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Jupiter on ic in natal chart. I house or Ascendant of the natal chart. MC in Aquarius

Ascendant– the most individual point of the entire horoscope. This is the point on the ecliptic that rises in the eastern sky at the time of birth. Since the earth rotates, each point on the earth’s surface passes through the entire zodiac circle in a day, so that the ascendant is in each sign of the circle every day. Its position in a certain place depends on the time of birth. It symbolizes the “second of the world” at the moment of birth with all its planetary positions that determine the path of life that the newborn embarks on.
For this reason, a person is only born under the sign of Taurus when his ascendant is not the Sun! – is in the sign of Taurus of the zodiac circle.
The firmament in the daily rotation moves almost a whole degree every 4 minutes, but due to the inclination of the ecliptic, the ascent of the signs of the circle occurs differently. There are fast and slow ascending signs. Fast ascending signs include the signs from Capricorn to Gemini, and slow ascending signs - from Cancer to Sagittarius. In the northern hemisphere, slow-rising signs on the ascendant are more common than fast-rising signs.
The meaning of the influence of the ascendant it will be easier to understand if we agree to consider that at this point all influence begins. The Ascendant gives information about how a person as a whole reacts to all stimuli of the external world and how his continuous dispute with the influences of this world manifests itself. The world around a person is endowed with certain properties, and a person has to reckon with everything that happens in the world during his life and adapt to one degree or another.
A person’s attitude towards the world around him can be either more active or passive, and sometimes he is in a position of rest. The property of being constantly ready to react is determined solely by the ascendant: it influences more powerfully than all the constellations, and determines the sum of all influences perceived by a person.
From the moment of his birth, a person is formed and changed under the influence of the environment, and his physical, mental and spiritual functions are constantly changing. How these changes occur, as well as the effectiveness of the means of adaptation, the overall magnitude of the ability to react and, perhaps, to sort out the influence - all this is determined by the point of the ascendant.
Not a single person on earth is born with a ready-made character. Only various attitudes that can be developed are inherited and innate. Whether they actually develop depends on life conditions.
Let us illustrate this statement. Let's say a person goes to a gardener and buys a certain variety of rose bush from him. The gardener says that when the bush blooms, the flowers will be yellow. If we draw an analogy with a person, then we are talking about predetermination, that is, the sum of innate attitudes. Nothing can be changed here, and having bought a certain variety of rose, one must expect a certain development. The basis for development is, first of all, the sum of hereditary factors.
Now the bush gets from the gardener to the new owner, he plants it in his garden so that it grows and develops. The time and place are now determined by the new owner of the bush, and now it depends on his experience and his knowledge of the conditions for the development of roses whether the new habitat is suitable for this plant or not.
We clearly understand that the plant cannot influence the moment of planting in a new place. Likewise, a person born in a certain place and at a certain time cannot take part in determining this moment. When he is born, he comes into contact with a certain environment and in it - and only in it - he has to develop. It is this moment of birth, of appearance in a new living environment, that is shown by the ascendant and with it the horoscope built on its basis.
The rose from the example above can now develop. If it is planted in a good place, where there is enough light, not damp or dry, it will grow and bloom well. According to its location, the bush will use as much of the environment as it can provide.

This example shows that three components matter during development:
The sum of hereditary installations.
The moment at which one is born with these hereditary attitudes.
The environment in which these attitudes develop over the course of life.
In astrological terminology, we can formulate it like this:
What matters is innate plasmatic predetermination (innate attitudes).
Determined by the ascendant, the sum of the possibilities of reaction to the world around us and life itself, dependent on the eternal variability of the aspects of the planets and other celestial influences, due to which great diversity arises.

