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Section: Formation of elementary mathematical concepts. Topic: “Ways to compare two objects in length (longer, shorter, equal in length). Online game nat comparison of object length

Anastasia Antipina
Summary of the lesson on FEMP “Comparison of objects by length and width”

Lesson topic: Comparing objects by length and width.

Type of lesson: consolidation of what has been learned

Class technology: gaming

Target: improve children’s knowledge of comparing two objects in length and width and denoting the result of the comparison with the words “long-short”, “longer-shorter”, “wide-narrow”, “wider-narrow”.



Strengthen the ability to compare objects by length and width using the overlay method and applications;

Strengthen the ability to distinguish the number of objects, using the words “one”, “many”, “none”.


Develop children's attention, memory and speech.


Cultivate a friendly attitude towards animals, a desire to come to their aid;

Cultivate an interest in mathematics.

Planned educational results: children can easily compare objects by width, length, and determine the number of objects (“many, one, none”).

Basic concepts:“long”, “short”, “longer”, “shorter”, “wide”, “narrow”, “wider”, “narrower”, “one”, “many”, “none”.

Equipment: laptop, projector, screen, presentation for class, two paths (long and short, a river and two bridges (wide and narrow, a basket of sweets)

Lesson plan:

I Introductory part

1. Surprise moment (a bear cub appears on the screen who got lost and wants to go home) – 1.5 minutes;

2. Statement of the task of the lesson (children go into the forest to help the bear cub find his home) - 1.5 minutes;

II Main part:

3. Nursery rhyme “We walk along the path” - 0.5 minutes;

4. Comparison of tracks -2.5 minutes;

5. Comparison of bridges – 2.5 minutes;

6. P/game “At the bear in the forest” - 2.5 minutes;

7. D/game “One-many” - 2.5 minutes;

III Lesson summary:

8. Reflection – 1 minute;

9. Treating children - 0.5 minutes.

Progress of the lesson:

I Introductory part (surprise moment)

A bear cub is heard crying. The teacher asks the children: Guys, do you hear someone crying? (children - yes) A ​​crying bear cub appears on the screen. (slide 1)

Educator: Little bear, why are you crying? What's happened?

Teddy bear: I didn’t listen to my mother and ran far away from her, so I got lost. Now I want to go home to my mother, but I can’t find my way home. Help me guys, please, find my way home! I want to see my mother!

Educator: Guys, let's help the little bear? (Children - yes) Then, guys, I suggest you go into the forest in search of the bear cub’s house.

II Main part:

Educator: Let's line up and hit the road! (a nursery rhyme with movement)

We walk along the path

Top-top, legs, top!

And we clap our hands,

Clap - clap, hands, clap!

Hey kids!

Hey guys!

Educator: Here we are in the forest. Look, guys, there are two paths in front of us: one long, the other short. (slide 2 Little Bear says: We must follow the long path!) Please show me which path is long and which path is short? (children point) Why did you decide this? Let's compare these tracks! (the teacher shows the children the tracks on the floor the same as on the screen) How will we compare them? (children - you need to put the tracks next to each other, and you will see which track is longer and which is shorter) Children complete the task and voice the result of the comparison.

Educator: Well done guys, you found the long path correctly! Go ahead. Look before us there is a river and two bridges, one wide, the other narrow. (slide 3 Little Bear says: “We must walk along a narrow bridge!”) Which bridge is wide? Which bridge is narrow? Let's compare them! How do we do this? (Children - you need to put one bridge on top of another bridge, you will see which bridge is wider and which narrower) Children complete the task and voice the result of the comparison.

Educator: That's right, guys, well done! Oh, look, our little bear is sad again and is crying. (slide 4) Let's play with him and make him laugh! (Children agree)

Outdoor game “At the bear in the forest...”

After the game, the teacher again draws the children’s attention to the screen.

