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A device for treating strabismus at home. How to correct strabismus at home - a myth or a real possibility. How to cure strabismus as quickly as possible

Strabismus is not just a disease of the visual organ, but also a pronounced aesthetic defect in appearance. It is common in both young patients and adults. In addition to serious problems in the visual perception of the surrounding world, the disease brings a number of psychological experiences, especially at a young age.

In addition to radical measures (surgical correction), techniques based on special eye exercises are widely used. Their main purpose is to relax the extraocular muscles and stabilize the images received by each eye. We will talk further about how to cure strabismus at home, the possibilities of therapy without the participation of a surgeon, and the features of correcting the deviation.

Definition and causes of strabismus

The terms “strabismus” and “strabismus” are used by medical professionals to describe the displacement of the eyeball from the joint point of gaze fixation. This phenomenon can manifest itself at any age stage of a person. For example, in children aged 2–3 years, pathology can form at the moment when the so-called friendly activity of both eyes is formed.

The causes of strabismus have long been studied and classified. The following factors are recognized as the main ones:

  • Trauma to the skull, diseases of the central nervous system that affected the area responsible for vision;
  • Difference in visual acuity of the eyes. This entails a stronger load on one of them when focusing;
  • Side complications after infectious diseases. Especially concerns ENT diseases;
  • Wearing incorrectly selected glasses for a long time (with inappropriate diopters);
  • Diseases of the visual organs - myopia, astigmatism, farsightedness;
  • Hereditary predisposition, including congenital pathology of the inner shell of the organ of vision - the retina;
  • Autoimmune diseases and diabetes mellitus.

Knowing the reasons why the patient’s eyeball shifted from the joint point of fixation, it is easier to select the necessary therapeutic complex and determine how to correct strabismus at home.

Symptoms of visual impairment

In addition to the causes, it is important to know the symptoms of strabismus. Based on them, the disease is easily diagnosed; these signs of strabismus are obvious:

  1. Displacement of the eyeballs in different directions;
  2. Doubling of images captured by external eyes;
  3. Photophobia;
  4. Continuous selection of the best position for the head to focus the gaze.

These symptoms are often accompanied by headaches and fatigue in the patient, leading to a depressed state. And if any other eye disease is added to strabismus, blindness may develop. Therefore, it is important for people diagnosed with strabismus to know that in some cases the disease can be overcome on their own, and health procedures in the form of special exercises are mandatory. After all, timely attention to strabismus, supplemented by competent treatment, is the main step towards positive results from home therapy.

Classic method for treating strabismus at home

When asking the question “how to remove strabismus,” not all patients think about the possibilities at home. For most people, the thought of surgery immediately comes to mind. Meanwhile, conservative treatment under the guidance of doctors involves first prescribing special glasses, wearing them and recording changes in a positive direction, if any. This is followed by hardware training of the extraocular muscles, and only then (if necessary) surgical correction.

In home therapy, special gymnastic complexes are used, developed by both domestic and Western ophthalmologists. One of the most popular is the technique called classical.

Operating principle

Elimination of strabismus or maximum reduction of its degree implies synchronous rotation of both eyes. To achieve this, you need to bring tense oculomotor muscles into a relaxed state. Then, in order to force the organ of vision to see through the macula apparatus, you need to concentrate your attention on the middle of the visual field. The macula is the central zone of the retina, which is also called the macula. It is here that such an important phenomenon of the visual process as focusing of light rays occurs.

After successfully carried out measures to relax and concentrate the gaze, such an important procedure follows as combining the images received along the optic nerve of each eye. Synchronizing these two pictures will give the effect of eliminating strabismus. The eyes themselves will not return to their previous position. A unique training complex will help to implement this principle of action, making it possible to eliminate strabismus at home in adults. His exercises should be performed in strict sequence.

The order of performing gymnastic actions

  • We stand with our back to the light source and cover with our hand the eye that looks directly. We move our head and elbow in the direction of the squinting eye. These turns should be rhythmic, 10 movements in total. There is no need to move the body, its body should be as motionless as possible;
  • If the left eye squints inward, cover the right eye with your palm, or better yet, with a bandage. We stand up straight, put our right leg forward a little and bend over, reaching out to the toe of our right foot with our left hand. Then we raise our hand and hold it in a vertical position for two seconds. A total of 12 such inclinations will be needed;
  • If the left eye squints outward, we expose the left leg. We bend forward, stretching our right hand towards the toe of our left hand. And we try to look in the direction of movement of the hand with a sideways eye.

Turning and bending help to activate blood circulation in the area of ​​the visual organ, which helps normalize muscle function. After all, it is the incorrect functioning of the extraocular muscles that is the main factor that provokes strabismus.

There is another simple set of exercises and ways to cure strabismus at home in adults. It is also suitable for older pediatric patients.

Gymnastics for adults and teenagers with strabismus

  1. We stand up straight and stretch our arm forward, sticking out our index finger. We move it up and down, to the sides. The head does not change position, but the eyes continuously follow the index finger;
  2. We sit down straight and look ahead. We begin to move our eyes, drawing an infinity sign.

Five minutes are allotted for each exercise. All movements should be smooth.

William Bates Method

The problem of how to treat strabismus at home was also asked by W. Bates, a renowned proponent of non-drug treatment of diseases of the organ of vision. His author’s complex, which allows you to correct strabismus in adults, includes several simple manipulations:

  1. Circular rotation. You need to “run” the circle with your eyes. The first one is clockwise, the second one is counterclockwise. You can do several rotations in a row in one direction, then vice versa, but it is better to use the principle of alternation;
  2. Smooth lines. You need to force your eyes to draw imaginary straight lines, vertical and horizontal;
  3. Squinting of the eyes towards the bridge of the nose. This means bringing the nose down to the base and moving the eyes back to their original position;
  4. Frequent blinking. It is important to meet 2 conditions: a fast pace of blinking and no tension;
  5. Looking into the distance. This is not just fixing the eyes on a distant object. You need to move your eyes from things that are nearby to objects in the distance and try to consider their details.

A special massage is an addition to the full treatment of strabismus. Its mission is to help relax the eye muscles and prepare them for normal functioning.

To relax the extraocular muscles

This massage is performed by contacting the inner corner of each eye with your fingertips.

The fingertips should be placed on the inner corners of the eyes so that there is no sensation of pressure, but contact is felt. In this case, the eyes should be closed. Massage movements are circular, light. The duration of the session is individual in each case: you need to massage until a black field appears in the area above the eyelid level.

To relax the facial muscles

Also, when taking a set of measures to solve the problem of how to cure strabismus at home in adults, it is useful to massage the earlobe. This massage also helps to relax and stimulate the facial and eye muscles.

