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Restore vision method. Complete restoration of vision: lectures by Professor Zhdanov. Professor Zhdanov warns

We do all exercises WITHOUT GLASSES! Smoothly, without any jerks or sudden movements. The head is STILL. Only one eye works! After every exercise we blink!

Attention! It is categorically prohibited for those who underwent ANY eye surgery less than six months ago. Wait six months for everything to heal and heal. It is also CONTRAINDICATED for those with retinal detachment. You can provoke further detachment. Go to the doctors, now there are techniques for “welding” the retina. After welding, wait six months for everything to take root. And proceed with charging carefully.

We do all exercises WITHOUT GLASSES! Smoothly, without any jerks or sudden movements. The head is STILL. Only one eye works! After every exercise we blink!

1. Raised our eyes up, down, up, down, up, down. Blinked, blinked, blinked.

2. They squinted their eyes to the right, left, right, left, right, left. They blinked.

3. "Diagonal". We look up right - down left, up right - down left, up right - down left. They blinked. Reverse "diagonal". Left up - right down. The same 3 times. They blinked.

4. "Rectangle". We raised our eyes upward, “drew” the top side of the rectangle, the right side, the bottom, the left side, the top again, and so on 3 times in a row. They blinked. In the opposite direction, we “draw” a rectangle (counterclockwise). Top side, side left, bottom, right. 3 times. They blinked.

5. "Dial". Imagine there is a huge dial in front of you. You look around it clockwise. We raised our eyes to 12 o'clock - 3 o'clock, 6, 9, 12. And so 3 circles. They blinked. In the opposite direction “Dial”. We looked up at 12 o'clock, 9, 6, 3, 12... 3 circles. They blinked.

6. “Snake”. Let's start drawing from the tail. Eyes left down - up, down - up, down - up and head. They blinked. Back. From the head of the "snake". Down - top, down - up, down - up and tail. They blinked.

Professor Zhdanov warns!


Do eye exercises 3 times a day - before breakfast, lunch, dinner in the amount recommended by me, otherwise your eyes will hurt.

Do not hurry

1. Do all exercises very smoothly, slowly, without tension or sudden movements. There is no need to “tear the traces.” The extraocular muscles are one of the most delicate muscles in our body; they are very easy to strain, tear, or damage with stupid, sudden movements.

2. For those who have severe myopia (greater than minus 4), do the exercises very, very carefully! Your eye is stretched forward, so the retina is stretched, tense, and there is a danger of rupture or detachment of the retina during sudden movements and stress.

3. Special caution for those who have had retinal detachment. We recommend that you take a full-time course under the guidance of an experienced specialist.

Before starting classes, ALWAYS go to a doctor and have your vision checked. Find out the condition of the retina. Are you farsighted or nearsighted (its degree), astigmatism?

I did palming 5-6 times a day for the first week. We'll see how it goes. In the morning, at work, before bed.

Eye exercises (see diagram on the next page) - in the morning before breakfast, in the afternoon, in the evening. Monday - Wednesday: 3 repetitions of each of the first FIVE exercises. The sixth - “Snake” - is always performed only ONE time (back and forth). Thursday - Saturday - already at 4. Sunday - day off.

No fanaticism, as the professor prescribed. Although, I confess, I had the desire to do it 6-10 times at once. I really wanted to throw off those hated glasses as quickly as possible. But he restrained his impulses. I wore them for twenty years. I'll wait a few more weeks.

I do the exercises like this. I sit down on a chair, an armchair, and look forward at the wall. Floor, ceiling, side walls. Between them I draw diagonals with my eyes (from the upper right corner to the lower left and vice versa), rectangles, snakes, circles of the dial. The condition of the eyes allows. For those with weaker eyesight, it’s hard to “draw” an entire wall at once; take a piece of the wall, a carpet on it, a poster, a closet, a door... By the way, at my work, the wall is lined with cabinets, and I “draw” on them.

