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What diseases do Scorpio women die from? Health of the zodiac sign Scorpio. What can Scorpio change to maintain health?

Scorpio's weak areas are the reproductive sphere and the rectum.

The ruler of the Sign, Mars, is the reason why Scorpio is susceptible to inflammatory processes of the genital organs: uterus, ovaries, prostate gland, uterine bleeding, rectal diseases, paraproctitis. Typical diseases are sexually transmitted diseases, ectopic pregnancy, and there is a danger of sepsis. There may be scrotal hernias, inflammation of the ureters, cystitis, urethritis, acute respiratory diseases, laryngitis.

Of course, the presence of the main ruler of Scorpio, Pluto, makes all of the above areas possible. It would be stupid to say that all people of this Sign will get sick, because Pluto has been in Scorpio for a very long time. But you should still pay special attention if Pluto is evil in aphetics, and especially during periods of its retrograde.

Exalted Uranus will cause diseases of the genital area associated with innervation disorders and sexual deviations; it can also bring unexpected malignant diseases, underdevelopment of the genital organs, miscarriages, difficult childbirth, bladder spasms, and hidden venereal diseases.

Venus in exile in Scorpio behaves very insidiously and creates diseases from excesses, and also reduces general immunity to infectious diseases. Children with this situation suffer from all infectious diseases of childhood, but adults can also get measles or chickenpox. In adults, one can expect inflammatory processes, lipomas and uterine cysts, inguinal and scrotal hernias, venereal diseases, bladder weakness, uterine prolapse, and dysmenorrhea. Chronic tonsillitis and laryngitis are very common. The endocrine system of the lower half of the body may suffer.

The moon in its fall gives, first of all, disorders of the menstrual cycle, a tendency to edema and tumors. Don't forget: in Scorpio! All illnesses can be the result of emotional breakdowns; such a person experiences a strong need for emotional and psychological regeneration, he very quickly loses strength from illness, and from stress, and from excesses. There may be digestive disorders.

If you are in Scorpio:
Sun - one can assume inflammatory and infectious diseases of the reproductive sphere, pharynx, larynx, but such a person, especially if the Sun is good, will quickly restore his strength.

Mercury - neuralgic disorders of the genitourinary system, menstrual irregularities and dysmenorrhea, diseases of the vocal cords.

Jupiter - can cause hereditary diseases in the male line, weeping eczema, prostate hypertrophy, hemorrhoids, dropsy.

Saturn will give a tendency to infertility, hidden long-term diseases of the genital area, including sexually transmitted diseases, menstrual irregularities, spasmodic pain in the perineum and anus, persistent, difficult to treat forms of hemorrhoids, constipation, painful urination.

Neptune - you can expect endocrine disorders and congenital pathology of the genital organs, a tendency to sexual perversion, and a craving for drug addiction. All diseases of psychosexual origin, intemperance, sexual psychosis, epilepsy.

Medical degrees:
1° - urethritis
3° - hemorrhoids and sexual perversions
5° - ovaries
8° - sexual perversions
9° - alcoholism
10° - neurasthenia (if damaged by Mercury or Saturn)

11° - Bright's disease (damaged by Venus)
13° - danger of poisoning (damage from Saturn or Venus)

15° - hair loss on the head
16° - furunculosis
17° - rectum
18° - appendicitis
20° - danger of tumors. Goiter
21° - genitals
23° - rheumatism
25° - alcoholism, drug addiction. Tonsil disease. Suicidal tendencies

27° - prostate gland or uterus
29° - danger of eye diseases

Health and characteristics of SCORPIO

What do astrologers of all stripes say about the vitality of people born under the sign of Scorpio? Where does it come from? Where is its source? Undoubtedly, one of the main drivers of this force is the psychosexual energy of Scorpios.
However, some people take this fact too literally, attributing to Scorpios demonic traits that develop in the latter due to the proximity of their zodiac sign with sex, otherworldly and supernatural energies.

