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Unbearable itching in the intimate area in women. Why does my intimate area itch? What to do

Unpleasant sensations and discomfort in the intimate area are familiar to almost every woman. They usually manifest as itching and burning sensations.

This problem can be caused by a variety of factors. The exact cause can be determined by contacting a specialist. After all, itching is the action of nerve receptors in the skin and mucous membranes, which appears as a reaction to changes occurring in the body.

It is impossible to ignore this condition; it causes nervousness and a feeling of discomfort.. Modern women cannot always find time to visit a gynecologist, but timely treatment at home gives reliable and quick results. Therefore, it is very important to consider tips on how to treat itching and burning in women’s intimate areas at home.

There are special medications, suppositories, that will not only remove unpleasant symptoms, but also cure internal disorders.

Diseases of the female reproductive system are not necessarily the source of discomfort.. This often occurs as a result of an allergic reaction to linens and care products.

Itching can occur in both girls and women due to inadequate irritation of nerve endings. There is a malfunction in the body that can lead to more serious symptoms.

It appears gradually or spontaneously with increasing effect. It often causes an irresistible desire to scratch your private parts. This condition is annoying, distracts from work, long walks, and often leads to insomnia.

Sometimes itching and burning are mild and occur periodically, which is why women perceive this as the norm. But it is important to understand that such manifestations are an abnormal condition and always indicate certain health problems, and therefore require attention.

There are a lot of factors that provoke itching and burning of the female genital organs, including both internal and external. Methods for eliminating such discomfort depend on the causes of its occurrence.

The most common provocateurs:

Such negative sensations, which appear in the form of a burning sensation without discharge in the intimate area in women, are not always symptoms of pathologies in the body.

The reasons may be wearing underwear that does not match the size and chafes, temperature changes, mechanical trauma to the genital organs, or taking potent medications.

Inadequate care of the genitals contributes to this problem.. But more severe diseases cannot be completely ruled out. Therefore, it is better to consult a doctor to establish an accurate diagnosis.

If it is not possible to quickly see a gynecologist, and the unpleasant symptoms intensify, then you can resort to traditional medicine recipes and get rid of the problem yourself.

To do this, you need to know how to remove burning sensation in the intimate area in women at home.

But if possible, you should see a doctor, since the problem may recur, develop into a chronic disease, and it will be quite difficult to get rid of it.

The most effective folk methods:

If itching and burning occurs during menstruation, you just need to carry out hygiene procedures on time; no treatment is required during this period.

The main reasons for the appearance:

  • decreased immunity leads to the fact that the body cannot fully fight microbes;
  • spotting is an excellent breeding ground for bacteria.

Itching and burning in diabetes mellitus can be treated with the following means:

Methods for treating itching during pregnancy:

During menopause, a problem such as vaginal dryness is inevitable. This discomfort makes itself felt and affects not only the genital tract, but also the vulva.

Some people are embarrassed by this problem. Therefore, it is important to learn how to treat dryness and burning in the intimate area in women during menopause.

Vaginal dryness during menopause occurs due to a decrease in estrogen.. Experiencing such discomfort makes it difficult to feel healthy; vaginal dryness is a serious problem that causes a burning sensation and requires treatment.

Treatment at home will help reduce or even completely eliminate discomfort such as dryness and burning in the intimate area in women. After consultation with a gynecologist, traditional medicine recipes can be used as an addition to the main therapy.

Baths, douching, and the use of decoctions give a quick positive effect and will contribute to the healing of damage.

To avoid unpleasant symptoms in the genitals, it is important for women to adhere to certain preventive measures:

Intimate itching is an uncomfortable sensation that constrains a woman and causes anxiety.. Both harmless factors and serious diseases can contribute to this condition.

Therefore, there is no need to hope to stop them on your own. There are many ways to relieve discomfort.

Among them are effective traditional medicine recipes and pharmaceutical products. Timely treatment will help avoid infection of microtraumas of the skin and mucous membranes.

Itching in the intimate area in women is one of the most discussed problems in gynecological practice. Such discomfort significantly disrupts overall well-being, causing anxiety and stiffness. Sometimes the reasons for the development of itching sensations are very harmless, but this does not give reason to think that this symptom will go away on its own.

