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Fall asleep songs, lullabies, sleep sentences, ditties, songs, poems, nursery rhymes, nursery rhymes for kids. Everything for children. To help mothers and parents. Nursery rhymes for sleeping Nursery rhymes for dressing up

Nursery rhymes and poems for children

preschool age

( Preparation for sleep )

Preparation for sleep

What could be better than a nursery rhyme told by your beloved mother before bedtime? Choose the nursery rhyme you and your baby like best, and let itwill become an obligatory part of the child’s daily bedtime ritual.


Sleep walks around the cradle,

Bye - bye,

Whose eyes wanted to sleep here?

Bye - bye,

You are not shaking them with your fists,

Close it

Sleep rocks the cradle

Go to sleep.

To help children calm down faster and begin to close their eyes, you can read a nursery rhyme:


Bye, bye, bye, bye,

You little dog don't bark

You cow, don't moo

You rooster, don't crow

And our baby will sleep,

He will close his eyes.


Little bunnies

They wanted some goodies,

They wanted some goodies,

Because they're bunnies.

We'll get some sleep

We'll lie on our backs.

We'll lie on our backs

And let's sleep quietly.


Ay, lyuli-lyuli-lyuli!
The cranes have arrived

Cranes are hairy-legged

We didn't find a way.

They sat on the gate
And the gate creaks, creaks...
Don't wake up Vanya with us,

Vanya is sleeping and sleeping with us.


(3 bend your fingers)
This finger wants to sleepThis finger went to bedThis finger just took a nap,This finger has already fallen asleep.This one is fast, sound asleep.Quiet! Hush, don't make noise!The red sun will rise,The clear morning will come.The birds will chirpFingers will stand up!( fingers straighten ).


Night is coming

You're tired, daughter.

My legs were running in the morning,

It's time for your eyes to sleep,

A crib is waiting for you,

Sleep sweetly, daughter.


Bye, bye, bye, bye,

You little dog don't bark

Whitepaw didn't whine,

It's a dark night, I can't sleep,

Our daughter is afraid.


Bye, bye, stories,

The seagulls have arrived

They began to flap their wings.

Our Katya must be put to sleep.


Here they are in the crib

Pink heels,

Whose heels are these?

Soft and sweet?

The goslings will come running,

They'll pinch your heels.

Hide quickly, don’t yawn,

Cover with a blanket.


Ay, lyulenki, yes lyulenki,

A deer is walking through the mountains,

He wears sleep on his horns,

He brings her into every house,

He puts the nap in the cradle,

Sings a song quietly:

(repeat the nursery rhyme)


Bye-bye go to sleep Katyushka,

My funny bunny

Close your bunny eyes,



Hey you eyes, hey you ears.

We'll put you on pillows.

Lie down, lie down,

Rest and sleep.


It's evening outside the window,

And there's a month in the sky...

The baby is sleeping in the crib,

A horse sleeps in a stall,

The squirrel is in the hollow,

The dog is in the kennel.

Well, the sun will wake up,

The baby will smile at his mother.

It will be a fun day.

Grow your baby healthy.



Spider bug

I haven't slept for seven nights

Woven for Katyusha

Dream about the bell sun

And about the mushroom rain,

And about you and me.

Do you want to wander through the forest in your sleep?

Try to close your eyes.


The bell rang.

It's time to sleep, little flower.

The sun fell asleep

The cloud went to bed.

And the magical blue bird

Brought you good dreams.

Mommy will hug you tenderly.

Go to sleep, my baby, my joy!


They wanted some goodies,

They wanted some goodies,

Because they're bunnies.

We'll get some sleep

We'll lie on our backs.

We'll lie on our backs

And let's sleep quietly.

But these nursery rhymes can be used to wake up after a nap:


We woke up, we woke up.
- Sweet, sweet stretch.
- Mom and Dad smiled.

(Instead of “mom and dad” you can call any children’s names)


We woke up
Stretched out
From side to side
Turn around!
Where are the toys?
You, toy, rattle,
Raise our baby!


Sunshine, sunshine,
Look through the window.
Look through the window
Wake up Seryozha.
So that the day is a little longer,
So that we know more
So that the toys don't get bored,
And they played with Serezhenka.


In the morning the sun woke up.
The children smiled through the windows.
You, Yurasenka, get up,
And make the bed.

