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Interesting facts on the topic: Booklet "Selection of popular expressions, proverbs and sayings about health and a healthy lifestyle." Statements of great people Statements about a healthy lifestyle by famous people

“Intoxication is voluntary madness” (Aristotle)

“Teetotalers... observe things as they are, without describing or imagining what does not exist, they will never show recklessness or feeble-mindedness, they will not fool around or simply have fun, but they are always of sound mind and full of prudence...” (Apollonius Tiansky)

“Beauty perishes from wine, youth is shortened by wine” (Horace)

“Drunkenness is an exercise in madness” (Pythagoras)

“People are afraid of cholera, but wine is much more dangerous” (O. Balzac)

“A drinking worker does not think, a thinking worker does not drink” (A. Bebel)

“Beer makes you lazy, stupid and powerless” (Bismarck)

“Every drunkard once drank in moderation” (G. Bunge, biochemist)

“The habit of drinking alcohol harms humanity more than war, famine and plague combined” (C. Darwin)

“Wine brutalizes and brutalizes a person, hardens him and distracts him from bright thoughts, dulls him” (F.M. Dostoevsky)

“Drunk people are easier to control” (Catherine II)

“Traditionally, drinking a glass of New Year’s champagne deprives me of creative activity for a whole month” (Lev Landau, theoretical physicist, academician, Nobel Prize laureate).

“Alcoholism is a product of barbarism - it has had a stranglehold on humanity since the time of hoary and wild antiquity and collects a monstrous toll from it, reaping youth, undermining strength, suppressing energy, destroying the best flower of the human race” (D. London).

“Do not drink alcoholic beverages, those who drink are poison, those around them are torture” (V. Mayakovsky).

“Here is my testament to you: do not have in your house not only wine, but even a wine vessel” (St. Seraphim of Sarov)

“There are two roads, choose any: one serves the enemy, and the other serves God. If you want to serve the enemy - drink wine, beer, vodka yourself, treat people, celebrate baptisms, weddings, funerals with refreshments - and serve the enemy. If you want to serve God, then first: stop drinking beer yourself. Wine and vodka; neither more nor less, but give it up completely, so as not to give temptation to people. Second: give up the custom of treating others at farewells, weddings, christenings; don't be afraid that people will judge you for it. Fear not people, but God” (St. Tikhon of Zadonsk)

“If people who drink have joined hands and step on other people and want to make the whole world drunk, then it’s time for reasonable people to understand that they need to fight evil so that their children are not drunk by erring people” (L.N. Tolstoy).

“They don’t drink and smoke like that, not out of boredom, not for fun, not because it’s pleasant, but in order to drown out their conscience” (L.N. Tolstoy)

“Wine destroys the bodily health of people, destroys mental faculties, destroys the well-being of families and, worst of all, destroys their offspring” (L.N. Tolstoy)

“Wine is accustomed to as well as to another poison - tobacco - little by little, and wine is liked only after a person gets used to the intoxication that it produces" (L.N. Tolstoy)

“Drunkards became drunkards only because non-drunkards, without harming themselves, taught them to drink wine and seduced them by their example. Drunkards would never have become drunkards if they had not seen respectable people, respected by everyone, drinking wine and treating them to it” (L.N. Tolstoy).

“Alcohol is a drug... and differs only in details from other drugs, all phases are extended... euphoria with alcohol is more distinct, which explains the attraction to alcohol in human society” (V.K. Fedorov, colleague of I.P. Pavlov).

“Alcohol, tobacco and other drugs cause 90% of damage to the genetic fund” (F.G. Uglov, famous surgeon, academician).

“It is not AIDS, not tuberculosis that will destroy Russia, but beer alcoholism among the younger generation” (G. Onishchenko, chief sanitary doctor of Russia)


“Smoking makes you stupid, it is incompatible with creative work” (W. Goethe)

“Tobacco harms the body, destroys the mind, makes entire nations stupid” (O. Balzac)

“Tobacco lulls grief, but it also inevitably weakens energy” (O. Balzac).

“Tobacco is the cheapest, most “soft” drug, the severe consequences of the use of which are invisible, but appear in a more or less distant future, which creates the illusion of its harmlessness” V. Bakhur, Doctor of Medical Sciences).

