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American Bully about the breed. Tips for caring for an American Bully. How good is your health?

They took them out, they took them out, they took them out. The American Bully breed appeared quite recently, but is rapidly gaining popularity, winning the hearts of dog breeders around the world.

A small, athletic hero, he bravely endures children's pranks and is good-natured towards family friends.

At the end of the 20th century, breeders in Virginia and Southern California created the American Bully by crossing the American Pit Bull Terrier with other similar breeds, and the Old English Bulldog.

Bullies became widely known in the world at the beginning of our 21st century, and popularity has come to them quite recently - over the past 5 years.

It is often confused with - they are very similar in appearance.

Description of the breed

The American Bully's conformation standard has not yet been accepted internationally (FCI), but On July 1, 2013, the United Kennel Club approved the national breed standard.

This is a small dog, but with developed muscle mass and a square head.

The heavy bone does not prevent the dog from moving freely.

The body and head look massive, which distinguishes the breed from the rest. The ears are set high and stand up naturally, but most breeders stop them.

Eyes can be any color but only without signs of albinism.

A clearly defined massive mouth with tightly fitting lips, an attentive and intelligent expression.

The nose is dense and large with wide nostrils— it allows the bully to breathe well and be resilient.

Strong neck without sagging skin looks powerful and businesslike.

Large athletic shoulders flow into strong short legs.

The dog's bulky body looks intimidating, but without excesses. A developed chest with widely spaced paws gives the fighting past of the ancestor of the American bully, the pit bull.

A square physique should be balanced with the muscles of the limbs.

Medium sized tail set low, lowered in a calm state, raised up in an excited state.

The coat is short, dense, pleasant to the touch has a varied range of colors, only the “Merle” color is unacceptable.

The American Bully must be fit and hold up athletic without signs of obesity.

Types of American Bully (descending):

  • type XL— male height 51-58 cm, female height 48-56 cm at the withers;
  • standard- male height 43 - 51 cm, female 40 - 48 cm;
  • classic- more slender compared to the standard type, but the height at the withers is the same - male height is 43 -51 cm, female height is 40 - 48 cm;
  • pocket male height is up to 43 cm, female height is up to 40 cm at the withers.

The standard type is the basis of the breed.

The American bully pocket is lower than the standard bully, and the XL type is higher than the standard type, the classic type has less weight.

Basic disqualifying signs:

  • aggressive or cowardly behavior;
  • albinism;
  • merle color;
  • cryptorchidism;
  • deafness.

Characteristics, abilities, skills

American Bully - the favorite of the whole family, always strives to please and be adored.

Not aggressive towards other family members or animals, even if they are cats.

Excerpt from the breed standard: “ aggressive behavior in relation to people for this breed uncharacteristic and highly undesirable».

"Knight Brave Heart" will always defend the owner and his family, he captures the owner’s mood at a glance.

Bullies have a special, gentle attitude towards children; dogs patiently endure all children's pranks and whims. This very responsible dog You can let your child go outside with him - nothing bad will happen.

The bully learns commands quickly and actively, loves praise and strives to please the owner. Raising a puppy begins at 2-3 months.

They are especially keenly aware of the hierarchy in the family - the puppy must get used to the leader is the master and only he determines the boundaries of what is permitted.

Poor upbringing can lead to aggressive behavior, which is very dangerous - such a dog can tear the enemy into pieces.

A naturally stubborn dog will strive to dominate and set its own rules. Therefore, the American Bully is suitable for an experienced dog breeder, not worth learning for a beginnerwith himtraining skills.

This is a heat-loving nature - the bully has practically no fur, he loves the warmth and comfort of a city apartment.

To maintain health it is necessary frequent long walks at least 3 times a day.

They bathe it about once a month, then brush it, then it’s not scary. as needed, once a week.

Particular attention will have to be paid to the oral cavity - in this breed tendency to tartar, Therefore, they brush their teeth 2-3 times a week.

Feeding an American Bully is not much different from other dogs - The diet can be based on both dry food and natural food.

When feeding natural food, it is better to use boiled beef with porridge (rice, buckwheat), cottage cheese no more than 3 times a week, fresh fruits and vegetables, and also add vitamin complexes as recommended by a veterinarian.

It is better to take dry food - you should not skimp on such a dog. With proper care, they will please the owner for 12-14 years.

For future owners

The main advantages of the breed:

  • friendliness and playfulness;
  • love for all family members;
  • Easy to care for - little wool.
  • high cost of a puppy;
  • hyperactivity.

The average price of a puppy varies from 150 to 350 thousand rubles, which is due to the rarity and exoticism of this young breed.


  • "AntreaBulls" Leningrad region, Kamennogorsk city;
  • "Russian Bulls" St. Petersburg;
  • "American Dream" Moscow;
  • "Family Bully" Vologda.

The cost of a puppy is high, the breed is rare, so Scammers are selling pit bulls under the guise of American Bullies. In infancy, only a professional can distinguish them. What to do? Buy a puppy only from trusted nurseries that have existed for several years, check the available documents.

