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Rinse your nose with salt water when you have a runny nose. How to make a nasal rinse solution? Therapeutic effect of the rinsing procedure

For therapeutic and preventive purposes, otolaryngological, as well as colds, it is recommended to rinse the nose with salt water. This method has many advantages. In addition to the fact that this remedy can be prepared at home, there are many drugs on the pharmaceutical market that are analogues of saline solution.

  • Sphenoiditis

The method of washing with a solution based on boiled or sea salt is used to eliminate such an unpleasant symptom as rhinorrhea (runny nose) in infectious and inflammatory diseases:

  • ARVI
  • Bronchotracheitis
  • Pneumonia

You can easily make your own saline solution from boiled salt or sea salt.

Recipes for saline solutions:

  • To prepare a non-concentrated liquid based on sea salt you will need: phalf a liter of water and 1 tsp. salt.The water should be boiled and poured into a glass or enamel container. Add salt to the hot liquid and stir until completely dissolved. The product is used after cooling.
  • When using water that has not boiled for a solution, it is advisable to filter the solution.This salt water can be prepared by taking four glasses of boiled water to two and a half teaspoons of salt (teaspoons). The solution prepared in this way can be used to gargle for colds.
  • To prepare a highly concentrated solution, take a glass of boiled water and two teaspoons of sea salt. The preparation technique is the same as for a weak solution. This product is recommended for cleansing the nose for people who work in very dusty conditions.
  • To prepare a medicinal solution of low salt concentration, take from a quarter to half a teaspoon per glass of liquid. The cooking method is the same. This solution is used to rinse the nose of children.

To make the treatment more effective, you can add a little baking soda or a drop of iodine to the usual solution. This product has a pronounced bactericidal effect.

It is important to add that the sea salt used for the solution must be free of additives or any impurities.

From the cooking methods described above, you can choose the option that is most suitable for each case.

Nasal rinsing technique

For treatment to be effective, it is important to learn how to do it correctly. To do this, you first need to close one nostril with your finger, and simultaneously pour salt water into the second. This should be done carefully, there is no need to rush to prevent discomfort.

It is important to ensure that the solution does not enter the lower respiratory organs during rinsing. To do this, you need to hold your breath for a while.

When properly washed, the healing liquid is poured out through the mouth. If it is strong, this may not happen quickly. The action is repeated with the other nasal passage. The solution that remains in the nostril must be removed by exhaling sharply through the nose.

There are other options for nasal rinsing:

  • You can pour the solution into your palm and draw it in with your nostrils, and pour it out through your mouth. This method effectively cleanses the nasopharynx.
  • For the procedure, bend over the sink and turn your head to the side. The mouth should be open. Pour the liquid into one nasal passage. It will flow out of something else. Then change the position of the head.
  • The procedure can be carried out using a small pipette or syringe, especially for rinsing a child’s nose. In addition, you can purchase at the pharmacy a special device designed for this treatment method. To rinse the baby's nose, place him on the bed and administer a drop of saline solution with a pipette. After some time, the child can get up. At this time, the liquid passes into the oropharynx.

You can learn more about how to properly rinse your nose from the video:

  1. For therapeutic purposes, the minimum number of procedures per day is four. The duration of treatment using the washing method is at least 7 days.
  2. The solution should be slightly warmed before use. Using cold liquid for the procedure can only aggravate the pathological process. The water must be warm.
  3. For chronic upper respiratory tract diseases, it is recommended to rinse your nose every day.
  4. It is not allowed to rinse if the nasal passages are blocked. They must first be cleaned and only then washed.
  5. After performing the procedure, you should avoid hypothermia, inhaling cold air, and drafts.

If you follow these tips, the effectiveness of washing increases several times.

Advantages of the treatment method

Rinsing the nasal passages with a solution containing salt is an effective method in the treatment of colds and infectious and inflammatory diseases of the nasal cavity.

  • Cleansing the nose from pathogenic microorganisms and allergens.
  • Increasing local immunity.
  • Disinfection of the nasal cavity.
  • Improving the functions of the nasal mucosa.
  • Strengthening capillaries.
  • Reducing swelling.
  • Reducing the inflammatory process.
  • Moisturizing the sinuses.
  • Facilitation of nasal breathing.

