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Aspen bark for prostatitis: the best recipes for treatment at home. Recipes for the treatment of prostatic hyperplasia with aspen bark

Aspen tree bark is used to cure prostatitis and inflammation of the prostate gland using tinctures, decoctions, and extracts.

Aspen bark for prostatitis can be used at home, the main thing is to prepare the remedy correctly.

The bark contains many useful elements that give it medicinal properties. The bark of this tree relieves heat, treats inflammation, and has an astringent effect.

Removes sweat well and improves urination, has a beneficial effect on gout, rheumatism and diseases of the urinary organs. It is enriched with: behenic, lauric, arachidic acids; tannins; phenol glycosides; mineral salts; resins; carotene; essential oils.

A decoction of this raw material is used to treat gastritis and intestinal disorders; it increases appetite and relieves pain. Tincture of aspen bark can improve well-being in case of hemorrhoids, cystitis, dysentery; the presence of resins has a beneficial effect on the general condition of the patient.

Composition and medicinal properties:

  • Glycosides. They work as a diuretic, sedative, antimicrobial, laxative and disinfectant.
  • Organic acids improve appetite, immunity, normalize the digestive system, remove toxins, activate the body's metabolic processes, and can treat heartburn and relieve heaviness in the stomach.
  • Essential oil normalizes the functioning of the central nervous system, enhances gastrointestinal motility and increases the secretion of glands.
  • Tannins remove heavy metals from the body, have an anti-inflammatory effect on the gastrointestinal tract, and fight microbes.
  • Bitters increase the production of juice in the stomach, stimulate the production of bile, help produce insulin, and stimulate the immune system.
  • Ascorbic acid regulates the oxidative and reduction processes of supplying cells with oxygen, promotes tissue growth in bones, and reduces the amount of uric acid in the body.
  • Carotene reduces the risk of cancer, removes toxins, regulates metabolism and protein synthesis.
  • Fatty acids take part in the construction of cell walls and help generate energy.
  • Carbohydrates normalize blood sugar levels, ensure metabolic processes and supply the body with energy.
  • Flavonoids normalize blood pressure and heart rate, strengthen the walls of blood vessels, treat inflammatory processes in the body, and stimulate the adrenal glands.
  • Anthocyanins slow down aging, relieve inflammation, strengthen heart muscles, and prevent capillary fragility.
  • Resinous substances have anti-putrefactive and wound-healing properties.
  • Pectins lower blood cholesterol.
  • Sterols increase human protective properties.
  • Wax has astringent properties.
  • Coumarins fight tumors.
  • Proteins help build enzymes, normalize hormones, and transport hemoglobin.
  • Lignans normalize cholesterol and prevent the formation of plaques in blood vessels, normalize the functioning of the nervous system.

It is a proven fact that aspen bark for prostatitis and other diseases can remove helminths, destroy microbes, cure inflammation and remove bile.

It is worth noting

Due to their unique properties, medicines from aspen are used to cure many diseases, such as colds, tuberculosis, dysentery, inflammation of various organs, and joint diseases.


  • sensitivity to active substances;
  • problems with stool.

How to use aspen bark tincture for prostatitis

Tincture of aspen bark for prostatitis is prepared in a ratio of ten to one, where there is one part of aspen and ten parts of liquid (alcohol, vodka). Infuse in a dark room for four days, then filter and take a small spoon three times a day.


The easiest way to use medicinal bark for prostatitis is a decoction, which is drunk like tea according to the instructions.

Traditional healers use this raw material in several ways:

  • Decoction. One hundred grams of dried tree bark is poured into 1 liter of boiled water, boiled over low heat for a quarter of an hour, and cooled. Take 250 ml before meals.
  • Infusion. For 0.5 liters of alcohol (vodka) you will need from 200 to 250 grams. dry raw materials. The bark is placed in a container with a capacity of more than a liter and alcohol is poured. Leave for 14 days and take twenty drops 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals. The concentrate can be diluted with water. The course lasts three months.
  • Extract. You can buy it in every pharmacy, although it is intended to strengthen the immune system, this is precisely the property that is appropriate for prostatitis. Drink 15 drops before main meals for two months.