In conclusion, the appearance of this strong, muscular dog is deceptive: he very affectionate, obedient, quite smart, responsive and loyal.

The breed is very rare in our country, but the demand for it is very high. Why? American Bully is An ideal companion dog, loves to walk and play, affectionate with all family members.

Additionally, check out a short video about the American Bully dog ​​breed:

The American Bully is a young dog breed that first appeared in the 1990s and suddenly became very popular. These dogs are known for their rugged and intimidating appearance but friendly nature.

The American Bully is not recognized by any major canine organization, but some smaller ones have recognized the breed and there are fan clubs.

  • They love their owner very much and will give their life for him.
  • But, at the same time, they are willful and stubborn and are not suitable for inexperienced dog owners, as they can behave badly.
  • They do not tolerate other dogs well and are always ready to fight.
  • Cats and other small animals are even worse affected.
  • They adore children and tolerate their antics.
  • These dogs have a very high pain threshold.

History of the breed

Until 1990, the breed did not exist at all. Her ancestors have been known to the world for at least two hundred years, or even more. After all, a very long time ago in England such a bloody sport as bull-baiting was popular, when a dog attacked a chained bull. In 1835 it was officially banned and became illegal. But dog fighting was not prohibited and became incredibly popular.

At that time, these fights were fought between Old English Bulldog and Terrier mixes, today known as Bulls and Terriers. Over time, they became a purebred breed, splitting into and. In the early 1800s, Staffordshire dogs came to the USA, where they became very popular under the name.

In the 1990s, a lot of breeders in the USA tried to crossbreed the American Staffordshire Terrier. This happened for several reasons.

The working qualities of the American Pit Bull Terrier are so high that he exhibits behavior that is too energetic for a pet. He also has incredibly high aggression towards other dogs, which is difficult to control.

It is unclear whether the breeders' goal was to improve their character or to create a new breed, as its history is complicated. The American Bully is unusual in that it was created not by one person or club, but by dozens, if not hundreds of breeders in the United States.

Many of them worked without contact with others. The focus of these efforts was in Virginia and Southern California, but the fashion quickly spread throughout the country.

Even the time when the name of the breed appeared, not to mention when it began to be called a breed, is a mystery. Bullies became widely known at the beginning of the 21st century, but have become popular only in the last 5-8 years.

Breeders crossed Pit Bull and Amstaff, but it is believed that other breeds were also used. Undoubtedly, among them was the Staffordshire Bull Terrier.

Since many breeders took part in the creation of the breed, often having no idea what they wanted, the American Bully turned out to be very diverse in appearance. They were both much smaller than a real pit bull terrier, and significantly larger.

There is no need to talk about colors. Body structure, type, proportions are much more varied than other purebred breeds, although in general they are very stocky, incredibly muscular. However, they still resembled their ancestor, and most casual people confused him with other breeds.

Like its ancestor, the American Bully has inspired the creation of many clubs and organizations. Among them: American Bully Kennel Club (ABKC), United Bully Kennel Club (UBKC), Bully Breed Kennel Club (BBKC), United Canine Association (UCA). In Europe, the European Bully Kennel Club (EBKC) has been created, which has offices in Malta, France, Switzerland, Holland, Germany, Belgium and Italy.

The appearance of the breed did not cause delight among supporters of classic dogs. Most pit bull breeders consider the American Bull to be an intrusion into their breed, a dog that lacks both conformation and working qualities.

Amstaff breeders share the same opinion. Their concern is justified, since these dogs are often crossed with each other, which leads to the appearance of mixed breeds and even greater confusion.

Even though American Bullies are a young breed, they are popular in the United States. The population of registered dogs is quite large, but there are even more of those that are not registered.

Although there are no statistics, it appears that there are already more of these dogs in the United States than are needed to be officially recognized by canine organizations. In addition, there are quite a lot of them in Europe and Russia. Today, American Bullies are companion dogs, but they are also capable of working tasks.


American Bullies are similar in appearance to their ancestors, the American Staffordshire Terrier, but are significantly stockier and more muscular, with a square head, short muzzle, and vary significantly in size.

They are divided by size, some organizations recognize four: standard, classic, pocket (Pocket) and extra large (Extra Large or XL).

  • Standard: males 17-19 inches (43-48 cm), females 16-18 inches (40-45 cm).
  • Classic: 18-19 inches (45-48 cm), females 17-18 inches (42-45 cm).
  • Pocket: males up to 17 inches (43 cm) at the withers, females up to 16 inches (40 cm).
  • XL: males over 20 inches (50 cm), females over 19 inches (48 cm).

All puppies up to one year are considered standard, and after that they are divided according to height.

The weight of dogs depends on height and ranges from 30 to 58 kg.

However, there is growing interest in the so-called Exotic type. These dogs are smaller in height than Pocket and resemble , many have the characteristic large ears. This type is characterized by health problems and shorter life expectancy.