Naturally, not all life events and influences have a noticeable impact. The human senses perceive all possible stimuli, but only partially consciously, while most of all information is not registered by thoughts or feelings and leaves no trace. And yet, throughout life, a unity of functions of body, soul and spirit arises, which reacts in a very definite and typical way to the environment and - from the point of view of astrology - is determined by the ascendant.
We could consider these provisions further, but this would lead too far, since again it turns out that only with the help of astrological practice can an accurate assessment of the ascendant be developed. We talk in detail about the meaning of the ascendant in individual signs of the transdiacal circle within the framework of zodiacal synthesis.
But first you need to deeply understand the meaning of the ascendant. It is extremely difficult to explain this concept to a non-astrologer. The reason for this is the amazing fact that most people do not have the slightest idea of ​​what character actually is and how it is formed. From this ignorance arise the difficulties that arise everywhere in the education of young people. On the one hand, educators cannot or do not want to recognize the importance of hereditary or innate attitudes, on the other hand, they overestimate the influence of the environment. And this - and here comes a surprising conclusion - is determined politically.
There are political trends that consider as their main position that a person is formed solely as a result of his life in society, that the most favorable social relations give the most positive development of character. Hereditary - innate - abilities allegedly do not play any role, and only the correct “social order” is able to guarantee a person’s positive development and happiness.
On the other hand, experience proves that under the most favorable conditions of development, very often there is no good result, since negative attitudes are dominant. Conversely, even in an absolutely bad environment, in the presence of strong and favorable attitudes, the development of an outstanding personality can occur.
Nowadays, astrology is not universally recognized, although it can indicate the possibilities of personality development and show how one can achieve success or failure through the development of character. It can tell you which people are predisposed from birth to success in life, that is, they have the attitude to rise above others and succeed in life. In countries where the policy is for all citizens to be as similar as possible to each other (equalization), where everything is decided by the state, and where everyone, within the framework of the social structure, performs the functions prescribed to him by the state, it is impossible to take into account the basics of astrology, including predestination of the ascendant.
When calculating the influence of the sign of the zodiac circle, the decisive factor is which decade the ascending degree belongs to. The first ten-day period (from 0 to 10 degrees) is called cardinal, the second is constant, and the third is adaptive.
If the ascendant falls in the first decade, then we note that the properties of the sign are always overly accentuated. In the second decade, the properties appear moderately, in the third - their weakening is already noticeable. For example: 1st decade: “double” Virgo; 2nd decade: typical Virgo; 3rd decade: adaptable Virgo.

If there is a planet close to the ascendant at a distance of 5 degrees before or after, then it overlaps or modifies the readings of the sign of the ascendant. In addition, the indicators of the ascendant are also influenced by aspects to it.
The planet, the ruler of the ascendant, is that very “lucky star”. Which most people have no idea about. How exactly this will manifest itself in a person’s life will be determined by the position of the ruler in the sign, house and its aspects. All this either strengthens or weakens the manager. All aspects of symbolic directions, secondary progressions, transits related to the ascendant play an important role in a person’s life.

Medium Goals

The point on the ecliptic that reaches its highest position in the sky in the daily rotation (that is, the highest culmination) at the moment of birth is called the midheaven by astrologers. In the classification of houses, this point means the highest point of the 10th house.
When passing at 12 noon, the MC coincides with the position of the Sun. After the Ascendant, this is the second most important point in the horoscope, and it is unlikely that two individuals will have the same position of the stars, although they were born in the same place and at the same time. The reason is that the MC changes by one degree within 4 minutes.
From a psychological point of view, MC stands for “self-awareness.” This refers to the consciousness of one’s own “I” - the transition of general consciousness into the individual consciousness of the personal “I”. “I” (ego) represents the spiritual center of the entire personality and, with certain reservations, can be considered as its highest layer and control authority. A person can express himself through feelings, desires and aspirations, but all conscious actions are always controlled by the “I”.

The self is tied to the development of the individual. In a child who only feels satiety, pain, joy, we cannot yet talk about the consciousness of his own “I”. The child himself initially talks about himself in the third person. At the first “stubborn age” (3-4 years), decisive transformations occur. The self, which previously only recorded events without realizing itself, becomes the subject of experience. At the same time, the symbolic unity of the child and the world is resolved: the first separation of “I” from “not I” occurs. By “I” - conscious aspirations, we must understand aspirations directed by the “I” to achieve certain goals in life. For this reason, it is necessary to apply various attitudes and properties to help these aspirations.
Feelings of desire or reluctance are necessary to impart an emotional driving force to the individual, the will must also take part in this, there must be a certain attitude towards other people.
The stronger the connection between the MC and other points of the horoscope, the more the individual stands out from the crowd. A prerequisite for correct interpretation here is the correct definition and data of the time of birth.
The MC in individual sectors of the zodiac circle (divided into decades, like the ascendant) is considered within the framework of astrological synthesis.
MC gives fundamental ideas about a person’s original goal, that is, about his calling, which should not be confused with his profession, since this does not always coincide. MC expresses the goal that everyone wants to fulfill in the world around him, his individual
the aspiration for which he lives. In essence, the MC reflects a passionate desire for the fulfillment of which a person feels born.

