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Instructions for use of vaginal and rectal suppositories Genferon - composition, side effects and analogues. Medicine "Genferon": suppositories Genferon Light - instructions for use

Active ingredients

- interferon alfa-2b (interferon alfa-2b)

Release form, composition and packaging

5 pieces. - contour cellular packaging (1) - cardboard packs.
5 pieces. - contour cell packaging (2) - cardboard packs.

pharmachologic effect

Genferon Light is a combination drug, the effect of which is determined by the components included in its composition. Has local and systemic effects. The composition of the drug Genferon Light includes recombinant human interferon alpha-2b, produced by a strain of the bacterium Escherichia coli, into which the human interferon alpha-2b gene was introduced using genetic engineering methods.

Taurine helps normalize metabolic processes and tissue regeneration, has membrane-stabilizing and immunomodulatory effects. Being a strong antioxidant, taurine directly interacts with reactive oxygen species, the excessive accumulation of which contributes to the development of pathological processes. Taurine helps maintain the biological activity of interferon, enhancing the therapeutic effect of the drug.


With rectal administration of the drug, high bioavailability (more than 80%) of interferon is observed, and therefore both local and pronounced systemic immunomodulatory effects are achieved; when used intravaginally, due to the high concentration at the site of infection and fixation on the cells of the mucous membrane, a pronounced local antiviral, antiproliferative and antibacterial effect is achieved, while the systemic effect is insignificant due to the low absorption capacity of the vaginal mucosa. The maximum concentration of interferon in the blood serum is achieved 5 hours after administration of the drug. The main route of excretion of interferon-α is renal catabolism. The half-life is 12 hours, which necessitates the use of the drug 2 times a day.


  • as a component of complex therapy - for the treatment of acute respiratory viral infections and other infectious diseases of bacterial and viral etiology in children;
  • for the treatment of infectious and inflammatory diseases of the urogenital tract in children and women, including pregnant women.


  • individual intolerance to interferon and other substances,
    included in the drug;
  • 1st trimester of pregnancy.

Carefully: exacerbation of allergic and autoimmune diseases.


The drug can be used both vaginally and rectally. The route of administration, dose and course duration depend on age, the specific clinical situation and are determined by the attending physician.

U adults and children over 7 years old Light is used at a dose of 250,000 IU interferon alpha-2b per suppository. In children under 7 years of age It is safe to use the drug at a dose of 125,000 IU interferon alfa-2b per suppository. In women who are 13-40 weeks pregnant, the drug is used in a dose of 250,000 ME interferon alfa-2b per suppository.

Acute respiratory viral infections and other acute diseases of a viral nature in children: 1 suppository rectally 2 times a day with a 12-hour interval parallel to the main therapy for 5 days. If symptoms persist, the course of treatment is repeated after a 5-day interval.

Chronic infectious and inflammatory diseases of viral etiology in children: 1 suppository rectally 2 times a day with a 12-hour interval in parallel with standard therapy for 10 days. Then for 1-3 months - 1 suppository rectally at night every other day.

Acute infectious and inflammatory diseases of the urogenital tract in children: 1 suppository rectally 2 times a day with a 12-hour interval for 10 days.

Infectious and inflammatory diseases of the urogenital tract in pregnant women: 1 suppository vaginally 2 times a day with a 12-hour interval for 10 days.

Infectious and inflammatory diseases of the urogenital tract in women: 1 suppository (250,000 IU) vaginally or rectally (depending on the nature of the disease) 2 times a day with a 12-hour interval for 10 days. For prolonged forms, 1 suppository 3 times a week, every other day, for 1-3 months.

Side effects

The drug is well tolerated by patients. Local allergic reactions (itching and burning sensation in the vagina) are possible. These phenomena are reversible and disappear within 72 hours after cessation of administration. Continuation of treatment is possible after consultation with a doctor.

To date, no severe or life-threatening side effects have been observed. Phenomena that occur with the use of all types of interferon alpha-2b, such as chills, fever, fatigue, loss of appetite, muscle and headaches, joint pain, sweating, as well as leukemia and thrombocytopenia, may be observed, but they occur more often when exceeding daily dose over 10,000,000 IU. In these cases, it is recommended to consult your doctor to decide whether to discontinue the drug or reduce the dose.