This procedure significantly shortens the duration of the disease and speeds up the recovery process. In addition, it is an excellent measure for the prevention of colds and otolaryngological diseases.

However, it is important to remember that only with the correct washing technique and following the rules for preparing the product can a beneficial effect be obtained.

Rinsing the nasal passages has other benefits:

  • The method is safe, because it does not have any harmful effects. Therefore, the procedure can be performed on children, pregnant and lactating women.
  • This remedy is as accessible as possible - when you don’t have a seawater-based medication on hand, you can prepare the medicine yourself.
  • The procedure is painless.
  • It is considered a method of nasal hygiene.

Washing is used in the complex treatment of diseases, and is not the main method of therapy. With this approach, recovery occurs faster.

These medicinal analogues are excellent for the treatment of runny nose in children, and are also used for preventive purposes. Some of them contain additional substances that have an anti-inflammatory effect. These products are affordable and safe for the rinsing procedure.

Since Soviet times, experts have strongly recommended regular rinsing of the nose for a runny nose, not only during the acute stage of rhinitis, but also in the chronic form of the disease, in some congenital and acquired pathologies. This procedure seems elementary at first glance, although most patients use rinsing products without any scheme, often performing it not very well.

The secret lies in an individual approach: first of all, it is necessary to determine the underlying cause of the runny nose (colds, chronic ENT diseases, sinusitis, allergies), and then, starting from it, draw up a further treatment regimen and select specialized drugs for rinsing the nose with a runny nose.

Solutions are prepared independently at home or purchased at pharmacies; often medications are combined with folk remedies to obtain a more pronounced therapeutic effect. In any case, treatment always begins with a preliminary consultation with a specialist.

Removing stagnant mucus. Our body is designed in such a way that it can independently get rid of unwanted secretions, including from the nasal cavities.

However, with severe rhinitis, mucus can accumulate and linger for a long time in the maxillary sinuses, causing persistent nasal congestion and maintaining inflammatory processes in the mucous membrane.

With sinusitis and many chronic diseases, this condition is quite common, which is why rinsing the nose during a runny nose is a mandatory procedure.

Restoring breathing through the nose. If your nose is stuffy, you may feel unwell and have a cold, and it will be quite difficult to do your usual activities and sleep normally. The doctor will prescribe medications for rinsing the nose with a runny nose, give recommendations and draw up a scheme according to which you will need to act independently.

Reducing and eliminating swelling and inflammation. A runny nose is often closely related to the condition of the nasal mucosa itself: as long as there are inflammatory processes in it and swelling is observed, it will not stop. This is why a nasal rinse solution is used. For a runny nose, it will become an indispensable remedy.

Reducing nasal discharge. As soon as the inflammation loses its strength, the runny nose will gradually go away. Do not forget to repeat rinsing even if the condition improves. This will prevent some possible complications and reduce the severity of symptoms.

How often should you repeat nasal rinsing when you have a runny nose?

During exacerbation of rhinitis

For sinusitis

For chronic runny nose

When preventing disease

At least 5 times a day. However, there are usually no strict restrictions: in the absence of contraindications to this procedure, rinsing the nose with a severe runny nose can be repeated every 20-30 minutes. Moreover, after the procedure, it is recommended to use medications with antimicrobial, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects. Be sure to consult your doctor, as contraindications and exceptions are possible.

Depending on the course and nature of the disease, for preventive and therapeutic purposes, the doctor prescribes specialized one-time preparations for rinsing the nose with a runny nose. Most of them are used 1-2 times during the entire therapy, as they allow you to “pierce” the nose efficiently and quickly and improve breathing. The course is usually repeated if the doctor sees the need.

1-2 times a day (in the morning and before bedtime) even in the absence of visible signs of inflammation and runny nose. The procedure can be carried out independently at home. For this, a nasal rinsing solution is used. For chronic runny nose, complex therapy is also recommended, including physiotherapy and possible surgeries.

It is enough to carry out the procedure 2-4 times a week. It is advisable to increase the number of washes during the season of epidemics of acute respiratory viral infections and acute respiratory infections, as well as during frequent contact with sick people, after visiting crowded places. If you experience periodic nasal discharge, it is best to get examined by a specialist.

