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The puppy vomits foam and does not eat anything. Why does my dog ​​vomit yellow foam? Contacting a veterinarian

Vomiting is the body's reaction to certain irritants. As a rule, such a natural reflex reaction is not a separate disease, the origin of which can be traced, but a signal about the presence of disorders and disease in the dog’s body. If you do not respond in a timely manner and do not establish the reasons for your pet’s vomiting reaction, you can lose him. Moreover, death is often difficult for animals physically and psychologically for humans.

The main causes of vomiting

There are many causes of vomiting in dogs. You can install some of them yourself, provided that the animal is under constant supervision. To establish the full picture, you will have to contact a specialist. Frequent causes are:

Types of vomiting in animals

The animal does not have serious illnesses if the dog vomits rarely and easily. In this way, the body protects itself from excess food, excess water, and frees the stomach from spoiled or harmful products before they enter the digestive system.

If there is frequent or prolonged vomiting, especially with blood, you should contact your veterinarian immediately.

Real vomit is a reaction in which the muscles of the abdomen and diaphragm (chest) contract to release the contents of the stomach. With prolonged nausea, the body rapidly loses fluid, which can put the dog in a state of shock.

Regurgitation or expulsion the body of pieces of food eaten recently, while the dog may try to eat everything again. This is a normal reaction when:

  • dogs compete for a piece of food, swallowing it without chewing, or succumb to the persuasion of their owners to eat another tasty morsel when the animal itself is full;
  • mothers regurgitate food to feed puppies transitioning to non-dairy foods.

A doctor's consultation will be required if adults and puppies regurgitate frequently, as the cause of the reaction may be a congenital defect of the esophagus or its blockage.

Gagging or an involuntary spasm signals difficulty in swallowing food due to obstruction in the throat or oral cavity, and coughing due to a wound.

When vomiting like a fountain, the eaten food is ejected over a short period of time over a certain distance. This reaction is usually observed in puppies up to 16 weeks of age, when some of the food and liquid does not move from the stomach to the intestines. It is not possible to solve this problem on your own, as surgical intervention is required.

Motion sickness or nausea on the road. As in humans, such a reaction is possible with disorders of the vestibular apparatus or stress caused by the animal finding itself in unusual conditions. To prevent an animal from vomiting on the road, it is necessary to teach it to ride from an early age and in no case should you feed your pets with motion sickness medications designed for humans.

Attempts to vomit in a dog may be unsuccessful, but with serious consequences in the future. Futile attempts to induce vomiting in animals, accompanied by rapid bloating, dangerous symptom, in which veterinary care is needed as soon as possible.

Why does a dog vomit bile?

In addition to the usual attacks of nausea, you can often observe situations where a dog vomits bile or a mass of unattractive yellow-green hue. This reaction is possible in the following cases:

There is no need to panic if your pet vomits bile after eating greens, even if the dog does not eat for some time afterward. This is a normal reaction of the canine body, in which the animal trying to clear his stomach from harmful substances that enter the body along with the grass. The gag reflex with bile indicates that the dog copes with the task quite successfully on its own. The dog is sick of health!

There is no need to be scared, let alone punish four-legged pets for ruining a carpet or a new car seat with vomit. Listen to the signals that the animal’s body gives. In addition to the removal of harmful substances from the body with bile, these may be ambiguous indications of a complex disease, which is easier to cure in the early stages of development. Don't delay visit to the veterinary clinic. Remember, you are responsible for those who live in your home.

Vomiting in dogs is considered the most common problem. Sometimes it arises spontaneously and absolutely, seemingly for no reason. What should a loving owner do if his dog is vomiting, why does the dog vomit, how to help his four-legged friend and what treatment does he need? Let's talk about this sensitive issue together!


What does vomiting mean?

Vomiting is a common symptom of many canine health problems. It is impossible to independently understand the causes of vomiting, to understand the causes and consequences of the unpleasant condition and to understand what to do next only a veterinarian can do. You should distinguish between vomiting against the background of a generally stable and satisfactory condition of the animal and against the background of a rapidly deteriorating general condition of the dog.

In the first case, you just need to carefully monitor your pet; most likely, his vomiting is sporadic and harmless. If the dog’s general condition leaves much to be desired, it is shaking and has no appetite, vomiting is a serious symptom that requires immediate action.