You need to take with two fingers the earlobe corresponding to the side of the squinting eye. It should be kneaded continuously for ten seconds. You need to arrange at least five such sessions per day.

There is another original way to relieve fatigue and relax the muscles of the visual organs. It can be done by those who can move their ears. This kind of gymnastics is beneficial for the facial muscles in general and even helps to increase oxygen flow at the intracellular level.

Eye drops at home for strabismus

Alternative therapy for strabismus also includes the preparation of natural eye drops and their use. The most common are 2 options; they have proven themselves to be effective treatments for strabismus in adults at home.

Option 1:

  • Brew 5 grams of dry dill seeds in 100 ml of boiling water;
  • Then follows the infusion and cooling process of the herbal decoction;
  • An important step: straining. We do this carefully, through a thick gauze filter. Not a single tiny speck should be visible in the resulting drops.

We instill natural dill drops 3 times a day, 2 drops in each eye

Option 2:

  1. We prepare our own fresh apple and onion juices, high-quality liquid honey;
  2. Mix the drops using the following proportion: 1 part onion juice, 3 parts fresh apple juice, 3 parts honey.

Store the resulting drops in the refrigerator. We use it daily: 1 instillation session at night, 1 drop in each eye.

Important! The use of homemade eye drops at home for strabismus requires a responsible approach and understanding of the consequences. Therefore, it is better to consult a doctor before using them.

Nutrition for strabismus

As with any other disease, the healing process for strabismus is influenced by the contents of the diet. In order for the problem of how to cure strabismus at home to be solved more effectively, you should include in your daily diet a number of products that are useful for ophthalmic ailments. These include:

  • Natural chocolate, dark varieties. It is recommended to consume 2-3 cubes after the first morning meal;
  • Rosehip in the form of an infusion with a rich composition of vitamins “for the eyes”. They should replace their tea periodically;
  • Brew from calamus roots. It is prepared using 10 grams of phyto-raw materials per 200-250 ml of water. You should drink it half an hour before eating;
  • Cabbage leaves. They need to be brought to a boiled state and eaten several times a day.

The treatment program for strabismus in adults at home can be varied with games. Thus, it is very useful for people diagnosed with strabismus to take part in sports activities with moving projectiles. Table tennis is well suited, where you need to concentrate and monitor the trajectory of the ball. If you lack gaming skills and have no confidence in your own potential, you can take the side of the observer.

For those patients with strabismus who deal with a large volume of paper media and computer equipment, it is recommended to “fall out” from the process from time to time and shift the focus of vision to any things and objects nearby. The same applies to prolonged television or film viewing.

Many experts already agree that strabismus can be successfully treated at home. Therefore, the treatment regimen that the ophthalmologist compiled after diagnosis and consultation can be combined with techniques based on eye exercises. And additions such as a fragrant vitamin drink, chocolate every day and a relaxing massage of the facial muscles will turn treating strabismus at home into a pleasant pastime.

The development of such a visual deviation greatly complicates a person’s life. In addition to the visible external defect, serious vision problems arise, due to which the patient cannot engage in many activities. Modern medicine offers a large selection of methods for correcting strabismus. At the initial stage of pathology, you can cope with it at home using special computer programs, gymnastics and traditional medicine.

Strabismus (heterotropia, strabismus) is an ophthalmological disease in which the position of the eyes is directly disturbed when a person looks. With this diagnosis, one or two organs of vision deviate from the central axis, as a result of which the brain receives 2 different images; the picture visible to a person is distorted and unclear. With strabismus, the following symptoms are observed:

  • splitting of objects;
  • increased sensitivity to light;
  • blurred image;
  • unconscious squinting;
  • bending, turning the head to the side;
  • rapid eye fatigue;
  • lack of three-dimensional vision;
  • migraine.

The reasons for the development of strabismus can be very different. The pathological process can develop in the prenatal period or at any stage of adult life. Most often, strabismus is diagnosed in children aged 2-3 years. How to cure heterotropia? Treatment of strabismus, depending on the degree of neglect, can be carried out conservatively or surgically.

In most cases, doctors prescribe optical correction, in addition to which it is necessary to treat strabismus at home.

Visual gymnastics for adults

How to get rid of strabismus on your own? One of the best methods for correcting strabismus is visual gymnastics. Regular performance of a special gymnastic complex helps strengthen the muscular system of the eyes and increase visual acuity. Treatment of strabismus in adults at home involves performing the following simple exercises:

  1. Move your eyes up and down, left and right.
  2. Rotate your eyes clockwise and then in the opposite direction.
  3. Draw an imaginary figure eight with your eyes (you can draw other numbers, signs or letters).
  4. Bring your eyes together at the bridge of your nose, and then return them to their normal position.
  5. Extend your hand in front of you, raise your index finger up, and without taking your eyes off it, slowly bring your finger to the tip of your nose.
  6. Blink quickly and often for 30 seconds, and then look ahead for the same amount of time.

There are a large number of eye exercises for strabismus that can correct the deviation. To select a suitable gymnastic complex and additional treatment, you need to contact an ophthalmologist.

Visual gymnastics for children

How to get rid of heterotropia in a child at home? To treat strabismus in children at home, it is recommended to perform the following exercises with your baby:

  1. Draw a sheet of paper into squares, in which draw various figures. Some of them must be repeated. Ask your child to find the same images.
  2. Take a bright pen or pencil and move it in different directions. The baby should follow the movement of the object with his eyes without turning his head. First you need to do the exercise with both eyes, and then with each in turn.
  3. Find pictures on the Internet in which you need to find 5 or 10 differences and ask your child to find them.
  4. Place colorful pictures with animals on different sides of the child and ask him to find a cat, a dog, and so on.

Gymnastics should not take much time, as the baby may get tired and not want to do the exercises next time. The main thing is that the treatment takes place at ease, in a playful way. How to check the condition of a child's eyes? To do this, you need to consult a doctor.

Treatment using computer programs (video)

How to get rid of a visual defect quickly and painlessly? An effective method of treating strabismus at home is computer programs that, in a playful way, allow you to correct the visual defect. The following ophthalmological programs are used to treat strabismus:

  • Flower;
  • Lapwing;
  • Blade-2;
  • Spider;
  • Crosses.

Program treatment at home helps to train the eye muscles, develop visual perception, coordinate the work of both eyes and restore binocular vision, and also help correct the external defect.

Treatment with Vizulon

Vizulon is a unique device designed to restore vision at home. This device operates on the principle of color therapy. During treatment with Vizulon, the human brain is affected by a specially designed colorogram, which immerses the patient in a relaxed state, positively affecting the entire body.