What's happened ? This is an astrological chart compiled according to date of birth regarding the place of birth, this personal horoscope with characters in zodiac signs, which indicate the positions of the planets. Such a map can be constructed using astrological programs.

Planets in signs show purpose in one area or another of life. The most important planet, of course, is the Sun, which points to your birth sign. When you are asked what sign you were born under, they mean your Zodiac sign .

Usually by zodiac sign published in the media monthly horoscopes and are given various forecasts. But only in general terms and for the mass of people.

  In fact, the planets change their position every minute and aspect each other differently. Their influence on each person is completely different, and so are the forecasts. Therefore, no one has the same one as you, natal chart, i.e. you are unique.

Symbolically it represents a circle divided into 12 parts. Each lobe - part of the circle - corresponds to an area of ​​a person’s life (natal). In astrology this area is called house.

The four cardinal ones, that is, the most important ones, horoscope houses are:

Zodiac sign on Ascendant indicates the main areas of lessons that need to be learned to make it easier to get along with others. If your zodiac sign is on your Ascendant Aries, this does not mean that you should stand in the way of everyone you meet and push your horns, rather it means that you can be a leader and lead people.

2. MS- the highest point that the Sun reached at the time of birth; it can be used to tell about a person’s social status and what career heights he can achieve. This is the 10th house of the natal chart.

3. Descendant- the zodiac sign that sets at the moment of birth shows your relationships with people. It shows how you reveal yourself in a partnership and from it you can find out the possible character of your future spouse. This is the 7th house of the natal chart.

4. – the foundation of your life, psychological roots. This is the 4th house of the natal chart.

So, the 1st, 4th, 7th, 10th houses are the main houses of your natal chart. But only houses.

You can ask a question by filling out the form on the page Consultation .

Horoscope calculation

In order to compose natal chart, it is necessary to know the exact time of birth or beginning of the event in question and the place of the event (birth). It is also necessary to have ephemeris, tables of houses, a directory of city coordinates (preferably world). Horoscope calculation requires great accuracy of calculations, preferably accurate to the third or fourth digit after the decimal point (in the decimal system) or accurate to seconds.

Horoscope calculation is divided into several stages:
1. Determining the time, and if necessary, the date of birth according to Greenwich Mean Time;
2. Calculation of the positions of the planets at the time of birth;
3. Calculation of aspects between planets;
4. Determination of sidereal time at the time of birth;
5. Determination of cusps houses .

For a complete picture it is necessary to calculate Aspects between planets and field cusps. Calculate and enter other elements of the horoscope that we consider necessary, and do not forget to calculate the aspects to them. We can calculate additional elements, but it’s not worth putting all of them on the map, much less aspects to them, as this clogs the overall picture of the horoscope.

Meanwhile, from the very beginning we need to remember that under no circumstances should we start drawing up a horoscope if we cannot check all the necessary data from official documents. Namely, the data your mother will tell you about when you were born is probably not entirely accurate. As a result of this, a lot of time can be lost and considerable efforts must be wasted, and as a result, doubts will arise about the reliability of astrology as such, since there will be no correspondence between a person and his supposed horoscope.

If you do not have an exact time, you should horoscope rectification .

Since ancient times, interpretation horoscope was called art. Astrology has its own scientific methods of approaching the horoscope and its interpretation, but choosing the most realistic events from a large number of possible events is already an art that is based on experience, hard work, intuition and, of course, talent, a gift from God. Each accomplished astrologer, over time, based on the knowledge gained and his own astrological and, importantly, life experience, develops his own system of interpretations.