In fact, the psychosexual energy of representatives of this sign is manifested in various spheres of Scorpios equally. And the intellectual sphere is no exception. As for the health of Scorpios, everything becomes clear even at their birth: children born under this sign even visually look stronger and stronger than babies of other signs.

The Scorpio way of understanding the world is quite specific. We can say that they do not so much want to know as they are eager to know, master, acquire - fortunately, they have more than enough energy reserves for this. On the other hand, this very reserve, which gives Scorpios good health from birth, can be spent irrationally from the very beginning (not without the fault of the parents!), which lays the foundation for the development of various diseases in representatives of this sign in the future.

Scorpios rarely get sick. In addition, thanks to the powerful vital energy, the recovery of representatives of this zodiac sign occurs quickly, although the diseases themselves often occur in a very acute and severe form, threatening to develop into chronic. The healing process is also influenced by the accelerated metabolism characteristic of Scorpios, unless, of course, this property of the body is dulled by many years of emotional experiences and a self-destructive lifestyle.

The main health problems of Scorpios affect the lower body, affecting the reproductive organs, rectum, lower colon, bladder, tailbone. Women born under the sign of Scorpio often experience diseases of the uterus and ovaries; Scorpio men often suffer from prostate problems. A tendency to infectious diseases leads to the fact that Scorpios, regardless of gender, are forced to regularly treat the nasopharynx, throat, and eyes.

A typical list of diseases of people born under this zodiac sign is as follows: a wide range of diseases of the genital organs, urolithiasis, prostatitis, cystitis, polyps, hepatitis, hemorrhoids; due to spreading gynecological and other infections, problems with blood health may arise, the functioning of the digestive system may be disrupted, malignant tumors may develop, and the function of the thyroid gland may be impaired.
Metabolic disorders often lead to salt deposition, the development of atherosclerosis, and the appearance of arthritis.
Psychological problems are also quite typical for Scorpios, and can be quite symptomatic in nature: from uncontrollable hysterical outbursts to epileptic seizures. It is not without reason that the causes of illness in the vast majority of Scorpios lie in their extremely unstable emotional state.

In older age, Scorpios are quite characterized by health problems such as erectile dysfunction, inguinal hernia, dysfunction of the large intestine, menstrual dysfunction (in women), inflammation of the prostate gland (in men). Long-term problems with intestinal microflora result in old age into constant respiratory infections, diseases of the maxillary sinuses, and chronic runny nose.

Why do SCORPIOs get sick?
The psycho-emotional state of Scorpios is a kind of sensor by which one can safely draw conclusions about the health of a particular representative of a given zodiac sign. In other words, an unhealthy emotional background, a focus on the negative qualities of others, on the weaknesses of people, as well as the inability to unload from negative emotions are the main prerequisites for the occurrence and severe course of diseases.

For Scorpios, a state of satisfaction in the broadest sense of the word is extremely important - from sexual satisfaction to a feeling of inner satisfaction with one’s life, work, level of income, and environment. The absence of this sensation causes constant stress, which reduces the body’s ability to adapt to the external environment and reduces the protective properties of the immune system.
It is noteworthy that numerous treatises by supporters of alternative medicine since ancient times demonstrate a cause-and-effect relationship between infectious diseases and inflammatory processes with a feeling of internal dissatisfaction and hidden depression. The immunity of Scorpios is also weakened by the misfortunes and hardships they experienced in childhood, as a result of which children from the very beginning did not learn to adapt to life and its shocks.

Scorpios are endowed with great determination and enviable willpower, which, on the one hand, should indicate the ability to cope with psycho-emotional problems. On the other hand, the habit of keeping everything to oneself, dependence on the recognition of others, suppression of emotions, and a tendency to an unhealthy lifestyle often weaken the natural protective “defense” of the Scorpio body.
It is an unhealthy lifestyle and a tendency to excess that causes a weakened reproductive system of the body, leading to numerous sexually transmitted diseases, diseases of the genitourinary system, and hemorrhoids. It is not without reason that the AIDS virus is considered in astrology to be a disease associated with the dwarf planet Pluto, which, as you know, rules the sign of Scorpio.