This is what Vizulon looks like in gray

How to get rid of heterotropia with Vizulon and how does it affect vision? Color therapy promotes rhythmic contraction of the eye muscles, due to which metabolism in the eye tissues improves, visual tension and fatigue are relieved, and congestion is eliminated.

The Vizulon device is suitable for the treatment of strabismus of any age and helps to effectively correct the defect.

Unconventional methods of treatment

How to get rid of strabismus without drugs? A wonderful addition to the main treatment is unconventional therapy for strabismus, with which you can strengthen the eye muscles and increase visual acuity. For strabismus, it is recommended to use the following folk remedies at home:

  1. Cabbage. Cabbage leaves should be boiled in salted water and eaten as often as possible. In order to correct the defect faster, you can use cabbage broth.
  2. Air. A tablespoon of dried crushed roots of marsh calamus should be poured with 250 ml of boiling water, let it brew, filter and take 50 ml 3 times a day before meals.
  3. Rose hip. A glass of rose hips must be filled with 1 liter of water, boiled and put in a dry place for 5 hours, then strained and taken 1 glass 30 minutes before meals.
  4. Clover. A tablespoon of dry crushed clover leaves should be poured into 0.5 liters of boiling water, left to steep and taken half a glass twice a day, 2 hours after meals.

Strabismus or strabismus is one of the typical disorders in the parallelism of the visual axes, expressed in the asymmetrical position of the right or left eye with accompanying visual problems. Due to the numerous causes of asymmetry of the visual organs, there are quite a lot of treatment methods for it.

In recent decades, surgical methods for getting rid of strabismus have been most often used, however, for special purposes, the use of special devices cannot be ruled out. It’s one of the latter that we’ll talk about today.

To be more precise, we will talk about the use of synoptophore for the treatment of strabismus and the features of therapy with such a device. Interested? Then be sure to read the article below to the end.

The essence and principle of operation of the synoptophore

Synoptophore is one of the best modern devices among those used for the diagnosis and treatment of strabismus.

Structurally, this device is represented by a rather complex and well-functioning mechanism.

The main components of a synoptophore are considered to be:

  • 2 movable tubes used to adjust the device;
  • lenses that capture the gaze of the person being examined;
  • mirrors designed to reflect images onto lenses;
  • nesting sections used to place special images;
  • lamps necessary for organizing normal lighting and stable vision of the patient at the previously noted images.

The principle of operation of the synoptophore is based on provoking the natural strengthening of the human eye muscles by constantly changing the image.

Directing his gaze into special lenses, the patient with strabismus focuses it in them and waits for the image to appear. The pictures in the synoptophore are turned on manually by another person or replaced automatically, and each appearance of them is accompanied by light of different power.

Since the direction of the image always falls on the center of the macular area of ​​the eye, the patient reflexively tries to focus his gaze in a symmetrical manner (despite the presence of strabismus).

The result of this is a gradual stabilization of visual function and normalization of the muscular structures of the eyes. The use of synoptophore is both diagnostic and therapeutic in nature. In general, the device is used for:

  • determining the angle of strabismus (in other words, the degree of its severity);
  • analysis of the general condition and functional strength of the retina;
  • assessing the ability of the eyes for binocular vision (that is, determining a person’s ability to recover from strabismus);
  • gradual relief of the patient from all manifestations of strabismus.

In principle, a synoptophore is a fairly high-quality and effective device. Despite this, it definitely does not guarantee a complete cure for strabismus and is used only for special purposes.

Indications and contraindications for using the device

Since each case of strabismus is individual and is accompanied by its own specific pathologies, the appointment of a synoptophore is exclusively individual.

As noted earlier, the operating principle of the device is based on displaying images. More precisely, each eye is exposed to halves of one image, which results in a natural division of visual fields.

By assessing the capabilities of each individual patient in terms of combining the resulting images, the ophthalmologist determines whether the synoptophore will help get rid of strabismus or not.

In recent years, professional doctors have resorted to using this device much less frequently than before. This is due to the fact that ophthalmological surgery has reached the highest level and sometimes it is more rational to resort to it rather than tormenting a patient with strabismus with long and unguaranteed therapy.

Despite this, the appointment of a synoptophore almost always takes place if, during diagnostic procedures, the following are determined on it:

  • improvement of vision by approximately 0.3 or more diopters for each eye;
  • frivolous strabismus angle;
  • pathological conditions accompanying strabismus that can be treated using orthoptic procedures.

Mostly, children are treated with the help of a synoptophore, although there are no age restrictions for the use of this device. Note that in addition to its therapeutic purpose, the device can also be used for preventive purposes.

Thus, synoptophore is often prescribed to people suffering from serious eye diseases with a high risk of transforming them into strabismus.

There are no significant contraindications to the use of synoptophore. You will only need to stop using this device if:

  • the patient is unable to remain calm during the procedure before installing the synoptophore;
  • the presence of contraindications for exposure (epilepsy, for example).

In other cases, it is quite acceptable to use the device, of course, if the appropriateness of such procedures is confirmed by a professional doctor.

Using synoptophore at home and reviews about it

If you want to use a synoptophore for complete or maximum possible relief from strabismus, the device should be used at home.

The average cost of the device is 40-60,000 rubles, which is approximately comparable to the funds that will have to be paid when undergoing a full course of orthoptic procedures in any ophthalmology clinic.

For high-quality and effective treatment of strabismus using a synoptophore, trial test sessions with an ophthalmologist cannot be avoided. Such procedures are necessary in order to determine the optimal treatment technique with the device.

In particular, in 2-4 tests the doctor determines:

  1. normal dimension of displayed images in lenses;
  2. required frequency of change and brightness of light;
  3. the required strabismus angle set on the device for stable and correct image alignment.

Having studied in detail and correctly configured the purchased device, you can begin treatment at home. A typical synoptophore therapy session includes 3 stages:

  • Preparing the patient for the procedure - putting on glasses, sitting in front of the device, etc.
  • Turn on and, if necessary, configure the device.
  • Directly carrying out the orthoptic procedure.

On average, one full course of treatment with synoptophore includes 25-40 sessions, the duration of each of which should be 15-20 minutes.

The daily norm for the number of orthoptic procedures is 2 sessions, usually carried out in the morning and evening. After a course of therapy, a patient with strabismus should be sent for a qualitative examination to an ophthalmologist, who will determine the direction of further therapy and the technique of using a synoptophore.

The duration of complete recovery from strabismus through the use of this device depends on many factors, the main of which, of course, are the degree of neglect and the general pathogenesis of the pathology.

Note that reviews of the use of synoptophore are mostly positive. With its correct prescription and proper use, the effect in the treatment of strabismus actually exists and, as a rule, is quite significant.

