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How to remove wen at home. Detailed description of lipoma surgical removal. Preventing the occurrence of wen

Wen are subcutaneous neoplasms, for which official medicine uses the term “lipoma,” i.e., a tumor of adipose tissue.

Important:Despite the fact that wen are classified as tumors, they do not pose a serious danger and are benign neoplasms. No tendency towards malignancy (malignancy) was identified. Outwardly, these anomalies may resemble an inflamed lymph node, but that is where the similarities end.

Characteristics of lipoma

Wen on the body are soft-touch lumps under the skin. Usually they are completely painless, have strict boundaries and are able to move when pressure is applied to them. Wen can be localized on the head (hairy part) or in any other area of ​​the body where there is adipose tissue. As a rule, the size of lipomas is small (about the size of a pea); over time they often tend to increase. White wen under the eyes (on the eyelids) can be very tiny - smaller than a match head.

A formed wen can go unnoticed for quite a long time, since its occurrence is not accompanied by a local increase in temperature or any other general symptoms. Wen on the body causes discomfort if it is located in areas that are rubbed by clothing (for example, on the neck under the collar).

When palpating (palpating) a large wen, in some cases it is possible to reveal the lobulation of its structure.

A cluster of small lipomas (on the face or other parts of the body) is called lipomatosis in official medicine.

Important:Wen on the eyelids and around the eyes are cosmetic defects that do not lead to the development of any complications.

Reasons for the appearance of wen

Subcutaneous growths of adipose tissue are often a consequence of metabolic disorders, which may be associated with regular overeating and poor diet. Quite often, wen under the eyes are observed not only in overweight people, but also in patients with an asthenic (thin) build.

The cause of lipoma development may be:

  • diseases of the urinary system;
  • diseases of the endocrine system (including pathologies);
  • temporary hormonal imbalances.

It is believed that the likelihood of developing lipomas is much higher in people who lead a sedentary lifestyle. Physical inactivity quite often causes metabolic disorders. In particular, it leads to a decrease in the motility of the digestive tract, and therefore the process of removing decay products from the body slows down. Toxins can clog the ducts of the sebaceous glands, resulting in the formation of small white wen.

One cannot underestimate such an external factor as the composition of many modern food products. Food may contain synthetic components that negatively affect metabolism.

Do wen pose a danger?

Lipomas are benign neoplasms that do not have a tendency to malignant degeneration. The likelihood of complications developing is small, but it cannot be neglected. A long-formed and relatively deeply located wen becomes encapsulated over time, and the walls of the resulting capsule are practically impenetrable to antibodies produced by the body. Thus, local proliferation of adipose tissue can be an ideal environment for the proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms.

The introduction of infectious agents often occurs when trying to remove a wen at home using the piercing method. It should also be taken into account that intervention in the formed structure can lead to its rapid pathological growth.

Important:a lipoma can cause pain only if its growth leads to compression of the nerve endings and surrounding tissues.

How to remove a wen?

It makes sense to resort to urgent removal of a lipoma if there is a cosmetic defect or it causes discomfort. As a rule, lipomas on the eyelids are a concern.

How to get rid of wen in the clinic?

It is better to entrust the treatment of a wen to a specialist. Only an experienced cosmetologist can identify the nature of the neoplasm, establish the possible causes of its appearance and recommend the optimal way to solve the problem. When choosing treatment tactics, preliminary research will be required. The doctor will make a puncture to determine the nature of the contents of the seal. Inside an ordinary wen there is a pasty yellowish sticky substance, which is essentially a collection of fat cells. If the growth is large enough, then an ultrasound examination is required to clarify its nature.

Indications for wen removal:

  • rapid increase in tumor size;
  • localization causing a cosmetic defect (on the face and other open areas of the body);
  • compression of adjacent tissues by lipoma;
  • soreness of the compaction.

Currently, three main methods for removing lipomas have been developed:

  • medicinal;
  • surgical;
  • laser

The medicinal method involves injecting a special solution into the wen, which ensures the resorption of the pathological accumulation of adipose tissue. The undoubted advantage of the method is that no traces remain on the skin after the procedure. The disadvantage can be considered the possibility of its use only for the treatment of small-sized wen (no more than 1-2 cm). In addition, the therapeutic effect develops after 2 or more months. In approximately 20% of cases, such conservative therapy does not produce positive results.

Important:incomplete removal of the lipoma can cause a relapse, i.e. re-growth of adipose tissue in the same place. During the operation, which usually lasts no more than an hour, not only the contents of the lipoma are eliminated, but also the tumor capsule, which is very important for preventing recurrence and the development of postoperative complications.

Removal of a lipoma whose size exceeds 2-3 cm is carried out surgically. The surgery is performed under general anesthesia (anesthesia). After a radical solution to the problem, scars remain on the skin, which may require plastic surgery. The endoscopic method of lipoma removal has now become widespread. In the postoperative period, the patient is left in the hospital for 1-2 days, and observation is carried out for 2 weeks after discharge.

The most innovative, effective and safe way is to remove the wen with a laser under local anesthesia. After laser surgery, the healing process proceeds quickly, and the defect on the skin is almost invisible.

Note:You should not delay the removal of wen on the face. They need to be eliminated while the seal sizes are small. Otherwise, after lipomas are eliminated, small scar changes may remain on the skin.

Wen in children

Lipomas can develop not only in adult patients, but also at an early age. If a wen can interfere with the normal development of nearby tissues, then it must be eliminated. Surgical removal is performed in children over 5 years old unless there are emergency indications. After surgery, the contents of the neoplasm are subjected to histological analysis to exclude the presence of malignant cells.

How to get rid of wen at home?

Small abnormal growths can be eliminated with conservative home remedies. In some cases, it is traditional methods that allow you to quickly and painlessly get rid of these benign tumors. They are based on improving microcirculation (local blood circulation) in the area of ​​the wen:

  • An effective method is to use the juice topically. With its help, you can eliminate wen from any part of the body that is devoid of thick hair. It is not recommended to deal with lipomas around the eyes in this way! The juice of the poisonous plant causes local ulceration of the skin, as a result of which the contents of the lipoma can be removed through the defect. It should not be squeezed out; in this case, you can “pull out” excess adipose tissue using a compress with aloe leaf, Vishnevsky ointment or crushed fresh plantain leaves.
  • Promotes local increased blood circulation. Since this plant has pronounced irritating properties, it is capable of stimulating blood flow to tissues when applied topically. Grind a clove of garlic into a paste, adding a few drops of linseed or sunflower oil. It is recommended to rub this self-prepared herbal medicine into the skin in the projection of the wen every day.
  • It is advisable to make compresses with the medicinal plant fragrant calissia, also known as the “golden mustache”. A fresh sheet is applied to the problem area of ​​the skin, covered with a waterproof film to enhance the effect and bandaged tightly. The compress should be kept on the skin for 10-12 hours (it is better to do it in the evening and leave it overnight).
  • The compress is also made on the basis of films from ordinary raw eggs. After applying them, after some time, hyperemia (redness) and local swelling of the skin will appear, which indicates activation of blood flow.
  • A compress can be prepared from a mixture of oven-baked and chopped onions and grated laundry (dark) soap. The components are mixed in equal proportions and applied to the lipoma under a bandage. It is recommended to do such compresses 2-3 times during the day. Course therapy should be continued until the wen is completely resolved. A stock of the prepared mixture of onions and soap should be kept in the refrigerator.
  • An excellent effect can be achieved by a mask made from equal parts of salt, honey and sour cream. The mixture is recommended to be applied to skin steamed after a hot bath or sauna. The composition must be applied for 20-25 minutes and then rinsed off with hot water. Daily procedures are recommended until the lipoma completely disappears.
  • The general cleansing of the body and the resorption of wen are facilitated by a tincture of the root of the hellebore plant. The dried substrate is ground to a powdery consistency. For 1 serving, take 50 mg of powder, pour a glass of boiling water and leave for 12 hours, then filter through a clean cotton cloth. The infusion is taken daily. It should be borne in mind that the drug may have a laxative effect. Treatment is usually long-term; It may take a year to completely cleanse the body.
  • One of the popular methods involves rubbing the wen with a mixture of rendered lard (1 tbsp) and garlic juice (1 tsp). The drug is applied to the skin daily until the lipoma resolves.
  • You can also prepare a medicinal mixture from crushed horse chestnut fruits (5 pieces), mashed aloe leaves (1 tbsp) and honey (1 tbsp). The components are mixed until as homogeneous as possible and applied daily to the wen under a clean bandage.

During the treatment of wen with folk remedies, it is recommended to use powder

Wen are called benign formations under the skin. They consist of adipose tissue and are found in capsules. Fatty deposits, or lipomas, can appear anywhere: on the face, back, arms, chest. They do not pose a danger, as in extremely rare cases they become malignant. Often their presence does not cause much concern. However, the problem is that these growths greatly spoil the appearance, and if they become large, they can interfere.

It's not surprising that most people strive as quickly as possible, especially if they appear on the face. However, it must be done correctly. What are the features of this event? And is it possible at home?

Some Cautions

First, you need to make a correct diagnosis. A lipoma can be recognized as follows: it looks like a lump under the skin on the face or body, which moves when pressed. This neoplasm has clear boundaries, is soft to the touch and does not hurt. The wen may increase in size. However, correct self-diagnosis is not always possible. If the tumor appears on the chest, genitals or abdomen, it may be of a different nature and require a more thorough examination.

In this case, it is very desirable, and often simply necessary, to consult a specialist. If you try to remove a tumor at home, this can lead to dire consequences:

  • Removal of only part of the adipose tissue, due to which the lipoma will begin to grow again or several of them will appear.
  • Infection when trying.
  • Transformation of a tumor into malignant due to an incorrect diagnosis.

For these reasons, it is not advisable to use it on the face or any part of the body at home. In any case, before starting treatment, you must consult a doctor.

Why do wen appear?

What are they like on the face and body? As a rule, this is an incorrect metabolism. Ideally, our body should effectively process everything that enters it, and remove waste without hindrance. However, due to poor ecology, dirty water and unbalanced nutrition, some breakdown products do not leave the body, but settle in the “corners” of the body, including subcutaneous adipose tissue. This is how neoplasms appear, and their reappearance can be prevented only by improving the functioning of the body and ridding it of toxins.

Strengthening the immune system plays a big role in this. You can start treatment with the following medications if you are not allergic to them:

  • Mix honey and pollen in equal proportions. Take a teaspoon 3 times a day after meals.
  • Consume cinnamon, which also strengthens the immune system. Daily dose – 1 teaspoon at a time or as an additive to meals and drinks.
  • There are onions, garlic and green vegetables, which are rich in vitamins and antioxidants.

Masks and compresses for removing wen

Traditional medicine offers its methods at home. No surgical methods are used here, so these remedies are more or less safe. Although these procedures are not 100% effective, they help the tumors come out. It is worth noting that these seals cannot simply dissolve, since they are encased in a dense capsule.

You can try the following methods to help painlessly remove a lipoma on the face or other part of the body:

These are just some of the remedies that you can prepare yourself at home. This treatment is safe because it helps to get rid of unsightly tumors without injury. However, the procedure must be carried out more than once. The seals can be removed after a series of procedures.

Pharmacy products

You can also remove the seal using proven products purchased at the pharmacy. This treatment is to help the wen open on its own, after which it will be easy to squeeze out. Such remedies primarily include Vishnevsky ointment. It is recommended to apply it overnight to the sore spot for several days, covering it with a gauze bandage and adhesive tape.

Vietnamese star balm is also suitable for treatment. It needs to be applied to the seal several times a day. After a few days, you can get rid of the tumor if you apply light pressure on it. Only suitable for on the body, not on the face.

Another remedy that is convenient to use at home is ichthyol ointment. She will help in a few days. You need to accurately apply the ointment to the skin 2 times a day, covering it with an adhesive plaster. It is impossible to treat neoplasms on the mucous membranes in this way, so ichthyol ointment is not suitable for. These are simple ways to help treat fatty tumors.

How to get rid of lipoma correctly

If you do decide to do it as quickly as possible without waiting for the rod to come out on its own, it is important to first learn how to do it correctly.

Firstly, a tumor can be removed if its diameter should not exceed 1 centimeter. Secondly, it is extremely important to follow precautions and hygiene rules at home.

Hands, skin and instruments must be sterilely clean. They can be disinfected with alcohol.

To get rid of the contents of the seal, you will need a clean needle, preferably a new syringe. The room where you are going to treat lipoma should be well lit. After disinfection, stretch the skin and carefully pierce it. To treat a tumor on the face, it is extremely important to take a comfortable position so that your hand does not twitch. Remember that it is very easy to injure yourself with a needle. The video will help you do this correctly. To get rid of a tumor in a hard-to-reach place, it is better to consult a doctor.

So, having pierced the skin, pry the wen with a needle and pull it out of the capsule. If it doesn't give in the first time, you can press lightly with your fingers. The content should come out. After this, the puncture site and the skin around it should also be treated with alcohol. As you can see in the video, after such an operation, blood may bleed from the wound. This is normal, especially if the defect is on the face, where there are many blood vessels. If you overdo it and traumatize the skin too much, then even after healing, a scar may remain on the skin.

To prevent infection from getting into an open wound and inflammation from starting, it must be continued to be treated with special means, for example, an alcohol solution of iodine or Vishnevsky ointment. This must be done until the wound is completely healed. It is also good to use an aloe leaf for these purposes, the juice of which has an antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect.

When exactly do you need a doctor's help?

It is worth remembering that the appearance of wen on the body is not just an external defect, but an internal problem of the body. Disruption of metabolic processes leads to the appearance of neoplasms under the skin.

In addition, if the fatty contents of the tumor cannot be squeezed out completely, the lipoma, or even more than one, will most likely appear again. If the formation is large and located in dangerous areas (under the armpit, on the chest, in the groin, on the eyelid), then removing it independently can lead to inflammatory processes. It happens that you cannot do without the help of a doctor at all. Lipomas can reach large sizes, and it is simply impossible to remove them with any folk remedies.

Therefore, it is better if a doctor takes care of the problem. This will be done skillfully and under suitable conditions. If the seal is a small dot, you can try to get rid of it yourself. It is very important to follow the instructions described above so as not to harm yourself.

Is it worth removing a lipoma, how dangerous is it, and why does this tumor occur? These are the most common questions asked by people who have discovered a nodular lump under their skin.

In order to answer these questions, you need to consider all aspects of the disease: etiology, symptoms, prevention, direct removal of the lipoma, reviews of people who have already removed lipomas using various methods.

What is lipoma?

A lipoma or wen is a benign formation under the skin. They can be relatively small (from half a centimeter) and reach the size of a chicken egg. Fatty lumps are painless; a person with lipomatosis does not develop any, except for mediocre dense formations under the skin.

Lipoma consists of adipose tissue; people of any age can encounter lipomatosis, but most often the pathology occurs at the age of 30-60 years.

Etiology of lipomatosis

The causes of lipomatosis are not yet reliably known. Scientists put forward at least two theories for the occurrence of lipomatosis, both of which are quite viable.

  1. According to the first theory, a person mechanically injures acne on the skin, which provokes a strong inflammatory process. That is, the duct of the sebaceous gland is blocked, a boil is formed, which, in turn, develops into a wen. This theory perfectly explains the reasons for the formation of a single lipoma, but does not explain the etiology of lipomatosis - multiple lipomas.
  2. The second theory for the appearance of lipomas is a violation of the biochemical process of fat metabolism, as a result of which the amount of adipose tissue increases. And the reasons for the violation of fat metabolism itself can be based on psychological and physiological stress (infectious diseases, hypothermia, climate change, etc.) In this case, it is important to fight the root cause of the disease, because even if the lipoma is effectively removed, reviews warn about the risk of relapse of the disease.

There is evidence that genetic factors play a significant role in the etiology of lipomatosis, but this theory does not yet have scientific evidence. Also, many scientists claim a relationship between lipomatosis and endocrine diseases and pancreatic pathologies. There is evidence of a hypothetical relationship between the formation of wen and alcoholism.

Types of lipomas

The composition of a lipoma can be determined histologically, when some of the cells from the neoplasm are taken for examination under a microscope.

The tumor can have both clear boundaries and blurred ones, when the wen smoothly transforms into normal adipose tissue. For a dermatologist, diagnosing a wen, as a rule, does not present any problems.

Is lipoma dangerous?

Lipoma is a benign formation, but it can cause aesthetic discomfort, especially if the lipoma is large or requires removal of a lipoma on the neck; reviews indicate that most people want to get rid of the tumor.

The location of the lipoma is also of great importance. If it is located near a joint, it can affect the degree of its mobility. If there is proximity near a nerve ending, pain or numbness may occur.

Patients are often concerned about a natural question: can a benign formation turn into malignant? This is theoretically possible, but in practice it is extremely rare. In addition, there is always a risk of misdiagnosis when a malignant tumor is mistaken for benign.

Therefore, it is worth removing a lipoma for reasons of physical and emotional comfort, as well as to prevent the tumor from becoming malignant.

Removal using traditional methods

Traditional medicine offers a large number of methods for home lipoma removal. Reviews may promise a quick effect, but there is no scientific evidence of effectiveness. Doctors warn that no ointments, compresses, diets or massages can help in the fight against lipomas.

Surgical removal of lipomas

The classic method of getting rid of lipomas is surgery. It is performed under local anesthesia, so the maximum discomfort the patient will experience in the surgeon’s office is the pain from an injection with an anesthetic.

The surgeon makes a small incision in the skin, gently squeezes out the wen and stitches the wound. If the lipoma is large, fluid may accumulate in the resulting cavity. In this case, it is advisable to install drainage. Removing lipomas surgically, reviews of which can be obtained from any doctor, has a significant drawback: the formation of scars. If the resection is carried out on the back or scalp, this problem is not significant, but to get rid of wen in the face it is better to choose another method.

Reviews from patients who have already undergone the procedure indicate that after surgery, swelling or swelling may occur at the removal site. As a rule, the rehabilitation period ends after 7-10 days. A person can return to everyday life immediately after surgery.

Laser method

Removing lipomas with a laser is the most effective, safe and painless. The advantages of the method include:

  • lack of blood;
  • minimal risk of infection;
  • absence of pain;
  • absence of scars;
  • Duration of the procedure is 1 minute.

The laser beam helps to remove the wen from the surrounding tissues and at the same time “seals” the capillaries. If the lipoma is large, the surgeon will need to close the wound.

The removed lipoma is sent for mandatory histological examination. But if the size of the formation is very small, the fat will be completely destroyed by the laser beam.

According to statistics, an increasing number of people are using laser lipoma removal. Reviews indicate painlessness and the absence of a rehabilitation period.

Radio wave method

Removing a lipoma using radio waves has the same advantages as laser removal: a person has the opportunity to get rid of a lipoma without pain, scars and bleeding. However, it is impossible to remove formations larger than 3 cm using this method.

The principle of the method is to separate the lipoma from the surrounding tissues with an invisible radio wave knife. At the same time, exposure to frequencies promotes rapid tissue regeneration. The doctor takes out the entire fat capsule and sends it for histological examination. At the site of removal, a small damage remains, resembling a scratch, which completely heals after a few days.

It is important to know that the presence of a pacemaker makes radio wave removal of a lipoma impossible. Feedback from patients indicates the high speed of the procedure and the ability to return to everyday life immediately after the procedure.


Cryodestruction is a method of removing tumors using low temperatures (liquid nitrogen). This method has a significant difference from the others - during it the doctor does not remove the lipoma, but leaves it in the tissues. The lipoma decreases in size on its own and disappears after some time.

How to choose a method?

The variety of lipoma removal methods creates a problem of choice for patients. Taking into account the symptoms of lipomatosis, every person understands the need for such a procedure as lipoma removal. Reviews and recommendations indicate the positive and negative sides of each method, so it is difficult to make a choice on your own.

The best and easiest way to make the right choice is to consult a dermatologist. He will inspect the formation, assess its location, size, concomitant diseases of the person and propose a treatment method that will be most suitable in his case.

However, the choice of doctor is an essential part of the success of the event. In this case, you can and should rely on people’s recommendations. For example, if you need lipoma removal in Moscow, reviews will provide significant assistance in making your choice.

Thus, lipomatosis is an unpleasant but not dangerous disease. Modern methods allow you to quickly and effectively deal with formations. A dermatologist will not only help you get rid of lipoma, but will also determine the cause of the problem, and therefore tell you how to avoid the formation of lipomas in the future.

Lipoma is a benign neoplasm caused by disturbances in the production of subcutaneous fat. In some cases, getting rid of wen is a necessity. Before doing this, it is important to learn how to remove a wen - this will avoid unwanted consequences.

At this stage of medical development, doctors cannot clearly name the cause of the appearance of fatty tumors. Lipomatosis (as you can see in the photo on the Internet) does not depend on the patient’s weight category and the amount of subcutaneous and internal fat in the body. Often, even with absolute starvation or anorexia, fatty tumors do not resolve on their own.

Scientists name a number of factors that provoke lipomatosis:

  • genetic predisposition;
  • disruption of metabolic processes in the body;
  • hormonal changes - this especially applies to women during and after pregnancy and menopause;
  • disturbances in the functioning of the hypothalamus, pituitary gland;
  • pathological processes affecting the thyroid gland;
  • alcoholism;
  • malignant tumors.

The localization of lipomas is varied - legs, neck, head, limbs, thighs and buttocks, forehead and abdomen, shoulders. Wen that forms on internal organs is especially dangerous. They compress tissues and can provoke inflammatory processes.

Symptoms depend on the location of the wen. If the tumor is located in the mediastinum, signs characteristic of organ damage appear near the tumor.

Subcutaneous lipoma has the following characteristics:

  • soft consistency;
  • painless when pressed;
  • lack of adhesion to the skin;
  • lobulation of the structure;
  • the size of the neoplasm is from 5 to 50 mm. And in rare cases, wen of gigantic size can be found.

Lipomastia in men is not a benign fatty pathology. The growth of breast tissue is not a classic wen, but may be a harbinger of the development of cancer.

With subcutaneous growths, the patient's main complaint is a cosmetic defect. In internal localizations – the appearance of symptoms associated with disruption of the internal organs.

In what cases should you delete

Both subcutaneous and internal lipomas can be removed. If the growth does not cause pain or becomes inflamed, then surgical intervention can be postponed. Internal fat formations should be removed immediately after diagnosis as planned. The likelihood of such a wen degenerating into a malignant neoplasm is minimal, but the lipoma compresses nearby organs. In this case, tissue trophism is disrupted, foci of necrosis appear and the symptoms of damage to one or another organ change.

Removal methods

The wen can only be removed surgically. Wideband surgery is not the only treatment method. Also used are radio waves, lasers or cryodestruction. All these are interventions that are carried out only in an operating room.

Small subcutaneous wen - on the face, eyelid, nose, eyes, lower extremities, hands - can be removed by cosmetologists in aesthetic medicine clinics. Lipomas of the mediastinum, joints, and large subcutaneous neoplasms are excised only in specialized departments of hospitals.

Before removing a wen, you should undergo an examination and make sure that the formation is benign. For this purpose, ultrasound and biopsy of tumor tissue are performed.

Surgery using a scalpel

Removal is carried out in the surgical department of the hospital. Small subcutaneous lipomas are removed under local anesthesia, large ones or those located in close proximity to other organs are removed under anesthesia.

The doctor cuts the skin at the site of the tumor and removes the wen along with the capsule. Then the tissues are sutured layer by layer. An aseptic dressing is applied.

Further hospital stay depends on the extent of the intervention performed. For small subcutaneous formations, the patient is transferred to outpatient observation. Large tumors require a hospital stay of several days.

Laser and radio wave removal, cryodestruction

These methods for removing fatty tumors are similar. During laser destruction, a stream of light of a certain frequency acts as a kind of scalpel. With wave - a radio wave.

These techniques are used for small subcutaneous tumors - on the face, lip, eyelids, shoulders. The skin is dissected, the adipose tissue with the capsule is removed. Nearby tissues and vessels are cauterized, which reduces the risk of bleeding. Both procedures are painful and are therefore performed under local anesthesia.

Manipulations do not require much time. Hospitalization is not indicated. After the tumor is removed, the incision site may be sore for several days.

Cryodestruction using liquid nitrogen to combat wen is rarely used, since it does not make it possible to accurately control the necrosis of the lump.

The cost of treatment depends on the type of procedure, the volume of the lipoma, and the pricing policy of the aesthetic surgery clinic or hospital.

Is it possible to delete it yourself?

Getting rid of lipoma with home remedies is difficult. A wen is not a light milia pimple that can be easily squeezed out. Traditional methods can only get rid of a small formation located under the skin.

What else do traditional healers offer:

  • cauterize with iodine, celandine, various aggressive liquids;
  • pierce the capsule with a needle and squeeze out the contents;
  • various conspiracies and ritual events.

It is difficult to say how long such treatment will take. Maybe you will have to fight with wen for another year.

If you decide to get rid of tumors at home, then follow a number of conditions and precautions. These include:

  1. Do not use experimental recipes to treat children.
  2. All procedures are carried out in compliance with aseptic standards.
  3. Be clearly sure that it is really a lipoma and not a tumor of another nature.
  4. Do not use toxic or aggressive substances.
  5. If signs of complications appear, be sure to seek medical help.

No matter how attractive the methods of traditional medicine are, only an experienced surgeon or aesthetic surgery doctor can get rid of the wen.

Complications due to improper removal

It should be cut only in the surgical department of the hospital. Small tumors are removed on an outpatient basis.

Possible complications after surgical removal of a lipoma:

  • edema;
  • soreness;
  • infection of wound surfaces;
  • development of keloid scars;
  • the appearance of fatty tumors in other parts of the body – multiple lipomatosis.

Upon discharge, you should discuss with your doctor all controversial issues and principles of wound care at home. A visit to dressing changes and a routine examination by a surgeon is a prerequisite to shorten the postoperative period.

Lipoma, or wen, is a fairly common problem. And many patients wonder whether such a tumor should be removed.

What is a wen?

Wen is essentially a benign tumor. Such formations may vary in size and location. Most often, lipomas are quite small - about the size of a pea, but over time they can grow. Sometimes wen look absolutely tiny - no more than a match head.

Such neoplasms can occur in various areas of the body where adipose tissue is present. After all, they are based on overgrown fat cells. Most often, lipomas are localized on the back (especially in its upper part), as well as in the shoulder girdle or on the outer side of the shoulder or thigh.

Specific symptoms of lipoma:

  • Slow growth.
  • Soft consistency.
  • Mobility.
  • Painless.

Doctors assure that lipomas most often do not pose any particular threat to health. Such tumors are not prone to malignancy, in other words, the likelihood of their degeneration into cancer is extremely low. But nevertheless, there are cases where such neoplasms became the root cause of cancer.

Most often, wen does not cause discomfort and does not require any targeted therapy. It is important not to try to remove them yourself or to cope with such tumors using local treatments (creams, ointments, lotions, etc.).


Doctors identify several situations when it is better to remove a lipoma:

  • Active growth of a neoplasm, when its diameter increases by one centimeter or more in six months.
  • When lipoma compresses nerves or other organs and tissues.
  • If the tumor is located in a rather inconvenient place and is constantly injured, for example, by clothing.
  • If the wen looks unaesthetic and is essentially a cosmetic defect.
  • If the patient's closest relatives had cancer.

It is worth noting that only a qualified physician can distinguish a lipoma from other types of tumors (for example, atheroma or hygroma) and figure out whether the lipoma needs to be removed.

Types of operations

To eliminate a lipoma, the patient needs to go to a specialized clinic and see an experienced dermatologist. The doctor will help determine whether the detected wen needs to be removed and will select the optimal method for getting rid of such formations:

  • Classic surgery using a scalpel.
  • Endoscopic destruction.
  • Needle aspiration (lipoaspiration).
  • Laser exposure.
  • Electrocoagulation.
  • Radio wave excision.

Each method of eliminating a tumor has its pros and cons. Basically, small lipomas are removed under local anesthesia; the method of general anesthesia is used only for large-sized formations.

Classic operation

When performing this type of intervention, wen on the body is removed using a scalpel. The surgeon makes an incision directly above the lipoma and removes it along with the surrounding capsule. After completing the operation, the doctor sutures the postoperative wound; most often, special self-absorbable threads are used for this. There should be an antiseptic bandage on top.

When eliminating particularly large tumors, it may be necessary to place drains. They are eliminated after a few days.

Regardless of the chosen method of anesthesia, the operation is painless. But, of course, with local anesthesia the patient may experience some discomfort. After the painkillers wear off, the postoperative wound may be slightly painful, but the discomfort can be easily relieved with medication.

Of course, after a classic operation, a scar remains on the skin. Its size directly depends on the size of the tumor.

Endoscopic removal

With endoscopic destruction, the lipoma is destroyed using special endoscopic instruments. They are inserted under the skin through a small puncture, so there are practically no traces left on the patient’s body. This method of operating on lipomas is considered quite effective; it is also performed under local anesthesia.

During tumor removal, the patient does not experience any pain at all; he may only experience some discomfort from the surgeon’s actions. There may be some slight pain after surgery. Recovery occurs in a short time.

Needle aspiration

This method of lipoma removal is not very popular now, as it often leads to relapses. To carry it out, a thick needle is inserted into the wen and the contents of the neoplasm are sucked out through it. The high risk of recurrence of the tumor is explained by the fact that during aspiration, not all tissues of the lipoma can be removed; in addition, during such manipulation, doctors do not remove the capsule of the formation; it remains intact. Nevertheless, this method of removing wen is simple and affordable.

It is better to ask your doctor questions about whether it is possible to resort to it in a particular situation.

Laser removal

Many doctors are confident that laser removal is the most optimal method for treating lipomas. This method of getting rid of tumors allows you to effectively remove the tumor without blood and pain.

Laser removal is carried out under local anesthesia. The laser beam cuts the skin and eliminates the entire wen along with the capsule. If the tumor was small, then a plaster is applied to the wound after surgery. But larger post-operative wounds require sutures and a sterile dressing.

After laser removal of a lipoma, the patient may experience discomfort and pain, which disappears after a few days and is effectively relieved with analgesics. The skin is restored quite quickly, while the likelihood of postoperative complications and relapses is reduced to a minimum.


Doctors consider electrocoagulation of lipomas as one of the options for classical surgical intervention. However, with this method of getting rid of a tumor, a special electric knife is used. Thanks to its use, it is possible to cut out the wen with minimal blood loss, in addition, it is possible to achieve more reliable removal of the capsule, thereby reducing the likelihood of relapse.

Electrocoagulation is performed under local anesthesia for a fairly short period of time - about half an hour. After surgery, a small scar may remain on the skin, its size depends on the diameter of the tumor.

Radio wave radiation

This method of getting rid of wen can only be used to remove small tumors. The operation is performed using a radio wave scalpel; it effectively cuts tissue and simultaneously cauterizes it. This minimizes blood loss. It is believed that radio wave removal has all the same advantages as laser surgery.

Possible contraindications

  • During pregnancy or breastfeeding.
  • During menstruation.
  • In the presence of inflammation, skin ailments, herpes in the area of ​​​​the intervention.
  • If the patient has diabetes, immunodeficiency or any disease in the acute stage.

It is better to ask all questions about whether wen should be removed to a qualified specialist. Regardless of the chosen method of surgery, doctors recommend performing histology of the removed tumor to ensure that there are no malignant cells in it.