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Vaginal discharge after vacuum aspiration (mini-abortion). Is it possible to get pregnant after a mini-abortion?

Mini-abortion (vacuum aspiration) is a widely known and fairly safe way to terminate a pregnancy up to 7 obstetric weeks (three weeks of missed menstruation). It is popular because it is low-traumatic, does not require general anesthesia, after a mini-abortion there is no discharge similar to uterine bleeding, and very rarely an inflammatory process occurs due to the entry of pathogenic microorganisms into the uterus.

How do you know that everything went well and what are the preventive measures? As long as the discharge lasts after the vacuum, and usually this is up to 1 week, you cannot be sexually active, take a bath, and you must carefully observe personal hygiene. But you cannot use sanitary tampons or douche. Brown discharge after vacuum aspiration is replaced by bloody discharge on days 3-4, and sometimes earlier. This is fine. However, the daubing should not drag on too long.

Also indicators that everything is fine are normal body temperature, well-being, and absence of pain.

What kind of discharge should be normal after a mini-abortion, what about the abundance, color, smell? Similar to normal menstruation, and with termination of pregnancy at a short term, a carefully performed procedure and good contractility of the uterus - even with moderate menstruation. As a rule, discharge after curettage, a surgical type of termination of pregnancy, is much more abundant and more often turns into uncontrolled uterine bleeding.
You need to see a doctor if you have to change the pads once every 1-2 hours. This is severe bleeding that can be life threatening if it continues for a long time.

It’s bad if the bloody discharge after a mini-abortion (vacuum aspiration) has an unpleasant odor. This happens when harmful bacteria and fungi multiply in the genitals. To avoid this, doctors prescribe antibiotics after an abortion. This serves as a prevention against bacterial vaginosis. And in parallel with antibiotics, an antifungal drug (with the active ingredient fluconazole) is taken orally, it is taken at the beginning of antibiotic therapy and at the end. In this way, vaginal candidiasis (thrush), which often appears during antibacterial therapy, is prevented.

Prolonged bloody or brown discharge for more than 7-10 days is a reason to do an ultrasound and undergo gynecological smears. Sometimes it happens that part of the membranes remains in the uterus, which causes inflammation, and repeated vacuum aspiration is required.

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Termination of pregnancy at different stages can lead to the death of a woman. And although modern technologies can reduce this risk to a minimum, careful monitoring of vaginal discharge after the procedure is still important. Based on their intensity and nature, one can judge the presence or absence of complications. So, discharge after an abortion should not be very heavy or prolonged.

Abortion is a procedure for removing the amniotic sac with the embryo and other structures, as well as the upper layer of the endometrium. At the request of the woman, it is carried out up to 12 weeks, for medical and social reasons - up to 20. Abortion can be performed by vacuum, surgical removal or drug stimulation of expulsion of the amniotic sac. The choice of termination method depends on the number of weeks of pregnancy and the woman’s health condition. Each type has its own characteristics and recovery time.

Why does spotting appear after an abortion?

The causes of discharge after an abortion are due to the peculiarities of the procedure. During the process, the contents of the uterine cavity are mechanically removed or detachment and expulsion of the fertilized egg are stimulated (with medical abortion). As a result of this, the uterine cavity is cleaned, the upper layer of the endometrium is removed, which is normally rejected during menstruation. In the place where the attachment of the embryo was planned or has already occurred, after its removal, an area with gaping vessels remains. Which is the cause of bloody discharge. In addition, the entire rest of the inner surface of the uterus is “cleansed” as during normal menstruation.

What determines their intensity and duration?

The nature of bleeding depends on many nuances.

  • On the size of the fertilized egg. The longer the gestation period, the more intense the discharge, since with the gestation period the size of the uterus and the size of the developing “baby place” increase.
  • From the method of abortion. Vacuum aspiration is accompanied by minimal bleeding, while with medical abortion there is the most of it.
  • From the presence of gynecological diseases. If a woman has fibroids, they can interfere with the contractility of the uterus, resulting in more heavy and prolonged bleeding.
  • On the intensity of uterine contraction. The speed at which the uterus contracts after termination of pregnancy will affect the discharge. The worse it is, the more there will be, up to life-threatening bleeding.
  • From the quality of the procedure performed. If, after an interruption, even the smallest particles from the chorion or amniotic sac remain in the uterine cavity, this will lead to severe bleeding, which sometimes occurs many days after the procedure.

The main signs of the norm

It is important to understand why discharge occurs after an abortion, and what it should be like normally. The main characteristics are as follows:

  • no more than 14-16 days;
  • without large clots;
  • anointing from the fifth to seventh day;
  • should not be accompanied by a rise in temperature;
  • painless;
  • no unpleasant odor.