Often, areas with scratches and microtraumas of delicate skin become infected, which provokes swelling of the soft tissues and aggravates the course of the underlying disease. In such cases, you cannot postpone a visit to the gynecologist. A timely examination will allow you to determine the true causes and treatment of the pathology.

Why women's intimate parts itch: reasons

Doctors know many factors that provoke genital itching. Not only the symptoms of the general clinical picture of the disease, but also the treatment options for the disease depend on their nature.


Allergic dermatitis is one of the most common causes of itching of the external genitalia. The body's reaction to a potential allergen can be caused by direct contact with synthetic fabrics (underwear), skin care products or detergent solutions, scented soaps, or laundry detergent. Allergies can also occur after taking medications or eating certain foods. This should be remembered especially for those women who are prone to developing itching in the genitals.

Dry skin

Sometimes itching in the genitals can be associated with genetically determined dry skin in intimate places. The reason for this pathological process is insufficient hydration of the skin and the appearance of discomfort in the form of itching or burning sensations. In such cases, you should pay attention to the woman’s hormonal background and regularly use moisturizing intimate hygiene products that have hypoallergenic properties.

External factors

Often itching in intimate places in women is provoked by various exogenous factors, which you can find in the table.



The cause of the development of itching in a girl or woman in an intimate place may be taking medications. Often, among the side effects of medications, you can find discomfort in the form of itching sensations between the legs. Therefore, before using medications, you should always carefully read the instructions for their use.

Poor or no hygiene

Itching of the external female genitalia may be associated with failure to comply with basic rules of personal hygiene, neglect of water procedures, ignoring the need to frequently change pads during menstruation, and the like.

Uncomfortable underwear

Another common reason why girls have itchy private parts is tight and very tight underwear. It provokes the appearance of injured areas of the skin, which, during rubbing, swell, become inflamed and begin to itch.

Mechanical damage during shaving

If the integrity of the skin is damaged during the use of a shaving machine, microtraumas may become infected with pathogenic microorganisms and local inflammation of the skin may develop.

Often, unpleasant sensations in the genital area can be provoked by factors that are sometimes not related to the reproductive sphere. Common causes of itching in the intimate area in women are diseases of the internal organs.

Pathological process

Characteristic symptoms

Sexual infections

With some sexually transmitted infections, itching of internal organs is the only symptom of a developing disease. Such pathological conditions include: ureaplasmosis, toxoplasmosis, chlamydia. On the other hand, with gonorrhea and trichomoniasis, the itching sensations are very pronounced. In addition, the patient develops purulent discharge, elevated body temperature, and sexual dysfunction.

Endocrine diseases

The condition of itching in an intimate place is characteristic of some endocrine diseases, in particular diabetes mellitus, thyroid dysfunction, and genital gonads.

Diseases of the genitourinary system

Inflammation of the bladder and kidneys, as well as the presence of stones in the urinary tract, are accompanied by the appearance of a large number of leukocytes in urine, salts and bacteria. Specific therapy for itching in these cases is not advisable. Discomfort and itching sensations disappear when urine levels normalize.

Oncological diseases

With cancer, the human body is in a state of chronic intoxication with waste products of the tumor, one of the characteristic symptoms of which is a condition where the skin itches in delicate places.

Inflammatory processes of the reproductive organs

In case of inflammatory diseases of the reproductive organs (vaginitis, endometritis, etc.), women secrete secretions from the vagina, which has an irritating effect on the skin of the intimate area. This contributes to the appearance of itching and burning in the genital area, causing swelling and redness.


A state of depression, nervous tension and mental instability often cause itching in an intimate place in women. Patients explain this symptom with anything but their emotional background. In such cases, sedative medications and self-control will help relieve itching.

You should not scratch the affected areas. You can make the situation worse by introducing an infection.

Drug treatment of itching in intimate places in women

How to treat itching localized in the genital area? Knowing why the genitals itch, the doctor will be able to prescribe a plan for correcting the pathological condition to the patient.

For allergic itching of intimate areas, the gynecologist prescribes general or local antihistamines to the woman, and in more advanced cases, hormonal ointments. Most often, this problem is an indication for the use of the following medications:

  • Fenistil ointment. It is recommended to apply several times a day to itchy areas of the skin.
  • Diazolin. 1 tablet three times a day for a week.
  • Advantan ointment - for application twice a day for 5-7 days.