Often aspen shavings are used for inflammation of the prostate gland. Thanks to its beneficial substances, aspen reduces inflammation and kills viruses, and also improves immunity, which helps improve the general condition of a man. Tincture of aspen bark is unique for the treatment of urinary organs.

To treat prostatitis and prostate adenoma, aspen bark should be collected in early spring, before buds and leaves appear. It is cut with a well-sharpened knife from young branches and trunk. Next, the bark is dried in an oven heated to 60 degrees; to dry, the bark is cut into smaller pieces. It is not recommended to dry it in direct sunlight, as it loses all its healing qualities. The finished product can be stored for three years.

Feedback about this method of treatment is mostly positive, because aspen bark is rich in beneficial components. But we must not forget about medicinal treatment methods, especially for acute forms of diseases, aspen cleanses both the body and energy.

Aspen bark for prostatitis and methods of its preparation

An infusion of aspen bark for prostatitis can be made not only with alcohol, but also with plain water. To do this, you need to take 100 grams of bark crushed into dust and pour a glass of water, leave for half a month, strain and drink, just like an alcohol tincture.

Decoctions from the bark are prepared simply, three spoons of dry raw materials are brewed with 250 ml of hot water and kept on low heat for another fifteen minutes, after 20 minutes the tea can be drunk.

Tincture of aspen bark on moonshine. To prepare, take fifty grams of bark and two glasses of moonshine. The infusion is ready in two weeks, you just need to strain it. The course of treatment is a month, and one teaspoon is taken three times a day.

Aspen bark for prostatitis perfectly helps fight the disease and other problems with the prostate gland. The main thing to remember is that in the fight against any disease you should not overuse self-medication, but rather consult a doctor, and use the bark as an additional treatment.

Prostatitis is a rather dangerous pathology; it can occur suddenly against the background of complete well-being and lead to serious consequences for a man’s health. There are often cases when inflammation of the prostate gland in an advanced stage becomes the cause of infertility in representatives of the stronger sex.

To treat this pathology, various schemes of both medication and physiotherapy are used. Therapy using traditional methods is also considered quite effective; it has hundreds of different recipes that allow you to get rid of prostatitis and prevent its occurrence in the future. An infusion of aspen bark is an effective remedy for inflammatory pathologies of the prostate gland.

How to collect correctly

It is necessary to use aspen bark correctly, starting with the procurement of raw materials. The time of collection is important; April is considered the most suitable month, because at this moment the buds have not yet blossomed, the leaves have not yet begun to grow, and the sap has already begun to flow down the tree trunk.

Aspen bark is considered an effective medicine, which is not just an environmentally friendly product, but also an effective remedy in the fight against prostate disease

The first step is to make a circular cut around the branch or trunk with a sharp table or utility knife. Such circular cuts must be made every ten centimeters. The next step is to remove the bark itself, this is done by making vertical cuts four to six millimeters thick. If you follow these recommendations, you will not harm the tree and will collect the bark with minimal effort, time and energy.

After collection, it is advisable to prepare the raw materials for long-term storage. To do this, you need to spread the collected pieces of bark on dry parchment paper in a dark and well-ventilated place.

If you do not have a suitable area for this task, you can use a faster and easier method - spread the pieces of bark on a baking sheet and dry them in the oven at a temperature of about sixty degrees. After complete drying, the material can be stored for several years without loss of beneficial properties.

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If there is no environmentally friendly area within reach, you can purchase ready-made preparations for the treatment of prostatitis at the pharmacy. Small bags for a modest price contain already dried and chopped aspen bark, which just needs to be crushed in a coffee grinder and poured with boiling water.