Pulls, pulls, pulls,
For a child to grow up,
Grow up, baby, healthy,
Like an apple tree.
Grow up baby
Like a strong oak tree.

Let's stretch

Stretchers, stretchers
(stroke from head to toes)
Across the fat girl

And there are walkers in the legs,
(move our legs)
And in the hands there are little grabbers,
(clench and unclench fists)
And in my ears I hear little sounds,
(show ears)
And there are peepers in the eyes,
(show eyes)
And my nose has sniffles,
(show nose)
And in the mouth there is a talk,
(show mouth)
And in the head - reason!

Fingers will rise,
Dress our children.
Fingers stood up - hurray!
It's time for us to get dressed.


Pulls, pulls, pulls,

For a child to grow up,

Grow up, daughter, healthy,

Like an apple tree.

Grow up, son,

Like a strong oak tree.


(stretch your fingers up as high as possible)

Stretch - stretch,

From the toes to the top of the head,

We'll stretch, stretch,

We won't stay small.

We're already growing,

We are growing,

We are growing!


Stretch my friend

Turn on your side

Turn over on your tummy

Smile gently at mom.

I'll walk along the back

I'll take the sickly one away,

Grow up nice

Yes, healthy.


The sun is walking in the sky,

Congratulations on a clear day,

Wake up, baby,

It's time to go for a walk!

Hurry up everyone get up

And make the beds,

We'll dress ourselves

Get ready for a walk.

All the best,

and success in your much needed and beloved work.

Sleeping rhymes are a great alternative to lullabies. Especially if mommy doesn’t have singing talent. Why nursery rhymes and poems are useful for falling asleep, when you can start reading them and how to tell them correctly, read in our material.

The benefits of rhymes for falling asleep

Our grandmothers knew a lot about folk art. It is not for nothing that they actively used all kinds of rhymes, nursery rhymes and nursery rhymes to introduce children to the world around them, as well as to engage them in the necessary activity - washing, eating or sleeping. It was believed that rhymes and nursery rhymes help raise a calmer and smarter child and establish close connections with family members. In addition, rhymes contribute to the early development of a child’s speech, help accustom the baby to a daily routine and establish close emotional contact between mother and baby.

Rhymes for falling asleep are also indispensable when you need to calm your child down - for example, before bed. In the future, when the baby hears the familiar intonations of “sleepy nursery rhymes,” he will already know that it is time to rest. So if all the lullabies have already been sung, rhymes for falling asleep will diversify communication with the child.

When to start reading poems

You can read poems to fall asleep from birth, and some psychologists generally advise starting to do this even during pregnancy (when your baby begins to push in the stomach). Of course, the baby is unlikely to understand your words, but intonation, gentle touches and eye contact will have a beneficial effect on the little one and will calm him down if he is overexcited.

First, let these be short rhymes that will not overload the baby’s attention: they should contain no more than two quatrains.

How to read nursery rhymes to fall asleep correctly

In order for nursery rhymes to have their “soporific” power, they must be read correctly. So, don’t just read the lines of the text, but hum them like a lullaby, or even whisper them in a recitative. Remember, the main thing in reading “sleepy” nursery rhymes is a measured rhythm, a quiet voice and gentle soothing intonations. They already help the baby fall asleep.

Poems for falling asleep

Short poems for falling asleep are ideal for little ones.

1. Bye-bye, go to sleep, Katyushka,
My funny bunny
Close your bunny eyes,

2. Sleep sweetly, my child,
Close your eyes quickly.
Bye-bye, little bird, go to sleep!
Your mother will rock you
Dad protect your sleep!

3. Grandfather the Mischief-maker
Grandpa the Mischief
Don't come to us!
Grandpa the Mischief
Go around our house.
We don't have
Capricious children -
No no no!
See, we're going to bed?
Do you see - we turn off the lights?!

4. Sleep, my baby, sweetly, sweetly,
Let me dream about chocolate
Or a bunny or a bear,
Or a funny monkey.
Sleep, son, go to sleep.
Close your eyes, sweetie!

5. This finger wants to sleep
This finger is a jump into bed,
This finger has already taken a nap,
This little finger is already asleep.
This one is sleeping soundly, soundly,
And he tells you to sleep.

Riddle poems

For older children, read longer poems. In addition, with children over one year old, you can play a kind of game before bedtime. When telling a nursery rhyme, do not say some phrases, but invite the child to guess them himself.