The corner houses of the horoscope (natal chart) are the first, fourth, seventh and tenth. The cusps of the corner houses are important in astrological interpretation.

The cusp of the first house is the Ascendant, the cusp of the fourth house is IC, the cusp of the seventh house is Descendant, the cusp of the tenth house is MC.

These four points are established through astrological calculations and are known as the corner points of the horoscope. The signs and planets located in them can say a lot about a person’s perception of the world and how the world perceives him.


While the placement of planets in zodiac signs depends on their movement relative to the Earth, houses are determined by the rotation of the Earth on its axis. The counting of houses in astrology begins from the point of intersection of the ecliptic with the eastern half of the true horizon at a certain moment and in a certain place. The ecliptic is the line on the celestial sphere along which the Sun, from the point of view of an earthly observer, makes its annual movement relative to the Earth.

The Ascendant or Rising Degree is the beginning or cusp of the first house. The zodiac sign in which the Ascendant is located is called the ascendant sign. For example, someone who was born at a time when the sign of Sagittarius was rising on the eastern horizon is said to have an Ascendant in Sagittarius. Since the Earth is constantly rotating, the Ascending Degree or Ascendant changes approximately every four minutes. Therefore, in order to create a personal horoscope, it is important to know the exact time of birth.

Whenever a person is born, he always carries within himself the imprint of the moment in time at which he was born. The properties of the Ascendant influence how he perceives life and how he relates to new impressions. For example, a person with an Aries Ascendant will have a more positive outlook on life in general than someone with a Virgo Ascendant.

The Ascendant is the lens through which a person looks at the world; the worldview depends on it. It can be used to judge the degree of self-confidence, a person’s personality and how individuality manifests itself, in other words, how he wants to appear in the eyes of others.


Together with the opposite point of the natal chart, the Ascendant forms the horizontal axis of the natal chart. The Descendant is the point on the ecliptic at which, at a given point in time and in a certain place, the ecliptic intersects the western half of the true horizon. The Descendant is the cusp of the seventh house.

The Descendant shows a person in relationships with other people - what he consciously or unconsciously strives for in relationships. The Descendant also symbolizes the aspects of personality that a person looks for in others. There is a relationship between the Ascendant and the Descendant - the more developed the qualities of the Ascendant, the stronger the manifestations of the Descendant. The perception of oneself (Ascendant) is formed in communication with others (Descendant).

Midheaven or MC

Another important element of the astrological chart is the southern point of intersection of the ecliptic with the celestial meridian. It is known in astrology as the Midheaven or MC (Latin: Medium Coeli). The Midheaven (MC), as the highest point of the horoscope, symbolizes aspirations and direction of movement. It can be used to judge the qualities that a person wants to develop in himself in order to influence society, his goals, the need for recognition, ambitions and career. According to the sign where the Midheaven (MC) is located and the planets in the tenth house, a person strives to achieve respect, recognition and approval from society in one form or another.


The opposite point from the MC is the IC (or Imum Coeli), which means “lower sky.” The IC symbolizes the most unconscious side of the personality, childhood and family are rooted in the IC, from this point one can judge the origins and origins. This point and the planets located in the fourth home, testify to the deepest motives, many of which a person is not even aware of, but this does not make their influence any less.

Let's consider what the Ascendant, Descendant, MC and IC represent in astrology in the horoscopes of partners. I already wrote about the importance of these two axes in astrology in Chapter 3. They acquire particular significance in the case when these four points in the horoscope of one of the partners are aspected by the planets of the other.

Ascendant and Descendant in the horoscopes of partners

Many books are devoted to describing the aspects of conjunction, trine and square with these points. The general principle is this: any planet that forms a certain configuration with them contributes to the manifestation of unique features of the position of the two axes in a person's horoscope (which can be best seen when the MC is exactly 90 from the ascendant).

If in the horoscope the MC is in a square with the ascendant, this does not mean they have an unfavorable influence on each other: the MC speaks of a fundamentally different dimension of the human personality, its role in life. If any planet is in a square with Midheaven, this indicates its influence on the entire personality of a person as a whole, given to the points

  • ascendant
  • and the descendant.

