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What pills to take to stop menstruation. How to delay your period by a week. Oral contraceptives, medications, folk methods

Starting from adolescence, menstruation accompanies a woman every month until her reproductive function is completed. If your period comes late or lasts longer than usual, this may indicate a hormonal imbalance or problems with the reproductive organs.

Each girl’s menstrual cycle has its own characteristics, for some it is heavy and is the norm, but for others it is a pathological condition that requires immediate medical attention. Every woman should know how to urgently stop her period if it has already started at home using folk remedies and medications. In addition, you should have information about when stopping the regulator is allowed, and when such actions can be hazardous to health.

When it becomes necessary to stop the regulator

Before looking for methods that will help stop discharge that has already begun, you should know the reason why the regulation has been delayed for a long period. If a woman wants her period to stop earlier by one day or even a few hours, for example, in order to go on a date or go on vacation without additional discomfort, she must find out whether her health condition allows such initiative.

There are a number of physiological and pathological reasons that can cause an increase in the duration of regulation. If a woman’s menstruation is delayed due to the fault of one of them, there may be a need for medication to stop the heavy discharge. Stopping menstruation may be indicated in the following cases:

  • hormonal imbalance caused by progesterone deficiency;
  • improper functioning of the endocrine system, which was provoked by a lack of balanced nutrition, alcohol abuse, coffee and nicotine addiction;
  • diseases of the genital area. In this case, severe bleeding may be caused by cysts and other neoplasms;
  • stressful situations and psycho-emotional instability;
  • overweight or underweight;
  • consequences of previous surgical interventions;
  • menopause.

There are many methods that can be used to stop menstruation, but you should not resort to them just to go to a party or relax a little longer at sea. Artificial stopping of regulation is justified only if it helps alleviate the woman’s condition or improves her health.

When stopping is prohibited

Menstruation is a hormone-dependent process, deliberate interference with which can lead to dangerous and unpredictable consequences. During the menstrual cycle, all hormonal changes occur in a certain sequence. If it is violated, then adverse reactions are possible that will affect the functioning of all systems in the body.

Before asking a doctor whether it is possible to stop menstruation, a woman should understand that such actions can disrupt metabolic processes in the body, have a detrimental effect on the immune system, and cause a malfunction of the thyroid gland and other endocrine organs. And this, in turn, causes severe pregnancy, leads to complicated pregnancy, or, in general, becomes the cause of infertility. Due to hormonal disorders caused by artificially stopping menstruation, the risk of developing breast diseases increases, so no specialist can recommend to his patient to stop the regular periods that have already begun without a serious reason.

Typically, a woman takes a birth control pill daily for 3 weeks, and then takes a break for 7 days. It is during this period that menstruation occurs. If you start the next pack of oral contraceptives after you finish taking it, your period will not start, but this method of stopping the regulation greatly changes your hormonal levels, so it cannot be used for more than 2 cycles.

If a woman has not used this type of contraception before, then to stop the regulative effects, she needs to start taking the drugs Zhanine, Yarina or Triquilar 5 days before their expected onset.

Progesterone preparations

There are drugs based on synthetic or natural progesterone that are used to stop menstruation, but they are not contraceptives. This category of drugs includes Duphaston, Exluton and Utrozhestan. You should start taking them at least 5, maximum 14 days before the expected regulation, and stop drinking on the day when they were supposed to end.

Hemostatic agents

Hemostatic tablets thicken the blood, increase its coagulability and improve the condition of blood vessels during menstruation. Using such a medicine uncontrollably can provoke the formation of blood clots in blood vessels; in addition, drinking blood-stopping pills can cause the development of other even more serious adverse reactions from the digestive system and the autonomic nervous system.

To stop the regulator, the doctor may prescribe, or, but only after the patient has had a blood test and the level of hemoglobin in her has been determined. To delay menstruation, these medications should be taken 3-4 days before the expected date of their onset. This will allow you to delay the arrival of your period by 1-2 days. If you need to shorten the duration of menstrual flow or reduce its intensity, take hemostatics on the 3-4th day of your period.

