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Nervous breakdown: signs, symptoms, consequences, treatment. Nervous breakdown How to quickly cope with a nervous breakdown

A nervous breakdown involves an acute attack of anxiety, which results in a serious disruption of a person’s usual way of life. A nervous breakdown, the symptoms of which define this condition as belonging to the family of mental disorders (neuroses), occurs in situations in which the patient is in a state of sudden or excessive stress, as well as long-term stress.

general description

As a result of a nervous breakdown, there is a feeling of lack of control over one’s own feelings and actions, in which, accordingly, the person completely succumbs to the states of stress, worry or anxiety that dominate him during this period.

A nervous breakdown, despite the general picture of its manifestation in many cases, is, however, a positive reaction on the part of the body, and in particular a protective reaction. Other similar reactions include, for example, tears, as well as acquired immunity, which occurs against the background of mental stress in combination with intense and prolonged mental stress.

When a person reaches a critical state for the psyche, a nervous breakdown acts as a kind of lever, due to the activation of which the accumulated nervous tension is released. Any event can be identified as the cause of a nervous breakdown, be it large-scale and intense in its impact or, conversely, insignificant, but “long-term undermining.”

It is extremely important to know the symptoms of a nervous breakdown in order to take the necessary measures in a timely manner, because we are actually talking about an extremely serious disorder in which the development of events can occur in a variety of ways, from subsequent admission to the cardiology department and ending with a neuropsychiatric dispensary.

Factors that provoke a nervous breakdown

  • depression;
  • stress;
  • lack of vitamins;
  • movement disorders;
  • diseases associated with thyroid function;
  • history of schizophrenia;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • consumption of alcohol, drugs.

Nervous breakdown: symptoms

A nervous breakdown can be characterized by various manifestations, which in particular depend on the specific type of symptomatology. Thus, the symptoms of a nervous breakdown can be physical, behavioral and emotional in their type of manifestation.

Physical symptoms:

  • sleep disorders, which can consist of both a long period of insomnia and a long period of sleep;
  • constipation, diarrhea;
  • symptoms that determine the difficulty of breathing in one or another manifestation;
  • migraines, frequent headaches;
  • memory loss;
  • decreased libido;
  • disorders associated with the menstrual cycle;
  • constant fatigue, extreme exhaustion of the body;
  • state of anxiety, stable;
  • pronounced changes in appetite.

Behavioral symptoms:

  • behavior that is strange to others;
  • pronounced mood swings;
  • sudden manifestations of anger, desire to commit violence.

Emotional symptoms (these symptoms are peculiar harbingers of a future nervous breakdown):

  • depression, which acts not only as a symptom that determines the possibility of a nervous breakdown, but also is the cause of its possible occurrence;
  • anxiety;
  • indecision;
  • feeling of restlessness;
  • guilt;
  • decreased self-esteem;
  • thoughts of paranoid content;
  • tearfulness;
  • loss of interest in work and social life;
  • increased dependence on drugs and alcohol;
  • the emergence of thoughts about one’s own invincibility and greatness;
  • the appearance of thoughts about death.

Now let's look in more detail at the manifestations of some symptoms associated directly with a nervous breakdown.

Sleep and appetite disturbances, depressed emotional state, weakening of social contacts in one area or another of life, irritability and aggressiveness - all these are the main symptoms characteristic of a nervous breakdown. A person has a feeling of being cornered, in which he, accordingly, finds himself in a state of depression.

Attempts to provide help from loved ones in such a situation, as a rule, lead to aggression and rudeness towards them, which also implies a logical refusal of any help in such a state. A nervous breakdown also borders on symptoms indicating overwork, which consist of apathy and lack of strength, in addition to this, a loss of interest in everything that is happening and the environment.

As noted above regarding the main points, a nervous breakdown consists not only of changes associated with a person’s psycho-emotional state, but is also directly related to his physical state. In particular, disorders associated with the activity of the autonomic nervous system become relevant; they include excessive sweating, panic attacks, dry mouth, etc. Further, after damage to the nervous system, damage occurs to the cardiovascular system, as well as the gastrointestinal tract.