For dry skin, patients are prescribed vitamins A and E, as well as moisturizers and hypoallergenic intimate hygiene products.

Itching in the intimate area, which is caused by the aging process, can be treated with Ovestin suppositories. They are used to normalize hormonal levels (1 suppository intravaginally for 7-10 days).

If itching is the result of exposure to external factors on the skin, then such skin contact with the likely irritant should be eliminated. After such actions, even severe itching in the intimate area goes away without a trace.

Sedatives will help eliminate stress itching and cure itchy skin in the genital area due to mental disorders:

  • Persen in the amount of 1 tablet twice a day.
  • Glycised 1 tablet 2-3 times a day for a week.

For candidiasis, antifungal agents will help relieve itching, namely:

  • Fluconazole – 150 mg once.
  • Clotrimazole suppositories - 1 suppository twice a day for a week.
  • Livarol suppositories - at night for 7-10 days;

Before you get rid of itching in an intimate place, you should definitely establish the probable causes of its occurrence. Only a doctor can cope with such a task through proper diagnosis of the disease and identification of factors that provoke intimate discomfort. Treatment of itching caused by diseases of the internal organs should be carried out in conjunction with the therapeutic regimen for eliminating the underlying disease.

How to remove itching in the intimate area using folk methods

To eliminate itching in the intimate area in women, folk recipes are used at home. Baths with decoctions of medicinal herbs, douching, topical solutions and other means that help effectively combat the problem will help cure discomfort in the genital area.

Recipe 1 . Baths with chamomile and calendula decoction

You will need:

  • 50 g chamomile;
  • 50 g calendula.

The specified amount of dry herbs should be poured with boiling water and placed in a water bath. Let stand for about 15-20 minutes on low heat, then strain thoroughly and pour into a container (small basin, ladle) with warm water. It is recommended to add sea salt to this bath. This remedy for itching in the intimate area perfectly eliminates pathological symptoms if used twice a day for a week.

Recipe 2 . Basil decoction

Pour 50 g of basil into half a liter of hot water and simmer over low heat for 30 minutes. After removing from the heat, the decoction must be cooled and thoroughly cleaned of plant parts. You need to take 100 ml four times a day until the symptoms of itching disappear.

Recipe 3 . Aloe based product

Fresh aloe leaves must be crushed with a knife or blender to a pulp (you can put them through a meat grinder) and squeeze out the juice from the resulting mass. Soak ordinary tampons in the liquid and insert them into the vagina overnight. This will stimulate the regeneration of damaged organ tissue and eliminate genital itching.

Recipe 4 . Douching with iodine-saline solution

To prepare the solution, dilute 10 drops of iodine, 10 g of salt and the same amount of soda in 1000 ml of warm water. The mixture must be thoroughly stirred until smooth. It is recommended to douche with the resulting composition twice a day (in the morning and evening) for a week. The product has several types of action at once, including drying, disinfection, and antifungal effect.

Recipe 5 . Soda solution

Dilute a tablespoon of soda in water and douche twice a day until the symptoms of the disease completely disappear. The product will relieve inflammation and disinfect affected areas of the skin and mucous membranes inside and outside the genital organs.

Recipe 6 . Consumption of fermented milk products

Fermented milk products perfectly restore the balance of vaginal microflora, normalize the condition of its mucous membranes and eliminate symptoms of itching. It is their daily use that allows you to remove discomfort and restore microflora.

Traditional medicine recipes can be used only after the permission of the attending physician.

It is impossible to answer unequivocally why a girl’s intimate part itches. The reasons are varied, ranging from synthetics and neglect of hygiene to precursors of cancer.

That is why you should absolutely not try to identify the pathogen on your own or prescribe medications to yourself. The wrong selection of antibiotics or antifungals will only worsen the situation.

Itching site

It is impossible to make a diagnosis in absentia based on the patient’s oral history; at a minimum, a personal examination and sampling are required. Much depends on where exactly it itches, inside or outside. Often itching only signals the need to wash more often and give up panty liners.

Sometimes it accompanies ailments such as:

The list is long and based on the mere fact that something is itching “there” on the girl, it is impossible to decide what to do. Unpleasant is not an independent disease. A detailed examination and identification of the source is required. Often the reason lies in frequent and aggressive masturbation, the use of foreign bodies for self-satisfaction that injure the mucous membrane.

