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Dream interpretation slippery steps. Interpretation of the dream step in dream books. Meaning of sleep Stages

Stairs and steps that appear in dreams symbolize career growth, development in any direction, steps that need to be taken to achieve a goal. What does it mean to go up or down stairs in a dream? How is vision interpreted? Dream books help to understand these issues.

Climbing stairs: interpretation

Dream books are similar in one thing - a staircase is a symbol of the path of life, the rise and fall of a person, both in terms of relationships and in the financial sphere. A detailed forecast can be made only taking into account the dreamer’s gender, his feelings in the dream, as well as the details of the dream.

Climbing stairs in a dream in most cases means a person’s desire for something, working on himself and his own capabilities. Conversely, falling or going down the stairs foreshadows negative situations that may arise in the near future.

Dream Interpretation from "A" to "Z"

Dreaming of climbing up the steps of a spiraling staircase signifies a difficult, exhausting task. The dreamer will have to make an effort to achieve what he wants. However, his work will end in success, which he will enjoy for a long time. Running away from someone constantly stuttering and falling means insurmountable obstacles. A person should abandon his plans, since the fulfillment of his desires can cause him irreparable harm.

What does it mean to climb stairs in a dream and experience shortness of breath and heaviness? If the dreamer felt discomfort while getting up, then he will have to work on himself for a long time. It will be difficult for him to give up habits that destroy his life, but attempts to change himself for the better will be crowned with success.

Climbing up the stairs in a dream with a company of loved ones means help from relatives. Now, more than ever, the sleeper needs support, and only relatives can provide it. If in dreams they are dissatisfied with something, argue or quarrel with the sleeping person, this means that only thanks to sound criticism will he be able to fulfill his dream.

Seeing yourself going down the stairs portends a loss of patience in some matter. The person will give up and stop moving towards the intended goal. A feeling of dizziness and weakness in a dream when looking down from the top step means a manifestation in reality of a weak character, an inability to stand up for oneself.

Family dream book

Seeing in a dream how you are climbing a staircase leading to the sky - to the successful implementation of plans. Going down the steps into a dungeon with no end in sight means that in order to become more successful, a person needs to take serious risks. Soon you will have to make a choice: stay in a stable position, so to speak, in your comfort zone, or risk everything you have and become happier.

In a dream, climbing a ladder and then falling from it because one of the steps has broken means frustration and disappointment in one’s own actions. The dreamer will not be satisfied with the work done and will plunge into depression. Also, falling in a dream warns that you should not succumb to temptations and commit rash actions - this can harm relationships with your loved one, relatives, and business partners.

Dreams are often abstract rather than clear and simple. Falling, descending, rising, running - all this can be seen in a dream. Climbing up the stairs with measured steps means calm and rapid progress of affairs; obstacles on the way to the goal will be easily overcome. A dream in which a person escapes persecution by running up the stairs predicts a successful way out of a difficult financial situation.

Climbing a steep staircase with crooked and wobbly steps in a dream is a warning of danger. The risk will not be justified; the sleeper will suffer losses in a seemingly successful business.

Women's dream book

What does it mean to climb stairs in a dream and then fall? Falling from the top step upside down is a symbol of the fact that the sleeping woman will soon be turned by a passionate feeling, an irresistible attraction, the result of which will be gossip and gossip. There is no need to mindlessly get involved in a relationship with a man - this can lead to loss of trust and respect from friends and relatives.

Climbing stairs with a man in a dream means help that your lover will provide. You can rely on him, he will support his woman in any situation. If a lady has a dream about how she goes upstairs to see an acquaintance, then in reality there is some kind of connection or attraction between them. Soon their mutual sympathy will develop into a strong relationship.

A quick descent from the stairs indicates that the sleeper is overly demanding in choosing a life partner. You should lower the bar a little and be content with what you have. Endlessly going up and down the stairs in a dream means the emergence of a painful dilemma, uncertainty in vital issues.

A dream in which the dreamer stumbled while climbing the stairs warns of enemies and envious people lurking under the guise of friends. They will stop at nothing; their plans can cause serious harm to the plans of the sleeper.

Modern dream book

A modern interpretation will help you understand what the dream means. Climbing the stairs, feeling the desire to quickly reach the highest step, means the following: the dreamer’s capabilities will allow him to occupy a higher position. The authorities will appreciate the intelligence and erudition of the sleeper. Descent from the stairs, during which a person feels relief, foreshadows the revelation of secrets that are inaccessible to others.

If you dreamed of walking on a wobbly staircase, then in reality you will be able to defend your rights in a quarrel with colleagues, and also show resistance to temptations. Sitting down to rest on the steps while ascending means an imminent vacation, which the dreamer has been waiting for so long.

Watching someone come down the stairs promises success at work. One of the dreamer's colleagues (companions) will fail, which will force the authorities to pay attention to the dreamer.

Climbing up a wooden tree means solving complex problems. A person will find a simple way that does not require special expenses. Climbing a spiral staircase in a dream suggests that the future life of the sleeper depends entirely on his actions. How he carries out the task entrusted to him will greatly influence his destiny. Walking along the stone steps portends success, but only if a person uses an original approach to accomplishing any task.

Dream Interpretation of Veles

If, during the ascent, the steps under the sleeping person unexpectedly broke off and he fell, then in reality misfortunes and health problems await him. Slipping on the steps means tricks on the part of competitors. The dreamer should beware of risky ventures.

Climbing stairs in a dream, lined with a path or carpet, means good luck in reality. Fate will be favorable to the sleeper. Watching the crowd go up the stairs and back down is a sign of the long-awaited finding of peace and stability in life. Such a dream may indicate a person’s desire to start a family.

Freud's Dream Book

The desire to overcome steps as quickly as possible in a dream speaks of a desire to attract the attention of a loved one. The sleeper is ready to make every effort to achieve reciprocity from the object of passion, but his attempts will be in vain until he learns to accept his partner for who he is and becomes more sensitive.

Seeing yourself from the side running up the steps means that close people need the attention of the sleeping person. He should not forget about those who supported and protected him on the way to achieving his goal, otherwise he risks being left alone with his problems.

Falling down the stairs promises a waste of energy, rash actions that can lead to conflict with relatives. Also, the fall has a different interpretation: the sleeper will be disappointed in one of his friends.

Trying to climb a broken ladder means hopelessness, a hopeless situation, suffering and loneliness.

Gypsy dream book

Climbing through a window is a sign of a love adventure that may end in marriage. However, the dreamer should be careful and not let the new lover (beloved) get too close.

Climbing stairs made of gold foreshadows meeting good-natured and pious people. They will help the sleeper realize his plans. If in a dream a person walks along copper or iron steps, then in reality he will have fun. Climbing the silver ladder is a sign of betrayal by a loved one, which the sleeper will learn about in the near future.

Wanderer's Dream Book

Falling head over heels from the stairs in a dream foreshadows a conflict situation for a person. There is a high danger to his health here. You should beware of unplanned meetings and trips.

Climbing the steps of a spiral staircase indicates that the dreamer will not be able to achieve success soon. He will have to work hard to achieve his plans. In financial matters, too, not everything is smooth: the dream warns that the business the sleeper has taken on will not soon pay for itself.

Miller's Dream Book

Dreams in which a person tries to get out of a dark mine, basement, or room into the light using a ladder speak of an unwillingness to be oneself, a lack of acceptance of one’s own “I.” The sleeper wants to change for the better.

If a person in a dream goes down the stairs and does not see the end of it, then to get answers he should turn to his past. The experience he acquired a long time ago will help in solving today's problems.

Breaking steps in a dream means your opponents will lose. They will be powerless before the favor of fate towards the sleeper. A person can safely begin to implement plans.

A dream in which a person climbs a ladder predicts an imminent long business trip. But don’t worry: the trip will end happily and will bring a positive attitude and significant benefits.

Loff's Dream Book

Climbing the moving steps of the stairs means great success, inexplicable luck. Influential people will help the sleeper: they will provide assistance and material support. Going down an escalator in a dream warns that a person may soon lose everything due to his own recklessness. There is no need to neglect the advice of experienced people - only they will help you save yourself from unexpected losses.

Finding yourself in a place where you need to climb a ladder, but there is none anywhere, means you are in dire need. Soon a person will need a round sum of money. Another interpretation says that the sleeper will find himself in a hole of debt, from which he can only get out thanks to someone close to him.

A broken ladder, along which the sleeper endlessly climbs and, breaking down, falls, and then repeats everything in a circle, dreams of an impending dangerous illness. You should be more careful about your own health.


Stairs were designed to move in space, so a dream about steps is unlikely to occur to a person in a state of complete rest. Something significant is definitely happening or preparing to happen in your life any day now. But what exactly is this dream about? To a rapid rise or a painful fall? Let's try to find out.

Most interpreters agree that the staircase itself is not as important as the direction in which you moved along it.

  • According to Philomena’s dream book, an orderly series of steps serves as the embodiment of the dreamer’s life path, and the details of the dream indicate the most significant events for a person in the present period.
  • Miller's Dream Book: moving along it symbolizes career successes or failures, depending on whether you climbed up or down.
  • Vanga's dream book: climbing a strong and reliable ladder promises good luck in various areas of life, from promotion to personal happiness. But descending from it or seeing a destroyed staircase with broken steps marks the failure of the planned enterprise and serious losses.
  • Freud's dream book: a dreamer who has walked up the steps enjoys increased attention from the opposite sex, and also has every chance of succeeding in business. But the one who ran down or fell will experience disappointment in his partner because of his inflated demands on him.
  • Esoteric dream book: rising to the top promises success in all endeavors, prosperity and glory; descent predicts losses and deterioration of financial situation. Anyone who sees himself in a dream descending from the very last, lowest step risks finding himself in deep poverty.
  • Hasse's Dream Interpretation: if the dreamer moved upward, his pride will be satisfied thanks to the recognition received from others. But the one who went down will suffer from black ingratitude. If you happen to fall down the stairs, a sudden surge of passion will make you lose your head and do stupid things.

    Every step is a new opportunity to take a step forward

  • Tsvetkov's dream book: dreamed steps embody the possibilities that open up to a person in reality. Don't miss them!
  • Dream Interpretation of the Gypsy: the staircase itself indicates the dreamer’s grandiose plans; climbing it predicts success, and descending predicts troubles and even friction with the law.
  • Dream Interpretation of the 21st century: moving up, you gain happiness and prosperity, moving down - worries.
  • Dream Interpretation from A to Z: if you have risen to the upper levels, the planned enterprise will bear the expected fruits; if you have descended to the lower ones, impatience will prevent you from completing the task.
  • Dream Interpretation of Medea: ascent speaks of the development of your intellect and logic, and descent speaks of an increased ability for introspection and attempts to understand the recesses of your soul.
  • True, there are interpreters who are confident that the appearance of a ladder in a dream in any case does not bode well.

  • Grishin's noble dream book: rushing up the stairs means being exposed to danger, down means being attacked by failures.
  • Lunar dream book: walking up the stairs in any direction symbolizes clouding of reason.
  • Explanation of a dream depending on its details

    There are all kinds of stairs - stone and wooden, screw and folding, wide and narrow, broken, multi-colored, dirty... What was the one you dreamed about? What did you do with her? Under what circumstances did you see it? Dream books have their own interpretation for any detail.

    According to the dreamer’s actions: going up, going down, running, etc.

    A dream in which you had to climb stairs is interpreted positively in most cases. Your plans will come true, love will be mutual, your work will receive a worthy reward, your well-being will increase, and happy accidents will occur with amazing frequency.

    The higher the ladder, the greater the success

    However, there are also disadvantages to such a dream:

  • if you feel dizzy at the top of the stairs, sudden success will make you proud and arrogant, causing your relationships with friends and your significant other to suffer;
  • if you stumble while climbing, your plans are in danger of being disrupted, and not least because of envious people hiding under the guise of well-wishers;
  • if something interfered with your progress, expect obstacles on the way to your goal, which will take a long time to overcome and with tremendous effort;
  • if a well-known person walked next to you while climbing the stairs, your friendship with him will strengthen;
  • if it turned out to be a stranger, your relationship with your loved one will begin to improve;
  • If you climbed the stairs with a child, you will be able to successfully combine career and family, and neither one nor the other area of ​​life will suffer.
  • When one of the spouses dreams that he is climbing the stairs hand in hand with his significant other, interpreters promise the couple a difficult period associated with numerous trials. But everything is for the better: the surging problems will only strengthen the marriage and make the spouses appreciate each other more.

    But a dream about going down steps can be interpreted in two ways:

  • failures, disappointments and losses await you;
  • you will have to engage in introspection, looking for the deep reasons for your actions, desires and fears.
  • If you were running up the stairs...