There is no need to worry if your dog’s vomiting is caused by overeating and occurs immediately after eating. Dogs are sometimes prone to overeating and do not always control their own satiety. Has your dog emptied not only his own bowl, but also his neighbor's or cat's, and then vomited? There is no need to fear for his health and nothing needs to be done. In addition, the dog gets sick from car trips. A sure sign that a dog is vomiting is reflexive twitching of the larynx, licking of the muzzle and profuse drooling.

Undigested food

Vomiting of undigested food after eating occurs in almost all pathological conditions or conditions where vomiting does not pose a serious threat to health. Let's just say that if a dog vomits for the first time, the vomit will definitely contain food residues. In rare cases, they may be absent if more than 5 hours have passed since the last meal. Here it is important to observe your pet whether the vomiting was an isolated incident or whether it continues with admixtures of foam or mucus.

The fact is that, perhaps, in this way the body simply got rid of an unwanted product or foreign object that the dog accidentally swallowed. In addition, undigested food returned back is a sure sign of overeating. Also, the dog vomits undigested food due to heat stroke or after motion sickness. Therefore, if you have a road trip, try not to give your dog food for at least three hours before the car event.

White foam

I would like to immediately say that vomiting white foam is an almost integral part of all gastrointestinal diseases. White foam in the vomit of an adult dog can tell us about gastritis (inflammation of the stomach walls). And also about gastroduodenitis (inflammation of not only the stomach, but also the duodenum) or pancreatitis (inflammation of the pancreas). White foam when vomiting is nothing more than gastric juice mixed with saliva and “whipped” by peristaltic processes like a mixer. Vomiting white foam may be after vomiting undigested food when it “ends”.

Continuous vomiting of foam in a dog often indicates an obstruction. This is a very serious problem that requires prompt surgical intervention. The cause of obstruction can be any foreign object or bone in the segment from the esophagus to the small intestine.

In this case, the general condition of the dog will be very poor. While with the same gastritis, white foam released with vomit may be periodic and accompanied by a relatively stable condition of the dog. That is, the appetite may remain, although it may not be the same as that of a healthy animal.

White foam is especially dangerous for puppies. If a puppy vomits with white foam, this may indicate a helminthic infestation or viral enteritis. The latter disease is especially dangerous and can lead to the death of the pet. At the same time, viral enteritis does not exclude the presence of helminthic infestation in the puppy.

In addition, white foam in the vomit may also indicate diseases not associated with damage to the gastrointestinal tract. Namely about kidney failure, diabetes, various neoplasms. The video below will further tell you about the possible causes of vomiting in your four-legged friend.


In general, vomiting can be described as the contents of the stomach being returned for a number of reasons. If bile appears in the vomit, we can say that the contents of the duodenum are also added to the contents of the stomach. Sometimes bile appears in the vomit if the animal vomits for a long time. Prolonged vomiting is generally characterized by the appearance of yellow mucus. By the way, bile does not always indicate problems with the dog’s liver; very often its appearance is provoked by the same gastritis, gastroduodenitis or pancreatitis.

It all depends on the severity of these inflammatory processes. But still, when finding out the reason why a dog is vomiting bile, liver problems should not be ruled out. Diagnoses such as cholangitis (inflammation of the bile ducts), cholangiohepatitis (inflammation in the bile ducts and liver) or hepatitis are in question. Only a veterinarian, preferably a gastroenterologist, can understand what exactly is happening to a dog that is vomiting bile.


Blood in vomit is somewhat less common than foam or bile. Vomiting of blood in a dog occurs in the case of severe gastritis, ulcerative lesions of the stomach or duodenum. If there was no treatment in the early stages of gastritis or it was incorrect, an ulcer or erosion may form and, as a result, vomiting of blood. In addition, veterinarians note that often blood in the vomit appears due to the dog being poisoned with anticoagulants, in particular rat poison.

Vomiting blood may also be detected in a dog that has been improperly treated with anti-inflammatory drugs. For example, medications such as diclofenac, ibuprofen or aspirin are contraindicated for our four-legged friends. Some owners give the above medications at home, believing that if they are relatively safe for humans, they will also help their pet. This is not true, be careful, dogs taking medications that are safe for humans or failing to comply with the recommended doses of other medications can lead to serious ulcerative lesions of the gastrointestinal tract.

