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Mary's name day according to the church. When are Mary’s name days celebrated according to the church calendar: exact dates

When is Mary's name day according to the church calendar?: August 4 - Mary Magdalene, Equal to the Apostles, Myrrh-Bearer January 31, October 11 - Mary of Radonezh, schema-nun, mother of St. Sergius of Radonezh; on St. Sunday myrrh-bearing women - Mary of Bethany, sister of Lazarus of the Four Days; February 25 – Mary of Bithynia, venerable woman, who labored in male form.

Characteristics of the birthday boy Maria:

From the Hebrew language - bitter; according to other interpretations - excellent. In ancient texts the name was written using only consonants; in the 7th century. it began to be read in the Bible as Miriam, and in the Gospel as Miriam. Hence the Russian names - Marianna, Maryama, Maryana. Perhaps it comes from the Hebrew name Mariam, which, according to one version, comes from the root meaning “rejected”, according to another - from the word “sad”. Orthodox tradition translates the name as “mistress.” According to the third version, the name comes from the word “mrim” - “beloved”, “desired”; according to the fourth - from the word “mara” - “to refuse”, “to resist”.

Congratulations on Maria's name day:

Don't forget to celebrate Mary's name day and congratulate Mary on Angel's Day.

Maria is famous for her tenacity,

Both willpower and goodness.

On your name day - all toasts,

And warm wishes!

Let everything in life be beautiful -

I want to wish you.

Fate beautiful and happy

And never lose heart!

Manya, Marusya, Musya, Maria -

There is a lot of mash not only in Russia.

They have many saints in the Saints.

Today is a holiday in your honor only!

Our little Mashenka, congratulations to you

Happy birthday and wish you happiness!

There are many beauties around - you are the most beautiful of all!

Always be lovely, our Masha!

Be the smartest, most sincere, warm-hearted!

We will love you endlessly

We, like angels, will cherish forever,

Pray to God for Masha’s health.

Mary is the namesake of the mother of Christ,

May your path be the most excellent,

So that the bitter one does not smolder

Under the sky radiant and free.

And in Your hidden name

The man was comforted and protected.

Maria is one of the oldest female names. For many, it is associated with the name of the Mother of God. Therefore, many parents hope for heavenly protection for their child. Since the dates of Angel Mary's Day are quite common, it doesn't hurt to find out which one to refer to your own holiday.

What date is the day of the angel Mary?

According to the church calendar, holidays dedicated to the Virgin Mary are held quite often throughout the year. Most celebrations occur in the month of August. Name days are considered to be the day closest to the date of birth.

Angel Mary Day according to the church calendar:

  • January - 31.
  • February - 8, 19, 25.
  • April - 6, 14, 25.
  • May - 17.
  • August - 4, 22, 24, 28.
  • September - 21, 28.
  • October - 11.
  • November - 11.

Origin of the name

The name Mary comes from the Hebrew Mariam or Maryam. It is interpreted as serene, desirable, bitter, stubborn. Such different interpretations of the name are associated with disputes between scientists who cannot come to a common opinion. Some of them consider the name to be close to the designation of “outcast”, others - to “bitter”. In ancient times, the name Mary was popular among various religious believers. It was also worn by queens and empresses, and many other noble persons. But mostly Mary is associated with the Mother of Jesus Christ.

How is the day of an angel determined?

Since there are many name days of Mary in the church calendar, you need to know which of these days belongs to your personal holiday. To do this, you should find the nearest holiday date (after your birthday), which is dedicated to the memory of the Saint with the same name - this will be the name day. And the namesake in whose honor the holiday will be the heavenly patron. Name day is also called Angel Day. This designation came to us from ancient times, since the Saints were then called Angels.

How to celebrate Angel Mary's day?

On this day, the birthday person must visit church. But it is necessary to confess and receive communion in advance. In the evening, you can invite your family and friends for a festive dinner. If Mary’s name day falls on a fast day, then the table should have the appropriate products. A holiday that falls on a weekday during Lent is moved to a weekend. The best gift on this day will be a gift for the development of the spirituality of the birthday person. This could be: an icon, a prayer, candles.