1. Five puppies want to sleep,
And the sixth one doesn’t sleep.
Five puppies want to sleep
And the sixth one is naughty!
Wags his tail
Loud, loud barks!
He would bark until the morning
Yes, I thought... (“it’s time to sleep!”)
Peacefully wagged his tail
And - faster than anyone... (fell asleep)
And to you, by the way,
Wished... (“Good night”).

2. Three little ones are eating
They lie in a row on the bed.
Mommy hedgehog is nearby
He tells them quietly:
“It’s high time for you to sleep,
To get up early in the morning,
See how in the clearing
White horse in the fog
Quietly wakes up the clouds.
Like a silent river
Willow branches are washed,
Like the fog melts under the sun,
How, dispelling the shadow,
A new day is coming to us.
In the meantime, little hedgehogs, sleep,
Fly into a new day in your dreams.”

3. Our legs told us today:
“We are so tired today,
We jumped so much today
That we don’t want anything anymore
So that we will be bullied again.
We want to lie down, relax,
So that we can hit the road again tomorrow!”
And the pens said:
“We are also very tired,
We clothed, fed and washed,
And they also drew,
Do you know how tired we are?
And each finger said:
"I am also tired!
I also worked and helped!
And hold the spoon and wash your eyes!
Let us sleep now!”
And my ears suddenly whispered:
"And we are tired too,
We've been around all day
They listened to everyone carefully,
We have learned so much...
We would be happy,
If only we had slept!”
And the eyes said:
“Oh, we are so tired!
We were so tired that we were pinching.
We've seen so much today
And now we want to sleep,
Let's close us down!"
And the mouth said and gaped:
"I am also tired,
I chewed, I bit and screamed.
Let's rest quickly
So that tomorrow again
Say “Good morning”!
And the tongue babbled:
“And how much I told
He smacked, chewed and growled,
I’m very tired too!”
And only the nose said:
“I’m not tired!
You all lie quietly
Rest and sleep
And I will protect you
Breathe and breathe calmly...”

"Soothing" nursery rhymes

If your baby is afraid to fall asleep alone, sing him one of the soothing nursery rhymes, as well as poems that will set him up for good dreams.

1. Bye, bye, bye, bye,
You, little dog, don't bark.
Whitepaw didn't whine,
Don't wake up our daughter.
It's a dark night, I can't sleep,
Our daughter is afraid.

2. The distant forest stands like a wall,
And in the forest, in the wilderness of the forest,
An owl sits on a branch
Sleepy grass grows there.
They say sleep-grass
Knows sleepy words.
How he whispers his words,
The head will immediately drop.
I'm at the owl's today
I'll ask for this herb.
May you fall asleep - grass
He will say sleepy words.

Russian folk poems for falling asleep will help your baby fall asleep, as well as instill cultural traditions.

Does your child have nightmares at night? Or, on the contrary, insomnia and teething? And I really want to see my son or daughter cheerful and in a good mood during the day. And I want to get some sleep myself.

But there is a way out of such situations. A carefree and strong journey to the kingdom of Morpheus will be provided by the baby nursery rhymes presented below. Just read them to an already sleeping child, and he will see bright dreams.

Hush, Little Baby, Do not Say a Word,
Don't lie on the edge -
The little gray wolf will come,
He will grab the barrel
He will grab the barrel
And he will drag you into the woods,
And he will drag you into the woods,
Under a broom bush.
You, little top, don't come to us,
Don't wake up our Katya!

You've already had some tea,
I ate porridge and played enough,
Got crazy, chatted,
So now go to sleep,
Here I sat on the gate
Talking magpie:
It’s time for the little one to sleep!”
The pigeons looked out the windows:
“Guli-guli - guli-guli,
The little one needs to sleep
So that you don’t oversleep in the morning.”
Hush, Little Baby, Do not Say a Word,
How I love the baby!

The seagulls have arrived.
They began to flap their wings,
Our Katya must be put to sleep.

Bye-bye, go to sleep, Katyushka,
My funny bunny
Close your bunny eyes,

Bye-bye, bye-bye,
Grandfather Mamai came to us,
Grandfather Mamai came to us,
He asks: “Give me back Mashenka!”
But we won’t give Masha,
It will be useful to us ourselves.

Bye-bye, bye-bye,
Salmon fish, come!
Salmon fish, come,
Wait for Alexei.
Alexeyka will grow up,
Will go to the sea with dad.
He will begin to catch salmon,
He will feed his mother.

