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Chlorhexidine - official instructions for use. Chlorhexidine is an effective broad-spectrum antiseptic agent Chlorhexidine bigluconate 0 5% water-alcohol solution

Producer: RUE "Belmedpreparaty" Republic of Belarus

ATC code: D08AC02

Farm group:

Release form: Liquid dosage forms. Solution for external use.

General characteristics. Compound:

Active ingredient: 0.05 g of chlorhexidine bigluconate.

Auxiliary substances: purified water.

An antiseptic agent with a pronounced bactericidal effect.

Pharmacological properties:

Pharmacodynamics. An antiseptic agent with a pronounced bactericidal effect against gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria (does not affect the acid-resistant forms of the latter): Treponema pallidum, Chlamidia spp., Ureaplasma spp., Neisseria gonorrhoeae, Gardnerella vaginalis, Bacteroides fragilis, protozoa (Trichomonas vaginalis), microbial spores , viruses, fungi; slightly affects some types of Proteus and Pseudomonas. Chlorhexidine bigluconate is also active against treponema, gonococci, Trichomonas. Retains activity (somewhat reduced) in the presence of blood, pus. Cleanses and disinfects the skin without causing damage.

Pharmacokinetics. Practically not absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract. After accidental ingestion of 300 mg Cmax is reached after 30 minutes and is 0.206 μg / l. It is excreted mainly with feces (90%), less than 1% - by the kidneys.

Indications for use:

A solution of chlorhexidine bigluconate 0.05% is used to prevent sexually transmitted diseases (syphilis, etc.), effective no later than two hours after intercourse; for antiseptic treatment of wounds, abrasions and cracks, for washing the bladder with cystitis.

In dentistry, the drug is used for cases where it is difficult to comply with hygiene rules, in the postoperative period after periodontal patchwork operations, for washing periodontal pockets, abscess cavities. Since chlorhexidine bigluconate is cytotoxic and stains teeth yellow, the concentration of the rinse solution should not exceed 0.025%.

Important! Get to know the treatment

Dosage and administration:

Outdoor and local. A solution of chlorhexidine bigluconate 0.05% is applied after urination: using a nozzle, enter into the urethra (2 - 3 ml) and hold for 2 - 3 minutes; women enter into the urethra (1-2 ml) and into the vagina (5-10 ml) and hold for 2-3 minutes. Treat the skin of the inner surfaces of the thighs, pubis, genitals. After the procedure, it is not recommended to urinate for 2 hours.

To treat wounds, abrasions, cracks and burns, wash the affected area of ​​the skin, or treat with a swab moistened with the preparation.

For rinsing the mouth, mix the drug with an equal amount of water.

Application Features:

For external and topical use only. Avoid contact with eyes. In case of contact, rinse with plenty of water.

Side effects:

Allergic reactions, dryness and itching of the skin, photosensitivity.

Interaction with other drugs:

Not compatible with detergents containing an anionic group (saponins, sodium lauryl sulfate, sodium carboxymethylcellulose). Simultaneous use with iodine is not recommended.

The presence of soap can inactivate chlorhexidine, so soap residue must be thoroughly washed off before using the drug. Ethanol enhances the effectiveness of the drug.


Hypersensitivity, dermatitis, viral skin diseases.


No data.

Storage conditions:

Store at a temperature not exceeding 25 °C. Keep out of the reach of children.

Leave conditions:

Over the counter


Solution for external use 0.05% in polyethylene bottles of 40 ml, 80 ml, 100 ml and 200 ml.

The antiseptic drug Chlorhexidine Bigluconate should be used in many areas of medicine, as described in the instructions for use of the drug.

The pharmacological agent Chlorhexidine is produced by the industry in the form of a 20% aqueous liquid (it cannot be used in its pure form), and Chlorhexidine Bigluconate has a less concentrated solution.

Chlorhexidine 20% is sold in pharmacies as a concentrated solution, which should be diluted with water or ethanol to the required concentration. Chlorhexidine bigluconate is already diluted in the form of an alcoholic or aqueous solution.

Release form

Chlorhexidine bigluconate (instruction for use describes different forms of the drug) is produced by the pharmacological industry in different forms.

  1. Vaginal Chlorhexidine has the appearance of milky-colored candles, with a glossy surface and a small depression. Packed in plastic plates, 5 pcs. Invested in a box of a thick layer of paper, 2 plates.
  2. Water-based solution 0.05% for topical use. It is available as a colorless liquid with no odor. It has two types of packaging: 100 ml in a plastic bottle with a cap-spout; in a glass transparent bottle - 100 ml with a cap made of a thin metal plate.
  3. Liquid on alcohol 0.05% for external use. It has the appearance of a clear liquid with a slight smell of alcohol: the drug is packaged in a plastic bottle with a dispenser cap; medicinal liquid is poured into glass bottles with caps made of a thin metal sheet and packed in boxes made of a dense layer of paper.
  4. Water concentrate 20% Available as an odorless and colorless liquid. It is packed into a plastic bottle, with a capacity of 500 ml, with a plastic cover.


Each form of the drug Chlorhexidine Bigluconate has its own composition.

Candles vaginal:

  • the drug consists of a derivative of the substance biguanide 20% solution, macrogol;
  • agent that fights germs and disinfects.

Water-based solution 0.05%:

  • the main active ingredient of the drug is the antiseptic bigluconate and medical sterile liquid;
  • antiseptic and antimicrobial agent.

Medicinal alcohol liquid 0.05%:

  • the composition of the product includes a derivative of biguanide 20% and methylcarbinol;
  • the drug exhibits antimicrobial and disinfectant action.