Despite the negative nature of diseases as such, health problems can cause a kind of catharsis in Scorpios, allowing them to see their weaknesses, analyze their mistakes, rethink some aspects of their life, cleanse themselves and reach another level of consciousness and existence. Physical illnesses for Scorpios are a kind of litmus test, which gives them the opportunity to pay attention to psycho-emotional ailments.

Typical health problems of SCORPIOs

What causes it? The emotional background of a disease, such as hemorrhoids (varicose veins of the anus), lies in the patient’s inability and unwillingness to bring anything up for discussion, to demonstrate his emotions, fear, dissatisfaction. As a result, a kind of emotional load or burden is formed that a person bears independently for a long time.

This is an extremely typical phenomenon for Scorpios, who are extremely demanding of themselves and others. The constant desire for a goal and the inability to achieve it causes an unsatisfied desire to end something unpleasant, which leads to inflammation of the final part of the colon, called hemorrhoids. Most often, hemorrhoids are caused by dissatisfaction with the material sphere of life, work; inability to make decisions for any reason, or to obtain anything.

How to fix it? Hemorrhoids are associated with a neglected condition, and its frequent attacks indicate the pressure that Scorpio increases on himself every day. Essentially, he rushes himself, overexerts himself, gets angry, and makes the same mistakes again and again. Exit: Scorpio needs to make an effort, giving up at least temporarily the intense struggle, give himself a break, choose a new path of development, and trust in the Cosmos.
The widespread prevalence of this disease in our time indicates a large number of dissatisfied people who cannot give themselves a greater degree of freedom, nurturing uncertainty and dissatisfaction; they often feel guilty for not being able to succeed in the material sphere. It is extremely necessary to give yourself this right by learning to speak openly about problems, discuss them, and recognize your right to weakness.

Why do they arise? The function of the prostate gland of the male reproductive system in the continuation of the human race cannot be overestimated. In fact, the prostate can be considered a kind of energy center of a man, which is responsible for a person’s creative abilities, for his creativity. And that is why it is not surprising that most serious prostate problems arise in old age, when a man feels that his creative abilities are running out.

Prostatitis often occurs at a young age, when a man loses the purpose of his life for some reason, or becomes divided into several spheres, faced with the impossibility of controlling them all. It is no coincidence that Scorpio men suffer from prostate diseases more often than representatives of other signs - after all, it is extremely important for Scorpio to go through life with a clear intermediate and final goal determination.

How to fix it? Minor problems with the prostate signal to Scorpio that he is losing the ability to control his life.

This is perceived differently in different periods. This is especially difficult to perceive in old age, when a person sees how he loses the ability to control all areas of his life, loses the ability to create and go towards his goal. Having received this signal, Scorpios must gradually prepare to reformat their goals.

In fact, you can reduce the number of prostate problems by realizing the need to obtain a new function in life: the function of a wise person who is able to benefit and create, sharing his experience with the younger generation. There comes a time when a man must realize that he remains just as valuable to society, but now his value lies in knowledge, wisdom; and Scorpio can provide the physical embodiment of projects to the younger generation.

What causes it? Cystitis, expressed as inflammation of the mucous membrane of the bladder, is cursed for its extremely unpleasant specific symptoms. The most typical symptoms are a strong burning sensation and a constant urge of varying strength to urinate. Such symptoms have an extremely irritating effect on the patient, causing him to experience more and more internal anger.

Meanwhile, the accumulation of internal anger is a typical Scorpio trait. Cystitis speaks of constant disappointment with something; a burning sensation signals that the sick person is burning himself from the inside (others may not even notice this), causing himself constant distress. A person is angry with himself and with others; his actions become more and more inconsistent; dissatisfaction grows in inverse proportion to self-confidence.