In the first case, the most common changes manifest themselves in the form of hypertension and tachycardia (increased heart rate), pain in the heart also appears, which is defined, respectively, as angina pectoris. These symptoms require medical attention, otherwise the condition in question can simply lead to a stroke or heart attack.

As for the damage to the digestive system during a nervous breakdown, it consists of a change in appetite (it either decreases or disappears altogether), and attacks of nausea. The patient's stool is also subject to certain disorders in the form of constipation or diarrhea. These conditions also determine the need for a certain correction, and not a medicinal correction aimed at treating the gastrointestinal tract, but a correction aimed at eliminating the nervous breakdown directly, which is the primary condition affecting the listed manifestations.

Thus, with an adequate and effective determination of therapy for a nervous breakdown, the result will provide relief from concomitant symptoms from the gastrointestinal tract and other systems.

Treatment for a nervous breakdown

Treatment of a nervous breakdown is determined based on the specific causes that provoked it, as well as the overall severity of the current manifestations. For reactive psychoses, treatment is required in specialized clinics and hospitals. It consists of prescribing drug therapy with the use of antipsychotics, as well as the use of tranquilizers.

Overwork, which also plays an important role in the occurrence of nervous breakdowns, requires sanitary-resort treatment, and it is better if the sanatorium is local, because climate change often acts as an additional stress factor.

In any variant of the condition, the main method of correction is psychotherapy, which also applies to the prevention of a nervous breakdown. In this case, the doctor will identify all the factors that provoked a nervous breakdown, after which, as part of the appropriate psychological correction, he will formulate and implement an appropriate scheme focused on the patient’s resistance to this type of phenomenon.

If these symptoms appear, it is important to immediately seek help from a psychologist or psychotherapist, or a neurologist (neurologist). You should not treat a nervous breakdown negligently, because the edges of the psyche are quite fragile and you never know for sure how serious the consequences of such a condition can be for the patient and his future life in general.

There are moments when everything around you infuriates you, nothing brings you joy or satisfaction. People who are in your immediate environment begin to suffer from your sudden mental breakdowns. All this can be accompanied by long-term depression and hopeless disorders of the nervous system. What a nervous breakdown is is familiar to every person to one degree or another, because everyone deals with stress. However, few people understand what this means and how to deal with it.

What is a nervous breakdown and how does it manifest?

A nervous breakdown is essentially a reaction of an organism tired of frequent stress. At this time, a person becomes unable to adequately relate to a particular situation, the circumstances around him begin to put pressure both from an emotional and physical point of view, and control over his feelings and the situation is lost. During a nervous breakdown, one experiences enormous stress, nervous exhaustion, and physical fatigue.

If this often happens to a particular person, then you should take care of your psycho-emotional state, schedule a consultation with a psychologist, and start taking medications. But on the other hand, such a reaction in the form of psychological breakdowns is protective, used by our body during constant stressful situations.

Symptoms and signs

The manifestation of nervous overstrain can be expressed in physical condition, well-being, behavioral, and also emotional. Physical manifestations of a nervous breakdown include:

  • Insomnia or drowsiness
  • Constipation or diarrhea
  • Difficulty breathing to varying degrees
  • Severe headaches
  • Memory losses
  • Decreased sexual desire
  • , elevated temperature
  • Irregularity of the menstrual cycle
  • Anxious feelings that are accompanied by panic attacks
  • Refusal to eat

Behavioral state:

  1. Inappropriate behavior.
  2. Sudden change of mood.
  3. Unexpected attacks of anger.


  • Prolonged depression.
  • Restlessness, anxiety, paranoid tendencies.
  • Excessive sentimentality, feelings of guilt.
  • Work and life around me completely ceases to interest me.
  • Increasing need for drugs and alcohol.
  • Suicidal thoughts.

Below, watch the supporting video guide, which clearly talks about some disorders of the nervous system, signs of human mental disorders, causes of anxiety neurosis, emotional and nervous fatigue, and treatment methods. The video will also help you learn how to act in a situation of a nervous breakdown of your loved one or relative:

Causes of nervous disorder

The main cause of any nervous disorder is constant stress. On one of these stressful days, the nervous system simply cannot stand it, an increased feeling of anxiety begins (anxiety neurosis) and ends with a serious nervous breakdown. Anxiety neuroses can be classified as follows:

  • phobias;
  • post-traumatic depression;
  • panic;
  • general anxiety disorder.