Water concentrate 20%:

  • the composition contains 20 parts of bigluconate and 80 parts of sterile liquid;
  • should be used in a solution diluted to the required concentration for disinfection of rooms, hands, wounds, as an antimicrobial drug for many infectious pathological processes.

pharmachologic effect

Chlorhexidine bigluconate (instruction for use explains the effect of the drug) is a strong antiseptic agent. In any form, the drug has a detrimental effect on pale treponema, chlamydia bacteria, ureoplasma, gonococcus, gardnerella, fragilis bacteroids, Trichomonas vaginalis.

The drug is stable when disinfecting rooms, limbs of medical staff, does not erode, but remains on the surface for some time.

Indications for use

  • with abundant discharge from the vagina, due to changes in the microflora;
  • genitourinary disease provoked by Trichomonas vaginalis;
  • prevention of gonorrhea, syphilis;
  • purulent complications after surgery;
  • treatment of the vagina before childbirth;
  • inflammatory process in the gums;
  • damage to the oral mucosa;
  • periodontal disease;
  • inflammatory process in the nasopharynx;
  • damage to the mucous membrane of the ligamentous apparatus in the pharynx;
  • long-term angina;
  • inflammation in the middle ear;
  • as a means of protection in crowded places;
  • antiseptic measures in any premises;
  • disinfection of medical (and not only) equipment.

Instructions for use Chlorhexidine Bigluconate

Chlorhexidine bigluconate (instruction for use explains how to be treated with a remedy for various diseases) should be used for many pathological processes in the body.

Indications for the use of Chlorhexidine Bigluconate, indicated in the instructions for use of the product.

Vaginal suppository tablets should be used:

  • with damage to the genitourinary system. It is necessary to use a suppository (deep into the vagina) - 1-2 times a day. Treatment with the drug should be continued for up to 2 weeks or as directed by a gynecologist;
  • as a prophylactic for casual sexual intercourse - a candle should be inserted into the vagina no later than 120 minutes. after sexual relations.

Aqueous solution of Chlorhexidine:

  • in case of wound incised or burn injuries, a small amount of medicinal liquid should be poured onto the wound (washed) or moistened with a piece of gauze or cotton fabric and applied for a day;
  • for diseases of the oral cavity, throat and gums, rinsing with a medicinal aqueous solution should be done, depending on the recommendation of a dentist, otolaryngologist, or 2-4 times a day;
  • treatment of inflammation of the urinary canal and prostate in men, the drug should be used by pouring a couple of ml of the drug through a syringe, several times a day (depending on the appointment of a urologist and the severity of the process) every other day;
  • in case of casual sexual intercourse, immediately after intimacy, rinse the external genitalia, and men should also inject a couple of ml of Chlorhexidine into the urethra, and women should thoroughly rinse the vaginal cavity with an antiseptic in an amount of up to 10 ml;
  • to treat the limbs of a doctor before surgery, you just need to pour the agent on your hands, and the patient carefully wipe the site of surgical intervention and around it.

Alcohol solution:

  • means for reusable use, for the purpose of disinfection of medical equipment and devices (no more than 3 days);
  • for antiseptic treatment of the limbs of a doctor, it is necessary to wash your hands with detergent, wipe dry and treat your hands to the elbow several times until dry, with a small amount of alcohol solution;
  • medical devices should, after removing the main dirt from them, be immersed in an alcohol solution of the drug for the time provided for by sanitary standards.


In case of inflammation, abscesses, cuts, burns, it is necessary to use the drug Chlorhexidine Bigluconate in pediatrics. It is necessary to purchase an aqueous solution with a minimum concentration at the pharmacy and apply it in the following pathological conditions in children.

Pathological processes in the nasopharynx- bacterial damage to the tonsils, inflammation of the mucous membrane of the vocal cords, long-term damage to the tonsils, inflammation of the nasopharynx:

  • washing the mouth and throat. It is necessary to take a sip of the remedy in your mouth and gargle thoroughly, while tilting your head back so that the remedy penetrates deeper. The liquid should not be swallowed - you need to spit it out after the end of the procedure;
  • spraying the mouth and throat. It is necessary to collect the drug in a syringe or in a special sprayer and spray the oral cavity and throat. The drug will remain on the surface of the tonsils, the surface of the larynx or oral cavity;
  • instillation of the nasal cavity. It is necessary to choose a medicine in a pipette, put the child on its side, slightly raise its head up and pour the product from the pipette into the nasal cavity. Repeat the procedure with the second nostril. The drug will wet all nasal cavities and remain on the mucous membrane;
  • inhalation of vapours. It is necessary to add warm water to the inhalation apparatus or a ceramic teapot (the temperature of the liquid should not burn, but only warm) and a little Chlorhexidine medication. You need to breathe for about 10 minutes.

Dental pathologies:

  • The drug should be used for ulcerative lesions of the oral mucosa. You should take a sip of an aqueous solution and rinse your mouth thoroughly. The rest of the medicine must be spit out. The duration of therapy is determined by the dentist;
  • tooth extraction. You should rinse the damaged gum with a solution a couple of times a day;
  • with inflammation of the gums, you need to spray the damaged surface every time after eating.

External use of Chlorhexidine:

  • for small cuts, pricks, scratches, burns, the wound surface should be washed with an aqueous solution of the drug until the condition of the skin surface improves;
  • more serious or deep superficial violations of the integrity of the skin - an application should be made from the solution. You need to take a piece of cotton fabric or gauze, soak it with medicine, attach it to the wound surface and tie it. Dressing should be done in the morning and in the evening (for severe injuries) and once - for non-serious ones.