“The total toxicity (pollution) of tobacco smoke is 4.5 times higher than that of car exhaust gas” M.L. Belenky, psychiatrist)/

“Cigar smokers, these are my natural enemies” (V. Belinsky).

“When smoking 20 cigarettes a day, a person actually breathes air whose pollution is 580-1100 times higher than the standards” (M. Dmitriev, Doctor of Chemical Sciences).

“Tobacco, which I have given up for several years now, in my opinion, together with alcohol, is the most dangerous enemy of mental activity” (A. Dumas the son).

“Every smoker should know and understand that he poisons not only himself, but also others” N. Semashko).

“Don’t drink wine, don’t sadden your heart with tobacco - and you will live as many years as Titian lived” (99 years) (I.P. Pavlov).

“Currently, the opinion of oncologists is unanimous: the main cause of lung cancer is smoking” (L. Serebrov)

“The first cigarette is the most dangerous, the first sip of tobacco smoke is the most terrible, as is the first glass for a future alcoholic” (B. Segal, Doctor of Medical Sciences).

“The observation of the extent to which smoking drowns out the voice of conscience can be made on almost every smoker... Out of 1000 smokers, not one would be ashamed to blow unhealthy smoke into a room where non-smoking women and children breathe air” (L.N. Tolstoy).

“...A morphine addict, a drunkard, a smoker is no longer a normal person” (L.N. Tolstoy)

“Smoking is not a habit, but a powerful need that commands a person. The fight against smoking should be public, like the fight against opium. Generations of smokers are doomed to extinction” (S. Tormozov, Russian scientist).

“Tobacco is the number one cause of death in our society, ahead of cancer and car accidents” (Maurice Toubian, professor).

“Smoking is an antisocial habit” (G.V. Khlopin, scientist - hygienist).

“I am writing to you because I feel the need to do something to stop the constant death knell... Few people understand how deadly cigarette smoke is” (Richard Overholt, professor of medicine).

“The strength of the smoking habit progresses the faster the younger the age of the beginning smoker” (L. Orlovsky, Doctor of Medical Sciences).

“I am unbearably sorry for the lives that decayed on the tip of a cigarette” (F.G. Uglov).

“A cigar makes it possible for a limited person to compensate for the lack of thoughts and ideas in him” (Schopenhauer).

Healthy lifestyle

“Diseases arise partly from the way of life, partly from the air that we introduce into ourselves and with which we live” (Hippocrates)

“Just as there is a disease of the body, there is also a disease of the way of life” (Democritus).

“The mind grows as long as there is health, the care of which is an excellent thing for sane people” (Democritus).

“The very first and best victory of man is to conquer himself” (Plato).

“Life is long if you use it skillfully” (Seneca).

“People maintain their health thanks to the fact that they know themselves and observe what benefits them and what harms them, as well as thanks to abstinence in food and lifestyle, trying to protect their bodies, refusing pleasures, finally, thanks to the art of those to whose all this applies to the field of knowledge” (Cicero).

“Man is often his own worst enemy” (Cicero).

“Knowing your defect is the first step to health” (Epicurus).

“It is easier to overcome bad habits today than tomorrow” (Confucius).

“The ability to extend life is, first of all, the ability not to shorten it” (A. Bogomolets).

“No one contributes more to the success of our activities than good health; on the contrary, poor health hinders her” (F. Bacon).

“A person’s own observations of what is good for him and what is harmful is the best medicine for maintaining health” (F. Bacon).

“Truly, he who does not value life does not deserve it” (Leonardo da Vinci)

“A good person must take care of himself” (M. Gorky).

“Shameful and vicious carries death in itself, and sooner or later it will execute itself by itself” (F. Dostoevsky).

“Managing habits and creating them is one of the basic principles for managing your body” (M. Zoshchenko).

“To preserve your life is a duty” (E. Kant).

“You need to slow yourself down at every step, and this should turn into a habit ... A person without a brake is a spoiled machine” (A.S. Makarenko).

“Health is a treasure, and, moreover, the only one for which it is worth not only not sparing time, effort, labor and all kinds of blessings, but also sacrificing a particle of life itself for it, since life without it becomes unbearable and humiliating” (M. Montaigne).

