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Information on issued permits for the extraction of wildlife objects. The procedure for issuing a permit for the extraction of objects of the animal world that are not classified as hunting resources and aquatic biological resources for issuing a permit for the extraction of objects of the animal world

/ Resolution "On the acquisition of wildlife objects classified as hunting objects"





In accordance with Article 40 of the Federal Law "On Fauna", the Government of the Russian Federation decides:

1. Approve the attached:

Rules for obtaining objects of the animal world classified as objects of hunting;

terms of obtaining objects of the animal world classified as objects of hunting;

a list of tools for obtaining objects of the animal world classified as hunting objects, permitted for use;

a list of methods for obtaining objects of the animal world classified as objects of hunting and permitted for use.

2. Recognize as invalid the Resolution of the Council of Ministers - Government of the Russian Federation of July 26, 1993 N 728 “On amateur and sport hunting in the Russian Federation” (Collection of Acts of the President and Government of the Russian Federation, 1993, N 31, Art. 2991).

Chairman of the Government
Russian Federation
Government Decree
Russian Federation
dated January 10, 2009 N 18




1. These Rules establish the procedure for obtaining objects of the animal world classified as objects of hunting (hereinafter referred to as objects of the animal world).

2. These Rules do not apply to relations related to the harvesting of wildlife objects that are located in specially protected natural areas, as well as the harvesting of which is carried out for the purpose of regulating their numbers, scientific, cultural, educational, educational, recreational and aesthetic purposes.

3. The terms used in these Rules mean the following:

a) “harvesting objects of the animal world” - hunting, including tracking for the purpose of production, pursuit and the actual production of objects of the animal world that are in a state of natural freedom, as well as being in the natural habitat of objects of the animal world with a loaded, uncovered hunting weapon;

b) “tools for obtaining objects of the animal world” - tools defined in accordance with the list of tools for obtaining objects of the animal world, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of January 10, 2009 N 18;

c) “hunting license” - a certificate for the right to hunt, confirming that citizens engaged in obtaining objects of the animal world have certain knowledge of hunting, safety precautions during hunting and handling tools for obtaining objects of the animal world and skills in these areas;

d) “hunting weapon” - hunting weapon defined by the Federal Law “On Weapons”;

e) “products of obtaining objects of the animal world” - obtained objects of the animal world, as well as meat, skins (skins), horns, bird eggs, down, feathers, internal organs and other parts of their bodies obtained from them;

f) “method of obtaining objects of the animal world” - a set of actions aimed at obtaining objects of the animal world;

g) “term for obtaining objects of the animal world” - an established period of time during which certain types of objects of the animal world can be obtained.

4. The right to obtain objects of the animal world belongs to:

a) citizens of the Russian Federation who have received a hunting license in accordance with the procedure established by the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation;

b) foreign citizens who have received permission to harvest wildlife in the manner established by the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation.

5. The procedure for issuing, replacing and canceling hunting tickets, as well as permits for foreign citizens to hunt wildlife, is established by the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation.

6. Harvesting of objects of wildlife, the removal of which from their habitat without a license is prohibited, is carried out under a personal one-time license for the use of objects of wildlife, issued by the executive body of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation, exercising powers to protect, control and regulate the use of objects of wildlife and the environment their habitats (hereinafter referred to as the license). The procedure for issuing, registration and form of a license are established by the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation.

The extraction of objects of the animal world, the removal of which from their habitat does not require a license, is carried out on the basis of a hunting license in compliance with the norms, quotas and limits for the acquisition of objects of the animal world established in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, within the terms of the acquisition of objects of the animal world approved by Government Decree Russian Federation dated January 10, 2009 N 18.

7. When hunting for objects of the animal world, persons are required to have a hunting ticket and license with them in the case established by the first paragraph of paragraph 6 of these Rules.

When obtaining objects of the animal world with the use of weapons, persons are required to also have a weapons permit in accordance with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation on weapons.

When transporting products obtained from obtaining objects of the animal world, you must have a license with you in the case established by the first paragraph of paragraph 6 of these Rules, which is a document confirming the legality of obtaining these products.

8. The acquisition of objects of the animal world can be carried out either by one person (individually) or by a group of persons (group acquisition of objects of the animal world - 2 or more people).

9. In case of group harvesting of wild ungulates and bears, the license must be held by the person responsible for the group harvesting, and in case of individual harvesting of wildlife objects, the license must be held by the person directly carrying out their harvesting.

10. The person responsible for the group hunting of wild ungulates and bears:

a) upon receipt of a license, checks the correctness of its execution;

b) before obtaining objects of the animal world, checks with all persons participating in their group extraction the availability and validity of hunting tickets and permits from internal affairs bodies for storing and carrying hunting weapons and does not allow persons who do not have the specified documents to participate in their extraction;

c) compiles a list of persons participating in the group acquisition of objects of the animal world (hereinafter referred to as the list of persons), indicating:
dates and places of obtaining objects of the animal world;
number of the license on the basis of which the extraction of wildlife objects will be carried out;
type of animal object to be harvested;
surname, name and patronymic of the citizen participating in the acquisition of objects of the animal world;
hunting license numbers of a citizen participating in the acquisition of wildlife objects;
numbers of permission from internal affairs bodies to store and carry hunting weapons issued to a citizen participating in the acquisition of wildlife;

d) conducts instruction with persons participating in the group acquisition of objects of the animal world on the safe handling of hunting firearms during a group acquisition, as well as the procedure for obtaining objects of the animal world, after which the person taking part in the group acquisition of objects of the animal world signs in the list of persons;

e) during the period of group acquisition of objects of the animal world, carries with him a list of persons;

f) after obtaining an object of animal life before the start of its cutting and (or) removal (removal), makes a note about the extraction and fills out a license;

g) in the event of an injury to an animal, before the start of further persecution, makes a note about the injury in the license and organizes further harvesting of the wounded animal, for which one day is allotted, not counting the day of injury; otherwise, fills out the license, indicating that the animal was not mined.

11. A person participating in the group harvest of wild ungulates and bears must have the documents provided for in paragraph 7 of these Rules.

12. When collecting objects of the animal world in a group, not specified in paragraph 9 of these Rules, a list of persons is not compiled.

13. When harvesting objects of the animal world not specified in paragraph 9 of these Rules, the removal of which from their habitat without a license is prohibited, the license is filled out before the start of transportation of the harvested products.

14. When individually obtaining objects of wildlife, the removal of which from their habitat without a license is prohibited, the license is filled out in accordance with subparagraph “e” of paragraph 10 and paragraph 13 of these Rules.

15. The harvest of bear cubs of the current year of birth and mother bears with cubs of the current year of birth is not carried out before going to the den.

When catching bears during and in the place of their winter hibernation (in a den), in the case of several bears in one den, all bears are killed.

16. Dogs of hunting breeds and birds of prey may be used to obtain objects of wildlife. The acquisition of objects of the animal world with dogs is carried out within the terms of obtaining objects of the animal world classified as objects of hunting.

Training (training and conditioning) of dogs of hunting breeds is carried out in accordance with the timing of obtaining objects of the animal world classified as objects of hunting.

Year-round training (training, conditioning) of dogs of hunting breeds is carried out in specially equipped places within the boundaries of territories provided to legal entities or individual entrepreneurs, in accordance with a long-term license for the use of wildlife objects.

17. The executive body of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation, exercising powers to protect, control and regulate the use of wildlife objects and their habitats, in agreement with the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation, has the right to adjust the timing of obtaining wildlife objects within 2 weeks earlier or 2 weeks later than established, taking into account changes in the timing of migration and reproductive cycles of animals due to changes in climatic conditions in a particular year.

18. Citizens belonging to the indigenous peoples of the North, Siberia and the Far East, to ethnic communities whose original culture and way of life include traditional methods of protection and use of wildlife, and their associations have the right to harvest wildlife in the territories of traditional settlement and economic activities during the calendar year.

19. Persons guilty of violating these Rules are liable in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Changes have also been made to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation. Thus, the procedure for presenting information on received and issued permits for the extraction of hunting resources has changed. We explain the main provisions.

Who issues permits for the extraction of hunting resources?
Since April 1, 2010, executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation have been issuing permits to individuals for the extraction of hunting resources. And legal entities and individual entrepreneurs who have entered into hunting agreements are provided with permit forms. They then issue these permits to individuals.

The basis is the Federal Law of July 24, 2009 N 209-FZ “On hunting and on the conservation of hunting resources and on amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation.”

There is a procedure for issuing permits for the extraction of hunting resources. It was approved by Order of the Russian Ministry of Natural Resources dated April 23, 2010 N 121.

What is included in the permit?
Permits are drawn up and issued by executive authorities, legal entities, and individual entrepreneurs. In this case, the permit specifies:
- last name, first name, patronymic of the hunter;
- details of the hunter’s main identification document;
- name and organizational and legal form of the legal entity, full name of the individual entrepreneur whose employee is the hunter, contact telephone number, postal address and (or) email address through which communication with this legal entity, individual entrepreneur is carried out (information is indicated in the case if the applicant is an employee of a legal entity, individual entrepreneur, performing duties related to hunting and conservation of hunting resources, on the basis of an employment or civil law contract);
- date of issue of the hunting license and its registration series and number;
- the type of hunting that is supposed to be carried out;
- information about extracted hunting resources;
- the amount of hunting resources produced;
- hunting dates and hunting locations.

What documents does an individual provide to obtain a permit?
Issuance of a permit is carried out on the basis of documents presented by an individual. This is a hunting license, the main document confirming identity, and a document confirming payment of a fee for the use of wildlife objects.

What information do wildlife users provide to the tax authority?
Bodies issuing permits submit to the tax authority at the place of their registration information about issued permits, the amount of the fee payable for each permit, as well as information about the deadlines for paying the fee. Deadline - no later than the 5th day of each month.

Information is presented according to the form. It was approved by Order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated February 26, 2006 N SAE-3-21/108@.
In addition, legal entities and individual entrepreneurs issue permits to individuals. They are also required to submit information about these permits to the tax authority. The Federal Tax Service of Russia recommends that they submit information using the above form.

Are individuals required to provide information?
There are individuals who use objects of the animal world. They do not provide information about the permits received for the extraction of wildlife, the amounts of fees payable, and the amounts of fees actually paid.