How to stop using folk remedies

Folk remedies based on medicinal plants and foods rich in vitamin C will help stop bleeding at home and without the use of medications. Here are the most popular recipes from the reference book of traditional medicine that will help stop menstruation:

  • 3-4 days before the arrival of your period, you need to eat 2 lemons daily and drink tea with this citrus several times a day. This method will help reduce the intensity of discharge and shorten the duration of regulation;
  • a bunch of fresh parsley should be poured into 0.25 liters of boiling water and left for 3 hours. You should drink half a glass of the strained potion before meals. Start taking the infusion 3-4 days before the expected arrival of menstruation;
  • 2 tablespoons each crushed nettle herb and shepherd's purse should be poured into 500 ml of boiling water, kept in a water bath for no more than 5 minutes, and then left for 30 minutes. The strained broth is taken in a third of a glass several times a day, you need to start taking it 1-2 days before the expected regulation;
  • A tincture of water pepper will help shorten the duration of menstruation; a decoction of this plant can be prepared at home or you can buy a ready-made potion at a pharmacy.

How to correct a cycle

In order to slightly correct the cycle and move the onset of regulation, you need to take vitamin C a couple of days before the expected onset of your period. For the same purposes, you can eat lemons or other citrus fruits rich in ascorbic acid.

This correction method can only be used by those who do not have problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

To speed up the arrival of menstruation by 1-2 days, you can use the following methods:

  • actively pump your abs or do other moderate physical activity;
  • have intense sex;
  • take a hot bath, which will ensure rapid blood flow to the pelvic organs;
  • take a decoction of parsley.

For good reasons and as prescribed by a doctor, you can skip one menstruation, that is, cause a delay in menstruation for up to a month. This result is achieved by an artificially caused hormonal imbalance, which is ensured by taking oral contraceptives without interruption for 2 months, using hormonal single drugs or taking progesterone drugs, for example, Duphaston.

Adjustments to the established menstrual cycle should be made only for very serious reasons and as prescribed by a doctor.

For any healthy woman, menstruation is completely normal. You should not interfere with the process provided by nature. But in some cases, when pathology occurs, it is permissible to take measures to stop menstruation. This is usually done after consulting a doctor.

Is it possible to stop menstruation

In a healthy woman, the duration of menstruation depends on the individual characteristics of the body. The discharge can last from four days to a week. In some cases, the number of discharges increases, as does their duration. In this case, you must definitely see a gynecologist to find out the cause of what is happening.

Unusually prolonged bleeding during menstruation is usually a sign of a medical condition. Their cause can be either simple stress or something more serious, for example, sexually transmitted diseases, hormonal imbalance or diseases of the female genital area. In any case, you must first consult with your doctor, and only then take some action to stop prolonged discharge.

If you take measures to stop menstruation on your own, the consequences can be unpredictable and very dangerous to health. In the worst case scenario, a woman may become infertile. The fact is that during menstruation, parts of the endometrium come out of the uterus. If the process is completed earlier than expected, then pieces of the endometrium may remain inside the uterus, which will give rise to an inflammatory process.

Pills to stop menstruation

If necessary, the doctor will usually prescribe one of the following medications to stop menstrual flow:

  • With the help of a drug called Vikasol, the concentration of K, which is responsible for the process of blood clotting, increases in the body. Low levels of this vitamin may be one of the reasons for prolonged and heavy discharge. This drug should be taken only as prescribed by your gynecologist.
  • Under the influence of the medicine Tranexam, menstruation does not stop, but restores its physiological norm. This drug is available in tablet form or in the form of a solution for injection.
  • In case of severe bleeding, the use of the drug Etamzilat is prescribed.

  • The drug Duphaston is an artificially obtained hormone, which in its properties is similar to the natural one. It is taken to prevent heavy menstruation.
  • The drug Dition provokes the synthesis of platelets, which affect blood thickening and help strengthen vascular walls. This drug has unpleasant side effects - blood pressure decreases and dizziness occurs. In some cases, you experience stomach pain, allergies in the form of skin rashes, or numbness in your legs.

How to stop your period urgently

The issue of urgently stopping menstruation should be resolved entirely only by a specialist. This is done in case of emergency with the help of hormonal drugs. This always causes severe hormonal imbalance and unpleasant consequences for women's health. Stopping menstruation is carried out by taking mono- or complex oral contraceptives in a special way.

The use of folk remedies poses less of a health hazard. With their help, you can regulate the onset of menstruation both in one direction and the other for 2 or 3 days.

