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Folk remedies for sciatica - healthy lifestyle. Sciatic nerve - treatment with folk remedies. Compress with fir oil

Inflammation of the sciatic nerve, which is characterized by severe pain in the pelvis and lower back, always requires complex treatment. In addition to medication, it is necessary to carry out physiotherapeutic and manual therapy, as well as perform special exercises. But if the inflammation is not acute, then you can only get by with rubbing, compresses and other remedies prepared from natural plant ingredients.

Therapy program

Almost always, inflammation of the sciatic nerve has the same symptoms. Most often, these are pain sensations of varying intensity that “go” from the lower back down. Sometimes a person even “freezes” in one position in which he was struck by pinching. The patient may also experience a tingling or burning sensation in the legs or even limited mobility in one of the lower extremities. Due to the pain syndrome associated with this disease, sleep is disturbed, “goosebumps” and numbness appear. Treatment must be started immediately, since all these symptoms can only get worse if the disease develops in an unfavorable manner.

If you have a pinched sciatic nerve, then any treatment at home must include:

  • carrying out therapy (rubbing, massage, warming with compresses);
  • correction of motor activity.

Activity correction includes restricting the patient's movement. After pinching the sciatic nerve, you need to lie down on a hard and flat surface and not get up until the sharp pain stops. But, if after inflammation you cannot change your body position on your own, then do not try to do it yourself! Just ask for help from others, as muscle spasms from moving due to pain will only get worse! You cannot resume active motor life until the course of treatment is completed. That is, do not lift heavy objects, avoid high-heeled shoes and do not make sudden movements.

Treatment methods

One of the most effective ways to relieve pain and soothe an inflamed sciatic nerve at home is a honey massage. To make an ointment for massage, you need to melt 350 g of honey in a water bath and pour 60 g of alcohol into it. Be sure to use liquid honey to prepare this massage cream. Pour in the alcohol slowly and carefully as it is flammable. After the mixture has cooled, “treat” the sore areas with rubbing and slightly patting massage movements. Rub the mixture over your entire back, as a honey massage improves blood circulation, draws out toxins and warms up well.

You can treat this ailment with turpentine. To do this, dilute the turpentine with water (2:3), soak a crust of bread (black) with the solution and apply it to the sore spot for 10 minutes. Wrap a warm scarf around the top. If warming becomes too uncomfortable, interrupt the procedure, as turpentine can cause serious burns to the skin.

In the treatment of inflammation of such a nerve, warming compresses are excellent. For example, you can make a honey cake. To make it, mix 150 g of flour and 25 g of liquid honey. Don't have liquid honey? It's not scary. Just heat any honey in a water bath. After mixing the ingredients, roll the mixture into a flat cake. Place it on the area where the sciatic nerve is inflamed before going to bed and wrap it in plastic wrap. It’s best to wrap yourself with a warm scarf on top. If you don't have honey, you can use beeswax.

A flatbread made from dough perfectly relieves pain when this nerve is pinched. This is one of the most popular methods of therapy at home, since it is easy to prepare and does not require significant financial expenditure. Knead the dough from rye flour, but do not use yeast. When it has risen a little, spread the dough onto a piece of cloth. The layer must be at least 2 centimeters. Apply this compress to the problem area before going to bed. You can add 25 drops of turpentine to the dough. Repeat the procedure on day 4 and the sciatic nerve will stop bothering you.

Another effective treatment can be prepared from horseradish rhizomes. Grind the fresh root in a meat grinder and add grated potatoes to it. Mix 150 g of this mixture with 25 g of honey. Lubricate the lumbar region with any vegetable oil, and put a horseradish compress on top (wrap the resulting mass in a loose cloth). Wrap your body in cellophane film and a warm scarf. After a while you will feel a burning sensation. Don't be alarmed, this is the medicine that works. Be patient a little, and the sciatic nerve will calm down and will no longer remind you of itself with unpleasant pain.

If you are worried about the sciatic nerve, rubbing will help relieve the discomfort. They are used to treat diseased areas before bedtime. You can prepare them according to the following recipes:

  • Dissolve analgin (10 tablets) in 200 ml of alcohol and add a bottle of iodine. After 3 days, the tincture will be ready for use.
  • Pour 20 medium bay leaves into 200 ml of high-quality vodka. After 3 days you can use the tincture.
  • pour a glass of potato sprouts with 400 ml of high-quality vodka. The tincture will be ready only after 14 days.

First aid kit

Pinched sciatic nerve. Treatment with folk remedies

More often pinched nerve in the spine occurs when performing physical activity, especially in cases where the load is improperly distributed on the bones and ligaments that form the movable skeleton of the human body. At the moment of overextension, the nerve root is pinched, and at the site of this microtrauma, reactive edema very quickly grows and a focus of inflammation is formed, which further contributes to compression of the nerve. Thus, a pathological reaction is triggered, requiring measures to eliminate it, which takes considerable time.

How to treat a pinched nerve

Products for external use.

When treating a pinched nerve by any means, first of all, it is necessary to place the victim in the position in which he will least feel pain and, if possible, limit the active and passive movements of the victim. A good way to reduce the intensity of pain is to apply any source of heat - here you can use heating pads, bags of heated sand, warming compresses, and patches that have a warming and locally irritating effect.

You can use tincture of red pepper, tincture of garlic, or pepper plaster for such compresses or rubbing. Also effective will be an ointment that consists of fir oil and valerian tincture, which can be purchased at the pharmacy. The components should be taken in a 2:1 ratio, shake well before use and apply to the skin over the area of ​​pain at least 2-3 times a day, after which the lubricated area should be well wrapped.

Oral preparations.

In addition to external remedies, the arsenal of traditional medicine also includes drugs that are taken orally. Their action is aimed at the central mechanisms of pain formation, at relieving swelling and the inflammatory reaction that necessarily form around the damaged nerve root.

A fairly effective remedy that has not only an analgesic but also an anti-edematous effect is barberry fruit tincture, which can be prepared in advance. This product contains a large amount of B vitamins, which relieve pain and swelling in the membranes of nerve cells. To prepare the tincture, take fresh berries, which are poured into a glass container, and then filled to the top with medical alcohol. The tincture is prepared for 2 weeks in a warm and dark room.

The leaves and fruits of barberry can be part of a complex collection, which also includes horsetail grass, strawberry leaves, and knotweed herbs, which are taken in equal proportions and mixed. Two spoons of the prepared mixture are poured into a thermos. Add 2 cups of boiling water and leave for at least 4 hours. Strain and take half a glass orally after each meal.

Is there some more traditional medicine recipes tested by people :

1) You need to grate a raw potato, squeeze out the juice, and add a little kerosene. The result is a potato mass with the consistency of thick sour cream (the main thing is not to overdo it with adding kerosene, because the skin can be burned, be careful). Apply this mixture to the sore spot (lower back); first, be sure to lubricate the area with sunflower oil to avoid burns from kerosene. Healing occurs quickly, but you need to endure a slight burning sensation for several hours. Some who used this recipe quickly get up the next day and begin to do normal work.

2) This recipe is also very good!

In a meat grinder you need to grind a small fresh horseradish root, about half a glass, then add the same amount of raw grated potatoes and one tablespoon of honey. First, just as in the first case, lubricate the lower back with sunflower oil, then apply (can be through gauze) this mixture in a layer of 1-1.5 cm, cover with a plastic bag, and cover with a blanket on top. Lie like that for an hour. It will sting at first, but then it will go away quickly. To consolidate this procedure, you can carry out another day.

Health and prosperity to you, dear readers!

Best regards, Nina!

How to treat pinched sciatic nerve with proven folk methods

Pinching of the sciatic nerve is a traditional treatment using the most proven methods. I became interested when my husband began to often complain of severe pain in the lower back, gradually moving into the buttock, thigh, and so on to the foot. Only one leg hurt, and I suspected that it was a pinched sciatic nerve. I began to study information about the disease and look for methods of traditional treatment for this disease. My suspicions were confirmed, and the knowledge gained was very useful and gave 100% results in getting rid of this unpleasant disease.

Definitions of disease

Sciatica is a disease associated with pinching of the sciatic nerve, which makes itself felt by almost unbearable pain in the area, starting from the lower back and ending with the foot. In some cases, the pain spreads to both legs at once. Sometimes pinching is limited to only a slight tingling in the area and numbness of the limbs. In any case, this disease is a consequence of the inflammatory process that forms in the roots of the spine in the lumbosacral region.

Causes of the disease

There are many causes of sciatic nerve entrapment. This may be a consequence of severe overexertion after heavy physical work. Also, inflammatory processes in the roots of the spinal cord can begin after the human body has been very cold. And finally, past infectious diseases can be sources of sciatica development.

Symptoms of the disease

A person suffering from a pinched sciatic nerve experiences different sensations in the lumbosacral spine. This can be either severe pain that spreads to both legs at once, or anxiety associated with a burning sensation in the leg, tingling, or numbness for a while. As soon as you have discovered these signs in yourself, then you can diagnose a disease such as pinched sciatic nerve (sciatica), the alternative treatment of which I will describe a little further.

Traditional treatment methods for sciatica

Alternative treatment for pinched sciatic nerve depends on the stage of the disease. For example, if this is an acute form of the disease, then the patient must remain in bed. To relieve pain, you can apply the so-called folk cake to the sore spot. To make it, you first need to knead the dough, taking three glasses of wheat flour and three tablespoons of honey. Then form a cake from this mass, apply it to the most painful place and cover the top with polyethylene. You need to keep this cake for a long time. It's good if you can even sleep with her.

Traditional recipes for oral administration

  1. Calendula. Prepare an infusion from this medicinal herb. To do this, you will need to take two tablespoons of the plant's flowers, put them in a vessel and fill 400 ml on top. boiling water. Cover with a lid and leave for two hours to brew. For folk treatment of pinched sciatic nerve, take half a glass four times a day before sitting down to eat.

  1. Burdock. Take a tablespoon of crushed plant roots and pour a glass of red wine over them. Place on the fire and simmer over low heat for five minutes. Drink half a glass for folk treatment of pinched sciatic nerve twice a day.

  1. Horse chestnut. Take the seeds of the plant in the amount of two teaspoons and pour two glasses of boiling water on top. Steam for fifteen minutes in a water bath. Filter. Take 100 ml of folk remedies for sciatic nerve entrapment. four times a day before you sit down to eat.

  1. Elecampane. You need to take a tablespoon of crushed roots of a medicinal plant and brew them in a glass of boiling water. Then put on fire and boil for five minutes. You should only drink it warm, one hour before meals, only twice a day. A very good remedy for the folk treatment of chronic sciatic nerve entrapment.

  1. Hazel. Take a tablespoon of the leaves of the plant and mix them with a teaspoon of hazel powder. Then pour a glass of 200 ml. water and place the container on the stove. Cook the resulting mass over low heat for ten minutes. Then cool and filter. You need to drink 100 ml for folk treatment of pinched sciatic nerve. four times a day.

Traditional recipes for compresses on a sore spot

  • Take potato sprouts in the size of one 200 ml. glasses. Add half a liter of vodka to it. Place in a dark, dry place and leave for two weeks. Every day, take out the container and shake the contents well. Use as a lotion that is rubbed into the inflamed area. After you do this, you need to wrap the sore spot with something warm. Then take the copper wire. Its diameter should be 0.75-1.5 ml. Wrap it around her lower back twice. Walk around like this all evening. Remove the compress at night.

  • Take one bottle of men's cologne. Add to it six analgin tablets, previously ground into powder. Then pour one bottle of 5% iodine into the resulting mixture. Place the container to infuse in a warm, dry and dark place. Then begin folk treatment for pinched sciatic nerve by rubbing the prepared medicine into the sore spot. After application, the sore spot should be wrapped in something warm.

  • Prepare an herbal balm. Take one tablespoon of celandine leaves. Add one aloe leaf to it. The plant must be over three years old. Then chop the chilli pepper and also put it in a container. Finally, fill everything with vodka in the amount of half a liter. Leave the prepared medicine to infuse for seven days. After this, you can use the prepared medicine for folk treatment of pinched sciatic nerve as a lotion for rubbing into sore spots.

  • Make a cake with propolis. It should be equal in size to two palms. The preparation method is identical to how cakes with honey are made. Only in this case, propolis is taken instead of honey. The lozenge should be used for folk treatment of pinched sciatic nerve according to the following scheme. During the first week, the lozenge should be applied to a sore spot on the lower back for two hours. For the next week, the cake should be applied to the sacrum for two hours. Then on the buttocks, thigh, lower leg and foot. Then you need to take a break for two to three months in the treatment of pinched sciatic nerve and repeat the course. During rest from treatment, you need to rub the sore spot with essential oils of coriander and basil. You can also use Dikul balm. All treatment procedures should be done in the evening, when you no longer need to go outside.

  • Squeeze the juice out of the radish. Rub it into the sore spot. Those who wish can mix it with honey in a 1 to 1 ratio.

  • Prepare an infusion of angelica roots. To do this, take 50 grams of a medicinal plant and fill it with half a liter of boiling water. Leave covered for 2 hours. Then put it on the stove and boil for thirty minutes. Filter. Add the resulting medicine to the bath. It should be used during folk treatment for pinched sciatic nerve every day for two weeks before you go to bed.

  • Heat the wax until it becomes elastic. Place it like this on the sore spots. Cover the top of the wax with something warm. To avoid staining the bed and clothes, put plastic on top. Go to bed with this compress.

Physical exercises for pinched sciatic nerve

In the traditional treatment of pinched sciatic nerve, you need to do twenty bends daily in the mornings and evenings. When bending over, do not bend your knees. The tips of your fingers must reach your heels. So you need to stand for 2-3 seconds. At this time, the calf tendon and ischial parts of the legs will stretch well.

Methods for preventing sciatic nerve entrapment

To avoid a disease such as pinched sciatic nerve, you need to strengthen your back muscles. To do this, you must strictly follow the following rules:

  1. Always make sure your back is straight. This applies not only to the state when you sit at the table, but also when you walk.

  1. If you have to sit for most of the day, be sure to take minute breaks, get up and stretch your legs and back.

  1. Strengthen your back muscles by performing special physical exercises.

Sciatica, or inflammation of the sciatic nerve, sometimes occurs against the background of diseases of the pelvic organs. But much more often, its signs are burning pain spreading from the lower back to the buttocks and leg, numbness or “cottoniness” of the legs indicate trouble in the lower parts of the spine.

With bilateral sciatica, when both sciatic nerves are involved in the inflammatory process and the pain becomes unbearable, the help of a doctor is required.

With bilateral sciatica, burning pain can occur on both sides at once

If sciatica is manifested by minor pain, treatment at home will help relieve its symptoms.

Sometimes an attack of sciatica “stretches out” for several weeks, during which the patient asks the question: how to relieve pain due to inflammation of the sciatic nerve? In case of severe pain, taking it is inevitable.

The best of them - xefocam, diclofenac or ibuprofen, although they will not get rid of the main cause of pain, will somewhat reduce its intensity.

For severe pain, it is necessary to take NSAIDs

However, long-term use of NSAIDs often leads to the pharmacy, but only for drugs for stomach pain. In such cases, it is better to continue treatment of sciatica using traditional methods.

With a competent approach to “folk” treatment, signs of compression and inflammation of the largest nerve disappear within a week. All this time, favorable conditions for recovery should be maintained:

  • take B vitamins;
  • rest more often, lying on your side with your knees bent;
  • give preference to shoes with low speed;
  • sit as little as possible;
  • while sitting, try not to slouch, keep your feet on the floor, and, as far as possible, lower your knees;
  • If you have excess body weight, strive to reduce it.

How to treat sciatica at home?

The cause of pain that occurs when mechanical damage to the nerve fiber is tissue swelling. Treatment of inflammation of the sciatic nerve with folk remedies should accelerate the outflow of fluid that compresses the nerve roots. And here the question arises: is it possible to heat sciatica? After all, folk recipes for inflammation of the sciatic nerve, in addition to taking decoctions of medicinal plants, also offer various types of warming up the painful area.

But significant thermal exposure increases swelling, and sciatica worsens, and therefore treatment with folk remedies such as mustard plasters, hot compresses or bath procedures at home should be excluded: “warmed up” tissue filled with blood and lymph further compresses the nerve root.

However, when contacting a doctor, the latter will definitely prescribe treatments related to tissue heating.

Traditional treatment for sciatica involves gentle heating of the tissues.