Overall, this breed is extraordinarily heavy for its size and many American Bullies weigh twice as much as dogs of similar size.

Moreover, most of the weight is not fat, but pure muscle. These dogs are built like professional bodybuilders, with short legs and a body that is longer than tall.

The tail is long, thin, slightly curved. In some people it is stopped, but this practice is not very common.

The muzzle and head are a cross between a pit bull and an amstaff. It is of medium length, but very wide, square and flat. The muzzle is much shorter than the skull, the transition is clearly defined, but this is not a brachycephalic breed. It is wide and usually ends quite abruptly, and can be square or round depending on the dog.

Scissor bite, lips tight. The skin on the face gathers into wrinkles, although not particularly pronounced. Ears are naturally floppy, but many owners prefer to glue them on.

The eyes are medium or small in size, deep-set, round or oval in shape. Their color is determined by the color of the dog, and their expression is attentive and watchful.

The coat is short, close-lying, hard to the touch, and shiny. Can be any color, including merle.


The American Bully comes from breeds that are extremely people-oriented. These dogs are very affectionate, even clingy. Despite their frightening exterior, these dogs are soft at heart, loving affection and communication.

They love the whole family, not just one, and have a reputation for being a dog that adores children. American Bullies have a high tolerance for pain and are able to withstand roughness and pain inflicted by children. They rarely snarl and do not bite. At the same time, they know that children are able to play with them endlessly and become their best friends. As with other breeds, proper socialization is key to normal communication between dog and child.

Bully treats strangers well, since aggression towards people was extremely undesirable among his ancestors. When raised correctly, they are friendly and polite. Although some dogs can be distrustful, they are generally friendly dogs who view strangers as potential friends. However, they still need to be trained, since their strength makes the dogs difficult to control in the event of the slightest aggression.

American Bullies naturally have a developed protective instinct, but are calmer. This breed can be a passable watchdog, but they lack the aggressiveness to be a good watchdog. However, often they don’t need it; one type is enough.

If he cannot guard his property, then he fearlessly protects his own and cannot stand it at all if one of the family members is offended. When it comes to defending, he is completely oblivious to the size of his opponent and will not retreat to the death.

Despite the breeders' best efforts, he is not as friendly with other animals as he is with people. The goal of the first breeders was to reduce aggression towards other dogs and they partially succeeded in achieving this.

At least the bully is not as aggressive as his ancestors. However, most of them are still aggressive, especially mature males. At the same time, they experience all forms of aggression, from sexual to territorial, and the calmest one will not refuse a fight.

Since this is a companion dog, controllability, trainability and intelligence are extremely important traits for it. American Bulls are characterized by a desire to please and a fairly high intelligence, so that they are able to learn quite complex commands and perform in dog sports. But, this is not the easiest breed to train. Despite the fact that they will not challenge a person’s authority, they will not obey meekly either.

The owner must be at a higher level in the hierarchy and this dog is not recommended for beginners. They can also be incredibly stubborn. Many people believe that pit bulls cannot be trained without using force, but this is far from true.

They respond much better to positive training. Due to the fact that this type of dog has an extremely bad reputation, it is important that your dog is controllable, calm and intelligent. And it didn’t create problems for you or your neighbors.

Probably the biggest difference between the American Bull and its relatives is the level of activity. While the pit bull is always ready and eager for her, the bully is much calmer. This does not mean that he is a couch potato, but his activity requirements are rather similar to those of other companion dogs. This means that an ordinary family can satisfy them without any problems.


They do not require professional grooming, just regular brushing. The coat is short and combing is very easy, it only takes a few minutes. Otherwise, the procedures are the same as for other breeds.

Bullies shed, but the amount of hair shed depends on the dog. Owners need to be careful and regularly examine their dogs for illnesses and injuries, as their pain threshold is very high and they suffer serious injuries without showing it.


Since this is a fairly young breed, and the number of different clubs and organizations is large, there has not been a uniform study of the health of the breed. In general, small American Bullies live several years longer than larger ones and their life expectancy ranges from 9 to 13 years.

The monokennel “LOS BANDIDOS” is engaged in professional breeding of dogs of this breed American Bully (type: Pocket Bully) and Exotic Bully (type: Micro Bully, Micro Exotic Bully).

The American Bully

Looking at the powerful squat american bully with the body of a “jock” bodybuilder, with the outstretched paws of a crocodile, a suitcase head and strong fanged jaws, it is difficult to imagine that in front of you is not an all-crushing monster dog, but a sweet and friendly dog, a great lover of children and fun games. But this is true. Its creators managed to obtain just such a ferocious-looking but completely gentle breed. The goal of breeding the American Bully was to create the ideal companion. At first, representatives of this breed were considered a variety of American pit bulls, but it is now generally accepted that the American Bully is independent breed.