Maria in childhood

A girl with this name grows up as an easy-going and affectionate child. She loves her parents and tries not to upset them. But if this happened, then she makes amends for her offense in every possible way. Maria is a good housewife who diligently creates comfort in the house. Sometimes she can be stubborn, but only if there are good reasons for this. But it’s not difficult to convince her. She is quite inquisitive and loves to read. Maria is attracted to the unsolved mysteries of the world.

Masha is most often an excellent student. She has a developed sense of responsibility, she is careful and conscientious. Her favorite school subjects are literature, geography, biology, and in high school - astronomy. Most often she is very talented, she can dance, draw or sing beautifully. But at the same time, Maria does not like increased attention. Nature endowed her with modesty and tact. She carries out any assignment without problems and will always help other people. Maria is not capable of offending or being rude to a person, but will actively resist any injustice. Her classmates love and respect her for her cheerful character and ease of communication.

Maria in adulthood

In adulthood, Maria is distinguished by her stubbornness and ability to defend her opinion. She brings to its logical conclusion any task that she takes on with pleasure. Her feelings guide her actions, which is why she often does them thoughtlessly. But since she is inclined to learn from her mistakes, they become a lesson for her. At work, Masha develops friendly relationships in the team. Colleagues appreciate her for her rigor and increased responsibility.

Mary is capable of compassion, even if she has hostility towards a person. As a rule, she is an indispensable employee in work activities that are directly related to a person. These could be professions such as doctor, teacher, psychologist. She uses her talents in life, trying to benefit people.

Maria in different areas of life

It's hard to imagine a better friend. Maria is always ready to listen and support a person; the doors of her house are open around the clock. She is always ready to help people. Masha always strives to understand another person after listening to him. She will never judge and will keep any secret secret. The girl has a developed sense of self-sacrifice.

Maria is a beautiful and interesting woman. She is always surrounded by male attention. But her romances are fleeting, because the girl is very amorous. She finds her other half after a long time. Her chosen one has the following qualities: kindness, reliability and openness.

Almost always the choice of the chosen one is successful. Marriage completely changes her life. When a family appears, Maria devotes herself to it. She showers her family with a stream of love and care. She makes an excellent housewife, affectionate mother and faithful wife. For the good of the family, Masha will withstand any test. The family life of women with this name most often develops successfully.

So, Maria is endowed with talents, has an easy-going character and makes an excellent housewife and wife. Girls with this name know how to be friends and get along with the team at work. Mash has quite a few name days a year. Therefore, in order to find out which day will be your own holiday, you need to find in the church calendar the closest one after your birthday, which is dedicated to the Saint with the same name.

The name Mary, without a shadow of guile, can be called not only one of the most ancient and revered, but also one of the most widespread in many cultures of the world. When giving such a name to their baby, parents subconsciously want its significance to have the most beneficial impact on the child’s fate. After all, this is the name that many outstanding women have had throughout time. I immediately remember Mary - the mother of Christ, the Most Holy Theotokos, to whom all women pray, asking for help and intercession. And how many queens, queens and empresses bore this proud name! And also outstanding figures of science, art, politics, and public figures. What meaning did the ancients put into this name?

Meaning of the name Maria

This proud name has Hebrew origins and is interpreted by the science of names (onomastics) as “bitter”, “stubborn”. But also in the same way as “desired”, “beloved”, “mistress”. The name Maria, controlling the fate of its mistress, endows her with such traits as kindness and decency, reliability and humanity. The owners of this sonorous name have an inexhaustible supply of tenderness and love; they are always ready to help the weak and those in trouble. At the same time with such “tender” qualities, Marys have a strong character, sometimes even tough, and can stand up for themselves.

Maria's name day

And now about the name day. Name day is a celebration of a name. By choosing this biblical name for your baby and turning to the calendar, you can see that Mary’s name day is celebrated several times a year (January 31; February 8, 19 and 25; March 2; April 14, 21 and 25; May 17 and 19; 5 , 11, 15, 17, 20, 22 and 24 June; 2 and 25 July; 4, 22, 24 and 28; 8, 21 and 28 September; 11 October and 11 November). But, there are “big” name days or main and “small” name days. So, the “big” name days of Mary (their date) according to the church calendar are defined as the day of veneration of any Saint Mary, closest to the physical date of birth of the child. For example, a girl was born on September 20, then the main name day is celebrated on September 21. Sometimes this day is also called the day of the angel's name, in this case Mary. But it should not be confused with Guardian Angel Day! On this day you can arrange a family celebration, go to church, especially since the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary is also celebrated on this day. And the remaining days of veneration of saints with the name Maria are “small” name days.