Educator: Look, guys, the bear cub is no longer crying, he is laughing. Let's move on! Oh, what a beautiful clearing! (slide 5) Tell me, how many mushrooms are there in the clearing? (Children - a lot) How many berries? (Children - a lot) How many Christmas trees are there in the clearing? (Children - one) How many stumps are there in the clearing? (Children - one) How many birds are there in the clearing? (Children - none) How many cones are there on the Christmas tree? (Children - none)

Guys, look, behind that tree is someone’s house. (slide 6) This is our little bear’s house! (Mama Bear comes out of the house, the cub and Mama Bear are very happy) (slide 7)

3. Summary of the lesson:

Educator: Guys, let's tell momma bear how we helped the little bear return home. What tasks did you complete? (Children talk about their adventure, the teacher asks leading questions, teaches children to answer fully)

Mama bear treats children with apples. (slide 8) The teacher’s assistant brings in a basket of apples and treats the children.

Dear colleagues, sorry, I can’t upload the presentation, it weighs a lot.

Publications on the topic:

Goal: formation of the concepts “above”, “below”, “high”, “low”. Objectives: Teach children to compare two objects that are contrasting in height, using.

TOPIC: Comparison of objects by width. Goal: to introduce children to some of the properties of paper and fabric and how to make objects from them;

Summary of GCD for FEMP in the middle group “Comparison of objects by size, width” Abstract of GCD for FEMP in the middle group: “Comparison of objects by size, width” Program content: Purpose: To teach to compare objects.

Summary of GCD in mathematics in the middle group “Comparison of objects by length” Administration of the municipality of the urban district "Vorkuta" Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution "Children's.

Topic: “Comparing objects” Purpose: To learn to compare objects in height and length, reflect the result of comparison in speech, continue to install.

Summary of a lesson on mathematical development “Determination of the weight of objects. Comparison of objects by length" (middle group) Objectives: 1. Teach children to determine the weight of objects (heavy, light, lightest). 2. Continue to train children in the ability to compare objects.

Summary of a mathematics lesson in the middle group “Comparison by length” Goal: to clarify and consolidate the understanding of the words “long” and “short”. Objectives: - form an idea of ​​ordering by length of several.

Summary of lessons with children of the younger group. The topic of the lesson on FEMP is “Comparison of objects by height.”

Organization of educational activities for FEMP “Walk in the forest. Comparison of objects by width" (younger group) Organization of NOD FEMP

What color is this ribbon?

That's right, well done!

And this? Right.

How else are the tapes different?

Let's compare them by length.

To compare ribbons, you need to place the edge of one ribbon over the edge of the other.

What color is the long ribbon?

Sofia, run your finger over it. Well done!

What color is the short ribbon?

Matvey, run your finger over it.

What ribbon will we give to the big bear?

Which ribbon for the little one?

As I go, I tie ribbons for the toys.

Whose ribbon is longer?

Who has it shorter?

How elegant the cubs have become. They are very happy that we chose the right ribbons for them and say “thank you” to us.

Guys, look, the cubs brought us these two stripes.

What color are they? That's right, yellow. Well done!

Now we will learn to compare strips by length.

Which strip is longer?

How can we find out?

Please look, I will attach one strip to the other, and on the left I will align their ends.

You see, the right end of the strip protrudes, which means it is longer than this one, and this strip is shorter than this one.

Birzhan, show me which strip is longer. Run your finger over it.

Is this strip longer or shorter?

Indeed, it is longer!

Let's all say it together - “longer”.

Angelina, show me which strip is shorter.

Is this strip shorter or longer?

Yes, it's shorter - run your finger along it. Good girl!

Look - these stripes look like tracks. And here there will be a house!

Which track is shorter, top or bottom? Which one is longer? (I run my hand along the path).

That’s right, the top track is shorter and the bottom track is longer.”

Guys, let me and you rest a little.

Physical education minute.

“The giraffe has spots and spots.”

Okay, guys, we've had a little rest - let's continue.

Look, a horse has also come to visit us.

Now she will run along the paths. First, along a short path. Whoa! The path ends.