Therefore, any aspect of the inner planets of one person with the points of the ascendant, descendant, MC and IC in the horoscope of another has a huge pupil.

The ascendant point carries the most information about a person’s appearance and physical appearance, therefore its aspects with planets in another horoscope (especially a conjunction) indicate the partners’ physical attraction to each other.

Descendant in partners' horoscopes

The Descendant speaks about what appeals to us most in people, and therefore has a huge influence on the choice of a partner. If a planet is in conjunction with the descendant, it thereby forms an opposition with the ascendant (as is also true that its trine with the ascendant indicates a sextile with the descendant).

Therefore, a certain position of the descendant in the horoscope also indicates the physical attraction of people to each other. The difference in the conjunction of planets with one of these points is best illustrated by an example. If the Moon of one of the partners is in conjunction with the ascendant of the other, the latter will have a significant influence on the emotions of the first.

Conversely, if the Moon of one is conjunct with the Descendant of the other, the first partner will emotionally influence the second. In fact, we are talking about two directions of energy flow at the pole formed by the ascendant and the descendant.

The Midheaven and Imum Coeli points also play an important role in the relationship between two people, although their influence is not manifested in the physical plane.

Aspects of planets with MC/IC axis

MC is a point indicating a person’s ideal image of himself - and this factor can be as significant for the relationship between two people as their physical attraction to each other.

Planets forming a specific aspect with the MC point greatly to the person's desire to be accepted by others, while planets associated with the IC point indicate more about the person's deep emotional needs. Here again we are dealing with two differently directed energy flows. A person’s ability to manifest certain personal qualities (MC) in life depends primarily on the depth and strength of his personality (IC).

Let's look at the example again: when the Moon of one of the partners connects with the MC point of the other, the first of them will largely support the emotional and personal aspirations of the other. If the Moon connects with the IC point, then the first partner will draw inspiration and even, to some extent, justification for his ideals from the emotional connection with the second.

Consequently, the aspect of one of the four points of one of the partners with the Moon of the other indicates a strong connection between the emotions of the first and the deep mental essence of the other.

Of course, the most powerful aspect in this regard is the conjunction, although trines, sextiles, squares and quincunxes are also important. The configurations of the Sun, Moon, Venus, Jupiter or the ruling planet of one of the partners with the four main points of the other carry most of the information about their relationships, although their aspects with other planets are also important.

Interpretation of the position of the vertex in the horoscopes of partners

Vertex is a point on the zodiac circle located exactly west of a person’s place of birth at the moment of his birth. Vertex in the horoscopes of partners - the coordinate in the horoscope is very important. Discovered relatively recently (by American astrologer Edward Johndroe), it is associated with karmically determined, predetermined events in a person’s life.

Aspects of planets to the Vertex

From my own experience, I know that the conjunctions and oppositions formed by planets and major points with the vertex are extremely important, and the more precise the aspect, the better. Connections and oppositions

  • Sun,
  • moons,
  • ascendant,
  • descendant,
  • MS or

The IC of one partner with the vertex of the other indicates that very important events in the lives of both partners will occur in connection with their relationship.

In the horoscopes of Hitler and Eva Braun, both vertices are aspected (the aspects, however, are not very accurate): Hitler’s Pluto is connected to Eva’s vertex, and her Mars is connected to Hitler’s vertex. The karmic predestination of their relationship is also indicated by the aspects of the Lunar nodes and Saturn in both horoscopes.

By studying, we are able to obtain a lot of information about a person’s strengths and weaknesses, his temperament, talents, fears and complexes. For example, they will talk about the leading motivations of a person, pronounced abilities, the figure of Jones will talk about the type of activity of a person and how he tends to get involved in the cycle of activity as a whole, in which areas it is easiest for him to express himself. The presence of a stellium will show where energy and talent are concentrated. However, sometimes it happens that, despite talents and abilities that are noticeable from the outside, a person chooses a profession that is not related to them. Most likely, in such cases we observe the influence of the VI and X houses of the horoscope.