What is the procedure for paying a fee for the use of wildlife objects?
Permits for the extraction of hunting resources are issued:
1) an individual whose information is contained in the state hunting register, or a foreign citizen temporarily residing in the Russian Federation and who has entered into an agreement for the provision of services in the field of hunting, in cases of hunting:
a) in designated hunting areas - by a legal entity and an individual entrepreneur who have entered into hunting agreements;
b) in publicly accessible hunting grounds - by the executive authority of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation;
c) in specially protected natural areas - by environmental institutions provided for by the legislation on specially protected natural areas.
2) an individual hunter is treated as an employee of a legal entity or individual entrepreneur who performs duties related to hunting and preserving hunting resources on the basis of an employment or civil contract - a legal entity and an individual entrepreneur who have entered into hunting agreements.

The permit is issued on the basis of documents presented by the individual. This is a hunting license, the main document confirming identity, and a document confirming payment of a fee for the use of wildlife objects.

Thus, in designated hunting areas, legal entities and individual entrepreneurs who have entered into hunting agreements should be issued permits for the extraction of hunting resources only if there is a receipt for payment of the fee for the use of wildlife objects.

Legal entities and individual entrepreneurs who have entered into hunting agreements issue permits to individuals. After this, information is submitted to the local tax authorities. This is information about issued licenses (permits) for the use of wildlife objects. They are drawn up in the approved form only in accordance with section 2 or 2.1 “On licenses (permits) issued to individuals who are not individual entrepreneurs to use objects of the animal world, the amounts and terms of payment of fees for the use of objects of the animal world.”

How to return amounts of overpaid taxes, fees, penalties, fines?
Upon expiration of the validity period of the permit for the extraction of wildlife objects, organizations and individual entrepreneurs have the right to apply for a credit or refund of the fees for unrealized permits for the extraction of wildlife objects issued by the authorized body. To do this, contact the tax authority at the location of the authority that issued the permit.

Offset or refund of fee amounts for unrealized permits for the extraction of wildlife objects is carried out in the manner established by Chapter 12 of the Tax Code. For this purpose, relevant documents are submitted. Their list was approved by order of the Ministry of Taxes and Taxes of the Russian Federation dated July 23, 2004 No. SAE-3-21/438@.

Are penalties charged in case of late payment of fees for the use of wildlife facilities?
Payers of the fee for the use of wildlife objects are organizations and individuals, including individual entrepreneurs who receive a license (permit) to use wildlife objects on the territory of the Russian Federation.

Payers of fees are required to pay legally established fees, as well as bear other obligations established by legislation on taxes and fees.

The obligation to pay the fee must be fulfilled within the period established by the legislation on taxes and fees. In case of non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of the obligation to pay the fee, the tax authority sends a demand to the payer of the fee to pay the fee.

A penalty is charged for each calendar day of delay in fulfilling the obligation to pay a tax or fee.

Penalties can be collected forcibly from the funds of the fee payer in bank accounts, as well as from other property of the fee payer.

Let’s say that a legal entity and an individual entrepreneur who have entered into hunting agreements have issued permits for the extraction of hunting resources. At the same time, they were issued without confirmation of payment of the fee for the use of wildlife objects. This is a violation of paragraph 1 of Article 333.5 of the Tax Code and paragraph 20 of the Procedure for issuing permits for the extraction of hunting resources, approved by Order of the Ministry of Natural Resources of Russia dated April 23, 2010 No. 121. In case of late payment of the fee for the use of wildlife objects, penalties are assessed and collected.


On the acquisition of objects of the animal world classified as objects of hunting

In accordance with Article 40 of the Federal Law "On Fauna", the Government of the Russian Federation decides:

1. Approve the attached:

  • Rules for obtaining objects of the animal world classified as objects of hunting;
  • Terms of obtaining objects of the animal world classified as objects of hunting;
  • List of tools for obtaining objects of the animal world classified as hunting objects, permitted for use;
  • List of methods for obtaining objects of the animal world classified as objects of hunting and permitted for use.

2. Recognize as invalid Resolution of the Council of Ministers - Government of the Russian Federation of July 26, 1993 N 728 “On amateur and sport hunting in the Russian Federation” (Collection of Acts of the President and Government of the Russian Federation, 1993, N 31, Art. 2991).

Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation


Government Decree

Russian Federation


(as amended by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated February 25, 2009 No. 171)

1. These Rules establish the procedure for obtaining objects of the animal world classified as objects of hunting (hereinafter referred to as objects of the animal world).

2. These Rules do not apply to relations related to the extraction of wildlife objects that are located in specially protected natural areas, as well as the extraction of which is carried out for the purpose of regulating their numbers, scientific, cultural, educational, educational, recreational and aesthetic purposes.

The acquisition of objects of the animal world for the purposes of amateur and sport hunting is carried out in compliance with these Rules in hunting grounds in accordance with the voucher (permit) (hereinafter referred to as the voucher) issued by:

  • public hunting organizations, other legal entities and individuals - for hunting in areas in which hunting is carried out by these public hunting organizations, other legal entities and individuals;
  • executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation exercising powers to protect, control and regulate the use of wildlife and their habitats - for hunting in other hunting grounds.
    (paragraph introduced by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated February 25, 2009 N 171)

The form of the voucher is approved by the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation.
(paragraph introduced by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated February 25, 2009 N 171)

3. The terms used in these Rules mean the following:

A)“harvesting objects of the animal world” - hunting, including tracking for the purpose of production, pursuit and the actual production of objects of the animal world that are in a state of natural freedom, as well as being in the natural habitat of objects of the animal world with a loaded, uncovered hunting weapon;

b)“tools for obtaining objects of the animal world” - tools defined in accordance with the list of tools for obtaining objects of the animal world, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of January 10, 2009 No. 18;

V)“hunting license” - a certificate for the right to hunt, confirming that citizens engaged in obtaining objects of the animal world have certain knowledge of hunting, safety precautions for hunting and handling tools for obtaining objects of the animal world and skills in these areas;

G)“hunting weapon” - hunting weapon defined by the Federal Law “On Weapons”;

d)“products of obtaining objects of the animal world” - obtained objects of the animal world, as well as meat, skins (skins), horns, bird eggs, fluff, feathers, internal organs and other parts of their bodies obtained from them;

e)“method of obtaining objects of the animal world” - a set of actions aimed at obtaining objects of the animal world;

and)“term for obtaining objects of the animal world” is an established period of time during which certain types of objects of the animal world can be obtained.

4. The right to obtain objects of the animal world belongs to:

A) citizens of the Russian Federation who have received a hunting license in accordance with the procedure established by the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation. The acquisition of objects of the animal world is carried out for the purposes of amateur and sport hunting until July 1, 2011, also by citizens of the Russian Federation who have membership hunting tickets issued by public hunting organizations in the prescribed manner, including membership hunting tickets issued earlier in accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation Federation of July 26, 1993 N 728 “On amateur and sport hunting in the Russian Federation”;
(paragraph “a” as amended by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated February 25, 2009 N 171)

b) foreign citizens who have received permission to harvest wildlife in the manner established by the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation.

5. The procedure for issuing, replacing and canceling hunting tickets, as well as permits for foreign citizens to hunt wildlife, is established by the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation.

6. Harvesting of fauna objects, the removal of which from their habitat without a license is prohibited, is carried out under a personal one-time license for the use of fauna objects, issued by the executive body of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation exercising powers to protect, control and regulate the use of fauna objects and their habitats (hereinafter referred to as the license). The procedure for issuing, registration and form of a license are established by the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation.

The extraction of objects of the animal world, the removal of which from their habitat does not require a license, is carried out on the basis of a hunting license in compliance with the norms, quotas and limits for the acquisition of objects of the animal world established in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, within the terms of the acquisition of objects of the animal world approved by Government Decree Russian Federation dated January 10, 2009 N 18.

7. When hunting for objects of the animal world, persons are required to have a hunting ticket, voucher, as well as a license in the case established by the first paragraph of paragraph 6 of these Rules.
(as amended by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated February 25, 2009 N 171)

When obtaining objects of the animal world with the use of weapons, persons are required to also have a weapons permit in accordance with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation on weapons.

When transporting products obtained from obtaining objects of the animal world, you must have a license with you in the case established by the first paragraph of paragraph 6 of these Rules, which is a document confirming the legality of obtaining these products.

8. The acquisition of objects of the animal world can be carried out either by one person (individually) or by a group of persons (group acquisition of objects of the animal world - 2 or more people).

9. In the case of group harvesting of wild ungulates and bears, the license must be held by the person responsible for the group harvesting, and in the case of individual harvesting of wildlife objects, the license must be held by the person directly carrying out their harvesting.

10. The person responsible for the group hunting of wild ungulates and bears:

A) upon receipt of a license, checks its correctness;

b) before obtaining objects of the animal world, checks with all persons participating in their group extraction the availability and validity of hunting tickets and permits from internal affairs bodies for storing and carrying hunting weapons and does not allow persons who do not have the specified documents to participate in their extraction;

V) compiles a list of persons participating in the group acquisition of objects of the animal world (hereinafter referred to as the list of persons), indicating:

  • dates and places of obtaining objects of the animal world;
  • number of the license on the basis of which the extraction of wildlife objects will be carried out;
  • type of animal object to be harvested;
  • surname, name and patronymic of the citizen participating in the acquisition of objects of the animal world;
  • hunting license numbers of a citizen participating in the acquisition of wildlife objects;
  • numbers of permission from internal affairs bodies to store and carry hunting weapons issued to a citizen participating in the acquisition of wildlife;

G) conducts instructions to persons participating in the group acquisition of objects of the animal world on the safe handling of hunting firearms during group acquisition, as well as the procedure for obtaining objects of the animal world, after which the person taking part in the group acquisition of objects of the animal world signs the list persons;

d) during the period of group acquisition of objects of the animal world, carries with him a list of persons;

e) after obtaining an object of animal life before the start of its cutting and (or) removal (removal), makes a note about the extraction and fills out a license;

and) in the event of an injury to an animal, before the start of further persecution, he makes a note about the injury in the license and organizes further harvesting of the wounded animal, for which one day is allotted, not counting the day of injury; otherwise, he fills out the license, indicating that the animal was not obtained was.

11. A person participating in the group harvest of wild ungulates and bears is required to have the documents provided for in paragraph 7 of these Rules.

