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Quotes from Remarque's novel “Arc de Triomphe. "new literature"

As I continue to look at the site, I often wonder who are the positive characters here and who are the negative ones? And I can’t clearly answer this question. It would seem that the most negative heroes subsequently do very good deeds, and the seemingly positive heroes do the opposite.

Quotes from Remarque's novel "Arc de Triomphe"
Quotes from Remarque's novel "Arc de Triomphe"

And no matter what happens to you, don’t take anything to heart. Few things in the world remain important for long.

Words spoken in the dark - how can they be true? Real words require bright light.

It’s a strange thing - it always seems to us that if we helped a person, he might step aside; but it is only then that it becomes completely unbearable for him.

Why try to build something if everything will inevitably collapse soon? It’s better to go with the flow without wasting your strength, because they are the only thing that cannot be restored.

What can one person give to another except a drop of warmth? And what could be more than this?

Any thing can be put somewhere. There's enough space for everything. Just not for people.

We spend too much time in our rooms, we think too much within four walls. We live too much and despair locked up. And if you merge with nature, you will never despair.

The desire to contradict indicates a limited spirit.

Loneliness is the eternal refrain of life. It is no worse or better than much else. They just talk about him too much. A person is always and never alone.

We live in the age of canned food, we no longer need to think. Everything has been thought out, chewed over and even experienced in advance for us. Canned food. All that remains is to open the jars. Delivery to your home three times a day. There is no need to sow, grow, or boil anything on the fire of thoughts, doubts and melancholy. Canned food.

Without love, a person is nothing more than a dead man on vacation, a few dates, a name that doesn’t say anything. But why then live? You might as well die.

Peace is good when you yourself are calm.

Only a dream helps us come to terms with reality.

Those who don't expect anything will never be disappointed. Here's a good rule of life. Then everything that comes next will seem like a pleasant surprise to you.

The best thing to do when breaking up is to leave.

Life is life, it costs nothing and costs infinitely much. You can refuse it - it's simple. But don’t you at the same time renounce revenge, everything that is ridiculed, spat upon, mocked at every day, every hour, which is called faith in humanity and in humanity? This faith lives despite everything. Although it is empty, your life, you cannot throw it away like a spent cartridge case! It will still be useful for the fight; when the time comes, it will still be needed. Not for your own sake, and not even in the name of revenge - no matter how blindly you thirst for it - not out of selfishness and not even out of altruism - one way or another, but you still need to pull this world out of blood and dirt, and let you pull Even an inch of it - it’s still important that you constantly fought, just fought. And while you are breathing, do not miss the opportunity to renew the fight.

You look like all a man's dreams, like all his dreams and one more that he didn't even know about.

A woman becomes wiser from love, but a man loses his head.

He who has killed often will not kill for love. Otherwise, death becomes something funny and insignificant. But death is never funny. It is always significant.

You should never reduce what you started doing on a grand scale.

A person becomes old only when he no longer feels anything. - No, when he doesn’t love you anymore.

No explanation. They smell too vulgar. does not tolerate explanations. She needs actions.

Women should either be idolized or abandoned.

If you love and don’t believe in miracles, you are a lost person.

He who explains himself is already justified.

Victory breeds carelessness.

The one who is driven from everywhere has only one home, one refuge - the excited heart of another person.

Through cool reflection one can dissolve hatred and turn it into purpose.

Anyone who looks back too often can easily trip and fall.

A person does not realize how much he is capable of forgetting. This is both a great good and a terrible evil.

The most incredible things almost always turn out to be the most logical.

It doesn't matter where you live. More or less amenities is not the main thing. The only thing that matters is what we spend our lives on. And even then not always

Nothing tires you out more than chatter.

In the clinic it’s like in a monastery - you learn to appreciate the simplest things again.

There is as much happiness all around as you want. Just bend down and pick it up.

Only the simplest things never disappoint. Happiness is achieved somehow very simply and always much easier than you think.

No complexes. She is a mirror that reflects everything and holds nothing back.

Who needs morality in love? Morality is an invention of the weak, a plaintive moan of losers.

Only those who have lost everything worth living for are free.

Repentance is the most useless thing in the world; nothing can be returned. Nothing can be fixed.

