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Spells for strong and eternal love. How I, a teacher from Saratov, married an American rich man. The wife left home

Has your beloved spouse stopped paying attention to you? Do you suspect that a rival has appeared? Do you dream of bringing back the old love and passion into your relationship? - here's the solution! This magical ritual can rekindle the feelings of the spouses and return the honeymoon to the marriage!

For the conspiracy to work, it is important to follow some rules. Here they are:

  1. Read the magical text on a new moon or on a waxing moon. At this time, lunar energy reaches its peak and is aimed at creation. Therefore, the conspiracy will be the most powerful and effective
  2. On the day of the magical ritual, refrain from negative emotions and strong experiences. Spend time quietly, rest, relax. You should be peaceful and in a good mood
  3. If you don't believe in the magical power of a conspiracy, don't read it. Your doubts will block the flow of energy, and magic words will not have the desired effect. With such an attitude you can only do harm. Don't take unnecessary risks
  4. You must act only for the good. If the plot is read for selfish purposes or to harm someone, it will harm first of all the person who performs the entire ritual - that is, you
  5. Use the spell only if you are ready to reciprocate the newly rekindled feelings of your other half. There is no need to use a sacred ritual out of spite, with the goal of “making him run around”
  6. It is advisable to prepare a photograph or personal item of your husband shortly before the ceremony. These items are necessary because they contain a piece of human energy. Therefore, they can influence the outcome of the conspiracy enormously
  7. It is advisable to take a shower or swim before reading the plot. It is especially important to keep your hair clean - it is a conductor of feminine energy.

And don't forget - you can bring love, attraction and passion back into a relationship with the help of a spell. But the result will be short-lived if the cause of the discord in the relationship is not eliminated.

For example, if your spouse’s feelings have cooled down due to the fact that you regularly nag him and have stopped taking care of yourself, then when the effect of the conspiracy weakens, the previous problems will return. Therefore, solve them first, and only then consolidate the result with magical rituals.

Conspiracies for husband's love: ways

There are many variants of conspiracies that can attract a husband to his wife and arouse in him love for his other half. We have selected the most proven and effective options.

Salt spell

This conspiracy not only helps to return the husband’s love, but also to protect the marriage from adultery. If you suspect that your loved one has or is about to have a mistress, you can use the following conspiracy:

The magic text should be pronounced over a cup with. There are some rules:

  • You need to use salt purchased specifically for the ceremony.
  • When buying salt in a store, do not take the change - leave it to the seller. Therefore, it is better to pay in small bills. But the more change left, the stronger the effect of the conspiracy
  • It is best to buy salt on the day before the new moon or when the moon is waning.
  • After you cast the spell, put the salt in a secluded place. It needs to be added to my husband’s food. Make sure that no one else eats food with the charmed salt except your spouse - the result can be unpredictable.

The action of this conspiracy is slow but sure: day after day, the faded feelings of your chosen one will be revived and become stronger. Be patient and wait until the conspiracy comes into full force. This usually happens around the next full moon.

Love sugar

  • Buy a nightgown made of natural fabric - cotton is best
  • Sleep in this shirt for several nights before casting the spell - it should be filled with your feminine energy
  • After fulfilling your marital duty, wait until your husband falls asleep, cover him with your shirt and say the text of the plot three times
  • The conspiracy is not suitable for wives whose husband has not shown interest in them for a long time and does not go to bed in the same bed. In this case, it is better to choose another, more suitable option for a love magic ritual.

This conspiracy is very powerful and effective. The next morning your husband should wake up with a feeling of great love for you. Be careful - such a ritual greatly influences a person’s consciousness; sometimes he can do something without realizing his actions.

Watch the video about a ritual to attract love, which will help renew your husband’s old feelings:

Candlelight plot

The text of this conspiracy is as follows:

The plot is aimed at returning the faded feelings of a loved one. But only those who had strong love initially, at the beginning of the relationship, should resort to this ritual. If your marriage was concluded out of convenience, and not because of strong feelings, the conspiracy may not work.

To perform the ceremony you will need:

  • Candles in the amount of two pieces. It is best to use church candles made of wax - the natural material has a strong and very warm energy
  • Pure water. Ideally, you should use spring water. If there is no key nearby, get water from the nearest body of water - a river or lake

This ritual, contrary to all the rules, is best done on a new moon. In the evening, light the candles, put on the water, close yourself in the room and at midnight say the text of the conspiracy.

Wait until the candles burn out. Remove the water and add it to the drinks your husband drinks. Gradually, the plot will take effect and return the old feelings to your relationship.

Let us consider in detail the conspiracy for the strong love of a wife for her husband - with a detailed description of all magical actions so that the ritual does not have negative consequences.

They read this love spell:

And may my wife, God's servant (name),

Loves me forever and endlessly.

How a baby cries without milk, That's how my wife would cry too

Without me, God's servant (name).

I would suffer, be bored,

I didn’t know the white light,

Kissed my scarlet lips,

She hugged my shoulders.

God bless her for her love for me.

Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Love spells - Spells on women for men.

Lately, in any sources about love spells, conspiracies, and sugar spells, rituals for women are most often considered; this is not surprising, since most often women turn to witches and sorcerers. However, one should not think that only women chase happiness and try to bring back their lost soulmates; men often have such problems too. In this article, Igor Leonidovich Nikolaev will tell you several conspiracies used only for men.

Love spell – Spell for the strong love of a Wife for her Husband (Girls for a Guy)

This spell is read on your loved one’s clothes, it could be a robe, slippers, a dress, or a jacket, in general, that item from the wardrobe that your loved one wears most often, or likes to wear most.

Wait for the moment when your loved one is not around, so that she cannot hear and see what you are doing.

Take her clothes, place them in front of you and read the following spell on the item:

“How this thing is loved and dear to my (girlfriend, wife) (Name)

So let me do it for my wife ( girls) I will love you forever, endlessly,

Just as a child cannot live without mother’s milk and cries, so my wife (girl) (name) cannot live without me,

That she would suffer without me, be bored, grieve, not know the white light,

Loved, wished, hugged, kissed.

As soon as she puts on this dress (or the thing on which you are reciting a spell), she will immediately remember me.

From now on and forever. Let it be as I want."

After that, take the thing in your hands and, pressing it to yourself, whisper on the thing: “So be it, so be it, so be it!”

Put the item back in its place.

Love spell - A conspiracy so that your beloved does not cheat.

This plot is read on any liquid, it can be juice, mineral water, plain water, red wine, or some other liquid.

like a bird without wings cannot fly,

How can a person not live without air?

so you (name) cannot live without me.

Like a drowning man reaching for a straw,

like a thirsty person reaches for water,

like a hungry man reaching for a piece of bread,

so you (name) will reach out to me,

only with me, only from me.

As soon as you read the drink, have your loved one drink it immediately. The result of love spells will depend on your desire and your energy.

Read the water spell on the love of a husband for his wife yourself

A love spell for water in a glass is the most common love ritual for doing it yourself at home. You need to read a love plot for the strong love of a husband for his wife on Thursday water (water poured on Thursday) and after the plot, give the husband a drink of the charmed water for the love of his wife. The consequences of this conspiracy are the strong love of the husband and the complete exclusion of his infidelities; the husband will strongly love only his wife, following her everywhere and his spouse in everything. Early on Thursday morning, pour a glass of water; the best time is the full moon, but the love spell can be read on any moon. Cast a spell on the water for a husband's love for his wife :

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

I, the servant of God (name), will go into an open field,

There is a white gyrfalcon there, I’ll ask for a white gyrfalcon,

So that he would fly into the blue sea, into the steep mountains, to Buyan Island,

There are dark forests, quicksand swamps.

He will go into a high tower

And we will find my husband, the Servant of God (name),

At least in the middle of a dark, sleepy night.

A white gyrfalcon will sit on a white chest,

For a zealous heart, for a hot liver

And he will put the servant of God (name) from his mouth,

So that he could not live without God’s servant (name)

Neither live, nor be, nor walk, nor drink, nor eat.

Love for your wife is only in the heart.

Make your loved one drink love spell water; if he doesn’t like to drink clean water, brew tea or coffee from it. A spell for a husband's love read on water takes effect immediately after the husband drinks the water spelled by his wife.