Perhaps that’s all on this note on the topic of today’s article. We hope that the material presented was useful to you and provided answers to your questions. Good health to you and good luck in treating body ailments!

The video will tell you in detail about the treatment of strabismus:


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Synoptophore: device, principle of operation, use.

In the modern world, people are increasingly experiencing various problems with their visual organs. One of the most common diagnoses is strabismus. This is a complex disease that not only reduces the ability to see, but also affects aesthetics. The pathology can only be treated with complex treatment.

To treat strabismus, a device such as a synoptophore or synoptiscope was invented. What kind of device is this? When is its use indicated and what are the basic principles of operation? What brands of synoptophores exist on the modern medical market?

What it is

A synoptophore or synoptiscope is an orthoptic and diagnostic instrument used by ophthalmologists to diagnose and treat strabismus. With its help, it is also possible to correct disorders in the motor function of the organ of vision. The device allows you to determine the angle of deviation from the norm, detect scotomas (blind areas that are not associated with the peripheral boundaries of vision), and obtain information about fusion reserves and the condition of the retina.

Orthoptic exercises can also be performed using the synoptophore. Their main task is to improve simultaneous vision, eliminate scotomas, and improve the mobility of the eyeballs.

The synoptiscope is a more modern replacement for the long-outdated ambiloscope. It was with its help that the characteristics of strabismus and the state of binocular vision in the patient were previously determined. Most modern ophthalmological private clinics are equipped with synoptophores from various manufacturers, since without it the treatment and diagnosis of strabismus seems difficult. The device is also widely used in public clinics, where active work with children is expected.

Treatment of strabismus using synoptophore

Synoptophore is a real salvation for patients with strabismus who, for some reason, cannot undergo corrective surgery.

Why is the device used?

A synoptiscope is a device that is used primarily to diagnose and treat strabismus. In addition to correcting strabismus, it can be used for a variety of binocular vision disorders in children of various ages who cannot yet undergo surgery.

In addition to the therapeutic and diagnostic tasks, the device also performs a preventive one. It is recommended to perform exercises using a synoptophore for patients who are at high risk of developing the disease. The capabilities of the device include:

  • the ability to eliminate scotomas with regular exercises;
  • the ability to restore the patient’s binocular vision to normal;
  • development of fusion reserves of the eyes, their increase;
  • improving the mobility of the eyeballs themselves (especially important for various pathologies that are accompanied by impaired mobility);
  • uniform development of the eye muscles, which also contributes to the correction of strabismus;
  • consolidation of the effect of binocular vision, its stabilization.

The device is also actively used to understand how capable the patient’s eyes are of binocular fusion. At the same time, the doctor can assess the general condition and functioning of the retina in order to select therapy if any abnormalities are detected.

How does a synoptiscope work?

The operating principle of a synoptiscope is quite simple. The device uses paired images (usually drawings), which are illuminated with special lamps. By alternately turning on and off lamps with a certain strength and power, it is possible to ensure that the patient focuses on one or the other image. In this case, the switching of lamps, depending on the device, can be adjusted either manually or automatically. It is believed that automatic regulation is more preferable, since it is uniformly adjusted, in contrast to manual regulation.

While the device is operating, the patient, focusing his vision on the images, forces the eye muscles to work and develop. Since muscles are capable of changes at any age, the synoptiscope allows you to correct strabismus not only in children, but also in adults. The load on the eyes is distributed evenly, which avoids any complications.

Treatment of strabismus with “Sinoptofor” devices

Therapeutic or preventive exercises with the help of synoptophore are not interfered with by nystagmus, strabismus itself or other ophthalmological pathologies. This can be achieved due to the fact that the image is purposefully positioned so that it is located in the area of ​​the macular area of ​​the eye.

How the device works

The synoptiscope is a well-oiled mechanism in which every detail is important. The device consists of:

  • pairs of pipes, which are mobile and equipped with an adjustment function;
  • lenses, to which the patient should direct his gaze while working with the device;
  • pairs of mirrors, which reflect images into the lenses in the correct position;
  • special sockets, which are located directly opposite the mirrors and exist to install images selected for therapy in them;
  • lamps, which provide illumination of pictures and enable the patient to see them through the lenses.

Each device comes with cards with pictures, which are located in the slots. The pictures are divided into two parts, and each part represents half of one whole. Thanks to this division, the doctor can determine the severity of the disease.

In the synoptophore, each of the two eyes is shown a separate image. Then they are supposed to combine and, depending on the distance at which the two objects merge, the severity of the disease is judged. Severe strabismus is diagnosed when each eye sees only its half of the object.

In addition to strabismus, the device also diagnoses diseases such as:

Principles of treating strabismus using synoptophore

Since the synoptophore is a device that is used not only for diagnosis, but also for the treatment of strabismus, many doctors recommend purchasing a device for home use. This will ensure continuity of treatment and increase patient comfort, which will promote adherence to therapy. True, the difficulty often lies in the fact that the price of synoptiscopes starts from 50 thousand rubles, which for some families is an unaffordable amount.

Since not everyone has the financial means to purchase a device, many clinics offer orthoptic therapy sessions using a synoptophore.

Even before starting home treatment using the device, you must consult a doctor. The specialist will introduce the parents (if we are talking about a child) or the patient himself to the principles of operation of the synoptophore, establish the interpupillary distance that will need to be transferred to the device, and draw conclusions about the severity of the disease.

At home, when practicing with a synoptiscope, it is recommended to use glasses. It is better to give preference to an automatic device, which will independently carry out the light rarefaction of the visual system.

Changing the light intensity and oscillating the device often helps improve the effectiveness of therapy. As with turning the backlight on and off, the oscillation can be either automatic or manual, depending on the device.

To increase the fusion reserves of the visual organs, the fusion technique is widely used. Following it, the patient first looks at the whole picture, and then the eyepieces move to the side, separating the image. The patient's task is to maintain a solid image with his eyes, regardless of the retraction of the eyepieces.

Operating principle of the device with pictures

If strabismus does not respond to light therapy, then after consultation with a doctor it can be replaced with therapy using the method of fusion of test objects. This approach usually produces results after 30-40 daily sessions of at least 15 minutes each. Therapy begins with large images, gradually changing them to small patterns.

Features of different brands

There are several different options for synoptiscopes on the market today.

How to use the Synoptophore device for diagnosing and treating strabismus

Strabismus is one of the most common pathologies of the visual organs. The condition is very complex and unpleasant, negatively affects a person’s quality of life, and requires an integrated approach to treatment. Doctors usually prescribe physiotherapy and the use of drops. The special Synoptophore device is highly effective in treating strabismus. Regular exercises with it improve the general condition of the retina and restore binocular vision. Synoptophore can also be used to improve the functionality of the visual system as a whole.

