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Cold, warm nose of a cat. The cat has a hot nose: what to do The cat has a warm nose

It is well known that a sign of health in cats is a wet and cold nose. Responsible pet owners always pay attention to this. And when the owner suddenly discovers that his pet has a dry nose, he begins to worry. However, concern is premature. A dry cat's nose is not always a sign of any disease.

When is there no reason to worry?

The cat's nose is moistened with a special secretion produced by the animal's body. During the day, the secretion may dry out or not be produced at certain periods. There are several reasons when an absolutely healthy animal has dry nasal planum:

  1. 1. The cat's olfactory organ is dry during sleep and within half an hour after waking up.
  2. 2. The cause of dryness of the nasal planum is a long stay near heating radiators or dry air in the room.
  3. 3. Active games increase the cat’s body temperature, and the mucous membranes dry out.
  4. 4. The pet has been in the sun for a long time.
  5. 5. The animal was frightened or suffered a severe shock.
  6. 6. The cat leads a sedentary lifestyle.

Cats have a much higher body temperature than humans, so sometimes pet owners feel that their pet’s nasal mucosa is too hot.

When should you be concerned?

If the dryness of the nasal planum is accompanied by such symptoms as lethargy, refusal to eat, or increased urge to go to the toilet, this is a reason to worry about the health of the animal.

In an adult cat, drying out of the nasal planum in some cases is caused by overeating or a stomach full of hairballs. These problems are easily solved. If you are overeating, you should limit your cat's diet to more moderate portions of food. If there is a suspicion that the cat is suffering from the inability to get rid of the fur in its stomach, you need to buy special food from the pet store that helps to gently remove the hair from the body.

If it has been noticed that the animal's nasal planum is dry and hot throughout the day, it is worth observing it. Loss of appetite and reluctance to play with a favorite toy may be signs of illness.

It is necessary to examine the animal's ears. If they are pink inside and hot to the touch, it means your temperature has risen. This is a reason to contact a veterinarian.

Temperatures in cats are measured rectally.

It is worth paying attention to whether there is discharge from the sinuses. Normally they should be transparent. If the discharge smells unpleasant or has a strange color, your pet is sick.

The cause of an animal's sense of smell being too cold and dry is poisoning or severe fright. If a cat constantly vomits throughout the day, has loose stools and refuses to eat, the pet has eaten something wrong. You need to show him to a veterinarian immediately.

If an animal has a warm and very pale nose, this is also a reason to be wary. Paleness of the olfactory organ indicates a disruption of the heart and circulatory system.

Dry organ of smell in kittens

In kittens, especially at a very young age, the body's thermoregulation is still imperfect. Therefore, dry nasal planum is much more common in them than in adult animals.

Also, kittens lead a much more active lifestyle than adult cats, so their body temperature is higher. So don’t worry too much if you find your tailed baby’s nose is too hot and dry.

Most owners judge the condition of their pets by their nose. This is how they determine whether the cat is healthy. It is believed that if a kitten has a dry and warm nose, then it is most likely sick. But in reality this statement is incorrect, or rather not entirely correct. Why? Now let's look at this issue in detail.

Is a kitten's dry nose a sign of illness? Should owners be worried?

Ideally, a kitten's nose is almost always moist and cool, thanks to frequent licking and protruding secretions from the mucous membrane. The temperature of cats is a couple of degrees higher than that of humans. Therefore, it may seem to us that the kitten’s nose is dry. Ears, by the way, can also be warm for the same reason.

When sleeping or resting, your cat may have a dry nose. This does not mean that she is sick and does not feel well. If a kitten’s nose is dry and at the same time lethargic, then the owners should, of course, be wary. Your pet may also have poor appetite. This is also a reason to pay close attention to your pet.

The main reasons for the appearance of such a symptom

Let's figure out why the kitten has a dry nose. The main provoking factors are those that cat owners face almost every day. But not all reasons may indicate illness or poor health of the pet. These signs can be divided into two categories: everyday ones, and also when a disease occurs.

