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Correct lordosis. Lumbar lordosis: symptoms, treatment methods. Symptoms of a flat back

Lumbar lordosis - what is it?

The word “lordosis” in the human body refers to the natural forward convexities of the spine for a comfortable body position; they are found in the neck and lumbar regions. Is it good or bad to have lordosis and kyphosis - convexity of the thoracic region in the opposite direction? The curvature itself is not a pathology if the angle of deflection does not exceed the norm and is 150-170 degrees in the lumbar region.

Area affected by lumbar lordosis

Every person has physiological lordosis, but pathological lordosis, the indicators of which are deviated from the norm, can occur at any age.

Types of pathological lordosis

When making a diagnosis, the doctor evaluates the pathology according to several criteria. First of all, the specialist evaluates the time of occurrence of increased or decreased curvature in the lumbar spine.

Depending on the reasons that influenced the growth of pathological lordosis, it is divided into:

  • Primary lordosis The lumbar region develops under the influence of internal changes in the body. In inflammatory processes, the appearance of cancer, weakening of muscles or incorrect position of the vertebrae affect the degree of curvature of the spine and lead to deviations;
  • Secondary lordosis- a disease that occurs as a result of external influences.

Pathology manifests itself in two forms:

  • With hypolordosis, the physiological curve of the lower back is straightened. In this case, it is more than 170 degrees;
  • Hyperlordosis is expressed by increased deflection of the lumbar spine, the degree measure of the angle decreases to 140-145.

Causes of congenital lordosis

The nature of childbirth and the illness of the parents play a major role in the progression of pathology at an early age:

  • Abnormalities in the curvatures of the mother's spine;
  • Congenital damage to the brain and central nervous system;
  • Injuries during childbirth;
  • Incorrect physical growth of the baby.

Formation of spinal curves in a child

Acquired lordosis. Causes

In most cases, lumbar lordosis develops throughout life and increases in intensity over the years. Therefore, doctors consider lifestyle as the main reasons, as well as:

  • The absence or insufficient amount of physical activity leads to muscle weakness, the load is transferred to the spine and over time the bending angle becomes abnormal;
  • Obesity. Excess body weight creates additional pressure on the spine.
  • Pathologies and lack of mobility of the hip joint;
  • Direct spinal injuries;
  • Chronic diseases, inflammation;
  • Formation of malignant or benign tumors in the lumbar region;
  • Overfatigue and muscle damage due to excessive physical exertion.

Pregnant women are at particular risk. During this period, the pressure on the girl’s spine is maximally increased, the curvature of the lower back increases and becomes too concave. After childbirth, it may return to normal, or it may develop into pathological hyperlordosis.

Lumbar lordosis during pregnancy

Symptoms of lumbar lordosis

With a minor violation, a person may not experience any discomfort in the lumbar region and may not suspect the presence of spinal curvature. The intensity of the manifestation increases with increasing angle deviation in one direction or another.

The following symptoms indicate that lordosis is increased:

  • Protruding belly, strongly arched lower back;
  • Abduction of the buttocks and pelvis back;
  • Large distance between the surface and the lower back when lying on your back;
  • Feeling of pain in the lower back when lying on the stomach.

With hypolordosis the following are observed:

  • Straightening the lower back, smoothing out the deflection;
  • Rounding the upper back;
  • Overstrain and flattening of the lumbar muscles;
  • Feeling of numbness in the lumbar region.

Common signs for two types of spinal lordosis in the lumbar region are:

  • Fatigue when walking or sitting;
  • Improper functioning of the pelvic organs and gastrointestinal tract;
  • Pain or numbness in the legs, lower back;
  • Sleep disorders.


The first signs of lumbar lordosis can be determined independently. You need to stand with your back to the wall, press your head and buttocks against it, and then try to move your hand into the curve of your lower back. If this is possible, then the development of hyperlordosis has begun. Even if the palm passes with difficulty, the bend is too straightened.

Initial examination by a traumatologist for lumbar lordosis

At the first suspicion of the presence of lumbar lordosis, you should contact a traumatologist. During the initial examination and analysis of muscle tone, a diagnosis is established and the need for subsequent research methods is established:

  • The X-ray image clearly shows the position of the vertebrae, which helps to draw a conclusion about the exact presence of lumbar lordosis, however, does not indicate the cause of the disease.
  • CT (computed tomography) gives an idea of ​​the condition of the bone tissue.
  • MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) is prescribed for suspected soft tissue lesions, neuralgic causes of the disease, or oncological formations.


The fight against lumbar lordosis begins with eliminating the cause. Only after eliminating the main cause should you move on to normalizing the lumbar curve.

The treatment complex includes improving the functioning of the digestive, cardiovascular and nervous systems; when the spine is curvatured, unnatural pressure is placed on the organs, which leads to diseases of the entire body.

It is important to have a comprehensive therapy; only with this approach can complete correction of lumbar lordosis be ensured. Therapy must be started immediately; the consequences of lordosis include the development of arthrosis, lordoscoliosis, and hernias.


All medications must be prescribed strictly by the attending physician. Popular groups of drugs for lumbar lordosis are anti-inflammatory, painkillers, anti-spasm and warming agents.

Medicines for lordosis - only as prescribed by a doctor

Additionally, B vitamins may be prescribed to improve the condition of the body's skeletal system.

Physical exercise

Performing special exercises tone the back muscles. All physical therapy complexes contain a number of strength exercises that strengthen the muscular corset, and stretching that provides relaxation and relief of spasms, establishing the natural curves of the spine and lower back.

