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Dragon Herbs, Eagle Vision 100 Vegetable Capsules

The founder and leader of the Dragon Herbs brand is American Ron Tegearden. Ron is called the Master Herbalist and the father of the herbal movement in the States, because he was the first to sell tonics based on ginseng and goji berries back in 1971.
Since 1971, Ron has been a practitioner and distributor of Chinese traditional medicine and herbal medicine throughout the United States. Ron is known as the author of several books and numerous articles on the topic of preventing and treating disease using herbs. Ron has many students and followers, as well as a huge number of clients.
Ron underwent many years of training with renowned masters in China, Korea and Japan, studying ancient Taoist methods of healing the body, acupressure and approaches to healthy eating, as well as herbal medicine. He himself is a fan of macrobiotics and has been working in the macrobiotics community for 7 years.
Ron specializes in tonic herbs and travels extensively, collecting the most interesting and rare herbs from around the world. Many of his herbal preparations eventually became the superfoods we know today.
Ron is particularly interested in immunomodulatory, anti-aging, and cardiovascular health herbs. He has spent the last 20 years in China, Japan, Central Asia, and the Himalayas, collecting the best quality and potency of herbs for his tonics and superfoods.

Founded by him in California in 1996, the Dragon Herbs brand uses the best raw materials for its products, these are individually selected and purest herbs from different regions.
One of the preparations based on Chinese herbal remedies is Eagle Vision from Dragon Herbs. Its main tasks: toning the liver, cleansing it and improving its functions, nourishing the blood, and as a result, improving the condition of the eyes.

According to the approach of traditional Chinese medicine, the condition of our eyes, including visual acuity, is closely related to the condition and functions of the liver (this also includes the gallbladder). This is why Chinese doctors will first examine your liver to treat eye problems, and the main treatment for vision problems will be to cleanse it (stimulating bile secretion), removing toxins and restoring liver cells, as well as working with the peripheral nervous system, which controls liver function. eye. As a result, the condition of the eyes improves, especially the clarity and clarity of vision.

The drug contains:
- goji berries - tone the liver and thereby cleanse the blood. Also contain carotenoids, which promote the production of vitamin A and provide nutrients for the eyes, including zeaxanthin, a carotenoid that protects retinal health, a pigment that coats the retina (the back wall of the eye);
- chrysanthemum flowers. This flower is used in Chinese herbalism to quickly benefit the eyes and vision by clearing obstructions and allowing energy to flow freely through the eyes. It can help reduce eye strain, redness and congestion due to fatigue and temporary dryness;
- cornus is another tonic fruit that has a strong effect on the kidneys and liver. Traditionally considered a valuable eye tonic;
- herbs astragalus and dioscorea provide a general strengthening effect on the body.
- Vitex rotundifolia supports clear vision.
- Ligusticum stimulates blood flow and ensures proper blood supply to the eyes.
- Tribulus tones the kidneys and liver.
- Cassia tora has a calming effect.
This, of course, is not the entire composition, only the main active ingredients. Among the auxiliary ones, there are, for example, senna seeds, which have a mild laxative effect.

The manufacturer points out:
tonic herbs should not be used to prevent or treat eye diseases (you should consult your doctor for this). This formula is used to ensure the correct balance of energy in the eyes so that the eyes remain healthy. As a yin tonic, it also promotes healthy eye fluid balance. If you experience eye inflammation or what appears to be an eye infection or any other eye disease, you should consult your doctor.
Also, before taking the drug, make sure that you do not have gallstones.

My impressions:
Blueberry-based preparations, lutein supplements, etc. I take it regularly; as prescribed by the doctor, I take a course every six months. So you can say that I am an experienced guinea pig)))

The jar of medium-sized capsules comes with a sealed lid, and there is also a protective film.
According to the instructions, the drug should be taken 2 times a day (morning and evening) 3 capsules with water.
There are no foreign tastes or odors coming from the capsules. The capsules are medium-sized and easy to swallow.