12. When collecting objects of the animal world in a group, not specified in paragraph 9 of these Rules, a list of persons is not compiled.

13. When harvesting objects of the animal world not specified in paragraph 9 of these Rules, the removal of which from their habitat without a license is prohibited, the license is filled out before the start of transportation of the harvested products.

14. When individually obtaining objects of wildlife, the removal of which from their habitat without a license is prohibited, the license is filled out in accordance with subparagraph "e" of paragraph 10 and paragraph 13 of these Rules.

15. Cubs of the current year of birth and female bears with cubs of the current year of birth are not collected before going to the den.

When catching bears during and in the place of their winter hibernation (in a den), in the case of several bears in one den, all bears are killed.

16. Hunting dogs and birds of prey can be used to obtain objects of the animal world.

The acquisition of objects of the animal world with dogs is carried out within the terms of obtaining objects of the animal world classified as objects of hunting.

Training (training and conditioning) of dogs of hunting breeds is carried out in accordance with the timing of obtaining objects of the animal world classified as objects of hunting.

Year-round training (training, conditioning) of dogs of hunting breeds is carried out in specially equipped places within the boundaries of territories provided to legal entities or individual entrepreneurs, in accordance with a long-term license for the use of wildlife objects.

17. The executive body of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation, exercising powers to protect, control and regulate the use of wildlife and their habitats, in agreement with the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation, has the right to adjust the timing of obtaining wildlife within 2 weeks earlier or 2 weeks later than established timing, taking into account changes in the timing of migration and reproductive cycles of animals due to changes in climatic conditions in a particular year.

18. Citizens belonging to the indigenous peoples of the North, Siberia and the Far East, to ethnic communities whose original culture and way of life include traditional methods of protection and use of wildlife, and their associations have the right to harvest wildlife in the territories of traditional settlement and economic activities during the calendar year.

19. Persons guilty of violating these Rules are liable in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of January 10, 2009 N 18