Life didn't mean to make us perfect. Those who are perfect belong in a museum

Everything that can be settled with money is cheap.

Man is great in his plans, but weak in their implementation. This is his problem, and his charm.

What you forget will be missed for the rest of your life. And everything that is remembered turns life into hell.

If you want to do something, never ask about the consequences. Otherwise you won't be able to do anything.

The whole world ceased to exist for me. And when nothing else exists, misfortune ceases to be misfortune. After all, there is nothing with which to compare it and only emptiness remains. And then everything comes and you gradually come to life.

Freud - inferiority complex and psychoanalysis, fear of loud words in love and a tendency to loud words in politics.

Only small things explain everything; significant actions explain nothing. There is too much melodrama in them, too much of the temptation to lie!

When it comes to little things, you can ask, but when it comes to something important, never.

Happiness begins with you and ends with you

Loving is when you want to grow old with someone.

...a man died. But what's special here? Thousands of people die every minute. This is what statistics show. There's nothing special about this either. But for the one who was dying, his death was the most important thing, more important than the entire globe, which invariably continued to rotate.

When you die, you become somehow unusually significant, but while you’re alive, no one cares about you.

...let's be kinder if we can and while we can, because we still have to commit several so-called crimes in our lives. At least for me. And probably you too.

To live means to live for others. We all feed off each other. Let the light of kindness glimmer at least sometimes... There is no need to give it up. Kindness gives a person strength if life is difficult for him.

Nothing awaits a person anywhere,” said Ravik. - You always have to bring everything with you.

You always expect that a person, having escaped death, will be immensely happy. But that almost never happens.

Cynics have the easiest character, idealists have the most intolerable character.

…love is not a mirror pond into which you can stare forever. It has ebbs and flows. And the wreckage of shipwrecks, and sunken cities, and octopuses, and storms, and boxes of gold, and pearls... But the pearls lie very deep.

Give a woman a few days to live a life that you usually cannot offer her, and you will probably lose her. She will try to find this life again, but with someone else who can always provide for her.

How pathetic truths become when you speak them out loud.

A tragedy that has dragged on for twenty years risks degenerating into a comedy, Ravik thought. A real tragedy should be short.

A heart that has once merged with another will never experience the same with the same strength. Joan never managed to get into some corner of his soul; it was the only thing that made her reach out to him from time to time. But, having barely penetrated the last corner, she, of course, will leave it forever. Who will wait for this? Who will be satisfied with such an outcome? Who will sacrifice themselves for this?

Stay friends? Plant a small garden on the cooled lava of faded feelings? No, this is not for you and me. This only happens after small affairs, and even then it turns out rather false. Love is not tarnished by friendship. The end is the end.

translation from German
selection of quotes - Maxim Malinovsky

* * *

"... Again, someone has nowhere to go, he thought. This should have been foreseen. It’s always the same. At night they don’t know where to go, and in the morning they disappear before you have time to wake up. In the morning, for some reason, they know where to go Eternal cheap despair - the despair of the night darkness. Comes with the darkness and disappears with it... But isn’t he himself fed up with all this?”

"...And no matter what happens to you, don’t take anything to heart. Little in the world is important for a long time.”

".........Ravik got into the shower. Cool water flowed over his skin. He took a deep breath, then turned on the tap and dried himself. Only the simplest things console. Water, breath, evening rain. Only those who are lonely understand this. Body, grateful to the water. Light blood rushing swiftly through the dark veins. Rest in the meadow. White summer clouds. Where have all the worries of the heart gone?

"...He looked at the back of her head, at her shoulders. Someone's breath. A piece of someone else's life... But still life, warmth... Not a ossified body. What can one person give to another, except a drop of warmth? And what could be more than this?

“... This was just not enough, he thought. In the same hotel! I’m not a nurse for the sick. And then... maybe she thinks that I already have some kind of obligations to her? After all, it happens.
“No, I don’t recommend it,” he said more sharply than he intended. - International is always crowded. Refugees. The best place to go is Milan. If you don't like it, you can move at any moment.
The woman looked at him. He felt that she had read his thoughts, and he felt ashamed. But it’s better to feel shame for a moment, but then enjoy peace.”