I scoured various forums for information and reviews about the technique. The reviews are completely different - there are both positive and negative. Read it and decide for yourself. For myself, I decided that it was worth studying according to the method of W. Bates, and not according to Zhdanov’s lectures. There is no need to treat me for alcohol, cigarettes and other nasty things; a Muslim is not familiar with such problems. But the Bates method is considered more scientific. And so that you can make your own decision, I’m posting some reviews:

Be brave! Go for it! =) I myself began to see 4 lines better in a month... Then, because of my disorganization, I stopped doing it, now I’m gradually getting involved again. As far as I remember... the most exciting moments were 1. I have to write diaries there; there is suggestion using the Shichko method, so... in classes (all except the introductory one) he gives handouts, don’t worry about them - then (at the end) he will teach you how to compose them yourself. In this regard, be calm. 2. The course covers many aspects, we will also talk about intestinal lavage - I didn’t risk it, I preferred to eat sauerkraut (a good natural cleansing) You will restore your vision .. but you won’t get a magic pill - it all depends solely on you.
If you do everything as told, there will be a result; if you don’t, don’t expect it.
The longer you train your eyes, the better it is for you.

I’ve been doing Zhdanov’s exercises for 3 weeks now (I do the eye movements from the lecture, 3-5 times a day, I usually don’t have enough time for palming, etc.) The result is simply amazing! My vision has really improved, but I can’t say exactly how much (when the doctor checked it was -0.5 in one eye and -0.7 in the other, but that was several years ago, since then my vision has deteriorated greatly, I constantly work at the computer + I read a lot) I didn’t see what they were writing on the board with a marker, but now I see everything perfectly! I finally began to make out people’s faces and read the inscriptions on signs and posters. Of course, my vision has not yet fully recovered, but I feel that it is improving every day!

In 2 weeks of training I corrected my vision from -3.5 to -2.5. A short-term complete restoration of vision began to appear (a few seconds). Then I stopped and started wearing contact lenses again.
Those. a long period of time and willpower are required to apply this method - most people do not have such resources. And this is how the method really works.

According to SABZH - today at work I heard from one of the storekeepers - her mother and aunt restored their vision to one using Zhdanov’s method. Both had about -4 vision, while my mother had cataracts, and my aunt had glaucoma.
My mother’s vision was restored in about 3 weeks before 1 + the cataract was greatly weakened and practically does not appear. It took my aunt 2 months to fully restore her vision, but the glaucoma also subsided.
Everything works, use it.

From -12 in one eye to -14 in the other, I restored it 100% in both eyes, using Zhdanov’s method.
Before doing this, I made sure that nothing else interfered with the eyes, i.e. there are no brain tumors that could put pressure on the eyes, the retina is normal, etc. underwent a full examination. I wore glasses for 16 years, doctors diagnosed severe astigmatism and high degree of meopia! I still practice to this day! I started working out a little over a year ago, I worked out 3 times a day, and the results became visible within a month. Before breakfast, before lunch, before dinner. I gave up alcohol completely, smoked about 5 cigarettes in my life, and led a healthy lifestyle. But of course, it took a long time for my vision to recover, due to the fact that my work is directly related to computers, I spent time wearing glasses when I had to look at the computer, and I also started driving a car, my vision began to allow me. You don’t really need any willpower, I just wore glasses for 16 years and only made my condition worse, and then I had an incentive to be sighted and, thanks to the technique, I regained my sight. this must be understood and believed. I regretted not knowing about this when I was 10 years old when I put on glasses.

Mom’s vision deteriorated, tests showed a small cataract in one eye and a large one in the other. Plus, I have glaucoma in one eye, the pressure is 32, while the norm is up to 25. 3 months after the first tests, I started doing exercises according to Zhdanov, every day, my vision stopped deteriorating, it even improved a little, after 6 months I switched mainly to a raw food diet. After 3 months, I suddenly stopped seeing in one eye. I went to the hospital, tests showed no cataracts on one and a small cataract on the other, the pressure was 28.
After another half a year (currently), I began to see in the fog again, the analysis showed the absence of cataracts, the pressure was close to its norm of 24 (18 on a healthy person).
Visual acuity did not change significantly.
As a result, CME and Zhdanov’s exercises gave stunning results, the “incurable” symptoms went away. But on the other hand, visual acuity has not changed dramatically, and one eye is still in a haze, we are waiting for new tests..
Aggravating life factors that she has not yet managed to remove are alcohol and stress.

