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Why does air come out through. Causes of formation and release of air from the uterus. When you need a doctor

Cases where air leaves the uterus after childbirth are definitely not discussed at women’s gatherings. And not every woman can voice such a problem at a doctor’s appointment. Ultimately, many are left alone with their own physiology.

Moreover, air often leaves the uterus at the most inopportune moment, in particular during intimacy with a partner. It's not surprising that this can throw off the entire romantic mood. So what are the reasons for such a delicate issue?

Why does air leave the uterus after childbirth?

Experts pay attention to the fact that air comes out of the vagina, and not from the uterus itself. Moreover, the main reason for this phenomenon is the entry of air into the vagina, no matter how strange it may sound. This happens, for example, while cycling, running or walking, as well as during any active movements. Then the air leaves the uterus with a characteristic sound.

One way or another, all representatives of the fair sex should understand that the most common reason for air entering the uterus is sexual intercourse. Moreover, during traditional sex, the likelihood of air being forced into the vagina is especially high, because during stimulation of its walls, its walls are stretched, and the piston acts as a kind of “piston”. Therefore, if air comes out of the vagina after sexual intercourse, then this is a natural phenomenon in which there is nothing strange.

If air leaves the uterus during intimacy, this causes the woman to feel discomfort. But the real problem appears when this happens during simple bending, getting up from the sofa, coughing, etc. How, in this case, can we explain the true cause of the sound coming from the woman? One way or another, the reason that air leaves the uterus after childbirth lies in the overstretching of the vaginal walls, as well as the muscles of the perineum.

It is recent childbirth that is the main cause of loss of tone in the pelvic floor muscles. That is, everything is explained by the weakness of the ligamentous apparatus in the uterus with a weakening of the tone of the perineal muscles.

What to do if air comes out of the uterus after childbirth?

If air leaves the uterus after childbirth, then this is only a signal about the need to work on the condition of the intimate muscles. But doing some exercises on a regular basis will help get rid of strange sounds from the vagina.

You can strengthen your pelvic floor muscles using the following techniques:

1.​ Performing Kegel exercises. It was Professor Kegel who developed gymnastics to restore the pelvic floor muscles. His exercise provides a workout for the perineal muscles anywhere and anytime. The main thing is to get these muscles working by squeezing, quick contractions, or pushing out. Compression involves briefly squeezing the muscles of the perineum and holding them in this state for several seconds. It is most convenient to do this while lying on your back. Rapid relaxations and contractions will also be effective.

2.​ Simple squats. Not everyone knows that through squats you can not only pump up the muscles of your buttocks, but also strengthen your pelvic floor. In this case, the main thing is to place your feet wider than your shoulders and at the same time turn the toes of your feet outward. Squats should be done at a slow pace, making short pauses during the squat.

3.​ Exercises for intimate muscles or wumbling is a popular muscle workout. This practice involves a wide range of different techniques.

In any case, if you systematically perform the exercises described above aimed at strengthening the pelvic floor muscles, this will not only solve the problem of air leaving the uterus after childbirth, but also improve sex life for both partners. If even long-term performance of such exercises does not help solve the problem, then you will need to consult a specialist.

Many women experience air coming out of their vagina during sex. This rather delicate problem can cause a lot of psychological discomfort and inconvenience. The reasons for this phenomenon are quite natural - in the process of merging with a partner, the vagina opens as much as possible and excess air enters, which after the end of the act of intercourse is simply released back.

Does the air in the vagina interfere with sexual intercourse?

This is not a disease or pathology, so you don’t have to worry about your health. No treatment will be required.

Air enters the uterus because the female pelvic and pelvic floor muscles are slightly weakened.

During intimacy, a man’s penis works like a pump, filling the female organs with air. After sex, the vagina contracts and narrows, pushing it back out. Most often, this phenomenon occurs in the knee-elbow position. The partners do not feel any harm or discomfort; this does not bother them at all.

However, in the final part, a loud farting sound makes the fair sex feel quite awkward.

After the birth of a child, the pelvic floor muscles stretch significantly and tone disappears. That is why young mothers can also quite often encounter the problem of air getting into the vagina during sexual intercourse.

