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How to remove tea stains. How to remove tea stains in a washing machine

Everything in a person should be clean and beautiful, unless, of course, the person respects himself and takes care of himself and his appearance. And to maintain cleanliness you need some knowledge that will help and rescue you at the most inopportune moment.

How can you remove (remove, wash) a tea stain?

  1. We use a regular tampon. Apply hydrogen peroxide to it. “Touch” the stain with the swab. We wait about twenty minutes. Rinse and three without stopping.
  2. We soak an ordinary tampon with warm glycerin. Rinse with water after fifteen minutes.
  3. We throw the item into the washing machine. Add bleach. We wash as much as needed (according to the instructions).
  4. Mix two spoons of ammonia with a teaspoon of glycerin. We wash the item with this mixture.
  5. Take citric acid. Pour tea onto the stain and three. Rinse.
  6. Prepare (or buy) Udalix. We use it for “stain removal”.
  7. Take the Mister Dez stain remover. Apply it to the stain. Rinse.
  8. Wipe the stain with a lemon slice. Rinse in cold water. Rub the stain with a slice of lemon again. We put the thing in the sun. Leave it for a couple of hours.
  9. Mix glycerin and salt. Apply the mixture to the spot. We wait until the tea stain discolors. Wash with water.
  10. Immerse the item under a stream of boiling water. Three thoroughly (under boiling water). Rinse in water. Three again. And so on until victory over the stain!
  11. Mix distilled water and lactic acid (ratio – one to one). We wet the contamination. Leave for about twenty minutes. Rinse in ice water.
  12. Wet the sponge with 2% ammonia. Apply ammonia solution to the stain. We do the same with a solution of food grade citric acid (ten percent solution). We wait fifteen minutes. Rinse in cold water. Dry it. We fall asleep with talc. We wait until the talc dries. We clean off the talc with a brush.
  13. We take bleach from Amway. We use it as in the instructions.
  14. We buy soap called “Anti-stain” and use it to wash off the tea stain.
  15. Take Domestos spray. Spray on the stain. We wait about ten minutes. Let's spray again. Wash off after half an hour.
  16. We take out a piece of laundry soap. Let's try it as a tea stain remover.
  17. Let's take Vanish. We process the item with it as indicated in the instructions.

How else can you get rid of tea stains?

Reviews from women who removed tea stains:

  • Larisa, Volgograd: Citric acid helped me. I tried “Vanish” but didn’t get any effect. I don't see any point in buying it anymore. But I won’t dissuade you if you want to double-check.
  • Tatyana, Moscow: “Amway” product is the coolest product in the world! It removes all stains. Not just the ones that tea leaves behind.
  • Olga, Yaroslavl: I tried the last remedy in the article (at random). It helped! I myself am shocked by the result. I think that the others are also effective.
  • Polina, Kursk: Antipyatnin soap! And it is not difficult to find, and it is inexpensive. So…. I only use them.
  • Polina, Smolensk: The glycerin solution helped (there is information about it in this article). The rest is not. I tried a lot of things.
  • Olga, Moscow: All my girlfriends really praise Vanish. And many people write that this product is good. And I tried it - “zero effect”.
  • Klavdiya, Ryazan: I carefully rubbed it with lemon - it helped. Well, not without the help of some water, of course! I won't advise. It would be better if I just recommend it!
  • Glafira, Vladivostok: How to withdraw? - Ordinary salt helps! Soak in salt and wait about thirty minutes. Wash thoroughly. See what the effect will be.
  • Galina, Obninsk: “Vanish” helped me. And only “Vanish”! I use it to remove all stains.

If you accidentally spilled tea on your favorite blouse, don’t despair. You can remove fresh stains by washing the product with laundry soap and hot water. It is much more difficult to deal with brown marks when they have dried and the dye has been firmly absorbed into the fabric. Such a nuisance, unfortunately, is not uncommon. Let's figure out how to remove old tea stains and return your clothes to their flawless appearance.

Fighting methods

Tea is quite difficult to wash off because it is a powerful natural dye. It contains the substance tannin, which firmly eats into the fibers of the fabric and gives them a bright brown color.

The easiest way to deal with the problem is to purchase a high-quality stain remover from the household chemicals department and treat the stain, strictly following the instructions. How to remove old tea stains? You can use:

  • Faberlic universal stain remover EXTRA OXY;
  • Amwey SA8™ bleach;
  • liquid Vanish for colored or white fabrics.

