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Catch phrases of athletes. Quotes from great athletes to help you reach your goals

A selection of pretentious or funny quotes for your status on "Mamba".

1. A real bodybuilder must do three things in life: build a house, plant a tree and raise a son. And all this in one go!

2. Keep faith in yourself even when no one believes in you.

3. He who can, does. Those who cannot, criticize.

4. Don't expect the maximum if you do the minimum!

5. Yesterday you said that you would do it tomorrow... Do it today!

6. “The worst thing that can happen is that I will become ordinary. I hate being ordinary.” . Arnold Schwarzenegger

7. Genetics are just an excuse.

8. “The main wealth is health.” R.V. Emerson

9. “We don’t stop exercising because we get older—we get older because we stop exercising!” K. Cooper

10. “Fitness is not only one of the keys to a healthy body, but also the basis of dynamism and creative thought.” John Kennedy

11. The difference between who you are and who you want to be is what you do.

12. “A man’s health can be judged by what he does twice at a time—take a couple of pills or climb two flights of stairs.” Joan Welsh

13. “Every evening, my husband and I do yoga after we put the child to bed. People who practice together stay together in life.” Bettany Frankel

14. “The only thing necessary for the victory of evil forces over a good person is his inaction.” Edmund Burke

15. “If anything moves me forward, it is only my weakness, which I hate and turn into my strength.” Michael Jordan

16. “My main rival is myself. I have always fought only with myself.” Yelena Isinbayeva

17. "We are what we do all the time. Excellence, then, is not an action, but a habit." Aristotle

18. “Life is a struggle with our eternal desire to bury our heads in the sand, calm down and fold our hands. If your goal is a minimum of movements, then let laziness take the reins into your hands. If you strive for growth, for development, every morning be ready to face a new day where there is no place for sleep and laziness." Henry Ford

19. “There are no limits: the more you strive for something, the further you will be able to advance.” Michael Phelps

20. “Muscles ached that I didn’t even know about and didn’t even realize that they existed in the human body.” Ilya Pervukhin

21. “If something hurts, it means it’s your weak point and you need to train it twice as hard.” Mas Oyama

22. “One action is worth more than a thousand intentions.” John Mason

23. “The courage to say no to the small things will give you the power to say yes to the big things in your life.” Robin Sharma

24. You can become as good as you want. The main thing is to work hard and believe in yourself." Scott Adkins

25. “Football is a team, a collective, not one, two or three star players.” Pele

26. “If I listen to others, then I will stop being myself.” Roy Jones

27. “If at 30, 40, 50 years old you don’t engage in physical education, then this is a prejudice inherited from the old days, when an idle life was considered the ideal of well-being.” V.V. Gorinevsky

28. “Dedicate half an hour every day to your grief and use that half hour to take a nap.” Yanina Ipohorskaya

29. “A woman has only one opportunity to be beautiful, but there are a hundred thousand opportunities to be attractive.” Charles Louis Montesquieu

30. Sometimes you have to fight even with yourself for happiness.

31. It takes twenty minutes in the morning to look like a goddess. To look natural, you need to take care of yourself throughout your life.

32. “To live freely and happily, you must sacrifice boredom. This is not always an easy sacrifice.” Richard Bach

33. “It is impossible to prevent a determined person from succeeding. Place stumbling blocks in his path, and he will turn them into steps along which he will climb to the top.” David Villa

34. The fire in the eyes of a person who believes in himself is a hundred thousand times brighter than the sun.

35. “A fit woman always achieves what a woman in a robe cannot achieve.” Evelina Khromchenko

36. “The best cure for all ailments is salt water. Sweat, tears and the sea.” Karen Blixen

37. “The most important decisions are not what you do, but what you choose not to do.” Steve Jobs

38. “Will can change even the lines on our palms.” Jean Cocteau

39. “Time doesn’t like to be wasted.” G Henry Ford

40. Girlfriends look at your face, a man looks at your legs.

41. “The greatest sensual pleasure, which does not contain any admixture or aversion, is, in a healthy state, rest after work.” Immanuel Kant

42. Never take advice from people who do not live the way you dream of living.

43. The wisest person is the one who is annoyed by the loss of time.

44. Someday the refrigerator will take revenge on me. Every half hour he will open the door to my room, stare at me, and then leave.

45. “The purpose of life is the search for perfection, and everyone’s task is to bring its manifestation in themselves as close as possible.” Richard Bach

46. ​​Dreams become reality when thoughts turn into actions.

47. Do at least once what others say you can’t do. After that, you will never pay attention to their rules and restrictions.