Air from the vagina: during sex and more

Like any organ in our body, the vagina contains oxygen. He can freely penetrate and exit completely silently. A loud farting sound occurs when the pelvic muscles lose tone or are too relaxed at the moment. This phenomenon may occur in the following situations:

  • During sex, when the partner removes the penis from the woman too often.
  • After childbirth, when the muscle tissue of the genital organs has not yet fully recovered.
  • Under heavy loads. Some women complain of the appearance of a characteristic sound even during normal sneezing.

Once you tone your intimate muscles, you can get rid of discomfort forever. You can sign up for wumbling classes or do a special set of exercises at home.

What can I do to prevent air from coming out of the vagina?

If the sound from the genitals after sex does not bother your partners, you don’t have to do anything. Otherwise, it is recommended to try changing the position and angle of the woman during intercourse. The less often the penis enters the vagina, the less air penetrates there.

There is a special set of exercises for women aimed at training and strengthening the pelvic muscles. These classes are very effective; they will help get rid of uncomfortable sounds from the genitals after sex, prepare for the birth of a child, or allow you to recover after childbirth.

Let's look at the simplest exercises:

  • Periodically tense the vaginal muscles, and then relax them again during urination, until it stops. The exercise can be repeated several times.
  • Alternately squeeze the muscles of the genitals and anus.
  • During sex, try to squeeze the penis with just your muscles for a few seconds, and then push it out.
  • Do a few slow squats with your legs wide apart. We keep our hands on our belts and stay in the position for as long as possible.

If you regularly perform such simple exercises that do not require much time and effort, you will forever forget about the excess air entering the vagina during sex and other awkward moments. In addition, such gymnastics is an excellent prevention of diseases accompanied by prolapse of the genital organs in adulthood or after the birth of a child.

A very common female problem is when air leaves the uterus, especially after childbirth. This causes a certain discomfort, so that the woman begins to feel embarrassed about her relatives and friends. At the same time, only a few decide to ask the doctor about the reasons for this condition of the uterus after an interesting position.

Why does air come out of the vagina?

The most common reason for air escaping is weakening of the pelvic muscles. This happens during both pregnancy and after childbirth. This is due to the condition of the uterus after childbirth. Before giving birth, the air also came out, only this happened almost silently, without causing discomfort. After giving birth, the situation changed because the muscles weakened. Thus, the fact that air has left the uterus is its state after being freed from the fetus.

In addition, air entering the uterus during intercourse is a common occurrence, and not just after childbirth. The vagina prepares to receive a man’s penis, moisturizes, and then everything returns to normal, the intimate muscles contract. The air in the uterus becomes superfluous, it is not needed there, therefore it is necessary for the gases to come out. This is especially noticeable when a couple has sex in a knee-elbow position. To smooth out the situation, you can press your palm on the lower abdomen to release the air, help it come out, and also avoid sudden changes in postures. There is no need to be ashamed of this phenomenon of the body, because it is physiologically determined.

There are other reasons for this phenomenon. This situation is also typical in the period before the onset of menstruation. It's easy to explain. Before menstruation, the cervix opens slightly, allowing air to enter and then escape.

Such metamorphoses in a woman’s body are not a disease or pathology, that is, they do not require special treatment.

How to tone your muscles after childbirth?

The process by which air leaves the uterus cannot be controlled. In addition, it is accompanied by involuntary sounds, which causes discomfort in the woman. Accordingly, I want to solve this problem.

Yes, doctors will not offer you a medicinal cure for this female problem, but they can recommend gymnastics to strengthen the pelvic muscles and increase their tone:

  • Do simple squats every morning. When performing simple exercises, spread your legs wide to the sides;
  • While urinating, contract your muscles and stop for a minute. Perform the same movements while sitting on a chair. However, it should be borne in mind that breathing should remain even and calm.
  • Regularly throughout the day, tense the muscles of the vagina and anus;
  • You can continue exercising during sex. Nothing complicated, just squeeze the penis periodically when it is inside you and push it out with force. At this moment, your body will leave the air, and sexual intercourse will take on a new direction.

In the video - more about the exercises:

Of course, you shouldn’t expect results after two days, because the condition of the uterus after childbirth does not return to normal very quickly, but if you regularly perform simple exercises, after a month the effect will be very noticeable. For exercises, you can use vaginal balls purchased at a specialty store.