Modern household chemicals can clean the most stubborn stains, but they are expensive. You can return your clothes to their ideal appearance using improvised means that can be found in the arsenal of every housewife. Before removing an old tea stain, prepare:

  • ammonia;
  • citric and oxalic acid;
  • glycerin and borax;
  • table salt and peroxide.

If you do not have the opportunity to wash the item immediately, wipe the brown marks with alcohol diluted 1:3 with water. This will make it easier to remove stains when they dry.

How to wash white fabric

A simple way to remove an old tea stain on a white material is “Whiteness”. It is only suitable for thick natural fabrics, such as linen or cotton.

  1. Dilute a couple of capfuls of the product in a liter of heated water and soak the soiled item for several hours.
  2. Afterwards, all you have to do is rinse it thoroughly by adding conditioner to the water. It will get rid of the specific smell.
  3. When working with bleach, remember to wear rubber gloves to protect the delicate skin of your hands.

If there is no “Whiteness” in the house, don’t worry, you can wash off an old tea stain with improvised means. Use a mixture of glycerin and ammonia in a ratio of 4:1. This solution is a powerful cleaning agent and easily copes with traces of tea leaves.

  1. Moisten the contaminated area, apply the prepared solution to it and leave for half an hour.
  2. Then wash the item with regular powder, rinse and dry.

It’s easy to remove tea leaves stains from a white blouse using hydrogen peroxide. Thoroughly moisten the dirty surface of the clothing with the product, wait a quarter of an hour and wash as usual.

We use acid

Old tea stains are effectively destroyed with oxalic acid. It can be used for white natural material. Colored and synthetic fabrics deteriorate easily when exposed to acid.

  1. Dissolve 1 tsp in a glass of water. oxalic acid, soak the stains with the liquid and wait half an hour.
  2. After this, rinse the product with water in which you dissolve 1 tsp. ammonia.
  3. Once you try this method, you will stop wondering how to remove an old tea stain.

To enhance the whitening effect, it is recommended to mix oxalic and citric acids in a 1:2 ratio. Measure out one and a half teaspoons of the mixture and dissolve it in 250 ml. water. Before use, it is advisable to add 3 drops of ammonia to the liquid and treat the contaminated area on the fabric with it. The spots will quickly lighten and disappear.

For natural silk, lactic acid is a salvation from stubborn stains. It needs to be mixed in equal quantities with purified water and soaked into the blots. After 20 minutes, the product should be rinsed thoroughly with water and washed with powder.

Washing colored laundry

An effective remedy for removing old tea stains on brightly colored fabric is a 10% borax solution. It will not negatively affect the color of the product, but will only effectively remove stains.

  1. Buy a bottle of borax at the pharmacy, moisten a piece of cotton wool with it and wipe the stained areas with it.
  2. Remove any stains remaining after cleaning by sprinkling a damp cloth with citric acid and coarse salt mixed in equal quantities.
  3. After 15 minutes, rinse the item first in cold and then in hot water and hang to dry.

Tea marks on wool or silk can simply be removed with glycerin. Warm it slightly in a water bath and moisten the stains. After a quarter of an hour, blot the fabric with a dry cloth and start washing with powder.

  1. You can restore the purity of colored fabrics by mixing salt and glycerin into a homogeneous paste.
  2. Apply the mixture to the dirty material and wait until the stain begins to dissolve.
  3. When it discolors, you just have to do a normal wash.

On well-painted material, faint traces of green tea can be easily wiped off with vinegar. Pour 1 tbsp into a glass of water. l. product and soak the stained area of ​​fabric in the liquid. After an hour, take the item out, unscrew it and wash it with a high-quality powder.

Note to the hostess

  • Tea stains often appear not only on clothes, but also on upholstered furniture, carpet and other household items. Glycerin will help cope with them. You need to dilute 1 tbsp. l. glycerin in a liter of cool water and thoroughly rinse the stains on the sofa or carpet.
  • A fresh tea stain from the upholstery of upholstered furniture can simply be removed with dishwashing detergent or household shavings dissolved in hot water. soap Wipe the stains with a moistened soft sponge, and then remove the foam with a clean napkin.
  • Don’t forget to test the product on an inconspicuous area of ​​the item before removing old tea stains. This will help avoid possible discoloration of the fabric.
  • When preparing cleaning solutions, strictly adhere to the recommended dosage, as incorrect proportions can lead to a decrease in the effectiveness of the mixture or damage to the material.