Attention! The frequency of the procedure largely depends on the type of drug and the composition of the solution for rinsing the nose for a runny nose. For example, using soda and saline solutions is not recommended too often. Pharmacy drugs always have instructions for use that must be strictly followed, so the information in the table is conditional and generalized.

How to rinse your nose with a runny nose?

This drug is sold in the form of dissolving tablets, powder, and concentrated tinctures. It is necessary to dilute furatsilin (1 tablet or 1 teaspoon per glass of water), stir thoroughly and rinse the nose. This drug has powerful antiseptic properties. It may not help stop a runny nose instantly, but pathogenic microorganisms definitely won't like it.

Folk remedies do not cure, but they help eliminate the inflammatory process, improve breathing through the nose, and reduce the amount of discharge. If there is no allergic reaction, patients are usually recommended to rinse their nose with herbs for a chronic runny nose.

Typically, a pre-prepared infusion based on dry chamomile and sage is used for rinsing. To prepare the mixture, pour 1 liter of boiling water in a small amount, infuse it and then inject it into the nasal cavities through a pipette or a special nasal enema.

Well-known folk remedies that are still considered quite effective. Baking soda and salt are known to have antibacterial properties. If you observe the proportional ratio of all the ingredients of the solution, you can prepare the remedy yourself.

To rinse your nose with saline solution for a runny nose, you need to mix 8-10 g of salt with 1 liter of boiled water at warm temperature. To use a baking soda solution, mix half a spoonful of salt and half a spoonful of baking soda in 1 cup of water.

At the pharmacy, pharmacists can offer ready-made medicinal solutions and products intended for rinsing the nose with a runny nose. As a rule, many drugs have a minimum of contraindications and side effects due to their natural compositions.

Some types of pharmaceutical solutions are full-fledged medicines, before using which it is recommended to consult a specialist. Medicines include Aqua Maris, Aqualor, Marimer, Humer, No-Sol, which contain purified sea water with antiseptic properties.

Anna Shust, especially for the portal “Moms of the Big City”:

Nadezhda Emelyanova- pediatrician, pediatric neurologist, homeopathic doctor. She has additional specializations: “Non-drug methods of treatment and reflexology”, “Neuropathy”, “Classical and clinical homeopathy”. Experience as a pediatrician - 17 years. , dedicated to the most important issues for parents: children's health and gentle methods of treatment.

In my medical practice, I actually encounter every day the phenomenon of otitis media caused by nasal rinsing. Parents think that they are treating the child, but in fact, with their own hands, under the guidance of pediatricians and, what is especially sad and unacceptable, ENT doctors, they create an additional serious problem for the child. In general, I would like to talk more broadly - about common active local therapy in the nasal cavity: vasoconstrictor, antibacterial, antiseptic drops - all kinds of liquids are dripped into the nose of children from birth. How safe is it? Is it possible to raise a healthy child without nasal drops? What is world practice in this area of ​​medicine?

What is, for example, “irrigation therapy”? Methodologically and ideologically, these are echoes of the so-called “cleansing therapy”, which was practiced earlier, 100, 200, 300 years ago, and echoes of the later emerging infectious disease paradigm, when doctors perceive a disease (in this case, a runny nose) exclusively as an infectious process, attributing it to microbes and viruses have an inappropriately significant place, much more significant than the macroorganism itself and its self-regulation systems. Based on these considerations, nasal rinsing is an important component in treatment. We will wash the germs, kill the viruses, remove the mucus, and health will come. Is it so?

  • An excursion into the history of medicine is always interesting, which sometimes helps to understand and critically comprehend some practices in modern medicine. Cleansing therapy was extremely popular in past centuries and was based on the postulates of ancient healers about illness as a violation of the ratio and quality of fluids filling the body, about the contamination of these fluids. The heyday and decline of cleansing therapy occurred in the 16th–19th centuries, when bloodletting and enema (as options for cleansing therapy) were very popular, especially in the upper strata of society - foreign and ours. A textbook example and illustration is the treatment of King Louis ΧΙΙΙ of France, who received 47 bloodlettings a year, 215 emetics and 312 enemas from his physician. That is, the monarch received one enema per day for a year as prescribed by the doctor.

Today, such treatment methods seem absurd, but once upon a time they seemed advanced to doctors and were practiced everywhere, just like today’s nasal rinses or vasoconstrictor drops.