What is a synoptophore, its purpose in ophthalmology

Synoptophore (also known as synoptiscope) is a diagnostic ophthalmological device used to clarify the diagnosis and complex treatment of strabismus. Its use makes it possible to correct disorders of the motor function of the eye, calculate the exact angle of deviation of vision from the norm, detect scotomas (so-called “blind” areas that are in no way connected with the peripheral boundaries of the visual system), and obtain reliable information about fusion reserves and the general condition of the retina. This article will tell you about the treatment of strabismus in adults.

The synoptiscope is a modern analogue of the ambiloscope(with its help, binocular vision was previously determined and strabismus was diagnosed). These devices are available in most modern clinics (but private, not public), since without them it is extremely problematic to diagnose and treat strabismus. The device can be used to treat children without age restrictions, and to treat strabismus if there are contraindications for corrective surgery. Read about the causes of alternating, concomitant strabismus in children and adults here.

The synoptophore makes it easier to perform orthoptic exercises. The goal of the training is to restore simultaneous vision, treat with cattle, and increase the mobility of the eyeballs.

Areas of use

The synoptiscope is used for diagnosis and treatment of strabismus (heterophoria, convergent, divergent), and correction of binocular vision disorders in children and patients who cannot undergo surgery.

All features of the device:

  1. With regular training, scotomas disappear completely.
  2. Binocular vision is normalized.
  3. The fusion reserves of the eye develop and increase.
  4. The mobility of the eyeballs increases.
  5. The eye muscles develop evenly (important when correcting strabismus).
  6. Binocular vision is strengthened and stabilized.
  7. With the help of Sinopftovor, you can easily understand how well the patient’s eyes are adapted to binocular vision. In parallel with the general diagnosis, the doctor assesses the general condition of the retina and its functioning, and selects a therapeutic regimen if there are certain abnormalities.

Sinopfluor is also used to diagnose astigmatism, myopia, and hypermetropia.

Principle of operation

The operating principle of the device is extremely simple. It uses paired pictures, which are illuminated using special lamps. Alternately turning off and on the lamps allows the patient to focus on a specific image; switching of devices can be done regularly, taking into account the device, automatically or manually. When the patient focuses his vision on the pictures, the ocular muscles begin to develop more actively and become involved in the work process. Since muscles can change at any age, synoptiscopes are used to correct strabismus, including in adults. Read about eye surgery to correct strabismus in children and adults here.

During training, the load on the eyes is distributed evenly, so the development of complications is excluded.

Strabismus is difficult to treat, so you will have to work with Synoptophore regularly and for quite a long time. In addition to exercises in the clinic, home workouts are recommended. You can buy Synoptophore without any problems for independent use. Be sure to carefully read the instructions so as not to harm yourself.

Please note that different test objects are used during therapy:

  • for combination;
  • for merging;
  • for stereoscopy.

When diagnosing strabismus, each eye must look at the pictures in turn using one test, after which the direction of the optical axis is checked. If the position of the axis is parallel, the picture will be blurry, and a diagnosis of strabismus is made (when vision is normal, the image is clear). People with visual impairments begin to see the image clearly after changing the angle of the optical axis.

During home sessions with Synoptophore, you need to use test pictures from different angles, without going beyond the range of 45 degrees (approximately). To restore normal visual dynamics, the image is made either paler or brighter. The action is available in manual and auto mode.

Device structure

A synoptiscope is a device that has a complex structure and a well-functioning operating scheme. It includes:

  • a pair of pipes, movable, equipped with an adjustment function;
  • lenses to which the patient directs his gaze when working with the device;
  • two mirrors that reflect images into the lenses in the desired position;
  • special sockets that are located opposite the mirrors and allow you to install images selected for correction;
  • lamps that illuminate pictures and allow the patient to view them through lenses.

Each device comes with cards with pictures, which are located in the slots. The pictures are divided into two parts, and each part represents half of one whole. Thanks to this division, the doctor can determine the severity of the disease. In the Synoptophore, each eye is shown its own picture, then the images are combined. Taking into account the distance at which the objects merged, we can talk about the severity of the disease. Read what penalization is in ophthalmology at this link.

Technology of use, is it possible to use the device at home?

Let's consider the basic principles of using the device.

When diagnosing

After connecting the device, the patient positions the tubes so that the images line up.

Tube scales demonstrate each eye's deviation from normal. The sum of the divisions determines the calculation of the subjective squint angle. To determine the objective angle, you need to create lighting for the drawings. The position of the eyes indicates the current angle of strabismus, the immobility of the eyeballs indicates that the axes of the visual organs are directed correctly. If the axes with the eyepieces do not coincide, adjustment movements develop - towards the temple, nose, down or up. If there are adjustment movements, the doctor turns on the eyepieces manually; the tubes should move unnoticed by the patient when the lighting is turned off. When all movements stop, the angles will need to be summed up - this will be the objective angle of strabismus. This material will tell you why strabismus occurs in children and adults.

During treatment

A treatment session on Synoptophore should begin with the installation of test objects. We need objects for combining, merging, and stereoscopy. To determine the degree of strabismus, the eye is allowed to see 1/2 of the pattern. If the optical axes are directed parallel, the picture will merge into one whole, and a person will see the picture without distortion.

Home hardware treatment involves placing patterns at an angle of ±45°.

To increase the effectiveness of therapy and completely restore vision, change the light intensity. You can add vibrations and flashing lights, but only after consulting a specialist. The device allows you to customize the backlight and adjust vibrations automatically or manually.

Homework involves the use of glasses. A child or adult sits in front of the device, then the distance between the pupils is adjusted, and alternating irritation of the eyes with a light pulse begins. In situations where this scheme of work is not effective enough, merging of test objects is prescribed. First, large pictures merge, then small patterns. A pronounced therapeutic effect can be achieved after 2-4 dozen sessions. They are carried out daily, each lasting about 15 minutes.

Fusion is used to develop fusion reserves. The patient looks at the whole picture, then the tubes are separated, the image is separated and brought together again. You need to constantly hold the whole picture with your eyes. Fusion reserves refer to the mechanisms that are responsible for combining monocular images into a single whole.


This video will tell you in detail about the methods of treating strabismus with the “Synoptophore” apparatus.

What devices can be used to treat strabismus at home?

Strabismus is an ophthalmological disease that requires an integrated approach to treatment and mandatory monitoring by a specialist. But all treatment and preventive measures are quite difficult to carry out in a clinic or hospital, so there are devices for treating strabismus at home.

