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Type 2 diabetes how to treat. Description of type 2 diabetes mellitus: signs and prevention. What folk remedies lower blood sugar?

According to statistics, many patients with type 2 diabetes are overweight, and they are also elderly people.

Only 8% of patients have normal body weight.

As a rule, a person is diagnosed with a combination of two or more risk factors for developing the disease.

Let's consider the factors that increase the risk of the onset of the disease:

  1. Genetic predisposition. If one of the parents has T2DM, the probability of inheritance is 30%, and if both parents are sick, then the risk increases to 60%. Increased sensitivity to a substance that enhances insulin production, which is called enkephalin, is inherited.
  2. Obesity, excess body weight, abuse of harmful products.
  3. Traumatic damage to the pancreas.
  4. Pancreatitis, causing damage to beta cells.
  5. Frequent stress, depression.
  6. Insufficient physical activity, predominance of adipose tissue over muscle.
  7. Transferred viruses(chickenpox, mumps, rubella, hepatitis) - provoke the development of the disease in people with a hereditary predisposition.
  8. Chronic diseases.
  9. Old age (over 65 years old).
  10. Hypertonic disease and increased concentration of triglycerides in the blood due to overuse of fatty foods.

Diagnostic methods

In persons who fall under one of the risk factors listed above, a set of laboratory tests is carried out to allow timely identification of the disease.
If you are at risk, you need to be tested once a year.

If suspected, the following tests are prescribed:

  • determination of glucose concentration in capillary blood;
  • glucose tolerance - a test for early detection of the disease;
  • glycated hemoglobin in the blood.

A blood test for type 2 diabetes is positive if:

  • the level of glucose in capillary blood exceeds 6.1 mmol/l;
  • when testing for tolerance, 2 hours after taking glucose, its level is more than 11.1 mmol/l; if the glucose level is in the range of 7.8-11.1 mmol/l, a diagnosis is made, which requires further examination under the supervision of a therapist;
  • with a glycated hemoglobin content of 5.7%, a person is considered healthy, a concentration of more than 6.5% - the diagnosis is confirmed, intermediate values ​​- a high risk of development.

When are injections necessary?

In severe cases of the disease, insulin injections are prescribed along with medications. Thus, this form of the disease can become insulin dependent, making life much more difficult.

Depending on how capable the body is of compensating for carbohydrate metabolism disorders, There are three stages of the disease:

  1. Reversible (compensatory).
  2. Partially reversible (subcompensatory)
  3. Carbohydrate metabolism is irreversibly impaired - the stage of decompensation.


There are many cases when the disease is detected by chance, during a routine examination, during a blood sugar test. More often, symptoms appear in overweight people and those who have crossed the 40-year mark.

Associated symptoms:

  • frequent bacterial infections due to decreased immunity;
  • limbs lose normal sensitivity;
  • Poorly healing ulcers and erosive formations appear on the skin.


Is there a cure for type 2 diabetes? Every sick patient asks this question.
Existing standards for the treatment of type 2 diabetes mellitus consider the main principle to be the achievement of the following goals:

  • elimination of symptoms;
  • decreased blood sugar levels;
  • control of metabolism;
  • warning ;
  • ensuring the highest possible standard of living;
  1. Diet;
  2. Recommended physical activity;
  3. Self-monitoring of the patient’s condition;
  4. Teaching the patient skills to live with diabetes.

If diet therapy is ineffective, then additional drug therapy is prescribed.

Drug treatment of type 2 diabetes mellitus: drugs that lower sugar

Modern pharmacotherapy for diabetes mellitus 2 offers many different drugs that lower sugar. Prescription of medications is carried out based on laboratory parameters and the general condition of the patient. The severity of the disease and the presence of complications are taken into account.

Groups of medications prescribed to patients with type 2 diabetes to lower blood sugar (glucose) levels:

1.Sulfonylurea derivatives– have a double effect: they reduce cell resistance to insulin and increase its secretion.
In some cases, they can sharply reduce blood sugar levels.
Prescribed drugs: glimeperide, chlorpropamide and glibenclamide, etc.

2. Biagunids. Increases the sensitivity of muscle tissue, liver and fatty tissue to insulin.
They reduce weight, normalize lipid profile and blood viscosity.
The drug Metformin is prescribed, but it causes side effects, stomach and intestinal disorders, as well.

3. Thiazolidinone derivatives reduce glucose levels, increasing the sensitivity of cell receptors and normalize the lipid profile.
The medications prescribed are rosiglitazone and troglitazone.

4. Incretins improve the function of pancreatic beta cells and insulin secretion, inhibit the release of glucagon.
The drug prescribed is glucagon-like peptide-1.

5. Dipeptidyl peptidiase inhibitors 4 improve glucose-dependent insulin release by increasing the susceptibility of pancreatic beta cells to the entry of glucose into the blood.
The medications prescribed are vildagliptin and sitagliptin.

6. Alpha-glucosidase inhibitors disrupt the absorption of carbohydrates in the intestines, reduce the concentration of sugar and the need for injections.
Miglitol and acarbose are prescribed.


Drugs that lower blood sugar levels are prescribed exclusively by the attending physician, since self-medication in this situation is life-threatening. The list of drugs is for informational purposes only.

Combination therapy involves prescribing 2 or more medications at the same time. This type has fewer side effects than taking one drug in a large dosage.

Modern methods of treating type 2 diabetes mellitus

Modern treatment of type 2 diabetes requires doctors to achieve the following goals:

  • stimulate insulin production;
  • reduce tissue immunity (resistance) to insulin;
  • reduce the rate of synthesis of carbohydrate compounds and slow down the process of its absorption through the intestinal wall;
  • correct the imbalance of lipid fractions in the bloodstream.

At first, only 1 drug is used. Subsequently, several are combined. If the disease progresses, the patient’s condition is poor and previous medications are ineffective, insulin therapy is prescribed.

Physiotherapy and ozone therapy

  • increases the permeability of cell membranes, which increases the flow of carbohydrates into tissues and eliminates the lack of energy, while reducing protein breakdown;
  • activates glucose metabolism in red blood cells (erythrocytes), which increases the saturation of tissues with oxygen;
  • strengthens the vascular wall;
  • especially effective for coronary heart disease and atherosclerosis in elderly patients.

But there are also disadvantages to ozone therapy: it can suppress the patient’s immunity, which can provoke the development of chronic infections and pustular skin lesions.

The course of treatment is up to 14 procedures, involving intravenous administration of saline solution that has undergone ozonation. Enemas with an ozno-oxygen mixture are also used.

The following physiotherapy procedures are used for diabetes:

  • electrophoresis;
  • magnetic therapy;
  • acupuncture;
  • hydrotherapy;
  • physical therapy.

How to treat type 2 diabetes with nutrition?

Treatment regimens for type 2 diabetes mellitus using diet are based on the following principles:

  • exclusion of refined carbohydrates (jams, desserts and honey) from the diet;
  • fat intake should correspond to 35% of the daily requirement;
  • counting the number of bread units and bringing your diet in line with the doctor’s recommendations.

Many patients have some degree of obesity, and therefore, by achieving weight loss, it is possible to achieve a decrease in glycemia (glucose), which often eliminates the need for drug treatment of the disease.

Diet therapy is the main part of treatment. The proportion of proteins in the diet should be 20%, fats -30% and carbohydrates 50%. It is recommended to divide meals into 5 or 6 times.

Fiber in the diet

A prerequisite for a therapeutic diet is the presence of fiber.
Rich in fiber:

Including guar, fiber and pectin in the diet gives excellent results. The recommended dosage is 15 grams per day.

What is a bread unit

The practical significance of the bread unit is that it can be used to determine the dose of injection for oral administration. The more bread units consumed, the larger the dose is administered to normalize glucose levels in the body.

For the error-free calculation of XE, many special tables have been compiled containing a list of food products allowed for patients with diabetes and the correspondence of the indicated units to them.

Folk remedies

Folk remedies can be considered as an addition to the main therapy.

A noticeable effect is observed a month after systematic use.


Before starting to use various herbal infusions, the patient is recommended to consult a doctor, since the use of some herbs has contraindications for various conditions.

Useful video

What treatment methods are considered the most effective? Watch the video:

Goals of therapy

The main goal of treating type 1 and type 2 diabetes mellitus is to preserve the patient’s quality of life and normalize metabolism. It is important to prevent the development of complications, to adapt a person to life taking into account this complex diagnosis. Proper treatment only delays the onset of serious consequences.

I offer a review article on the topic of type 2 diabetes mellitus, diet and its treatment - I will show the different approaches of doctors who successfully treat non-insulin-dependent diabetes. All of them belong to alternative medicine. Methods of conservative treatment of T2DM in official medicine are also described. Compare them, think, choose... There are coordinates of doctors.

This will be especially useful for those who know how to take responsibility for their health. Why is there such a different approach between traditional doctors and alternative medicine doctors?

In fact, it all starts with seeing the different causes this disease and its interpretation in official and alternative medicine, and hence the different methods of treatment. I hope the article will help you understand more about your body and the failure that occurred in it, causing type 2 diabetes, and the lucky ones will be able to recover from it.

Let's consider different points of view on this disease, find out what diabetes is and what the difference is between type 1 and type 2 diabetes, how they differ, and how to treat type 2 diabetes, whether it is curable, and why some doctors start injecting insulin when the disease is insulin independent.

Jpg" alt="Type 2 diabetes mellitus diet and treatment" width="500" height="300" srcset="" data-srcset="https://i0.wp..jpg?w=500&ssl=1 500w, https://i0.wp..jpg?resize=300%2C180&ssl=1 300w" sizes="(max-width: 500px) 100vw, 500px" data-recalc-dims="1"> В статье представлено традиционное видение причин и способов лечения Д2 в официальной медицине и в альтернативной. Альтернативную медицину в статье представляют три доктора:!}

  1. Evgeniy Bozhyev
  2. Lyudmila Ermolenko
  3. Boris Skachko

These professional doctors with medical education approached the problem of diabetes mellitus from a completely different angle than official medicine. Let's start to figure it out.


Diabetes mellitus was known several thousand years ago. The Egyptians referred to it as a disease involving the loss of a significant amount of urine. Greek healers came up with the name “diabetes”, which means “I’m passing through, I’m leaking.”

Indian healers called the disease madhumeha (sweet urine), and they were the first to divide it into types 1 and 2. At the same time, type 1 was designated as characteristic for young people, and type 2 for obese people. The concept of “sugar diabetes” was added by the British at the end of the 18th century to separate the disease from “diabetes insipidus,” which is also characterized by frequent urination.

The diagnosis of the pathology was very specific. Hippocrates tasted urine. Indian doctors noticed that sweet urine attracts ants. And the wise Chinese resorted to the help of flies; if they landed on a container with such urine, it means it is sweet, and the person is sick.

Until the beginning of the 20th century, no effective treatment for the disease was found. Only in the 20s of the 20th century, Canadians Frederick Banting and Charles Best discovered insulin, and the first injection of the drug was made to a person. Thanks to this medicine, diabetes can be controlled, thereby saving the lives of many hundreds of people.
In the photo, Frederick Banting (right) with his assistant Charles Herbert Best. In 1921, they first obtained and practically used insulin.
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The Nobel Prize for the discovery of insulin was awarded only to John MacLeod (they rented his laboratory) and Banting. Banting categorically disagreed with the fact that McLeod received the prize and Best was left out of work. A scandal broke out and it was subsequently divided between four scientists: Banting shared with Best, MacLeod with Collip.