Whether we like it or not, the location of houses in each person’s natal chart shows in which areas of experience the realization, the external manifestation of the planets, will most often occur. If the VI house is associated with our manner of performing a subordinate role, then the X house is associated with maximum career achievements. And it’s good if, when choosing a career, we focus specifically on the indicators of the X house (without forgetting about other methods) - the position of the MC cusp, the position of the MC ruler, the planet in the X house, aspects of the planets in the X house and the MC ruler. In simple terms, the tenth house tells us in what areas or in what manner we can most quickly and efficiently achieve social success. The indicators of the tenth house are our key to a career springboard and psychological satisfaction from activities; this is the ladder “to the top.” Below we will look at the basic characteristics of all twelve possible positions of the MC cusp in one or another zodiac sign.

MC in Aries: Often, a person chooses a profession spontaneously, as well as through trial and error. He is aimed at quick public recognition, dynamic career advancement, and is inclined to start a new business or project without fully understanding his goals, prospects, and means. In work activity, he gravitates toward autonomy and competitive types of work. He does not like to obey, he is inclined to informal leadership in the work team, but he does not interact with the team very easily (the desire to shoulder everything and show “who is better here”). Implementation in the sphere of business, sports, and law enforcement agencies is favorable. Initiatives are the key to career success. If such people in a business work for someone else and are not the owners, then they perform best if they have autonomy or a small leadership position.

MC in Taurus: In work, a person aims at stability, thoroughness, comfort, systematic, unhurried development. It’s good if the work combines alternation of work and rest. Profession is often associated with material values. The result of the activities of such a person are objects of purchase and sale or services that can be offered. The owner of MC in Taurus requires significant material returns from his profession. If the official earnings are small, then he will try to get what he wants by fulfilling “unfair” orders, demanding bribes, issuing exorbitant bills, etc. Successful implementation in the financial sector, work related to the beauty industry. Professions such as merchandising and sales are also likely.

MC in Gemini: Typically, the work of such people requires the use of mental effort, communication talent, and ease in handling numbers. Often the profession is associated with verbalization - voicing one’s actions. In their profession, they value the possibility of change, mobility, the fact of communication, an emphasis on mental activity, and a variety of situations. It is easier for a person to combine several directions than to perform routine tasks all the time. The profession can be related to training, transport (driving, escort), trade, mediation (cashier, staff worker, courier). Successful career in computing, statistical, information centers, as a scientist, lecturer, teacher, journalist. Friends can help you get ahead at work.

MC in Cancer: In work, a person seeks emotional satisfaction, but is prone to periodically changing professions. Strives to be useful and needed by the broad masses. The human factor and the importance of close, trusting contact are strongly emphasized. Can succeed in the field of service, mercy, assistance, medicine, nutrition, and working with children. Therefore, a person with MC in Cancer can be recommended the professions of a doctor, pharmacist, children's teacher, educator, as well as, in general, activities in the production or sale of the most necessary things for life - medicines, food, clothing.

MC in Leo: In their profession, these people value the opportunity (or appearance) of free creativity, gaining real or imaginary authority, satisfying ambitions and excitement. Also, owners of MC in Leo like the opportunity to express themselves and influence others through personal example. It is important for them to achieve recognition, admiration or leadership in their work. Organizational talent, showman abilities, success through the manifestation of charisma, egocentrism, and acting abilities are likely. We recommend professions related to the stock exchange (broker), game aspects (sports), working with children (teacher), performing arts (musician, actor), as well as implementation as an informal or spiritual leader, director, coach.

MC in Virgo: With this position of the cusp, a person in his career does not crave to be the center of attention, but wants to be useful to others. In his work, he shows prudence, pragmatism, neatness, diligence, and is distinguished by his resistance to routine. When the MC is in Virgo, then most often the person’s official duties are detailed and outlined in advance. The profession itself is valued by these people for its compliance with certain internal needs - accuracy, order, efficiency. Success is likely in medicine (nurse, laboratory assistant), pharmacy, engineering, programming, mathematics, accounting, literary criticism, professions of editor, proofreader, cashier, secretary, librarian, teacher, activities related to repair services (watchmakers, shoemakers). A person can also find himself working with documents, within an institute, a large organization, or in the cleaning industry.