In this article

The main device for correcting strabismus

When the joint work of the eyes is disrupted, strabismus occurs - a pathology in which the organs of vision are unbalanced, move uncoordinated and look in different directions. This problem is especially common in children and can be due to various reasons - both congenital and those that arise during life.

When the eyes are directed in different directions, the visual analyzer in the brain cannot correctly “read” the visual information received by a person, because the images from the two eyes can be radically different.

One of the most important tasks in the treatment of any type of strabismus is the restoration of binocular vision functions - the ability of the brain to merge the images received by the eyes into one three-dimensional image. Binocularity can be achieved if the right and left eyeballs work in a coordinated manner.

To train binocular vision, the doctor may prescribe special exercises, and in most cases, hardware treatment is required using a synoptophore - this is a special device that allows you to train stereoscopic vision.

Synoptophore is usually used for the treatment of strabismus in hospitals, clinics or specialized eye centers. But today you can also buy a home eye trainer, which has a more compact size and a simple device, but allows you to solve the same problems as the device in clinics.

Why is a synoptophore needed for strabismus?

Synoptophore, which is used in hospitals, has wide diagnostic capabilities. It allows you to calculate how far the squinting eye deviates from the center line, identify blind spots, and obtain reliable data on the condition of the retina. In addition to its diagnostic function, this device is widely used for orthoptic treatment of strabismus, as well as for the prevention of the disease in people at risk.

What results can be achieved if you regularly treat concomitant strabismus on the synoptophore?

  • The simulator helps restore the functions of stereoscopic vision and achieve the merging of two images into one three-dimensional one.
  • Promotes uniform development of the eye muscles, which is important for the prevention and therapeutic correction of strabismus.
  • The simulator makes the eyeballs more mobile.

How does the device work?

Synoptophore is especially often used to treat childhood strabismus. The principle of operation is based on the separation of the visual fields of the right and left eyes.

The device has two optical heads - for each visual organ separately. The doctor places paired pictures in special slots, which are halves of one common one. In this case, each eye of the patient sees its own image. When diagnosing, the doctor evaluates how well the visual center of the brain merges the received images into one - that is, assesses the quality of binocular vision.

The synoptophore is often used as a squinting eye trainer. To see a single image, the patient needs to align the visual axis of the eyeball and hold the whole picture with his gaze. Alternately concentrating on pictures and merging images contribute to the training of the eye muscles, their uniform development and strengthening, and the restoration of binocular visual functions.

There are different options for training on a synoptophore, taking into account the medical problems that need to be solved.

Is it possible to use a synoptophore at home?

Ophthalmologists note that the key to successful orthoptic treatment of strabismus lies in regular training. Not many people can visit an ophthalmology clinic every day to undergo hardware procedures. Therefore, often adults with strabismus or parents of children suffering from strabismus think about purchasing a synoptophore for treatment at home.

Doctors explain that treatment at home can really speed up the process of restoring binocular functions, so having such a device at home is highly desirable. But in practice, not many people can buy a synoptophore to treat strabismus at home. Firstly, this device is expensive, and secondly, it is quite bulky for a home environment.

If, despite the high price and overall dimensions, you purchased a synoptophore to solve the problem of strabismus at home, then before using it you need to configure the device under the supervision of a doctor: correctly set the interpupillary distance, select a training regimen.

Compact devices for correcting strabismus at home

Today, a number of manufacturers produce compact devices in the form of a mask or virtual reality glasses, which are used to treat strabismus at home. Some models, according to the instructions, duplicate the functionality of the classic synoptophore, but are more affordable and small in size.

Often, the action of such devices is determined by a special computer program installed on a smartphone. When combined with augmented reality glasses, the mobile gadget allows you to perform exercises to develop binocular vision and correct amblyopia.
In such glasses, as in a regular synoptophore, the visual fields of the two eyes are separated. During activities that resemble an interesting computer game, the patient trains his ability to have binocular vision.

The big advantage of augmented reality technology when working with strabismus is the game form of training, which is especially important for young children who can be tired of the classic treatment option.

Why do you need red-blue glasses to correct strabismus?

There is another simulator that can be used for strabismus in children and is suitable for independent use. The set includes special coloring pages and glasses with one lens being blue and the other being red. The patient must wear glasses so that the trained eye looks through the red light filter. Next you need to color the proposed pictures.

The peculiarities of the light transmission of multi-colored lenses contribute to the fact that in the process of coloring the child more actively uses one eye, which has a good therapeutic effect for amblyopia - a frequent companion to strabismus. In addition, in the process of completing a task, the child has to compare pictures that he sees with different eyes, which trains the function of binocular vision.

In case of strabismus, treatment with devices must be prescribed by a doctor

Before purchasing any exercise machine or device for self-correction of strabismus or concomitant amblyopia, first consult with your doctor. The specialist will assess whether there is a need for such devices at home or whether hardware treatment courses carried out in the clinic are sufficient. The ophthalmologist will also recommend a device that will really be effective and useful in the treatment of strabismus.

Doctors warn that early detection of the disease, an integrated approach and regularity play a major role in the successful treatment of strabismus.

It is unlikely that it will be possible to solve a serious medical problem using hardware methods alone, and in particular devices for home use. In addition, other methods are needed:

  • restoration of visual acuity with glasses;
  • performing special exercises for the development of eye muscles, training accommodation, binocular vision;
  • wearing occluders that close one eye and stimulate the work of the second in case of amblyopia;
  • surgical treatment is a radical method that is used if conservative therapy does not have an effect.

Strabismus is best treated at an early age, when the visual system is still developing. If you pay attention to the uncoordinated functioning of your child’s eyes in time, begin treatment under the supervision of a doctor, and purchase a device for home use, there is a good chance of restoring the correct position of the eyes and maintaining binocular vision.

Principles of using Synoptophore in the treatment of strabismus

One of the most common diseases of the visual system is strabismus. This is an unpleasant and complex condition that can only be treated with comprehensive treatment. Doctors often prescribe drops and physiotherapy. A device called Synoptophore is highly effective in treating strabismus.

This device is used to improve the condition of the retina and normalize binocular vision (the ability to see objects with both eyes). Synoptophore is recommended to improve the functionality of the entire visual system.

Danger of strabismus

Strabismus is an incorrect position of the eyes. The defect can occur in one or both eyes at once. With strabismus, binocular vision is impaired, since the image reaches the center of each eye only when the eyeballs are in a symmetrical position. In the visual analyzer, pictures from different eyes merge into one, but with strabismus, merging does not occur. To avoid double vision, the central nervous system blocks the image received from the squinting eye.

Prolonged strabismus provokes amblyopia. This is a decrease in visual acuity, which occurs due to the fact that one eye is not involved in the visual process for the reason described above.

