of depression, apathy, reduce irritability, excitability, accumulate energy in cells, increase attention, memory, increase strength and muscle tone.
  • Obesity. Magnesium normalizes metabolic processes in the body, promotes the effective breakdown and removal of fats, accelerates the removal of harmful substances and excess fluid from the body, and weight loss without loss of nutrients.
  • Cleansing the body. The following main properties of Donat Mg mineral water contribute to cleansing the body: improving intestinal motility, improving the motor-evacuation function of the stomach, stimulating metabolism, blood circulation, providing a choleretic effect, removing toxins and waste.

Directions for use and dosage

Mineral water Donat - a natural healer

Donat Mg is not suitable for daily use; treatment with it should be carried out in therapeutic courses lasting 4-6 weeks. Unless otherwise prescribed by a doctor, courses are recommended 2-3 times a year. For the treatment of a specific disease, a specific regimen of mineral water intake is indicated.

In order to cleanse the body, if you are obese, it is recommended to drink 200-300 ml daily 15-20 minutes before meals in the morning and 150-200 ml at lunch and in the evening. You should drink water strictly on an empty stomach.

For diabetes mellitus, gout, gastric and duodenal ulcers, chronic hepatitis, cholecystitis, oxaluria, phosphaturia, reflux, chronic fatigue syndrome: 150-200 ml in the morning and 100-150 ml in the afternoon and evening. Should be taken strictly on an empty stomach 15-20 minutes before meals.

To treat constipation, it is recommended to use warm water 300-350 ml in the morning on an empty stomach and 100-200 ml at lunch. Eating should begin no earlier than 15-20 minutes after drinking water.
When using water to treat hypertension and to reduce blood cholesterol levels, as well as to prevent cholelithiasis, you should take 100-200 ml of water 3 times a day. Drink water strictly on an empty stomach 15-20 minutes before meals. The same regimen is suitable for the treatment of male infertility and magnesium deficiency.

Contraindications for drinking mineral water

Treatment with mineral water is contraindicated in cases of severe disturbances in the motor activity of the stomach, in cases of disturbances in the motor and evacuation functions of the stomach, bleeding ulcers of the stomach and duodenum, in diseases of the stomach, duodenum, intestines, liver and biliary tract in the acute phase. It is also prohibited to take Donat Mg if you have cancer.
It is important to remember that any intake of mineral water for therapeutic purposes must be as prescribed by a doctor. This is especially important in relation to children.

Donat Magnesium is the name of a unique complex of mineral water, saturated with magnesium, many beneficial substances, vitamins and microelements for the human body.

Thanks to its rich and uniquely balanced composition, this liquid is considered by doctors to be a medicinal product that has an extremely positive effect on the gastrointestinal tract and other important life support systems for adults and children, in the absence of contraindications.

“Donat Mg” is a healing mineral water with a large amount of magnesium.

Recently, after the discovery of cleansing properties that activate the diuretic effect with the absorption and natural removal of harmful substances from the body, water is very popular among women who take it for weight loss.

It appeared in our country not so long ago; it is brought from Slovenia, which is famous for its natural healing springs.

According to its chemical composition water is saturated with many useful substances and uniquely balanced. It is distinguished from other waters by a large number of rare mineral components that provide health benefits.

Physico-chemical composition of Donat Mg mineral water

Cations mg/l Anions mg/l
Sodium (Na+)1565 Hydrocarbonate (HCO3–)7790
Magnesium (Mg++)1060 Sulfate (SO4– –)2200
Calcium (Ca++)375 Chloride (Cl–)66,6
Potassium (K+)17,1 Bromide (Br–)0,42
Lithium (Li+)2,40 Fluoride (F–)0,20
Ammonium (NH4+)0,77 Iodide (I–)0,12
Iron (Fe++)0,30 Hydrogen phosphate (HPO4– –)0,12
Aluminum (Al+++)0,17 Nitrate (NO3–)<0,12
Manganese (Mn++)0,11 Nitrite (NO2–)<0,02
Carbonic anhydride (CO2)3620 Silicic acid (H2SiO3)145
Boric acid (H3BO3)18
General mineralization13250

In their interaction, these components provide unique quality and healing effects.

Unique properties of Donat Mg mineral water

The basis of mineral water is magnesium. Its ions influence neurons, slowing down their excitability, thereby reducing muscle spasms. They are also a natural enzyme activator, so they have a positive effect on digestion.

