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Is it possible to breathe with a nebulizer? Is it possible to give inhalations to children with fever or is it better to consult a doctor? How to do inhalations when a child has a fever. Is it possible to carry out inhalations at elevated temperatures?

Among all the known methods of home treatment, the most popular are inhalations. This simple and very effective method helps to cope with the manifestations of laryngitis, tracheitis and the common runny nose. Even in such difficult situations as obstructive bronchitis, inhalations are often more effective than medications. Therefore, not only adults are treated using this proven method, but even very young children.

But when it comes to children, parents always have a lot of questions about the safety of the method and the rules for its use. And most often the adult audience is concerned about the possibility of using inhalations when the baby has a fever. In general, sick children are a special topic, and approaches to the issue of treating children are somewhat different than in relation to adult patients. This also applies to inhalations.

Types of inhalations

First, let's try to understand the variety of types of this procedure. Although the principle of this technique is the same everywhere and consists in the fact that the therapeutic effect is carried out using steam in which medicinal substances are present, there are some differences. The first difference is the drug chosen for the treatment procedure, and the second is the method itself.

Let's focus on the last criterion. Currently known types of inhalations:

  1. In first place is the traditional, so to speak “grandmother’s” method, which has been used for decades. Its mechanism is extremely simple - the patient must inhale the vapors of the medicinal composition over the container, covering his head with a towel. Boiled potatoes, soda, and honey are most often used as a healing agent. The method is proven and very effective. It can be used if the child has a slight rise in temperature (up to 37.5).
  2. The second method differs from the previous method in that a special device is used to provide a therapeutic effect. A nebulizer is essentially a compressor inhaler. The device is based on the principle of air pressure rather than high temperature. This feature makes it possible to influence the respiratory tract with antibiotics, antiseptics and other medications. Berodual, a special combined composition for inhalation that acts almost instantly, demonstrates particularly good results in the treatment of cough in children.
  3. Steam inhalations are also carried out using a special device. This option is similar to the first method, but it is not recommended to use it if the child has a high temperature.

Advantages of inhalations

Despite the differences in methods, all inhalations have much in common. As for children, inhalation of a medicinal solution is the most gentle method of treatment for children. But the main advantage of inhalation as a procedure is its direct effect on the organ affected by inflammation. Regardless of whether the baby has rhinitis or laryngitis, when the steam is inhaled, the medicinal mixture quickly enters the respiratory tract and begins to act immediately. Therefore, even after the first procedure, the child’s condition noticeably improves. And this manifests itself in the following:

  • the secretion of mucous secretion in the bronchi decreases;
  • breathing is normalized;
  • spasm of bronchial smooth muscles is relieved;
  • signs of shortness of breath, if any, disappear;
  • nasal breathing improves;
  • cough frequency decreases.

In addition, the administration of drugs through inhalation improves blood circulation, which ensures their rapid absorption into the blood. This explains the almost immediate effect of this type of treatment.

Steam inhalations at temperature

Now let’s look separately at the features of each method. The easiest way, of course, is the steam method. It copes well with a cough, ensuring the drainage of sputum, but it cannot be used if the child has a temperature exceeding 37.5. It is better to do steam inhalations if you have a severe cough, after lowering the temperature, at least to subfebrile levels. The disadvantage of steam inhalation is the fact that after the procedure a rise in temperature may be observed, which is extremely undesirable.

This device is configured in such a way that when steam is generated, the medicinal element turns into an aerosol. This ensures maximum penetration of the drug into the respiratory tract and its uniform distribution. Inhalations with a nebulizer are allowed even for children under one year old, since inhalation of the suspension only has a therapeutic effect, and the temperature remains within the same limits.

There are devices with compression and ultrasonic mechanisms of action. The latest devices have more capabilities, since even complex chemical compounds are partially destroyed under the influence of ultrasound. Therefore, a nebulizer is rightly considered the most effective device for home treatment of children.

Medicines for inhalation with a nebulizer

Parents must coordinate everything related to the treatment of the child with the pediatrician. Therefore, you should also choose a medicinal composition for inhalation together with your doctor. An illiterate approach to solving this issue can only harm the baby’s health. After all, inhalation, no matter how harmless it may seem, is also a rather serious procedure. Using the device, it is recommended to do inhalations with saline solutions, decoctions of medicinal herbs, and coughing compounds.

A procedure with mineral water, a decoction of chamomile and sage helps a lot with an intense cough in a child. The choice of the optimal option depends on the course of the disease, the condition of the child, and the individual characteristics of his small body. In this case, the risk of developing an adverse reaction to a specific drug component is always taken into account.

The nebulizer has a significant advantage over other inhalation methods - with the help of the device it is possible to quickly relieve attacks of stenosis, which often occur in young children with laryngitis. And, even if the baby has a high temperature, such inhalations are not canceled for him.

Side effects of inhalations

If inhalation with a nebulizer provokes a rise in temperature, you should inform your doctor about this and cancel the procedure for a while. Rarely, negative consequences can be observed after inhalation:

  • the child’s intolerance to the procedure itself;
  • vomit;
  • deterioration of health.

If any of the above deviations occur, you should refuse this type of treatment.


In general, the procedure is well tolerated by children, even at elevated temperatures. But there are some restrictions to its use. Among them:

  • heart pathologies;
  • congenital anomalies of the respiratory tract;
  • tendency to nosebleeds.

How to properly administer inhalation to a sick child

  1. After eating, at least an hour should pass.
  2. If your baby has more severe symptoms of rhinitis, you need to breathe through your nose. When coughing, the aerosol is inhaled through the mouth.
  3. Breathing should be deep and calm.
  4. After any thermal procedure, including inhalation, you need to stay in the room for at least three hours. Taking this into account, you should plan your walks.

To summarize, we can rightly conclude that in general, inhalations are very beneficial. They are able to have the desired effect even when the child has a fever. But for safety reasons, parents are required to coordinate all their actions with a doctor.

Video: when you should not do steam inhalations

Inhalation is the most effective means of combating diseases of the respiratory system. It can be used for colds, during rhinitis, for serious diseases of the ENT organs and respiratory system, and can also be carried out at any convenient time for preventive purposes. In order for such procedures to be 100% useful and effective, it is strongly recommended to learn everything about how they can and should be done.

The list of diseases that can and should be treated with inhalations is quite extensive. The first group contains ailments that manifest themselves in attacks and require prompt intervention. This could be an allergic reaction, an asthmatic disease. In each of the presented cases, the question of whether inhalations can be done is decided by an allergist. Further, it should be remembered that such treatment is applicable in the following situations:

  • for chronic inflammatory diseases of the respiratory system, for example, rhinitis, bronchitis. This is especially relevant for children, because it makes it possible to cope with an attack and runny nose much faster;
  • respiratory diseases occupy another group, for example, laryngitis and pharyngitis;
  • illnesses associated with professional activities deserve special attention, for example, breathing problems among miners or chemists;
  • The last category includes diseases of various physiological systems: endocrine, cardiac, vascular.

Thus, the inhaler can and should be used not only for a runny nose, but also in other cases. The answer to the question addressed to therapists deserves special attention: “What kind of cough will you use inhalations for?”

Inhalations for cough

Similar procedures are used for dry cough, tracheitis formed due to ARVI. Traditionally, it is accompanied by a sore throat and temporary damage to the vocal apparatus. In such a situation, inhalation treatment is applicable because it neutralizes swelling of the larynx.

Suitable for inhalation therapy wet form of cough. In the process of treating the wet variety, it is recommended to first liquefy the sputum (which excreted with difficulty) and its rapid removal from the bronchial region. For dry and wet coughs, it is possible to use inhalations with a medication such as Ambrohexal. The drug is included in the category of mucolytics and mucoregulators, which will promote the formation of mucus and its rapid elimination. It is strongly recommended to pay attention to the following:

  • treatment using Fluimucila used for viscous sputum to improve the expectoration process;
  • Ambrobene used for inhalation in acute and chronic pathologies of the respiratory system with the release of viscous secretions;
  • to provide prevention and symptomatic therapy for bronchial asthma, as well as to avoid asthma attacks, inhalations prepared on the basis of Ventolina.