- And yet, why is it harmful to rinse the nose and instill drops? And how should parents react to snot?

Let's figure it out. Why might you need to rinse your nose at all? The basis of this procedure is the thesis that there is something dirty and wrong, unclean in the nose. Some negative properties are attributed to snot and a runny nose and people strive to get rid of them as quickly as possible, dry or moisten the nasal mucosa, and also relieve swelling with drops - to defeat a runny nose.

In fact, it is a unique protective mucus, a biological fluid with a unique composition. This is a whole army of leukocytes and lymphocytes (both dead and still very much alive), which protect the nasopharynx from the invasion of infection, nonspecific local defense factors that have bactericidal properties, complex proteins (mucins), salt, water, and so on. Snot is exactly what helps us get rid of infection and build immunity.

The nasal mucosa is arranged in an interesting and extremely complex manner. The vascular network in the nasal cavity, according to researchers, exceeds in complexity the same vascular network in the liver (the Chinese nicknamed the liver “Elder Queen” for its function and participation in blood circulation), and instilling vasoconstrictor drops in this regard is medieval barbarism, the same like a half-forgotten bloodletting. The use of such drops disrupts blood circulation in the mucous membrane for several months, and this side effect is well studied and described, and the vasoconstrictor drops themselves have not been proven effective and are not at all safe; their use in foreign pediatrics is limited.

On the Internet and in medical publications around the world, you can find a number of cases where, after instilling drops into the nose, a child experiences collapse or even coma; adults have described strokes after using such drops.

The nasal mucosa itself is delicate; work is in full swing in its submucosal layer: lymphocytes and leukocytes brought by blood fight bacteria and viruses. In the submucosal layer in the microlymph nodes, detachments of these warrior cells are dispersed, ready, at a signal, to rush to the aid of those already fighting.

Protective mucus, consisting of complex proteins, covers the ciliated epithelium in two layers - sol below, gel on top, very fluid. It flows at such a tremendous speed that a virus or bacteria, even if they really want to join the cell and begin to destroy it, cannot do this easily while the mucous membrane is covered with protective mucus.

Therefore, first look at a runny nose from a different angle: what is snot? How should parents react to them? Snot are our friends! React positively! That is, physiologically, we have in the body cleansing the nose by itself. There is absolutely no point in adding anything else from the outside to this cleansing.

- It’s clear with vasoconstrictors, but how can ordinary salt water for rinsing damage?

The fact is that when using these seemingly harmless drugs, in reality the effect that is opposite to that expected is obtained. Instead of cure, we often get worsening of the disease and its transition to otitis media. And this is along with proven ineffectiveness: it has been proven that saline solutions do not reduce the duration of a runny nose and do not in any way affect its intensity compared to placebo.

- What can cause otitis media when rinsing the nose?

The anatomical and physiological features of the children's skull are such that children have a short and wide auditory tube, some also inclined towards the ear. If you liquefy and blur the mucus in the nose, then this mucus begins to flow more intensely towards the ear, where a direct path is open for it. This provokes otitis media. You can’t even blow your nose too vigorously (and you need to explain this to children), because liquid mucus flows straight into the ear cavity when the pressure increases. A huge number of otitis media in modern children are caused by nasal rinsing.

What happens next? Doctors begin to treat inflammation of the middle ear with antibiotics. This, by the way, is also the wrong tactic! For example, the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends watchful waiting (that is, a hands-off approach) for catarrhal otitis media because most catarrhal otitis media resolve without antibiotics or any treatment at all.

The opposite is also true. When my patients don’t put anything in their children’s noses and don’t rinse their noses, we practically don’t see otitis media in children! However, there is an exception to this rule - these are children with overgrown adenoid tissue, which sometimes blocks the mouth of the auditory tube, disrupts ventilation and provokes pain in the ear. But even in this case, it is not the child’s nose that needs to be treated, but the whole child, because adenoid hypertrophy is a special case of hypertrophy of the lymph nodes of the whole body, a consequence of the hard work of the immune system; in this case, it is the entire body that needs to be treated, and not the nose separately.

To summarize what we are talking about, the simplest and most effective advice for preserving the health of the child, which could be given to young parents who have not yet “healed” children, would sound like this: never touch the child’s nose with any manipulation , neither with nozzle suction, nor with rinsing, nor with anything else. It is important for parents of children with chronic ENT pathologies to realize that local therapy aimed at fighting germs and mucus is a dead end. Here I will advise treating the child as a whole, gradually moving away from nasal drops and local procedures.