During pregnancy and lactation

Instructions for use do not prohibit the use of Chlorhexidine Bigluconate during pregnancy.

Vaginal suppositories must be used:

  • in pregnant women with inflammation of the vagina, with the threat of termination of pregnancy on a candle-tablet, 1-2 times a day (based on the course of the pathological process). Treatment should be used up to 14 days (unless otherwise recommended by a gynecologist);
  • during lactation, medicinal suppositories should be used in doses prescribed in the annotation to the drug or on the recommendation of a gynecologist.

Water solution:

  • during pregnancy, a water-based medicinal liquid should be used for infectious inflammation of the external genital organs in a woman. It should be a means, after a preliminary hygiene procedure, to irrigate or rinse the genitals;
  • according to the need and recommendations of a gynecologist (inflammation of the vagina), micro douching with an aqueous solution of Chlorhexidine should be done. The course and duration of treatment is determined by the attending physician;
  • before delivery, it is necessary to use a medicine for washing the external genital organs and the birth canal;
  • during lactation, a solution of chlorhexidine in water should be used for all pathologies that are described in the instructions for use.

An alcohol solution should be used only before a caesarean section, to treat the operation site.


Like any pharmacological agent, Chlorhecidin has limitations for use:

  • allergic reactions in history;
  • personal intolerance to the drug;
  • cutaneous form of seborrhea;
  • papular rashes;
  • for washing the mucous membrane of the eye;
  • inflammatory process in the ear;
  • dermatitis;
  • open traumatic brain injury;
  • compression fractures of the spinal column;
  • conjunctivitis;
  • with diaper dermatitis;
  • children's age up to 4 years;
  • you can not use the drug before surgery in the skull and spine;
  • do not use together with other antiseptics.

Side effects

In case of intolerance to the drug Chlorhexidine Bigluconate or use other than prescribed by a doctor, negative manifestations may occur:

  • immunological disorders in the form of itching and nettle rash;
  • overdrying of the skin;
  • increased reaction to sunlight;
  • inflammatory skin diseases in the form of dermatitis;
  • eczema;
  • change in the color of tooth enamel;
  • angioedema;
  • the formation of hardened plaque;
  • taste changes;
  • pain in the head;
  • unpleasant taste in the mouth;
  • dyspeptic phenomena;
  • vomiting reflex;
  • local and local edema.


Chlorhexidine bigluconate (instruction for use describes the measures to be taken when the permissible norm of the drug is exceeded) is a pharmacological drug that can provoke overdose symptoms, both from prolonged misuse and accidentally.

  1. With prolonged topical use, a strong manifestation of skin damage in the form of dermatitis may occur. In this case, you must stop using the drug and seek help from a doctor.
  2. Accidentally getting a large amount of Chlorhexidine Bigluconate into the stomach cavity can provoke damage to the hepatobiliary and urinary system. The drug has a destructive effect on the cells of the liver and kidneys. It is necessary to call an ambulance and in a hospital to do gastric lavage and hemodialysis.
  3. With the simultaneous use of the drug with soap, it causes an increase in the skin reaction in the form of burning, itching. It is necessary to thoroughly rinse the body with water.
  4. If a small amount of Chlorhexidine enters the stomach (accidentally swallowed during rinsing), induce vomiting and rinse the stomach not just with water, but with the use of liquid dairy products, a gelatin mixture, raw eggs.

In all cases of overdose, stop using the drug and seek advice or assistance from your doctor.

special instructions

When using the drug, you should listen to special instructions:

  • with caution, the remedy should be used if an open craniocerebral injury is suspected;
  • if damage to the spinal canal is suspected, it is better not to use the remedy;
  • if there is a possibility of damage to the fibrous ear plate, the agent cannot be used;
  • do not use the medicine together with drugs that contain the mineral iodine;
  • in case of contact with the mucous membrane of the eye, an abundant washing of the visual apparatus with water should be urgently done;
  • you need to know that the antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect of the drug increases with an increase in body temperature and external temperature.


In order not to harm the body, before using an antiseptic, carefully study the annotation for interactions of the drug with other drugs or get a recommendation from your doctor.

The drug is not compatible with sodium salt of lauryl sulfuric acid, cellulose gum, alginic acid salt, alkali hydroxide, as well as with soap and iodine.

Where can I buy

All varieties of Chlorhexidine Bigluconate are sold in pharmacies without a prescription. It is on free sale.

The cost of the drug depends on the form of the drug:

  • vaginal suppositories Chlorhexidine Bigluconate - the price varies from 160 rubles. up to 190 rubles;
  • a solution on water 0.05% can be bought in the range of 10 rubles. up to 90 rubles;
  • the price of an alcohol antiseptic varies from 15 rubles. up to 100 rubles

Storage conditions and shelf life

Each form of Chlorhexidine preparation has its own expiration date and place of storage.

  • Vaginal suppository tablets should be kept in a cool room, at a temperature of 5-20 degrees Celsius (preferably in the upper section of the refrigerator). The shelf life from the date of manufacture is 24 months.
  • Chlorhexidine in the form of an aqueous solution must be kept in a place hidden from sunlight. Temperature range from 10 degrees to 20 degrees Celsius. The term of application and storage is not more than 24 months from the date of manufacture.
  • Chlorhexidine on alcohol at a dosage of 0.05% must be kept in a dark place where the sun's rays do not penetrate. The temperature saving regime is from 5 degrees to 20 degrees Celsius, no longer than 24 months from the date of manufacture.
  • Concentrate 20% should be stored at a temperature of 10 degrees to 20 degrees, in a dark place, inaccessible to light and sunlight, and no longer than 36 months from the date of issue.