“All the efforts of a prudent person should not be directed towards repairing and caulking his body. Like a fragile and leaky boat, but to arrange for yourself a way of life in which the body would be in an upset position as little as possible, and, therefore, would need repair as little as possible” (D. Pisarev).

“No matter how deeply rooted evil is, it never turns into good; it needs to be eradicated sooner or later, and analyzing its ramifications is always useful and timely” (D. Pisarev).

“The first duty of someone who wants to become healthy is to cleanse the air around him” (R. Rolland).

“People claim that life is short, but I see that they themselves are shortening it” (J. - J. Rousseau).

“How many excellent undertakings and even how many excellent people have fallen under the burden of bad habits” (K. Ushinsky).

“Habit is the tyrant of men” (W. Shakespeare).

“People must realize that a healthy lifestyle is everyone’s personal success” (V.V. Putin).

“If the patient really wants to live, the doctors are powerless. ”
-Faina Ranevskaya

“Nature heals diseases, the doctor only helps her.”

There is nothing in the world that is worth getting on your nerves about. ”

“At my age, I can no longer afford to feel bad. ”
-Winston Churchill

“A healthy beggar is happier than a sick king.”
-Arthur Schopenhauer

“Doctors are constantly working to preserve our health, and cooks are constantly working to destroy it; however, the latter are more confident of success. ”
-Denis Diderot

“If a person takes care of his own health, then it is difficult to find a doctor who would know better what is beneficial for his health than he does. ”


“A wise man will rather avoid diseases than choose remedies against them. ”
-Thomas More

“The only beauty I know is health. ”
-Heinrich Heine

“ Everyone says that health is more valuable than anything else; but no one follows this. ”
-Kozma Prutkov

“ It is better to be healthy but rich than poor but sick. ”
Daniil Ivanovich Kharms

“If you’re healthy, that’s good, if I’m healthy, even better. -Eric Byrne”

“ In eating food, the ability to eat more than others is a disadvantage, the ability to get enough of less is a virtue. ”
-Harun Agatsarsky

“ Poverty follows on the heels of laziness, and illness follows intemperance. ”
-Pierre Buast

“There is always gunpowder in the flask to undermine health. ”
-IN. Sumbatov

“ Anyone who wants to be healthy is already partly recovering. ”
-D. Boccaccio

“Health is the fee of the wise...”
-Pierre Jean Beranger

“Health depends much more on our habits and nutrition than on the art of medicine. ”
-D. Lubbock

“Health is as contagious as illness. ”
-Romain Rolland

“Excessive stomach filling is harmful to health. ”
-Celsus Aulus Cornelius

“If you don’t stop repeating that things will get worse and worse, you have every chance of becoming a prophet. ”
-Isaac Singer

“ Just as you cannot begin to treat the eye without thinking about the head, or treat the head without thinking about the whole body, you cannot treat the body without treating the soul. ”

“ I am sick, but I stopped going to doctors because I have nothing to help them. ”
-Eric Byrne

“ If you are over fifty and you just woke up and nothing hurts, then you are already dead. ”
-English proverb

“Healthy people are sick people who don’t know about it yet. ”
-Jules Romain

“If the disease is not caught at the beginning, then delayed remedies are useless. ”

“To live is unhealthy. He who lives dies. ”
-Stanislav Jerzy Lec

“The price of health is felt after illness. ”
-Denis Ivanovich Fonvizin

“Sleep is nature's balm. ”
-William Shakespeare

“ Enough food keeps you going. The excess will have to be worn by your feet. ”
-M. Saadi

“ Health - the only way to maintain it is to eat what you don’t like, drink what you don’t like and do what you don’t want to do. ”
-Evan Esar

“When I see tables covered with so many dishes, it seems to me that gout, dropsy, fever and many other diseases are hiding behind each of them, as if in ambush. ”
-Joseph Addison

“With the help of exercise and abstinence, most people can do without medicine. ”
-Joseph Addison

“Whoever expects to ensure his health by being lazy acts as stupidly as a person who thinks to improve his voice through silence. ”

" Nothing extra. Early to bed and early to rise is what makes a person healthy, rich and smart. ”
-Benjamin Franklin

“Health so outweighs all other blessings of life that a truly healthy beggar is happier than a sick king. ”
-Arthur Schopenhauer