The exercise does not require additional equipment; anyone can do the exercises:

  • From a lying position on your back, push your feet behind your head and rest your toes on the floor. Hands are spread to the sides.
  • Stand up straight, as you exhale, lower your body towards the floor, aim your fingers towards the floor, and stretch your stomach towards your knees. Feel the stretch in your lower back.
  • Place your feet shoulder-width apart. As you exhale, perform deep squats. Watch the position of your knees, they do not go beyond your toes, try to remove the load from your back, striving for a natural deflection of the lower back.
  • Lie on your back. Raise your knees bent at a right angle. Hands are behind the head. As you exhale, twist and try to reach your heels with each hand in turn.

There is a wide variety of complexes, the exercises are prescribed by a specialist. Yoga practice is often used in therapy.


Massage sessions relieve muscle spasms, help improve blood circulation in the lumbar region, and relax the nervous system.

Lumbar spine massage

In addition to classic massage, acupressure or lymphatic drainage is often prescribed.

Bandage for lordosis

One of the options for a bandage for lordosis

Wearing is prescribed for patients with a pronounced form of lordosis of the lumbar spine, as well as for women during pregnancy. In this case, the risk of developing further disorders in the position of the spine is prevented.

Surgical intervention

Surgery is required only in cases of severe lumbar curvature, most often with congenital pathological lordosis. Damaged vertebrae are replaced with artificial or metal ones.

This method of treatment can result in infection or disability, which is dangerous.

Rules for sleeping with lordosis

Sleeping on a regular bed can make the problem worse. Therefore, it is necessary to purchase a special orthopedic mattress based on individual height and weight.

An orthopedic mattress will help get rid of lordosis

Before purchasing, you should sleep with hyperlordosis or hypolordosis on your stomach or back, placing a cushion under your lower back of such a volume that will be equal to the natural deflection.


It is important to take preventive measures in childhood, during the formation of the skeleton. Compliance with the following rules can protect a person from spinal injuries and health will be preserved:

  • Watch your posture throughout the day, never slouch.
  • Give up bad habits - smoking, alcohol.
  • Try to include as much activity as possible in your day, walk more, take the stairs instead of the elevator, and play sports.
  • Do exercises regularly to strengthen your abdominal muscles.
  • During sedentary work, perform a warm-up set of exercises as a break. Get up and walk around the office/hallway for a few minutes.
  • When working out in the gym, fully comply with the exercise technique and monitor the weight in the exercises performed.
  • Pay great attention to your weight; excess weight leads to a lot of problems, including lordosis.
  • While working at the computer, do not stretch your neck forward; the monitor should be at a distance of 45-70 cm from your eyes, the keyboard should lie on the table surface.

People leading a healthy lifestyle are reliably protected from pathologies of the spinal column, which are very dangerous for the functioning of the entire body. But with the right approach to the treatment of pathological lordosis, every person is able to correct the curvature of the lower back and return to normal life with a normal, healthy back.


Ecology of health: It is impossible to say “I have lumbar lordosis”: the speaker admits to his own illiteracy. After all, “lordosis” is a curvature of the spinal column, convexity facing forward, and normally it is in the lumbar region that exactly such an arch exists. But diagnoses associated with lumbar lordosis still exist: when the curve is either too large or, conversely, has become smoothed out. In these cases, the spine needs urgent treatment.

Lumbar lordosis: diagnosis, prevention, treatment

It is impossible to say “I have lumbar lordosis”: the speaker admits to his own illiteracy. After all, “lordosis” is a curvature of the spinal column, convexity facing forward, and normally it is in the lumbar region that exactly such an arch exists. But diagnoses associated with lumbar lordosis still exist: when the curve is either too large or, conversely, has become smoothed out. In these cases, the spine needs urgent treatment.

About the spine

The vertebral column is not a straight chord, as in lower vertebrates. The ability of a person to sit and walk on two legs led to the formation of 4 bends here:

    2 curves - cervical and lumbar - are convexly directed forward, that is, these are lordoses;

    2 bends - thoracic and sacral - bend backwards. They are called kyphosis.

This curved position allows the spinal column to better withstand loads, which, among other things, is upright walking: when loaded, the spine is compressed like a spring, as a result the pressure decreases.

A child is born with a straight spinal column, and only when he begins to learn to sit does a curve in the lumbar region first appear, and then, for balance, all the other “concavities” appear. This curvature of the lumbar region, as long as it is within 150-170° (according to an x-ray, CT or MRI in a lateral projection), is physiological lumbar lordosis. As soon as this angle decreases or increases, lordosis is called pathological.

Pathological lordosis leads to the fact that the vertical load, first on the lumbar region, and then on the entire spine, increases. Compressed vertebrae change their shape (deform) and can easily shift relative to each other even when performing habitual work. Changes in several vertebrae at once lead to pinching of the nerves leaving the spinal cord, and this causes pain and dysfunction of internal organs.

The sacrum is 5 large fused vertebrae, convexly facing forward. Only the first, upper vertebra can separate from this structure, but all of them cannot bend in the other direction. Therefore, the term “lumbosacral lordosis” does not exist.

Types of lumbar lordosis

The fact that lumbar lordosis occurs physiological(normal) and pathological(formed as a result of illness), we have already considered. Below we present classifications that relate only to its pathological type.

Depending on the type of reasons, lordosis of the lumbar spine can be:

1. Primary. There are two subspecies. The first is vertebrogenic, when the bending is caused by diseases or anomalies in the development of the vertebrae themselves, their displacement relative to each other. The second is paralytic, developing as a result of weakness of the muscles that hold the spine. The causes of muscle weakness can be inflammatory, metabolic or oncological processes.