Making a love spell on your own using a red apple by reading a spell at home about an apple of love that needs to be placed behind an icon is a very old love ritual of white magic that can quickly and forever bewitch a loved one. You can read a love plot for an apple on a guy, a girl, a man or a woman; it is suitable for everyone who needs to bewitch. If you have all the listed items in your possession, then as soon as the moon appears in the sky, you can do a love ritual on a red apple and read a love plot. Write your loved one's name in pencil on a piece of paper and fold it in half with the lettering facing inward. Take a knife and cut an apple

If you want your beloved guy or man to miss you greatly, read the spell for longing. A spell is read for a pinch of salt which, after inducing melancholy, must be completely dissolved in a glass of water and the water poured out the window. Having unleashed a strong melancholy on a person with this conspiracy, the guy is unable to restrain himself from loneliness and longing for the girl, very quickly he will come or call on the phone. A spell for melancholy that you need to read for yourself at

This is the most powerful and instant love spell to quickly make any person love-sick. You need to do it yourself so that your loved one gets bored, yearns and constantly thinks only about you, remembering the best moments of your meetings, read the plot that makes your loved one sad. An old conspiracy to make a loved one feel sad is the only and sure way that works and will quickly make a guy or a man feel sad and think only about you, forgetting about everything in the world. To quickly induce a strong melancholy on your loved one with a spell at home, open the window and create a draft 2 times (downwind and against the wind), say the text of the plot to

You can quickly and effectively bewitch a man by reading a strong spell for a man’s love at the window with a lit candle. Immediately after reading, the man you love will begin to experience strong melancholy and a desire to see you as soon as possible - these are all the consequences of the love plot that you read on your own at home for a man’s love. The best time to read a love plot is during the waxing moon or the full moon, but this is not a rule and you can make a person fall in love with you with this plot at any phase of the moon. In the evening after 8 o'clock at home, go to the window and light a candle. Looking at the candle fire and freeing yourself from extraneous thoughts, say seven times quickly but very

If you read this love spell for Christmastide, then the person on whom the Yuletide love spell is made will never stop loving you and will not cheat on you; this particular plot among magicians is called an eternal love spell that forever binds two souls together. It is almost impossible to remove a love spell made during the holiday week! If you decide to do this particular Christmas ritual for love, once again carefully consider your love feelings for the guy or man you are bewitching. By the way, this love plot can also be read for the love of a girl or woman whom you love and want her to love only you all her life, replace male words in the text of the conspiracy with female ones and vice versa. For Christmas

You can read conspiracies on your own during the Christmastide week from January 7 to 18 for a variety of reasons, and most often on Christmastide they read fortunes and read love conspiracies. Conspiracies on. Today they will tell you the oldest and 100% working Christmas ritual for love, which is done at home during the week of Christmastide from January 7 to January 19. With the help of a magical ritual for love on any day of the Christmastide week, you will very quickly attract a husband who, during the coming New Year, will love you very much and will definitely marry you. This love plot also works on an existing husband or a man who has cooled down with his feelings or, even worse, has begun to walk to the left - if the plot is read on him

This strong plot for the husband’s love should be read by the wife on her own so that the husband loves her more than life itself, always wants only her and never cheats on his wife. After the wife reads the spell for her husband’s love and respect for a glass of water and gives her husband a drink, the beloved man will “take his head” and stop drinking and going out with friends, and will always rush to his wife. As a result of this love spell cast on his husband, he will be strongly drawn home to his family, every day more and more respecting and loving only his wife. Pour drinking water into a glass and say the words of the spell for love and respect over it.

A love spell on a husband for food is the easiest way to make sure that the husband does not go out and loves only his wife. In order to quickly and strongly bewitch your husband, you need to read a salt spell which you should subsequently salt food for your husband. What kind of conspiracy is this that you need to read on your own about the love of a husband for his wife? Read on. It is best if the plot is read on a full moon, in which case the plot will have an effect on the husband in the morning. Have a festive dinner and salt the food with the charmed salt, do not be afraid to try the charmed food yourself, it will only affect your husband. The spell for salt must be read after 6 pm - not a minute earlier, better a little later! When you wake up

Witches very often cast the strongest love spell for melancholy in bad weather. If you read a strong witch's love spell in the rain, snow or strong wind, then with the help of magic you can bring black melancholy and love to a person. Immediately from the moment the witch's magical ritual is performed, the person being bewitched will have an obsessive desire to see each other as soon as possible and be together more often. You will see the consequences of a “witch’s love spell” immediately; a person bewitched in this way begins to call more often and show his love feelings more vividly, and, being at a distance from you, greatly misses you. This very common among the people and quite quick conspiracy allows you to conjure

The love spell ritual and conspiracy for fidelity and prevention of betrayal which will be discussed is a very powerful and independent love spell that is done only once on a beloved husband and boyfriend or man so that he does not go to the left and cannot cheat. The “burden of fidelity” spell of fidelity will protect your loved one from the temptation to cheat and he will not stand on others. If you are worried about the safety of your loved one’s fidelity to you, perform a fidelity ritual and live in peace. Read only once, a love spell for the fidelity of your beloved husband or boyfriend with whom you live in a civil marriage. A quick and powerful plot to ensure fidelity and prevent betrayal is a must read

A love spell against a husband's infidelity will help stop and prevent the infidelity of the husband and the man he loves and the guy he likes with the help of the magic of prayer. If you independently read the prayer for a good life against your husband’s infidelity and perform a simple ritual on poppy seeds, a strong conspiracy can make sure that the husband does not go out on the side, does not drink or go out with friends, and he is always drawn to his wife’s family. White conspiracy - prayer will stop your husband’s infidelities and return peace and love to the family. For a long time, conspiracies and prayers against betrayal of a beloved husband have helped wives preserve their family in mutual love and harmony, free them from betrayal and jealousy, ensuring a good life for the family. Poppy in the old days

How to bewitch with the help of a photo and how to make a love spell on your own from a photo, the conspiracies for today will tell you. To perform a magical ritual for love, you need to prepare and collect the attributes necessary for a love spell. To perform a love spell ritual, even a photograph taken on a phone is suitable, but the photo must be single (where the man is alone), and the photograph from the phone must be printed on paper. In addition to the photo, for a love spell you will need a church candle, holy water, a new unsewn needle and red thread, a piece of fabric and a coin. A love spell is performed right at home at any time of the day or night; the lunar cycle for a love spell also does not matter.

Magic on the Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary on August 28, according to the tradition of our ancestors, helped to maintain the fading love between husband and wife or kindle ardent love in a young man (guy) whom the girl wanted to bewitch and fall in love with herself forever. Conspiracies for the Assumption for love continue to be read independently in our time with the goal of creating a strong family that remains faithful between spouses. When the Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary and the Ever-Virgin Mary comes this year, you can remember the signs and customs of our ancestors and, resorting to white love magic, read a conspiracy - a prayer for love, fidelity and marriage, after performing a simple ceremony in the church on church candles. What a conspiracy -

After reading a spell on salt, you can quickly eliminate your rival without the name of your rival and without her photograph using magic and conspiracy. Do a magical ritual yourself and after reading the spell on your rival for salt, your rival in love or mistress will quarrel with the person you love and the power of magic will return him to you. On the Internet on forums you can read many positive reviews of those who made a conspiracy to cool off from a rival. This conspiracy will very quickly eliminate your rival forever and bring your loved one back to you. A very simple ritual to perform, if necessary, can be performed by any unprepared person whose love has been encroached upon by another woman and everything that is needed for this,

A conspiracy to reconcile a husband and wife after a quarrel will make sure that the beloved husband himself apologizes and also forgives the offense against his wife. Reconciliation magic is a very common magical ritual with which you can reconcile spouses in a very short period of time. This ancient conspiracy against a husband after a quarrel should be read by the wife herself and not tell anyone about the ritual she performed on her own to reconcile with her loved one. Only under this condition, even if you have had a big quarrel, can a conspiracy to reconcile the warring parties, influencing the kindness and love of the husband, be able to force him to be the first to reconcile and ask for forgiveness from his wife. A strong plot to reconcile with a loved one

Spells for husband's love.

There comes a time in the life of every family when love relationships reach a dead end. It seems that love passes, and old feelings simply become a habit. Doubts about the fidelity of their loved one begin to overcome. Well, if doubts are confirmed, then this becomes a real tragedy for the deceived woman. To find out that the person you loved, trusted and respected, raised children together, is betraying you, in this case a woman can do anything. It’s a pity for the lost best years dedicated to your loved one, and the years are no longer the same for fighting off someone else’s, when it is much easier to return your own. You can try many ways to bring back your old relationship, but you can try to return your husband’s love with long-known and tried magic rituals to attract love. After this, relationships in family life are normalized, your mistress will disappear from your life, your old feelings will return, and your husband’s love will definitely return to you. Conspiracies carried out at home are very powerful, especially if you follow the rules for their implementation. Read carefully how to perform the ritual correctly and follow all the instructions, otherwise you won’t succeed, and you may even get an unpredictable result. A spell for your husband’s love will help you return happiness and joy of love to your family.

A strong conspiracy for the husband to return.

This plot is read at the crossroads of four roads. In the late evening, when the full moon is shining, go out to an empty intersection and in a quiet voice read the spell for all four roads. After the plot is read, leave without looking back. Don't tell anyone about this, not even your closest people. In order for the plot to gain sufficient strength and help bring back your loved one, read it for three days in a row. Conspiracy words:

If you do everything correctly, the result will not take long to arrive.

A very strong conspiracy to love your husband.

If your husband goes on a spree, and family relationships begin to deteriorate, and his mistress does not give way, make a strong conspiracy for your husband’s love. After reading such a plot, your mistress will leave behind and you will return your husband’s love. For the conspiracy you will need: a church wax candle, salt, holy water. At midnight, while alone in the room, dilute salt in holy water to form a saline solution. Light the candle you bought in the church, place a container of saline solution in front of it and read the spell over it twelve times:

The saline solution must be sprinkled in the four corners of the room, and let the candle burn out to the end. Leave the room without looking back, read the “Our Father” three times before going to bed and go to sleep.

A quick-acting spell for your husband's love.