  • ...up - having achieved success too easily and quickly, you risk forgetting about the people who were with you at the beginning of the journey and repaying them with ingratitude for their support;
  • ...down - the business you started will meet with a bad end;
  • ... when running away from your pursuers, beware of an avalanche of gossip and shame. However, there is a real chance to avoid both if you climbed the stairs in a dream.
  • Falling down the stairs promises nothing but trouble. At best, you will be disappointed in someone who has not previously raised doubts in you; at worst, you will become a victim of betrayal or you yourself will destroy carefully constructed plans by succumbing to emotions.

    Looks like you're in serious trouble!

    And if you fell down the stairs because the step turned out to be defective, it means that the mistake lies somewhere in your plans and they need to be reconsidered while there is still an opportunity.

    Did someone else slide down the steps before your eyes? If it was:

  • man - future problems can be prevented by being careful;
  • woman - you will be deceived;
  • a lady in position - your professional reputation will be at risk;
  • child - career will stall, and finances will fall into disrepair;
  • If one of your loved ones falls down the stairs, most likely in reality you are worried about this person.
  • Pay attention to the consequences of a fall! Did you get back to your feet safely? All troubles will disappear like smoke. Did your dream somersaults on the steps end in serious injury? It’s better to “spread straws” wherever possible and prepare for the onslaught of problems.

    If in a dream you were just standing on the stairs, you will be able to implement your plans and achieve your goals, but only after some time. Most likely, at the moment you lack motivation for an increased leap forward, since, by and large, you are already satisfied with everything in your life.

    A good sign is a dream in which the dreamer swept or washed the stairs. It is believed that fate will provide such a person with a real chance to “sweep out” ill-wishers and difficulties from his life, and at the same time push up his career, improve family relationships and fulfill a dream long cherished in his soul.

    Carry a ladder - come to the aid of a friend in trouble.

    Loading it into a car means going on a long trip both for entertainment purposes and for official needs.

    Taking it apart means depriving your opponents of the opportunity to harm you.

    Escape down the stairs from prison - overcome obstacles on your way and achieve fabulous success.

    If you have been watching from the sidelines as someone goes up and down the stairs, it is time for you to take fate into your own hands: while others are making plans and acting, you are in peaceful contemplation. Make long-planned changes in your life, or they will never come! At the same time, a large crowd scurrying back and forth along the steps is considered a sign of future stability and prosperity. Another reason not to be afraid of change.

    By type of stairs

    Steps going high up symbolize the fulfillment of a cherished desire, especially when such a dream is repeated several times. But if they lead downward, failures await ahead and, as a result, a sharp drop in self-esteem.

    The staircase to a deep dungeon symbolizes a decision that will have to be made at the risk of life

    It is worth paying attention to the material from which the staircase was made:

  • gold symbolizes goodness and happiness;
  • copper - a pleasant pastime, fun;
  • silver - treason, adultery;
  • iron - exhausting work and difficult advancement to the top of your career;
  • wooden - lies and mistakes when it looks dilapidated, and a successful period in life if the steps seem durable;
  • stone predicts the dreamer’s elevation above others, which, however, will make his character tougher and more unpleasant;
  • marble predicts major success in business, associated with a certain “chill” that has settled in the family;
  • a retractable fire escape speaks of you as a reliable, enterprising person and capable of much;
  • rope prophesies success in your personal life and indicates a strong grip on life;
  • the icy one predicts a period of stagnation, when all the efforts you make will bring almost no results.
  • According to the Islamic dream book, a dream of climbing a staircase made of black bricks predicts world-class fame for the dreamer. And according to other interpreters, a dream about steps made of red brick has the same meaning. A white staircase, no matter what material it is made of, marks a successful bright streak in life.

    You dream of a broken or destroyed staircase before your eyes before a colossal collapse, after which you will have to come to your senses for a long time and “lick your wounds.” Take courage and don't lose heart!

    Steps without railings indicate the dreamer’s uncertainty in the current state of affairs or in the future.

    The spiral staircase serves as a sign of the roundabout path that will have to be taken to reach the goal. Be prepared to invest maximum effort into your project, and perhaps find another way of action to implement it.

    Set great goals, you deserve it!

    An incredibly tall staircase can symbolize great success, but also warn of serious risk.

    A very steep staircase is a danger signal. Make sure that you always have reliable “railings” for support at hand: friends, patrons, money saved up in reserve.

    A narrow staircase is a sign of a complex problem that you will be able to overcome by unexpectedly finding a primitive but effective way to solve it.

    The one who climbed up the wide ladder will earn everyone's respect and honor.

    For other details

    Many interpreters perceive the staircase in the entrance of a common house as a symbol of a person’s social life: depending on the condition of the steps, one can judge whether the dreamer has problems with communication and finding his place in society. However, there are dream books that are confident that such a staircase predicts career successes or downfalls, depending on whether you moved up or down; and its complete absence indicates the emergence of difficulties where everything seemed reliable and stable.

    A ladder symbolizes an unreliable person who can let you down at the most unexpected moment.

    A stepladder prophesies either quick success or choice.

    The escalator promises changes that will happen on their own. Whether they are good or bad will determine the direction of movement.

    A surreal endless staircase is an unpleasant symbol, indicating a loss of meaning and purpose in life, which is why the dreamer is confusedly marking time and does not know where to go.

    A staircase going into the sky predicts great, almost incredible success.

    Dream books attach great importance to numbers

    If in a dream you climbed the stairs inside the house, try to remember if the floor number flashed in front of you:

  • 1 symbolizes self-confidence and self-sufficiency;
  • 2 - completion of a certain enterprise or period in life;
  • 3 - friendship or profitable partnership;
  • 4 - freedom, albeit with somewhat blurred prospects;
  • 5 - climax:
  • 6 - obsession with passions and lack of self-control;
  • 7 - rest from work;
  • 8 - a surge of strength, peak form;
  • 9 - the final push, after which the goal will be achieved.
  • Dream books advise dividing double-digit numbers into two independent numbers and only then drawing conclusions.

    If you climbed up to the attic with the help of a ladder, you will be returning to the past - events, memories or people, connections with which have already become dusty.

    Depending on the gender of the sleeper

    A young man or girl who climbs to the very top of the stairs in a dream is promised the fulfillment of his cherished desires, excellent prospects for the future and a happy marriage with his loved one.

    For young people, a dream about a ladder prophesies happiness

    An easy climb up the stairs indicates your good health and a harmonious sex life. But difficulties when moving indicate:

  • problems with potency in men;
  • Difficulty achieving orgasm in women.
  • The fear experienced when trying to step from step to step gives:

  • a man’s fears of being unsuccessful in bed;
  • a woman's fear of becoming pregnant.
  • Falling from the stairs:

  • is considered a prototype of coitus interruptus, which is practiced by the male dreamer’s girlfriend;
  • predicts the dreamer sexual harassment from a person who has power over her; perhaps the boss.
  • If a woman or man sees in a dream a representative of the opposite sex standing several steps higher on the stairs, in reality she/he experiences an inclination towards a person with whom she cannot dare to have a relationship due to some conventions.

    There is another interesting interpretation: if a pregnant woman sees in a dream how she climbs to the 9th floor and finds something interesting there, a memorable bright detail, she will give birth to a boy. If nothing significant happens, a girl will be born.

    So, what kind of staircase did you dream about? What was it made of, what did it look like, where did it lead? Analyze, reflect, compare data and, perhaps, you will actually get an important hint for the future. It’s always useful to sit down and think - even if it’s just to sleep.

    according to Miller's dream book

    Seeing a ladder in a dream means upward movement for you; your energy and ability will help you achieve a prominent position in business circles. Climbing a ladder means prosperity and boundless happiness. Falling down the stairs is a harbinger of despair and unsuccessful efforts for a merchant and crop failure for a peasant. Seeing a broken staircase means complete failure in all matters. A lowered ladder portends disappointment in business and unfulfilled desires. Escaping from captivity or prison using a ladder is a sign that success awaits you, although there will be many risky actions. Feeling dizzy when climbing the stairs means that you perceive new honors restlessly; you will enjoy being capricious and bossy once you take up a new, higher position.

    The meaning of a dream about stairs

    according to Freud's dream book

    A fairly transparent symbol that represents your life. If you see yourself in a dream running up the stairs, then you should be more careful and attentive towards loved ones. Currently, you are too popular with the opposite sex, and this is due to various reasons - your career and social growth, increased self-confidence. But be that as it may, you should not forget those with whom you shared the difficulties of your life. If a woman in a dream sees a man at the top of the stairs, and a man sees a woman, then this indicates that the dreamer has long known the person with whom he wants to have a closer relationship, but does not dare to carry out what he wants. Apparently, some social restrictions interfere with this; you shouldn’t take them into account - happiness is much more expensive than conventions. If you dream that you are quickly going down the stairs, then such a dream speaks of the habit of making too high demands on a partner or someone who claims to take his place, and about possible difficulties in relationships with the opposite sex. Falling down the stairs - you will experience strong disappointment in a person in whom you were one hundred percent confident. If you have a wonderful sexual relationship from which you feel complete satisfaction, then you should not give it up.

    Why do you dream about stairs?

    according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

    life, fate; affairs; in a building, climbing stairs - ascent in life through luck, success; going down - unexpected failures, change of beliefs, breaking a word, unhappy ending of an unusual relationship; falling from a ladder (especially a portable one or a rope ladder) - trouble through personal carelessness, passion leads to recklessness; steps - opportunities; broken steps - enemies, ill-wishers; stone staircase - unwanted dependence; wooden - danger of mistakes; rope - need for personal; steep - quick relief.

    Seeing a ladder in a dream

    according to Loff's dream book

    The staircase provides access to the heights of life or to the hard-to-reach values ​​of this world. We often dream about falling down the stairs. In any case, a central component of ladder interpretation is the acquisition of special, albeit precarious, access to necessary values. Such access is often accompanied by loss of access or luck. If you find yourself in a situation where you cannot do without a ladder, then you may be short on funds. We acutely feel how dependent we are on gravity and how limited we are in our ability to rise high. If dreams do not provide the opportunity to take off, then a ladder is the only way out.

    Why do you dream of climbing?

    according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

    difficult cases; if you climb to the top - success.

    Why do you dream of climbing?

    according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

    up - good luck, to success; down - failures; on a rock - hostility, obstacles in business; on a tree - personal troubles.

    I dreamed about the steps

    according to Miller's dream book

    If you climb stairs in a dream, it means good luck and great happiness await you. If you fall down the stairs in a dream, it means that you will become the object of someone’s envy and hatred. Going down the stairs means failure in official affairs and unrequited love. If you dream of a wide, beautiful staircase, it means wealth and honor await you. If you see in a dream how other people are going down the stairs, it means that some troubles will soon darken your joy. Sitting on the steps of a staircase in a dream is a sign of your gradual ascent to luck and the joys of life.

    Why do you dream about a ladder?

    according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

    boarding a ship is a successful venture.

    The meaning of a dream about a gangway

    according to Freud's dream book

    Going down the ladder in a dream - currently you need a break from sex, you have stopped getting from it the pleasure that it can really give. Seclude yourself for a few days and after that have a dinner for two with your loved one, believe me, the holiday will be truly unforgettable for you. Climbing onto a ship or boat along the ladder - you will change your job or get a promotion, you will be surrounded by new people. Get ready for increased attention from the opposite sex. Falling from the ladder into the water means you are too self-confident. You have no doubt that there is no one more charming than you. Something will happen soon that will make you doubt this. If you saw a broken ladder in a dream, then this dream suggests that you are too categorical about people. If for one reason or another they turn out to be “untenable,” then you abandon them. In a few days something will happen to you that you do not accept. This incident will make you more understanding of your partner’s similar failures.

    Meaning of a dream about an escalator

    according to Freud's dream book

    Going down the escalator - you think too much about yourself. It seems to you that if your partner has had an orgasm with you at least once, then you can calm down and not make much effort. However, this is not the case, and in sex, every step taken must be confirmed by two more. If in a dream you, on the contrary, went up an escalator, it means that you will get great pleasure from having sex. If you dreamed that you saw someone else on the escalator, but did not ride it yourself, it means that you are too passive in bed: do not think that someone should please you. Sex is not only a holiday, but also painstaking work.

    Expert answers


    I dreamed of a classmate who was washing the floors and doing something with the cakes, and I take a large bucket from her and go to wash the flight of stairs, go up high, leave the bucket of water two floors below and with a wet rag I go up and start washing the floors, the very process of washing the floors I don’t see, but I know for sure that my stairs were with my hands, when I woke up I remembered that someone said this classmate was no longer alive. (K, Svetlana)

    The article on the topic: “dream book of steps up” provides up-to-date information on this issue for 2018.

    You should not lose sight of a dream in the plot of which you saw steps. The dream book says this should be taken with particular seriousness. So, climbing stairs in a dream is a favorable symbol, moving down is a bad symbol. You can determine what such a dream means by remembering all the nuances of the dream vision.

