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How to tame a wild cat or kitten into your hands. Teaching a British cat to sit in your arms: basic ways How to tame a cat as a pet

Many of us are familiar with the feeling of pity for stray cats. Many people bring street animals into their homes. After the first feeding and unsuccessful washing, the question arises about taming this wild beast. How to tame a street cat and make it an affectionate pet? This is what we will talk about in today's article.

First, take a closer look at your new pet. If an animal has just recently been outside, it will quickly adapt to a home environment. If the cat was born and raised on the street, then you will have to be extremely patient, especially if you brought home an adult animal. You don’t have to think about any “purring hands” yet. Such a cat will have to be tamed gradually, like a wild lion. After all, a wild animal has almost the same temper as its wild “brothers”.

So, a found stray kitten (or adult cat) is carefully brought into the house, where should you start?

The very first step is, of course, a full lunch. But, I would like to warn you - do not overfeed an animal that is accustomed to being malnourished. It is better to divide the meal into 2-3 parts with an hour interval.

The third step is to push anti-inflammatory drugs into the wild creature. Ideally, the very first step should be a trip to the veterinarian. The doctor can determine what condition the pet is in, what diseases he has contracted while living on the street, and will advise what to treat and with what, including medications for fleas and worms. And it will definitely have to be treated. If you are not ready for this, then a stray animal is not your option, despite the great pity for it.

After hygienic and preventive procedures, the question arises of taming a wild animal. Prepare for the animal's mistrust and fear. Most often, street cats are afraid of people because they have had negative experiences with them. Here you can experience for yourself what it is.

If you pick up a kitten under 10 weeks of age, the taming process will take place in just a week. If you come across an adult, then getting used to the person can take a very long time. There were times when the moment of unity never came. The animal lived in the house, but every time it was horrified by too loud sounds, strangers or animals. Get ready for this turn of events.

Outdoor cats almost always retain their wild habits. They have a more developed hunting instinct, they rush outside more often than others and their reproductive instinct is more pronounced. They are almost always aggressive towards strangers and other animals and do not get along well with small children. When bringing such an animal into your home, you need to carefully consider how to make its life not only comfortable, but also safe. And not only for the animal itself.

Be very patient. After all, even a person can experience enormous discomfort when changing places, and there’s no need to talk about animals.

I would like to recommend a few rules that will help you tame a stray animal without harming it:

  1. Considering that a wild animal will never approach you in the first days, show your affection and tenderness with your voice and do not try to stroke the cat by force;
  2. act gradually, it is impossible to teach a wild cat careful feeding, toileting and good manners in one day (patience and work - everything will grind down);
  3. do not limit the new pet’s freedom of movement around the house, because they may mistake a closed door for a slammed trap; leave only the front door closed;
  4. do not react negatively to the animal’s aggression, because it has very little time with you and cannot yet trust you completely.

How to tame a cat?

Domestication is the most complex of all stages of domestication. This may never happen, especially in the case of an adult cat. It is impossible to give any specific advice here: you need to act based on the situation and following your intuition. Some former strays do not want to be picked up, but happily sleep at the feet of their owners, some can jump up and lie on their laps, but only so as not to be petted... Everything is individual.

The best way is to play. Try to play non-aggressive games with your pet. Invite him to try petting him after feeding. But not during food and not against the will of the animal. Just extend your hand towards it and wait: sooner or later the animal will try to sniff it. You can then make a few gentle movements.

When taming an animal, not only desire and perseverance are important, but also knowledge of small tricks that will help the pet quickly get used to its new owner. This process should take place in a calm environment, without sudden movements or loud sounds. To pick up a kitten, you need to act slowly and not hold the animal against its will. Gradually, the kitten will learn to trust and go to the owner himself. To tame an adult animal, a different approach is needed.

Taming kittens

It is easier to tame a kitten from early childhood. The first need for communication arises in him already at two weeks of age. From this moment on, the owner should take the pet in his arms as often as possible so that he gets used to and learns to trust the person. This must be done carefully and the baby must be released at his first request. Under no circumstances should you hold a kitten, otherwise it can become a traumatic experience for him and will remain in his memory for a long time. It is very difficult to restore the animal's trust later.

Sometimes kittens do not want to sit in your arms for no apparent reason. In this case, the owner should be patient and remind himself that the animals are extremely curious, the world around them seems endlessly interesting to them. In addition, like human children, kittens are restless and get bored staying in one place for a long time.