Please note - take 6 capsules per day. That is, jars for 100 pcs. you will only have enough for 2 weeks and 2 days. So, immediately decide on your initial data (the condition of the liver and vision) and the main purpose of taking this drug: if the liver is not very problematic and you drink the drug more for prevention, in principle, you can get by with 1 jar. If you want a more pronounced effect, take two, they will be enough for a month’s course.

I did not expect any miracle from this drug, as in principle from any other drug with “vitamins for the eyes”. After all, our vision depends on many factors.
And yet, after drinking 1 jar, I was more than satisfied with the result: my vision became clearer and my eyes more hydrated. My eyes began to get less tired when working with a computer.
Will I take it again - definitely yes.

From impressions, in addition to the effect on vision: the drug has a clear choleretic effect, sometimes warmth was felt in the area of ​​the right hypochondrium, plus a mild laxative.
Also, due to cleansing of the liver and the release of toxins, nausea, headache, dizziness, and rash may appear - especially in the first days of use. This is normal and there is no need to worry - these symptoms pass quickly. You can ease your condition by taking a warm bath with sea salt, drinking plenty of clean water, or taking a walk in the spring park.
By the way, the drug also has a tonic and general strengthening effect on the body - so you will have plenty of energy for such walks.

According to the dosage regimen, the manufacturer does not give any special recommendations, but since the drug has a choleretic effect, it is better to take it 15-20 minutes before meals or after meals. I liked taking it 15 minutes after eating, as there was no discomfort or nausea on an empty stomach, but perhaps this is purely my individual tolerance.

By the way, the best time to work with the liver is spring, so seize the moment, now such drugs are most effective!

Finally, remember Ron Tegearden's "First Rule of Tonic Herbalism": Follow the instructions. If you don't take herbs REGULARLY, they don't work. So do not forget to take the drug according to the schedule, and do not miss a dose, this is important.

Some useful tips about the liver
According to Chinese traditional medicine, if you want healthy eyes, take care of your liver.
Our emotions, especially anger and rejection, as well as our diet, have a huge impact on the liver.
To help your liver, be patient, empathize, and let go of grudges.
Don't eat at night or overeat.
Be sure to sleep from 1 am to 3 am - at this time the liver cleanses and repairs itself.
Do not uncontrollably drink synthetic supplements and medications - the liver has to break it all down and remove toxins, this weakens it.
Eat more leafy greens and sprouted grains to strengthen your liver.
Take care of your liver - and it will take care of you and your eyes!

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In the age of industrial technologies and digital technology, it is very important to know how to maintain vision, because one of the most common reasons for visiting a doctor is a decrease in vision. There are a number of reasons why visibility deteriorates.

See the world without glasses

Decreased vision has a strong negative impact on all aspects of normal life, spoils overall well-being and can cause long-term depression, and performing many types of work is generally impossible without healthy eyes. Therefore, even financial well-being is directly related to the eyes.

Causes of decreased vision, what to do?

The most common causes of decreased vision and ways to avoid problems:

  1. Working at the computer

Working at a computer monitor for long periods of time without breaks really hurts your eyes. The bright light emanating from the monitor, constantly moving pupils and overexertion cause vision deterioration.

  • To maintain eye health, it is worth reducing the amount of time spent at the computer. When reading text from a monitor for a long time, the tone of the eye muscles deteriorates due to prolonged gaze lingering at one point.
  • Using a font size that is too small also has a negative impact. The font should be easy to read without squinting. Constantly looking at small print strains the blood vessels in the eye, resulting in inflammation of the eye mucosa.
  1. Watching TV

Anyone who likes to watch TV with the lights off should be careful and maintain their eyesight. Due to a sharp change in lighting, the pupil becomes very tense. When viewing for a long time, the picture becomes blurry, the clarity of objects decreases, severe headaches and ripples in the eyes may appear.

  1. Incorrect posture

It's hard to believe, but curvature of the spine can also lead to loss of visual acuity. At first glance, these are two completely different problems. But the spine is a conductor of two blood vessels, the activity of which ensures blood flow to the human brain and eyes. Therefore, if you cannot find the reason for the sudden deterioration in visibility, then pay attention to the health of the spine.