As with any other interferon alpha drug, and in case of fever after its administration, a single dose of 500-1000 mg for adults and 250 mg for children is possible.


Cases of overdose of Genferon Light have not been registered. If you accidentally administer more suppositories at a time than were prescribed by your doctor, further administration should be suspended for 24 hours, after which treatment can be resumed according to the prescribed regimen.

Drug interactions

Genferon Light is most effective as a component of complex therapy. When combined with antibacterial, fungicidal and antiviral drugs, mutual potentiation of action is observed, which makes it possible to achieve a high total therapeutic effect.

special instructions

Genferon Light does not affect the performance of potentially hazardous activities that require special attention and quick reactions (driving vehicles, machinery, etc.).

Storage conditions and periods

At temperatures from 2 to 8°C. Keep out of the reach of children. Shelf life - 2 years.


The drug belongs to the category of immunomodulators and at the same time has an antibacterial effect. The use of the drug is justified in the presence of various inflammatory pathologies caused by a number of pathogenic bacteria. Often, Genferon suppositories are used to treat the genitourinary tract (thrush, cystitis, prostatitis, genital herpes), which eliminates not only the symptoms of the disease, but also the cause of inflammation.

Genferon suppositories - instructions for use

The medication is an immunomodulatory complex of substances that has an antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effect. As a rule, Genferon is used to treat diseases of the genitourinary system in men and women. The antiviral effect of the drug extends to a significant group of pathogenic microorganisms - bacteria, viruses, fungi, etc. The immunomodulatory effect of suppositories is manifested due to the activation of immune defense components, ensuring the destruction of long-living bacteria that provoke chronic inflammation.

The components of the drug provide systemic and local action, activating certain elements of the immune system that act in the blood and on the mucous membranes. When administered rectally, a systemic effect is achieved, making it possible to treat bacterial and viral diseases of the respiratory system with Genferon or provide prevention of many other pathologies by activating immune cells and generally strengthening the body's protective properties.


The main component of the drug is human interferon alpha 2B; in the drug it can be in a dosage of 250, 500 thousand or 1000 000 IU. Other active substances in the medication are:

  • aminosulfonic acid (0.01 g);
  • benzocaine or anesthesin (0.055 g).

Since the active components require a special environment for rapid penetration into the circulatory system and fixation on the mucous membrane of the vagina or rectum, the basis of the drug is solid fat. All active substances and other auxiliary components are evenly distributed in it, which include:

  • emulsifier T2;
  • dextran 60 thousand;
  • sodium hydrogen citrate;
  • macrogol 1500;
  • lemon acid;
  • purified water;
  • polysorbate 80.

Release form

The medication is presented as suppositories for rectal or vaginal use. The shape of the suppositories resembles a white cylinder with a sharp end. The internal structure of the candles is homogeneous; the section shows an air core or a small funnel-shaped depression. The drug is available in packages of 10 or 5 suppositories, depending on the dose of interferon, it is divided into 3 types:

  • Genferon 250000;
  • Genferon 500000;
  • Genferon 1000000.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

The introduction of suppositories into the rectum ensures close contact of the mucous membrane with the drug, due to which the active components of rectal suppositories are absorbed into the bloodstream by 80%. The maximum concentration of interferon and other active substances in the blood is observed 5 hours after using Genferon. Good absorption of the drug provides both local and systemic therapeutic effects.

With vaginal use of suppositories, the maximum local therapeutic effect is achieved, which is due to the accumulation of most of the drug in the foci of infection. The vaginal mucosa cannot provide high absorption, therefore, in this case, the penetration of the active substances of Genferon into the blood is minimal. The drug undergoes breakdown into metabolites, after which it is eliminated in the urine within 12 hours.