How to fix it? Scorpios are those people who are more suited than others to take responsibility for their lives. But as soon as such a person, for some reason, loses the ability to be responsible for himself, he begins to blame others for this, expecting some action from them. At the same time, he keeps all his thoughts, conclusions and aspirations to himself, without sharing them - what could be more stupid?

Scorpio needs to re-realize that only he himself is capable of making himself happy. The people who surround him are not created to become Scorpio's servants, satisfying his desires. Close people, of course, can help, but they are not obliged to read anyone's thoughts. Scorpio should rethink the concept of his existence, learning to love the people around him, stopping blaming them for his mistakes and starting to contact them without any conditions.

How to protect yourself from diseases and how to improve well-being for SCORPIO?

1) No panic and an optimistic view of the future. As mentioned above, Scorpios do not get sick for too long, but the recovery of representatives of this zodiac sign occurs faster if there is no unnecessary fuss around their illnesses and panic does not begin. Panic may be caused by the severity of the disease and the severity of symptoms, however Scorpios are quite capable of developing an optimistic attitude, using the internal reserves of the body.

3) Cleansing the body. Considering the severity of diseases, as well as the risk of their development into chronic diseases, it is extremely important for Scorpios who are ill or already ill to carry out certain cleansing procedures, which, by accelerating the removal of poisons and toxins from the body, contribute to a rapid recovery. For example, breathing exercises promote cleansing; some practices from the arsenal of yogis; Pouring or wet rubbing are useful. This also leads to a kind of liberation of brain centers from unnecessary and harmful information.

4) Balanced diet. It is difficult for Scorpios to do without animal proteins in their diet, but as they get older, the amount of meat should be significantly reduced. In general, Scorpios should balance their diet at a young age, trying to partially compensate the body’s need for animal proteins with plant proteins; less starch; more greens, vegetables and fruits (garlic, onions, radishes, figs, prunes, etc. are required); The presence of dishes made from sprouted grains and whole grain cereals is important.

5) The importance of disease prevention in adulthood. If at a young age it was still possible to rely on the body’s hidden internal reserves, in old age Scorpios should devote a noticeable part of their time to their health and disease prevention. Hygiene procedures, relaxation activities (walks, proximity to beautiful places of nature), moderation in the consumption of meat products, water procedures in all their diversity are extremely important.

The main problem of this sign is excessive promiscuity, and many diseases can be completely avoided by observing moderation in food, drink and sexual relations. This sign gives great susceptibility to infections, and when epidemics are approaching, special care is required, since due to the magnetic nature of Scorpio there is susceptibility to such diseases. All spicy and stimulating foods should be avoided. Eat as little meat as possible, and avoid intoxicating drinks of any kind at all, except for medical reasons. The preservation of vitality and the study of the laws of magnetism are most important for good health, while regular dousing with cold water is a wonderful tonic and helps to keep the excretory system in good condition.

It cannot be denied that the powerful driving force in Scorpio's life is mainly psychosexual energy, but it can also manifest itself at the highest level of intelligence in spirituality.

Illnesses in Scorpio adults are often the result of poor adjustment or childhood adversity. Emotional trauma in children causes nervous disorders up to hysteria.

The influence of Scorpio mainly affects infectious diseases, especially those whose pathogens penetrate through the nose, throat, genitals, urinary tract and excretory system. During the outbreak of any epidemic, it is better for Scorpio to try to isolate himself until the danger of infection disappears. Weak areas of his body that should be given special attention are the genitals, colon, appendix, urethra, tailbone. Therefore, sexual activity is always reflected in the throat and voice. In addition, Scorpios are susceptible to hepatitis, bladder disorders, short-term seizures of epilepsy, loss of strength, inguinal hernia, lesions of the genital organs, dilation of the spermatic veins, gonorrhea and syphilis. Women may suffer from menstrual irregularities.

As a rule, Scorpios recover from any illness faster if there is no panic around them about the state of their health. Left to their own devices, they can display amazing secret reserves of energy and recover quickly if they can fully rest and look forward to the future with optimism.