    Go down the stairs

    Interpreter Hasse indicates that if you happened to go down the stairs in a dream, it means it will be difficult to achieve a given goal. Dreamed content is a signal that you will have to work hard to get the desired result.

    In this case, the amount of effort expended will depend on the number of steps.

    The Wanderer's Dream Book warns that what you dream about can prophesy a significant decline in any endeavor. The interpretation predicts large and small losses, troubles and grief.

    Veles gives an excellent interpretation of such a dream.

    The soothsayer believes that moving down the wooden steps is a humiliating attitude towards you.

    Personalities about whom you did not foresee slander in your direction will unexpectedly cause you great mental suffering. You should not answer them in the same coin. At best, behave with dignity so as not to apologize for your actions in the future.

    Climb the stairs

    To dream that you are climbing stairs is a positive omen. Essentially new creative successes, triumphs and rewards await you.

    If you are not a creative person, then success will accompany you in other areas of life: work, personal life.

    Aesop's dream book of steps signifies the joy of receiving gifts of fate. However, do not forget that success may not last long. When you see this, deliberately prepare yourself for difficult times.

    When you dreamed that you were walking up slippery steps and often falling off them, then the road to your dream and public respect will be difficult. You are expected to encounter a lot of problems that you will be able to resolve.

    Other interpretations

    Rushing along sliding steps in a dream, and at the same time not moving from a dead point - means a suspension of business.

    When you dream of a similar plot, you most quickly stopped in professional and personal development, and at the moment you are suffering from temporary stagnation.

    The 21st century dream book advises replacing passivity with active actions and taking the initiative on your own.

    Did you dream about how you removed garbage from the steps with a broom? Get ready to feel the emotional excitement in reality.

    Wash the steps in a dream - your soul will become clean. All worries, anxieties and worries will disappear, and you will feel lightness and renewal.

    Seeing yourself in the face of a construction worker and building a ladder in a dream means actually being prepared for difficult work.

    The Dream Interpreter of the Seasons promises work that brings good results. The energy expended not in dreams, but in reality, will give worthy results.

    Especially when I dreamed that the staircase was lucky enough to be completed.

    Steps according to the dream book

    You should not ignore the dream in which you saw steps. The dream book claims that this is an extremely important symbol. For example, going up in a dream is a good sign, going lower is a bad sign. You can more accurately determine what such a vision means in a dream by remembering all the details of the dream.

    Go down the stairs

    The dream book of the medium Hasse is sure that going down the steps of the stairs in night dreams means a difficult task. Having a dream is a sign that nothing will come to you without effort. To achieve the desired result, you will have to spend enormous amounts of effort. Moreover, the more steps you dream about, the more work will need to be spent.

    The Wanderer's Dream Book warns that what he sees may predict a significant decline in business. The interpretation promises serious and minor losses, problems, and disappointments.

    Veles explains this dream a little differently. The soothsayer is sure that going down the wooden stairs means humiliation. People from whom you did not expect judgment or any trick will suddenly cause you quite severe pain. Do not stoop to a similar “blow” in response. It is better to behave with dignity even in such a difficult situation, so that later there is no need to apologize for your actions and be ashamed of them.

    Climb up the stairs

    Seeing yourself walking up the steps in a dream is a positive symbol. New creative achievements, victories, and awards await you in real life. If you are not connected with creativity, then luck will accompany you in other important areas of life: career, personal life. Aesop's Dream Book warns that when joyfully accepting the gifts of fortune, remember that luck is a temporary phenomenon. If you dream about this, then prepare in advance for difficult times.

    If you dreamed that you were walking up very slippery wooden steps and constantly tripping, then the path to such long-awaited happiness and public recognition will not be easy. We have to overcome a series of failures. Only by successfully overcoming all adversity and without retreating from the intended goal will you be able to win.

    Other interpretations

    Running down slippery steps in a dream and not moving at the same time means idle time in business. If you dream about this, then most likely you have stopped developing and are suffering from temporary downtime. The modern dream book recommends changing a passive line of behavior to an active one and taking the initiative yourself.

    Did you dream that they were sweeping the steps? Get ready to experience a lot of mental doubts in reality. Washing steps in a dream means cleansing the soul. All anxieties, worries and fears will finally go away and you will feel light and renewed.

    Seeing yourself in the role of a builder in a dream means in reality being ready for hard and very long work. The Dream Book of the Seasons promises productive work. The forces expended not in a dream, but in reality, will yield the desired results. Especially if you dreamed that the structure was completed.

    Dream Interpretation of Steps, why you dream of seeing Steps in a dream

    From this article you can find out why you dream about Steps from dream books of different authors. An analysis of the dream on the Lenormand cards will tell you what what you see means. And the lunar calendar will help you understand your dream even more accurately.

    Why do you dream about Steps: interpretation of sleep

    Why does a woman dream about the Steps, what is this dream about?

    What does it mean to see Steps in a dream - Climbing steps in a dream - to good luck and unexpected happiness in the future. Going down the steps means a fiasco in love and in work. Falling down the stairs in a dream is a harbinger that you will become the object of someone's envy or even hatred. Sitting on the steps of a staircase in a dream is a sign of a slow but sure approach to luck and the joys of life. If in a dream you see a wide and beautiful staircase, you will become a wealthy and highly respected person. Seeing someone coming down the stairs in a dream means that your joy may be overshadowed by an unpleasant surprise.

    Dream book of psychologist G. Miller

    Why do you dream about Steps according to the dream book:

    Steps - If you climb steps in a dream, it means good luck and great happiness await you. If you fall down the stairs in a dream, it means that you will become the object of someone’s envy and hatred. Going down the stairs means failure in official affairs and unrequited love. If you dream of a wide, beautiful staircase, it means wealth and honor await you. If you see in a dream how other people are going down the stairs, it means that some troubles will soon darken your joy. Sitting on the steps of a staircase in a dream is a sign of your gradual ascent to luck and the joys of life.

    Why do you dream about Steps, interpretation of sleep:

    Steps - Openwork There will be a lot of interesting things in your life. Broken small obstacles that can be overcome. Dropped spans are difficult situations; if in a dream you crossed voids, then in life you will overcome all obstacles; if you swerved or fell, this awaits you in reality, so the dream you are having is deciphered ambiguously.

    Why do we dream and what does the Steps mean in our time?

    Steps, climb - Promotion and luck; going down - humiliation

    Dream Interpretation of the Medium Hasse

    Dreaming of Steps, why?

    Dream Interpretation of the Apostle Simon the Canaanite

    Why do you dream about Steps according to the dream book?

    Meaning of sleep by day of the week:

    Whether a night vision will come true depends not only on its content, but also on what day of the week and at what time of day the dream occurred.

    • If you dream about Steps in a dream from Sunday to Monday
    • Why do you dream of Steps according to the dream book from Monday to Tuesday
    • If you dream about Steps from Tuesday to Wednesday
    • If you dream about Steps according to the dream book from Wednesday to Thursday
    • Why do you dream about Steps from Thursday to Friday?
    • If you dream about Steps in a dream from Friday to Saturday
    • Why do you dream about Steps in a dream from Saturday to Sunday?

    Sun November 15, 2015, 09:17:01

    Fri October 30, 2015, 12:45:50

    Steps in the dream book. Tell me your dream:

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    What do steps mean in a dream?

    Most of the time a person is on the move. We go to and return from work, walk, travel, play sports and do housework.

    And, of course, we not only walk on a flat surface - we have to go up and down the steps. That's what we'll talk about today. So, let’s find out the answer to the question: “Why do you dream about steps?” Let's dwell on the following points:

    • A look from the outside, as well as the influence of the appearance of the steps (broken, slippery, openwork, wide) on the interpretation of the dream.
    • Movement up and down, your sensations at the same time.
    • What does a night vision in which you sit on the steps or fall down the stairs portend?
    • The meaning of a spiral staircase, stepladder, air or sea ladder, as well as a stairway to heaven.

    Descents and ascents in night dreams

    Let's start with a general explanation about the steps seen in sweet dreams. On the one hand, they personify the gradual implementation of plans, on the other hand, they foreshadow a promotion.

    Some publications provide explanations on this matter depending on the time of birth of the dreamer. For people born between September and December, stairs dream of meeting a very interesting person. It will happen on the dreamer’s way home.

    If you celebrate your birthday between May and August, then a similar night vision portends you success in constructive, creative activities. For January, February, March and April birthday people, steps in a dream indicate that in reality they will have an excellent chance to increase their importance and authority at work. Don't miss this opportunity!

    Pay attention to the appearance of the steps. As the dream book says, steps that are broken indicate that minor troubles await you. Don't worry, you can handle them without much effort.

    Slippery ones warn: do not make hasty decisions on the way to your goal, think again before doing anything. No wonder they say: if you hurry, you will make people laugh. If they are very beautiful and delicate, then in reality a lot of interesting events await you. But if you dream of a staircase with wide steps, prosperity and respect in society await you .

    Not to climb, but to see from the side the steps leading up - you are worrying in vain, in the near future things will improve and go uphill. If you have a dream in which you happen to climb the stairs, then in reality you will experience success in business and, as a result, advancement up the career ladder. In addition, such a vision can also portend a new, bright and sincere feeling.

    To go down means, on the contrary, to encounter troubles that can be associated with both work and love relationships. Repeatedly going up and down the steps means experiencing doubts.

    Remember your feelings at that moment when you happened to rise and descend. If you were tense and movement was difficult, then the upcoming changes will not come without effort. The ease of movement in a dream suggests that in reality you will easily follow the path of change.

    • If you dream that you fell down the steps, you will become the object of someone’s envy or hostility. In addition, such a vision may foreshadow business losses.
    • If you dream that you are sitting on the steps, you will achieve a lot in life. It should be noted that this will not be a sudden takeoff, but a gradual, measured upward movement.

    A few words about the types of stairs whose steps you saw. If you dream of a spiral staircase, you will achieve what you want in a roundabout way. The ladder of an aircraft or sea vessel: going up means failure in business; going down means settling down in a warm (quiet and profitable) place.

    If you dream of a stepladder, you will be faced with a choice between a true lie and an unfair truth. But the stairway to heaven is a good sign: in life you will achieve everything you dream of!

    It's time to take stock. Night vision, in which you see the steps from the outside, foreshadows exclusively positive changes in the dreamer’s life: promotion, creative growth, prosperity, respect in society, fulfillment of what you want.

    An excellent sign is a dream in which you climb up steps or just sit on them. And only a downward movement, a fall, promise the onset of trouble. But you shouldn’t be upset, because they will definitely end, making us only stronger!

    I dream about how I climb the stairs of my entrance, walking with fatigue. Some of the steps are a little broken, I’m a little scared, but I move on, reach the 7th floor and find that there are no further stairs, I’m confused, because I need to get to the 9th floor. I turn my head, men (workers) are standing below me, as if they are to blame, that it is impossible to go further.

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    What do steps symbolize in a dream?

    at the Women's Club!

    If you dreamed of steps in a dream, such a dream means that an important event in life awaits you.

    Dream books interpret climbing stairs as a very important and positive sign, promising career success. Try to remember in more detail under what circumstances you saw the stairs, and this will help you more accurately determine the meaning of the dream.

    Ascent and descent in a dream

    How does the dream book interpret the steps you ran up? Such a dream carries joyful meanings. In reality, grandiose personal achievements, praise and victories over failures await you. Perhaps you will become interested in a creative activity that will bring you a decent profit. If you happen to climb the concrete steps, you will be able to overcome the obstacle on the path to promotion and will take your well-deserved position with honor.

    Why do you dream of stairs that you climbed with difficulty and fatigue? Such a vision suggests that you will soon find yourself in a stressful situation, which you can cope with only by properly distributing your strength. Don't panic that you can't solve a problem on your own. Just look around and find someone who can help you.

    If you look in the dream book, climbing stairs effortlessly in a dream means that you are by nature a literate person who does not care about any obstacles on the way to your goal. Always follow this strategy, and you will be successful and lucky.

    But if you happened to see steps in a dream that were very slippery and you could not climb the steps in a dream, this means that on the way to fulfilling your cherished desire you will have to work hard and invest a lot of effort and spiritual energy into the matter. Do not be deterred by difficulties, because the reward will be worthwhile and will greatly please you.

    How does the dream book interpret the steps you had to go down? Miller's dream book says that carefully going down the steps in a dream, holding the handrails, means that you are afraid to open your feelings to the person you like. Try to step over yourself and take the first step towards this person. Perhaps you will find a reliable friend and true love in this person.

    The general dream book believes that going down the steps in a dream means that you will have to take a few steps back in the work you have started. Don’t be upset and don’t regret wasting your time, because after reviewing everything again, you will probably find a number of shortcomings that could not work in your favor in the future. Now you can direct everything in the right direction and achieve the desired result.