If you are unable to get rid of the welding stains the first time, treat the stain again and it will disappear completely.

How to remove a tea stain seems like a simple question. But it happens quite often. Almost everyone drinks tea, almost everywhere. At home, at work, at a party, in any catering establishment, it is easy to put an unpleasant dark yellow stain on a blouse, trousers, or coat. Of course, you can throw away the stained item, you can ignore the stains, but a more reasonable solution is to wash it.

The spot has just been planted

It’s good that fresh marks from the invigorating drink can be washed off instantly, without powder or soap. You just need to wash the stain under the tap.

But you can do this while at home. What if the embarrassment happened at work, in a cafe or on the road? You won’t be able to wash it right away, you don’t want to undress and wash your clothes at work, and there’s no water in the car. This means the stain will dry out.

The main enemy in our case is tannin. A substance sometimes used as a highly durable color fixative. Don't despair, it washes without dry cleaning.

How to deal with an old tea stain

Soak the clothes by adding powder or shampoo to the water. Moreover, it is better to soak capricious fabrics (chiffon, lace, thin knitwear and the like) first without detergents, and then remove the stain by lightly rubbing the item in your hands.

If the trick with soaking did not help correct the unexpected consequences of drinking tea, we move on to radical measures.

There are some subtleties in removing tea stains:

  1. Apply the remover first to the edges of the stain, then to the center. This will prevent it from spreading. And the edges are usually darker: the product will take longer to work.
  2. We remove dirt by laying out the clothes in one layer and laying them on a clean cloth or placing them on a fine mesh. Otherwise, the color will move from one place to another.
  3. We carefully read the information on the product tag and the instructions for the selected product.
  4. We do not use chlorine-containing products when cleaning colored clothes.

How to remove a tea stain with something you always have on hand

Tea stains are removed only when tannin is broken down. Therefore, we choose the products carefully so as not to accidentally use color fixers.


Pour 3% hydrogen peroxide onto the tea stain. As soon as the fabric brightens, wash it in running water.


To remove contamination, dilute ammonia with water (a teaspoon and a liter, respectively) in a glass (plastic) liter jar. Place a light cloth under the stain and gradually pour the solution onto it. We wash the item.

Lemon acid

We erase the mark with a cotton pad, which we dip in diluted acid: take 2 tsp lemons, 1 tbsp cold water. l. Then wash the item under the tap or wash it.

Glycerin plus salt

Tea stains disappear when exposed to a mixture of salt and glycerin. Add fine salt to glycerin warmed to room temperature. Apply the resulting slurry to the stain, leave for 10 minutes, and rinse off under running water.

How to remove tea stains using household chemicals

Today, it is easier to find chemical products in homes than traditional ones, such as lemon or ammonia. We sort through the packages and read the instructions. Perhaps we will find something suitable, and the label with the dosage and exposure time will tell you how to remove tea stains.

Chlorine stain removers

Chlorine for fabric is an aggressive substance, so we use products like Whiteness only on thick cotton or linen white fabrics. The chlorine composition will remove traces of tea on any fabric, but sometimes after use the housewife runs the risk of getting a hole in her clothes, the absence of a tea stain along with dye on colored linen, or an empty basin (thin lace, chiffon, and other delicate fabrics can “ dissolve").

A little secret - the same materials are not afraid of chlorine bleach as are boiling. Although any fabric, including cotton and linen, will lose color.


A chemical bleach can be a hair bleach that perfectly breaks down tannin. But this is an emergency measure when there is nothing else at hand. Citric and oxalic acids, hydrogen peroxide and ammonia are also suitable.

Washing machine against tea stain

A universal remedy for cleansing tea marks is glycerin. And just before washing in the machine. Before washing the stain in the machine, apply glycerin (room temperature or heated) for 15 minutes. One caveat - glycerin cannot be heated in the microwave, it will cook there.

The drug will dissolve tannin and soften fabric fibers. After this treatment, they will easily give up excess paint, and the mark will disappear. The procedure is as follows:

  • We lay out the clothes in one fabric layer on a board, wire rack, or inverted bucket.
  • Pour glycerin onto the stain and spread it.
  • We wait 15 minutes.
  • We throw the item along with the rest of the suitable items into the machine and wash it.