Helping your dog vomit

What to do if your pet is vomiting? Remember that vomiting is not always a pathological process; very often it is a defensive reaction of the body that wants to get rid of an unwanted product or foreign object. In this case, your pet may not need treatment at all. But be that as it may, only a veterinarian can prescribe the correct treatment. It is better not to self-medicate for vomiting that occurs several times in a row. Veterinarians insist that the same vomiting in a dog can in different cases indicate different pathologies.

Therefore, without gastroendoscopic examination, ultrasound and blood tests, it is impossible to make a correct diagnosis and prescribe the correct treatment. In addition, the doctor will usually assess the animal's general condition and analyze the nature and color of its vomit. And based on the comprehensive examination done, he decides what is best to give to your pet. The following is a video showing an endoscopy of a dog's stomach with a biopsy.

Anti-vomiting medications

All antiemetics are usually divided into two types:

  1. Agents that enhance peristalsis. They affect the peristaltic processes in the digestive organs and ensure that food moves further through the digestive system instead of returning back. Good for when your dog is vomiting. The most well-known peristalsis enhancer that can be given to a dog is Metoclopramide.
  2. Drugs that affect the vomiting centers in the brain. Their principle is based on the fact that they suppress the activity of the vomiting center of the brain and must neutralize the urge to vomit, so to speak, at the “highest level.” Such drugs that can be given to your pet include Serenia and Ondasetron.

Video “Vomiting in Dogs”

The final video will once again tell us about vomiting in dogs, what to do if it occurs, and what treatment a sick pet requires.

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Sudden vomiting in a dog can frighten the owner and cause discomfort to the animal. The causes of vomiting in a pet can be different. Vomiting is a reflex reaction that protects the body from poisons, toxins, inedible objects and substances.

You should find out the cause of your dog's vomiting.

Vomiting can be physiological or pathological.

An example of physiological vomiting is regurgitation in puppies that have overfed their mother's milk. Some foods can overstimulate your taste buds and cause you to gag. The physiological type of vomiting does not require correction or treatment and usually goes away on its own. But pathological vomiting requires clarification of the causes and appropriate treatment.


Poor quality food can cause poisoning in a dog.

A dog may have health problems with certain organs, so vomiting will vary. Among the main reasons causing the gag reflex, several of the most common can be identified:

In street water and ponds, a dog can easily become infected with worms.

Causes and signs of pathological vomiting

Vomiting can be caused by the presence of internal diseases. However, additional symptoms may indicate the cause. Let's look at some types of vomiting that have characteristic symptoms.

There are cases of vomiting due to internal diseases.

Vomiting blood

Bloody vomiting always poses a health hazard, because blood indicates gastric bleeding.

If you are vomiting blood, you should definitely see a veterinarian.

To help your pet, you need to visit a veterinarian as soon as possible and undergo the prescribed diagnostics. Blood may be caused by damage to the stomach walls. Perhaps the dog swallowed an inedible and sharp object that damaged its stomach. If dogs' diet contains bones (especially tubular chicken bones), then the stomach walls can be damaged by the sharp edges of the bones.

Bloody discharge in the vomit may be or. Sometimes bloody vomiting occurs at the stage of destruction of the internal tumor.

Vomiting blood is not necessarily red in color. Minor blood loss will appear brownish in the vomit. If vomiting occurs some time after bleeding, the color of the vomit will be brown and sometimes black.

Stomach ulcer

Frequent vomiting of blood may indicate an open stomach ulcer.

Bone waste can cause stomach ulcers.

This disease occurs when feeding a pet bone and meat waste, bones and other traumatic products. Vomiting disappears when the ulcer scars.

Foam and mucous vomit

Foaming during vomiting is not a sign of a serious illness.

  1. After eating, after some time the stomach becomes empty, and food passes further.
  2. Mucus and bile appear in the stomach.
  3. Mucus prevents the gastric walls from self-digesting.
  4. The mucous contents are whipped into a foamy mass, so when vomiting, foamy mucous contents of the stomach appear.

Usually this is not a sign of a serious pathology and indicates that the dog’s stomach is empty.. Isolated cases of such vomiting are acceptable, but repeated cases should alert the owner. The dog should be taken to a veterinarian to determine the cause of the vomiting.

Yellow vomit

Worms can cause yellow vomit in a dog.

Vomit with bile is very scary for dog owners. How to help your pet? First you need to understand the reasons that caused the urge to vomit:

Vomiting with diarrhea is a sign of infection.