“ Judge your health by how you enjoy the morning and spring. ”
-Henry David Thoreau

“A person must know how to help himself in illness, bearing in mind that health is the highest wealth of a person. ”

“It is not always in the power of a doctor to heal a patient. Sometimes the disease turns out to be stronger than medicine. ”

“One of the conditions for recovery is the desire to get well. ”
-Seneca Lucius Annaeus (the Younger)

“ People who cannot find time for rest will sooner or later be obliged to find time for illness. ”
-John Wanamaker

“There is nothing easier than quitting smoking—I’ve already quit thirty times. ”
-Mark Twain

“Become better and you will feel better. ”
-Georg Enrich

“He who is strong in body can endure both heat and cold. Likewise, someone who is mentally healthy is able to endure anger, grief, joy, and other feelings. ”

“Many are healthy without beauty, but no one is beautiful without health. ”
-Lorenzo Valla

“ Many have lost their health trying to earn all the money they can earn; and then lost all the money trying to regain their health. ”
-E. Mackenzie

“ Don't hope that doctors... will make you healthy. They can save a life, even cure a disease, but they will only get you started. And then learn to rely on yourself. ”
-Nikolai Amosov

“ My favorite disease is scabies: I scratched myself and still want to. And the most hated thing is hemorrhoids: you can’t see it for yourself, you can’t show it to people. ”
-Faina Ranevskaya

“Hope of recovery is half of recovery. ”

“The most active ally of the disease is the despondency of the patient. ”
-Maksim Gorky

“ Even the most distant relatives have the right to inherit the disease. ”
-Emil the Meek

“There is no wealth better than physical health and no joy higher than the joy of the heart. ”
-Wisdom of Solomon

“ Bible In rheumatism and true love do not believe until the first attack. ”
-Maria von Ebner-Eschenbach

“ Cheerful people recover faster and live longer. ”
-Ambroise Pare

“Here is a man praying for health and a vigorous old age; however, huge dishes and bulky dishes stuffed with meat prevent the gods from fulfilling his prayers - Jupiter is powerless here. ”

“Doctor, heal yourself, and you will also heal your patient. It would be the best help for him to see with his own eyes someone who heals himself. ”
-Friedrich Nietzsche

“I heal my body with waters, and my subjects with examples. In both cases, I see slow healing. ”
-Peter I

“All healthy people love life. ”
-Heinrich Heine

“ All your food should be your medicine! ”

“ Gymnastics, physical exercise, and walking should become firmly established in the daily life of everyone who wants to maintain efficiency, health, and a full and joyful life. ”

“God bless everyone. By the way, the trouble is, if you are sick, our doctors are excellent - but everyone specialized - the nose, and the other the bridge of the nose. ”
-Fedor Dostoevsky

“Movement is the storehouse of life. ”

“The effects of dietary remedies are long-lasting, while the effects of drugs are transient. ”

“ For women’s health, the admiring glances of men are more important than calories and medications. ”
-Françoise Sagan

“If people ate only when they were very hungry, and if they ate simple, clean and healthy food, then they would not know illness and it would be easier for them to control their soul and body. ”
-Lev Tolstoy

“ If you are suffering from depression, find a copy of your last letter in which you are applying for a vacant position - and you will see what a wonderful person you are. ”
-Robert Orben

“If everything is fine with your stomach, chest, legs, no royal treasures can add anything. ”

“If you want to lengthen your life, shorten your meals. ”
-Benjamin Franklin

“There are three necessary habits that, under any conditions, will make available any thing that a person can imagine: the habit of work, the habit of health, the habit of learning. If you have these habits and you are loved by a woman who also has these habits, you will be happy now and always, and she will be happy too. ”
-Elbert Hubbard

“Eat to live, not live to eat. The more food, the more diseases. ”
-Benjamin Franklin

“A healthy mind in a healthy body is a short but complete description of a happy state in this world. ”
-John Locke

“People ask the gods for health in their prayers, but they do not know that they themselves have at their disposal the means to achieve this. By opposing their health with their intemperance, they themselves become traitors to their health thanks to their passions. ”

“Of all medicines, the best is rest and abstinence. ”
-Benjamin Franklin

“Every minor illness gives us some kind of sign and tells us something. Every serious illness says only one thing: “Hello, stupid person! It’s a pity that you didn’t draw the proper conclusions at the time.” ”
-Pavel Kuryanoff

“ Cosmetics rejuvenate a woman, shaving a man. But the stairs give everyone away. ”
--Peter Lesgaft

“Shakespeare W. Health so outweighs all other blessings of life that a truly healthy beggar is happier than a sick king. ”
-Schopenhauer A.