There are also other causes of nervous disorders, for example:

  • breakdown due to long-term use of certain medications that affect the human psyche;
  • with or any sedative medications;
  • bad memories;
  • long-term stress, illness, etc.

In adults

Adults are most susceptible to nervous disorders because every day they face stressful situations, experience certain negative events, and try to solve insoluble situations. For example, everyone is familiar with the situation: at work a person fails to meet deadlines and complete assignments, and then he transfers negative feelings into relationships with loved ones. Here are some causes of general nervous disorder that are common:

  1. Unexpected catastrophic event.
  2. A difficult separation from a loved one or divorce.
  3. Receiving serious injuries.
  4. Long-term events that upset you (illness, work, family troubles).
  5. Negative situations of an economic and political nature.
  6. Violation of the daily routine.

In children and adolescents

In children, the occurrence of nervous disorders is caused by global events in life associated with loved ones, or situations for which the nervous system of a young, fragile organism is not yet ready. This is often why a psychological breakdown occurs. Here are specific reasons and situations that can lead to nervous disorders in children of different ages:

  1. An angry dog ​​attacked the baby, as a result of which he received severe fright and began to stutter.
  2. A mother who forces a two-year-old child to eat something that he cannot tolerate, but eats through force, can provoke the onset of anorexia and aversion to food in general.
  3. Divorce of parents and the subsequent court story about who the children stay with.
  4. Problems at school: studies, relationships with classmates, teachers.
  5. First unhappy love in adolescence.

The main cause of mental disorders in children is improper upbringing. The fact is that parents rarely understand all the mental, physiological, age-related characteristics of their child, do not always try to understand this correctly, and show indifference to the reasons for certain actions of their children. As a result, the child’s nervous breakdown is not long in coming.

In women during pregnancy

Due to the enormous changes in the body of pregnant women, nervous strains, disorders and breakdowns are not a rare occurrence. The reason for this can be any insignificant situation, a trifle that a woman would not have paid attention to before. Literally everything starts to irritate. Hormones in significant quantities, which the body produces to ensure the normal functioning of the fetus in the womb, simply do not provide a quiet life. Here's how it happens:

  1. In the first weeks, gonadotropin is actively produced, the concentration of which reaches its peak, provokes nausea, irritates the nervous system of women, and leads to a breakdown.
  2. Subsequently, there is an active production of progesterone, which is responsible for the normal conditions of gestation and leads to increased fatigue.
  3. The production of estriol occurs all the time during pregnancy; this hormone actively affects the emotions of the pregnant woman, making her sensitive to external factors.

What is dangerous about a nervous breakdown: possible consequences

A nervous disorder does not just go away without consequences for a person’s health; it always manifests itself. Often these can be:

  • severe form of gastritis,
  • anorexia,
  • deep depression,
  • sexual disorders, etc.

The most dangerous consequence for a person who has suffered a nervous overstrain or breakdown is suicide, physical attacks on other loved ones or strangers. Women (30-40 years old) are considered to be at increased risk and prone to nervous disorders, because they are more emotionally dependent.

Ways to treat a nervous disorder at home

If your loved one or you yourself begin to experience similar symptoms of a breakdown, approaching mental overstrain, you see that you are literally on the edge, try to take several preventive steps and actions. The most important thing is to take a break from the usual course of affairs, everyday life, for example:

  • Pull yourself or this person out of an environment in which he is constantly immersed and receives intense stress. A good panacea would be a vacation, at least without traveling, to give yourself the opportunity to sleep and take a break from work.
  • Traveling is a great option for changing activities and getting positive emotions.
  • Don’t fall into melancholy, especially if you are a woman, stop reveling in self-pity, drive away all the bad thoughts that cause breakdowns.
  • Get out of your usual environment (home, office) and raise your head, breathe air deeply into your lungs, enjoy the nature around you, disconnect from heavy thoughts.

