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Teaching oral hygiene to preschool children. Individual training in oral hygiene Chronograph of the training session

Individual oral hygiene is, of course, the main method of primary prevention of periodontal diseases.
However, the concept high-quality individual oral hygiene» assumes the correct implementation of the following points:
regular and proper brushing of teeth;
using high-quality toothbrushes and toothpastes;
the use of additional means of prevention (flosses, interdental brushes, irrigators, devices for cleaning the tongue, etc.).

However, with unconditional priority individual oral hygiene, as mentioned above, close attention should be paid to eliminating those clinical situations that either sharply reduce its effectiveness or do not allow achieving the desired effect. In particular, these include:
dental anomalies;
defects in fillings, prosthetics, orthodontic treatment;
violation of the architectonics of attachment of soft tissues of the vestibule of the oral cavity;
the presence of supracontacts and the absence of physiological abrasion of enamel tubercles after 25 years.

That is why the list primary prevention measures and includes interventions aimed at eliminating (or significantly reducing the degree of influence) the listed situations.

Our own research have shown that after detailed instruction, the vast majority of patients can master the technique of high-quality teeth brushing. However, almost all adults constantly perform it for 1.5 to 3 months. After this, as a rule, they lose motivation and return to their usual (low-quality) cleaning. This reality (despite the fact that in words all the patients present in detail all the finest information about the rules of cleaning and the latest hygiene products and convince them that they do so) gives grounds for very modestly assessing the prognosis of individual training for adults and looking for ways which will allow you to realize the truly great potential of personal hygiene. Another fact convinced us of the legitimacy of this need: it turned out that only first-grade students exactly follow all the instructor’s instructions. As they grow up, already in the second grade, they lay out the rules of cleaning more and more cheerfully and carry them out more and more poorly. Therefore, two tasks are relevant at once.
1. At what age should hygiene training begin to ensure that the training lessons provide maximum motivation throughout life?
2. How often should the process of individual training and supervision be repeated so that the individual actually meets the required requirements on a consistent basis?

Based on our own data, which is very consistent with the opinion of hygienists, we believe that it is necessary to teach children the rules of oral hygiene and monitor its quality from the age of 2-3 years. Moreover, from the first year, parents must brush their child’s teeth themselves, and as soon as the child masters acceptable manual skills, it is important to teach the child not only oral care techniques, but also to instill in him an awareness of the importance of strict adherence to it (i.e., motivation). However, you can really count on results only if the adults around the child, primarily parents, do the same. Otherwise, the effect of effort will be zero, since children copy the behavior of adults.

What concerns adults(here our results again coincide with the data of other specialists), then after training and weekly monitoring for 1 month. Subsequently, repeated examinations demonstrating the state of hygiene using dye (otherwise the patient will not be convinced of the need to improve hygienic care) should be carried out at least once every 3 months. until quality oral care is achieved.

By the way, it is precisely the real difficulties of instilling the most seemingly elementary concept of necessity regular teeth cleaning and show that solving this problem on a proper scale is possible (again, in reality, these possibilities will turn out to be much more modest than hypothetical) only on the condition that the individual efforts of specialists will find support in the widest media: television, radio, and in programs focused specifically for different age groups of the population.

Thus, individual education and motivation in relation to hygienic oral care can give the maximum possible result only in the case of equally intensive and targeted training - individual, collective, mass.

Only after successful solution With the listed tasks of the first stage, there is hope to obtain the expected effect of specific means and methods of prevention, which are also of an individual, collective and mass nature.

Most dental problems can be avoided by following basic oral hygiene requirements and rules. In this matter, an individual approach to solving problems and caring for teeth is important, since our teeth and gums are individual, just like you and me.

Our teeth and gums are designed to carry out the process of chewing food, however, despite this, they are imperfect and are highly susceptible to the influence of lifestyle, including the quality and characteristics of the food consumed. So, if you do not carry out timely and thorough cleaning of the oral cavity, a person over time risks losing all his teeth, even without waiting for old age. In addition, untreated teeth can cause serious health problems and even death.

It should be noted that cleaning teeth and hygiene of the entire oral cavity are highly effective only if they are performed correctly from the point of view of dental specialists.

Don't underestimate the importance of oral hygiene to good health. Many of us mistakenly believe that dental care is carried out exclusively in the morning after waking up and in the evening before bed. In fact, oral hygiene should be practiced throughout the day.