MC in Libra: Such a person values ​​aesthetic moments in the profession, the opportunity to communicate, and better yet, interact with people. He is impressed by the closeness to society, its various groups, and nature. In his work, displays of charm, openness, aesthetic taste, and an honest and diplomatic approach are important to him. I tend to choose a profession close to art or related to the beauty industry or design. Advances in his career, relying on sponsors and business partners. Can become a good lawyer, judge, arbitrator, designer, fashion designer. Success is likely in a profession related to the ability to negotiate with opponents - diplomacy, mediation, commerce, network marketing. There is also a penchant for consulting and working with the public. Any profession associated with close interaction with a partner is favorable, the profession of a seller, agent, manager, secretary, etc. There may be a tendency to engage in several parallel activities.

MC in Scorpio: A person tends to display such qualities in his work as secrecy, emotional involvement, intuitiveness, detective abilities, and the desire to implicitly influence others. The possibility of change, usually external, is valued most by such people in their profession. The potential of a detective, a research scientist, a bank employee or an employee of the Ministry of Emergency Situations. Scorpio on the MC can give a connection with various energies, an “energy” profession: yoga instructor, martial arts trainer, healer, psychic, nuclear physicist, military in the missile forces. Success is likely in the professions of a banker, customs officer, tax officer, stockbroker, surgeon, oncologist, esotericist, political scientist, psychoanalyst, diagnostician, and surgeon.

MC in Sagittarius: People with this MC position have a passion for other countries and cultures, a craving for distant travel, education, missionary work, and philosophical interests. In the simplest sense, it is expressed as the desire to leave for employment abroad. A person is able to make a career in the legal field, teaching, philosophy, linguistics, and in activities that require freedom of movement. Also successful are the introduction into foreign business, the profession of translator, guide, associated with stay in other countries, tourism business, law, economics, marketing research, politics and social activities.

MC in Capricorn: A person approaches the issue of a career very thoroughly and often sets himself a very high bar of achievement. He likes to keep order, systematize, manage. This position of the cusp of the 10th house is typical for those who themselves are part of the system and manage a certain system. A person is able to make a career in hierarchical structures that involve gradual growth, clear discipline and hierarchy (state or army service, work in a research institute). The bosses usually trust and patronize such people, so they quickly receive their first promotion or position. Successful implementation in a profession associated with ideas of control, rules, structure, systematization: architect, notary, manager, scientist (especially those related to history or documents and laws). Also successful work as an administrator, coordinator, HR manager, dentist, orthopedist, tanner, shoemaker.

MC in Aquarius: In work, it is important for a person to embody the ideas of freedom, intellectual communication, and progressiveness. He is ready to experiment in his profession, and is not afraid of novelty or risk. Also, this position of the cusp of the 10th house indicates a person engaged in a rare profession, someone who somehow stands out from the crowd of colleagues. For example, a person may be a conductor of some new trend in his field (modernist architect). Or his profession is standard, but completely uncharacteristic of the environment (populated area). A career as a civilian employee, a representative of liberal professions, work on a flexible schedule or on a shift basis is likely. Success also awaits such a person in the field of electronics, computers, esoteric arts, and advanced sciences. Close friends and like-minded people can help you achieve your goals.

MC in Pisces: A person is emotionally involved in work, trying to show his sensitivity, intuitiveness, and imagination in it. Since Pisces is a dual sign, it is likely either a dual profession (fashion designer-seamstress, teacher-scientist), or a tendency to doubt the chosen profession and periodically change the direction of implementation. Often the owner of MC in Pisces is not particularly interested in his career; he is distinguished by his intuitiveness and humanism in his profession and by his inspired, dynamic approach. He is inclined to engage in humane, non-harmful professions: medicine, pharmacy, modeling, art, linguistics. Success can also be expected when working in the fields of music, psychology, religion, and mysticism. It is difficult for such a person to force himself to do immediate, routine work.


Velichko F. Encyclopedia of horoscope houses. - M., 2015.
Timoshenko I. Astrology, profession, purpose. - M., 2011.

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