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Personal character qualities. Can any sociable person be called sociable? Volitional qualities of a person

What human qualities, besides positive and negative, are distinguished in psychology and where is this classification applied? Why is awareness of this issue necessary and what benefits does it bring? What does the concept of “personal qualities” include? What are they? The answer is below in this article.

What does knowledge about human qualities give?

Awareness and literacy in psychological issues is a kind of weapon. The ability to use it helps you avoid trouble and fight your enemies - both internal and external.

Mastering knowledge in the field of personality traits allows you to:

  • increase your own level of self-awareness;
  • understand society more deeply;
  • learn to set priorities correctly
    and build relationships with them.

When applying for a job, when meeting a person of the opposite sex, when interacting with people on the streets of an evening city, the first task is always: to find out who is in front of you, what kind of person he is, what he is like. How to interact with him. And what will this or that tactic of behavior ultimately bring? It is impossible to understand another without first understanding yourself. On the other hand, assessing the personal qualities of other people allows you to compare yourself with them.

Classification of personal qualities

Personal qualities are a complex of complex components of both biological and socially determined components of personality. They demonstrate all the features of internal mental properties:

  • individual passages of the internal within a person
  • a complex of states and properties of an individual personality;
  • character traits;
  • type of temperament;
  • behavioral characteristics;
  • the nature of communication and;
  • attitude towards oneself, etc.

Also, a person’s personal qualities include the ZUN system: knowledge, skills, abilities.

Personal properties have different classifications:

  • positive;
  • negative;
  • strong-willed;
  • professional;
  • and moral qualities.

Before we begin to analyze certain aspects of personality, it is necessary to remember that any classifications in this matter and assessment of personal qualities are very conditional. This is explained by the fact that everything in the world is relative, even the concept of good and evil. The division is based on generally accepted moral and ethical standards. Let’s agree that we will attach the word “conditionally” to each definition: conditionally positive, conditionally negative, etc. For example, aggressiveness is a conditionally negative characteristic. It will have unpleasant consequences in one situation, but in a situation where you need to stand up for yourself, it will be the only correct one.

Negative human qualities

Negative personality traits are properties that are undesirable for the person himself and those around him and require correction, which are undesirable and. There are a lot of them. The complete list could fill a small brochure. Just a few of them will be listed here:

  • deceit;
  • hypocrisy;
  • coarseness;
  • laziness;
  • tendency to depression;
  • aggressiveness;
  • hatred;
  • impatience;
  • passivity;
  • weakness of will;
  • cowardice;
  • touchiness;
  • sloppiness.

These and similar personal qualities of a person determine their corresponding summing up: a slovenly person will look unkempt and create the appropriate atmosphere around him. Irresponsible - work poorly and let yourself and the team down.

Positive human qualities

Positive personality traits are a category of a person’s internal good, which brings both himself and others positive experiences and a sense of satisfaction. The full list of positive qualities will be no less impressive. Let's also mention just a few:

  • kindness;
  • responsiveness;
  • hard work;
  • patience,
  • responsibility;
  • peacefulness;
  • friendliness;
  • loyalty;
  • unselfishness;
  • honesty;
  • self confidence.

There are no ideal people: those with only positive qualities exist only in fairy tales. However, there are a lot of those in whom positive human qualities prevail. Often the presence of the listed properties is the personal qualities of a leader. Thanks to them, leaders are able to win over, gain trust and lead.

For those whose character is dominated by negative human qualities, there is good news: shortcomings can act as a “kick” to a rapid leap forward and internal growth. This is available to everyone.

Volitional personality traits

Strong-willed qualities personally
compiled goals. Let's touch on the main ones.

Purposefulness is a person’s focus on the chosen result of an activity. This property is divided into a strategic variety and a tactical one. The first is, in general, a person’s actions based on his moral positions, values ​​and ideals. The second is the movement of the individual “step by step”, from one micro-goal to another until the result is achieved.

Initiative is a person’s focus on demonstrating something. Usually precedes the beginning of a volitional act. Independent individuals have this property. Initiative is associated with independence.

Independence is a person’s voluntary and active attitude to make decisions in accordance with his principles and beliefs.

Will is not considered an innate quality, but is considered as a quality, the formation of which occurs on the basis of a person’s personal choice.

Professional personality traits

It is influenced by such human qualities that can be called: personal qualities of a leader. There are several categories:

  • verbal component – ​​responsible for the ability to understand the meaning of information conveyed in words;
  • numerical – the ability to quickly solve arithmetic examples in your head;
  • trigonometric - the ability to mentally see in 2-3 dimensions;
  • visual – attention to detail, equal to the children’s game “find 10 differences”;
  • proofreading – the ability to quickly correct words and numbers;
  • coordination - the ability to quickly coordinate fine and gross motor skills of the arms, legs, as well as good motor coordination;
  • visual – the ability to coordinate the direction of gaze with the movement of legs and arms;
  • comparing - sensitivity to color and its shades, the ability to see and distinguish them;
  • learning ability - the ability to grasp meaning, the ability to reason, the ability to draw correct conclusions (general intelligence).

Special professional qualities

Each of these properties is considered in accordance with professional significance. For example, driving is contraindicated for a person who is unable to distinguish colors (color blindness). A person with low numerical ability will not be hired as a leading economist.