I've been training for 2-3 weeks.
I do an exercise for eye mobility 2-3 times a day.
Palming 3-4 times a day.
So far I don't see any changes.
a little later:
Well, has anyone restored their vision? I gave up on everything. In my opinion, it’s easier to do the surgery, but I’m just afraid of the consequences, that I might end up blind or make my eyesight even worse.

I saw a good review somewhere on Rutraker, because it seems like Zhdanov one-sidedly twisted Bates’s exercises and it’s better to download Bates’ book, in general, it seems like the joke is that with farsightedness, the muscles cannot strain to see up close and these exercises with turns help , pump them up, but with myopia (when you see close), on the contrary, these exercises complicate everything, myopia seems to arise from overstrain of the eye muscles from the computer, reading books, the muscles are tense all the time and a type of freezing occurs - they cannot relax so that the eyeball becomes round and a person could see into the distance, and here the exercises from Zhdanov are actually harmful, with myopia, palming is allowed, that is, you need to teach the back muscles of the eyes to relax, but you can’t twist. I also know that Zhdanov is already being classified as a sect, maybe at first it all went wrong, but then He began to propagandize all kinds of heresy about conspiracies, about telegony, in short, he went too far, now he chops cabbage at lectures and his own propolis tincture.

And I am VERY grateful to Zhdanov. If I had not accidentally stumbled upon his video and had not been inspired by his lecture on restoring vision, I would never have become interested in the theory of Bates and his followers and would still, embarrassed, make “Chinese” eyes when looking at price tags in stores. The man inspired, gave hope, an impetus to study this issue. As a result, I didn’t study exactly on it, but Bates’s ideas helped me a lot.

Zhdanov recommends exercises to strengthen the eye muscles and calls himself a follower of Bates.
However, Bates's recommendation is to "forget you have eyes."
Better eyesight magazine, July, 1920. I consider Zhdanov a charlatan.
And along with it all the techniques promoting “strengthening the eye muscles.”

1.5 years ago I watched six video lectures by Zhdanov on improving vision. The files are intended for free downloading, for which Zhdanov +. As I understand from the lectures, there is no “Zhdanov method”. There is the Bates method and the Shichko method. Zhdanov popularizes both, as well as a healthy lifestyle. I must say it was very successful. He is a brilliant lecturer.
I did eye exercises for about a month intensively 5-6 times a day, then descending to 1 time every 2-3 days now. Nowadays it's mostly palming and blinking.
The result of Zhdanov’s lectures for me personally:
Cons: 1.Vision remains the same -1.5D left, -2D right.
Pros: 1. Quit drinking alcohol, although I was never an alcoholic before.
2. I douse myself with cold water - I haven’t had a cold for 1.5 years (previously twice a year was stable);
3. I don’t strictly adhere to separate diets - the impressions are positive (gastritis has stopped bothering me).
4. Paying attention to health in general (swimming pool, gym)
About myself: 36 years old, myopia to the specified degree since the 4th-5th grade of school. They prescribed glasses, but I was embarrassed to wear them, maybe for the better. Constant office work at the computer.
As an adult, I wore glasses when driving at night or in difficult weather conditions. Now I also wear it, but much less often. The technique of seeing by relaxing your eyes rather than straining them is definitely better.

Zhdanov misinterprets Bates' method and successfully manipulates people. He is not familiar with the basics of ophthalmology, but he still wants to treat. He is a charlatan and it is a pity that how many people become adherents of his sect. Understand once and for all. There is the Bates method, everything else is stuck, who exploit the name of Bates for their own selfish purposes, and there are no results for all these Zhdanovs.

As an example, we can give a review in the form of a video:

Modern devices such as televisions, computers, smartphones, tablets and others can very quickly damage a person’s vision. Statistics show that almost every person with vision problems has some kind of modern gadget. Many people get scared and pay a lot of money for procedures that are either not necessary at this stage of the disease, or they can be done independently, at home and for free.