Habitual body position sometimes harms the spine

To maintain your vision, pay attention to your posture and spinal health, and you will avoid trouble. Try not to lift things that are too heavy, and sit correctly. If you lead a predominantly sedentary lifestyle, try to take breaks for warm-up and exercise.

  1. Diseases

Infectious diseases and inflammatory processes, high or low blood pressure can cause dilation or constriction of blood vessels. Since the human body is one, the condition of the blood vessels directly affects the health of the eyes.

  1. Fatigue

Severe overwork reduces the severity of all body reactions. Watch your rhythm of life, there is no need to abuse your body and bring it to the point of physical exhaustion. It is necessary to follow a daily routine, get enough rest and sleep.

Overwork also leads to early aging, and visual acuity usually decreases with age.

How to maintain vision? Prevention

There are several ways to maintain good vision and even improve it. There are both effective home methods and medication treatments:

  • Rest. It is recommended to give your eyes rest. When working at the computer or watching TV, do not forget to be distracted for at least a few minutes.
  • Exercises and gymnastics. If the situation is not yet very advanced, then with the help of special gymnastics for the eyes you can achieve good results.
  • Planning. Learn to distribute time between work and rest.
  • Organization of work space. If you are a fan of reading or you have to do this due to your professional activity, equip yourself with a comfortable place with sufficient lighting.
  • Proper nutrition. Poor nutrition and lack of vitamins over time have a negative impact on the entire body.
  • If it has already happened that your vision is impaired, then you need to pay attention to this and take the necessary measures. Make an appointment with your doctor to get contact lenses or glasses for computer use.

In case of large-scale visual impairment, laser correction will come to the rescue. Thanks to today's development of medicine, there are practically no hopeless situations and unsolvable questions about how best to maintain vision.

They say that about 90% of the information that a person perceives from all over the world comes through the eyes.
We can admire the bottomlessness of the sky, enjoy the color of deep water, visually feel movement... Whatever, just see the diversity and multicolor of the environment. It is difficult to overestimate the importance of vision. But, alas, very often the eyes begin to fail: the former clarity fades, clarity is lost and the whole world seems to blur into a continuous fog... How to prevent loss of vision? How to maintain clarity and clarity of outlines? The head of the eye microsurgery department of the Chernihiv Regional Hospital, an ophthalmologist of the highest category, Irina Bykhovets, told Desnyanskaya Week about this and more.

Why is it falling?

It is no secret that the main causes of visual impairment are poor lifestyle and age. Working at a computer for a long time, reading in poor lighting, lying down, in transport, unhealthy diet, concomitant diseases, smoking, alcohol, excess body weight... All this in one way or another affects visual acuity.
Most often, people go to the ophthalmologist's office with refractive errors (myopia, farsightedness, astigmatism). At a more mature age - a violation of the transparency of the lens (cataract). But glaucoma is treated less frequently, although this insidious disease is increasingly attacking patients around the world. So this trend is scary.
Almost half of the patients hospitalized in the eye microsurgery department have cataracts, 23% have glaucoma, 10% have eye injuries, and the rest have inflammation and degenerative processes.

After 40 - don't wait for symptoms

You should contact a doctor as soon as a problem arises: pain, pain, blurred vision, loss of clarity... However, sometimes you need to make an appointment with an ophthalmologist even before any symptoms arise.
After 40 years, due to age-related changes in the visual system, a person notices that he can read only when the text is sufficiently distant from the eyes. Therefore, glasses are needed, which should be selected by a specialist. If you buy them yourself, you may experience pain and eye fatigue. In addition, once every three years, intraocular pressure must be measured in the morning at the clinic at your place of residence. If you have relatives with glaucoma, then such an examination should be done annually after 35 years.
The regional hospital operates a 24-hour ophthalmological trauma center. Therefore, if there are injuries, contact us immediately, do not wait until the morning or working day.

Insidious glaucoma

This is damage (atrophy) of the optic nerve with increased, and possibly normal, intraocular pressure. The insidiousness of this disease is that there may not be obvious signs. The main symptom is a gradual decrease in visual acuity. It happens that the patient does not even notice that he sees poorly in one eye. The problem becomes apparent when the disease strikes a second one.
Remember: glaucoma inevitably leads to blindness. But if you notice it in time, you can stop the progression of the disease. Unfortunately, it is impossible to restore visual acuity.
It is still unknown where glaucoma comes from. But there are several risk factors: age after 40, heredity, hypertension, vegetative-vascular dystonia, migraine, diabetes.