Diabetes is a disorder of carbohydrate metabolism, which is reflected in an increase in blood sugar levels, which may be accompanied by the release of excess sugar through the urinary system.

There are two types of diabetes:

  • insulin-dependent diabetes or type 1 diabetes (T1DM)
  • Non-insulin-dependent diabetes or type 2 diabetes (T2DM)

How are they different from each other?

In the first case (insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus) in the body not enough insulin, insulin is constantly required from outside in order for sugar to be absorbed. For type 2 diabetes insulin level is sufficient- this type of diabetes mellitus is non-insulin dependent - and the problem here is not insulin.

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At the same time, some endocrinologists for the treatment of type 2 diabetes insulin administration is prescribed. Why?

If you ask this question to an endocrinologist, he will answer what he was taught:

  1. receptors in cells become insensitive to insulin (why then inject additional insulin?)
  2. your insulin in the cells is of poor quality and therefore needs to be injected additionally

Whether this is justified, you will easily understand if you continue reading.

Below I present the vision and approach to T2DM of Dr. Evgeniy Bozhiev, which has successfully cured many type 2 diabetics - those whom doctors have not yet hooked up to a diabetic syringe with insulin.

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Sugar regulation mechanism - how it works

A little theory. Let's look at how things really happen. We have a system of carbohydrate metabolism, that is, a system in which carbohydrates or, conditionally, sugars are absorbed. As soon as we eat, saturation occurs: absorption, absorption of sugars into the blood - its content in the blood peaks. We stopped eating - there is a decrease in blood sugar levels, its decline.

The cells of our body require that the sugar level be within certain limits: not below the level at which the cells do not have enough of it and not above the level at which sugar has a toxic effect on blood vessels and cells. That is, cells need sugar to be within a certain fork.

Most people eat 2-3 times a day, and this peak, which occurs when satiated (excess sugar), must be removed somehow, and when sugar declines, it must be supplemented from somewhere. This is the system that exists in our body, when excess sugar at its peak is removed by the pancreatic hormone - insulin. It inactivates excess sugar - converts free glucose into a bound form and removes it from the blood - stores it in the liver and muscles.

Removed excess glucose. Gradually, the sugar level begins to fall, as it is consumed by the cells for their needs. When the level drops below acceptable levels, another system turns on, which takes bound glucose from the warehouse, converts it into free form and sends it into the blood.

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This is something completely different hormone glucagon and Doctor Bozhyev claims that it is not synthesized in the pancreas(according to official medicine), and in the liver, where it acts by binding to specific glucagon receptors on liver cells.

Glucagon for hepatocytes (liver cells that play an important role in hepatic metabolism) serves as an external signal about the need to release glucose into the blood due to the breakdown of glycogen (glycogenolysis) or the synthesis of glucose from other substances.

This system allows sugar to remain within certain limits, regardless of whether we are eating or in a hungry state.
The sugar level is within a certain corridor thanks to the carbohydrate metabolism system.

What is the difference between type 1 diabetes mellitus and type 2 diabetes mellitus (Dr. Bozhev)

Now, based on the above, it is easy to understand the difference between type 1 and type 2 diabetes. When no insulin and no one to remove excess sugar in the blood and transform it into an inactive form - this is type 1 diabetes - insulin dependent. And when insulin is administered in this case, this is justified and necessary to normalize blood sugar levels and create a reserve of bound sugar in the muscles and liver in order to later compensate for its shortage between meals.

What is type 2 diabetes? This is incorrect work or the absence of the second hormone - glucagon, which ensures the flow of sugar into the blood when there is a lack of it there. No one to translate inactive form of glucose into active and deliver it to the circulatory system. In this situation, the storage bins in the liver and muscles are overflowing with the inactive form of glucose - glycogen, of which there is a lot, but there is no one to take it, break it down (glycolysis) and send it into the bloodstream. As a result, insulin cannot remove excess glucose after eating in the depot - the bins are full, there is no room...

It is now clear that in type 2 diabetes there is no need to inject insulin from the outside - here there is no way for your own insulin to perform its function. In this situation, we artificially add type 1 diabetes to type 2 diabetes, aggravating the situation for the patient.

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Conclusion on theory and practice Doctor of God:

Main difference between T1DM and T2DM is that:

  • Insulin-dependent diabetes (T1D) is a disease of the pancreas, which cannot produce the necessary amount of insulin to relieve a spike in blood glucose - and pancreas needs to be treated;
  • Isulin-independent diabetes (T2DM) is a liver disease that cannot synthesize glucagon and, with the help of the hormone, release liver depots and muscle reserves from inactive glucose and convert it into active during a decline in sugar levels - here liver needs to be treated.

As you can see, everything has become clear - in which organ the diabetic has a malfunction and what needs to be treated. In fact, these are two different diseases and two different mechanisms of disease development. With the approach of Doctor God, type 2 diabetes can be cured by normalizing liver function, but with constant monitoring of sugar levels.

Everything that is described in the section on the differences between T1DM and T2DM, Dr. Bozhyev explains in his video - I just know from experience that many people find it faster to read the text than to watch a video on diabetes.

Clarification for skeptics:

Evgeniy Bozhyev is a highly qualified doctor, space medicine doctor, which has helped a lot of people. Here is his website, where there are many useful and sometimes unexpected recommendations. Below are his contact numbers. The main place for receiving patients is the city of Anapa, Crimea.

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When I was preparing this article, I worked through many resources. Moreover, I asked the doctor a question on YouTube that it is written everywhere about glucagon that it is synthesized in the pancreas, including Wikipedia. And he answered me that practice tells a different story...

Here is a screenshot from Wikipedia:

Data-lazy-type="image" data-src="https://prozdorovechko.ru/wp-content/uploads/2017/09/Screenshot_2.jpg" alt="Wikipedia about the hormone glucagon" width="640" height="97" srcset="" data-srcset="https://i0.wp..jpg?w=784&ssl=1 784w, https://i0.wp..jpg?resize=300%2C46&ssl=1 300w" sizes="(max-width: 640px) 100vw, 640px" data-recalc-dims="1"> А это ответ доктора на мое замечание, что глюкагон синтезируется в поджелудочной, а не в печени:!}

Data-lazy-type="image" data-src="https://prozdorovechko.ru/wp-content/uploads/2017/09/Screenshot_4.jpg" alt="Answer from Dr. Bozhiev" width="528" height="99" srcset="" data-srcset="https://i2.wp..jpg?w=528&ssl=1 528w, https://i2.wp..jpg?resize=300%2C56&ssl=1 300w" sizes="(max-width: 528px) 100vw, 528px" data-recalc-dims="1">!}

How to cure type 2 diabetes yourself: 4 simple recommendations from Dr. Bozhiev

Doctor Bozhyev believes that T2DM cure it yourself at home in 2-3 months.

Here are the steps to take:
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1. Restore normal liver function. Surge will help with this and is needed to remove venous congestion in the liver. A simple exercise: pump or pump: with both hands, slowly squeeze the ribs on the sides closer to the waist and release sharply. Repeat 30 times (30-40 seconds) 3-4 times a day. As soon as the stagnation is removed, the liver cells regenerate themselves.

2. Add Cr (chromium) to the body. Lack of chromium in the blood causes a lack of glucagon synthesis. It is best to compensate for the lack of chromium by consuming chromium-containing dietary supplements. Chromium intake is carried out in parallel with taking pills prescribed by a doctor, since chromium does not stabilize sugar immediately - this will take 2-3 months.

The packaging of chromium-containing drugs always says: daily dose for humans and the content of the element in one capsule (tablet) - independently calculate how much you need to take per day.

I give the approximate daily requirement of chromium for different categories of the population:

  • for those who lead a sedentary lifestyle, 50 mg of chromium per day is enough
  • with active physical activity, the need increases and amounts to 150–250 mg
  • Pregnant and lactating women need 100–200 mg of chromium per day
  • babies need 10 milligrams of chromium per day
  • children from 3 to 11 years old - 15 mg of chromium per day
  • from 11 to 14 - 25 mg of chromium per day
  • from 14 to 18 - 35 mg of chromium per day

How long to take chromium? Until the craving for sweets disappears (several months). If a person is prejudiced against dietary supplements, there are products with a high chromium content. The list below:

Data-lazy-type="image" data-src="https://prozdorovechko.ru/wp-content/uploads/2017/09/hrom-orodukty.jpg" alt="hrom-orodukty" width="199" height="286" data-recalc-dims="1">!} If the pharmacy doesn’t have chromium, look for it in the online store on Iherb - there are drugs of different prices and contents.

3. Create frequent split meals at least 8 times a day (every 3 hours meals). This diet removes sugar peaks: it reduces the amount of excess sugar, which must go into an inactive form - glycogen.

4. Increase physical activity. The goal is to provide movement to the largest number of muscles (dancing, swimming, aerobics). During their work, muscles use bound glucose, freeing up space in the depot for a new portion of excess sugars. Intense muscle work releases deposits of inactive sugar. The more muscles are involved, the more bound sugar will be used for their work.

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This is the vision of T2DM at Dr. Bozhiev's. Now let's look at T2DM from the point of view Ermolenko Lyudmila.

Who is to blame for type 2 diabetes, the reasons, how to get rid of it, personal consultation with Dr. Ermolenko

I would like to introduce you to the methodology and vision of T2DM of another doctor, Lyudmila Ermolenko, whom I know personally and have successfully used her recommendations more than once. Here are her words about the cause of type 2 diabetes:

In the development of diabetes, however, the decisive role belongs to the psycho-emotional state: a joyful, happy person who loves the whole world does not have diabetes.

Diabetes mellitus type 2 - what is it in simple terms? This is an increase in blood sugar as a result of impaired carbohydrate metabolism, caused by unhealthy lifestyle, especially - poor nutrition.

The text below was written personally by Dr. Lyudmila Ermolenko for this article:
data-lazy-type="image" data-src="https://prozdorovechko.ru/wp-content/uploads/2017/12/ermolenko.jpg" alt="Who is to blame for type 2 diabetes (Dr. Ermolenko)" width="500" height="500" srcset="" data-srcset="https://i1.wp..jpg?w=500&ssl=1 500w, https://i1.wp..jpg?resize=150%2C150&ssl=1 150w, https://i1.wp..jpg?resize=300%2C300&ssl=1 300w" sizes="(max-width: 500px) 100vw, 500px" data-recalc-dims="1">!}

If you are diagnosed with type 2 diabetes mellitus

Endocrinologists immediately “include” a person in a certain order of life, from which he will no longer be able to “jump out”.

Counting calories, calculating the amount of carbohydrates consumed, checking glucose levels, taking medications, administering insulin are “extra jobs.”

After all, a person is not relieved of all his daily responsibilities: to be actively included in the family hierarchy and fulfill family obligations as a spouse, parent, and also to continue to participate in production processes if the person has not yet reached retirement age.

This lifestyle brings additional stress.

Distress is the main cause of T2DM

The development of the disease itself occurred against the background of chronic, long-term distress.