48. If you want, you will find time; if you don’t want, you will find a reason.

49. “Avoid those who try to undermine your self-confidence. This trait is characteristic of small people. A great person, on the contrary, instills in you the feeling that you can become great.” Mark Twain

50. They say that the ideal woman does not exist. I went to the mirror. They're lying, you bastards!

In this article we will talk to you about sports, but not about how to do exercises or eat correctly so that our body has an attractive shape, but about what famous people say about this activity.

Sports in our life

Each of us in our lives has probably made the decision more than once to start doing or going for a run, and some have even implemented such plans. Unfortunately, even fewer people give sports a truly significant place in their lives. I would like to talk about what great people are and what they mean. Perhaps, after we understand the deep meaning that lies in simple words, for someone it will give the opportunity to look at their life outside of sports with different eyes, and they will make the right choice.

What does sport give us?

In general, we have been familiar with the benefits of playing sports since childhood, because at an early age, caring mothers tried to send their children to sports sections or various dance and gymnastics clubs. After all, boys kick the ball around the football field with great pleasure, and girls jump with skipping ropes and ribbons. Probably, already at this age they need to be introduced to the benefits of an active lifestyle and talk about sports spoken by their favorite athletes and idols.

Few active children are familiar with the concept of “diet,” which cannot be said about adults who are always busy in the daily hustle and bustle. Every third or even second inhabitant of the planet over 30 years of age faces the problem of excess weight, and all because we prefer to relieve so-called depression and a tense state of mind with the help of alcohol or a portion of our favorite and obviously unhealthy dish.

The best medicine

“A thousand medicines can be replaced by physical exercise, but there is no medicine that can replace exercise,” said the Italian physiologist Angelo Mosso. There is nothing to add here; indeed, how many human diseases can be avoided if even people who have had a heart attack are recommended by doctors to take walks in the fresh air every evening. It is necessary not only to know such statements about sports, but to write them on a piece of paper and hang them in a visible place, so that every day, before opening the refrigerator or brushing our teeth, we read and remember that “movement is life, and life is there is movement." This is exactly what the old but wise saying says. It’s hardly worth reminding us of what a sedentary lifestyle can lead to, because, hand on heart, we all know very well that there is nothing good in sedentary work. The result is varicose veins, intestinal problems, and disruption of the cardiovascular system. The list goes on and on.

Statements on sports topics in literature

To confirm all of the above, here is another statement on the topic of sports. “Thanks to abstinence and physical exercise, humanity can live without medicine,” these words belong to the famous writer, playwright, poet, politician of the 18th century and simply a wise man Addison Joseph.

However, even in ancient times BC. e. Horace said wonderful words that contain more than understandable truths: “If you don’t run while you’re healthy, you’ll have to run when you’re sick!” And this is actually true: analyze the life situations that you have probably encountered. Only when it becomes unbearable for us to endure pain or discomfort in the body, we turn to doctors, and they begin to refer us to various studies and procedures. In such situations, we are ready to spend any money if only we would be cured and we could return to our normal life again.

In fact, a lot of words about sports were said by famous poets and writers, and the great A.S. Pushkin and everyone’s beloved Vladimir Vysotsky did not shy away from this topic.

Athletes about sports

Perhaps more convincing for you will be statements about sports belonging to the athletes themselves, who are familiar with this situation, so to speak, from the inside. They don’t talk about health, because for them sports and health are one whole, and they have already made a choice long ago, but they share their thoughts on how to achieve goals and cope with difficulties that arise on the way to achieving great heights.

Mike Tyson said: “As long as we are persistent and persistent, we can achieve all our desires.”

And the words of the world famous basketball player Michael Jordan can be wonderful support: “I suffer defeats day after day. And that’s why I’m a champion!”

“Victory does not teach the way defeat can teach”; “Exercise is the cure for a bad mood”; “The horizontal bar is one of the best equipment for creating an ideal physique”; “Train with those who are stronger. Love the one you can't. Don’t give up where others give up,” - all these are not just beautiful sayings about sports, these are the words that you should repeat to yourself, like a mantra, if you decide to take care of your health.

I would like to conclude my discussion on the topic of sports with the words of Nobel Prize laureate John Galsworthy: “Sport is the saving force in our world: optimism still rises above it, the enemy is respected and the rules are followed, regardless of whose side wins.”

These are such different statements about sports, but they all contain the same meaning: “Sport is our everything.”

Many of us often find it very difficult to maintain an active and healthy lifestyle.

Today, fast food restaurants are mushrooming, busy schedules leave little time for exercise, and processed foods are becoming the main source of nutrition.

But if you adopt a few inspiring sayings, it will be much easier to achieve what you want.

It all starts with making a firm decision to change your life!

Today I have prepared for you 30 motivational quotes that will help you start exercising regularly and take care of your overall health.

1. The value of health

“Health is like money. We can't appreciate its true meaning until we lose it." - Josh Billings.

One of my favorite healthy lifestyle quotes because it highlights how valuable health really is.

2. Four important factors

“Patients should be prescribed rest, food, fresh air and exercise—the quadrangle of health,” William Osler.

3. Your body is your home

“Take care of your body. This is the only place where you will have to live permanently." - Jim Rohn.

4. Be healthy or sick

“You can choose to be sick or you can choose to be healthy,” Wayne Dyer.

5. Make a choice

“A person’s health can be judged by what he can do twice in a row - take a pill or walk up the stairs,” Joan Welsh.

6. Pinch yourself!

“Are you tired of fitness? Pinch your fat!” is an advertising slogan of one of the fitness clubs.

Here is an example of how you can motivate a person to exercise in a humorous manner.

7. It all starts with a small step

“Eighty percent of success depends on the ability to get moving,” Woody Allen.

8. Plan for your success

“The will to win means nothing without preparation” - Juma Ikanga.

9. Develop a habit

“Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going." - Jim Ryan

10. Give your body the best

“If you are not giving your body the best, you are simply robbing yourself.” - Julius Erving.

11. Prioritize

“What fits your daily schedule best: training once a day or being dead 24 hours a day?” - Randy Glasbergen.

This is one of the most action-motivating quotes I have ever come across. She always makes me find time to exercise.

12. Keep it simple

“Training is like brushing your teeth. I don't think about it, I just do it and that's it. The decision has already been made" - Patti Sue Plumer.

13. Think about the consequences

“An unhealthy lifestyle only leads to poor health, lethargy and excess weight,” Jill Johnson.

14. Self-preservation

“Exercise and moderation can, even in old age, retain to some extent the same strength,” Marcus Tullius Cicero.

15. Activity and passivity

“Lack of activity destroys the health of any person, while movement and methodical physical exercise preserve it,” Plato.
Listen to the wisdom of the ancients!

16. Physical activity and intelligence

“Physical fitness is not only one of the most important keys to a healthy body, it is the basis of dynamic and creative intellectual activity,” John F. Kennedy.

17. More than just fitness

“Movement is a means to transform your physical, emotional and mental state,” Carol Welch.

18. A matter of time

“Those who think they have no time for exercise will sooner or later have to waste time in illness,” Edward Stanley.

19. Don't procrastinate

“If you don’t run while you’re healthy, you’ll have to run when you’re sick,” Horace

20. Make an effort

“Physical health is not acquired by dreaming or outright purchase,” Joseph Pilates.

If you use motivational quotes, you can get great benefits from them. Remember, health cannot be bought or achieved with empty dreams. This requires effort.

21. Practice while playing

“Fitness should be seen as fun and playful, otherwise we subconsciously avoid it,” Alan Thicke.

22. Do what you like

“An hour of playing basketball flies by like 15 minutes. An hour on the treadmill is like riding a motorcycle on a busy highway.” – David Walters.

23. Have fun training

“Working out should be fun and enjoyable, otherwise you won't be consistent,” Laura Ramirez.

24. Turn to nature

“Exercise in the fresh air, under the open sky, is the best medicine for body and spirit,” Sarah Louise Arnold.

25. Don’t look for reasons to skip a workout.

“Don't skip training; it quickly becomes a habit,” Vince Lombardi.

26. Playing against yourself

“You never play against an opponent. You play against yourself and compete with your own high standards. Reaching your limits is the greatest joy." - Arthur Ashe.

27. Get over yourself

“A man who can force himself to move forward even when the effort causes him pain is a man who is sure to win.” - Roger Bannister.

I love this saying because it just goes to show that if you work with full dedication, you can't help but win.

28. Everything is in your power

“It doesn't matter who you are. It doesn't matter what you do. Each of you has the power to change everything.” - Bill Phillips.

29. Work hard

“There are no victories without hard work,” Denis Ogilvy.

30. Feel great all year round

“Health is what makes you feel like it's the best time of the year,” Franklin Adams.

My list may be too long for you, but I sincerely hope that these quotes motivate you to make health and exercise a top priority in your life.

Write them down on paper and hang them in places where you will regularly see them.

Do you know any other inspirational quotes?

Please leave your comments!

The collection includes quotes about sports with meaning from great people, as well as sayings from athletes about the sports lifestyle:

  • After walking and swimming, I feel that I am younger, and most importantly, that I have massaged and refreshed my brain with bodily movements. Konstantin Eduardovich Tsiolkovsky
  • But in general, the conclusion is this: walk and you will be happy, walk and you will be healthy. Charles Dickens
  • I'm not into physical exercise. To make me bend over, you'd have to scatter diamonds all over the floor. Joan Rivers
  • Aerobics: a series of grueling exercises designed to convert fats, starches and sugars into suffering, pain and cramps.
  • I believe that the merciful Lord has every heartbeat counted for each of us, and I'll be damned if I start wasting mine running up and down the street. Neil Armstrong
  • Jogging is an activity for people who are not advanced enough to watch morning television. Victoria Wood
  • A person who goes in for sports can even endure cultural life. Oliver Hassenkamp
  • Great sport begins where health care ends. Bertolt Brecht
  • The physical education of a child is the basis for everything else. Without the correct use of hygiene in the development of a child, without properly organized physical education and sports, we will never get a healthy generation. Anatoly Vasilievich Lunacharsky
  • In a healthy body healthy mind. Juvenal
  • Thousands and thousands of times I have restored health to my patients through exercise. Galen
  • In advanced cities, cycling is encouraged, and in the most advanced cities, marathon running is encouraged. Marcel Achard
  • A professional athlete: a public whore who is required to behave honestly. Jean Giraudoux
  • Gymnastics is complete nonsense. Healthy people do not need it, but it is contraindicated for sick people. Henry Ford
  • Sport creates a culture of optimism, a culture of cheerfulness. Anatoly Vasilievich Lunacharsky
  • Gymnastics prolongs a person’s youth. John Locke
  • Sport is becoming a favorite subject of thought and will soon become the only method of thinking. Vasily Klyuchevsky
  • Gymnastics, physical exercise, and walking should become firmly established in the everyday life of everyone who wants to maintain efficiency, health, and a full and joyful life. Hippocrates
  • Sport is physical education taken to the extreme. Leo the Brief
  • Alpine skiing is a downhill race for money. "Kommersant - Money"
  • Five miles of brisk walking will do more for an unhappy but otherwise healthy adult man than all the drugs and psychologists in the world. Paul Dudley White
  • If people at 30, 40 and even 50 do not exercise, this is a prejudice inherited from the old days, when an idle life was considered the ideal of well-being. Valentin Vladislavovich Gorinevsky
  • A professional is an athlete who does not have a profession and is forced to earn a living through sports. Jean Giraudoux
  • If you want to put together a team to win the high jump, you're looking for one guy who can jump seven feet, not seven guys who can jump a foot each. Frederick Terman
  • With assiduous mental work without movement and bodily labor - real grief. Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy
  • If God invented the marathon in order to distract us from even more stupid activities, then the triathlon must have puzzled him greatly.
  • The Olympics are a circus in which the performance takes place in twenty arenas at the same time.
  • If I ever need a brain transplant, the best donor would be a sportswriter. A guy with a brain that hasn't been used. Norm Van Brocklin
  • Nobody remembers who finished second except the one who finished second. Bobby Unser
  • If you don't run while you're healthy, you'll have to run when you're sick. Horace
  • The need for exercise is a modern superstition, invented by people who eat too much and have nothing to think about. George Santayana
  • Not only brains are flowing out of the country, but also muscles, if they have brains. Mikhail Zhvanetsky
  • Love gymnastics, it will give you good physical development and health, good spirits! My 90 years guarantee you this! Nikolai Alexandrovich Morozov
  • They pump up the muscles, pumping them away from the brain. Mikhail Zhvanetsky
  • Just as clothiers clean cloth, knocking out dust from it, so gymnastics cleanses the body. Hippocrates
  • You must definitely shake yourself up physically in order to be mentally healthy. Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy
  • If a person does not want to run in the morning, nothing can stop him. Yogi Berra
  • No effort is in vain: Sisyphus developed muscles. Paul Valéry
  • If you don't run while you're healthy, you'll have to run when you're sick. Horace (Quintus Horace Flaccus)
  • Oh sport, you are the world! Pierre de Coubertin

For many, sport is a noble activity that reveals in a person not only physical abilities, but also strength of character. For this reason, quotes about sports motivate people themselves to be stronger and braver, not to be afraid of obstacles, and to see a goal worth striving for.

What do we learn about athletes from their statements?