What to do if you find recurring, long-term itching in an intimate place? The worst thing a woman can do in this situation is to “Google” on the Internet and self-medicate. You can look at the photos on the medical pages for informational purposes.

The situation requires the mandatory participation of a gynecologist. Through culture and external examination, the doctor will determine the cause of the problem and prescribe adequate treatment.

How exactly does it itch?

Itching both outside and inside the vagina can be strong, weak, constant or paroxysmal. Usually, trouble begins to bother a woman before going to bed or even in the middle of the night. Sometimes it becomes impossible to tolerate the itching, and this is another reason not to delay a visit to the gynecologist. By itself, neither the disease nor the disturbing signs will disappear.

No matter how painful it may be, you should still restrain yourself and not scratch the problem area, this provokes the spread of the process and will greatly complicate the treatment.

If a visit to the gynecologist is not planned in the near future, then while waiting, the genitals after each wash are treated with a weak solution of a disinfectant, for example, chlorhexidine or furatsilin.


The attack is often accompanied by vaginal discharge. White discharge, reminiscent of whey or cottage cheese, indicates candidiasis, the so-called “thrush”. Its presence is not a reason to panic; the labia are not sterile; they contain microorganisms that are necessary, among other things, to maintain reproductive function.

The same applies to the fungi Candida albicans. In emergency situations, for example, after antibiotics, fungi are activated. It is impossible to completely get rid of them, and it is not necessary.

The body’s own flora, a kind of “Kaspersky”, are designed so as not to allow the “inhabitants” more than they should. Often the body is too weakened and it is not possible to suppress the “rebellion” of microorganisms, which contributes to the development of fungus.

This is possible under the influence of a number of factors:

  • infection from a partner;
  • hormonal disbalance;
  • metabolic disorder;
  • taking antibiotics;
  • poor nutrition;
  • taking medications and dietary supplements;
  • diabetes;
  • wearing synthetic tight underwear;
  • taking hormonal contraceptives.

Very often, candidiasis develops during pregnancy. In this case, special doctor supervision over the treatment is required, since some antifungal drugs have too aggressive an effect on the body of the expectant mother.


Ignoring itching in the vestibule of the vagina does not lead to anything good. Of course, sometimes the inflammation goes away on its own, and the woman quickly forgets about the trouble. But it also happens differently, the excretory duct becomes clogged.

After some time, it will probably go away on its own, but most often it increases in size and becomes inflamed. At the same time, the girl’s temperature may rise, sometimes above 38 degrees, and she may experience general weakness and malaise. Itching is accompanied by reddish vaginal discharge. All this - .

During the examination, the gynecologist will take a sample of the secretion of the gland and a smear from the vagina to determine the source of inflammation and its reaction to medications.

In particularly advanced cases, bartholinitis requires surgical intervention.


Often, an obsessive desire to scratch in an intimate place indicates the presence of Trichomonas. Thanks to the wavy membrane and flagella, they quickly spread over the surface of tissues and penetrate into the intercellular zone.

The fact that the unpleasant sensations are caused precisely by trichomoniasis is evidenced by:

  • paroxysmal unbearable itching;
  • gray-greenish and whitish foamy vaginal discharge;
  • fishy smell;
  • red vaginal mucosa.

Trichomoniasis itself is rarely self-limiting. It usually accompanies other serious diseases, gonorrhea or chlamydia

Kraurosis of the vulva

Paroxysmal unbearable itching often becomes a companion to kraurosis, a precancerous disease of the genital organs.

A number of signs indicate it:

  • stenosis;
  • vulvitis;
  • paresthesia;
  • feeling of dryness;
  • atrophic and sclerotic changes in the tissues of the external genitalia.

Diagnosis is made through external examination and tissue biopsy. If the examination result is positive, immediate treatment is required, and the need for surgery cannot be ruled out. The prognosis of kraurosis is very serious: cancer. It can be prevented only by timely treatment.

Itching before menstruation

Of course, itchy mucous membranes do not always indicate the presence of some serious disease. Often this is a feature of the body, a phenomenon that occurs regularly before the start of the menstrual cycle, then disappears. The woman’s health is not in danger, but it doesn’t hurt to go for an examination.

Especially if the itching before menstruation is accompanied by an odor that is not typical for a healthy girl. If necessary, the specialist will prescribe an anesthetic, anti-inflammatory or mild antihistamine.