Distress is a particularly destructive form of stress.

The causes of this disorder are long-term emotional stress, the inability to satisfy physical needs, or inadequate living conditions of a person.

But the basis is not so much the external conditions themselves, but how a person perceives them. You can live in a shack and enjoy life, or you can live in luxurious apartments and constantly gnaw at yourself for the fact that your neighbor is still better, and that you simply can’t keep up with him...

If a person experiences a range of emotions of distress on a daily basis - everything does not suit him, there is no acceptance of life, there is no joy from it, and he is forced to mentally and psychologically resist negative phenomena all the time, then this condition leads to energy depletion, and it is the main cause of diabetes.

In the German New Medicine, the founder of which is Rijk Gerd Hamer, it is written that the conflict of constant subconscious resistance is the foundation for the development of diabetes.

Since our world as a whole is incorrect, and creates more and more obstacles to the serenity of human existence on Earth, the individual has more and more reasons for “resistance.”
These include social aspects, family relationships, partnership interactions, and features of personal perception of reality.

And the World Health Organization, as a very authoritative body, “adds fuel to the fire”: it regularly provides statistics on how many percent the incidence of diabetes will increase next year or in ten years.

The prospect is not rosy - as if nature determined that a person, having come into this world, must necessarily suffer from diabetes.

There is such a paradigm that is destructive to human nature: There is a whole huge industry working for patients with this diagnosis.
And there is a “fight” for every patient.
And the more such patients, the better this industry...

But you and I are rational beings. We, and only we, are responsible for our entire lives, and for the diseases that we may have or can successfully avoid.

Which organ is to blame for type 2 diabetes. Role of the liver

So which organ is to blame for type 2 diabetes? No, not the pancreas, as many doctors of official medicine believe - without guilt, the liver turns out to be to blame.

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It is always loaded with all sorts of metabolites from our cells, carcinogens, preservatives, leavening agents, dyes, which it removes from the body, and then there is a huge excess of sugar.

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If a person led an active lifestyle: moved more, ate less sweets, he would not have developed type 2 diabetes.

Not the least cause of T2DM is poor eating behavior and a sedentary lifestyle. Therefore, there is prevention for type 2 diabetes, unlike type 1 diabetes. Knowing the cause of its occurrence, you can prevent the development of T2DM.

The reptilian brain controls blood sugar levels and insulin production

Who controls the liver and pancreas? Our entire physical body is controlled by an ancient and ridiculously simplified system - the reptilian brain.
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When a dominant resistance exists steadily in the subconscious, then resistance itself requires a lot of physical strength- this is how the reptilian brain literally understands this attitude. As a result of signals from the reptilian brain, the hormonal cocktail in the body itself is rearranged.

If strength is needed for resistance, which means you need carbohydrates because they provide energy, then in the system, under the influence of signals from the reptilian brain, the quantitative production of insulin decreases. After all, it is insulin that regulates the utilization of carbohydrates for its intended purpose.

If a lot of them came with food, then it creates glycogen reserves in the liver, or fatty layers in the subcutaneous tissue.

And then, no matter how much we reduce carbohydrates in the diet, sugar will rise. Because the islets of Langenhars will adapt to a mode of ever-decreasing insulin release. And, instead of removing the stable paradigm of resistance, we will introduce exogenous insulin into the body, which does more harm than good.

A person can be actively and effectively helped with the restructuring of consciousness and subconscious. There are special programs of psychotherapeutic work that lead a person to a direct and conscious path to true recovery.

This kind of work involves more than just “managing” diabetes with strict diets, insulin, and carbohydrate counting. After all, all this, paradoxically, in itself contributes to the further development and “prosperity” of the disease in the body. It turns out that we devote all our attention, and therefore energy, to the disease, and not to those techniques that will lead to health.

It turns out everything is simple: in order to get rid of T2DM, we create conditions for health, i.e. It is to achieving health that we direct all our attention, all actions and energy - then the disease leaves such an organism.

Illness exists where there is psychological unawareness.

If you have the intention to take responsibility for your life and for your illnesses upon yourself, and not shift it to those who benefit from your illness, then contact specialists who will help you gain the necessary awareness.

Watch the video where Dr. Ermolenko explains the causes and treatment of T2DM:

It is very important not to exclude fats in your diet. Especially for breakfast, since thanks to fat, the gallbladder valve will open and morning bile will enter the duodenum, from where it will be excreted along with oxidized cholesterol, carcinogens, dyes, excess sugar and estrogens and other waste.

From the above it is clear that in case of diabetes mellitus 2, for its successful treatment, it is necessary to restructure mentally, to find the most valuable realizations for yourself on a psychological level. And only then can you confidently move towards real health, following the doctor’s instructions.

Dr. Boris Skachko has been treating diabetes for more than 25 years and has published 5 books on the treatment of this disease. His approach to the treatment of T1DM and T2DM is similar to the method of the doctors I cited above.
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Why is diabetes mellitus considered an incurable disease in official medicine?

When the level of sugar in the blood increases, the danger increases, since sugar impregnates red blood cells, as a result, the viscosity of the blood sharply increases, and when passing through the capillaries, this red blood cell clogs the capillary and the most dangerous complication of diabetes mellitus appears - diabetic angiopathy.

Official medicine suppresses blood sugar, reducing its level. And it doesn’t matter whether it’s type 1 diabetes, when there is simply not enough insulin and replacement therapy is in progress, or whether it’s type 2 diabetes, when sugar is sent to the cells (and they are not the most powerful consumers of glucose).

In both cases, the sugar level decreases and along with it the risks decrease. Therefore, official medicine has declared both types of diabetes to be incurable diseases, and accompanies a person, reducing his health risks and the danger to life today.

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That is, official medicine does not treat the disease - it has one goal - to reduce the danger of high sugar levels for life today.

When synthetic drugs are prescribed for type 2 diabetes, they fail to improve the most important distributor of glucose - the liver. Metabolism control, including carbohydrate metabolism, depends on the liver.
That's why The main task of a doctor for diabetes is to improve liver function. It takes 2-4-6 months to restore the liver. As a result, 80% of people recover from diabetes, as the liver and carbohydrate metabolism are restored.

T2DM is an indicator of poor liver function, T1DM is an autoimmune disease. What to do?

Dr. Skachko believes that type 2 diabetes is most often not an independent disease, but a symptom complex associated with poor liver function, in which almost always fatty hepatosis and steatohepatitis are present(the transitional phase of the disease from steatosis to cirrhosis, the pathology affects the cells of the liver tissue, resulting in an inflammatory process that develops on the basis of fatty degeneration). It is with the treatment of these diseases (herbal medicines, physical activity and diet) that T2DM gradually goes away.

Dr. Skachko can also help with type 1 diabetes - this is an autoimmune process that depends on the purity of the blood: dirty blood - the autoimmune process exists, clean blood - the autoimmune process disappears somewhere.

Purifying the blood is a little more difficult than restoring liver function. Why? There is no way to control the purity of the blood in real time: the blood is sometimes cleaner, sometimes dirtier, so insulin will jump up/down. But the condition will still be better and T1DM will stop at a relatively small dose of insulin.

A direct complication of diabetes is diabetic angiopathy, and the consequence is vascular atherosclerosis. Why? Because cells, not receiving their sugar, switch to fats - atherosclerosis develops in the vessels, which can also be easily prevented by improving liver function.

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Therefore, if you think that you need lifelong treatment for diabetes mellitus, you contact doctors of official medicine, if you want to get rid of diabetes, reduce its complications— contact Dr. Boris Skachko directly for advice by phone. +38067-9924062 (Kyiv).

Doctor Skachko will teach:

  • how to determine if you have diabetes
  • what 4 actions need to be taken to avoid diabetes
  • what 5 actions should you take if you already have diabetes and want to get rid of it?

How to determine if you have diabetes at home

Like any disease, diabetes manifests itself with symptoms and signs. There are a number of indicators that are worth paying attention to:

1. Dry mouth- one of the main indicators of diabetes. Sugar loves water very much, and the higher the blood sugar, the more water it holds in the bloodstream. A person sweats less in the summer heat - water is not released from the body (you overheat more easily).

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Less water is released through the respiratory system, sputum thickens and any respiratory disease can worsen, from banal chronic bronchitis to bronchial asthma or pneumonia.

But still, these same signs may not be associated with an increase in blood sugar levels - you could simply eat something salty, canned, sausage - the symptoms will be similar, but diabetes has nothing to do with it. Maybe they just forgot to drink water.

2. Polyuria- another indicator, later compared to dryness, when sugar rises by more than 10 millimoles / liter (the norm is about 4-4.5 units). Dryness is an earlier indicator, polyuria is a later indicator of the development of the disease.

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There is a renal barrier for glucose, and when blood sugar levels rise above 10 millimoles per liter, it begins to cross the renal barrier and enters the urine, dragging water with it. Frequent and copious urination appears, especially at night.

Frequent urination can also be observed during exacerbation of chronic cystitis, prostatitis, urethritis, but in these cases it is not abundant. An irritated system reacts to a few drops of urine as if there is a huge amount of fluid in the bladder.

The described diseases can be differentiated by Testing your daily dose of urine for sugar and if sugar is suddenly detected in the urine, it means that there were cases when its level exceeded 10 units. Previously, with such a level of sugar, a person was given up - doctors did not know what to do. Today this is not a fatal diagnosis once it has been established, but it is very dangerous due to its complications.

How to avoid diabetes: control 4 indicators (Dr. Skachko’s recommendations)

Dr. Skachko recommends taking control of 4 important indicators that determine whether you will have type 2 diabetes or not.
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What you need to keep under control:

  1. emotional stress
  2. physical stress
  3. food stress
  4. know the hereditary strength of the liver

Now about each in a little more detail.

As soon as a person finds himself in a stressful situation, energy is needed to get out of it. The simplest energy is carbohydrates. This is why blood sugar levels rise.
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If in a stressful situation this is a benefit, it saves a person’s life, then in the long term it is a problem, because the level of glycosylated hemoglobin increases. It affects vascular permeability, metabolism and aging of the body.

The second indicator that increases is the level of cholesterol in the blood. In a stressful situation, this is good, since cholesterol is necessary for the repair of cells, which in such a situation are destroyed more often, but in the future, the threat of developing vascular atherosclerosis is visible on the horizon.

Also, under stress, blood pressure levels, heart rate, breathing rate, and muscle tone usually increase, which also leads to certain health problems.

The problem here is a person’s attitude to stressful situations. By changing the attitude towards stress, the risks for the problems listed above are eliminated and, most importantly, the possibility of such a diagnosis as type 2 diabetes disappears.

Physical stress is the number two factor that needs to be controlled in order to avoid developing T2DM.

If a person does not fully use his muscles and the musculoskeletal system is inactive, then his muscles cannot help control the level of sugar in the bloodstream and work to reduce it, using reserves in the liver in the form of glycogen.

An active and mobile lifestyle is an excellent prevention of diabetes.

Only there is physical stress with a “+” sign, when there is too much stress on the body in the form of running, sports equipment, exhausting exercise in the gym - this threatens health. And there is physical stress with a “–” sign, or simply physical inactivity.

Both overwork and inactivity cause physical stress.
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The third factor that must be controlled to avoid type 2 diabetes is nutrition.