Oh, you are my darling,
White pillow!
If I live together with you,
There's no need to go to the cinema!
Lay down, go to sleep, watch a movie,
After all, they will show it anyway!
Oh, you are my darling,
White pillow!

Ay, bye, bye, bye,
You're a dog, don't bark!
You, cow, don't moo!
You rooster, don't crow!
And our boy will sleep,
He will close his eyes.

Ay! Bye Bye,
Don't bark, little dog!
You, cow, don't moo!
You rooster, don't crow!
And our boy will sleep,
He will close his eyes.

Sleep-ko, sleep-ko,
Close your eyes.
Bye, bye, bye, bye.
Go to sleep quickly.
A dream walks on the bench
In a blue shirt.
Bye, bye, bye, bye,
Go to sleep quickly.
And the sleepyhead is different,
Blue sarafan.
Bye, bye, bye, bye.
Go to sleep quickly.

Little ones,
The legs have walkers
In your mouth - talk
And in the head - mind.
Our legs told us today:
“We are so tired today,
We jumped so much today
That we don’t want anything anymore
So that we will be bullied again.
We want to lie down, relax,
So that we can hit the road again tomorrow!”
And the pens said:
“We are also very tired,
We clothed, fed and washed,
And they also drew
Do you know how tired we are?
And each finger said:
"I am also tired!
I also worked and helped!
And hold the spoon and wash your eyes!
Let us sleep now!”
And my ears suddenly whispered:
"And we are tired too,
We've been around all day
They listened to everyone carefully,
We have learned so much...
We would be happy,
If only we had slept!”
And the eyes said:
“Oh, we are so tired!
We were so tired that we were pinching.
We've seen so much today
And now we want to sleep,
Let's close us down!"
And the mouth said and gaped:
"I am also tired,
I chewed, I bit and screamed.
Let's rest quickly
So that tomorrow again
say "good morning"!
And the tongue babbled:
“And how much I told
He smacked, chewed and growled,
I’m very tired too!”
And the little nose said:
“I’m not tired!
You all lie quietly
Rest and sleep
And I will protect you
Breathe and breathe calmly..."

The dog is baking pies in the kitchen.
The cat is crushing crackers in the corner.
The cat is sewing a dress in the window.
A chicken in boots sweeps the hut.
She swept the hut and put down a rug:
- Lie down, little doormat, on your side under the threshold!

Sleep sweetly, my child,
Close your eyes quickly.
Bye-bye chick to sleep!
Your mother will rock you
Dad protect your sleep!

Sleep, my baby, sweetly.
Let me dream about chocolate.
Or a bunny, or a bear, or a funny monkey.
Sleep, son, go to sleep.
Close your eyes, sweetie!

The puppy's whole house is taken care of,
The yard and porch are his work.
He was chasing the ball
Twisted behind the tail,
I drank milk with the kitten,
I nibbled the grass with the kid.
Our puppy is exhausted
Sleeps soundly without hind legs.

A little kitten sleeps and has a dream:
It was as if he had become a bird - a gray sparrow,
Jumped onto the window and flew up,
Small wings flew to the sky.
Where the sun, stars, month and moon are,
Where the clouds float by sedately.
There was a kitten flying there - a gray sparrow,
And the kitten flew to grow faster.

Ay, lyulenki and lyulenki,
A deer is walking through the mountains.
He wears slumber on his horns,
She brings it into every house.
He puts the nap in the cradle,
Sings a song quietly.

One two Three!
Do not say anything.
One, two!
Head on the pillow...
Eyes close and...
Once! Sweet dreams for us...

(We bend our fingers)
This finger wants to sleep
This finger went to bed
This finger just took a nap,
This finger has already fallen asleep.
This one is fast, sound asleep.
Quiet! Hush, don't make noise!
The red sun will rise,
The clear morning will come.
The birds will chirp
Fingers will stand up!
(fingers straighten)

Undress me
Undress me
Lay me down
Cover me
I'll fall asleep
Me myself!

Birch creaks, creaks, my daughter is sleeping, sleeping...
My daughter will fall asleep - her sleep will take her away,
He will carry her into the fish tank, under the raspberry bush.
And the raspberry will fall and get into my daughter’s mouth.
Sweet raspberry, sleep, little daughter.
The birch tree creaks, creaks, and my daughter sleeps, sleeps...