It is also necessary to list the following personality qualities, without which mastering a profession will in principle be impossible:

  1. Properties of an individual-typological nature (endurance, physical strength, lability of the nervous system) - in other words, stress resistance.
  2. Analytical properties that allow you to acquire unique abilities over time. Example: “technical hearing” is the ability to understand the cause of a mechanism malfunction without instruments, only relying on experience.
  3. Attentiveness directly depends on a person’s interest and desire to have up-to-date information about reality and to adequately evaluate it.
  4. Psychomotor skills are the special properties and perceptions of a person that guide him when choosing the direction of action to implement. It also includes the speed of analysis and the ability to quickly analyze a situation and make decisions. As practice shows, this skill can be trained well.
  5. Mnemonic qualities. Associated with memory. Professional memory is also freely trained.
  6. Imaginative features - the ability to imagine and complex thought processes
  7. Strong-willed qualities - they are not required for every profession, but they are always necessary to overcome difficulties in the process.

Moral qualities of a person

Morality is a set of rules a person voluntarily accepts for himself, which have a decisive significance in a person’s behavior towards himself and others.

It is formed by the influence of many components:

  • family values;
  • individual experience;
  • school influence;
  • society.

Within the definition, there is differentiation into such subspecies as:

  • racial;
  • religious;
  • humanistic.

The role of moral positions is important for any social group. There is an opinion that racists, bigots and others lack moral principles and moral qualities. This judgment is erroneous and unscientific. Also, according to research, such social groups have genetic roots and cannot always be controlled by humans.

Personality qualities- stable internal characteristics of a person, assessed positively. These are positive character traits, knowledge, skills and abilities. A broader category is personality traits, which includes both positive and other personality traits. There is an interesting classification: all qualities can be divided into two large categories: internal qualities (forming a person’s rich inner world), and external qualities (behavior and image), which form a beautiful sign. By spiritual peace we mean those qualities that are not striking, but make a person a welcome guest in any company.

Qualities that work for a bright sign: Artistry, ability to perform; Beautiful appearance, ability to dress; Delivered, clear speech; Beautiful gestures. Qualities that work for rich content: Positions of perception, the ability to look at a situation from different angles; Ability to care for others; Ability to think, freedom of thinking; Positive outlook; Wisdom. We have included some of the qualities that are characteristic of a developed personality and less common in mass individuals in the Self-Improvement section. We attributed to such traits positivity, constructiveness, responsibility, energy, determination, love of order, willingness to cooperate, as well as the ability and habit of living with love - unfortunately, these traits are clearly lacking, at least for Russian people, both in workers and loved ones relationships. Many of your personal qualities can be successfully developed by working with your body. In particular, making the necessary gestures (external gestures, and then internal gestures) develops the necessary personality qualities. There are many other methods of working on yourself.

Volitional personality traits

Volitional personality traits- these are personality traits that have developed in the process of gaining life experience and are associated with the realization of will and overcoming obstacles on the path of life. In character psychology, many volitional personality traits are distinguished. The main, basic volitional qualities of a person that determine most behavioral acts include purposefulness, initiative, determination, perseverance, endurance, and discipline. All these qualities are associated with the stages of the implementation of a volitional act.
Determination- this is a conscious and active orientation of the individual towards a specific result of activity. Purposefulness is a generalized motivational-volitional property of a person that determines the content and level of development of other volitional qualities. There is a distinction between strategic and tactical determination. Strategic determination is the ability of an individual to be guided in all his life activities by certain values, beliefs and ideals. Tactical purposefulness is associated with an individual’s ability to set clear goals for individual actions and not be distracted from them in the process of execution.
Initiative- this is the active orientation of the individual to perform an action. An act of will begins with initiative. Showing initiative means a volitional effort aimed not only at overcoming one’s own inertia, but also at self-affirmation, giving a volitional act a certain direction. Initiative is associated with independence.
Independence- this is a conscious and active attitude of the individual not to be influenced by various factors, to critically evaluate the advice and suggestions of others, to act on the basis of one’s views and beliefs. Independence can only manifest itself with a certain amount of endurance.
Excerpt- this is a conscious and active attitude of the individual to confront factors that impede the achievement of the goal, which manifests itself in self-control and self-control. Endurance is a manifestation of the inhibitory function of the will. It allows you to “slow down” those actions, feelings, thoughts that interfere with the implementation of the intended action. A person with a developed quality of self-control (a restrained person) will always be able to choose the optimal level of activity that corresponds to the conditions and is justified by specific circumstances.
Determination- a personality trait that manifests itself in her ability to make and implement quick, informed and firm decisions. She supports initiative in setting the goal of action. It is actively implemented in the choice of the dominant motive and the correct action and in the choice of adequate means of achieving the goal. Outwardly, decisiveness manifests itself in the absence of hesitation. Decisiveness does not exclude comprehensive and deep thinking about the goal of action, ways to achieve it, experiencing a complex internal struggle, and a clash of motives. Decisiveness also manifests itself when implementing a decision. Decisive people are characterized by a rapid transition from the choice of means to the execution of the action itself.
Courage- this is the ability to resist fear and take justifiable risks to achieve your goal. Courage is a prerequisite for the formation of determination.

The qualities opposite to decisiveness, from the point of view of volitional regulation, on the one hand, are impulsiveness, understood as haste in making and implementing decisions, when a person acts without thinking about the consequences, under the influence of momentary impulses, choosing the first means or goal that comes to hand. On the other hand, decisiveness is opposed by indecision, which manifests itself both in doubts, in long hesitations before making a decision, and in inconsistency in putting them into practice.

Energy- this is the quality of a person associated with the concentration of all his forces to achieve his goal. However, energy alone is not enough to achieve results. It needs to be connected with persistence.
Perseverance- this is a personality quality that manifests itself in the ability to mobilize one’s strength for a constant and long-term struggle with difficulties, pursuing one’s goals. Perseverance can develop into poorly controlled will, manifested in stubbornness. Stubbornness is a personality quality expressed in the unreasonable use of volitional efforts to the detriment of achieving a set goal.
Organization- a personality quality manifested in the ability to intelligently plan and organize the course of all one’s activities.

Discipline is a personality quality that manifests itself in the conscious subordination of one’s behavior to generally accepted norms, established order, and business requirements.

Self-control- this is a personality quality, expressed in the ability to control one’s actions, to subordinate one’s behavior to the solution of consciously set tasks. In the process of solving problems, self-control ensures the regulation of activity on the basis of higher motives, general principles of work, and resists emerging momentary impulses.
Will- this is an element of personality consciousness, therefore it is not an innate quality, but is formed and developed in the process of personality formation. The development of will in a person is associated with the transformation of involuntary mental processes into voluntary ones, that is, with the acquisition by a person of control over his behavior, with the development of volitional personality traits into some complex form of activity. In order to develop volitional qualities, an individual needs to set goals that are meaningful to him and direct his volitional efforts to overcome obstacles to achieving these goals. The more obstacles a person overcomes, the more developed his volitional sphere will be. However, traumatic events or actions directed against a person can break his will. Thanks to the presence of will, a person feels and realizes his individuality, the ability to take responsibility for his own behavior.

Social and psychological qualities of personality

Given the general lack of development of the problem of personality traits, it is quite difficult to outline the range of its socio-psychological qualities. It is no coincidence that in the literature there are different opinions on this issue, depending on the solution of more general methodological problems. The most important of them are the following:

1. Differentiation of interpretations of the very concept of “personality” in general psychology, which was already discussed above. If “personality” is a synonym for the term “person,” then naturally, the description of its qualities (properties, traits) should include all the characteristics of a person. If “personality” itself is only a social quality of a person, then the set of its properties should be limited to social properties.

2. Ambiguity in the use of the concepts “social properties of the individual” and “socio-psychological properties of the individual.” Each of these concepts is used in a certain frame of reference: when they talk about “social properties of a person,” this is usually done within the framework of solving the general problem of the relationship between the biological and the social; When the concept of “social-psychological properties of a person” is used, they often do so when contrasting socio-psychological and general psychological approaches (as an option: distinguishing between “secondary” and “basic” properties). But this use of concepts is not strict: sometimes they are used as synonyms, which also complicates analysis.

3. Finally, the most important thing: the difference in general methodological approaches to understanding the structure of personality - considering it either as a collection, a set of certain qualities (properties, traits), or as a certain system, the elements of which are not “traits”, but other units of manifestation .

Until unambiguous answers to fundamental questions are obtained, one cannot expect unambiguous solutions to more specific problems. Therefore, at the level of socio-psychological analysis there are also contradictory points, for example, on the following points: a) the very list of socio-psychological qualities (properties) of the individual and the criteria for their identification; b) the relationship between the qualities (properties) and abilities of the individual (and this refers specifically to “socio-psychological abilities”).

Professional personality traits

Psychological qualities and abilities are grouped into the following 11 categories: verbal - the ability to understand the meaning of words, concepts, language proficiency; numerical - the ability to quickly and accurately perform arithmetic operations; the ability to imagine an object in two or three dimensions; the ability to distinguish even minor details of objects and graphic images; ability to correct words, letters, numbers; the ability to quickly and accurately coordinate the work of hands, fingers and eyes in movements - motor coordination; the ability to quickly and accurately manipulate small objects (finger dexterity); the ability to use your hands deftly (manual dexterity); the ability to coordinate movements of the eyes, arms and legs in accordance with visual signals; the ability to perceive, compare and distinguish colors and shades; learning ability - the ability to understand, reason, draw conclusions (general intelligence).

Each quality should be considered from the point of view of its professional significance (usually they are assessed on a five-point scale), as a result a profile of the necessary psychological qualities is compiled. However, it is not only abilities that determine the success of a profession. Other individual characteristics that determine a person’s confidence in various conditions are also important. Thus, there are 12 factors of “temperament” that are adequate to various work situations - the concept of “temperament” is used here rather as “social temperament,” denoting a person’s energetic capabilities in the sphere of communication with other people: situations associated with a large range of changing responsibilities; situations associated with repeated short cycles carried out in a certain sequence in accordance with established rules; situations that do not require independent action and decision-making; situations related to management, planning and control of one’s own and others’ activities; situations that require establishing contacts other than those provided for in the instructions; situations that involve working in conditions of relative isolation from people; situations that require leading and influencing people; situations involving unexpected actions and risks and requiring vigilance and self-criticism; situations requiring quick sensory assessment of position and decision making; situations requiring assessment of information using measuring instruments; situations that involve interpretation of feelings, ideas or facts; situations requiring precise knowledge of tolerances and standards.

The determination of professionally important characteristics is based on expert judgment and is the result of an agreement on which characteristics are most important and which are less important. In relation to a number of professions, this problem cannot be solved unambiguously: for example, for types of professional activity that are monotonous in nature, the qualities due to which a person resists the onset of fatigue are essential, and for professions associated with extreme situations, the ability to withstand strong stimuli and make decisions is important. and bear responsibility for them. In addition, many professions can be carried out both in everyday and in special conditions (for example, a local or military doctor), although the actions and operations that make up the content of the profession, in general, remain the same. Thus, the description of the profession should rather include the boundaries of typical situations and acceptable values ​​of psychological qualities. Let us list the types of individual psychological qualities that are significant for a person’s successful mastery of a profession.

1. individual typological properties (strength, mobility, dynamism and lability of the nervous system), which, in the case of unfavorable indicators for the profession, can be compensated by developing an individual style of activity.

2. sensory and perceptual properties, the main one among which is the level of sensitivity of the analyzers. Under the influence of experience and professional requirements, this characteristic can change: thus, the so-called “technical ear” is developed, which makes it possible to recognize faults in mechanisms, and the differential threshold of color discrimination decreases, thanks to which steelmakers can determine the temperature of an open-hearth furnace. The sensory basis of activity makes demands on a person’s sensory abilities and thus develops them.

3. human attention (attentional properties), among which the most significant are sometimes distribution and switching, sometimes stability. The properties of attention can be exercised within small limits, however, they are compensated due to the emotional factor (interest) and the development of habits.

4. psychomotor properties, thanks to which a person chooses or develops a system of operations leading to the achievement of a goal (these qualities include static features, for example, professional tremor, as well as reaction speed). Since the content of professional work changes (in the early stages of technology development, the power factor was decisive, and now time and space are becoming more important), new demands are placed on psychomotor properties. They have been shown to respond well to exercise.

5. mnemonic qualities. Professional memory can also develop, for which special mnemonic techniques are used, increasing professional motivation and activating memorized material in activities.

6. imaginative (properties of imagination) and mental features.

7. volitional qualities (they matter to varying degrees for different professions), contributing to the ability to overcome internal and external difficulties in the labor process.

Moral qualities of a person

Moral is a system of internal rules of a person that determine his behavior and attitude towards himself and other people. A person’s system of internal rules is formed under the influence of many factors: family, personal experience, school education, social relations and others. Depending on the values ​​on which these internal rules are formed, morality can be racial, nationalistic, religious-fanatical, or humanistic. There is hardly any need to explain who racists, nationalists, and religious fanatics are. If anyone thinks that they have no morals, they are deeply mistaken. These people have morality and it requires a noble attitude towards their own and the destruction of strangers. By the way, these are purely genetic programs that we inherited from our distant ancestors. They helped primitive people survive, but nowadays they do nothing but harm, moreover, they maim people. As you know, genetic programs are corrected through education. However, a society in which racial, nationalist or religious fanatic ideas are officially preached only strengthens these genetic programs. Could there be creative personalities among them? Of course, quite a lot. But there is one thing. The results of their creativity have value for people only if they are aimed at developing life and implying an improvement in the living conditions of all people. Racists, nationalists and religious fanatics usually have few such results, because the vast majority of their works are devoted to the search for some kind of evidence of the superiority of their race, nation or religion and ways to destroy others. And since there is no such superiority and cannot be, then there are corresponding results. Many truly talented people, intoxicated by the poison of racism, nationalism or religious fanaticism, will never be able to achieve outstanding results in creativity.

True creativity is always humanistic and the main moral value of humanism is respect for all people, regardless of their race, nationality and religious beliefs

Personal qualities are innate or acquired characteristics of a person’s character. Some may change throughout life, especially under the influence of society, while others remain unchanged. There is a widespread belief among psychologists that many personal qualities are formed in the first five years of life, and subsequently they are only adjusted.

Innate personal qualities include various character traits. For example, Cattell includes among them the level of intelligence, characteristics of perception and memory, talent for music, drawing, etc., as well as the fundamental characteristics of temperament.

Jung had a similar opinion on this issue and divided all people into eight main types according to their personal qualities: he divided extroverts and introverts into feeling, sensing, intuitive and thinking. It was this approach that was taken into account when creating the Myers-Briggs test, which is based on four components: introversion - extroversion, awareness - intuition, judgments - sensations, reflections - feelings.

The choice of profession for certain personal qualities deserves special mention. According to psychologists, a person who has an unsuitable character for a particular job will not succeed in it. Moreover, each profession has its own desirable and undesirable personal qualities, which is also important to take into account.

For example, a successful entrepreneur must have such qualities as independence, hard work, adequate self-esteem, responsibility, courage, sociability, reliability, and stress resistance. At the same time, he should not be characterized by aggressiveness, tactlessness, or self-doubt. The teacher must be observant, demanding, tactful, balanced, attentive, able to explain the material well, but not withdrawn, prone to aggression, unpunctual, or irresponsible.


  • what are good human qualities

Tip 2: What qualities should an entrepreneur have?