2. Secondary. In this case, the curvature in the lumbar spine may increase or decrease due to diseases of one or both hip joints associated with the bones of the pelvis, which connects to the sacrum.

Depending on the angle at which the spine now curves in the lumbar region, pathological lordosis may be called:

1. hypolordosis, when the angle formed by the vertebral bodies at the point of bending is 171° or more. This condition is said to be that the lumbar lordosis is smoothed;

2. hyperlordosis: the angle between the vertebrae is less than 150°, usually 140-150°. The vertebral bodies are no longer adjacent to each other, but fan out. This is said to be increased lumbar lordosis.

When they write “lumbar lordosis is preserved,” this means that the angle of curvature of the spine is within 150-170°, and its apex is at the level of 3-4 lumbar vertebrae (or L3-L4 in medical terms).

There is another classification that takes into account the ability to bring the vertebrae into the proper position. According to it, the method of treatment is chosen. So, hypo- or hyperlordosis can be:

    unfixed when a person can return the spine to its normal state with certain movements;

    fixed: the spine is not brought into its proper position by any voluntary movements;

    partially fixed: The angle of bending can only be partially changed by movements of the back.

Causes of excessive or flattened curve in the lumbar region

Pathological lumbar lordosis of the spine in childhood and adulthood is caused by various reasons.Thus, excessive or, conversely, a smoothed curve in the lower back in adults occurs due to:


    fracture or dislocation of the vertebrae;


    Bekhterev's disease;

    flat feet;

    obesity, when a large load is placed on the lower back;


    pregnancy, especially multiple pregnancy or occurring with polyhydramnios. Pathological lordosis occurs by 16-20 weeks and is usually transient (disappears 0.5-1 year after birth). If a woman already had spinal diseases before pregnancy (osteochondrosis, ankylosing spondylitis and others), then the lordosis that arose during pregnancy may not go away on its own;

    intervertebral disc herniation;

    Schmorl's hernia;

    dislocation or ankylosis (immobility) of one of the hip joints;

    inflammatory or degenerative diseases of the muscles that support the spine;

    cicatricial changes in the muscles that fix the spine;

    ruptures of the ligamentous apparatus that holds the lumbar spine;

    vertebral lesions in systemic diseases: rheumatoid arthritis, psoriasis, lupus erythematosus; achondroplasia;

    infectious lesions of the vertebrae (this is only possible with syphilis, tuberculosis or brucellosis);

    tumors growing from the vertebrae, or metastases of any cancer to the lumbar vertebrae;

    diseases in which metabolism and, accordingly, the nutrition of the structures that fix the spine, as well as the vertebrae themselves, are disrupted. These are diabetes mellitus, thyroid diseases;

    oncological diseases of internal organs lying directly next to the lumbar spine: kidneys, uterus, prostate, ovaries, intestines.

Some of these diseases can “bend” the spine in a certain direction. So, a person who received (or received) a “whiplash” injury while traveling in a car - when they first drove with great acceleration and then had to brake sharply - experiences a smoothed lordosis of the lumbar region. Pregnancy, tumors and inflammation of internal organs located in the retroperitoneal space are characterized by increased bending.

When lumbar lordosis is detected in children, the cause is one of the following conditions:

    hereditary metabolic disorder in the vertebrae or the apparatus that fixes them;

    spinal injury during childbirth;

    vertebral developmental anomalies;

    cerebral palsy;

    rickets, which results in softening of bone tissue;

    hip dysplasia and congenital hip dislocation, which is the last stage of dysplasia;

    poor posture;

    a sudden growth spurt that occurs during childhood or adolescence. It is more likely to provoke hyper- or hypolordosis if the child has weak back muscles;

    Kashin-Beck disease.

If in childhood and adolescence hyperlordosis did not arise as a result of a hereditary change in the spine or its ligamentous apparatus, then if all efforts are directed towards eliminating the cause, the curvature of the spine can be returned to normal. If the vertebrae are located at a distance from each other for a long time (like a fan) in an adult, it is very difficult to completely eliminate this condition using conservative methods.

How to recognize pathological lordosis in yourself

Depending on whether the angle of curvature of the spine increases or decreases, the disease manifests itself in various symptoms. The following signs will be common to both conditions:

    naching back pain that intensifies when doing physical activity, lifting heavy objects, or staying in an uncomfortable position;

    in women, pain increases during menstruation;

    men may experience erectile dysfunction;

    characteristic appearance: drooping shoulders, protruding belly (even in the absence of excess weight), tilted pelvis back, spread legs with fully extended knees;

    change in gait: the upper body (up to the stomach) leans back, and the stomach forward, the legs are apart and the person “rolls” from one leg to the other;

    increased fatigue;

    pain in the legs, which intensifies after a long walk;

    problems with the digestive system: constipation, bloating, intestinal cramps;

    sleep problems;

    deterioration of temperature sensitivity in the pelvic area and lower extremities.

When lumbar lordosis is smoothed, the following are added:

    a feeling of not only pain, but also numbness in the lower back;

    fatigue when standing and sitting;

    appearance: shoulder blades protrude and the lower half of the abdomen protrudes.

If hyperlordosis develops, it is noted:

    severe tension in the lumbar muscles;

    lying on your stomach is impossible due to severe pain;

    when lying on your back, you can see a large distance between your back in the lumbar region and the horizontal surface;

    bending can only be done by bending the legs at the hip joints;

    when standing, it is clear that the legs are either hyperextended at the knees or slightly bent at them;

    the head drops slightly and moves forward.