Drug treatment: tablets, injections

In advanced cases, you simply cannot do without drug intervention. It is necessary to undergo a special course of treatment, which should not last a strictly defined number of days. Therefore, it is important that the process of drug treatment for a mental breakdown be carefully monitored by a doctor in the hospital. Typically, the following drugs are prescribed:

  1. An antidepressant that treats depression in a person. It is important to know that not every depression can be treated in this way; in some situations it is contraindicated.
  2. A drug to relieve feelings of constant anxiety (anxiolytic).
  3. An antipsychotic drug is needed to treat a serious nerve disorder. In order to have a reason to prescribe it, it is necessary to undergo a high-quality examination.
  4. Vitamins to restore nerve tissue cells.

Folk remedies

Treatment of nervous disorders with traditional methods involves taking soothing herbal decoctions and tinctures. The most effective remedy for this disease is motherwort. From time immemorial, our grandparents have always prepared it in this way: a glass of dry grass is poured with boiling water and infused, and then they drink it three times a day. Here are other folk remedies against mental disorders:

  • Valerian root is poured with vodka and infused for two weeks. Drink it before bed, 100 grams.
  • In ancient times, mentally unstable people were suddenly doused with a bucket of cold water and forced to run, this was especially effective in the winter. From a scientific point of view, this is a completely adequate situation for breakdowns, because cold water acts on the muscles, causing them to contract. This way the blood vessels are activated, the blood circulates faster and the person becomes adequate, correctly analyzing the situation.

Which doctor should I contact?

Most nerve disorders that require diagnosis and treatment are the specialty of a psychiatrist, psychotherapist or psychologist (depending on the severity of the condition). In many cases, a simple conversation with a psychologist is enough. The reception necessarily contains recommendations and advice.

When necessary, in addition to conversational sessions, this doctor can additionally prescribe medications that will help quickly relieve depression and support the patient’s psyche. If this is urgently necessary, the psychologist will involve other medical colleagues, for example, psychotherapists, etc.

Although a nervous disorder does not have a term in medical practice, it is the cause of very serious diseases. Not reacting to it is dangerous. In simple situations and forms of this mental state, a person is able to cope with the problem himself. In a situation close to a mental disorder, you should not be negligent about your health. Carefully monitor the state of your nervous system, provide timely help to yourself and others!

Quite often in our lives it happens that many stressful events and moments come at once. You have to make tough decisions or when you have a lot of pressure on you. And quite often our nervous system simply cannot cope. Then a nervous breakdown occurs, and it is women who suffer it more severely than men. In this article you will learn what a nervous breakdown in women is, how to recognize its first signs in time, what to do and which doctor to see.

A nervous breakdown is a temporary phase of a disorder, the symptoms of which are neurosis. A breakdown is not static, it is rather an indicator that the nervous system is on the verge and urgently needs help.

Almost always, after a nervous breakdown, a person convinces himself that he is unable to control his emotions in particular and himself in general. He is under the power of his own fears, illusions and anxieties, which not everyone can overcome.

In itself, a nervous breakdown is more necessary for the body than harmful. When a person is practically on the verge of a nervous breakdown, tired and driven, the body tries to shed the excess for normal functioning.

This is what disruption does. Thanks to him, the psyche can maintain its health and not completely collapse. Similar protective functions of our body are represented in fainting during severe fright or shock, lacrimation, coughing and much more.

Causes of nervous breakdowns in women

It is impossible to identify the exact cause of a nervous breakdown. It arises due to a strong shock in a person’s life, and since people have different shocks, the reasons can be completely different from each other. However, there are still some similarities, which is why we have a list of the most common causes of nervous stress:

  • Drastic changes in an established personal life. Women, as is right, react more sharply to such events. This could be a divorce, problems with a child or with parents;
  • A difficult, tense situation in the family - constant quarrels at home not only with the husband, but also with the children, quarrels and disagreements with parents, etc.;
  • Extremely uncomfortable working conditions - poor relationships in the team at work, unclear demands from management and constant pressure, inconvenient and irregular work schedules;
  • Difficulties with finances - loss of a favorite job, low earnings, large loans, loss of any property and the subsequent payment for it.

In addition to external factors, the causes of a breakdown are also influenced by a person’s internal genetic code. A woman, by nature, feels more subtly and more attentively than a man, so internal predispositions to disorders play a special role in her:

  • Deficiency of vitamins and amino acids necessary for the body;
  • Exposure to viral infections that primarily affect the brain;
  • Attempts to self-medicate and take psychotropic medications, as well as frequent use of various types of alcohol and drug use;
  • Character traits, control by parents, non-acceptance by society, too sharp and acute reaction to current events.