During sex, your sensations will become sharper as the vaginal muscles begin to gain elasticity and tone. In addition, the bladder will become stronger, because young mothers often face the problem of a weakened bladder, which happens after childbirth.

Women who regularly exercise their vaginal muscles will not only get rid of air from the uterus, but also risk never knowing what vaginal prolapse is.

There is another reason why air gets into the vagina. Sometimes a woman goes to the doctor when she cannot get pregnant. She is prescribed procedures for clearing the fallopian tubes. After all kinds of manipulations, the release of air from the body is inevitable for some time.

Remember that if after performing the exercises the release of air from the uterus and vagina does not stop, consult a specialist.


The uterus is the main female reproductive organ. It is connected to the world by a special channel called the vagina. When a woman performs any physical actions, air actively penetrates into it. Then, at a completely inopportune moment, it can come out with a sound similar to the emission of gases from the intestines.

Moreover, everything happens involuntarily: unlike the anus, there is no sphincter muscle in the vagina, so it is impossible to prevent trouble. In a woman, vaginal flatulence causes a feeling of shame and severe stress. Why does air leave the uterus? There are many reasons for “air attacks”. Below is their description.

Air from the uterus - what causes it, when does it appear?

Vaginal flatulence manifests itself in various situations and conditions. The reasons are the following factors.


Most often, the vagina makes unwanted sounds when intercourse is performed in the doggy position. Air comes out during sexual intercourse because the part of the vagina that is located near the cervix expands. This happens in order to accommodate as many germ cells as possible. Also, during sex, gases come out of the uterus due to spasms of its muscles, or when the male genital organ scurries back and forth at too high a speed. To avoid vaginal flatulence, before starting sexual intercourse, you just need to lightly press your palm on the lower abdomen. This will free the vagina from excess air.

Pregnancy period

When a woman is pregnant, her genitals are more intensely supplied with blood. Therefore, the vagina seems to swell slightly during this period. During pregnancy, it is more difficult for air to escape from the uterus, and obscene sounds appear.

Postpartum period

During childbirth, the vagina and cervix dilate greatly so that nothing prevents the baby from being born. As a result, the vaginal walls become flabby, allowing more air to enter. This happens especially often if a woman gives birth after 30. Air often leaves the uterus after childbirth in those who give birth to twins or more babies.

Days before menstruation

During this period, air enters the vagina because the tone in the pelvic muscles decreases and the cervix increases. The vagina begins to “give voice” even when a woman simply gets up from a chair or bed, squats or pumps her abs. The causes of the phenomenon are the physiological characteristics of the body.

Fistula connecting the vagina and intestines

In this case, gases can penetrate from the rectum or colon into the reproductive canal and cause vaginal flatulence.

Aging and menopause

As a woman ages, the amount of the female sex hormone estrogen in her body decreases, the vaginal muscles become flabby, and more and more air gets into it.

There may also be a lot of air in the uterus due to:

  • repeated miscarriages or abortions;
  • chronic constipation and intestinal obstruction;
  • heavy physical work with heavy loads on the small pelvis;
  • cystitis and other serious bladder problems;
  • “shift” or prolapse of the uterus, uterine hernia.

How to get rid of it?

Traditional and folk medicine knows a lot of recipes that remove vaginal flatulence:

  1. Sex. The sounds may disappear if you use an estrogen-containing lubricant. It should be used 2-3 hours before sexual intercourse. The problem can also be solved well by applications inserted into the vagina.
  2. Postpartum period. In order for the vagina to become silent, women who have given birth need to restore the lost tone to the pelvic muscles. Special squats help with this (more on them below).
  3. Aging. Older women face not only weakening of the pelvic muscles, but also prolapse of the uterus. One of the symptoms of this problem is vaginal flatulence. To prevent the uterus from prolapse, you should start regularly doing special Kegel exercises designed to strengthen the muscle tone of the vagina.