In addition to these manifestations, symptoms are observed that indicate a possible cause of hypo- or hyperlordosis. This:

    Increased temperature, decreased appetite, weakness - due to infectious processes;

    Gradual development of symptoms of lordosis plus a sliding gait. This combination suggests that the cause of changes in the angle of bending in the lumbar spine are tumors or inflammatory processes in the area of ​​the spinal nerve roots. This may be radiculitis, arachnoiditis of the spinal cord or other pathologies, which causes contracture in the area of ​​the gluteal or lumbar muscles, which lordosis tries to compensate for;

    The appearance of symptoms of lordosis in middle age indicates the presence of lumbar osteochondrosis. It can be gradual and even acute (if the nucleus pulposus suddenly breaks through). Osteochondrosis is indicated by pain in the hip joints, which occurs when trying to place the back and buttocks in a normal position.

Complications of lordosis

If lumbar lordosis is not treated, no matter what it is - hyperlordosis or hypolordosis - this leads to severe stress on individual vertebrae and the discs between them. When this condition exists for a long time, it leads to complications such as:

    intervertebral hernia;

    pathological (excessive) mobility of individual vertebrae;

    decreased stability of discs between several vertebrae (multiple scalene pseudospondylolisthesis);

    disc loss;

    inflammation of the iliopsoas muscle;

    deforming arthrosis of the joints between the articular processes of the lumbar vertebrae;

    compression of the spinal cord, which leads to disruption of independent urination and defecation, infertility, immobilization (partial or complete) of the lower extremities.

How is the diagnosis made?

The diagnosis is not made at home. Even a traumatologist does not have the right to do this based on examination alone: ​​radiography, CT or MRI is required to see the pathological lordosis and assess the angle of bending. And if radiography only helps to establish a diagnosis and determine the type of lordosis, then tomographic methods can help find the cause of this condition.

The doctor can only suspect this disease. To do this, he asks the patient to stand with his back to the wall, pressing his buttocks and shoulder blades against it. If there is a lot of free space left in the lumbar region (more than 5 cm at the deepest point of the bend), this indicates pathological lordosis.

In addition to determining the lordosis itself and its type, research is being carried out(tests and instrumental diagnostics), the purpose of which is to determine the cause of this condition.


Treatment of lumbar lordosis begins with conservative measures th, which are carried out in a complex. If this does not lead to the desired effect and, moreover, there are signs of compression of the spinal cord, surgery is performed.

Conservative therapy

It consists of a complex consisting of:

    measures aimed at eliminating the cause of the disease;

    drug correction;

    exercise therapy;



    additional methods.

Let's look at it in order.

Eliminating the cause of the disease

This is only possible if the cause of hyper- or hypolordosis is identified:

    if it is osteochondrosis, deforming spondylarthrosis or deforming disease of the hip joints, chondroprotective drugs are prescribed;

    when the cause of pathological lordosis is infectious processes, treatment is prescribed by an infectious disease doctor.Usually these are antibiotics that take into account the sensitivity of the microorganism. The course may include immunomodulators and vitamins;

    if it is determined that the cause is a systemic disease, a rheumatologist is involved in treatment. She prescribes drugs that affect the immune system and stop its attack on its own cells;

    for spondylolisthesis, intervertebral hernias and Schmorl's hernias, treatment is carried out with medications and manual therapy;

    in case of obesity, an endocrinologist is involved in therapy, who helps to find the cause of this condition, and a nutritionist, who selects an effective diet.

Drug treatment

It includes the prescription of medications that should relax the tense muscles of the lumbar region and allow the spine to move into the desired position through exercise, physical therapy and additional methods. This:

    anti-inflammatory drugs. For severe or persistent back pain, they are taken in tablets or injections. If the pain is tolerable, it is better to use local remedies;

    muscle relaxants(directly relaxes muscles);

    B vitamins.


It includes therapeutic massage, which should improve blood circulation in the affected lower back and improve the outflow of blood from it, relax “tight” muscles and tone overly relaxed muscles. In addition to massage, one or more of the following procedures are performed:

    underwater (in a therapeutic bath) traction;

    electrophoresis on the lumbar region, with novocaine and hydrocortisone;

    ultrasonic influence on the spine area;

    magnetic therapy on the buttocks and lower back;

    mud applications on the lumbar region.

After such procedures, you need to wear an orthopedic bandage on your lower back., to fix the spine and prevent it from “resetting” the changes that were achieved by treatment. You need to walk around in a bandage all the time, removing it only for the duration of local treatment and before going to bed. You need to sleep on an orthopedic mattress. While he is away, temporarily sleep on your stomach, under which you place a cushion.

Additional methods of conservative treatment

These are methods that not all doctors include in the course of treatment. At the same time, the methods themselves demonstrate high efficiency. These include:

    acupuncture– the impact of needles on bioactive points, which helps to direct the necessary energy of the body to a specific place – in this case, to the lumbar spine;

    hirudotherapy– a method when leeches are placed on biologically active points. They stimulate the points themselves, directing energy to the lumbar region, and inject substances into the blood that thin it. As a result of the latter effect, blood circulates better throughout the body without forming stagnation;

    manual therapy– manual impact on the area of ​​the pathological bend, the purpose of which is to bring it to a normal angle.


Compliance with the following nutritional rules will not cure pathological lordosis, but will help food pass through the compromised gastrointestinal tract, being absorbed and without stagnation. This will help prevent constipation and therefore intoxication:

    drink at least 30 ml/kg of liquid weight, more is possible if there is no heart or kidney failure;

    eat fresh vegetables that are high in fiber;

    eat less sweets and starchy foods;

    completely eliminate fatty, fried and spicy foods, alcohol, and smoked foods.

