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A folk remedy for burning in intimate places. Unpleasant sensations after sexual intercourse. Anti-itch cream for children

Any disturbances in the functioning of the human body cause certain physiological and psychological discomfort (anxiety, discomfort), especially when it comes to. It is not customary to discuss this problem with friends and family, so many women simply do not know what action to take if they are itching in an intimate place. Let's figure it out.

A little physiology

A woman's genitals are covered with a thin and very delicate mucous membrane, which is a complex ecosystem. It consists of various microorganisms necessary for its normal functioning.
The microflora of the genital mucosa can change depending on the physiological state and age of the woman. If it is normal, the body is in the comfort stage. But when the balance of microorganisms is disturbed, unpleasant sensations appear, such as itching and redness in the intimate area in women.
These symptoms may be supplemented by:

  • vaginal dryness;
  • unpleasant odor;
  • pulling, cutting pain in the lower abdomen, in the perineum;
  • discharge of unnatural color and odor;
  • rashes localized on the labia majora and mucous membrane.

Discomfort, itching and burning in the intimate area can be permanent/temporary and manifest in mild/severe form. These symptoms disrupt a woman's daily and sexual life. You won't be able to ignore them because they will only get worse over time.

Attention: itching in the intimate area in women is a signal that certain disturbances have occurred in the body. And if it is accompanied by other symptoms, this may indicate the development of a dangerous pathology.

Causal factor

The cause of genital discomfort can be various diseases and disorders in the body.

Dysbacteriosis of the vagina

Under the influence of the environment, local immunity of the genital organs may decrease, causing an imbalance in the microflora of the vaginal mucosa. The number of pathogenic organisms such as E. coli, gardnerella, and candida is increasing. This process is accompanied by itching in the intimate area and an unpleasant odor resulting from heavy vaginal discharge.


Genital discomfort can be caused by sexually transmitted infections (papillomavirus, trichomoniasis, herpes, chlamydia, gonorrhea). They are manifested by itching and burning in an intimate place, inflammation of the vulva. With trichomoniasis, a yellowish-green foamy discharge is observed that emits a foul odor. Similar symptoms may indicate inflammation of the genitourinary system (cystitis, endometritis, adnexitis, metritis), which are also caused by infections.

Hormonal level

An imbalance of hormones in a woman’s body can occur during puberty, pregnancy, and menopause. Due to a decrease in estrogen levels, atrophic vulvovaginitis occurs. This is an inflammatory process caused by a hormonal imbalance that occurs in a woman’s body during pre- or postmenopause. Lack of estrogen leads to a thinning of the epithelial layer covering the genitals, reducing the amount of protective mucus. As a result, dryness and itching in the intimate area and contact bleeding occur.

Oncological diseases

Vulvar cancer can go unnoticed in a woman’s body for a long time. It manifests itself, at first glance, with such harmless symptoms as itching, tingling in the clitoral area, and discharge that emits an unpleasant odor.


A significant amount of sugar in the blood activates the reproduction of yeast microorganisms on the genitals that feed on glucose and amino acids. This may be indicated by severe itching in an intimate place in women.


This disease can affect not only the skin of the body, but also the genitals. It manifests itself as purple rashes that are very itchy.

Taking antibiotics, hormonal drugs

Some medications have side effects, such as itching in intimate places, vaginal discharge, menstrual irregularities, and even bleeding. Therefore, if a woman notices these violations, she should consult a doctor to correct the prescribed treatment.

Allergic reaction

If there is itching and burning in the intimate area, this may be caused by intimate cosmetics containing a certain allergen. You can avoid discomfort by using washing liquids whose acidity is close to the vaginal pH and is 5.2. Intimate products based on lactobacilli will provide protection for the genitals from pathogens.

Please note: powder residue left on the laundry after washing can also trigger an allergic reaction.

Improper hygiene

Burning, itching, redness in the intimate area and even a rash can appear due to the fact that a woman does not care for herself correctly or regularly. To avoid these problems, she should carry out hygiene procedures every day before going to bed, as well as after sexual intercourse.

Pubic pediculosis

Why does a woman's private part itch on the outside? This may be caused by lice. They are able to lay eggs not only in the scalp area, but also in the pubic area.

Wearing incorrectly fitted underwear

Underwear made of synthetic, hard fabric can cause irritation and itching in the intimate area. Panties that are too tight squeeze the external genitalia. Daily wearing of thongs also contributes to the transfer of pathogenic microorganisms from the anus to the genitals. The use of linen made from natural materials (cotton, viscose, bamboo), selected according to size, will help you avoid discomfort.

Intimate hair removal

Removing hair from the bikini area with wax can cause redness and rashes in the area. Therefore, after the procedure, a special soothing agent (gel, cream) is applied to the treated area.