For example, by eating a lot of lemons, you can push back the date of your menstruation by a couple of days. A large amount of vitamin C will increase the elasticity of blood vessels and strengthen their walls. But women with stomach problems cannot use this method.

To speed up menstruation, drink a decoction of parsley.

With the help of a decoction of water pepper, you can stop menstruation that has already begun. To do this, the decoction should be drunk half a glass three times a day.

If you want to make menstruation shorter, then a decoction of nettle or shepherd's purse is suitable. It also needs to be taken three times a day, but a full glass.

To reduce the abundance of discharge, a decoction of burnet roots is suitable. You should drink it one tablespoon before meals.

Honey consumed a week before the expected date of your period will speed it up.

How to stop your period if it's going on for a long time

Before stopping prolonged bleeding, it is necessary to find out exactly the cause. Long and heavy periods can be the result of medical manipulations, for example, during hysteroscopy, or due to incorrect placement. In such a case, the spiral needs to be replaced. Menstruation often lasts a long time during hormonal imbalances. Therefore, in women of menopausal age or in adolescence, the duration of menstruation may be longer than the prescribed 4-7 days, which is completely normal.

In some cases, prolonged and heavy bleeding may be a sign of the development of a serious illness. These include neoplasms of a malignant or benign nature, disorders of the endocrine system, blood diseases, or the effects of stress. As a rule, in this case, in addition to prolonged and heavy discharge, the woman has other symptoms. In any case, only a doctor can give you an accurate diagnosis and prescribe the appropriate treatment. Usually in such cases, drugs with hemostatic properties are prescribed.

Menstruation is a natural occurrence in the life of every woman. Regular menstrual flow indicates the woman’s health and the absence of any pathologies or unwanted pregnancy. Sometimes periods last too long and too heavily, which negatively affects your general condition and health. Therefore, girls periodically wonder how to stop their periods if they have already begun.

When to stop menstruation

If the cycle is regular and the discharge does not cause much discomfort, there is no need to take pharmaceutical drugs or folk remedies to stop menstruation. This becomes necessary if changes occur that bring severe discomfort to the woman and pose a health hazard.

The discharge becomes prolonged and profuse - on the first day the menstrual discharge is always quite heavy; if this continues for more than 5 days, and such a course of menstruation has not been observed before, you must urgently visit a doctor. He will select effective therapy and tell you if they have already begun.

Is it worth resorting to methods of stopping menstruation?

Even teenage girls know that regular periods are a sign of a healthy female body. You should not often resort to methods of stopping discharge, as this is fraught not only with disruption of the cycle, but can also cause serious diseases of the genital area.

In isolated cases, when circumstances really require a quick end to menstruation, you can use certain medications, but only after consultation with a gynecologist who will tell you how to stop your periods if they last a long time.

Heavy and prolonged discharge leads the body to nervous exhaustion and causes anemia. This condition develops when the volume of discharge exceeds 50-150 ml per day. If profuseness occurs after intense physical exertion, it is better to refuse physical activity or significantly reduce its activity during the period of menstruation.

What drugs are used to stop menstruation?

Pills that stop menstruation can only be used as prescribed by a doctor. They are artificially synthesized vitamins that regulate the duration and abundance of menstrual flow.

Nowadays, many drugs have appeared, each of which has a specific effect on the body. Their main task is to reduce the intensity of menstrual flow.

Important! Only a gynecologist can explain how to stop menstruation if it takes a long time. It is also necessary to carefully observe the prescribed dosage of the drug.

Depending on the form (tablets or injections), drugs have different effects on hormonal changes. When administered by injection, the drug acts much faster and its dosage is less than when taking tablets.

"Vikasol" to stop menstruation

"Vikasol" is an artificially synthesized vitamin K. When using the drug, the level of prothrombin in the body increases, blood clotting is normalized, as a result of which menstrual flow becomes less abundant.

The main reason for prolonged and intense discharge is a lack of vitamin K in the body. Only a gynecologist can prescribe Vikasol after interviewing the patient and the necessary laboratory tests.

Despite the fact that Vikasol stops menstruation, you should not often resort to taking medications. It is better to create a balanced diet, thanks to which the body will receive the vitamins and microelements necessary for its normal functioning.