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The leading role of magnesium is also noted in the exchange of nutrients. Systematic consumption of mineral water will lead to weight stabilization without physical training.

Drinking Donat Magnesium water, according to the instructions for use, is recommended by doctors for deviations in the functioning of organs of various body systems.

Studies of the properties of Donat Mg water have shown that a person who regularly takes it experiences:

  • normalization of acidity in the stomach;
  • cleansing the large and small intestines of accumulated waste and toxins;
  • cleansing the pancreas.

How do magnesium ions act on the body?

Once in the stomach, water reacts with digestive juice, as a result of which carbon dioxide is actively released. The resulting gas bubbles begin to massage the walls of the organ with their movement, increasing blood flow.

Magnesium ions penetrate into cells that lack it. The minerals that make up Donat Magnesium affect the secretory parts of the stomach, briefly increasing the level of alkaline balance.

As a result of chemical reactions occurring in the intestines, cells are activated that produce large amounts of hormones. Which explains the healing effects of mineral water for many diseases. Unabsorbed magnesium is excreted from the body without obstacles.

note that tablets also compensate for the lack of magnesium. But their effect will not be as effective, since they contain impurities and additives that are not found in natural water. Magnesium is found in its natural state in mineral water.

Donat Magnesium: instructions for use, about general indications

Donat Magnesium mineral water has a wide range of health benefits, but it is important to follow the recommendations of your treating physicians and use the water according to their instructions.

Donat Magnesium: instructions for use are universal.

There are several universal expert tips:

  • You need to drink it warm, at room temperature. For chronic gastritis and cholecystitis, cholelithiasis and peptic ulcers, the water temperature is increased;
  • As a rule, water is drunk before meals. To improve digestion, you need to drink it half an hour before meals; to reduce activity, increase the time to 1 hour, and also increase the temperature of the water, heating it by steaming up to 40 degrees;
  • For therapeutic purposes, Donat Mg is drunk daily for 1 month, since a long duration of drinking water can lead to the leaching of salts from the body.

Interesting fact, 500 ml of mineral water contains the daily intake of magnesium. This must be taken into account when distributing Donat Magnesium intake throughout the day, which is described in detail in the instructions for use.

Indications for use in water treatment

The beneficial effects of mineral water on bone and muscle tissue are also noted. According to the instructions, it is useful to use both for chronic diseases and for preventive treatment.

Impact on the digestive system

Mineralized water helps relieve spasmodic pain in the stomach and intestines, relaxing the smooth muscles of organs. It also stimulates muscle contractions and normalizes acidity levels, and is a good laxative.

These properties have found application in the treatment of gastritis, heartburn, constipation, as well as intestinal and stomach ulcers. The minerals that make up Donat Magnesium also affect the functioning of the gallbladder and liver.

Experts note that during treatment using this water, the gallbladder is cleansed, the structure of bile improves, and the liver is enriched with blood.

Influence on the activity of organs of the cardiovascular system

Donat Magnesium stabilizes blood sugar levels and stimulates insulin production, which has a positive effect on the prevention of diabetes. By influencing blood vessels, it helps reduce blood pressure.

It also reduces cholesterol levels in the blood. By bringing the blood vessels into normal tone, thanks to mineral water, headaches and shortness of breath disappear.

Effect on the nervous system

Magnesium regulates neuronal memory and activates the activity of nerve cells. This significantly reduces irritability, increases attention, and improves memory. A wonderful remedy for depression and stress.

Effect on the genitourinary system.

Affecting the organs of the urinary system, Mineral water increases blood supply to the kidneys, which improves the excretion process. It is a good diuretic. Also, mineral water prevents the formation of kidney stones, since it does not retain salt in the organ.

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Interaction with organs of the endocrine system

Donat Magnesium water, if you follow the rules described in the instructions for use, normalizes metabolism in the body, which prevents obesity.

By influencing hormones, it normalizes the activity of the endocrine system, improving the performance of the thyroid gland, kidneys and adrenal glands.

Experts recommend drinking mineral water for chronic diseases of bronchitis., since magnesium reduces the release of histamine, which increases the protection of the bronchi. Professional athletes also find positive aspects in using the product.

Water improves muscle tone and helps relieve muscle spasms. An important fact is that magnesium is part of bone tissue, which has a beneficial effect on the condition of teeth and bones in general. Can prevent osteoporosis.