There is a wonderful and effective method of eye gymnastics according to V.G. Zhdanov, which enjoys great success. These exercises can be used both as treatment and as a preventive measure for vision impairment and various diseases.

The professor compiled into his methodology the research work of the famous American ophthalmologist Dr. Bates, and also included some of the developments of Indian yoga experts. Vision correction according to Zhdanov includes not only creating a balance of the eye muscles and relaxing too tense muscles, but also adjusting nutritional rules, playing sports in nature, a normal daily routine and switching to a completely healthy lifestyle.

Eye exercises according to Zhdanov help fight diseases such as farsightedness, astigmatism,. For each of them, Professor Vladimir Georgievich Zhdanov has developed entire sets of exercises that will definitely help, you just have to practice systematically and follow the following rules:

  1. Before starting gymnastic exercises, you need to remove your lenses and glasses, if any.
  2. As already mentioned, perform the exercises systematically and three times a day.
  3. It is recommended not to make sudden movements with the eyeballs to avoid any problems.
  4. Perform gymnastics not with the facial muscles, not by turning the head or tilting the neck, but only with the eyeballs.
  5. Perform each gymnastic exercise at least three times.
  6. If myopia is −4 or more, you should perform these exercises with caution.
  7. It would be a plus to visit an ophthalmologist before starting classes for further advice.

It is important to know that gymnastics should not be practiced by those who have undergone eye surgery within six months. Also, in case of retinal detachment, this gymnastics is contraindicated.

Now that all the rules are clear, you can begin to perform the following exercises.

In order to start studying, it’s worth making two tables with inscriptions, like in an ophthalmologist’s office. The text can be anything, for example: “soon I will be able to cure my eyes,” “it’s very easy to treat my eyes.” The main rule is that each line below should be smaller than the previous one. One table should be large in size (A2 format can be used), and the second should be like a regular sheet used for printing on a printer (A4).

The algorithm for execution is as follows:

  1. Stand at such a distance that only the first (top large) line is clearly visible. You should see the second one weaker.
  2. Cover one eye with your hand.
  3. Pick up a small sheet of paper with a table of inscriptions.
  4. Focus your gaze on the very top line of the large table, and then look at the top line of the small sheet. Repeat the exercise 3 times.
  5. Do the same exercise, looking at the second line. Since you see her worse, you will have to strain your eyes, this is how it should be. Repeat this part of the exercise three times.
  6. Close the first eye with your hand and open the second.
  7. Repeat steps 4 and 5 for the second eye.
  8. Over time, master all the rows of the table.

The professor explains that this algorithm will be able to restore normal focusing, which will have a beneficial effect on restoring visual acuity.

The following exercises are used to strengthen the eye muscles. I remind you that you cannot move your head and neck, only do it with your eyes.

  1. Blinking. Blinking is the basis of all exercises and will be found in all subsequent paragraphs. You should blink easily and without squeezing your eyes to achieve maximum muscle relaxation.
  2. Look up and down, up and down. You should perform this for five seconds, then blink.
  3. Look left and right, left and right. Also perform for five seconds, then blink.
  4. Left and up, left and down. This turns out to be a diagonal. Draw 5 lines with your eyes on each of the two sides, blink.
  5. Right and up, right and down. 5 times on each side, then blink.
  6. Draw a rectangle with your eyes, starting from the upper right corner. Then draw a rectangle in the opposite direction. We repeat several times and blink.
  7. The bridge of the nose is the base of the clock hands. We draw a circle, like a clock dial. We blink. We carry it out in the opposite direction. We blink again.
  8. We draw a snake with our eyes. First from top to bottom, then from bottom to top. We blink.

The exercises will be effective if you perform them according to the requirements specified above. It is worth remembering that abuse of the technique can not only cause harm, but also aggravate the situation.

Exercises for farsightedness

With the help of the following exercises, the oblique muscles of the eye are strengthened by alternating tension and relaxation of the muscles.

Lesson 1
. You will need a pencil, pen or art brush. You can also use your thumb or index finger.