"...Ravik looked out the window. What else was there to think about? He had almost nothing left. He lived, and that was enough. He lived in an unstable era. Why try to build something if soon everything will inevitably collapse? It’s better to go with the flow without wasting your strength, because they are the only thing that can’t be restored. You can hold out until the goal appears again. And the less you spend, the better - let them remain in reserve forever. when everything collapses, again and again, with ant persistence, to build a solid life? He knew how many people failed along this path. It was touching, heroic, funny... and useless. It was impossible to hold back the avalanche that was rolling with. mountains, and anyone who tries to do this will be crushed by it. It’s better to wait it out, and then dig out the buried alive. Take light luggage when escaping too..."

"...It's a strange thing - it always seems to us that if we helped a person, he might step aside; but then it becomes completely unbearable for him..."

“...I’m not a charitable society, Boris. I’ve seen worse things and still didn’t do anything. What makes you think that it’s so hard for her right now?
- Judge for yourself, only now she fully felt her loneliness.
Until now, there was a man next to her, even if he was dead. But he was on the ground. Now he is underground... gone... he is no more. But this,” Morozov pointed to Madonna, “is not gratitude. This is a cry for help.
“I slept with her,” said Ravik, “not knowing what happened to her.” I want to forget about this.
- I’ll tell you what, Ravik: let’s be kinder, - To live means to live for others. We all feed off each other. Let the light of kindness glimmer at least sometimes... There is no need to give it up. Kindness gives a person strength if life is difficult for him."

“...It is enough that you enter a place... where nothing awaits you except a few suitcases.
“Nowhere does anything await a person,” said Ravik. “You always have to bring everything with you.”

"...Repentance is the most useless thing in the world. Nothing can be returned. Nothing can be corrected. Otherwise, we would all be saints. Life did not intend to make us perfect. Those who are perfect belong in a museum."

"...There are more prostitutes among women who have never slept with a man than among those for whom this has become a bitter piece of bread. I'm not even talking about married women."

"...cynics have the easiest character, idealists have the most unbearable character. Doesn't this make you think?...."

"...Chess is much more perfect than cards. With cards, everything depends on chance. They are not distracting enough. But chess is a world in itself. As long as you play, it displaces the other, external world." The professor raised his bloodshot eyes. "But the outside world is not like that." already perfect."

"...- Everything that can be settled with money is cheap."

"...If you want to do something, never ask about the consequences. Otherwise, you will never do anything.
She looked at him.
“When it comes to little things, you can ask, but when it comes to something important, never.”

"...Words spoken in the dark - how can they be true? Real words require bright light.
- How do you know all this?
- Because I love you.
How does she use this word, Ravik thought. Without thinking at all, like with an empty vessel. Fills it with whatever it takes and then calls it love. They filled this vessel with everything! Fear of loneliness, anticipation of another “I”, excessive self-esteem. An unsteady reflection of reality in the mirror of fantasy!
But who managed to comprehend the very essence? Isn’t what I said about growing old together the greatest stupidity? And isn’t she, for all her thoughtlessness, closer to the truth than I am? Why am I sitting here on a winter night, during the intermission between two wars, spitting out common truths like a school teacher? Why do I resist, instead of rushing headlong into the pool, even if I don’t believe in anything?..."

"... Without love, a person is nothing more than a dead man on vacation, a few dates, a name that doesn’t say anything. But why live then? You might as well die...

"...We don't die. Time dies. Damned time. It dies continuously. And we live. We invariably live. When you wake up, it's spring outside, when you fall asleep, it's autumn, and between them winter and summer flash a thousand times, and If we love each other, we are eternal and immortal, like the beat of a heart, or the rain, or the wind - and that’s a lot. We gain days, my love, and lose years. But who cares, who cares? A moment of joy is life! Only it is closest to eternity. Your eyes twinkle, star dust flows through infinity, the gods are decrepit, but your lips are young and trembling between us - You and I, the Call and the Response, born of the evening twilight, the delights of all. who loved... It's like the dream of a vine fermented in a storm of golden hops... Screams of frenzied passion... They come from the most ancient times... An endless path leads from the amoeba to Ruth, and Esther, and Helen, and Aspasia , to the blue Madonnas of roadside chapels, from reptiles and animals - to you and me..."