A comprehensive and correct approach to oral hygiene should include:

  • Thorough brushing of teeth (at least morning and evening) using a toothbrush and toothpaste.
  • Cleansing the oral cavity from food debris, plaque and germs after every meal.
  • Caring for the spaces between teeth.

At first glance, it seems simple, but many people do not fully know and follow the rules of dental care.

The private dental clinic "Apollonia" offers you its high-quality services in oral hygiene training, both you and your children, as well as services for individual selection of oral hygiene products.

Highly qualified practicing dentists working in our clinic will not only introduce you to the basic rules and methods of brushing your teeth, taking into account the individual characteristics of the structure and condition of your oral cavity, but will also point out possible mistakes made in oral hygiene. Our medical specialists will clearly demonstrate the most effective ways to daily clean teeth from plaque and food debris, and will also teach clinic patients how to properly brush their teeth, regardless of their age.

The specialists of our dental clinic will select individual hygiene products with high quality, taking into account your age, health status, lifestyle, dietary habits, etc.

Knowledge and observance of the rules of oral hygiene are necessary for both children and adults: your teeth will be healthy and beautiful, your smile will be dazzling, and toothache will be an unfamiliar problem.

In addition, you can save your money, as you can get advice on the selection of individual hygiene products and training in proper brushing of teeth, you can get acquainted with us at

Teaching children individual oral hygiene should begin at the age of 2−4 years. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the age-related psychological characteristics of this group of children. They consist of a tendency to imitate, a tendency to engage in collective activities and inspections. Therefore, calmer children are initially examined, which serves as an example to follow. At this age, suggestibility is great, which must be used.

The basis of work with children should be conversation and direct communication. At this age, children are too young to understand the need for oral care, and explaining it to them is simply boring. At the same time, the skills acquired at this age become especially strong and remain for life. The basis of their upbringing in children should be play situations. Teaching children proper oral care skills can only be done in a good mood.

This is achieved by beautiful toothbrushes, rinsing cups, the color and shape of objects, and the presence of favorite toys.

It is advisable to start teaching children aged 5-7 years with a conversation about the role of teeth for health and the need to care for them, since at this age children are already able to absorb this knowledge. Further classes also need to be built in the form of an interesting, entertaining game.

Learning to brush teeth usually begins with a demonstration, regardless of the age of the student. The medical professional must perform all manipulations with an explanation of their meaning and procedure. Usually there are 7

successive stages: 1) hand washing; 2) rinsing your mouth with water; 3) washing the toothbrush with soap; 4) applying toothpaste to the brush head; 5) brushing teeth; 6) rinsing your mouth with water; 7) washing the toothbrush, lathering it and storing it in a glass.

It is recommended to teach preschoolers 2−4 years old in kindergarten (7 lessons of 15 minutes each) in the following sequence:
1−lesson - examination of the oral cavity of children using a dental mirror and spatula;
2−lesson - teaching a child how to rinse the mouth, followed by consolidation of the skill and monitoring it after eating;
3rd lesson a story about a toothbrush, its purpose, a demonstration of use on a model;
4th lesson teaching children to use a brush on jaw models and monitoring this skill;
5th lesson children brushing their teeth without toothpaste, followed by washing the brush with water, drying it and storing it in a glass, with further consolidation of this skill.
Lesson 6: children brush their teeth without toothpaste in the morning and evening (at home) under the supervision of parents (teachers, medical workers);
Lesson 7 (at home): children brush their teeth in the morning and evening with toothpaste, care for their toothbrush, and rinse their mouth.

For preschoolers aged 5-7 years, the teaching methodology is similar (7 lessons), but more attention is paid to explaining the rules of brushing teeth, performing it on toys, and most importantly, monitoring the assimilation of brushing rules by each child by determining the hygiene index before and after brushing. Therefore, children need to be explained the role of plaque staining and the importance of removing it during oral hygiene.

To develop positive emotions in children when learning, it is necessary to select “tasty” toothpaste, bright brushes, and beautiful dishes for rinsing.

For children of primary school age (grades 1–4), oral hygiene training is carried out in 5 lessons. At this age, more attention should be paid to the story about the role of teeth in a person’s life, their diseases, the possibility of preventing them, measures to

prevention of oral diseases. It is advisable to introduce children to a wider range of oral care products and items: toothbrushes, pastes, powders and elixirs.

In teaching oral hygiene, a large role is given to monitoring the quality of teeth brushing, error correction, and repeated monitoring, since their data is a clear indicator of the quality and skill of oral care. Teaching adults how to brush their teeth follows the described rules, taking into account their conscious attitude to hygiene, but also with mandatory supervision.