A fairy tale goes from house to house,
On high towers,
Wait for her, close your eyes.
Sleep, peephole, Sleep, other
A good fairy tale will come,
A good heart will find
Wait for her, close your eyes
Sleep, little peephole,
Sleep, other one.

One two three four five!
All the fingers want to sleep.
This finger wants to sleep.
This finger goes to bed
This finger took a little nap,
This finger is already asleep,
This finger is fast asleep.
Hush, hush, don't make noise!
You won't wake your fingers.

Does your child have nightmares at night? Or, on the contrary, insomnia and teething? And I really want to see my son or daughter cheerful and in a good mood during the day. And I want to get some sleep myself.

But there is a way out of such situations. The baby nursery rhymes from this section will provide a carefree and strong journey to the kingdom of Morpheus. Just read them to an already sleeping child, and he will see bright dreams.

Hush, Little Baby, Do not Say a Word,
Don't lie on the edge -
The little gray wolf will come,
He will grab the barrel
He will grab the barrel
And he will drag you into the woods,
And he will drag you into the woods,
Under a broom bush.
You, little top, don't come to us,
Don't wake up our Katya!

You've already had some tea,
I ate porridge and played enough,
Got crazy, chatted,
So now go to sleep,
Here I sat on the gate
Talking magpie:
It's time for the little one to go to bed!"
The pigeons looked out the windows:
"Guli-guli - guli-guli,
The little one needs to sleep
So as not to oversleep in the morning."
Hush, Little Baby, Do not Say a Word,
How I love the baby!

The seagulls have arrived.
They began to flap their wings,
Our Katya must be put to sleep.

Bye-bye, go to sleep, Katyushka,
My funny bunny
Close your bunny eyes,

Bye-bye, bye-bye,
Grandfather Mamai came to us,
Grandfather Mamai came to us,
He asks: “Give me back Mashenka!”
But we won’t give Masha,
It will be useful to us ourselves.

Bye-bye, bye-bye,
Salmon fish, come!
Salmon fish, come,
Wait for Alexei.
Alexeyka will grow up,
Will go to the sea with dad.
He will begin to catch salmon,
He will feed his mother.

Oh, you are my darling,
White pillow!
If I live together with you,
There's no need to go to the cinema!
Lay down, go to sleep, watch a movie,
After all, they will show it anyway!
Oh, you are my darling,
White pillow!

Ay, bye, bye, bye,
You're a dog, don't bark!
You, cow, don't moo!
You rooster, don't crow!
And our boy will sleep,
He will close his eyes.

Ay! Bye Bye,
Don't bark, little dog!
You, cow, don't moo!
You rooster, don't crow!
And our boy will sleep,
He will close his eyes.

Sleep, sleep,
Close your eyes.
Bye, bye, bye, bye.
Go to sleep quickly.
A dream walks on the bench
In a blue shirt.
Bye, bye, bye, bye,
Go to sleep quickly.
And the sleepyhead is different,
Blue sarafan.
Bye, bye, bye, bye.
Go to sleep quickly.

Little ones,
The legs have walkers
In your mouth - talk
And in the head - mind.

Our legs told us today:
“We are so tired today,
We jumped so much today
That we don’t want anything anymore
So that we will be bullied again.
We want to lie down, relax,
So that we can hit the road again tomorrow!”

And the pens said:
“We are also very tired,
We clothed, fed and washed,
And they also drew
Do you know how tired we are?

And each finger said:
"I am also tired!
I also worked and helped!
And hold the spoon and wash your eyes!
Let us sleep now!”

And my ears suddenly whispered:
"And we are tired too,
We've been around all day
They listened to everyone carefully,
We have learned so much...
We would be happy,
If only we had slept!”

And the eyes said:
“Oh, we are so tired!
We were so tired that we were pinching.
We've seen so much today
And now we want to sleep,
Let's close us down!"

And the mouth said and gaped:
"I am also tired,
I chewed, I bit and screamed.
Let's rest quickly
So that tomorrow again
say "good morning"!

And the tongue babbled:
“And how much I told
He smacked, chewed and growled,
I’m very tired too!”

And the little nose said:
“I’m not tired!
You all lie quietly
Rest and sleep
And I will protect you
Breathe and breathe calmly..."

The dog is baking pies in the kitchen.
The cat is crushing crackers in the corner.
The cat is sewing a dress in the window.
A chicken in boots sweeps the hut.
She swept the hut and put down a rug:
- Lie down, little doormat, on your side under the threshold!