  1. Extend your arm straight in front of you and hold the brush. Look first into the distance, then at the brush, but before that, blink.
  2. Without taking your eyes off the brush, bring it closer to your eyes so that the distance between the brush and your eyes is approximately 15 cm.
  3. Slowly extend your arm again.
  4. Blink and look into the distance.

Perform the first lesson five to ten times, remembering to blink.

Lesson 2.

  1. The gaze on completing this entire task looks into the distance.
  2. Bring the pencil to your eyes and begin to quickly swing it left and right.
  3. Next, you should move the pencil to the left 20 cm, continuing to hold it at eye level. Then return it back.
  4. Move the pencil 20 cm to the right and repeat the end of step 3.

The duration of the lesson is three minutes.

Exercises for astigmatism

Lack of focusing of vision is associated with a violation of the sphericity of the cornea or lens of the eye. Astigmatism can be congenital or acquired, for example, in the case of any injury, improper surgery, etc. If this disease is not treated, it can lead to serious consequences, such as decreased vision or even strabismus. The exercises are famous for the many grateful responses from people who have improved their vision.

The following procedures must be carried out:

  1. Look with your eyeballs from top to bottom and from right to left.
  2. Draw a circle with your eyes and then a square.
  3. Draw a figure eight and then an inverted figure eight (in other words, an infinity sign)


  1. Warm your palms by rubbing them together.
  2. Place warm palms on your face so that your eyes are closed and your nose can breathe freely.
  3. Close your fingers. The light can't get through.
  4. Close your eyes and sit, relaxing and thinking about something good. The latter is very important.
  5. In order to get out of palming, you need to straighten your back. Close your eyes slightly under your palms. Remove your hands from your face. With your eyes closed, gently lift your head up and then lower it down. Then make smooth bends from side to side (from right to left). Rub your eyes lightly, open and blink frequently. The exercise is completed.


The exercise is done under any light source (sun, lamps, candles, lanterns), excluding only fluorescent lamps.

  1. Face the light. Place your feet shoulder-width apart, relax your body and close your eyes.
  2. You need to turn your body to the right, raising the heel of your left foot.
  3. Turn to the left, lifting the heel of your right foot.

Repeat the turns 20 times until you begin to notice sunbeams under your closed eyelids.
After this, you need to do palming while standing. This will get rid of sunbeams and relax tense eye muscles.

Palming and solarization for strabismus

The help of gymnastics for strabismus is necessary, since this disease not only spoils vision, but is also not a particularly pleasant cosmetic defect that can ruin the lives of both adults and children.

The professor claims that these two exercises give good results for strabismus. Dr. Zhdanov also emphasizes that it is simply necessary to think about something pleasant and good while performing all these exercises, since morale and good mood are also very important for achieving good results. If you believe in the positive result of the technique, it will definitely appear soon.

Relatively recently, Professor Zhdanov developed his own technique, which allows not only to preserve, but also improve vision.

A set of exercises for the eyes

Professor Zhdanov has developed certain exercises for various vision pathologies. They are based on standard ideas about the principles of functioning of the human eye.

They were formulated more than 100 years ago by the famous ophthalmologist Bates. He believed that Most vision problems occur when the eye muscles begin to tire. If they work normally, then the person can see well.

The Bates technique did not receive due recognition in the world, so Zhdanov decided, based on it, to develop and popularize his own method of improving vision. His revolutionary method allows you to get rid of and, as well as.

Exercises for astigmatism

You can improve your vision with astigmatism using relaxation exercises.

With this pathology, it is important to read often and a lot, but in good lighting conditions. If the letters begin to merge or float, then reading is replaced by palming.

The essence of the exercise is to “recognize” letters. If, upon completion of reading, the eyes receive constant rest in the form of palming, then the eyes will be able to “get used” to a relaxed state, so they will not get tired while working at the computer or while reading books.

Exercises for strabismus

To treat this pathology, several proven steps are used:

  • palming;
  • pleasant memory;
  • solarization of the eyes on a candle or other light source.

To perform palming, the patient must fold his palms tightly, as if there were water in them.

One palm is placed on the fingers of the other in a “house” shape. The eyes are closed, and the palms brought together further protect them from light.