“Human health is not in the heart, not in the kidneys, not in the roots, not in the leaves or back. Of course, there are no words, it’s good for a person if he has all this as well as the bulls. But the very essence of purely human health is when one is irresistibly drawn to say something good to another person, as if it were even a law: if it’s good for me, then it should be good for everyone! ”
-Prishvin M. M.

“Of all medicines, the best is rest and abstinence. ”
-Franklin B.

“You must definitely shake yourself up physically in order to be mentally healthy. ”
-Tolstoy L.N.

“It is not always in the power of a doctor to heal a patient. ”

“There is no art more useful than medicine. ”

“He who is strong in body can endure both heat and cold. Likewise, someone who is mentally healthy is able to endure anger, grief, joy, and other feelings. ”

“If you don’t run while you’re healthy, you’ll have to run when you’re sick. ”

“Some are always sick only because they care very much to be healthy, while others are healthy only because they are not afraid of being sick. ”
-Klyuchevsky V.

“Philosophy and medicine have made man the most intelligent of animals, fortune telling and astrology the most insane, superstition and despotism the most unfortunate. ”

“All of us, when we are healthy, easily give good advice to the sick. ”

“The highest good is achieved on the basis of complete physical and mental health. ”

“ Counteract the disease first; It’s too late to think about medicine when the disease has taken root from long delay. ”

“One of the conditions for recovery is the desire to get well. ”

“There are no number of diseases. ”

“If you exercise, there is no need to use drugs taken for various diseases, if at the same time all other prescriptions of a normal regimen are observed. ”
-Ibn Sina

“Nothing is as necessary for the entire human race as medicine. ”

“The doctor is nothing more than a consolation for the soul. ”

“ There are no more beautiful clothes in the world than the bronze of muscles and the freshness of the skin. ”
-Mayakovsky V.V.

“Health is as contagious as illness. ”
-Roland R.

“As long as the patient has breath, they say there is hope. ”

“If everything is in order with your stomach, chest, legs, no royal treasures can add anything. ”

“Nothing hinders health more than frequently changing medications. ”

“If the disease is not identified, it is impossible to treat it. ”

“If a person takes care of his own health, it is difficult to find a doctor who would know better for his health than he does. ”

“The doctor is a philosopher: there is no big difference between wisdom and medicine. ”

“ For proportionality, beauty and health, not only education in the field of sciences and arts is required, but also physical exercises and gymnastics for a lifetime. ”

“He who expects to secure his health by being lazy acts just as foolishly as a person who thinks in silence to improve his voice. ”

“Medicine is one of the greatest misconceptions of mankind. ”

“There is no all-healing remedy. ”
-Beaumarchais P.

“A conscientious physician, before prescribing a treatment to a patient, should find out not only his disease, but also his habits in a healthy state, and the properties of the body. ”

“ Anyone who wants to be healthy is already partly recovering. ”
-Boccaccio D.

" Nine-tenths of our happiness depends on health. ”
-Schopenhauer A.

“The great advantage of the doctor is that he is not obliged to follow his own advice. ”
-Christy A.

“ Gymnastics, physical exercises, walking should firmly enter the daily life of everyone who wants to maintain working capacity, health, a full and joyful life. ”

“Illness is a kind of premature old age. ”
-Pope A.

“The best doctor is the one who knows the uselessness of most drugs. ”
-Franklin B.

“ A person loves to talk about his illnesses, but yet this is the most uninteresting thing in his life. ”
-Chekhov A.P.

“The effects of dietary remedies are long-lasting, but the effects of drugs are transient. ”

“Health is pleasure itself or inevitably generates pleasure, just as fire creates warmth. ”
-Thomas More

“With the help of exercise and abstinence, most people can do without medicine. ”
-Addison D.

“Health is a great thing both for the one who uses it and for others. ”
-Carlyle T.