Day Angel

But the day of the Angel for Mary is the day of acceptance. It is this date that is considered the day when a Guardian Angel is sent from above Mary. Nobody knows his name, but he will protect Mashenka from hardships and adversity all his life. Do not forget to go to the temple on this day and thank your heavenly guardian.

    Depending on when the person was baptized with the name Mary. In modern realities, this is the closest date after the girl’s date of birth. This is either September 21 (Mother of God), or October 11 (Mary of Radonezh), or April 14 (Mary of Egypt), or May 17 or August 4 in honor of Mary Magdalene.

    Maria was lucky with her name days; there are a lot of them, almost every month and for several days.

    in February name days fall on the 8th and 19th,

    in March on the 25th and 28th,

    in April on the 2nd and 14th,

    in May on the 17th,

    in July on the 2nd and 25th,

    in August 4, 22, 24,

    in September 21st and 28th,

    in October 11, 13

    and in November the name day is on the 11th.

    Angel or name day, or namesake day, is celebrated on the nearest date after the birth of a girl in honor of the saint after whom she is named. For example, on January 31, Maria of Rodonezh is a schema-nun, and on June 20, Maria of Caesarea (Palestinian).

    Mary is a biblical name, and therefore Mary has a name day in the year, perhaps more than any other name.

    Below is a complete list of all Mary’s name days, and to find out whether a particular day is revered by the church as a holiday, you need to refer to the church calendar.

    The name Mary in Hebrew means great, lady.

    Angel's Day or Mary's name day can be celebrated on a large number of days a year. Let me remind you that only the Angel Day that is closest to the person’s birthday is celebrated.

    So, name day (Angel Day) of Mary:

    Mary celebrates her name day many times a year, therefore, each individual Mary looks at the closest name day date to her birth. This is the number that will be her name day. Full list http://idrp.ru/imeniny-marii-lib811/

    Maria is a very common and beautiful name.

    Girls named Maria celebrate name days several times a year:

    It's Maria's birthday. Angel Mary Day on the calendar

    (the days of remembrance of the new martyrs are marked with an asterisk with the letter N)