Aspen bark for prostatitis

Aspen has long been known in folk medicine as an effective remedy for the treatment of prostatitis. A careful study of the composition of the bark of this tree by pharmacists made it possible to identify the reasons for this effect from treatment with decoctions from it. It contains a large number of substances that actively suppress the inflammatory process, they are called flavonoids. The use of these components allows you to overcome not only the acute process, but also chronic, low-grade inflammation of the prostate gland.

To obtain the maximum therapeutic effect from treating prostatitis with aspen bark, it is important to properly prepare the decoction or tincture.

Below are the main medicinal properties that can cure prostatitis:

  • inhibition of the process of inflammation, release of histamine and other neurotransmitters of mast cells;
  • pain relief develops due to the effects of resinous substances contained in aspen bark in high concentrations;
  • active stimulation of urine formation and excretion.

Aspen has been used for prostatitis for centuries

Possible uses

Even traditional medicine is developing and does not stand still. Today, prostatitis can be treated with means based on aspen bark in various ways.

Among the most commonly used, there are three main ones:

  • preparing a decoction;
  • tinctures;
  • extract.

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Recipes for tinctures for prostatitis


In order to prepare a decoction of aspen bark, it is enough to do a few simple manipulations. First of all, after preparing the material, it needs to be dried well and deprived of moisture as much as possible.

Helps in the treatment of prostatitis in both acute and chronic forms

Dry shavings should be crushed in a coffee grinder, in this way you can ensure the release of the greatest amount of useful substances. The proportion is as follows: one hundred grams of bark per liter of boiling water. After mixing the components, they need to be kept for another fifteen minutes on low heat, then allowed to cool to room temperature.

After an hour and a half, the broth should be strained through a sieve or several layers of gauze, then it should be taken one mug every day, about thirty minutes before meals. The duration of such treatment can be quite different, but the effect will be noticeable within a couple of days.


Preparing the tincture requires more time and patience. It is better to use it either for frequent acute prostatitis or for a recurrent chronic process. To do this you will need about half a liter of ethyl alcohol, about two hundred grams of bark and a glass container.

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After pouring alcohol into the crushed wood and thoroughly mixing the mixture in a glass jar, the future medicine should be infused for two to three weeks. After this, you should take twenty drops of tincture diluted in water three times a day thirty minutes before meals. Therapy for chronic prostatitis lasts approximately three to four months.

There are many different recipes for preparing aspen bark.


Indications for using a decoction of aspen bark include the presence of symptoms of prostatitis or cystitis. In men, the second disease is much less common than in women due to anatomical features. Therefore, for representatives of the stronger sex, the presence of prostatitis is an indication.

Symptoms of this disease include the following:

  • painful or uncomfortable sensations in the perineal area;
  • sensation of a foreign body in this area;
  • difficulty in urine flow;
  • frequent imperative urge to urinate, especially at night.

To diagnose acute or chronic inflammation of the prostate gland, it is necessary to undergo a thorough examination and examination by a urological specialist. The doctor, based on physical examination data, results of laboratory and instrumental diagnostics, can establish a diagnosis of “prostatitis,” which will be a signal for the immediate start of treatment.

Aspen bark for prostatitis perfectly helps fight the disease and other problems with the prostate gland


Before starting treatment for any disease, you should consult a specialist for advice on the presence or absence of contraindications for the use of a particular method of therapy.

In the case of a tincture or decoction of aspen bark, the technique cannot be used to determine the presence of the following conditions:

Contraindications indicated when using the bark: diseases and inflammatory processes of the gastrointestinal tract

Features of application

Treatment of prostatitis with a decoction of aspen bark requires compliance with some recommendations from specialists. The first and most important principle is “do no harm”; the maximum dose of the decoction prepared according to the recipe described above is no more than one or two cups throughout the day.

The daily dose should be divided into several doses. This will ensure long-term maintenance of the therapeutic concentration of the active substance in the patient’s blood. The second feature is the constant monitoring of the situation by the attending physician. Only a specialist can correctly adjust the dose and frequency of taking even a traditional medicine.

Correct adherence to the treatment regimen can ensure the restoration of normal functioning of the prostate gland, and exceeding the recommended dose can, on the contrary, lead to the development of a more severe process.