Sleep sweetly, my child,
Close your eyes quickly.
Bye-bye chick to sleep!
Your mother will rock you
Dad protect your sleep!

Sleep, my baby, sweetly.
Let me dream about chocolate.
Or a bunny, or a bear, or a funny monkey.
Sleep, son, go to sleep.
Close your eyes, sweetie!

Here they are in the crib
Pink heels.
Whose heels are these?
Soft and sweet?
The goslings will come running,
They'll pinch your heels.
Hide quickly, don’t yawn,
Cover with a blanket!

The distant forest stands like a wall,
And in the forest, in the wilderness of the forest,
an owl sits on a branch,
Sleepy grass grows there.
They say sleep-grass
Knows sleepy words.
How he whispers his words,
The head will immediately drop.
I'm at the owl's today
I'll ask for this herb.
May you fall asleep - grass
He will say sleepy words.
and through the window it’s evening,
And there's a month in the sky...
The baby is sleeping in the crib,
A horse sleeps in a stall,
The squirrel is in the hollow,
The dog is in the kennel.
Well, the sun will wake up,
The baby will smile at his mother.
It will be a fun day.
Grow your baby healthy.

So in our den
Three barrels of honey,
Like our children -
Sweet paws...
The first dream is buckwheat,
And the second one is floral,
How will the month come out?
I'll dream about linden.
Sleepyheads and sweet tooths,
To the spoiled bullies,
Bear children -
Bubble under your ear!

A dream walks around the windows,
He walks dozing near the house.
- Dryoma, where should we sleep?
Droma, where to sleep?
- Where is the warm hut?
Where is the little child?
We'll spend the night there
Rock the cradle!
Bye-bye, bye-bye,
- Katya, close your eyes!


Bye-bye, bye-bye,
Salmon fish, come!
Salmon fish, come,
Wait for Alexei.
Alexeyka will grow up,
Will go to the sea with dad.
He will begin to catch salmon,
He will feed his mother.

Bye-bye, bye-bye,
Grandfather Mamai came to us,
Grandfather Mamai came to us,
He asks: “Give me back Mashenka!”
But we won’t give Masha,
It will be useful to us ourselves.

Oh, you are my darling,
White pillow!
If I live together with you,
There's no need to go to the cinema!
Lay down, go to sleep, watch a movie,
After all, they will show it anyway!
Oh, you are my darling,
White pillow!

Hush, Little Baby, Do not Say a Word,
Don't lie down, Katya, on the edge,
The little gray top will come
And he grabs Katya by the side.
For the barrel, for the right one,
The barrel is tired.
Katya will close her eyes,
The calmer will take her,
The calmer will take her,
Katya will fall asleep tighter!

Our legs told us today:
"We are so tired today,
We jumped so much today
That we don’t want anything anymore
So that we will be bullied again.
We want to lie down, relax,
So that we can hit the road again tomorrow."
And the pens said:
"We are also very tired,
We clothed, fed and washed
And they also drew.
Do you know how tired we are?"
And each finger said:
"I am also tired!
I worked too, I helped!
And hold the spoon and wash your eyes!
Let us sleep now!"
And my ears suddenly whispered:
"And we are tired too!
We've been around all day
Everyone listened attentively.
We learned so much:
We would be happy,
If only we had slept!"
And the eyes said:
"Oh, we are so tired!
So tired that we were pinching!
We've seen so much today
And now we want to sleep,
Let's close us down!"
And the mouth said and gaped:
"I am also tired,
I chewed, I bit and screamed.
Let's rest quickly
so that tomorrow again
"Good morning" say!
And the tongue babbled:
"And how much I told
He smacked, chewed and growled,
I'm very tired too!"
And only the nose said:
"I'm not tired!
You all lie quietly
Rest and sleep!
And I will protect you
And breathe calmly and breathe."

Like our grandmother, she has five grandchildren.
Five of them, all together, haven’t slept since the evening.
Grandma will come to everyone in the evening.
Grandma tell everyone a fairy tale.
About a kitten, about a duckling,
About the little gosling, about the little fox,
About the swan, about the rabbits.
A grandmother is cradling her five grandchildren.

Ay, bainki-bainki -
Let's buy my daughter felt boots,
Let's buy my daughter felt boots -
Run around the rubble.
And also boots,
Boots on feet -
Run along the path.