Important! Tea stains do not like hot conditions. The optimal temperature is 30–400C. Otherwise, the tannins will stick, and you will have to scrub off the dirt from all your clothes.

How to Remove Tea Stains by Hand

For hand washing and stain removal there are two general requirements:

  1. Apply the selected product to the stain from the edges to the center.
  2. We increase the concentration of the product gradually, as needed. This will preserve the color, texture and fabric.

White tablecloths, tulle

Bulky items, especially white ones, cannot always be washed right away. The tablecloth cannot be pulled off the table during tea drinking, and the tulle must be removed and washed correctly - this takes time.

  • The stain can be cleaned with a sponge soaked in ammonia. You need to wipe it off on a dry cloth. Then moisten with a solution of citric acid and rinse with clean water. You don’t even need to remove the tulle from the window, just like the tablecloth from the table.
  • Another way: squeeze lemon juice into a bowl, dilute it slightly with water, wipe with a cloth, and wash.
  • Oxalic acid. Take 0.5 tsp. for 200 ml of water, wipe off the stain with a sponge. Wash the area with warm water. We do not use it for colored items: the dye will do.
  • For white cotton items we use chlorine bleaches, but we carefully study the tags; not every fabric can be washed off with chlorine without consequences.

Colored clothes, jeans, knitted sweater

Tea stains can be washed off with a 10% borax solution. This is an excellent product for colored items and for refreshing knitted items. We dip a cotton swab into the solution and remove the dirt by simply wiping it off. To neutralize borax, wipe the treated area with a soapy sponge, then rinse the item.

Attention! Sodium tetraborate (borax) is not suitable for allergy sufferers. Or, after processing, you will have to wash the item several times.

Carpets and upholstered furniture

The basic rule is not to use glycerin! It washes away dirt perfectly, but the tea color will simply go deeper into the fabric of the carpet or sofa and it will become impossible to “get” it out of there.

The main thing when washing carpets and furniture is to prevent the stain from spreading and penetrating into the lower layers of the fabric. Therefore, spilled tea should be carefully blotted with a towel. Under no circumstances should you rub it - the effect is the same as with glycerin: it will go inside.

Add 0.5 tsp to a glass of cold water. dishwashing gel, carefully apply with a sponge or spray bottle, using a minimum of liquid, wipe without pressure. We do the same using a new sponge and clean water. Wipe with a dry cloth. If you have a powerful vacuum cleaner, use it to remove moisture.

It is important not only to clean the tea mark, but also to preserve the color of the carpet and upholstery. After diluting table vinegar with water (1:1), spray the area to be washed, wait 3 minutes, then rinse with water and remove excess moisture.

This method also works when dealing with old stains. The procedure is carried out several times until the stain completely disappears.


Often, while working, an embarrassment can happen like a drop of tea on a piece of paper or a book. It would seem that what’s wrong, well, we spilled the tea, let’s print the document again. What if it has already been signed by the boss, or there are several seals on it, the documents are foreign, and there is no source code? Real grief.

Important! Whatever spills on the paper, do not rub it! Just blot quickly and carefully with an absorbent cloth.

The solution is hydrogen peroxide. We dilute it in water (1:1), apply it to a sheet, blot it with a cotton pad, after moistening it in a solution of slaked lime (1 tsp per 1 glass). Additionally, blot with a paper napkin.

Another option: dilute the bleach with water (1:2), spray it on the sheet, then iron it on a hard surface through white paper.

If drops get on text, signatures, seals, the accident cannot be hidden. Only the speed of reaction and the presence of absorbent paper tissues on hand will help.

Removing tea stains is a joyless process, but it will bring satisfaction if you manage to save the necessary things “from exile to the dacha” using the given recipes.

Homely furnishings, raspberry or strawberry jam and delicious tea... What else do you need in the evenings? At these moments, you really want to take a break from daily worries and bustle, relax and smile. However, everything can be ruined thanks to a spilled drink on your favorite blouse, skirt or other wardrobe item. How about tea, if this did happen? They eat into any fabric very well. They just don't wash out like that. Unaware of tea, housewives often throw away damaged things. After all, even with repeated washing, it is not always possible to “save” them.