Psychological disorders

A stressful state, fear of an important event (surgery, intimacy) can manifest itself in various physiological disorders. Among them are severe itching and burning in the intimate area. These experiences and their consequences are relieved with sedatives and psychotherapy.

Itching in a girl during menstruation

The reason why a girl's intimate area itches during menstruation may be a fungal infection. In this case, itching is felt before the start of each monthly bleeding and disappears during it. Confirmation of the presence of a fungus is foamy whitish vaginal discharge.

Burning sensation during pregnancy

When a woman is pregnant, the pH of her vagina may change. The transformation of an acidic environment into an alkaline one promotes the development of infections (bacterial, fungal) and local irritation.

Genital discomfort in a child

Unpleasant sensations in the genital area can occur not only in adults, but also in children. The cause of itching in the intimate area in a child is:

A woman will not be able to independently find out the cause and relieve itching in the intimate area, especially if the unpleasant sensation is caused by a certain disease. If you have genital discomfort that does not go away, you should visit a gynecologist for diagnosis and treatment.

Advice: Before being examined by a doctor, you should use a condom during sexual intercourse, since many diseases that cause genital itching are contagious.

Therapeutic measures

Itching and redness in the intimate area is treated by a gynecologist. Sometimes, depending on the causes of the disorder, additional consultation with other specialists is required - a dermatologist, allergist, therapist, neurologist.
An examination that includes:

Depending on the established causes of the disease, the doctor determines further treatment. If a woman experiences severe itching and burning in the intimate area due to sexually transmitted infections, she will be prescribed antibiotic therapy. In the treatment of fungal diseases (thrush), antifungal drugs are used. To neutralize allergens that cause burning of the genitals, antihistamines are used.

Hormonal therapy prescribed by a specialist (gynecologist-endocrinologist) will help relieve itching in the intimate area in women caused by hormonal imbalance. If the burning sensation in the genitals is caused by a psychological factor, sedatives and consultations with a psychotherapist will help eliminate the problem.

In addition to tablet and injectable medications, topical medications are prescribed - suppositories, ointments, creams for itching in the intimate area. They are aimed at the rapid elimination of symptoms.

home treatment

Will home treatment help eliminate redness and itching in the intimate area? No! Only a doctor should find out the causes of these symptoms, conduct a full examination and prescribe therapy.

At home, you can only take preventive measures to reduce discomfort. To do this, apply compresses, sitz baths and rinses with medicinal compounds (oak bark, thyme, sage, aloe decoction). They have antibacterial, antiallergic, antifungal and disinfectant effects.

Preventive measures

To avoid itching and discomfort in the intimate area in the future, a woman should:

  • choose personal hygiene products that do not contain allergens;
  • buy soft powders for washing, conditioners;
  • purchase natural underwear of a suitable size;
  • regularly perform hygiene procedures;
  • stick to a diet (limit alcohol, sugar, eat foods containing probiotics that promote wound healing and prevent infections);
  • See a gynecologist and undergo a preventive examination at least once a year.

Itching in an intimate place is a common problem that women encounter at least once in their lives. This symptom can be easily eliminated with the help of vaginal tablets, creams and folk remedies. However, in most cases, irritation and itching in the intimate area in women returns, and painful sensations are added to the familiar symptoms. To cope with this, it is important to approach the problem comprehensively: identify a possible cause, combine different treatment methods and follow preventive measures.

Itching is not an independent disease. As a rule, this symptom signals insufficient hygiene, allergic reactions and pathologies. The problem can be caused by a number of diseases:

  • candidiasis (thrush). This is a pathology caused by yeast-like fungi of the genus Candida. Accompanied by burning, pain during sexual intercourse and urination. A characteristic sign is the presence of white discharge, the consistency of which resembles cottage cheese or sour milk. During menstruation, the symptoms of thrush are eliminated without outside intervention. This is due to the fact that the local environment in the vagina during this period is unfavorable for the life of yeast fungi;
  • allergic reaction. The activation of histamine receptors through the allergen leads to unpleasant sensations. The latter may include underwear made from low-quality fabric, scented pads, and personal hygiene products with aggressive ingredients. In the rarest cases, an allergic reaction to sperm is possible. In this case, a visit to a specialist is mandatory;
  • taking medications. Itching in the intimate area is a common side effect of medication. If such an action is not indicated in the attached instructions, discomfort may be a hypersensitivity reaction (in case of intolerance to the components);
  • nervous itching. The main reason in this case is a malfunction of the autonomic nervous system. Associated factors are: emotional stress, increased anxiety, depression and frequent stress.

One of the most common causes, along with improper hygiene, is infectious diseases. Papilloma, chlamydia, trichomoniasis, ureaplasmosis, warts and genital herpes lead to itching, burning and pain.

Menstruation is part of a cycle during which some women's immunity may decline. During pregnancy, the body's defenses weaken even more, making the expectant mother more vulnerable than ever.

Weakened immunity leads to infection by pathogenic microorganisms and the development of inflammatory processes:

  • trichomoniasis. This is a disease caused by Trichomonas. Itching and burning may be mild and unnoticeable, but intensify during menstruation. Another sign of the disease is watery or foamy discharge that is white, yellowish or green;
  • chlamydia. The pathology caused by chlamydia is characterized by moderate itching, which becomes more pronounced during menstruation. The discharge from chlamydia is yellow, and the labia are swollen and painful if touched;
  • gonorrheal vaginitis. The causative agents of the disease are gonococci, which can be infected through sexual intercourse with a carrier of the infection. The main signs of the disease are decreased libido, increased temperature, itching, burning and yellowish discharge, which has a sharp and unpleasant odor. It is noteworthy that with gonorrheal vaginitis, the menstrual cycle may be disrupted, and bleeding is not always caused by natural factors;
  • herpes. The causative agent of the disease is the herpes virus. Mild itching on the skin and mucous membranes becomes stronger during menstrual flow, and the intimate area becomes covered with papules filled with clear liquid. Relapses (repeated diseases) are most often observed in this part of the cycle;
  • chronic adnexitis. The pathology is inflammation of the uterine appendages, changes in local pH and an increased amount of discharge that irritates the vaginal walls. The latter causes itching and burning.

Other common causes: diabetes mellitus, severe kidney dysfunction, diseases of the nervous system.

When treating itching, it is important to address not only the symptom, but also the root of the problem. Unpleasant signs of disease in the form of itching and burning are just the tip of the iceberg. Pathologies leading to these symptoms are accompanied by other signs that signal problems in the body. If you ignore them and treat superficially, the inflammatory process will affect the internal organs and lead to complications.

The best way to avoid this is to see a gynecologist and undergo a full medical examination. A number of diagnostic procedures will help identify the pathogen and determine the nature and stage of the disease. After this, the doctor will prescribe the necessary medications and give recommendations for treatment.

Treatment of itching with folk remedies

The use of remedies prepared based on folk recipes is a quick way to relieve symptoms. Solutions, ointments and suppositories made from natural and natural ingredients will safely eliminate burning sensations and help cope with painful sensations and difficulty urinating.

The advantage of such funds is low cost and availability. Most components can be found on store shelves or purchased at a pharmacy for a low price. However, home remedies only work symptomatically and do not address the root of the problem. In addition, a woman may experience allergic reactions, so treatment with folk remedies must be approached with caution.

Washing with soda

Baking soda is an affordable and cheap remedy that helps relieve itching due to fungal infections. A solution of this powder in water creates an alkaline environment that is unfavorable for yeast and other microorganisms. Washing the intimate area with soda is not recommended in the presence of acute inflammation and erosion of the cervix. Also, the procedure is not performed immediately after childbirth and is carried out with great care during pregnancy.

Washing the intimate area with soda is carried out as follows.

  1. Take a tablespoon of powder and pour a liter of boiling water.
  2. Stir the product thoroughly, wait until the grains are completely dissolved and the water cools to room temperature.
  3. Gently rinse the intimate area with the resulting solution. It is not necessary to rinse the genitals with clean water.

Stick to the described concentration. An increase in the amount of soda will lead to burns, microtraumas and disruption of the acid-base balance. If the product was used in smaller quantities, the expected result may simply not be achieved.

Aloe has antiseptic properties and gently relieves inflammation. The juice of this plant contains components that cope with pathogenic microorganisms and soothe severe itching.

To disinfect the intimate area, aloe juice or pulp is used topically. Combination of the product with other ingredients is also allowed. One of these mixtures is a tincture of aloe and honey, which is prepared as follows.

  1. Take 1 tbsp. l. chamomile flowers and 2 tbsp. l. dry sea buckthorn berries. Pour in a liter of water, bring to a boil, then leave for half an hour.
  2. Dilute aloe (3 tbsp) with flower honey (2 tsp) and vodka (2 tbsp). Stir.
  3. Place both mixtures into one bowl. Pour in a liter of warm water and stir. Insist for 24 hours.

Unlike juice, aloe-based tincture should be taken orally for a week. This should be done 3 times a day during meals.

Hygiene procedures with chamomile

Chamomile soothes itching, softens inflammation and has an antibacterial effect. To get rid of unpleasant symptoms using chamomile, follow the instructions below.

  1. Run a hot bath. The water depth should be no more than 15 cm.
  2. Take 100 g of chamomile flowers, wrap in gauze and leave for 10-15 minutes.
  3. Immerse yourself in the bath for 20 minutes. Remember that the temperature should be comfortable for the body.

Repeat the procedure once a day until the symptoms disappear completely.

Medications are a reliable method to cope with the symptom and eliminate its cause. We invite you to familiarize yourself with proven medications that quickly and reliably relieve burning and itching in the intimate area.

Ointments, vaginal suppositories and other local remedies


Vagilak is a local anti-itch drug, which is available in the form of gel and soap for intimate hygiene. Eliminates itching and is suitable for the prevention of infectious diseases of the genital organs. Maintains normal levels of lactobacilli, supports local immunity and normal acidity levels. The cost of the drug Vagilak is from 380 rubles. for gel and 500 rub. for soap for intimate hygiene.


This is a whole line of anti-itch products, including products for daily intimate hygiene, wipes, lotions and mousses. To quickly eliminate itching, the universal option “Lactacid Soting” is suitable. This is a gel designed to combat dysbacteriosis in the intimate area.

The cost of Lactacid depends on the form of release and varies from 95 to 273 rubles.


Prescribed when fungal diseases are detected. Available in the form of cream and vaginal suppositories. Quickly relieves itching and burning, has virtually no contraindications, and is approved for pregnant and lactating women.

Pimafucin costs from 288 rubles.


Tablets are systemic drugs and should be used only after consultation with a doctor. Most drugs of this type enter the bloodstream and can have a negative effect on the gastrointestinal tract, causing side effects.

The choice of drugs directly depends on the disease that caused the itching:

  • thrush: Fluconazole, Livarol, Clotrimazole;
  • chlamydia: Clarithromycin, Zitrolide, Macropen;
  • genital herpes: Acyclovir, Foscarnet;
  • inflammation of the vagina: Metronidazole, Cefoxitin, Doxycycline;
  • sexually transmitted diseases: Famciclovir, Furazolidone.

Before taking medications, make sure that other treatments are not possible or do not have the desired effect. If you have the opportunity to skip the pills and undergo local therapy, replace the pills with topical medications. Such medications are safer for the body and cause fewer side effects.

Preventing itching

  • maintain a normal level of immunity. To keep your defenses normal, do not forget about proper nutrition. Follow a diet that includes light and healthy foods. Fried, spicy and sweet foods are recommended to be kept to a minimum;
  • wear underwear made from natural fabrics. Synthetic material often causes allergic reactions, which manifest themselves in the form of itching;
  • Change your underwear regularly. Dirty fabric helps create a favorable environment for germs to grow.

Follow these tips regularly to prevent burning and itching in the intimate area in women.

Vaginal itching without discharge is rare. Since in most women it is caused by microorganisms, which also cause noticeable vaginal discharge. However, there are certain conditions that can only cause itchy sensations in the intimate area.

Causes and treatment

Postmenopausal vaginitis

It can occur after menopause due to low estrogen levels, which leads to vaginal dryness and thinning of the vaginal walls. Inflammation of the tissues can cause severe itching; in addition, due to the thinness of the tissues, the risk of fungal infections increases. Scratches cause small wounds and damage to the area, and can become secondarily infected with pathogenic organisms.

The standard treatment is a course of estrogen cream applied daily for a week, then tapered off over the next 2-3 weeks. Simultaneous treatment of yeast infections can be done using vaginal tablets (suppositories) or antifungal creams such as miconazole or clotrimazole. Oral estrogen tablets are usually not needed unless the itching is very severe and is controlled by using a vaginal cream.

Skin diseases

Skin conditions such as psoriasis, seborrheic dermatitis and eczema can affect the vulva area while also affecting other parts of the body.

To remove lice from pubic hair, use a product such as Nyx or Elmite or Permethrin 1%. Nyx and Elimit are contraindicated for pregnant and lactating women.

Scabies is treated with 5% permethrin cream or lotion.

Genital warts

Genital warts are caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV). Warts can be flat or large leaf-like growths. In both cases, there may be a mild itching sensation or irritation in the vulva and vaginal area. Discharge is usually absent or may be minimal.

Diseases of the anus and rectum

Diseases such as hemorrhoids and fissures can also affect the genitals. Both of these conditions can sometimes cause a thick mucopurulent secretion that spreads to the vaginal opening, causing irritation.

Lichen sclerosus

This is a condition that causes intense itching of the vagina and vulva. Small depigmented spots may be observed. Lichen sclerosus is more common in postmenopausal or older women.

Diagnosis of this condition may require a skin biopsy, and appropriate ointments must be used for a long time for treatment.