Character plays a key role in mental stability. Therefore, people with the following personality traits are much more prone to relapses than others:

  • Suspiciousness, excessive vulnerability, impressionability;
  • Selfishness, egocentrism, ambition, power, impatience with the opinions of others and their wishes;
  • Uncompromising, excessive straightforwardness;
  • Punctuality, responsibility for everything and everyone, kind-heartedness, selflessness, honesty.

As you can see, you can push yourself and earn a nervous breakdown with anything. And it will not always be clear what exactly caused this illness.

©LEONE “I cheated myself”

Symptoms of a nervous breakdown in women

When treating any disease, you need to know its symptoms in order to prevent further aggravation of the situation in time. It's the same with a nervous breakdown. Its symptoms are divided into three types: mental, physical and behavioral.

Mental symptoms

  • Intense and sudden reactions to minor changes or stimuli;
  • Increased hearing sensitivity, irritation from small noises;
  • Bright light often causes irritation;
  • Absent-mindedness, frivolity, lack of concentration have a detrimental effect on performance. It's hard to concentrate on something for too long;
  • Impatience, increased activity, most often thoughtless;
  • Constant feeling of restlessness and anxiety;
  • Spasmodic mood, sudden changes and corresponding consequences;
  • Contradiction in life values, rejection of one’s own opinions and views, or, conversely, acceptance of others;
  • Indecisiveness.

In especially severe cases, thoughts of suicide may appear, or thoughts about the worthlessness and uselessness of oneself as an individual. This happens, for example, with . It also happens the other way around, when a woman elevates herself to the level of superman and convinces herself of this. Possible with hormonal changes

Signs of a nervous breakdown in women

  • Frequent headaches and hallucinations occur;
  • Irritating discomfort in the abdominal and chest areas;
  • The appearance of “smudges” when blinking before the eyes, dizziness;
  • Violation of the vestibular apparatus;
  • Autonomic disorders - surges in blood pressure, difficulty urinating and frequent urges, problems with the digestive system, profuse sweating;
  • Delays in the menstrual cycle;
  • Sleep problems - restless dreams and nightmares, late falling asleep, early awakening, restless and torn sleep.

Physical symptoms are much more noticeable than mental ones. If you experience any of the above symptoms, you should immediately go to the hospital and consult a doctor.

Behavioral symptoms

When a nervous breakdown occurs, the behavior of both women and men changes dramatically. It is difficult for a person to concentrate on any activity, which means a decline in performance will be noticeable. When communicating with family or friends, she will often lose her temper and use various insults to prove her opinion and her point of view to everyone.

Quite often, a woman can simply walk away from the conversation, noticing that her person is not receiving enough attention. Manifestations of cynicism often occur. There is a risk of drug addiction, which is especially difficult for women to get rid of. It looks very noticeable.

If you see that your wife or girlfriend has similar symptoms, then you need to immediately convince her to seek help from a doctor.

Because this can pose a danger not only to the person himself, but also to those around him. Especially if a woman with a small child. Young girls often find themselves in such a tense situation and often suffer.

A nervous breakdown is often the cause of quarrels with loved ones

Treating a nervous breakdown at home

Professional treatment provided by a doctor, however, if you do not want to end up in the hospital in a fit of rage, then below are ways and tips that you can use to calm down and not harm others:

  • Try to depict on paper the changes happening to you. All the worries and fears. After which you need to add positive emotions to the picture - joys and happy moments;
  • The misfortune that happened should never be forgotten - it needs to be thought about, and even better, if you talk about it with someone;
  • In order not to burden yourself with negative emotions, you need to eliminate their sources: get rid of hated objects, limit communication with unpleasant people, stop engaging in uninteresting activities;
  • Take a short break from work and go on a trip. Such rest will be very useful for recovery;
  • If there are any sedative pills or medications, they should be taken immediately;

The main thing to remember is that any nervous breakdown is natural reaction to mental stress in the body, and draw conclusions in time.