If blood sugar has risen, it means the person is not eating correctly.. You can reduce sugar at home and switch to so-called therapeutic fasting. A day or two and your sugar will be normal. Metabolism will take this sugar out of the bloodstream and use it.

In this situation, from food stress overeating a person gets into food stress malnutrition. Many people live in such a swing: they ate - the sugar rose, they starved - the sugar fell - and again in a circle. There is an advantage to this method - you can reduce your sugar yourself at home.

But there is a big disadvantage - when blood sugar rises, the level of glycosylated hemoglobin rises, and it cannot be reduced so easily - it will fall only after three months. And for all three months, hemoglobin will “slip” in the capillaries and slow down the metabolism due to the low speed of movement through them, and - as a result - a lack of oxygen and slow burning of food. This process leads to aging of the body.

It is important to understand here that Both overeating and fasting lead to nutritional stress.
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How to eat properly: in fractional portions, 5-6 times at regular intervals.

Listed above three factors relate to a healthy lifestyle. The last factor, out of your control, relates to the kind of metabolic brain you received from your parents.

This factor reflects the lifestyle that your parents led 3-4 months before your conception. If you have a strong liver, then the three factors listed above are not so important.

You have probably met people who lead an active emotional lifestyle, coupled with powerful regular stress due to irregular nutrition and physical inactivity, and their sugar level does not exceed the norm, as does their cholesterol level. These people were lucky - they received an excellent biochemical brain - the liver. It all depends on how well it works in the body.
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It doesn’t even matter whether it is absolutely healthy or whether there is a phenomenon of fatty hepatosis or dyskinesia of the gallbladder - even in these conditions, a good liver will cope with metabolism and sugar levels in the bloodstream will be good.

Often there is a different situation: the liver is weak and the person does not seem to worry about life, and has a nutritional system and moves actively - but the blood sugar level is elevated, as is the cholesterol level.

What to do, how to cure T2DM

Many people, fulfilling the three factors listed above, but having a weak liver, have entered into this difficult disease - type 2 diabetes. This was confirmed by tests and the blood sugar level was above 4.5 mmol per liter.
What steps need to be taken to get rid of the disease:

  • decide
  • carry out an audit of the power supply system
  • control the duration of food intake
  • physical and mental activity
  • patience or consistency in following recommendations

Now let's talk about each indicator separately.

The most important factor is deciding to change your lifestyle, whether you decide to change it or not.
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A test will help you with this - a very simple indicator of the condition of blood vessels, which you can take right now.

The test for the condition of the blood vessels is simple: lift the leg of your pants and look at them. If you find gorgeous vegetation there that has not changed throughout your life, and cosmetologists regularly recommend depilation, your blood vessels are in excellent condition and you can simply observe your body - everything is fine with it.

If the hair is thinning, this indicates the level of metabolic support. Hair doesn't just fall out - it lacks nutrition, which is due to the condition of the blood vessels. The same applies to the hair on your head.
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What difference does it make where hair falls out - on the legs or on the head? This is an indicator that the blood is empty and does not reach the hair in the required quantity - that’s why it falls out - there is not enough nutrition. Vessels in diabetes or in cases of impaired glucose tolerance, when the sugar level has risen above 4.5 units, do not create a cosmetic defect, but a danger to life.

Hair loss is the first stage of vascular disorder. Further, the healing time of ulcers and wounds lengthens. If nothing is done, they stop healing altogether and trophic ulcers and wounds appear. The last stage - gangrene develops(death of some tissue).

In diabetes mellitus, gangrene is dry, not wet. Dry gangrene is not life-threatening in itself - ulcers are more dangerous due to tissue destruction, since they cause the absorption of destroyed cells into the bloodstream. And this is a blow to the kidneys, which, in case of diabetes or impaired glucose tolerance, do not work in the best way - they have the same situation with the blood vessels, only this is not yet visible.

That’s why it’s so important to decide to change your lifestyle and take care of your health.

Conducting an audit of the power supply system is the second and very important step. The blood sugar level rises for a trivial reason - a person simply overate. When the metabolism is compromised, it is necessary to pay attention to the quantity and frequency of food intake throughout the day - 2-3 times is clearly not enough.

In such a situation, the frequency of meals must be increased to at least 5 times a day: the first meal no later than an hour after bedtime, the last meal - an hour and a half before bedtime.
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With such a nutritional system, the peaks in sugar increases will be much smaller and smoother, it will be easier for the metabolism to control blood sugar levels and avoid complications.

When diabetes is accompanied by a number of diseases of the cardiovascular system: hypertension, vascular atherosclerosis, coronary heart disease, heart defects, vegetative-vascular dystonia, then the number of meals should be increased to 6-8 times.

In this situation, to what extent the sugar level will rise is of secondary importance - blood volume and viscosity are of primary importance, which increase after each meal. The dangers of high sugar are still in the future, but the dangers of high blood viscosity already exist.

In addition to increasing the frequency of meals, it is necessary to control the amount of food consumed throughout the day. This is done by reducing the amount of food in a serving that is taken at one time. Volume reduction occurs by limiting carbohydrates.

There are times when a person ignores the advice to increase the frequency of meals and reduce the amount of food consumed and the metabolism continues to deteriorate.

In this case, a strict diet looms ahead, which takes into account the glycemic index in food. This is a necessary step to help your metabolism rehabilitate itself - to the extent possible.

It is necessary to observe how much time has passed from the beginning of the meal to its end. It should take no more than 10 minutes (less is possible).
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This is of great importance, since the sugar level with which you sat down at the table in the first 10 minutes does not change. It may go down a little, but can't go up- not from anything: the food has not yet been digested and has not entered the blood.

At the tenth minute you should start physical activity- low in intensity. In this case, the muscles begin to more actively use the sugar that is already in the blood, and it continues to actively decrease.

As soon as the food is digested and enters the bloodstream - and the muscles are already working - they prevent sugar from rising too high in the bloodstream. In this case, after each meal, your sugar will decrease and decrease - no matter how paradoxical it sounds.

You can connect one more component: in addition to light muscle activity, turn on mental work, remembering, for example, a multiplication table or solving simple arithmetic problems. This must be done without stress - easily and with pleasure, connecting a positive emotion, in a calm mode.

In this case, two factors already work to reduce blood sugar levels and improve metabolic processes in the body: muscles help reduce sugar levels, and the brain, consuming 20% ​​of the blood.
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A little physical activity not only reduces blood sugar, it improves blood circulation in the body as a whole: and the delivery of nutrients to all cells, including the cells of the pancreas and liver. Digestion and the general condition of the body improves - if everything is done correctly.

The duration of the load is 30-40 minutes (less is not worth it, more is possible). With this approach, the main organ - the metabolic brain of the body - the liver will be restored. The liver is suitable for both such a nutritional system and such a gentle improvement in blood circulation, which will allow it to better recover and participate in metabolic processes.

If you are doing everything correctly, then your speed towards diabetes has slowed down and you need another important component.

The body needs approximately 4-5 months to restore metabolism in the body - or rather, to restore the liver.

A nuance: restoration of the liver (appearance) and restoration of liver function (characteristics of its participation in metabolism) are two different things.

When they look at the liver on an ultrasound and say that there are such and such changes, then these are external indicators, and they are not as important as biochemical indicators, which reflect how the metabolism in the body is regulated (liver function) - they are more important than appearance liver.

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It is possible to speed up liver recovery with classic hepatoprotectors (milk thistle seeds, solyanka or drugs based on them. But they have one feature - they are focused on the protein synthetic function of the liver including, and this is fraught...

And this is fraught with an increase in blood viscosity and stress on the heart and blood vessels, which, with long-term use of drugs (and they need to be taken for months), can seriously disrupt the functioning of the heart and blood vessels. To prevent this from happening, It is recommended to improve liver function with sets of medicinal plants. Herbal mixtures are individually selected by the herbalist, taking into account the initial state of the liver and concomitant diseases.

I suggest watching a video with Dr. Skachko’s explanations about diabetes:

Here is a review of three highly experienced alternative medicine doctors on diabetes.

Personal experience in preventing type 2 diabetes

Let me clarify right away: I do not have T2DM, but no one is immune from it and I do everything to ensure that my endocrine system and liver work normally - after all, I am already 60 years old.

1. I take dietary supplements. I take a number of nutritional supplements from the Ukrainian company Choice as a preventive measure. I take it regularly, but it’s different. A chromium-containing supplement that few people pay attention to is Norm. The name itself speaks of its effect on metabolism in the body. A good prevention of T2DM is to take two phytocomplexes: in the morning - Dynamics, in the evening - Balance (anti-stress complex).

The most effective and efficient nutraceutical for diabetes is F.Active (Enzyme-Active), thanks to which you can gradually significantly reduce the dosage of insulin (some stopped injecting it altogether).
Preventive course of administration every six months - 45 days, morning and evening, 1 capsule. Therapeutic dose: 2 capsules before each meal. The main active plant is stevia and. If it is not possible to buy F.Active, follow the link above and read about Jerusalem artichoke - take it as described in the article.

To support the liver, I drink Lifesafe every quarter - 1 capsule in the morning and evening for 30 days. It contains milk thistle along with a set of medicinal herbal mixtures.

I also do it for myself in the spring and late autumn for 7 days - its effect on the body is difficult to overestimate. Find out how to make a decoction correctly from the article about it.

Once every 6 months I cleanse the blood with the Freelife or Chitosan phytocomplex. It turns out that every month I take at least one drug to avoid T1DM and T2DM.

2. Physical exercise I have feasible and regular ones thanks to dogs, which you want or not, but you have to walk them. Walking three times a day helps avoid physical inactivity.

3. Mental stress also regular - I’m constantly learning something new, I run three websites.

4. Nutrition. This is a little more difficult, but I am monitoring the restriction in the consumption of sweets. I eat the main portion of food in the morning and at lunch. I also try to stick to fractional meals (it’s not always possible, to be honest).

Below we consider the point of view official medicine for the treatment of T2DM.

Official medicine: Diabetes mellitus type 2, diet and treatment, what you need to know about diabetes

Below we describe the attitude of official medicine to such an insidious disease as type 2 diabetes mellitus, the diet and treatment of which worries many, showing possible causes and symptoms, what complications there are, who is at risk, and also describes several treatment options and diets that can be used at home.
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What is type 2 diabetes mellitus and its possible causes in official medicine

Diabetes mellitus – the Latin name diabetes mellitus – is a chronic endocrine-metabolic pathology characterized by insulin deficiency. In diabetes, the exchange of water and carbohydrates in the body is disrupted. The pancreas malfunctions. The amount of insulin (pancreatic hormone) decreases, as a result of which the amount of glucose in the blood increases. This condition is called hyperglycemia.

In diabetes, large amounts of glucose circulate in the bloodstream. Normally, the body maintains glucose levels in a narrow range of 3.5 - 5.5 mm/l, depending on food intake and time of day.

If there is a lack of insulin, which ensures the delivery of glucose to the body's cells, it settles in the blood, causing a malfunction of all systems and organs of the body. Cells do not receive the necessary nutrition and energy. The body cannot cope with retaining water in the cells and there is increased excretion through the kidneys.