An entrepreneur is a person who independently organizes his own work. Accordingly, he earns his own living. To do this, he must have many necessary qualities.

Business qualities

An entrepreneur, as a person who decides to work for himself, must have courage. He is responsible for the entire organization, as well as document flow. The entrepreneur is personally responsible for all work results.

Only determination will allow an entrepreneur to open his own business. An indecisive person will continue to work for others.

If employees are employed, then he must make regular social security payments. As a result, a businessman must be responsible and conscientious towards his employees. Dishonesty can turn against the employer himself.

The ability to forecast is an important quality for an entrepreneur. Before starting his own business, he must analyze the population's demand for goods and services. An incorrect forecast can cause the whole business to collapse.

A businessman must plan his activities several steps ahead. This will help him foresee different options for the development of a particular situation.

An entrepreneur must be easy to train. In addition to solid basic knowledge, he will have to constantly master new areas of business, and this is associated with a large amount of information. A businessman needs not only to successfully master them, but also to competently apply them in his work.

Business acumen is one of the main qualities of an entrepreneur. It manifests itself in the integrity with which a businessman defends his point of view on certain issues. He must be confident in his position, only then will he succeed.

Personal qualities

A businessman must be sociable. It is the ability to quickly find a common language with people that will allow him to establish the necessary connections necessary for a successful result in his work. To do this, an entrepreneur needs to be a versatile person.

Stress resistance is an important quality for a businessman. He must react quickly to changing conditions and quickly make the right decision. This will require him to have restraint, composure and the ability to navigate the current situation.

An entrepreneur must take care of his appearance. This will have a positive effect on establishing business connections. In addition, he must be a model for his subordinates not only in dress, but also in punctuality. It is impossible to get employees to accurately complete a task if the manager does not demand this from himself.

Literacy is also an essential quality of a businessman. Correct oral and written speech, competent presentation will add respect to the personality of the entrepreneur. Good knowledge of your business will also be an important point in running a business.

The method of transmitting information is divided into 2 types: verbal and non-verbal. Verbal form as a way of communication between people includes human speech. Nonverbal communication includes facial expressions, gestures, and body movements.

The concept and essence of verbal aggression

The interaction of people, namely: the transfer of information, the exchange of feelings and impressions through verbal contact is called verbal communication. When communicating, people not only share information about an object, event or phenomenon, they also express their attitude towards it. This is the essence of communication: participants in a dialogue strive to influence each other, trying to convince of their point of view or evoke certain emotions. An aggressive communicative act in this case is characterized by the fact that the participant in the conversation acts as an aggressor and expresses his thoughts, feelings, and emotions through verbal aggression.

Verbal aggression is a way of expressing negative emotions using words. It should be noted that speech is a universal means of communication between people. Thus, verbal aggression is characterized by negative speech influence. Therefore, a person’s destructive behavior, in which he expresses his attitude to a situation by shouting, insulting, swearing or threatening, is referred to as verbal aggression.

Verbal aggression is considered behavior because it can cause mental disorders and deviations. Often, vivid manifestations of verbal aggression border on physical violence. The reasons for aggressive verbal behavior are a person’s dissatisfaction, disagreement or contradictory attitude towards the current situation.

In general, the goal of the aggressor is to attract attention, subjugate one’s will, and increase the aggressor’s self-esteem by belittling the dignity of the opponent’s personality. It should be noted that hidden manifestations of verbal aggression, for example, cruel jokes, indirect condemnation or accusations, are classified as weak manifestations of aggression.

Human behavior can be conscious and unconscious, thus, verbal aggression can also be used by the aggressor both purposefully and unintentionally. Verbal aggression (crying, hysteria) can be used as a means of manipulating the behavior of the interlocutor. For example, an aggressor tries to evoke pity and sympathy in order to get what he wants.

Scope of verbal aggression

People encounter aggressive speech every day: in a store, work environment, transport, on the street. Verbal aggression and the manifestation of hostile emotions occur even in the family: criticism, reproaches, accusations. Parents should avoid displays of verbal aggression, because children learn a similar pattern of behavior.

Aggressive communication is common among children, in particular orphans and children from single-parent families. Such children are more prone to antisocial behavior as a result of psychological trauma. Isolation from parents, lack of love and approval lead to a distorted worldview and sense of self for a teenager.

It is known that the level of aggression in adolescents is directly dependent on self-esteem. The desire for leadership and a feeling of superiority over others are characterized by pronounced verbal aggression. Verbal aggression can manifest itself as a means of defense in cases where a teenager feels insecure and feels the hostility of others.

Speech aggression must be learned to be controlled, and negative emotions must be transformed into positive ones. For example, it is recommended to direct internal tension and negative feelings into sports, creative and constructive activities. Psychologists recommend not to succumb to the aggressor’s provocations and not to respond with verbal aggression.

In job advertisements you can often see such a requirement for the applicant - communication skills. It is not difficult to understand what this quality is and why it is so necessary for successful work in a team - the ability to interact with others, establish business and friendly contacts.

In general, communication skills, that is, the ability to find a common language with others, is a necessary quality both in any work and in personal life. For some lucky people, this skill is innate or instilled from early childhood, while others have to cultivate it on their own. This is not as difficult to do as it might seem. Even an uncommunicative, self-absorbed person can easily become sociable; all that is required for this is his desire and awareness of the importance of communicating with others.

Can every sociable person be called sociable?

Not every sociable person can be called sociable. A tiresome person can be sociable, a talker who distracts from work, or a brawler looking for a reason for a long squabble. Meeting such people is undesirable either in a team or in a family. Some try to replace business qualities with excessive talkativeness - they are even pleasant to talk to, they always have an interesting story, gossip, an anecdote ready... And only after an hour spent chatting with such a person, you realize that this hour was wasted completely uselessly.

Likewise, a closed, taciturn person will not necessarily turn out to be a gloomy silent person. He will briefly and clearly explain to his subordinates what is required of them, give a clear report to the boss, and answer the question asked clearly and to the point, without being distracted by extraneous topics. Such a person can hardly be called sociable, but such an employee in a team is a gift for all colleagues... except for those who prefer closer, trusting relationships.

What is true communication skills?

For a truly sociable person, communication is pleasure. It doesn’t matter to him who he’s talking to or what he’s talking about, what’s important is the process itself and exactly the topic that’s being discussed at the moment. He knows how not only to speak, but also to listen, not only to absentmindedly agree, but also to argue with a lively desire to defend his point of view without offending his interlocutor.

Also, a sociable person is distinguished by flexibility in communicating with different groups of people, the ability to tune in to the wavelength of a child, an old person, and a complete stranger. The ability to quickly and appropriately find or change the topic of conversation, avoiding conflict situations. It is thanks to these qualities that they are indispensable during business negotiations and friendly conversations. At the same time, a sociable person is not necessarily a leader, but he always has authority in the team.

It is necessary to cultivate communication skills, and it is not so difficult to do. The first rule is to never avoid communication. Always answer questions, don’t be shy to ask, to clarify. And be sure to expand your area of ​​knowledge and vocabulary, for which there is a great opportunity - reading and communicating with sociable, pleasant people.

By studying the character traits of a particular person, it is possible to identify what qualities characterize the personality. Their manifestation is based on the influence of individual experience, knowledge, abilities and capabilities of people. The list of biological characteristics includes the innate characteristics of a person. Other personality qualities are acquired as a result of life activity:

  • Sociality

It means irreducibility to individual, biological characteristics of people, saturation with socio-cultural content.

  • Uniqueness

The uniqueness and originality of the inner world of an individual, his independence and impossibility of being attributed to one or another social or psychological type.

  • Transcendence

Willingness to go beyond one’s “limits”, constant self-improvement as a way of being, belief in the possibility of development and overcoming external and internal obstacles on the way to one’s goal and, as a consequence, incompleteness, inconsistency and problematic nature.

  • Integrity and subjectivity

Internal unity and identity (equality with oneself) in any life situations.

  • Activity and subjectivity

The ability to change oneself and the conditions of one’s existence, independence from environmental conditions, the ability to be the source of one’s own activity, the cause of actions and recognition of responsibility for the deeds committed.

  • Moral

The basis of interaction with the outside world, the willingness to treat other people as the highest value, equal to one’s own, and not as a means of achieving goals.

List of qualities

Personality structure includes temperament, volitional qualities, abilities, character, emotions, social attitudes and motivation. And also separately the following qualities:

  • Independence;
  • Intellectual self-improvement;
  • Communication skills;
  • Kindness;
  • Hard work;
  • Honesty;
  • Determination;
  • Responsibility;
  • Respect;
  • Confidence;
  • Discipline;
  • Humanity;
  • Mercy;
  • Curiosity;
  • Objectivity.

A person’s personal qualities consist of internal perception and external manifestations. External manifestation includes a list of indicators:

  • innate or acquired artistry;
  • attractive appearance and sense of style;
  • ability and clear pronunciation of speech;
  • competent and sophisticated approach to .

The main qualities of a person (her inner world) can be classified according to a number of characteristics:

  • a comprehensive assessment of the situation and the absence of conflicting perceptions of information;
  • an inherent love for people;
  • open-minded thinking;
  • positive form of perception;
  • wise judgment.

The level of these indicators determines the individual characteristics of the person being studied.

Structure of individual qualities

To more accurately determine the quality of a person’s personality, one should highlight its biological structure. It consists of 4 levels:

  1. Temperament, which includes characteristics of genetic predisposition (nervous system).
  2. The degree of unique mental processes that allows one to determine a person's personal qualities. The level of individual perception, imagination, manifestation of volitional signs, feelings and attention influences the achievement of results.
  3. The experiences of people, characterized by knowledge, abilities, capabilities and habits.
  4. Indicators of social orientation, including the subject’s attitude to the external environment. The development of personal qualities acts as a guiding and regulating factor of behavior - interests and views, beliefs and attitudes (state of consciousness based on previous experience, regulatory attitude and), moral norms.

Traits of people that characterize their temperament

The innate qualities of a person shape him as a social being. Behavioral factors, type of activity and social circle are taken into account. The category is divided into 4 concepts: sanguine, melancholic, choleric and phlegmatic.

  • Sanguine - easily adapts to a new environment and overcomes obstacles. Sociability, responsiveness, openness, cheerfulness and leadership are the main personality traits.
  • Melancholic – weak and sedentary. Under the influence of strong stimuli, behavioral disturbances occur, manifested by a passive attitude towards any activity. Isolation, pessimism, anxiety, tendency to reason and resentment are characteristic features of melancholic people.
  • Cholerics are strong, unbalanced, energetic personality traits. They are quick-tempered and unrestrained. Touchiness, impulsiveness, emotionality and instability are clear indicators of a restless temperament.
  • A phlegmatic person is a balanced, inert and slow person, not prone to change. Personal indicators show how to easily overcome negative factors. Reliability, goodwill, peacefulness and prudence are the hallmarks of calm people.

Individual character traits

Character is a set of individual traits that manifest themselves in different types of activity, communication and relationships with people. The development of personal qualities is formed against the background of life processes and the type of activity of people. To more accurately assess the character of people, behavioral factors in specific circumstances should be studied in detail.

Types of character:

  • cycloid – mood swings;
  • hyperthymic accentuation consists of high activity and failure to complete tasks;
  • asthenic – capricious and depressive personal qualities;
  • sensitive – timid personality;
  • hysterical - the makings of leadership and vanity;
  • dysthymic – focused on the negative side of current events.

Individual abilities of people

Individual psychological qualities of a person contribute to the achievement of success and excellence in a certain activity. They are determined by the social and historical practice of the individual, the results of the interactions of biological and mental indicators.

There are different levels of ability:

  1. giftedness;
  2. talent;
  3. genius.

The development of the algorithm of personal qualities and abilities of people is characterized by the ability to learn new things in the mental sphere. Special features are manifested in a specific type of activity (musical, artistic, pedagogical, etc.).

Strong-willed traits of people

Adjusting behavioral factors associated with overcoming internal and external discomfort makes it possible to determine personal qualities: the level of effort and plans for taking actions, concentration in a given direction. Will manifests itself in the following properties:

  • – level of effort to achieve the desired result;
  • perseverance – the ability to mobilize to overcome troubles;
  • endurance - the ability to limit feelings, thinking and actions.

Courage, self-control, commitment are the personal qualities of strong-willed people. They are classified into simple and complex acts. In a simple case, incentives to action flow into execution automatically. Complex acts are carried out on the basis of drawing up a plan and taking into account the consequences.

Human feelings

People's persistent attitudes towards real or imaginary objects arise and are formed on the basis of the cultural and historical level. Only the ways of their manifestation change, based on historical eras. individual.

Personal motivation

Motives and incentives that contribute to the activation of actions are formed from. Stimulating personality traits can be conscious or unconscious.

They appear as:

  • desire for success;
  • avoiding trouble;
  • gaining power, etc.

How do personality traits manifest themselves and how to recognize them?

The personal qualities of an individual are determined by analyzing behavioral factors:

  • self-esteem. manifest themselves in relation to themselves: modest or confident, arrogant and self-critical, decisive and brave, people with a high level of self-control or lack of will;
  • assessment of the individual's attitude to society. There are different degrees of relationships between the subject and representatives of society: honest and fair, sociable and polite, tactful, rude, etc.;
  • a unique personality is determined by the level of interests in the labor, educational, sports or creative spheres;
  • clarification of a person’s position in society occurs in close connection with opinions about him;
  • when studying psychological factors, special attention is paid to memory, thinking and attention, which characterize the development of personal qualities;
  • Observing the emotional perception of situations allows us to assess the individual’s reaction when solving problems or its absence;
  • measuring the level of responsibility. The main qualities of a serious person are manifested in work activity in the form of a creative approach, enterprise, initiative and getting things done to the desired result.

A review of the individual properties of people helps to create an overall picture of behavior in the professional and social spheres. The concept of “personality” is a person with individual properties determined by the social environment. These include personal characteristics: intelligence, emotions and will.

Grouping of features that contribute to personality recognition:

  • subjects who are aware of the presence of their inherent social traits;
  • people taking part in the social and cultural life of society;
  • personal qualities and character of a person are easy to determine in social relationships through communication and the work sphere;
  • individuals who are clearly aware of their uniqueness and significance in the public.

A person’s personal and professional qualities are manifested in the formation of a worldview and internal perception. An individual always asks philosophical questions about life and his significance in society. He has his own ideas, views and life positions that influence

Each person has his own character. And the characters of men and women are generally different. What positive human qualities are inherent in women and men? How do the same qualities manifest themselves in representatives of the strong and weak half of humanity?

Man, as a creature of nature, is represented as a special, multifaceted creature. He is able to think, analyze, feel, perform actions and various actions that bring benefit and harm to both himself and the world around him.

His behavior is influenced by concepts such as morality and ethics. All this creates the character of homo sapiens, makes a person human.

What is character

A person’s character is a set of stable mental processes (properties) that influence his behavior and are manifested in his actions. Each of us has our own set of qualities that drive different actions.

Some character traits depend on the type of nervous system, others are formed under the influence of the environment.

Each person has his own set of qualities, the list of which includes positive and negative traits. They are formed under the influence of surrounding people and life circumstances.

Depending on the state of the environment, society and the degree of its influence on the individual, good and bad character traits may prevail in people.

The presence and superiority of certain qualities in human character depends on many indicators: temperament, family, faith, geography of residence and, of course, gender.

A man and a woman are different not only in their external appearance, but also in their behavior patterns, which are influenced by their internal motivation. The description of the “correct” qualities of both sexes shows the similarities and differences in their characters.