The drug Chlorhexidine Bigluconate has generics in all forms.

Vaginal suppository tablets:

  • Ladysept-Pharmex- suppositories for internal, vaginal use. The drug consists of a biguanide derivative. It should be used as an antiseptic and anti-inflammatory agent for genitourinary diseases in women.
  • Clioron candles- for vaginal use. The main active ingredient of the drug is bigluconate. Vaginal suppositories should be used in gynecological practice as an antimicrobial and disinfectant.

Water solution:

  • Tsiteal liquid for topical use, which consists of a derivative of the biguanide substance, primidone. The drug should be used to treat wound surfaces with a secondary infection.
  • Baktosin. The solution consists of bigluconate, a four-ammonium antiseptic. The drug should be used as a prophylactic and medicinal product for abrasions and injuries with secondary infections.

Chlorhexidine in alcohol:

  • Mukosanin- disinfectant for external use. The composition of the product includes vantocil, glycol ether. The drug should be used to treat infected wound surfaces.
  • Ahdez. The composition of the drug includes a derivative of biguanides. The tool should be used for prevention and for the purpose of cleaning medical facilities, child care facilities, disinfection of inventory.

Chlorhexidine bigluconate: is it hydrogen peroxide or not

Chlorhexidine and hydrogen peroxide are not the same thing. The drugs have a similar effect, but in terms of chemical composition they are completely different substances. They cannot even be called analogues. Both drugs should be classified as antiseptic, disinfectant and antimicrobial agents.

This is where the list of similarities ends. Chlorhexidine Bigluconate is a biguanide derivative that is stable in use. Hydrogen peroxide is a representative of peroxides or hydrogen peroxide, is an unstable compound and, when applied, does not adhere to the applied surface.

Chlorhexidine, an antiseptic that can be used both for disinfection and for the treatment of infections and bacteria of the skin and mucous membranes (except the eyes). Hydrogen peroxide should only be used to decontaminate wounds, and the drug copes very well with this problem.

20% aqueous solution of chlorhexidine bigluconate; in vials of 500 ml.

pharmachologic effect

pharmachologic effect– antiseptic.

Indications for Chlorhexidine bigluconate

Treatment of the surgical field and the hands of the surgeon; sterilization of surgical instruments, treatment of wounds and burns, washing of the bladder with cystitis.



Dosage and administration

Disinfection of the surgical field - 0.5% solution in 70% ethanol for 5 minutes; hand disinfection - 0.5% solution in 70% ethanol or 1% aqueous solution; antiseptic of wounds and burns - 0.5% aqueous solution; disinfecting measures in gynecology and obstetrics - from 0.05 to 0.2% of an aqueous solution; cystoscopy, bladder lavage - 0.02% sterile aqueous solution; disinfection of the urethra during catheterization - 0.05% sterile solution in glycerin; disinfection of a medical instrument - 0.5% solution in 70% ethanol for 5 minutes; sterilization of a medical instrument - 0.5% aqueous solution at a temperature of 70 ° C for 3 hours.

Storage conditions of the drug Chlorhexidine bigluconate

In a place protected from light, at a temperature of 1-25 ° C.

Keep out of the reach of children.

Shelf life of the drug Chlorhexidine bigluconate

3 years.

Do not use after the expiry date stated on the packaging.

Instructions for medical use

Chlorhexidine bigluconate
Instructions for medical use - RU No. P N015600/01

Last Modified Date: 16.04.2004

Dosage form

Concentrate for the preparation of solutions for local and external use.


Active substance:

Chlorhexidine bigluconate 20 g.


Water up to 100 ml.

Description of the dosage form

Colorless or light yellow transparent liquid.

Pharmacological group



Antiseptic. Depending on the concentration used, it exhibits both bacteriostatic and bactericidal action. The bacteriological effect of both aqueous and alcoholic working solutions) is manifested in a concentration of 0.01% or less; bactericidal - at a concentration of more than 0.01% at a temperature of 22 ° C and exposure for 1 minute. Fungicidal action - and at a concentration of 0.05%, at a temperature of 22 ° C and exposure to 10 minutes. Virucidal action - manifests itself at a concentration of 0.01-1%. Effective against pathogens of sexually transmitted infections - gardnerellosis, genital herpes; gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria - Treponema spp., Neisseria gonorrhoeae, Trichomonas spp., Chlamidia spp., Ureaplasma spp.

Does not affect acid-resistant forms of bacteria, microbial spores, fungi. It is stable, after treatment of the skin (hands, surgical field) it remains on it in a certain amount sufficient for the manifestation of a bactericidal effect. Retains activity (although somewhat reduced) in the presence of blood, pus, various secrets and organic matter.

It rarely causes allergic reactions, irritation of the skin and tissues, does not have a damaging effect on objects made of glass, plastic and metals.


Practically not absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract. After accidental ingestion of 300 mg, C m ax is reached after 30 minutes and is 0.206 μg / l.

It is excreted mainly with feces (90%), less than 1% is excreted by the kidneys.


As a prophylactic and therapeutic agent for various infections, for antiseptic treatment and disinfection.

0.05%, 0.1%, 0.2% aqueous solutions:

  • Postoperative care for patients in the departments of ENT and dentistry.

0.05% and 0.2% solutions:

  • Purulent wounds, infected burns, bacterial and fungal diseases of the skin and mucous membranes in dentistry (rinsing and irrigation - gingivitis, stomatitis, aphthae, periodontitis, alveolitis);
  • Prevention of infections in surgery, urology, obstetrics and gynecology;
  • Prevention of sexually transmitted infections (chlamydia, ureaplasmosis, trichomoniasis, gonorrhea, syphilis, genital herpes - use no later than 2 hours after intercourse);
  • Disinfection of the skin (abrasions, cracks).