The American Bully should appear to be of great strength for its size. Compact, medium/large sized dogs with a muscular body and a square head. The movements are powerful and, at the same time, free. The main characteristic of the breed is its heavy bones. The American Bully is a companion breed that displays confidence, a zest for life, along with a great desire to please and become a family pet. This makes the American Bully an excellent family companion. Despite its powerful and intimidating appearance, the American Bully is gentle in behavior with adults and children, and very friendly towards strangers and friendly with other dogs and animals. Aggression towards humans or dogs, extreme shyness or anger are very atypical for the American Bully and are highly undesirable.


Height at withers: 33 - 53 cm.
Weight: 31 - 54 kg.

Based on size, the American Bully is divided into 5 categories. Due to this, the breed's weight and height vary significantly from dog to dog and are not considered important. More important are the correct proportions of weight and height.

  • Standard bully- basic type, dogs must meet all the requirements described in the standard. The height of males is 43-51 cm, females – 40-48 cm.
  • Pocket bully- the smallest dogs. The height of males is up to 43 cm, females - up to 40 cm. The Pocket Bully type is lower than the standard American Bully. Other than this difference, the Pocket Bully is otherwise the same breed type and follows the same standard as the standard American Bully.
  • Classic bully- dogs of this type are distinguished by lighter bones and lower weight compared to the standard. Otherwise, they have all the features inherent in bullies. More than others they resemble an American pit bull or amstaff. The height of a male is 43-51 cm, that of a female is 40-48 cm.
  • Extreme bully- the type differs from the standard in body structure: a more massive structure (more bones), greater muscle volume and, accordingly, greater weight than standard bullies. The extreme type follows the established standard, with the exception of a few points: the lips may not fit tightly, some dampness is allowed; there may be a slight dewlap on the neck; hocks slightly turned outwards and a slight high rear is acceptable.
  • XL (XL bully)- a type of dog that differs mainly in height. Males - 51-58 cm, females - 48-56 cm. For bully XL, the standard describes the same amendments as for extreme: lips may not fit tightly, some dampness is allowed; there may be a slight dewlap on the neck; hocks slightly turned outwards and a slight high rear is acceptable.

Regarding appearance standards:

Head square in shape, large and heavy, with a broad skull shape, pronounced forehead and sharp stop. The muzzle is short, medium in length and wide, with pronounced jowls. The jaws are well defined. The lower jaw is parallel to the muzzle and very strong (“intimidating”). The lips do not fit tightly, slightly hanging. The bridge of the nose is straight, wide, not snub. The nose is large and clearly defined. The color of the nose is allowed to be any of the existing colors, except for light pink (albino). Teeth according to the standard pattern, well defined, white. The upper teeth tightly overlap the lower teeth from the outside (scissor-like bite).

Eyes oval in shape, set deep and far apart, medium in size, with minimal visibility of the conjunctiva of the lower eyelid. The color of a dog's eyes is allowed to be very different (when evaluating, it is better if it is harmonious with the color of the coat), except for blue eyes or different colors (a serious fault leading to disqualification).

Ears bullies are set high, symmetrical, erect, alert and forward. The animal's ears can be cropped or left as is.

Neck powerful, distinctly muscular, slightly arched and tapering from the back to the back of the head. The skin of the neck is dense and of good quality (loose or slightly flabby skin is allowed only in Extreme and XL types).

Torso massive, but compact, usually of medium size. The body is very muscular, with a strong broad chest and shoulder girdle, with a well-developed muscular croup. The back line may be slightly raised towards the croup.

Tail The bully's body is medium, set low, and extends down to the hock joint in length. In a calm state, it is lowered down; when excited, it can be lifted up, but not twisted into a ring.

Limbs straight, strong, clearly muscular, set wide apart, medium or relatively short in length. The elbows of the front paws are slightly turned outward (but not more than 45 degrees). The toes are compactly collected. Longer hind legs are allowed in Extreme and XL dogs.

Wool short, rigid, close-fitting. Long hair is a fault and leads to disqualification.

Color The most varied standards are allowed. Just like a variety of patterns on wool. Only the merle color is unacceptable, leading to disqualification. Merle is an uneven coat color with darker and lighter areas of the same color.

Useful information on club websites:

Exotic Bully

Of particular interest to fans of the breed is the type bully exotic(Exotic Bully), which is the smallest type of dog (smaller than Pocket) and is somewhat similar in appearance to the French Bulldog. EXOTIC BULLY - a new breed still in its formation and formation.

There are three types of exotic bullies:

  • Exotic Bully(Exotic Bully)
  • Exotic Bully Extreme(Extreme Exotic Bully)

Extreme Exotic Bully with stronger bones and more body weight than the typical Exotic Bully. Therefore, the Exotic Bully's size is up to 15 inches (38 centimeters). Exotic Bullies under 12 inches (32 centimeters) will be considered Micro Exotic Bullies.

General form: The Exotic Bully will be shorter in stature, robust for her size and have a deep yet distinctive build with a massive head.

HEAD Of medium length, with a wide skull, very pronounced cheek muscles, excellent stop, and high set ears. Excessive wrinkles in the skull are not desirable, but are not a disadvantage either.