Object of the animal world classified asobject of hunting Mining time Subjects of the Russian Federation
I. Wild ungulates
Northwestern Federal District
1. Elk
all age and gender groups October 1 - December 31 Republic of Karelia, Arkhangelsk region, Vologda region, Leningrad region, Murmansk region, Novgorod region, Pskov region, Nenets Autonomous Okrug
males during the rut August 25 - September 30
all age and gender groups October 1 - January 15 Komi Republic
males during the rut August 25 - September 30
all age and gender groups October 15 - December 31 Kaliningrad region
males during the rut August 25 - October 14
2. Sika deer
all age and gender groups October 1 - December 31 in habitats
males during the rut September 15 - October 31
3. Red deer
all age and gender groups October 1 - December 31 Leningrad region
males during the rut September 15 - October 15
all age and gender groups October 1 - December 31 Kaliningrad region
males during the rut August 25 - September 30
4. Roe deer
all age and gender groups October 15 - December 31 Leningrad region, Novgorod region, Pskov region
males during the rut July 15 - August 15
adult males June 10 - June 20
males May 15 - October 31 Kaliningrad region
females and young of the year October 15 - December 31
5. Boar
all sex and age groups, with the exception of females having offspring of the current year
June 1 - December 31 Republic of Karelia, Komi Republic, Arkhangelsk region, Vologda region, Kaliningrad region, Leningrad region, Novgorod region, Pskov region
females having offspring of the current year October 1 - December 31
January 1 - February 28 (29)
6. Wild reindeer
all age and gender groups October 1 - February 28 (29) Komi Republic, Arkhangelsk region, Murmansk region
all age and gender groups November 1 - December 31 Republic of Karelia
all age and gender groups August 1 - February 28 (29) Nenets Autonomous Okrug
Central Federal District
7. Hybrids of bison with bison and livestock
all age and gender groups October 1 - December 31 in habitats
8. Moose
all age and gender groups October 15 - December 31 Belgorod region, Bryansk region, Vladimir region, Voronezh region, Ivanovo region, Kaluga region, Kostroma region, Kursk region, Lipetsk region, Oryol region, Ryazan region, Smolensk region, Tver region, Tula region, Yaroslavl region
males during the rut August 25 - September 30
all age and gender groups October 1 - December 31 Moscow region, Tambov region
males during the rut August 25 - September 30
9. Red deer
all age and gender groups October 1 - December 31 in habitats
males during the rut September 15 - October 15
10. Sika deer
all age and gender groups October 1 - December 31 in habitats
males during the rut September 15 - October 31
11. Roe deer
all age and gender groups October 15 - December 31 Belgorod region, Bryansk region, Vladimir region, Voronezh region, Ivanovo region, Kaluga region, Kostroma region, Kursk region, Lipetsk region, Moscow region, Oryol region, Ryazan region, Smolensk region, Tver region, Tula region, Yaroslavl region
males during the rut July 1 - August 15
adult males June 10 - June 20
all age and gender groups October 1 - December 31 Tambov Region
males during the rut July 15 - August 15
adult males June 10 - June 20
12. Mouflon
all age and gender groups October 1 - December 31 in habitats
13. Doe
all age and gender groups October 1 - December 31 in habitats
males during the rut September 15 - October 31
14. Boar
all sex and age groups, with the exception of females having offspring of the current year June 1 - December 31 Belgorod region, Bryansk region, Vladimir region, Voronezh region, Ivanovo region, Kaluga region, Kostroma region, Kursk region, Lipetsk region, Moscow region, Oryol region, Ryazan region, Smolensk region, Tambov region, Tver region, Tula region, Yaroslavl region
October 1 - December 31
age - up to one year (in areas provided for long-term use of wildlife objects) January 1 - February 28 (29)
Volga Federal District
15. Hybrids of bison with bison and livestock
all age and gender groups October 1 - December 31 in habitats
16. Moose
all age and gender groups November 1 - December 31 Republic of Bashkortostan, Republic of Mari El, Republic of Mordovia, Republic of Tatarstan, Udmurt Republic, Chuvash Republic, Kirov Region, Orenburg Region, Samara Region, Ulyanovsk Region
males during the rut August 25 - September 30
all age and gender groups October 1 - December 31 Penza region, Nizhny Novgorod region
males during the rut August 25 - September 30
all age and gender groups October 15 - December 31 Perm region
males during the rut August 25 - September 30
all age and gender groups October 15 - December 31 Saratov region
males during the rut September 20 - October 31
17. Red deer
all age and gender groups November 1 - December 31 Republic of Bashkortostan, Orenburg region, Samara region
males during the rut August 25 - September 30
all age and gender groups October 1 - December 31
males during the rut August 25 - September 30
all age and gender groups November 1 - December 31 Saratov region
males during the rut September 20 - October 31
18. Sika deer
all age and gender groups November 1 - December 31 The Republic of Mordovia
males during the rut September 15 - October 31
all age and gender groups October 1 - December 31 Nizhny Novgorod region, Penza region
males during the rut September 15 - October 31
all age and gender groups October 1 - December 31 Saratov region
males during the rut September 20 - October 31
19. Siberian roe deer
all age and gender groups October 1 - December 31 in habitats
males during the rut August 25 - September 30
20. European roe deer
all age and gender groups October 1 - December 31 in habitats (except for the Orenburg region)
males during the rut July 15 - August 15
adult males June 10 - June 20
all age and gender groups October 1 - December 31 Orenburg region
males during the rut August 1 - August 31
adult males June 10 - June 20
21. Doe
all age and gender groups October 1 - December 31 in habitats
males during the rut September 15 - October 31
22. Boar
June 1 - December 31 Republic of Bashkortostan, Republic of Mari El, Republic of Mordovia, Republic of Tatarstan, Udmurt Republic, Chuvash Republic, Perm Territory, Kirov Region, Nizhny Novgorod Region, Orenburg Region, Penza Region, Samara Region, Saratov Region, Ulyanovsk Region
females having offspring of the current year October 1 - December 31
January 1 - February 28 (29)
Southern Federal District
23. Hybrids of bison with bison and livestock
all age and gender groups October 1 - December 31 in habitats
24. Moose
all age and gender groups November 1 - December 31 Astrakhan region, Volgograd region, Rostov region
males during the rut August 20 - September 30
25. Sika deer
all age and gender groups October 1 - December 31 in habitats
males during the rut September 15 - October 31
26. Red deer
all age and gender groups October 1 - December 31
males during the rut September 15 - October 15
27. European roe deer
all age and gender groups October 1 - December 31 in habitats
males during the rut July 15 - August 15
adult males June 10 - June 20
28. Siberian roe deer
all age and gender groups October 1 - December 31 in habitats
males during the rut August 25 - September 30
29. Chamois
all age and gender groups August 1 - November 30 in habitats
30. Tours
males 10 years and older April 15 - May 15 Republic of Dagestan, Republic of Ingushetia, Kabardino-Balkarian Republic, Karachay-Cherkess Republic, Krasnodar Territory
adult males July 15 - November 30
all age and gender groups September 1 - November 30
males 10 years and older April 15 - May 15
adult males July 15 - November 30
all age and gender groups October 1 - December 31
31. Saiga
all age and gender groups October 1 - December 31 in habitats
32. Boar
all sex and age groups, with the exception of females having offspring of the current year June 1 - December 31 Republic of Adygea, Republic of Dagestan, Republic of Ingushetia, Kabardino-Balkarian Republic, Republic of Kalmykia, Karachay-Cherkess Republic, Republic of North Ossetia - Alania, Chechen Republic, Krasnodar Territory, Stavropol Territory, Astrakhan Region, Volgograd Region, Rostov Region
females having offspring of the current year October 1 - December 31
age - up to one year (in areas provided for long-term use of wildlife objects) January 1 - February 28 (29)
33. Mouflon
all age and gender groups October 1 - December 31 in habitats
Ural federal district
34. Moose
all age and gender groups October 1 - December 31 Kurgan region
males during the rut August 20 - September 30
all age and gender groups November 15 - December 31 Sverdlovsk region, Chelyabinsk region
males during the rut August 20 - September 30
all age and gender groups October 1 - January 15 Tyumen region, Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Ugra,
males during the rut August 20 - September 30
35. Siberian roe deer
all age and gender groups October 1 - December 31 Kurgan region, Sverdlovsk region, Tyumen region
males during the rut August 25 - September 30
all age and gender groups November 15 - December 31 Chelyabinsk region
males during the rut August 25 - September 30
36. Boar
all sex and age groups, with the exception of females having offspring of the current year June 1 - December 31 Kurgan region, Sverdlovsk region, Tyumen region, Chelyabinsk region
females having offspring of the current year October 1 - December 31
age - up to one year (in areas provided for long-term use of wildlife objects) January 1 - February 28 (29)
37. Wild reindeer
all age and gender groups October 1 - February 28 (29) Tyumen region
all age and gender groups August 1 - February 28 (29) Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Yugra, Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug
38. Muskox
all age and gender groups August 15 - December 31 in habitats
Siberian Federal District
39. Muskox
all age and gender groups August 15 - December 31 in habitats
40. Moose
all age and gender groups October 1 - January 15 Republic of Altai, Republic of Buryatia, Republic of Tyva, Altai Territory, Transbaikal Territory, Krasnoyarsk Territory, Irkutsk Region, Kemerovo Region, Novosibirsk Region, Omsk Region
males during the rut August 20 - September 30
all age and gender groups October 1 - January 15 The Republic of Khakassia
males during the rut September 10 - October 10
all age and gender groups November 1 - January 15 Tomsk region
males during the rut August 20 - September 30
41. Red deer
all age and gender groups October 1 - January 15
males during the rut September 1 - October 10
males with unossified horns (antlers) June 1 - July 15
42. Siberian roe deer
all age and gender groups October 1 - January 15 Republic of Buryatia, Republic of Khakassia, Altai Territory, Transbaikal Territory, Krasnoyarsk Territory, Irkutsk Region, Kemerovo Region, Novosibirsk Region, Omsk Region, Tomsk Region
males during the rut August 25 - September 30
all age and gender groups October 1 - December 31 Altai Republic, Tyva Republic
males during the rut August 1 - September 15
43. Siberian mountain goat
all age and gender groups October 1 - December 31 Altai Republic, Krasnoyarsk Territory
adult males August 20 - December 31
all age and gender groups October 1 - December 31 Tyva Republic
adult males August 20 - December 31
males aged 10 years and older May 1 - May 31
44. Wild reindeer
all age and gender groups October 1 - February 28 (29) Republic of Altai, Republic of Buryatia, Republic of Tyva, Republic of Khakassia, Altai Territory, Transbaikal Territory, Krasnoyarsk Territory, Irkutsk Region, Kemerovo Region, Novosibirsk Region, Omsk Region, Tomsk Region
all age and sex groups of the North Baikal and Taimyr populations August 1 - February 28 (29) Republic of Buryatia, Krasnoyarsk Territory
adult animals with non-ossified horns (antlers) of the Taimyr population June 15 - July 20 Krasnoyarsk region
45. Boar
all sex and age groups, with the exception of females having offspring of the current year June 1 - December 31 Republic of Altai, Republic of Buryatia, Republic of Tyva, Republic of Khakassia, Altai Territory, Transbaikal Territory, Krasnoyarsk Territory, Irkutsk Region, Kemerovo Region, Novosibirsk Region, Omsk Region, Tomsk Region