Genferon suppositories - indications for use

The systemic immunomodulatory drug has a wide spectrum of action: it has found application in the complex treatment of various infections of the genitourinary system in women and men. In addition, Genferon is used both as an independent drug and as part of complex treatment with other medications and techniques. Interferon suppositories are indicated for the treatment of HPV and for the following diseases:

  • vaginal candidiasis;
  • herpes viruses;
  • chlamydia;
  • mycoplasmosis;
  • vulvar candidiasis;
  • ureaplasmosis;
  • adnexitis;
  • viral hepatitis;
  • trichomoniasis;
  • cervical erosion;
  • bartholinitis;
  • vaginosis;
  • cervicitis;
  • gardnerellosis;
  • urethritis;
  • inflammation of the prostate gland;
  • other sexually transmitted infections and urogenital diseases.


The use of suppositories is prohibited if you have an allergic reaction or sensitivity to certain components of the medication. In addition, conditional contraindications to the drug, which you should definitely tell your doctor about, are:

  • autoimmune pathologies;
  • early pregnancy (first trimester);
  • children's age (up to 7 years);
  • allergies in the acute stage.

Directions for use and dosage

Suppositories with recombinant interferon are administered vaginally or rectally, depending on the specifics of the disease and the gender of the patient. Genferon completely dissolves in contact with the rectal or vaginal mucosa without causing discomfort. With vaginal administration, a more pronounced local effect is achieved, with rectal administration, a systemic effect is ensured. The latter type of drug can even be prescribed for the treatment of acute respiratory viral infections or other infectious pathologies of various localizations.

Vaginal suppositories Genferon

In gynecology and for inflammatory pathologies, up to the age of 7 years, the drug is prescribed in a dosage of 125,000 IU. For adults and children over seven years of age, vaginal suppositories are prescribed in individual dosages, depending on the severity of the disease and its clinical manifestations. For bacterial infections in the urogenital tract, doctors recommend suppositories at a dosage of 250-500 thousand IU once a day. In this case, the duration of therapy, as a rule, does not exceed 10 days.

If Genferon is used as a local anesthetic and anti-inflammatory agent for the treatment of cervical erosion or other disease, then in gynecology it is prescribed in the following scheme: 1 suppository of 500 thousand IU at night vaginally and 1,000,000 IU rectally. For a chronic disease, three-month therapy is prescribed, which involves inserting suppositories into the vagina 3 times a week.

Rectal administration

With this type of use, suppositories allow the active substance to enter directly into the intestines and then into the blood. Genferon is administered rectally for the most effective treatment of inflammation of various locations and for the treatment of male genital infections. In case of prolonged infectious processes in women, the drug is administered rectally, 1 suppository every second day for 1-3 months. For the treatment of men, suppositories are prescribed rectally in a dosage of 500 thousand or 1 million IU, while the scheme of use remains the same.

Pediatricians prescribe Genferon Light to children, the instructions for which imply the following treatment regimen:

  • for viral infections - 2 suppositories rectally with an interval of 12 hours (therapy lasts 5 days, then there is a break for 5 days and the treatment is repeated);
  • for chronic viral infections, Genferon is administered rectally to the child every other day at night (the course is 1-3 months).

Side effects

According to reviews, negative effects rarely develop with the use of the medication. As a rule, they manifest themselves as allergic reactions and are expressed by a feeling of burning or itching in the rectum or vagina. Such side effects go away on their own within a few days after stopping the medication. If you experience such symptoms, doctors advise reducing the dosage. It is extremely rare for patients who have been prescribed suppository treatment to experience the following negative effects:

  • chills;
  • headache;
  • myalgia (muscle pain);
  • increased sweat secretion;
  • loss of appetite;
  • joint pain;
  • fatigue;
  • decrease in the number of leukocytes.


Cases of an overabundance of the active substances of Genferon in the body and the occurrence of negative consequences associated with this have not been registered to date.

special instructions

The drug has mostly good reviews, which are due to the high effectiveness of Genferon. This remedy is often used by people who have suffered from chronic diseases of the reproductive or urinary systems for a long time. Suppositories do not affect the nervous system, so during therapy a person can engage in any work, including those associated with increased concentration.