How to pick up a kitten

It is worth making sure that the pet is comfortable being in human hands. By abruptly lifting or holding the kitten incorrectly, causing him discomfort, the owner can unknowingly scare away the baby.

To make the animal feel comfortable, you need to take it under the front legs, supporting the hind legs with the other hand. This way he still has a feeling of support. If the baby is afraid of heights, the owner should sit down on the floor next to him and try to attract attention with a toy or treat.

Taming an adult wild cat

An adult feral cat has either never had its own home, or has a negative experience of communicating with people and has forgotten how to trust them. To establish contact with an animal, the following conditions must be met:

  • Communicate with wild animals in a calm environment.
  • Do not grab or make sudden movements.
  • You can wait until the cat shows interest and lure it with a treat.
  • Try to pet the animal if the cat comes close or jumps to its knees. But at the first sign of discontent, it is better to remove your hand.

You need to make sure that the cat is not frightened by the strong smell from clothes, too loud a voice, or any other factors of the new external environment. Cats are very careful animals; in order to relax, they need to feel completely safe.

With due patience, each time the period of active communication will increase, and the animal’s trust in you will grow.

A few tricks

If a pet finds itself in a new home as an adult, it usually experiences extreme stress. The animal's behavior in the first days can be unpredictable; it will take time to get used to. There are several tricks that can tame even a not very sociable cat.

After a hearty meal, cats are usually in a calm and complacent mood. It is worth taking this moment to start communicating. Calm, unemotional speech has a beneficial effect on the animal’s mood.

Treats are the sure way to your pet’s heart, which will help you quickly accustom him to being handled. You can offer the animal some food or a piece of sausage. If a cat has accepted a treat, you do not need to immediately grab it into your arms; the taming process should occur in stages. Each time when feeding, you need to reduce the distance, and do this until the animal begins to eat from your hands, and then while sitting on the owner’s lap. Only then can you try to gently stroke the animal.

These creatures came to our home from the wild. That is why they are characterized by independence, willfulness, and pride. Representatives of many cat breeds are distinguished by the fact that they do not like excessive affection and close contact with the owner. In other words, they are difficult to hold in your arms. But still, with a strong desire, this can be done, just like taming an adult cat found by chance.

About taming kittens

Most owners have kittens in the house. It is easier to raise a young pet “to suit yourself”, to accustom it to order, discipline, and a certain type of nutrition. Kittens, like children, quickly become accustomed to good things and learn to sense their owner’s mood. And if a furry friend appears in the house as an infant, then it will be easier to accustom him to hands. After all, adults are much more difficult to tame.

Breeders emphasize that kittens, like boys, learn the main points of upbringing before a certain age. And if for children this is a period of up to 5 years, then for kittens it is up to a year. After separation from their mother, babies need someone to replace her. This is exactly what the owner should become. From the very first days of a kitten’s appearance in the house, it is necessary to create an atmosphere of comfort and care for it.

It is recommended to begin taming with your hands by stroking. Stroke the kitten on the head, between the ears, move your hand along its back to the base of the tail. Be sure to do this after he eats, gets used to the tray, and begins to respond to his name. You can pick up the animal after just a few days of being in the house. The cat must first adapt, get used to the new place of residence and its smells.

So, first let the cat get used to your stroking, and then try picking him up. But if after the first such attempts he begins to run away, then you should not forcibly restrain him. Just be patient. As a rule, kittens taken into a home under the age of three months are quickly tamed, easily raised, and become attached to the owner.

About taming adult cats

This process is much more complicated. That's why breeders recommend getting fluffies at a young age. Adult animals are already formed characters, habits, and lifestyle. But if for some reason an adult cat (over a year old) appears in your house, then its taming will be a very lengthy process. Firstly, it will take her much longer to adapt to her new home than a kitten. Secondly, in the first days the cat may refuse food and communication altogether. If it is taken from the street, then this rarely happens. But when she lived for a long time with an owner who died or left, it will be difficult for her to re-adapt.

Start by getting your pet accustomed to the smell of your hands. Just put a piece of meat (maybe cheese, fish) on your palm and hold it out to her at arm's length. Let the cat eat the treat from the palm of your hand. At each subsequent feeding, bring your hand as close to you as possible. When your pet gets used to eating from your hand, try petting it. The most sensitive areas of the body to stroking are the forehead, base of the tail, back, and chin. Vibrises are located there - hairs similar in structure to mustaches. They serve as the cat's sense of touch. When you stroke her in the direction of the growth of the whiskers, she relaxes, purrs contentedly, and her mood improves. This is how the cat gains confidence in its new owner. At the moment of such satisfaction, try to take her in your arms. If she suddenly breaks free and runs away, don’t be upset. Try again, only the next day.