Inhalations for a runny nose

Inhalation therapy can also be extremely effective for treating runny nose in children and adults. Among the drugs prescribed for inhalation for a runny nose, it is worth highlighting:

Interferon solution. A special protein body that can increase the body’s resistance to viruses and, as a result, speed up recovery from a runny nose and cough. For inhalation, a solution of 1 ml of interferon and 3 ml of saline is suitable. A 5-day course of 2 procedures per day will be enough.

Mineral waters and salt solutions. Absolutely safe type of inhalation for runny nose, which is suitable for children from birth. Does not cause allergic reactions, enriches the body with minerals, helps thin mucus in the nose and larynx, and helps speed up the evacuation of secretions. Alkaline mineral waters are suitable for the procedure. Borjomi, ordinary saline solution, pharmaceutical sodium chloride. The frequency and duration of the treatment course is prescribed by the doctor, based on the patient’s age, weight, and the severity of the underlying disease.

Herbal medicines and tinctures. A type of inhalation that is suitable for children from 3 years of age, as it can lead to allergic reactions. Subject to compliance with the prescribed Dosage and frequency of use rarely causes adverse reactions. A common drug based on herbal extracts - Tonsilgon, which has anti-inflammatory and immunostimulating effects. The solution for inhalation should be prepared at the rate of 1 part tonsilgon to 2 parts saline solution. You should breathe using a mask, through your nose. In addition to herbal complex preparations, it is worth paying attention to herbal tinctures. This includes inhalations with tincture of calendula, propolis, and eucalyptus. The saturation of the solution and the frequency of use will be advised by the attending physician.

How to use a nebulizer

Having answered the question whether it is possible to do inhalations with a runny nose, it is very important to understand. The fact is that its correct use will be the key to obtaining an ideal result following treatment. Before starting the procedure, it is recommended to wash your hands with soap to avoid the penetration of germs. After this, you will need to connect all parts of the device by studying the instructions for use.

Then the required ratio of the drug (at least 5 ml) is poured into a special nebulizer cup. In order to do inhalations with a nebulizer correctly, pour in saline solution, then the required dosage of the medicine. For this purpose, predominantly sterile needles and syringes are used. This is a preparatory stage, after which a special mask is put on to begin the recovery course for a runny nose or cough. It is necessary to note the following nuances of using a nebulizer:

  • It is advisable to carry out the procedure before the complete consumption of medicinal items;
  • in total it takes no more than 10 minutes. Thus, the duration of one cycle should in no case exceed the presented period of time;
  • after completion of therapy, all parts of the device are thoroughly washed under hot water without using any improvised means (for example, brushes). It will be more than enough to use a regular soap solution.

In order to make proper inhalations when you have a runny nose, it is recommended to sterilize the nebulizer once a week. This procedure can be carried out in a special thermal disinfector, as well as by boiling for at least 10 minutes. It is permissible to use special disinfectant compounds. Next, it is recommended to store the washed and dried device either in a clean, dry towel or in the same napkin. In order to know what inhalations can be done and how often, it is necessary to understand all the features of the presented procedure.

Basics of nebulizer inhalation

Start after 60-90 minutes, as well as performing serious physical exercise. During such therapy, it is strongly recommended not to be distracted by reading or any conversations. Experts insist that clothing should not restrict the neck area, so as not to aggravate the respiratory process. In addition, when telling how to do inhalations for a runny nose and cough, you need to pay attention to the following:

  • Smoking is not recommended during inhalation therapy. This will reduce the effectiveness of the course and will negatively affect the respiratory system as a whole;
  • In case of pathological abnormalities in the health of the nasopharynx, nose or paranasal sinuses, it is advisable to carry out nasal inhalations. Speaking about this, they mean that it is best to inhale steam through the nose, using a mask or specialized nozzles for this;
  • for diseases of the pharynx, larynx, bronchial region and pulmonary system, it is necessary to inhale the aerosol through the mouth, while breathing as smoothly as possible;
  • Taking a deep breath, it is recommended to do everything in order to hold your breath for two seconds and exhale as calmly as possible through your nose.

Before inhalation therapy, it is not recommended to use medications that optimize the process of sputum secretion. The same applies to rinsing the mouth using antiseptic names. After such treatment, it would be best to rinse your mouth with boiled water, cooled to room temperature. If a mask was used for inhalation therapy, it is also recommended to thoroughly rinse the face and eye area.

Next, I would like to note, when talking about whether it is possible to do inhalations, that eating food, drinking drinks and talking is prohibited. The point is that it will not be acceptable to do this for at least 15–20 minutes from the end of such therapy. It is advisable to carry out inhalations with medicinal names up to 3 times within 24 hours. Before doing this, it would be best to consult with a specialist who will tell you what to fill the nebulizer with.

Despite the high effectiveness of inhalations, there is a whole list of contraindications for providing such therapy. In particular, this technique cannot be used when the following pathological conditions are identified in the patient:

  • tendency to develop nasal and pulmonary bleeding;
  • purulent form of sore throat;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system, for example, cardiac failure. Also included in the presented list are myocardial infarction, hypertension, stroke;
  • acute diseases of the respiratory system.

Each specific case must be considered individually. Before starting inhalation therapy, it would be best to consult with your treating specialist, who will help determine contraindications.

Briefly about the treatment of children

Nebulizer inhalations are usually prescribed for children with obstructive bronchitis. Procedures using certain medicinal names can be carried out exclusively as prescribed by the attending physician.

The duration of inhalation therapy for a child under 5 years of age should be 3 minutes, while their frequency should be from 1 to 2 times within 24 hours (a more precise amount can be determined depending on the age of the child and his state of health). It is permissible to treat children with inhalation for any type of cough and even runny nose.

Indications for therapy using aerosol inhalations are diseases of the upper and lower respiratory tract. The inhalation method of treating diseases of the larynx, trachea, bronchi and lungs is quite common. The method is accessible, simple and highly effective when used in children and adult patients. But despite this, there are a number of limitations in the use of steam and aerosol inhalations at elevated temperatures.

Is inhalation allowed at fever?

During the treatment of diseases of the upper and lower respiratory tract, two types of inhalations can be performed:

  • hot steam;
  • nebulizer (aerosol).

The first is carried out using a steam inhaler or using home appliances (for example, over a kettle or pan with a towel). For the latter, it is necessary to use a special device (nebulizer), which turns any solution into an aerosol, that is, a fine suspension.

Inhalations with a nebulizer at a temperature are allowed, since the therapy involves delivering a cooled aerosol into the respiratory tract.

Only a doctor should prescribe inhalations to children, taking into account indications and contraindications. Self-medication without the supervision of a specialist is unacceptable, especially in children of younger age groups (under 3 years).

The patient needs to be in a cool room (18 - 21 degrees Celsius) with an air humidity of 50 - 70%, which can be achieved by ventilation and running a humidifier. Inhaling warm steam over a kettle has the exact opposite effect. Swelling of the mucous membranes of the upper respiratory tract becomes even stronger. The procedure may cause an increase in overall body temperature.

Therefore, steam inhalations cannot be used to treat diseases of the respiratory system at fever in children. This is especially true for children in the first two years of life.

Benefits of nebulizer treatment

Since a nebulizer works on a different principle and delivers drug particles to the most remote areas of the tracheo-bronchial tree, such a device has a number of advantages over steam inhalers.