How to remove tea stains at home?

In fact, there is no need to be nervous, worry and throw these things away. Don't forget that everyone needs to know how to remove tea stains. After all, you can spill it not only on clothes, but also on upholstered furniture. So how to remove tea stains, for example, from a sofa? Shouldn't you throw it away?

In order to cope with this task, you need to show some patience and cunning. In this case, the stain will definitely “go away.” Your bad mood will disappear along with it. Knowing a few tricks, you can cope with this problem using available tools. The following methods have been used by housewives for many years. So, let's take a closer look at the main methods


When thinking about how to remove a tea stain on white linen, you shouldn’t worry too much. will help you get rid of this problem easily. Especially in some variants. Stains are removed from tablecloths very quickly. To prepare the solution, you need to dilute a teaspoon of alcohol in one liter of clean water. Next, you should moisten a sponge in the resulting mixture and thoroughly saturate all the stains with it. Place a white cloth, paper or napkins under the stained area. This is done so that the stain immediately “moves” there and not somewhere else.

If stains remain after this procedure, use a ten percent citric acid solution. Walk it over the contaminated surface and leave it there for fifteen minutes. After this, clean the surface with a wet sponge (the clothes are rinsed and washed in warm soapy water).

Citric and oxalic acid

Well, how can you remove a tea stain on white if you don’t have ammonia on hand? Prepare a solution of the following composition: take a glass of water and dilute in it two teaspoons of citric acid and one teaspoon of oxalic acid. The fabric is wetted with this product for fifteen minutes. As soon as the stain is discolored, the “affected” clothing is washed in clean water. Well, if you add a teaspoon of ammonia to the solution, you can certainly get rid of this problem. By the way, thanks to this method, you can also easily remove rust stains.

Hydrogen peroxide and glycerin

There are other options if you don't know how to remove tea stains from white clothes at home. For items that require delicate care, hydrogen peroxide is ideal. A cotton swab is immersed there, the contaminated area is thoroughly wetted. After fifteen minutes, the clothes are washed in cold water. Peroxide also removes wine.

You can also buy glycerin at your nearest pharmacy. Having mixed it with ammonia in a ratio of 1:4, soak a cotton swab in the solution, treat the stain you have placed, put a cloth in a basin and wash it in a soapy solution. This method is suitable if you accidentally spilled tea on the carpet. By the way, you can do without ammonia. One tablespoon of glycerin diluted in a liter of cold water will help save the stained area.

In order to destroy stains on wool or silk items, you simply need to wipe them with heated glycerin. The fabric soaked in this substance is left for fifteen minutes. After this, the clothes are blotted with a napkin and washed in soapy warm water.

You can also mix some glycerin along with table salt. This paste is applied to the area with the stain. After some time, the stains dissolve and become discolored. After this, the item is washed at the temperature recommended in the care instructions.

Borax and lactic acid

Let's consider one more point. How to remove tea stains from brightly colored clothes? In this case, a ten percent borax solution will help perfectly. A cotton swab is simply well moistened with the product, the stain is treated, after which a five percent solution of citric acid with the addition of salt is applied to the area. After the procedure, clothes should be rinsed in cold water, followed by warm water.

Tea stains are removed from natural silk using a solution of lactic acid and distilled water. The contaminated area is moistened with this mixture. After twenty minutes, the product should be rinsed in cool water.

Lemon juice

And finally, it’s worth mentioning one more effective method. If you don’t know how to remove tea stains from colored clothes or white ones, if you have tried all possible methods, but none of them helped you, you can also use lemon juice. Just soak a cotton swab in it, treat the stain and wash your clothes in warm water.

In a word, don’t be upset if you suddenly spill tea on yourself. This is such a nuisance that any person can face at any time. Just use one of the methods suggested to you. All components of the products presented to you, as a rule, can always be obtained without much difficulty.

Rest assured that these methods will definitely come to your aid. A tea stain is not a disaster, but just a small problem that you can easily deal with. Take note of the above recipes. They will be useful to every housewife. We hope that they will help you in certain unpleasant situations. By following all these rules, you can keep your things beautiful and neat. Good luck!

Tea stains lie in wait for us everywhere - at home, on the street, at work, on business trips; they cling to clothes firmly and often tightly. Therefore, the question is very relevant: how to remove tea stains?