What position the moon is in (new moon, full moon) depends on the strength of the spell, love spells are cast, various magical rituals are performed on the waxing and waning moon with the goal of returning the husband’s love. There are many rituals that do not require any special conditions for their implementation; they can be performed at home. A strong, almost instant result from such rituals will help you return your husband to your family and regain the former peace in your home. This plot is read on a waxing moon; for it you need a church candle, and some hair from your husband’s head. At midnight, lock yourself in a room, sit at a table covered with a white tablecloth, take a candle and try to slowly crush your husband’s hair into it. After this, carefully bend the candle so that its ends are connected and you get a circle resembling the moon. Open the window and through the resulting circle of candles, look at the moon and read the words of this conspiracy:

After honoring the spell, wrap the candle in a handkerchief without unbending it and put it away from prying eyes. Don’t tell anyone about the ceremony, otherwise your wish will remain unfulfilled.

A plot for a gift for a husband so that he doesn’t cheat.

For the upcoming holiday, or just because, buy your husband a gift and a deck of playing cards. Perform a magical ritual over this set. Read the words of this conspiracy three times:

After this, give the gift to your husband, and keep the deck of cards for yourself. Do not give this deck of cards to anyone. Every time the moon begins to rise, take out the deck and read the same plot over it. This is a guarantee that your husband will always be by your side and will not go to the left.

A food plot to make your husband love and be devoted.

It's no secret that the way to a man's heart is through his stomach. Well, if food is also enchanted, then your husband’s devotion and love is guaranteed. Such conspiracies are distinguished by their ease of execution and excellent and quick results. What could be easier, cook a delicious meat dish, read a spell over this dish and feed your beloved husband. When you start cooking, read the words of this spell seven times in a row:

Well, if you prepare any sweet dish for your loved one, then read the words of this conspiracy:

Cook delicious food for your husband more often, read these conspiracies, and be happy in your family life.

Conspiracy for the love and attention of your husband.

Buy for your beloved husband a shirt or some other thing that he will subsequently wear on himself. When the full moon comes, read the words of the following conspiracy over the purchased item three times:

Give the enchanted item to your husband, let him wear it with pleasure and always remain an attentive and loving husband.

A conspiracy to bring your husband home.

My husband left home for another woman. Yes, it hurts, I probably missed something, didn’t notice, but don’t fall into despair. There is a strong conspiracy that can be done at home; it will help bring home a husband who has been on a spree. For this plot you will need: a chicken egg, a white chicken feather, a sharp knife, a glass of holy water, an item that was in the hands of your husband, the item can be anything, even a paper napkin with which he wiped his hands. Wait until the new moon comes, only then will the plot take effect. At home you should be completely alone. When midnight comes, light three candles, take your loved one's thing and run the pen over it thirty times, moving the pen clockwise. Heat a knife over the candle flame and break an egg into the holy water. After all that has been done, you can read the words of the conspiracy:

After reading the plot, cover the glass with a white cloth. At dawn, take the water with the broken egg to the house where your husband currently lives and pour it under his windows. Since the conspiracy is aimed at a specific person, it will work even if the object of the conspiracy lives in a multi-story building.

A spell for a husband's strong love.

The pentagram plot will help you renew cooling feelings and improve family relationships. If your husband left the family, this powerful plot will help you get your husband back. In order for the love spell to turn out to be of high quality and to please you with a good result, you need to carefully prepare for it. You need to buy five red candles and two black candles. A blank piece of whatman paper to draw a pentagram on. Clean, preferably medical alcohol, a thick needle, a gypsy needle, a small piece of wax. Prepare all this in advance, and wait for a dark, moonless night. When night falls, you can begin the magical ritual. In the room where you should be, completely alone, draw a five-pointed star on the floor of the room with wax. Place red candles at the five ends of this star, and in the center of the star place a cup with alcohol poured into it. From two black candles, make a doll that resembles a person. Using a gypsy needle, scratch the name of the person being bewitched on the doll, then light red candles and alcohol in a cup. Prick your finger with a previously disinfected needle and the blood that appears, coat the doll, and begin to read the words of the conspiracy:

After honoring these words, place the doll, anointed with blood, in a cup with burning alcohol, and while the fire in the cup is burning, read the following words: After reading the plot, wait until the fire goes out, take out the doll and hide it so that no one finds it, bury the remaining candles and a cup of alcohol in a secluded corner. Wipe the floors with a wet rag, do not tell anyone about the ceremony.

Consequences of a love spell on a husband's love.

After reading conspiracies or other magical rituals, your husband will return to you. The power of the conspiracy will act in such a way that he will not be able to live without you, but it is also possible that he will feel bad with you. The purpose of the conspiracy is to return your husband, and soon after the ceremony, you will feel that your relationship has changed for the better. Your husband began to show attention to you, spend more time, talk about his love. However, conspiracies also have a downside; they affect the energy of the person being bewitched, suppress his will, and can even influence his psyche. A general physical ailment may appear, which subsequently develops into a serious illness. When we engage in magical rituals, we do not think about the consequences; we want to get what we want, but it does not always coincide with what we actually wanted. I didn’t want earthly love, but in return I got zombies. Therefore, before you do magic, think carefully about whether you want to ruin the life of another person.

How to get your wife back. How to return your beloved wife to yourself (husband) and return your wife’s love to our relationship

How to return your beloved wife to yourself (husband) and return your wife’s love to our relationship

“How to bring a wife back to herself on her own who was loved if she doesn’t want to”? Advice on how to return a wife to his family after betrayal and divorce is given by a husband who returned his beloved with a child after a divorce at the moment when his wife left for another. Using strong love spells to get back, which will help even your ex-wife to make peace.

How to get your wife back with a strong love spell

People begin to value only what they irretrievably lose, the same in family life. There can be many reasons for a wife leaving home, including the outbreak of love on the side, and divorce due to your spree. Let's not dig through other people's underwear. if all the methods of reconciliation with your beloved have been tried, and she remains cold, in order to bring her wife back to her, it’s time to resort to the help of magic.

  • When your wife leaves, and living without her is lonely, the best way to return your beloved, even if she has fallen out of love and left with the child for another man and she has lost all her feelings for you, is to cast a strong love spell between your wife and her husband, and you should never read the words of the love spell on your own and without telling anyone that you used this effective method.
  • Very often, husbands, having separated from their beloved and gone through a divorce ceremony, wonder how to return their wife, often their ex, if she does not want to restore the relationship. In this situation, love magic will help, namely a love spell to return your wife.

To make a love spell on your wife yourself, we will need to prepare for a magical love spell ritual. To protect yourself from the negative influence of higher powers, you need to make a talisman for yourself. Take an ordinary safety pin, heat it over the flame of a church candle and speak on it a protective spell that will protect you and the consequences of your wife’s love spell will not affect you

Conspiracy for the love of a husband: 7 rules for conducting a ritual + 3 ways to return passion + 2 options to fight off a mistress + ritual so that the spouse obeys.

It seems like just yesterday that you and your significant other could lie in bed all day, enjoying each other’s company. And when they came to the party, your happy couple made all the singles within a radius of ten meters sick...

But now you are of no more interest to your loved one, or even less, than the final match of the Champions League. Don't give up!

Try using a spell on your husband’s love so that peace and grace will return to the family.

7 rules on how to correctly read a plot for your husband’s love so that everything succeeds

Even if you have already done this before and did not get the desired result, there is no need to despair. Perhaps you missed some important nuances.

  • unless another time is specified for reading the plot, it is best to do it at midnight, when otherworldly forces are activated;
  • To perform a powerful ritual, wait for the waxing moon. The fact is that her energy will give the ritual additional strength.

    You can find out when these days favorable for the ritual will come from any lunar calendar or find information on the Internet;

  • Before you return your husband’s love with the help of a conspiracy, think carefully about whether you really need it. Under no circumstances do this out of curiosity - higher powers do not like to be disturbed needlessly.

    And in general: magicians claim that a strong ritual performed in vain (unnecessarily) can, on the contrary, push a man away from you. And then try to get the relationship back again!

  • let’s say right away: if at the words “magic”, “love spell” and “witchcraft” you raise your left eyebrow contemptuously, then there is no need to think about how to return your husband’s love - a conspiracy will not help.

    You must sincerely believe that everything will work out - with every cell of your brain.

  • you need to read only in a good mood, no “I’ll arrange it for him now” or decadent “Who needs me anyway? Without a strong conspiracy, I can’t even bring my husband back?”

    During a magical ritual, you should feel like an intelligent, beautiful woman, a kind of good sorceress who casts spells only on special occasions, and one of these occasions has arrived;

  • Bringing back love with the help of a magical ritual is a simple matter. It is more difficult for women to keep their mouth shut after this. Don’t tell anyone about your manipulations - and you will be happy with a man who, as you know, loves silence.

Another important nuance: you need to choose the right strong ritual, depending on the goal you set.

Conspiracies for your husband’s love, if you feel that he has lost interest in you: 3 options

Option #1.

  • wait for the waxing moon (it is best to check the lunar calendar);
  • take your husband’s new (unwashed) white shirt;
  • set her collar on fire. How will you do this - a lighter, matches, etc. - doesn't matter;
  • let the fabric burn, and in the meantime you say out loud:
  • How people look in the mirror
    That’s how my husband (name) would look at me!
    How soap washes off quickly
    So my husband (name) would quickly fall in love with me.
    What a light shirt on the body,
    So my husband (name) would be bright.