During pregnancy

The medicine is safe during pregnancy from 13 to 40 weeks, as well as for nursing women (the optimal dosage is 250,000 IU). The decision to treat pregnant women with the drug should be made taking into account the expected benefits and possible risks. If the doctor sees the need to use suppositories during lactation, it is better to temporarily transfer the child to artificial nutrition. Treatment with Genferon for women in the early stages of pregnancy (up to 12 weeks) is extremely undesirable, since there is no objective data on the effect of the medication on the fetus.

In childhood

Suppositories are used as an antiviral agent for the treatment of acute respiratory viral infections and inflammation of the genitourinary system. However, the drug for children should be used with caution and only in cases where the expected benefits outweigh the risks. Therapy for pathology of the genital organs and urinary system in children involves a 10-day course of rectal administration of 1 suppository 2 times a day. In this case, the use of Genferon should be combined with taking a vitamin complex that contains vitamins C and A.

Interaction with antibiotics

Combining Genferon with drugs that have antibacterial activity or antiseptics leads to increased effectiveness of treatment of infectious and inflammatory pathologies of the genitourinary system. If the temperature rises after using suppositories, a single dose of paracetamol is recommended at a dose of 500-1000 mg.

Alcohol compatibility

The instructions for the medication do not contain information about the consequences of simultaneous use of Genferon with alcohol. However, since the drug is often prescribed as part of complex therapy, it is worth focusing on the compatibility of other drugs with ethanol. Doctors do not advise combining alcohol with suppositories, since in this case the load on the liver increases (immunomodulators activate metabolism and remove waste products from the body, thereby loading the organ, and alcohol will add extra work to the liver).

Drug interactions

The simultaneous use of suppositories with vitamins C and E accelerates the effect of the active components of the medication. As part of complex treatment, the drug is prescribed with other antimicrobial agents or antibiotics. Genferon goes well with Terzhinan vaginal suppositories containing nystatin and the antibacterial substance neomycin sulfate. This set of drugs is used in gynecology for the treatment of cystitis, thrush, and other pathologies of the genitourinary tract. Genferon is also combined with Hexicon to quickly eliminate various infections and to increase immunity.

Terms of sale and storage

It is recommended to store the medicine in the refrigerator at a temperature of no lower than 2 degrees and no higher than 8 degrees. Suppositories should be kept away from children. The shelf life of the drug is no more than 2 years from the date of release.


In a pharmacy you can easily find an analogue of Genferon, which will have a similar composition and have a similar effect, but may differ greatly in price. Recombinant interferon contains the following drugs:

  • Kipferon (composition completely similar to Genferon);
  • Viferon (additionally contains vitamin C and E).

Price for Genferon

Suppositories can be purchased at a pharmacy or online without a prescription. At the same time, the cost of the medicine can vary greatly, which is associated with the size of the trade markup, transportation costs and other factors. Since the medicine is produced only by Biocad, there is no difference between cheaper or more expensive suppositories. The table shows how much the antiviral drug costs.


  • Ingavirin
  • IRS 19
  • Kipferon
  • Nomides
  • Among the medications that affect the child’s immune system, Genferon Light is quite popular. At what age is this medicine prescribed in suppositories, how exactly does it affect the immunity of children and is it used for prevention?

    Release form

    One package of Genferon Light includes 5 or 10 rectal/vaginal suppositories. They have a cylindrical shape and a pointed end. The color of the candles is white, but the drug may also have a yellow tint. Usually the structure of the medicine is homogeneous, but inside there may be a funnel-shaped depression or an air rod.

    The drug is also available in liquid form, which is a nasal spray. One dose of this medicine contains 50,000 IU of the active ingredient, and the bottle contains 100 doses. There is also a medicine called Genferon, but it differs from the drugs Genferon Light both in composition (it contains benzocaine) and in the concentration of interferon, so it is not used in children under 7 years of age.


    The composition of the candles includes two active components. One of them is alpha-2B interferon. One suppository can contain either 125,000 IU or 250,000 IU. The second ingredient is taurine. Regardless of the dosage of interferon, it is presented in the medicine in an amount of 5 mg per suppository.