Features of discharge after vacuum

Vacuum aspiration (mini-abortion) is one of the most minimally traumatic methods of terminating a pregnancy. It is carried out up to five to six weeks of gestation, and the fetal sac should not exceed 21 mm in diameter according to ultrasound results.

During vacuum aspiration, a special catheter is placed into the uterine cavity, with which it is cleaned under pressure. The fertilized egg and superficial endometrium are removed. At this point, the fetal sac itself has not yet had time to penetrate the wall of the uterus, so it is easy to remove, and the consequences of the procedure are minimal.

Therefore, women’s discharge after a vacuum abortion is scanty, sometimes it’s just a smear for five to seven days. They may intensify somewhat on the second day after the procedure; sometimes small (up to 5 mm) clots are observed.

After surgery

When performing a surgical abortion, using a special instrument (curettes), the fertilized egg is removed, and then all the walls of the uterus are carefully scraped out (cleaned). This is done with the aim of completely removing the chorion - the developing “children's place”. By a period of six or more weeks, the fertilized egg is already securely attached to the wall of the uterus, so all elements can be removed only by careful curettage.

The abortion is performed under intravenous anesthesia; the woman lies down for about 20-30 minutes after the procedure. During this time, secretions accumulate in the uterine cavity, and when moving to a vertical position they come out. Therefore, women notice heavy discharge immediately after getting out of bed. They last for a week or 10-14 days, in nature and abundance they resemble normal menstruation. The same characteristics are observed after a late abortion.

After medication interruption

A medical abortion is different in that to perform it you simply need to take two types of pills. The former block the action of progesterone and cause detachment of the fertilized egg from the walls of the uterus. The second, taken after 36-48 hours, stimulates contraction of the myometrium, as a result of which the amniotic sac and parts of the endometrium emerge from the uterine cavity. Therefore, spotting after taking medications indicates the beginning of rejection of the endometrium and fertilized egg.

But they do not always happen immediately after taking the pills, and can begin at any time within three to five days. The intensity of the discharge initially increases, and clots may appear (the fertilized egg is also released in the form of a clot). Gradually the intensity decreases. Minor spotting after a medical abortion can be observed for another two weeks after the interruption.

If contraceptives were prescribed

Often after an abortion, especially after a mini-abortion and surgical abortion, a woman is prescribed oral contraceptives in order to prevent conception in the near future and for recovery.

When taking hormonal pills, the nature of the discharge may change slightly. In addition to those associated directly with the removal of the fertilized egg, there are spotting symptoms associated with the body’s adaptation to hormones. Therefore, brown discharge after an abortion may last longer, until the next period.

Manifestations of pathological conditions

After any type of abortion, complications are possible. They are associated either with incomplete removal of the fertilized egg, or with the addition of an infection. In the following cases, you must urgently seek medical help.

  • Copious discharge. Immediately after the procedure and during the first month, bleeding may appear after an abortion. If within an hour a woman does not have enough two maxi pads, there is a lot of discharge and it is scarlet, she needs to visit a gynecologist.
  • Discharge of pathological color. When inflammation occurs, the color of the discharge after an abortion will change: it can become purulent, green, yellow, watery, with a repulsive odor.
  • No discharge. Normally, after such procedures there should be bloody discharge (at least spotting). If after an abortion there is no discharge, this is the first sign of their accumulation in the uterine cavity. This happens when the cervix contracts, and therefore blood cannot come out. Pressure increases inside the uterine cavity, which causes severe pain in the lower abdomen. In such a situation, the cervical canal is bougienage, after which the outflow is restored.
  • The discharge is accompanied by pain. Minor nagging pain in the lower abdomen is acceptable. But when they intensify, it is necessary to exclude disruption of the outflow of secretions and inflammation.
  • There is an increase in temperature. If the high temperature is not associated with other diseases, this is evidence of inflammation in the uterine cavity and pelvis. It can be caused by either a violation of the rules for terminating a pregnancy, the presence of an infection in the vagina, or the early resumption of sexual intercourse (if sex occurs before the end of the discharge).

If such complaints occur, or even if a complication is suspected, it is necessary to seek medical help for further examination and determination of the cause.

How to prevent complications

Terminating a pregnancy is a serious procedure, even if it is a medical abortion. Feedback from women confirms the fact that following all the doctor’s recommendations will protect against the development of complications. The following must be observed:

  • undergo examination before the procedure (vaginal smears, blood test);
  • perform a pelvic ultrasound to confirm the gestational age;
  • follow all doctor’s instructions after the procedure;
  • abstain from sexual intercourse for two to three weeks after the abortion;
  • choose a reliable method of further contraception after consulting your doctor.

Abortion causes psychological and physical harm to a woman's health. Therefore, termination of pregnancy should be treated responsibly, following all instructions of specialists. Monitor the nature of the discharge after the procedure. Remember that it is normal:

  • There should be bloody discharge after an abortion;
  • clots can only occur after an abortion performed using pills;
  • within one to two weeks, discharge should decrease to a minimum;
  • There should be no severe pain or fever.