Domestic reasons

First, let's not talk about diseases. Now let's look at the reasons for everyday life. These include:

  • recent awakening of the pet;
  • the room where the kitten is now is very dry and hot;
  • the pet became suddenly frightened or experienced stress;
  • the kitten was near a heat source for a long time or lay in the sun for a long time.

Manifestation of ailments

Also, the nose may be warm if the pet is sick. Let's look at what other signs of the disease there are. These include the following:

  • long sleep;
  • hot ears;
  • sneezing;
  • poor appetite;
  • apathy;
  • lethargy;
  • binge eating;
  • deep breathing.

Please note that if you notice that your kitten’s nose is dry and its ears are warm, you should not immediately run to the veterinarian. As a rule, heat exchange in such small animals is not established as needed; their temperature is higher than that of adult cats. What causes this phenomenon? The body protects the little kitten from hypothermia. His nose can be dry and warm several times a day, regardless of sleep and play.

Some other possible signs of the disease

In addition to the signs that we discussed above, other manifestations may be observed that also indicate the development of the disease:

  • vomit;
  • discharge from the nose;
  • frequent or, conversely, too infrequent trips to the toilet;
  • anxiety;
  • sudden loss of fur;
  • loose stools;
  • blood in stool.

If you notice pronounced symptoms in a kitten, then do not wait until he gets better and do not self-medicate. In order not to worsen the condition and not lose the animal, you need to urgently take your pet to the veterinarian.

We figured out why the kitten has a dry nose. What should the owner do to help the pet?

First, observe your pet during the day and check its temperature. If he is inactive and has no appetite, then this is really a reason to see a doctor.

In addition to a wet nose, the animal may have hot ears. This symptom is also a sign of illness. Therefore, you should check the temperature. This is usually done rectally. on average 38.5, but in kittens it can be half a degree more. If the temperature is higher, then it is possible that your pet is sick.

If your pet not only has a warm, dry nose, but also a high fever

Usually they don’t bring down the slightly elevated level and allow the body to fight the infection. But if the temperature is very high, then, of course, the animal needs help. How to help your pet? The recommendations in this case are as follows:

  • the animal's fur must be wetted periodically;
  • There should always be a bowl of cool water next to the pet so that the kitten can drink at any time;
  • You can also place an ice pack under the animal’s neck or thighs (on the inside).

If we talk about products that reduce fever, then it is not advisable to give them to a kitten. It’s better to call a veterinarian who will examine your pet and tell you what to do and how exactly.

A little conclusion

Now you know why a kitten has a dry nose. As you can see, there can be many reasons. This symptom may not always be a sign of illness. But it’s also impossible not to pay attention at all. If your pet has a dry nose, observe it to eliminate any possible doubts and identify the problem in a timely manner. Always take care of your pet and its health!

In general, the moisture in the nose of pets directly depends on their well-being and health status. For example, a warm nose in a cat may indicate an increase in body temperature. But there are other reasons why a cat’s nose is warm.

A healthy, clean nose is very important for the normal functioning of every cat. The thing is that it is through the sense of smell that these animals mainly interact with the outside world. Not surprisingly, their sense of smell is about 15 times sharper than that of humans. And it is precisely by the degree of moisture, the warmth of the nose and even its appearance that one can often determine that the pet is not feeling well.

If the cat is perfectly healthy, then its nose will be clean, smooth, cool and slightly moisturized. The color depends on the breed of the animal and its coloring. Interestingly, the pets in question may even have “birthmarks” on their noses. This is due to the peculiarity of the color of the representative of the cat family. Often the nose is the same color as the coat. In addition, the older the animal, the darker this part of its body may become.

If a cat’s nose turns out to be too dark, for example, black, then it will be impossible to draw any conclusions about the animal’s health based on its color. But the pet owner should monitor the skin tone of those with soft pink noses from time to time. Its change may also indicate the appearance of any ailments in the animal’s body. For example, the appearance of a blue tint may be a symptom of problems with the heart and blood vessels, as well as a lack of oxygen in the cat. Yellow - pathology of the kidneys or liver. And red is a symptom of allergies, excessive overheating in the sun, as well as severe mechanical trauma to this part of the body.