Try placing a sleeping cat in your arms. It may take more than one week for her to get used to your hands. However, this may not happen at all. There are some animals that, in principle, do not like close contact. They will sit next to the owner on the sofa, in an armchair, at his feet, but not in his arms. And there is nothing to be surprised about. After all, they are adult animals!

Another reason why your cat doesn't want to sit in your arms is the smell. If you use perfumes, deodorants, or hand creams with a specific scent, this may repel your pet. Please take this point into account.

If you haven’t been able to tame a cat for a long time, it’s okay! Appreciate her independence!

Adopting a kitten from the street means doing a good deed. Outbred animals are no less affectionate than their “well-born” counterparts, and moreover, they often demonstrate real gratitude for salvation. Let's find out how to tame a wild kitten.

If the cat was a domestic cat, but got lost or was abandoned by irresponsible owners, it may reach out to people, beg for food, and allow itself to be petted. However, if such an animal is harmed by a person, it will become intimidated or aggressive.

Cats born on the street try to run away from people; if they are driven into a corner, they hiss, arch their backs, and can attack first. This is especially true in cases where stones were thrown at the animal, beaten, etc.

Usually “savages” are much more cunning than their domestic counterparts: naive and weak animals will not be able to find or protect food from competitors, or escape from dogs and evil people.

Kittens usually make contact more easily. If a cat gave birth not far from the people who fed her and her babies, the grown kittens will treat people calmly and it will be relatively easy to tame them.

Video “How to raise a street kitten”

The video contains tips on caring for and raising street kittens.

Trapping rules

If a trusting kitten reaches out to a person, just pick him up and take him home. The shy wild animal can be caught using a fishing net, an old blanket or another piece of thick fabric. Be sure to wear gloves. While defending itself, a cat can scratch, bite and in the process cause a dangerous infection.

You can make a trap out of a cage or carrier. Place bait (dry food, fish, etc.) inside and close the door at the right time, for example with a rope. A ready-made trap can be purchased at a pet store. You should not pick up blind kittens if their mother has not abandoned them: it will be difficult for such a baby to be released. Better come back for the animal later.

Establishing contact and adaptation

If the kitten makes contact easily, let him walk around the apartment, look around and sniff things. Show the bed, feeder and tray. If an animal had to be caught, it will be afraid of people for some time and will not immediately begin to be handled. This must be approached with patience and understanding: many street animals have had to deal with cruel treatment more than once.

In this case, put the cat in a spacious cage, put a feeder, a drinking bowl, a bed and a tray there. Cover the cage with a blanket to create partial shade. The room should be as quiet as possible. Regularly approach the cage, talk quietly and affectionately to the cat, but do not look him in the eyes - this means a threat to the animals.

Bring treats every time and be sure to give them from your hand through the bars - the cat should get used to the fact that he receives all the good things from you. If it sizzles, walk away and try again in an hour or two. If the animal has taken food and is relatively calm, allow it to leave the cage, look around and sniff everything thoroughly (this can happen a few hours after capture or a few days later).

Later, try to gently pick up the animal and pet it. Everything needs to be done slowly and smoothly. If there is no cage, the kitten may hide in a secluded place, for example, under a closet. Place food and water near the shelter. Gradually move them closer to the center of the room so that the pet is forced to come out into the light. Offer him treats by hand from time to time. Do not prevent the animal from sitting in its favorite place and do not force it out of it - this will scare it even more.

Further domestication

First of all, a new pet needs to be trained to use the tray. According to a number of reviews, many adult animals master this science very quickly. They just need to show the litter tray - it's natural for them to do their business where they can dig.

If you have adopted a kitten or an “untrained” adult animal, put it in the tray as soon as it begins to characteristically sniff the floor and paddle. You can additionally spray the cat's litter box with a pheromone spray (available in pet stores) or place a rag there that you used to wipe up urine in the “wrong” place. When the animal goes into the tray, praise and treat it.

Do not scold or punish your pet under any circumstances until it is completely comfortable. “Captivity” is already a great stress for him, and the aggressive attitude of the owners will cause even greater rejection. Play with the animal more often using a candy wrapper or other toys - this will help you establish contact faster.