  • When the collar is completely burnt, extinguish the clothing. The shirt needs to be hidden away from human eyes.
  • Psychics claim that such a strong ritual will help restore good relationships in the family, the spouse will become flexible and attentive.

    Option number 2.

    A strong, but at the same time simple ritual to bring back a cold husband.

    All you have to do is make love to him in a new nightgown. Then be patient so as not to snore on his shoulder, but wait until your spouse falls asleep himself, quietly wipe him with your shirt, saying:

    Just as I (name) cannot live without my shirt, without my sweat, so that my husband (name) cannot live without me. Amen

    If everything is done correctly, then your family life with your spouse, and especially intimate life, will gain a second wind. Hello, second honeymoon!

    Option number 3.

    Do you need to win back your husband's love? This conspiracy will make your relationship sincere and harmonious:

    • At dawn, so that no one sees you, you should fill a clean glass with running water. It is best if it comes from a river or stream. But city ladies can also use regular tap water;
    • hide the glass of liquid in a secluded place until evening;
    • as soon as it gets dark, go to your bedroom with water, and holding the vessel in your hands, say the love spell three times:
    • Just as a bird cannot live without heaven, a forest animal cannot live without a forest, a wild flower cannot live without earth, so may not the servant of God (name) be able to live without me, the servant of God (name). So that he would be bored and grieve, would not see the white light, could not live even for an hour without me, the servant of God (name). Amen

    • Now all that’s left to do is to sprinkle the charmed water on your bed with your man, and pour what’s left through the window in the room.

    We also have strong love spells in our stash, for those women who need...

    2 strong conspiracies for your husband’s love, if you need to win him away from your mistress: victory will be yours!

    Method number 1.

    You can return your husband's love with the help of this plot if you know the name of the homewrecker:

    • First, grind the dried hawthorn berries into powder. And do not spare any effort - the smaller the grains, the stronger the conspiracy will be;
    • then write your opponent’s name on a blank sheet of paper;
    • now you need to tear the paper into small pieces, putting into your action all the feelings that you feel for the homewrecker;
    • scatter the scraps on the floor and sprinkle chopped hawthorn on top;
    • It's time to have a good stomp on the paper and berries. Imagine trampling on your husband’s feelings for another woman;
    • at the end you just need to sweep the floor and try to think only about good things for the rest of the day. It is best to remember the most pleasant moments of family life with your husband.

    IMPORTANT! This ritual is so powerful that it does not require any special words. You can get your husband back if you invest maximum emotions in him.

    Method number 2.

    One of the most powerful spells for the love of a husband in order to get him back from his mistress is the following:

    • light the purple candle.
    • IMPORTANT! The shade of the candle is important, since purple is the color of separation and cooling. Do not use other candles for a spell;

    • on one sheet of paper write the name of your husband and the name of his mistress;
    • cut the paper into two parts so that the names are on different halves.
    • burn each of the parts in a separate saucer, whispering the following plot:
    • Burn the purple candle, burn, burn, separate lovers forever. You take all their passion and love for yourself. Burn, burn, burn, separate forever!

    • the spell must be repeated until the paper burns to the ground;
    • at the end of this powerful ritual, you should go out into the street and scatter the ashes strictly in different directions, for example, from one vessel - clearly to the right, from another - to the left.

    IMPORTANT! If it is windy outside and the ashes are mixed, there is a chance that the magic ritual will not work. It's better to wait for calm weather.

    This strong man acts in this way: when communicating with his lover, he will begin to experience discomfort, some kind of melancholy that is incomprehensible to him, and, in the end, will return to you.
    And you are happy to meet them “fully armed” - with sparkling eyes, a good hairstyle and a fresh manicure. Beauty, isn't it?

    How to get your husband back, a conspiracy that works...

    Spell for your husband's love if someone interferes in your relationship

    It is worth turning to conspiracies for the love and obedience of your husband if:

    • someone is slandering your spouse. Eh, someone, you haven’t laughed at jokes about daughter-in-law and mother-in-law for a long time;
    • there are serious problems in the family (financial, psychological, etc.), but the husband does not listen to you and does not want to seek help;
    • Your husband, against your will, has a person whom he obeys unquestioningly (friend, colleague, boss, relative, another woman, etc.), but does not listen to your opinion.

    Do you know your situation? Then you need to act.

    All you need to do is make a sweet pie. Choose the filling that your husband likes most. When you remove it from the oven, say out loud:

    Pie-pie, help us in the family to gain agreement. Make sure that we both taste you and live happily. So that my husband listens to me, loves me, honors me and respects me. So that my word would be law for him. Let peace and harmony settle in our family. Amen!

    All that remains is to feed my husband to his fill with this delicacy.

    This simple but powerful plot will help restore your husband’s obedience: your words and opinions will be sweet for him, like his favorite pie. All that remains is to guide your spouse in the right direction in life - stop drinking, smoking, look for a good job, stop being a “mama’s boy,” etc.

    So, if you are determined to improve your relationship with your significant other, you can use not only the advice of professional psychologists and friends, but also make a conspiracy to win your husband’s love. After all, in this delicate matter, as in war, all means are good.

Let's consider in detail the plot for a woman's love, read white magic at home - with a detailed description of all magical actions so that the ritual does not have negative consequences.

Despite the fact that love magic is more in demand among girls, sometimes men also need to use a spell for a girl’s love. Such rituals are especially in demand in cases where you want to awaken love feelings in your chosen one. In addition, with the help of magic you can return your beloved after parting due to a petty misunderstanding or quarrel.

Features of rituals

Of course, you can use a spell to love a woman or girl only if you sincerely believe in magic. In this case, all the rules of a particular ritual must be observed. Any deviation from the rules can lead to serious negative consequences. In addition, when deciding to perform a ritual, you need to be confident in the strength of your own love for your chosen one.

Strong conspiracy

A strong conspiracy is read at dawn, on one of the days of the waxing moon period. It is recommended to carry out the ceremony on the street without witnesses. But, as a rule, in large cities there is no such opportunity, so the ritual can be performed at home near an open window. The magic spell is read for twelve days in a row.

His words are as follows:

A little time will pass and your chosen one will remember you more and more often. And soon life circumstances will develop in such a way that you will meet by chance, and it will be possible to create certain relationships based on this.

Ritual of awakening love

There is a very effective ritual that awakens natural feelings in a girl’s soul. The ritual involves charming a bouquet of roses, which should subsequently be presented to the chosen one. Of course, such a gift must be appropriate, so the ceremony should be carried out before any significant event in the girl’s life.

You need to charm very beautiful scarlet roses and an indispensable condition of the ritual is that the flowers must be grown in your region. This is due to the fact that if your energy may not be enough to charge flowers from another region with love energy.

At midnight you should retire to a separate room, place the purchased roses in a vase in front of you and say the following spell:

The bouquet should be given to the girl you like the next day. If everything is done correctly, then soon she will be interested in you.

Arousing passion in a girl

You can use magic to awaken the passion of the girl you like. But you need to be very careful with such influence. You should prepare yourself for the fact that for some time in your presence your chosen one will feel awkward in your presence and only your accidental touch will be able to calm her down. After some time, you will feel that your chosen one is ready for intimacy. But the main thing is to build a harmonious relationship after this, so that the attraction to each other does not end with a simple desire for sex. The plot is read in a secluded place on a photograph of a girl in the dead of night.

Looking into the eyes of the image in the photo, you should say the following words:

Strong men, as a rule, rarely use magic. And this is reasonable, because nature has endowed the male half of humanity with special natural abilities, using which they can win the heart of any most unapproachable woman. And these should definitely be used, and magic should be left just in case.

Love spell. Strong spells for love white magic

You can read white magic love spells at home; the spell is strong and acts at a distance from the person being bewitched. Attracting love with the help of white magic occurs at any distance from the loved one on whom the love spell was read. The fact that you need to read a love plot at home makes it more convenient than a love spell ritual that requires more serious actions and preparation to attract love from the person you love.

White love plot men and unmarried guy needed read on photo only on one's own and at home, where the person on whom the love spell is being cast and whose love you want to attract should come. You need a photo of your loved one, if you don’t have a photo, you can secretly take a photo of him on your phone. For a love spell - a conspiracy, you can use a black and white photograph printed on a printer of a man you like or an unmarried guy. The white plot for love should be read over the photo so that your breath warms and penetrates the distance to your loved one, who at the moment of reading the plot is at a distance from you.

The text of the love plot to read:

I (your name), servant of God,

In the photo of my beloved I look at him and bewitch him,

I read the white conspiracy and gain power over my dear one,

After praying and making the sign of the cross, I take the photograph,

I call him to my house.

Be you a servant of God (name) to me, dear, beloved by me.

You will be sad without me, you will know no joy in anything.

If you feel sad about me, call me very often.

Let that melancholy not pass until my beloved comes to me.

My love will satisfy my longing,

This strong love spell will return happiness in his heart.

I seal my word and lock it forever.

As soon as you read the conspiracy over the photo of your loved one three times, love longing and sadness for you will awaken in his heart and soon expect a call on the phone or at the door - this will be the effect of this powerful conspiracy for the love of white magic, which you were able to read on your own without leaving anywhere your home, that is, at home.