    Why dream of going down stone steps into complete darkness? What you see tells you that you will soon find yourself in an unfamiliar place in the company of new people. Be sure that your charm and charm will help you find a common language with strangers. And they, in turn, will make you feel cozy and comfortable in your surroundings.

    A dream in which the steps were broken and you had to go down them means that for the desired promotion you will have to work hard and invest significant effort in this process. Try to get quality rest between work sessions, and you won’t notice how much closer you are to your goal.

    As the dream book interprets, running down steps that went far down, and you did not see the end of them - in reality, you will feel tired from constant busyness. In order not to get overtired, spend more time outdoors - in the park or in the forest.

    Unusual stairs in dreams

    What could it mean to see steps in a dream along which you are running down from being chased? Such a dream foretells that within two or three days you will feel like a person who does not have time to do anything. Perhaps you have been in need of rest for a long time and you are overtired at work.

    Or maybe you just don't really like what you do. This is a sign that it's time to find a favorite activity that will bring you peace of mind and replenish your wallet.

    If you happen to go down the stairs, fall and get up again, this means that one of your unscrupulous colleagues is weaving intrigues behind your back. Perhaps this person is doing this out of revenge, since you previously somehow crossed her path. Therefore, bring the person to a frank conversation and sincerely apologize for past actions - you can be sure that the gossip will stop immediately.

    Why dream of running down stone steps and staying in one place? To dream means that you feel a certain emptiness in your life, as you lack news, events or impressions. To correct the current situation, the Spring Dream Book recommends:

    • Keep up with the times and take up a modern hobby, an extreme sport.
    • Meet with old friends more often to recharge their energy and positive outlook on life.
    • Go on vacation to an unusual, quiet place where you can enjoy tropical nature.

    Interpretations of hard work

    If you look in the dream book, the glass steps that you swept in a dream mean that one of your relatives will reveal to you a long-standing family secret that will concern you too. At first it may seem to you that this knowledge will not change your life in any way, but soon you will be surprised at how timely you learned the necessary information.

    Why dream of washing steps that a stranger is trying to climb up? You can finally take a deep breath after all your hard work and enjoy a well-deserved vacation with your loved one. Get the maximum impressions so that later you can refer to these pleasant memories.

    If you look into the dream interpreter, the steps in a dream that you built yourself mean that in reality you will be able to successfully complete the work you started, and as a reward you will receive an unexpected increase in your salary.

    And the most important advice

  • Interpretation of dreams: steps: going up, going down, sitting on them

    Steps... How many dozens of them do we have to climb a day?! Movement is life, and we don’t notice how we cover tens of kilometers on foot. What if the elevator breaks down? And again the steps. What does it mean if they penetrate into our dreams? The steps are a symbol of what? Perhaps this is a sign? You will find answers to these and other questions from our most complete collection of dream books. Remember that it is worth remembering the smallest details, because they can play a key role.

    Dream book of healer Akulina

    • The dream of “steps” predicts changes for the better.
    • The dream of “steps up” foreshadows the loss of money.
    • Climbing stairs in a dream means good luck in business.
    • The dream of “steps down” symbolizes a long separation.
    • Seeing steps in a dream means losing your wallet in reality.
    • Going down the steps in a dream means a quarrel between loved ones.
    • The dream of “climbing the stairs” symbolizes a happy family life.
    • The dream of “going down the steps” predicts inspiration for creative people, and fun for children and girls.
    • The dream of “sitting on the steps” symbolizes illness.
    • The dream “stairs without steps” for unhealthy people means recovery, and for married women it means divorce. (see dream Staircase)
    • Running down the steps in a dream means receiving an inheritance.
    • Seeing steps up in a dream means luxury and wealth.
    • Dream Interpretation: steps up - to a successful outcome of events.
    • Dream Interpretation: climbing the stairs - all your dreams will come true.
    • Dream Interpretation: climbing the stairs means your happiness is very close.
    • Dream Interpretation: going down the steps - take care, poverty will soon await you.
    • Dream Interpretation: steps down - your spouse is not faithful to you.
    • Dream Interpretation: stairs - to meanness and deception.
    • Dream Interpretation: run up the steps - soon you will win a small amount of money.
    • Dream Interpretation: walking up the stairs means finding new love.

    Dream book of psychologist Z. Freud

    • What does it mean to dream of climbing stairs - to have fun.
    • Why do you dream of steps up - to empty hopes.
    • Why dream of climbing up the stairs - for men it means failure in business, and for women it means a new addition to the family.
    • Why do you dream of steps down - a long journey.
    • Why dream of going down the steps - to wealth and fame.
    • Why dream of going down the steps - to a quarrel with your parents.
    • Why dream of running up the steps - to the death of a loved one.

    Dream books interpret the dream about steps differently - details play the main role. So, for example, if you climb the stairs, then this is a very good sign, because you are destined to be successful and rich. Sitting on the steps means illness. Run up the steps - you will win some money. As you can see, interpretations for each specific case are individual. Try to remember only good dreams, and they will definitely begin to come true!

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  • Collection of dream books

    Why do you dream of Steps in a dream according to 15 dream books?

    Below you can find out for free the interpretation of the “Steps” symbol from 15 online dream books. If you do not find the desired interpretation on this page, use the search form in all dream books on our site. You can also order a personal interpretation of your dream by an expert.

    We went down the steps- failure in official affairs and unrequited love lie ahead.

    Saw someone else coming down- some troubles will darken your joy.

    Sat on the steps of the stairs- your rise to luck and the joys of life will be gradual.

    Wide beautiful staircase- dreams of wealth and honor.

    Modern dream book

    Find out what it means if you dream about Steps?

    Steps, climb- promotion and luck; going down is humiliation.

    If you dream that you are climbing stairs- in reality, your worries will be replaced by pleasant prospects.

    Go down the steps- a sign of possible failure.

    Falling down the stairs- a harbinger that unforeseen troubles await you in commercial affairs.

    Dream book for lovers

    Climb the stairs- fortunately in love.

    Fall, on the contrary- foreshadows the hatred of rivals and the machinations of ill-wishers.

    If you're walking down the steps- this means unrequited love and loneliness await you.

    Sit on the steps- to joy and happiness.

    Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

    Steps in a dream symbolize gradualness in the implementation of your plans.

    If in a dream, while moving up the stairs, you noticed the steps- such a dream encourages you not to rush, but to move towards your goal step by step.

    Broken or slippery steps- they warn that haste can only harm you.

    Dream Interpretation of Health

    Steps - symbolize the general progress of affairs, level of health, etc.; to go up- to a favorable development of life situation, to improved health; descend - to an unfavorable development of the life situation, to deterioration of health; fall from the steps to the collapse of affairs- to a sudden acute illness or injury.

    Dream interpretation of birthday people of September, October, November, December

    Steps - there will be a meeting with an interesting person on the way to the house.

    Dream interpretation of birthday people in May, June, July, August

    Steps - to new creative achievements.

    Dream interpretation of birthday people of January, February, March, April

    Steps - there will be an opportunity to increase authority in the service.

    Dream Interpretation of the Medium Miss Hasse

    What does it mean if you dream of Steps in a dream?

    Step - promotion.

    Steps, go up them- a lot of work; go down - a gradual decline in property; fall down the steps- business losses; see - make a career; stand up - improve circumstances.

    Miller's Dream Book

    If you climb steps in a dream- it means good luck and great happiness await you.

    If you fall down the stairs in a dream- this means you will become the object of someone’s envy and hatred.

    Go down the steps- means failure in official affairs and unrequited love.

    If you dream of a wide beautiful staircase- this means wealth and honor await you.

    If you dream about other people going down the stairs- this means that some troubles will soon darken your joy.

    Sitting on the steps of the stairs in a dream- a sign of your gradual rise to luck and joys of life.

    Universal dream book

    Seeing steps in a dream- a sign of connecting one level to another.

    In your dream, are you going up or down steps? If you're climbing- the dream symbolizes power and growth. If you're going down- the dream may indicate that you are moving backwards or want to explore some problem deeper.

    If you're walking up the steps- this speaks of your desire to learn, develop intuition or strive for higher spiritual ideals.

    Do you find lifting difficult or effortless? The tension required to go up or down stairs in a dream- talks about how strongly you resist certain changes in your life. If it is difficult to climb the steps- it means that your path of development tires you.

    If you study anywhere in real life, you find studying difficult and find it difficult to concentrate- you may dream that you are climbing stairs with difficulty. However, if you jump over three or four steps while climbing- it means you are succeeding in your business.

    Are the steps in your dream strong and durable or broken, flimsy and shaky?- your answer will determine how you perceive your life and the direction of development at the moment.

    Do you enjoy walking down the steps? Are they open and wide or is it a narrow spiral staircase?- this will tell you how your life is developing.

    If in a dream you see someone or something next to you on the steps- this will determine which area of ​​life the dream relates to: relationships, work, travel. For example, if in a dream you see your colleague on the steps- obviously, the dream is related to your work. In professional activities, instead of a salary increase, you can get a new position: you are “pushed” up. It might be worth going down and seeing what's really going on.

    Esoteric dream book

    Openwork steps - there will be a lot of interesting things in your life.

    Broken - minor obstacles that can be overcome.

    Dropped out - overcoming difficult situations; if in a dream you crossed voids- you will overcome all obstacles in life; if you swerve or fall- this is expected in reality.

    Online dream book

    Meaning of the dream: Steps according to the dream book?

    Steps leading up, according to the dream book- a hint that you are worrying in vain, things will soon go uphill.

    More interpretations

    Descent along them is a warning that your plans may fail.

    If you fell from them, be careful when concluding large contracts.

    According to the dream book, climb the stairs- this means that soon all your problems and anxieties will disappear, and new horizons will open up before you.

    Video: Why do you dream about Stairs?

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    Did you dream about Steps, but the required interpretation of the dream is not in the dream book?

    Our experts will help you find out why you dream of Steps in a dream, just write your dream in the form below and they will explain to you what it means if you saw this symbol in a dream. Try it!

    Interpret → * By clicking on the “Explain” button, I give.

      I dreamed of a handsome man. I know that we like each other. He's visiting me. Then he got ready to go home. I didn’t see how he left and went out, but I see him already as he climbs the stairs, and I stand in the opening of the open door. Then I wanted to close the door, but he stopped and wanted to return, because... I probably forgot something. But he just said: “Okay, later. Tomorrow." He continued up the stairs, but I still didn’t close the door.

      • I dream that I first go up and then stop on a white staircase, covered with a red carpet, in a huge, bright, sunny building and find that to my left, at arm's length, on the same step as me, there is a man who is not indifferent to me. I really wanted him to come closer to me and hug me, but instead he just transferred his briefcase to his right hand. This made my soul feel so heavy and painful that tears welled up in my eyes... And I woke up

      I went down the steps, but noticed that they were becoming steeper, almost vertically down. I got scared and came back. I found myself in a white temple. I came out through a paranoid believe. I walked along the pavement through the thief. I met a priest. He nodded disapprovingly. Awoke.

      first I went up the stairs, then got into the elevator (new, clean but small and narrow), pressed the button number 1 and the door closed for a long time, it seemed like I was going down but didn’t achieve the final result, didn’t get out of the elevator

      I was walking along my former street with my brother and we all went into a store along the way, next to me there was also one girl with whom I had previously talked at her place and I had a bottle of beer in my hands, but in fact I don’t drink and then my brother disappeared where then we went for a walk with her and went into my former entrance and in the window I saw my sister there and we went up there and I kept stumbling, spilling a little beer, then we reached the door and it was open, right there someone came down from the 3rd floor a man and he beats my sister very badly (even though the house is a 2-story house) and I really want to go down to help, but for some reason I can’t go down, my heart ached very much and I kept looking at the open door, what’s all this for, please tell me

      I dreamed that I instantly appeared on the 13th floor and I don’t even know how I got there, but I looked out the open window - I felt bad and holding on to the wall, I slowly left the room and suddenly appeared again downstairs on the first flight of steps - the steps were washed and I washed them the young man (Cleaner) and I quickly ran out into the street, still wet.

      Hello! And I was walking up the steps of a residential building with my ex-husband, from whom I had been divorced for about 3 years. The whole time we were climbing, I looked at the top, expecting to see something, but the steps did not end, as soon as the last floor was already visible, the dream ended...

      I saw a mountain with steps in front of me, climbed up them, and my former friend came down from them on a sleigh. and later another friend went down on a sleigh down this mountain, I stayed at the top. then a house unfamiliar to me, some girl offered to smoke someone’s cigarette butts and brought an ashtray with two cigarette butts, my friend and I refused to smoke them, then she offered to eat bread, I ate a piece but I don’t remember how...