Vaginal itching in girls

An unpleasant phenomenon in the form of itching is observed in adult women and adolescents who are not sexually active. The reason that a girl’s intimate part itches is any disease, even a banal acute respiratory viral infection or a metabolic failure of a growing organism, or coccal lesions. Pathogenic bacteria enter the girl’s genitals through dirty hands and underwear, for example, when swimming in a river.

The statement that girls under no circumstances get thrush is incorrect. With age, the amount of estrogen increases, the epithelium of hormone-dependent organs develops and a sufficient amount of glycogen appears in it for the development of microorganisms, which all adult girls have. These are fungi of the genus Candida and Trichomonas.


Itching is not considered something out of the ordinary, but requires especially close attention, since not all drugs are approved for use without harm to the growing body.

The best way to protect yourself from this unpleasant phenomenon is strict adherence to personal hygiene and safe sexual life. Make sure your diet includes vitamins and minerals, especially vitamin E, and avoid foods that are too spicy. Wear loose lingerie made from natural fabrics.

Unpleasant itching sensations in the intimate area are familiar to both men and women. This is a delicate problem, indicating the development of a disease or the presence of external irritants that negatively affect the human genitals. Not everyone will decide to go to the doctor with such a problem. This is especially true for men who come to specialists as a last resort.

To understand for yourself why a girl’s private part itches on the outside, it is necessary to analyze the events of recent days. By answering all the points, you can find the correct answer and explain your condition. So, for yourself, without hiding the truth, you need to answer the following questions:

  1. How high quality is the underwear you wear?
  2. Have you changed your hygiene products recently?
  3. Did you visit a sauna, bathhouse, or swimming pool?
  4. Did you have unprotected sex?
  5. Do you have a history of diseases of the internal organs?
  6. Have you taken antibiotics?

You also need to pay attention to the presence of rash, burning, and atypical discharge. Girls are advised to pay attention to changes in the menstrual cycle and the volume of menstrual flow.

Possible diagnoses

Having answered the above questions, of course, you can understand for yourself why the itching of the intimate part appeared on the outside. But this information will not help get rid of the symptom. To find out the diagnosis and receive appropriate treatment, you need to visit a gynecologist or andrologist.

What can a specialist diagnose based on the examination and complaints of the patient?

  1. If it itches in an intimate place on the outside in men or women, the body may have an allergic reaction to underwear, shaving products, or medications. Possible allergens are shown in the photo.
  2. In women, sanitary pads and tampons often cause itching.
  3. Hormonal imbalances. This applies to both men and women. The difference lies only in the reasons that led to the hormonal imbalance.
  4. Infection with pubic lice, which we see in the photo, is an infection.
  5. Constant violation of the temperature regime, which leads to dysfunction of heat metabolism in the body.

Necessary tests

What to do if the itching on the outside of the intimate area does not go away, but becomes more and more annoying? Of course, go to the doctor. After an external examination, the specialist will prescribe tests that are necessary to diagnose the disease:

  1. General analysis of urine and blood.
  2. Cytology and bacteriology of smear from the urethra.
  3. Histology and biopsy.

If the doctor suspects that the patient’s itching outside the intimate area is caused by an underlying disease, other tests are also prescribed. Additional tests may include:

  1. Blood and urine test for sugar.
  2. Ultrasound of the kidneys and urinary tract.
  3. Blood tests for bilirubin, liver enzyme, and protein levels.

According to the doctor, the list of tests can be supplemented with several more examinations. You should not blame the specialist for prescribing a large number of studies. Sometimes, a comprehensive examination of the patient is required to obtain an accurate picture.

Fungal diseases

If the examination did not reveal diseases of the internal organs, the answer to why the intimate part itches on the outside lies elsewhere. Often, the cause of itchy sensations is a fungus acquired as a result of intimate intimacy with a carrier of the infection. Clinical manifestations are characterized by the following symptoms:

  1. Itching, which becomes more and more annoying day by day, covering an ever larger area of ​​the intimate area.
  2. In men, itching can spread all the way to the anus, accompanied by a rash. However, with a fungal infection, the penis and testicles are not affected.
  3. If timely treatment is not started, itchy areas of the skin become covered with pimples and blisters.
  4. Further, the skin dries out, cracks, and painful wounds appear.
  5. In advanced stages, the fungus poisons the body, disrupting the functioning of all organs.