0.2% solution:

  • Processing and sanitation of the genital tract in gynecology during medical and diagnostic procedures;
  • Disinfection of removable dentures.

0.5% solution:

  • Treatment of wounds and burn surfaces; treatment of infected abrasions and cracks in the skin, open mucous membranes.
  • Sterilization of a medical instrument at a temperature of 70°C.

1% solution:

  • Disinfection of thermometers, working surfaces of medical equipment and devices, the heat treatment of which is undesirable;
  • Treatment of the surgical field and the surgeon's hands before surgery, disinfection of the skin, treatment of postoperative and burn wounds.

5% concentrate:

  • Preparation of aqueous, glycerin and alcohol solutions with concentrations from 0.01 to 1%.


Hypersensitivity to the components of the drug, dermatitis.


Children's age (up to 18 years old)

Dosage and administration

Chlorhexidine is used as a prophylactic and therapeutic agent externally and locally, as well as for disinfection.

0.05%, 0.02% and 0.5% aqueous solutions are used as irrigations, rinses and applications (5-10 ml is applied to the affected surface of the skin or mucous membranes):

  • To treat the surgical field, a 20% solution of 70% ethyl is diluted with an exposure of 1-3 minutes 2-3 times a day (on a swab or by irrigation).
  • Alcohol in a ratio of 1:40. The resulting 0.5% water-alcohol solution of chlorhexidine is treated with the surgical field 2 times with an interval of 2 minutes.
  • In postoperative care for patients in the departments of ENT and dentistry, a solution (0.05% and 0.1%) for rinsing is usually prescribed 2-3 times a day.
  • Comprehensive treatment of urethritis and urethroprostatitis is carried out by injecting 2-3 ml of a 0.05% solution of chlorhexidine bigluconate into the urethra 1-2 times a day, the course of treatment is 10 days, the procedures are prescribed every other day.
  • For washing the bladder, with cystoscopy, a 0.02% sterile aqueous solution is used.
  • For the prevention of sexually transmitted diseases, chlorhexidine bigluconate is effective if it is applied no later than 2 hours after sexual intercourse. A diluted, 0.05% solution is injected into the urethra for men (2-3 ml), women (1-2 ml) and into the vagina (5-10 ml) for 2-3 minutes. It is also necessary to treat the skin of the inner thighs, pubis, genitals. After the procedure, do not urinate for 2 hours.

For disinfection:

Treatment of medical instruments and work surfaces is carried out with a clean sponge moistened with an antiseptic solution, or by soaking. For quick sterilization of instruments, the same 0.5% solution is used for 5 minutes.

A 0.1% aqueous solution of chlorhexidine can be used to disinfect rooms, sanitary facilities, etc.

ProcedureDilution of the drug and type of solventThe concentration of the solution containing chlorhexidine bigluconateSpecial requirements
Disinfection of hands and operating field1:40 in 70% ethanol0,5 % Treatment with the solution for at least 5 minutes.
Antiseptic treatment of wounds and burns1:40 in the water0,5 % Use sterilized water. Sterilize the solution at a temperature of 115-116 ° C for 30 minutes in an autoclave.
Antiseptics in gynecology and obstetrics1:400 0,05 % Use sterilized water. The solution is sterilized at a temperature of 115-116 ° C for 30 minutes in an autoclave.
Cystoscopy, bladder lavage1:1000 in water or saline sodium chloride solution.0,02 % Sterile solution.
Lavage of the peritoneum, pleura (surgical procedures)1:1000 in water0,02 % Sterile solution
Antiseptics for urethral catheterization1:400 0,05 % Combine aseptically with sterile glycerin.

Side effects

In rare cases, allergic reactions (skin rash), dry skin, itching, dermatitis, stickiness of the skin of the hands (within 3-5 minutes), photosensitivity. Discoloration of teeth, tartar deposits and taste disturbance with prolonged use for oral antiseptics.


In case of accidental ingestion, it is practically not absorbed (gastric lavage should be done using milk, raw egg, gelatin or mild soap). If necessary, symptomatic therapy is carried out.


It is used in a neutral environment; at pH 5-8 the difference in activity is small; at a pH of more than 8 - precipitated. The use of hard water somewhat reduces the bactericidal properties.

Chlorhexidine bigluconate is a cationic substance and is not compatible with soap and other anionic compounds such as colloids, gum arabic, carboxymethylcellulose.

At a concentration of 1:2000, it is incompatible with borates, carbonates, chlorides, citrates, phosphates, sulfates, creating sparingly soluble precipitates after 24 hours.

Compatible with preparations containing a cationic group (benzalkonium chloride, cetrimonium bromide).

Increases the sensitivity of bacteria to chloramphenicol, kanamycin, neomycin, cephalosporins.

Ethanol enhances the effectiveness of the drug.

special instructions

Avoid getting the drug inside the wound in patients with open traumatic brain injury, spinal cord injury, perforation of the eardrum.

In case of contact with the mucous membranes of the eye, they should be rinsed quickly and thoroughly with water.

Do not mix chlorhexidine with other disinfectants and detergents. Exposure of hypochlorite bleaching agents to fabrics that have previously been in contact with preparations containing chlorhexidine may contribute to the appearance of brown spots on them. Do not expose clothing that has been in contact with chlorhexidine to the action of hypochlorites and other compounds that release active chlorine.