"...Once upon a time there lived a wave that loved a rock, somewhere in the sea, say, in the Bay of Capri. She showered it with foam and splashes, kissed it day and night, wrapped her white arms around it. She sighed, and cried, and begged : “Come to me, rock!” She loved him, doused him with foam and slowly undermined him. And then one fine day, already completely undermined, the rock swayed and collapsed into her arms.
And suddenly the cliff was gone. No one to play with, no one to love, no one to mourn. The cliff sank in the wave. Now it was just a stone fragment on the bottom of the sea. The wave was disappointed, it seemed to her that she had been deceived, and soon she found herself a new cliff."

"...Give a woman a few days to live a life that you usually cannot offer her, and you will probably lose her. She will try to find this life again, but with someone else who can always provide for her...."

"...Better look out the window, the sky is all crimson, gold and blue... Does the sun ask what the weather was like yesterday? Is there a war going on in China or Spain? How many thousands of people were born and died at this moment? The sun is rising - and that’s all. And you want me to ask! Your shoulders are like bronze, under its rays, and I still have to ask you about something? In the red light of the dawn, your eyes are like the sea of ​​​​the ancient Greeks, violet and wine-colored, and I should be interested in God knows what? You’re with me, and I, like a fool, should be stirring up the withered leaves of the past. Who do you take me for, Joan?”

"... Don't lose independence. It all started with the loss of independence already in the little things. You don't pay attention to them - and suddenly you get entangled in the networks of habit. It has many names. Love is one of them. You shouldn't get used to anything. Even to woman's body.

"...Love! What is not covered by its name! Here is the attraction to a sweetly tender body, and the greatest confusion of spirit; the simple desire to have a family; the shock experienced at the news of someone's death; frenzied lust and single combat between Jacob and an angel. Here I come, thought Ravik, I’m already over forty, I’ve learned and relearned a lot, I’ve fallen under blows and risen again. I’m wise with experience and knowledge passed through the filter of many years, I’ve become more seasoned, more skeptical, more equanimous.. I didn’t want love and didn’t believe in it, I didn’t think it would come again... But it came, and all my experience turned out to be useless, and knowledge only causes pain. And what is better to burn at the stake of feelings than dry. Is cynicism the fuel stored in the fatal, difficult years?”

“...It’s not me, a man shuddering with desire, capable of anatomizing his feeling, but powerless to cope with it! It’s not me, a fool, ready to give years of his life just to turn back time and again find the golden-haired nothingness that was just recently whispering all sorts of nonsense in my ear! No, it’s me... To hell with all the excuses! I’m sitting here, I’m jealous, I’m broken and pathetic and I’d love to set fire to this yellow car!..

"...Is it possible to hold her? Could he have held her if he had behaved differently? Is it even possible to hold on to anything other than an illusion? But isn't illusion alone enough? And is it possible to achieve more? What do we know about the black whirlpool of life, seething under the surface of our feelings, which transform its echoing bubbling into various things. A table, a lamp, your homeland, you, love... Those who are surrounded by this eerie twilight are left with only vague guesses. But aren’t they enough? , not enough. And if it is enough, then only when you believe in it. But if the crystal is broken under the heavy hammer of doubt, you can, at best, glue it together, lie and watch how it barely refracts the light, instead. to sparkle with dazzling brilliance! Nothing returns. Nothing is restored. Even if Joan returns, the lost crystal will no longer be the same."

“...- I don’t understand. In the end, we could... - No,” he said quickly. “But not this. Remain friends? Plant a small garden on the cooled lava of faded feelings? No, this is not for you and me This happens only after small affairs, and even then it turns out to be quite false. The end is the end. - But why now? - You’re right. And sometimes you don’t want to know everything. After all, it was... - He suddenly stopped. - What did you want to say, Ravik? She seemed to not understand something, but she tried her best to understand. transparent. “Tell me, Ravik! What was it with us?” she whispered. The half-lit corridor behind her seemed like a path to some distant mine, watered by the tears of many generations, illuminated by ever-renewing hopes. ... - he said. - Love? - Yes. That's why it's over now.