It is important to place the eye slits in the central part of the palm, and the nose between them. If the eyes are opened in this position, then the light will not pass through the closed hands. Thus, the eyes will be warmed from the warmth of the hands.

“Pleasant memory” is performed immediately after palming. At this moment, the patient should think about something good, remembering the best moments that happened in life.

This is the only way to completely relax the eye muscles, which will have a positive effect on the effect of this exercise.

After completing the previous stage, you can proceed to solarizing your eyes on the selected light source.

To do this, you need to place a lamp or candle on the table. The overhead lights are turned off during the exercise so that the room is completely dark.

The eyes always look along the nose, and the head turns in different directions in turn. You need to do 20 repetitions. However, it is important not to look at the candle or lamp. Light sources must be felt when making turns.

In addition to the above-mentioned exercises that allow you to relax the eye muscles, you can train weakened muscles that cannot normally hold the eye in place, which causes strabismus.

The patient puts on a frame without lenses, and a dark cloth is wrapped in front of the squinting eye. Then you need to go to the mirror and look with your weak eye at the reflection in the mirror, turning your head in different directions.

Exercises for myopia

Especially to combat myopia, Zhdanov developed a method of working with tables. The patient needs to stock up on two different printed tables.

It is necessary to write standard text on them: “Give people vision and the opportunity to correct many refractive errors, and so on.”

The first table should be similar to the poster used for routine visual acuity testing in an ophthalmology office. In size, it occupies three standard A4 sheets.

If on the ophthalmologist’s poster the letters of the alphabet are written large in the top row, then on Zhdanov’s table the word “give” is written at the top, and below are the remaining words from the above phrase, etc.

It must be placed on the wall so that a person has the opportunity to move away from it a little.

The second table has the same content as the first, but it is smaller in size - about the size of a small wallet.

The essence of the exercise is this: the patient puts on glasses that do not have lenses. One half is wrapped in dark cloth so that the eye does not see the inscriptions on the table.

After this, you should move away from it at a sufficient distance so that the eye can clearly see the first word from the table, but the second line is not read very well. Then the second table is brought to the subject.

He reads the very top line on the second table several times, and then looks into the distance, at the first, and reads the word “give.” You need to practice exactly the same way with all the lines in order to properly train your eyes.

It is important to remember to move the dark cloth to the half of the glasses that was not working in order to train the other eye in the same way. Professor Zhdanov claims that with frequent repetition of familiar words, they become more recognizable, so the eye can notice them even at a great distance.

Exercises for farsightedness

To improve the condition of patients with such vision pathology, two methods are used:

  • Finger swinging;
  • Thumb.

To make a finger swing, you should clench your right palm into a fist, leaving your index finger in an extended position. The clenched palm is brought to the tip of the nose so that the finger is at the same level as the eyes. After this, the finger is swung in different directions.

Having completed the swing, you should move your hand 20 cm to the right, return to the starting position, and then turn your hand to the left. When performing swings, you need to try to look into the distance, and not at the outstretched finger.

When doing the thumb exercise, the patient should clench his hand into a fist and extend his thumb forward.

Hands stretch forward. The eyes blink a few times and then look at the thumb.

Then the thumb is slowly brought to the face at a distance of about 15 cm, and then withdrawn again. It is important to blink your fingers several times and look into the distance after moving your finger away.

With the help of such manipulations, the oblique eye muscles are toned, since a person has to look either at near or distant objects. When the finger is close, the muscles tense, and if it is far away, they completely relax.

The rhythm of life today is very dynamic. Every day, at home and at work, we are surrounded by dozens of gadgets that turn even rest into hard work for the eyes. As a result, due to constant stress and fatigue, visual acuity begins to decline.

Of course, medicine has long been able to give us a clear perception of the world with the help of , and surgical correction. But we should not forget about the great internal potential of the human body. Just as sports helps to get the body in order, there are also ways to exercise your eyes to regain normal vision.

Very popular Professor Zhdanov’s vision restoration technique. What is it, who is it indicated for and what exercises are recommended? We'll talk about this in our article.