    Among the excipients of the drug you can see purified water, solid fats, citric acid and T2 emulsifier. The medicine also contains substances such as polysorbate 80, macrogol 1500 and dextran 60000. All these components are added during manufacture to produce suppositories weighing 0.8 g.

    Operating principle

    The medication is a drug with an immunomodulatory effect. In this case, the medicine affects both locally and systemically, since more than 80% of the interferon from the suppositories is absorbed and enters the bloodstream. The maximum concentration of this substance in the serum is determined approximately 5 hours after rectal administration of the drug, and its half-life occurs within 12 hours.

    Let's listen to the doctor's opinion about the Genferon Light suppositories.

    Due to the presence of interferon in the composition, suppositories have antiviral and antibacterial effects. Their use activates some enzymes inside cells, which will result in inhibition of viral reproduction.

    The use of suppositories also affects the activity of phagocytosis and macrophages. In addition, leukocytes activated under the influence of interferon quickly eliminate pathological foci in the mucous membrane, and the production of IgA is restored.

    The second component of the medicine - taurine - normalizes metabolic processes and promotes tissue restoration. This substance has the ability to stabilize membranes and have an antioxidant effect. In addition, it supports the biological activity of interferon, due to which the therapeutic effect of suppositories is further enhanced.


    Genferon Light is prescribed to a child:

    • For the treatment of infections of the genitourinary system.
    • As one of the drugs for the complex treatment of ARVI, as well as other viral or bacterial infections, for example, meningitis, pneumonia, pyelonephritis, herpes.

    At what age is it allowed to take it?

    The use of Genferon Light suppositories in children is possible from birth, even with prematurity. At the same time, for the youngest patients the drug is prescribed at a dosage of 125,000 IU, which is often called children's dosage. Medicine with 250,000 IU, like Genferon suppositories with the same dosage, can be used from 7 years of age. The spray form is not prescribed to children under 14 years of age. In addition, vaginal administration of the medication in suppositories is not recommended for those under 14 years of age.


    The medicine should not be used if a small patient is intolerant to taurine, interferon or other ingredients of suppositories. The manufacturer does not indicate any other contraindications to the use of the medication, however, in case of autoimmune diseases or allergies, the use of Genferon Light requires caution and consultation with a specialist.

    Side effects

    The use of Genferon Light may provoke an allergic reaction, such as burning or itching. Such negative symptoms are usually reversible, and once treatment is stopped, they completely disappear within a few days.

    In rare cases, treatment may cause fatigue, chills, headaches, sweating, fever and other symptoms. If they occur, it is advised to stop administering suppositories and consult a doctor about reducing the single dosage or replacing it with another medication. If the child has a fever after the administration of the suppository, a single dose of 250 mg of paracetamol is prescribed.

    Instructions for use

    According to the annotation, the suppository can be either inserted into the rectum or used vaginally. The dosage, method of administration and duration of therapy in each case is determined by the doctor individually. In this case, the following schemes are most often used:

    • Children under 7 years of age are usually prescribed suppositories with a dosage of 125,000 IU of interferon in one piece. This is a single dose of the drug.
    • At the age of over 7 years, a medicine with a higher concentration of interferon is used - 250,000 IU in 1 suppository.
    • If a child has ARVI or another acute viral disease, the medicine is administered into the rectum twice a day (there should be a 12-hour interval between applications). Treatment is prescribed for 5 days, and if the symptoms of the disease still persist, the course can be repeated after a five-day break.
    • If suppositories are prescribed to a child with chronic viral pathology, as an addition to other medications, then they are used twice a day for a 10-day course, after which they switch to a single use (the suppository is administered rectally before bedtime) every other day.
    • For children with urogenital infections, Genferon Light is prescribed for a course of 10 days. In this case, the suppository is inserted into the rectum twice a day with a pause of 12 hours.

    To learn how to insert a suppository, see the following video.


    The manufacturer has no data on the negative effects of high doses of Genferon. If by chance more suppositories were introduced into the rectum than the pediatrician prescribed, you should take a break for 24 hours. After a day, therapy can be continued according to the regimen recommended by the doctor.