“...No person can become more alien than the one you loved in the past, he thought wearily. The mysterious thread that connected him with your imagination is breaking. Lightning still flashes between him and you, something else flickers, like fading, ghostly stars. But this is a dead light. It excites, but no longer ignites - the invisible current of feelings was interrupted. Ravik threw his head back on the back of the sofa. A pitiful piece of intimacy over a huge abyss. How many captivating names have been invented for the dark attraction of the two sexes! on the surface of the sea: you try to pluck them and you plunge into the abyss."

Quotes from Remarque's novel "Arc de Triomphe" Quotes from Remarque's novel "Arc de Triomphe" And no matter what happens to you, don’t take anything to heart.

Few things in the world remain important for long. Words spoken in the dark - how can they be true? Real words require bright light. It’s a strange thing - it always seems to us that if we helped a person, he might step aside; but it is only then that it becomes completely unbearable for him. Why try to build something if everything will inevitably collapse soon?

It’s better to go with the flow without wasting your strength, because they are the only thing that cannot be restored. What can one person give to another except a drop of warmth? And what could be more than this? Any thing can be put somewhere.

There's enough space for everything. Just not for people. We spend too much time in our rooms, we think too much within four walls. We live too much and despair locked up. And if you merge with nature, you will never despair. The desire to contradict indicates a limited spirit.

Loneliness is the eternal refrain of life. It is no worse or better than much else. They just talk about him too much.

A person is always and never alone. We live in the age of canned food, we no longer need to think. Everything has been thought out, chewed over and even experienced in advance for us. Canned food. All that remains is to open the jars. Delivery to your home three times a day. There is no need to sow, grow, or boil anything on the fire of thoughts, doubts and melancholy.

Canned food. Without love, a person is nothing more than a dead man on vacation, a few dates, a name that doesn’t say anything. But why then live? You might as well die.

Peace is good when you yourself are calm. Only a dream helps us come to terms with reality. Those who don't expect anything will never be disappointed. Here's a good rule of life. Then everything that comes next will seem like a pleasant surprise to you.

The best thing to do when breaking up is to leave. Life is life, it costs nothing and costs infinitely much. You can refuse it - it's simple.

But don’t you at the same time renounce revenge, everything that is ridiculed, spat upon, mocked at every day, every hour, which is called faith in humanity and in humanity? This faith lives despite everything. Although it is empty, your life, you cannot throw it away like a spent cartridge case! It will still be useful for the fight; when the time comes, it will still be needed. Not for your own sake, and not even in the name of revenge - no matter how blindly you thirst for it - not out of selfishness and not even out of altruism - one way or another, but you still need to pull this world out of blood and dirt, and let you pull Even an inch of it - it’s still important that you constantly fought, just fought.

And while you are breathing, do not miss the opportunity to renew the fight. You look like all a man's dreams, like all his dreams and one more that he didn't even know about. A woman becomes wiser from love, but a man loses his head. He who has killed often will not kill for love. Otherwise, death becomes something funny and insignificant.

But death is never funny. It is always significant. You should never reduce what you started doing on a grand scale. A person becomes old only when he no longer feels anything. - No, when he doesn’t love you anymore. No explanation. They smell too vulgar.

Love does not tolerate explanations. She needs actions. Women should either be idolized or abandoned. If you love and don’t believe in miracles, you are a lost person. He who explains himself is already justified. Victory breeds carelessness.

The one who is driven from everywhere has only one home, one refuge - the excited heart of another person. Through cool reflection one can dissolve hatred and turn it into purpose. A person is able to preserve only what grows within himself. In the empty night of loneliness, then something of his own can grow in a person, unless he falls into despair. Anyone who looks back too often can easily trip and fall. A person does not realize how much he is capable of forgetting.

This is both a great good and a terrible evil. The most incredible things almost always turn out to be the most logical. It doesn't matter where you live. More or less amenities is not the main thing. The only thing that matters is what we spend our lives on. And even then, not always. Nothing tires you more than chatter.

In the clinic it’s like in a monastery - you learn to appreciate the simplest things again. There is as much happiness all around as you want.

Just bend down and pick it up. Only the simplest things never disappoint. Happiness is achieved somehow very simply and always much easier than you think. No complexes. She is a mirror that reflects everything and holds nothing back. Who needs morality in love? Morality is an invention of the weak, a plaintive moan of losers.