Zhdanov’s method is quite unusual, based on three components:

  1. Eye exercises developed over a hundred years ago.
  2. The method of the Soviet psychophysiologist Gennady Shichko, aimed at getting rid of bad habits.
  3. Products rich in microelements that have a positive effect on the organs of vision (for example, blueberries or propolis).

Professor Zhdanov
is of the opinion that the principles on which official medicine is based (according to Helmholtz) differ from the theory of eye functioning according to William Bates. In his lectures, he explains the causes of development and farsightedness from this position.

He is also convinced that proper exercises, helping to relax overstrained eye muscles and toning up those who are overly relaxed You can quickly restore your visual acuity.

As for eye training, everything is intuitive - with the right exercises you can tone all the eye muscles. But what does Shichko’s method have to do with it?

The thing is that weakened vision, according to Bates and Zhdanov, is caused bad habits, for example, overstrain your eyes and not give them timely and regular rest, wear glasses, which will further relax already weak muscles. After all, if you look at the statistics, over time, people who wear glasses have vision that sags even more; glasses only worsen the situation.

In general, glasses are for the lazy, and this is a real bad habit. Just Gennady Shichko's method and allows you to get rid of bad habits (he, however, is more about getting rid of the habit of smoking and abusing alcohol, but the essence can be applied to any area).

Zhdanov I am sure that by daily writing down your goals for getting rid of bad habits in a diary (the author of the method recommends programming yourself in writing), you can already After a week, notice a significant improvement in vision.

The third component of Zhdanov’s method is natural products, thanks to the beneficial elements and vitamins included in their composition, the eye muscles are strengthened. Everything here is simple and quite traditional. Of course, products alone cannot improve vision, but in combination with other components of the Zhdanov method, they work great.

Indications for use

The technique is not omnipotent and guarantees results for people with the following diagnoses:

  • chronic eye fatigue;
  • farsightedness;
  • myopia;
  • isolated cases of so-called age-related farsightedness (medical diagnosis - presbyopia);
  • strabismus.

Before starting classes, you need to understand that Zhdanov method– not a magic wand, it is unlikely that it will be possible to get from -7.0 to the coveted 1.0, although all organisms are individual and even this can happen. But the technique promises to improve vision by 2-3.

The forecasts are more optimistic for those with scores of -3.0 – -2.5. In this case treatment according to the method of Professor Zhdanov maybe completely restore vision. But again, do not forget about the characteristics of each organism; it is still impossible to guarantee the return of 100% vision. We can definitely say that the sharpness will improve by an order of magnitude.

Fulfill exercises according to the method of Professor Zhdanov Anyone can do it; regular eye training, like training the whole body, is beneficial for absolutely everyone. As a preventative measure, this method is highly recommended for both children and adults.

Contraindications to exercises to restore vision according to Zhdanov

Method so simple and safe, which has practically no contraindications. However, there are still some exceptions.

There is also a ban on doing exercises for people who only recently suffered a serious eye disease, surgery on the organs of vision or received an eye injury. But this temporary contraindication. In 4-6 months after complete recovery and mandatory consultation with an ophthalmologist, Zhdanov’s technique will become available to this category of people.

There is also a caveat for people with very severe myopia. You can perform exercises, but their types and number of repetitions are best agreed upon with an ophthalmologist. Overdoing it can do more harm than good.

Execution Rules

The rules are elementary:

If you follow these recommendations and perform high-quality, systematic exercises, the eye muscles will noticeably strengthen and become more plastic and flexible. Blood circulation in the eyeball will improve, while its trophism will stabilize. The flow of oxygen, minerals and biologically active substances into the organ of vision will also increase.

Attention. If, after performing the exercises, spots, spots in the eyes, headaches or any other unpleasant symptoms appear, then the number of repetitions should be reduced.


Palming– this is the very first exercise with which it is recommended to start classes. Its purpose is to relax the extraocular muscles. It must be performed without glasses or lenses.

Reference. The word Palming comes from the English word palm - palm. The point is to cover your eyes with your palms as much as possible, without pressing on them.