If your kitten bites, distract him with a toy. You can carefully insert your finger deeper into the mouth to create unpleasant associations with the bite. You can also wean your baby from biting using a ratchet: keep it with you and shake it over the animal at the moment of the bite. If the kitten gets scared, pick him up.

Do not provoke the animal by using your palm in play (for example, by slowly moving it near the kitten and offering to “hunt”). Your hands should be associated with affection and treats, but not with prey.

Please note that a pet who has suffered bullying or beatings in the past may forever remain distrustful and fearful of strangers.

Visit to the veterinarian

Almost all street animals suffer from fleas, and often worms and ticks. In addition, the cat may have other diseases: heart or digestive problems, exhaustion, inflammation, lichen contagious to humans, etc.

Ideally, the animal should be seen by a veterinarian as early as possible. He will help identify diseases, if any, and advise on feeding.

You need to arrange a visit especially quickly if the animal has discharge from the eyes or nose, is coughing, etc. The specialist will determine why this is happening and prescribe treatment.

Be kind, caring, patient, and your efforts will almost certainly pay off with the love and devotion of the rescued creature.

Wild representatives of the feline class - a kitten or an adult animal - can not only be caught, but also turned into domestic ones. This is achieved through education and training. Time, patience and a special technique change the character of both small and already grown cats. Therefore, do not be afraid of wild tailed animals: human love will help them become tame.

How to catch a wild cat

Wild animals are often called individuals that have no experience of social adaptation with people. Animals are afraid of humans and react aggressively to his actions. Determine if they are strays before catching them.

The difference between a wild animal and a domestic pet

It is often very difficult to distinguish a street feline from a tailed one that has left the house for a walk. The idea that a wild stray cat is necessarily dirty and thin is a misconception. Street four-legged animals are often fed by caring residents of nearby houses, so they are not always exhausted. And since cats are clean creatures that take care of their fur, healthy stray animals can look no worse than their counterparts living at home.

If it is difficult to determine whether a cat is truly feral, watch him for a while. When an animal is on the street both day and night, it is unlikely that it has a home. Domestic walking cats return from the street at night.

Lost pets make contact even with a stranger because they associate warmth and food with him. Signs of a stray cat are wounds and scratches on the face and body, torn ears, which are evidence of its participation in battles for a female or protection of territory.

Street cats, especially those that have previously been abused, are often aggressive towards humans, unlike lost pets

Catching a cat: safety measures

The process of catching a street cat has its own characteristics. Try to lure a small kitten out of hiding using a candy wrapper on a string or food: dry food, fish, meat, canned cat food placed on a saucer. When he comes close, catch him by the fold of skin on his neck and press him tightly to your chest. Another way is to put food inside the pet carrier, lure the kitten in with a candy wrapper or another toy and close the door.

It's more difficult with older animals. Wild cats and cats, after a long stay in the street, become cautious, afraid of people and run away from them more often than small kittens. Of course, you can try to pick up the animal with your bare hands. But since the cat is wild, it will begin not only to hiss, but also to bite and scratch. To avoid accidental injury, handle it carefully. You can protect yourself by wearing thick gloves and thick clothing that covers all exposed parts of the body.


To protect yourself and speed up the process of catching an animal, use a special cat trap (cat trap). It is sold in pet stores and veterinary hospitals. You can rent it from a specialized animal control service, a shelter, or make it yourself. It is suitable for both adult cats and babies. An animal carrier with a closing door, which is secured with a tied rope in the upper position, is also used as a trap.

Kotolovka - a reliable trap for stray animals

Before using the trap, gradually accustom the stray cat to your presence for at least two days - regularly feed him something tasty at certain hours, talk to him, and calm him down. Although cats are predators by nature, a treat will help in establishing contact with them. Do not pick up the animal, even if it does not show concern. When the cat is no longer afraid, lure him inside the trap:

  • set a trap in the area where the animal most often visits;
  • attract the cat with tasty bait with a pleasant smell: fish, canned food for cats, dry food, and other products placed in a plastic plate.

Place the food in front of the trap entrance and on the side opposite the door. It is important that the cat enters completely inside the trap. The operating principle of all types of such devices is the same. It consists of closing the door of the structure after the cat is inside. After this, cover the top of the trap with a blanket or cloth so that in the twilight the cat will quickly recover from the resulting stress.