      I was going down the steps with my boyfriend and holding cups in my hands, one slipped out and fell, I picked it up and saw that only the handle was broken. The entrance and the stairs along which we went down were concrete, gloomy, gray. Then we walked along the road to his ex-girlfriend and child... I wanted to return him to her... when I came I said that I won’t fight for you... it wasn’t winter yet, but there was a lot of snow all around, dirty snow....

      I was as if drunk, I walked into the store along the steps, they were slippery, and I fell and got up and fell and got up again, then I fell on the penultimate step, when I fell for the last time, I hit my head on the last step, I beat him 3 times, then I got up, I went into the store, I don’t remember because why, but I started arguing with the saleswoman, there were three of them, but I was arguing with the one who stood behind the counter in the middle, they all stood behind the counter, the store is not small, it’s medium! What is this for?

      Good afternoon, Tatyana. I dreamed that it was late in the evening, the situation was gloomy. I go down the stairs very carefully, almost crouching on the steps, because they are wet and covered with moss. On the side of the stairs there are small, rusty padlocks hanging in several rows. I jump off the stairs. But I don’t see the locks anymore, I’m just in a crowd of colleagues (I realize that I feel like colleagues).

      in a dream I was at the school where I studied, I needed to go up to another floor (I don’t remember which one), so I started going up and at the beginning I saw my friends, they didn’t tell me anything and I went further along these steps and it seemed to me that someone was telling me something, but I didn’t understand what. I climbed the grades for a long time, and during all that time I didn’t meet anyone, and it seemed strange to me. but in the end I came. I didn’t understand where I had come to since the school had only 3 floors, but it seemed to me that I was on the 8-9 floor, there was no one there... and I woke up.

      I dreamed that I climbed the steps to jump from the window onto some kind of attraction, but looking out from the window I saw a great height (I was in a high-rise building unfamiliar to me in another country) and got scared, considering the attraction life-threatening, so I started going down the steps, and then I also jumped over several in a row (as in childhood), and the steps were wide and high and narrow, but I jumped over everything, and so on several floors in a row. It was as if I urgently needed to get out of this house, like - as if someone was following me there

      Hello, just the other day I was relaxing at the seaside, and during the day I decided to sleep and I dreamed that at night I found in a closed room, steps of a bright color, in my opinion, with red lights. and these steps lead up to some big ones.
      in general, in the dream it seemed to me that this place was a nightclub. and a guy who I like is pulling me by the hand. he took me by the hand and led me, and then I stumbled and woke up because I was actually trying to help myself with my feet.
      and I had the same dream literally the next day during the day, only my brother was already leading me by the hand.

      I dreamed that I was participating in a competition with a group, and I needed to find the right way out. I run very quickly up the steps, turn to the left, but a girl from my team shouts in the wrong place, I listen and run out first to the finish line, my team is behind and we are applauded and whistled, we understand that we have won. Then we are awarded prizes, red for me.

      My husband and I divorced. Dream: We go with him to the bridge, I notice white stone steps, we cross the bridge, workers are sitting on it (although the bridge was strong) and one says: “Look, the husband and wife are walking, the family is walking.” The two of them crossed the bridge, descending from the bridge along the stairs that went into the salty lake. He immediately swam, swam to the shore and back. I didn’t want to swim there and stood knee-deep in the water, but didn’t swim

      I dream that I am going up the steps, there are no railings, and between the steps there are holes as if they are hanging, I’m not afraid to go up, but I can’t go down them, I’m insanely afraid, to the point that I scream, cry, wear out, and for some reason in the dream I I thought that I was pregnant and the fear of going down was not real... because under the steps there was emptiness and they were very high... but the emptiness is not black, not a hole, but like a room, just very high steps from this room.... Please tell me what this is for? and I’ve had this dream for the second time and in the same building in D/K...

      I dreamed that I was in the apartment and suddenly someone knocked, I opened it and there were only steps covered in blood, I was surprised, I wanted to close the door and then a voice said throw the phone on the steps and I took it and threw it away, that’s all I woke up

      I dreamed of a staircase, I climbed up it, and for some reason everyone called it the staircase of happiness and if you climb to the very top, all your dreams will come true. and I bet with my mother that I could climb, the stairs were very beautiful with railings, but at some point I climbed quite high, but 1 step was broken and I was very afraid of heights and went down again, besides, in the dream I was pregnant.

      Me and my whole family, adult daughters, grandchildren, niece, brother, we are going to the sea, many beautiful houses, I see different shores of the sea, I go down the steps, with my granddaughter around my neck, my husband has already gone down (below). At some stage, it’s difficult for me to go down, my niece helps. Having gone down, I say to my husband: “Was it hard to help?” He stood there and remained standing.

      I dreamed that I forgot my wallet at the cafe counter at some train station (or was it a terribly gloomy shopping center?). I came to my senses, decided to go back for my wallet, got on the escalator (the cafe was on the second floor, and I had already managed to go down to the first). I go up, there are a lot of people riding with me, it turns out one step in the escalator is missing, there is a hole in its place, wires are sticking out inside. Everyone jumps over this hole, but I didn’t take the risk, ran down and went to look for another staircase. I found it, followed it, it turned out I couldn’t use it to get to the room I needed, where the cafe was. I went looking for an escalator with a hole, but I couldn’t find it, and all the time I kept ending up in the wrong place along all the stairs and escalators. The dream was interrupted by a phone call.

      Hello! I dreamed about a former young man. We were on vacation with him (and I don’t remember him at all). And his wife stood in a wedding dress and was pregnant. And he held my hand and said that he would never let me go. Then I go up the steps and a man I don’t know constantly follows me.

      I dreamed that my ex-husband and I were going to his house; in the entrance on the landing, for some reason, there was a very narrow staircase going up to his floor, without a bright blue railing. I’m very scared to climb it, I’m afraid I’ll slip off it and fall.

      Good morning! I had a restless dream, I don’t remember the beginning, I tried to climb the stairs very quickly, then went down - I remember the stairs were metal and very high, and I went down and held on to the round metal partitions and was afraid of falling - it was really very high, there were a lot of people below ...Then I remember going up the stairs, for some reason it was made of thin metal threads and it was inconvenient to go up, and I was in a hurry not to be late... I don’t know where, when I picked up some papers in my hands and I was walking along the corridors around the office, there were few people and my thoughts me that I’m soon flying somewhere on a plane. I understand that the flight is several hours. During my sleep, I went down the stairs once and went up 2 times. The dream was from Friday to Saturday, I don’t have dreams often, I don’t know why, but this dream was restless -the above is all I remember. Thank you in advance for your interpretation.

      I climb up the beautiful wide steps, they smoothly wrap towards the top but do not create a spiral! from the top of the steps I see my friend, the European champion in powerlifting, splashing in the pond, after which I begin to slide down the steps. but at the same time I don’t fall, I go down like a surfer. after descending, I head towards the reservoir mentioned earlier and at that moment I meet my former director-employer, who was shot while hunting 9 days ago, he offered me employment in some position among those living today and then left (disappeared) after I continued my path to the reservoir and, having reached it, I had a small dialogue with a person unfamiliar to me on the topic of what I had said. and I said the following, addressing my friend the athlete, looking at him from behind, “oh, of course you’re splashing around like a child,” to which a stranger said to me, “well, the champion of Ukraine can do it,” and I interrupted, “not the Ukraine, but the champion of Europe,” while looking to an athlete friend who came ashore! And he objected, saying, what kind of friends are you, that they don’t know what champion you are, that’s all, I woke up!

      Hello, I'm 12 years old. Today, from Saturday to Sunday, at the end of all dreams, or 1 dream, I dreamed that I was going up a white staircase, I don’t remember exactly the color, and I was going up with my friend, we haven’t seen each other for a long time, 3 years, or 2, since we we quarreled, or rather she with me, and I dreamed that I was chewing something, a chocolate bar, it seemed, and I seemed to be jumping up the stairs, jumping over 2 steps at once, the mood was very joyful, because I was going up with my best friend, well for me she is the best, because we haven’t played together for a long time, then I turn around and look at her, by the way, her name is Katya, and I’m Alina and she walks in the back, but she doesn’t jump over the steps, I don’t remember, she’s like - she would walk heavily up the steps, following me. Then I woke up, I was very pleased that I was in a dream with a friend, especially because of 1 complex I don’t have them at the moment.

      She followed her friends down the stairs, along which a crowd of old women were walking up. Letting the old women pass ahead, I lost sight of my friends and went down to the very bottom and found no one. The people I followed throughout my life are not friends, but simply friends to whom I sometimes turn for help. Downstairs I found myself in a room where they offered me something, but they didn’t answer my questions about where my friends were. There was something not very legal there. Then I got out of there and began to climb up, but on the stairs there were already only rags and completely helpless old women. I woke up when I got up...

      It all happened at my former school, where I saw an ex-boyfriend who I like now.
      Then, I was going up the steps, and he was going down and I fell and let go of the books from my hands, he stopped, and only when I started collecting the books did he help me.
      Afterwards, we left the school and he took out 4 rats, put them on the table and the rats fought among themselves, it was like fun, he wanted to cheer up.

      Hello. I’m Anna. I dreamed of icy steps with iron handrails, I held on to them so as not to fall. It was scary and slippery, but I went down and didn’t fall. And before I often, often dreamed of the steps of a bus or escolator that I climbed with such difficulty I raised my legs... It’s just scary how hard it was to do this, but I always got to the top or got on the bus. The first time I had a dream in which I was going down the steps...

      Hello, I dreamed of a staircase with a red carpet, with a curve and rising high, even as if not to the second floor, but higher, the railings are so beautiful, monumental, like in a museum or theater, everything around is bright, clean, richly furnished

      I saw a leader - a hero, he did something very significant for all the people in the city (an ancient city, rather eastern, middle age) or it was me but I saw myself from the outside, then we climbed up the steps along a very long staircase to someone very significant emperor or pharaoh perhaps God. Somewhere in the middle we turned around, people were standing below and waving to us, the people were in white clothes, as is customary to walk in the east, and then a wave of jubilation washed over me, like goosebumps running down the spine only much more intense!! The tones are soft, warm, not negative at all!!

      I had a beautiful colorful dream that I was going up the steps with beautiful long well-groomed hair, or to the temple as it seemed to me in the dream, I don’t know, but I was happy from this dream, I smiled at everyone

      I dreamed of a forest, and in it a path leads in one direction to an unfamiliar house, and in the other direction there are steps to the water. And I see myself with a broken face, bruised and scratched. And then I swam in water with algae.

      Hello Tatiana!
      I walked up the stairs. The steps were light. The staircase was spacious. Other people rose at the same time as me. They were dressed up, and I was in ordinary everyday clothes (I don’t remember the clothes themselves - it just felt like ordinary clothes). When everyone (including me) climbed the stairs to the upper landing, they all turned left (as if they had entered some room or some hall), and I alone turned (of my own free will) to the right and walked further along the corridor (the corridor was more illuminated than dark, and its walls were painted with light paint, its floor was smooth and clean), the end of which I could not see, but it was light in the place where the view of the corridor ended. At this point the dream ended. I had a dream from Sunday to Monday (I usually have dreams on this day).

      hello, I had a dream that I was in the entrance of the house where I used to live, I climbed the first flight of steps, but there were no further steps!! I see the second floor (the floor itself), but there are no steps!!! And I’m thinking about how to get there, and by the way, somehow it worked out, someone helped me, though I don’t remember who. I got to my apartment, thinking that it was terribly inconvenient to get there!!! I had already had a similar dream before, although that house was unfamiliar to me, but there were no steps there either, I only saw the floors!! Thank you!

      I dreamed that I was wearing a wedding dress with a long train, arm in arm with the groom (I didn’t see his face), walking up a beautiful white staircase, there were many steps and they were semicircular. I also dreamed of a swamp - I was just looking at it, then a crocodile swam out from somewhere, swam calmly and swam away (didn’t bite, didn’t rush). I dreamed of a beautiful gray-black dove, he walked along the path towards me and I picked him up, held him, stroked him and released him, he flew away.

      hello, I dreamed that I was going down almost steep steps, me and two other people were able to overcome the descent and not fall. They congratulate me below on my success... what could this mean?

      This is the second time I’ve had this dream. In the dream, I’m looking for a way out of the entrance, but not from the usual one, it’s all in ruins, the glass is broken. It’s winter. There’s devastation all around, like during a blockade, and here I am in this entrance looking for a way out and wandering here and there up those snowy steps.
      Tell me what it means.