“Life is short, the path of art is long, opportunity is fleeting, experience is deceptive, judgment is difficult. Therefore, not only the doctor himself must use everything that is necessary, but also the patient, those around him, and all external circumstances must contribute to the doctor in his activities. ”

“The feeling of recovery is one of the sweetest. ”
-Pushkin A.S.

“If the pain is painful, it is short-lived, and if it is long-lasting, it is not painful. ”

“Abstinence and work are two true doctors of a person: work sharpens his appetite, and abstinence prevents him from abusing it. ”
-Russo J.

“ Without health, happiness is impossible. ”
-Belinsky V.G.

“Medicine is truly the noblest of all arts. ”

“ Judge your health by how you enjoy the morning and spring. ”
-Toro G.

“Gymnastics is a healing part of medicine. ”

“You need to keep your body strong to keep your spirit strong. ”
-Hugo V.

“Our food substances must be a remedy, and our remedies must be a food substance.”

“In a woman - as experience teaches us - Health and beauty are inseparable. ”
-Lope de Vega

“Illness is a cross, but maybe also a support. The ideal would be to take her strength and reject her weaknesses. Let it become a refuge that gives strength at the right time. And if you have to pay with suffering and renunciation, we will pay.”
-Camus A.

“Do no harm (to the patient). ”

“ Without revealing your illness to the doctor, is it possible to be healed? ”
-Rustaveli Sh.

“Most of our illnesses are the work of our own hands; we could have avoided almost all of them if we had preserved the simple, monotonous and solitary lifestyle that nature prescribed for us. ”
-Rousseau J. J.

“Neither saturation, nor hunger, nor anything else is good if you exceed the measure of nature. ”

“Gymnastics prolongs a person’s youth. ”
-John Locke

“Idleness and idleness entail depravity and ill health - on the contrary, the aspiration of the mind towards something brings with it vigor, eternally aimed at strengthening life. ”

“If you follow nature, you will stay healthy forever. ”
-Penn William

“The most active ally of the disease is the despondency of the patient. ”
-Gorky M.

“The opposite is cured by the opposite. ”

“ I want to make it more balanced with the help of gymnastics of the whole body. ”

“A healthy mind in a healthy body is a short but complete description of a happy state in this world. ”
-John Locke

“What drugs do not cure, iron cures; what iron does not heal, fire heals; what fire does not heal should be considered incurable. ”

We need to change something urgently! We need healthy and happy readers! We will not convince you of the benefits of a healthy lifestyle. Well-known, successful and wise people will do it for us.

So, especially for the readers of the blog "Life is beautiful" quotes about a healthy lifestyle (HLS):

Quotes about a healthy lifestyle (HLS)

Of all medicines, the best is rest and abstinence. B. Franklin

You must definitely shake yourself up physically in order to be mentally healthy. L. Tolstoy

If you don't run while you're healthy, you'll have to run when you're sick. Horace

He who expects to secure his health by being lazy acts just as foolishly as a man who thinks in silence to improve his voice. Plutarch

Nine-tenths of our happiness depends on health. A. Schopenhauer

Gymnastics, physical exercise, and walking should become firmly established in the everyday life of everyone who wants to maintain efficiency, health, and a full and joyful life. Hippocrates

With the help of exercise and abstinence, most people can do without medicine. D. Addison

Without health, happiness is impossible. V. G. Belinsky

Gymnastics prolongs a person’s youth. John Locke

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution combined type kindergarten No. 39


Ust-Labinsky district


catchphrases, proverbs

And sayings about health and healthy lifestyle

Prepared by: Shabalina

Tatyana Vasilievna,


H. Bratsky

  1. "Health - this is a treasure and, moreover, the only one for which it is really worth not only not to spare time, effort, labor and all kinds of benefits, but also to sacrifice a particle of life itself for it, since life without it becomes unbearable and humiliating.”

(Michelle Montaigne)

  1. The greatest discovery of modern man is the ability to rejuvenate himself physically and spiritually ( Bragg)
  1. Neither wealth nor fame makes a person happy.

A healthy beggar is happier than a sick king.(Cicero)

  1. "Health – this is the possibility of possibilities. Attack every problem with enthusiasm, as if your life depended on it.”