Main causes of type 2 diabetes

Type 2 diabetes mellitus more often manifests itself in adulthood due to metabolic disorders and chronic pathologies of the pancreas. Currently, the disease has become “younger” and is often diagnosed in young people and children. This is facilitated by:

  • obesity – risk increases 5-6 times
  • coronary heart disease increases the risk of the disease by 2 times
  • hypertonic disease
  • lipid metabolism disorders increase the risk by 2 times
  • unbalanced diet
  • ethnicity
  • sedentary lifestyle, lack of physical activity
  • family history of diabetes
  • pregnancy
  • stress, psycho-emotional stress
  • uncontrolled use of medications (diuretics, corticosteroids, hormones)

These reasons are true for both adults and children. It should be noted that Women get diabetes more often than men. This is due to hormonal levels, monthly cycles and menopause.
Overweight men almost always suffer from type 2 insulin deficiency.

It is currently believed that the incidence of diabetes is related to lifestyle and socioeconomic conditions.

Classification of diabetes mellitus, ICD–10

According to the ICD - 10, diabetes mellitus type 2 is classified as class IV - diseases of the endocrine system and metabolic disorders, and is coded E 11.

To understand the disease, you need to familiarize yourself with the classification. Since 1989, the following clinical forms of diabetes have been distinguished:

  1. insulin dependent or type I– occurs with absolute insulin deficiency, has a genetic predisposition, occurs in children or at a young age under 30 years
  2. non-insulin dependent or type II– occurs with relative insulin deficiency, is more common than the first, begins in adulthood, usually after 40 years
  3. secondary or symptomatic– after taking medications, physical activity, congenital genetic defects
  4. pregnancy diabetes(gestational) - requires treatment with diet, sometimes insulin, goes away after childbirth

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Differences between diabetes m.1 and type 2, in that in the first episode the pancreas does not produce insulin, and in the second episode it is produced, but its use by the body is impaired.

There are degrees of severity of diabetes:

  • prediabetes– characterized by a violation of carbohydrate metabolism, detected only after loading tests with glucose
  • light– fasting glucose level 6.7-7.8 mm/l, eliminated only by diet
  • average– fasting glycemia 7.8 – 14 mm/l, eliminated with hypoglycemic drugs
  • heavy– fasting glycemia more than 14 mm/l, treatment requires insulin therapy

The course of the disease with the presence of complications should be classified as severe. If the disease is recognized at an early stage, diabetes can be managed without the use of insulin therapy.

In addition, there are 3 criteria for compensation (treatment) of diabetes mellitus: compensation, subcompensation, decompensation.

Compensation – maintaining glucose levels corresponding to normal values ​​(3.5 – 5.5 mm/l). The stage of subcompensation is characterized as an intermediate stage between compensation and decompensation. When glucose levels are above 9.0 mmol/l, decompensation is diagnosed. It poses a risk of complications.

Symptoms of the disease and diagnosis

Diabetes often goes unnoticed for a long time and is discovered by chance when visiting a doctor. The figure shows the most common symptoms, and there are many more listed below.
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There is a set of signs that you need to pay attention to first:

  • characterized by increased thirst and appetite
  • performance decreases
  • severe itching of the skin bothers me
  • Women experience itching in the perineum and genital area
  • the firmness and elasticity of the skin decreases
  • dry skin is noted, the mucous membranes of the lips are dry, the tongue is dry
  • an unhealthy blush appears on the cheeks and forehead
  • there is an expansion of the subcutaneous capillary network
  • the amount of urine excreted increases to 3-5 liters per day, its specific gravity increases, urine becomes sticky
  • Exhaled air smells like acetone
  • pain in various parts of the abdominal cavity
  • protein and fat metabolism in the body is disrupted
  • at the initial stage, especially in young people, body weight may decrease
  • blood glucose levels increase significantly
  • brown pigmentation appears on the skin of the legs, the formation of plaques and scars is possible
  • at the height of the disease, thickening of the foot and ankle joint is possible
  • possible risk of subluxation, dislocation, bone deformation
  • there is a decrease in sensitivity, muscle strength, reflexes, numbness of the lower extremities, chilliness, atrophy of the calf muscles appears

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The intensity of symptoms depends on the level of decrease in insulin secretion, the duration of the disease and the subjective characteristics of the person.


If you regularly notice these two signs - dry mouth and polyuria, what should you do to confirm or refute these guesses that arose at home? Of course, it is better to get tested and use them to check the real level of glucose in your blood that you have.

When diagnosing sugar pathology, it is important to establish the type and degree of the disease. Assess the general condition and determine associated complications.

During the initial examination, the doctor assesses the general condition of the skin and subcutaneous layer. Evaluates patient complaints.

If type 2 insulin deficiency is suspected, the following examinations and tests are recommended:

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As additional examination methods prescribe:

  1. general clinical blood test and general urinalysis
  2. urine test for glucosu, acetone, ketones, glucosuric profile
  3. biochemical analysis of blood serum - glucose, lipid spectrum, urea, creatinine, transaminases, total protein
  4. fundus examination
  5. examination of the lower extremities
  6. scan of kidneys, pancreas, liver

In addition to laboratory research methods, the patient is prescribed a consultation with an ophthalmologist and a neurologist. After the examination and confirmed diagnosis, treatment tactics are determined.

Complications diabetes

The metabolism of not only carbohydrates is disrupted, the metabolism of proteins, fats, vitamins, micro- and macroelements is disrupted. The result is a failure of metabolism at the level of the entire organism due to the fact that the main energy substrate for the functioning of our cells - sugar - is used incorrectly by the cells. In such conditions, the body is forced to redirect energy from environmentally friendly fuel - from carbohydrates, to dirtier ones - fats or proteins.

In the first case, with complete combustion of carbohydrates, carbonic acid H2CO3 is formed, which, when it enters the bloodstream, causes blood alkalization. If the body's energy is reoriented from carbohydrates to fats, ketone bodies enter the blood - aggressive and very toxic substances that are not easy to remove from the body in such quantities.

Energy metabolism should focus more on carbohydrates and to a lesser extent on fats and proteins.

Poorly compensated diabetes mellitus disrupts the condition of blood vessels and, as a rule, causes heart attacks, strokes, diabetic foot, diabetic angiopathy, diabetic retinopathy (tube vision with a viewing angle of 1-2 degrees) - diabetics today die from these diseases.

Type 2 diabetes mellitus without timely, adequate treatment can lead to a number of serious complications that are dangerous to the health and even the life of the patient. Complications are associated with metabolic disorders and decreased resistance. Likely:

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U children physical and sexual development is delayed. Growth retardation is noted. At a young age, frequent complications are pulmonary tuberculosis and tuberculous lymphadenitis.

U women menstrual irregularities occur, men There is a decrease in sexual potency. Women face serious course of pregnancy, there is a danger of spontaneous abortion and premature labor. Childbirth may result in coma or be complicated by renal pathology. The fetus may die during childbirth from hypoglycemia (low levels of glucose in the bloodstream).

Diabetes mellitus type 2 diet and treatment, watermelon for diabetes

Finally, we come to the most important thing that a patient needs to know about the disease diabetes mellitus, the diet and treatment of which are aimed at achieving and maintaining stable compensation, maintaining ability to work, maintaining optimal body weight, and preventing complications.

Let's start with the fact that you should not be afraid of a diagnosis of diabetes. With timely diagnosis, compliance with all recommendations, and treatment, you can “agree” with him and live a long life. Is it true, you will have to completely change your lifestyle - this is the basis of treatment.

Endocrinologists have developed a unique algorithm for the treatment of type 2 insulin deficiency:

  1. balanced diet- diet 9, which involves reducing the consumption of simple carbohydrates (sugar, white bread, sweets) and switching to complex carbohydrates (fruits, cereals), table 9 should be low-calorie (1800 calories per day for severe forms of the disease, up to 2500 calories for mild and medium form)
  2. mandatory physical exercise
  3. hypoglycemic agents
  4. training and self-control, you need to learn how to measure your glucose level individually glucometer, check the frequency of measurements with your doctor, control your weight and diet, find out the specific manifestations of the disease, familiarize yourself with the correction of sugar-lowering drugs

You will have to completely change your diet if you have diabetes; this is an important part of therapy. It promotes changes in metabolism and during drug treatment. At the same time, the eating style is gradually changing, taking into account individual characteristics and preferences.

First of all, you should understand the importance of proper nutrition and your role in maintaining your own health. Basic nutrition principle: We eat often - we lose weight slowly, Be sure to follow this principle.
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You need to eat 4-6 times a day, this allows you to maintain stable glucose levels throughout the day. You can lose weight by 300-400 grams per week, more is undesirable, otherwise protein breakdown will occur. The diet for insulin deficiency is aimed at:

  • If you are overweight, you should limit your caloric intake
  • fasting and severe dietary restriction are contraindicated
  • limit salt in your diet
  • limit animal fats and sugar as much as possible
  • Without restrictions, you can consume foods rich in fiber with a high water content (vegetables and fruits), you should only limit the consumption of watermelon (due to its high sugar content), although you should not give it up completely
  • If you can’t do without sweets, moderate consumption of sweeteners is acceptable
  • limit alcohol (no more than 30 ml per day), its consumption increases the possibility of hypoglycemia
  • To avoid hypoglycemia, always carry candy with you; if necessary, you can eat it
  • include dairy and whole grain products in your diet, as well as foods rich in mono and polyunsaturated fatty acids (all types of fish except fatty ones, vegetable oils)

Patients with type 2 sugar pathology do not need to count “bread units”; just pay attention to the calorie content of the foods.

Another important component in diabetes treatment is physical activity. You can't underestimate her. Many people don’t see the need for it and find a lot of reasons not to move. Physical activity:

  • helps improve carbohydrate metabolism
  • allows you to reduce and maintain constant weight
  • helps normalize lipid metabolism
  • improves cardiovascular fitness

The loads are selected by the doctor personally, taking into account age, concomitant diseases, and the presence of complications. Outdoor exercise is recommended. The main thing to remember is that it is not the intensity of the loads that is important, but their regularity.

Drug therapy, general principles

If the problem cannot be eliminated with diet and exercise, drug treatment is prescribed. The drugs are prescribed individually, as well as the dosage and frequency of administration. Depending on the degree and severity of the disease, oral glucose-lowering medications or insulin injections are prescribed.

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The selection of drugs is carried out by a doctor under the supervision of laboratory examinations. Typically, therapy begins with monotherapy with one drug; if the effectiveness is insufficient, they switch to combination treatment or insulin.