Causes of strabismus:

  • injuries;
  • myopia;
  • farsightedness;
  • astigmatism;
  • defects of the oculomotor muscles;
  • stress;
  • infection (flu, measles, diphtheria, scarlet fever, etc.);
  • CNS diseases;
  • mental trauma.

It is binocular vision that allows a person to see in three dimensions, determine distance, depth and volume. Therefore, doctors strongly recommend diagnosing and treating strabismus in a timely manner.

What is Synoptophore

Synoptophore has been a leader among orthoptic instruments for more than 50 years. This device is used to identify and treat strabismus. Using the Synoptophore, the objective and subjective angles of strabismus, fusion reserves, the condition of the retina, the nature of vision are determined, and scotomas are identified.

Treatment using Synoptophore consists of orthoptic exercises. It allows you to get rid of scotoma, improve simultaneous vision and bifoveal fusion, and improve the mobility of the eyeball.

Therapy on Synoptophore begins with the elimination of the scotoma. Without this, it is impossible to form simultaneous binocular vision. Treatment is carried out using corrective glasses.

Device structure

The synoptophore includes two tubes to which mirrors, lenses and sockets are attached, illuminated by light bulbs. The doctor places pictures in the sockets, alternately turning the light bulbs on and off. The tubes are movable, allowing images to be mixed and separated.

The simplicity of the device does not reduce its effectiveness. Synoptophore is actively used in children's ophthalmology clinics, where the majority of patients with strabismus are present.

Scope of application of Synoptophore

Synoptophore is intended for diagnostic and therapeutic procedures. It is often used for binocular vision disorders and strabismus in children. Today, the device is used in most ophthalmology clinics, replacing the outdated amblyoscope with Synoptophore, a device that was used to normalize binocular vision in cases of strabismus.

The device is designed not only to eliminate strabismus, but also to carry out preventive exercises in the presence of a high risk of developing pathology. Synoptophore is recommended for those patients who are contraindicated for surgery.

Synoptophore capabilities:

  • elimination of scotomas (blind areas in the field of vision);
  • normalization of binocular vision;
  • development of fusion abilities;
  • improved eye mobility;
  • stabilization of binocular vision.

The operating principle of Synoptophore is implemented by dividing the fields of view: for these purposes, the device is equipped with two movable heads with sockets for placing test objects. Each eye sees half of one picture.

Orthoptic exercises require the patient to have certain abilities and understanding of the procedure, so training on Synoptophore is prescribed for children from 3 years of age. It is possible to direct images to the center of the fundus only in the absence of visual fixation disorders. The angle of the squint does not matter.

Features of Synoptophore MT-364

Despite the fact that the classic model of Synoptophore - Sinf-1 - perfectly performs the necessary tasks, an improved version of the device was released. Synoptophore MT-364 was based on the classic model, supplemented with Heidinger brushes (a phenomenon that helps train central vision). Thus, the new Synoptophore MT-364 has expanded diagnostic capabilities and also improved the performance and accuracy of the device.

Diagnosis of strabismus using Synoptophore

Subjective and objective angles of pathology

After turning on the device, the patient needs to position the tubes so that the images are aligned: move the eyepieces independently or monitor the movement and report the alignment.

The tube scales show the deviation for each eye. The sum of the divisions determines the subjective angle of strabismus. To determine the objective angle, illumination of pictures is used. The patient must fixate them with his eyes.

The position of the eyes will indicate the angle of strabismus. A stationary position indicates that the visual axes are directed correctly. When the visual axes do not coincide with the eyepieces, adjustment movements occur (up and down, towards the nose and temple).

If there are adjustment movements, the doctor turns on the eyepieces manually, moving the tubes unnoticed by the patient when the lighting is turned off. When the movements stop, the angles of the tubes are summed and the objective angle of strabismus is obtained.

Functional scotoma

After determining the pathology angles, the ability to merge objects is studied. Objects for merging are placed in the nests. If, looking through the eyepieces from an objective angle, the patient sees only one picture, we can talk about the presence of a functional scotoma.

When diagnosing, the patient is asked whether objects disappear. Children are offered objects to merge with kittens. Scotoma causes kittens to jump over one another.

Fusion reserves

If the patient sees a fused object, fusion reserves (fusion reserves) are determined. When the eyepieces are shifted, the doctor counts the divisions on the Synoptophore scale. The patient must hold the picture together and report when it splits. Fusion reserves can be positive (for convergence) and negative (for spreading pipes).

Principles of treatment of strabismus on Synoptophorus

Significant positive results are obtained from home therapy for strabismus using Synoptophore. In order to continue treatment, patients are advised to buy devices for home use. The price of Synoptophore starts from 50 thousand rubles. Before using it yourself, you should read the instructions and consult an ophthalmologist.

A session at Synoptophore begins with the installation of test objects. In the treatment of strabismus, objects for fusion, alignment and stereoscopy are used. To detect strabismus, the eye is allowed to see only half of the pattern. With the parallel direction of the optical axes, the image merges into one, and a person sees the whole picture without disruption.

Home treatment for strabismus on Synoptophorus involves the use of drawings at an angle within ±45°. To increase the effectiveness of therapy and restore vision, you should change the intensity of illumination of objects. Sometimes doctors advise adding oscillating movements to objects and flashing lights. Such additions help to better correct vision. The device allows you to adjust the backlight and vibrations manually or automatically.

Homework on Synoptophore involves the use of glasses. The child should be seated in front of the device and the interpupillary distance should be adjusted (the doctor will determine it during the examination). In automatic mode, alternating light stimulation of the visual system is carried out, which eliminates strabismus.

When exposure to light turns out to be ineffective, a technique for merging test objects is prescribed. First, they practice merging large images, moving on to the smallest patterns. The therapeutic effect is achieved after 20-40 daily sessions of 15 minutes.

To develop fusion reserves (mechanisms that ensure the fusion of monocular images into a single image), the fusion technique is used. Initially, the patient must look at the whole picture, then the tubes are moved apart, separating the image, and then brought together again. The task is to constantly hold the whole picture with your eyes.

Treatment methods for various vision abnormalities

Home treatment on Synoptophorus does not require special conditions, but this therapy should be carried out regularly. Daily sessions of 10-15 minutes can restore visual functions and cure strabismus in adults and children.

Before the session, the interpupillary distance is set on the device scale and the corresponding test objects are inserted into the cassettes. The set contains objects of all types, some designed specifically for children (cars, cats, chickens, etc.).