Surgical treatment

It is used mainly for severe congenital conditions, as well as in cases where compression of the spinal cord occurs due to lordosis. The operations are traumatic and are performed under general anesthesia. After them, long-term and competent rehabilitation is needed. There are 2 types of them:

    fixation of vertebrae in the area of ​​pathological lordosis using plates, rods or other metal structures;

    replacement of affected vertebrae with titanium implants, from which a structure with a normal bending angle can be folded.

Unfortunately, the second type of operation is practically not performed in the CIS countries.


Only acquired lordosis can be prevented, and this is best done starting from childhood. To do this you need:

    to live an active lifestyle;

    do exercises daily;

    get enough rest;

    sleep on a hard mattress;

Spinal curvature is a problem that literally every person on the planet faces to one degree or another. Of course, the curvature can be so weak that it will simply be invisible and will not cause any problems to the person.

However, there are also severe forms that are considered pathological due to aesthetic disorders, as well as the complications they cause. One of such pathologies is lumbar lordosis; in this article we will talk about what kind of disease this is, what are the causes of its occurrence, types, symptoms, etc.

Everyone knows that the normal adult spine has several curves. In the thoracic region, the spine curves backward, which is called thoracic kyphosis. At the same time, in the lumbar region, the spinal column bends forward or, otherwise, inward; in medicine this area is called lumbar lordosis. Due to the fact that the physiological curve and the corresponding pathology have the same name, it is important to understand in which cases lumbar lordosis refers to a disease.

So, we are talking about the disease in cases where the deflection in the lower back, that is, the angle of curvature of the spinal column in the lumbar region, exceeds certain norms. In other words, a pathological curvature is diagnosed by a doctor when the angle of the bend changes too much.

Accordingly, pathological lumbar lordosis, which is discussed in this article, is a disease of the spine, characterized by curvature of the latter with the convex side in the forward direction. This pathological process is divided into types, has several stages of development, differing in the degree of the angle of curvature, and, accordingly, increasingly severe symptoms and complications. In addition, the curvature of the spinal column in the lumbar region is both congenital and acquired.


To make a more accurate diagnosis, as well as classify the characteristics of the pathological process, in medicine, lordosis of the lumbar spine is conventionally divided into two main types:

  • Primary lordosis - in this case, the curvature of the spinal column is caused by various congenital pathologies and disorders in the development of the fetus or diseases that directly affect the structures of the spine.
  • Secondary - in this case, the occurrence of pathology is due to concomitant diseases that are indirectly related to the spine, as well as back injuries, poor posture and other similar factors.

There is also the term “increased lumbar lordosis”, but this should not mislead you. This formulation is only a clarification that speaks about the development of pathology. In other words, “strengthened” means there are deviations from the norm of physiological bending.

In addition, returning to the topic of the types and classification of the disease, there is also a division into two separate types of deviation:

  • Hypolordosis is an anomaly in which the curvature of the spinal column in the lumbar region is absent or its indicators are significantly lower than normal.
  • Hyperlordosis - in this case, on the contrary, we are talking about too much curvature of the spine in the forward direction, that is, the bending angle exceeds the norm.

Of course, both types are deviations from the norm and are equated to diseases. Moreover, each case has its own characteristics, differing in symptoms and subsequently developing complications.


Due to the fact that lordosis can be either a congenital or an acquired disease, doctors identify many reasons for its development that correspond to these two features of the occurrence of pathology. Taking this fact into account, it is worth dividing the possible causes and factors for the development of the disease into two groups.

The formation of lumbar lordosis in children occurs for the following reasons:

  • Genetic, that is, hereditary predisposition - cases of the disease are recorded in the family medical history. This takes into account the presence of a pathological process not only in the mother or father (which is most likely), but also in grandparents or closest blood relatives.
  • Various anomalies of fetal development in the womb, including disturbances in the formation of vertebrae, intervertebral structures, muscle tissue and ligaments. In especially severe cases, the newborn may completely lack one or more vertebral segments.
  • Primary lordosis also develops if the child is injured during childbirth, which may be due to the negligence of the obstetrician or a difficult birth.

Among the causes of acquired pathology are the following:

  • The main reason for the development of lordosis is poor posture, which most often occurs in adolescence or young adulthood. Carrying a backpack or bag on one shoulder, stooping while walking, incorrect or uncomfortable position when sitting at a desk, etc., all these are factors in the occurrence of the disease.
  • The second most common cause is various injuries to the spinal column. Not only spinal fractures are taken into account, but also serious blows, bruises, and strains of the lower back muscles. Especially often, pathology develops as a result of falls from great heights or after serious accidents.
  • Heavy physical labor, in particular, constant lifting of heavy weights, as well as excessive stress on the spine due to moderate and severe forms of obesity.
  • Often the development of lumbar lordosis is caused by concomitant pathologies of the spine, the most common of which is. This also includes radiculitis, inflammatory processes, bone tuberculosis, development, etc.
  • Sedentary lifestyle.
  • Impaired metabolism and so on.
  • Often lordosis develops in pregnant women, especially when we are talking about several pregnancies over a short period of time or if the fetus was heavy and the woman is of a fragile constitution.

It is worth taking into account that only the most probable and common causes of the development of lordosis of the lumbar spine are listed above; in fact, there are much more of them.