Diabetes and glycosuria

The presence of glucose in the urine of women with diabetes can cause pain, severe itching in the intimate area and a burning sensation when urinating. The urine may be cloudy or milky in color with a faint odor. Glycosuria is most often a predisposing condition for infections such as candidiasis or thrush and trichomoniasis, since sugar in the urine provides a good environment for the growth of infectious organisms.

All women with vaginitis should have their blood sugar levels checked, especially if they are over 35 years of age. Home test kits can be used to test for glucosuria if needed. If your blood sugar level is high, it should be monitored and supervised by a doctor.

Allergies and sensitivities

Irritation may be a sign of sensitivity to various soaps, bath salts, and deodorants used for bathing or washing underwear. Underwear made of synthetic material such as nylon can also cause allergic reactions in some women. Intimate hygiene products, especially those with fragrances or synthetic dyes, colored and synthetic toilet papers can also be responsible for allergic vaginitis. In addition to itching, there may be other symptoms such as redness and swelling of the genitals and vagina.

General body itching

Itching around the vulva and vagina may be part of a generalized disease process that causes, for example, jaundice, uremia, and other toxic conditions.

Deficiency of vitamins and microelements

Lack of vitamins A, B2 and B12, iron and folic acid can be the cause of this problem. However, they are more likely to cause itching by reducing the body's natural immunity, making infection possible. Deficiency of these vital minerals can also cause dystrophic diseases of the vulva, which is commonly seen in chronic anemia and the vitamin B deficiency condition called pellagra.

Supplements of deficient nutrients should be taken - vitamins such as B-Complex Capsules, multivitamins, iron capsules to correct anemia and folate levels.

Other additional vitamins and minerals that increase the body's resistance to infections of various types are vitamin C tablets 500 mg taken once a day, Acidophilus tablets to stimulate the growth of healthy lactobacilli in the vagina, increase its acidity and prevent infections, and zinc tablets.

Psychological factors

Extreme nervousness, fatigue, or mental distress in women can lead to scratching of the groin or any other part of the body, which is usually worse at night.

A woman may not understand that it is the scratches and injuries that become painful and irritated and begin to itch. Itching is a consequence of the presence of scratches, and not vice versa.

Chronic dystrophies of the vulva

White spots or plaques, called leukoplakia, can appear on the skin around the genitals due to changes in the skin that can be caused by old age, when skin layers atrophy or due to prolonged irritation from uncomfortable clothing, allergies, autoimmune reactions and fungal infections.

Cancerous tumors

Intraepithelial neoplasia, or even invasive vulvar cancer, can cause itching sensations. Other symptoms of these cancers may include rashes or sores that do not heal, bleeding from the affected areas, and nodules on the skin.


This is a neuropathic condition in which the nerves become inflamed and severely irritated, resulting in severe itching or pain in the intimate area. The trigger may be an infection, such as yeast or bacterial, but the nerves remain inflamed even after the infection clears. Intense itching without any identifiable cause is the main complaint in cases of vulvodynia.

This condition can be treated with neuropathic medications such as gabapentin (Neurontin). In some cases, antihistamines or sedating tricyclic antidepressants such as amitriptyline may be needed.


Treatment of a problem begins with diagnosing its cause. A thorough examination may reveal causes such as lichen sclerosus, eczema or psoriasis.

Lice and scabies can also be diagnosed through a physical examination.

Smears may be needed to diagnose a bacterial or fungal infection or changes during menopause. Skin tests are necessary to find out if any contact allergies are present.

A skin biopsy will help in cases where there is itching with

Itching in the intimate area in women is a condition that causes both psychological and physical discomfort. It can be caused by various reasons: both harmless factors (an allergic reaction to underwear or panty liners), and inflammatory processes of the reproductive system or serious pathologies not related to gynecology.

Itching may be accompanied by discharge, a strong odor, and painful sensations in the abdomen. It can also occur without additional symptoms. If discomfort occurs, it is recommended to seek help from a gynecologist.

Causes of itching

There are a number of factors that cause burning in the intimate area. This type of itching is not accompanied by discharge. It is unpleasant, but completely safe and easy to eliminate. This is how skin irritation manifests itself. This includes the following factors:

  • allergic reactions (burning and redness) to panty liners, soap, toilet paper and other personal hygiene products. It could also be intolerance to washing powders or conditioners;
  • neglect of the rules of personal hygiene - untimely washing and a rare change of underwear;
  • epilation of the pubic area - after using an epilator or wax strips, the delicate skin of the pubis is severely irritated and itching appears;
  • wearing underwear made of synthetic or rough fabrics.

In these cases, the itching will go away immediately after the irritant is eliminated.

The next group of causes of burning is inflammatory and infectious diseases of the reproductive or urinary system.

Itching is necessarily accompanied by additional symptoms: copious discharge of different colors and consistency, a sharp and repulsive odor, possibly in the genitals, tissue swelling, pain in the lower abdomen and when urinating, a feeling of dryness in the vagina.

Itching in the intimate area can be caused by diseases far from gynecology. For example: diabetes mellitus (high sugar levels allow fungi to multiply at a high rate), hepatitis, kidney and liver diseases, thyroid pathologies, diseases of the circulatory system (anemia, leukemia), inflammation of the bladder and other organs of the urinary system.

In these cases, it is necessary to treat the underlying disease and take appropriate pharmaceuticals.

In addition, burning appears as a result of stressful situations, prolonged depression, during menstruation, and puberty.

Conservative treatment

If itching occurs, you should make an appointment with a gynecologist. The doctor will conduct an examination, collect a medical history and prescribe the necessary tests.

After this, a diagnosis will be made and treatment will be prescribed. It depends on what pathogens provoked the disease.

Candida fungi, protozoan single-celled organisms (provoking trichomoniasis) or bacteria can cause itching in the intimate area.

  1. In case of fungal infection, you need to take antifungal drugs: “” or “”. Or use vaginal suppositories: “”, “”, “”, etc. The doctor will prescribe medications that suit you (this could be tablets, cream or ointment);
  2. If the burning sensation is caused by bacteria, then treatment is carried out in two stages: first, the woman takes prescribed antibiotics, and then probiotics, which restore the vaginal microflora;
  3. In case of hormonal changes associated with menopause, it is necessary to take hormonal drugs produced on the basis of estriol. They normalize the vaginal microflora.
  4. If the itching is caused by cancer, then surgical intervention is necessary.
  5. In cases where the burning sensation is caused by other diseases (diabetes mellitus, etc.), the underlying disease should be treated.
  6. If the problem is related to a psychological component, then it is necessary to take sedative medications.

How to relieve itching with folk remedies

You can gently eliminate the burning sensation at home. Douching, using tampons soaked in medicinal agents, and taking medications orally will help with this.

  1. Make a medicinal decoction of chamomile and... Take two large spoons of flowers, pour two hundred milliliters of boiling water and simmer over low heat for three to five minutes. Leave for fifteen minutes, then filter. Cool the broth and do douching in the morning and in the evening. Take a syringe or douche, having previously sterilized it, and inject the solution into the vagina.
  2. Effective results are shown by douching with hydrogen peroxide, carried out according to the method of Dr. Neumyvakin. Take a 1% peroxide solution. Usually a 3% drug is sold. To obtain the required solution, dilute ordinary hydrogen peroxide with warm boiled water in a ratio of 1 to 3. The water temperature should be slightly higher than body temperature.
  3. Douche twice a day, after washing. After the inflammatory process decreases and the pain subsides, douche once a day, then once every two days.
  4. Dilute five grams of baking soda in one liter of water. Use boiled liquid at room temperature. Douche for ten days, twice a day, after washing. If after the first use of the solution your burning sensation intensifies, stop treatment and try other methods.
  5. In case of acute inflammatory process and unbearable itching sensation, you can treat with boric acid. Wash your genitals, dip a sterile swab in boric acid and insert it for thirty seconds, then remove. You can use this method no more than twice, then you should choose another treatment method.
  6. Severe itching will help eliminate. Over low heat, bring two tablespoons of calendula flowers with 300 milliliters of water to a boil. Leave for five minutes, then strain and add to a bowl of water (five liters will be enough). Wash yourself thoroughly and sit in this bath for fifteen minutes. Calendula will relieve inflammation and burning. Do the procedure for ten days, once a day.
  7. Take sterile swabs and wrap them in a bandage. Soak in freshly squeezed aloe juice. The tampon should be inserted into the vagina immediately after washing in the evening, put on cotton panties and leave overnight. In the morning, remove the tampon and rinse. Treatment should be carried out for no more than five days.
  8. If a woman experiences itching without discharge or odor, this indicates that the genital organs are being irritated. It is recommended to wash yourself with chlorhexidine three times a day and wear cotton underwear. You can treat the external genitalia with a three percent solution of hydrogen peroxide, but no more than three days.
  9. A decoction of basil will help cope with fungi. Boil two tablespoons of the plant in half a liter of water. Cook for ten minutes over low heat. Drink before meals four times a day. Dosage – one hundred milliliters at a time.
  10. If pregnancy is accompanied by itching, then you can use a solution of Furacilin. Dilute five grams of powder in 500 milliliters of boiled water. Rinse your genitals with the broth before going to bed. You should wash yourself well first.
  11. Also, rinsing with decoctions of St. John's wort or mint will help relieve burning sensation and discomfort. You can take sitz baths with the addition of sage.