Much attention in teaching hygiene should be paid to rinsing the mouth to remove food debris after eating it. Each meal should end with rinsing. Rinsing should be accompanied by vigorous movements of the facial and chewing muscles for 0.5-1 minutes.

To enhance the preventive effect of rinsing, use elixirs that have a pronounced deodorizing and anti-inflammatory effect.

For hygienic rinsing, add 10-15 drops of elixir to a glass of water at room temperature and rinse your mouth for 1/2-1 minute.

To improve oral hygiene and enhance self-cleaning processes, it is advisable to eat vegetables and fruits that have high melting properties for teeth and the oral cavity: carrots, cabbage, radishes, radishes, apples, pears.

Chewing these foods increases salivation and mechanically cleans teeth of plaque and food debris. These foods are best taken for dessert or between meals.

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Individual oral hygiene training

Oral hygiene education is a major component of the health education work of the dentist, his assistant and the hygienist. Dental personnel provide hygienic training not only to patients, but also to doctors of other specialties, teachers, educators, and parents, who in turn are engaged in hygienic training of their wards. Training can be carried out in various ways and methods (both individual and group, both office and communal), but in any case - on the basis of the rules of psychology and pedagogy, aimed at different age groups (see the relevant sections).

The most common form of teaching oral care is a hygiene lesson. The fundamental structure of a hygiene lesson is built in accordance with the learning objectives: Stage I - motivation, Stage II - selection of hygiene products and methods, Stage III - practical training in the chosen hygiene method.

Motivation. In general, during the conversation the patient should be convinced that:
. the problem of diseased teeth is directly related to him in the present (the patient is shown problems in his oral cavity using a mirror or video camera) and/or in the future (statistics for the region are used as arguments);
. healthy teeth are better than diseased ones (they talk about the absence of discomfort and pain, about beauty, about the opportunity not to refuse any food, about maintaining a healthy stomach, about professional suitability, about saving money on treatment and prosthetics, etc.; when they try to focus not on losses, but on benefits);
. dental health can be preserved by means of dental care, using modern knowledge and relatively inexpensive effective preventive agents (they give examples of success at the global, regional, etc. levels, refer to achievements in the families of their regular patients);
. dental diseases are associated with many different factors (local and general risk factors are listed), but not all of them can be radically eradicated by a person; it is practically possible to reduce the aggressiveness of the main cause of pathology - infected dental plaque;
. dental plaque destroys teeth (they talk about the mechanisms of demineralization, tissue destruction, and possible outcomes of tooth destruction);
. plaque is currently attacking the patient’s teeth (the plaque is demonstrated on a probe, on a floss, on the teeth after staining, in a native plaque preparation in a microscope, etc.).

The result of this stage should be the patient’s desire to immediately get rid of dental plaque.

Selection of hygiene products and methods. At this stage, the doctor informs the patient about what brush, paste, floss and other hygiene products are needed in his individual (!) case for effective teeth cleaning. It is useful to have samples of hygiene products in the office, which allows the patient to compare the products he has (at home, or better yet, with him) with the ones he needs and visually reinforces motivation. It is good if the doctor has the opportunity to offer the patient the necessary brush, paste, floss, etc. into ownership (sale, donation).

Teaching methods of brushing teeth. Two main methods are used for training: a) demonstration training on a model; b) practical training in the oral cavity (supervised brushing). Ideally, training begins with a demonstration on a model and then reinforces what has been learned through hands-on training.

Before teaching a patient new cleaning methods, you should find out what level his hygiene skills are at, and on this basis, create a plan for correcting habitual movements and teaching new elements. Diagnostics can be carried out both using a model and during real teeth cleaning. In the first case, the patient is given a brush (floss), a model and asked to show exactly how he usually brushes his teeth.

The doctor pays attention to how the patient holds the brush (thread) in his hand, the direction and number of movements on each surface of each group of teeth, and the amount of pressure on the brush. Comments must be absolutely friendly: the doctor must identify errors and explain their negative consequences, referring to those problems that the patient has already seen in his mouth, but in no case should you blame the patient for his ignorance! Then the doctor shows on the model what changes need to be made to the movement technology and asks the patient to repeat the innovations on the same model.

Controlled brushing can be carried out under several conditions: the patient has his own brush, he (or in the office) has toothpaste, there are facilities for washing and rinsing the mouth and a mirror.