The effect of Duphaston on the menstrual cycle

"Duphaston" is a progesterone hormone synthesized in the laboratory. This drug is similar to the natural hormone progesterone, which is produced in the body and is responsible for normalizing menstrual flow. Therefore, Duphaston is the optimal solution to the question of how to stop menstruation at home.

The drug is practically harmless to the body, it does not have corticosteroid or steroid effects and does not affect blood clotting. In addition, Duphaston normalizes blood lipid balance and does not affect the functioning of the liver.

The drug provides early cessation of menstrual flow and is not an oral contraceptive. In case of pathological menstruation, Duphaston is prescribed as a prophylactic agent that normalizes the intensity of discharge.

"Etamzilat" to reduce the intensity of discharge

"Etamzilat" - pills that stop menstruation. Most often, the drug is used to stop bleeding and reduce the intensity of menstrual flow. In case of bleeding, the drug is administered into the body by injection, and in case of pathological menstruation, tablets are prescribed.

"Etamzilat" strengthens vascular walls, stimulates the production of platelets, due to which the intensity of menstruation is normalized. Contraindications to taking Etamzilat are taking anticoagulants and thrombosis. Therefore, only the attending physician can answer the question of how to quickly stop menstruation.

Among the domestic drugs, one can highlight “Ditsinon”. It is completely similar in composition and effect on the body, but costs much less.

Folk remedies to stop menstruation

Women of all ages trust folk recipes more than doctors and pharmaceutical drugs. Especially if the question arises about how to stop menstruation at home. Among the most popular homemade remedies used to stop menstruation are:

  • Nettle decoction - stopping menstruation occurs due to the property of nettle to increase blood clotting. For the decoction, you need to pour a tablespoon of raw material into a glass of boiling water and drink a glass 2-3 times a day. If you are prone to thrombosis, this method is contraindicated for deciding whether it is possible to stop menstruation.
  • Raspberry, mint and parsley are also used to stop menstruation. The decoction is prepared in the same way as when using nettles. Dried leaves or herbs are poured with boiling water and infused for several hours. For results you need to drink 2-3 glasses a day.
  • Water pepper - a decoction is prepared from 5 tbsp. l. raw materials and 0.5 liters of water, the mixture is boiled for five minutes and infused for 3-4 hours. You need to drink the decoction 2-3 times a day, 100-150 ml.

All these remedies look harmless, but they can cause serious damage to health, especially if the dosage is not followed. It is very important to use any decoctions only after consulting a doctor. Otherwise, you can provoke the development of chronic and acute diseases of the reproductive system.

How to normalize the menstrual cycle

If you have a question about how to stop your period if it has already started, it is better to consult a gynecologist. In order for each menstruation to proceed normally and not cause severe discomfort, it is important to lead a healthy lifestyle and eat well.

The intake of sufficient amounts of microelements and vitamins into the body ensures its normal functioning. Therefore, it is important to eat plenty of fresh fruits, vegetables, dairy products, meat, fish and avoid junk foods and fast food.

Moderate physical activity also affects the characteristics of menstruation. Every day you need to do exercises, do gymnastics, fitness, run and dance. Do not bring your body to the point of exhaustion. It is enough to alternate sedentary work with physical activity throughout the day.

Knowing how to stop menstruation if it has already begun, you can influence the menstrual cycle, normalizing it and reducing the intensity of discharge.


Normally, women experience menstruation every month, indicating the health of the reproductive system and the possibility of conception. A regular cycle should not frighten the fairer sex, but sometimes situations arise when you want to stop the discharge. Experts do not recommend experimenting and disrupting natural processes unless absolutely necessary. It is necessary to stop menstruation urgently when the periods exceed the usual volume and duration and bring significant discomfort to the patient. In this version, there is no question of the norm: there is clearly a hormonal imbalance, manifested in cycle disruption.

Is it possible to stop menstruation

Menstruation is an absolutely natural physiological process of shedding the endometrium of the uterus. The cycle provides hormonal preparation of the reproductive system for the upcoming pregnancy. Vascular changes that begin a few days before bleeding are irreversible and cause endometrial ischemia. If conception does not occur, the overgrown inner layer is rejected, then the process is repeated. It is highly not recommended to stop normal menstruation: an incompetent, damaged lining and blood clots remain in the uterus. In this case, the risk of developing inflammatory and hyperplastic processes increases.