Do not dilute with hard water. Aqueous solutions can be sterilized in an autoclave at 116°C for 30 minutes. Do not sterilize with ionizing radiation.

Release form

Concentrate for the preparation of solutions for topical and external use 20%, 500 ml in dyed polypropylene bottles with a cap.

For pharmacies - 1 bottle with instructions in a cardboard box.

For hospitals - 16 bottles per box with instructions.

Storage conditions

At temperatures from 1 °C to 25 °C. Protect from light.

Keep out of the reach of children.

Best before date

Diluted solutions should be stored for no more than a week.

Do not use after expiration date.

Terms of dispensing from pharmacies

Over the counter.

Chlorhexidine bigluconate - instructions for medical use - RU No. P N015600 / 01 dated 2004-04-16

Synonyms of nosological groups

Category ICD-10Synonyms of diseases according to ICD-10
N30 CystitisExacerbation of chronic cystitis
Acute bacterial cystitis
Recurrent cystitis
Fibrous cystitis
T14.1 Open wound, body region unspecifiedSecondary healing processes
Weakly granulating wounds
Slowly healing wounds
sluggish wounds
deep wounds
festering wound
Granulating wounds
Long-term non-healing wound
Long-term non-healing wound and ulcer
Long-term non-healing soft tissue wound
Wound healing
wound healing
Capillary bleeding from superficial wounds
bleeding wound
Radiation wounds
Slowly epithelializing wounds
Small cuts
festering wounds
Violation of wound healing processes
Violation of the integrity of the skin
Violations of the integrity of the skin
Violations of the integrity of the skin
Small cuts
Uninfected wounds
Uncomplicated wounds
Operating wound
Primary treatment of superficial contaminated wounds
Primary wound care
Primary delayed wound care
Badly scarring wound
Poor wound healing
Poor healing wound
superficial wound
Superficial wound with weak exudation
The wound is large
bite wound
Wound process
sluggish wounds
Stump wounds
gunshot wounds
Wounds with deep cavities
Difficulty healing wounds
Difficulty healing wounds
chronic wounds

Producer: OOO "YuzhFarm" Russia

ATC code: D08AC02

Farm group:

Release form: Liquid dosage forms. Solution for external use.

General characteristics. Compound:

Active ingredient: 0.05% chlorhexidine bigluconate.

Auxiliary substance: purified water.

Pharmacological properties:

Pharmacodynamics. The agent exhibits bactericidal against gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria (including pathogens), tuberculocidal, virucidal (acute respiratory viral infections, herpes, hepatitis of all kinds, including hepatitis A, B and C, adenovirus, etc.) and fungicidal (in against fungi of the genera Candida and trichophyton) action.

In terms of acute toxicity, "Chlorhexidine bigluconate 0.05% - YuzhPharm" belongs to the 4th class of low-hazard substances according to GOST 12.1.007-76 when applied to the skin, injected into the stomach and inhaled. According to the classification of Sidorov K.K. when administered parenterally, the agent belongs to the 5th class of practically non-toxic compounds. Skin-resorptive and sensitizing properties in the recommended regimens of use of the agent have not been identified.

The agent has a moderate irritant effect on the mucous membranes of the eyes. MPC in the air of the working area of ​​chlorhexidine bigluconate is 1 mg/m3.

The tool can be used to treat the skin of children from birth.

Indications for use:

Means "Chlorhexidine bigluconate 0.05% - YuzhPharm" is intended for use in medical institutions:

For hygienic treatment of the hands of medical personnel, including personnel of ambulances;
- for disinfection of the skin of the injection field;
- for sanitary treatment of the skin and the skin of the feet in order to prevent fungal diseases;
- for disinfection of rubber gloves put on the hands of personnel (made of materials resistant to chemicals) during surgical interventions and manipulations requiring surgical antisepsis, when working with potentially infected material (microbiological and other laboratories); when collecting medical waste of classes B and C.
- for disinfection of small instruments of simple configuration;
- as a prophylactic in the form of irrigation, rinsing and applications on the surface of the skin of the mucous membranes;
- for hygienic treatment of the hands of students of educational institutions, personnel of preschool and school institutions, social security institutions (nursing homes, hospices, etc.), employees of perfumery and cosmetic enterprises (including hairdressers, beauty salons, etc.), public catering, communal facilities, food and chemical-pharmaceutical industries;
- for hygienic treatment of the skin of the hands, injection field, sanitization of the skin and skin of the feet in order to prevent fungal diseases, as a preventive measure for the population in everyday life.

Important! Get to know the treatment

Dosage and administration:

Hygienic treatment of hands: 3 ml of the product is applied to the hands and rubbed into the skin until dry for 30 seconds.

Treatment of the injection field, incl. at the vaccination site: the skin is wiped with a sterile cotton swab or irrigated until completely moistened, followed by an exposure of 30 seconds.

Preventive treatment of the feet, sanitization of the skin: thoroughly moistened with a cotton swab, carefully treat each foot or skin area with different cotton swabs or irrigate with the product until the skin is completely moistened, holding time is at least 30 seconds.

Treatment of gloves worn on the hands of personnel: the outer surface of the gloves is thoroughly wiped with a sterile swab, abundantly moistened with a product. Processing time - at least 1 minute. Exposure - until the surface of the gloves is completely dry.

Small tools of a simple configuration: (in healthcare facilities, beauty salons, hairdressers, manicure and pedicure rooms, etc.) must be completely immersed in the product immediately after its use. The thickness of the agent layer above the products must be at least 1 cm. After the end of the disinfection exposure of 5 minutes, the products are removed from the container and washed with running drinking water for at least 1 minute.