EARS- Natural hanging, natural looking or cropped. Erect, uncropped ears should be considered a serious mistake.

EYES- The eye shape is oval to slightly round, and set far apart. Any color is acceptable except albinism. However, different eyes (one dark, the other blue or a lighter shade) should be considered not preferred. Deformed or bullied eyes are a serious fault. Lack of pigment around the eyes is undesirable. Strabismus or asymmetrical eyes are a mistake and disqualification.

MUZZLE- Short massive, sharp stop, muzzle length usually 1-2 fingers is most desirable.

JAWS- well defined. Under the jaw - required to be strong. The lips are not drooping, they are picked up. A small snack is preferred. A tight overshot or scissor bite is acceptable.

NOSE- all acceptable colors.

Heavy NECK, slightly arched, tapering from the shoulder to the back of the skull. The compact size should have minimal or no loose skin.

SHOULDERS, Strong and muscular with the blade set wide and far apart.

BACK Rear length is fairly short, slightly sloping from withers to rump or carried straight with a gentle short slope at the butt towards the base of the tail. A short back is preferred in the Exotic Bully.

BODY the body should be of good volume, rounded ribs, a fairly broad, well developed chest, and the chest should be deep and broad. The front legs are close to the chest.

TAIL Short tails are accepted. Long tails with kinks, loops and knots are serious faults, but not disqualifying.

LEGS The front legs may be slightly curved. Straight shoulders are preferred. The legs should be of moderate size, well arched and compact. The back should be well defined.

The coat is short, fits well to the body, soft to the touch, and should be shiny in appearance.

COLORS All colors and patterns are accepted except merle.

SIZE Height and weight must be proportional.

Weight: There is no specific weight for the breed, but should not be in proportion to the body.

The American Bull (Bully) is a relatively recently developed dog breed. Despite their apparent seriousness, they were specifically designed to be human companions, so they are affectionate and kind in nature, at least until their human is threatened. We will tell you about the valuable breed qualities of American bullies, the breed standard and relationships with humans in the material presented to your attention.

Despite their stockiness, American Bulls are very large dogs.

The work of breeders working on the development of the American bully started directly in the 1980s. The goal of this work was to create a companion and protector dog with more advanced breed qualities of its ancestors. By the way, representatives of pure and valuable breeds were taken as the basis for creating a new human friend:

  • Old English bulldogs;
  • Staffordshire bull terriers;
  • French bulldogs.

The companion dog had to not only be able to sensitively detect changes in the owner’s mood, but also become a real show pet that would:

  • inherited the spectacular appearance of his ancestors;
  • completely lost his zoo aggression.

It was imperative to solve the problem of aggressive attitude towards other animals, since the predecessors of the American Bully were used for:

  • hunting for medium and large game;
  • fights in dog rings.

The English Bulldog is the ancestor of the breed we are interested in

It was easy to improve the appearance and physical characteristics of the animal, but adjusting the character took a much longer time. However, already in 2004, the new American Bully breed was recognized in America and entered into the appropriate registries.

What does an American Bully look like?

The set of appearance parameters characteristic of a particular breed of dog is called the breed standard. This standardized description of the exterior also exists for the American Bully. Let's move on to consider it.

Body type

The breed of dog we are interested in is a large animal with a body:

  • with developed muscles;
  • stocky;
  • standing firmly on the ground.

The strength of such an animal’s body is understandable even to people who are not knowledgeable about the breed.

The power of the American Bully is obvious

Obesity is very rare for these dogs because:

  • firstly, because their muscles burn any amount of incoming calories;
  • secondly, due to the fact that American Bullies prefer constant physical activity;
  • thirdly, because obesity is like death for them, and owners prefer to keep their pets on a diet that suits their needs.

This dog looks like one lump of muscle, while dried out and menacing.

The shoulders of these dogs are wide, but at the same time they look neat. They are noticeably drawn back, which gives the appearance that the dog is standing very firmly on the ground.

Interesting fact: the length of the animal's shoulder is equal to the same indicator taken from its shoulder blade. These two elements of the dog's body are connected at an angle. The animal's wrists and forearms are evenly shaped, without bends.

The animal's chest is wide, since its paws stand clearly at the edges of the body. The ribs have a rounded shape. The muscular back of the dog also does not have obvious deflections; the slope is observed immediately before its transition into an animal.


The dog's strong paws are as muscular as other parts of his body. At the same time, the hind and forelimbs are almost the same size. As for the tail, it is narrow, located low relative to the body and tapers towards the tip.

Height and weight

According to the breed standard, there are four types of American Bullies, which differ from each other in the following parameters:

  • height.

Let's look at them in more detail in the table below.