The clinical picture of lordosis differs greatly depending on the degree of development of the pathological process, the causes of its occurrence, as well as the type, type of disease and other factors. With a slight curvature, invisible to the naked eye, the symptoms will be blurred or any manifestations will be completely absent.

At the same time, the more the pathology develops, the more pronounced the symptoms will be. In general, the clinical picture of this disease is as follows:

  • The main clinical sign is the so-called aesthetic deviations. When the spine is curved anteriorly in the lumbar region, the lower back bends more (or becomes flat, depending on the type of pathology), while the abdominal region protrudes, the man walks forward with his stomach, unnaturally bending back to maintain balance.
  • At the same time, the gait becomes less stable, the legs bend like a wheel, and walking becomes much more difficult.
  • The more pronounced the angle of curvature, the more intense the pain syndrome becomes. The pain is localized in the lower back and intensifies while walking, as well as with any physical activity. The nature of the pain is initially dull and aching, but then movements are accompanied by stronger and sharper pains, sometimes. Over time, the pain spreads to the buttocks area and may pull the legs.
  • Due to poor posture and constant pain, there is a deterioration in the patient’s general condition. Fatigue, sleep disturbances, systematic fatigue, and nervousness appear.

As mentioned earlier, the clinical picture is diverse and depends on a number of factors, but attention should be paid to any deviations from the norm, because in the early stages it is much easier to fight diseases.


Of course, for a full diagnosis, it is better to consult a doctor who will write out the appropriate directions and help you not only easily identify lumbar lordosis, but also determine the degree of progression of the disease, its type, etc. To do this, you need to undergo a number of diagnostic measures:

  • The first step will be a medical history taken by the doctor and an initial examination with palpation of the lumbar spine. The initial examination also includes functional diagnostic methods, in which the patient, with the help of a traumatologist, performs a number of actions to assess the severity of the disease.
  • – allows you to take x-rays of the spine in different projections to obtain an overall picture of the course of the disease.
  • or – usually one of these methods replaces the other. The procedures allow you to obtain a detailed picture of lesions and deformations of bone tissue, but MRI is more preferable, as it provides the most detailed information.


Treatment of lumbar lordosis requires an integrated approach. In this case, it is better to consult a doctor initially, even when the disease is in the initial stages of development. Only an experienced specialist will assess the scale of the problem and prescribe the most adequate treatment.

In general, treatment methods are as follows:

  • Drug therapy.
  • Physiotherapy.
  • Massages.
  • In extreme cases, surgery is required.

To fully understand the principle of treatment, we will consider each method of combating lordosis separately.

Drug treatment

As part of drug therapy, the doctor prescribes a number of drugs aimed at suppressing unpleasant symptoms, combating concomitant pathologies, and also to achieve maximum therapeutic effect. We are talking about drugs from the following groups:

Remember that all medications for lumbar lordosis are prescribed strictly by the attending physician.


Physiotherapy can speed up recovery, as well as reduce pain and normalize metabolic processes in the affected area of ​​the spine:

  • Ultrasound.
  • And so on.

It is important to undergo a full course of physiotherapy; this is the only way to achieve the maximum therapeutic effect.


Treatment through massage is another auxiliary method, without which treatment of spinal curvature is indispensable. Remember that massages must be performed by qualified specialists, and they also need to be completed in a course, repeating it several times.

Massages allow you to tone or relax muscles, eliminate pain, straighten the spine, “put back in place” the vertebrae, if required, etc.


Therapeutic exercises are also useful for a healthy person as a preventive measure for lordosis. The patient needs it and does it for a long period of time, possibly throughout his life.

Exercises for lordosis vary greatly depending on the stage of progression of the pathological process, the same applies to loads, so initially classes are conducted under the guidance of a rehabilitation physician. In severe cases, classes are carried out in a supine position; as success is achieved and the treatment takes effect, the set of exercises becomes more varied.


As mentioned earlier, surgical intervention is required only in extreme cases, when the disease threatens the patient’s life or is accompanied by serious complications. The operation involves straightening the spine through the installation of special metal structures, sometimes replacing vertebrae with them.

Lumbar lordosis is preserved - what does this mean?

This diagnosis indicates that, as a result of treatment or at the time of diagnosis, the curvature of the spinal column in the lumbar region is within normal limits. That is, it does not exceed 59 degrees.

If the patient feels normal and is not bothered by pain, treatment is not required. But if there are any complaints, additional diagnostics are carried out.


Lordosis causes a lot of trouble and is often accompanied by severe symptoms, but this pathology is even more dangerous because of its complications:

  • Severe cases of lordosis are accompanied by prolapse of the abdominal organs, which causes disruption of their functioning, various problems of the gastrointestinal tract, kidney dysfunction, etc.
  • In the later stages of disease progression, it occurs in the lumbar spine, which is fraught with complications from the nervous system. First of all, we are talking about numbness and tingling in the lower extremities, which is then replaced by loss of sensitivity, up to paralysis.
  • The disease also leads to damage to the genitourinary system, in women this is manifested by increased menstrual pain and delays, in men by impaired potency by prostatitis.


It is better to prevent the development of the disease at all than to fight it and its consequences. To prevent lordosis, follow a number of simple recommendations.

The natural curvature of the spinal column in the lumbar region is a natural feature of the body of every person. True, such a bend should normally be located at a certain angle. In other cases, the disorder becomes a painful pathology requiring treatment.

Lordosis as a curvature of the spine

Lordosis as a natural curvature of the spine is formed during the intrauterine development of the human fetus. Normally, there are two such bends, located in the cervical and lumbar regions. There is a curve in the thoracic region called kyphosis. Violation of the bending angle leads to pathologies.