Indications for use in children

The main feature of a child’s body is its active growth. The formation of vital organs of various systems is underway. Therefore, children also need minerals.

Donat Magnesium is able to provide the child’s body with sufficient energy for the normal development of internal organs. The required amount of magnesium contained in Donat Magnesium can increase resistance to stress, reduce fatigue, ensure proper sleep, and strengthen the immune system.

Bone fractures often occur in childhood; this remedy helps strengthen bone tissue, thereby preventing the undesirable consequences of physical activity.

To keep your teeth, nails and hair healthy, you need to take sources of magnesium, as they ensure good absorption of calcium. Studies have shown that saturating the body with magnesium prevents addiction to alcohol and drugs.

Therefore, the use of mineral water by children is noted by experts as a favorable factor for full growth and development.

Considering the beneficial properties of Donat Magnesium liquid given in the instructions for use, it is recommended for the following diseases:

  • cold;
  • hyperactivity;
  • enuresis;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • stress;
  • diabetes.

And also for any mental and physical stress. You just need to choose the right daily dose of mineral water. It is recommended to proceed from the following calculation: 5 mg of water per 1 kg of a child’s weight.

This amount of water drunk during the day will be enough to replenish the lack of magnesium in the child’s body. The rules of preventive treatment also remain the same. The course of water is drunk daily for 4 weeks, then a break is taken. This procedure is done twice in a year.

Donat Magnesium, what are the benefits for pregnant women.

Everyone knows that the nutrition of women preparing to become mothers should be complete and balanced. Natural Donat Magnesium water can completely compensate for the lack of nutrients.

Experts say that Donat Magnesium also has an effect on sperm, stimulates their activity, enriching it with magnesium.

During pregnancy, the need for Mg increases, as the process of formation of important systems, as well as bone and muscle tissue of the fetus, takes place. Also, mineralized water will serve as an excellent antidepressant, relieving the nervousness and feeling of fear inherent in pregnant women.

Doctors note that when drinking Donat Magnesium water, the number of miscarriages is reduced due to the enrichment of the body with magnesium.

Donat Magnesium for athletes

Wonderful Donat Magnesium for athletes and professionals will serve as a means to replenish energy and strength, and amateurs. During training, a lot of energy is lost and there is a significant load on many organs.

Mineral water can restore lost energy, quite effectively and in a short time.

Important to remember!

It will help replenish magnesium reserves in the body. The presence of a sufficient amount of this element is necessary for athletes, since it is actively involved in the breakdown and absorption of carbohydrates, as well as proteins and fats by the cells of internal organs.

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For those who play sports, these properties of magnesium will be useful for:

  • strengthening the heart muscle;
  • relieving fatigue;
  • relieving muscle spasms and pain;
  • increasing muscle mass:
  • increasing physical endurance.

The great advantage of drinking water to replenish magnesium deficiency is that in water it is ionized and the body is more quickly saturated with it. It should be noted that magnesium tablets require additional energy expenditure from the body.

Contraindications for drinking mineral water.

Despite the many positive factors affecting the internal organs of Donata Magnesium, there are still some restrictions in its use, according to the instructions for use.

Water saturated with minerals should not be consumed by people with kidney failure, gallstone disease, cancer patients, as well as gastric and intestinal ulcers with bleeding.

General contraindications for use:

  • exacerbation and bleeding of peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum;
  • cholelithiasis;
  • acute and chronic renal failure;
  • conditions requiring hospitalization and hospital stay;
  • oncological diseases;
  • hypermaginemia.

To begin the therapeutic use of water, it is necessary to obtain appropriate recommendations from a specialist. Also, in the presence of a number of diseases, there is a special regimen for taking the drug, which should be prescribed by a specialist.

note Donat Magnesium is drunk exclusively for therapeutic purposes, to improve the health and performance of the body, and also as an additional source of vitamins and nutrients in the complex treatment of any disease, in the absence of contraindications and with the approval of the attending physician.

Doctors note that the benefits of mineral water are obvious. This is explained by the natural content of Donat Magnesium in a large number of minerals that activate important biochemical reactions in internal organs.

In addition, in liquid form they proceed much faster. Once in the body, water passes through all important organs in a few minutes, exerting a healing effect on them, while participating in stimulating the production of hormones. Also Doctors say that magnesium is the source of life.

Therefore, you can be sure that this mineral water is able to replenish the daily dose of this substance without much effort.