It is especially dangerous if the cat has a warm and dry nose. It is not recommended to try to diagnose your beloved pet yourself. It is best to immediately go to a professional veterinarian if you notice any changes in the color of your animal’s nose to rule out serious diseases.

It is important to remember that just a hot nose in an animal in itself is not, for example, a sign of a cold. A conclusion about the appearance of a disease can be made if a number of different similar signs coincide.

If the owner discovers that the cat has a warm nose, then there is no need to panic immediately. Perhaps the animal just woke up or simply crawled out from under a warm, cozy blanket. In addition, such a change in nasal temperature can occur if the pet is nervous or has simply been active for a long time, for example, running and playing. In these cases, you should wait a while, approximately 30 minutes. During this period, the animal's nose should become cool and moist again.

By the way, a cat can have a dry and warm nose even for such minor reasons as overeating or, conversely, lack of food. But if after a couple of hours the situation does not change, then in this case it is worth suspecting that your pet has a cold. As a rule, sneezing, lethargy, apathy, loss of appetite, and hot ears are also added to the symptom under discussion. It is very important at this stage to measure the animal’s body temperature. If there is no special thermometer for this, then you can use the most ordinary one, intended for people. If it really turns out that your cat’s nose is warm due to a cold, then it is best to show it to a veterinarian, who can accurately diagnose it and select the appropriate safe treatment for the animal.

In addition, the situation is sometimes reversed when the pet's nose becomes too cold. Especially if, in addition to a decrease in temperature, pale skin is added to this. Perhaps this indicates that the animal is severely hypothermic, poisoned, or in a state of shock. By the way, a dry but cold nose also often occurs with a cold. But in this case, additional symptoms, which were mentioned above, will certainly be added to it. In any case, if there is any illness in the body of a cat, he will definitely need specialized help.

If the cat is in a cheerful state, in an excellent mood and has a good appetite, but at the same time his nose is warm and dry, then perhaps this is an indicator that his stomach is clogged with fur. As a rule, animals are excellent at coping with this problem on their own.

A warm and dry nose in a cat can often be a sign of not only a cold, but also more serious dangerous ailments. Therefore, it is very important for the pet owner to pay attention to such changes in the body of their pet.

/ 18.02.2018

The cat has a dry nose all the time. The cat has a hot nose: should you worry and what to do next?

Most owners judge the condition of their pets by their nose. This is how they determine whether the cat is healthy. It is believed that if a kitten has a dry and warm nose, then it is most likely sick. But in reality this statement is incorrect, or rather not entirely correct. Why? Now let's look at this issue in detail.

Is a kitten's dry nose a sign of illness? Should owners be worried?

Ideally, a kitten's nose is almost always moist and cool, thanks to frequent licking and protruding secretions from the mucous membrane. The temperature of cats is a couple of degrees higher than that of humans. Therefore, it may seem to us that the kitten’s nose is dry. Ears, by the way, can also be warm for the same reason.

When sleeping or resting, your cat may have a dry nose. This does not mean that she is sick and does not feel well. If a kitten’s nose is dry and at the same time lethargic, then the owners should, of course, be wary. Your pet may also have poor appetite. This is also a reason to pay close attention to your pet.

The main reasons for the appearance of such a symptom

Let's figure out why the kitten has a dry nose. The main provoking factors are those that cat owners face almost every day. But not all reasons may indicate illness or poor health of the pet. These signs can be divided into two categories: everyday ones, and also when a disease occurs.

Domestic reasons

First, let's not talk about diseases. Now let's look at the reasons for everyday life. These include:

  • recent awakening of the pet;
  • the room where the kitten is now is very dry and hot;
  • the pet became suddenly frightened or experienced stress;
  • the kitten was near a heat source for a long time or lay in the sun for a long time.

Manifestation of ailments

Also, the nose may be warm if the pet is sick. Let's look at what other signs of the disease there are. These include the following:

  • long sleep;
  • hot ears;
  • sneezing;
  • poor appetite;
  • apathy;
  • lethargy;
  • binge eating;
  • deep breathing.