Has the horse reached the house?

And now the horse will run along a different path. Has the horse reached the house?

Now let's swap the tracks.

Which track is longer, the top or the bottom?

Which one is shorter?

How did you guess?

That's right, the end of this track protrudes, which means it's longer.

And this one is missing a small piece - that means it’s shorter.

Well done guys - they named everything correctly.

Okay, now kids take the stripes. It's like tracks.

How do you know which strip is longer? Attach the tracks one to the other, align their ends to the left.

Which track is longer?

Run your finger over it.

Which path is shorter? - run your finger over it.

Take the matryoshka doll in your right hand, and hold the path with your left.

Let the nesting doll walk along the paths. Which path is shorter?

Guide the matryoshka along it.

Which track is longer?

Let the matryoshka pass over it.

Mathematical problems for children from 3 to 4 years old. Exercises to compare objects
(Section by Professor A.V. Beloshistaya)
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Lesson 15.

Purpose of the lesson: Teaching children to compare objects by length using an appendix. Comparing sets using one-to-one correspondence.

Exercise 1.

Purpose of the exercise: teach how to compare lengths using the application method.

Plot: dolls in a store choose ribbons: two dolls (large and small) and ribbons of two sizes (longer and shorter), the color of the ribbons is different.

We discuss with the child, using the example of two ribbons, which ones and why they should buy Masha (a large doll) and Katya (a small doll). Then the child sorts out the rest of the ribbons, saying: the long one is for Masha, the short one is for Katya.

Show me all the long ribbons.

Show all short films.

Take a ribbon from each group and, dropping them in a pile, ask the child:

Why are you sure that this red ribbon is longer than this blue one?

If the child himself lays out the ribbons correctly, comparing their lengths by applying them, this is good; if not, we help him perform this action:

At this stage, you can lay out the ribbons in any way: as shown above, and as shown below:

The main thing is that there should be a clear difference in lengths.

Exercise 2.

Purpose of the exercise: application of the ability to compare quantities by establishing one-to-one correspondence.

We ask the child to determine which doll has more ribbons. This can be done in any way: count, if the child can already do it on his own, or lay out the ribbons in pairs: long - short. If the child used counting, still ask him to show which ribbons are larger, using the method of forming pairs. (Doll Masha cannot count. Lay out the ribbons so that she can see which ones are bigger.)

Based on this objective action, in the future the child will become familiar with the relationships “the same” and “more by/less by.”

Exercise 3. "Who is this?"

Purpose of the exercise: development of attention and reconstructive imagination. Development of analysis and synthesis.

Game with cut pictures. You can use ready-made games where the picture is cut like this:

But you need to add options to this set:

You can make cards for the game from any postcard with a clear and distinct design or by gluing a picture from an old magazine onto cardboard. Do not use cards with bouquets of flowers; once they are cut, they are difficult to sort out. It is better that the pictures include children, animals, birds, cars, fairy tale scenes, etc. Each picture is given to the child separately, i.e. he assembles one object from parts. If the child copes well with this, you can mix parts of the two pictures.

If it is difficult for a child to isolate an object from the background, he must either take its image without a background, or cut out the object along the contour and stick it in this form on a card, which is then cut as needed.

Exercise 4.

Purpose of the exercise: application of the ability to compare the lengths of objects using an application.

In a large box (8-10 pencils) we ask the child to put pencils “according to height”, “beautifully”. The pencils must be suitably prepared in advance for such an exercise (called seriation) so that the child can perform it.

Discussing the result, we ask questions:

Which pencil is the shortest? (Red.)
- The longest? (Black.)
- Show me the blue pencil. Where is he standing? (In the middle.)
- Between which pencils is there a blue pencil? (Between green and blue.)

Then we allow the child to draw with these pencils if he wants.

Option: We offer the child a drawing of a “fence” and ask him to color it the way he laid out the pencils in the box: the longest column with the longest pencil, etc.