As a prophylactic in the form of irrigations, rinses and applications - 5-10 ml of the solution is applied to the surface of the skin or mucous membranes with an exposure of 1-3 minutes 2-3 times a day (on a swab or by irrigation).

Application Features:

Use for external use only. It is forbidden to use the product after the expiration date. In case of accidental ingestion of the drug into the stomach, it is recommended to drink several glasses of water with the addition of an adsorbent (for example, 10-15 crushed activated charcoal tablets per glass of water). Do not induce vomiting! Seek medical attention if necessary.


Skin-resorptive and sensitizing properties in the recommended regimens of use of the agent have not been identified. The agent has a moderate irritant effect on the mucous membranes of the eyes.

Storage conditions:

Store in tightly closed manufacturer's packaging at temperatures from 0 ºС to +30 °С; away from sources of heat and ignition; avoid storage in direct sunlight. No smoking! Store separately from medicines, out of the reach of children. Transportation by any means of transport is allowed in accordance with the rules for the carriage of goods in force for this type of transport, at temperatures from 0 ° C to +30 ° C. The shelf life of the product is 2 years in unopened packaging from the manufacturer.

Leave conditions:

Over the counter


The product is packaged in 25 ml, 50 ml, 100 ml bottles of orange glass. 25 ml, 50 ml, 100 ml, 200 ml, 500 ml, 1000 ml bottles made of high-pressure polyethylene with a polymer nozzle, or with a special nozzle with a screw cap, or equipped with a spray pump and a protective cap made of polyethylene. 5 l; 10 l; 20 l in low-pressure polyethylene canisters (for a hospital).


Chlorhexidine bigluconate (Chlorhexidine bigluconate)

Pharmachologic effect:

An aqueous solution of chlorhexidine bigluconate is a local antiseptic, with a predominantly bactericidal effect. Chlorhexidine bigluconate is similar in chemical structure to bigumal and is a dichlorine-containing biguanide derivative. The mechanism of action is based on its ability to change the properties of the microorganism's cell membrane. After the dissociation of chlorhexidine salts, the formed cations react with the shells of bacteria that have a negative charge. At the same time, the lipophilic groups of the drug contribute to the disaggregation of the lipoprotein membrane of bacteria, as a result of which there is a violation of the osmotic balance and the loss of potassium and phosphorus from the bacterial cell. Under the action of the drug, the cytoplasmic membrane of the bacterium is destroyed and its osmotic balance is disturbed, as a result of which the death of the bacterium occurs.

The drug is effective against strains of such microorganisms: Trichomonas vaginalis, Neisseria gonorrhoeae, Chlamidia spp., Bacteroides fragilis, Treponema pallidum, Gardnerella vaginalis. In addition, chlorhexidine bigluconate is active against Ureaplasma spp. and moderately active against some strains of Proteus spp. and Pseudomonas spp.

Viruses (except for the herpes virus), as well as fungal spores, are resistant to the drug.

The drug is not absorbed into the systemic circulation when applied topically and does not have a systemic effect.

After treatment of the skin (including the skin of the hands), a certain amount of the drug remains on the skin, so chlorhexidine bigluconate has a long-term antibacterial effect and can be used to treat the surgical field and the surgeon's hands.

The antimicrobial activity of the drug is preserved in the presence of pus, blood and other physiological fluids, however, it is worth noting that in this case its effectiveness is somewhat reduced.

Indications for use:

The drug is used to treat and prevent various diseases caused by microorganisms sensitive to the action of chlorhexidine. Indications for the use of the drug depend on its initial concentration.

Solution of chlorhexidine bigluconate 0.05%, 0.1% and 0.2%:

Prevention of infectious diseases after surgical interventions, including in dental and ENT practice. In dentistry, the drug is also used for the treatment of removable dentures.

Treatment of the skin before and after surgery to prevent infection in urology, surgery, as well as obstetric and gynecological practice.

Disinfection of the skin and mucous membranes before carrying out diagnostic and treatment procedures in gynecological practice.

The drug is also used to treat various skin diseases of bacterial and fungal etiology, as well as purulent wounds, and lesions of the mucous membranes, which are caused by microorganisms sensitive to the action of the drug (including stomatitis, periodontitis, gingivitis and aphthae).

In addition, the drug is used after unprotected intercourse for the prevention of sexually transmitted diseases, including chlamydia, genital herpes, syphilis, trichomoniasis and gonorrhea. As well as the treatment of damaged skin in order to prevent infection.

Solution of chlorhexidine bigluconate 0.5%:

It is used for processing medical instruments at a temperature of 70 °C.

Treatment of infected wounds, burns and other injuries of the skin and mucous membranes.

Solution of chlorhexidine bigluconate 1%:

It is used for the treatment of medical instruments, devices and working surfaces of equipment that are undesirable to be disinfected by heat treatment.

Disinfection of the skin of the patient and the hands of the surgeon before surgery. Prevention of infection of burns and postoperative wounds.

Solution of chlorhexidine bigluconate 5% and 20%:

It is used to prepare solutions of various concentrations on an aqueous, glycerin or alcohol basis.

Application method:

Chlorhexidine bigluconate is used for the topical treatment of infectious diseases.

For the prevention of sexually transmitted diseases, it is recommended to use a 0.05% solution of chlorhexidine bigluconate no more than 2 hours after unprotected intercourse. Men are shown the introduction of 2-3 ml of the drug into the urinary canal, women 1-2 ml into the urinary canal and 5-10 ml into the vagina. In addition, it is recommended to treat the skin areas on the pubis, genitals and inner thighs with a solution. Urination is allowed 2 hours after the use of the drug, otherwise the effectiveness of chlorhexidine bigluconate is reduced.