The procedure consists of several stages:
1) staining dental plaque with a permanent dye;
2) brushing teeth using the patient’s usual methods (the doctor, with a neutral or approving facial expression, silently observes the patient’s actions in order to identify specific flaws and then make appropriate, specific suggestions);
3) determination of the quality of teeth brushing according to the O'Leary protocol (the patient can be asked to independently fill out the protocol and calculate hygiene indicators) and comments on the shortcomings of habitual teeth brushing;
4) proposal of necessary changes, explanation of their advantages and technology;
5) patient testing of innovations in the oral cavity under the supervision and with the active participation of a doctor;
6) determining the quality of teeth cleaning using new methods with filling out the O'Leary protocol.

One hygiene lesson is usually not enough for effective learning. At subsequent visits, supervised teeth cleaning and analysis of the patient’s achievements and omissions are carried out; he is shown a visible improvement in the situation in the oral cavity. After six months or more, the patient’s motivation can be strengthened by analyzing the growth of caries: the absence (inhibition) of growth will inspire the patient to make further efforts to maintain oral hygiene.

The above basic scheme for teaching oral hygiene requires adaptation:
. to social conditions (level of cultural and economic capabilities of the audience);
. to the age of the audience (mental and physical learning abilities, priorities in motivation, choice of oral hygiene products and methods);
. to the possibilities of technical equipment of the learning process (availability of visual aids, water supply and sewerage, dyes, brushes, pastes, etc.). During hygienic training, it is advisable to touch upon other aspects of caries prevention: nutrition, fluoride prophylaxis, etc.

It is quite difficult to organize training for parents of children under one year old as part of a dental appointment, since children of this age are rarely our patients. To educate this strategically important group, the dentist must initiate cooperation with those doctors to whom future and then young parents inevitably turn.

The dentist should actively participate in the work of lectures for pregnant women, organized in antenatal clinics, and schools for young parents at children's clinics, giving lectures, conversations, etc. The ideal option, implemented in a number of countries, is to involve pediatricians and visiting pediatric nurses, who enter the newborn’s family earlier than other specialists, in training parents of babies in the basics of hygienic oral care; these specialists must be motivated, educated and trained by the dentist.

Parents of children aged 1 to 3 years are trained by a dentist. The pediatrician is obliged to refer the child for a consultation with a dentist at the age of 1, 2, 3 years, and the dentist must conduct appropriate conversations at the appointment and teach parents practical techniques for brushing the child’s teeth. Teaching children themselves the elements of hygienic oral care falls mainly on the shoulders of parents, to whom the dentist must explain the basic rules: relying on personal example, ensuring psychological comfort during hygienic procedures, offering interesting models of children’s brushes, playful forms of “lessons,” restrictions on time (no more than 3-5 minutes) and in the volume of new material, encouraging the child for diligence and success.

When teaching a child manual skills, you should remember that the child sees and evaluates the world in a mirror image, therefore a right-handed adult demonstrating brush movements on a model (cube) to a right-handed child, while facing the child, should hold the brush in his left hand . It is better to conduct training in front of a mirror, when an adult stands next to the child (or behind him) at the same level or slightly higher and carries out all the manipulations with his right hand. The effectiveness of such a conversation between the dentist and parents increases if the doctor himself conducts a lesson with the child in the office, actively involving parents in the process and drawing their attention to important points.

Training for parents and their children from 3 to 6 years old

Hygienic training for preschool children should be carried out in the dental office, in the family, in a child care facility (Fig. 5.50).

Rice. 5.50. Scheme of hygienic education of children 3-6 years old.

The family plays the main role in hygienic motivation, teaching children and maintaining their constant preventive activity.

The dentist who receives the child in the office is obliged to demonstrate to the parents the quality of his oral hygiene, select suitable hygiene products, explain to the parents the rules for brushing the child’s teeth with the hands of adults and the elements of the KAI method that need to be taught to the child.

It is very useful to conduct a hygiene lesson to teach parents the appropriate manipulations. Children from 3 to 6 years old attend preschool institutions, and this circumstance is widely used for the purpose of hygienic education of children. The dentist must train teachers and health workers of a child care institution in the rules of primary dental prevention and, in particular, hygienic oral care for children so that these workers can form appropriate healthy oral habits in children.

Children are taught using forms and methods that correspond to their age characteristics: classes are held in a playful way, with elements of competition, information is presented in small fragments during a cycle of classes.

Practical training is carried out on models; Each new element is repeated several times “in two hands,” when the adult places his hand on top of the child’s hand. Teeth brushing is carried out near washbasins, under the supervision and with the active participation of an adult, who should guide the movements of the child’s hand, control the efforts applied to the brush, note the quality of teeth cleaning and encourage the child’s success.