females having offspring of the current year October 1 - December 31
age - up to one year (in areas provided for long-term use of wildlife objects) January 1 - February 28 (29)
46. ​​Musk deer
all age and gender groups November 1 - December 31 Republic of Altai, Republic of Buryatia, Republic of Khakassia, Altai Territory, Transbaikal Territory, Krasnoyarsk Territory, Irkutsk Region
all age and gender groups October 20 - January 15 Tyva Republic
Far Eastern Federal District
47. Muskox
all age and gender groups August 15 - December 31 in habitats
48. Moose
all age and gender groups October 1 - January 15 Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), Kamchatka Territory, Primorsky Territory, Khabarovsk Territory, Amur Region, Magadan Region, Sakhalin Region, Jewish Autonomous Region, Chukotka Autonomous Okrug
males during the rut August 20 - September 30
49. Red deer
all age and gender groups October 1 - January 15 Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), Kamchatka Territory, Primorsky Territory, Khabarovsk Territory, Amur Region, Magadan Region, Jewish Autonomous Region, Chukotka Autonomous Okrug
males during the rut September 1 - October 10
June 1 - July 15
all age and gender groups October 1 - December 31 Sakhalin region
males during the rut September 15 - October 15
males with unossified horns (antlers) June 1 - July 15
50. Sika deer
all age and gender groups October 1 - January 15 Primorsky Krai
males during the rut September 15 - October 31
males with unossified horns (antlers) June 1 - July 15
51. Siberian roe deer
all age and gender groups October 1 - January 15 The Republic of Sakha (Yakutia),
males during the rut August 20 - September 30
52. Boar
all sex and age groups, with the exception of females having offspring of the current year June 1 - December 31 Primorsky Territory, Khabarovsk Territory, Amur Region, Jewish Autonomous Region
females having offspring of the current year October 1 - December 31
age - up to one year (in areas provided for long-term use of wildlife objects) January 1 - February 28 (29)
53. Musk deer
all age and gender groups November 1 - December 31 Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), Primorsky Territory, Amur Region, Sakhalin Region, Jewish Autonomous Region
all age and gender groups October 1 - February 28 (29) Khabarovsk region
54. Wild reindeer
all age and gender groups August 1 - February 28 (29) Primorsky Territory, Khabarovsk Territory, Magadan Region, Sakhalin Region, Jewish Autonomous Region, Chukotka Autonomous Okrug
all age and gender groups October 1 - February 28 (29) Amur region
all sex and age groups, with the exception of the Bering Island population August 1 - February 28 (29) Kamchatka Krai
all sex and age groups of the Bering Island population October 1 - December 31 Kamchatka Krai
all age and gender groups August 1 - February 28 (29) Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), excluding Arctic regions
all age and gender groups August 1 - March 31 Arctic regions of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)
55. Bighorn sheep
all age and gender groups August 1 to November 30 Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), Kamchatka Territory, Khabarovsk Territory, Magadan Region
II. The Bears
56. Brown bear in spring April 17 - May 15 Republic of Karelia
May 1 - May 31 Komi Republic
April 20 - May 20 Arhangelsk region
April 15 - May 15 Murmansk region
March 25 - April 25 Smolensk region
April 15 - May 9 Kirov region
May 5 - June 5
May 10 - June 10 Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug
May 1 - May 31 Tyumen region
April 15 - May 15 The Republic of Buryatia
April 20 - May 20 Altai region
April 20 - May 20 Altai Republic
April 20 - May 20 Tyva Republic
April 15 - May 15 The Republic of Khakassia
April 15 - May 15 Krasnoyarsk Territory, with the exception of the northern regions
May 20 - June 20 northern regions of the Krasnoyarsk Territory
April 24 - May 24 Irkutsk region
April 20 - May 20 Kemerovo region
April 15 - May 15 Transbaikal region
April 20 - May 20 Tomsk region
April 25 - May 25 Kamchatka Krai
April 25 - May 25 Magadan region, with the exception of Olsky and Omsukchansky districts
May 1 - June 1 Olsky and Omsukchansky districts of the Magadan region
April 20 - May 20 southern part of the Sakhalin region
May 1 - June 1 northern part of the Sakhalin region
April 15 - May 15 Khabarovsk Territory, with the exception of Okhotsk, Ayano-Maisky and Tuguro-Chumikansky districts
May 10 - June 10 Okhotsk, Ayano-Maisky and Tuguro-Chumikansky districts of Khabarovsk Territory
April 15 - May 15 Jewish Autonomous Region
May 10 - June 10 Chukotka Autonomous Okrug
May 10 - June 10 The Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)
57. Brown bear in summer-autumn and autumn-winter periods August 1 - February 28 (29) Republic of Karelia, Komi Republic, Arkhangelsk region, Vologda region, Kaliningrad region, Leningrad region, Novgorod region, Pskov region, Nenets Autonomous Okrug
September 1 - December 31 Murmansk region
August 1 - February 28 (29) Belgorod region, Bryansk region, Vladimir region, Voronezh region, Kaluga region, Kostroma region, Kursk region, Moscow region, Lipetsk region, Oryol region, Ryazan region, Tambov region, Tula region
August 1 - November 31 Ivanovo region, Tver region
August 1 - December 31
August 15 - December 31 Republic of Bashkortostan, Orenburg region
August 1 - February 28 (29) Republic of Mari El, Republic of Mordovia, Republic of Tatarstan, Udmurt Republic, Chuvash Republic, Perm Territory, Kirov Region, Nizhny Novgorod Region, Penza Region, Samara Region, Saratov Region, Ulyanovsk Region
August 1 - December 31 Republic of Adygea, Republic of Dagestan, Republic of Ingushetia, Kabardino-Balkarian Republic, Republic of Kalmykia, Krasnodar Territory, Stavropol Territory, Astrakhan Region, Volgograd Region, Rostov Region
November 1 - December 31 Karachay-Cherkess Republic
October 1 - December 31 Republic of North Ossetia - Alania, Chechen Republic
August 1 - February 28 (29) Kurgan region, Sverdlovsk region, Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug
August 1 - December 31 Tyumen region, Chelyabinsk region, Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Ugra
August 1 - February 28 (29) Republic of Buryatia, Altai Territory, Krasnoyarsk Territory, Novosibirsk Region, Omsk Region, Tomsk Region
October 1 - February 28 (29) Republic of Tyva, Trans-Baikal Territory
Republic of Khakassia, Irkutsk region
September 1 - December 31 Altai Republic, Kemerovo region
August 1 - December 31 Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), Primorsky Krai
August 20 - February 28 (29) Kamchatka Territory, Khabarovsk Territory, Magadan Region, Sakhalin Region, Jewish Autonomous Region, Chukotka Autonomous Okrug
August 1 - February 28 (29) Amur region
58. Himalayan (white-breasted) bear in the summer-autumn and autumn-winter periods August 1 - December 31 Primorsky Krai
August 20 - February 28 (29) Khabarovsk Territory, Jewish Autonomous Region
August 1 - February 28 (29) Amur region
III. Feathered game in the spring, summer-autumn and autumn-winter periods
59. Feathered game in the spring (male black grouse, wood grouse, woodcock, drake ducks, geese) Republic of Karelia
southern areas - from the 1st Saturday of May, central areas - from the 2nd Saturday of May, northern areas - from the 3rd Saturday of May Komi Republic
southern areas - from the 4th Saturday of April, northern areas - from the 1st Saturday of May Arhangelsk region
southern areas - from the 4th Saturday of April, northern areas - from the 1st Saturday of May Vologda Region
from the 4th Saturday of March Kaliningrad region
Leningrad region
from the 4th Saturday of April Murmansk region
southern areas - from the 2nd Saturday of April, northern areas - from the 3rd Saturday of April Novgorod region
southern areas - from the 2nd Saturday of April, northern areas - from the 3rd Saturday of April Pskov region
southern areas - from the 4th Saturday of April, northern areas - from the 1st Saturday of May Nenets Autonomous Okrug
from the 4th Saturday of March Belgorod region
Bryansk region
from the 2nd Saturday of April Vladimir region
from the 4th Saturday of March Voronezh region
from the 3rd Saturday of April Ivanovo region
from the 1st Saturday of April Kaluga region
southern areas - from the 3rd Saturday of April, northern areas - from the 4th Saturday of April
Kostroma region
from the 3rd Saturday of March Kursk region
from the 3rd Saturday of March Lipetsk region
southern areas - from the 2nd Saturday of April, northern areas - from the 3rd Saturday of April Moscow region
Oryol Region
southern areas - from the 1st Saturday of April, northern areas - from the 2nd Saturday of April Ryazan Oblast
from the 1st Saturday of April Smolensk region
southern regions - from the 4th Saturday of March, northern regions - from the 1st Saturday of April Tambov Region
southern areas - from the 2nd Saturday of April, northern areas - from the 3rd Saturday of April Tver region
southern areas - from the 1st Saturday of April, northern areas - from the 2nd Saturday of April Tula region
from the 3rd Saturday of April Yaroslavl region
from the 3rd Saturday of April Republic of Bashkortostan
from the 3rd Saturday of April Mari El Republic
from the 2nd Saturday of April The Republic of Mordovia
from the 3rd Saturday of April Republic of Tatarstan
southern areas - from the 2nd Saturday of April, northern areas - from the 3rd Saturday of April Republic of Udmurtia
southern areas - from the 2nd Saturday of April, northern areas - from the 3rd Saturday of April Chuvash Republic
Kirov region
southern areas - from the 2nd Saturday of April, northern areas - from the 3rd Saturday of April Nizhny Novgorod Region
southern areas - from the 2nd Saturday of April, northern areas - from the 3rd Saturday of April Orenburg region
southern areas - from the 2nd Saturday of April, northern areas - from the 3rd Saturday of April Penza region
southern areas - from the 4th Saturday of April, northern areas - from the 1st Saturday of May Perm region
southern areas - from the 1st Saturday of April, northern areas - from the 2nd Saturday of April Samara Region
the left bank part of the region - from the 4th Saturday of March, the right bank part of the region - from the 1st Saturday of April Saratov region
the left bank part of the region - from the 2nd Saturday of April, the right bank part of the region - from the 3rd Saturday of April Ulyanovsk region
from the 4th Saturday of March Republic of Adygea
from the 4th Saturday of February The Republic of Dagestan
from the 4th Saturday of March The Republic of Ingushetia
from the 4th Saturday of March
Kabardino-Balkarian Republic
from the 4th Saturday of February Republic of Kalmykia
from the 4th Saturday of March Karachay-Cherkess Republic
from the 4th Saturday of March Republic of North Ossetia - Alania
from the 4th Saturday of March Chechen Republic
from the 2nd Saturday of March Krasnodar region
from the 2nd Saturday of March Stavropol region
from the 2nd Saturday of March Astrakhan region
southern areas - from the 2nd Saturday of March, central areas - from the 3rd Saturday of March, northern areas - from the 4th Saturday of March
Volgograd region
from the 4th Saturday of March Rostov region
from the 4th Saturday of April Kurgan region
southern areas - from the 4th Saturday of April, northern areas - from the 1st Saturday of May Sverdlovsk region
from the 4th Saturday of April Tyumen region
Chelyabinsk region
southern regions - from the 3rd Saturday of April, central regions - from the 4th Saturday of April, northern regions - from the 1st Saturday of May Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Ugra
southern areas - from the 2nd Saturday of May, central areas - from the 3rd Saturday of May, northern areas - from the 1st Saturday of June Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug
The Republic of Buryatia
from the 4th Saturday of April Altai Republic
from the 4th Saturday of April Tyva Republic
from the 1st Saturday of May The Republic of Khakassia
from the 3rd Saturday of April Altai region