Exercises to eliminate the problem

Here are the simplest, easy exercises:

  1. Compression and decompression. Slowly, gradually and simultaneously compress the muscles of the anus and vagina. Then we unclench just as slowly. Repeat 40 times a day for one month.
  2. Special squats. We place our feet shoulder-width apart and slowly squat. At the same time, we spread our knees in different directions. We don’t stand up, we sit with our knees apart as long as possible. We are gradually trying to increase the load. The exercise will help if you do it for 20-25 days.
  3. Sex and exercise. During intercourse, try to squeeze your partner’s “tool” as tightly as possible with the internal vaginal muscles, and then sharply relax them. You need to do this 4-5 times in a row.

Traditional methods

The use of natural preparations will help maintain the tone of the uterus and avoid its prolapse:

Quince infusion:

  1. Pour one part of dried fruits with 10 parts of water.
  2. Boil in a water bath for several minutes.
  3. Cool to 37 degrees.

Drink the infusion like regular tea. It is an excellent remedy that restores tone not only to the muscles of the uterus, but also to the rectum.

Datura herb baths:

  1. Pour 20 g of dried leaves into 7 liters of water.
  2. Cook in a water bath for 15 minutes.
  3. Cool the broth to 38 degrees and pour into a bowl.

Take a sitz bath. Its duration is 10 minutes.

Such methods are contraindicated for those who have individual intolerance to medicinal plants.

The female body is special. He often presents surprises, and not always pleasant ones. Vaginal flatulence is one of them. But you can cope with it if you maintain muscle tone and find time for exercise.

Absolutely every woman at least once in her life is faced with a moment when air suddenly escapes from a “delicate” place. And okay, if this happens quietly and unnoticed by others, but what if a loud and not very decent sound breaks out during intimacy? Where does air come from where you don’t expect to find it at all and is this normal? Let's answer these questions.

Why does air come out of the vagina?

Let's start with the fact that the vagina is a hollow organ and has direct contact with the external environment, just like the anus and mouth. Then why is it that if air comes out of the last two “holes”, it doesn’t bother anyone, but the fact that it comes out of the vagina makes you think? The vagina similarly contains air. The latter gets there from the external environment, and sometimes through the intestines, but this is only in certain pathologies. An ailment in which air leaks from the colon to the vagina can be congenital or acquired, for example, after a difficult birth, inflammatory processes, or manifest as a complication after surgery.

Let's tell you a secret - air comes out of the vagina in all women, absolutely everyone, just some more often, some less often, and this is a normal process that does not require treatment. Although, if you notice that the organ “farts” too often, then it is better to contact a gynecologist to make sure that this is just a feature of the body, and not a manifestation of a hidden illness.

An interesting fact, but only 8% of lucky women do not have “farting” sounds from the uterus; in other cases, “musical accompaniment” is sometimes noted.

It is worth saying that such “farts” are accompanied by sound due to undeveloped vaginal muscles or. Muscles can become weak after childbirth, as their tone is seriously reduced, just like during pregnancy itself. This is how the female body is designed; otherwise, if the vaginal muscles were not so elastic, natural childbirth would be impossible. In this case, the vagina releases air whenever it wants.

With sudden exertion, coughing, sneezing, air may also escape. No matter how inconvenient and uncomfortable it may be in front of those present, this process is completely normal and natural, and the number of such situations can be reduced, or even eliminated altogether, only by constantly training the vaginal muscles.

Air in the vagina during sex

Women experience especially strong embarrassment during intimacy. Of course, if the air comes out with a sound, then a man can take it for something completely different, and we all understand what exactly it is... What is the reason for such an incident? There are several of them:

  • Weak muscles. It often happens if a woman has not had time to fully recover after childbirth, or simply does not work on the tone of her vagina. With age, muscle tone decreases, so the number of such complaints only increases from year to year.
  • Dryness "there". The reasons most often are age-related changes, as well as. A doctor can make an accurate diagnosis, and he will also prescribe treatment.
  • If a man's genital organ does not correspond to the dimensions of a woman's vagina, this also becomes the cause of a vaginal fart. "He" may be too small or too big. Some positions can also provoke “vaginal flatulence.” In any case, a pump effect is formed, the man seems to push air into the woman, and then, entering her again, creates pressure, after which the air comes out with a characteristic sound.

You can cope with the problem of “excess air” by using either. Although, if the cause of the sounds is vaginal dryness, then exercises will not help, but they will not be superfluous either. In any case, it is initially better to consult a gynecologist to rule out possible pathologies.