Patients suffering from inflammation of the urinary tract (including urethritis and urethroprostatitis) are shown to inject 2-3 ml of a 0.05% solution of chlorhexidine bigluconate into the urinary canal 1-2 times a day. The drug is recommended to be used every other day. The duration of the course of treatment is 10 days.

In dental and ENT practice, for the prevention of postoperative infection, a 0.05% or 0.1% solution of chlorhexidine bigluconate is usually prescribed 2-3 times a day in the form of rinses or irrigations.

For the treatment of wound and burn surfaces, as well as other damage to the skin, a 0.05%, 0.02% or 0.5% solution of chlorhexidine bigluconate is usually used. The drug is used in the form of irrigation or applications 2-3 times a day. The application time is usually 1 to 3 minutes.

For disinfection of the surgical field, a 20% solution of chlorhexidine bigluconate is used, previously diluted with 70% ethyl alcohol (40 parts of 70% ethyl alcohol are taken for 1 part of a 20% solution of chlorhexidine bigluconate). The surgical field is disinfected twice with the resulting solution, the surgical field is treated a second time 2 minutes after the first disinfection.

In urological practice, before carrying out diagnostic procedures (for example, cystoscopy), washing of the bladder with a 0.02% solution of chlorhexidine bigluconate is indicated.

Preparation of solutions of a given concentration from a 20% solution of chlorhexidine bigluconate:

To prepare 1 l of a 0.5% alcoholic solution of chlorhexidine bigluconate, take 25 ml of a 20% solution of chlorhexidine bigluconate and add 70% ethyl alcohol to the mark.

To prepare 1 l of a 0.5% solution of chlorhexidine bigluconate, take 25 ml of a 20% solution of chlorhexidine bigluconate and add to the mark with distilled water or water for injection (sterile water).

To prepare 1 l of a 0.05% solution of chlorhexidine bigluconate, take 2.5 ml of a 20% solution of chlorhexidine bigluconate and add to the mark with distilled water or water for injection (sterile water).

To prepare 1 l of a 0.02% solution of chlorhexidine bigluconate, take 1 ml of a 20% solution of chlorhexidine bigluconate and add to the mark with distilled water or water for injection (sterile water).

To prepare 1 l of a 0.1% solution of chlorhexidine bigluconate, take 5 ml of a 20% solution of chlorhexidine bigluconate and add to the mark with distilled water or water for injection (sterile water).

Solutions must be prepared under aseptic conditions. Sterilization of ready-made aqueous solutions of the drug in an autoclave at a temperature of 116 ° C for 30 minutes is allowed.

Solutions prepared on the basis of hard water have a less pronounced bactericidal effect, which is explained by the formation of sparingly soluble salts of chlorhexidine. It is forbidden to sterilize the drug using ionizing radiation.

Undesirable phenomena:

When using the drug in some patients, the development of such side effects as dry skin, pruritus, rash, photosensitivity, dermatitis was noted.

With prolonged use of the drug in the form of rinses and irrigation of the oral cavity, patients noted a change in the color of the teeth, the formation of tartar and a change in taste sensations.


Increased individual sensitivity to the components of the drug.

The drug is contraindicated for use in patients suffering from dermatitis.

The drug is used with caution in pediatrics.

The drug is not used in ophthalmology.

The drug is not used simultaneously with other antiseptic solutions.

During pregnancy:

With the local use of the drug in women during pregnancy and lactation, there was no effect of chlorhexidine on the health of the child. However, long-term use of the drug during pregnancy and lactation is not recommended.

Interaction with other drugs:

At a pH of more than 8, precipitation is noted. The use of hard water for the preparation of chlorhexidine solutions reduces its bactericidal properties.

The drug is not used in combination with anionic compounds, including soap.

The drug is not compatible with carbonates, chlorides, phosphates, borates, sulfates and citrates.

Chlorhexidine bigluconate increases the sensitivity of microorganisms to the action of kanamycin, neomycin, cephalosporin and chloramphenicol.

Ethyl alcohol enhances the bactericidal effect of chlorhexidine.


When using the drug according to the instructions, an overdose is not possible.

In case of accidental ingestion of the drug, gastric lavage is indicated using milk, mild soap, gelatin or raw eggs.

There is no specific antidote; in case of side effects, symptomatic therapy is carried out.

Release form of the drug:

A solution of 0.05% for external use, 100 ml in bottles of polymeric material with a nozzle, 1 bottle in a carton.

Solution 0.05% for external use, 100 ml in glass bottles, 1 bottle in a carton.

Solution 20% 100 ml in bottles of polymeric material, 1 bottle in a carton.

Solution 20% 500 ml in bottles made of polymeric material with a cap, 1 bottle in a carton.

A solution of 20%, 500 ml in bottles made of polymeric material with a cap, 16 bottles in a box.

Storage conditions:

The shelf life of the drug in the form of a 0.05% solution is 2 years.

The shelf life of the drug in the form of a 20% solution is 3 years.

The shelf life of the prepared solutions is 1 week.


1 ml of the drug in the form of a 0.05% solution of chlorhexidine bigluconate contains:

Chlorhexidine bigluconate - 0.5 mg,


1 ml of the drug in the form of a 20% solution of chlorhexidine bigluconate contains:

Chlorhexidine bigluconate - 0.2 g,


Similar drugs:

Hepilor (Happylor) Pantestin (Panthestin) Medasept (Medasept) AHD 2000 (AHD 2000) Etonium (Etonium)

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