They can be formed:

  • During the intrauterine development of the child.
  • As a result of injuries.
  • As a result of lifestyle disorders, the prevalence of a sedentary lifestyle.
  • Due to illnesses.

Signs of spinal lordosis

According to the current version of the international classification of diseases ICD-10, pathology has code M40.0

Features of lumbar lordosis

The natural and normal curvature of the spinal column in the lumbar region is important for the successful functioning of the entire human body. The curved shape plays an important function of shock absorption, necessary for any physical activity.

A pathology that interferes with the performance of its tasks by this part of the human body is a violation of the bending angle. It can be either overly expressed or smoothed out.

There are two pathological forms of lumbar lordosis: hyperlordosis and lumbar lordosis.

Features of lordosis in the lumbosacral region

Lordosis in the lumbosacral region belongs to the category of diagnoses that is most often diagnosed in elderly patients. Pathology is a change in the angle of inclination over 170 degrees. In this group of patients, pathological processes associated with a violation of the natural angle of inclination in most cases arise as a result of osteochondrosis.

Definitions of the angle for lordosis

At different ages, lordosis can become a complication of herniated intervertebral discs and other diseases of the skeletal system.

Regardless of the reasons for the changes, the appearance is a violation of the patient’s mobility. His gait changes, and he experiences unpleasant pain when standing and sitting.

Classification of lordosis

In medical practice, the following classification of the pathological process is used depending on the area of ​​damage to the spine:

  • lumbar region;
  • cervical region.

The diagnosis in which lordosis is impaired is classified depending on the reasons for the onset of the disorder:

  • Primary lordosis with pathologies that develop as a result of pathological processes occurring directly in the spine.
  • Secondary option pathology of lordosis, which occurs when the body needs to adapt to maintaining balance that occurs in non-physiological conditions. It is of a compensatory nature.

There are also several forms:

  • Physiological, when the bending angle is not violated.
  • Hyperlordosis(pathological) when the deflection is increased inward.
  • Hypolordosis(smoothed or flattened), with this type, a smoothed curve is observed in the lower back.

Forms of lordosis

Existing degrees of pathology

In medical practice, there are three degrees of this spinal lesion, in which physiological lordosis is impaired.

They are divided according to the degree of curvature of the spine:

Reasons for the development of lumbar lordosis

Changes in the natural state of the spinal column have many reasons. In some cases, changes are formed at the stage of intrauterine development or in the first year of life. Changes that show pathological lordosis can occur at any other age, in both women and men.

The reason for their appearance may be:

  • Weakening of the muscular frame of the back.
  • Damage to skeletal structures.
  • Joint injuries affecting the lower extremities.
  • Excess body weight and many other factors.

It is not possible to determine the lordosis of the spine on your own. The parameters are individual for everyone. Only a specialist can determine the presence or absence of pathology.

Symptoms of lumbar lordosis indicate a violation of the uniform load on the spine. This provokes the appearance of pain localized in the lumbar region.

Unpleasant sensations are reflected in a person’s figure, movements and gait:

  • A bulge appears forward in the abdomen, with increased curvature in the lumbar region.
  • The knee joints remain extended.
  • The pelvis and body tilt backward when moving.
  • Dysfunction occurs due to prolapse of the abdominal organs.

Symptoms of lordosis


A patient who suspects the development of symptoms and the first signs of lumbar lordosis should consult a physician. To confirm the diagnosis of lumbar lordosis, the attending physician will refer you to a neurologist, orthopedist, or vertebrologist.

During the examination the following is performed:

  • Examination of the back from several angles.
  • Functional samples are collected.
  • Palpation is carried out along the spinal column.

CT scan of the lower back

Next, visualization of the pathology of lordosis can be performed. The simplest way to obtain data is to conduct a simple x-ray without introducing a contrast agent. This type of research is performed to confirm or exclude the problem.

Pictures are taken in lateral projection. Examinations continue while obtaining detailed data based on the results of MRI and CT.

Carrying out diagnostics at home

You can conduct minimal research yourself at home. To determine the potential for pathological lordosis of the lumbar region, you need to come close to the wall.

The patient independently tries to take a position of full flexion and extension of the lumbar region. It is necessary to maintain a position in which the shoulder blades, heels and back of the head are pressed tightly against the flat surface of the wall. Hyperlordosis is characterized by maintaining space between the arm and the wall.

Determination of signs of lordosis

In case of complete contact with the vertical surface of the lower back, hypolordosis should be suspected.

Features of treatment

Successful treatment of hypo- and hyperlordosis is based on eliminating the cause that led to the disruption of the physiological position of the spine. The use of medications is not expected. The problem of impaired lordosis is eliminated through the use of motor manipulations.


  • Manual therapy.
  • Exercise therapy and therapeutic massage.
  • Swimming lessons.
  • Using posture correctors and reclinators.
  • Specialized orthopedic devices.

In cases where lordosis is severely affected, surgery may be used. When lordosis develops in the cervical region, the use of traction is recommended.

The use of gymnastics and exercises

A set of exercises designed to help normalize health and reduce and correct pathological lordosis is based on strengthening the muscle corset:

  • Simple forward bends will help strengthen your lower back. To perform them, you need to place your feet shoulder-width apart. Lean forward, reaching your fingers to the floor. Do 15 times.
  • The back muscles are strengthened by bending to the side. When performing them, the standing position is maintained. Feet are shoulder-width apart. Place your palms on your waist and tilt your torso in each direction alternately. Do 10-15 times in each direction.
  • It is useful to perform a lumbar twist from a supine position. The legs are bent at the knees. Alternately press the leg to the body, pulling it with the opposite hand. Perform in two sets of 10 times with each leg.
  • Raising legs from a lying position. The arms are spread out to the sides of the body, palms down. The legs are gradually raised up, trying to throw them behind the head and touch the floor behind the head with the toes. Do 5-10 times.
  • The “boat” is performed from a prone position on your stomach. The legs and arms are stretched and raised, the front part of the body rises. Do it in two approaches 5 times.