Table. Types of American Bullies

StandardRepresentatives of this type meet all the characteristics specified in the breed standard for these dogs. Their indicators will be as follows:
  • for males, height will be from 43 to 51 centimeters, weight from 27 to 38 kilograms;
  • bitches will be 40-48 centimeters tall, while their weight ranges from 25 to 35 kilograms
  • PocketPocket bulls, of course, do not at all resemble a decorative dog, but representatives of this category are so much smaller in height and weight than their larger relatives that this difference is noticeable even to non-professionals. So, their parameters will be as follows:
  • the maximum height of a male reaches 43 centimeters, while the weight varies between 20-25 kilograms;
  • the maximum height of a female is 40 centimeters, but the weight varies from 18 to 23 kilograms
  • ExtremeThe category differs from the standard representative of the breed only in its greater skeletal weight, volume of muscle tissue, and, accordingly, record weight.

    In addition, external differences also affected:

  • less tight fit of lips to jaws;
  • the presence of a dewlap around the neck;
  • the joints responsible for jumping are slightly directed outward;
  • the back of the croup is higher than usual.

    The weight of representatives of this breed ranges from 50 to 55 kilograms, and their height reaches 53-55 centimeters

  • ClassicalRepresentatives of this type of breed are essentially standard boules, except that they have much lighter bones, and, consequently, weight.

    So, the approximate indicators for representatives of this breed will be almost the same, only the weight will decrease for males and females by 2-5 kilograms

    XLRepresentatives of this category are essentially no different from extreme boules, except for their height.


  • in bitches it can be 48-56 centimeters;
  • in males 51-58.

    In addition, the desired variety is also characterized by all the external breed changes found in extreme bullies.

  • Head and neck

    Representatives of this breed have a large head, heavy in weight, and:

    • really wide;
    • having clear outlines.

    The well-developed muscles of the animal are also visible on it, especially the cheeks protruding. The length of the head is average, while it is crowned with a fairly wide, square muzzle, despite the obvious shortening of which, the dog does not have any respiratory problems. The animal’s neck is strong and wide, the head is firmly attached to it. There is a slight expansion towards the shoulders.

    The nose of these animals can be colored in various colors, but cannot be light pink, this is considered a deviation from the breed standard. The bridge of the nose has a straight shape. The nostrils are open and large in size.

    This breed can keep its ears in their natural shape, however, as a rule, they are cropped and seriously shortened.

    The shape of the eye sockets resembles almonds, while each of them is located at a distance from each other. The seating of the organs of vision is deep. The conjunctiva is practically invisible. The color of the iris is usually dark.

    As for the jaws, they are, of course, strong, because these dogs are descendants of hunting breeds. Lip apposition varies:

    • from dense;
    • close, but not dense.

    Sometimes the corners of their lips droop.


    Despite the fact that it seems that American Bullies are hairless animals, this is fundamentally not the case. Their powerful bodies are covered with dense and short hair, thick but tough.

    As for colors, they can be varied, but in order to recognize a particular puppy as a representative of the breed we are interested in, the following conditions must be met:

    • the spots should have clear outlines;
    • The puppy must not be covered with merle-colored hair.

    In the first case, we are talking about a general rule that is understandable to all dog breeders. The second implies not only the avoidance of colors uncharacteristic of the breed standard, but also the prevention of further breeding of potentially aggressive and sick animals.

    Note: The “merle” color can only be obtained by artificially adding a gene of the same name to the American Bully genotype, which not only changes the color and pattern of the dog’s coat, but also:

    • disrupts the development and further functioning of the animal’s nervous system;
    • causes such dogs to be predisposed to aggression towards other animals and humans;
    • also contributes to disturbances in the circulatory, digestive, immune and other systems of the animal’s body.

    American Bully: a fierce fighter or a good friend?

    As we mentioned above, this breed was bred to become:

    • human companion;
    • show pet.

    In other words, American Bullies inherited only positive traits from their ancestors:

    • spectacular appearance;
    • people-oriented;
    • contact;
    • equilibrium.

    It is almost impossible to piss off this colossus. Such an impressive-looking pet will peacefully endure:

    • stares;
    • curious animals;
    • annoying children, etc.

    The American Bully is a family dog ​​as it truly falls in love with every member of the pack. However, of course, he remains especially loyal to only one of them – the owner.

    American Bullies have excellent relationships with children. The fact is that this dog will try to please its owner in everything, so if the owner wants it to play with children, it will do so. However, some caution should be exercised, since the weight of this dog is significant and if it accidentally comes into contact with fragile parts of a child’s body, it can cause damage.

    However, not everyone will be so kind and affectionate to the American Bully. In his character, a cheerful, kind-hearted man and a zealous guardian of the territory and the owner’s peace of mind coexist perfectly. The bully will not be the first to provoke a conflict; he will first warn the enemy about this possibility with a guttural growl. But if an animal sees that its beloved owner is being insulted, bad luck will come to the attacker. He'll be lucky if he manages to get away with it.

    These dogs are only kind to their people - they will not tolerate intruders

    However, in addition to a person and his pack, a dog can also successfully protect:

    • territory of residence;
    • specific property.

    Provided that the owners pay enough attention to the dog, living in an apartment or house with other animals is allowed.