      I climbed the very steep blue steps. so cool that I needed help. walked with a man. his image is vaguely familiar. he walked ahead, giving me his hand and helping me overcome the path. Thus, we seemed to reach the top of the mountain, paused for a while and began to descend with relief down the same steps

      I moved in with a guy I don’t know and haven’t seen (I already had this dream), climbed the steps and found flowers on each floor, got to my apartment, the steps turned out to be slippery and I slipped and almost fell into a hole! They helped me get up! Having entered the apartment, I went to the balcony and saw three yellow flowers there! lifting them, water ran off them

      we were in the entrance and the woman tried to hit me first and then sharply leaned me towards the railing and pushed me, I screamed “mom” in my sleep but she didn’t hear and when I was flying it was completely dark and then I suddenly woke up

      I dreamed that I was protecting my child from a red cat. She behaves aggressively. I climb the stairs to do this. It's cloudy outside and it's raining. I fight with her, then I throw her into a deep puddle, she doesn’t swim out for a long time, then she still comes out. I see that in a fight I tore my nail across
      Thank you in advance!

      I dreamed that I was climbing a wide white staircase, going outside, and it was so beautiful, spacious, sunny, like on the top of a mountain. And I suddenly felt unprecedented happiness, like in childhood, only stronger. I even woke up

      I dreamed that I was climbing a ladder made of metal with paint, but in some places I almost fell, the ladder was not made of concrete or solid, but had holes, like a ladder that is used in construction, only in the form of steps. And I dreamed of my classmates (I graduated from high school), and we were supposed to rehearse something, some kind of scene in this place, but we never rehearsed. The place was old, some of the steps were falling down a little, it was scary to fall, but I got through everything. And even before that, before getting to this place, I went into one room where English classes were being held, I knew that the guys were waiting for me at the rehearsal upstairs, but I didn’t go until I was called. After that, I found myself in the place I described from the very beginning.

      Hello!! in my dream there was a man, but I don’t remember his face... at first we were driving with him and my daughter in a car, then we drove up to the house and there were very uncomfortable steps, in the dream there was even a fear that I would fall and a man handed me from above gave me his hand and helped me up, but it was not the man with whom we were in the car.

      I returned home, there is renovation in the entrance, the whole staircase has been dismantled, for some reason it is narrow and consists of various pieces, cubes, construction debris, it is there. But it’s scary to climb it, you’re about to collapse. And I need to climb to the 6th floor with a child in my arms, and I slowly begin to walk...

      I was going to go to a gala event in a dress, but I changed my mind and put on jeans, then I went up to the stairs, but did not go down to the event because I was late. I stood on the stairs of the 2nd floor, and the event took place on the 1st floor. I looked up and then went to my room.

      I dreamed of broken glass windows in an apartment in one room in another on the street, from the broken windows I saw a lost tiger-colored cat. He came running and broke and ran away from a height of about 4 or 5 floors. I dreamed of a staircase in the entrance. the steps are empty. I dreamed of an old man from a long time ago - a European. His house, the houses are invisible. Fences and gates are solid, in a row.

      The steps of my school are most likely the top floor. I wash the steps with a cloth, slowly and carefully, gradually going down. Someone is waiting for me on the floor below, it seems they are also cleaning the stairs. I understand that I still have a lot to wash, and I do it too carefully and because of this it is slow. At some point, the steps turn out to be too wet (as if someone had wrung out the rag poorly before washing), and I try to wipe them well from the water

      I was leaving the building, and I don’t remember how I flew over the steps, I thought that I was going to break both legs and it would hurt. But I landed successfully, like someone took me and put me down. And everyone around me was surprised at my successful landing.

      I somehow dream, I ask God for what I need, I pray... I go to bed in the evening, and towards that evening, I imagine God... As if I was climbing high, high steps to God. God says to me: “What do you need, what do you ask for, what are you worried about?”

      I dreamed that I, pregnant, was carefully going down the steps, and my daughter was walking next to me (although I am not married and I have no children). I ask my daughter: “Dasha, who do you want as a brother or sister?”, and she says, “I don’t want anyone.”

      I was with a friend, then our friend came after us and we went for a walk, but before we went for a walk, a boy I like came to us, and then we all walked down the steps very loudly and loudly, and on the same floor my friend broke the steps

      My friend and I are walking through the station and in front of us is the station underground passage. I run forward and begin to quickly jump from step to step down, the staircase ends, and I continue to jump by inertia... I hear my girlfriend laughing behind me... I never stumbled or stumbled. I woke up immediately and laughed a lot myself)))

      Hello Tatiana. My name is also Tatyana. The dream was as follows. A wooden staircase in the house of my friends (the staircase leads to the second floor of the house), I climb it and somewhere after 2-3 steps the step breaks, I put it in place, look (without going further) to the second floor and begin to go down.

      I was walking with a friend from the store, and she suddenly said let’s take a shortcut, it will be shorter here, we left the building, and there was a broken, wobbly staircase and it was far from the bottom, I fell into some kind of abyss, but when I was flying I managed to catch on cable They lifted me to the top, and then, hooking me with a safety net, they smoothly lowered me down again and, feeling the ground with my feet, I ran for joy. (then I woke up). Oh yes, when I flew into the abyss, a crowd of frightened people flew by and constantly screamed. Two men saved me.

      Hello Tatyana! Today I dreamed of a house where my grandparents used to live, they are no longer alive, and they were also in the house, but the house was somehow completed plus 2 more floors. The second and third floors were very beautiful a large staircase along which I climbed. And when I climbed along the stairs there were very beautiful large Icons, they were everywhere. And these two floors were all made of beautiful wood. There were also people, but in real life I don’t know them. And one woman seemed to be showing me to go up the stairs to see what other icons were there. Please tell me what this could mean.

      Hello! I had a dream that I was walking down the street naked. I meet 3 women I know on a bench in the park and try to get around them so that they don’t see me undressed, while covering myself with a towel. But they see me, say hello, then I go into the room and go up the steps

      I climb the steps to the bridge. It's very hard to walk, but I'm walking. it's raining. There is water at the bottom of the bridge and I see green grass in it. then at the end of the bridge there was already yellow sand. This bridge is being built.

      I dreamed that I was standing in a long dress on a high staircase, there were a lot of people at the party below, but it was hard for me to go down, and an unfamiliar guy (I don’t know him in real life) helped me get down, and the dream ends when I found myself with those having fun.

      Hello! I dreamed that I was in my school, and our office was located opposite the office of another class! And my friend comes out, and I go out, he quickly talked to someone and goes to the stairs and I go! He steps up one or two steps, but I’m still standing on the floor! I put my foot on the step, and then he grabs my hand and runs down the stairs! And during the whole dream we are incredibly happy, energetic, and in general the dream from beginning to end is so light and we are unrealistically happy in it! Then he lifts me up holding my hand and runs just as fast without stumbling! And I seem to be flying, but after every 7-9 steps he puts me down and then immediately picks me up again and again I seem to be flying, he runs at the same time, and we are happy! At the same time, I feel the strength of the steps! As a result, we got up incredibly quickly and were incredibly happy! But the fact is that in real life, this young man is now studying at the institute, and I am in the 11th grade and he is studying at the faculty that I am going to enroll in, and he knows about it! Maybe this is somehow connected? He's a geologist!

      There are steps in a multi-story house, without handrails, I’m scared to climb them, but I do it. The elevator moves horizontally, I find myself in apartments that do not exist in reality, they are like in another dimension, I understand that there is a one-room neighbor, but in my dream it is like a five-room studio apartment.

      I had a dream from Saturday to Sunday that I was climbing a huge, wide, beautiful staircase with mahogany balustrades with a man with whom I was just starting a relationship. We went up to church. The church was very beautiful and big. I stood and prayed on my knees. My man's ex-wife took the king's large coin from the altar and gave it to me?

      I entered a large building (maybe a theater, but I didn’t see the stage), only there were large steps going up. At first they were dirty, but the cleaning lady washed them and I saw large white steps going up in front of me. I didn't get up

      I dream about me and my friend (she’s a work partner) we go into a multi-storey building, get into the elevator... we go up to the very top and then we walk through all the apartments and so on until the first floor... then we go to the next entrance and get into the elevator in the same way and we also go around all the apartments to the first building and so on all the entrances...

      I dreamed of a narrow and high staircase, along which water flowed noisily. The water was very clean, it sparkled. And I had to climb up these stairs, I was afraid that the flow of water would knock me off my feet. And when I decided to go, the water began to make less noise and its flow decreased.

      I dreamed of an entrance staircase that was not broken, everything was fine, except that it was stained with something brown and sticky, the color reminiscent of plum jam. I go up the stairs and meet a woman I didn’t know before. I ask her what happened here, what happened to the entrance? And she replies that it was a pipe that burst and flooded the entire entrance.

      In a dream, I decided that I needed to wash my feet, for some reason I tied a towel around my waist, so that my step was limited, and I walked up the steps, missed the crowd of people that was walking from above, I walked further, the steps began to disappear or were broken, I walked along the wall or holding onto the railing. Since the legs were tied with a towel, the gait was like that of a penguin. So the whole dream, I walked up the crumbling steps.

      Hello! My husband left more than 2 months ago for a woman 10 years older than me, it happened like a bolt from the blue. We communicate, but very rarely he is offended by me for my indifferent and rude attitude towards him, but I love him very much and For the last six months he began to drink frequently and, as it turned out later, he had already met the woman where he now lives. Naturally, my reaction was aggressive, I was offended and ignored him, but we still love each other very much and I am trying with all my might to get him back. I had a very clear dream, I remembered it very well. It’s as if I’m on the territory of a recreation center or a military unit, I see low buildings, I go in and through the glass door I see my husband sleeping on a large bed, and next to this woman. I knock and scream as I entered the door, I didn’t see it, then I see I’m sitting with them in this room there he and her adult daughter are trying to tell me something important!!! Daughter say: “And he brought us towels and bed linen!!” Then I see that I am taking him out of the room, we are sitting on the steps (small 3-4 steps), crying very loudly and I really see a pink-orange shirt on him and clearly see how I am tearing it on him from the bottom to the collar. This is where the dream ended. Its interpretation is very interesting, please tell me!!

      I walk and see steps ahead. When I step on them, I realize that these are unfinished stairs leading down. There are holes underfoot and very high. The ladder is very shaky, I’m barely balancing trying to get back, I ask my husband to help me, but he silently leaves


      ME P

      I dreamed of a small station. The staircase at the exit is not very high, with wide steps, with a beautiful curve towards the bottom. I couldn’t approach them, some kind of obstacle was in the way. At the station I saw a boy and a girl about 5-6 years old. We walked around the city. They said that they have an abandoned house in the village. Then they came to the station and their dad approached them. I dreamed about it today.

      The dream is colored, the predominance of warm colors, I go down into a bright room, there are steps up, dark brown in color, but very steep, there are no two steps and I grab the balusters and pull myself up with my hands, it’s hard for me to climb, but I climb, at the top I girls in white coats give me the paper, the room is bright and slightly greenish, and I begin to go down the steps, they have become even steeper, it’s almost impossible to go down them, but I go down and hold on with my hands rather than step with my feet, I find myself again in a bright room, I go out I go outside, I get into the car, they’re waiting for me there,

      many people were slowly climbing the stairs to the temple or to the church (I don’t know how to say it correctly) I wanted to overtake them but it didn’t work and then I saw another staircase there was some kind of obstacle, either I jumped over or climbed over, I don’t remember, but I I turned out to be the only one who stood up on it and there the priest stood in full regalia in all white and then I don’t remember anything

      I went out with a guy to the front door, they wanted to go to the store and wanted to call the elevator, then the neighbor stood in front of the elevator and said, to which I answered her. She was silent, but did not go anywhere.
      Then we came to the steps, I looked at them and we went home.
      It was very dark when I looked down from the steps and I got scared, that’s why I woke up.

      The neighbor in the dream was an angry, scandalous woman, the light was like there was a basement.

      I dreamed that I wandered along some corridors for a long time, and then suddenly I came out onto a staircase covered with a red carpet and found myself in a theater with a little boy and a grandmother, we sat in someone else’s seats, but it turned out that it seemed normal

      I was in the entrance on the steps, I looked down, my son was standing there, and there were a few steps missing between us (about three). I thought that I would jump to him, but suddenly the height turned out to be greater than it seemed at first and I realized that jumping would be suicide.

      I dreamed that a work colleague and I were going down a very narrow flight of stairs, several floors below, and there were people all around on the floors, then we walked through dense trees, entered some establishment, did some moral teaching, then parted with her.

      DREAM - I go down the steps as if into a gloomy underground passage a short distance to the landing (half the flight in an apartment building) and stop with the thought: I need to smoke here - I sweetly smoke a stupefying cigarette without a filter like "Prima" .. and wake up.
      Now I have a low temperature -? , a non-smoker (for 23 years) and a non-walker (5 years) - a disabled person with legs.