What a nervous breakdown and hysteria are is to one degree or another familiar to every person, because everyone deals with stress. However, few people understand what this means and how to deal with it.

BreakdownThis is a nervous disorder that is associated with psychological overstrain, prolonged stress or some kind of psychological trauma. For example, worries about being fired from work, severe overwork, everyday life that is not pleasing, grievances, unfulfilled desires.

The reasons may be different, but the main criterion for nervous overstrain is a long stay in a certain situation that does not please a person and depletes his strength and energy.

Hysterics- an uncontrollable state, expressed by laughter or sobs that a person cannot stop himself. can be caused by severe nervous tension for a long time and ultimately a nervous breakdown.

Signs and causes of a nervous breakdown

Signs and causes:

If you find a hint of at least one of the points, take steps to increase your psychological immunity, and before it’s too late, contact a psychologist. Signs of a nervous breakdown will not just appear.

After all, these are external causes of hysterics and nervous breakdowns, but what is happening inside? In this article I will try to explain to you the mechanisms that occur at the moment when something begins to bother you.

In response to a stressful situation, your nervous system sends a warning signal that results in an inexplicable feeling of worry, fear, or anxiety.

You may even realize that you are losing control over your emotions. Outwardly, it looks like a sudden outburst of anger, unexpected laughter or tears. This behavior may bother your partner or even make him angry if such reactions occur repeatedly. It is also possible that you fall into a stupor - sit and do nothing, don’t even move.

This means that the biochemical balance in the brain is disturbed and there is a lack of certain substances, such as serotonin, adrenaline and norepinephrine. Serotonin is a hormone that regulates vigor and sleep, creates a good and cheerful mood. Adrenaline is a stress hormone and is produced only in stressful conditions, forcing you to either “fight”, fight the problem, or “run away”, withdraw into yourself, cry.

As a result, the overloaded brain seeks an opportunity to “switch off.” You become talkative (emotions turn off logical thinking and therefore it is difficult to prove that you are right), impudent or careless, you want to turn off the TV, radio and ensure that no one bothers you or, on the contrary, pays attention. Moreover, to achieve this by any means, including physical elimination of the irritant or a fight.

Any little thing can be a visible reason for this condition. For example, a traffic jam, losing your keys, or a disagreement with your wife or husband. But a stressful situation in itself cannot cause a breakdown. Stimuli must accumulate to a critical mass so that the nervous system can no longer cope with them.

How to overcome a nervous breakdown

If nervous tension goes off scale, it is urgent to calm passions. We use deep breathing techniques: take ten slow breaths and the same number of sharp exhalations. We use a proven relaxation method: we strongly strain our muscles, hold the tension for a few seconds and completely relax.

A companion to a nervous breakdown is anger, rage, aggression. We urgently need to free ourselves from such negative feelings. The easiest way is vigorous physical activity. This could be a long-distance run or swim, fitness classes or dancing. If this is not possible at home, you can desperately beat the pillows.

An instantly available means of cooling dust is cold water. As soon as you feel a surge of hostility, drink a glass of chilled liquid, then take a shower with ice water.

As soon as we feel that an outburst of indignation is imminent, our task is to switch attention from internal experiences to external events. We choose some bright and extraordinary events, for example: attending a match of your favorite football team, a karaoke competition, watching a new blockbuster.

In the evening hours, when we are plagued by anxious thoughts, we definitely arrange a relaxing procedure: immerse ourselves in a warm bath, adding a few drops of lavender oil or pine extract to the water.

Without what is it impossible to overcome a nervous breakdown? Without identifying the true culprits of psycho-emotional stress. We should carefully analyze our own experiences. Establish a chain: cause - effect. If you cannot independently determine the factors that provoked a nervous disorder, you should seek help from a professional psychologist.

After we have managed to identify the instigators of mental discord, we should “reboot” our brain, replacing the destructive components of thinking with functional elements. We must consciously relive the traumatic event in our thoughts. However, now we should not act as the main characters, but rather be outside observers. A look from the outside will allow you to interpret the drama that happened differently and reduce the relevance of the problem.

Writing down your worries on a piece of paper can help reduce the significance of stressful circumstances. Divide the page into three columns. In the first column we try to present the tragedy as honestly as possible. In the second column we write down our feelings and consequences of the disaster.
The third column is reserved for indicating the emotions and behavior of the “ideal person”.