Please note that if you notice that your kitten’s nose is dry and its ears are warm, you should not immediately run to the veterinarian. As a rule, heat exchange in such small animals is not established as needed; their temperature is higher than that of adult cats. What causes this phenomenon? The body protects the little kitten from hypothermia. His nose can be dry and warm several times a day, regardless of sleep and play.

Some other possible signs of the disease

In addition to the signs that we discussed above, other manifestations may be observed that also indicate the development of the disease:

  • vomit;
  • discharge from the nose;
  • frequent or, conversely, too infrequent trips to the toilet;
  • anxiety;
  • sudden loss of fur;
  • loose stools;
  • blood in stool.

If you notice pronounced symptoms in a kitten, then do not wait until he gets better and do not self-medicate. In order not to worsen the condition and not lose the animal, you need to urgently take your pet to the veterinarian.

We figured out why the kitten has a dry nose. What should the owner do to help the pet?

First, observe your pet during the day and check its temperature. If he is inactive and has no appetite, then this is really a reason to see a doctor.

In addition to a wet nose, the animal may have hot ears. This symptom is also a sign of illness. Therefore, you should check the temperature. This is usually done rectally. on average 38.5, but in kittens it can be half a degree more. If the temperature is higher, then it is possible that your pet is sick.

If your pet not only has a warm, dry nose, but also a high fever

Usually they don’t bring down the slightly elevated level and allow the body to fight the infection. But if the temperature is very high, then, of course, the animal needs help. How to help your pet? The recommendations in this case are as follows:

  • the animal's fur must be wetted periodically;
  • There should always be a bowl of cool water next to the pet so that the kitten can drink at any time;
  • You can also place an ice pack under the animal’s neck or thighs (on the inside).

If we talk about products that reduce fever, then it is not advisable to give them to a kitten. It’s better to call a veterinarian who will examine your pet and tell you what to do and how exactly.

A little conclusion

Now you know why a kitten has a dry nose. As you can see, there can be many reasons. This symptom may not always be a sign of illness. But it’s also impossible not to pay attention at all. If your pet has a dry nose, observe it to eliminate any possible doubts and identify the problem in a timely manner. Always take care of your pet and its health!

A cat's wet nose means that it is healthy and feels great. However, when it suddenly becomes dry, many owners needlessly begin to worry. In fact, this does not necessarily mean that the cat is sick.

If you notice that your cat has a dry nose, then you shouldn’t worry too much; this can happen not only in case of illness, but also after active play, or if the cat has just woken up. This happens even simply because the cat was in a warm place, for example, near a radiator. Also, sometimes a cat's nose may be dry due to the fact that she leads a sedentary lifestyle. It is quite normal for a cat's nose to become wet or dry several times a day.

So, contrary to popular belief, a dry nose in a cat, as veterinarians explain, occurs for a number of reasons that should not cause concern:

  • after waking up from sleep (in a dream, the pet does not lick itself, does not wet its nose, do not worry: upon waking up, the first thing it will do is correct the situation);
  • after prolonged exposure to the sun or near an artificial heat source;
  • due to dry air and heat in the apartment;
  • as a result of hypothermia (the nose is cold and dry);
  • due to excessive activity or, conversely, sluggish behavior;
  • in case of dehydration (often explains why a kitten’s nose is dry and warm);
  • after exposure to stress factors or sudden fright.

Basically, all these reasons are of a transient everyday nature. The owner can eliminate some of them, for example, start monitoring the humidity of the room, regularly carrying out wet cleaning and using special air humidifiers. The owner must also provide the animal with constant access to clean drinking water. The pet will handle the rest on its own in a short time.

Other reasons that explain why a cat has a dry nose are classified as serious ailments and are additional signs that the animal is developing some kind of disease.

It is necessary to contact a veterinarian for an accurate diagnosis if the cat has a dry nose and this phenomenon is accompanied by other symptoms (one or more):

  • sleeping too much;
  • lack of appetite;
  • lethargy;
  • vomiting, diarrhea;
  • hot ears;
  • discharge from the eyes, ears;
  • excessive salivation;
  • rapid breathing;
  • coughing and/or sneezing;
  • convulsions.