Treatment of prostatitis with a decoction or tincture of aspen bark is a highly effective method. Good results from this method of treatment have been proven by numerous clinical studies of drugs prepared from this natural element, as well as years of use of this remedy in folk medicine. It is very important to follow the recommendations regarding the harvesting of bark, its preparation, duration of use and doses.

Prostate adenoma is a benign tumor, which in medicine is called hyperplasia. There are a large number of treatment methods for this pathology. These can be both medications and surgical routes. In addition, traditional methods of treatment are popular. Let's consider the healing properties of aspen bark for prostate adenoma.

Prostate adenoma and prostatitis

These diseases can threaten all men, especially in old age. Aspen bark for prostate adenoma is a very effective and fairly safe remedy, just like aspen bark for prostatitis. The prostate gland is one of the main glands responsible for men's health. If hyperplasia develops, it presses on the urinary tract.

The main symptoms of prostate adenoma are:

  1. Pain when urinating.
  2. Poor urine stream.
  3. Earlier ejaculation.
  4. Problems in sexual life, poor erection.

Adenoma may be accompanied by inflammation. Sometimes the prostate gland experiences independent inflammation - prostatitis. All these diseases can be cured using folk remedies.

Aspen bark is used in folk medicine to treat a large number of diseases. This plant contains large quantities of many vitamins, trace elements and minerals. In addition, the bark contains tannins, sucrose, lauric, capric and arachidic acid. The astringent effect has an analgesic effect. Great for potency.

In case of adenoma, the positive effect is due to the diuretic effect, which counters the formation of stagnation in the bladder. In addition, aspen bark relieves inflammation, has an antibacterial effect and a choleretic effect.

All positive effects are due to the composition of aspen bark:

  1. Glycosides.
  2. Fatty and organic acids.
  3. Flavonoids are a class of plant polyphenols.
  4. Resins.
  5. Lignans, which are found in cell walls.
  6. Essential oils.
  7. Anthocyanins.
  8. Microelements - iron, copper, zinc, nickel, cobalt.

It is thanks to this combination that aspen bark is used not only in the treatment of prostatitis or adenoma, but also in many other diseases.

This plant:

  1. Heals wounds.
  2. Removes heavy metal salts.
  3. Improves appetite.
  4. Improves the process of hematopoiesis.
  5. Slows down the aging process.
  6. Normalizes hormonal balance.
  7. Good for potency.

When using folk remedies with aspen bark, all the unpleasant sensations that are characteristic of prostate adenoma are significantly reduced. You can collect aspen bark yourself or buy it at a pharmacy. In addition to the bark, buds and leaves help with hyperplasia. Bark should be collected from late April to early summer. The collected bark is dried at 40 degrees and then cut into 3 cm pieces. Store in a dark place for three years.

Folk recipes

Aspen bark is great for treating adenoma. It should be consumed in the form of decoctions and tinctures. There are several ways to treat prostatitis with aspen bark.

Tinctures from aspen bark:

  1. Pour three tablespoons of powder into a glass of boiling water. Place in a water bath for 15 minutes. Use the prepared infusion 25 minutes after preparation.
  2. The same ratios, just do not heat, but cook for 17 minutes. Then the broth should brew for 20 minutes.

You can buy an extract of the bark of this tree at the pharmacy. You need to take it 20 drops daily three times a day. The course lasts at least 60 days.

Alcohol tincture

Prepared at home from 200 grams of aspen, which is filled with half a liter of vodka. Vodka must be of high quality, otherwise you may get poisoned. You need to insist in a cold and dark place for two weeks, tightly closed. Drink 20 drops once a day. The course is three months. When treating with alcohol tincture, you should carefully monitor the increase in blood pressure, and also do not drive. In addition, if you have a tendency towards alcoholism, it is also better to choose an alcohol-free decoction.

When treating with aspen bark, it should be taken into account that no more than three courses can be carried out per year and be sure to take breaks.

In addition, it is important to understand that folk recipes do not completely replace basic treatment methods. Doctors in their reviews note the positive effect of aspen bark tincture on prostate adenoma and chronic prostatitis, but this should be complex therapy using classical methods.


Despite the plant origin of this remedy, it has a number of contraindications. These include:

  1. Chronic constipation.
  2. Dysbacteriosis.
  3. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract in chronic form and in the acute stage.
  4. Colic in the intestines.

These contraindications are associated with tannins, which affect the intestines and can increase all of the above symptoms.

Treatment of prostate adenoma with aspen bark involves the use of tinctures or decoctions of the plant for a certain period. It is recommended to drink several courses, but do not forget to visit your doctor and take the medications that he recommends in combination.

The use of aspen for prostatitis not only helps relieve inflammation, but also acts as an antibiotic and also relieves pain.

In the absence of timely contact with a specialist, prostate adenoma leads to quite serious complications. They are expressed by the formation, inflammatory processes in the kidneys, acute urinary retention and others. As a result, surgery is required.

To avoid this, certain medical treatment is required. Also, good results for prostate adenoma are obtained by using aspen bark in the form of tinctures, decoctions and other remedies. However, it can be taken for preventive purposes.

Useful material

Aspen is a tree that is widespread throughout our country.

All its parts, including the bark, have medicinal qualities and are used in a variety of traditional medicine formulations.

Aspen bark has extensive chemical composition, which is saturated:

  • Vitamins: A, C;
  • Macro- and microelements: potassium, manganese, iron, cobalt, zinc, iodine;
  • Organic and fatty acids;
  • Fatty and essential oils;
  • Tannins;
  • Glycosides;
  • Carbohydrates and phenol glycosides;
  • Flavonoids and polysaccharides;
  • Terpenes and fiber;
  • Phenolcarbon compounds.

Folk remedies prepared from aspen bark are used in complex therapy for the treatment:

  • Colds;
  • Bronchitis;
  • Helminthiasis;
  • Diabetes mellitus;
  • Burns and wounds;
  • Hemorrhoids;
  • Arthritis and arthrosis;
  • Pancreatitis;
  • Gastritis;
  • Gout;
  • Skin diseases;
  • Diarrhea.

Also, aspen bark normalizes the functioning of the immune and cardiovascular systems, the gastrointestinal tract and the genitourinary system, strengthens the walls of blood vessels, cleanses the body of harmful substances, and strengthens bone tissue.

Thanks to its strong anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and general strengthening effect, aspen bark has positive effect during treatment.


In addition to a huge number of useful properties, aspen bark has a number of contraindications for use. It cannot be used for:

  • Exacerbation of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Tendency to constipation;
  • Allergic reactions;
  • Individual intolerance.

Where to get it, how to prepare it?

Today, aspen bark can be bought at any pharmacy.

But, if possible, it is better to prepare it yourself. In this case, there will be confidence that it has the appropriate quality.

In this case, it is necessary to comply a number of rules for its collection and drying:

  1. The collection is carried out in mid-spring, when sap flow begins. During this period, it has the greatest medicinal properties;
  2. For harvesting, you need to choose an environmentally friendly place away from roads and industrial enterprises. Aspen quickly absorbs toxic substances;
  3. You need to collect bark from trees whose trunk diameter does not exceed 10 centimeters. If the trees are old, then raw materials are harvested from the branches;
  4. Ring cuts are made on the trunk at intervals of about 30 centimeters, then the rings are cut vertically and the bark is removed;
  5. Drying of harvested raw materials can only be carried out in a shaded place without direct sunlight. Dryers should also not be used. The bark needs to be broken into small pieces, spread in a thin layer on a clean cloth or paper and mixed regularly;
  6. The dried bark needs to be crushed into small pieces. It is not recommended to grind it into powder with a blender or coffee grinder. This should be done immediately before use;
  7. To store raw materials, you need to use glass containers with tight lids. They must be sent to a dry and dark place. Aspen bark retains its medicinal properties throughout the year.