That is, we describe how, in our opinion, our perfect hero acted in such a stressful situation: what he would feel, what he would say, how he would act. Then we make assumptions about what the outcome of such behavior would be. After this, we try to act like our ideal: daily practice of new behavior will change our worldview.

Accepts as an axiom: any life event has some purpose. Even the most terrible disaster brings some gains. At first, an attempt to recognize such a fact brings desperate internal resistance. Then divine insight comes, and you begin to understand that the tragedy was not so catastrophic. The drama allowed me to discover some new qualities in myself, stimulated me to take some actions, and motivated me to acquire other values.

If the benefit from the misadventure cannot be discovered, we recognize the completed drama as a test sent from above. We understand that we cannot predict or change events destined by fate. It is in our power to change our attitude towards this phenomenon, to learn a lesson, to develop such qualities in ourselves that in the future we will bypass the evil irony of fate. The main rule: do not blame or reproach yourself, but find in yourself such character traits that will allow you to crawl out of the swamp with your head held high.

How to get rid of a nervous breakdown? It is necessary to reduce the severity of your experiences. To do this, we become caricaturists: we draw our resentment, anger, hatred, despair and transform them in the picture into funny funny characters.

Let our grief become a little roaring baby in the picture, next to which there is a brave, cheerful boy. Next to the evil, indignant old woman we place a kind, noble old man. In this way, we will clearly prove to ourselves that grief always comes next to happiness. And it is in our power to change our perception of reality.

If we discover symptoms of nervous stress, we should definitely have a heart-to-heart talk with someone we trust. Our silence, isolation, and solitude will only worsen our well-being and cause depression. This does not mean that we should surround ourselves with a crowd of friends and be in public 24 hours a day. However, a friendly conversation in a cozy cafe will save our inner world from worries. Even if it seems to us that we have no energy at all to meet with friends, we need to overcome ourselves and set aside at least an hour for communication.

If severe nervous breakdowns have already occurred in the past, which you could not cope with on your own, at the first signs of a crisis, it is better to consult a psychologist or psychotherapist. The doctor will select the best scheme to correct the problem situation and suggest the most effective ways to get rid of the disorder.

Anyone who is predisposed to disruptions in the functioning of the nervous system needs to reconsider their diet, including foods with essential vitamins and minerals in the menu. For most of us, high cortisol levels, which are typical during stress, cause poor appetite. In turn, poor nutrition further impairs the body's functioning, exacerbating stress reactions.

The most important condition for preventing nervous stress: avoid overload. Learn to relax and fully rest. Pay attention in a timely manner to the deterioration of your psycho-emotional state and eliminate problems that lead to nervous tension. One useful habit to adopt is to say “no” to requests that unsettle us. Clearly define the limits of your capabilities and deliberately not cross the line that deprives you of moral stability.

What to do if someone near you is hysterical?

Of course, it is often impossible to figure out on your own whether the actor in front of you is “breaking a comedy” or whether a sick person is in distress. And this once again confirms the fact that, be that as it may, there is little you can do to calm him down. But there are some general recommendations regarding what will help stop an attack or a game scene as quickly as possible.

  1. Do not persuade him to calm down, do not feel sorry for him and do not fall into hysterics yourself - this will only encourage the hysteroid. Be indifferent or even go somewhere else until the scene ends.
  2. If the scene goes off scale in all respects, and children, for example, see this, you can try to stop the attack with some sudden action - pour a glass of water on the person, give a gentle slap in the face, press a painful point on the arm just below the elbow fossa.
  3. After a seizure, give the person a glass of cold water or persuade them to sniff ammonia. Be sure to seek help from doctors if we are talking about your relative - the disease may progress.

If you yourself know that you have a craving for arranging ugly scenes just for the sake of release, and even more so, you find some kind of “charm” in this, it is better to try to direct your energy in another direction - for example, get release by playing sports, dancing, walking the dog .

A nervous breakdown occurs suddenly, but this condition does not last forever. We remember: every person can prevent a nervous disorder and is able to cope with its unpleasant symptoms. Believing in yourself and focused work works wonders.