    • 8th day of January - memory of Maria (last name Laktionova) N*;
    • The 12th day of January is the memory of Maria (named Danilov) N*;
    • The 31st day of January is the memory of Mary of Radonezh (this is the mother of St. Sergius of Radonezh, she was a schema-nun);
    • The 8th day of February is the memory of the Venerable Mary of Constantinople (Palestinian);
    • The 19th day of February is the memory of the martyr Mary of Asia (who was a virgin during her lifetime);
    • The 25th day of February is the memory of the Venerable Mary of Bithynia (she labored in the form of a man);
    • 2nd day of March - memory of Mariamne (Mary);
    • The 20th day of March is the memory of the Venerable Martyr Mary (by the name of Grosheva, she was a nun) N*;
    • The 2nd day of April is the memory of the martyr Mary;
    • The 6th day of April is the memory of the Venerable Mary of Egypt (moves to the fifth week of Lent);
    • The 14th day of April is the memory of the Venerable Mary of Egypt;
    • The 17th day of April is the memory of the Venerable Martyr Mary (by the name of Lelyanova, she was a nun) N*;
    • The 25th day of April is the memory of Mary of Bethany (she was the sister of Lazarus the Four-Days);
    • The 4th of May is the memory of Mary of Bethany; Mary of Cleophas, Jacob, Josiah (myrrh-bearing wife); Equal to the Apostles Mary Magdalene (myrrh-bearing wife) (moves to the week of the holy myrrh-bearing women);
    • The 10th day of the month of May is the memory of the Venerable Martyr Mary (by the name of Nosova, she was a novice) N*;
    • The 17th day of May is the memory of Equal-to-the-Apostles Mary Magdalene (myrrh-bearing wife);
    • The 5th day of June is the memory of Mary of Cleopas, Jacob, Josiah (myrrh-bearing wife);
    • The 11th day of June is the memory of Maria Ustyug; righteous Mary (who was a virgin during her lifetime);
    • The 15th day of June is the memory of the martyr Mary;
    • The 17th day of June is the memory of Mary of Bethany;
    • The 20th day of June is the memory of the martyr Mary of Caesarea (Palestinian);
    • The 22nd day of June is the memory of the martyr Mary of Persia;
    • The 24th of June is the memory of the martyr Mary of Pergamon;
    • The 2nd day of July is the memory of Mary (Josiev’s mother);
    • The 17th day of July is the memory of the passion-bearer Maria (by the name of Romanova, the former Grand Duchess) N*;
    • The 25th day of July is the memory of the holy martyr confessor Golindukha (baptized Mary) of Persia;
    • The 4th of August is the memory of Mary Magdalene;
    • The 18th day of August is the memory of the martyr Maria N*;
    • The 22nd day of August is the memory of the martyr Mary of Constantinople (she was a patrician);
    • The 24th day of August is the memory of the holy martyr Maria Synklitikia;
    • The 28th day of August is the memory of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Mother of God (Day of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary);
    • The 8th day of September is the memory of Christ for the sake of the holy fool Maria Diveevskaya (named Fedina);
    • The 21st day of September is the memory of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Mother of God (Feast of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary);
    • The 28th day of September is the memory of the Venerable Martyr Mary (by the name of Rykova, she was a nun) N*; Venerable Mary of Yegis;
    • The 2nd day of October is the memory of the Venerable Martyr Mary (named Mamontov-Shashina) N*;
    • The 11th day of October is the memory of schema-nun Maria of Radonezh, (mother of St. Sergius of Radonezh);
    • The 21st day of October is the memory of the martyr Maria (named Volnukhin) N*;
    • The 11th day of November is the memory of the Venerable Maria of Khidanskaya;
    • The 15th day of December is the memory of the martyr Mary (surname Dmitrievskaya) N*; Venerable Martyr Mary; (by the name of Zhuravleva) N*; Venerable Martyr Mary (surname Tseitlin) N*.
  • I know that Mary has many name days a year, for example, in January it is the 31st, in February - 8, 19 and 25, in March - 2, in April - 2, 14 and 21, in May - 17 and 19, in June - immediately from days: 5, 11, 15, 17, 20, 22, 24, in August - 22, in September - 8, in October - 11, in November - 11, in December - none.

    Girls with the beautiful names Maria, if they wish, can celebrate their angel day very often, I suggest you familiarize yourself with the full list of these dates, here is their complete list, the old style dates are indicated in brackets:

    The owner of the Hebrew name Maria has many days a year when she can celebrate her name day in honor of some saint.

    Name day dates for Maria (old style dates in brackets):

    • January 31 (18);
    • February 8 (January 26);
    • February 25 (12);
    • April 2 (March 20);
    • April 14 (1);
    • On the fifth Sunday of Great Lent (movable celebration);
    • June 5 (May 23);
    • June 11 (May 29);
    • June 15 (2);
    • June 17 (4);
    • June 22 (9);
    • June 24 (11);
    • July 2 (June 19);
    • July 25 (12);
    • August 4 (July 22);
    • August 22 (9);
    • August 24 (11);
    • September 28 (15);
    • November 11 (October 29) Righteous Mary, niece of the Monk Abramius, the recluse.
    • January 19 (6);
    • February 8 (January 26);
    • July 17 (4);
    • September 8 (August 26).

    In honor of whom a particular day is celebrated, you can see

Mary - Hebrew Miryam - bitterness, sadness.