In addition to general exercises, you can use proprietary techniques, for example, a complex of gymnastics according to the method of Dr. Bubnovsky. The doctor claims that in most cases, only physical therapy can straighten and restore the physiological position of the spine and you should not immediately begin treatment with pills and injections.

Use of corsets and orthoses

The use of corsets and orthoses helps strengthen muscles and improve posture. These specialized medical devices provide rigid fixation of the lumbar area, promote straightening and correction of increased lordosis.

They are made from medical materials and are breathable. They are reinforced with inserts made of plastic or medical metal. Models are available with six degrees of stiffness and different levels of compression that can help treat lumbar lordosis.

Spine corset Boston corset

Use of physical therapy

Physiotherapy is used to improve the condition of the spine with lordosis:

  • Carrying out electrophoresis procedures with analgesics.
  • Ultrasound or infrared irradiation, which improves the supply of nutrients and blood flow to the affected areas.
  • Exposure to electric current.

Features of massage

When treating diseases of the spine, including in the case of pathology of lumbar lordosis, the use of massage and manual therapy is recommended. Such procedures are performed by specialists. Once patients have gained the skills to perform it, they can continue to massage the sore area on their own.


Lumbar lordosis is most often caused by diseases of the musculoskeletal system and bones. It is the root cause that needs to be eliminated first.

Complex therapy uses:

  • Painkillers, such as Movalis and its analogues, Ibuprofen, Meloxicam and others.
  • Muscle relaxants, which include Mydocalm, Sirdalud, Tolperizone.
  • To relieve the inflammatory process, glucocorticosteroids are prescribed. Including Prednisolone, Medopred, Solyu-Decortin.

Movalis Ibuprofen ointment Meloxicam
Mydocalm relaxes muscles Sirdalud tablets Tolperisone

Additionally, vitamin complexes are used. They must contain vitamins A, E, B. These can be complexes Alphabet, Daily Formula, Centrum.

Prescription of surgical treatment

In the absence of positive dynamics and success in the ability to cure lordosis, surgical treatment can be used. In this case, restoration of the spine is used by removing intervertebral hernias.

Spinal traction

Another way to reduce the problem of changes in the spinal column is traction or traction. It is indicated for the secondary type of development of the disease. It is carried out in a specialized clinic by a specialist. The method gives long-lasting positive results.

Spinal traction using hardware

Rules of treatment for children

In childhood, excessive or insufficient curvature of the spine is less common than in adults. Causes include rickets, congenital hip dislocation, weakness of the gluteus maximus muscles and some other factors.

In therapy for children, emphasis is placed on the use of exercise therapy. The use of physical training complexes is effective. Each lesson begins with a short warm-up, walking in place.

  1. Stand up straight feet shoulder-width apart, raise your arms up and behind your head, slightly arching your back. Do 10 times.
  2. Side bends. Place your hands on your sides and tilt your torso left and right 10 times.
  3. Turn the torso to the sides. 10 times in each direction.
  4. Get on all fours. Without lifting your palms from the floor and without changing their place, gradually lower yourself to the games. Return to starting position. Arch your back up. Do it 10 times.
  5. Bend forward. Stand straight, place your feet shoulder-width apart, reach with each hand to the tips of the toes of the opposite foot, doing a slight twist. Perform 10 times.

Exercises for treating children

Treating lordosis at home

The use of home methods can only be performed as part of a single complex of therapy.

Methods used at home to help relieve pain:

  • Coating with honey.
  • Applications from birch leaves steamed with boiling water.
  • Applying compresses to the lower back.

Consequences of lordosis

Lordosis itself is not a pathology. Problems arise when the physiological norm is violated, then the diagnosis can become dangerous. With the right treatment option at an early stage, curvature of the spinal column can be completely eliminated.

IMPORTANT! Lack of timely treatment leads to impaired mobility and constant pain.

Will they be called up to serve in the RF Armed Forces with this pathology?

In accordance with Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 123 of February 25, 2003:

  • In the absence of complaints upon examination, he is given category “A”, fit for military service.
  • If during inspection the bend is pronounced enough, is assigned category “B”, which means suitability with some restrictions.
  • When a significant deformity of the spinal column is detected, becomes category “B”, in which the conscript is transferred to the reserve.

Is disability prescribed for lordosis?

Pathologists at the ITU meeting are included in the “general disease” category. Disability is prescribed for serious complications caused by hypo- or hyperlordosis.

With a rapidly progressing variant of the pathology of 3-4 degrees of severity, group III or II can be assigned. Indefinite group I is provided only in the event of paralysis of the limbs caused by involvement of the spinal cord in the process.

Prevention methods

This unpleasant disorder of the spine can be prevented by performing prophylaxis:

Special orthopedic mattress

  • The first thing you should do is change your mattress. on the bed and sleep on a hard surface. There may even be a board laid on which a thin blanket is placed.
  • Sports activity shown and strengthening the abdominal and back muscles.
  • Provoking factor becomes overweight.
  • Using a diet maintaining a healthy lifestyle and monitoring your health will help avoid changes in the curvature of the spinal column.