As a result, by the age of six, the child should learn that:
. after eating, you need to remove any remaining food from your mouth so that it does not feed on harmful microbes that destroy your teeth;
. Teeth should be brushed with a brush and toothpaste 2 times a day: after breakfast and before bedtime;
. Everyone should have their own brush, which should not be given to anyone else;
. the toothbrush should be child-sized (small), not old and not shaggy (for each season - a new brush);
. You can’t do anything with a toothbrush other than brush your teeth;
. before brushing your teeth, you need to wash your hands with soap and rinse your mouth;
. You need to moisten a clean brush with water, apply a little baby paste (about the size of a pea) on it and spread the paste over your teeth, being careful not to swallow anything;
. with a brush you need to clean all your teeth on all sides with the correct movements, trying not to swallow saliva at this time, but to spit it out;
. Having finished brushing your teeth, you need to rinse your mouth with water and wash your face;
. To keep the brush clean, you need to wash it with soap and water and place it in a glass upside down.

Education for children aged 7 to 10 years and their parents is carried out both at the dental appointment and at school. It is necessary to remember the active role of parents in the oral hygiene of younger schoolchildren and therefore organize education not only and not so much for the child, but for the whole family, clearly indicating the capabilities and responsibilities of children and adults.

The school curriculum provides hours for hygienic education of students. Hygiene lessons are taught by a dentist, hygienist or school nurse trained by them. The conversation can be conducted in the classroom, and supervised brushing of teeth can be carried out near the washbasins at the entrance to the cafeteria, or in the dental office, or in a specially equipped prevention room.

For primary school students, several 15-20-minute conversations are held, consistently covering various issues of prevention and motivating children for dental self-help.

During the practical part of the hygiene lesson, an adult should evaluate the quality of brushes and toothpastes brought by children from home and gently recommend replacements (in no case should this give rise to classmates ridiculing children who do not have good hygiene products!). Dental plaque is stained, demonstrated in the mirror, and has a friendly (!) discussion. The upcoming manipulations are “taken through” with the help of a model, then they begin to brush their teeth. An adult watches the work of each child, corrects movements, and controls their number. After 2-3 minutes of brushing teeth and rinsing the mouth, the quality of the cleaning performed is analyzed, the best ones are identified and rewarded.

Training for children aged 11-14 years and adolescents should be carried out in a dental office in the presence of their parents, indicating specific subjective and objective hygienic problems of the child that require the active intervention of adults. Parents must remember that a teenager’s interests are unstable; he needs constant psychological support and control.

Before teaching oral hygiene in a school setting, it is necessary to determine the basic level of knowledge and skills of the audience on this issue. This can be done by preliminary examination of children or using a questionnaire:

Questionnaires can be more complex, which makes it possible to more accurately determine the topics and specific content of conversations with a particular group. Practical hygiene lessons at school are best conducted in small same-sex groups or individually; discussions of failures are conducted with special care and sincere interest not only in the dental, but also in the mental well-being of the child.

Adult education should be carried out in strict accordance with the psychological characteristics of each patient. Motivation for oral care can be carried out during population and group preventive work, practical training - only on an individual basis. The best results are achieved by controlled brushing of teeth, since it allows you to evaluate and correct not only the patient’s ideas about the rules (which usually happens during training on a model), but also to intervene in his real manipulations and make it possible to physically feel the difference in the direction and strength of the applied efforts, learn innovations at the proprioceptive level.