Video: catching a cat using a homemade trap

Landing net trap

Among wild cat catchers, a landing net is considered a good tool. It differs from the net in its triangular shape. The device folds to a length of 1 m and expands to 3-4 m. It is more reliable if it is made of dense fishing line.

It is advisable to carry out the capture process in the dark, when the animals will not notice the swing of the landing net. Animal rights activists who consider all trappers to be knackers are also less likely to be found. Go it alone or take someone to feed your cat. First, open the landing net and pour some food into the cat's mouth. Then enter with the device open from the back of the animal. If you throw a landing net on a cat while in his field of vision, nothing will happen.

There are two types of wild cats (cats):

  • not paying attention to the landing net (until the first unsuccessful attempt to catch them);
  • smart animals that do not approach the landing net closer than 5 m.

Approach any cat discreetly from behind when it is eating. With a sharp movement, quickly cover it with a landing net. If unsuccessful, she may no longer even come close to complementary feeding. Practice on pets first. When the cat is caught, pressing the device to the ground in the direction from the handle to the net, move with gloved hands until it comes out of the landing net. At this point, grab the net with your palm and lift the cat in the net. Hold the landing net not by the handle, but by the net. There are two ways to get a cat:

  • less dangerous - the cat is taken to a garage, basement, apartment and transferred to a carrier;
  • more risky - the cat is transferred to the carrier at the capture site: the back of the carrier is placed against the wall so that the cat cannot run out, then the door is opened, the landing net is brought to the hole with the exit forward, the hand holding the net is unclenched, and the cat is pushed inside the carrier.

Usually animals, having experienced severe stress, huddle into the depths of the carrier, which allows the door to be quickly closed. Push the cat in with its tail first, otherwise it will sense something wrong and begin to resist violently. Choose a carrier made from durable material.

A landing net is convenient for catching wild cats

What to do after catching a cat

Felines can be carriers of diseases, most of which have no obvious symptoms. To avoid possible unpleasant consequences, show the cat to a specialist before transporting it home. If you have to take it to the veterinary clinic by car, then place a trap with the animal on the seat, covering it with a towel or blanket. Upon arrival at the site, remove it from the trap (portable container) safely.

Having received a bite from a wild cat, immediately consult a doctor so that the four-legged client is examined in a timely manner, the necessary tests are done, and a conclusion is given about the absence (presence) of infection and its safety for people and animals with whom it will come into contact.

If the cat stays in the apartment before visiting the veterinary clinic, quarantine is required. Place the cat in a separate room, isolating it from people.

Before bringing a stray cat home, check its health by contacting a veterinarian

What does a cat need at home?

At home, first feed the animal. Offer several food options so that the cat can choose what he wants. Often the animal prefers already familiar foods. A serving of food may consist of boneless fish, lean meat, cottage cheese, and dry food. Sometimes exhausted cats simply don’t have the strength to eat. In addition, the body of selected wild cats is dehydrated and needs water (filtered), so there should always be a bowl of clean water next to the food.

After eating, the cat will need the toilet. If there is no special tray, then in the first days replace it with a cardboard box covered with cellophane. Pour regular river sand inside. Cats that live outside and are accustomed to burying their feces in earth or sand will like this litter box more than one with industrial litter.

An outdoor cat's home must be treated with flea treatment, for example, bathed with a special shampoo.

How to tame a wild animal

You can tame both a baby and an adult animal. To do this, first of all, you need to win their trust.

Taming a kitten

A small two-month-old kitten can be turned into an affectionate domestic creature in just 3–7 days. You can achieve a positive result:

  • good and tasty feeding;
  • playing with a ball, string, or other objects;
  • frequent stroking of the fur, gentle conversations with the kitten.

This helps to establish trust and affection on the part of the baby.

After the kitten is brought into the house, follow these steps:

  1. Eliminate his contact with people and other animals in the house by placing him in a separate space, for example, in a cage.
  2. Place it in a quiet corner and cover it with a towel. Place a saucer of water and a tray inside the cage. After the device, leave the baby alone and do not disturb him. After a while he will get hungry.
  3. After about 3 hours, go to the cage with your pet, talk to him tenderly, treat him with something tasty: delicious food for kittens, fragrant chicken. Remember that he must take the food from the owner’s hands.
  4. If the kitten hisses and does not want to eat, leave him alone for a while. The baby must realize that he receives food for good behavior from the hands of a friend, a breadwinner, and not an enemy at all.
  5. When the animal calms down, open the cage slightly and extend your hand to the kitten. Do not make sudden movements so as not to scare him. He may hiss because he is still afraid of everything. Do not pay attention. If he decides to scratch his hand, stop the action by brushing him off. Then the baby will understand who is in charge.
  6. After the kitten has calmed down, give him a small piece of tasty food as complementary food. He will receive the main portion of food a little later - after 12–15 hours, when the baby begins to feel hungry. He will leave his shelter and even take food from his hands. This means you did everything right.