I think everyone understood that no matter what happens, there is still a possibility that the cat is sick, so it’s worth watching her carefully. Check her nose often, and if you suddenly notice that it remains dry for too long, and the cat suddenly becomes lethargic or loses her appetite, then there is cause for concern. First, you need to measure the cat's temperature; this must be done at home, since upon arrival at the veterinary clinic the cat may become nervous, and the temperature will rise because of this. If your cat has a fever, you can also tell by the ears, which will also feel hot to the touch.

Help your pet

A cat has a dry nose; how to help is the question every loving owner asks when the pet’s health worsens. But you really can and should help.

If you notice that your cat’s nose is cold and dry without any outside influence, and that she is coughing or sneezing, you need to measure the temperature rectally. An increased level will indicate the onset of a cold, which can still be confirmed by hot ears, and a decreased level may indicate shock or poisoning. In the case of a very high temperature, the animal will need the help of the owner, which will require him to:

  • provide your pet with unlimited access to a drinking bowl with cool water, which will need to be changed periodically for fresh water;
  • moisten the animal's fur with a wet towel;
  • Apply an ice pack (briefly) under the neck and on the inner thighs.

If your cat’s body temperature rises above 38.5 degrees, you shouldn’t give any antipyretics on your own; it’s better to rush to the veterinarian. He will make the correct diagnosis and prescribe appropriate treatment.

Sometimes body temperature can increase when the animal is overheated, for example, sunstroke. At the same time, the cat falls into a state of apathy, it experiences a rapid heartbeat and shallow breathing. In this condition, the pet should be immediately placed in the shade, thoroughly and often wet its nose, ears and paws with cold water, providing access to cool fresh air.

Dry nose as a sign of disease

A bad signal will be purulent or mucous discharge from the nasal passages and (or) eyes that appears along with a dry nose, turning into dried crusts. They may be symptoms of acute feline viral infections. A doctor can diagnose:

  • rhinotracheitis;
  • panleukopenia (feline plague);
  • calcivirus disease.

Cats, unlike people, don’t just catch colds, and they are more difficult to treat. Any nasal discharge is a reason for an immediate visit to the veterinarian, especially if it is thick, opaque and foamy.

When you don't know what to do if your cat has a dry nose and you're worried that any of the above is wrong with your pet.

If you suddenly notice sores or cracks on your cat’s nose, you should immediately take her to the vet.

However, you should worry not only if the cat has a dry nose, if it is too cold, this is also not good, and it may indicate hypothermia, shock, or even poisoning.

However, you cannot be 100% sure that if any of these signs are present, then the cat is definitely sick, poisoned, and so on. Nasal temperature is not the most reliable indicator, and it is best to assess the pet’s well-being by its behavior, if necessary, check the temperature, and if necessary, take the cat to the veterinary clinic.

The article contains information on this problem, which helps to better understand what you have to deal with in such cases and what advice veterinarians can give on treating pets.

If a cat is sick, should the nose be wet or dry, warm or cold?

A cat’s nose is a kind of indicator of its health. In a healthy animal it is smooth, slightly slippery and cool to the touch, in a sick animal it is dry and warm, in a hypothermic or poisoned animal it is pale and cold.

Mucous discharge from a cat's nose occurs due to rhinitis and infections, and can also be caused by mechanical irritants. Normally, there should be no mucus in a cat's nose.

How to treat pus flowing from a cat's nose

It is possible to treat a cat with pus flowing from its nose only after finding out the cause of this pathology. Discharge from an animal's nose can be caused by:
- inflammatory process resulting from mechanical trauma;
- respiratory infection;
- panleukopenia (in common parlance, plague);
- chlamydial pneumonia;
- toxoplasmosis.

With a common cold or rhinitis, pus never forms in a cat's nose, so treatment for a cat with purulent nasal discharge should be prescribed by a doctor.

The kitten has a white nose, why and what to do

A kitten's nose may turn white if:
- the animal’s blood circulation is impaired;
- there is internal bleeding;
- the kitten is anemic.