    Unfortunately, if you are looking for your first puppy, the American Bully is not the breed for you. It clearly requires:

    • constant active games;
    • maintaining discipline;
    • classes with a dog handler.


    Representatives of this breed learn various commands very effectively and quickly. As we have already said, this pet potentially belongs to the show class, so it can perform at exhibitions and win medals. The more you reward your animal during training, the more pliable it will become. In this case, the following are accepted for encouragement:

    • verbal praise;
    • stroking and patting;
    • treats for dogs.

    Representatives of this type of dog want to please their owner so much that for some of them a kind voice and joy emanating from the owner will be a much more pleasant reward than tasty food.

    The sooner a dog is socialized, the better. At the same time, it is important to carry out socialization on all fronts:

    • regarding a person;
    • relative to other animals.

    They begin to raise the animal at the age of 2-3 months, while attending courses or learning commands begins at about six months, with the exception of protection and guard classes. It is very important not to attend this particular course until the animal is 2-3 years old, otherwise irreversible changes in its psyche may occur.

    Important to remember: Even a small poodle can be aggressive. Despite the efforts of dog breeders, the genes responsible for its presence are also present in American bullies. However, unless you intentionally wake them up, there is no need to be afraid of the animals.

    The American Bully can live both in a house and in an apartment. It is worth mentioning separately about living on the street:

    • in countries with a warm climate, the animal will be able to live in an enclosure;
    • in the conditions of a classic Russian winter, even with a slight minus, the dog will quickly get sick and die, since it has practically no hair.

    This dog needs long and frequent walks. Ideally, you will be outside for several hours, about three times a day.

    The animal sheds in a moderate amount, provided that you bathe it at least occasionally (once a month is optimal) and run a brush through its fur, this circumstance will not become a problem.

    Note: If you get such an animal in areas with a cold climate, the animal will have to purchase a blanket or overalls for the winter.

    It is very important on time:

    • trim the dog’s nails if they don’t wear off on the asphalt;
    • clean her ears from accumulated wax.

    American Bullies are unfortunately prone to oral problems such as tartar. Therefore, a small puppy needs to be taught to clean his teeth with a brush, so that later he can brush without problems at intervals of 2-3 times a week.

    What to feed boules?

    The owner decides what the bully will eat. Today there are two directions of feeding:

    • natural food;
    • industrial feed.

    There are many arguments for each direction. Whatever you choose, remember that at least 70% of the animal’s daily diet should be protein. It turns out this:

    • you can buy a holistic food with a high protein content and give your dog its daily portion twice a day;
    • ensure the supply of protein to the animal by feeding mainly meat, fish, and offal.

    It is very important that the dog does not suffer from vitamin deficiency. Holistic food is initially saturated with vitamins, so there is no need to purchase additional ones, but adherents of natural nutrition will have to consult a veterinarian and buy suitable ones.

    Breed diseases

    Unfortunately, like any other breed, American Bullies have predispositions to specific ailments. This is about:

    • development of cataracts;
    • atrophy of the nervous system of the visual apparatus;
    • heart muscle failure;
    • dental plaque;
    • periodontitis, etc.

    In addition, these dogs do not tolerate heat well and are hypersensitive to various skin diseases. That is why it is better to decide on a veterinary clinic from puppyhood and go there for regular checkups.

    Provided that you pay close attention to the health of your pet, its life expectancy can be 15 years

    Where to buy an American Bully puppy?

    In our country, as well as in European countries, these wonderful dogs have not yet gained popularity, but everything is moving towards this. In the big cities of our homeland, nurseries have already been created in which the best representatives of this breed are born.

    Caution should be exercised: do not buy dogs of this breed secondhand. Many breeders try to pass off the harmless dog we are considering as a quite serious pit bull terrier, which will be much more difficult to deal with.

    As for the price, the average cost of a puppy of such a dog is approximately 150 thousand Russian rubles. However, this value may vary depending on indicators such as:

    • presence of pedigree;
    • nursery location;
    • external characteristics;
    • gender, etc.

    If you take the cheapest puppy, then perhaps it will cost you 80 thousand rubles. It is unlikely that you will be able to buy a dog of this breed even cheaper.

    Let's sum it up

    The American Bully is a wonderful dog in every way. Her friendliness and desire to please her owner make her an excellent companion, who, despite her formidable appearance, need not be afraid. It is important to remember that ultimately the dog’s behavior and life are a reflection of the owner’s attitude. Love your bully and he will love you back.

    Video – American Bullies

    Today I want to tell you about a breed of dog called the American Bully. I’ll tell you about the dog’s character traits, who it’s suitable for, as well as the rules for keeping the breed. In addition, in this article you will learn the breed standards, average prices in nurseries, and what you should pay attention to when buying a puppy.

    Description of the American Bully breed

    The American Bully is a young dog breed that was developed in the United States in the mid-1990s. The goal of the breeders was to obtain a companion dog with a good character, but with the appearance of a fighting dog.