Help your child avoid confusion in choosing the appropriate pencils. Then put the pencils in the box again “by height” and compare their order with the coloring of the fence. If there are mistakes, help your child find them.

  • Abuganipayeva Aizanat Alievna, teacher. MADOU "Mashenka";
  • Mallaeva Guri Kerimovna Teacher of the MAOU "Mashenka".

Program content:

Goal: Learn to compare objects by size - large, medium, small. In length - long, shorter, shortest; relate objects to size.


Educational: Continue to teach how to compare by size - big,

medium, small; comparison of an object by length: long, shorter,

The shortest. Practice naming familiar geometric shapes: circle, square, rectangle, oval, trapezoid.

2) Developmental: Develop logical thinking, memory, intelligence, promote the development of independence and creativity

3) Educational: Cultivate interest in mathematics, activity, perseverance.

Enrichment and activation of vocabulary: Longer, shorter, size, longer.

Equipment and materials: magnetic board, nesting dolls, scarves, cup templates for each child, pictures with geometric shapes, pencils.

GCD move:

Introductory part:

(Children sit on chairs on the carpet)

Educator: Guys, nesting dolls came to visit us. They are waiting for you and arguing about which of them should stand first. Let's help them stand up correctly

Main part:

Educator: Count how many nesting dolls there are?

Children: Three

Educator: Dima, how many nesting dolls do you have?

Dima - Three!

Educator: Mila, how many nesting dolls are there in total?

Mila: I got three

Educator: Oscar, if you put this nesting doll here, how many of them will there be?

Oscar: Three!

Educator: That's right guys, there are only three nesting dolls

Let's compare them. Do you think they are the same size?

Children: No, they are different. Large, medium, small

Educator: Lera, look at the nesting dolls, they are the same size

Lera: No, they are different. Large, medium small

Educator: What do you think, Lesha, are the nesting dolls the same size?

Lesha: It seems different to me

Educator: Which nesting doll will we put in first place?

Children: Large

Educator: Second place?

Children: Average

Educator: On the third?

Children: Little

Educator: Christina, do you think so too?

Christina: Yes.

Educator: Vika, maybe you can arrange the nesting dolls differently?

Vika: The big matryoshka should come first, then the middle one, and then the small one.

Educator: Andrey, go put the nesting dolls in order of size

Educator: Guys, look, I have scarves on the table for nesting dolls, they are all different lengths. Long, short and shortest. We will need to choose scarves for each matryoshka that are appropriate in size. Shall we help?

Educator: Children, what scarf should you give to the largest nesting doll? How to find it?

Children: You need to put corner to corner and see if there is excess

Educator: Mila, go find a scarf for the big matryoshka doll

What is its length?

Mila: Long

Educator: Place it next to the nesting doll!

Nastya, do you agree with Mila that the scarf is long?

Nastya: Yes

Educator: Sasha, what do you think, how long is the scarf?

Sasha - Long

Educator: Sasha, what scarf will you give to the middle matryoshka?

Sasha is short, the nesting doll is small and a short scarf suits her, otherwise she will be uncomfortable and get confused.

Educator: And who will we give the shortest scarf to?

Children: Little matryoshka

Educator: Katya, can I give the short scarf to the big nesting doll?

Katya - No, she won’t have enough scarf because she’s big, she needs a long scarf

Educator: And who will we give the short one to?

Katya – Short scarf for a little matryoshka

Educator: Maxim, do you think so too?

Maxim - Yes, the short one should be given to the little nesting doll; it will be convenient for her.

Educator: Let's have a little rest

Fizminutka "Pinocchio"

Pinocchio stretched,
Bent over once, bend over twice,
He spread his arms to the sides
Apparently I didn't find the key.

To get him the key,
We need to stand on our toes.
Stand tighter than Pinocchio,
Here it is - the golden key

Educator: Guys, how many nesting dolls did we have as guests?