  1. The child's health comes first

The wealth of the earth will not replace it.

You can't buy health, no one can sell it,

Take care of him like your heart, like your eyes.

(Zh. Zhabaev)

  1. It's all about kids now! Life of immortal character will begin with children.(P.K. Ivanov)
  1. “Who said that we should pray to the gods for a healthy mind in a healthy body? However, it is necessary not only to pray, but also to work!”(Y.A. Kamensky)
  2. “I am not afraid to repeat again and again: caring for health is the most important work of a teacher. Their spiritual life, worldview, mental development, strength of knowledge, and self-confidence depend on the cheerfulness and vigor of children.».

(V.A. Sukhomlinsky)

  1. Health is not only the absence of disease or physical defects, but also complete physical, mental and social well-being.

(from the Constitution of the World Health Organization)

  1. With a strong mind and a strong body, you can achieve any success, any heights.
  2. He who has health has hope, and he who has hope has everything.”

(Arabic proverb)

  1. “Health is a peak that everyone must conquer themselves” - this is what it saysEastern wisdom.
  1. Health is the concept of life.
  1. There will be health - there will be - everything.
  1. Money can't buy health.
  1. In a healthy body healthy mind.
  1. Health is movement.
  1. A healthy person does not need a doctor.
  1. For a healthy person, grief is not a problem, and trouble is not an option.
  1. Health is more valuable than gold.

(William Shakespeare)

  1. Just as you cannot begin to treat the eye without thinking about the head, or treat the head without thinking about the whole body, so you cannot treat the body without treating the soul.


  1. Healthy

(John Locke)

  1. healthy .

(Penn William)

  1. Idleness and idleness entail depravity and ill health - on the contrary, the aspiration of the mind towards something brings with it vigor, eternally aimed at strengthening life.


  1. Gymnastics prolongs a person’s youth.

(John Locke)

  1. You need to keep your body strong to keep your spirit strong.

(Victor Hugo)

  1. Healthy a spirit in a healthy body - this is a brief but complete description of a happy state in this world.

(John Locke)

  1. If you follow nature, you will forever remain healthy .

(Penn William)

Sayings and quotes about health and medicine.

There is no art more useful than medicine. Pliny

I want to use whole body gymnastics to make him more balanced. Socrates

Just as clothiers clean cloth, knocking out dust from it, so gymnastics cleanses the body. Swift D.

Counteract the disease first; It’s too late to think about medicine when the disease has taken root from a long delay. Ovid

Medicine is truly the noblest of all arts. Hippocrates

Health is as contagious as disease. Rolland R.

Gymnastics prolongs a person’s youth. John Locke

If the pain is painful, it is short-lived, and if it is long-lasting, it is not painful. Cicero

A doctor is nothing more than a comfort to the soul. Petronius

Temperance and work are two true doctors of a person: work sharpens his appetite, and abstinence prevents him from abusing it. Russo J.

A doctor is a philosopher: there is no big difference between wisdom and medicine. Hippocrates

Medicines act more slowly than the disease. Tacitus

Most of our illnesses are the work of our own hands; we could have avoided almost all of them if we had preserved the simple, monotonous and solitary lifestyle that nature prescribed for us. Rousseau J. J.

For a woman - as experience teaches us - Health and beauty are inseparable. Lope de Vega

Proportion, beauty and health require not only education in the fields of science and art, but also lifelong physical exercise and gymnastics. Plato

When we are healthy, we all easily give good advice to the sick. Terence

Just as you cannot begin to treat the eye without thinking about the head, or treat the head without thinking about the whole body, so you cannot treat the body without treating the soul. Socrates

The great advantage of a doctor is that he is not obliged to follow his own advice. Christy A.

The best doctor is the one who knows the uselessness of most drugs. Franklin B.

If you don't run while you're healthy, you'll have to run when you're sick. Horace

The opposite is cured by the opposite. Hippocrates

The effects of dietary remedies are long-lasting, while the effects of drugs are transient. Hippocrates

Medicine is one of the greatest misconceptions of mankind. Moliere

Anyone who wants to be healthy already partially recovers. Boccaccio D.

Health is more valuable than gold. Shakespeare W.

Health so outweighs all other blessings of life that a truly healthy beggar is happier than a sick king. Schopenhauer A.