- Do you use nasal drops for runny noses in your children?

Of course not. I never prescribe it to child patients, and I discourage mothers from doing it. Imagine, throughout your entire childhood - not once any drops in your nose!

- How in this case do you recommend coping with a runny nose during acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections? A sick child has a stream of snot and it’s hard to breathe. How to alleviate the condition?

Firstly, you still need to be patient a little: nasal congestion associated with swelling of the mucous membrane cannot last forever: a maximum of two to three days - and the regulation of vascular tone will occur in a natural and physiological way. Secondly, during illness (if there is no very high temperature) - steam your feet in hot water for 10–15 minutes before going to bed. During this procedure, snot will flow in streams, this is very good; during the procedure, the flow rate of nasal secretion changes. You can do cold and warm inhalations, humidify and cool the air in the room, and often bathe a child with a runny nose and cough. Thirdly, according to indications, if necessary, take phytotherapeutic and homeopathic drugs that gently and gently help to overcome an acute crisis in the regulation of immunity. It is also good to use home physical therapy if possible. And wait!

A runny nose is not a particularly pleasant symptom. Especially if it is accompanied by a sore throat or pain in the ear area. If you know how to rinse your nose, as well as how you can do it and in what cases this procedure really works, you can learn how to quickly get rid of a runny nose.

Rinsing the nose cleanses the nasal sinuses of germs and other harmful microorganisms and removes them mechanically. Thanks to this, it is possible to defeat a virus or bacterial infection even in the early stages, when there are still no visible signs. Daily rinsing of the nose is especially important in the autumn-winter period - it is at this time of year that the likelihood of developing a runny nose is highest.

If rhinitis cannot be avoided, cleansing the nasal space simultaneously with the use of other medications will allow you to quickly achieve the desired result - recovery. First you need to clear the nasal passages, and only then apply the medicine - this will be most effective. Some people prefer not to treat a runny nose, relying on the fact that it will go away on its own. But if nasal congestion persists for 5 days or longer, there is a possibility of developing sinusitis - a classic complication that is treated on an outpatient basis with unpleasant medical procedures (puncture or “cuckoo”).

One of the complications of a common runny nose may be the spread of swelling to the auditory tube or middle ear, which ultimately results in otitis media.

Flushing removes mucus, pus and plaque, which helps protect the body from further development of the disease.

Contraindications to nasal rinsing. When is rinsing ineffective?

Despite the productivity of this procedure, you need to know that not everyone can wash their nose at home when they have a runny nose. There is a so-called “risk group” - its representatives can harm themselves by rinsing like this.

  • severe swelling of the nasal tissues;
  • tumors in the nasal cavity;
  • deviated septum;
  • location of capillaries close to the surface (high risk of nosebleeds);
  • perforation of the eardrum;
  • inflammation of the middle ear;
  • the likelihood of an allergic reaction to the drug used for rinsing.

Do not rinse your nose if there are contraindications! For example: severe swelling of the nose

If at least one of the listed factors is present, you should not wonder how and with what to rinse your nose - you need to choose alternative methods of treatment, and even better, consult a doctor so that he can make a choice, taking into account the picture of the disease as a whole. The first three factors make the washing procedure ineffective, the last ones can lead to more serious complications.

It is also necessary to remember that nasal rinsing is performed no later than half an hour before leaving home- otherwise, a protective membrane will not have time to form on the inner surface of the nostrils, and visiting the street can significantly worsen the health condition.

Options for nasal rinsing at home

How to rinse your nose at home? There are several methods.

Method No. 1

It is notable for the fact that it does not require any equipment. The solution for rinsing the nose should be scooped into your palms, lean over the sink and suck in the liquid through your nose. Then spit it out and blow your nose thoroughly - this will remove the remnants of the rinse along with the snot from the body.