The choice of sugar-lowering drugs nowadays is quite wide. Main groups:

  1. sulfonylurea derivatives– the most commonly used, stimulate insulin secretion, and at the same time reduce resistance (resistance) to it in peripheral tissues, the drugs are well tolerated, their common representatives
    • Glibenclamide(Maninil, Euglucon) - take 1 t (5 mg) morning and evening, common in Europe
    • Tolbutamide- take up to 3 times a day, short duration of action, popular due to the small number of side effects
    • Chlorpropamide (Diabenez)– a drug with a long duration of action, taken 1 time in the morning, has many side effects, including long-term, difficult to eliminate hypoglycemia
  2. biguanides– their representative Metformin, increases the sensitivity of peripheral tissues to the hormone; during therapy with the drug, the need for insulin decreases, and weight decreases
    • Metformin (Siofor, Diformin, Glucophage)– take 2-3 r. with meals. in a day
  3. thiazolidinone derivatives– increases the activity of insulin receptors, reduces glucose and normalizes lipids, representatives - Troglizone, Rosiglitazone
  4. α inhibitors- glucosidases slow down the absorption of carbohydrates in the digestive tract, reduce the need for insulin, these are Miglitol, Glucobay
  5. incretins– a group of new generation products that accelerates the production of natural insulin and promotes the release of glucose from liver cells Januvia, Galvus, Saxagliptin– potent drugs, without contraindications, taken once in the morning
  6. glycemic regulators
    • New norm– a fast-acting drug with a short-term effect, the insulin response occurs 30 minutes after a meal, the drug is not taken without food
    • Nateglinide (Starlix)– taken before meals, 120 mg three times a day

In combination treatment, 2 or more drugs are used at once. As a result, it is possible to avoid complications and delay the use of insulin injections for a long time. There are many modern combination drugs.

Glucovance one of them. This is a balanced combination of glibenclamide (2.5 or 5 mg) and 500 mg of metformin in one tablet. The drug is characterized by good bioavailability; its use reduces glucose levels more effectively than its components in monotherapy. Glucovance is selected by an endocrinologist individually for each patient.

The drug is prescribed when monotherapy with glibenclamide or metformin is ineffective. Take it with food. The initial dose is 1 tablet of 500/2.5 mg with subsequent adjustment, but not more than 4 tablets per day. This is a modern unique remedy, highly effective in small doses and convenient to take.

Insulin therapy in the treatment of diabetes, it is required when tablet therapy is ineffective - when therapy with diet and sulfonamides has not brought the glucose level to optimal levels. According to WHO, after several years of illness, a significant proportion of patients require insulin injections.

The worse the patient controls the disease (does not follow a diet, forgets about physical activity and stress, does not regularly take sugar-lowering medications), the more likely and faster insulin therapy will be prescribed.

If glycemia is ≥15.0 mm/l for a long time, insulin therapy is always prescribed. Begin treatment with small doses of the drug. Insulin has a positive effect on carbohydrate, lipid and protein metabolism. Effectively reduces glucose concentration.

The dose is calculated individually. A single dose should not exceed 30 units. Most often, short-acting insulin is prescribed, which is administered several times a day. It is possible to administer prolonged-acting insulin (long-acting), it is administered once at night. The interval between food intake and injection is no more than 30 minutes.

The diabetic makes the injection himself, subcutaneously, using a syringe pen. Typically the injection is given in the abdomen or outer thigh.

I suggest watching a video about drug treatment for T2DM.

Foods for diabetes: do's and don'ts

For diet No. 9, a specific low content of fats and simple carbohydrates, with an increased content of proteins is specific. So, the dishes should contain no more than 400 grams of carbohydrates, which are distributed evenly throughout the day, 70-90 grams of fat, and more than 100 grams of protein. Dishes for table No. 9 are steamed or boiled and baked.

Despite the strictness in nutrition, the range of products is varied. But with certain requirements. For example, bread should be made from whole grains, soups should be cooked in vegetable broth. You can use lean meat, but remove the fatty skin from poultry.

The table of foods for type 2 diabetes clearly shows what you can eat, what you should limit, and what you absolutely cannot:

Green light: use without restrictions:
  • Cucumbers, tomatoes, peppers, carrots
  • All varieties of cabbage, radishes, turnips, radishes
  • Eggplants, zucchini, green beans
  • Any leafy greens, mushrooms
  • Garlic, various types of onions
  • Coffee, unsweetened tea, water
Yellow light: limit consumption:
  • Lactic acid products with a fat content of less than 1.5%
  • Cereals, corn
  • Pasta, bread
  • Potatoes, legumes (lentils, beans, peas)
  • Cheese with fat content ≤ 30%
  • Cottage cheese with fat content ≤ 5%, sour cream ≤ 15%
  • Lean meat, fish, poultry, eggs
  • Vegetable oils
Red light: not allowed:
  • Drinking dairy products with fat content greater than 1.5%
  • Ice cream, chocolate, sweets, pastries, cakes
  • Fatty meat, offal, sausage, small sausages, frankfurters
  • Lard, natural butter
  • Cream, sour cream fat ≥ 15%
  • Canned food in oil, pates
  • Cheeses with fat content ≥ 30%, mayonnaise
  • Alcohol, tobacco

In addition, salted and pickled foods, smoked foods, sweet and carbonated foods are prohibited. You can eat honey in small quantities with caution; it will cover the body’s needs with useful substances and vitamins. But do not forget, as when eating watermelon, to monitor the amount of glucose in your blood with a glucometer.

The main thing to understand is that everything, including nutrition, needs to be approached individually. What is good for others can be harmful for you, and vice versa.

Fruits for diabetes should also be consumed with caution. Melon, due to its high sugar content, is an undesirable product. Endocrinologists are unanimous in their opinion that grapes and cherries are strictly contraindicated for type 2 diabetes.

You can eat green sweet and sour apples, pears, lemons and grapefruits unlimitedly. They contain a lot of vitamins, plant fiber, dietary fiber, micro and macroelements. They have a good effect on the digestive tract and promote weight loss.

You can diversify your menu with vegetables, including tomatoes, both raw and after heat treatment. They are low-calorie, low in sugar (only 2 g / 100 g), but rich in vit D, C, B.

Despite the prohibitions, the list of permitted products is quite diverse. And it won’t be difficult to create a sample menu from all this.

First breakfast : porridge from any cereal (buckwheat, oatmeal, wheat), tea without sugar, it can be replaced with a sweetener, but it’s better to just get used to non-sweetened drinks.

Lunch: Boiled beet salad, without salt or with a little salt; beets can be replaced with an apple.

Dinner : vegetable broth soup with meatballs, a slice of rye bread, buckwheat porridge with olive oil, rosehip infusion.

Afternoon snack : cottage cheese with sour cream 150 grams or tomato juice, or cheese with bread.

Dinner: boiled fish or fish soup, bread, tea.

Second dinner : low-fat kefir 200 ml.

Dishes must be freshly prepared and made from good ingredients. Food should not be hot and should be taken at the same time.

Using this menu as a basis, you can come up with many recipes to diversify your diet. You adapt to this diet very quickly, and everything doesn’t look so scary anymore.
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It is known that diabetes affects the skin, eyes, oral cavity, and lower extremities. Therefore, you need to know how to help them.

How to avoid eye problems with diabetes

To avoid the harm that poor compensation (treatment) for diabetes can cause to the eyes, you must:

  • regularly measure blood glucose readings to ensure that the results do not exceed acceptable levels for your condition
  • monitor your blood pressure (blood pressure)
  • visit an ophthalmologist twice a year

Do not wait for your scheduled visit if you experience pain and redness in your eyes, if your vision becomes blurry or double, if you have spots or flickering dots in front of your eyes, if you have difficulty reading, or if you have lost peripheral vision.

Don't strain your eyes. Try to watch TV less often, watch the lighting while reading. Timely contact with a specialist will help preserve your vision.

Oral care

Brush your teeth at least 2 times a day, optimally after each meal, and use dental floss. If you wear dentures, take good care of their hygiene.

Constantly monitor the condition of your gums, make sure they are not bleeding, not swollen, and there are no ulcers. Visit the dentist twice a year and sanitize your oral cavity in a timely manner.

Skin care

With diabetes, the skin becomes prone to itching and dryness. Keep it moisturized to prevent cracks and skin infections. Drink enough fluids. Introduce omega-3 and -6 acids into your diet (non-fatty red fish, flax seed, vegetable oil, leafy vegetables, nuts).

Take a warm shower. Make sure there are no wounds or cuts on the skin. When they appear, immediately treat them with chlorhexidine and apply a sterile bandage. If the size of the affected area is large, contact a medical facility for help.

Feet care

The most common complications are the legs. In this case, the wounds heal poorly and often, in the absence of timely assistance, can lead to amputation. Make it a habit to examine your feet daily. Control the sole, feet, interdigital space, nails. Concentrate on blisters, calluses, swelling, and red spots.

Wash your feet every day with cool water (up to 37º), with moisturizing soap. The water procedure should not be long. Dry your feet with a soft towel, paying attention to your toes. Use moisturizers, avoiding areas between your toes.

Watch your nails. To avoid injury, use files rather than scissors. If any wounds appear, consult a doctor immediately. Don't try to treat them yourself.

Protect your feet from both heat and cold. Don't heat them. Wear comfortable, well-fitted shoes made of soft leather. Carefully break in new shoes so as not to injure your feet and avoid blisters.

Wear socks only made from natural fabrics (cotton or wool). Make sure that there are no wrinkles in your shoes or socks that could injure your feet. Don't wear open shoes. Visit a specialized diabetic foot office once a year.


To avoid the disease, prevention must begin long before the first signs appear. Basic measures:

  1. control your weight
  2. forming a proper balanced nutrition system, maintaining a normal water balance, be sure to drink at least a glass of clean water before meals
  3. make water the main source of fluid entering the body
  4. give preference to a plant-based diet, limit alcohol consumption, stop smoking
  5. avoid stress, do not communicate with negative people
  6. monitor your blood pressure
  7. don’t forget to move, physical activity will help keep carbohydrate metabolism normal and maintain normal weight, walk in the fresh air for at least 30 minutes a day
  8. do not allow vit D deficiency in the body, it reduces the risk of diabetes by 40%

Dancing, swimming, and cycling are suitable for preventing diabetes. Another important preventative measure is regular medical examinations twice a year. Keep your diabetes under control!

So, from the article you learned what diabetes mellitus type 2 is, diet and its treatment in alternative and official medicine, you got acquainted with the possible causes and symptoms, you saw what complications there are, you learned what is possible and what is not for diabetes mellitus, what diet is necessary .

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Attention! The review article is For informational purposes only, its goal is to help navigate the different approaches to treating type 2 diabetes. It is not a guide to action. For all questions that arise after reading it, please contact either your doctor or alternative medicine doctors, whose contact information is in the article.

Diabetes mellitus type 2 (non-insulin dependent) is a pathology characterized by impaired production of carbohydrates in the body. Normally, the human body produces insulin (a hormone) that converts glucose into nutritional cells for the body's tissues.

In non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus, these cells are secreted more actively, but insulin distributes energy incorrectly. In this regard, the pancreas begins to produce it with redoubled force. Increased secretion depletes the body's cells, the remaining sugar accumulates in the blood, developing into the main symptom of type 2 diabetes - hyperglycemia.


The clear causes of type 2 diabetes have not yet been established. Scientists have proven that this disease is more common in women and adolescents during puberty. Representatives of the African-American race often suffer from the disease.

Type 2 diabetes mellitus is a hereditary disease in 40% of cases. Patients often note that their closest relatives also suffered from the same disease. In addition, type 2 diabetes, together with heredity, can cause an unhealthy lifestyle, as well as negative environmental influences.

Thus, the causes of type 2 diabetes mellitus are:

Obesity, especially visceral, when fat cells are located directly in the abdominal cavity and cover all organs. In 90% of cases, symptoms of type 2 diabetes mellitus appear in obese people. Most often, these are patients whose excess weight is due to poor nutrition and consumption of large amounts of junk food.