Mary's name day according to the church calendar:

  • January 31:
  • February 8:Mary of Constantinople, Palestine, St.
  • February 19:Mary of Asia, mts., virgin
  • 25 February:Mary of Bithynia, Venerable [venerable woman who labored in male form]
  • 2nd of March:Mariamne (Mary)
  • April 2:Maria, MC.
  • April 6:Mary of Egypt, St.. Moved: on the 5th Sunday of Great Lent
  • 14th of April:Mary of Egypt, St.
  • 25th of April:
  • May 4th:Maria Vifanskaya. [sister of Lazarus the Four-Dayed]; Maria Kleopova, Jacobleva, Iosieva. [myrrh-bearer]; Mary Magdalene, Equal to the Apostles. [myrrh-bearer]. Movable: on St. Sunday myrrh-bearing women
  • May 17:
  • June 5:Maria Kleopova, Jacobleva, Iosieva. [myrrh-bearer]
  • June 11:Maria Ustyugskaya; Mary, virgin
  • June 15:Maria, MC.
  • June 17:Maria Vifanskaya. [sister of Lazarus the Fourth Day]
  • June 20:Mary of Caesarea (Palestinian), mc.
  • 22nd of June:Mary of Persia, MC.
  • June 24:Maria of Pergamon, MC.
  • July 2:Maria. [mother of Joseph]
  • July 25:Golindukha (baptized Maria) Persian, confessor
  • August 4:Mary Magdalene, Equal to the Apostles. [myrrh-bearer]
  • August 22:Maria of Constantinople, MC., patrician
  • 24 August:Maria synclitikia
  • August 28:Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of God. [Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary]
  • 8 September:Maria Diveevskaya (Fedina), Fool for Christ's sake
  • September 21:Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of God. [Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary]
  • September 28:Maria Yegisskaya, St.
  • October 11:Maria of Radonezh, schema-nun. [mother of St. Sergius of Radonezh]
  • 11th of November:Maria Khidanskaya, St.

Characteristics of the name Maria

Maria grows up to be an easy-going, friendly, affectionate girl. She treats her parents with tenderness and tries not to upset them. If this does happen, then Maria sincerely repents and tries with all her might to make amends for her actions. She is an irreplaceable assistant in the house, always anticipates her mother's requests, diligently puts things in order and maintains comfort. Sometimes Mary can become stubborn, but there must be a good reason for this. It's not difficult to convince her. Maria is a very inquisitive girl who enjoys reading and listening to stories. She is interested in the secrets of the world, everything unknown and unsolved by man.

Maria is an excellent student, most often she is an excellent student. She is neat, responsible, and very conscientious. Most of all, Maria likes literature, biology, geography, and later astronomy. She is endowed with various talents: she draws well, sings, dances, often writes poetry - but she does not like to stand out. Natural modesty and tact are her hallmarks. Maria will readily carry out any assignment and help her classmates. She will never be rude or offend a person, but will rebel against any injustice. Maria is loved in the class: she is cheerful, generous and pleasant to talk to.

The adult Maria is distinguished by a fair amount of stubbornness, which she mainly directs towards defending her opinion. She is extremely hardworking, not afraid of difficulties, takes on any task and persistently brings it to the end. In her actions, Maria is guided by feelings. Emotions sometimes overwhelm her so much that she makes mistakes, commits rash acts, and becomes disappointed in people. However, Maria is able to admit her mistakes and learn from them. She takes her job very seriously. Maria is friendly towards her work colleagues, and she is usually valued for her responsibility and rigor. Maria is sensitive to the misfortune of others and is able to forget about hostility towards a person, compassionate with him with all her heart. She will be an indispensable worker in all areas affecting humans: doctor, teacher, psychologist, social worker, public figure, philosopher. Maria could devote herself to a creative profession, but more often she forgets about her own talents, striving to be useful to people.

Maria is the best friend anyone could wish for. Her house is open at any time of the day or night, she will rush to help at the first call. Maria knows how to patiently listen to a person, tries to understand and not judge him. She sacredly keeps someone else's secret. For the sake of loved ones, Maria is capable of self-sacrifice.

Maria is a very attractive and interesting woman. She has no shortage of fans. She is extremely amorous, one of her romances is immediately replaced by another. Maria has been looking for her only chosen one for quite a long time; she appreciates the spiritual qualities of a man: kindness, sincerity, reliability.

Maria's choice is almost always successful. Marriage is a turning point in her life. From now on, she will devote her entire being to her family. Marina's care for her loved ones is boundless, her love for her children and husband overwhelms her. She will become a magnificent housewife, a devoted wife and the most tender mother. For the sake of her family, Maria will endure any hardships in life. Usually her marriage goes well.

The main features of this name: kindness, hard work, sacrifice.

Other materials about the name Maria: