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How to cure chronic gastritis forever? Treatment of gastritis at home Is it possible to cure chronic gastritis?

Gastritis is an inflammatory process of the gastric mucosa.

It can last for a very long time, which leads to thinning of the lining and ultimately the appearance of stomach ulcers. This is caused by prolonged increased acidity in the stomach, poor nutrition, use of certain medications, and illness.

Localized in the abdominal cavity, it is accompanied by pain and dysfunction of the gastrointestinal tract. Damaged areas of the stomach may bleed, in which case vomiting with blood is observed. This is a serious disease that will lead to poor outcomes if left untreated.

Treatment with medications

When treating gastritis, drug therapy and a special diet are used. If the disease is chronic, treatment takes a long time.

A list of medications is known, many have an analgesic, soft enveloping effect on the stomach, helping to eliminate the symptoms of gastritis (for example, Almagel). Medicines have been created that reduce the high level of acidity in the stomach (Atropine, Vikalin). If the mucous membrane needs regeneration, the drugs Pentoxyl or Methyluracil will help.

If microorganisms causing the disease are identified during the examination, a course of treatment using antibiotics and medications that help create local immunity (amoxicillin, omez, Trichopolum, Losek) will be required.

Medicines for high acidity:

  • antacids;
  • antispasmodic drugs that eliminate spasms;
  • prokinetics to control the motility of the digestive system and eliminate the main symptoms and manifestations of the disease.

Drugs for low acidity

There are known medications prescribed if the secretion of digestive fluid is reduced. The drugs have a relaxing effect on the walls of the stomach, analgesic anti-inflammatory. They contain enzymes that compensate for the results of a decrease in the active activity of the glands and restore digestion. In selected cases, drugs of combined action are used to normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

Provided that medications for gastritis are taken correctly, in accordance with the recommendations of the gastroenterologist, the patient will be able to achieve a quick recovery.

The effectiveness of treatment - what does it depend on?

The effectiveness of drug treatment depends on the selected regimen, which must meet the following requirements:

  1. The use of antibiotics that are resistant to acidic environments.
  2. Correct selection of modern medicines that can destroy pathogenic microflora.
  3. Use of targeted drugs.
  4. Prescribing drugs that are eliminated from the body quickly.

The duration of the course of drug therapy depends on the type of pathology and the severity of its course. In the absence of pronounced symptoms, treatment lasts about four weeks.


In order to speed up treatment, it is imperative to adhere to a special diet and not eat foods that can be irritants to the stomach; gastritis often occurs due to poor nutrition. Treatment must be comprehensive; without a diet, taking medications will not give a quick and positive effect.

To understand how long it will take to follow the diet, let’s consider the types of gastritis separately; the composition of the diet depends on the patient’s acidity level.

  1. Diet for gastritis - restriction of food intake. If gastritis is in an acute form, within two days, with the help of correctly selected food products, it is possible to achieve improvements in the general condition of the body during the disease.
  2. It is important to eat familiar dishes and not to consume an excess of a variety of foods during meals.
  3. You need to have dinner a few hours before going to bed.
  4. It is strictly forbidden to consume alcoholic beverages, smoking, sauces and seasonings, and spices.
  5. It is not recommended to drink water during meals - the digestive fluid is diluted and food digestion worsens. The rule applies to patients with low acidity.
  6. Pieces of food are chewed thoroughly to ease the work of a sore stomach.
  7. You shouldn't overwork yourself physically, but playing sports will be beneficial. For example, swimming or yoga will help speed up the digestive process.

Diet for high acidity

To speed up drug treatment for gastritis with high acidity, it is necessary to achieve proper stomach activity. You will have to adhere to the rules:

  • You should not overeat; it is advisable to eat little and often, observing the established time for eating.
  • Minimize salt intake, which causes acidity.
  • Avoid fried foods completely.
  • You should not eat too hot or, conversely, cold food.
  • You are allowed to drink water half an hour after eating.
  • It is advisable to rest after eating, lie down or just sit for 30 minutes, making it easier for the stomach to digest.
  • If you have high acidity, you need to follow a diet for several months in order to forget about gastritis forever.

It will be possible to significantly reduce the treatment time for the disease if you follow the mentioned rules and try to consume the listed products:

  • lean meat, cooked using a double boiler, or boiled: pork, chicken or turkey, tender veal; You should not eat smoked meat, meat broth, or canned food;
  • It is recommended to choose lean fish (cod, flounder, hake, pike, pollock); Canned fish, broth and salted fish are undesirable for consumption;
  • vegetables are allowed in the menu of patients with gastritis with a high level of acidity, preferably boiled and grated: potatoes, beets, carrots, cauliflower; Eating garlic, white cabbage, cucumbers, and radishes is unacceptable;
  • cereals allowed include semolina, oatmeal, buckwheat, and rice;
  • It is better to eat bread stale, preferably even stale; fresh baked goods are not allowed;
  • Milk and dairy products have a good effect on the stomach, neutralizing acidity; consumption of fermented milk products is indicated with caution;
  • soft-boiled eggs only, no more than three eggs per day;
  • fruits are important, they enrich the body with vitamins and microelements, but they should not be consumed on an empty stomach; it is better to eat them grated or baked.

Diet for low acidity

Digestive juice is known to be of great importance in the functioning of the body. When acidity drops below normal, obvious digestive difficulties arise. Gastritis with low acidity of gastric juice can be cured with the help of medications, subject to an appropriate diet. The diet contributes to quick and effective treatment; even expensive drugs will not get rid of the disease if the rules regarding the patient’s nutrition are not followed.

To quickly get rid of the disease, you need to monitor the temperature of the food you eat, keeping it moderate, limit the consumption of salty foods, and eliminate spicy foods altogether. Nutrition is fractional in nature; you must not overeat and overload the digestive organ. It is advisable to drink a lot of water and finally give up smoking and alcoholic beverages. If you do not follow the instructions, unpleasant consequences will arise, the treatment will be delayed, the body will begin to experience a lack of vitamins, and disruption of the gastrointestinal tract. Gastritis will be complicated by an ulcer, and subsequently cancer of the digestive organ will occur.

Products allowed for gastritis with reduced secretion are similar to products for increased secretion, with selected differences.

With reduced secretion, fermented milk products are allowed, milk or milk soups are not. It is recommended to consume foods that help increase acidity levels: apricots, stewed cabbage, carrot juice, cucumbers (grated).

The duration of treatment for known types of gastritis depends on the individual characteristics of the patient’s body, on the general state of health, on the presence of chronic diseases that negatively affect the vital organs of a person.

Often the use of folk remedies comes to the rescue in quickly getting rid of gastritis. Remedies - flax seeds, marshmallow, aloe, honey, mumiyo - help relieve unpleasant symptoms of the disease.

During the period of complex therapy for gastritis, including drug treatment and diet therapy, it is necessary to exclude stressful situations. The patient is in a positive mood, perceiving positive emotions. Research has proven a direct connection between stress, depression and diseases of the digestive tract.

Paying attention to your own health, getting rid of bad habits, proper and balanced nutrition, and a positive attitude will help you eliminate this common disease as quickly as possible.

Gastritis is inflammation of the gastric mucosa. Symptoms and treatment of the disease depend on acidity. The stomach produces juice, which mainly contains hydrochloric acid. Violation of its formation leads to inflammation of the mucous membrane.

The disease is sometimes associated with the occurrence of reflux of the contents of the duodenum into the stomach. Bile and the alkaline environment of the intestines damage the protective layer on the surface of the mucosa. The disease is aggravated by poor diet, large amounts of spicy and fried foods; in adults, constant diets contribute to gastritis. As a result of inflammation, symptoms of dyspepsia, heartburn and stomach pain, and stool disorders occur.

Gastritis of the stomach

Reasons for the development of gastritis

The disease can develop for a long time without any obvious signs, only acute gastritis manifests itself quickly. The true causes of the disease may be hidden behind a number of factors.

Internal reasons:

  • congenital. The body's predisposition to illness;
  • duodenal reflux. The release of bile into the stomach leads to a change in the pH state, thereby irritating the walls of the mucous membrane.
  • autoimmune processes. Cells lose their original properties. This process also changes the pH level.

External reasons:

  • bacteria. In 80% of patients, bacteria are observed that are not affected by stomach acid. Their exposure changes the pH level, which leads to inflammation;
  • nutrition. Improper and irrational nutrition often leads to the development of gastritis. Overeating and undereating are the main contributors to the onset of the disease. It is important to include foods rich in fiber and vitamins in your diet. In the initial stages, it is important to avoid fatty, fried, spicy, canned and pickled foods;
  • alcohol. Drinks containing alcohol are included in a separate category of causes of gastritis. Large amounts of ethanol destabilize the acid-base balance. In addition, alcohol disrupts the functioning of other organs of the body and slows down metabolic processes;
  • medicines. Painkillers, anti-inflammatory, antiplatelet drugs, as well as aspirin, analgin, prednisolone have one serious side effect - an irritating effect on the walls of the stomach. When consuming them, it is important to follow your doctor’s recommendations and not take them on an empty stomach.

All causes of gastritis are divided into external and internal. Gastric pathologies require qualified treatment, which cannot be without identifying the cause of the disease.


  • endocrine pathologies;
  • hypovitaminosis;
  • renal failure;
  • colitis.
  • bad habits. Alcohol and smoking. Against the background of their use, the likelihood of developing a disease is very high. Alcohol affects blood flow due to its effect on blood vessels. Smoking reduces the amount of oxygen delivered to the stomach by the blood. By giving up such habits, you will see improvements in your condition almost immediately;
  • medicines. Taking a number of certain drugs can worsen the condition of your stomach, and if they are taken on an empty stomach, then the chance of developing gastritis increases significantly;
  • stress. Very often, the cause of gastritis is excessive nervous tension. With this state of the body, the stomach releases cortisol and adrenaline, which provoke the disease. In people with increased nervous excitability, gastritis occurs more often than in calm people;
  • nutrition. Without a regular diet and a lot of fast food will lead to the development of the disease. With such a diet, the gastrointestinal tract organs cannot fully function. Eating spicy, smoked, and sour foods destabilizes the functioning of the stomach. Gastritis can also be caused by poorly chewing food, because lumps of food damage the sensitive lining of the stomach;
  • genetics. If the first symptoms of gastritis appear, but there are no provoking factors, then heredity is most likely to blame;
  • allergy. An allergy that is cured in time can be a provocateur of the disease. Gastritis can be the result of consuming an allergen and the stomach working in harmful conditions;
  • bacteria. Damage to the digestive organs by gastrointestinal bacteria leads to the development of the disease.

Endocrine pathologies and hypovitaminosis change the structure of the blood, affecting the stomach, and renal failure harms the stomach with toxins released from the kidneys.


By form:

  1. Chronic.
  2. Spicy.

According to the clinical picture:

  1. Surface.
  2. Erosive.
  3. Hemorrhagic.
  4. Atrophic.
  5. Hyperplastic.

For hydrochloric acid production:

  • With high acidity.
  • With low acidity.

By phase:

  • Exacerbation.
  • Remission.

The disease can occur in acute or chronic form. Acute gastritis often develops as a result of poisoning with low-quality products or chemicals. Treatment of this pathology is carried out in a hospital.

Gastritis in humans

Chronic gastritis can occur with high or low acidity.

Gastritis with low acidity occurs as a result of atrophy of the stomach cells that produce hydrochloric acid. Patients begin to complain of nausea, abdominal pain, belching after eating with an unpleasant odor, increased formation of gases in the intestines and impaired digestion of food; they are often concerned about decreased appetite and stool disorders. As a result of poor digestion of food, patients begin to lose weight, anemia, dry skin and hair loss appear, performance decreases, constant fatigue and weakness appear. Gastritis with low acidity can cause precancerous diseases of the stomach.

Gastritis with high acidity, like peptic ulcer disease, is caused by the pathogenic microorganism Helicobacter pylori. Exacerbation of gastritis occurs with complaints of heartburn and abdominal pain after eating. Baking soda or milk works well to relieve heartburn. The pain is often unbearable and localized in the upper third of the abdomen. Such gastritis often turns into peptic ulcer. Gastric juice begins to form in larger quantities and damages the gastric mucosa. The disease may be complicated by bleeding or malignancy.

What to do if you suspect a disease? First of all, you need to see a doctor to make a correct diagnosis. You cannot self-medicate. Treatment of the stomach at home is carried out exclusively in conjunction with medications with an accurately established diagnosis.

To diagnose gastritis, the attending physician will prescribe blood and urine tests, which may not reveal any pathology. With erosive gastritis, slight anemia may occur. Endoscopic examination helps make the diagnosis. The main symptom of the disease is hyperemia of the mucous membrane and its thickening at the site of inflammation. It is necessary to perform a test for Helicobacter pylori - do a breath test, donate blood for antibodies, or study a piece of the gastric mucosa taken during a biopsy.

If there are contraindications to endoscopic examinations (severe heart and lung diseases, arrhythmias, heart failure, acute heart attack or stroke), an X-ray contrast examination of the stomach with barium is prescribed. The examination reveals a violation of the excretion of barium from the stomach into the intestines, and signs of ulcers, polyps or other formations are found. To determine the acidity of the stomach, intragastric pH-metry is used.

After the examination, the doctor will tell you how to treat chronic gastritis, prescribe the necessary medications and recommend a diet. Treatments for gastritis include antisecretory drugs; medications that destroy Helicobacter pylori; antacids; drugs that improve gastric and intestinal motility. For erosive gastritis, hemostatic drugs are used. But even the most effective methods may not give the desired result. Treatment of gastritis and stomach ulcers involves the prescription of medications, but traditional methods of treatment are also used for speedy healing.

Treatment of gastritis with folk remedies is carried out using medicinal herbs and a special diet containing various vegetables and fruits that have beneficial properties.

Steps to recovery

Nutrition adjustments

How to get rid of gastritis and how to cure chronic gastritis? Proper nutrition is the key to successful treatment and recovery. It is necessary to adjust nutrition and deepen the diet in conjunction with treatment of the disease. Nutrition should be balanced - the diet includes a sufficient amount of vitamins, proteins, fats and carbohydrates. You should eat in small portions, every 3-4 hours, without taking long breaks between meals.

The gastroenterologist prescribes diet No. 1 (for gastritis with high acidity of the stomach), diet No. 2 (for gastritis with low acidity), and to consolidate the result - diet No. 5 (to normalize the functioning of all organs and systems of the gastrointestinal tract). Table 5 - a strict diet (lasts one month), prohibiting the consumption of fatty, fried, spicy, salty, sour foods, as well as baked goods and sweets. Food is prepared boiled, steamed, stewed, with minimal addition of salt and spices. The diet includes foods rich in fiber: fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grain cereals, legumes. Also low-fat dairy products, lean meats and fish. With strict adherence to diet and nutritional rules, the body will quickly recover and the disease will be cured.

Lifestyle change

You should give up bad habits.
When treating inflammation of the stomach, great attention must be paid to your lifestyle:

  • give up bad habits (smoking, drinking alcohol);
  • adhere to proper nutrition and diet, avoid disorders and nervous stress;
  • engage in physical therapy and sports;
  • use folk remedies and traditional methods for treatment and prevention.

Taking special medications

Drug treatment is prescribed by the attending physician based on the examination and tests of the patient. Hyperacid gastritis is treated with drugs that have local anesthetic effects that neutralize acidity and pain in the stomach, these include: Almagel, Maalox, Alumag.

If the stomach is damaged by bacteria and fungi, or infected with Helicobacter pylori infection, therapy is supplemented with antibiotics. How long the antibacterial treatment will last and what the dosage of the drug will be directly depends on the type of disease, age and weight of the patient. Antibiotics indicated for treating gastritis and stomach ulcers include the following medications: Klacid, Amoxicillin, Omez. These drugs inhibit the activity of harmful microbes in the body. Treatment is supplemented by taking enzyme preparations: “Creon”, “Digestal”, “Mezim Forte”, as well as antispasmodics: “Drotaverine”, “No-shpa”.

With the help of folk remedies

Treatment of gastritis with folk remedies is a good addition to basic drug therapy. How to cure a disease using traditional methods in combination with medications? Currently, there is a wide variety of traditional methods of treatment, which allows you to choose a purely individual remedy for a person who has any contraindications or allergies to a plant component or berry used in traditional medicine. Here are the following recipes for traditional treatment, which, together with medications, can treat stomach diseases (gastritis and ulcers):

Therapeutic exercises

If you experience problems with the stomach, the development of diseases and ailments, special attention should be paid to your physical health. Therapeutic exercises, exercises and sports play an important role in the treatment and prevention of gastritis. Physical exercise, morning jogging, cycling have a positive effect on normalizing digestion, increasing hemodynamics in the abdominal organs, and strengthening the abdominal muscles. Here are some examples of exercises performed for hypoacid gastritis:

  • Take a standing position with your arms along your body. Raise the right and left knees in turn, 1 set - 10 times.
  • Lie on your back, legs straight. Raise each leg in turn, then both together (10 times).

Examples of exercises for hyperacid gastritis outside the acute stage:

  • Lie on your back, legs bent at the knees. Bend both legs without lifting your feet off the floor to the right and left (10 times in total).
  • Stand straight, place your feet shoulder-width apart. Move the body to one side, then to the other (8 times in each direction).

All physical exercises (exercises, gymnastics) and any sport (football, hockey) are beneficial for the abdominal organs. They improve your well-being, help you lose weight and lift your spirits. By following simple rules and recommendations, it will be possible to cure gastritis of the stomach forever.

Treatment of gastritis with low acidity

Treatment of gastritis with low acidity is carried out with drugs that stimulate the gastric mucosa and promote its healing.

Herbal treatment

Medicinal herbs are widely used to treat gastritis at home.

The most effective folk remedy for low acidity is plantain. There are several folk recipes. A decoction of plantain juice is mixed with honey and taken daily, one tablespoon three times a day. Plantain tincture is prepared with alcohol or poured with vodka, then allowed to brew for a week and taken one teaspoon three times a day.

Calamus root helps get rid of gastritis. The crushed plant is poured with boiling water and allowed to brew, then take 1/2 cup 30 minutes before meals.

You can cure gastritis with the help of centaury herb. The herb must be crushed, pour boiling water and boil for 15 minutes. Leave for half an hour, strain and take a tablespoon orally before meals.

Burdock root and oats are good for increasing stomach acidity. They are taken as a tincture 30 minutes before meals.

Berries and fruits

Treatment of gastritis with folk remedies often includes berries and fruits.

  • A decoction of rose hips will help reduce the production of hydrochloric acid in the stomach. Should be taken before meals.
  • Sea buckthorn berries, from which decoctions and fruit drinks are made, help well with gastritis of the stomach.
  • To treat gastritis, apricots are used, eaten fresh or dried, or drink apricot juice.
  • Grapes help increase acidity; it is recommended to eat them 30 minutes before meals. You are allowed to consume 150 grams of fresh berries per day.
  • Blueberries and lingonberries stimulate the production of hydrochloric acid in the stomach.

Honey water

Honey water will help you get rid of gastritis forever; take it half an hour before meals. It is made simply: a teaspoon of honey is dissolved in warm water, take a few sips for treatment.


To treat the disease with folk remedies at home, salads and vegetable juices are used.

  • Beans for gastritis normalize the production of hydrochloric acid and promote rapid healing of the mucous membrane. Beans are taken boiled, sometimes juice is made from it.
  • When treating gastritis, it is recommended to eat fresh cucumbers.
  • Carrot juice helps in the treatment of gastritis, increasing the production of gastric juice. It is taken half a glass three times a day.
  • It is useful to include stewed cabbage, lean meats and fish in your diet. They do not irritate the mucous membrane and increase the production of hydrochloric acid.
  • Low levels of hydrochloric acid can be normalized by eating fresh turnip salad.
  • Walnut is used in the form of an alcohol tincture, infused for two weeks and taken orally, a tablespoon at a time.

Treatment of gastritis with low acidity is carried out over a long period of time, the main goal of therapy is to achieve the remission phase and normalize the acidity of the stomach, eliminating the symptoms of the disease.

How to treat gastritis in adults

Treatment of gastritis can occur according to the following schemes:

First line:

  1. Scheme No. 1. 3-component therapy, which is designed for two weeks. Treatment proceeds as follows: Clarithromycin, Omeprazole, and Amoxicillin are taken twice a day. “Omeprazole” can be replaced with “Zerotsid”, “Omez”, and “Clarithromycin” with “Nifuratel”.
  2. Scheme No. 2. 4-component therapy, lasts 2 weeks, is considered an addition to the first option. In this case, tricalium bismuth dicitrate (240 mg), also taken 2 times a day, is added to the above-described regimen.
  3. Scheme No. 3. A complex of: Amoxicillin (1000 mg), tripotassium bismuth dicitrate (240 mg), Nifuratel (400 mg) is taken twice a day for 2 weeks.
  4. Scheme No. 4. This truncated scheme is prescribed for elderly patients.
  5. 4A. Take Amoxicillin (1000 mg), Omeprazole, bismuth tripotassium dicitrate (240 mg) twice a day for two weeks.
  6. 4B. Bismuth tripotassium dicitrate. Take the drug 4 times a day (dosage 120 mg) for 4 weeks.
  7. Regimen No. 5. If allergic reactions to antibiotics occur, Omeprazole or another PPI is left in the regimen, a 30% aqueous solution of propolis is added, dosage 100 ml, on an empty stomach - twice a day.

Second line:

  1. Scheme No. 1. 4-component: “Tetracycline” (500 mg), bismuth tripotassium dicitrate (120 mg), PPI - 4 times a day, “Metronidazole” (500 mg) - 3 times a day. Duration of therapy is 2 weeks.
  2. Regimen No. 2. PPI, Furazolidone (100 mg), Amoxicillin (500 mg), tripotassium bismuth dicitrate (120 mg) - four times a day. The duration of treatment is two weeks.
  3. Regimen No. 3. PPI, Amoxicillin (500 mg), bismuth tripotassium dicitrate (120 mg) - 4 times a day, Rifaximin (400 mg) - 2 doses a day.

3rd line of the circuit

Performed on the 2nd line if there is no effect from eradication of the bacterium.

Treatment of gastritis with high acidity

The main goal of therapy for gastritis and stomach ulcers is to achieve the destruction of Helicobacter pylori, eliminate the symptoms of pain and heartburn, and reduce stomach acidity.

Useful herbs

A set of herbs from yarrow, St. John's wort and mint helps well with heartburn. Mix in equal proportions and pour boiling water. The infusion is taken orally before meals.

Licorice root treats cough and aggravated gastritis. Grind it, brew it with boiling water and consume a tablespoon daily before meals. The decoction retains its properties when stored in the refrigerator.


For gastritis and stomach ulcers, potato juice helps reduce acidity. Vegetables should be peeled, grated, squeezed out the juice through cheesecloth and taken in the morning before meals. Treatment is carried out for 2 weeks.


A good folk remedy for treating gastritis is honey. This is a rare product prescribed for gastritis with varying acidity. Honey promotes healing of the mucous membrane and normalizes the production of hydrochloric acid. For a therapeutic effect, a tablespoon dissolved in a glass of warm water is enough.

Tablets according to acidity type

It is impossible to treat gastritis without first determining the acidity of the patient’s gastric juice, since high acidity requires treatment with some tablets, and low acidity with others.

For gastritis accompanied by low acidity, it is recommended:

  1. Adjust acid release with Acedin-Pepsin.
  2. Stimulate gastric motility with Metoclopramide or Motilium.
  3. Make the process of breaking down eaten food easier with Pancreatin, Festal Mezim or Panzinorm, the latter two drugs being prescribed for chronic gastritis.

For gastritis accompanied by high acidity, it is recommended:

  • To make sure that less gastric juice is released - take Rennie or Alumag.
  • Relieve spasms in the muscles of the digestive tract with Methioclopramide.
  • Reduce pain with No-shpa.
  • Reduce inflammation in the gastric mucosa with Pariet or Omez.

Currently reading: The main symptoms of focal atrophic gastritis and methods of treating the disease

If the tablets for the treatment of gastritis were taken incorrectly (the wrong ones were chosen, the dosages were exceeded), this can lead to the development of gastritis, accompanied by low acidity.

Traditional treatment of gastritis with pain syndrome

It is easy to treat gastritis of the stomach using a decoction of flaxseeds. They relieve pain well and heal inflammation. A tablespoon of herb is poured into a glass of boiling water and left to infuse for 24 hours. It should be taken on an empty stomach, one glass daily.

Effective treatment of pain is possible with the help of gooseberries. One tablespoon is poured into one glass of water and boiled for 15 minutes. Take a third of a glass of the decoction three times a day.

It is possible to treat gastritis at home with honey and milk. It relieves pain well and eliminates spasms within 15 minutes. To prevent pain, take the drink in the morning.

To treat gastritis and stomach ulcers with folk remedies, it is allowed to use chamomile, especially if you are allergic to honey. Chamomile with milk relieves pain and accelerates the healing of inflammation. First, prepare a chamomile infusion, dilute half a glass with milk and take it orally.

Thyme is used to treat gastritis at home. Two tablespoons are poured into two glasses of boiling water and left for 24 hours. Then drink a few sips after 2 hours.

Treatment of gastritis at home is carried out using aloe juice. In case of intense pain, it becomes indispensable. It is enough to chew one leaf and the symptoms will go away within a few minutes.

Banana infusion will promote healing of inflammation and effectively eliminate pain. Finely grated banana combined with peppermint and soda should be poured with boiling water and wait half an hour. The drink is ready.

How to reduce acidity (continued)

Gastrocepin is a blocker of M1-cholinergic receptors, which are involved in the synthesis of gastric juice.

The medication protects the mucous membrane from the negative effects of acid in gastritis and stomach ulcers.

Pancreatin is a digestive enzyme whose synthesis is impaired in gastritis in adults. The drug is particularly effective in the complex treatment of chronic atrophic gastritis.

Pancreatin improves the digestion and breakdown of fats, carbohydrates and proteins, accelerates their absorption, and normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

Contraindications in adults include pancreatitis during an exacerbation. An allergic reaction is possible due to intolerance to the substances of the medication. To treat gastritis, the tablet should be taken three times a day after meals. Treatment may take up to several months. It often happens that patients say: I’ve been drinking for 2 months, but there is no result. Under no circumstances should you interrupt the course without the doctor’s instructions; treatment of gastritis takes a long time.

Festal also contains pancreatin, therefore it has an effect similar to Pancreatin: it inhibits the inflammatory processes of the pancreas, restores the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

Ranitidine is a histamine blocker for gastritis and stomach ulcers. Stomach tablets reduce acid levels, eliminate inflammation of the stomach walls, accelerate the healing of damaged areas, activate local immunity, relieve heartburn and belching. Ranitidine provides effective treatment for gastritis and stomach ulcers. The main component is ranitidine hydrochloride. How to take Ranitidine for gastritis? You need to take the tablets 2 times a day, regardless of meals, the dosage is determined individually. It is better to take the second tablet before bed. The effect lasts 10-12 hours. The course of treatment for gastritis and stomach ulcers is 1-2 months.

Trimedat is an effective remedy for gastritis, prescribed to improve gastrointestinal motility. Trimedat helps relax the sphincter, facilitates bowel movements and stimulates peristalsis. The drug begins to act within 15 minutes, the effect lasts for 5 hours. Trimedat is excreted from the body in the urine. Trimedat can be used for gastritis of the stomach in adults and children over 3 years of age.

For the treatment of gastritis with high acidity in adults, medications such as Vikalin (tablets for the treatment of herbal origin), Sodium bicarbonate, Bourget's mixture, Kaolin can be prescribed. The listed remedies reduce spasms and have an astringent effect.

Of great benefit is the drug Rennie, which eliminates the symptoms of high acidity: heartburn, pain, etc.

Important information: Is it possible to eat honey with aloe for gastritis?

Allohol is effective - a choleretic medication that enhances secretory function. Helps eliminate bloating, flatulence, constipation in adults.

It should be borne in mind that for the treatment of gastritis with normal acidity, the same drugs are prescribed as for high levels of hydrochloric acid.

If therapeutic measures are taken at an early stage, then compliance with all treatment requirements will ensure a rapid recovery. The doctor must tell you which pills to take.

Treatment of erosive gastritis

Potato juice and juice from fresh cabbage are good for erosion. Finely chop the vegetables and squeeze out the juice through cheesecloth. Take half a glass before meals, before diluting half with water. It is necessary to prepare the juice before eating so that it does not lose its healing properties.

An infusion of flaxseeds heals erosions and restores damaged gastric mucosa. It should be taken before meals. The duration of treatment is not limited.

Crushed birch leaves have a good healing effect. Finely chopped leaves are poured with boiling water and taken 100 ml an hour after eating.

Aloe is a universal remedy. The plant relieves inflammation, heals wounds, restores stomach function, and promotes a speedy recovery from erosions. Aloe leaves are finely chopped, the juice is squeezed out and mixed with honey in equal proportions. Take this mixture one tablespoon in the morning and evening until complete recovery.

General information

Gastritis is a disease of the stomach characterized by inflammatory-dystrophic processes in the mucous membrane. The disease leads to disruption of the stomach. If left untreated, it can cause more serious illnesses.

The disease is caused by: poor diet, frequent prolonged stress, alcohol abuse, aggressive chemicals, hereditary predisposition and more. As well as the use of certain medications.

Medicinal (medicinal) gastritis is a type of acute erosive gastritis. The disease manifests itself in approximately 20% of patients with uncontrolled or incorrectly prescribed, long-term use of drugs such as NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs), antibiotics, insulin, glucocorticoid hormones, and anti-tuberculosis drugs.

All of these and some other medications have a destructive effect on the gastric mucosa, damaging it, as a result of which this type of gastritis occurs. Many of them are available without a prescription, and consumers generally do not think about the threat.

Half of the patients experience, to one degree or another, digestive disorders after using such medications. This can be expressed by stomach discomfort, heaviness, nausea, diarrhea, constipation.

People with poor health, those sensitive to medications, those genetically predisposed to diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, and the elderly are at greater risk of the disease.

Treatment of gastritis with alcohol

In the second method of treating gastritis with alcohol, they begin by taking it on an empty stomach in the amount of a teaspoon, then eat a teaspoon of honey and a spoonful of butter. Eating is allowed after an hour and a half.

Drinking alcohol is allowed in limited quantities and strictly according to the specified recipe. Alcohol abuse will cause even more damage to the stomach and can also cause liver and pancreas diseases. A moderate amount of alcohol will help cure the disease and eliminate the ulcer.

Transition of gastrointestinal diseases into chronic form

Failure to promptly seek help from a specialist leads to the fact that the pathology of the gastrointestinal tract becomes chronic. This stage of disease development is characterized by dystrophic processes in the mucous membrane, structural changes are observed, tissue regeneration is impaired and the walls of the stomach are deformed (atrophic or erosive gastritis occurs).

Modern approaches to the treatment of chronic gastrointestinal diseases make it possible to restore the structure and function of diseased organs, regulate their motility, and balance the production of hydrochloric acid in the stomach. Treatment methods depend on the type and severity of the disease, and preventive measures are aimed at reducing the frequency of exacerbations.

The risk of disease manifestation is always present. Unfortunately, it is impossible to achieve a complete cure for chronic gastritis.


Many patients are interested in how quickly the disease goes away. It must be remembered that in the chronic form, you should follow the recommended diet throughout your life and constantly visit a doctor. You need to get rid of bad habits, not smoke and avoid drinking alcohol. It is not always possible to completely cure gastritis with folk remedies. Sometimes long-term use of medications may be required.

It is easier to prevent a disease than to treat it. Prevention consists of examining a gastroenterologist twice a year, and possibly prescribing a control endoscopy. Completely cured gastritis does not show any changes during fibrogastroscopy, and with a previous ulcer it is possible to identify a scar at the site of inflammation.

Cured gastritis requires regular examination and preventive treatment. If you do not follow the diet and doctor's recommendations, the disease may worsen. All folk remedies for gastritis can also be used to prevent the disease. They are taken for a long time; a course of treatment can be taken for a month twice a year to prevent exacerbations in spring and autumn.

Doctors in their medical practice often encounter patients in whom they diagnose gastritis. This disease manifests itself with a huge number of unpleasant symptoms. Is it possible to cure gastritis and what medications, diets and folk remedies can help? All people should understand this issue, because every person can develop this disease.

Prevention of gastritis

  1. Proper nutrition is the key to health for any living organism.
  2. Portion control - it is better to eat often, then little by little, than several times, but overeating.
  3. Create a routine for yourself so that your meals start and end at approximately the same time every day.
  4. To avoid becoming the owner of gastritis, you need to eat calmly, not on the go, thoroughly chewing every piece of the product.
  5. Do not abuse alcohol, tobacco products, coffee and soda with dye.
  6. Avoid environments where there is a possibility of contact with fumes and chemicals.
  7. Follow the rules of hand hygiene and use antiseptics.
  8. Engage in physical activity, this will help keep you in good shape and relieve negative emotions.
  9. Schedule a medical examination several times a year.
  10. Every fall and spring, take complex vitamins for a month.

Regardless of whether gastritis is a congenital problem or an acquired one, it is important to know that this is not a death sentence, and with such a diagnosis, you can be an absolutely full-fledged person if you take into the habit a few simple rules and correctly distribute the rules and schedule of your day.

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What is gastritis and can it be cured?

A huge number of diseases can affect the human gastrointestinal tract. One of the most common ailments is gastritis. In medicine, doctors understand this term as inflammation of the gastric mucosa. It may occur due to the influence of certain negative factors on the body. Here is their list:

  • unhealthy diet (abuse of spicy and too hot foods, dry food, excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages);
  • frequent exposure to stressful situations;
  • long-term use of medications;
  • entry of Helicobacter pylori bacteria into the stomach;
  • smoking;
  • chronic infections in the oral cavity, diseases of the pancreas, gall bladder, liver, intestinal infections.

“Can gastritis be cured?” is a question that worries many people. In order for the treatment to be effective, you just need to consult a doctor in a timely manner for help and continue to lead a healthy lifestyle in order to avoid future exacerbations and recurrence of all symptoms of the disease.

What causes gastritis?

  • As mentioned above, the first cause is considered to be the bacterium Helicobacter pylori; every second person is a carrier of this microorganism, but not everyone develops the disease;
  • Exposure of the mucous membrane to chemical or thermal influences, which provoke a burn, meaning detergent residues on dishes, eating excessively cold or hot food;
  • Lack of diet and poor nutrition, uncontrolled consumption of food in large quantities, too fatty, salty, spicy, or, on the contrary, frequent feelings of hunger, deliberate suppression of appetite, consumption of carbonated drinks and concentrated juices;
  • Reflux is the release and production of bile in increased quantities, which can irritate the stomach and other mucous membranes;
  • Genetic inheritance;
  • Long-term or frequent use of medications containing acid (for example: Acetylsalicylic acid, Analgin), as well as antibiotics;
  • Stress often manifests itself, prolonged phases of depression;
  • Abuse of drugs, alcohol, pipette, hookah;
  • Hormonal imbalances or acute vitamin deficiency;
  • Drinking coffee on an empty stomach;
  • Dysbacteriosis;
  • Other progressive inflammatory diseases;
  • Lack of oxygen in the blood system;
  • Serious poisoning, intoxication, drug overdose.

Types of gastritis

Treatment of the disease for each person is prescribed individually. It depends on the type of gastritis that occurs. This disease can be acute or chronic. Acute gastritis is often called poisoning, a sudden inflammation of the mucous membrane lining the digestive system. This type of disease often occurs due to indiscriminate use of medications in large quantities. The reason for the development of acute gastritis may also be the consumption of low-quality food or the presence of individual intolerance to certain foods.

Now let's figure out what chronic gastritis is. This is a long-term inflammation of the mucous membrane in the stomach. The disease is characterized by a wavy course. Periods of exacerbations are followed by periods of remission. Men often suffer from the chronic form, because their lifestyle contains a much larger number of provoking factors.

Chronic inactive gastritis (remission)

The mucous membrane of the stomach in the first degree of atrophy has the usual thickness, in others it is significantly thinned. The relief of the mucous membrane is smoothed, the ridges are flattened and shortened. The gastric pits are initially deepened and corkscrew-shaped, later they become wide and shallow.

The absence of local signs of inflammation indicates inactive chronic gastritis; their presence indicates an active chronic process.

The integumentary epithelium is flattened, the secretory function of cells is suppressed, positive material is detected only in the form of a narrow apical border. Lymphoplasmacytic infiltration of the lamina propria is moderate. The cytoplasm of surviving glandulocytes is vacuolated; During electron microscopic examination, a rarefaction of the cytoplasm in the perinuclear zone and around the intracellular tubules, a decrease in the number of tubulovesicles and microvilli, and a reduction in cristomitochondria are noted in parietal glandulocytes.

Chronic atrophic gastritis is an independent disease; it is also called inactive gastritis or gastritis in remission

Chronic atrophic gastritis (inactive gastritis or remission stage)

Chronic atrophic gastritis is one of the most common. Half of humanity suffers from it, only 10% seek help. This makes the disease most dangerous due to the neglect of the person who soon gets cancer.

Chronic gastritis of the atrophic form occurs in the form of an inflammatory and dystrophic-atrophic process. Moreover, dystrophic processes prevail over inflammatory ones. Soon a stomach ulcer develops, and it already turns into cancer.

The disease is independent, that is, it does not occur against the background of acute gastritis. It is also called inactive gastritis or gastritis in remission. Food in the stomach is slowly digested, which causes putrefactive processes leading to intoxication. The patient feels a transfusion in the stomach. Intoxication involves other parts of the gastrointestinal tract and body systems in the process.

Disruption of several systems leads to weight loss and other symptoms that are characteristic of these pathologies. In urine analysis, acetone is consistently detected. The blood test shows hypoproteinemia. The treatment for chronic atrophic gastritis is a strict diet, medication to produce hydrochloric acid, and enzyme preparations.

Classification of chronic gastritis

In order to understand what chronic gastritis is, you should consider its types:

  1. Gastritis with increased secretion of gastric juice. Patients experience heartburn, belching with a sour taste, “hungry” pain (at night and in the morning before meals) and a burning sensation in the epigastric region.
  2. Gastritis with decreased secretion of gastric juice. This type of disease is characterized by a decrease in the production of hydrochloric acid. The disease is manifested by a deterioration in appetite, weight loss, the appearance of an unpleasant taste in the mouth in the morning, after waking up, nausea, and a feeling of fullness in the stomach.

Treatment regimen for pathology in children

A child’s digestive system is fully formed only by the age of 7. Because of this, their production of hydrochloric acid is insufficient, and there is a weakening of gastric motility.

Childhood gastritis has its own treatment features. During the acute period, it is recommended to remain in bed; in addition, it is not recommended to eat for 8–12 hours. Later, meals are taken in small portions. Treatment is also complex and combines the use of medications, diet and physical therapy.

When treating gastritis in children, the following tasks are set:

  1. Normalization of the functionality of the organ mucosa.
  2. Reducing the aggressive effects of acid.
  3. Restoration of all processes in the gastrointestinal tract.

Drug therapy prescribed to children involves the use of the following drugs:

  • "Omeprazole";
  • "Amoxicillin";
  • "Furazolidone";
  • "Ranitidine";
  • "Azithromycin";
  • "Metronidazole";
  • "Clarithromycin";
  • Bismuth preparations.

Regardless of the chosen treatment regimen, compliance with the rules of dietary nutrition is required, otherwise it will not be possible to achieve the transition of the pathology into a state of stable remission:

  1. All foods that can contribute to the active production of gastric juice are removed from the diet.
  2. Pickles, smoked meats, spicy and fried foods are prohibited.
  3. Dishes should be pureed.
  4. Products must be thermally processed. They can be baked, stewed, boiled, or steamed.

When the pathology is accompanied by vomiting, antireflux drugs are prescribed - Metoclopramide or Domperidone. Sometimes they may resort to gastric lavage. If you complain of pain in the abdominal area, the use of “Drotaverine” or “Papaverine” is allowed.

When the cause of gastritis is a toxic infection, treatment is carried out with antibiotics, enzymes and adsorbents. If there is a risk of dehydration, infusion therapy is prescribed. When diagnosing phlegmonous gastritis and possible gastric perforation, surgical treatment is required.

Drug treatment of acute gastritis

In acute gastritis, as in other types of inflammation of the gastric mucosa, you should immediately consult a doctor. Only a specialist can prescribe adequate treatment that will really help and will not cause additional harm to the body.

In case of acute gastritis caused by poisoning, gastric lavage is performed. To cleanse the intestines, absorbent drugs and laxatives (activated carbon, castor oil, etc.) are prescribed. For infections that provoke acute gastritis, antibacterial drugs are used, and for allergic reactions, antiallergic (antihistamine) drugs are used.


As has already been said more than once, tablets for gastritis should be prescribed only by the attending gastroenterologist, if only because each type has its own contraindications and self-medication can be dangerous. And he will be able to first compare the possible risks of medications with their expected benefits.

Tablets based on magnesium, aluminum and bismuth should absolutely not be taken by pregnant and nursing mothers.

Enzyme tablets can be treated, but not for a long time.

In addition, tablets for gastritis are not prescribed to children under 12 years of age and to people who have hypersensitivity to one or more components of the medicine.

You can prescribe pills, but with caution to people who have:

  1. severe disturbances in liver function;
  2. disruptions in kidney function;
  3. porphyria in acute form.

Treatment of chronic gastritis with medications

For chronic gastritis, treatment is prescribed after diagnostics - probing. This procedure allows specialists to assess the state of gastric secretion and determine the acidity of the digestive juice produced in the body. If there are contraindications to probing, a gastrotest is used. Its essence lies in taking a special drug, thanks to which the level of acidity of gastric contents is determined.

The following medications may be prescribed to treat gastritis with excessive acidity:

  1. "Rennie" in the form of chewable tablets. During their development, studies were carried out that answered the question of whether gastritis with high acidity can be cured. The medicine helps eliminate symptoms. After using the drug, pain, heartburn, belching, and a feeling of fullness in the epigastric region disappear.
  2. "Almagel" in the form of a suspension. This drug helps neutralize hydrochloric acid and reduce the activity of pepsin in gastric juice. Thanks to this action, the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract is protected from damaging effects.

Many drugs have been developed for gastritis with low acidity. One of them is Plantaglucid. This is a herbal medicine made from extracts of plantain leaves. Experiments have proven that the medicine increases the production of gastric juice and increases acidity. At the same time, it protects the mucous membrane from damage and has an antispasmodic effect. Plantaglucid is low-toxic, so it is used not only in the treatment of diseases such as gastritis. Prevention is another indication for use.

Medicines for gastritis: antacids and replacement agents

The H. pylori bacterium is the only representative of pathogenic microflora that can survive in the acidic environment of the stomach. That is why it is extremely difficult to fight it. To effectively eliminate the causative agent of the disease from the body, doctors use complex drug treatment using two groups of different drugs.

Antisecretory drugs

By reducing the production of hydrochloric acid in the stomach, the substances make gastric juice more viscous and prevent its rapid elimination. This allows antibiotics, which are used in combination, to act longer on pathogenic microflora and kill them.

Such drugs include Omeprazole, Lansoprazole, Pantoprazole and others. Their main purpose is to reduce gastric secretion for the effective use of antibiotics.


Medicines from the antibiotic group are selected in accordance with test results that indicate the sensitivity of the bacteria to a particular active substance. By having a destructive effect on the bacterium, medications eliminate it from the stomach.

This group of drugs includes Amoxicillin, Flemoxin Solutab, Amoxiclav and others to which the bacteria will be sensitive. Only in this case will anti-Helicobacter therapy be effective.

Proton pump inhibitors

The list of drugs for gastritis in the section of drugs that change gastric secretion includes inhibitors of an enzyme protein called proton pump. Once in the small intestine, substances are transported through the blood into the secretory tubules and accumulate there over time. This helps reduce the production of hydrochloric acid, which, in turn, is important for reducing the acidity of gastric juice.

The effect is achieved only from long-term use of inhibitors. A one-time use of a capsule or the first tablet does not provide relief. The result is obtained only after the accumulation of the active substance in the body.

Among the popular drugs in this group are Omeprazole, Lansoprazole, Esomeprazole, Dexrabeprazole and others. Each drug is effective in combating the symptoms of gastritis. However, some doctors advise using more modern remedies, developed by modern scientists, the production of which takes into account all the features of the disease and the development of side effects is minimized.


Antacid drugs for gastritis are prescribed if the acidity of gastric juice exceeds the norm. This group of medications can effectively relieve the symptoms of the disease and bring acidity into order.

The list of drugs from this group is quite extensive, but for gastritis with acute manifestations or the chronic type, the mixture of Bourget, Rennie, Maalox, and Phosphalugel is most often prescribed. These are effective substances that act quickly and do not harm the body. Available in pharmacies without a prescription.

Substitute drugs

For chronic gastritis and sometimes for acute cases of the disease, drugs are prescribed that create a protective barrier for the mucous membrane, normalizing the functioning of the stomach and effectively removing toxins. They prevent the effects of pathogenic factors, creating a barrier to the mucous membranes of the organ.

The popular products De-Nol and Hilak-Forte are available in pharmacies without a doctor's prescription. In this group, Biogastron, Kaved-S, and Venter are also considered effective. These substances are dispensed only according to the recipe.

Diet for gastritis: general rules

Nutrition plays an important role in the treatment of the disease. A gastroenterologist or nutritionist develops a diet for sick people and talks about whether gastritis can be cured. For ailments with high and low acidity, different diets are selected, but they are based on general rules:

  • meals should be regular - 3 or 4 times a day;
  • food and drinks should not be consumed if they are too hot or cold;
  • You should not starve or overeat - it is better to eat little and often;
  • Do not swallow solid food unless it is thoroughly chewed.

Is it possible to drink alcoholic beverages if you have gastritis? The answer to this question is negative. Alcohol is prohibited for the disease in question, as is grape juice and kvass. The list of prohibited foods includes fresh baked goods, rye bread, legumes, fried eggs, hard cheeses, canned food, pickles, marinades, spicy seasonings, fatty meats, cabbage, mushrooms, onions, unripe fruits and berries with large grains.

Diet as a component of treatment

For effective treatment of gastritis, together with the use of one of the schemes, dietary table No. 1 is prescribed. It is based on the consumption of gentle foods that reduce inflammation of the mucous membrane and promote the healing of ulcers: these include boiled or steamed meat, fish, cereals, certain types of fresh vegetables and fruits are allowed.

You can add baked dishes without crust to the menu. Spices are excluded, and salt is allowed in small quantities. The temperature of consumed food, as well as drinks, should be at room temperature. Meals - 5-6 times a day. It's good to drink a glass of milk before going to bed.

Allowed soups are prepared in water from pureed vegetables; you can add rolled oats or rice.

It is not allowed to cook soups with meat broth; forbidden dishes include: okroshka, borscht and any other soups with fatty broth, with spices and frying.

It is allowed to eat baked goods made from wheat flour, but only yesterday's baked goods.

Meat products allowed: skinless chicken breast, rabbit, lean beef or lamb, turkey. By-products include liver and tongue. Prohibited: duck and goose meat. Fish is allowed, but low-fat.

Almost everything from dairy products is possible, except for hard and sour foods. Eggs are allowed soft-boiled or as a steamed omelet.

The following cereals are allowed: buckwheat, semolina, oatmeal. Prohibited: pearl barley, millet cereals, beans, peas, certain types of pasta.

You can eat non-acidic vegetables and fruits raw or pureed, steamed.

Diet for gastritis with increased secretion

For gastritis with excessive acidity, a diet is needed that does not provoke increased secretion of gastric juice. During exacerbations of this type of disease, experts advise adhering to a medical diet - table No. 1a. Slimy porridges are allowed (semolina porridge is very useful during this period), soft-boiled eggs, steam souffles from low-fat fish. Drinks include non-acidic berry and fruit jelly, carrot juice, and rosehip decoction.

When the disease subsides, they move to table No. 1b. The above list of permitted foods and dishes is expanded by adding various milk porridges prepared in pureed form, wheat crackers, steamed fish and meat dishes.

Rules for taking pills

Before prescribing treatment, the gastroenterologist will send the patient for examination - tests, gastroscopy (examination of the stomach walls with a special instrument). And only then, taking into account the results obtained, he will select medications that will eliminate the identified health problem.

Tablets and their dosage are selected depending on:

  • type of gastritis;
  • causes of the disease;
  • the level of acidity of gastric juice;
  • degree of illness;
  • symptoms accompanying the disease;
  • the presence or absence of individual intolerance to the drug in the patient;
  • special rules for taking medications for children, pregnant and lactating women.

Currently reading: Proper nutrition, diet for gastritis - for different forms of the disease

No self-medication, all prescriptions are made only by the attending doctor. This will prevent harm to the body. It is very important to take the pills until the doctor stops them, otherwise the course of therapy will be incomplete and the disease will soon worsen. In order for a complete recovery to occur, it is recommended to follow a diet, not take more pills than prescribed, and in general, strictly follow medical recommendations.

Diet for insufficient secretion

For gastritis with reduced secretion during periods of exacerbation, you can eat the following dishes and products:

  • soups made from low-fat broth with the addition of well-cooked and pureed cereals;
  • unhealthy bakery products;
  • vegetable purees, which can be prepared from potatoes, cauliflower, zucchini;
  • soft-boiled chicken eggs or an omelet made from egg whites;
  • Drinks include cocoa or tea with milk, jelly and pureed compotes of sweet fruits and berries.

What to eat for gastritis of the stomach if remission occurs? During this period, the diet is expanded. At the same time, several rules are adhered to. Firstly, the diet is balanced and healthy. Secondly, they adhere to the principle of fractional meals. Thirdly, spices, fatty and fried foods, alcoholic drinks, baked goods, and pickles are completely excluded from the diet.

Treatment of pathology caused by Helicobacter pylori

How to treat pathology caused by Helicobacter? If the disease is caused by Helicobacter pylori, antibacterial medications are prescribed. Their absence in the treatment regimen can lead to ulcers or gastric bleeding.

An effective antibiotic, Amoxicillin belongs to the group of synthetic penicillin antibiotics. Sometimes medications containing clavulanic acid are prescribed for gastritis, which increases the antibacterial effect of penicillin and improves absorption. List of analogues (the most effective ones are presented):

  • Amoxiclav;
  • Amosin;
  • Flemoclav;
  • Augmetin;
  • Amosin;
  • Flemoxin.

What other medications are used to treat gastritis? Metronidazole and Trichopolum are also effective antibiotics.

Metronidazole is effective in killing Helicobacter. The drug substances penetrate the bacteria and destroy them at the cellular level.

Trichopolum - tablets for gastritis of the stomach, are of synthetic origin. Prescribed in combination with drugs that reduce acidity. The drug should not be taken for other inflammations of the stomach.

Clarithromycin is also an effective antibacterial agent; it is a broad-spectrum macrolide and destroys even those bacteria that are resistant to many antibiotics.

Before starting antibacterial therapy, it is important to conduct a test to identify the causative agent of the pathology. This will allow you to prescribe the correct drug treatment for gastritis with the best medications.

Herbal medicine for gastritis

People suffering from inflammation of the gastric mucosa often turn to traditional healers for help and ask them whether gastritis can be cured. Healers advise using herbal medicine, because Mother Nature has created a huge number of useful plants that can cure various ailments. For gastritis with excessive acidity, a medicine prepared according to the following recipe can help:

  • take the herb of celandine, comfrey, marshmallow root and licorice (the first ingredient should be taken in relation to the others in the ratio 1:2:2:2);
  • all ingredients are crushed and mixed;
  • 1 tbsp. l. pour the prepared mixture into a glass of cold water, put on fire and bring to a boil;
  • infuse the medicine for a quarter of an hour;
  • filter;
  • take 1 glass of infusion three times a day, half an hour before meals (course of treatment – ​​30 days).

If you have a disease with low acidity, it is recommended to use a different recipe. Effective treatment of gastritis with folk remedies is possible if you strictly follow the instructions:

  • 1 tsp. chopped calamus rhizome is poured into a glass of boiling water;
  • infuse the medicine for 20 minutes;
  • filter;
  • take the infusion half an hour before meals, half a glass, four times a day.

So, we have found answers to the questions about whether it is possible to cope with the acute form of the disease, and whether it is possible to cure chronic gastritis forever. To summarize, it is worth noting that the disease develops due to the fact that people often neglect simple rules: they do not eat at the same time, skip meals, eat too cold, hot and spicy, drink alcohol, smoke. If you lead a healthy lifestyle, there will be no problems with the gastrointestinal tract, and gastritis will not occur. Prevention is precisely this.

How to quickly cure gastritis

Already with the appearance of the first symptoms, preventive measures can be taken so that the disease does not develop further and does not lead to complications, but this can only be done if the stage is not advanced.

Diet therapy

The first thing you need to start with is correcting your diet, you need to eat small portions, avoid overeating and do not skip meals, limit, or better yet exclude, fatty, spicy foods, canned food, smoked meats, and baked goods made from white flour.

The diet should contain:

  • Soups with low-fat broth;
  • Rice, oatmeal, buckwheat;
  • Boiled, baked or steamed vegetables: potatoes, pumpkin, beets, carrots...;
  • Steamed chicken or turkey cutlets;
  • Kissel or fresh berry mousse;
  • Kefir or sourdough with a low fat content;
  • Scrambled eggs, steamed omelettes (several times a week);
  • Low-fat cottage cheese, casserole;
  • Boiled or steamed fish;
  • Dried fruits (for the normal functioning of the small and large intestines);
  • Stale bread made from rye flour.
  • Coffee;
  • Kvass, carbonated water;
  • Fatty meat and sausage products;
  • Spices, sauces;
  • Chocolate;
  • Milk with a fat content of more than 2.5%, sour cream;
  • Legumes;
  • Nuts;
  • Smoked cheese.

Honey for daily use

It has been proven that it has a healing effect and alleviates inflammatory processes. Depending on what type of gastritis is present, the method of administration depends.

For low acidity, dissolve a small amount in your mouth before eating, or dissolve a tablespoon of honey in 200 milliliters of warm water.

For high acidity, the method is the same, but taken after meals.

Oat decoction

This does not mean oatmeal, but the whole grain. This will have an astringent, enveloping effect.

Pour a glass of washed grain into a liter of water and boil for an hour over low heat, strain the resulting mixture and bring the volume of liquid to the original volume, add 100 grams of liquid honey (preferably flower honey) and drink 125 ml a third of an hour before meals for three weeks, after a ten-day break, repeat the treatment.

Treatment of acute gastritis

The disease in its acute form can occur when the mucous membrane is exposed to aggressive chemicals, Helicobacter pylori bacteria, medications, as well as due to mechanical trauma to the mucous membrane or even when a food allergy occurs. Let's figure out how to treat this type of gastritis? If the mucous membrane is mechanically damaged, or inflammation begins as a result of taking medications, then gastric lavage should be done to cleanse it of substances that irritate the mucous membrane. Further treatment for gastritis consists of following a diet that includes:

  • pureed soups and cereals;
  • lean meat soufflé;
  • omelette;
  • jelly.

If Helicobacter pylori gastritis occurs, treatment consists of a course of antibacterial agents, which can last 10-14 days.

If the disease is allergic, it is important to find out the cause of the food allergy and then follow a special diet. If the disease develops as a result of a person ingesting acids or alkalis, then treating gastritis at home is impossible, since prompt medical attention and monitoring of the functioning of the larynx and kidneys are required.

Medicines that cause gastritis and their harmful effects

Medicines that cause gastritis are varied, their list is quite large. The stomach is damaged under their influence:

  • mucosal protection is weakened;
  • erosive processes occur;
  • bleeding opens in damaged areas.

If the process is not stopped, the pathology covers increasingly large areas of the mucosa and inflammation can spread to the duodenum. In addition, the development of ulcerative defects and oncology is possible.

Thus, due to the destructive effect and widespread use in medicine, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are more often the cause of drug-induced gastritis. This type of medication has analgesic, anti-inflammatory, and antipyretic effects.

Here are some of the most well-known NSAIDs that can cause illness:

Also, drug-induced gastritis may develop after antibiotics and drugs such as:

  • salicylates;
  • insulin;
  • sulfonamides;
  • hormonal drugs;
  • anti-tuberculosis drugs.

Encapsulating the tablets reduces side effects, allowing them to dissolve in the intestines, bypassing the stomach. This protects the mucosa from direct damage, but not from indirect damage.

The risk depends on the drug - some are more aggressive, others less so. And also on the dose and duration of therapy. Therefore, to reduce side effects, a careful approach to drug selection, dosage and duration of use is required.

Antacid tablets

Patients with gastritis are prescribed antacids for treatment, which are recommended to be taken after meals. The effect of the medicine in this case will last for 3–4 hours. And if you take the tablet on an empty stomach, its effect will not last even 40 minutes.

To increase the effectiveness of therapy, the specialist prescribes the patient to take medications that have enveloping properties. Such tablets for gastritis of the stomach make it possible to form a protective layer in the mucous membrane of the digestive system. This helps reduce the degree of irritation of the stomach walls from various external influences.

The most effective antacids include:

  • Rennie;
  • Vikalin;
  • Maalox;
  • Gaviscon;
  • Almagel.

Rennie is considered the most effective medicine with the simplest system of action. After taking the drug, the hydrochloric acid contained in the stomach begins to react with magnesium and calcium carbonate, which are part of Rennie. Neutralization of acid is observed within 4–5 minutes after administration. As a result of the interaction of the components, neutral salts and water appear, which leave the body through the kidneys and intestines.

Rennie is considered the most effective medicine with the simplest system of action

Vikalin is a combined type drug that has an astringent, antacid, antispasmodic and antacid effect. Vikalin can be taken only after meals. No side effects were observed during testing of the antacid. A minor drawback can only be an increasing number of bowel movements in the first day after taking the medication.

Maalox is a modern antacid that helps neutralize free hydrochloric acid without causing secondary acid hypersecretion. Due to an increase in pH levels, the peptic activity of gastric juice decreases. Maalox is also considered an adsorbent with an enveloping effect.

After taking it, the impact of damaging factors on the mucous membrane is significantly reduced. Often prescribed for chronic gastritis. Gaviscon is made on the basis of hyaluronic and mannuric acid. Acids, after interacting with hydrochloric acid, cause the development of a chemical reaction that promotes the formation of alginic acid. protecting the mucous membrane of the digestive system.

Almagel is prescribed for the symptomatic treatment of ailments of the digestive tract, which are accompanied by an increase in the acidity of gastric juice and an increase in the level of gas formation. Almagel can be prescribed both for independent use and for combination therapy together with other medications in the presence of stomach ulcers, gastritis and duodenitis.

Symptoms and signs of the disease

Symptoms and signs of drug-induced gastritis:

  • discomfort, heaviness, stomach pain;
  • dyspepsia (digestive disorders);
  • lack of appetite;
  • coating on the tongue;
  • diarrhea;
  • nausea;
  • vomiting (possibly with blood);
  • may be accompanied by high fever;
  • bleeding in the stomach.

Often the disease occurs without any obvious manifestations, but only mild heaviness and discomfort are noted. The absence of symptoms is due to the analgesic effect of the drugs that caused the pathology. In this case, the disease progresses to the point of bleeding and other complications.

In the absence of signs, gastritis is detected by diagnostic methods.

General rules of nutrition for any form of illness

For each type of illness, you should not deny yourself food that is rich in proteins, but you should not abuse it. It would be a good idea to start taking vitamins, which should be taken after meals for better absorption. You need to eat little by little and with a short interval (about 3 hours). You should not have snacks in the form of fast food or sandwiches, which are a direct path to the development of ulcers. You should definitely include vegetables in your diet. Traditional medicine advises drinking a glass of cold water on an empty stomach in the morning, which helps eliminate mucus deposited on the mucous membrane overnight. It is important to remember that the last meal should be at least 3 hours before bedtime.

Only after strict adherence to the diet and doctor’s instructions can you completely get rid of a dangerous disease that causes so much discomfort and pain. The main thing is not to self-medicate, but to start helping yourself at home only after consulting a gastroenterologist.

Gastritis in children

Most often, the disease manifests itself at the age of 6 years, when the child begins to actively develop. The reasons may be various factors.

For children, they most often use:

  • Smecta– used as prescribed by a doctor. Has a sorbing effect on the body. Price 50 rubles for one sachet;
  • Famotidine- used for acute symptoms of the disease. Affects the secretion of the stomach, due to which there is less secretion of gastric juice. Price 70 rubles;
  • Festal– refers to enzymatic types of drugs. Reduce unpleasant symptoms and improve the digestion process. Price 210 rubles.



To treat children, it is necessary to follow a dietary type of nutrition that normalizes the natural processes of regeneration of the digestive organs. You should also saturate your body with useful minerals and vitamins.

General principles of treatment

When gastritis occurs, the following treatment principles are most often used:

  • reduction of pain symptoms in patients;
  • reducing the process of inflammation in the stomach;
  • restoration of gastric microflora;
  • eliminating the causes of the disease;
  • an integrated approach to the process of eliminating gastritis;
  • maintaining proper nutrition.

Gastritis: features of therapy

Often the disease occurs without symptoms at first, so there is no thought about any treatment or following a specific diet. However, after pain or unpleasant heaviness occurs in the stomach, a visit to a gastroenterologist should not be postponed. After all, this disease is very insidious in its consequences, since it can lead to the development of ulcers or stomach cancer.

  • Erosive gastritis treatment and diet, symptoms
  • Atrophic gastritis symptoms and treatment with folk remedies

You can carry out effective methods of treating gastritis at home, but only when the disease is not severe. To rid a person of gastritis, treatment is prescribed by a doctor after gastroscopy, which allows one to identify the degree of damage to the mucous membrane and accurately make a diagnosis.

If a person experiences an exacerbation of gastritis, the symptoms and treatment are also determined by the doctor. With this course of the disease, the patient may feel pain in the pit of the stomach, nausea, a feeling of heaviness, vomiting, and possibly a general weakening of the body.

The position of the embryo helps to reduce pain, allowing the abdomen to relax as much as possible. Spasms can be relieved with painkillers. And when the Helicobacter pylori bacterium “participates” in the occurrence of the disease and its exacerbation, then the treatment of gastritis cannot be done without antibacterial medications.

Proton pump inhibitors

Blockers will perfectly help eliminate a number of symptoms, such as heartburn and unpleasant, bitter belching. Therapy with proton pump inhibitors is indicated for individuals with elevated levels of hydrochloric acid. The most effective proton pump inhibitors used for therapeutic purposes are:

  • Promez is the best remedy to eliminate the symptoms of the disease;
  • Zolispan;
  • Omeprazole.

A huge number of drugs that are recommended for the treatment of gastritis can be found in any pharmacy chain. The most important thing is not to self-medicate, but to seek advice from the attending physician, who will analyze the patient’s condition and, according to the examination data, prescribe high-quality treatment and write out a detailed scheme.

Individually selected therapy will allow you to quickly restore your health. In addition, juice therapy can be used for treatment. What kind of juice is good for stomach illness? If the acidity is low, it is better to give preference to tomato juice, and if the acidity is high, it is better to give preference to potato juice. You should only eat foods at home that are approved by your doctor. This is especially true for those patients who suffer from Helicobacter.

All of the listed drugs can be prescribed by a doctor only on the basis of a full examination to determine the stage and form of the disease, as well as taking into account patient intolerance to specific components included in many medications

List of antihistamines

Antihistamines for the treatment of catarrh are used when the disease is caused by atypical autoimmune reactions, which result in an inflammatory process on the mucous membrane and destruction (atrophy) of tissues. They can treat acute gastritis, as well as chronic inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract.

For gastritis, treatment is carried out with two types of medications:

  1. Antihistamines - Suprastin, Tavegil and Loratadine. These medications help reduce the amount of histamines in the body.
  2. Histamine receptor inhibitors - Telfast, Erius, Cimetidine and Ranitidine. Drugs of this subgroup stop the synthesis of histamines in the body, due to which their amount decreases.

Acting in different ways, each of these remedies helps eliminate the main cause of the disease - excessive activity of histamines, making it possible to treat gastritis of the stomach more effectively. Drugs in this group do not affect symptoms and cannot control the secretory activity of the digestive glands, so they are always used in combination with other drugs.

List of dopamine receptor blockers

Dopamine receptors are responsible for the formation of the gag reflex, and are often activated during gastritis. Their activity can only be slowed down with blocker drugs, which include:

  • Eglonyl;
  • Cerucal;
  • Raglan.

It is important to remember that if you have gastritis, you can drink them only if there is repeated vomiting, which threatens dehydration. Such drugs do not affect the elimination of the causes of the disease, and therefore dopamine receptor blockers are used exclusively in combination with other drugs. Most drugs in this group are available with a prescription. They should be taken in accordance with the dosage and regimens prescribed by the attending physician.

From erosive

This type of gastritis is characterized by a rapid course with severe symptoms and often leads to the development of ulcers. To normalize digestion, it is recommended to take proton pump inhibitors (Controloc) and histamine receptor blockers (Kvamatel, Ranitidine). Additionally, you can use medications containing animal enzymes:

  • Creon;
  • Panzinorm Forte;
  • Mezim;
  • Pangrol;
  • Festal;
  • Hermital.

To prevent the further spread of erosive processes and treat existing ones, enveloping and astringent medications are prescribed for gastritis:

  • Maalox. Active components – aluminum algeldate, magnesium hydroxide. The medicine neutralizes hydrochloric acid, prevents heartburn, and relieves stomach pain. The drug in the form of a suspension is taken 1-2 sachets an hour after meals, in tablets - 1 piece 3-4 times a day 2 hours after meals. Maalox rarely causes adverse reactions. A popular analogue is Almagel.
  • Gaviscon. Active components – sodium alginate and bicarbonate, calcium carbonate. The substances quickly bind to the acidic contents of the stomach, preventing the occurrence of gastroesophageal reflux, reducing irritation of the mucous membrane. Gaviscon tablets are chewed after meals, 2-4 capsules per day; in the form of a suspension, 10-20 ml are taken orally after meals. The medicine can occasionally provoke allergies.

Antibiotics for gastritis

The tablets help get rid of gastritis due to their antibacterial effects. Such drugs are prescribed if the disease occurs against a background of bacterial origin.

No. 1. Amoxicillin

Price – 120 rubles. The popular antibacterial medicine has a wide spectrum of action. The drug is taken not only for gastritis, but also for other equally serious diseases. You are allowed to take 1 tablet 3 times a day. On average, therapy lasts about a week.

No. 2. Klacid

Price – 440 rubles. The product belongs to the group of new generation macrolides. The active ingredients destroy cell membranes, causing the death of pathogenic microflora. The daily dose is calculated based on the weight and age of the patient. Treatment lasts from 3 to 5 days, depending on the severity of the disease.

List of antacids

Antacids are the most effective drugs for eliminating high acidity during gastritis. Medicines in this group are often prescribed for atrophic and erosive gastritis. In addition to normalizing the Ph balance, they help relieve symptoms - pain, belching, heartburn.

For acute and chronic forms of the disease, doctors recommend the following antacids:

  • Maalox;
  • Rennie;
  • Bourget's mixture;
  • Gasterin;
  • Phosphalugel;
  • Almagel;
  • Sodium or calcium bicarbonate;
  • Magnesium oxide.

These drugs can quickly stop an attack of gastritis, and in some cases they are used to prevent exacerbations of chronic inflammation of the gastric mucosa.


Drug treatment for gastritis is selected based on the patient’s condition, the severity of the disease, the presence of complications, and the type of inflammation. The following types of medications exist:

  • Astringents – Smecta, Almagel, Phosphalugel. They prevent the development of diarrhea, relieve heartburn and bloating.
  • Dopamine receptor antagonists – Domperidone, Metoclopramide. Medicines stimulate gastric motility and have an antiemetic effect.
  • Adsorbents – activated carbon, colloidal silicon dioxide, Lignin, Povidone. Remove harmful substances and processed products from the body.
  • Antispasmodics – Papaverine, No-shpa, Drotaverine. Relieves pain.
  • Enzyme medications – Festal, Panzinorm. Helps with digestion.
  • Antibacterial substances – De-Nol, Minocycline, Enterofuril. They are disinfected and used to treat the erosive form.
  • Antacids, proton pump and H2-histamine receptor blockers - Omez, Nexium, Ranitidine, Maalox. They reduce the acidity of gastric juice, coat the walls of the stomach, and reduce the secretion of hydrochloric acid.
  • Probiotics – Hilak, Bifidumbacterin. Normalize intestinal microflora.
  • Hepatoprotectors – Karsil, Gepabene. Restore liver functions.

Acidity enhancers

Before treating gastritis, it is necessary to determine against what acidity indicators it developed. If the level of hydrochloric acid in the gastric juice is low, food begins to rot and ferment. Against this background, the mucous membranes are affected, and all the symptoms of the disease appear.

No. 1. Limontar

Price – 290 rubles. The medicine is aimed at increasing appetite, it accelerates the synthesis of hydrochloric acid and whets the appetite. Food is easier to digest, as are the beneficial substances in its composition. The product can be taken even by pregnant women, provided that the doctor approves the therapy. For better absorption, the tablet is mixed with water and drunk in the morning.

No. 2. Prozerin

Price – 80 rubles. The drug is developed on the basis of neostigmine methyl sulfate. The substance increases the synthesis of pepsin and hydrochloric acid, improves the functioning of the smooth muscles of the gastrointestinal tract. To combat gastritis, the medicine is taken three times a day in a dosage of 10-15 mg. The duration of therapy is determined by the doctor.


All of the listed drugs for the treatment of the stomach can be purchased in an online store, ordered from a catalog from an official manufacturer, or purchased at a pharmacy near your place of residence. Approximate cost of medicines in Moscow:

Antibacterial drugs

In the case when gastritis develops against the background of Helicobacter pylori infection, it is necessary to include in the treatment regimen the use of antibacterial drugs that are not able to lose their own properties when they enter the acidic environment of the stomach
What other medications should you take for gastritis? In the case when gastritis develops against the background of Helicobacter pylori infection, it is necessary to include in the treatment regimen the use of antibacterial drugs that are not able to lose their own properties when they enter the acidic environment of the stomach. Experts prefer antibacterial drugs such as:

  • Furazolidone;
  • Metronidazole;
  • Amoxiclav;
  • Amoxicillin;
  • Clarithromycin.

It is important to add probiotics to the listed medications, since antibacterial agents disrupt the microflora of the stomach. The listed medications are necessary for patients who suffer from low acidity levels. In this case, their activity against the causative agent of the disease increases significantly.

Before using any of the above medications, you should familiarize yourself with the contraindications and side effects. It is unacceptable for people with allergies, hay fever, asthma, or lymphocytic leukemia to use antibacterial medications.

From chronic

Every third patient suffering from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract is diagnosed with chronic gastritis. A common cause of its occurrence is prolonged inflammation of the mucous membrane due to the proliferation of the bacterium Helicobacter Pylori. In order to cure bacterial chronic gastritis, antibiotics are prescribed:

  • Amoxicillin;
  • Omeprazole;
  • Clarithromycin.
  • Causes of stomach pain and their nature - treatment and drugs for pain relief
  • Erosive gastritis of the stomach
  • Catarrhal gastritis - causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment with medications, folk remedies and diet

The antibacterial drug De-Nol has proven itself well. Its active ingredient is bismuth tripotassium dicitrate. The substance has bactericidal activity against Helicobacter Pylori, anti-inflammatory and astringent effects. The medicine for gastritis is taken orally, 2 tablets 2 times a day, 30 minutes before meals. De-Nol can cause nausea, vomiting, constipation, and skin rash. The medicine is strictly forbidden to be used for:

  • individual intolerance;
  • pregnancy;
  • lactation;
  • renal failure;
  • liver dysfunction.

Drug therapy for other forms of chronic gastritis involves taking medications that help normalize acidity and have analgesic and sedative properties. To reduce the concentration of stomach acidity, medications Ranitidine or Omez are prescribed. They reduce the volume of gastric juice and increase the pH of the stomach contents. Omez is available only with a prescription; Ranitidine can be found over the counter. The dosage regimen and duration of use are determined by the doctor.

Gastritis worsens: what symptoms are accompanied by?

In spring or summer, patients may experience an exacerbation of gastritis, accompanied by certain symptoms and requiring special treatment. Exacerbation may occur:

  • pain;
  • heartburn, belching;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • bloating;
  • increased salivation or dry mouth;
  • bowel dysfunction;
  • general malaise (weakness, fever, headaches, palpitations, dizziness);
  • loss of appetite and weight loss;
  • the appearance of blood in the stool (with erosive gastritis).

The manifestation of each of these signs is individual. For example, pain may occur constantly or occur periodically. One person experiences pain before eating, while another experiences pain after eating. And the appearance of symptoms such as nausea and vomiting depends on how badly the mucous membrane is damaged and how low or high the acidity is.

A person may feel pain with gastritis, but this depends on how severely the mucous membrane is affected and how long the disease lasts. Treatment for gastritis will depend on this, which is determined for each patient individually. If a person has discovered the above symptoms, then there is no need to independently treat gastritis at home, but should immediately consult a doctor in order to begin treatment in a timely manner and prevent the development of severe complications.

  • Increased stomach acidity: traditional and folk treatment
  • Exacerbation of gastritis: causes and symptoms
  • Is it possible to cure Helicobacter pylori?

Forms and types of gastritis

Main forms of gastritis– acute and chronic. These types of diseases differ from each other in the intensity of the disease. The acute form of the disease is manifested by a large number of symptoms and responds quickly to medications.

While the chronic form may occur with mild symptoms that gradually increase in intensity. Most often, it is the chronic type of gastritis that causes complications and contributes to the development of the disease into a more complex form.

Gastritis can be of the following types:

  • with high acidity;
  • with normal acidity in the stomach;
  • with low acidity.

Only a specialist can correctly determine the degree of acidity using the results of the examination.

Acute gastritis

The disease acute gastritis can manifest itself in different forms.

Catarrhal form

Catarrhal form- manifests itself in the form of an inflammatory formation on the gastric mucosa, which swells and can in some places form thickenings and compactions of various types.

Manifested by the following symptoms:

  • swelling of the skin;
  • stomach ache;
  • lack of appetite;
  • the presence of blood particles in the stool;
  • allergies (if gastritis is caused by allergic factors);
  • burning sensation in the stomach area.

This type of disease rarely affects the deep layers of the stomach walls, however, it can progress to more complex stages and increase unpleasant symptoms.

Fibrinous gastritis

Fibrinous gastritis– most often manifests itself as a result of viral diseases such as scarlet fever. It manifests itself as necrosis of the gastric mucosa, can affect deep layers and flow into complex forms.


  • vomiting with mucus;
  • stomach ache;
  • weakness;
  • lack of appetite;
  • stool disorder.

This form of gastritis destroys the mucous membranes of the stomach and promotes their detachment.

Phlegmous gastritis

Phlegmous gastritis– the disease manifests itself by deep penetration into the layers of the walls and the formation of an infection with pus. The walls of the stomach increase in thickness and cause unpleasant symptoms.


  • vomit;
  • pain and burning;
  • increased body temperature;
  • admixtures of pus and mucus in the stool.

This type of gastritis is bacterial, and can gradually affect other types of organs in the absence of timely treatment.

Necrotizing gastritis

Necrotic– occurs as a result of increased levels of toxins in the stomach. This type of gastritis is manifested by the death of parts of the stomach.


  • vomiting with blood;
  • increased viscosity of saliva;
  • coating on the tongue;
  • pain in the stomach area.

This type of gastritis is the most complex and may not respond to treatment for a long time.

Chronic gastritis - forms

The disease chronic gastritis is also divided into different forms.

Helicobacter gastritis

Helicobacter gastritis– manifests itself as a result of infection with bacteria that cause inflammation and contribute to the formation of damage to the mucous membrane.


  • nausea;
  • vomit;
  • stomach upset;
  • sharp pain.

The disease may not show symptoms for a long time and gradually affects healthy organs.

Autoimmune gastritis

Autoimmune– a form of gastritis is very rare. Experts have still not been able to accurately determine the reasons that contributed to the formation of the disease. The human body promotes the release of cells that absorb healthy ones in the stomach area, which leads to the appearance of destroyed areas on the mucosa.


  • pain;
  • stomach upset;
  • disruption of the digestive process.

This type of gastritis is difficult to treat and can cause additional types of symptoms.

Chemically mediated form

Chemically mediated form– the disease manifests itself as a result of the release of acids from the gallbladder into the stomach. This type occurs as a result of the accumulation of a large number of toxic compounds in the body.


  • coating on the tongue;
  • weakness;
  • bowel dysfunction;
  • mucus impurities in stool;
  • pain in the abdomen.

If treatment is ignored, sections of the stomach walls die, as well as deep cell damage.

Idiopathic gastritis

Idiopathic gastritis– the disease has no obvious symptoms. It can appear suddenly, with the walls of the stomach becoming loose and forming small ulcerative lesions, which are accompanied by the release of blood fluid. The reasons for the manifestation of such a disease are unknown to specialists.

Eosinophilic gastritis

Eosinophilic gastritis– occurs as a result of penetration into the digestive organs of substances to which the body develops an allergic reaction.


  • vomit;
  • diarrhea;
  • intestinal obstruction;
  • gas formation.

The walls of the mucous membranes swell and become inflamed; after an allergen enters the body, gastric motility increases, resulting in an accelerated digestion process. Which leads to the accumulation of food and the release of excessive amounts of gastric juice.

Granulomatous gastritis

Granulomatous gastritis– manifests itself as a complication of other types of diseases, such as Crohn’s disease, tuberculosis. Manifested by symptoms of pain and vomiting with blood. In the absence of timely treatment, it can destroy the walls of the stomach and lead to mycosis.

Other forms of gastritis

In addition to the main forms of gastritis, experts distinguish the following types:

  • Radiation gastritis– manifests itself as a result of exposure to radiation elevated to an acceptable level;
  • Lymphocytic– occurs as a result of damage to the mucous membrane by foreign particles. Most common in old age;
  • Multifocal– occurs as a result of low acidity in the stomach, resulting in damage and death of cells in the area of ​​the digestive organs.

These types of gastritis are very rare and can appear without the first signs of disease development.

Drugs that relieve spasms and pain in gastritis

First aid for gastritis is painkillers. They relieve spasms and eliminate unpleasant pain symptoms, which include nagging, aching pain in the stomach. These medications do not eliminate the very cause of the disease and do not treat gastritis, so they are taken in combination with other medications.

The drug is a combination drug, has an analgesic and antispasmodic effect. Contains active substances that enhance the therapeutic effect: pitofenone hydrochloride, fenpiverinium bromide, metamizole sodium. Take for pain in the intestines and stomach area. It relaxes the muscles of the walls of the digestive tract, slows down the development of inflammation.

Side effects include dry mouth, dizziness, and headaches. You should refuse the drug if you are intolerant to the drug or its constituent substances.

Directions for use: 1-3 tablets, 2-3 times a day, without chewing, with water.

Gastritis at the very beginning of its development does not cause the patient anxiety or does not affect the usual way of life. Often, patients come to see a doctor with a chronic course of the disease. This amendment to the main diagnosis significantly adjusts the prescribed treatment. The patient has a question: is it possible to cure chronic gastritis? This form in medical terminology implies incurability.

It is important for a person to stop being bothered by symptoms, and the disease no longer has a negative impact on other systems of the body - this effect is quite achievable. In medical terminology, this condition is called long-term remission. It can be achieved both with medication and with the help of folk remedies. The patient is no longer tormented by unpleasant symptoms, the disease stops its development and does not negatively affect the body. After a series of studies, the specialist will still diagnose “chronic gastritis”. Evidence of this will be changes in the mucous membrane of the stomach and glands. These processes will have a different nature depending on the type of gastritis itself. It is classified:

1. By volume of lesion:

  • erosive;
  • catarrhal;
  • phlegmonous.

2. According to the development mechanism:

  • autoimmune;
  • atrophic;
  • hypertrophic;
  • eosinophilic.

It is quite difficult to cure atrophic gastritis, like autoimmune gastritis, especially if the disease is advanced. It is easier for a young man at the beginning of the development of chronic gastritis to achieve formal recovery, in which the disease will not bother him.

Drug treatment for gastritis

Before treatment, the doctor will prescribe a series of clarifying tests. Fibrogastroscopy is considered the most accurate study. Additionally, scatology, blood, urine, gastric juice tests, and a test to identify the Helicobacter bacteria will be required.

Since the development of chronic gastritis is often caused by the bacterium Helicobacter pylori, treatment of this type of pathology begins with taking antibiotics. Only after this will the use of auxiliary medications be effective. This is a whole range of medications, each of which performs its own function:

  • For increased acidity of gastric juice - Omez, Proxium, Ranitidine.
  • Antacids.
  • Enzyme preparations – Creon, Mezim, Festal.
  • To restore the functioning of the stomach and duodenum - Cerucal, Motilium, Domperidone.

Gastritis can be cured using this scheme in several months, depending on the severity of the disease.

The doctor will prescribe alkaline mineral water, which will restore the balance of gastric juice. It is especially effective for gastritis with high acidity.

A separate stage is the diet - you will have to switch to a special diet as soon as the decision on treatment is made. This is one of the most important parts of therapy.

Basic principles of nutrition

To cure the disease and create favorable conditions for the restoration of the mucous membrane, you should not only eliminate junk food from the diet, but also completely change your diet. This concerns the main points:

1. Doctors advise eating small, frequent meals.

2. You should set a routine and eat food every 2 hours at the same time. Complete breakfast, lunch and dinner alternate with healthy snacks.

3. Chew food more thoroughly than usual. The stomach in a state of chronic gastritis is not able to fully digest everything that comes into it. Large, rough pieces can injure the mucous membrane. This explains the need to grind dishes before eating.

4. Even a one-time deviation from the prescribed diet will negate the achieved result - treatment will take a longer period. Therefore, it is important to completely avoid junk food that can cause irritation to the mucous membranes of the stomach and duodenum.

5. Food temperature is usually not given enough attention. However, this can significantly adjust the recovery rate.

Food should be no lower than +20 and no higher than +55 degrees. This will ensure the most comfortable absorption.

Diet food

The duration of a forced diet change is determined by the attending physician, taking into account many factors. But experienced experts say that if a person really wants to cure gastritis, then a number of harmful foods should be excluded from the menu forever. From a state of long-term remission, the pathology very quickly passes into the active phase due to what has been eaten, then treatment will have to be started again.

You need to exclude:

  • smoked meats, pickles, marinades;
  • fat;
  • roast;
  • sour;
  • sweets, confectionery, baked goods;
  • fresh baked goods;
  • carbonated drinks;
  • strong tea, coffee;
  • spices;
  • synthetic additives, flavor enhancers and all products containing them (crackers, chips, snacks, fast food).

The latter cause severe irritation of the mucous membrane, provoke the development of gastritis even in healthy people, you should forget about them forever.

Instead, the emphasis can be on cereals, lean meats, fish, vegetables and some fruits. For gastritis with low acidity, it is recommended to consume foods that stimulate the glands - sour ones.


In order to prevent gastric changes on the walls of the stomach, it is worth remembering that they are provoked by 3 factors:

  • nutrition;
  • Lifestyle;
  • psycho-emotional state.

After the course of treatment, the patient is no longer bothered by signs of the disease; only an internal examination of the stomach can remind about it.

Many people suffering from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract would like to know whether chronic gastritis can be completely cured. In order to effectively cope with the disease, it is necessary to first determine the cause of the disease, then prescribe the correct treatment. Chronic gastritis can really be cured if you follow a diet and take courses of medications.

Doctors say that it is impossible to completely cure this disease, but there are many patients who have gotten rid of the symptoms of the disease, and for a long time they are not bothered by an exacerbation of the disease. It is important to remember that gastritis tends to progress and worsen again under favorable circumstances.

Why does chronic gastritis develop: how does it manifest?

One of the main causes of gastritis is the bacterium Helicobacter pylori. But you need to understand that even if this bacillus is present in the body, not every person can get gastritis. The development of the disease is influenced by such unfavorable factors as proper nutrition and the level of the immune system. Chronic gastritis differs from acute gastritis in not too pronounced symptoms, periods of outbreaks and remissions.

The main reasons for the development of gastritis are:

  1. The influence of pathogens.
  2. Ingestion of aggressive substances that irritate or burn the mucous membrane.
  3. Accidental ingestion of sharp objects.
  4. Consequences after taking certain medications.
  5. Allergic reaction to food.

Chronic gastritis can be identified by symptoms such as nausea or vomiting, dry mucous membranes in the mouth, weakness, dizziness, fever, digestive tract upset, and pain in the hypochondrium. With a correctly collected history and correct diagnosis, it becomes possible to cure chronic gastritis.

It is possible to make such a diagnosis based on symptoms, examinations performed in the form of phagogastroduodenoscopy, ultrasound examination of the abdominal cavity, and clinical blood tests. After diagnosis, treatment is prescribed, depending on the form of gastritis and its stage. It is possible to cure chronic gastritis completely, but it requires every effort. Moreover, proper nutrition and a therapeutic diet become an integral part of the life of a sick person.

How does therapy work?

Gastritis of microbial, medicinal or toxic origin can be treated by gastric lavage and the prescription of appropriate medications. Depending on the cause of the disease, antispasmodics, antibacterial drugs, and detoxification agents are prescribed.

It is possible to cure gastritis by following a therapeutic diet for at least two weeks. For the first few days, you are not allowed to eat food at all, you can only drink still water, weak tea, decoctions of medicinal plants, Borjomi.

Further, foods such as slimy porridges, pureed vegetable soups, jelly, and low-fat kefir are allowed. After a few more days, the diet expands and includes steamed meat or fish meatballs and meat soufflé.

Herbal medicine is used as an additional method. Decoctions of chamomile, flax seeds, mint and dill have a positive effect on the mucous membrane, soothe and envelop it. You can get rid of gastritis with proper and timely therapy. But we must remember that it will be possible to achieve stable remission only if the gastric mucosa has not undergone serious pathological changes, for example, a prolonged inflammatory process often causes restructuring of the structure and provokes degenerative processes in the structures of the stomach. The result can be cell atrophy and loss of gland function.

If serious irreversible changes have not yet developed, it is possible to achieve a long-term stable remission, which for many becomes a complete cure. In addition, an important principle is diet therapy, which is the key to successful therapy. It is necessary to exclude from the diet fried, smoked, pickled, salty and spicy foods, sweets, coffee, strong meat or fish broths, fresh baked goods, legumes, and spices. Alcoholic drinks are completely excluded.

Reading time: 11 minutes. Views 4.1k.

Chronic gastritis is a common pathological condition characterized by inflammatory damage to the mucous membrane lining the stomach. This disease is characterized by an undulating course, i.e., pronounced periods of deterioration and remission.

People of working age are more susceptible to gastritis. Men and women equally often suffer from this pathological condition. Only timely detection of symptoms and treatment in adults can suppress the disease and prevent the development of severe complications.

What is chronic gastritis

Chronic gastritis is not always the result of a lack of acute treatment. Often this is an independent, sluggish pathological process of inflammatory nature, leading first to the appearance of morphological changes in the mucosal tissues, and then to their atrophy and a decrease in protective and functional abilities.

With this disease, there is a gradual replacement of normally functioning glandular cells with connective tissue. Given the progressive nature of gastritis, over time there is an increase in the affected areas of the mucous membrane, which often becomes the cause of various kinds of dysfunction of this organ.

A classification of chronic gastritis has been developed, according to which the following types of disease are distinguished depending on the location of the area of ​​inflammation, origin, histological picture and characteristics of the secretory function:

How often do you get your blood tested?

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    Only as prescribed by the attending physician 31%, 1656 votes

    Once a year and I think that’s enough 17%, 919 votes

    At least twice a year 15%, 806 votes

    More than twice a year but less than six times 11%, 597 votes

    I take care of my health and donate once a month 6%, 324 vote

    I'm afraid of this procedure and try not to pass 4%, 230 votes


  • surface;
  • hypertrophic;
  • atrophic;
  • Hilicobacter;
  • autoimmune;
  • reflux;
  • endogenous;
  • antral;
  • fundal;
  • erosive;
  • hyperacid;
  • hypoacid.

The diagnosis of chronic active gastritis, i.e. superficial, is made extremely rarely because it does not manifest itself with severe symptoms and is detected by chance during a routine examination. The most common is chronic Helicobacter gastritis. Considering that in most cases the development of gastritis is not detected immediately, and after a long course mixed forms are often diagnosed.


Many external and internal factors negatively affect the state of the gastrointestinal tract. Internal causes contributing to the appearance of gastritis include:

  • inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity;
  • bacterial infections of the lungs and upper respiratory tract;
  • disorders of the thyroid gland;
  • diabetes;
  • disruption of enzyme production;
  • gout;
  • cardiovascular and pulmonary failure;
  • hepatitis;
  • chronic pancreatitis;
  • cirrhosis of the liver;
  • autoimmune diseases.

Gastritis is perhaps the most popular disease today, regardless of age and general health, studies show that more than 50% of the world's population experience this

A problem, but you can always prevent the onset of the disease, and take preventive measures if symptoms do appear.

We will tell you what danger this disease poses, how to ease the exacerbation process and how to avoid all possible consequences.

What is gastritis of the stomach

Gastritis is an inflammation of the mucous membranes of the walls of the stomach, which disrupts its work and functioning in general, and also causes problems in the digestive organs. The causative agent in 90% of cases is the bacterium Helicobacter pylori.

There are several types of disease:

  1. Spicy – occurs as a result of any impact, bacterial, thermal, chemical.
  2. Chronic – inflammation that regularly affects the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract.
  3. Hemorrhagic – provokes bleeding of internal organs.
  4. Rigid - a deep lesion in the lowest part of the organ, which can deform its natural shape and size.
  5. Erosive – affects the entire membrane and the area around it.

What causes gastritis?

  • As mentioned above, the first cause is considered to be the bacterium Helicobacter pylori; every second person is a carrier of this microorganism, but not everyone develops the disease;
  • Exposure of the mucous membrane to chemical or thermal influences, which provoke a burn, meaning detergent residues on dishes, eating excessively cold or hot food;
  • Reflux is the release and production of bile in increased quantities, which can irritate the stomach and other mucous membranes;
  • Genetic inheritance;
  • Long-term or frequent use of medications containing acid (for example: Acetylsalicylic acid, Analgin), as well as antibiotics;
  • Stress often manifests itself, prolonged phases of depression;
  • Abuse of drugs, alcohol, pipette, hookah;
  • Hormonal imbalances or acute vitamin deficiency;
  • Drinking coffee on an empty stomach;
  • Dysbacteriosis;
  • Other progressive inflammatory diseases;
  • Lack of oxygen in the blood system;
  • Serious poisoning, intoxication, drug overdose.

How gastritis manifests itself: symptoms

  • Vomiting, nausea;
  • Decreased appetite, or complete absence;
  • Painful sensations, both aching and burning, intolerable, which may intensify while eating;
  • Bloating, gases;
  • Frequent belching;
  • Heartburn, especially after waking up, as well as after eating;
  • Feeling of heaviness and overeating even after eating a small portion of food;
  • Weight loss, although this may not be visually noticeable;
  • Unpleasant taste and smell in the mouth, long, nasty aftertaste;
  • Dizziness, weakness, loss of consciousness;
  • Irritability, tearfulness, aggression;
  • The coating on the tongue is white-gray or deep yellow;
  • Heart rhythm disturbances and pressure changes;
  • Increased sweating;
  • Sleep and falling asleep disorders;
  • Paleness on the face;
  • Fever;
  • Rumbling in the stomach;
  • Lots of saliva in the mouth.

Complications of gastritis

  • A sharp decline in the level of vitamins in the body;
  • Anemia (anemia);
  • Bleeding of internal organs;
  • Acute attacks of pancreatitis;
  • Stomach or intestinal cancer;
  • Dehydration;
  • Sepsis;
  • Ulcerative diseases;
  • Anorexia.

How to quickly cure gastritis

Already with the appearance of the first symptoms, preventive measures can be taken so that the disease does not develop further and does not lead to complications, but this can only be done if the stage is not advanced.

Diet therapy

The first thing you need to start with is correction, you need to eat small portions, avoid overeating and do not skip meals, limit, or better yet exclude, fatty, spicy foods, canned food, smoked meats, and baked goods made from white flour.

The diet should contain:

  • Soups with low-fat broth;
  • Rice, oatmeal, buckwheat;
  • Boiled, baked or steamed vegetables: potatoes, pumpkin, beets, carrots...;
  • Steamed chicken or turkey cutlets;
  • Kissel or fresh berry mousse;
  • Kefir or sourdough with a low fat content;
  • Scrambled eggs, steamed omelettes (several times a week);
  • Low-fat cottage cheese, casserole;
  • Boiled or steamed fish;
  • Dried fruits (for the normal functioning of the small and large intestines);
  • Stale bread made from rye flour.
  • Coffee;
  • Kvass, carbonated water;
  • Fatty meat and sausage products;
  • Spices, sauces;
  • Chocolate;
  • Milk with a fat content of more than 2.5%, sour cream;
  • Legumes;
  • Nuts;
  • Smoked cheese.

Honey for daily use

It has been proven that it has a healing effect and alleviates inflammatory processes. Depending on what type of gastritis is present, the method of administration depends.

For low acidity, dissolve a small amount in your mouth before eating, or dissolve a tablespoon of honey in 200 milliliters of warm water.

For high acidity, the method is the same, but taken after meals.

Oat decoction

This does not mean oatmeal, but the whole grain. This will have an astringent, enveloping effect.

Pour a glass of washed grain into a liter of water and boil for an hour over low heat, strain the resulting mixture and bring the volume of liquid to the original volume, add 100 grams of liquid honey (preferably flower honey) and drink 125 ml a third of an hour before meals for three weeks, after a ten-day break, repeat the treatment.

Traditional recipes for the treatment of gastritis

Potato juice

Wash several large potatoes thoroughly, dry them and put them through a juicer, blender, meat grinder or grater, squeeze well to the last drop, there are several methods of reception and the ability to choose the right one for a particular case. The course is determined individually.
150 milliliters on an empty stomach after waking up.
250 ml of juice thirty minutes before breakfast, once a day, after which you need to lie down in a calm state.
Take before meals, once, before any meal, gradually increasing the dose, ranging from fifteen to one hundred milliliters.

Olive oil

You can take one or two spoons a day in its pure form, or as an addition to salads or other dishes.


Freshly squeezed in a volume of 30 ml twice a day before meals, stops the development of microorganisms and harmful bacteria.

Sea buckthorn oil

Heals ulcers, wounds, erosions on the mucous membranes of the stomach and intestines. Five milliliters three times a day, half an hour before each of the main meals.

Quail eggs

They are considered safer than chicken eggs, and do not pose a threat in the form of salmonellosis. Drink one raw egg two to three times a day, forty minutes before meals.

Green apples

For a month, replace breakfast with peeled apples, grated on a coarse grater; three hours after eating the fruit, you must have a full breakfast. After a month, it is enough to carry out such treatment once every three weeks.

Alkaline water

Effective and useful for high acidity, in cases where you often experience heartburn. Drink warm, one hour before lunch, 125 - 160 grams.

Flax seed

  1. Pour 15 grams of seeds into half a liter of just boiled water, leave for an hour, drink a glass once a day before meals.
  2. Soak 45 grams of flax in a liter of boiling water, close the lid very tightly and wrap it in a warm blanket or blanket, leave for twelve hours, take as in the previous method, but half a glass.
  3. Pour flax seed into a thermos at the rate of 1 tbsp. for 0.5 liters of water, close it, shake and leave for two hours, strain and drink 100 ml three times a day.

Chamomile, Calendula

Drink as tea, brew 5 grams of herb with a glass of boiling water, wait until it brews, drink 20-40 ml several times a day.

Sea buckthorn berries

Add about three tablespoons to boiling water (half a liter) in a saucepan. spoons of berries and boil for twenty minutes over very low heat, filter and drink a glass twice, the course is long.


Place a spoonful of herbs in a thermos with boiling water, close and leave for a couple of hours, strain through a sieve or cheesecloth, drink fifteen milliliters four times after meals.


Grind 10 grams of burdock roots very finely, mix with 500 milliliters of water and cook in a metal bowl for ten minutes and boil. Drink one spoon 3-5 times.

Birch bark

The therapeutic effect will only occur at the moment when the birch tree secretes sap. Grind two tablespoons of bark in a blender, pour a liter of warm water, leave for no more than three hours, strain and take 125 ml 20 minutes before meals.

Important! After each serving of infusion, you need to eat fifteen grams of butter, after a quarter of an hour. Course up to three weeks.


Fifty grams of propolis + half a liter of vodka or diluted alcohol, leave for a week, shaking daily. Take according to the scheme - 50 ml of water, 10 drops of tincture an hour before meals, for 21 days.


You can extract the juice yourself if you have a plant at home, or purchase it ready-made at the pharmacy.
100 ml of juice + 0.5 liters of vodka + honey on the tip of a teaspoon, leave for a month and a half, drink 15 ml on an empty stomach in the morning.

Cabbage juice

Pass six to ten large cabbage leaves through a juicer, let the resulting mixture stand for 4 hours, drink half a glass twice a day before meals, the juice retains its beneficial properties for no more than two days after it is extracted.


Increases acidity and can have a therapeutic effect at any stage of the disease. It is sold in pharmacies, but it is difficult to achieve the required concentration on your own. You need to drink 45 milliliters during the day, divided into three doses.

Dandelion syrup

Lay dandelions in a metal three-liter container and cover the floor with kilograms of sugar, crush everything until a sticky syrup forms. Before taking, dilute a teaspoon in half a glass of water and do so three times a day.

Vitamin mixture

Beat 1 glass of honey + 2 lemons + 600 milliliters of olive oil, place in a glass container and store in the refrigerator.