There are many treatments for prostate adenoma using aspen bark. These can be infusions, decoctions, alcohol tinctures, herbal teas.


To prepare an alcohol tincture of aspen bark, place 200 grams of dry raw materials in a glass container, pour 500 milliliters of vodka and place in a dark place for two weeks. After time, the tincture is drained and the bark is squeezed out.

The resulting product is taken 20 drops, which are dissolved in 100 milliliters of water, three times a day before meals. Treatment should be continued at least two months. The tincture should be kept in a glass container in the refrigerator.


Option 1. Pour 2 tablespoons of aspen bark into a saucepan, pour 500 milliliters of boiling water and simmer over low heat for about ten minutes. Then leave the resulting broth for an hour, wrapped in a warm towel. After this, filter the composition and drink 100 milliliters three times a day half an hour before meals. The course of treatment is 1 month.

Option 2. Place 5 tablespoons of dry raw materials in a small container, pour 1 liter of boiling water and place in a water bath for half an hour. After the time has passed, wrap the resulting composition and leave for about four hours. Strain the broth and drink 50 milliliters three times a day before meals. Treatment is continued for one month.


Option 1. Pour 2 tablespoons of aspen bark into a thermos, pour 500 milliliters of boiling water and leave for at least twelve hours. The resulting composition must be filtered and taken half a glass in the morning before breakfast and in the evening before bed. The course of treatment is two months.

Option 2. Place 300 grams of fresh crushed aspen bark in a glass container, fill it with 1 liter of cold water and leave for about twelve hours. After this, strain the finished product and take half a glass in the morning before meals. Continue treatment for a month.

Medicinal mixtures

Option 1. Pour 5 tablespoons of dry aspen bark with 1 liter of boiling water and place in a water bath for half an hour. After this, leave the broth for about three hours and then filter. Pour 2 tablespoons of echinacea flowers into a thermos, add 1 liter of boiling water, leave for three hours and strain.

Pour the decoctions into separate glass containers and place in the refrigerator. Before use, mix 50 milliliters of echinacea decoction and 1 tablespoon of aspen bark decoction. Drink three times a day after meals. Treatment should be continued for two months.

Option 2. Mix equal amounts of aspen bark, burdock, birch leaves, and hazelnut shells. Grind the resulting mixture using a coffee grinder. Brew 1 tablespoon of the composition with 1 liter of boiling water and simmer over low heat for 15 minutes. After this, the broth should be allowed to brew for about an hour and filtered.

Drink half a glass of the composition in the morning and evening before meals. The course of treatment is one month.

Option 3. Combine 100 grams of aspen bark, 200 grams each of galangal root and cinquefoil. Grind all the ingredients thoroughly, pour into a glass container, add 3 liters of vodka and place in a dark place for three weeks. After this, the tincture should be strained and drunk 1 tablespoon three times a day before meals.

After a month, you need to take a two-week break. For complete treatment, three courses are required.


In order to prepare kvass from aspen bark, you need to put 3 cups of dry raw materials, 1 cup of sugar and 1 teaspoon of sour cream in a three-liter glass jar. Fill the container with water and send it to a warm place for two weeks. After this, you can take up to three glasses a day. Treatment continues for three months.

Aspen bark is a popular folk remedy that is widely used to treat a wide variety of diseases, including prostate adenoma. But, at the same time, you need to know that it has a fairly active effect and has some contraindications.

Therefore, treatment should be started only after consultation with a specialist and passing the appropriate examination. Self-medication in this case can cause even greater harm to health.

Find out how to use aspen to treat another male disease - prostatitis - from the video:

The growth of gland tissue is called prostate adenoma, in which nodules are formed. Such formations press down on the urinary canal. Doctors suggest improving the condition with drug therapy. But aspen bark for prostate adenoma can serve as an additional tool in the prevention of disease. It has an antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, analgesic effect.