Ethnicity is another cause of type 2 diabetes. This symptom is acutely manifested when the traditional way of life changes to the exact opposite. Type 2 diabetes, together with obesity, causes a sedentary lifestyle, lack of any physical activity and constant stay in one place.

Non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus also occurs due to the characteristics of a particular diet (for example, therapeutic or professional sports). This happens when you consume a large amount of carbohydrates, but with minimal fiber content in the body.

Bad habits are significant causes of type 2 diabetes. Alcohol damages pancreatic tissue, reducing insulin secretion and increasing insulin sensitivity. This organ in people suffering from this addiction is significantly enlarged, and the special cells that are responsible for the production of insulin completely atrophy. It is noteworthy that a small amount of alcohol consumption per day (48 g) reduces the risk of the disease.

Type 2 diabetes mellitus often appears together with another problem - arterial hypertension. This is a chronic disease in adults that is associated with a long-term increase in blood pressure. Very often, the causes of diabetes mellitus and arterial hypertension are identical.

Symptoms of the disease

Symptoms of type 2 diabetes mellitus can be hidden for a long time, and the diagnosis is most often determined by analyzing the glycemic level. For example, during a seasonal medical examination. If type 2 diabetes is diagnosed, symptoms may appear mainly in adults over 40 years of age, but even then, patients do not complain of extreme fatigue, thirst, or polyuria (increased urine production).

The clearest signs of type 2 diabetes are itching of any part of the skin or vaginal area. But this symptom is very common, so in most cases, patients prefer to seek help from a dermatologist or gynecologist, without even suspecting that they are exhibiting symptoms of type 2 diabetes.

Many years often pass from the onset of the disease to an accurate diagnosis, at which time in many patients the symptoms of type 2 diabetes already acquire the clinical picture of late complications.

Thus, patients are hospitalized with leg ulcers, heart attack, and stroke. It is not uncommon to seek help from ophthalmologists due to a sharp and rapidly developing decrease in vision.

The disease develops in several stages and comes in several types of severity:

Stages of type 2 diabetes:

  • Compensatory. The stage is completely reversible and in the future the patient will undergo a complete recovery, since the signs of type 2 diabetes mellitus do not appear at all or appear slightly.
  • Subcompensatory. More serious treatment will be required; some symptoms of type 2 diabetes may be present in the patient for the rest of his life.
  • Decompensation. The metabolism of carbohydrates in the body is completely changed and disrupted; it is impossible to return the body to its original “healthy” form.

Diagnosis of the disease

The diagnosis of non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus in most cases is made based on the detection of the symptom of hyperemia (increased blood sugar levels) along with the standard signs of type 2 diabetes mellitus (the above obesity, heredity, etc.).

If these signs are not detected for one reason or another, an absolute insulin deficiency can additionally be established. With it, the patient sharply loses weight, experiences constant thirst, and develops ketosis (active breakdown of fat for maximum energy conservation due to the low content of carbohydrates in the body).

Since type 2 diabetes mellitus is often asymptomatic, screening is indicated to prevent and prevent the spread of the disease. This is an examination of patients without any symptoms of type 2 diabetes.

This procedure for determining fasting glucose levels is indicated for people over 40 years of age once every 3 years. People with excess body weight especially urgently need this research.

Young patients should be tested for non-insulin-dependent diabetes in the following cases:

To establish an accurate diagnosis, it is necessary to do a blood sugar test. It is determined using special strips, glucometers or autoanalyzers.

Another test is glucose tolerance testing. Before the procedure, the sick person must consume 200 g of carbohydrate-containing food per day for several days, and water without sugar can be drunk in unlimited quantities. Typically, blood counts in diabetes will exceed 7.8 mmol/L.

To make a correct diagnosis, a test is performed 10 hours after the last meal. To do this, blood can be taken either from a finger or from a vein. Then the subject drinks a special glucose solution and donates blood 4 more times: after half an hour, 1 hour, 1.5 and 2 hours.

Additionally, a urine test for sugar may be suggested. This diagnosis is not entirely accurate, since sugar in the urine can appear for a number of other reasons not related to diabetes (type 2).

Treatment of the disease

How to treat type 2 diabetes? The treatment will be complex. People diagnosed with obesity will first be prescribed a diet. Its goal is aimed at smooth weight loss with its further maintenance. This diet is prescribed to every patient with this problem, even those who have not been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes.

The composition of the products will be selected individually by the attending physician. Often, daily calorie intake will be reduced to 1000-1200 calories for women or 1200-1600 for men. The ratio of BFA (proteins-fats-carbohydrates) in type 2 diabetes mellitus is identical to the first: 10-35% -5-35% -65%.

Drinking alcohol is acceptable, but in small quantities. Firstly, alcohol together with certain drugs can cause hypocemia, and secondly, provide a large amount of additional extra calories.

Type 2 diabetes will be treated by increasing physical activity. You need to start with aerobic exercise such as swimming or regular walking for half an hour 3-5 times a day. Over time, the load should increase, and you can additionally start other workouts in the gym.

In addition to accelerated weight loss, treatment of type 2 diabetes with physical activity will consist of reducing insulin resistance (decreased tissue response to insulin) due to increased physical activity.

Treatment for type 2 diabetes will consist of taking medications that lower blood sugar levels.

Antidiabetic drugs are divided into several types:

Sensitizers (metamorphine and thiazolidinedione) for the treatment of type 2 diabetes are prescribed to reduce the body's sensitivity to insulin. Metamorphine reduces the production of glucose by the liver. It is taken orally during meals, and the dosage will be prescribed by the attending physician. Thiazolidinediones are aimed at enhancing the action of insulin and destroying glucose in peripheral tissues.

Insulin injections are prescribed only in advanced stages of the disease, when diet, physical activity and antidiabetic drugs can no longer perform their function or there were no results from previous treatment.

New in treatment

In addition to traditional methods of treating type 2 diabetes, there are a number of other discoveries made by scientists. Most of them have not yet confirmed their effectiveness, so they prefer to use them with caution.

Fiber will provide additional assistance to those losing weight in the treatment of type 2 diabetes. Possessing plant cellulose at its base, it will quickly remove harmful substances and toxins from the body, as well as absorb excess water. In addition, by increasing in the stomach, fiber causes a feeling of satiety and a full stomach, which will allow a person to get full several times faster and not feel hungry.

A fairly effective option (but only as a method of prevention and rehabilitation) of all modern methods of treating type 2 diabetes is Buraev’s method, also called “phytotherapy.” It was experimentally carried out on a group of volunteers in 2010 in Sredneuralsk. The average age of patients is 45-60 years, the course of treatment is 21 days.

People consumed foods of animal and plant origin every day. Among the ingredients were the following unusual products: aspen bark, bear fat, propolis, fir oil and berry juice. All these products were consumed in conjunction with the prescribed diet No. 9 and 7. In addition, all participants in the experiment underwent a daily medical examination with a number of laboratory tests.

At the end of the experiment, most of the patients lost significant weight, and 87% noted a decrease in blood pressure.

Recently, a new method of stem cell treatment has become relevant. Before the operation, the required amount of biological material is taken from the patient in a specialized institution at the choice of the attending physician. From it, new cells are grown and multiplied, which are subsequently introduced into the patient’s body.

The biological material immediately begins searching for “empty” tissues, and upon completion of the process it settles there, making a kind of “patch” on the damaged organ. In this way, not only the pancreas is restored, but also a number of other organs. This method is especially good because it does not require additional medications.

Another new method is autohemotherapy. A certain amount of blood is removed from the patient, mixed with a specially derived chemical solution and cooled. The procedure lasts approximately 2 months through the administration of prepared, chilled vaccine. Tests are still underway, but if such therapy soon comes into use, it will be possible to cure even diabetes in its most advanced stage, stopping the development of other complications.

Disease prevention

Is it possible to cure type 2 diabetes forever? Yes, this is possible, but without further prevention, the disease will sooner or later make itself felt again.

To prevent this and protect yourself, you must follow a number of simple rules:

You need to constantly check your weight. This is best done using a body mass index table. Even a slight loss of kilograms will dramatically reduce the need for treatment for type 2 diabetes. For prevention, it is advisable to choose a sport or activity that will increase your heart rate.

Every day you need to devote half an hour to a variety of exercises. Experts also recommend including resistance exercises. It is not necessary to exhaust yourself in the gym, because physical activity can consist of standard long walks, housework or gardening.

It is necessary to follow a balanced diet that excludes large amounts of fatty foods, alcohol, flour and sweet carbonated drinks. It is not necessary to completely abandon these products; you should reduce their quantity to a minimum. Eating small, frequent meals will help keep your blood sugar in a normal state.

Nuts, vegetables and grains will significantly reduce the risk of developing stage 2 diabetes.

Particular attention should be paid to your legs, because it is this part of the body that suffers the most from improper treatment of diabetes mellitus 2. It would be useful to conduct regular eye examinations. Taking aspirin will reduce the risk of heart attacks, strokes and various types of heart disease and, as a result, the further development of second-degree diabetes. It is imperative to discuss the appropriateness of use and dosage with your doctor.

Scientists have long proven that stress, anxiety and depression directly affect metabolism. The physical condition of the body and sudden changes in weight up or down have a negative impact on human health. Therefore, a calm attitude towards life’s problems and troubles will have a positive effect on the development of the disease.

Complications after diabetes

If type 2 diabetes is not treated in time, the consequences of the disease can be serious. Main complications:

The first option occurs in patients experiencing serious stress if they are in a constant state of excitement. Blood sugar levels reach a critical level, resulting in dehydration.

Diabetic coma most often affects older people.

Before diagnosis, they complain of increased thirst and increased urination. In 50% of cases, these signs of type 2 diabetes cause shock, coma and death. At the first manifestation of symptoms (especially if a person is aware of his diagnosis), it is necessary to urgently consult a doctor who will prescribe the administration of specialized solutions and additional insulin.

With type 2 diabetes, the legs often swell due to the fact that blood vessels are injured and the sensitivity of the limbs decreases. Main symptoms: sharp and acute pain caused by wearing uncomfortable shoes or foot infections or a simple scratch. The sick person may feel “goosebumps” on the skin, his legs swell and turn red, and even minimal scratches take several times longer to heal. They may lose hair on their legs.

In rare cases, such swelling can lead to fatal consequences, including amputation of the legs. In order to avoid complications, you should carefully monitor them, choose the right shoes and do a variety of massages to relieve fatigue.