The following are the advantages of using nebulizer therapy:

  • Local action in the bronchi area, the drug practically does not enter the general bloodstream, but is quickly absorbed by the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract;
  • Ease and safety of use in children;
  • Possibility of use at temperatures above 37 - 38 degrees;
  • No complications;
  • Possibility of selecting a special solution for quick and effective therapy;
  • Effective in the treatment of bronchitis, tracheitis, false croup, pneumonia, bronchial asthma.

Features of using the device

To use a nebulizer you need to follow certain rules:

  • The procedure can be carried out no more than 2 - 3 times a day for 3 - 5 - 7 minutes (depending on age), an hour after meals.
  • The child should be in a calm state, breathe deeply, evenly, without being distracted by conversations.
  • Do not take sputum thinners before inhalation.
  • After finishing the session, you should rinse your mouth, wash your face, and treat the nebulizer mask and accessories with an antiseptic.
  • You can't go out for a walk right away.

If a child’s temperature is above 37.5 - 38 degrees with nebulizer inhalations already prescribed by a doctor, treatment should not be stopped. However, it is advisable to first lower the temperature with drugs from the Ibuprofen and Paracetamol series to at least 37 degrees. A nebulizer must be used at any temperature if the child has difficulty in the inhalation phase due to spasm or swelling of the mucous membrane of the trachea, larynx (false croup), vocal folds and bronchi. But in these cases, the choice of drugs for inhalation should be determined solely by the doctor. For this purpose, bronchodilators (bronchodilators) are widely used - Berotek, Salbutamol, Atrovent, Salmeterol, Berodual and hormonal drugs - Dexamethasone, Budesonide.

Inhalations, even through a nebulizer, are contraindicated if the patient has a sore throat, a disease of the cardiovascular system, or there is a risk of pulmonary or nosebleeds.

There are many ways to treat viral infections, which range from folk remedies to the use of modern innovative techniques. From all this variety of methods, it is possible to choose the most effective one for yourself, which is best suited for the presence of specific symptoms and depending on the general condition of the patient’s body. In the treatment of flu, colds and various inflammatory processes, one of the most popular means is the use of inhalations. Let's consider whether it is possible to use steam inhalation and a nebulizer at a temperature.

Inhalations using the traditional steam method at a temperature

Almost everyone has encountered viral diseases. Some manage to overcome them without taking special measures to help the body, some find it easier to take a pill, while others try to get rid of the scourge using inhalation.

When inhaled, active substances act directly on the mucous membrane, which ensures their rapid absorption and immediate manifestation of the therapeutic effect. Inhalations using the traditional steam method are attractive due to their simplicity and accessibility. But do not forget that the procedure is medical, and therefore it is necessary to follow certain rules when performing inhalations.

Before using inhalation, the question arises whether it can be done at a fever, because it accompanies almost all respiratory diseases, and rare people tolerate flu and colds without elevated temperature syndrome. Inhalation using the traditional steam method at a temperature is highly not recommended, as is warming up the feet. This is due to the fact that the human body temperature is already slightly elevated, and if its parts are heated, the temperature will increase even more. If the body temperature is very high, this indicates that the body cannot cope with the infection, and its rapid development is possible. It is in connection with this that inhalations can be done only if the body temperature does not exceed 37.2 degrees.

Inhalation with a nebulizer at a temperature

What to do if it is not possible to lower the temperature, bringing it to an acceptable value for inhalation using the traditional method, such as inhaling vapors of medicinal plants, but there is a need to use a certain drug by inhalation? A reasonable solution for fever is the use of inhalation with a nebulizer. A nebulizer is a special device that sprays clouds containing tiny particles of the drug. These particles directly penetrate the respiratory system. The main advantage of such an inhaler is that the steam it produces does not cause the body to overheat, but has an exclusively therapeutic effect.

Thus, in the case of a temperature syndrome exceeding 37.2 degrees, it is allowed to perform inhalations for which a nebulizer is used, but it is necessary to follow the standard rules of inhalation, which means not to eat an hour before it, follow the order and rules for taking medications , breathe steadily during the procedure. In addition, nebulizer inhalations should be included in treatment only after consultation with a doctor and his approval of the use of this method.

Inhalation is a procedure used to treat bronchitis, laryngitis and other chronic ailments of the respiratory tract. Warming up and inhaling vapors during inhalation speeds up the treatment process and reduces the likelihood of complications. But almost any cold is accompanied by an increase in body temperature, so it is not always possible to do steam inhalations.

Inhalations should not be done at temperatures above 37 degrees. Exposure to steam on the body can lead to a further rise in body temperature, and therefore a deterioration in health, and result in death.

Elevated body temperature is a sign that the body is actively fighting foreign bodies, pathogens of the disease. At elevated temperatures, bacteria begin to die out, which helps to improve health. A weakened immune system is not able to fight viruses and bacteria, so it is observed to be maintained within 37-38 degrees.

If the body temperature remains within 38 degrees, then the immune system requires assistance. Inhalations should be used, but only if the body temperature remains low-grade for a long time.

After inhalation, a temporary increase in temperature to 38 degrees may be observed, which is normal. Before doing inhalations, it is important to know some recommendations about at what temperature and in what cases they should not be carried out:

  1. It is forbidden to do inhalations during the first two/three days, when the disease is in the acute phase of development. During this period, the temperature rises to 39 degrees.
  2. You cannot breathe hot steam and carry out the steam heating procedure, as well as inhalation with saline solution if, after its completion, the patient will breathe cold air
  3. If there are no signs of cough or respiratory problems.

It is impossible to do inhalations at a temperature, especially for children. If you breathe hot fumes, the temperature can rise to 40 degrees, resulting in urgent hospitalization.

Carrying out a procedure for warming up or treating the respiratory tract will lead to the development of complications, and the temperature may rise even higher. Body heat causes a malfunction in the system, thereby causing poor blood circulation. It will not be possible to cure a cough or a pierced nose with inhalation, as this will lead to a deterioration in health.

Using a nebulizer?

Steam inhalations are allowed when the thermometer shows a value not exceeding 38 degrees. But is it possible to inhale and use a nebulizer when coughing...

  • You can use a nebulizer for inhalation with saline solution if the temperature does not exceed 37 degrees. But, as practice shows, you can breathe medicine through a nebulizer even at a high temperature of 39 degrees. Such procedures are not only safe, but also effective in combating pathogens.
  • There are no negative effects from the nebulizer device due to the fact that it does not spray hot steam. It is based on the spraying of medications to the smallest particles, which enter the body using a special mask.

  • Using a nebulizer, you can inhale infusions, medications and other drugs to treat an illness. Medicines are diluted with saline solution and then poured into the container of the device. Through ultrasonic exposure, drug particles are crushed into molecules that enter the respiratory system
  • This method of penetration of saline solution and other drugs into the respiratory tract allows them to be delivered to the immediate source of the virus. The drug also promotes the rapid penetration of drugs into the body, providing an immediate therapeutic effect
  • Inhalations are used for children, which helps avoid the development of complications of various types of colds. The device also eliminates the likelihood of developing chronic diseases if used for preventive purposes.

Inhalations are allowed if measurements on the thermometer show 38 degrees or higher, in the following cases:

  • If a special device is used for this - a nebulizer
  • It is recommended to carry out procedures during the daytime in order to be able to control body temperature and avoid its increase

Side effects

After using the nebulizer, the temperature rises slightly; this is a normal phenomenon, which indicates the positive effect of the medicine. This side effect is observed in almost 100% of cases after using the device. If a further increase occurs, antipyretic medications are required to avoid the development of symptoms such as chills, fever, and deterioration of well-being.

If a person has an individual intolerance to the medications that are sprayed by the device, this can lead to allergic manifestations. In this case, it is not recommended to use the device in the future.
Treatment of colds can be carried out using a nebulizer, and steam inhalations can be used only in rare cases when the thermometer shows no more than 37 degrees.