Treatment methods

In most cases, men and women are helped to get rid of itching of the intimate area from the outside:

  1. Ointments.
  2. Candles.
  3. Anti-inflammatory drugs.
  4. Antihistamines.

But in what ratio and proportions the funds will be used is decided by the doctor, based on the results of the examination of the patient.

As a result

What to do if your intimate area starts to itch for no apparent reason? You need to understand that such a symptom cannot appear for no reason. If there is itching, it means that it was preceded by intimate intimacy with carriers of infection, lice or other disease. Also, among the reasons, it is possible to develop an internal disease that the patient was not aware of. In any situation, a full examination by a doctor and tests are required.

In contact with

Itching is not an “independent” ailment; it is only a reaction of the skin to various kinds of irritants. It can itch in different places, and the reasons for this can also be different. But if itching is observed in an intimate place, then this symptom should be given special attention. Most likely, such unpleasant sensations indicate problems in the woman’s body.

Dermatologists have carefully studied the problem and came to the conclusion that itching in the groin can be caused by one of the following reasons.

  1. External causes or negative impact.
  2. Infections and diseases that develop in the organs of the genitourinary system.
  3. Secondary signs of some pathologies.
  4. Hormonal disorders.
  5. The reasons are mental or psychosomatic.

These groups do not have clear boundaries; moreover, each group includes several causes that can cause burning and itching.

Important information! If the discomfort lasts more than a week, then you should definitely go to the hospital, because itching can be a sign of a number of quite serious diseases.

Now let's look at each of the groups in more detail.

External causes of itching

First of all, a woman should think about whether the itching is caused by wearing synthetic underwear. The fact is that cheap synthetics are the most common cause of discomfort in the groin area.

This reason can be easily eliminated - you need to update your wardrobe by replacing all synthetics with cotton products.

But there are other negative factors that can cause itching.

Negligent attitude towards personal hygiene

A woman's genitals produce a secretion that accumulates in the groin in small quantities. There, the secretion comes into contact with sweat and dirt that has penetrated into the laundry, resulting in a favorable environment for bacteria. Itching in such cases occurs due to waste products of microorganisms.

Aggressive personal care products

Finally, the cause of the described phenomenon may be the use of aggressive washing agents that can cause an allergic reaction - soaps, shampoos, creams, etc.

How to treat?

You can eliminate unpleasant sensations by regular washing using non-aggressive hygiene products.

Incorrect use of tampons or pads

If these hygiene products are not changed in a timely manner, the blood accumulated on them will become an ideal nutrient solution for many harmful bacteria. You should also not use scented pads, as they can cause an allergic reaction.

How to treat?

Pads should be changed after at least four hours, tampons after two. During menstruation, you need to be especially careful when carrying out hygiene procedures.

Pediculosis pubis

The appearance of pubic lice leads not only to itching, but also to redness of the groin and the area around the anus. If the case is particularly advanced, then lice can “move” to the armpits and eyebrows, but these organisms never live in the hair on the head.

As a rule, lice are contracted sexually, but in some cases infection occurs through someone else's towel or underwear, when visiting public places (baths, swimming pools, solariums). Outside the human body, lice live for about four days, so you can catch the disease even just by sitting on a bench on which a person with lice had previously sat. The main danger of the disease is that a person, scratching the resulting rash, introduces an infection into the wounds, which can even cause eczema to develop.

Pediculosis - causes and treatment

How to treat?


If the genitals are constantly overcooled or overheated, this can also cause itching.

Important information! To eliminate groin itching caused by external influences, you just need to eliminate the cause. In most cases this is very easy to do.

Diseases of the genitourinary system

Itching can be caused by pathology of the genital organs. Most of these diseases are accompanied by discharge, which, in turn, provokes itching. In addition, this can happen due to digestive problems.

So, itching in the groin can be caused by:

  • vaginal discharge (observed with prolapse or erosion of the uterus, other diseases);
  • dysbacteriosis (can be a symptom of many ailments);
  • discharge caused by any inflammation;
  • diarrhea;
  • improper functioning of the genitourinary organs (skin irritated by urine).

How to treat?