  • Under the tea stain on clothing, you need to put a soft cloth or napkin that can absorb well, folded in several layers. . Contamination will transfer to this substrate during the cleaning process.
  • Take a small piece of non-colored fabric or a cotton pad, and apply the chosen cleaning product from the edge to the middle of the stain - this will help the stain not to spread or increase in size. You can prevent the appearance of stains around the treated area as follows: moisten the fabric around the spot with water and sprinkle with talcum powder or starch.
  • If the fabric of the clothing from which tea will be removed is colored, then before using the product, make sure that its color is strong. The test is carried out inside the product: on a seam or fold.
  • When removing stains, use a less concentrated solution first and, if necessary, increase the concentration little by little.
  • It is much easier to remove fresh stains than to remove stains that have dried out and become old.

Popular methods

  • A mixture of ordinary salt (1 tsp) and glycerin (4 tbsp) can easily cope with fresh stains on clothes; apply the mixture to the mark and leave for half an hour. Afterwards we wash our clothes as usual.
  • If you need to remove tea and coffee stains from clothes that appeared a long time ago, an “aggressive” composition will help: ½ tsp. ammonia and 2-3 tsp. glycerin. Simply rub the resulting mixture into the stains with a swab. After 20 minutes of exposure, you need to remove the remaining mixture by washing in warm water.
  • To combat stains, you can also successfully use window cleaning liquid; this liquid contains active detergents. Interestingly, traditional stain removers have almost the same composition. Next, you will need to wash the item as usual.

If the tea stain is on linen or cotton

  • Removing tea stains on white is a big problem. Linen is a natural fabric, and all stains from natural fabrics are difficult to remove.
  • Fresh tea stains on clothes can be removed without washing. To remove stains on white linen or cotton, use ammonia. Add solution: 1 tsp. ammonia + 1 liter of water, then wet the sponge and rub the stain well. Next, treat the entire surface with a solution of citric acid (in the proportion of 1 part citric acid to 10 parts water). Wait 10-15 minutes and rinse in cold water.
  • Tea can be “bleached” with hydrogen peroxide. It is applied for 12-15 minutes to the problem area, and then, when the result is achieved, the residue is washed off with water.
  • The boiling method has been known for a long time, although it is not often used by modern housewives. This method is very effective and shows good results on white linen and cotton fabrics.

Tea stain on colored fabrics

  • Tea stains can be removed from colored clothes with the following solution: table vinegar + water + alcohol (in equal proportions). Apply a little liquid to a foam sponge, thoroughly rub the contaminated area, and then rinse the item in warm water.
  • Use coffee or tea and borax solution (10%) to remove stains. Rub the stained part of the clothing with the prepared product, remove stains with citric acid with the addition of a pinch of salt. Instead, you can simply rub half a cut lemon onto the stained area. Rinse the fabric alternately: first in cold and then in warm water.
  • Another effective way to clean colored fabrics from tea stains is chalk. To do this, you need to crush the chalk and mix with water until it becomes mushy. Leave the mixture on the cloth for 15-20 minutes, then remove the remaining chalk and rinse with water. The last step will be washing.

Tea stain on silk and wool

  • You can remove stains from silk or woolen clothes with slightly warmed glycerin. After 15-20 minutes of drug interaction, rinse the item with warm water and dry with a towel.
  • You can get rid of tea stains on silk and woolen clothes by soaking the item for 15-20 minutes in a solution: 1 liter of water + 1 tsp. oxalic acid +1 tsp. citric acid. After the procedure, the item must be rinsed.
  • 1 tsp lactic acid + 1 tbsp. distilled water. Wet the stain with this mixture and leave for 15-20 minutes. Then rinse the fabric in cool water.

Stain on furniture

  • Spilled your favorite drink on the carpet or upholstery? And here there is an effective remedy. Regular powder will not completely clean the surface - it will only remove the top layer of stains. Table vinegar will penetrate deeper. After this treatment, the pollution disappeared!
  • Fresh tea stains can be removed using a mixture of table salt and glycerin in a 1:1 ratio. Apply the product to the stain and leave it on the fabric until it is completely discolored. Afterwards, remove the remaining mixture and rinse the fabric with cold water.

Dear visitor! If you know other methods on how to remove stains, please leave your experience in the comments.