Due to the wide range of effects on the organs of various vital systems of the body, Experts recommend drinking water as a therapeutic course. It is especially often prescribed for abnormalities in the functioning of the digestive system, diabetes mellitus and arrhythmia.

It is important to remember that Donat Magnesium is a healing natural water saturated with minerals, and it must be used according to the instructions for use and the recommendations of doctors.

Mineralized water has been popular since ancient times and has not lost its relevance today. The benefits of magnesium and its effects on the body have been known for a long time, which is successfully used in the use of Donat Magnesium in the treatment and prevention of various diseases.

Donat Magnesium - healing natural mineral water:

Instructions for using Donat Magnesium to cleanse the body:

Slovenia's Rogaska Slatina has been known for its mineral waters since the beginning of the 12th century, and has been a famous resort since the 19th century. The greatest fame of this area was brought by the water, unique in its richness of mineral composition and saturation with magnesium (1000 mg/l), called Donat Mg.

Natural purity (extraction is carried out from a depth of more than 600 meters), unique composition and amazing healing properties made it the reason for inclusion " Donat Mg"in sanatorium treatment courses and its use at home by a huge number of people. Magnesium mineral medicinal water normalizes digestion and intracellular metabolism and is necessary for both sick and healthy people. " Donat Mg“prevents the formation of oxalate kidney stones and prevents extra pounds, strengthening the heart muscle and immunity, increasing stress resistance and preventing atherosclerosis and osteoporosis.

Mineral water Donat Mg has no side effects, is not addictive and can be used for many years. It is indispensable for gastrointestinal problems (in particular, heartburn and constipation), depression and fatigue, and kidney disease. The high level of magnesium and low level of table salt make it recommended for hypertensive patients, and its ability to reduce the amount of uric acid in the body is recommended for patients with gout. Rogaska Slatina is a region of unique healing waters, indispensable for maintaining human health.

The healing and unique properties of Donat Mg water

Sometimes you can come across a person’s statement that it was not pills that helped him overcome the disease, but courses of drinking mineral water. And in this statement there is much more truth than advertising - mineral water is very effective and efficient as a remedy. The main rule is to find the water that is ideal for the body.

Many problems in the body arise due to a lack of any substances or a violation of their metabolism. Unique Donat Mg water, extracted from a source in Slovenia, will help cope with magnesium deficiency.

Magnesium is involved in more than three hundred processes associated with human life and is necessary for the functioning of the nervous and muscular systems. Modern man is constantly faced with a shortage of this element, because heat treatment of food products leads to its loss. And this can lead to chronic fatigue syndrome, insomnia, irritability, muscle pain, and cramps.
You can compensate for the lack of magnesium by taking vitamins or dietary supplements, however, this is not always advisable and is by no means cheap. Donat Mg medicinal water will do an excellent job of supplying this substance to the body, which should be consumed in courses, precisely as a medicinal agent.

Lack of the required amount of magnesium in a pregnant woman’s body can lead to the birth of a weakened child or provoke premature birth. The most natural way for the body to replenish this element is to drink mineral water rich in magnesium. Donat Magnesium water will also help in cleansing the body, and with the help of water this process occurs gently and without disturbing the beneficial intestinal microflora. Donat Mg mineral water helps many people lose weight. This is due to its property of normalizing metabolic processes in the body and accelerating the processing of fats.

This water can and should be considered as an alternative to many medications, because Donat Magnesium has no contraindications, is not addictive, and can be taken at any age.

Donat Magnesium mineral water, a gift from nature, can solve many problems of our body. It has been known to mankind for more than 4 centuries; it has many grateful and healthy adherents.

Mineral waters are formed in underground aquifers or pools that are located between special rocks. Over a long period of time, the waters are enriched with healing minerals. As a result of the accumulation of useful substances, mineral water has simply miraculous properties that people have been using for many hundreds of years.

Mineral water "Donat" is a preventive and therapeutic remedy for many diseases. Its source is located in Slavenia (in the city of Rogaška), in the picturesque surroundings of the Sotla River valley. For more than 400 years, this mineral water has been beneficial to people and stands in a special place among its fellows. "Donat Magnesium" is unique in its magnesium content. In its ionic state, it is contained in water at more than 1000 mg/l, this allows the element to be quickly absorbed into the blood, reaching every cell.