  • The vomit smells like ammonia - the dog may have liver failure.
  • The sweetish smell of vomit indicates...
  • A putrid odor occurs when there are problems with the gastrointestinal tract and oral cavity.
  • With stomach diseases, vomiting usually occurs some time after eating.
  • Vomiting with diarrhea, high fever and refusal to eat is a sign of infection or poisoning.
  • If a dog on a walk tries to find green grass and chew it, it may have stomach problems, and the grass helps cleanse it of excess contents. If such cleaning is not a systematic phenomenon, then there should be no worries about health. This is a natural stomach cleansing process for animals.
  • Morning vomiting of yellow foamy contents indicates indigestion. Perhaps it .

Main symptoms of poisoning

Weakness is the main symptom of poisoning.

Signs indicating pet poisoning:

  1. Drooling, licking the face.
  2. Vomiting with diarrhea.
  3. Abdominal pain that is detected by palpation. The animal tries to dodge the touches and squeals in pain.
  4. Weakness, loss of coordination, unsteady gait.
  5. or paralysis.
  6. With severe intoxication, the animal may lose consciousness or fall into a coma.
  7. Pesticide poisoning can be diagnosed by dilated pupils. In some cases, blindness is possible.
  8. The heart rhythm changes, breathing becomes more frequent or rare.

How to stop a dog from vomiting?

If your dog has persistent vomiting, combined with vomiting, you need to get to the vet as quickly as possible. Dehydration is a very dangerous condition for small puppies. They may die literally in 24 hours.

What to do until the dog has been examined by a veterinarian? Stop feeding the dog. Regarding drinking water: if after drinking the dog immediately vomits, then it is better not to give it anything to eat or drink. You can offer frozen ice instead, it will help relieve some of the nausea. If your dog is thirsty, offer him plenty of clean drinking water. You can make chamomile tea. It is advisable to give the dog sorbents that are sold in a regular pharmacy: charcoal, enterosgel.

Chamomile tea can help your dog cope with vomiting.

At the veterinary clinic, to stop vomiting, they can inject cerucal (an antiemetic drug) and install a system to eliminate dehydration.

Pain and cramps

No-shpa or Papaverine will help reduce pain and spasms. Omez will reduce the acidity of the stomach during gastritis.

No-spa will relieve the dog's pain.

When the vomiting has stopped, the dog gradually begins to be fed and watered. This should be done in small portions, the food should be dietary. The gentle diet should last at least a week. It all depends on the diagnosis; you may have to stick to a much larger diet if the problem is a gastrointestinal disease.

First aid for poisoning at home

If it is reliably known that it is necessary to urgently call a veterinarian or take the dog to a veterinary clinic.

Action plan before the doctor arrives:

  • stop the pet's contact with the toxic substance.
  • If the poison has been swallowed, induce vomiting. To do this, you can dilute salt or soda in warm water and pour it into the dog’s mouth. For 250 ml of water – 1 tablespoon of salt. It is best to do gastric lavage using a tube. In case of poisoning with acids and alkalis, it is strictly not recommended to induce vomiting, since the repeated passage of these substances through the organs of the digestive tract can lead to a chemical burn. Thawing with milk is possible only in cases of mercury or lead poisoning; in other cases, milk is not used.
  • It is recommended to wash off poison that gets on the skin from your pet using baby soap or just clean warm water.
  • If the animal was transported in a car and it inhaled gasoline vapors or exhaust fumes, it is necessary to take the dog out into the fresh air. Carbon monoxide can be neutralized by generously rinsing the mouth and eyes with a weak solution of soda (3%).
  • To remove poison from the stomach, a sorbent is used: activated carbon at the rate of 1 tablet per 1 kg of weight.
  • 30 minutes after taking charcoal, it is recommended to give your pet a mild laxative so that the body can naturally cleanse itself of poisons.

Activated charcoal will help remove poison from the stomach.

What to do after the vomiting symptoms stop?

The first days after incessant vomiting, the dog is put on diet food. Food should be low in calories and the animal should be fed in small portions. The following products can be given:

  • skim cheese;
  • boiled rice or rice soup;
  • poultry or beef should also be boiled;
  • oatmeal;
  • curdled milk.

After the vomiting symptoms stop, you can give your dog low-fat cottage cheese.

Clean water should be near your pet at all times so that the animal can drink even if no one is around.