The sequence of actions is as follows:

In addition to performing it in an integrated approach, this exercise can be done in any time as soon as you feel tired in your eyes.

Solarization of eyes using a candle

Important. This exercise is considered the best for relaxing the eye muscles.

The classic version of the exercise should be performed not with a candle, but with the Sun:

If it is not possible to carry out an exercise with the Sun (dark time of day or cloudy weather), solarization of the eyes is performed on a candle.

You need to position yourself at a distance of one meter from the candle and fix your gaze on the light. Turn off the overhead light. The order of performing the exercise is similar - turn the head to the right and left (a total of 15-20 repetitions are needed). The peculiarity is that you don’t have to close your eyes, but you also don’t have to move them from side to side. When turning the head, the gaze does not focus on anything, the eyes are relaxed.

Reference. If you don’t have a candle at hand, you can use a table lamp as a light source.

After this exercise, as after any other, Professor Zhdanov recommends doing the palming exercise.

Exercises near - far

This exercise is well known to everyone. It trains longitudinal and transverse muscles of the eyes. Its essence is to alternately focus on an object located in the distance, then on a nearby object. You can train within the room, or expand your horizons by looking out the window, either into the distance in different directions, or at the curtain.

Let's consider exercise algorithm within the room:

  1. You need to imagine some object sitting on the wall, for example a dragonfly or any other insect. It's good to focus on it.
  2. Then trace the movement of this object from the wall to your nose and back to the wall.
  3. Next, we mentally move our object to another place - to the ceiling or to the floor and also mentally observe how the imaginary insect flies back to your face.

You need to make several such movements, each time looking in a different direction.

Reference. This exercise is highly recommended to be performed several times a day by all office workers who are forced to look at the monitor all day. After a long period of reading, you can also help your eyes rest in this simple way. The workout perfectly relaxes overstrained eye muscles.

Exercises with alternating eye movements

At first it seems that these exercises are quite difficult, but with some skill everything will work out:

Attention. If after the exercises you experience pain in the eyes or head or any other discomfort, you can stop for a few days and then start the exercises again.

Zhdanov's morning exercises for vision

  1. Starting position: lying on your back. Spread your arms and legs in different directions and stretch, a la “star”.
  2. Turn first on your left side, then on your right.
  3. Open your eyes and mouth as much as possible; these movements must be performed synchronously and repeated three times.
  4. Next, close your eyes tightly 6 times and then open your eyes sharply.
  5. Then comes the turn of intense blinking.
  6. Then an exercise to improve blood supply to the eyes and relax the neck muscles. You need to draw the alphabet, numbers or any other shapes with your nose. Repeat four times.
  7. Next is exercise for the arms and legs. You should move your fingers randomly. 10 approaches.
  8. The morning complex ends with the palming exercise, which must be performed for 3 minutes.

Gymnastics for farsightedness

The exercise is performed using one hand.

You can also do another exercise, too using a finger, this time the index finger:

  1. Make a fist, leaving only your index finger straight.
  2. Place your hand at eye level so that your finger is directly in front of them.
  3. Look only into the distance, not at your finger. Peripheral vision works.
  4. Move your hand with an amplitude of 20 cm to the right and left.
  5. Perform the exercise for three minutes.

Gymnastics according to Zhdanov for astigmatism

Special exercises for people with astigmatism the method does not. But people suffering from this disease note significant improvements in their condition after performing complex according to the method of Professor Zhdanov. It is enough to do exercises with alternating eye movements (the simplest exercises), palming and solarization exercises.

To summarize, it should be noted that Professor Zhdanov's technique has a lot of positive reviews. Thousands of people have already restored or significantly improved their vision. Naturally, these results were achieved only with regular classes.

Self-hypnosis, if you believe in its effectiveness, plus a set of eye exercises that will not harm even people with one hundred percent vision, work perfectly together. And flavor it all with suitable vitamin therapy— in general, it turns out to be an ideal alliance.

Whether to believe the technique or not is everyone’s business, but it’s still worth checking, it won’t get any worse – that’s for sure.

Useful video

About exercises to restore vision using Professor Zhdanov’s method in the video below: