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Necrophobia. Fear of corpses and funeral accessories. Fear of the Dead What scares you the most?

Necrophobia - fear of the dead

Necrophobia is one of the many anxiety-phobic disorders. In another way, it is also called fear of the dead, and it is expressed in a pathological fear of seeing a dead person. This type of phobia is not rare, but it is not common either. People who are susceptible to it experience intense fear at the sight of real or depicted dead people, funeral processions or paraphernalia. And oddly enough, despite the name of the phobia, those suffering from it fear not only the dead, but also their own death. This even has a certain rational meaning, because the death of any person is inevitable, so necrophobes experience, to some extent, a completely natural fear.

Necrophobia is one of the unpleasant and incomprehensible fears for the average person, because a mentally healthy individual is not fixated on painful thoughts about the inevitability of his death or the death of those around him. Such thoughts rarely occur to him. Sensible individuals are aware that departure to another world will still come someday, but not at the moment, so they live in the present day, strive for their goals, raise descendants, and fulfill their destiny on Earth.

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Experiments in hypnosis: hypnotic phenomena in deep hypnosis (somnambulism). Hypnosis training

Necrophobia is an abnormal fear, which is expressed in the fact that the patient strives by all means to avoid visiting morgues, funerals and cemeteries, and in the most extreme cases even hospitals: all places where he can somehow see the dead. Fear can be so strong that a person cannot bring himself to attend the funeral of even those close to him. Even though he understands that this cannot be done. Also, a sick person avoids everything that somehow reminds of death, for example, he categorically does not watch horror films, detective stories, crime dramas and action films, that is, those films in which he can see a dead person.

In rare cases, fear of the dead manifests itself in a paradoxical desire for death: the patient begins to write a will, often goes to the cemetery, and prepares for his own funeral.

Causes of necrophobia

It has now been established that the fear of the dead does not arise for any single reason. Several factors play a role in this matter. For example, very often this mental disorder begins in childhood, after the child has been in a sorrowful atmosphere of mourning for some time, when the family mourns the deceased. For a sensitive and impressionable child, this sad event is extremely stressful, especially if he is present at the funeral and observes the process. Such a negative experience in the future can very easily result in uncontrollable pathological fear.

Necrophobia can also be caused by:

  • an overly active limbic system, the predominance of excitation processes in it;
  • failure of neurotransmitters;
  • delayed mental reaction to negative events or major negative changes in life that took place earlier;
  • character traits: vulnerability, suspiciousness and impressionability;
  • character accentuations;
  • pathological disorders of personality structure;
  • addiction to watching films with relevant themes in childhood.

In psychotherapeutic practice, necrophobia is conventionally divided into degrees of anxiety:

  • Easy. A person avoids traumatic events, but can still control himself in a fear-inducing situation.
  • Moderate. The patient cannot work where there is a possibility of seeing dead people. He does not watch movies and programs in which there is a high probability of seeing dead people.
  • Expressed. A person begins to fear even conversations and thoughts about the dead. For the necrophobe, being forced to be near a dead person or contemplating him ends in an uncontrollable attack of severe fear and panic, and a desire to escape.

The extreme degree of fear of the dead is manifested by the following physiological symptoms:

  • strong heartbeat;
  • pale skin;
  • dizziness;
  • irritability;
  • tremor;
  • muscle weakness;
  • sweating;
  • nausea;
  • vomiting;
  • insomnia.

In the most advanced cases, the attack can be so severe that the person can easily lose consciousness and faint. Determining the level of anxiety is of great importance in choosing and prescribing treatment for necrophobia in each specific case.

Treatment methods for necrophobia

Treatment of necrophobia must be carried out already at stage 2 of the disorder, and at stages 3 or 4 it must be done. For this purpose, psychotherapeutic and medication assistance is used. Tablets (tranquilizers and sedatives) are prescribed only in the most extreme cases, when the patient is no longer able to control attacks of anxiety and panic. If the disease is not yet so advanced, it can be cured with the help of a consultation with a psychologist and a course of cognitive behavioral therapy.

Mild fear of the dead is best corrected in group work with a psychologist. To completely get rid of this disorder, 1 or 2 conversations are often enough, during which the specialist will explain to the patient the essence of his fear and teach the person to overcome it.

An effective method of getting rid of necrophobia today is. The essence of this psychotherapeutic method is that the hypnotherapist, using hypnotic influence, relaxes the patient and puts him into a trance. In this state, the person’s subconscious becomes easily accessible, and it becomes much easier for the hypnotherapist to penetrate into its depths and discover there the reason that gave impetus to the development of the disease. After identifying the source of pathological fear, the hypnotherapist, using suggestion, removes negative attitudes that prevent the patient from normally perceiving situations in which he may encounter the dead. After the first session of hypnosis, the patient can much more easily tolerate the sight of the dead and everything connected with them; he is no longer so afraid of the possibility of being near them.

Subsequently, during the process of treating necrophobia with hypnosis, the irrational fear is completely removed and no longer returns to the patient. This may require one or several sessions - how many there will be depends on the client’s readiness to work, the degree of his suggestibility and the severity of the disorder. But one thing is certain - the result of hypnotic treatment is always positive and lasting. After completing the course of therapy, the patient is forever parted with his problem, fear no longer dominates him.

The advantages of hypnosis over other methods of treating necrophobia are that it is completely harmless to the mental and physical health of the patient, does not have a harmful effect on the cells of the brain and other organs, and does not pose a threat to the psyche. An individual approach to each client guarantees the effectiveness of treatment and the durability of the results obtained.

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A deceased person, no matter what he was like during life, evokes negative emotions in almost everyone: fear, horror, discomfort. Why is this happening? How can a close relative, whom everyone loved very much, cause anxiety? There is no explanation for this phenomenon that would 100% satisfy everyone. One can only speculate how not to be afraid of the dead.

Why are people afraid of the dead?

Few would argue that a dying person does not leave without a trace. Only the body after burial loses its essence forever. The soul continues to live in the memories of loved ones, actions and creative works performed during life.

Why, during the period when the soul is separated from the physical essence, do we begin to fear the dead body? Perhaps this is due to the understanding of relatives and friends that the soul of the deceased wanders somewhere nearby. And the unknown and mystical always causes anxiety.

This happens subconsciously.

People with good intuition and supernatural abilities most often experience being in the same room with the spirit of a dead person more strongly. The cause of fear can also be negative energy emanating from a person who has suffered painful suffering. This occurs if a person died in the room where they say goodbye to him.

What is the danger of being afraid of a dead person?

The answer to this question will surprise many. Fear of a dead person is not in itself dangerous. Its consequences are dangerous.

Firstly, a person who is constantly depressed because he is afraid of a deceased relative or friend runs the risk of developing a chronic illness, both physical and mental.

Secondly, constant fear contributes to a significant deterioration in the quality of life; sleep and appetite are disrupted, a chronic feeling of fatigue appears, performance decreases and you don’t want to do anything.

Well, and most importantly, in today’s difficult situation in the country, any person who finds himself hostage to circumstances can become a victim of scammers. It is no coincidence that in recent years people who claim to have psychic abilities have become more active. They claim that fears are caused by the inability of the soul of the deceased to find peace. And they immediately offer a way to expel the spirit from the house or use their abilities to calm it down. Such services are not cheap. But are they always useful?

No, in most cases it’s a way to make as much money as possible from someone else’s misfortune. You don’t need to trust such people, even if you read good reviews about them somewhere.

What should you do to get rid of the fear of dead people forever?

This question is especially of concern to those people who have never experienced anything like this, but after the death of a loved one or acquaintance, they began to fear the dead. It is very difficult to completely eradicate fear, but you should definitely try to do it. If you can’t find a place for yourself and constantly feel anxious, use these simple tips. First of all, you need to realize an elementary thought: a deceased person cannot cause physical harm.

If standing near the coffin becomes unbearable, you need to leave the room or ask someone you trust to stand with you. This will give you the opportunity to take your mind off your thoughts and forget about fear.

If you believe in God and often visit the temple, the best way is to read a prayer. If anxiety persists for a long time after the funeral, and no persuasion works, seek help from a professional psychologist. A highly qualified specialist can easily find a way to help you!

Have you ever been near a deceased person and what did you experience?

Most normal people, when they see a dead person, experience at least a strong feeling of discomfort - and in some cases, panic. The only exceptions are specialists like doctors or police officers, who are accustomed to corpses by nature of their work and therefore do not pay attention to them.

Well, and all sorts of necrophiliac perverts :)

The average person experiences extreme stress when they see a dead person!

Why does a person who, just half an hour ago, was the closest and dearest to us - mom or dad, child, spouse - literally immediately after declaring death cause us disgust, mystical horror, discomfort and similar negative emotions? After all, before us is still the same person, with all the insides, with all the arms, legs and other parts of the body - but our attitude towards him changes in the most radical way! In this case, I am talking only about people who died a natural death, without any dismemberment or other horrors of violent death.

What should we say if we see a dead man unfamiliar to us?

After all, a corpse does not threaten us in any way and cannot cause us any harm - and we are sometimes afraid of it until we lose our senses!

Well, isn't it a paradox?

It seems to me that the whole point here is in the very concept of “death”. After all, the biblical definition of this mournful phenomenon, contrary to all dictionaries compiled by atheists, does not mean the cessation of life, but the SEPARATION of something with something - and looking at the body of the deceased, willy-nilly one has to agree with this definition.

The Bible speaks of several types of death: physical, spiritual... But in any case, we are talking about the separation of either soul and body, or (in the case of spiritual death) man and God.

The person lying in the morgue remains himself in every sense, and the set of his chemical elements has not changed at all.

Only one thing has changed: two substances have left this body - the spirit of life and the soul.

They SEPARATED from the body, leaving for another world - and we ascertain the death of a person.

Everything else remains in place, but any of us understands that this is no longer a MAN in the full sense of the word.

The man has gone to a place from which they do not return, and is gone forever. All that remains is the shell called “body”, whose fate is to turn to dust in the crematorium or decompose into chemical elements in the grave in fulfillment of God’s decree:

“...for dust you are, and to dust you will return” Genesis, chapter 3, verse 19.

Perhaps it is precisely because we, on an intuitive level, at the level of our souls, feel and notice this division in a numb corpse that the sight of a dead person evokes in us all those unpleasant feelings and emotions that I spoke about above.

It is the absence of life and soul in the body that causes fear of a corpse in a living person!

And may atheists forgive me, but the fear of a dead person, in my opinion, is another indirect proof of the existence of an eternal soul...

Question: I am afraid of the dead, what prayer should I say so as not to be afraid?

Answer: When fear attacks, first of all, of course, we make the sign of the cross and say the Jesus Prayer: Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner. You can also read the following prayers:

Almighty God! The hour of Your glory has come: have mercy on me and deliver me from great misfortune. I place my hopes in You. I myself am helpless and insignificant. Help me God, and deliver me from fear. Amen.

God bless you!

In general, there is an excellent article by an Orthodox psychotherapist on how to cope with any fears:

Exhortation (*) of an Orthodox psychotherapist

(*) Exhortation (call), exhort (call). In a word, exhort in the Bible. The texts convey Greek, which is often found both in the Septuagint and in the books of the New Testament. verb parakalein, which is translated as to call, ask, console, encourage./

Let's think about how, in connection with well-known events, we can regain the opportunity to live without constant anxious tension, how not to be afraid of imminent dangers, how to gain the courage, endurance and calmness necessary for a full life, no matter what tests we are subjected to in the near future and distant.

If you are reading these lines, then you should admit to yourself that you have the problems mentioned above. The first good news is that it is easy to regain your fearlessness. To do this, it is enough to simply look at what is happening with you and around you from a different, more correct point of view. And this is very difficult. Because it's unusual. But we hope that you are not yet ossified enough...

So what is fear? This is a painful fear of losing something from what we have. Peace, money, health, loved ones, life. The possibility of losing presupposes that we have it. And if so, we are happy.

But do we deserve this happiness? The very fact that each of us is still alive

represents not the norm, but a phenomenon of incredible luck (for non-believers) and the incomprehensible mercy of the Creator (for those who were twice lucky: to find themselves alive and knowing about the existence of God). Let's think: we know for sure that there was a time when we were not there. And the world without us was no worse and no better than the one in which we exist. But we are better off in it. We feel good in it if we cannot imagine ourselves without it. We didn't make the slightest effort to come into the world. So, Someone took care of it. So wouldn’t it be naive to assume that the Same One has lost interest in us and will not protect us from leaving the world prematurely?

We know that there will be a time when we will not be there. There, beyond the threshold of our usual way of being, everything is unknown, and therefore, understandably, scary. Two circumstances will help overcome fear: a) it is inevitable, like the onset of spring after winter; and b) this is for everyone, and therefore there will not be a single trickster who will remain here for a long time after we leave. The popular wisdom is right - “we’ll all be there.”

So, the key question remains – “when”. Something deeply selfish in us helpfully suggests a primitive answer: “the later, the better.” Is it so? The well-known principle of people reduced to an animal level in the terrible camps of the 20th century is “You die today, and I die tomorrow.” Shall we choose this unworthy ethics?

If “yes”, then it’s bad. Then our fear is derived from pride. Then we destroy the entire Holy Scripture. Then we consider ourselves the best of all people, why? And that’s all better. They should die. Then the Savior did not come for us, who clearly said: “Whoever strives to save his soul will destroy it.” Then He didn’t save us. Then our business is bad both here and there.

The riddle: how can one remain a Christian and, with the subtle arrogance of possessing an “aristocratic neurosis,” languidly say: “And you know, I’m afraid of flying, I have... this... - aerophobia.” Translated into a normal system of concepts, it will sound - “Let suckers fly on airplanes, whose lives are less valuable than mine. I don't care about professional pilots who carry thousands of passengers every day. I don’t care about the theory of probability, according to which many more people in the world die from falling from camels than in plane crashes. I have one very precious life and I will live it as long as possible because this is my will.”

Let's dig further: Any fear is a crime against love. Anyone who does not love has no relation to God, Who is Love. Love is the ability to sacrifice. With what we have - health, prosperity, peace, life. By myself, finally. Love is the joyful overcoming of oneself, oneself that has become obsolete, oneself that is outdated, oneself that is ill-suited to be loved. Fear is the desire to survive at any cost, with all the illusions of peace and security that are dear to a flabby heart.

Yes, we are weak and imperfect. Yes, we are people subject to passions, illnesses and yes, fears. The same as the Apostle Peter, who, being afraid, although two days ago he witnessed the resurrection and a few months ago saw the Transfiguration of Christ on Tabor, it would seem that where there was room for doubt, so he denied the Savior in fear. So it may be natural for us to feel fear. We are all genetically the heirs of the first man Adam, who fussed before the Creator in Eden and shifted the blame from himself. But let us follow Adam and Peter not only in their fears, but also in their crying. Bitter, repentant, without a note of justification for himself, without giving reasons for fear and without explaining its reasons except one - his own cowardice.

How does the soul become stronger? The truth. Let us accept ourselves as we are in our fear and confess it to everyone. I am a coward and I am afraid - this is how our description of ourselves should sound. May we be ashamed of our fear—of our parents, our spouses, our children, our friends and co-workers. Looking at ourselves from the outside, through the eyes of more noble and courageous people, can pull us up a little in our becoming nobility. We may not have become heroes yet, but stopping to justify our fear is a sign of the vector towards gaining courage.

Next, you should distance your fear. It’s not me who’s afraid, it’s not God’s image in me that’s afraid, it’s my fallenness that’s afraid, my animal instincts, I’m finally tempted by nasty devils, I’m forced to fear. Try to think like this. Having accepted this, the possibility of confrontation with one’s “boilers” and the start of a war with them is indicated. And in every war there are different strategies. Sometimes there is a frontal attack, when you feel a lot of strength behind you, but if you don’t, then there is no sin in deceiving and outwitting the enemy. We begin the fight against the fear of the subway - we turn on the player with our favorite music, we enter into a conversation with a pretty stranger, we reward ourselves with ice cream after passing at least an extra stop.

We will remember that fear is the enemy. He is cunning and dangerous. He doesn’t really want to save us, but he, like a cancer of the soul, will spread further and further if we leave our borders. What else leads to military victory? Allied help. Even if not too strong. So for those who feel fear, it makes sense to unite. It would be wise if we find the strength within ourselves to say: “Yeah, so I started to be afraid of something... Why is this? What does Providence want to tell me with this? Well, of course, I understood that I was lonely and had no one to share my meal, my journey, my feelings with. Out of fear they gather in herds. Let me find my herd, my team, let me get closer to others, otherwise, it seems, my interest in them has dried up and I only care about myself.”

“I’m starting to worry about my health – it’s going to tingle here, then it’s going to ache there. What is it for? Or maybe I spend too much time alone and don’t give anything to others. The energy of consumption accumulates in me and begins to slowly turn sour and rot. I mentally scan myself to see if everything is okay.” Such thoughts about oneself lead to self-pity - “how can this be, I’m so good, but I feel so bad, this is obviously unfair.” Once we stop opposing ourselves to such hypochondriacal fears, they overwhelm us completely. And okay, if we just suffer and harass ourselves and others, it wouldn’t be so bad. But the trouble is that by succumbing to self-preservation at any cost, starting to live according to the principle “no one will take care of me better than myself, which means I must constantly monitor myself, lest it gets worse,” we risk first losing trust—in our loved ones , doctors - and then faith itself. Somehow we begin to admit that the One who created us, the One who loves us, the One who died for us, has somehow forgotten about us. And since I forgot, it means that I am not omnipotent, not omniscient, not a god. So quickly, without even noticing it, we find ourselves outside the Church, but only in the dubious company of our personal demons.

Accept yourself as a fearful person - to understand yourself as a fearful person - to be ashamed of yourself as a fearful person, to cry for yourself as a fearful person - to reject yourself as a fearful person - this is the sequence of restoring oneself as a person. “I fear no one except God alone” - this is the attitude to which one must come, even if the road is long. Many have followed this path, some have achieved it. Shyness and timidity are inappropriate here, fear is a reason to ask for help: friendly, professional, spiritual, grace-filled. And we will know that we immediately become healed from the bad fear of anything, as soon as we say, even for a moment, sincerely: “God, for some reason do You need my life right now? Well, take it, because I love you and I believe that this is more than mutual.”

Sergey Anatolyevich Belorusov http:// www. pravmir.ru/strax-vozmozhno-li-preodolet/

The project really needs your prayer and charitable support!

Conspiracy not to be afraid of the deceased

There are people who become fearful after a funeral, do not turn off the light when they go to bed, they are afraid to be alone and the ghost of the deceased appears everywhere. A special conspiracy will help such people. It is read over water, which is then sprinkled on oneself from head to toe. The ritual is performed on three evening dawns in a row. Conspiracy the words are as follows:

Night fears, empty commotions,

Terrible horrors, vain fears,

From all corners, from all windows,

From the walls, from the gray shadow,

From the black darkness,

From God's servant (name)

Go to the cold dead man (name of the deceased),

how to stop being afraid of a dead person?

If all the afterlife entities walked wherever they wanted, people would go crazy from ghosts and appearances of demons and the dead.

But God does not allow disorder - he himself ordered that no one disturb the living.

But about fear, I found it on the internet: (I myself don’t believe in conspiracies)

It happens that after attending a funeral they become fearful, they are afraid of everything, they don’t turn off the lights, they are afraid to be alone, keeping on their mind a deceased relative or non-relative. This will help with the spell of reading on the water and sprinkling three dawns on a person. Night fears, empty commotions, terrible horrors, vain fears, from all corners, from all windows, from walls, from gray and black shadows, from the servant of God indicate the name, go to the cold dead man, the name of the deceased, they are waiting for you there. Amen. It helps a lot, I recommend it.

Prayer not to be afraid of the dead

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So as not to be afraid of dead people

So as not to be afraid of dead people

“I am many years old, and I know that when I die, my daughter will go crazy with fear. She told me about it herself. As long as I've known her, she's always been afraid of dead people. Twenty years ago I buried my husband, but my daughter did not go to the funeral and never visited her father at the cemetery. He cries and says: “I’m afraid of the dead.” So I’m thinking about how she’ll have to bury me, I feel so sorry for her. Teach her prayer so that she will not be afraid of the dead..."

Go to the cemetery and stand at the cemetery gate. When the dead man is taken away, you will cross yourself and say:

How can this dead man not return?

So that (such and such)

Don't be afraid of the dead.

Say this three times and your daughter will stop being afraid of the dead.

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So as not to be afraid of the deceased

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To put people in their place (2)

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So that the rooster does not rush at people

To prevent the rooster from throwing itself at people, pour wheat and peas into the rooster from both hands and say: I, God’s servant (name), feed the rooster. I forbid you, bird, to rush and rage. My word is firmly stuck.

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Prayer for fear, anxiety and dread

"Save me, God!". Thank you for visiting our website, before you start studying the information, we ask you to subscribe to our VKontakte group Prayers for every day. Also visit our page on Odnoklassniki and subscribe to her Prayers for every day Odnoklassniki. "God bless you!".

There are no people in the world who have never felt fear, anxiety, fear, excitement or other similar feelings in their lives. What is included in the concept of fear? Here we will see that this concept contains many false feelings and there is absolutely no reason for it. All people are equal before fear. After all, this is a feeling of something negative or bad in our life.

From obsessive thoughts, a person begins to withdraw into himself and stops enjoying life. The worst thing is that such experiences of ours do not help us solve our problem and get rid of anxiety and fear. , but only aggravate the situation.

Prayer for fear and anxiety

Every living organism contains a self-preservation gene, thanks to which a person instinctively tries to protect himself from the troubles of life. And when we have a feeling of anxiety, it is quite natural. But it also happens when phobias do not allow you to live or think normally, and it is at this moment that you should think about help from above. Such protection can be provided by a prayerful appeal to the Higher Powers.

Each person has their own phobias. Some are worried about the appearance of mice or spiders, others are afraid of closed spaces, light, noise.

This feeling can be divided into five categories:

  1. Spatial. This type is associated with an unpleasant sensation in a closed or open room or in a large number of people.
  2. Free. This is the most dangerous phobia, since with it people feel anxiety from all surrounding objects.
  3. Social. Feeling uncomfortable in front of a large audience.
  4. Fear of living beings.
  5. A feeling that is associated with a specific object.

They are also divided into the following: by nature of origin, by age. Separately, the fear of death is highlighted. This anxiety worsens at the moment when something bad happens to loved ones and the person gradually plunges into a state of depression.

Prayer texts can help with anxiety and fear in the soul. It must be remembered that they must be read with certain rules.

  • Reading must be done regularly
  • If an attack of phobia needs to be relieved immediately, then you need to read it out loud. It is then that all words will be heard and clearly spoken.
  • Short prayers for fear and anxiety must be learned by heart.
  • When reading, focus your attention on the danger, and you will be able to find a way to solve the alarming situation.
  • While reading, you can imagine an image of fear and destroy it in your mind.
  • You can also use candles, the fire of which perfectly calms and concentrates.
  • But the main rule is faith. Only sincere faith will help you, and the Lord will hear and help those who ask.

Asking the saints for help will not only help you calm down, but also help you concentrate and find the right solution to the current situation.

One of the effective prayers for anxiety is the psalm “Living Help.” It is often used against fear:

“He who lives in the help of the Most High will dwell in the shelter of the Heavenly God. Says the Lord: Thou art my Protector and my Refuge, my God, and I trust in Him. For He will deliver you from the snare of the trap, and from rebellious words, His splash will overshadow you, and under His wing you hope: His truth will surround you with weapons.

Do not be afraid from the fear of the night, from the arrow that flies during the day, from the thing that passes in the darkness, from the cloak, and from the demon of the midday. Thousands will fall from your country, and darkness will fall at your right hand, but it will not come close to you, otherwise you will look at your eyes, and you will see the reward of sinners.

For You, O Lord, are my hope, You have made the Most High your refuge. Evil will not come to you, and wound will not approach your body, as His Angel commanded you to keep you in all your ways.

They will lift you up in their arms, but not when you dash your foot on a stone, step on an asp and a basilisk, and cross a lion and a serpent. For I have trusted in Me, and I will deliver, and I will cover, and because I have known My name. He will call to Me, and I will hear him: I am with him in sorrow, I will destroy him, and I will glorify him, I will fill him with long days, and I will show him My salvation.”

The words “Our Father,” prayers to the Honorable Cross of the Lord, and songs to the Mother of God also have a beneficial effect on the soul from anxiety. Reading them systematically helps strengthen the spirit, as well as provide powerful protection.

Sincere belief in a positive outcome, regular requests and gratitude will help you get rid of bad thoughts.

The endless series of human phobias is so diverse that no one can name them all. Among the irrational fears there are strange, funny, stupid, very rare and quite common. You won’t surprise anyone with a fear of confined spaces, or, for example, heights. Nowadays, such fears are considered quite normal, and many simply do not pay attention to them, live with them “side by side” for years, and adapt. But sometimes we come across phobias that, if we do not share, we understand perfectly well the person suffering from this disorder. In this case, we are talking about such a mystical fear, in a sense, as necrophobia. Otherwise it is called thanatophobia. A person suffering from this mental disorder is terribly afraid of the dead, funeral supplies, as well as cemeteries, and everything that has anything to do with death.

Of course, there are not many people who would be inspired by the sight of a coffin or cemetery monuments and seemingly very beautiful bouquets and wreaths with touching inscriptions. Every person at some time is visited by thoughts that his own death is inevitable, as well as the death of loved ones. But a sane person does not get hung up on such thoughts and images, overcoming fear by reasoning about the achievements of science and medicine, hoping that if not today, then tomorrow, a way will be found to prolong the life of all humanity. Also, religious beliefs, which talk about the immortality of the soul, reincarnation, and so on, help to overcome the fear of death.

However, atheists and skeptics have a more difficult time in this sense, since such consolations are alien to them. They are forced to come to terms with the idea that their life will someday end and death is inevitable. But many people gradually get used to the fact that the fact of imminent death is inevitable, they are imbued with the idea that their existence has a certain meaning and will leave its mark on the earth. It is also generally accepted that numerous offspring, many years of labor, is immortality, or life after death. But, unfortunately, even those who believe in this often suffer from attacks of irrational fear. Everyone knows that even a healthy lifestyle, the presence of children and grandchildren does not provide the body with immortality, and one must come to terms with this.

It is known that the development of necrophobia begins during childhood, when the child finds himself in frightening circumstances. Often, parents take young children to the funeral of close relatives, where there is an atmosphere of general grief, tears and despair all around, everyone speaks quietly, dressed in mourning clothes, and the house is filled with grief. Of course, not all children are so emotionally sensitive that such a mood remains in the subconscious and is the basis for the development of necrophobia. Many kids remain inquisitive and cheerful, and continue to play happily in the yard, or in the next room, when adults are grieving. But there are also very susceptible children for whom such an event is a real stress. And if a child is taken to a cemetery, and he watches how the coffin is lowered into the grave and covered with earth, then the baby may get a nervous breakdown and have difficulty sleeping at night.

But of course, it is not at all necessary that such an event became the basis of the phobia, because most parents are sensible people and do not take their children to such events. But there are other serious mistakes of mothers and fathers, which are an indirect cause of the development of necrophobia in children. Sometimes adults are so busy with their own affairs that I don’t pay any attention to what films their children watch or what TV shows they are interested in. It is known that a significant proportion of horror films are stories about the living dead who have left their graves, who wander at night and break into the houses of living people, turning them into zombies. Naturally, constant viewing and discussion of such “film masterpieces” cannot but leave a mark in the mind of an impressionable schoolchild, and there is only one step left before a phobia.

Many people suffer from necrophobia in a very unique way; the fear is transformed into a fascination with cemetery symbols, and the person begins to prepare for his own funeral. This consists of multiple revisions of the will, frequent visits to the cemetery, endless conversations about death, and how it all happens and feels. Some people with necrophobia constantly ridicule this topic.

The symptoms of necrophobia do not differ in their manifestations from other phobic fears. Patients complain of shortness of breath, heart failure, sweating, trembling of hands and legs, and a feeling of dry mouth. There is also intense fear and anxiety.

Experts recommend changing your way of thinking and not thinking of death as a tragic inevitability. This property must be accepted as part of human existence. To get help, you can consult with professional psychologists; relatives and friends will provide significant support to the necrophobe. You can seek advice from a priest, and he will give answers to your questions and help you understand the simple truth. Thus, each person is responsible not only for himself personally, but also for his relatives and friends suffering from necrophobia.