Video about dog vomiting

A dog can vomit bile for many reasons. Vomiting itself is not an independent disease, but always occurs as a concomitant symptom of any disease. If a dog vomits once or, at most, two or three times, and the pet feels great and looks absolutely healthy, there is nothing wrong with this situation. If the picture is different, and the pet vomits with constant regularity, this is a good reason to seek help from the Bio-Vet clinic. Here our doctors will conduct all the necessary studies to make the correct diagnosis, after which they will prescribe treatment, taking into account the physiological characteristics of your dog.

You can also provide significant assistance to the veterinarian if you are attentive to your pet and can tell the doctor about some of the features of vomiting attacks: how often it happens, what the vomit is like (thick/liquid, a lot/little, color), whether behavior and physical condition changes dogs, whether vomiting is accompanied by other symptoms, whether this has been observed before, and some other details. All these seemingly insignificant little things can have a big impact on the final diagnosis.

Why does a dog vomit bile?

Absolutely all animal breeders who are affected by this problem want to know the answer to the question “why did my dog ​​start vomiting bile.” Knowing this, of course, is useful in order to eliminate the causes in the future and avoid making mistakes in the future. The main reasons contributing to vomiting of bile include:

Diseases of the stomach, gall bladder;

- food poisoning, reaction to bad food;

Binge eating;

Worm infestations;

Long fasting;

A large dose of stress;

Liver diseases;

Allergic reaction;


If the dog is a “lover” of eating grass.

Of course, this is not the entire list of possible reasons. If your dog is vomiting bile, it could have any other disease - only your veterinarian can tell you which one.

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One animal

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Consultation with a doctor based on test results

Doctor's consultation, without pet

What to do if your dog is vomiting bile

The only correct thing to do if your dog is vomiting bile is to take him to the doctor. A common mistake many breeders make is that they often neglect medical help, believing that they themselves are able to cure their pet. Fans of veterinary forums on the Internet and folk remedies often only ruin their pets from ignorance of the true cause of vomiting.

If you value the life of your dog, you should not turn into a home doctor and subject your dog to questionable self-medication. In our clinic, the best veterinarians are waiting for your pet, ready not only to diagnose and prescribe treatment, but also to answer any of your questions regarding the animal. Take care of the health of your pets and trust their treatment only to professionals!

Update: April 2019

Vomiting is a protective reflex that performs an important function, for example, in case of poisoning, dietary errors, or intestinal blockage. Therefore, the appearance of vomiting in a dog should be taken seriously and the cause should be found out as quickly as possible in order to know what can be done to alleviate the pet’s condition.

The process of vomiting in a dog

Vomiting in a dog occurs in three phases:

  • Nausea phase - expressed in apathy, seeking shelter, trembling or wandering around, licking lips, increased production of saliva, sharp swallowing and chewing, as well as a frightened expression of the muzzle. Some animals stand still with their heads down and begin to salivate;
  • suffocation phase - strong rhythmic contractions of the abdominal and pectoral muscles are accompanied by frequent and deep breaths due to suffocation. Stomach contractions increase;
  • vomiting phase– the contents of the stomach are forcefully expelled through the esophagus and oral cavity as a result of contractions of the abdominal and stomach muscles.

Vomiting and regurgitation

Vomiting should be distinguished from the so-called regurgitation - passive, return excretion of food or liquid from the esophagus into the oral cavity or.

  • Vomiting begins with nausea, restlessness, and frequent swallowing. The release of ingested food occurs reflexively and is caused by contraction of the abdominal and diaphragmatic muscles.
  • Regurgitation is a passive process with no clear signs, although some dogs may experience increased salivation and difficulty swallowing. With regurgitation, the dog's front legs and head are extended forward, the front part of the body is lowered down, and the back part remains in an elevated position.

As a rule, regurgitation occurs in pathological conditions such as narrowing or dilatation of the esophagus due to disruption of its function due to paresis or paralysis.

What does vomit look like?

Vomit has typical signs - the food is partially digested, has a sour odor, and sometimes streaks of blood, bile, and in rare cases, feces are noted. Young dogs vomit white foam, in which roundworms (worms) are visible.

Regurgitated feed is mostly undigested, sausage-like, foamy and mucus-like.

When is vomiting not dangerous?

  • Eating grass. Sometimes dogs eat grass while walking and, after a while, they vomit the same grass with light yellow or almost white foam. If this happens several times a month, there is no cause for concern. If a dog eats grass and then vomits every walk, the owner should adjust the animal’s diet and pay attention to the pet’s general condition. It is possible that the dog does not have enough fiber and adding vegetables to the diet will stop eating grass.
  • Lactating bitches sometimes experience physiological vomiting when the crushed and digested mass serves as food for the puppy.
  • Binge eating . Vomiting also helps to cleanse and empty the stomach after it has been overloaded (overeating).