The healing properties of aspen bark for prostate adenoma

Already in the initial stages, alarming symptoms can be observed. The first signs are already visible when the urine stream is sluggish and frequent bowel movements. The second stage gives the feeling that the bladder is not completely empty.

When choosing alternative therapy, every man should be aware that the process will be lengthy. The most effective remedies are a decoction of birch and eryngium leaves, and an alcohol tincture of aspen birch bark. Many when using decoctions and infusions aspen bark for prostate adenoma note positive results:

  • pain syndrome decreases;
  • sexual activity is activated.
  • urine output stabilizes;
  • the inflammatory process decreases;
  • does not cause harm to the body, unlike synthetic drugs;
  • can be used for a long time.

The composition of aspen birch bark decoctions includes:

  • capric, behenic, arachidic and lauric acid;
  • salicin, a natural analogue of acetylsalicylic acid, triterpenes, flavonoids;
  • sucrose and fructose;
  • tanning components.

These substances prevent tissue proliferation.

In addition, aspen bark is useful for other diseases:

  • infectious diseases of the urinary system;
  • hemorrhoids, dermatitis and eczema using ointments based on aspen birch bark;
  • arthritis using external infusions and ointments;
  • at high temperatures, the product reduces with a high concentration of salicin;
  • diarrhea is eliminated thanks to tannins.

Medicinal drinks

Traditional healers are convinced that plant sterols inhibit tissue growth. These components are used in the pharmacological production of steroid hormones. Healers offer several options decoctions of aspen bark for prostate adenoma:

  • To 3 tbsp. pour a glass of hot liquid into aspen birch bark and steam for 15-20 minutes. When the broth has cooled, drink it four times a day, 70 ml half an hour before meals.
  • For another decoction you will need 50 g and 1 liter of hot liquid. The solution is placed on steam for half an hour, then allowed to brew for 4 hours, filtered and stored in the refrigerator. Drink 25-30 ml three times a day before meals. Duration of therapy is one month.

It is useful to drink a decoction of aspen birch bark with an infusion of Echinacea purpurea. It is necessary to prepare two decoctions separately.

  1. To 5 tbsp. l. pour 1 liter of hot liquid into aspen birch bark and steam the dishes for 20 minutes. Let it brew for 3 hours.
  2. To 1 tbsp. l. Echinacea is poured with hot water and allowed to brew for the same amount of time. Then the two infusions are filtered and placed in the refrigerator. Mix 1 tbsp. infusion of aspen birch bark with 50-70 ml of echinacea infusion and drink three times a day after meals for a month and a half.

Aspen bark for prostate adenoma, recipes alcohol tinctures:

  • Pour 500 g of vodka into 300 g of bark and let it sit for 21 days. Drink 25-30 drops diluted with liquid three times a day half an hour before meals.
  • 100 g of aspen bark is poured with 100 g of pure alcohol and allowed to brew for 2 weeks. Drink 15-20 drops diluted in a tablespoon of liquid or vodka three times a day for 2 months.
  • Birch bark is ground in a coffee grinder, then 100 g of vodka is poured in, the mixture should stand for 10 days. Use 1 tsp. three times a day.

You can purchase a ready-made extract of aspen bark. Take 15-20 drops three times a day. To increase the therapeutic effect, you should consume low-fat cottage cheese and flaxseed oil in 20 capsules per day.

Birch bark powder

The bark is ground in a coffee grinder and consumed 1/3 tsp. three times a day and drink liquid. Duration of therapy is 3 months.


It can't be said that aspen bark for prostate adenoma dangerous for the body. But those patients who used infusions noted undesirable consequences:

  • intestinal upset and disgust;
  • constipation;
  • skin rash and irritation;
  • weakness and dizziness.

Infusions of aspen birch bark contain a large number of tanning components that strengthen. Therefore, it is necessary to include foods, vegetables and fruits in your diet to loosen stool. These are kefir, beets, apples. Baking soda diluted with water works well. 1/5 tsp dilute with warm water and drink in the morning on an empty stomach. It is not advisable to consume this drink for people suffering from stomach and intestinal diseases.