      This dream was about 2-3 months ago and I already had it 2-3 times before, in it I was at school where I was going up narrow and then wide steps, at the bottom there was an abyss and when I walked up the steps - there are a lot of cliffs and in one place right before the end of the whole path there is a huge cliff, moreover, people are walking along these steps but they don’t seem to notice me - and they very easily fly straight over these steps - and I’m trying to jump to the end of the path - but I fall into the abyss and wake up. If this is important information, I’m 14 years old and I’m paranoid (but my parents don’t want to believe it - they say I’m making it up). Personally, I think that this dream indicates problems at school.

      I go down the steps as if along a wall, with each step the step becomes smaller and now there is nowhere to put my foot and I jump down successfully, the height is not great. I dream about it periodically about 3 times already.

      I’m at work, a tall man (who I can’t figure out) came to me, picked me up like a little girl and carried me. Then we climbed the stairs at work and between the last step and the flight there was a distance that I could not overcome (I was scared) and this man dragged me onto the last step.

      steps down, a dark entrance to a house, poor lighting, in some places there are no railings and the steps are full of holes, very scary - I couldn’t step on the last step - because... I was afraid that I would fall down.

      I ended up in some city, its name is “zephyr”, I remember asking its name. there were a lot of steps, the whole city was surrounded by very beautiful steps, they were all decorated with flowers and painted with different bright colors, I was looking for a way out of this city and walked along these steps all the time, then they attacked me, I started shouting “help” and woke up

      The glass steps are like large cubes, which I need to climb and enter the doorway at a height of approximately the second floor. The glass is transparent and clean. On the ground floor of the building there are classes in which classes are held for applicants or schoolchildren. There are several teachers at the teaching table and glasses with a light brown drink, alcohol. There are glasses of wine on the applicants' tables. And so it is in all classes. People have tall, elongated faces and strange high hairstyles. They are not very similar to the people we are used to. On the second floor I find a room with the floor shifted so that the first floor is visible on the sides and it’s a little scary to walk. I go to the table and in the desk drawer I find envelopes with money. There are many more than ten envelopes. I'm taking them.

      I saw myself and an employee from my company, who was in a high position, on the landing (very wide). We are talking and laughing very nicely, and suddenly he takes a step back and stumbles from the top step, I barely have time to give him my hand. The dream is very colorful, everything around is bright colors and very light, but of course I don’t know the place.

      Hello! I saw it from Tuesday to Wednesday: I was running down the stairs from someone I knew, but I don’t remember who. More precisely, I saw it unclearly. I've been running for a long time, and they're about to catch up with me. To break away from the pursuer, I began to run through the top of the stairs. and the lower one (about 2-3 steps) - jump over. They never caught up with me, I just woke up. I don't remember anything else.

      It’s as if I’m standing on a dark step, and it’s as if someone pushed me and I slide down one step, a few hours later I have exactly the same dream again, only the step is light, almost white. Why do we have such dreams?

      I dreamed that I was with my mother in a foreign country. We walked downhill. We went down and reached a cliff. There was a stormy ocean there, a beautiful blue color. We were afraid that we would fall, because the descent was strong. And we began to climb the mountain, it was more and more difficult. Having reached the first building (high-rise building), we entered it and began to climb the steps. They were narrow and short, and the ceiling barely touched the head. As I climbed up, I didn’t notice any turns. And when he appeared, we turned and met the granny there, she spoke Chinese but also knew English, so I asked her something in English (I don’t understand what)

      I walked up the steps of the kindergarten where I had previously studied, only there was some kind of additional floor there. So, I go up the steps and immediately feel dizzy and it seems that I’m going to fall, as if into an abyss or from a bird’s eye view, but I hold on with my last strength. As soon as I got up, for some reason I immediately went to wash myself and woke up.

      Good afternoon! I don’t remember the beginning of the dream, but at the end I was climbing the stairs with my boyfriend, it was very dark around, I had difficulty finding the steps, but he held my hand and from time to time helped me climb, we walked about 3 floors, and in a dream It was as if we were walking into our new apartment, which I was afraid to enter because of the darkness, and that’s when I woke up). I’m very interested in the meaning of the dream!) Thank you in advance and I apologize for writing, I just don’t have Russian on my phone. I look forward to interpretations)

      Good afternoon!) I don’t remember the beginning of the dream, but at the end my boyfriend and I were walking up the stairs, it was very dark, I had difficulty finding the steps, and from time to time he helped us walk, in our dreams we were supposedly going to our new apartment, where... I was afraid to go in because of the darkness.). Thanks in advance for your answer! =)

      I dreamed of a man with a beard, I decided that he was a Muslim, I turned around and wanted to leave. Turning around, I saw beautiful marble steps, I wanted to go down them, but a wooden barrier appeared on my way, pushed her, and she came back like a tumbler back constantly

      Hello! I dreamed that I was going down the steps, there were a lot of them and their appearance reminded me of the Colosseum, they were made in a semicircle, as if made of asphalt, very uncomfortable, I held on to some railings so as not to fall, it was scary.

      I dreamed that I met a guy, we became good friends with him and began to get along. If we wanted to get up at the gathering, I couldn’t, he helped me, gave me his hand, and everything worked out for me, either in an ordinary booth or in a luxurious hotel. Then, after about an hour, I was having fun with him, my cousins ​​arrived (they hugged and cried). I also remembered that my dress didn’t suit me (it was purple) and also the comb!

      Running down slippery steps in a dream and not moving at the same time means idle time in business. If you dream about this, then most likely you have stopped developing and are suffering from temporary downtime. The modern dream book recommends changing a passive line of behavior to an active one and taking the initiative yourself. Did you dream that they were sweeping the steps? Get ready to experience a lot of mental doubts in reality. Washing steps in a dream means cleansing the soul. All anxieties, worries and fears will finally go away and you will feel light and renewed.

      I dreamed that I arrived with a young man to my childhood home in which I was born and raised, I dream about him very often. So., So, I slowly walked into this house and immediately began to install wide wooden steps, modern varnished, varnished. The house is one-story. ordinary, but in the dream it was as if it was being built on the second floor. And I mean, I put up two high ladders. And then I walked around the rooms and looked at them. Tell me, what could this mean?

      I dreamed that I was busy with work. There are houses, shops, people walking around. I look good, in a nice light-colored raincoat, not very long (in fact, I don’t have one), in my hands is a briefcase or bag with documents (in fact, I’ve been running my own business for 10 months). And for some reason I really need to go down the wide and very long steps to get to the private stalls and make orders where more trading stalls can be placed. On both sides of the steps there were more steps, but they were much narrower and you could only climb up them, and only down the wide ones. But in order not to fall, she sat down on her butt, propped something up, and went down a hill as if on a sleigh. And there she began to actively engage in her own affairs.

      In a dream, my uncle and I were in some building, there on the top floor there were people sitting at tables like in a cafe, but it wasn’t a cafe, he sat down at one of the tables and invited those people who were sitting at the table to play cards all the time I was standing nearby and watched. I didn’t notice how and why my uncle got up from the table and walked down the steps and called me with him, I followed him, but some girl about my age annoyed us and said that she was coming with us. It seemed to me that we walked down these steps for an eternity, but when we went down, we found ourselves at the door from the exit of this building and they also turned out to be the entrance to the house of my grandparents, but only my grandmother was at home and the girl who trailed behind us, she did not enter that door, they entered just me and my uncle. But in real life, my grandmother died and she was 9 days old 3 days ago and I’ve been dreaming about her for the second night now. And in these dreams, her youngest son is always present, that is, my uncle, and they are always talking about something but even though I’m standing next to them, I can’t hear what they’re talking about...

      I was in a quarry. I stood at the top, and penguins were running below (like from a cartoon). I went down the path, but it was dirty and wet (I went down through a swamp). Then I came to a building where there were beds and steps, and my friends were sitting in one room.

      I dreamed that I was in a hurry, afraid to besiege two roads to the railway station, and so I was walking along one, suddenly there were a lot of people in the store, and there were so many cakes, cakes, pies in it. I looked and didn’t stand. I walked further and then I climbed a short one stairs to a golden small cozy temple. In it, a man and a child boy stand at the icon and smile... All the way I am accompanied by a strange woman in different shoes, so Batyushkov allegedly said in the church, but he was without a cassock, Noah I understand that this is the priest.

      A steep sandy hill. I have to climb up and start digging the steps with my hands. First with one hand, in the other hand I have 2 apples, they are fastened together by a stalk. Then I put the apple in my mouth, bite it and with both hands I start digging. The sand is loose. I dig deep steps so that they don’t crumble. The ground is not evenly level. There are high ledges and I destroy them. They crumble, some of them covering my head. But they fly over me and I form a new step. I dig, I dig and see that after some time the embankment ends and I see that my staircase connected with someone’s staircase, dug by someone above. And it turned out to be one long staircase. And I climbed it. There in the house some guys are talking to a guy. They’re laughing. And a faucet with a sink is standing next to home. I walk up and wash my hands with soap and water under water. My son is standing next to me and his hair is wet. And a white towel hangs on his shoulders. I take it and wipe my hands on the towel. And then a man comes up with a child of about 5 years old and they They start washing their hands. And my son is waiting for me to return the towel to him. And I point at people with my eyes and hang the towel on the chair. So that they can also dry their hands.
      I am divorced. There is no help from my husband. My son helps a little. Maybe this information. You need it for interpretation.

      I dream that I’m at work, running from my office on the 7th floor to my boss on the 3rd floor, joyfully and cheerfully, jumping over the steps, I hear that someone is also going down ahead, I’m trying to catch up with him and see him, but he jumps five steps, I can’t catch up, I laugh and recognize him, this is an employee with whom we have a very sincere, friendly relationship. I talk to him, a very bright dream.

      Hello. I was invited to visit to meet the girl’s future husband. I went into the house, it was very beautiful there. The girl’s mother placed a maple branch under her feet. They were Buddhists. There were four steps, beautiful and clean water flowed down them. I had to touch each step with two fingers. And I touched three. Her mom asked why three? I replied that this is how we are baptized. It looked like some kind of ritual. The groom was standing near the wall, I couldn’t see his face.

      Hello, I dreamed that I slept during the day not long ago! How I was walking along the subway, going down the subway, and my jacket suddenly disappeared, then I suddenly went down the stairs to the bottom, and I rode on an excavator, and I sat down on the excavator and at the end of the road I found a similar jacket not not yours.

      She ran away, trying to hide, up the stairs of a high-rise building, experiencing a feeling of fear. She ran away from criminals, together with women and children, there was a weapon that they tried to shoot back, but it was faulty. The stairs ended, there was no further way and I woke up. A feeling of anxiety remains.

      I was going up the escalator, lying upside down...at first I was running, looking for something, I had to cross the railway track, along the airway, so I started to cross and for some reason I lay down on the steps and went along the escalator.

      I climb the stairs at the entrance to my home, and at the end the steps disappear and I don’t get home. At the same time, I take the elevator up and at the end it goes down, and I remain in the shaft between the floors and hold on to something

      From Thursday to Friday I dreamed that at first I was downstairs with others, and then they took me up several flights of stairs, at first I felt unpleasant, but then I met several of my friends, and I liked it, I went out high somewhere.

      I often dream about stairs: in entrances, big houses, palaces. Often, I go up the stairs and see that the steps are becoming smaller, or they are narrower, or they are going up, but not along the wall, but as separate steps. I'm always afraid in my dreams that I might fall. Sometimes I climb up and don’t fall. Sometimes I don’t climb because I’m afraid. And sometimes I fall

      i dreamed that they showed me that a person dear to me was waiting for me at the window, but we didn’t know each other, then I put on a hat, a down jacket and summer sneakers, and jumped down the steps in the entrance (I dreamed about jumping over the steps several times, because I I liked it in a dream, there was a feeling of flying, I like this feeling in life)

      I dreamed that a man who had a woman was interested in me, I liked him too. And suddenly we were going up the steps, I turned around, and his woman was looking downstairs, but there was no jealousy in her face, perhaps on the contrary, she smiled. The man and I walked further and suddenly my shoes got caught on something, the man waited until I could handle it and we went up to the end, some woman met us and either greeted us or congratulated us. Everyone had friendly faces, which really surprised me.

      Good afternoon. Yesterday I had a very strange dream. I, in the company of friends, took the metro to an area where there were abandoned buildings. The dream was quite gray and gloomy. We found ourselves in several houses, each time on the steps between floors, we had to freeze so that other people would not notice us. I remember very well the moment when we went to school, because... I saw its very strange structure. There was a bridge connecting the buildings. When we entered the huge and spacious building, I walked up the steps. They looked like they were plastic and red. I don’t remember whether they led me up or down, but I paid a lot of attention to them. Then we tried to leave there as soon as possible. At the exit we met a lot of people and the group headed towards residential areas.