Method No. 2

Requires more careful preparation, but the effectiveness of such washing is higher. Here you can choose which device to rinse your nose with - a syringe, a teapot (Neti pot) or a syringe without a needle. The solution is drawn into the selected device. After this, you need to bend over the sink, turning your head to the side, and carefully, slowly introduce the product into one nostril - thanks to tilting your head, it will flow out of the other. If part of the solution comes out through the mouth, you should not look for information on how to properly rinse your nose at home, suspecting that something has been wrong - this is also the norm. In addition, it is with this outcome that not only the nasal cavity is washed, but also the entire nasopharynx.

Technique for rinsing the nose using “Neti Pot” - Method No. 2

This way you can rinse the nose of both an adult and a child. True, it is necessary to explain to the baby that at the moment of injection it is better to hold his breath, and then, when the solution is inside, he needs to breathe through his nose.

You can also purchase a product at the pharmacy with a specific bottle design - either with a drip spout or with a spray tip. In this case, everything is even simpler - the bottle will be a device for rinsing your nose. But sprays are not recommended for use by children under 7 years of age, since they spray the medicine under high pressure, which can damage the delicate capillary network inside the nostrils.

How to rinse correctly?

If there is nasal congestion and the liquid does not pour out completely, but remains in the nasal cavity, you must stop the procedure and consult your doctor. In fact, this is why it is not recommended for children to rinse their nose with a runny nose at home: they may not report a stuffy nose, and this will lead to complications. And in order to prevent colds, this procedure is quite acceptable.

Nasal rinsing solutions

How to rinse your nose is a question no less important than how exactly to do it. A sinus treatment can be purchased at a pharmacy or you can prepare it yourself.

All pharmaceutical preparations for washing the upper respiratory tract are made on the basis of a 0.9% solution of sodium chloride or on the basis of sea water.

How to prepare a solution at home

How to rinse your nose with a runny nose if there is nothing suitable in the first aid kit? Surely every home has water and table salt. Better, of course, is iodized, but if you don’t have it, you can use any other one. 1/2 tsp. salts are dissolved in 1 glass of warm (not hot) water and allowed to cool.

This proportion is approximate: the amount of salt can be increased or decreased, depending on individual sensations. If the solution seems to sting too much, the concentration should be reduced.

You can also prepare nasal rinses based on decoctions of medicinal herbs - chamomile, sage, coltsfoot. 1 tbsp. l. dry herbs pour 1 glass of cold water, bring to a boil, then filter and cool. Before use, the product can be slightly warmed up to body temperature (36.6 o).

Which drug to buy at the pharmacy

Among ready-made preparations, the following salt water-based products are most common:

  • "Aqua Maris";
  • "Humer";
  • "No-salt";
  • "Marimer";
  • "Otrivin-sea";
  • "Solin";
  • "Dolphin"

Despite the similar composition, prices for nasal rinses differ, depending on the manufacturer, as well as on the type of sea water - more precisely, its source.

Many drugs have different release forms and different dosages. This is convenient, since for regular use you will need a large bottle, and if the reason to think about the best way to rinse your nose is an already actively developing cold, and the product is needed purely for its treatment, a small dosage of the bottle will be quite enough.

Nasal rinsing with Furacilin

Another option for washing is the Furacilin solution. Furacilin tablets are probably in every first aid kit.

Recipe: Grind 2 tablets into powder (this can be done using a kitchen rolling pin or by placing the tablet on a spoon and pressing it on top with the same spoon), add 200 ml of warm water. If necessary, filter the solution through gauze - this will help get rid of lumps, which not only complicate the rinsing process, but can also injure the delicate skin inside the nose.

This solution has a pronounced antiseptic agent, and therefore not only washes out harmful bacteria from the nasal cavity, but also prevents new ones from “taking root” in this area.

How many times can you rinse your nose?

It is important to know not only how to rinse your nose correctly, but also how many times this can or should be done. The nose is washed not only when the need arises (rhinitis) - doctors recommend performing this procedure daily - during the morning toilet, since such a disease is easier to prevent than to treat.

If you already have a cold, your nose should be washed every 4-6 hours - this is the optimal interval to quickly flush out harmful microflora from the sinuses.

Rinsing the nose is an extremely useful procedure. It is widespread in some cultures, for example, it is actively practiced among yogis.

In our realities, rinsing the nose has an important preventive value, because a salted solution allows you to remove accumulated mucus, restore nasal breathing, reduce swelling of the nasal mucosa and reduce the amount of discharge; in addition, it is an excellent remedy for easing breathing during a runny nose and an effective prevention of sinusitis.