Reading about their lives and aspirations, you gain their wisdom. Through quotes from athletes in which they share their invaluable experience, you understand more that they were people just like the rest of us. They, like us, faced difficulties and disappointments. But their character and decisive attitude removed all the barriers in front of them that prevented great achievements.

This is exactly what I want to teach my children:

  • Perseverance in achieving goals;
  • That no one is alone in their aspirations;
  • That it is important for a child to find his place in life;
  • I want children to understand how much a healthy lifestyle means.
And such lessons will not be superfluous for adults either. It is useful to periodically read about sports. These beautiful ones can be sent to friends to encourage them.

These numerous quotes from great athletes reveal to us the essence of a person, which is sometimes not visible behind his achievements. It becomes interesting what kind of life this boxer or athlete, doctor or thinker led. What he was like when he was still little, and what his motivation was based on when his talent was just awakening. What are his sporting achievements, and what did he consider important in his life?

Expressions about the healthy lifestyle of athletes can motivate everyone to take care of their condition. And their lives will clearly show where some people see happiness, and what sacrifices they were willing to make for it.

With humor about sports

What can you learn about sports from quotes?

This page, where you can read phrases about sports from different people, both the athletes themselves and outside observers, is also interesting because thanks to this information you can understand more about athletics, or gymnastics, or physical education. Some speak of this world as an entertainment industry, but for others, it is an area of ​​cruelty, where the worthy does not always win, and the reward goes unfairly: not to the strongest and bravest, but to those who are lucky. For others, it is life itself, without which they cannot see their future. No matter how slow you're making progress. The main thing is that you don't stop.
(Bruce Lee)
When a man wants to be strong, it’s normal, it’s not normal when a man wants to be beautiful.
(Vladimir Turchinsky)
Physical education should be given as much attention as the mental one.
(Mahatma Gandhi)
Girls count that now all the guys have become somehow feminine. So look not in clubs, but in gyms!
(Konstantin Tszyu)

Be in good shape is a political act: you take responsibility for your own life.
(Jane Fonda)

Hatred does not give strength, but takes away.
(Kostya Ju)
When it's hard for me I remind myself that if I give up, it won’t get better.
(Mike Tyson)
Thousands and thousands of times I restored health to my patients through exercise.
The error can be corrected immediately. You have to fight habits.
(Evander Holyfield)
You're not a loser until you gave up.
(Michael Jordan)
Strength of mind breaks any muscle strength!
(Sylvester Stallone)
Healthy stomach does not eat bad food, a healthy mind does not eat bad views.
(Hazlitt William)
Our brain can do anything. Everything. The main thing is to convince yourself of this. The arms don’t know that they can’t do push-ups, the legs don’t know that they are weak. Your brain knows this. Once you convince yourself that you can do anything, you can truly do anything.
(Robert Kiyosaki)
As you grow older you want to punch someone in the face less and less. I want to hug a person in a friendly way much more strongly.
(Vin Diesel)
To extend life, reduce portions.
(Benjamin Franklin)
This is not what we live for in order to eat, but we eat in order to live.
Where to look for true assessment? Perhaps the best thing to do would be to simply read these expressions with meaning, and seek motivation for yourself to remain physically active. After all, our health depends on it. And that means our today and tomorrow.

For girls and boys, physical activity is the key to a beautiful body and a vigorous mind. This is exactly what many aphorisms about sports talk about. Briefly and to the point, they show that you should not skip gymnastics training, just as you should try to develop your mental abilities.

What is sport and its role in the life of each of us? This is exactly what is worth thinking about when reading information about people who built a career and lived in a world of exhausting training for the sake of achievements that a normal person would talk about with admiration, with a desire to change something in their life, seeing an example.

The importance of sport in the life of each of us

Can we say that for small children and adults, these are simple words, and behind them there is nothing, an empty phrase? No! These expressions teach some fundamental truths. And that is why these quotes are winged. Even a child knows them. Since childhood, he has heard the sayings of celebrities, sports stars, from his family. The baby remembers them, and over time he will teach his children the same way.

And it all makes a lot of sense. Perhaps quotes about running will encourage someone, if not to go for a run, then at least to want to be physically active. And the aphorisms of gymnasts are to be stronger when you face difficulties. Short statements can do so much if you read them and remember them in time.

Even if we do not become the greatest boxer like the legendary Ali Muhammad, but his sayings will help us be courageous to take risks and achieve our plan. Or the words of the ancient philosopher Hippocrates will show us how important it is to pay attention to physical exercise and gymnastics in order to have real joy and maintain efficiency.