    It is believed that it was obtained through the selection of two breeds with difficult characters and aggressive tendencies, namely American Pit Bull Terriers and Staffordshire Terriers.

    It has not been recognized by the international community, but there is a certain standard of appearance registered in the American Breed Club.

    There are 4 main varieties, namely:

    • Standard: males 43-48 cm, females 40-45 cm;
    • Classic: males 45-48 cm, females 42-45 cm;
    • Pocket: males up to 43 cm, females up to 40 cm.
    • XL: males over 50 cm, females over 48 cm.

    According to the characteristics, American Bullies have short and coarse hair, all colors are possible. The bully has a broad-boned head with a flat skull and is short in length. The muzzle is shorter than the skull, the transition is clearly visible, and can be square or round. Eyes are medium or small in size.

    The body is described as massive, with protruding muscles and elastic skin. The tail is short, set low, and, as a rule, not docked. The paws are medium in size, well arched. The gait is free, and sometimes springy.

    On average, the lifespan of an American Bully is 12-13 years.

    Care and maintenance rules

    Bully is able to live in an apartment and, as a rule, does not need active walks. The dog only needs two walks a day, morning and evening. Allowed with weights, in a special vest. This will make the dog look more menacing.

    During walks, the dog grinds its claws down on its own. Short hair does not need constant brushing. You can comb it a couple of times a week. Feeding a bully is no different from feeding other similar dogs.

    A puppy up to six months should eat about 4-6 times a day, then you can feed 3-4 times a day. After one year, you can feed once or twice a day. It is advisable to feed rice, buckwheat or wheat porridges. The diet must include meat, preferably boiled beef.

    If there is no time to cook, it is allowed to feed dry food, preferably the highest class.


    Despite its menacing and frightening appearance, the dog has a rather kind and friendly character. It can perform any actions only with the approval of its owner. He loves children, treats strangers peacefully in most cases, and does not enter into conflict situations.

    Treats other dogs and small animals calmly.

    In some cases, it can show aggression towards its own kind, but this happens extremely rarely. Not suitable for hunters, as there is not enough aggression. But it can very well prove itself as a protective dog.

    Bully cannot stand it when family members or the owner himself are offended, and in this case he will not back down until death.

    At a young age, it is advisable to show where his place is in the family, as he may try to “seize power.” This is why the dog is not recommended for older people, people with a soft character, as well as those who do not have experience in keeping a dog of a similar breed.


    Before starting the training itself, it is advisable to establish contact with your pet. Accustom the dog to daily walks, to his diet, and show him where he can go to the toilet and where he can’t.

    The dog is easy to train, thanks to its high intelligence and ability to quickly remember commands. But it’s better not to do the training yourself, because despite its intelligence, the dog remains close to the fighting dog.

    Health and diseases inherent in the breed

    The American Bully is one of the healthiest breeds and has good immunity to a number of diseases characteristic of purebred dogs. But still, the breed also has its “weak points”, one of them is cardiovascular diseases.

    The main symptoms of this disease are:

    • Drowsiness;
    • Lethargy, shortness of breath;
    • Frequent fainting;
    • Loss of coordination.

    The American Bully is one of the healthiest breeds

    For prevention, you should go to the veterinarian every year for an examination.

    The second common disease in ambullies is joints. At the slightest lameness, it is recommended to immediately contact a veterinarian. Monitor your pet carefully, because the sooner the disease is detected, the easier and more effective it will be to fight it.

    As for the dog's vaccinations, it depends on the situation.

    When purchasing a puppy from a kennel, you should be vaccinated against canine tracheobronchitis. But if your puppy is susceptible to ticks, a Lyme shot is recommended.

    After vaccinations, it is better not to bathe your pet. It is also worth reducing the walking time to a minimum, since after the procedures the pet is as weakened as possible.

    Puppy cost

    Am Bullies are popular in the United States, but in Europe and the CIS countries the breed is only gaining popularity.

    For example, in Russia there are only 2 American Bull nurseries. One of them is near Moscow, and the second is near St. Petersburg. You can also purchase a puppy from a private breeder, but the risk of running into a dishonest seller is extremely high.

    Approximate cost of a puppy:

    • In Russia: ranges from 155 to 360 thousand rubles.
    • Europe: starts from 700 euros.
    • USA: from 500 to 6000 US dollars
    • Ukraine: from 50 to 150 thousand UAH.

    Is it worth it to breed puppies on your own?

    Since the breed is exotic and rare in the CIS countries, the cost of an Ambulli puppy is quite high.

    It will not be easy to achieve trust from puppy buyers, and few people will decide to purchase a pet from unknown breeders at such a price. Therefore, you should not breed puppies yourself.

    As a conclusion, we can easily say that this is one of the most interesting dog breeds. The breed is suitable for lovers of fighting dogs, as well as married couples with children, because how you raise a dog is how it will show itself in the future.

    The American Bully is a rather rare breed in Europe and the CIS countries, so the cost of a puppy is not cheap, which makes you think about purchasing an American Bully pet.