Of course, special drugs have been developed to stop menstruation. However, gynecologists resort to them only when necessary: ​​heavy bleeding, the appearance of spotting outside the cycle, severe anemia.

Important! Stopping your period is real. However, interfering with the regulated cycle can lead to irreversible consequences.

How to stop your period if it's going on for a long time

Stopping heavy uterine discharge on your own is unacceptable. Any deviation from the norm requires consultation with a specialist. Typically, pathological amounts of blood occur with hormonal disorders, long-term use of certain medications, hyperplastic processes and uterine tumors. In such cases, a doctor’s examination is aimed not only at stopping the cycle, but also at establishing the cause of the violations. Without eliminating the trigger, there is a risk of recurrence of uterine bleeding.

Tablets to stop menstruation are needed only when the patient’s well-being worsens. There is no point in stopping even long-term discharge, which is repeated cyclically and does not cause significant harm. In this case, it is enough to eat right, ensuring the necessary supply of iron and vitamins. However, if dizziness, apathy, loss of ability to work, nausea occur during menstruation, hormonal imbalance occurs. Then it is necessary to stop the discharge and find out the cause of the disease.

Important! Often, stopping menstruation for a long time is done with the help of an IUD. The levonogestrel IUD significantly reduces the amount of discharge; in half of the cases of use, menstruation stops completely.

How to stop your period if it has already started

Hemostatic agents are used to relieve heavy menstruation. These drugs stop bleeding: reduce blood loss, reduce the time of discharge. Additionally, to enhance the effect, antianemic drugs and medications that strengthen the vascular wall are used.

Folk recipes are considered an equally common way to stop menstruation. The use of herbs that increase the contractility of the uterus accelerates the rejection of the endometrium, and menstruation stops.

In addition to hemostatic pills, hormonal correction is used to stop menstruation. For this purpose, purely gestagenic agents or oral contraceptives are used. If a woman is constantly using OCs to prevent pregnancy and wants to stop her period or delay its onset, there is a special dosage regimen. However, even in this case, hormonal correction of the cycle is carried out strictly under the supervision of a doctor.

How to stop your period for a couple of hours

It is possible to stop the discharge for several hours using traditional methods of treatment. Grandmother’s recipes have fewer side effects and are acceptable for use if hormonal medications are contraindicated. Menstruation stops for a short time due to the intake of vitamins C and K, which have a beneficial effect on the capillary wall and are involved in coagulation processes.

Is it possible to stop your period for one day?

Special hormonal drugs and systemic intravenous administration of hemostatic drugs allow you to stop critical days. Tablet hemostatic agents and traditional methods can stop bleeding for a day and significantly reduce the volume of blood lost.

How to stop your period for a few days

Pills to stop menstruation for a couple of days are used according to strict indications. The prescription and correction of the cycle with such drugs is carried out only by a specialist. Medicines, especially those of hormonal origin, have restrictions on their use. Illiterate, unjustified use leads to severe disorders of sexual regulation.

How to stop your period early

In the presence of heavy discharge, physical fatigue, diets, stress, or an infectious disease in women, menstruation lasts longer than expected. Against the background of reduced immunity, physiological rejection of the endometrium is extremely difficult. In this case, you need pills to stop your period urgently. However, termination of the cycle should be carried out under the supervision of a specialist. Atypical symptoms in the form of heavy periods may be a sign of gynecological pathology: polyp, fibroids, miscarriage.

How to stop periods forever

In order to completely stop uterine discharge, there are several ways:

  1. Hormonal menopause. This approach is used for serious hyperplastic diseases of the uterus in perimenopausal patients. Due to the approaching menopause, reproductive function, in particular menstruation, stops earlier.
  2. Surgical intervention. After the removal of the reproductive organs, the hormone loses its point of influence, and menstruation does not occur.

Important! It is neither possible nor necessary to stop menstruation in a healthy woman forever.

The cycle stops at menopause, after surgical castration. In the absence of diseases, the longest period when menstruation is absent is pregnancy.

How to delay the start of your period

Sometimes, it is possible to delay the arrival of regula with the help of special folk techniques. However, this technique does not provide a 100% guarantee that menstruation will not come on time. With this technique, the cycle is delayed by 1-3 days. In most cases, when it is necessary to delay menstruation for a long time, hormonal pills that stop menstruation help.