    Interaction with other drugs

    Suppositories are often prescribed as one of the drugs for the comprehensive treatment of the disease, so Genferon Light can be combined with antiviral, antifungal and antibacterial drugs. It has been noted that in such a combination, medications enhance each other’s effects.

    Terms of sale

    To buy a package of suppositories with an interferon concentration of 250,000 IU in a pharmacy, you first need to get a prescription from a doctor. But a drug with a lower dosage, containing 125,000 IU of interferon in one suppository, is an over-the-counter product. The average price of a pack of 10 suppositories of 125,000 IU of the active compound is 270-340 rubles, and a drug with a higher concentration of interferon is 380-420 rubles.

    Storage conditions and shelf life

    The recommended temperature conditions for storing Genferon Light candles at home are in the range from +2 to +8 degrees Celsius, that is, the medication should be kept in the refrigerator. If the drug has expired (it is 2 years), then it is unacceptable to use it to treat a child.

    Surely every mother has encountered colds in her infants. If treatment is not started promptly, a common cold can develop into a serious illness. It is for this purpose that many pediatricians recommend treatment with the drug "Genferon". These suppositories are intended for rectal use. You should not be afraid of this form of medication, since the bulk of medications are absorbed in the small intestine, and in this way the drug will simply reach the “right place” faster and quickly begin to act.


    The active ingredients of the drug are 2a-alpha, anesthesin and taurine, and the excipients are glycerides, dextran, purified water, Tween, sodium citrate and polyethylene oxide.


    The drug "Genferon" (suppositories) have an antibacterial and antiviral effect on the patient's body, affecting immunity both generally and locally. Interferon acts as an immunomodulator, activates leukocytes (they absorb viral cells) and extinguishes inflammatory foci. In addition, the drug "Genferon" (suppositories) is prescribed to patients for the treatment of herpes, HPV, and the elimination of bacteria such as mycoplasma, chlamydia, trichomonas, and fungi.

    It should be noted that the drug is available in the form of suppositories with different dosages. The drug "Genferon" 500,000 is intended for adults, for the smallest - at a dose of 125,000 IU. In addition, there is a dose of 250,000 IU.

    In young children, this medicine is used as a treatment for ARVI and many other infections.

    The instructions specify the following indications for use:

    Genital herpes;








    Vaginosis in bacterial form;

    Cervical erosion.

    It should be noted that the drug “Genferon” (suppositories) enhances the effect when taken simultaneously with vitamins C and E.

    The dosage of the drug must be prescribed by the attending physician, but the instructions provide the following recommendations. For inflammatory and infectious diseases of the urinary system in women, use 1 suppository vaginally (the dose depends on the severity of the disease) - 2 times a day (with an interval of 12 hours) for 10 days. If the forms of the disease are protracted, then 1 suppository every other day, and the duration of treatment can reach 3 months. For men, the treatment regimen is the same, and suppositories are applied rectally.

    The drug has contraindications. It should not be used by persons who cannot tolerate human interferon or other components included in this medicinal product. It is also worth refraining from treatment with suppositories in case of exacerbation of diseases of an autoimmune nature and allergic reactions.

    Pregnant women up to 12 weeks and breastfeeding women are also prohibited from using the drug. It is prescribed only in cases where the possible risk is less than the potential benefit.

    The drug "Genferon" can cause the following side effects:

    Skin rashes, itching, allergies;

    Increased body temperature and chills;

    And fatigue;

    Pain in muscles, joints;


    Increased sweating;

    Thrombocytopenia and leukopenia.

    All of these side effects most often occur when the drug is used in doses exceeding 100,000,000 IU per day.

    It should be noted that a special drug “Genferon” is produced for children. It has a small dosage, and the packaging is marked with a special design. Even if you are an experienced parent, you should not neglect the advice of specialists and carry out treatment yourself. Be sure to consult a doctor.

    Be attentive to your health and the health of your children. Do not be ill!

    – 10.0 mg, benzocaine – 55.0 mg.