Only a veterinarian can help in any of these cases.

Is it normal for a cat to have a warm nose?

Normally, a cat's nose should be slightly cool. An animal's warm nose happens:
- when the cat is sleeping or has just woken up;
- if he is hot;
- after suffering stress or fright;
- after overeating.

In these cases, this condition of the cat is considered normal. You need to start worrying about your pet’s health if, along with a warm nose, he experiences loss of appetite and lethargy.

The cat has a black nose, what to do and why this happens

The black color of the nose is typical for cats with black or dark coat color. It happens that the color of a kitten’s nose changes as it grows and is finally established by the year when the general hormonal background stabilizes.

Darkening of the nose in cats in the summer is associated with exposure to the sun, as the animal’s body is saturated with vitamin D and other microelements.

A cat has dark, odorless discharge from his nose, what is it and how to treat it

Most often, the causes of dark nasal discharge in cats are infection and pathologies of internal organs. You can make a correct diagnosis and find out what kind of disease this is by taking blood and microflora tests to a veterinary laboratory. To do this, the animal is left alone for 3-5 days and is not “treated”, i.e. do not carry out any manipulations with it.

The doctor will tell you how to treat the cat after examining the results of the tests taken the day before.

If the kitten is lethargic and has a dry nose, what could it be and how to help?

If the kitten is lethargic and has a dry nose, and this condition does not improve for the better within several days, then the best solution is to show the pet to a veterinarian. Self-medication of an unknown disease will not lead to good results.

A hot or dry nose in a cat after sterilization - what could it be?

A hot or dry nose in a cat after sterilization, if it is not in a hot room with insufficient ventilation, indicates an increased body temperature of the animal. To avoid complications, it is better to show the cat to a veterinarian.

A kitten's dry nose may or may not be due to the heat.

A kitten's dry nose may be a reaction to the heat. Sleeping in the sun, near a fireplace or radiator, being in a warm and poorly ventilated room - all this can lead to dryness of the animal's nasal mucosa.

It is generally accepted that a dry, hot nose in a cat is an indicator of ill health. The erroneous assumption that a dry nasal speculum is associated with fever is refuted by thermometry. This sign of concern is observed at different times in life in healthy cats.


Humidity and coolness are imparted to the olfactory organ by the habit of licking and the secretion of the nasal glands. However, subjective sensations suggest that the cat’s nose or ears are too warm to the touch. This is because a cat's normal body temperature is higher than a human's..

Cats are extremely active for less of the day, but the rest of the time they sleep, gaining strength. At this time, due to the lack of licking, the nose dries out, and the lack of moisture stops evaporation, the surface does not cool. If your pet is playful and active while awake, then there is nothing to worry about. But when a dry nose is associated with lethargy and poor appetite, the cause of the anomaly should be found out.

Dryness and warmth at the tip of a cat's face can be normal or pathological.

Physiological reasons:

  • After waking up, dry nose is observed for about 30 minutes.
  • After active games, short-term hyperthermia is noticed, accompanied by the evaporation of moisture from the mucous membranes.
  • Post-stress state.
  • It's hot, stuffy.
  • The cat strives for a source of heat, overheats a little, and the mucous membranes dry out.

A kitten's dry nose is not a reason to immediately contact a veterinarian. Thermoregulation in children is imperfect; metabolism is more intense than in adults; this requires a higher body temperature. The body believes that it is better to overheat than to overcool, so it raises the temperature.

Pathology options:

  • Gluttony. After overeating, the nose remains dry for some time.
  • Loss of appetite.
  • Depressed state.
  • Dyspnea.
  • Runny nose.
  • Increased urge to defecate.
  • Diarrhea.
  • Blood in feces.
  • Vomit.
  • Panic state.
  • Baldness.
  • Nasal discharge.

If the nose continues to be hot and dry, and the cat becomes lethargic and loses appetite, the pet should be monitored. It is necessary to pay attention to the cat's ears. With hyperthermia, they turn pink and feel hot. The veterinarian must be prepared to independently conduct thermometry in a cat.