Children: Three

Educator: Each of them has girlfriends. They wanted to drink tea, but they didn't like the cups. They said they didn't want to drink from white people. And they want to drink from elegant cups, with geometric shapes. What geometric shapes do you know? Let me show you, and you tell me what kind of figure it is?

Children: Circle, rectangle, oval, trapezoid, square, triangle.

Teacher: Ask 5-6 children individually

But let's look at what kind of matryoshka cup is suitable in terms of size and size. So big matryoshka, what kind of cup does it need?

Children: Big

Educator: Christina, go pick up some dishes for the big matryoshka doll

Christina - Here it is, big one

Educator: Which cup is more convenient for a little nesting doll to drink tea from? Timofey?

Timofey - From the little one

Educator: Children, do you agree?

Children: Yes from the little one

Educator: Mila, bring a cup for a medium-sized nesting doll?

Mila, what size is she?

Mila: Average

Educator: Guys, how many cups need to be painted so that each nesting doll gets one.

Children: One!

Teacher: Ask 5-6 children

Educator: Go, choose a cup for the matryoshka doll according to the size you took, sit down at the tables and draw geometric shapes

Final part:

Educator: So, let's see if everyone has chosen the right cup size!

How we helped the nesting dolls today, what we did for them

Children: They told which nesting doll to stand up first, second and third, the big one, the middle one and the small one, they selected scarves of the required length. A long scarf, a short one and the shortest one, they drew geometric shapes

Educator: You understand the nesting dolls, now how should you stand?

Educator: Children, let's tell them again that the first matryoshka is big, then medium, and then small

Educator: Well done, guys! But it’s time for the nesting dolls to go. They thank you for the delicious tea.

Subject:"Measuring and comparing the length of objects"


  • Consolidating the ability to compare the lengths of objects by superposition (application), by eye.
  • Formation of the ability to measure the length of objects using various standards.
  • Consolidating knowledge about geometric shapes.
  • Acquaintance with ancient Russian measures of length: ELBOW, SAZHEN, PAD, ARM CIRCUMSTANCE, VERSHOK, OBLIQUE SAZHEN. (FEET, INCH.)
  • Development of logical thinking, imagination, thinking, memory.
  • Development of the ability to analyze, generalize, and draw conclusions.
  • Expanding your horizons and vocabulary.
  • Development of skills of independent work, control and self-control.
  • Developing the ability to work with a textbook.


  • Strips of paper of various lengths.
  • Laces of various lengths.
  • Braid (ribbon) of three colors.
  • Drawings depicting the meaning of ancient Russian measures of length.
  • Sticks are measures of various lengths.
  • Wire (bent in the shape of a broken line).
  • Drawing is a mathematical riddle.
  • Textbook "Mathematics" 1st grade, A.L. Chekin, ACADEMIC KNIGA, 2007.
  • A sheet with tasks for independent work.
  • palms of a “giant” or “gnome” cut out of paper.


Teacher activities

Student activities

1. Motivation for learning activities

Students are asked to look at the drawing on the board: straight line (blue, red), segment (blue, red), broken line (closed, open), curve (closed, open), point.

Answer the questions:

  1. What objects form pairs? On what grounds?
  2. What characteristic does each figure have?
  3. Which item is “extra” in the drawing?
Frontal work.

By type (segments, straight lines, broken lines)

Point (has no length).

2. Updating knowledge and recording difficulties in activities.

Is it possible to compare objects by length? Straight ones are not possible, they do not have a certain length. Segments are possible. Broken and curved ones are difficult.
How to determine which segment is longer or shorter? By eye, place on top of each other.
How to determine which object is longer or shorter? (Objects are demonstrated: laces, strips of paper, sticks, ribbons, wire. Ribbons resemble curves. Wire resembles a broken wire.) By eye, place on top of each other.
Looking for other ways. Students offer their options.

3. Localization of the problem

Comparison of strip lengths. There are 2 stripes on the board. You cannot overlap each other. They offer a way to compare lengths.
It is difficult to compare by eye. Other methods are needed.