White and black magic makes it possible to read strong love spells for the love of a man, woman, boy or girl that cannot be removed; they act quickly and forever. If you have a need to quickly bewitch your loved one so that he loves only you and never cheats, you need to read a strong love spell that cannot be removed

You need to read the most powerful spell for the love and melancholy of a woman that cannot be removed in her photo and the effect of such a love spell begins in 1 day. White magic of love will open a good Orthodox conspiracy for the strong love of a woman for a man, which you will have to read on your own. For a conspiracy, certain objects are needed and there must be a new moon.

White love magic will help you bewitch your beloved man, you just need to read the spell for a man’s love yourself while at home. The most powerful love spell that cannot be removed must be read in the photo and on the food as soon as the full moon passes and the new moon comes, treat the man with the charmed food such a love spell

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You are thinking about how to get a guy back after a breakup whom you love and who already has another girl, of course, with the help of a love spell, having read a plot to return your loved one and the advice of a psychologist is unlikely to help here. Believe me, there is nothing complicated about this and the return love spell really works and the person on whom the love spell was made will very quickly return back to you and even

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“You can quickly return your husband to the family by restoring his love for his wife and children in one day if you read a strong conspiracy in the photo or influence your loved one with prayers, but then it will take a little more time, and you can spend a lot of money and listen to the advice of a psychologist on how to get your husband back to the family, but no one can give a 100% guarantee for this option of returning a loved one

A love spell is a very powerful way to return a husband to the family if he went on a spree or went to his mistress, forgetting the way home. Today we will tell you how to bewitch your beloved man so that he stops cheating and leaving home. Get ready to make a strong love spell on your own to get your husband back in order to bewitch him to you. Women have always used magic and arranged their own

Love spells that cannot be removed and the effect of which is permanent are perhaps the most popular and powerful love spells for the love of a person who does not show love feelings. Love spells are divided into two types: black and white, and they all work at a distance. A black love spell is done in a cemetery under the moon and cannot be removed on your own, only by an experienced and

“How to get my beloved ex-girlfriend back after breaking up if I love her and she doesn’t want to improve our relationship and is already dating another guy”? “I want the girl back.” “how to get a girl back if.” “how to bewitch a girl who.” We very often receive such questions from readers through the feedback form and

Making a girl fall in love with you

Various magical rituals, especially love spells, are considered to be an activity more suitable for girls and women than for young people. However, if desired, men can achieve some success in this field; it is enough to make some efforts to make their dream come true. For example, to achieve the love of a chosen one who ignores signs of attention. There are a lot of male magicians in the world - and this is better proof that representatives of the stronger sex can successfully use magical techniques to achieve specific goals. A beginner should not expect an immediate effect from the ritual. Sometimes miracles really happen, but usually, before a noticeable result occurs, the spell for a girl’s love has to be read again, in total at least three times.

Another condition for such conspiracies: since they all have a love spell nature, after their action is manifested, the feelings of the performer cool down. This does not always happen, but only if, in those cases, a man was forced to take up conspiracies by ambition and hurt pride, and not by love. The young man begins to regret what he did and in every possible way deny his guilt in what he did. Meanwhile, the love of the charmed girl is becoming stronger, and if the performer leaves her, changing her mind, she is able to decide on the most desperate act. In order not to stir up drama and not take sins on the soul, the lover should, before starting to read the plot, weigh all the pros and cons and make sure of the seriousness of his intentions.

A powerful ritual to attract attention

The best time for this love spell is Thursday or Monday on the waxing moon, sunset hours. You need to prepare for the ritual - focus on what you want, learn the text of the plot in order to read it from memory, and clean the room in which the plot for the girl’s love will be read. This does not only mean cleaning: during the ceremony there should be no strangers in the room and not a single living soul at all - even pets and fresh flowers. After waiting for the hour of sunset, you need to turn to face the house of your beloved girl or woman (that is, look in the direction where it is located) and say the following words:

“The dawn is coming through the dark gates, leading me, the servant of God (name), to the bank of the river. The river is deep, the river is wide, and in the middle there is a blue stone, on which the servant of God (the girl’s name) sits and drops tear after tear into the river. Her heart was shackled with melancholy and sadness. I will stand in front of the blue stone, stretch out my hands and lift the servant of God (name) from the stone. I will caress and console her, dispel sadness and melancholy, and soothe sadness. The servant of God (name) will love me, have mercy, hug me, kiss me. Let it be so! Amen."

We charm the water

This common type of conspiracy is very easy to perform if a man at least occasionally has the opportunity to meet the object of his passion. You can charm both water and other non-alcoholic drinks. In order for the conspiracy to take effect and awaken love in the heart, a woman only needs to take a small sip. You need to read the words of the conspiracy three times in complete silence, in a loud whisper, pronouncing each word well:

“Water-key, make it so that (name)-maiden dreams of me, yearns for me, doesn’t utter a word, doesn’t look at me, burns in fire, glows, can neither live, nor be, nor eat, nor drink without me . Amen"

It is important that no one else drinks from the woman’s glass, otherwise the plot will be broken.

Conspiracy in the photo

The ceremony with photography is suitable for those who can visualize, imagine themselves together with their beloved girl, or in reality see the flows of love spell energy penetrating into the heart of the chosen one. It is advisable to choose a full-length photo, or at least waist-high. The girl should be alone in the photo, without strangers. The text of the conspiracy is read at dawn:

“The red sun will rise at dawn, rise and flare up. So in the heart of God’s servant (the girl’s name), love fades and flares up. The earth is illuminated by the light of the sun, and so love in the heart of God’s servant (name) strengthens, grows and pours out with pure light, rejoices and has fun. Just as everyone reaches out to the sun, so you would reach out to me. My word is strong, Amen!”

After reading the plot, the photo is put away in a safe place - where no one will see it until the result occurs.



Self-made spells for a girl’s love will allow you to see reciprocity in the eyes of your beloved and make all your dreams come true. How to win the reciprocity of your beloved girl? This question sooner or later visits most of the stronger sex. What to do when your love is strong, but her feelings are far from yours.

Here is the first free spell to make a girl love you:

“On the sea, on the ocean, there is an island called Buyan, and on that island there is melancholy; melancholy is torn, melancholy is killed, from the tree into the blue water, from the water into the red flame, a black devil ran out of the flame and shouted: “Father Romanea, hurry quickly, inflate the slave (such and such) into red lips, white teeth, and joints. and her bones and flesh, into her young body, into her strong heart, into her black one, so that the slave (such and such) would be tormented by melancholy every time, every minute, every noon, every midnight; I would eat and not finish eating, I would drink and not get drunk, I would sleep and not get enough sleep, but I would still yearn for me, so that I would be better than other people’s fellows, better than my own father and my own mother, better than the whole family. I secure my conspiracy with seventy-seven locks, twist it with seventy-seven chains, throw the keys into the sea-ocean, under the white-flammable stone of the wise Alatyr. The wisest will be exacted for me; whoever takes out all the sand from the entire sea-ocean will drive away the melancholy.”

Here's another love spell to get a girl's love:

“I will lie down, servant of God (name), pray, stand up, cross myself, and I will go from door to door, from gate to gate, into an open field, under the bright stars, under the moon of God. Three roads lie before me: I will not take the right one, and I will not take the left one; I’ll get up and walk along the middle road, and that road runs through a dark forest. In that dark forest stands a yearning tree; melancholy grieves and grieves, grieves, and I impart that melancholy to the servant of God (name); longing will rise into her white body and strong heart, and into her red braids, into her hot blood, so that she, the servant of God (name), will yearn and everything, but she will grieve and think about me; so that drinking does not quench her thirst, so that food does not drive away her hunger, so that sleep does not lull her to sleep, and she would always keep me, the servant of God (name), in her mind. Just as the sun and moon are eternal and reliable, so would my conspiracy be eternal and reliable. Amen, amen, amen."

There is an independent conspiracy for your beloved girl like this:

“I will get up early, without praying, I will walk quickly, without blessing, I will head into an open field, like a whirlwind. In that field there is a willow bush, and in that bush sits a fat woman, a servant of Satan, a human sinner. I will bow to this fat woman, I will retreat from my parents, from my family. Come, fat woman, kindle a hot flame in the red maiden (name) in the heart for me, good fellow (name).”

Spell for your girlfriend

Love is never easy; problems in the amorous area can inspire extreme melancholy. Any experienced family man will confirm the fact that the amount of effort put into a love relationship is proportional to the effect.

In the modern world, the most active users of love spells are the fairer sex. To achieve what she wants, a woman is capable of doing amazing, incredible, and sometimes frightening things.

Men also fall in love, sometimes they find themselves lonely, even when their heart breaks out of their chest at the sight of their beloved.

When most of the usual ways to find a soul mate and get her back are exhausted, a conspiracy to love a girl comes to the aid of men. Fortunately, there are a huge number of conspiracies that solve the problem, help disperse melancholy, and find the woman you love. There are an incredible number of conspiracies, so everyone will be able to choose the ritual they like best.

Compliance with the rules is a 100% result

Rituals designed to attract a lover are ideal for modest, indecisive men. Usually, to get started, the male sex only needs an initial push in order to quickly improve his personal life and get rid of melancholy. Experience in amorous affairs is a unique tool that allows you to win hearts.