When is vomiting a serious symptom?

Uncontrolled, spontaneous, prolonged vomiting is useless and has serious consequences for the dog, such as, for example, decreased fluid levels, gastric juice, loss of appetite, and dehydration.

If the owner notices a dog vomiting or an urge to vomit, he should pay attention to:

  • duration, time of vomiting, amount and type of vomit (food and liquid, liquid only, odorless, sour odor);
  • appearance of vomit:
    • color (for example, red from blood impurities due to gastric bleeding or as a result of blood stagnation), as well as bile impurities;
    • sometimes the presence of worms or foreign objects (waste) is noted;
  • the dog's feeding behavior and the relationship between the type of food (wet or dry food, bones), feeding time and vomiting (depends or does not depend on feeding);
  • the dog taking medications;
  • palpation of the stomach area is often painful, and sometimes foreign bodies or lumps in the intestinal area may be palpated.

Vomiting caused by disorders in the gastrointestinal tract

The following causes in the gastrointestinal tract can cause vomiting:

  • indigestible feed, inflammation, blockages, especially in the upper part of the gastrointestinal tract (eg foreign bodies). If an animal regurgitates food immediately after eating, one should suspect its indigestibility or intestinal blockage by a foreign body. If a dog vomits all or part of undigested food 8-10 hours after eating, when the stomach should be empty, this may be due to constipation;
  • digested food with bile impurities indicates a process in the small intestine and at the same time a disruption in the process of bowel movement;
  • admixtures of blood (fresh or changed like coffee grounds) in the vomit, as well as tarry stools - an alarming signal of hemorrhages in the gastrointestinal tract.

Vomiting independent of gastrointestinal causes

  • Stimuli from higher centers of the central nervous system (fear, pain, brain tumor).
  • Gastrointestinal diseases and diseases of the peritoneal organs (peritonitis, pancreatitis, hepatitis, nephritis, pyometra, ascites, various hernias).
  • Metabolic or endocrine disorders (liver failure, acidosis, uremia, diabetes).
  • Medicines, exogenous toxins (lead poisoning, use of tetracycline, apomorphine, cardiac glycosides, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs).
  • Vestibular factors (motion sickness).
  • Cardiorespiratory diseases (cardiomyopathy, congestive heart failure, laryngitis, tracheitis).

Persistent vomiting is often considered the onset of an infectious disease. Symptoms of infection, in addition to vomiting, include a dog’s fever, the animal becomes lethargic, diarrhea often begins, and purulent mucous discharge from the eyes and nose is noted.

Possible causes of vomiting in a dog

Causes of vomiting in gastrointestinal pathologies

Why is vomiting dangerous?

Prolonged vomiting, especially with diarrhea, can lead to dehydration in your dog. This is a pathological process in which phenomena such as blood thickening, degenerative changes in tissues, and intoxication of the body develop. With dehydration, dry mucous membranes, skin and hair are noted.

In case of acute vomiting with suspected intestinal obstruction (when the dog vomits immediately after eating food or liquid), intestinal necrosis may begin within a few hours, which will lead to the death of the animal. In this case, you should immediately contact a veterinary clinic, where an X-ray examination of the abdominal cavity will be performed.

According to severity, vomiting is divided into:

  • Harmless, “self-healing”- when vomiting is observed every few days and serious consequences of the primary disease have not been established. In this case, other than diet, no measures are required.
  • Mild - non-life-threatening symptoms and no serious complications. Periodic vomiting (white foam or with bile) is accompanied by a general lethargic state of the dog, and diarrhea may occur. Treatment with fluids and antiemetic drugs is recommended, during which the cause of vomiting is determined and further treatment is carried out.
  • Severe - life-threatening symptoms without or with serious complications, such as respiratory failure, threat of shock or organ failure (liver failure, etc.). Vomiting is constant, blood may appear in the vomit, the animal lies down all the time and shows no interest in surrounding objects. Urgent treatment and stabilization of the animal’s condition and early identification of the causes of the disease are required.

Treatment of vomiting in a dog

When a dog begins to vomit, the owner should carefully monitor his pet's condition and inspect the vomit each time.