When communicating with the baby animal, do not speak loudly or scream, otherwise it will get scared and run away. We'll have to start all over again. Later the kitten will begin to approach the owner. If he did this and allowed himself to be petted, the time has come to treat him with food from your hands. From this time on, the animal begins to get used to affection. Soon he will understand that he is not in danger from humans, and he will begin to trust. Then you can pick him up, tickle his tummy, stroke the fur behind his ears. Play with him often. If the kitten starts to scratch, sternly tell him that he can’t do that and walk away from him. When establishing trust in communication with the kitten, introduce it to the rest of the household, including children.

Video: how to tame a kitten

Domestication of an adult cat

A grown wild cat (cat) can turn into a tame pet in a month or more. It all depends on the character of the animal. There are those who have a feeling of fear that lasts their entire lives. The younger the cat, the easier it is to socialize it and accustom it to new living conditions. In addition, this is influenced by the life experience that he acquired while living on the street. They achieve success in taming an animal with patience, warmth and affection. It itself will feel a kind attitude.

A cat that has been caught and brought home after the doctor needs to spend several days in an individual space (cat carrier), closet or bathroom, where he can more easily get used to the conditions at his new place of residence. It should fit:

  • bowls for food and water;
  • tray with litter for the toilet;
  • bed.

If the animal will be in the room, remove all unnecessary items from the shelves, close the windows and dim the lights. Place some kind of box that the animal will use as a shelter. Place toys for the cat and the owner's personal belongings on the floor so that he can smell the person. Place the carrier with the animal in a room that is rarely visited by family members and pets living in the house. Do not touch your pet for 2 days, giving him only food and water. It is necessary to make sure that the cat cannot escape from the carrier (room), thereby harming the inhabitants of the house or existing furniture. These days your pet may behave restlessly.

A wild cat usually feels comfortable at home after two days

To tame a cat, sit near it more often, calmly talking to it. The pet will get used to this treatment and will stop being afraid. When he adapts to the new conditions, release him into the rest of the rooms. It is better to communicate with him while sitting or lying on the floor in order to be on the same level with the animal. Do this every day, then the cat will allow itself to be stroked and picked up. Come to the cat with something tasty. If he does not approach the owner even after a few days, then bring food with you (do not leave it) and wait until the animal eats it. It’s better to place a plate of food near you. Do this several times a day so that the cat gets used to it. He should always have water. Also make sure that he does not slip out of the room through open doors or windows.

To quickly socialize a cat, you need it to want to approach people. Don't rush him and create a secluded place where the cat can hide.

If the cat is not afraid, you can pick him up. In a few days he will come up for food on his own. During this time, show the animal that no harm will come to him when he is picked up and stroked. You can carefully, so as not to scare the cat, take it into your arms with a towel and give it something tasty. If it hisses, try again next time. Once the cat is in your arms, pet him lightly while talking to him. If he starts to resist, release the cat. Stroke him when he wants to be picked up and caressed. Reward your cat's good behavior with something tasty. Work with your cat every day - play, talk, pick him up - until he gets used to caresses and touches. To help him adapt faster, teach him to communicate with guests to quickly get used to a large number of people.

Video: how to turn a wild cat into a domestic one

What not to do when catching and taming a cat

When catching a cat on the street, do not use bags, blankets, sacks or other similar items. A frightened animal can seriously bite and injure a person, which is dangerous for humans, since a cat can be a carrier of the rabies virus.

In order for an animal to quickly turn into a pet, you need to know what not to do during the period of its socialization, namely:

  • tame a cat if you do not plan to leave it in the house forever;
  • contact the animal before visiting the veterinarian to avoid possible diseases;
  • look into his eyes: animals perceive such a look as a threat;
  • handle wild cats with your bare hands - you need to protect yourself from bites and scratches by wearing thick clothes with long sleeves and gloves;
  • overfeed the animal - the amount of food should be increased gradually;
  • picking up a cat when he doesn’t want to - this will slow down the socialization of the animal;
  • show aggression towards the animal.