In adults, T° 38...39 is considered normal, in kittens 38.5...39.5° C.

The process of thermometry in cats and humans is not the same. There are the following methods for measuring T°:

  • rectal,
  • ear,
  • contactless.

The rectal method requires skill. The animal must be securely secured, the sensor must be lubricated with Vaseline, inserted into the anus, and wait a certain time (up to 5 minutes!). The following types of thermometers are used:

  • mercury,
  • universal electronic,
  • digital anal.

Mercury and universal electronic thermometers are traditionally used in medicine; for the first time a regular medical device will do, but later you should purchase a personal one for your cat. Their advantage is accuracy and low cost, the disadvantage is the inconvenience of the procedure and additional stress. An anal digital device is more expensive, but the thermometry process is faster and reduces the cat’s suffering.

An ear thermometer is in contact with the skin inside the ear, and a non-contact thermometer is held close to the body for about 10 seconds. This definition of T° is convenient for the owner and the cat. The disadvantages include a certain determination error (±3°) and the high cost of the device.

Thermometer readings can detect the following temperature deviations:

  • increased,
  • reduced.

The following types of elevated temperature are distinguished:

  • Subfebrile (subfebrile) means exceeding the norm by 1 degree or less.
  • Febrile (febrile) corresponds to overheating of the body by 1...2° C.
  • Superpyretic (excessive) means exceeding the norm by 2 degrees or more.

Temperature is considered low

What to do?

If a dry nose is combined with a subfebrile temperature, the animal should be monitored. It is not necessary to achieve a drop in temperature, because the symptom may be the animal’s reaction to overheating, stress, or the fight against an infectious agent. In most situations, a dry nose or slightly elevated temperature goes away on its own.

If febrile T° is registered, the cat's skin and fur are slightly moistened, cold objects are applied to the groin or neck, and veterinary help is called. It is impossible to reduce the temperature with medications intended for humans - the effect of medications on cats and people is not the same.

Dry nose combined with hypothermia is an unpleasant symptom that warrants immediate contact with a veterinarian.

The health and well-being of a cat is evidenced by an excellent appetite and cheerful state. A hot nose in a cat often signals some kind of health problem, although not always. There are several conditions and situations when a healthy cat's nose becomes dry and warm. In order not to make a mistake and accurately determine whether everything is fine with the pet, you need to understand this issue more deeply.

A cat has a hot nose - reasons

If you find a hot nose on your cat, do not rush to panic. Probably the reason for this was something from this list:

  • the cat recently woke up– during sleep and immediately after, her nose remains warm and dry for some time;
  • the cat was stressed or was actively playing– a general increase in body temperature against this background also leads to heating of the nose;
  • dry air in the room– this problem is especially relevant in winter, when heating radiators are running, as well as in summer, when the air temperature is very high.

If the cat has no other signs of illness or illness, the condition of its mucous membrane and the outer surface of the nose will most likely return to normal after a short time. What does it mean if a cat has a hot nose for a long period of time (2-3 hours): there is probably a pathogenic bacillus in its body. In this case, pay close attention to see if your cat has any of the following signs, and if so, it’s time to see a veterinarian:

  • refusal to eat, loss of appetite, or vice versa – insatiable appetite and thirst;
  • high body temperature (above 40°C);
  • dyspnea;
  • runny nose, cough;
  • vomiting, constipation, diarrhea;
  • change in fur color, hair loss;
  • drowsiness, apathy, anxiety, aggressiveness.

Hot nose in a cat after giving birth

Childbirth for a cat, like for a person, is a stressful situation. On the day the contractions begin, the cat becomes restless, walks around the room a lot, periodically trying on the prepared place - the “nest”. At the same time, the rectal temperature decreases by a couple of degrees. As the pain intensifies, her pulse and breathing rate increase. It is quite expected that a cat's initially cool or warm nose will gradually become hot. After labor is over, she will need some time to recover, after which the temperature of her body, nose and ears will return to normal.