Possible symptoms of glaucoma:
rainbow circles when looking at a light source;
periodic or constant fog before the eyes;
blurred vision.

How to treat:

use only medications recommended by your doctor and according to the prescribed regimen;
Take some medications only after consulting an ophthalmologist;
do not drink alcohol or smoke at all.
Glaucoma is not a death sentence if detected in time.

Cataracts - it's not so scary

With cataracts, even in the last stages, you can restore vision (replace the lens with an artificial one). The level of cataract surgery is very high.
The regional clinic has a modern B-scanner, which makes it possible to detect concomitant pathology of the eye before surgery in case of a cloudy lens. This gives the patient a chance to further restore vision.
The lens is removed using ultrasound: through a puncture of the eye from 1.8 to 2.5 mm, depending on the purchased implant. A special ultrasonic instrument is inserted into the eye, the cloudy lens turns into an emulsion and is simultaneously removed from the eye. Instead, high-quality artificial flexible implants are implanted.
Today there is a lot of talk about laser cataract removal. In this area, surgery is carried out only using the ultrasound method; it is the most popular all over the world. Laser techniques are just being studied.
During cataract surgery it is important:
- how it is carried out;
- what related materials and equipment are used;
- specialist level.

If you are prescribed glasses, wear them

There is a myth that if you wear glasses, your vision will only worsen. Irina Bykhovets dispels it. Glasses help you perceive the world clearly and brightly. Their vision will not deteriorate. On the contrary, if you do not wear glasses prescribed by your doctor, your eyes will constantly be under strain, your head will hurt, and this will not bring anything good.
Do not read in transport, lying down or in poor lighting.
When you read, work on the computer or watch TV, take breaks.

Preventing “monitor” syndrome

Computers and televisions have taken over the world. But along with the visible relief of life, they also brought a huge burden on the body in general and on vision in particular. Of course, in the modern world we cannot completely abandon monitors and blue screens. Therefore, to prevent possible eye problems, you need follow several rules:
- the distance to the computer should be 50-60 cm, placement - at eye level;
- as for TVs, the screen must be at a distance of at least five diagonals of your TV model;
- in the dark, the lamp should not illuminate the monitor to avoid glare;
- don’t forget to blink to protect your eyes from drying out;
- when working at the computer, take five-minute breaks every half hour;
- first graders should spend no more than 10 minutes a day at the computer, second to fifth grade students -
15, sixth and seventh graders - 20, high school students - up to 30.
Particular attention should be paid to computer games: their effect on the developing visual system has not yet been studied.
At the first symptoms of vision deterioration, consult a doctor.

Let's feed your vision

Vision especially needs vitamins A and E (butter, egg yolk, liver, nuts, carrots, spinach, parsley, red and yellow bell peppers, black currants, blueberries, apricots). Two yolks contain a daily dose of vitamin A. Blueberries are the main component of all vitamin complexes for the eyes. Vitamin B2 is also useful; it enters the body with dairy products, eggs, nuts and grains. Fish contains healthy fats for eye health. Grapefruit - against lens aging.

Gymnastics for the eyes

Develop a healthy habit of training your eyesight during a break at work or between household chores. This should be done by both healthy people and those who already have vision problems.
1. Start with simple relaxation. Sit quietly for a couple of minutes with your eyes closed, thinking about something pleasant.
2. Rotate with your eyes open clockwise and counterclockwise - 5 times after a short pause.
3. With your eyes closed, move your “look” to the right and left, do the same with your eyes open.
4. Select two objects in the room at close and distant distances and look alternately from one to the other.
5. Cover your closed eyes with your palms and try to achieve a lasting, deep black color.
6. Place a mark or circle on the window glass. Mark a large object far behind him: this could be a house in the distance or a tree in the yard. Move a meter or two away from the window. Move your gaze from the mark to a distant object and back.