  1. The easiest way to change the time of onset of bleeding is for women who take hormonal contraceptives on a regular basis. Patients can avoid menstruation altogether if they do not take a break between packs of OCs.
  2. If there is an urgent need to delay the onset of a cycle, it is also possible for those girls who do not take pills daily. For this purpose, progesterone analogues are used, which begin to be taken 7-10 days before the expected discharge.

How to stop your period at home

Changing the cycle duration on your own is not recommended. It is necessary to intervene in natural processes wisely; it is advisable that such a thing be done by a specialist and strictly necessary. If a woman has regular periods and there is no apparent reason for their correction, it is recommended not to take measures to stop the discharge. With an irregular cycle, the patient should be even more attentive to her own health. In this case, there is a malfunction in the reproductive system, without proper correction; stopping menstruation at the wrong time can aggravate the situation.

Pills that stop menstruation

Pills that stop menstruation in one day include:

  • Dicynone;
  • Vikasol;
  • Tranexam;
  • Etamzilat.

These hemostatic drugs, depending on the method of administration and dose, can stop bleeding quickly enough. However, due to the subtleties of use, only a doctor should prescribe such medications.

Among hormonal agents containing progesterone, they are most often used Duphaston, Norcoluth.

Folk remedies to stop menstruation

Among the non-traditional approaches to stop uterine bleeding are:

  • nettle;
  • water pepper;
  • boron uterus;
  • red brush;
  • shepherd's purse;
  • parsley;
  • lemon with honey.

Medicinal herbs are used in the form of decoctions. The medications are taken 3 times a day for a week. It is rarely possible to completely stop menstruation using folk recipes. However, patients note a significant decrease in blood loss and an easier flow of regulation.

Is it harmful to stop menstruation?

Intervention in the normal female cycle is unpredictable: in some cases, periods come on time, in others, serious disturbances occur. Changes are especially common in women after 35 years of age, in the presence of diseases of the genital organs, endocrine and cardiovascular systems. Often women try to stop their periods at home, without first being examined by a gynecologist. As a result, diseases that require treatment go undetected.


If uncharacteristic heavy urinary discharge appears, which negatively affects the patient, it is necessary to urgently stop menstruation. It is important to understand that the cessation of cyclic bleeding must be justified and under the supervision of a gynecologist. Self-use of medications is unacceptable.

How to stop your period

Stopping menstruation and restrictions

First of all, it is recommended to give up dieting. According to the observations of doctors, they are often the cause of menstrual irregularities. Check your diet and include foods rich in iron, folic acid and vitamin C. This will help normalize the blood circulation process and stop your periods.

You must be prepared for the fact that changing your diet will not immediately stop your periods. If the problem recurs regularly, you should not only consult a doctor, but also review your menu

Reduce the amount of physical activity. If you go in for sports, fitness, jogging in the morning, dancing, it is better to give up these activities for a few days. Loads in “inverted” poses are especially undesirable, i.e. exercises with bending over, lifting legs from a lying position, etc. It is better to abstain from sex not only during menstruation, but also for 2-3 days after they stop. Regular sexual activity during menstruation can cause prolonged bleeding.

Avoid alcohol, vasodilators and coffee. All this can increase bleeding and make it last longer.

How to make your period go quickly

If you feel like your period is being delayed, try drinking three cups of mint and raspberry tea every day. This is one of the fastest ways to solve the problem.

To speed up the process, take corn silks, prepare a small amount of infusion from them, and then drink 1 tbsp. liquids six times a day. Fresh infusion must be prepared daily

Decoctions of acorns, shepherd's purse, horsetail, cherry leaves, nettles, and water pepper are very helpful in stopping menstruation. Such ingredients can be purchased in specialized stores or pharmacies. Products based on water pepper are often sold in ready-made form. Before using them, you must carefully read the instructions. You can also cook and drink viburnum infusion three times a day. To do this you need to put 2 tsp. berries in a glass of boiling water, wait until the liquid cools down, and only then drink.

If menstruation is delayed, but not yet, try stopping it with an infusion. You need to put 40 g of finely chopped fresh parsley in a glass of boiling water and leave for a couple of hours. After this, the liquid should be drunk three times a day, half a glass. After starting the course, your period should pass in just 3-4 days.