How often should you rinse your nose?

If you develop rhinitis, then to stop the disease, you can rinse your nose 3-4 times a day, about an hour or two after eating.

How to rinse your nose?

You can purchase a ready-made solution for rinsing the nose at the pharmacy; all preparations for rinsing the upper respiratory tract contain an isotonic solution - a solution of sodium chloride (salt) at a concentration of 0.9%. There are also preparations based on sea water.

But you can prepare a rinsing solution at home by dissolving half a teaspoon of regular salt in a glass of water. However, the exact salt concentration should be determined individually, because if the solution stings, be sure to add water and make it less salty.

The temperature of the rinsing solution should be comfortable and close to body temperature - 36.6 degrees. Too hot water can injure the nasal mucosa.

In addition, you can rinse your nose with a weak decoction of herbs, such as chamomile, coltsfoot, sage or other anti-inflammatory herbs. You can rinse your nose with any mineral water without gas or with ordinary boiled water.

Nasal rinsing technology

Most ENT offices have special devices that help rinse the nose. However, you should resort to this method either as prescribed by a doctor, or if home rinsing, which is not so difficult, is not suitable for you.

For home rinsing, you will need a syringe or a regular syringe without a needle, into which you need to draw a pre-prepared solution. Bend over the sink, turn your head to the side so that the solution entering the nostril, bending around the nasal septum, flows out through the other nostril. Breathe through your mouth. Insert the tip of the syringe or syringe into the nostril and apply pressure, but do not force the solution into the nose.

If the airway is not obstructed, the solution will pass through the nasopharynx and flow out through the second nostril. Don't be alarmed if some of the solution leaks out of your mouth. Do the same with the second nostril and blow your nose after the procedure. The main thing is to learn to relax while washing.

If you need to rinse your child’s nose, the rinsing technique is exactly the same, the only thing is, ask the baby to hold his breath while inhaling. The main thing is that he is not afraid of this procedure, so first show the process with your own example.

If an infant needs to rinse the nose, then lay him on his back and drip 2-3 drops of saline solution into the nostril, then use a cotton swab soaked in oil to very carefully clean it, twisting the cotton no more than 2 cm. Then do the same. Do the same with the other nostril.

Alternative methods

If the classic method of rinsing your nose with salt water seems uncomfortable, you can try doing it differently. For example, pouring water from a teapot into the nostril and releasing it through the mouth. You can try sniffing the salty solution from the saucer with your nose.

Why rinse your nose when you have a runny nose?

Usually the main source of inflammation is a virus that has entered the nasal cavity. Due to rhinitis, the nasal mucosa becomes inflamed, swells, and edema begins. Usually a runny nose is combined with inflammation of the nasopharynx and pharynx, that is, nasal congestion is complemented by a sore throat, but inflammation can spread below the level of the pharynx - into the larynx, which will lead to laryngitis.

In addition, the swelling can spread to the mouth of the auditory tube, the middle ear loses its ability to cleanse itself, which will lead to the development of otitis media.

To prevent this path of the virus from the nose to the larynx and middle ear, it is worth rinsing your nose at the first symptoms of a runny nose, which will help remove plaque, excess mucus and pus.

Also, rinsing the nose during illness helps medications - sprays, drops and ointments - work better. If the nasal mucosa is not cleaned, but is covered with mucus or pus, then the drug will fall on the secretions and come out of the nose with them, without bringing the expected relief or therapeutic effect.

When not to rinse

If your nose is stuffy. In acute respiratory infections or acute respiratory viral infections, the mucous membrane swells and blocks normal breathing, so there is a risk of applying the solution with too much pressure and, along with the liquid, bringing the causative agent of the disease to the middle ear. Therefore, during rinsing, the nose must breathe; in extreme cases, vasoconstrictor drops can be used before the procedure.

Before leaving the house, you should rinse your nose at least half an hour before you go outside.

With a curved septum, the efficiency of washing will be extremely low.

If you have polyps, it is useless to rinse your nose yourself; in this case, qualified help is needed.

Also contraindications to rinsing the nose are tumor formations in the nasal cavity, a predisposition to nosebleeds, inflammation of the middle ear or the risk of its occurrence, an allergic reaction to the components of the solution.