If you have any doubts (for example, if a woman is worried about how much discharge there is after an abortion, or her stomach hurts), it is better to consult a doctor. Only a specialist can distinguish normal from pathology.


The happiness of childbirth is sometimes overshadowed by a severe shock - the fetus froze in the womb. It happens that the female body itself tries to get rid of a non-living embryo, causing a spontaneous miscarriage. If spontaneous rejection does not occur, doctors prescribe forced evacuation of the membranes. Vacuum cleaning of a frozen pregnancy is carried out strictly in a hospital and requires a lot of preliminary preparation.

To cleanse the uterine cavity, a special device is used that creates negative pressure. A vacuum extractor consists of a centralized vacuum distribution system (i.e. a pump), a vessel for collecting the aspirated liquid, a system of evacuation tubes and a tip. The device is safe, easy to use and easy to use with disinfectants.

Vacuum aspiration during a frozen pregnancy is a surgical intervention, so a woman must undergo the following list of laboratory tests:

  • biochemical blood test;
  • coagulogram;
  • blood for group affiliation and Rh factor;
  • blood for hepatitis B, C;
  • blood for HIV status and the presence of syphilis;

Additionally, the patient brings the results of an ECG, fluorography and gynecological smears. A vacuum abortion during a frozen pregnancy will not be performed if the woman has acute infectious and inflammatory diseases of the genital organs, the integrity of the mucous membranes is compromised, and blood clotting rates are reduced.

If vacuum curettage during a frozen pregnancy is not performed for emergency reasons, then 14 days before the scheduled appointment date, the woman must follow the following rules:

  • exclude sexual contacts;
  • do not douche;
  • do not take medications that affect blood clotting;
  • stop inserting tablets and suppositories into the vagina.

8-12 hours before the procedure you should stop eating and drinking.


The operation is performed in a hospital setting under short-term general anesthesia. Shortly before the procedure, an anesthesiologist talks with the patient and determines possible risks when administering an anesthetic. Then the pregnant woman is seated on a gynecological chair and the genital tract is examined. In the absence of visible contraindications, vacuum aspiration is started.

Source: blogoduma.ru

The process for removing membranes is as follows:

  • administration of anesthesia;
  • treatment of the genitals with an antiseptic;
  • dilation of the cervix with special instruments;
  • insertion of a vacuum tube;
  • suction of the contents of the uterus;
  • removing the tube and treating the cervix with an antiseptic;
  • intravenous administration of drugs that contract the myometrium.

The resulting biomaterial is sent to a histology laboratory to find out the causes of fetal death.

Vacuum aspiration during a frozen pregnancy increases the risk of infection of the pelvic organs, so the patient is prescribed antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs. In the absence of complications, discharge home is carried out after 6-10 hours.


If vacuum aspiration is successfully performed during a frozen pregnancy, the body recovers within 14-21 days. Immediately after the procedure, the woman must adhere to a certain regimen:

  • sexual abstinence for 4 weeks;
  • frequent genital hygiene;
  • contraception with hormonal drugs;
  • reducing the intensity of physical activity;
  • taking vitamin and mineral complexes.

Discharge after vacuum aspiration of a frozen pregnancy is observed within 5-10 days. At first they are moderately scarlet in color, then smeared with a brownish tint. There is no smell.

You should immediately visit a doctor in the following cases:

  • the discharge stopped abruptly on the second day after the procedure;
  • body temperature rose above 37.5 degrees;
  • the discharge has become too abundant;
  • the discharge has acquired an unpleasant odor or a greenish color;
  • weakness, dizziness, nausea, etc. appeared.

In the absence of the above symptoms, the woman is required to regularly visit the antenatal clinic 14-21 days after the operation to undergo an examination by a gynecologist and an ultrasound of the pelvic organs.

Like all surgical interventions, vacuum cleaning of the uterus during a frozen pregnancy has certain consequences. Bleeding, endometritis, perforation of the uterine walls, formation of adhesions, incomplete removal of membranes are the most common complications of the operation. That is why it is important that a woman in the postoperative period follows all the doctor’s recommendations and carefully monitors changes in her health.

It is worth noting that there are other methods of cleaning after a frozen pregnancy. Medical abortion during a frozen pregnancy is the most gentle and is carried out in the first weeks of gestation with the help of special drugs. Abortion is carried out in a hospital setting.

If, after vacuum cleaning, blood clots or particles of fertilized egg remain in the uterus, the doctor may prescribe curettage. This abortive method is more aggressive and more likely to cause complications. But curettage may be necessary if vacuum aspiration is ineffective, and also if the fetus is frozen at a long gestation period.