The hope of recovery is the floorboard of recovery. Voltaire

A person loves to talk about his illnesses, but yet this is the most uninteresting thing in his life. Chekhov A.P.

The most active ally of the disease is the despondency of the patient. Gorky M.

He who is strong in body can endure both heat and cold. Likewise, someone who is mentally healthy is able to endure anger, grief, joy, and other feelings. Epictetus

Nothing hinders health more than frequently changing medications. Seneca

The disease is a kind of premature old age. Pope A.

If the disease is not identified, it is impossible to treat it. As-Samarkandi

If everything is fine with your stomach, chest, legs, no royal treasures can add anything. Horace

Nothing is as necessary for the entire human race as medicine. Quintilian

Without revealing your illness to the doctor, is it possible to be healed? Rustaveli Sh.

There is no all-healing remedy. Beaumarchais P.

The doctor treats diseases, but nature heals. Hippocrates

What medicine does not cure, iron cures; What iron does not heal, fire heals; What fire does not heal should be considered incurable. Hippocrates

Life is short, the path of art is long, opportunity is fleeting, experience is deceptive, judgment is difficult. Therefore, not only the doctor himself must use everything that is necessary, but also the patient, those around him, and all external circumstances must contribute to the doctor in his activities. Hippocrates

Of all medicines, the best is rest and abstinence. Franklin B.

You must definitely shake yourself up physically in order to be mentally healthy. Tolstoy L. N.

Gymnastics is a healing part of medicine. Plato

A healthy mind in a healthy body is a short but complete description of a happy state in this world. John Locke

Our food substances must be a remedy, and our remedies must be a food substance. Hippocrates

Idleness and idleness entail depravity and ill health - on the contrary, the aspiration of the mind towards something brings with it vigor, eternally aimed at strengthening life. Hippocrates

One of the conditions for recovery is the desire to get well. Seneca

Gymnastics, physical exercise, and walking should become firmly established in the everyday life of everyone who wants to maintain efficiency, health, and a full and joyful life. Hippocrates

Health is pleasure itself or inevitably generates pleasure, just as fire creates warmth. Thomas More

Without health, happiness is impossible. Belinsky V. G.

Illness is a cross, but maybe also a support. The ideal would be to take her strength and reject her weaknesses. Let it become a refuge that gives strength at the right time. And if we have to pay with suffering and renunciation, we will pay. Camyu A.

With the help of exercise and abstinence, most people can do without medicine. Addison D.

If a person takes care of his own health, then it is difficult to find a doctor who would know better what is beneficial for his health than himself. Socrates

Some are always sick only because they care very much to be healthy, while others are healthy only because they are not afraid of being sick. Klyuchevsky V.

Neither satiety, nor hunger, nor anything else is good if you exceed the measure of nature. Hippocrates

If you follow nature, you will remain healthy forever. Penn William

Judge your health by how you enjoy the morning and spring. Toro G.

As long as the patient has breath, they say there is hope. Cicero

Health is a great thing both for the one who enjoys it and for others. Carlyle T.

He who expects to secure his health by being lazy acts just as foolishly as a man who thinks in silence to improve his voice. Plutarch

Nine-tenths of our happiness depends on health. Schopenhauer A.

It is not always in the power of a doctor to heal a patient. Ovid

Diseases are endless. Pliny

Do no harm (to the patient). Hippocrates

Philosophy and medicine have made man the most intelligent of animals, fortune telling and astrology the most insane, superstition and despotism the most unfortunate. Diogenes

The feeling of recovery is one of the sweetest. Pushkin A. S.

A conscientious doctor, before prescribing treatment to a patient, must find out not only his illness, but also his habits in a healthy state, and the properties of his body. Cicero

If you engage in physical exercise, there is no need to take medications taken for various diseases, if at the same time you follow all other requirements of the normal regimen. Ibn Sina

The highest good is achieved on the basis of complete physical and mental health. Cicero

Human health is not in the heart, not in the kidneys, not in the roots, not in the leaves or back. Of course, there are no words, it’s good for a person if he has all this as well as the bulls. But the very essence of purely human health is when one is irresistibly drawn to say something good to another person, as if it were even a law: if it’s good for me, then it should be good for everyone! Prishvin M. M.