If the cause of itching is one of the pathologies listed above, then the doctor should prescribe medications that will eliminate the underlying disease. Unpleasant symptoms are relieved with antipruritic creams and ointments.

Urogenital infections (STDs)

A common cause of itching. Each disease is accompanied by different symptoms and is caused by different pathogens.

Table. STDs that cause itching in the groin


The disease is transmitted sexually, not only through vaginal, but also through anal or oral contact. It manifests itself in the form of an unpleasant odor, purulent discharge, severe itching and burning. Sometimes there is pain in the lower abdomen, which worsens during menstruation, and untimely bleeding may occur. In later stages, the temperature rises, the woman feels tired and weak. The danger of chlamydia is that it can cause chronic inflammation of the genitourinary system and even infertility.

The carriers of the disease are a group of bacteria known as myoplasmas. Symptoms include burning, heavy morning discharge, itching and pain during urination. If treatment is not started in a timely manner, this will lead to severe inflammatory processes.

This disease is better known as gonorrhoea. Infection occurs through sexual contact. The main danger of gonorrhea is that it can be infected several times in a row, which is especially important for women who have several partners. Gonorrhea is manifested not only by itching, but also by light yellow vaginal discharge, pain in the lower abdomen, and menstrual irregularities. If this disease occurs without symptoms, then most likely the patient is infertile. In the absence of timely treatment, persistent inflammatory processes in the genital organs begin.

This disease is also called vaginal candidiasis. It is also transmitted sexually, but not in all cases. Develops while taking antibiotic drugs, chronic illnesses or a weakened immune system. The itching in the groin is so severe that the person loses his ability to work, moreover, he may develop a nervous breakdown. Other symptoms usually appear seven days before the start of menstruation: there is a burning sensation when urinating, pain in the vagina, redness, inflammation, and copious white discharge. There is a strong smell of fish. The causative agent of candidiasis is the Candida fungus, characterized by rapid and active reproduction.

At the initial stage, the skin around the genitals turns red and mild itching appears. Soon bubbles filled with a liquid substance appear - they cover not only the genitals, but also the upper thighs. The skin on which these blisters have formed is very itchy, and a burning sensation also occurs, which intensifies with urination and becomes unbearable during intimacy. The woman also feels general weakness, her lymph nodes are enlarged and her temperature rises. If herpes is not treated promptly, the infection will eventually reach the brain, which can cause the person to go blind or even die.

The incubation period of the pathogen (this is the primitive bacterium Trichomonas) is on average ten days, although the disease can appear several months after infection. There are many symptoms, in addition to itching: pain in the vagina during urination, gray, yellow or even green discharge that has a very unpleasant odor, visiting the restroom too often, etc.

How to treat?

Treatment of sexually transmitted infections should begin at the same time as your intimate partner. First, you should take all the necessary tests, after which the doctor will prescribe antibiotics or other means to eliminate the infection. Additionally, immunomodulatory agents, anti-allergy medications and vitamins may be prescribed. A few weeks after completion of therapy, all tests are repeated.

Diseases of other organs or systems

Itching in the intimate area is also caused by the consequences of other ailments; its appearance may indicate progression:

  • diabetes;
  • hormonal imbalances;
  • cancer;
  • lymphogranulomatosis;
  • leukemia;
  • anemia.

In this case, to eliminate the symptom, you must first cure the underlying disease.

Hormonal abnormalities

One of the features of the female body is that its hormonal levels fluctuate throughout life. Changes can occur in several situations, due to which the acidity in the vagina changes and, as a result, itching appears. Let's consider these situations.


There are two reasons for itching.

  1. Discharge is an excellent habitat for bacteria.
  2. The immune system, weakened during menstruation, cannot fully fight them.

As for treatment, it is not required; it is enough to just perform hygiene procedures on time.


The concentration of sex hormones decreases, causing the skin to become dry and nervous abnormalities occur (incontinence, tearfulness). As a result of all this, itching occurs, which can be eliminated by taking medications recommended during menopause.

During this period, immunity decreases and hormonal changes begin. To eliminate symptoms, a woman must first undergo an examination - this will help identify and eliminate the cause. Thanks to this, the health of not only the mother, but also the unborn baby will be preserved.

In this case, itching in the groove may indicate that:

You can get rid of the symptom with the help of special antipruritics, but only those prescribed by your doctor.

Video - The smell of fish from the vagina