Planning the next pregnancy is allowed 6-12 months after the vacuum cleaning procedure. Partners are advised to first undergo a full medical examination and consult a fertility specialist to avoid a recurrence of this condition.

Why does vacuum aspiration affect menstruation?

This method of cleansing the uterine cavity is less traumatic, since it is performed at a short stage of pregnancy or to eliminate the consequences of an unsuccessful medical abortion or complications after childbirth. Using a special apparatus, the fertilized egg or retained lochia, in a word, unnecessary contents, are removed.

Everything that happens in the reproductive sphere is dictated by them. Normally, changes in the balance of substances have a certain pattern, which ensures regular menstruation. The intervention leads to a malfunction that prevents the correct process of cyclic development of the ovaries, uterus, and even the pituitary-hypothalamus ligament.

Carrying out vacuum aspiration to cleanse the uterine cavity from the fetus

Menstrual cycle after mini-abortion

Abortion is a serious physiological and hormonal stress for the body, no matter how it is carried out, which is why the menstrual cycle is disrupted. It is impossible to predict how long the discharge will be, when a new menstrual cycle will begin and how long it will take for the female body to recover and enter a normal physiological rhythm.

The beginning of secondary discharge after vacuum aspiration in gynecology is considered the beginning of the female cycle, but you should not expect that the next menstruation will begin at your standard time. Menstruation may start early or late.

After the abortion, the patient should spend 30-60 minutes lying on her stomach and under the supervision of a doctor. During this period, she may experience discomfort and pain. Further, such symptoms should disappear. Due to hormonal changes, a woman may experience mood swings, depression, irritability, and even a deterioration in general well-being, discomfort in the groin area and mammary glands.

If a mini-abortion was not done for medical reasons, but with the aim of terminating a pregnancy, then the doctor will probably prescribe contraceptives for several menstrual cycles. Sometimes an antibiotic is also prescribed. It is important to remember that after vacuum aspiration, the woman’s body recovers very quickly and the onset of the next pregnancy is possible even before the first menstruation begins after the operation.

The vacuum aspiration procedure is the least dangerous of all aborted procedures, however, it may have consequences that are worth considering:

  • partial retention of the fertilized egg (incomplete removal);
  • trauma to the inner surface or cervix with instruments, which can lead to bleeding;
  • introduction of infection;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • infertility.

When menstruation begins after vacuum aspiration, the first thing a woman needs to know is. After all, they are evidence of the normal functioning of the reproductive system, which is important for everyone.

Doctors believe that a new cycle begins from the day the intervention was performed. This does not mean the arrival of menstruation immediately. The discharge that is discharged after surgery is a sign of healing of the uterine mucosa. Normally they have the following parameters:

  • Present 5-10 days;
  • They have blood inclusions and a corresponding color;
  • Accompanied by mild pain, similar to menstrual pain, but stopping in the first couple of days;
  • They initially appear in small quantities and gradually disappear.

Manipulation is preceded by preparation. In addition to standard tests, a vaginal smear is required. If there are signs of inflammation, a woman is prescribed suppositories with an antibiotic - this will reduce the likelihood of introducing an infection into the uterine cavity.

The procedure is performed under general anesthesia or local anesthesia. In a short period of time and in women who have given birth, you can limit yourself to an injection into the cervix to reduce pain during insertion of the aspirator cannula. In the long term, in order to reduce discomfort and psychological trauma, it is better to agree to anesthesia.

The manipulation takes place on a gynecological chair. After examining the vagina, the doctor fixes the cervix and measures the length of the cavity using a uterine probe. Cervical canal dilatation is not required. In the long term, it may be necessary for a large-diameter cannula to pass into the uterine cavity. Then they are limited to 1-2 metal expanders.

An aspirator tube connected to the apparatus is carefully inserted into the uterine cavity. She is held in one position. The doctor does not rotate it; the fertilized egg is absorbed by creating negative pressure in the uterus. Ultrasound guidance is not used during aspiration, but some clinics practice a combination of these manipulations. Be sure to undergo an ultrasound a week after vacuum aspiration to make sure that there are no remnants of the fertilized egg in the uterine cavity. After manipulation, the tissues must be collected.

Vacuum aspiration of frozen pregnancy: reviews

Women who have undergone vacuum aspiration respond differently to the procedure. Those who have had it done under local anesthesia compare the pain to heavy menstruation. But for some, the pain was more pronounced, so they would prefer anesthesia next time. With general anesthesia, the operation is quick and painless; unpleasant sensations occur after waking up and are associated with the action of narcotic analgesics.

According to reviews, restoration of the menstrual cycle occurs individually for everyone. In most cases, women do not notice any abnormalities; menstruation begins on average 30 days after the procedure. But sometimes a failure occurs, the restoration of the cycle takes several months.

Yulia Shevchenko, obstetrician-gynecologist, especially for the site

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