So is it possible to heat the sciatic nerve during inflammation? Significant thermal effects are not required: if physiotherapeutic methods such as phonophoresis, magnets, etc. “warm up” the underlying tissues to 37-37.5 degrees, then the substances for compresses and rubbing are enough to be heated to a temperature of 37 degrees, which is optimal for moderate activation of metabolic processes.


Dry heat is most beneficial for inflammation of the sciatic nerve, so treatment at home always involves the use of dry compresses:

Ice compresses also enhance the outflow of inflammatory fluid.
Cold causes the blood vessels to “contract,” the pressure in them increases, and the movement of blood and lymph accelerates.

Wrap a small piece of ice in a thin cloth and apply it to the area of ​​the most severe discomfort for 3 minutes (no more!).

In the “folk” practice of treating neurological diseases, such a source of biogenic stimulants as Kalanchoe is widely used. The plant juice, rich in enzymes, tannins, flavonoids and microelements, copes well with inflammation and pain. Is it possible to smear Kalanchoe juice on your back with a diagnosis such as sciatica?

Kalanchoe is a natural source of biogenic stimulants

The healing components of the plant will “work” better in tandem with honey:


For sciatica, you can take baths with the following supplements:

  • Grate fresh horseradish root or grind it in a meat grinder. Place 100 grams of raw material in a gauze bag and lower it into the bath. Immerse yourself in the bath for 5 minutes before going to bed;
  • Boil 1 kg of young pine branches in 3 liters of water for a quarter of an hour. Leave the broth for 4 hours, strain. Add to the bath at the rate of 1 liter of decoction - 15 liters of water.

Gymnastics and massage

Sciatica often occurs during education, so its treatment is closely related to treatment. The main “levers of influence” on the latter are gymnastics and massage.

The following exercises will help relieve acute pain:

Gymnastics, the purpose of which is to stretch the muscles, will help speed up the treatment of inflammation of the sciatic nerve at home:

  • Lying on your back. Grasp the knee of your bent left leg with your hands and pull it towards your right shoulder. Hold this position and then perform the exercise with your right leg;
  • Sitting on a chair. Cross your legs, put your hands behind your head. Avoiding jerking, smoothly turn your body left and right;
  • Standing. Feet shoulder width apart. The left hand is along the body, the right hand is raised up. Slowly lean to the left. Tilt to the right with your left arm raised.

Massage for sciatica, performed independently at home, helps relieve muscle spasticity.

For minor pain, intensively rub the lower back, buttocks and both legs; pat them with intense movements and perform acupressure.

In case of acute pain, patting is excluded; all elements of the massage are performed with gentle movements without intense impact.

Cupping massage is one of the ways to quickly “eliminate” inflammation. Thanks to the accelerated flow of blood and lymph, cupping “dissolves” swelling during sciatica and increases muscle tone.

Cupping will relieve inflammation very quickly

For sciatica they put:
  • one jar - just above the transition of the lower back to the sacrum and one jar on the side of it;
  • one jar in the middle of the sacrum and at the same level - one jar on both sides of the spine.

Using cups you can perform dynamic massage. Lubricate your back with a rich massage cream and move the jar along it alternately with straight, circular, zigzag and spiral movements.

Vacuum models will also cope well with inflammation, when using them you will not have to deal with open fire.

The vacuum jar is soft, it should be slightly squeezed and applied to the skin. Having straightened out, it will remain in the place of attachment.

Massage and gymnastics are one of the best measures to prevent “spinal” ailments, remember this, and live without pain!

Pinching of the sciatic nerve or inflammation has one clinical name - sciatica (sciatica). The sciatic nerve is a bundle of myelinated nerve fibers that are enclosed in several sheaths and arise from the spinal cord at the point of the sacral plexus. It comes from the lower back on both sides (right and left), passes through the cavities of the pelvic bones, through the ischial foramen to the gluteal muscles, then follows along the back of the thigh and knee to the calf and feet. The thickness of the nerve is 1 cm or more.

Disruption of nerve conduction entails a number of painful symptoms. The pain may be mild or very severe. Curing sciatica at home will require a lot of effort and patience. The main thing in this matter is to strictly follow the doctor’s recommendations.

The first signs of the disease begin with lower back pain, like signs of lumbodynia, often preceded by chondrosis or injury. The pain is aching and pulling. The reason the day before may be overwork, muscle strain, or psychological stress. Next, discomfort appears in the femoral part of the leg, under the knee, and in the toes. There is a change in sensitivity in the muscles - tingling, goosebumps.

More often, loss of sensitivity occurs - numbness of the legs is complete (when a person cannot move) or partial.

The peak of the pain syndrome is characterized by the spread of severe pain to the soft tissues of the buttock and thigh; when bending over, the pain becomes cutting and unbearable. The patient complains of shooting like electricity. In a state without movement, a complete cessation of attacks rarely occurs; the nature of the pain changes to constant, aching. In places of pain, there may be muscle compaction and the development of inflammation of nearby tissues.

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Examination and diagnosis

If there is a noticeable increase in pain impulses and changes in movements, you should consult a neurologist as soon as possible. For sciatica, the neurologist pays attention to the following:

  • Decreased reflex (Achilles) in the ankle joint: when hitting the tendon area above the heel, the flexion of the foot is either weak or absent;
  • Decreased knee reflex when struck at the junction of the patella and tibia;
  • Decreased or absent plantar reflex.

In addition to checking reflexes, the doctor will ask the patient to lift his straight leg up while lying down. This entails severe muscle tension and sciatica pain intensifies. Or the patient will not be able to do this at all. The doctor can conduct an examination using palpation - pressing on certain points under the buttock, on the thigh (the so-called Vallee points); with sciatica, the patient experiences severe pain from pressure. The patient's gait also changes, adapting to the pain syndrome: a gait with a straight leg extended. Patients complain of weakness when moving.

With a long course of the disease, atrophy of unused muscles develops. Disorders associated with the pelvic organs appear.

  • We recommend reading:

Some clinical studies can confirm and clarify disorders in the structures of the spine:

  • X-ray: the patient is given an X-ray of the sacral spine, an image of the vertebral discs is taken, and the corresponding limb is examined.
  • Computed tomography: an examination of the lower back and pelvis is carried out, possible damage, the location of nerves, nerve roots, and blood vessels are examined.
  • Magnetic resonance imaging: examines the strength of muscle contractions and the conductivity of neural impulses.

Treatment of sciatica

Treatment is primarily aimed at restoring muscle mobility and elasticity, reducing pain, restoring the conduction of nerve signals, and improving the nutrition of muscle-nervous tissue.

First aid

What to do during an attack? First aid consists of complete immobilization of the entire body and the corresponding limb. The patient should lie on his back on a hard mattress. It is recommended to remain calm. Even with a slight improvement, do not get up, do not put stress on the muscles and spine.


A number of drugs are used - painkillers and muscle relaxants - Mydocalm, Sirdalud, Nimesulide (Nice), Ketoprofen, Meloxicam. It is important for nervous tissue to receive a vitamin complex, especially vitamin B1, B6. For severe nerve conduction disorders, anti-inflammatory steroid drugs such as Dexamethasone may be prescribed.


There are also methods of alternative therapy - acupuncture, hirudotherapy (using leeches). But such treatment sessions should be carried out under the guidance of a competent and experienced specialist in this field. In a specialized clinic. Special treatment procedures are carried out in a hospital setting. The doctor prescribes physical therapy – magnetic therapy. Warming with paraffin. It is advisable to undergo manual massage sessions. Physical therapy classes are gradually being introduced, which can be continued at home.

At home

You can continue treatment of inflammation of the sciatic nerve at home. It will become an auxiliary complex to the main therapy. During the treatment of sciatica at home, as well as as a preventative measure, you should adhere to some rules:

  • Spend no more than 2 hours in a sitting position (at the computer);
  • Avoid high-heeled shoes;
  • Balance your diet, try to consume foods containing vitamin B more often. Or purchase a vitamin composition at the pharmacy;
  • If you experience noticeable symptoms, try to sleep on your side rather than lying on your back.

And creams with anti-inflammatory and warming effects. Ointments based on bee and snake venom: “Apizartron”, “Sofya”, “Nayatoks” give a good effect. Creams containing bear, badger, and shark fat provide a good healing effect. Also topical preparations – “Ketoprofen” gel, “Voltaren”, “Declofenac”, “Indomethacin”. Some essential oils (warming) help with sciatica - fir oil, red pepper oil, camphor ointment.