    Excipients: macrogol 1500 , 60000 , polysorbate 80 , citric acid , emulsifier T2 , sodium hydrogen citrate , solid fat, purified water.

    Release form

    Candles are white or light yellow. They have a cylindrical shape, a pointed end, and are uniform in the longitudinal section, but the presence of air inclusions is allowed.

    Produced in cardboard packs, inside one such pack there are 1 or 2 contour packages containing 5 suppositories.

    pharmachologic effect

    Genferon has immunomodulatory, antiproliferative, antibacterial, antiviral, local anesthetic, and regenerative effects.

    Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

    The combined effect of Genferon is due to the components in its composition, which have local and systemic effects.

    Genferon contains human recombinant interferon alpha-2b . It is synthesized by a genetically modified strain of the microorganism Escherichia coli.

    Taurine normalizes metabolic processes in tissues, promotes their regeneration, interacts with free oxygen radicals, neutralizing them and protecting tissues from damage. Interferon is less susceptible to decay and retains its effect longer due to the presence of taurine.


    Hypersensitivity to interferon or other substances contained in the drug is a contraindication to its use. Treatment with the drug is unacceptable in the first 12 weeks of pregnancy. Genferon should also be used with caution in patients with exacerbations of immune system diseases.

    Side effects

    When treated with the drug at a dose of 10,000,000 IU per day or more, the possibility of developing the following side effects increases:

    • headache - side central nervous system;
    • leukopenia, thrombocytopenia - from the outside hematopoietic systems;
    • systemic reactions (increased sweating, increased fatigue, pain in muscles and joints, decreased appetite).

    Allergic reactions may occur: skin rash, itching. These symptoms are reversible and disappear within 72 hours after stopping the drug.

    Instructions for Genferon candles

    The instructions for use of Genferon explain that the duration of treatment, dosage and method of administration are determined by the attending physician and depend on the specific disease. The instructions for using Genferon suppositories and the instructions for children's Genferon are almost identical to the proposed regimens for using the drug. However, the rectal or vaginal route of drug administration is not always suitable for children, so in some cases it is worth considering switching to Genferon analogues with other routes of administration (tablets, ointment, syrup).

    The drug is used vaginally or rectally .

    When treating diseases of the genitourinary system of an infectious-inflammatory nature in women, it is recommended to administer 1 suppository (500,000 IU or 1,000,000 IU, depending on the form of the disease) vaginally or rectally (depending on the form of the disease) 2 days a day for 10 days. For long-term and chronic forms, it is possible to administer 1 suppository every other day. In this case, the course of treatment will be from 1 to 3 months.

    The use of 1 suppository (500,000 IU) intravaginally in the morning and 1 suppository (1,000,000 IU) rectally in the evening simultaneously with the intravaginal use of antibacterial suppositories is justified in case of a serious infectious-inflammatory process during internal genital organs.

    Treatment of diseases of the urogenital tract of an infectious-inflammatory nature in men is reduced to the following treatment regimen: 1 suppository is applied rectally (the dosage depends on the form of the disease) 2 times a day for 10 days.


    To date, there is no data on cases of overdose with Genferon. If a large number of suppositories were accidentally administered at the same time, it is necessary to stop using the drug for a day. After the specified time has passed, you can start using Genferon again according to the prescribed regimen.


    And they enhance the effect of Genferon components. Benzocaine reduces bactericidal and bacteriostatic activity sulfonamides . Non-narcotic often enhance the effect benzocaine .

    Terms of sale

    In Russia and Ukraine, Genferon can be purchased in pharmacies only with a prescription.

    Storage conditions

    The drug must be stored out of the reach of children, in a dark place in the temperature range of 2-8°C.

    Best before date

    special instructions

    Genferon is most effective when used simultaneously with antimicrobial drugs.

    There is no reliable data on the safety of using the drug during menstruation. Therefore, you should use the drug with caution during menstruation.

    Genferon's analogues

    Level 4 ATX code matches:

    It’s worth noting right away that the analogues presented in our pharmacies are often cheaper than Genferon itself, and in the vast majority of cases, the affordable price of the analogues is associated with their Ukrainian origin.