Treatment options using Synoptophore:

  1. Treatment of functional scotoma on Synoptophore is carried out by light stimulation of the central fovea of ​​the retina. The patient sits in front of the device and puts on glasses. After setting the interpupillary distance, the tubes are placed at an objective pathology angle. The device operates in automatic mode. Scotoma therapy includes one or two sessions per day for 10-15 minutes. In total you need to carry out 15-20 sessions. If the technique turns out to be ineffective, the exercise is replaced: oscillating objects are shown at an objective angle. After regaining the skill of merging large images, they are replaced with smaller ones.
  2. Unstable bifoveal fusion requires the use of flashing objects. The course of treatment is 20-40 sessions (daily or every other day).
  3. You need to develop fusion reserves with the help of fusion objects. The patient must keep the image intact while the tubes are brought in and out. The patient's task is to constantly keep the object fused.
  4. Eye mobility is developed by securing the tubes in such a position that they move simultaneously and in the same direction. When displaced in a fused position, the patient must follow the image with both eyes.

Ophthalmologists insist that Synoptophore is effective not only in the treatment of strabismus and its complications. The device makes it possible to prevent many pathologies of the visual system through orthoptic exercises.

In the modern world, people are increasingly experiencing various problems with their visual organs. One of the most common diagnoses is strabismus. This is a complex disease that not only reduces the ability to see, but also affects aesthetics. The pathology can only be treated with complex treatment.

To treat strabismus, a device such as a synoptophore or synoptiscope was invented. What kind of device is this? When is its use indicated and what are the basic principles of operation? What brands of synoptophores exist on the modern medical market?

What it is

A synoptophore or synoptiscope is an orthoptic and diagnostic instrument used by ophthalmologists to diagnose and treat strabismus. With its help, it is also possible to correct disorders in the motor function of the organ of vision. The device allows you to determine the angle of deviation from the norm, detect scotomas (blind areas that are not associated with the peripheral boundaries of vision), and obtain information about fusion reserves and the condition of the retina.

Orthoptic exercises can also be performed using the synoptophore. Their main task is to improve simultaneous vision, eliminate scotomas, and improve the mobility of the eyeballs.

The synoptiscope is a more modern replacement for the long-outdated ambiloscope. It was with its help that the characteristics of strabismus and the state of binocular vision in the patient were previously determined. Most modern ophthalmological private clinics are equipped with synoptophores from various manufacturers, since without it the treatment and diagnosis of strabismus seems difficult. The device is also widely used in public clinics, where active work with children is expected.


Treatment of strabismus using synoptophore

Synoptophore– a real salvation for patients with strabismus who, for some reason, cannot undergo corrective surgery.

Why is the device used?

A synoptiscope is a device that is used primarily to diagnose and treat strabismus. In addition to correcting strabismus, it can be used for a variety of binocular vision disorders in children of various ages who cannot yet undergo surgery.

In addition to the therapeutic and diagnostic tasks, the device also performs a preventive one. It is recommended to perform exercises using a synoptophore for patients who are at high risk of developing the disease. The capabilities of the device include:

  • the ability to eliminate scotomas with regular exercises;
  • the ability to restore the patient’s binocular vision to normal;
  • development of fusion reserves of the eyes, their increase;
  • improving the mobility of the eyeballs themselves (especially important for various pathologies that are accompanied by impaired mobility);
  • uniform development of the eye muscles, which also contributes to the correction of strabismus;
  • consolidation of the effect of binocular vision, its stabilization.

The device is also actively used to understand how capable the patient’s eyes are of binocular fusion. At the same time, the doctor can assess the general condition and functioning of the retina in order to select therapy if any abnormalities are detected.

How does a synoptiscope work?

The operating principle of a synoptiscope is quite simple. The device uses paired images (usually drawings), which are illuminated with special lamps. By alternately turning on and off lamps with a certain strength and power, it is possible to ensure that the patient focuses on one or the other image. In this case, the switching of lamps, depending on the device, can be adjusted either manually or automatically. It is believed that automatic regulation is more preferable, since it is uniformly adjusted, in contrast to manual regulation.

While the device is operating, the patient, focusing his vision on the images, forces the eye muscles to work and develop. Since muscles are capable of changes at any age, the synoptiscope allows you to correct strabismus not only in children, but also in adults. The load on the eyes is distributed evenly, which avoids any complications.

Treatment of strabismus with Sinoptofor devices

Therapeutic or preventive exercises with the help of synoptophore are not interfered with by nystagmus, strabismus itself or other ophthalmological pathologies. This can be achieved due to the fact that the image is purposefully positioned so that it is located in the area of ​​the macular area of ​​the eye.

How the device works

The synoptiscope is a well-oiled mechanism in which every detail is important. The device consists of:

  • pairs of pipes, which are mobile and equipped with an adjustment function;
  • lenses, to which the patient should direct his gaze while working with the device;
  • pairs of mirrors, which reflect images into the lenses in the correct position;
  • special sockets, which are located directly opposite the mirrors and exist to install images selected for therapy in them;
  • lamps, which provide illumination of pictures and enable the patient to see them through the lenses.

Each device comes with cards with pictures, which are located in the slots. The pictures are divided into two parts, and each part represents half of one whole. Thanks to this division, the doctor can determine the severity of the disease.

In the synoptophore, each of the two eyes is shown a separate image. Then they are supposed to combine and, depending on the distance at which the two objects merge, the severity of the disease is judged. Severe strabismus is diagnosed when each eye sees only its half of the object.

In addition to strabismus, the device also diagnoses diseases such as:

  • myopia;
  • astigmatism;
  • hypermetropia.

Principles of treating strabismus using synoptophore

Since the synoptophore is a device that is used not only for diagnosis, but also for the treatment of strabismus, many doctors recommend purchasing a device for home use. This will ensure continuity of treatment and increase patient comfort, which will promote adherence to therapy. True, the difficulty often lies in the fact that the price of synoptiscopes starts from 50 thousand rubles, which for some families is an unaffordable amount.

Since not everyone has the financial means to purchase a device, many clinics offer orthoptic therapy sessions using a synoptophore.

Even before starting home treatment using the device, you must consult a doctor. The specialist will introduce the parents (if we are talking about a child) or the patient himself to the principles of operation of the synoptophore, establish the interpupillary distance that will need to be transferred to the device, and draw conclusions about the severity of the disease.

At home, when practicing with a synoptiscope, it is recommended to use glasses. It is better to give preference to an automatic device, which will independently carry out the light rarefaction of the visual system.

Changing the light intensity and oscillating the device often helps improve the effectiveness of therapy. As with turning the backlight on and off, the oscillation can be either automatic or manual, depending on the device.

To increase the fusion reserves of the visual organs, the fusion technique is widely used. Following it, the patient first looks at the whole picture, and then the eyepieces move to the side, separating the image. The patient's task is to maintain a solid image with his eyes, regardless of the retraction of the eyepieces.