T.V. Popruzhenko, T.N. Terekhova

The responsibilities of a dentist and nursing staff of dental medical institutions, especially with a local service principle, include competent training of children, their parents, teaching and medical staff of schools and kindergartens in the basic rules of dental care. This is an effective and widespread method of modern prevention of dental caries and periodontal disease.
Interesting experience has been accumulated on this issue in the GDR. A special hygiene hour has been introduced in schools in the GDR, which takes place once a week. During this hour, the nurse teaches schoolchildren in grades 1 and 2 a uniform technique for brushing their teeth in a specially equipped room (low washbasins, shelves for glasses and toothbrushes, mirrors). While cleaning, children monitor their actions in front of the mirror. Hygienic hour is included in the curriculum and is mandatory.
Classes of this kind are held until 5th grade, in 1st - 2nd grades - once a week, in 3rd grade once every 2 weeks, in 4th grade - once a month.
Parents and teaching staff are often invited to conduct a hygiene hour.
According to Professor Künzel, this measure has a good preventive effect; after 3 - 3.5 years, the incidence of dental caries and periodontal diseases in children decreases.
The expediency of regular, double brushing of teeth is undoubted, and the real result of this event depends on competent health education propaganda, correct advice and recommendations for oral care. The average medical worker of a dental institution must know and implement this.
The quality of oral care in observed patients is checked using the Fedorov-Volodkina hygiene index. To do this, use the coloring of the labial surface of the six lower frontal teeth with an iodine-iodide-potassium solution (KalII jodati pulv. 2.0; Jodi puri crist. 1.0: Aquae destill. 40.0). Quantitative assessment is made using a five-point system:
Normally, the hygiene index does not exceed 1.1 - 1.3 points. For a more detailed study of the oral cavity in one or a group of patients, its qualitative assessment can be used using a three-point system:
Using the recommended hygiene index, you can determine not only the quality of teeth cleaning with a particular paste, but also the cleansing effect of various hygiene products, as well as the individual degree and quality of teeth cleaning for a particular patient.
Proposed hygienic The teeth cleaning index is simple and accessible, as it is calculated very quickly. At the same time, it is a completely objective criterion on the basis of which one can judge the degree and nature of hygienic dental care in various individuals and groups of people. This method can also serve to illustrate the quality of tooth brushing when teaching hygiene skills.
It is advisable to start practicing oral hygiene before removing tartar and soft dental deposits.
The patient is given a hand mirror so that he can follow the oral examination. First they show him white dental plaque, scraping off some of it for credibility, and at the same time explain to adults its bacterial contents and harmful effects on periodontal tissue and tooth enamel.
You should build your conversation depending on the personality of the patient and his cultural level. However, in all cases it is necessary to emphasize in the conversation that white dental the plaque is almost invisible. Then, as an illustration, staining of dental plaque is carried out using an iodine-potassium iodide solution or a 6% solution of basic fuchsin. So, 4 drops of a 6% solution of basic fuchsin are added to a beaker with 10-12 ml of water and the patient is asked to rinse his mouth vigorously for 30 seconds. Then the patient is allowed to rinse cavity mouth with plain water to remove excess dye. Plaque and tartar are colored red and are clearly visible.
An iodine-potassium iodide solution is used to stain dental plaque using a small cotton swab, as well as to determine the standard hygiene index. The stained plaque is shown to the patient again so that he can be convinced of the unsatisfactory quality of oral care.
At the first visit, the patient is asked to bring a toothbrush and toothpaste, recommending the most suitable brush design. At the next visit, the patient is asked to brush his teeth in his usual way for the time usually spent on this, in order to subsequently be able to point out obvious errors and shortcomings. Then the patient must be pointed out about his incorrect actions and shown on the model and drawings the most rational methods of brushing his teeth.
To make it easier to learn how to clean the mouth, each half of the dentition can be divided into three parts: front, middle and back. Brushing should begin from the back, placing the brush at the level of the occlusal (biting) surface of the teeth. It is recommended to move the brush along the axis of the teeth with scraping movements or slightly rotating it like sweeping movements. There should be 6-8 such movements in the area of ​​the same teeth on the buccal side and 6-8 on the lingual side. The brush is moved gradually anteriorly from one area of ​​the dentition to another. It is advisable to clean the anterior palatal and lingual areas by holding the brush in a vertical position. At first you can count them, and then the rhythm and duration of cleaning becomes a habit and it happens automatically. After finishing cleaning, the student should rinse his mouth thoroughly. At the end of the instruction, the patient is asked to use the toothbrush as directed and is released only when he is able to perform the procedure effectively.
Practice shows that repeated conversations and classes are necessary, which are also conducted by a nurse. For this purpose, the patient is asked to return in 2 weeks with a toothbrush for a follow-up examination. During this examination, the plaque is re-stained. It is advisable that sick At the same time, I observed its result using a hand mirror. If the cleaning efficiency is insufficient, the instructions should be repeated.
We must remember that most people do not master hygiene skills after the first instruction or conversation. Therefore it is advisable that sick on subsequent visits he had a toothbrush with him. Instruction should be continued until good oral cleaning results are achieved. It is advisable to conduct training for patients with periodontal disease individually. Instruction in a class or group of people in a clinic can only be in the form of general instructions and does not achieve the goal that is possible with individual classes.
Both in school and in the clinic, in order to achieve good results in oral care, it should be monitored from time to time using the special indices described above.