First, a conspiracy to love a girl will come in handy. Remember the rules, failure to comply with them leads to unpleasant consequences. You should resort to conspiracies, magic, and witchcraft only when there is a real need. Without counting on a future long-term relationship, forget about the help of heavenly powers. You need to cast a spell on a girl with one hundred percent confidence that she is your muse, a reason to wake up in the morning.

Eliminating the consequences of an unsuccessful plot often turns an already joyless life into a real nightmare; try to follow the instructions exactly. When trying to return your beloved, be sure to be alone, otherwise you will get lost.

When reading a plot, it is important to concentrate on the image of your loved one; it is better to drive away negative emotions, such as melancholy and sadness.

A few days before the conspiracy, it is recommended to fast; do not drink alcohol, it will interfere with concentration. Carry out one conspiracy on a girl, stop. It is quite possible that the result of the work will not be noticeable immediately. The most important thing is to continue to act; you are unlikely to be loved by a girl who barely knows you. Also, conspiracies are great for bringing back your beloved.

Powerful forces will help you find love

It is recommended to read the first plot at dawn, during the waxing moon. If you want to woo a girl, this is one of the most popular rituals. You need to read the plot in a whisper while on the street. However, for residents of large cities, it is better to carry out the procedure at home, near an open window. The plot is repeated 12 times within 12 days.

After some, perhaps quite a long period of time, your significant other will begin to think about you. This method will allow you to return the girl, or, if love passed you by, find a new one.

You can win your beloved woman with the help of other conspiracies. For example, this ritual is best performed on days suitable for male witchcraft.

The most important thing is to clearly pronounce each word, including the “tail,” since each part of the plot is of great importance. If you are distracted by anything, place a candle in front of you, it will allow you to concentrate.

The beloved’s hair is a powerful tool for a successful plot; it can attract the attention of the beloved and bring her back.

The only difficulty of the ritual is the procedure for obtaining hair. However, if you already have it, you can quickly dispel the melancholy.

First of all, learn a short text of the conspiracy, which should “bounce off your teeth.” Then the girl’s hair is twisted onto a comb and the words of the spell are pronounced several times.

After you are sure of the effectiveness of the work, you need to comb your hair with this comb.

The result will stun you

Correct observance of the rules of the conspiracy, its accurate reading is already 90% of the result. It doesn’t matter what exactly you wished for, whether you wanted to return your old lover or find a new one, in any case, you will succeed. Communication with a potential soulmate will help dispel the melancholy; overcome yourself and try to talk to her. Higher powers will be on your side, so start with a small suggestion, for example, going to the movies or a cafe.

Love spell for a woman's love: read at home, which will definitely work even from a distance

Expensive gifts, huge bouquets of flowers, invitations to restaurants or a joint vacation trip are not always able to arouse a woman’s love for someone who shows such signs of attention.

In the end, the time comes when a man, desperate and having tried all attempts to win his beloved, decides go to extreme measures and bewitch your chosen one with the help of love magic.

All that remains is to choose the appropriate option and follow the instructions in everything.

Read at home

It is not necessary to seek help from a psychic or an experienced magician in order to bewitch a woman. Home conditions are quite suitable for achieving what you want. The ritual is very simple, but, nevertheless, it has very high efficiency:

  • at midnight you should fill the glass halfway with running water, which is prepared in advance;
  • Taking the container in his left hand, the man should go to the window and begin to move the fingers of his right hand along the top of the glass, performing circular movements, repeating the woman’s name over and over again;
  • The glass is placed on the windowsill and left there until the morning. This is necessary so that the water is filled with the energy of the moon;
  • the lady needs to be invited to visit, and when she arrives, give her tea or any other drink, into which add a few drops of the charmed liquid;
  • with every sip you need look at the bridge of the nose beloved.

To do this, you will need a personal item of the bewitched object, a church candle, on which to scratch the name of the chosen one with a needle, and then place it near a large mirror. A man sits opposite, lights the fuse and reads a magic spell three times.

“I ask for help from the fire of fate. So that (woman's name) becomes mine forever. Let our love be sealed with fire.” Having said these words, you need to turn your back to the candle and say at least three times: “Let the enemy get out of the way, the soul of (the woman’s name) will be on my doorstep.”

Then turn your face to the flame again and repeat three times: “I make a sacrifice to the fire to fulfill a wish.” An object belonging to a woman is burned.

On distance

To bewitch your beloved woman from a distance, you will need a sharp knife or blade, with which a man makes a small cut on his hand. The blood is collected in a container. After the ritual is completed, it will need to be drunk.

The cut is tied with a red ribbon, and the magic words are read: “I hold your destiny in my hand and am waiting for you, and you will come to me. Just as the wound will soon heal, so love will come to me. Amen".

The words of the conspiracy must be repeated at least ten times. As soon as the cut begins to heal, the result of the love spell will appear. How quickly everything heals will determine how soon the lovers will be reunited. You can use fish scales and a photograph of your loved one to perform an equally effective ritual. It should be noted that this will require visiting a cemetery.

After eighteen days, the beloved will begin to show interest in the man, show him signs of attention, and flirt. The ideal time for this ritual is midnight, when the moon is in a growing phase.

A love spell that will definitely work

To conduct such a ceremony, certain rules must be followed. They are as follows:

  • A woman should not have a relationship with another man;
  • You can return your ex-love only if six months have not passed since the separation;
  • The author of the ritual must personally know his beloved and communicate with her often;
  • it is necessary to experience real feelings for the bewitched object;
  • you should never use love magic for fun;
  • the words of the spell are pronounced clearly and legibly, you cannot distract your attention to anything else;
  • the plot is learned by heart or copied by hand on a blank sheet of white paper.

You need to get a photograph of a woman, buy two church candles and piece of red ribbon. On the waxing moon, you need to make sure that there is no one else in the house, light the wicks of the candles, put the photo on the table, turn it over and write your beloved’s name and yours on the back, then draw a pen around them so that you get a heart. The image is tied with a cross-on-cross ribbon, and its ends tied in a knot.

Having completed these actions, say the magic words: “by me, the servant of God (my name), it is not a ribbon that is tied tightly, but my fate is tied to the fate of the servant of God (the woman’s name). No one can destroy our union and strong spiritual connection. This knot will never be untied, but my beloved will forever be near me. Amen".

Read by candlelight

It is believed that church candles can enhance the effect of a magical love spell, so you can carry out the ritual at home. To do this, you need to visit the church and buy three wax candles, one of which you should put on yourself for your health.

This will reduce the negative consequences that may arise. The ritual is performed when the moon is in its waxing phase. You should wait until midnight and light the candles.

Within ten minutes you just need to sit with your eyes closed, thinking about your woman, and then clearly pronounce the witchcraft formula:

“I, the servant of God (my name), lit these candles, they burn with holy fire. Like a bright and pure flame, so love will kindle for me in the heart of God’s servant (woman’s name). So that her feelings flare up and are not going to fade away. She was tormented by longing for me, bored, and didn’t want to drink, eat, or live without me. My word is true and strong. Let it be so. Amen".

You need to extinguish the candle flames with your fingers and go to bed. In the morning, candle stubs are wrapped in a clean sheet of paper and hidden in a secluded place.

Love is a magical, bright feeling, but it is precisely this that often causes the greatest pain and suffering. Every person wants to feel the closeness of their other half, to be desired and loved, and to be safe. But it’s not so simple, because sometimes feelings arise for a person who simply does not notice it, thereby hurting him painfully.

Does the guy not even look at you or is he even dating someone else? It’s not so easy to just forget him, because you can’t tell your heart who to love and who not. What to do so that fate does not condemn you to hated loneliness?

This is where love spells and conspiracies come to the rescue, which will give the desired effect with a serious attitude and proper preparation. We will present the most popular and effective rituals that will save you in any personal difficulties.

In this article

When and how to make a love spell

Magic, along with faith, are good tools for achieving goals in love. Supernatural forces change our existence and contribute to self-realization, because we are a symbiosis of the spiritual and mystical principles.

A conspiracy to attract love is a magical ritual that will ignite passion in the heart of a lover. They evoke both slight sympathy for you and strong all-encompassing love. It depends on how correctly you follow the rules when carrying out a love plot.

Attracting a man into your life and creating a relationship with him means creating a mental connection that is several times stronger than physical intimacy. It is very difficult to destroy. Even after breaking up with a person, you will remember him and constantly think about him. This will prevent the creation of new long-term relationships - it is incredibly difficult to leave love in the past. Do you feel something similar? Then it will be useful for you to undergo a cleansing ritual, and only after completely destroying the connection with your former lover, start a new relationship and use a spell to attract men.

Need to know

Love is a great power, so do not forget about the dangers. Love spells require knowledge and experience for everything to work out correctly, otherwise such manipulations will turn out worse for you. You should aim to awaken your target's feelings, not force them to fall in love. It is fundamentally immoral to force a person to worship you.

Perhaps you will be able to completely fall in love with a man with magic - a rich, kind, handsome man, or carry out a strong conspiracy for the love of a man, but this will not turn into a sincere and sincere relationship. Leave him freedom of choice and you will be glad about it. He will probably be able to overcome the spell and fall in love with another girl, because real feelings are always stronger than fake ones. White magic is prohibited from being used to harm a person.

When starting a ritual, think again about the consequences. Are you sure you want to see this man next to you all your life? After all, if your feelings fade away after some time or you fall in love with another, this person can ruin his entire life by unrequited pursuit of you. Under the influence of a strong love spell, a guy may become aggressive and be unable to understand and cope with his feelings.

In this video, Liya Nadel will teach you how to write a love plot yourself:

Give a chance to leave

Manipulating the happiness of another is one of the most unpleasant consequences of misusing white magic. Perhaps it is better to let go of a person who absolutely does not love you and does not want to live together? This especially applies to the situation when your lover has already found his happiness and is drowning in the love and embrace of another woman. Be careful, otherwise it will look like denial of the real reasons for the separation.

Turn your attention to the other man and use the spell on him. A new life with a new person is the right choice.

It happens that the breakup was due to your offensive mistake, and your ex-boyfriend cannot forgive you. Then feel free to turn to white charms and use a spell for love.

An effective and easy spell

The simplest of rituals aimed at making a guy fall in love has the following specifics:

  • reading at home during sunrise;
  • before starting you need to read the prayer “Our Father”;
  • have any new beautiful thing with you (jewelry, wallet or scarf);
  • holding a new thing in your hands, say magic words.

God! How people wait, wait for spring,
How red the sun is touched,
So would it be for me, God’s servant (name),
The men, young and old, rejoiced.
They looked, admired, followed me
Old old men, mature men,
Young fellows and beardless youths.
Received with honor, respected with honor,
Everyone stood up on their feet in front of me,
In conversations they gave their word,
They would come to show mercy to me.
The dream was held to kiss.
All words have keys.
All matters are locked.
In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Within a month you will meet a wonderful representative of the stronger sex. He will want to spend the rest of his life with you and will become your support in all your endeavors.

A very strong conspiracy

We gradually move from the simplest and most harmless rituals to more complex ones. This powerful conspiracy, which is almost impossible to remove, is based on an appeal to the energetic forces of love. And whether or not to respond to your requests, they decide on their own, and you cannot influence this. This ritual also protects the woman by preventing her from being with a guy who will cause her misfortune in the future. If higher powers predetermine their happy family life, then there will be a meeting.

No matter how you live on earth without light,
how not to wander in the void without legs,
so that the Servant of God (name of goal)
I could not live without the Servant of God (proper name).
Be my soul mate
sparkle with a teardrop,
burn in soul and body,
and together we will rise above the heavens!

Safe white spell at home

White magic is comparable to a push that is aimed at the thoughts and feelings of a person you are interested in. After performing the magical action, the object will think about you and want to meet, and this is a good chance for the guy to confess his love.

During your daily morning routine, look at the water, smile at the reflection in the mirror, read the following words:

True owner
slave (your lover's name)
cannot live without his shadow,
longing for me
your servant (your name) will not overcome.
Walk, stumble,
choke from melancholy.
Like the sun in the sky
so are you with me,
slave of the master (name of your lover).

If you want to bring back the old passion in your relationship with your husband, take his shirt or T-shirt. It is important that he already has it; you can use an old or unnecessary one. Cut off the collar from it and burn it to ashes, while repeating these words three times:

What kind of shirt was on the body,
Such was the husband to his wife.

After reading the spell and getting rid of the collar, you will burn away all the troubles and negative moments of your life together. Peace and love will reign in your home again. Remains of used clothing should be thrown away.

White conspiracy for the love of a beloved man

This text also serves to restore relationships with your lover. Perhaps everyday life is killing you or he is interested in someone else? Then do the following:

  • get up early in the morning, before dawn;
  • remove all your jewelry, including elastic bands and hair clips;
  • Open the window;
  • with your right hand, take a completely new needle;
  • read the text.

I'll get up at dawn
let me go out into a clean field
and I’ll look into the clear sky -
and a sharp arrow flies across the sky.
So fly, you sharp arrow
into a zealous heart, into hot blood,
into the clear eyes of God's servant (name).
So that for me he is a servant of God (name)
I was so sad and sad, always and everywhere.
My will is firm
my word will come true.

After this, hide the needle where no one else can find it.

Conspiracy from a photo

This ritual, when performed correctly, performs three tasks:

  • piques interest;
  • then sexual desire;
  • and finally, longing and desire to be with you.

The photograph must be recent, no older than two years. The love spell must be read three times a day - in the morning, at lunch, and before bed. Holding the photo with your right hand, you need to be filled with positive emotions and read:

As a servant of God (name)
cannot live and be without his shadow,
so the servant of God (name) cannot
and without longing for me, God’s servant (name).
Walk, stutter, choke from melancholy.
As the sun moves across the sky,
so you go along every road to me,
God's servant (name).
My word is strong and molding.

In this video, Magician Astart will tell you about all the intricacies of the conspiracy using a photograph:

Gypsy spell on bay leaf

The supernatural power of the bay leaf will help to carry out a conspiracy for mutual love:

  1. Write your wish on a piece of paper.
  2. Light a candle.
  3. Imagine what you have planned - you are together, walking hand in hand, kissing, etc.
  4. Light the bay leaf while saying the text.

By the power of the gods and the power of heaven,
the power of the Universe and the power of miracles.
My wish came true.
As I ordered, it happened!

Love spell for a drink

A powerful spell to find love relies on the magical power of saliva. Prepare a drink for your target, spit it, and he will definitely love you. Say the following words:

My saliva is strong.
My saliva is sweet.
(name) take a sip of it,
at least a sip.
It will hit you in the stomach
your belly.
And you will love me forever!
(name) you won’t be able to live without me for a day!
Not a day!

Spell on a thing

Spells on clothes are effective because you see them and can energetically influence them. She acts as a conductor between the performer and the object of desire. A spell for a loved one’s thing can be of three types:

  • the item will be returned to him after the ritual is completed;
  • the thing will be destroyed;
  • new clothes will be a gift.

Choose clothes that will be worn regularly and are a favorite part of your wardrobe. Before giving a new thing, place the item on the table, light three candles around it, and say:

You're taking things from me,
You give me your peace.
In the light of day and darkness of night
You won't be able to live without me (name)
Happiness and urine. Amen.

An ancient plot for eternal love

A spell for eternal love is one of the old love spells created for people who are confident in their feelings. Usually applied to love for husband/wife. To implement it, you need to stand knee-deep in water and read the text nine times:

In this wide world there is an entrance,
who will pass into it,
he will find my water.
I'll put it in my palm
servant of God (name of the beloved) right hand,
I bring upon him eternal love for me
and the melancholy he will not wash away,
will not dissuade me, will not stop loving me,
will not forget (bow). Amen.

Then soak one of your beloved’s things in this water, dry it thoroughly in the sun and let your betrothed wear it.

Ritual for finding love from Stepanova

Natalya Stepanova's love plot to find a reliable man is done on Easter. You need to decorate nine eggs, kiss each one in turn, and say the cherished words:

People love Holy Easter,
remember and appreciate maternal affection,
even though men love me so much,
they appreciate me, they follow me,
for the servant of God (name).
Christ is risen,
and the groom will come to me,
will marry me.
Let it be so.

Conspiracy for strong love without betrayal in the future

To avoid the betrayal of your beloved man and ensure a measured life without scandals and worries, you can use a conspiracy from Natalya Stepanova.

Pour cold water into a basin, bare your legs and stand in it. Read the text of the plot and rinse your husband’s thing, preferably a T-shirt or shirt, in water. Dry and let it wear for one week.

There is an entrance on earth,
the one who enters it
there he will find my water.
I will take the servant of God (name)
by the right hand,
I will bring you eternal love
boredom at him.
Won't wash it off
don't talk him out of it,
don't stop loving me
and never forget (bow).
How can he avoid eating?
don't drink,
will be bored in separation,
do not know peace, suffer.
I will become like bread and water to him,
clear sky and earth,
I will be dearer than freedom
and relatives of red blood.
(Name), give me your heart,
and take my heart in return.
Mother earth, close
sister water, help (bow).
You will follow me, (name).
The power of water below the foot (bow),
four stars at the top (bow).
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Spell for husband's love

Do you feel that your relationship with your husband has cooled and he no longer looks at you the same way as before? Is love slowly but surely fading away? Are you afraid of his cheating? Then bring back your relationship and add some sparkle to it with the help of a conspiracy that can easily be done at home.

If you had your wedding ceremony in a church, the effect will be incredibly powerful. If not, it’s okay, you will still be happy with the result. At midnight, open the window in your room and, looking at the moon, read three times in a half-whisper:

I'll stand on the threshold of the church
May I create a talisman for my family.
My dear husband (name),
give me your peace.
I'm standing in front of you
and behind my back is a holy protective icon.
I will bow to her and stand at the altar.
I gave it to the slave (name)
your heart, your soul.
So now he would be jealous of me,
I didn’t let myself go anywhere.
He would love me, take care of me and caress me.
Like a mother suffers for her children,
so you too will suffer for me,
love and wait for me,
and never change.
My word is strong and true.

Love spell for a married man

Before carrying out such a conspiracy, it is better to think five times whether you want to take on sin and destroy someone’s family. If you are sure that the chosen one is unhappy and a relationship with you will only benefit him, then feel free to proceed.