    So, what can you replace Genferon candles with:

    • complete analogues in terms of active substance and release form – Vitaferon, Viferon-Feron, Farmbiotek, Kipferon ;
    • analogues for the active substance – , Alfarona, Bioferon, Virogel, Introbion interferon alfa-2b, Interoferobion interferon alfa-2b, Laferon Farmbiotek, Realdiron and others.

    Genferon candles for children

    For children, the instructions for use of the drug do not impose an age limit on its use. However, antiviral suppositories for children under 7 years of age (for infants inclusive) are best used in a dosage of 125,000 IU, and for children 7 years of age and older - in a dosage of 250,000 IU, which corresponds to the release form of the drug called Genferon Light.

    Alcohol compatibility

    There is no data on the effect of the combined use of alcohol and Genferon, however, in complex therapy, a number of antibacterial drugs are often used, with which alcohol is incompatible. Therefore, it is recommended to refrain from drinking alcohol during the period of treatment with Genferon as part of multicomponent therapy.

    With antibiotics

    Genferon is more effective when used simultaneously with antibacterial drugs.

    Genferon suppositories during pregnancy

    The instructions indicate the need to balance the benefits of treatment with the drug and the risk to the fetus if it is necessary to use Genferon. Although in most cases the use of the drug causes positive reviews during pregnancy.

    In the second and third trimesters of pregnancy (13–40 weeks) use is indicated as part of multicomponent therapy chlamydia, genital herpes, ureaplasmosis, cytomegalovirus infection, mycoplasmosis, human papillomavirus infection, bakvaginosis if there are symptoms of discomfort, itching and other sensations in the lower parts of the genitourinary tract.

    Reviews about Genferon

    In general, reviews of Genferon candles, which can be read on various forums, range from neutral to positive.

    Combination therapy (especially vaginal suppositories) for viral diseases of the genitourinary system in women raises many reviews and questions: human papillomavirus (HPV), cytomegalovirus, herpes virus . Most often, patients report treatment effectiveness when doctors prescribe therapy using 1,000,000 IU suppositories for the treatment of HPV.

    There are often reports of periodic rises in temperature and deterioration in health during the use of suppositories with “ adults» dosages in children (not recommended by the instructions).

    It should be noted that the question of the correct use of the drug during pregnancy must be resolved directly with the attending physician.

    The question of the comparative effectiveness of Genferon and its analogues is often raised, for example:

    Which is better: Kipferon or Genferon?

    And Genferon, which differs not only in composition but also in indications, is often prescribed in the complex treatment of diseases of the genitourinary system, while the opinion of patients is inclined towards the greater effectiveness of the latter.

    Which is better: Viferon or Genferon?

    Objectively, one can note slight differences between Viferon and Genferon in the composition of the drugs (Viferon contains vitamin C, which protects interferon from rapid denaturation in the rectum), otherwise they are identical (indications and treatment regimens), and the opinions of ordinary people are based more on reviews of acquaintances and friends, than on proven facts of use of these medicines.

    Genferon price

    For Russia, the average price of Genferon candles of 1 million IU is 490 rubles, and candles of 500 thousand IU cost about 370 rubles. Depending on the region, there are also no significant differences in price, for example, in Moscow the price of Genferon 500,000 IU ranges from 340 to 380 rubles, and in Omsk – from 360 to 370 rubles.

    Ukraine offers us higher prices for the corresponding drugs. How much does it cost to buy Genferon in a Ukrainian pharmacy? The purchase will cost approximately 2 times more than in Russia, and will amount to 1,000,000 IU for Genferon on average 190 hryvnia. The cost of suppositories with a dosage of 500,000 IU is close to 160 hryvnia.

    Patients are not always satisfied with the rectal and vaginal routes of drug administration, and in some cases suppositories can be replaced with tablets, ointments or injections of similar composition.

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      Genferon light supp. vag/rect 250 thousand IU+5 mg n10 JSC Biocad

      Genferon sup. vag/rect 1000000me n10 JSC Biocad

      Genferon sup. vag/rect 500 thousand me n10 JSC Biocad