      The dream is very bright, as if flooded with sunlight. A steep, huge concrete staircase to nowhere and nowhere without railings is very strong and solid, bright beige. I stood on the steps and helped the boss go down the stairs. The boss was afraid to stumble and I literally placed her feet in sandals (red in good condition but not new) on a very high platform with my hands on each step. I tried to get into the company of other employees of our team, but the boss kept me close to her. at some point I broke away from her and found myself in a huge office (like a school classroom), in my dream I didn’t see the walls, there were beds and desks, and through the bed I got into the part of the office where the desks were, I began to look for a place for myself (other employees had already sat at work) my dream is over

      Write your dream here for interpretation... Hello. Help me interpret the dream. I dreamed that I was sitting on the steps of a wide staircase, eating various berries, and a few steps below my boss was standing with some woman and talking about me.

      I have a dream for the second time.
      I walk up the large spiral staircase with an unknown person in my arms.
      The walls were covered in blood and the dead were preventing passage.
      I get almost to the top.
      The evening sky is overhead.
      But there was a hole in the stairs.
      I thought for a long time and decided to step over, but only stood up in the splits. I decided to try to save the man and threw him onto the edge of the stairs, but at the same time I fell. This person was a girl.
      Please tell me why this is a dream.

      There is a road below, everything is swept out, the descent was very steep, at first it seemed impossible to go down on foot, only on the butt, but then I saw the steps that had been cleared of snow and began to slowly but surely descend to one of the three roads which I had already started I chose to go down!

      We are even walking along the stairs with our son, he wants to pee, we ran to the third floor and there is a hall and laid tables, it’s beautiful for a banquet, we asked where the toilet is and they showed us, we went in and the son did his little thing. The dream is colorful and clear

      I get off the train, there is no one in front of me, the steps are very steep and high. I am afraid and hesitantly go down them. Then I find myself at the table. I see my virtual friend (I haven’t met him in real life, we only communicate online) next to him is an elderly woman in a white headscarf - I think it’s his mother, and next to me there’s a woman next to me, I think it’s his sister and also a couple of people I don't know who they are

      I go into a rather cramped, small school, the ceilings were so low that I had to bend over, there were people there, but I am worried about the question of why I dream of going down steep steps, and the steps were not only steep, but also of different sizes, going down them it was very difficult and there were many of them.

      I saw myself in a beautiful restaurant in a sky blue guipure dress. The waiter suggested that I go down to another room, on the floor below. I went down the incredibly steep stairs. There were ladies and men sitting there very beautifully and elegantly dressed, but for some reason my dress turned black. What could this dream mean?

      I dreamed that I was standing in the entrance in front of the stairs and couldn’t get home, because... a couple of steps in the staircase are missing.
      and I'm afraid to jump over. And a good friend of mine tells me where you can get the key to go the other way, but to do this you definitely need to sit backstage until the end of the performance.))

      I tried to climb the stairs and go down, I always had to go somewhere, there were steps even like a board that I couldn’t climb, but I climbed, and I constantly had dreams of facing obstacles, or I was walking across a high bridge that I was afraid would collapse, then on some fields with large unevenness

      At first I dreamed that I was going to leave work somewhere. But I only have this kind of work in my dreams. In reality everything is different. And before going to bed I want to wash the floor. They tell me that there is no need, we will wash it ourselves, but I say. I'll be quick, it's not difficult for me. And I start washing without a mop, with my hands without gloves. But the floor turned out to be very dirty, there was a lot of garbage and I collected it all with my hands. The floor was black speckled linoleum. These specks are white. Then suddenly she found herself on the stairs. In the middle of it. The staircase is the same as in the entrance, but it is located in the room where I washed the floor. Moreover, it does not have side walls. The steps are wooden and very flimsy. At first I went down, but I saw that there were not all the steps, and I could not jump over. Then I went up. Some very plump man began to help me. He was also on these stairs. When he and I stood on the same level. it crackled, and I refused his help. She began to climb up on her own. I saw a young man at the top. She began to raise her hands and scream. Asking him to pull me out. He ran to the edge of the stairs. extended his hands to me.. And then I woke up. It was morning. This is the second day I have been under the impression of this dream...

      Hello. I dreamed that I was in some building, my boyfriend was always with me. We heard some sound or rustling, we ran to the place where we heard these rustlings. Someone ran away. I took the first thing my friend came across, it was a broken green wine bottle. We went forward, heard the door, opened the door, the guy immediately threw it away. I was very scared, because of this, I also cut my right hand (in the place where my hand was accidentally cut in childhood, exactly the same pattern)
      And I saw a man running up the steps, he was male, dressed in a wedding dress and what looked like a tall white mask. It was like some kind of holiday. I woke up

      Good day
      At first I was an earthquake, the wall in the apartment collapsed, I left, but then I turned around, shaky. And I needed to go down, but I was shaking, and I was just terribly afraid to go down the steps. I went down one, and then suddenly, as a result, I fell over.

      After that, I hate her live even more.

      Good evening. A guy I know is waiting for me. Then we go with him to the car and go deliver the goods (water) to clients. He ships the goods. I’m either in the car and he ships the goods. Sometimes I go out and talk to someone or leave as if on business, but He then looks for me and is indignant that we are late for clients. But at the same time he takes me by the hand and everything is fine. Sometimes I wanted to kiss, but
      Then we seemed to find ourselves in an orphanage, but there were no children, only the teachers. We went down the steps (about three steps), saw a couple of beds, saw the teachers, all in rooms in warm and colorful colors, and quickly began to climb up the steps (there were quite a lot) for a long time and medium quickly, sometimes when I noticed that the guy was either holding my hand or supporting me that I hadn’t fallen, the slope of the steps was, as it were, 30-40 degrees, not like ordinary steps. We went up and walked around and saw on the asphalt near the children’s house as if he was lying a little bit of gold, but chains, earrings, then we saw the teacher with the documents and talked to her a little. I don’t remember what she was talking about, but she seemed to be making excuses a little and saying that they fill out all the reports according to the documents... it seemed like I woke up. What I remember most was the climb up the steps and the gold...
      What can it do
      Thank you in advance

      Hello. I quite often have “multi-part” dreams and this one is no exception. I am studying alternative history, in particular the issue of houses “sunk” into the ground, in a dream I dreamed of a house where the window was practically covered with earth, near the building, like an amphitheater, there were platforms with steps, like in a park, three or four steps - platforms, steps - again a platform, semicircular. Comparing with interests in the real world, I would not have paid attention to this dream, but this dream is serial, and the previous “series” I walked along a long corridor with high arched windows, at the end of this corridor there was a door to the storage room, for some reason I was sure this is a bank, it was dark outside the windows, and I was in a fluffy dress from the 17th-18th century, there was a banquet hall behind the other wall, but I didn’t go there.

    • I dreamed that I was walking up the stairs with my ex-boyfriend. Everything around was in gray and dirty black tones, we were also surrounded by some people we didn’t know, we went up to the top floor and made peace there, and then for some reason we started going down past the same people, and then the dream ended. But the general atmosphere was gloomy, the only joy was that we had made peace.

      I dreamed that I and my boyfriend were walking, he was accompanying me along the road, there were a lot of steps and there was a lot of snow on the street, we had to get up and make a wish, we climbed up and along the road there were a lot of dogs, one of them ran up to me and bit the hem of my dress, he drove the dog away and to the side you run away so that all the dogs run up to him, I run to the stairs and call all the dogs because one of them grabbed him by the leg, she lets him go and runs towards me, I stand near the stairs and push them off. And woke up

      We were in some room with steps, but it was raining heavily and there were two entrances to this room from different sides and the main central exit
      The steps went up
      I went out on the steps a little higher than Lyosha
      The room was such that if you go down a little there will be a wall on the right, and when I looked there, Lyosha looked out and smiled at me
      It was raining heavily, but there was a ceiling
      I went up the steps and walked into a very beautiful hall of the 18th century, it was like a restaurant, it was autumn, there were many tables, there were cutlery on the tables
      And I again returned to the beginning of the dream, then Lesha began to run up the steps and I followed him
      And suddenly he runs by, and some girl slams the door right in front of me 🚪, and they are left there alone
      But then Lesha opens the door and says that I’m with him
      He takes me by the hand and we walk into this room.

      I was alarmed by the fact that it was raining and they closed the door in front of me

      I was going down the steps, there were railings, it was very high, I looked down and it seemed to me that I was in a high-rise building, while I was on the top floor, I wasn’t going down alone, in a company, I don’t know these people, it was very scary because I’m afraid of heights This is the third time I’ve had such a dream, not in a row.

      I was talking to the boy and didn’t hear our conversation, as if I was watching it. Then I offended him in some way and went upstairs with a sad face and he followed me with an angry face. There were corridors on each floor and there were many schoolchildren in them, since I was at school then. It was an older school and I saw myself as older too. And I couldn’t go into these corridors, because I was only worried about the boy following me. I turned around and saw him coming down and wanted to follow him, but the dream ended.

      Hello, in a dream I was awarded by the wife of the current president of our country. I climbed up the mirrored staircase. And I was not sure, I was afraid that I would fall. I don’t know why I was awarded, but I was modest.

      I dreamed that I was running into the front door, hiding from my pursuers. The front door of the old house is dark, at the entrance I see a box with an abandoned gray little kitten. After looking at him for several minutes, I begin to climb the stairs, trying to open the doors of unfamiliar apartments. After a few flights I see the box again, but this time there is a cat with two kittens inside. The cat is reddish brown, not too thin, most likely a mongrel. After looking again for a few seconds, I continue on my way, because my pursuers are already in the same front door. Having risen to the top floor, I try to open the door and it opened, there I saw people I knew. Trying to save me, they hid me in a small room, but the investigators found the apartment. And then I had a dilemma - to save my friends, but give up and not know what awaits me in the future, or save myself, but my friends will be killed. It's hard for me to make a decision. I think for a long time. But somehow I find myself screaming at home and running away from my pursuers, while my acquaintances remain alive. The weather is good outside and the sun is shining.

      I saw 2 weddings during the night, some acquaintances, I don’t know which ones, and both weddings were held at a high level. 1 on a high mountain to which there were steps leading, 2 in a high tower and I climbed up these steps all night. I went up to the top.

      I was walking along familiar terrain, albeit slightly changed, a cross-country team (people in blue and with license plates) was running towards the meeting with me, I don’t remember exactly, there were 4 friends walking. The road was very difficult, there were hills and hills, and then vice versa. And then we logged up to a very steep climb, the girls easily climbed up and shouted to me that we needed to go faster. There were steps on this steep climb, but they were under a large layer of snow. By the way, there were 2 stairs, one was cleared, and the other was littered, but a cross was running along the deserted one, only back up. At that time I was going up and stopped on the last step and stood for so long, because I couldn’t get up and I even managed to take a nap there , as a result, in a dream, I somehow gathered my strength and got up, when I got up, I saw those same friends there, they were walking towards me, they lost me.
      In real life, I no longer communicate with half of my friends; I very rarely communicate with the other half.

      Hello, Tatyana! I remember that I was going up the steps and there was no railing, it was hard to walk (I have a bad leg in life) and I thought that it would be hard to get up, I decided to go around the other side and woke up. I had this dream on Friday. And with Saturday to Sunday I dreamed that I turned my head and saw a truck moving towards me, I got scared and lay down on the ground, finding myself between the wheels, the car passed, but didn’t hit me at all. I got up in some incomprehensible state: then either joy or fear from the experience. Thank you in advance.

      I went up the steps, and when I had to go down, I put my foot on the first step, and it went down. And so on all the steps. I take a step back and am scared. I go up to them again, and there are people sitting there, as if in a large hall, on the steps in smart suits, I put my foot on the step to go down, and it falls off and flies down, knocking down two people and they fly into the abyss.

      My daughter dreamed of a great-great-grandmother whom she had never seen. She dreamed that her great-great-grandmother was asking my daughter what her name was! by the sides and your great-great-grandmother went to your mother. And then she says, I go out into the kitchen, and there are dirty dishes, dressings, spoons, and my great-great-grandmother says to me, Yana, what are you doing here, and I say that I don’t see anything, that the dishes are dirty. And then after This is why I climbed the slat into the sky and saw the Mother of God and I told her, Lord God, bring me back, how can I bring me back???

      I moved to a new school in another city, all my old classmates were there, although I graduated from school myself 4 years ago. the school was large and very confusing, I was constantly lost, then when I came out my boyfriend came, kissed me on the cheeks, hugged me, I missed him, then I wanted to show him the school, we had to climb the plywood to the fourth floor, on the third floor they couldn’t find the stairs, and when We found there were so many of them, I couldn’t get up, it was very slippery, he helped me get up, held my legs, covered my skirt, etc.

      Hello, I dreamed that I was running up the steps in some large room, but the steps were like transitions of 3 4 steps, then you run and again, there was a lot of furniture, as if it were a restaurant, I also remember someone was running after me, but it was not scary I don’t remember what exactly I felt in the dream, I had a dream from Friday to Saturday, but this was not the first time, right in the dream I thought that I had already dreamed about this recently