  1. Minutes of meetings of the Expert Commission on Health Development of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 2014
    1. 1. World Health Organization. Definition, Diagnosis, and Classification of Diabetes Mellitus and its Complications: Report of a WHO consultation. Part 1: Diagnosis and Classification of Diabetes Mellitus. Geneva, World Health Organization, 1999 (WHO/NCD/NCS/99.2). 2 American Diabetes Association. Standards of medical care in diabetes 2014. Diabetes Care, 2014; 37(1). 3. Algorithms for specialized medical care for patients with diabetes mellitus. Ed. I.I. Dedova, M.V. Shestakova. 6th issue. M., 2013. 4. World Health Organization. Use of Glycated Haemoglobin (HbAlc) in the Diagnosis of Diabetes Mellitus. Abbreviated Report of a WHO Consultation. World Health Organization, 2011 (WHO/NMH/CHP/CPM/11.1). 5. Nurbekova A.A. Diabetes mellitus (diagnosis, complications, treatment). Textbook - Almaty. – 2011. – 80 p. 6. Bazarbekova R.B., Zeltser M.E., Abubakirova Sh.S. Consensus on the diagnosis and treatment of diabetes mellitus. Almaty, 2011. 7. Dedov I.I., Shestakova M.V., Ametov A.S. et al. Consensus of the expert council of the Russian Association of Endocrinologists on the initiation and intensification of glucose-lowering therapy in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus. // Diabetes mellitus, 2011 . – 4. – p. 6-17. 8. Bazarbekova R.B. Guide to endocrinology of childhood and adolescence. – Almaty, 2014. – 251 p.



List of protocol developers with qualification information:

1. Nurbekova Akmaral Asylovna, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Endocrinology of KazNMU named after. S.D. Asfendiyarov.

2. Akanov Zhanai Aikanovich, Ph.D., Director of the Diabetes Center of Kazakh National Medical University named after S.D. Asfendiyarov.

3. Akhmadyar Nurzhamal Sadyrovna, Doctor of Medical Sciences, senior clinical pharmacologist of JSC NSCMD.

Disclosure of no conflict of interest: No


1. Bazarbekova Rimma Bazarbekovna, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Head. Department of Endocrinology, AGIUV, Chairman of the Association of Endocrinologists of Kazakhstan.

Indication of the conditions for reviewing the protocol: revision of the protocol after 3 years and/or when new diagnostic/treatment methods with a higher level of evidence become available.

Annex 1

Screening methods for type 2 diabetes [ 2, 3]

Screening is performed to identify patients who may have diabetes.

Screening begins with determining fasting blood glucose. In case of detection of normoglycemia or impaired fasting blood glucose (FGG) - more than 5.5 mmol/l, but less than 6.1 mmol/l in capillary blood and more than 6.1 mmol/l, but less than 7.0 mmol/l in venous blood plasma is prescribed an oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT).

OGTT is not performed:

Against the background of an acute illness

Against the background of short-term use of drugs that increase glycemic levels (glucocorticoids, thyroid hormones, thiazides, beta-blockers, etc.)

OGTT should be carried out in the morning against the background of at least 3 days of unlimited nutrition (more than 150 g of carbohydrates per day). The test should be preceded by an overnight fast for at least 8-14 hours (you can drink water). After drawing blood on an empty stomach, the subject should drink 75 g of anhydrous glucose or 82.5 g of glucose monohydrate dissolved in 250-300 ml of water in no more than 5 minutes. For children, the load is 1.75 g of anhydrous glucose per kg of body weight, but not more than 75 g. After 2 hours, blood is drawn again.

Indications for screening for asymptomatic diabetes

All individuals with a BMI ≥25 kg/m2 and the following risk factors are subject to screening:

Sedentary lifestyle;

1st degree relatives suffering from diabetes;

Ethnic populations at high risk of diabetes;

Women with a history of large births or established gestational diabetes;

Hypertension (≥140/90 mm Hg or on antihypertensive therapy);

HDL level 0.9 mmol/L (or 35 mg/dL) and/or triglyceride level 2.82 mmol/L (250 mg/dL);

The presence of HbAlc ≥ 5.7%, preceding impaired glucose tolerance or impaired fasting glycemia;

History of cardiovascular diseases;

Other clinical conditions associated with insulin resistance (including severe obesity, acanthosis nigras);

Polycystic ovary syndrome.

If the test is normal, it must be repeated every 3 years.

In the absence of risk factors, screening is carried out for all persons over 45 years of age. If the test is normal, it must be repeated every 3 years.

Screening should be performed in children over 10 years of age and obese adolescents with 2 or more risk factors.

Appendix 2

The LMWH system is used as a modern method for diagnosing changes in glycemia, identifying patterns and recurring trends, identifying hypoglycemia, adjusting treatment and selecting glucose-lowering therapy; promotes patient education and participation in their care.

CGM is a more modern and precise approach than home self-monitoring. CGM allows you to measure glucose levels in the interstitial fluid every 5 minutes (288 measurements per day), providing the doctor and patient with detailed information regarding glucose levels and trends in its concentration, and also gives alarm signals for hypo- and hyperglycemia.

Indications for LMWH:
- patients with HbA1c levels above target parameters;
- patients with a discrepancy between the HbA1c level and the values ​​recorded in the diary;
- patients with hypoglycemia or in cases of suspected insensitivity to the onset of hypoglycemia;
- patients with fear of hypoglycemia that prevents treatment correction;
- children with high glycemic variability;
- pregnant women;
- patient education and involvement in their treatment;
- changing behavioral attitudes in patients who were not receptive to self-monitoring of glycemia.

Appendix 3

Replacement of products using the XE system

1 XE - amount of product containing 15 g carbohydrates

Milk and liquid dairy products
Milk 250 ml 1 glass
Kefir 250 ml 1 glass
Cream 250 ml 1 glass
Kumis 250 ml 1 glass
Shubat 125 ml ½ cup
Bread and bakery products
White bread 25 g 1 piece
Black bread 30 g 1 piece
Crackers 15 g -
Breadcrumbs 15 g 1 tbsp. spoon

Vermicelli, noodles, horns, pasta, juice

2-4 tbsp. spoons depending on the shape of the product
Cereals, flour
Any cereal, boiled 2 tbsp. with a slide
Semolina 2 tbsp.
Flour 1 tbsp.
Potatoes, corn
Corn 100 g ½ cob
Raw potatoes 75 g 1 piece the size of a large chicken egg
Mashed potatoes 90 g 2 tbsp. heaped spoons
Fried potatoes 35 g 2 tbsp. spoons
Carrots and beets - up to 200 g are not counted; if more than 200 g are consumed in one meal, they are counted as 1 XE
Fruits and berries (with seeds and peel)

110 g

2-3 pieces

140 g

1 piece
A pineapple

140 g

1 piece (cross section - 1 cm)

270 g

1 piece

150 g

1 piece, medium


70 g ½ piece, medium


140 g Art. spoons


70 g 12 pcs. small


90 g 15 pieces


170 g 1 PC. big


170 g 0.5 pcs. large


90 g 1 piece, small


100 g 1 piece


140 g 8 tbsp. spoons


80 g 1 piece


110 g 1.5 pieces, large

This is an insulin-dependent type of disease associated with impaired carbohydrate metabolism within the body.

The pancreas produces the hormone insulin, the main effect of which is to reduce blood glucose levels.

With this disease, the cells stop interacting with insulin, although the gland itself produces enough insulin for normal functioning.

Non-insulin dependent diabetes- a diagnosis that does not produce pronounced symptoms for a long time. Patients turn to doctors for help when their condition requires urgent action, although early detection of the disease allows one to avoid complications and remain active for many years.

Those who fall into risk groups need to know the causes of the occurrence, as well as follow the rules to avoid serious health problems.

Genetic predisposition

This group includes those who have loved ones in their family who suffer from this type of disease.

But you should not worry ahead of time, since the hereditary factor is not the main one.

Only a fifth of all patients have a family history of this diagnosis.

Excess body weight

Obesity can often lead to the development of type 2 diabetes. The main reason for excess weight is low physical activity and a diet with a predominance of “fast” carbohydrates.


Doctors more often diagnose men and women over 40-45 years of age than young or middle-aged people. However, doctors say that diabetes has become “younger” over the past decade.

Other factors

Acute and chronic diseases of the pancreas, liver, kidneys.

The risk group includes women who have polycystic ovary syndrome.

Stress negatively affect the functioning of the pancreas, they are also considered to be the causes of this disease.

Viruses, infections, surgery can trigger a development mechanism, especially if the patient is at risk.

Women, who gave birth to children weighing more than 4 kg, doctors advise regularly monitoring blood sugar levels.

Clinical picture of type 2 diabetes mellitus

Most often, the disease manifests itself in the following pathological processes:

  • Frequent urination;
  • Thirst;
  • Dry mouth;
  • Increased appetite, constant feeling of hunger;
  • Deterioration of vision;
  • Fatigue, weakness, decreased performance;
  • Weight loss.

Symptoms in women and men, is there a difference?

In men The “bell” may be problems with potency. Due to frequent urination, inflammation of the foreskin often occurs. Men are more likely to gain weight with the onset of the disease.

Women More often, symptoms such as itching in different parts of the body (including the genitals), vaginal infections that are difficult to treat, and hair loss are of concern.

Common signs of type 2 diabetes

  1. Frequent urination in type 2 diabetes mellitus it is often combined with urinary incontinence - the nerve endings are damaged, and in the meantime the tone of the bladder weakens.
  2. The body, trying to dissolve and remove excess glucose, takes fluid from the blood. The body, experiencing a lack of fluid, signals constant painful thirst. A person can drink 4-5 liters per day.
  3. Dehydration causes dry skin, mucous membranes. They become flabby, small pimples and pustules appear.
  4. Blockage of small blood vessels - cause vision problems: vagueness, blurriness, feeling of a veil, decreased visual acuity. When sugar levels are normalized in the early stages of the disease, vision is restored.
  5. Impaired peripheral circulation - cause slow wound healing.
  6. Increased fatigue, weakness are associated with the fact that cells do not receive the energy they need. The person feels tired and drowsy.
  7. Increased appetite, constant feeling of hunger- SD2 satellites. “Fast” carbohydrates (flour, sweets) sharply increase the level of glucose in the blood, but it also decreases sharply. This causes a feeling of hunger, which forces you to eat a lot and often. Despite this, the body can lose weight.

Nonspecific complaints in type 2 diabetes mellitus

The less common symptoms of the “sweet” disease are often associated with other diseases, and they are unsuccessfully tried to cure due to an erroneous diagnosis. Problems with the intestinal tract (constipation, diarrhea), swelling, vomiting, dizziness, chills in type 2 diabetes are not the most common signs, but they also occur when the disease manifests itself.

But first things first:

  • Feeling cold, chills- a consequence of glucose deficiency in tissues or developing. Patients constantly have cold feet or hands, even if they are warmly dressed while indoors.
  • Temperature jumps may be caused by elevated sugar levels or complications of the diagnosis.
  • Nausea, vomiting, as a sign of poisoning of the body with ketone bodies, develop in the later stages of the disease.
  • Intestinal dysfunction manifested by unpleasant sensations in the abdomen, diarrhea, constipation, or a combination of these.
  • Complaints about swelling occur in advanced stages of the disease, when it develops.


If you are part of one of the risk groups and experience one or more of the above symptoms, immediately consult a doctor and get examined!

When is type 2 diabetes diagnosed?

The main diagnostic method is blood tests for:

  1. Sugar level (indicators are considered normal
  2. Impaired glucose tolerance (in a healthy person, two hours after taking 75 grams of sugar, indicators
  3. Level of glycated hemoglobin (no more than 6.5%);

Important! Diagnosis of the disease can only be carried out with your doctor and only in laboratory conditions.

Treatment methods

Dangerous complications

Remember, constant monitoring of lifestyle is not only the right path to health, but also an opportunity to diagnose clinical manifestations in the early stages.