4. Building a project plan

What caused the difficulties?

Why did the difficulties arise?
What needs to be done to overcome these difficulties?

You can't use the familiar method. We need a new way. You need to learn how to measure and compare the length of objects.

5. Implementation of the completed project

1. Choosing a method for solving an educational problem.
Work according to the textbook p. 10 No. 1.
Color the strip that is longer.
Which strips are easier to compare by length?
Students are led to the conclusion: for a more convenient comparison of the lengths of the strips, it is better to place them from the same mark.
2. Practical work - comparing the length of laces. Laces in the hands of students. Students sit at desks in different rows of the classroom.
How to measure?
You need to measure the laces.
Get acquainted with the concept of MEASURE (MEASURE).
Measure using the measurement suggested by the teacher.
The measurements are different. Students measure and get different numbers. Compare the length by numbers, check by length. The laces are the same.
Conclusion: the measurements should be the same.
3. Introducing the measure - CELL.
Working with textbook No. 1, p. 10.
What is the difference between a screw and a nail?
Comparison of objects by length on checkered paper.

Counting cells.
The resulting numbers are compared.
Compare the lengths of the screw and nail.

4. Selecting an accurate measurement.
Working with the textbook. No. 2 p. 10.
Measuring the width of the gate in steps using a stick.

Assume the result of measuring the width of the gate in steps, using a stick. Choose an accurate method for measuring the width of the gate.

6. Primary consolidation in external speech

1. Listing the main requirements for measuring the length of objects.

You can measure using various measures - cells, using a stick. The measurements must be the same.

2. Practical work.

Measuring the length of the teacher's desk.
Measuring the distance from the back of the classroom to the blackboard.
Measuring the length of the board.
Familiarization with measurements - sticks of different lengths: 30 cm, 50 cm, 1 m. Children are not familiar with the length of sticks.
Familiarization with the rules for safe work with sharp objects.

Students form teams in rows and select meters, accountants, and controllers.
2 teams measure the same length with different standards. At the end of the work, the measurement results are compared. They conclude: the measurements should be the same.

7. Inclusion in the knowledge system

1. Solving tasks for incorporating knowledge into a knowledge system.

Guess what the measurements for measuring length might be.

They offer their own ways of measuring length.

2. Acquaintance with ancient Russian measures of length: ELBOW, SAZHEN, PAD, THUMB, GIRTH, VERSHOK, OBLITING SAZHEN. Other measures are FEET, INCH.

Measuring the length of various objects in the classroom with new measures.
Explanation of expressions: oblique fathom at the shoulders, an inch of land, two inches from the pot, football, Thumbelina.
Compare the proposed measures of length on the board with the measures proposed in the textbook. No. 3 p.11.
Measuring the length of the strip using your thumb.

Students look at the illustrations on the board and explain each measure.
Practice measuring the length of objects.

1- they talk about strong men-heroes, 2- part of the earth, 3- short stature.

There are 9 measures of length on the board, and 5 measures of length in the textbook.

Individual work in the textbook.
Comparison of measurement results in pairs.
At the board, 2 students “turn” into a gnome and a giant: they have the palms of a giant and a gnome. Using the thumb of your new palm, measure the length of the identical strips.

3. Hatching part of the strip the length of 5 thumbs.
Comparison of the length of the resulting strips.
No. 4, page 11
Individual work in the textbook. Comparison of results in pairs.
Frontal check of the work of the “giant” and the “gnome”.
Reading Masha's conclusion.
Independent conclusion.
4. Independent work. ( Annex 1 . ) An exercise in comparing the lengths of segments “by eye”, by cells, with an old Russian measure (span), constructing segments of a given length.

8. Reflection of activity

Assessment of whole class activities.
Evaluation of your activities.
Complete the sentence: Now I know that...
Building a “mood thermometer” in the classroom.
Verbal assessment of work in the lesson.
List what new things they learned in the lesson.
Together they build a “mood thermometer”