Only those who have lost everything worth living for are free. Repentance is the most useless thing in the world; nothing can be returned. Nothing can be fixed. Life didn't mean to make us perfect. He who is perfect has a place in a museum. Everything that can be settled with money is cheap. Man is great in his plans, but weak in their implementation.

This is his problem, and his charm. What you forget will be missed for the rest of your life. And everything that is remembered turns life into hell.

If you want to do something, never ask about the consequences. Otherwise you won't be able to do anything. The whole world ceased to exist for me.

And when nothing else exists, misfortune ceases to be misfortune. After all, there is nothing with which to compare it and only emptiness remains. And then everything comes and you gradually come to life. Freud - inferiority complex and psychoanalysis, fear of loud words in love and a tendency to loud words in politics. Only small things explain everything; significant actions explain nothing. There is too much melodrama in them, too much of the temptation to lie! When it comes to little things, you can ask, but when it comes to something important, never.

Happiness begins with you and ends with you. Loving is when you want to grow old with someone. ...a man died. But what's special here? Thousands of people die every minute.

This is what statistics show. There's nothing special about this either. But for the one who was dying, his death was the most important thing, more important than the entire globe, which invariably continued to rotate.

When you die, you become somehow unusually significant, but while you’re alive, no one cares about you. ...let's be kinder if we can and while we can, because we still have to commit several so-called crimes in our lives. At least for me. And probably you too.

To live means to live for others. We all feed off each other.

Let the light of kindness glimmer at least sometimes... There is no need to give it up. Kindness gives a person strength if life is difficult for him. Nothing awaits a person anywhere,” said Ravik. - You always have to bring everything with you.

You always expect that a person, having escaped death, will be immensely happy. But that almost never happens. Cynics have the easiest character, idealists have the most intolerable character.

…love is not a mirror pond into which you can stare forever. It has ebbs and flows. And the wreckage of shipwrecks, and sunken cities, and octopuses, and storms, and boxes of gold, and pearls... But the pearls lie very deep.

Give a woman a few days to live a life that you usually cannot offer her, and you will probably lose her. She will try to find this life again, but with someone else who can always provide for her. How pathetic truths become when you speak them out loud. A tragedy that has dragged on for twenty years risks degenerating into a comedy, Ravik thought. A real tragedy should be short. A heart that has once merged with another will never experience the same with the same strength.

Joan never managed to get into some corner of his soul; it was the only thing that made her reach out to him from time to time. But, having barely penetrated the last corner, she, of course, will leave it forever. Who will wait for this? Who will be satisfied with such an outcome?

Who will sacrifice themselves for this? Stay friends?

Plant a small garden on the cooled lava of faded feelings? No, this is not for you and me. This only happens after small affairs, and even then it turns out rather false. Love is not tarnished by friendship. The end is the end. “Joan,” he said.

I don't want to force anything into your head. I’d rather tell you a fairy tale about a wave and a cliff. Old story. Older than you and me. Listen.

Once upon a time there lived a wave that loved a cliff, somewhere in the sea, say, in the Bay of Capri. She showered him with foam and splashes, kissed him day and night, and wrapped her white arms around him. She sighed, and cried, and begged: “Come to me, cliff!” She loved him, doused him with foam and slowly undermined him. And then one fine day, already completely undermined, the cliff swayed and collapsed into her arms. Ravik took a sip.

So what? - Joan asked.

And suddenly the cliff was gone. No one to play with, no one to love, no one to mourn. The cliff sank in the wave. Now it was just a stone fragment on the bottom of the sea. The wave was disappointed, it seemed to her that she had been deceived, and soon she found herself a new cliff. - So what?

Joan looked at him incredulously. - What of this? A cliff must remain a cliff.

The waves always say that. But everything moving is stronger than the stationary. - How do you know all this? - Because I love you. How does she use this word, Ravik thought. Without thinking at all, like with an empty vessel.

Fills it with whatever it takes and then calls it love. They filled this vessel with everything! Fear of loneliness, anticipation of another “I”, excessive self-esteem. An unsteady reflection of reality in the mirror of fantasy! -Have you ever been abandoned by the person you loved? - Yes.