The text of the conspiracy must be memorized, light a black candle, and read late at night:

Clear Falcon, (name),
flies around the world,
built a nest,
Yes, I didn’t find happiness!
Fly, falcon,
I'll set the table
I will become a faithful friend,
Let's be a joy to each other!
I crown Rab (name)
Rabe (name) not for a day,
and forever!
Black to black
light - to me!
Get Slave (name) to me,
not my wife! Amen!

Attract the one and only

The purpose of the ritual is to return the one who left you with a broken heart. The power of the spell will increase even more when carried out early in the morning without prying eyes. Get up before dawn, choose a place in advance with a lot of flowers, for example, the back garden. Ideal if there is no city bustle around. Stand towards the sun so that it illuminates your face. Run your right hand across the grass and read the text.

Like dew from the sun,
the ascendant evaporates,
let it be destroyed
like dew from the first rays of the sun
starts to dry out
so is the servant of God (name of the man) for me,
God's servant (name) will begin to dry out.
Let him know no more peace
neither at night nor during the day,
let there be no joy in his life,
neither at work, nor while walking, nor in rest.
Let the servant of God (name of the man)
always thinks about me
let him remember me every minute.
I conjure you (man's name)
Lord God,
yes to all the Orthodox saints.
I conjure you (man's name)
the day of the creation of the world.
Happy birthday
I conjure you (man’s name).
In the afternoon, when I finish my earthly journey,
I will reject earthly joys and sufferings,
I conjure you (man’s name).
With all the powers of heaven and earth
I conjure you (man’s name),
all the spirits of light and darkness.
To be mine for you.
Amen. Amen. Amen.

In this video, Marina Sugrobova will share the “Energy of Love” exercise, which will help attract your loved one:

Plot to attract a guy

A simple love spell is as follows:

  1. Take a piece of scarlet cloth and a ring with a ruby ​​stone (it does not have to be yours).
  2. Buy three church candles.
  3. In the middle of the night, when the moon is new, place candles by the window and light them.
  4. Read the text of the plot while holding the ruby ​​ring.

Let them gather
good fellows for the bright holiday,
for the feast of Christ,
let it come from all sides
they are reaching out to my house.
How they look on the Great Holiday
to the sacred crosses,
Yes, the poppies are beautiful,
Yes, the face of the Mother of God is bright,
so they will look at the servant of God (proper name),
they won't be able to tear themselves away.
I will seem more beautiful to them than the red sun,
purer than white silver.
Let it be so. Amen.

At the end of the ritual, wrap the ring in cloth and hide it in a secret place.

For the love of a handsome guy

If you are in love with a young man, communicate with him, but are afraid to admit your feelings because he is incredibly handsome, then turn to white magic. Early in the morning, read the spell and repeat the ritual for three days in a row:

I conjure, all the Highest powers,
so that the Servant of God (name of loved one)
united forever
with the Servant of God (proper name)
like that
how natural elements are connected
Fire, Air and Water with Mother Earth.
May the thoughts of my beloved
will always be directed to me,
like that
As always, the rays of the Sun tend to the Earth.
Let in his imagination
there is always a scene
our life together.
Let every memory of me
fills his soul with joy and peace.

A strong conspiracy - to make a guy confess his love

Are your efforts to attract a guy going in vain? He doesn't reciprocate? The solution is to perform two actions - self-care and reading the plot. First of all, try to take time for yourself and dedicate the day to cosmetic procedures. Do your hair and makeup, or completely update your look. If the change of image does not make an impression on him, then you will have to turn to a love ritual.

The main task is to quietly obtain a few hairs from the head of the betrothed. Then you need to do the following: light a fire (for example, in an old unnecessary plate), throw in some of your hair and his, and read the words three times:

fire of the Holy Spirit
set our hearts on fire.

Wait until the fire burns out. Scatter the ashes outside and you will soon see the results.

Love plot for the betrothed

Probably every young girl thought about who she would fall in love with. If you can’t wait to find out his name, you can carry out a simple and effective conspiracy on your betrothed. To do this, you need to write text on a piece of paper. Then take two church candles, tie them and light them. Set the sheet on fire and wait for ash to form. Rub it in your hands and read out loud:

I'll get up before sunrise,
I'll leave the house
and I will go into the dark forests,
and into the rotten swamps.
And in those swamps there is a black bathhouse,
Yes, the grandmother-procurer lives in it.
And she has a stone stove,
and in that stove there is a copper bowl,
and in the bowl everything boils and burns,
it burns and dries up.
So would the servant of God (name)
about me with your heart,
soul and body were seething,
it burned and dried up.
My word is strong
yes solid. Amen.

Soon you will have a chance to find out his name or meet him in person.

In this video, healer and psychic Vitaly Rozhkov will teach you a beautiful ritual for love “Two Candles”:

Spell "bewitched heart"

This love plot involves the presence of a red candle, which is a symbol of feelings and love.

Spread a white handkerchief and use a lit candle to drip a heart shape onto it. Fill the middle of the mold with wax. When it's dry, write your lover's name with a marker and stick a needle into the middle. Leave it there and hide the scarf from prying eyes. Throughout the process, read the text:

It's not the fire I light,
and I call upon the soul of my beloved,
I'm not pouring out wax,
and I ask the body,
It's not the heart I'm piercing
and I invite love into my life.
Let soul and body unite
and they turn into God’s servant (name).
His (her) heart is filled with love,
God's servant (s) is addressing me.

For affection and true love

The plot guarantees love and freshness in relationships for those who have lost their lover and want to get him back. When attracting your ex to you with the help of magic so that he falls in love with you, keep in mind a few rules:

  1. Belief in the power of magic.
  2. The object must remember you.
  3. Confidence in the final result.
  4. Reading a prayer early in the morning.

Your soul will fly like a bird,
when you fall asleep.
She will fly to me
and sits on my pillow.
She will peck bread from my palms,
and drink the water from my lips.
Your soul, (name),
knows me and is not afraid of me.
For me it is tame.
So you too, (name),
when you wake up,
tame and not shy.
Lay your head on my shoulder
and smile at the happiness
which came.
Everything will be like this.
Everything will be fulfilled according to my word.

A conspiracy to make your loved one love you even more

When you have a strong and sensual relationship with a man, various obsessive thoughts always arise: what if he falls in love with someone else, who is this girl from work, why is his ex writing to him?

Go to church and buy six candles. Place three of them right there for your health, and take the rest home. And also buy a new needle. Holding it in your hands, read the text of the plot. After each reading, extinguish one candle.

O Almighty Lord,
I pray to You for a deep request.
Create a high wall
create a deep hole
and a barbed fence,
viscous melancholy
create a mortal.
Lord, close the slave (name) there.
so that he doesn't leave me
and I couldn’t find another woman for myself.
Lock it with the key
Yes, take that key for yourself.
Help me Lord
God's faithful servant (name).
And until that lock is opened,
slave (name) will not stop loving me.

Ritual for bad weather

You can use the given love spells, or you can use well-known Orthodox prayers. The Bible says that if you ask, you will definitely receive.

In this case, your chosen one must be exclusively single and not think about another woman, otherwise the prayer will be meaningless. The ceremony must be performed during rain, snowfall or severe thunderstorms. You must be alone in the room and read the spell in a whisper:

The priest walked to the church.
The wheel is rolling, spinning,
your butt rolls under your feet,
clings to the hem of his clothes.
Let it rush at me like that
servant of God (name),
rushes at me
spinning around me in circles,
like a pop on an icon,
let him pray for me.
All saints help,
subdue the servant of God (name) to me.

With this video, magician Anastasia will complement the topic of love rituals for bad weather:

Ritual at dawn

One of the conspiracies for a loved one, which will help you easily win your goal, requires the following conditions to be met:

  • be outside or stand near an open window;
  • time of the new Moon;
  • early morning, dawn;
  • repeat daily twelve times.

I conjure
to (lover's name)
became one with (proper name) in the same way,
how the four elements of the Earth are united,
so that thoughts (name of lover)
were only about (proper name),
how the rays of the sun rule
The light of the world and its virtues.
Make sure (lover's name) can't
eat, drink, enjoy life
without (proper name).

The subject of your magical ritual will feel a desire to be near you after the twelfth day of reading.

Ritual for love

To conduct a ritual to help attract love, you will need to do:

  • take one large pink candle and three small ones;
  • write an affectionate nickname for your future boyfriend;
  • relax and isolate yourself from worries and problems;
  • write the name of the Gebo rune on the largest candle;
  • focus on imagining your ideal partner;
  • light one of the smaller candles and wait for it to burn out;
  • repeat this two more times;
  • After the ritual, place a large candle on the windowsill.

From this video you will learn how to perform a love ritual using Tarot cards:

Amulet for a dream

Your love rituals will be more effective if you make an amulet. It will be designed to attract not a specific young man, but an ideal option for you. To properly make an amulet you need:

  • red, white and green ribbons;
  • a small branch of an apple or pear tree;
  • candle (red or pink);
  • red sheet of paper, pen.

Give your future partner a name or affectionate title. Write it on the candle with a marker and light it. Write your own name on a piece of paper. Imagine the desired image of your lover and braid all the ribbons into one braid. Tie a leaf with it and glue a twig with wax. Hang the finished amulet in a visible place, preferably above the bed, and expect good luck in your relationship.