If something went wrong during the birth of the kittens, there was an infection in the uterus or you see excessive bloody discharge, most likely her nose will be dry. In this case, a hot nose in a giving birth cat will indicate a general rise in temperature due to inflammatory or other painful processes in the body. To help her, you will need to contact a specialist.

The cat has a hot nose and is sneezing

Colds do not bypass our furry friends. Dry mucous membranes are not able to trap pathogens that penetrate the nasal passages, causing a response - sneezing. When a cat has a warm nose and is sneezing and snorting, he most likely has developed a cold. Additional symptoms are decreased activity and appetite, and a general increase in body temperature. Although sometimes sneezing is a sign of a foreign body getting into the nose. Or it could be a symptom of an allergy, such as to the chemicals you use when cleaning.

The cat is lethargic, the nose is dry and hot

Cats, like people, can freeze during a walk during the cold season or simply catch a cold in a draft. If you see that the cat has a hot and dry nose, he himself has become lethargic and apathetic, his appetite has decreased, this indicates the presence of a cold, viral or infectious disease. A competent veterinarian will be able to more accurately determine the disease and prescribe treatment.

What does it mean if a cat has a hot nose and diarrhea?

The cat is shaking with small tremors and a hot nose

When a cat has a warm nose (and even hot) and this is accompanied by trembling, the following conditions may be the cause:

The cat has a hot nose and is breathing heavily

Often, heavy breathing in cats, as in people, is associated with inflammation of the mucous membrane inside the nose and narrowing of the nasal passages. This happens with colds. There are other cases when heavy breathing is accompanied by the fact that the cat has a hot and dry nose, what does this mean:

  • the animal probably has heart problems or pleurisy;
  • perhaps the cat is simply scared, he is stressed, accompanied by a rapid heartbeat and rapid breathing;
  • changes in breathing may be associated with overheating or hypothermia of the cat;
  • in the presence of infections and viruses, diseases of internal organs, difficulty breathing becomes one of the indirect signs;
  • with various injuries, especially if the chest is damaged, the animal’s breathing causes pain, it becomes heavy and uneven.

The cat has a hot nose and paws

We have thoroughly dealt with the question of why a cat has a warm nose. However, sometimes owners notice that their pet has hot paw pads and begin to panic. If we remember that cats have the only uncovered part of their body are their paws, and that their body temperature is normally 1-2 degrees higher than that of a human, then we can assume that in most cases the fears and fears of the owners are not well founded. It’s another matter if the animal’s general body temperature is higher than normal. Take a closer look at other symptoms of illness and, if necessary, contact a veterinarian.

Why does the cat have hot ears and nose?

When a cat has a warm, wet nose in combination with hot ears and this is not associated with banal overheating or stress, one of the following diseases can be suspected:

  • inflammation;
  • infection;
  • gastrointestinal disease;
  • otitis;
  • ear mite

Why does the kitten have a hot nose?

Kittens are very playful and active, they run, jump and play a lot. Because of this, it often happens that a kitten has a hot nose, and this is not at all a cause for concern. If you notice that his nose remains dry throughout the day, it’s time to start sounding the alarm. As a rule, in this case, on the second day, discharge appears from the nose - colorless or purulent. This is a sign of rhinitis - viral, allergic, bacterial or fungal. Sometimes the reason is a foreign body entering the nasal cavity or neoplasms in the sinuses and passages.

The cat has a hot nose - what to do?

If the cat has a hot nose and paw pads, and you do not have the opportunity to show your pet to a veterinarian, you can independently provide him with all possible help. Without harm to health, you can give your cat Arbidol for children. A kitten can be given 1/6 of the tablet, an adult cat - 1/4 or 1/2. This drug is a good immunostimulant and has anti-inflammatory and antiviral effects. If you urgently need to reduce the temperature, you need to give an injection into the withers by adding 0.2 ml of no-shpu, analgin and diphenhydramine to the spitz.

A hot nose in a cat can be a symptom not only of a cold, but also of a more serious illness, so at the first opportunity it is better to show the animal to a veterinarian for tests and clarification of the diagnosis. Remember that with a prolonged increase in temperature, the body experiences dehydration, which can lead to weakness and death.