Positive human qualities

The division into negative and positive qualities of a person occurs under the influence of public assessment. People themselves determine: “what is good and what is bad.”

What brings benefits, material and spiritual benefits, pleasure and joy, pleasant emotions, is considered good.

A person whose character contains many positive qualities is a role model. However, it is known that “there are no bad people.” This means that the division into “+” and “-” qualities is conditional. Everything depends on the system of relations between the individual and society.

In accordance with these indicators, 4 groups of character traits can be distinguished(since we are talking about positive qualities, only they will be indicated in each group and the list can be continued) :

  1. Attitude to society, to the team: sociability, collectivism, sensitivity, responsiveness, respect for people, kindness, goodwill.
  2. Attitude to activity: hard work, conscientiousness, diligence, discipline, responsibility, perseverance in achieving goals.
  3. Attitude towards yourself: self-esteem, modesty, pride, self-criticism, honesty.
  4. Attitude to things: thrift, accuracy, generosity, selflessness.

Each person has certain traits that predominate, which makes him different from others. The personal merits of some people make others admire them and follow their example.

Manifestation of character traits in men and women

Women Men
  • · by nature more sociable;
  • · can talk for a long time, about anything and with anyone;
  • · make verbal contact easily and quickly. The topic of conversation doesn't matter.
  • talk more to the point and to the point with people they know;
  • narrow range of topics;
  • They find it more difficult to start a conversation and quickly stop it if they are not interested in it.
easily agree to a request for help and provide it to the best of their ability and ability responsiveness is combined with rationalism: how to help with maximum benefit for the one receiving help.
  • · manifests itself to everyone: animals, children, old people, men;
  • · borders on sacrifice.
selective, well thought out, rational;
Caring for others
is present in everyone without exception and finds manifestation in children, men, parents, and in housework sincere empathy and care for relatives and strangers; manifested in earning money and providing for the family.
often commit aimless actions, but they always know what they want, but more on an intuitive level The ability to clearly imagine and formulate goals, determine ways to achieve them and achieve implementation
are distinguished by good performance and discipline at any age a quality characteristic of most adult men, but not boys
Hard work
“bee”, “spinning like a squirrel in a wheel”, can simultaneously perform various tasks (especially around the house) most are hardworking, but focused on solving one practical problem
An important quality that everyone has the majority are not careful in dressing or eating, as they consider this to be of secondary importance: “tanks are not afraid of dirt”
Thrift - Generosity
spenders with money, but thrifty with things; generosity manifests itself in emotions and feelings they know the value of the money they earn, so they try to be thrifty; generosity is balanced and rational. A generous man is always adored by women
Typical for most loving ladies. In women, fidelity is correlated with devotion men are polygamous, so being faithful to one woman is nonsense for some of them. However, many of them are monogamous

Thus, the same character traits can manifest themselves differently in men and women. But among the set of qualities there are those that relate only to the weaker half and those that courageous people possess.

The main features of women

  • Female intuition. A woman’s feelings, her understanding and analysis pass through her heart, which reverently perceives the surroundings and evaluates them. She often avoids doing certain things without thinking about anything. Something just stops her, as if she is saving her for her children, her husband, her parents, for whom she is support and support.
  • Patience. A woman is able to withstand any pain, physical and moral, moral humiliation and the whims of a man. In family life, women's patience and wisdom are especially important, as they save the marriage.

  • Tenderness, softness, sensuality, love are mandatory feminine qualities. They are inherent in every representative of the fairer sex. They force men to do things and support them in difficult times.
  • Empathy- a quality that does not allow a woman to pass by and not support someone in need of help, which leads to sincere compassion.
  • Romance. Every woman who dreams of a “prince on a white horse” and “has her head in the clouds” with “rose-colored glasses” has this trait.
  • Meekness, the ability to remain silent when there is “thunder and lightning” overhead, the ability to endure the anger and indignation of a man.
  • Mysteriousness. Every woman must have a secret that cannot be comprehended by a man. If a woman is an “open book”, she loses interest from the stronger sex.

  • Feminine weakness. The powerlessness of the fairer sex is manifested not in what she does, but in what she is capable of. Many women, having a strong character, keep it secret and do not show it to anyone. But at the right moment, perseverance and will manifest themselves, which come as a surprise to others.

The main features of men

  • Masculinity, strength, courage, the ability to perform actions - these are purely masculine qualities that make him attractive in the eyes of a woman.
  • Perseverance and determination, pragmatism and the ability to achieve one’s own are character traits of a strong-willed person capable of creating. It is a man’s creativity that allows him to create new cities and establish connections.
  • Dedication- a quality that moves the stronger sex to exploits and accomplishments at the cost of their lives.

  • Responsibility. Most men do not think about themselves, but about their children, wives, and loved ones. This makes them reliable and able to protect what is truly dear to them.
  • Liberty- one of the traits that allows a man to realize himself in life and for which they stand to the last. For each of them, internal and external freedom is important, which gives him many opportunities.
  • Bigness of thinking and independence in decision making make a man strong and self-confident, capable of making discoveries and making progress.
  • A sharp mind and a special sense of humor– qualities that help others in good times and in difficult times.

Here are the basic qualities characteristic of representatives of different sexes, but there are much more differences.

Video: Exercises to develop good qualities