Do not use 3% hydrogen peroxide solution. It can cause burns to the mucous membranes and cause excessive dryness. This will lead to complications and make treatment more difficult.


It is impossible to completely exclude from life all aspects leading to the appearance of itching in the intimate area. But there are a number of actions that will significantly reduce this possibility.

The following rules can be identified as precautionary measures:

  • personal hygiene - daily washing (preferably in the morning and evening), regular change of underwear, tampons and pads;
  • it is required to be checked by a gynecologist twice a year;
  • regularly treat diseases of the reproductive and urinary systems. If necessary, use prescribed ointments, suppositories or tablets;
  • Avoid casual sexual relations; otherwise, use condoms.


Itching and discharge in women in the intimate area can signal serious problems in the functioning of the body, so they cannot be ignored. If a burning sensation or other unpleasant phenomena occurs, consult a doctor.

Advanced cases lead to the fact that the disease that caused the itching can become chronic. This can lead to health problems: difficulties in conceiving and bearing a baby, infertility.

Our article will introduce you to the main causes of itching and burning in the intimate area, and will also tell you how to deal with this problem using traditional and medicinal methods.

  • Almost every woman is familiar with the problem of itching and burning in the intimate area. Unusual symptoms provoke a desire in the fair sex to constantly scratch the genitals
  • The most unpleasant thing is that such a pathology can begin to manifest itself quite unexpectedly, for example, when a girl is at work or visiting. In this case, the woman will have to endure itching and burning until she gets home
  • Therefore, if you notice even the slightest redness of the labia, then do not wait for other symptoms to appear, but immediately begin to take action. After all, if you miss the right moment, then the pathology will be much less responsive to treatment and this will affect the state of both physical and psychological health

What does itching in intimate places mean in women?

Itching in the intimate area may occur due to an imbalance of microflora

Most often, itching in the intimate area occurs due to severe and constant irritation of the nerve endings.

  • This is how your body shows that you have problems with women’s health or that you are using low-quality cosmetics to wash your face.
  • At the initial stage, this may be a barely noticeable discomfort that does not cause any pain.
  • But if you continue to have a negative impact on the nerve endings, you will inevitably experience itching and burning.
  • If these symptoms do not go away in the shortest possible time, then you need to look for the cause of the irritation and try to get rid of it

Factors that provoke itching:

Improper hygiene care. Improper shaving of pubic hair or irregular grooming procedures can cause such problems. After all, if, for example, you shave your hair against its growth, then it is likely that you will develop painful irritation that will require additional care

Synthetic underwear. If you want to avoid itching and burning in the intimate area, then buy panties made from natural fabrics. This will help to avoid excessive sweating and you will not need to change underwear a couple of times a day. It is also very important to choose the right size. Tight panties can provoke the appearance of chafing and diaper rash, which will trigger the development of itching.

Discomfort before and during menstruation. A fairly large number of women complain about the appearance of discomfort in the last days of the cycle. This is due to the fact that during this period the level of estrogen in the body drops sharply and against this background inflammation begins in the area of ​​the labia.

Causes of intimate itching

Itching in the intimate area in women
  • Quite often, the cause of itching in the intimate area is insufficient moisture in the vaginal mucosa.
  • Most often this happens due to the fact that the body stops producing hyauloronic acid in the required quantities. And if you help the body cope with this problem, then it is likely that the itching will also disappear
  • But since the vaginal mucosa cannot be treated with conventional cosmetic creams, its treatment must be approached comprehensively
  • It will be better if you undergo a full examination of the body and make an appointment with a gynecologist without fail. Once the real causes of the burning sensation become clear, the doctor will be able to choose an effective treatment for you.

The main causes of itching in the intimate area:
Hormonal disbalance
Taking medications
Kidney diseases
Rough sex
Eating very hot and spicy foods
Regular stressful situations

What to do to eliminate itching?

Douching with baking soda will help get rid of itching in the intimate area.

If it turns out that you cannot quickly get to the doctor, and the unpleasant symptoms only intensify, then try to alleviate your condition yourself.

But remember, even if the symptoms of the disease disappear, in general, everything needs to be shown to the gynecologist. After all, if you do not eliminate the problem to the end, then modern it can go into a chronic stage and it will be quite difficult to get rid of it.

Prepare a decoction of chamomile flowers and wash yourself with it every 3 hours
Douche with a solution of soda, salt and iodine (it should not be very concentrated)
Do not wash with products you used before problems appeared.
Avoid sexual contact with your loved one for at least a couple of days.
Completely avoid alcohol and spicy foods

Female gynecological diseases with itching

Thrush can cause itching in the intimate area
  • But unfortunately, it is not always external factors that provoke the appearance of itching in the intimate area
  • Sometimes these unpleasant sensations are symptoms of female diseases that require quite long and regular treatment
  • Therefore, let's figure out what kind of diseases these are and how long they need to be treated.

Women's diseases accompanied by itching and burning:

Trichomonas. In addition to itching, a foamy yellow discharge may appear that does not smell very pleasant. If the pathology is not treated, painful rashes and cracks may appear on the vaginal mucosa. Treatment usually lasts at least 10 days and requires mandatory treatment of the sexual partner

Colpitis. The color, consistency and amount of discharge changes dramatically. In especially severe cases, their number increases so much that it begins to stain laundry and irritate the dermatological surface. Severe pain may occur during sexual intercourse. Treatment lasts from 10 to 15 days

Vaginitis. A rather serious disease that provokes severe swelling, redness of the labia and enlargement of the inguinal lymph nodes. Body temperature may also rise and pain may occur during urination. Treatment lasts at least three weeks

Thrush. The cause of its appearance is considered to be yeast. In addition to itching and burning, white cheesy discharge with a sour odor appears. With the right approach, you can get rid of the problem in just a couple of days. I usually use vaginal suppositories and special douching for sick women.

Treatment of intimate itching with folk remedies

Aloe juice to treat itching in the intimate area
  • Itching and burning in the intimate area is a rather delicate problem that you don’t really want to tell strangers about
  • And if you also don’t want to share your little secret with people close to you, then try to get rid of pathology with the help of folk remedies
  • After all, although modern gynecologists consider these methods not very effective, in the initial stages while the disease is not very advanced, they alleviate the condition quite well

The most effective folk remedies:

Soda. You need to dilute 1 tsp. soda in 1 liter in warm boiled water and douche with the resulting solution in the morning and evening. But remember, such manipulation will only help get rid of itching; it will not eliminate the cause of the disease itself.
Aloe. Helps restore the vaginal mucosa and promotes the healing of cracks. So, take aloe leaves, grind them through a meat grinder and squeeze the juice out of the pulp. Dip a cotton swab into the healing liquid and insert it into the vagina. Repeat the procedure for at least 2-3 days
Basil. Take basil leaves, chop them a little and pour boiling water over them. When the liquid has cooled completely, strain it and take half a glass 2-3 times a day
Carrot juice. Squeeze the juice from the carrots, dilute it with water in a 1:1 ratio and syringe. Do not forget to warm the mixture before treatment. If this is not done, then against the background of hypothermia, problems with the bladder and appendages may begin

Preparations for the treatment of itching in the intimate area

Remedies for itching in intimate places

If traditional methods do not help, treatment with medications must be started immediately. But this must be done strictly under the supervision of a doctor.

This is the only way you can avoid complications and get rid of the cause of itching in a short time. But even in this case, you can achieve a positive result if you do all the procedures regularly.


How to avoid itching in the intimate area?

Prevention of itching in intimate places

Usually, after all the symptoms disappear, women calmly return to their normal pace of life and begin to forget about recent problems. But in this case, you still shouldn’t relax completely.

After all, if you again take poor care of your health and do not adhere to all the rules of feminine hygiene, then pain and discomfort will quickly return to you. Daily prevention can help you avoid such problems.

Preventive measures:
Wash your face twice a day
For hygiene procedures, use soap without fragrances or dyes
Regularly change the towel you use to wipe your genitals
Change your underwear every day
Stop wearing thongs
Panty liners should be changed every 4-5 hours
Never rub your labia with a washcloth.

Itching in the intimate area reviews

Arina: For a long time I could not get rid of thrush. My gynecologist constantly changed my medications, but they only had a temporary effect. As soon as I relaxed a little, the itching and burning appeared with renewed vigor. As a result, I had to undergo a full body examination. I was not very pleased with the results. It turned out that my blood glucose level was higher and this was the main cause of itching in the intimate area. Therefore, I also had to struggle with this problem.

Diana: I have such problems appear in the autumn-winter period. As soon as your feet freeze, discomfort in the labia area immediately begins. One time the itching started right at work and was so strong that I had to ask for time off and quickly rush home. After that, I always carry vaginal suppositories with me and, if the problem begins to manifest itself in the wrong place, I simply go to the bathroom, wipe the genitals with sanitary napkins and insert a medicinal suppository into the vagina. Yes, if you use this method, do not forget to wear a panty liner. Since you will not be able to lie quietly for some time, part of the healing agent will inevitably come out.

Video: Itching of the genital organs? Solving the problem with folk remedies