Taimyr: southern regions - from the 4th Saturday of May, northern regions - from the 1st Saturday of June

Evenkia: southern regions - from the 2nd Saturday of May, northern regions - from the 3rd Saturday of May

other areas: southern areas - from the 4th Saturday of April, northern areas - from the 1st Saturday of May

Krasnoyarsk region
southern areas - from the 1st Saturday of May, northern areas - from the 2nd Saturday of May Irkutsk region
from the 4th Saturday of April Kemerovo region
from the 3rd Saturday of April Novosibirsk region
southern areas - from the 3rd Saturday of April, northern areas - from the 4th Saturday of April Omsk region
southern areas - from the 1st Saturday of May, northern areas - from the 2nd Saturday of May Tomsk region
from the 4th Saturday of April Transbaikal region
southern areas - from the 2nd Saturday of May, northern areas - from the 3rd Saturday of May The Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)
southern areas - from the 4th Saturday of March, northern areas - from the 2nd Saturday of April Primorsky Krai
Khabarovsk region
southern areas - from the 4th Saturday of April, northern areas - from the 1st Saturday of May Amur region
southern areas - from the 4th Saturday of April, central areas - from the 1st Saturday of May, northern areas - from the 2nd Saturday of May Kamchatka Krai
southern areas - from the 1st Saturday of May, northern areas - from the 2nd Saturday of May Magadan Region
from the 1st Saturday of May Sakhalin region
from the 4th Saturday of April
from the 3rd Saturday of May Chukotka Autonomous Okrug
60. Upland game in the summer-autumn and autumn-winter periods 1st Saturday of August - February 28 (29) (woodcock - to November 10) Irkutsk region
2nd Saturday of August - December 31 (woodcock - to October 31) Kemerovo region, Kurgan region
3rd Saturday of August - February 28 (29) (woodcock - to November 30) Republic of Karelia, Belgorod region, Bryansk region, Voronezh region, Ivanovo region, Kaliningrad region, Kirov region, Kostroma region, Pskov region
Republic of Adygea, Moscow region, Oryol region, Penza region
Republic of Ingushetia, Kabardino-Balkarian Republic, Karachay-Cherkess Republic, Chechen Republic, Stavropol Territory
2nd Saturday of August - February 28 (29) (woodcock - to November 30) Kaluga region, Tver region, Nizhny Novgorod region
3rd Saturday of August - October 31 (woodcock - to November 30) Republic of Udmurtia
Republic of Mordovia, Republic of North Ossetia - Alania, Kursk region, Lipetsk region, Orenburg region, Samara region, Saratov region, Tula region, Ulyanovsk region
3rd Saturday of August - December 31 (woodcock - to October 31)
Sverdlovsk region
3rd Saturday of August - December 31 (woodcock - to November 15) Perm region
3rd Saturday of August - December 31 (woodcock - to November 30) Republic of Bashkortostan, Republic of Mari El
3rd Saturday of August - February 28 (29) (woodcock - to October 31)
Novosibirsk region, Omsk region
3rd Saturday of August - February 28 (29) (woodcock - to November 15) Novgorod region, Komi Republic, Leningrad region
3rd Saturday of August - 28 (29) February Kamchatka Krai
4th Saturday of August - 15 November Vladimir region
Ryazan region, Tambov region
Volgograd region
4th Saturday of August - December 31 (woodcock - to October 31)
Altai region
4th Saturday of August - December 31 (woodcock to November 30) Smolensk region, Yaroslavl region
4th Saturday of August - January 31 (woodcock - to October 31)
Altai Republic, Chelyabinsk region
4th Saturday of August - January 31 (woodcock - to November 15) The Republic of Khakassia
4th Saturday of August - 28 (29) February Krasnoyarsk Territory (Taimyr and Evenkia regions), Nenets Autonomous Okrug
4th Saturday of August - February 28 (29) (woodcock - to October 31) Republic of Buryatia, Trans-Baikal Territory, Krasnoyarsk Territory (except for the regions of Taimyr and Evenkia), Tomsk Region
4th Saturday of August - February 28 (29) (woodcock - to November 15) Arkhangelsk region, Vologda region, Murmansk region
Magadan Region
3rd Saturday of September - December 31 (woodcock - from the 3rd Saturday of August to November 30) Sakhalin region
3rd Saturday of September - February 28 (29) (woodcock - from the 3rd Saturday of August to October 15) The Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)
The Republic of Dagestan
4th Saturday of September - 31 December Tyumen region
4th Saturday of September - 28 (29) February
Chukotka Autonomous Okrug
4th Saturday of September - February 28 (29) (woodcock - from the 1st Saturday of September to November 30) Primorsky Territory, Khabarovsk Territory, Amur Region, Jewish Autonomous Region
2nd Saturday of October - 30 November Krasnodar region, Rostov region
2nd Saturday of October - 31 January Tyva Republic
61. Swamp-meadow and waterfowl in the summer-autumn and autumn-winter periods 1st Saturday of August - 31 October Khabarovsk Territory, Jewish Autonomous Region
2nd Saturday of August - 31 October Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), Amur Region, Kurgan Region, Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug
2nd Saturday of August - 15 November Komi Republic, Vologda region, Leningrad region, Novgorod region
2nd Saturday of August - 30 November Republic of Adygea, Republic of Karelia, Bryansk region, Kaliningrad region, Kaluga region, Moscow region, Nizhny Novgorod region, Oryol region, Penza region, Pskov region
2nd Saturday of August - 31 December Republic of Ingushetia, Kabardino-Balkarian Republic, Republic of Kalmykia, Karachay-Cherkess Republic, Chechen Republic, Stavropol Territory, Astrakhan Region
3rd Saturday of August - 31 October Republic of Mari El, Republic of Mordovia, Republic of Udmurtia, Kamchatka Territory, Kemerovo Region, Novosibirsk Region, Omsk Region, Sverdlovsk Region, Tomsk Region
Republic of Tatarstan, Republic of Khakassia, Belgorod region, Vladimir region
Republic of Bashkortostan, Republic of Chuvashia, Perm Territory, Voronezh Region, Ivanovo Region, Kirov Region, Kostroma Region, Kursk Region, Lipetsk Region, Orenburg Region, Ryazan Region, Samara Region, Saratov Region, Smolensk Region, Tambov Region, Tver Region, Tula Region , Ulyanovsk region, Yaroslavl region, Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Yugra
3rd Saturday of September - 31 December Rostov region
4th Saturday of August - 15 October Trans-Baikal Territory, Magadan Region
Republic of Altai, Republic of Buryatia, Republic of Tyva, Altai Territory, Krasnoyarsk Territory, Tyumen Region
4th Saturday of August - 15 November Arkhangelsk region, Irkutsk region, Murmansk region, Nenets Autonomous Okrug, Chelyabinsk region
4th Saturday of August - 30 November Sakhalin region
4th Saturday of August - 15 December Volgograd region
Republic of Dagestan, Krasnodar region
4th Saturday of September - 31 January
September 1 - October 10 Chukotka Autonomous Okrug
1st Saturday of September - 30 November Primorsky Krai
62. Steppe and field game in the summer-autumn and autumn-winter periods 2nd Saturday of August - 28 (29) February Republic of Karelia, Komi Republic, Belgorod region, Bryansk region, Vologda region, Kaliningrad region, Leningrad region, Nizhny Novgorod region, Novgorod region, Yaroslavl region
2nd Saturday of August - February 28 (29) (gray partridge - until November 30)
Pskov region
4th Saturday of August - 28 (29) February Republic of Buryatia, Krasnoyarsk region, Arkhangelsk region, Volgograd region, Irkutsk region, Murmansk region, Tomsk region
4th Saturday of August - 31 March Nenets Autonomous Okrug
3rd Saturday of August - 15 November Perm region, Vladimir region
2nd Saturday of August - November 30 (gray partridge - from September 15 to November 1) Voronezh region
3rd Saturday of August - February 28 (29) (partridge - until November 30) Ivanovo region
2nd Saturday of August - 30 November Republic of Adygea, Kaluga region, Moscow region, Oryol region, Penza region, Kurgan region
2nd Saturday of August - 30 November (pheasant - 2nd Saturday of October) Krasnodar region, Rostov region
3rd Saturday of August - 31 December Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug
3rd Saturday of August - 30 November Republic of Bashkortostan, Republic of Mari El, Republic of Mordovia, Republic of North Ossetia - Alania, Republic of Udmurtia, Kostroma Region, Kursk Region, Lipetsk Region, Orenburg Region, Ryazan Region, Samara Region, Saratov Region, Smolensk Region, Tambov Region, Tula Region, Ulyanovsk region
4th Saturday of August - 30 November Republic of Tatarstan, Republic of Chuvashia
4th Saturday of September - 20 January The Republic of Dagestan
2nd Saturday of August - 31 December Republic of Ingushetia, Kabardino-Balkarian Republic, Republic of Kalmykia, Karachay-Cherkess Republic, Chechen Republic, Stavropol Territory, Kemerovo Region
2nd Saturday of September - 28 (29) February Astrakhan region
3rd Saturday of August - December 31 (with birds of prey - to February 28 (29))
Sverdlovsk region
October 1 - February 15 Tyumen region
4th Saturday of August - 31 January Altai Republic, Chelyabinsk region
3rd Saturday of August - 31 December Republic of Khakassia, Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Ugra
October 15 - January 31 Tyva Republic
4th Saturday of August - 31 October Altai region
3rd Saturday of August - 28 (29) February Kamchatka region, Kirov region, Novosibirsk region, Omsk region, Tver region
4th Saturday of August - 15 February Transbaikal region
3rd Saturday of September - 15 February The Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)
1st Saturday of September - October 15 (pheasant - October 15 - November 20) Primorsky Krai
October 1 - February 20 (pheasant - October 1 - November 30) Khabarovsk region
October 1 - November 30 Amur region
Magadan Region
September 20 - December 31 Sakhalin region
October 1 - February 20 (pheasant - October 15 - December 1) Jewish Autonomous Region
October 1 - February 28 (29) Chukotka Autonomous Okrug
63. Mountain game in the summer-autumn and autumn-winter periods 2nd Saturday of August - 30 November Republic of Adygea
2nd Saturday of August - 31 December Republic of Ingushetia, Kabardino-Balkarian Republic, Karachay-Cherkess Republic, Chechen Republic
3rd Saturday of August - 30 November Republic of North Ossetia - Alania
4th Saturday of August - 30 November The Republic of Buryatia
4th Saturday of September - 20 January The Republic of Dagestan
October 1 - November 30 Altai Republic, Tyva Republic, Khakassia Republic, Altai Territory, Transbaikal Territory
IV. Fur animals, badger and hares
64. Chipmunk March 15 - April 30 in habitats
August 15 - October 30
65. Sandstone gopher March 20 - May 20 in habitats
66. Mole (common, Siberian)
June 25 - October 25 in habitats
67. Marmot July 5 - August 31 in habitats
August 20 - September 30
68. Fox September 15 - February 28 (29) in habitats
69. Muskrat September 15 - April 1 in habitats
70. Beaver (European, Canadian), otter and raccoon dog October 1 - February 28 (29) in habitats
71. Sable, mink (European, American), weasel, common squirrel, flying squirrel), lynx, wolverine, harza, marten (forest, stone), ermine, polecat (forest, steppe), corsac fox, weasel, raccoon, solongoi and a wild cat (forest, reed, Amur) October 15 - February 28 (29) in habitats
72. Arctic fox October 1 - April 1 in habitats
73. Badger September 1 - November 15 in habitats
74. Hare, wild rabbit September 15 - February 28 (29) in habitats
75. Ground squirrel (except sand squirrel), hamster, water vole, wolf and jackal without limitation in habitats
  • In addition to subspecies and populations listed in the Red Book of the Russian Federation and the Red Books of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.
  • The division of the subject of the Russian Federation into southern, central and northern regions in terms of the timing of hunting is carried out by the corresponding specially authorized state body of the subject of the Russian Federation for the protection, control and regulation of the use of wildlife classified as hunting objects and their habitat.
  • Upland game includes wood grouse, black grouse, hazel grouse (Guliformes), ptarmigan and tundra partridge, and woodcock (charadriiformes).
  • Swamp-meadow game includes great snipes, snipes, horned snipes, turukhtans, herbals, lapwings, tules, snappers, snails, godwits, curlews (charadriiformes), corncrakes, morodunks, stonecrawlers, rails, common crakes and moorhens (railworts).
  • Waterfowl include geese, geese, ducks (anatidae) and coots (coots).
  • Steppe and field game include gray and bearded partridges, quails, pheasants, saji, pigeons (doves) and turtle doves.
  • Mountain game includes chukars and snowcocks.


1. Hunting of objects of the animal world classified as objects of hunting with birds of prey is permitted from the last Saturday of July to February 28 (29).

2. Summer-autumn hunting of swamp-meadow, forest, steppe and field game with pointing dogs and spaniels is permitted 2 weeks earlier than established.
(note 2 as amended by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated February 25, 2009 N 171)

3. Hunting of game birds in the spring period lasts up to 16 days from the beginning of the established harvest period.
(note 3 introduced by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated February 25, 2009 N 171)


Government Decree

Russian Federation


(as amended by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated February 25, 2009 N 171)

Extraction methods approved for use
1. Musk ox, hybrids of bison with bison and livestock - all age and sex groups from the approach, approach on horse-drawn transport, from ambush, driven, driven, with hunting dogs (as amended by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated February 25, 2009 N 171)
2. Elk, red deer (deer, red deer, European, Caucasian), sika deer, fallow deer, roe deer (European, Siberian), musk deer - all age and sex groups from the approach, access by horse-drawn transport, from ambush, by driving, by driving, with dogs of hunting breeds, with the exception of hounds
3. Siberian mountain goat, mouflon, bighorn sheep - all age and sex groups from the approach, access by horse-drawn transport, from ambush, drive, surge
4. Tours (Dagestan, Kuban), chamois - all age and gender groups from the approach, approach on horse-drawn transport, from ambush, driven, driven, with hunting dogs
5. Wild boar - all age and gender groups from the approach, access by horse-drawn transport, from ambush, in a drive, with hunting dogs
6. Saiga - all age and sex groups by drive, from the approach, from ambush, from the entrance by horse-drawn transport
7. Wild reindeer - all age and sex groups from the approach, access by horse-drawn transport, from ambush, by pen, with hunting dogs, coralization, at crossings using floating craft
8. Adult males of elk, red deer (deer, wapiti, European, Caucasian), sika deer, fallow deer during the rut from an ambush, from the approach, with a decoy (on a wad)
9. Adult male European roe deer, Siberian roe deer during the rut from ambush, from the approach, with a decoy
10. Adult chamois males during the rut from ambush, from the approach
11. Adult males of deer, wapiti, sika deer with unossified antlers (antlers) from ambush, from the approach
12. Brown bear - all age and sex groups from the approach, from an ambush, in a corral, in a den, with hunting dogs
13. Brown bear (adult animals) in spring using floating devices with the engine turned off, with hunting dogs (as amended by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated February 25, 2009 N 171)
14. Himalayan (white-breasted) bear - all age and sex groups from the approach, from an ambush, in a corral, in a den, with hunting dogs (as amended by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated February 25, 2009 N 171)
15. Chipmunk, gophers, sand squirrel, hamster, water vole from the approach, from ambush, by self-catchers
16. Mole traps (self-catchers)
17. Marmots from the approach, from ambush, by self-catchers, with birds of prey
18. Fox from the approach, from an ambush, with a decoy, a pen, with birds of prey, traps (self-catchers), from the entrance of a horse-drawn vehicle, with dogs of hunting breeds
19. Muskrat, beavers from ambush, traps (self-catchers)
20. Otter traps (self-catchers)
21. Raccoon dog from the approach, from an ambush, with traps (self-catchers), with hunting dogs, corral (as amended by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated February 25, 2009 N 171)
22. Minks (European, American), weasels, squirrels (common, flying squirrel), lynx, wolverine, harza, wild cats (forest, reed), martens (forest, stone), arctic fox, hori (forest, steppe), corsac fox, striped raccoon, solongoi from the approach, from ambush, by traps (self-catchers), using dog sleds - for arctic foxes, as well as catching lynx and wild cats by driving, with hunting dogs
23. Sable, ermine, weasel from the approach, traps (self-catchers), with hunting dogs
24. Badger from the approach, from an ambush, using light devices, traps (self-catchers), with hunting dogs
25. Hares, wild rabbit from the approach, from a corral, from an ambush, with birds of prey, traps (self-catchers), with dogs of hunting breeds
26. Wolf, jackal from the approach, from a pen, from an ambush, with birds of prey, on lairs, on wabu, with traps (self-catchers), with dogs, using motor vehicles (as amended by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated February 25, 2009 N 171)
27. Male wood grouse on current
28. Leaking male grouse from hiding
29. Woodcocks on evening and morning cravings
30. Duck drakes from a shelter with a decoy duck and (or) stuffed animals, with decoy (as amended by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated February 25, 2009 N 171)
31. Geese from a shelter, including with stuffed animals, profiles, and decoys (as amended by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated February 25, 2009 N 171)
32. Waterfowl from the approach, from an ambush (from a shelter), during flights, on a surge, using floating craft with the engine turned off, with decoys, with birds of prey, with decoy (decoy) birds, with stuffed animals and (or) profiles, with dogs of hunting breeds
33. Swamp-meadow game from the approach, from ambush, with birds of prey, with hunting dogs
34. Steppe and field game from the approach, from ambush, with birds of prey, self-catchers (partridges), with hunting dogs
35. Mountain game from the approach, from ambush, with birds of prey
36. Upland game from the approach, from an ambush, by a surge, with birds of prey, with decoys, samolov, with hunting dogs
  • From the approach - a secret approach on foot to an object of the animal world classified as a hunting object.
  • Access by horse-drawn transport - the use of riding domestic animals or horse-drawn carts, dog sleds for access to an object of the animal world classified as a hunting object.
  • From cover - the use of natural or artificial shelters or combinations thereof (including shooting towers) to obtain an object of the animal world classified as the object of hunting.
  • Enclosure - the creation of conditions under which an object of the animal world, classified as an object of hunting, is artificially directed in a direction convenient for its extraction.
  • Coralization is a method of harvesting wild reindeer by moving (corralling) a herd from its natural habitat to a specially fenced area of ​​territory (corral), where the harvest itself is carried out, is permitted for citizens belonging to the indigenous peoples of the North, Siberia and the Far East, to ethnic communities whose original culture and way of life include traditional methods of protection and use of wildlife, and their associations in the territories of traditional settlement and economic activity.
  • With a decoy - luring objects of the animal world, classified as objects of hunting, by simulating the sounds they produce or the sounds of other objects of the animal world.
  • In the den - hunting for bears during and in the place of their winter hibernation.
  • At the hole - getting wolves, including wolf puppies, from their place of refuge, the hole.
  • From the shelter - catching males of certain species of game birds in the spring.
  • With a decoy - using a duck to lure a drake in the spring.
  • On traction - catching game birds during their daily movements or seasonal migrations.
  • With stuffed animals - using a model of a bird to attract feathered game.


1. When obtaining objects of the animal world classified as objects of hunting, it is allowed to partially destroy muskrat huts and burrows, open any shelters of small fur-bearing animals, use nets, sleeves and nets when obtaining small fur-bearing animals, foxes, raccoon dogs, badgers, hares, wild rabbits, and also dig narrow wells to the holes of foxes, raccoon dogs and badgers to help hunting dogs. Upon completion of mining, the excavated burrow areas should be covered with soil.

2. It is allowed to use light devices when hunting wild boars and bears at night from storage sheds in fields and at feeding sites from a tower.

3. When catching woodcock in the evening draft, the use of pointing dogs, spaniels and retrievers is permitted to search for and retrieve dead game.


Government Decree

Russian Federation


(as amended by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated February 25, 2009 N 171)

Objects of the animal world classified as objects of hunting Permitted mining tools
1. Muskox, hybrid of bison with bison and livestock, elk, red deer, sika deer, wild boar, wolf, jackal, lynx, wolverine hunting firearms with a rifled barrel of at least 7 mm caliber (but not more than 12 mm) and a chamber length of at least 51 mm; , including with a rifled part length of no more than 140 mm using bullet cartridges; hunting firearms combined (rifled and smooth-bore) weapons, including those with interchangeable and inserted rifled barrels; cold bladed hunting weapon. It is allowed to hunt wild boar under the age of 1 year using cartridges loaded with buckshot (as amended by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated February 25, 2009 N 171)
2. Saiga, wild reindeer, roe deer, fallow deer, chamois, musk deer, Siberian mountain goat, bighorn sheep, aurochs, mouflon hunting firearms with a rifled barrel of at least 5 mm caliber (but not more than 10 mm) and a chamber length of at least 39 mm (the use of 5.6 mm caliber weapons chambered for rimfire is permitted only for hunting musk deer); hunting smooth-bore long-barreled weapons, including those with a rifled part length of no more than 140 mm (only using bullet cartridges); hunting firearms combined (rifled and smooth-bore) weapons, including those with interchangeable and inserted rifled barrels; cold bladed hunting weapon. It is allowed to hunt roe deer, musk deer and fallow deer using cartridges loaded with buckshot. Indigenous small peoples and ethnic communities whose distinctive culture and way of life include traditional methods of protection and use of wildlife, as well as citizens belonging to these population groups and their associations in the territories of traditional settlement and economic activity in the hunting of wild reindeer at river crossings Shotguns are allowed across rivers
3. Brown and Himalayan (white-breasted) bear hunting firearms with a rifled barrel of at least 7 mm caliber (but not more than 12 mm) and a chamber length of at least 51 mm; hunting smooth-bore long-barreled weapons, including those with a rifled part length of no more than 140 mm (only using bullet cartridges); hunting firearms combined (rifled and smooth-bore), including those with interchangeable and interchangeable rifled barrels of a caliber of at least 7 mm (but not more than 12 mm) and a chamber length of at least 51 mm; cold bladed hunting weapon
4. Chipmunk, ground squirrel, sand squirrel, hamster, water vole, mole, marmot, fox, muskrat, beaver, otter, raccoon dog, mink (European, American), weasel, squirrel (common, flying squirrel), harza, wild cat (forest, reed, Amur), marten (forest, stone), arctic fox, polecat (forest, steppe), corsac fox, striped raccoon, solongoi, sable, ermine, weasel, badger, hare, wild rabbit hunting firearms smooth-bore long-barreled weapon; hunting firearms with a rifled barrel of no more than 8 mm caliber and a chamber length of no more than 51 mm (including 5.6 mm caliber chambered for rimfire cartridges); hunting firearms combined (smooth-bore and rifled), including those with interchangeable and interchangeable rifled barrels of 5.6 mm caliber chambered for rimfire cartridges; traps (self-catchers), including traps of various types, mole traps, scoops, mouths, sloptsy, dies, slips, sacks and sacks, other self-catchers similar in principle of operation, as well as nets, sleeves, nets, cages, tops, ice caps, live traps ; cold bladed hunting weapon. It is allowed to use hunting pneumatic weapons with a muzzle energy of no more than 25 J to hunt chipmunks, ground squirrels, sand squirrels, hamsters, and water voles. Hunting of lynx, badger, wolverine, hare and beaver using hunting firearms with a rifled barrel of 5.6 mm caliber chambered for rimfire is not carried out (as amended by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated February 25, 2009 N 171)
5. Woodcock, drake, goose, capercaillie male in spring hunting firearms smoothbore long-barreled weapon (clause 5 as amended by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated February 25, 2009 N 171)
6. Male grouse in spring hunting firearms smooth-bore long-barreled weapon; hunting firearms with a rifled barrel with a caliber of no more than 6.5 mm (except for hunting firearms of 5.6 mm caliber chambered for a rimfire cartridge); combined hunting firearms (smooth-bore and rifled), including those with interchangeable and interchangeable rifled barrels, with a rifled barrel of a caliber of no more than 6.5 mm (with the exception of a 5.6 mm caliber chambered for a rimfire cartridge); cold bladed hunting weapon
7. Waterfowl hunting firearms smoothbore long-barreled weapon (as amended by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated February 25, 2009 N 171)
8. Swamp-meadow game hunting firearms smoothbore long-barreled weapon (as amended by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated February 25, 2009 N 171)
9. Steppe and field game hunting firearms smooth-bore long-barreled weapon; hunting firearms with a rifled barrel of no more than 6.5 mm caliber; firearms hunting combined (smooth-bore and rifled) weapons, including those with interchangeable and inserted rifled barrels with a caliber of no more than 6.5 mm; hunting pneumatic weapons with muzzle energy not exceeding 25 J; cold bladed hunting weapon. Hunting quail, pheasant, and saj is permitted only with the use of hunting firearms. Hunting a pigeon (pigeon), turtle dove using a hunting firearm with a rifled barrel is not allowed
10. Mountain game hunting firearms smooth-bore long-barreled weapon; hunting firearms with a rifled barrel of no more than 6.5 mm caliber; firearms hunting combined (smooth-bore and rifled) weapons, including those with interchangeable and inserted rifled barrels with a caliber of no more than 6.5 mm; cold bladed hunting weapon
11. Upland game hunting firearms smooth-bore long-barreled weapon; hunting firearms with a rifled barrel of no more than 6.5 mm caliber (except for 5.6 mm caliber chambered for rimfire); firearms hunting combined (smooth-bore and rifled) weapons, including those with interchangeable and interchangeable rifled barrels of a caliber of no more than 6.5 mm (with the exception of a 5.6 mm caliber chambered for a rimfire cartridge); traps (self-catchers), including sloptsy, cages; cold bladed hunting weapon. Woodcock hunting is permitted only with the use of hunting firearms. When hunting hazel grouse, it is allowed to use a hunting pneumatic weapon with a muzzle energy of no more than 25 J and a hunting firearm with a 5.6 mm rifled barrel chambered for a rimfire cartridge

05/12/2011 | Hunting legal consultant: permits for the extraction of wildlife objects

Who issues permits to individual hunters to extract hunting resources?

Letter of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated April 25, 2011 N 03-06-06-03/4 explains that, according to Art. 333.1 ch. 25.1 “Fees for the use of objects of the animal world and for the use of objects of aquatic biological resources” of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the Code), payers of the fee for the use of objects of the animal world are recognized as organizations and individuals, including individual entrepreneurs who receive permission to extraction of wildlife objects on the territory of the Russian Federation.

In accordance with the procedure for issuing permits for the extraction of hunting resources established by Federal Law No. 209-FZ of July 24, 2009 “On Hunting and the Conservation of Hunting Resources and on Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation” (hereinafter referred to as Law No. 209-FZ), the issuance permits for the extraction of hunting resources for individuals hunting in publicly accessible hunting grounds are issued by the executive authority of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, and when hunting in assigned hunting grounds (hunting grounds that are used by legal entities and individual entrepreneurs on the basis of hunting agreements) - by a legal entity and individual entrepreneurs who have entered into hunting agreements with the executive authorities of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

At the same time, paragraph 2 of Art. 31 of Law N 209-FZ establishes that the issuance of permits for the extraction of hunting resources is carried out by legal entities and individual entrepreneurs who have entered into hunting agreements, upon their applications by government authorities within the limits of their powers, determined in accordance with Art. Art. 32 - 34 of Law N 209-FZ, permit forms for the extraction of hunting resources are provided for subsequent issuing such permits to individuals - hunters.

Who and within what time frame must provide the tax office with information about received permits for the extraction of wildlife? What information is this?

In accordance with Art. Art. 333.6 and 333.7 of the Code, bodies issuing, in accordance with the established procedure, permits for the extraction of objects of the animal world, no later than the 5th day of each month, submit to the tax authorities at the place of their registration information about the issued permits, the amount of the fee payable for each permit, as well as information on the deadlines for paying the fee, and organizations and individual entrepreneurs using wildlife objects under a permit for the extraction of wildlife objects, submit to the tax authority at the location of the body that issued the said permit, information about the received permits for the extraction of wildlife objects, the amounts of the fee, payable, and the amounts of fees actually paid no later than 10 days from the date of receipt of such permission.

What form is used to submit information about issued permits?

According to the form approved by Order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated February 26, 2006 N SAE-3-21/108@ "On approval of the form of information on issued permits for the extraction of hunting resources, the amounts and deadlines for paying fees for the use of wildlife objects."

Should a hunter submit information about the obtained permission to extract hunting resources to the tax office?

An individual entrepreneur who has received a permit for the extraction of wildlife objects in the prescribed manner, but is not an individual entrepreneur who has entered into a hunting agreement for the extraction of wildlife objects, must not submit information about the received permits to the tax authorities. The procedure for submitting information about received permits to the tax authorities for the extraction of fauna objects individuals- citizens who are not individual entrepreneurs are not provided for by the Code.

What information is included in the permit for the extraction of hunting resources?

According to clause 16 of the Procedure for issuing permits for the extraction of hunting resources, approved by Order of the Ministry of Natural Resources of Russia dated April 23, 2010 N 121 “On approval of the Procedure for issuing permits for the extraction of hunting resources and the form of the permit form for the extraction of hunting resources,” when registering and issuing a permit by the executive authority , legal entity, individual entrepreneur, the following information is indicated in the permit.

1. Last name, first name, patronymic of the hunter.

2. Details of the hunter’s main identification document.

3. The name and organizational and legal form of the legal entity, last name, first name, patronymic of the individual entrepreneur whose employee is the hunter, as well as the contact telephone number, postal address and (or) email address through which communication with this legal entity, individual entrepreneur (information is indicated if the applicant is an employee of a legal entity, individual entrepreneur, performing duties related to hunting and preserving hunting resources, on the basis of an employment or civil contract).

4. Date of issue of the hunting license and its registration series and number.

5. The type of hunting that is supposed to be carried out.

6. Information about the hunting resources obtained.

7. Amount of hunting resources produced.

8. Hunting dates and hunting locations.

Clause 20 of the Procedure for issuing permits for the extraction of hunting resources, approved by Order of the Ministry of Natural Resources of Russia dated April 23, 2010 N 121, establishes that the issuance of a permit is carried out on the basis of a hunting ticket presented by an individual, a main ticket confirming identity, and a document confirming payment of a fee for the use of objects animal world.

What should organizations and individual entrepreneurs do with unrealized permits?

At the same time, upon expiration of the validity period of the permit for the extraction of objects of the animal world, organizations and individual entrepreneurs have the right to apply to the tax authority at the location of the body that issued the specified permit for a credit or refund of the amounts of the fee for unrealized permits for the extraction of objects of the animal world, issued by the authorized body, carried out by in the manner established by Ch. 12 of the Code, subject to the submission of documents, the list of which is approved by the federal tax authority.

What does the Federal Tax Service do to administer the fee for the use of wildlife while individual hunters are not required to submit information about received permits to the tax authority?

The Federal Tax Service of Russia in accordance with Letter of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated 08/31/2010 N 03-06-05-03/9 in order for tax authorities to administer fees for the use of wildlife objects until appropriate changes are made to Chapter. 25.1 of the Tax Code asks the Russian Ministry of Natural Resources to assist in obtaining at the territorial level from licensing authorities to tax authorities information about permits issued to individuals by legal entities and individual entrepreneurs, the amount of fees payable for each permit, and the deadlines for payment of the fee. At the same time, the Federal Tax Service of Russia proposes to submit information on permits issued by legal entities and individual entrepreneurs in the form approved by Order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated February 26, 2006 N SAE-3-21/108@.


Government Decree

Russian Federation


(as amended by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated February 25, 2009 N 171)

Objects of the animal world classified as objects of hunting Extraction methods approved for use
Elk, red deer (deer, red deer, European, Caucasian), sika deer, fallow deer, roe deer (European, Siberian), musk deer - all age and sex groups. From the approach, access by horse-drawn transport, from ambush, driven4, driven4, with dogs of hunting breeds, with the exception of hounds.
Wild boar – all age and sex groups From the approach, access by horse-drawn transport, from ambush, drive, drive, with hunting dogs.
Adult males of elk, red deer (red deer, European, Caucasian), sika deer, fallow deer during the rut. From an ambush, from the approach, with a decoy (on a wad)6
Adult male European roe deer, Siberian roe deer during the rut From an ambush, from the approach, with a decoy.
Brown bear – all age and sex groups. From the approach, from an ambush, in a corral, in a den7, with hunting dogs.
Brown bear (adult animals) in spring From the approach, from an ambush, using floating craft with the engine turned off, with hunting dogs. (As amended by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated February 25, 2009 N 171)
Mole traps (self-catchers)
Fox From the approach, from an ambush, with a decoy, a pen, with birds of prey, traps (self-catchers), from the entrance of a horse-drawn vehicle, with dogs of hunting breeds.
Muskrat, beavers. From ambush, by traps (self-catchers).
Otter Traps (samolov)
Raccoon dog From the approach, from an ambush, with traps (self-catchers), with hunting dogs, in a pen. (As amended by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated February 25, 2009 N 171).
Mink (European American), weasel, squirrel (common, flying squirrel), lynx, wolverine, harza, wild cats (forest, reed), martens (forest, stone), arctic fox, hori (forest, steppe), corsac fox, raccoon , solonga. From the approach, from ambush, with traps (self-catchers), with the use of dog sleds - on the Arctic fox, as well as catching lynx and wild cats by driving, with hunting dogs.
Sable, ermine, weasel From the approach, with traps (self-catchers), with hunting dogs
Badger From the approach, from an ambush, using light devices, traps (self-catchers), with hunting dogs.
Hares, wild rabbit From the approach, from a drive, from an ambush, with birds of prey, traps (self-catchers), with dogs of hunting breeds
Wolf, jackal From the approach, from a pen, from an ambush, with birds of prey, in lairs8, on a waboo, with traps (self-catchers), with dogs, using motor vehicles. (As amended by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated February 25, 2009 N 171).
Male wood grouse On current9
Showing male grouse Out of hiding
woodcocks On evening and morning cravings9
Duck drakes From a shelter with a decoy duck and (or) stuffed animals10, with a decoy. (As amended by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated February 25, 2009 N 171).
Geese From the shelter, including with stuffed animals, profiles, and decoys. (As amended by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated February 25, 2009 N 171).
Waterfowl From the approach, from an ambush (from a shelter), on flights11, in a surge, using floating craft with the engine turned off, with a decoy, with birds of prey, with decoy (decoy) birds, with stuffed animals and (or) profiles12, with dogs of hunting breeds.
Swamp-meadow game From the approach, from an ambush, with birds of prey, with hunting dogs.
Steppe and field game From the approach, from ambush, with birds of prey, self-catchers (partridges), with hunting dogs.
Upland game From the approach, from an ambush, by a surge, with birds of prey, with decoys, self-catchers, with hunting dogs.

1 Secretly approaching on foot an object of the animal world classified as a hunting object.

2 The use of riding domestic animals or horse-drawn carts, dog sleds for access to an object of the animal world classified as a hunting object.

3 The use of natural or artificial shelters or combinations thereof (including shooting towers) to obtain an object of the animal world classified as a hunting object.

4 Creation of conditions under which an object of the animal world, classified as an object of hunting, is artificially directed in a direction convenient for its extraction.

5 The method of harvesting wild reindeer by moving (corral) the herd from its natural habitat to a specially fenced area of ​​the territory (corral), where the harvest itself is carried out, is permitted for citizens belonging to indigenous peoples of the North, Siberia and the Far East, to ethnic communities , whose original culture and way of life include traditional methods of protection and use of fauna, and their associations in the territories of traditional settlement and economic activity.

6 Luring objects of the animal world classified as objects of hunting by imitating the sounds they produce or the sounds of other objects of the animal world.

7 Hunting bears during and in the place of their winter hibernation.

8 Harvesting wolves, including wolf puppies, from their place of refuge, burrow.

9 Hunting males of certain species of game birds in the spring.

10 Using a duck to lure a drake in the spring.

11 Hunting game birds during their daily movements or seasonal migrations.

12 Using a bird model to attract game birds.


1. When obtaining objects of the animal world classified as hunting objects, it is allowed to partially destroy muskrat huts and burrows, open any shelters of small fur-bearing animals, and use blankets, mittens and nets, as well as digging narrow wells to the holes of foxes, raccoon dogs and badgers to help hunting dogs. Upon completion of mining, the excavated burrow areas should be covered with soil.

2. It is allowed to use light devices when hunting wild boars and bears at night from storage sheds in fields and at feeding sites from a tower.

3. When catching woodcocks in the evening draft, the use of pointing dogs, spaniels and retrievers is permitted to search for and supply dead game. Approved