Scorpios usually love to eat delicious food, but do not know how to cook. Because they often have high blood lipid levels, foods rich in fat should be avoided. Saturated fats (animal fats that are solid at room temperature) are especially dangerous. By skimming fat from meat dishes and reducing the amount of butter, cream and cream, you can get closer to the desired balance. In addition, low-calorie foods help maintain normal weight, which is difficult to do in adulthood.

A certain amount of fatty acids is still required for the proper functioning of the body and the production of bile, so a very limited diet is not a very wise solution. Eating too little fat may even cause weight gain rather than weight loss. The general rule (of course, if there are no objections from medical specialists) is to reduce the amount of animal fats to the norm, and supplement it with two tablespoons per day of unsaturated vegetable fats to provide the body with linoleic acid.

Meals should contain a lot of protein and include, in addition to vegetable oil, seafood, game, eggs, yogurt, nuts and soybeans.

Scorpio mineral salt is calcium sulfate. It helps restore epithelial tissue and maintain the body's natural resistance to disease, preventing the accumulation of organic waste. Often the first sign of a deficiency of this salt is a runny nose, sinusitis, and respiratory infections. A serious deficiency can cause ulcers, pleurisy, kidney disorders and liver disease.

In order for the body to receive the required amount of this element, you need to consume more fresh fruits and vegetables, only from them this salt is absorbed by the body. Its main sources: onions, asparagus, cabbage, figs, garlic, watercress, mustard leaves, leeks, radishes, cherries, prunes, gooseberries.

Plants that can be used in nutrition and for treatment are basil, nettle, wormwood.

It is worth taking vitamins C, E and group B and iron supplements regularly.

If you are constipated, it is advisable to avoid laxative tablets. At best they provide symptomatic relief. The best way to solve the problem is a high protein food, a daily cup of yogurt or 1-2 teaspoons of molasses with port wine or rum.

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Compatibility of stone and zodiac sign

  • Aventurine
  • Agate
  • Botswana agate
  • Azurite
  • Aquamarine
  • Alexandrite
  • Almaz (Diamond)
  • Amethyst
  • Ametrine
  • Ammonite
  • Watermelon tourmaline
  • Astrophylit
  • Atlancelit
  • Biwa pearls
  • Turquoise
  • Verdelite
  • Hematite
  • Eye of Shiva (Shell)
  • Blue Topaz
  • Rhinestone
  • Pomegranate
  • Dinobon (Dinosaur Bone)
  • Smoky quartz (Rauchtopaz)
  • Pearl
  • Green onyx
  • Emerald
  • Calcite
  • Quartz
  • Quartz hairy
  • Kyanite
  • Coral
  • Flint
  • Labradorite
  • Lapis lazuli
  • Larimar
  • Libyan glass (Meteor glass)
  • Lemon Topaz
  • Moon rock
  • Magnetite
  • Malachite
  • Meteorite Gibeon
  • Meteorite Campo del Cielo
  • Mystical Topaz
  • Moldavite (Meteor glass)
  • Morion
  • Nephritis
  • Obsidian
  • Fire opal
  • petrified wood
  • Orthoceras
  • Peridot
  • Nacre
  • Pyrite
  • Nautilus shell
  • Rhodonite
  • Rose quartz
  • Ruby

Scorpio is a sign of the element of Water, ruled by the planet Pluto.

Representatives of the Scorpio sign are distinguished by strong will and endurance, and intuitively sense when their health may be in any danger.

Scorpio has strong vital energy and good health. Scorpio's health has a direct connection with his psychological state - while Scorpio is cheerful and decisive, his health is normal, but as soon as you relax a little, allow fear or despondency to prevail over fortitude, symptoms of dangerous diseases immediately appear.

It is very important for representatives of this sign to learn to control their emotions, which have a tremendous impact not only on the health of Scorpio himself, but also on everyone around him. If you give free rein to negative emotions and thoughts, Scorpio will destroy your health and become weak and defenseless. In order for Scorpio to be in harmony with his consciousness and subconscious, he needs to engage in spiritual practices and temper his spirit.