Natalya Naydyuk, weekly “Desnyanskaya Week” No. 3 (146)

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So, you have the things required according to the instructions, so it’s time to start.

Step 2

Actually, everything is simple. We sit in front of the mirror and look into the “third eye” zone. No, we’re not just looking, as you probably thought. We define the third eye as follows: take a mirror and look at the point above the nose. You are looking? Now we gradually bring the mirror to our face. You will see that the outlines of two eyes have appeared above the eyes. We continue to bring the mirror up and see that two “ghost eyes” have formed one. It is located approximately above the bridge of the nose. If you get the desired effect, then move on to the next step.

Step 3

So, let's remember the place of the third eye. Do you remember? Now we come to the mirror. It is better to take a large mirror. We sit down and direct our gaze to the third eye point. Your task is to find a state of gaze where you can look into the third eye area for 15 minutes without blinking. This is the eagle's gaze. Don't try to get this effect right away. This may take three weeks. And that's the best case scenario. But the result is worth it. You will feel much more cheerful, energetic and generally in an awesome state. Remember, your job is to find the eagle eye, not to train it, so don't force yourself to look in the mirror. This is a very important aspect of the instructions.

  • Don’t overdo it: You can devote 20 minutes a day to searching for such focus, but it’s not worth it.
  • Remember it is your choice.
  • Remember that staring at one point for too long is bad for your eyes, so it's up to you to decide whether you need it or not. Good luck!

There are many interesting facts about the eyesight of an eagle - even in children's fairy tales and folklore. The behavior of an eagle in the wild is constantly being studied and every year more and more discoveries are being made in the field of ornithology, which relate directly to the eyes of the eagle and the phenomenal vision of the eagle is considered the best in the world among all birds and animals. Eagles are distributed almost throughout the entire globe; even polar explorers in the Arctic latitudes have seen them.

In addition to the fact that the eagle’s vision is considered the best vision of living creatures in the world, the eagle is the most powerful and speedy bird among all its feathered counterparts and even. The only thing the eagle is not good at is running, and everyone, as we know, runs better - including rheas.

For an eagle, vision is the basis of its survival. The evolution of the visual apparatus of these birds has made them the owners of the most keen eyes among all living creatures.

Features of eagle vision:

1. Binocularity, that is, the formation of a single image in the cerebral cortex as a result of combining information received from each eye. Thanks to this, the eagle can accurately estimate the distance to the desired prey and the speed of its movement.

2. Unique accommodation - almost lightning-fast focusing on an object of interest, regardless of the speed of its movement.

3. Wide field of view - 275 degrees (for comparison, in humans it is 180-190 degrees from the nose to the temples and only 120-125 degrees from top to bottom). This allows the eagle to assess the situation both in front and behind without turning its head.

4. Clear color vision allows you to see many shades. This helps eagles in identifying a moving object and determining its suitability as food.

5. The location of the eyes far enough from each other allows you to accurately estimate the distance to the ground at the time of the dive.

6. The eyes are protected not only by the eyelids, but also by the nictitating membranes. The latter close when the eagle takes off and dives, protecting the eyes from dust, sun, head wind, etc. Due to their transparency, when the membranes are closed, visual acuity is practically not reduced.

If you remember the saying - the blind chicken - then there may be big doubts. A hen who is walking her chickens, seeing a dot in the sky, begins to gather her offspring in a heap and hide them under bushes or in dense thickets, and can even instantly drive her brood into an indoor chicken coop. How does she know about the danger? It seems that the chicken knows on a subconscious level that the point in the sky is goshawk , eagle, falcon , the kite is a huge danger not only for the offspring, but also for herself.

I have seen several times how nervous a chicken gets when it sees a dot in the sky. And literally after a couple of seconds this point already turns into a huge eagle, which, having grabbed the chicken, also instantly disappears. One day an eagle stole a skewer with meat from us. In the mountains of Sochi, eagles are very numerous and cause a lot of problems for animals and people, because it is practically impossible to scare them away or even shoot them.

There is also information about the Imperial Eagle on the website -.

Let's watch a short video explaining why an eagle's vision is considered the best in the world of all animals.