“Donat Magnesium” belongs to a number of medicinal mineral waters. Its total mineralization is 13.0 g/l. “Donat” contains magnesium exactly in the form that is quickly and easily absorbed by the body - ionic, bicarbonate - about 8 g per liter, carbon dioxide - 3.5 g per liter. Once in the acidic environment of the stomach, bicarbonate interacts with gastric juice, and additional carbon dioxide bubbles are released. As they move, these bubbles seem to subject the gastric mucosa to a kind of micromassage, which enhances blood supply and secretory activity of the intestinal and stomach glands, while improving absorption function. In its ionic state, magnesium instantly reaches the cells that need it, where biochemical reactions immediately begin to occur. Unused magnesium is easily excreted by the body and does not settle or accumulate anywhere.

What are the benefits of magnesium?

Magnesium activates more than 300 enzymatic reactions, during which the body instantly absorbs carbohydrates, fats, and proteins. It is a natural insulator that quickly calms the excited nervous system and acts as an anti-stress. Under the influence of this element, the tone of smooth muscles decreases, the intestines, bronchi, and uterus are removed, breathing and blood circulation improve. Magnesium regulates the flow of calcium into bone tissue, maintains the elasticity of platelet and red blood cell membranes, and prevents the formation of blood clots.

Impact of Donat Magnesium on the body

Donat mineral water enhances metabolic processes, increases the body's alkaline reserves, removes toxins, improves the functioning of the respiratory, neuromuscular, digestive, and cardiovascular systems. “Donat” strengthens bone tissue, including teeth, and improves the condition of hair and skin. This happens due to the action of carbon dioxide, sodium, bromine, lithium, iodine, fluorine and other valuable elements. Magnesium, which contains “Donat” (water), plays a huge role, of course. It is better to consult your doctor on how to take this healing liquid correctly. Only a specialist can determine the correct doses.

"Donat" - mineral water. How to take it correctly?

Remember an important point: you don’t need to take Donat Magnesium just to quench your thirst. This water has a healing effect, you should drink it according to a certain pattern.

The daily requirement of the human body for magnesium:

Men - 350-400 mg;

Women - up to 300 mg;

Growing body - 450-500 mg;

When playing sports, during stress - up to 600 mg;

Pregnant women, nursing mothers - up to 500 mg.

Donat magnesium should be taken in courses 2 or 3 times a year. One course lasts from 30 to 35 days. You need to drink Donat strictly before meals according to the following calculation:

Adults (4-5 ml per kg body weight) in the morning - 50%; at lunch and in the evening - 25%.

Children (3-6 ml per kg body weight) in the morning, afternoon and evening - 20%.

"Donat" (mineral water), contraindications

Like any other medicinal product with increased mineralization, Donat is contraindicated:

Persons suffering from chronic and acute renal failure.

The child often experiences stressful situations. Feels chronic fatigue.

Impatience, anger, aggression, anxiety, depression.

Sleep disturbance.

Increased nervous and mental stress, preparation for exams.

Nervous tic, eye fatigue.

Convulsive syndrome.

Hyperactive child.

Vegetative-vascular dystonia, arrhythmia, palpitations.

Rickets, stunting, anemia, malnutrition.

It is necessary to strengthen musculoskeletal tissue and teeth.

It is necessary to improve the condition of both skin and hair.

It is necessary to reduce cravings for alcohol and drugs.

Heaviness in the stomach, gastritis, stomach cramps.

Stomach and duodenal ulcers.

Biliary dyskinesia.

Help in the treatment of giardiasis.

Obesity, diabetes.

Increased immunity is required.

It is necessary to increase resistance to sudden changes in temperature and air humidity.

Physical, sports activities.

Negative impact of harmful environmental factors.

Water production

In many European countries, as well as in Russia, “Donat” (mineral water) has become very popular. The price in our country for one bottle fluctuates around 70 rubles. Not cheap, but the quality and benefits are worth it. Mineral water is bottled right at the source in Slovenia, it is naturally carbonated, with the gas that comes to the surface along with the water. The organization of production is at the highest level and complies with all European standards. Disposable plastic bottles are used for bottling water. The green shell reliably protects the contents from exposure to ultraviolet radiation. Water has long been widely used for prevention and treatment in Switzerland, Germany, France, Austria, Italy and other countries. The European market alone consumes more than twenty million liters of Donut annually. In Russia, this mineral water appeared recently, but has already gained well-deserved popularity among consumers.