It is worth noting that fasting is a panacea for many ailments, both physical and spiritual. During fasting, all vital processes in Scorpio’s body are resumed - Scorpio is “reborn”. Fasting helps cleanse the body of waste and toxins, as well as everything negative and depressing. The procedure for long-term (from 7 to 21 days) fasting should be carried out only after consultation with a specialist. And short-term fasting can be done independently. To begin with, you need to practice fasting once a week, lasting 24 hours, drinking plenty of clean water. And only after regular one-day fasting for at least one month, proceed to fasting for a period of 3 days.

A special diet for Scorpio must be compiled very correctly, taking into account all the characteristics of this sign. Firstly, you need to take into account the “weak points” of representatives of the Scorpio sign. This is the genitourinary system, endocrine glands. For the normal functioning of these organs, you need to include in your diet foods containing sufficient amounts of protein and calcium.

Among protein-rich foods, preference should be given to lean meats, poultry, fish dishes, and eggs. At the same time, a large amount of meat dishes in the Scorpio diet is just as harmful to health as their absence, so plant proteins should prevail over animal proteins. All types of legumes are good for Scorpios.

Calcium, necessary for restoring the epithelium and maintaining the body's natural resistance to various infections, is found in fermented milk products, parsley, sardines, shrimp, cabbage, onions, bran, and garlic.

It is worth noting that Scorpios are prone to extremes in food; They either go on a diet or consume everything in a row and in large quantities, which causes excess weight. Therefore, representatives of this sign need to engage in sports, active recreation, and, of course, plan their diet according to time.

Lucky with natural gifts in the form of health and stamina. Even when born in difficult conditions, Scorpios recover faster than other children. And all my life as if Nature itself takes care of them, providing the necessary strength and energy. Although, from the outside it seems that not a single disease escapes Scorpios. They are especially vulnerable during infections, which just stick. Therefore, during epidemics, Scorpios are advised to isolate themselves to avoid possible infection.

Without observing food restrictions, Scorpios are able to quickly gain weight. True, they become obese by adulthood, since physical exercise is a joy for Scorpios, which allows them to keep their weight balance normal for a long time. From numerous sexual hobbies, especially at a young age, Scorpios often contract sexually transmitted infections. Moreover, they may not even suspect this for a long time until the disease begins to seriously progress. Therefore, checks for the absence of such infections should be carried out regularly.

Back diseases and varicose veins often affect Scorpios in old age. For them, the saying “take care of your health from a young age” is especially relevant. Hemorrhoids are another problem that Scorpios often suffer from. Women after childbirth are especially susceptible to this. Taking laxative tablets is not recommended. They only alleviate the condition, but make the situation worse. In this case, it will be much better for your health to eat protein foods.

Scorpios Diet is especially recommended. Moderation should be not only in food, but also in sexual pleasures. In order for the excretory system to function smoothly and cells to renew themselves faster, it is recommended to carry out fasting days and eat at least one day a week only with fruits and clean water.

It should be borne in mind that animal fats are dangerous to the health of Scorpios. It is necessary to limit the amount of meat consumed, and if possible, reduce it to almost nothing. Although fats cannot be completely eliminated from the diet, it is important to maintain strict moderation.

Alcohol is contraindicated for Scorpios in any form. These drinks affect their mental state. After all, Scorpios are prone to long experiences and “self-criticism,” and alcohol only intensifies this, as a consequence, sometimes leading to nervous breakdowns.

Of the vitamins, Scorpios are recommended to consume B, E, C, as well as iron throughout their lives, since anemia often disrupts their life plans.

Scorpios will be able to avoid complaining about their health for much longer if they learn to forgive (including themselves), stop accumulating grievances for a long time, and if they learn to see the positive in any situation. It is very important for them to constantly improve themselves, and You should definitely get rid of bad habits.