At home you can take analgesics - “Analgin”, “Ibuprofen”, “Pentalgin”. To improve blood flow and nutrition of nervous tissue - Actovegin, Mexidol, Piracetam. In case of severe chondrosis, it is necessary to administer chondroprotectors - drugs with chondroitin and glucosamine. These substances restore cartilage tissue, improve spinal mobility, and reduce pain.

There is a special exercise - you need to take 4 pillows and put them on the floor. Next, lie down with your stomach, so that your chest and pelvic area fit on them, and your lower back is between the pillows. Then gently move your lower back up and down, the spinal fluid will distribute and release the nerves.

Folk remedies

Treatment of sciatica with folk remedies involves the use of plant extracts and natural products. Folk remedies are largely effective and, unlike drugs, cause fewer side effects and allergies. If you cannot cure sciatica, inflammation of the sciatic nerve with folk remedies, then at least the following recipes will help relieve the pain:

  • Treatment of sciatica can be done using warm wax. You need to take 200-250 grams of wax, heat it on the stove, in a water bath and wrap it around the painful muscle and lower back. The wax can be applied directly to the skin, or placed in cellophane and a towel placed on top to allow it to cool more slowly.
  • One of the ways to treat sciatica is warm wrapping. You need to take a sheet, soak it in a solution of vinegar and table salt (at the rate of 3 liters of water + 100 grams of salt + 50 grams of acetic acid). Wrap yourself in a sheet, then on top of the sheet with a woolen blanket. Lie wrapped – 1.5 hours – 45 minutes.
  • Treatment of inflammation of the sciatic nerve can be carried out with folk remedies - decoctions: Decoction of aspen leaves (1 tablespoon of dry leaves per glass of water, boil and drink 3 times a day). A decoction of St. John's wort is suitable for making compresses or adding to a hot bath.
  • Preparation of medicinal ointment based on honey: medical alcohol or vodka – 250 grams, 1 tbsp. spoon of salt (can be sea salt), 1 tbsp. a spoonful of honey, fresh radish juice - 5 tbsp. spoons Mix everything and apply the resulting ointment to the sore muscle.
  • Siberian pine products – pine needles, pine oil – have a good effect on the muscles of the back and legs. A thick decoction is made from the pine needles and added to the bath. The same effect is exerted by fir branches and needles, eucalyptus oil as an oil for rubbing or as part of compresses.
  • Separately obtained radish juice, horseradish juice, and ginger have a warming and healing effect. If you have an agave plant at home, then the pulp of the leaf can be used as the basis of a compress, after cutting off the spines.

Treatment of sciatica with folk remedies at home greatly speeds up recovery and is suitable for daily procedures, but unfortunately does not replace taking anti-inflammatory drugs and going to the doctor.

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The sciatic nerve is considered the largest in size in the human body. It begins in the lumbar spine and travels down the leg, dividing into smaller nerves.

Diseases of the sciatic nerve create discomfort and pain in both the lower back and any part of the leg. One of these diseases is sciatica. Those suffering from this disease are often in no hurry to see a doctor, preferring to endure the pain until sciatica disrupts their normal lifestyle.

The sciatic nerve begins in the lumbosacral spine at five different levels of the spinal cord, travels through the buttock, and divides into smaller nerves that travel to the hip, knee, lower leg, foot, and toes. Pinching of the sciatic nerve and its inflammation is called sciatica. Another name for the disease is sciatic neuralgia.

Main causes of the disease

Basically, sciatica develops as a complication (dystrophic change in the intervertebral discs, which occurs due to uneven load and due to disruption of metabolic processes in the disc tissues). The second common cause of the disease is intervertebral hernia.

Other factors in the development of the disease:

  • infectious diseases;
  • gynecological diseases;
  • arthritis;
  • presence of a tumor;
  • physical injuries;
  • change in the shape of the vertebrae;
  • pregnancy;
  • local hypothermia.

Don't miss the symptoms

The main manifestations of sciatic neuralgia are persistent burning and tingling in the back of the leg, limited mobility and weakness of the lower limb.

Depending on the stage of development and the causes of sciatica, the symptoms of this disease may vary. Sometimes the pain may only appear in the lower back. Very often, the disease makes itself felt with pain throughout the entire leg, starting from the lumbar spine and down to the toes. There are cases when the patient complains only about. However, in each case the manifestations of pain may be different. The patient may have a burning, stabbing, “shooting” sensation in the back, and a feeling of numbness may appear.

Most often, sciatica affects one lower limb. But sometimes there are cases when pain manifests itself simultaneously in both legs.

Doctor's opinion

Sciatica is an inflammation of the sciatic nerve. The most common cause of this pathology is considered to be osteochondrosis: degeneration of the cartilage disc or bone growths (osteophytes) along the edges of the vertebrae provoke compression of the nerve fibers, their swelling and inflammation. The disease manifests itself as pain in the hip joint and down the entire leg.

To get rid of sciatica, you need to contact an orthopedic traumatologist or neurologist, who will determine the cause of the disease and develop an effective treatment regimen. At home, you can relieve pain with ointments based on herbal raw materials (calendula, aloe), self-massage or physical therapy exercises (outside the period of exacerbation).

How to treat sciatica with folk remedies

Treatment of this pathology lasts a long time and includes taking medications, heating, rubbing and massages. Using unconventional methods to combat sciatica gives positive results and leads to a fairly quick recovery.

1. Herbal decoction - take 1.5 tbsp. l. colors of viburnum and calendula, thyme herb, 3 tbsp. l. horsetail and mix everything. Place 2 tbsp in an enamel container. l. herbal mixture, pour 450 ml of water. After a few minutes of boiling, turn off and leave for some more time. Drink the product warm, half a glass three times a day, immediately before eating.

2. Agave remedy – cut a fresh leaf of the plant lengthwise and lubricate the sore spot with it in the direction of the affected nerve. You need to rub the affected area in the morning and evening. It is very important to use a leaf that is not too young (it has a weak effect) and not too old (it can burn the skin). Over time, you can cut the leaf into small pieces and apply it daily for several hours.

3. Healing ointment - crush and grind the root of the water iris in a meat grinder. Mix 3 tbsp. l. chopped root and a glass of vegetable oil. Rub the product into the area of ​​pain twice a day.

4. Shilajit - has been widely used for the treatment of sciatica since ancient times. To prepare the remedy, mix 2 g of mumiyo with 1 tsp. purified sulfur powder. Rub the mixture with a small amount of warm water until dry immediately after taking a bath. Rub in daily. You can also take 0.1 g mummy half an hour before breakfast and before bed for 5 days. Carry out several courses of treatment until complete recovery.

5. Decoction of aspen leaves - boil 1 tbsp. l. green leaves in a glass of water. After 30 minutes of boiling, turn off. Drink 30 ml decoction every 4 hours. It is good to use the product in the form of hot compresses.

6. Compresses - knead dough from rye flour. When the dough becomes sour, apply a thick layer of dough to a gauze folded into several balls and place it on the sore spot. Apply the compress overnight for about 10 days.

Expert opinion

Inflammation of the sciatic nerve causes the patient a lot of trouble - from pain in the buttock and thigh on the corresponding side to dysfunction of the lower extremities. Often the causes of the disease are osteochondrosis, arthritis, and infectious processes. To eliminate the symptoms of the pathology, it is necessary, first of all, to eliminate the cause of sciatica, which can only be diagnosed by a specialist (traumatologist, vertebrologist).

Folk remedies are often used to treat inflammation of the sciatic nerve as components of complex therapy for the disease. Various ointments based on medicinal plants improve blood flow in the area of ​​inflammation, relieve pain, and reduce swelling. However, such drugs can only be used after consulting a doctor.

7. Treatment with leeches - it is recommended to place them as follows - place the first leech 3 cm below the popliteal fossa, after 3 cm place the second and after the same amount, place the third. Do the same on the second leg.

8. Therapeutic baths - pour boiling water over pine shoots in a ratio of 1:3 and cook over low heat. Turn off after a few minutes of boiling. Strain the finished infusion and use it to prepare a bath in a ratio of 1:15. The water temperature should reach 34–35 °C. The duration of the procedure is about 15 minutes.

Treatment of sciatica with folk remedies differs in each individual case, depending on the stage of the disease and the cause of its development. Therefore, only a doctor can create a set of treatment procedures and measures.