She glanced at him. - One of the two always leaves the other. The whole question is who will get ahead of whom.

Death - there was true greatness in it, in it a person achieved completeness, and even then for a short time. Not a light anywhere. The square was drowning in darkness...

In the pitch darkness it was impossible to even see the Arc de Triomphe. It's easier to sleep with a man than to call him by name.

The small empty room smelled of hopelessness, melancholy and November. Love, he thought. And here is love. An eternal miracle.

She not only illuminates the gray sky of everyday life with a rainbow of dreams, she can also surround a pile of crap with a romantic aura. Help while you can. Do your best...

But when you can’t do anything anymore, forget it! Turn your back!

Be strong! Pity is only permissible in calm times. But not when it comes to life and death.

Bury the dead, and dig into life yourself! You still have to live and live. Sorrow is sorrow, and facts are facts.

Face the truth, admit it. This will not at all insult the memory of those who died. This is the only way to survive. 1725, > 0 #1 Irina 01/25/2012 16:37 More from the Arc de Triomphe: Only what you wear without a sense of self-confidence is cheap, thought Ravik. More than once he had seen royal sables that seemed very cheap.

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S. Guns... Capt. Jack Sparrow Pirate Jack Sparrow is a colorful, mannered pirate...

Direction. info>Mini-tes Implemented projects. Contact Information. Elteco.>Hyundai bus for sale Catalog of sellers from Europe, Ukraine, Russia. Search by brand. Tck-group. Probably I like negative heroes because, firstly, they are beautiful, secondly, they all have a sad story, thirdly, they must be smart, and fourthly, he must be unhappy and lonely. But I think that the negative heroes are mysterious, brave, but it’s a pity that sometimes these heroes often die at the end of the film or at the end of the anime... But some heroes realize their guilt and begin to fight for the side of good.

I always feel like I'm missing something. And so I catch this something, I want to hold it, and then it turns out that everything is useless. Then I again reach for something new, although I know in advance: everything will end as always, but I cannot behave differently. Something pushes me, grabs me for a while, and then lets go, and I’m empty again... And then it all starts again...

If you love and do not believe in miracles, you are a lost person - this is what the Berlin lawyer Arensen, it seems, told him in 1933. And three weeks later he was already in a concentration camp - his mistress reported on him.

Happiness begins with you and ends with you,” said Joan. - It's so simple.
Ravik did not answer. What is she saying? - he thought.
- What good, you will also say that you love me.
- I love you.
He made a vague gesture.
- You hardly know me.
- What does this have to do with love?

Forget... What a word! It contains horror, consolation, and deception! Who could live without forgetting? But who can forget everything that you don’t want to remember? A slag of memories that breaks your heart. Only those who have lost everything worth living for are free.

What was he just thinking about? Yes... The dark world of love, the power of imagination - how quickly you can make your own amendments here! And people do it. They always do it themselves. They diligently destroy their own dreams. And how could they do otherwise?

Give a woman a few days to live a life that you usually cannot offer her, and you will probably lose her. She will try to find this life again, but with someone else who can always provide for her.

It’s a beautiful car,” said Ravik.
“You can also tell me - beautiful tires,” Morozov answered and sighed noisily. “Inflexible, iron Ravik,” he added with annoyance. - Correct Western European. I would simply say - a vile bitch. I could still understand this. And it's a beautiful car...

Where are you going, really? At night, alone, in Paris? - He asked calmly again and let go of her hand.
The woman was silent, but did not move from her place. Once she stopped, she seemed unable to go any further.
Ravik leaned against the parapet of the bridge. He felt damp and porous stone under his hands.
- Isn’t that right? - He pointed down where, glistening restlessly in the grayish darkness, the Seine flowed, running into the shadows of the Alma Bridge.
The woman didn't answer.
“It’s too early,” said Ravik. - It's too early, and it's too cold. November.

What you forget, you will miss for the rest of your life, monsieur,” he said. Apparently, for him the topic was far from exhausted.
- Right. And everything that is remembered turns life into hell.

Love is not tarnished by friendship. The end is the end.

Loneliness is the eternal refrain of life. It is no worse or better than much else. They just talk about him too much.

What can one person give to another except a drop of warmth? And what could be more than this?